irclog2html for zaurus on 2002.09.02

00:00:50whardierI need to kill you all
00:00:56ljpcat /dev/dsp >> kergoth
00:01:04whardierjust be happy we are on IRC terms
00:01:16whardierexcept for you.. you aol lamer.. I am gonna blow up your monitor now
00:01:23TheMasterMind1kergoth i was "make openzaurus"-ing and it complained about openobex and opie being < 0.9.1 and timezones
00:01:28ljpwhardier: get back to your blender
00:01:46TheMasterMind1i managed to upgrade tinylogin and add udhcpc though
00:01:50TheMasterMind1and fix up kismet
00:03:09burtonator_fuck... my zaurus is locked on boOt.
00:03:16burtonator_... it just sits there..
00:03:37TheMasterMind1or do a hardreset
00:03:41TheMasterMind1try a hardreset first
00:03:45TheMasterMind1that fixed it for me once
00:04:02whardierdoes a hand reset all the time
00:04:07ljpkick it
00:04:10burtonator_which one is hard?  Flipping the 'operation' switch on the back doEsn't do anything.
00:04:27TheMasterMind1you have to press the button
00:04:32TheMasterMind1inside the battery compartment
00:04:46burtonator_there goes my FS right?
00:04:49burtonator_I have to reinstall...
00:04:57TheMasterMind1just your software
00:05:03TheMasterMind1anything on ram
00:05:05TheMasterMind1and settings
00:05:11TheMasterMind1better than reflashing
00:05:12whardierand any software you set up
00:05:18whardierI prefer reflashing
00:05:27TheMasterMind1why are ssh keys and settings wiped though?
00:05:52kergothTheMasterMind1: everything that isnt in flash is wiped.
00:06:09TheMasterMind1ERROR: Package tinylogin wants to install file /home/zaurus/buildroot-oz/root/sbin/sulogin
00:06:09TheMasterMind1        But that file is already provided by package sysvinit
00:06:13burtonator_why did it lock thoUgh... I should have been able to power cycle without blowing everything away.
00:06:24TheMasterMind1burtonator_ maybe keep it off for a while
00:06:27TheMasterMind1like a minute
00:08:46burtonator_has had nothing but problems with his Zaurus
00:09:01TheMasterMind1sf even gives you an account
00:09:02TheMasterMind1and ssh
00:09:06TheMasterMind1that's amazing
00:10:09burtonator_thinks about installing everything to sd
00:10:18TheMasterMind1burtonator_ that's a good idea
00:10:53ryan_does ANYONE know where i could find Jikes (java compiler) for the Zaurus?  i've looked EVERYWHERE for the .ipk and can't find it
00:10:56TheMasterMind1curses dhcpcd
00:11:03TheMasterMind1ryan_ compile it :)
00:11:17burtonator_ryan: you don't want jikes.
00:11:22ryan_TheMasterMind1: i could, but i don't know how
00:11:24burtonator_it won't help you run a Java app on the Zaurus
00:11:25ryan_burtonator_: why not?
00:11:35ryan_burtonator_: i don't want to RUN them, i want to COMPILE them on the Z
00:11:47ryan_burtonator_: i want to be able to program ON my Z
00:12:03TheMasterMind1isn't that what he said?
00:12:07TheMasterMind1<burtonator_> it won't help you run a Java app on the Zaurus
00:12:13TheMasterMind1ON the Zaurus
00:12:21burtonator_you are crazy! ;)
00:12:26ryan_why am i crazy!
00:12:33burtonator_develop on your laptop!
00:12:34TheMasterMind1kergoth can i add a :D
00:12:36angrybigboss been around lately?
00:12:38ryan_i want to have a java compiler on my Z so that when i'm in class and get board i can program!
00:12:43bigboss was last seen on #zaurus 2 days, 4 hours, 2 minutes and 23 seconds ago, saying: kendrick2: use a commercial product - better support :) [Fri Aug 30 21:10:20 2002]
00:12:43TheMasterMind1ibot seen bigboss
00:13:21angryso you want to be able to COMPILE java apps and then not be able to test/run them after?
00:13:34kergothTheMasterMind1: good luck, without opie and qt
00:13:36ryan_angry: the Z already has a builtin runtime, obviouslly
00:13:48ryan_angry: therefore, i'd bet set if i could find Jikes
00:13:50TheMasterMind1kergoth you're supposed to get that working first
00:14:07Java compiler that translates Java source into bytecoded instruction sets. URL:
00:14:07angryibot, jikes
00:14:09kergothTheMasterMind1: well, you wont be able to  add it until i do. so have some patience.
00:14:28TheMasterMind1what's new in today's opie?
00:14:29scanlineI think TheMasterMind1 just volunteered to maintain Qt and Opie .mk's :)
00:14:42kergothTheMasterMind1: qt 2.3.3
00:14:52ryan_angry: thank you much :
00:14:53TheMasterMind1scanline i already did, kergoth just has to add some stuff to make the interdependencies work
00:14:57TheMasterMind1new qt
00:15:06kergothTheMasterMind1: konq segfaults now
00:15:08kergothTheMasterMind1: fun stuff
00:15:15TheMasterMind1konq can use a recompile
00:15:15TheMasterMind1its old
00:15:26kergothit hasnt seen shit for development either
00:15:32kergothcause tronical isnt working on it anymore
00:15:39TheMasterMind1its still pretty decent
00:15:42angryryan_: actually, im not sure if there's a .ipk there
00:16:20TheMasterMind1why is there a qt-embedded-rotation and an opie-rotation.. does the opie use the qt package?
00:16:28ryan_angry: yeah, there isn't :(  i KNOW i saw it the other day, and yet it seems it has disappears
00:16:48kergothTheMasterMind1: qt-embedded-rotation is the necessary fonts to rotate. opie-rotation is the Settings app to do it
00:16:50TheMasterMind1kergoth some of the stuff we're using, (like wget) is provided by busybox but we're using a seperate .mk for it
00:16:55kergothTheMasterMind1: no kidding
00:16:57kergothTheMasterMind1: busybox wget blows
00:16:59TheMasterMind1do we want to or not
00:17:01kergothTheMasterMind1: and ipkg will *not* work with it
00:17:02TheMasterMind1thought so
00:17:46TheMasterMind1and the mooview ipkg doesn't work
00:17:49TheMasterMind1yet its in the feed!
00:17:58kergoth'doesnt't work' is incredibly unhelpful
00:18:00kergothdetails man
00:18:16kergothi just threw it into the feed to help some guy out
00:18:21kergothill yank it in a few
00:18:32TheMasterMind1i dunno. it didn't run from apps and i didn't mess with it much
00:18:41TheMasterMind1i'll add an mk for it and stuff eventually
00:18:57angryif there are three apples and you take away 2, how many do you have
00:19:07Fatbum5 is right
00:19:11Fatbumits RIIIGHT
00:19:18burtonator_ok... I think there is some problem between the integration of my CF card and my SD card.
00:19:19Fatbumits 7
00:19:30angryTheMasterMind1 is a mastermind
00:19:30burtonator_the Zaurus just stops responding and won't launch any apps.
00:19:39burtonator_reboots and enables syslog
00:21:04burtonator_anyone ever have problems with Viking CF cards?
00:22:40ljpmost of my problems is with buggy Viking code :)
00:22:55whardierI hate vikings
00:22:58TheMasterMind1You scored 11 out of 12 - You are above normal! (Question 4 gets them every time!!)
00:23:23TheMasterMind1too bad i don't know baseball
00:24:20angryYou scored 10 out of 12 - You are smarter than the average bear!
00:24:48TheMasterMind1 How many members of each animal did Moses take on the ark?
00:24:51TheMasterMind1that one is great
00:25:07TheMasterMind1 Can a California man legally marry his widow's sister?
00:25:07darienmangry: I got 12 out of 12
00:25:20TheMasterMind1darienm what was the message?
00:25:38darienmYou scored 12 out of 12 - You are a genius!
00:25:54burtonator_ah... ok.. the CF card is having problems after a suspend.
00:25:57burtonator_I have to eject and reinsert
00:26:25darienmI wonder if question 11 accepts 'beef' as well as 'meat' ?
00:27:00darienmnope, it definitely wants 'meat'
00:28:05whardiermine wants meat as well
00:28:09whardierbut it ain;t gonna get any
00:28:14scanlinehm.. is there a way to select a random file from a directory in bash?
00:28:34Cloudchaserok has anyone resized there a way to crop off the black?
00:28:38whardierand I ain't tellin
00:28:40whardiercause I don't know
00:28:45macaroni7Recently flashed latest OZ release and power won't turn off except right after a restart of opie, anyone seen this?
00:29:24Cloudchaserok how bout is there any way to tell the frame size of the original mpeg? with avi you can right click on it and view properties
00:29:27whardierdamnitall to hell
00:29:29TheMasterMind1You scored 0 out of 10. Your rating: Oh, this was a test??
00:30:09TheMasterMind1macaroni7 upgrade
00:30:15TheMasterMind1macaroni7 to the latest packages
00:30:19TheMasterMind1macaroni7 from the feed
00:30:41macaroni7I got them from sourceforge, where's the feed?
00:30:50i guess oz3 feed is at
00:30:50darienmibot oz3 feed
00:30:51TheMasterMind1use software under settings
00:30:55feed is probably a package repository or or or for OpenZaurus or for cvs Opie or something you give to cattle!
00:30:55darienmibot feed
00:31:23ljp: i'm not following you...
00:31:23ljpibot: feed me
00:31:52TheMasterMind1configure: error: installation or configuration problem: C compiler cannot create executables.
00:32:02burtonator_who is behind the ZaurusZone feeds?
00:32:37darienmno, benmeyer
00:33:05TheMasterMind1damned postint errors
00:35:20TheMasterMind1kergoth release oz with the new opie/qt
00:36:31ljphow about renaming the releases like openzaurus 2002!
00:36:58TheMasterMind1kergoth wanted a new kernel in oz3
00:37:06scanlinekergoth: are there code names for the releases yet? :)
00:37:18TheMasterMind1since thats a whiles away, we can just start releasing 2.9.9.x
00:37:25angryNeoTron: ping!
00:37:30ljpthis one's Gargemel
00:37:32TheMasterMind1and adding .x until the kernel is done
00:37:34scanlinejust keep adding 9's :P
00:37:34burtonator_kergoth: mailing list!
00:37:37angrysleep is for the weak!
00:37:48whardierI love that version
00:37:57TheMasterMind1the kernel still won't be done
00:38:07TheMasterMind1should i keep the sulogin from sysinit or tinylogin
00:38:16TheMasterMind1someone tell me
00:38:45kergothTheMasterMind1: I was hoping to release 3.0 with 2.4.19, but i may release 3.0 with opie as nonroot and put off the kernel move for 3.5 or 4.0, given that it'll need a great deal of testing even after I get it finished.
00:39:03TheMasterMind1which sulogin should i keep?
00:39:07TheMasterMind1tinylogin or sysinit's
00:39:13kergothljp: hehe
00:39:19ljpisnt that what releases are for?
00:39:23scanlinetesting is for :)
00:39:23danthat was fun
00:39:24danI spent an hour listening to M$ rules
00:39:49danAnd how software cant survive unless it is sold
00:39:56ljpI once made a TTS MS EULA into an mp3
00:40:31scanlineljp: with a cheesy techno elevator music background track?
00:40:39danHe also thinks that Linux sucks, b/c it sucks at games
00:40:44ljpnope.. just the faux voice
00:41:03dananf that is why it is going to die
00:41:04danb/c games push hardware.... which is true
00:41:06ljpsped up as fast as it could speak and be listenable
00:41:17dan, but games can only can get so realistic
00:41:44scanlineIf games were just like reality people wouldn't play them :)
00:41:48danb4 hardware r and d as we know it grinds to a halt
00:42:12danat which point "dumb machines take over
00:42:12danand for that to work....
00:42:20DrBoBMS doesn't know that people are still reading the classics despite te fact that the words are copyrigt free and not often sold
00:42:37danstandards must be adhered
00:42:56danfor dumb machines to work
00:43:29danAt which point M$ loses market share just like apple did
00:43:57scanlineDAMN.. the only thing anime wallpaper does for me is make me wish every window on my desktop was 50% transparent!
00:44:21danb/c they made their OWN crap rather then following standards
00:44:46danThe PC is going to die
00:44:47danno what else I love....
00:45:11danHe said "Software has to be bought to continue innovation."
00:45:17TheMasterMind1who said
00:45:18danI said "and how much warez do you own....
00:45:18TheMasterMind1and where?
00:45:30danHe said that is NOT the point
00:45:47danI am NO officially totally legal
00:45:57scanlinedid you ask him how hiding your source code and patenting your algorithms helps innovation?
00:46:23dantommorow I am buying a winmodem and going all LINUX
00:46:23danthis is IT
00:46:34scanlinea winmodem?
00:46:48danI tried it once   b4 and I am doing it
00:46:48danI mean a hardware
00:47:12danfor my laptop
00:47:24ljphehe winmodem
00:47:36danLast time I had a game hangover...
00:47:37danBut Not this time
00:47:37danI am angry at the world
00:48:02danWhat distro to use
00:48:07nasaHas anyone gotten the zaurusskyexplorer to work?
00:48:25TheMasterMind1debian > suse
00:48:27danI now dual boot to SuSE
00:48:27danbut SuSE is somewhat propiertatart
00:48:27danNasa, I have
00:48:27danIt works fine for me
00:48:37TheMasterMind1debian is as gnu as you'll get
00:48:51danI may d/l gentoo
00:49:01TheMasterMind1all the other distros include pine!!
00:49:03TheMasterMind1and pico!!
00:49:04nasadan: which z are you using (5000d or 5500)?
00:49:04scanlinelycoris :P
00:49:14nasadan: and where did you install it?
00:49:16danMAndrake is good
00:49:16danI may go that route
00:49:51ljplinuxone is the RuleZ!
00:49:51dannasa to my SD
00:50:19danHow hard is it to get the Z to sync to linux
00:50:52TheMasterMind1are you joking?
00:51:35ljpmandrake has a nice easy install
00:52:30ljpthere's also Caldera
00:52:39DrBoBtry Vector Linux if you want an easy install of a slackware-based  systen
00:52:47danHow about a PNY usb card reader is that easy to get set up
00:52:47danall I know is it needs ENLIGHTENMENT
00:53:06ljpbah.. go with fluxbox
00:53:21TheMasterMind1flux is teh own
00:53:23danI may use red hat
00:53:48danI need something w/ a lot of support
00:53:52danI may go Debian
00:54:24danHow about my PNY card reader
00:54:33danCF card reader
00:54:49daneither USB or PCMCIA
00:54:52ljpdont know
00:55:16ljpusually they have a page that says what hardware is good
00:55:19Onyx4|awayim back
00:55:24ljpor you can google
00:55:30TheMasterMind1Onyx4 is back!
00:55:36Onyx4who said was gonna do a ipk of the gnuchess engine?
00:55:38Onyx4I don't remember
00:55:46TheMasterMind1too many interdependencies
00:55:59Onyx4I got knights to compile, all I need is the gnuchessx engine
00:56:31Onyx4my first cross-compile :) kind of a good learning experience
00:56:33burtonator_ha... when you remove the preinst from the konq package it installs jut fine.
00:56:33danCAn I do it
00:56:42burtonator_... and it isnt' the code... it is the presence of the file!
00:56:56danall Linux
00:56:58danshould I do it
00:57:08TheMasterMind1dan debian!
00:57:15TheMasterMind1i run debian fulltime
00:57:25danNO more propiertary sytems
00:57:28TheMasterMind1i've installed it on 43 machines
00:58:08burtonator_only runs debian as well..
00:58:15ljpdebian is over rated
00:58:18burtonator_my laptops and servers
00:58:18danI like SuSE
00:58:19danIt is hard
00:58:22TheMasterMind1no its not
00:58:24nasaIsn't there a howto to setup vnc for the Z?  
00:58:25TheMasterMind1ddebian owns
00:58:31TheMasterMind1nasa server or client?
00:58:32ljpdebian is proprietary
00:58:40burtonator_ipkg install vnc
00:58:43danIf I can install debian
00:59:02burtonator_it is pretty easy.
00:59:05nasaI want to view the Z on my desktop...
00:59:08burtonator_... run the daemin... connect to the IP
00:59:09danThe install is insane
00:59:22burtonator_the install is fine... just don't be a wimp!
00:59:36burtonator_there is work done to make the Debian install luser friendly
00:59:40ljphow about Lindows? ;)
00:59:56Cloudchasernasa oz or sharp?
01:00:05ljpmandrake _still_ had the best/easiest install
01:00:09burtonator_yeah... ok.  All my problems seem to be related to the Viking CF
01:00:13Cloudchasertheres a readme file with the fnbvnc server on zsi
01:00:15nasanm, that was really simple
01:00:17TheMasterMind1prepares to perform the sacred ritual of reflashing
01:00:28Cloudchaseryou have to reboot and calibrate after you install it
01:00:40whardierthe kitty litter
01:00:42whardieris changed
01:00:44Cloudchaserand you need zlib on the sharp rom, on oz its there
01:00:45danNo SUsE is
01:01:48nasaCloudchaser: I got it working ... very nice
01:02:59ljpever watch Ren and Stimpy?
01:03:34Cloudchasernot me
01:03:38whardierI do
01:03:53ljpI loved that cartoon
01:04:23TheMasterMind1reflashes with latest qt/opie
01:04:35angryi always used to :)
01:04:36cranchyare they going to make it so all documents installed to mtrdram don't show up in the Documents tab?
01:04:54angryand their rubber knee caps
01:05:05burtonator_does it make sense to reformat my CF to ext2?
01:05:09burtonator_is that better?
01:05:17TheMasterMind1yes probably
01:05:19danburt no
01:05:27TheMasterMind1if you use it with a digicam
01:05:29TheMasterMind1or for flashing
01:05:32TheMasterMind1don't reformat
01:05:49whardiershouldn't the Z be using umsdos instead of vfat?
01:05:50burtonator_I have a dedicated 128M CF for my camera and flashing
01:05:54whardieron CF
01:05:59whardierfor any fat related stuff?
01:06:03TheMasterMind1then you can probably ext2 it
01:06:06burtonator_so I guess ext2 is better...
01:06:12TheMasterMind1ext2 will support symlinks and stuff
01:06:19burtonator_are there any stability reasons to do it?
01:06:25TheMasterMind1ext2 is better than fat
01:06:39TheMasterMind1if its being a bitch, ext2 might fix it
01:06:40burtonator_oh.. hm.. maybe this is why my package manager is having problems with my SD
01:06:42ljpunless you want to use your cf to flash
01:06:47burtonator_... maybe I should convert it to ext2
01:06:53TheMasterMind1burtonator_ heh. yea, fat like symlinks
01:07:35TheMasterMind1i reflashed!
01:07:43TheMasterMind1anyone want my initrd.bin/zImage ?
01:08:09nasadan: when you installed the skyexplorer program is there a file '/..exclude'?
01:08:12TheMasterMind1it has support for orinoco cards with kismet a newer tinylogin udhcpc and the latest opie/qt
01:09:19danI got the ipks
01:09:20cranchyI want wepcrack, or Airsnort
01:09:27danI clicked it and it went
01:10:02TheMasterMind1cranchy what will you do with it unless you find a crackable wep?
01:10:19TheMasterMind1run kismet and if it finds any "interesting" packets, then get airsnort
01:13:10TheMasterMind1smacks the shit out of busybox
01:13:13TheMasterMind1fucking udhcpc
01:14:20dannasa: for me it was easy as pie
01:14:33burtonator_thinks it would be nice to suport ext3
01:14:35Cloudchaserwb kergoth
01:14:43dani clicked on the ipkg and it worked
01:14:50danare you using openZ?
01:14:55kergoththanks cloud
01:15:13danb/c it wont work w/ openz
01:15:13kergothI decided to rewrite the beginnings of my pcm1741 audio driver
01:15:15kergothi do that too oftne
01:15:24danit is a jave prog
01:15:30burtonator_finds it funny that I can click on icon that doesn't have a proggy and it doesn't complain
01:15:39cranchyI hate the documents tab filing up with progs installed in mtdram
01:17:19kergothcranchy: adding  mtdram to documents was a good idea, but we shouldve fixed the docs tab adding installed apps problem first
01:17:52cranchyyou know what I mean
01:18:00cranchyany idea how soon that'll be fixed
01:18:06Onyx4why not treat mtdram with mediumount? like we do for the SD/CF cards?
01:18:14burtonator_kergoth: this is your daily mailing list creation reminder ;)
01:18:41burtonator_kergoth: I also figured out what they error was in konq
01:18:53burtonator_it is the presence of the preinst file... ipkg is REALLY broken :(
01:23:02ljpnaaa just that preinst file
01:25:34dankergoth I am anxious to use opie whne it gains a few more features
01:28:06danI have used it and switch back for a few small reasons here and their
01:28:18danbut you are getting there
01:28:24danIt is looking nice
01:28:30ljpwhat reasons?
01:28:37danwhat language is it written in
01:28:47kergothdan: fyi, I'm the openzaurus guy. the opie projects is a team of talented developers.
01:28:49dancome progs not working
01:28:52danno JAVA
01:28:52kergothdarienm: syncing works fine
01:28:56kergothdan i mean
01:29:12ljptalented,, because we also sing and dance!
01:29:36danI mean openz
01:29:41danwell I use both
01:29:50danso you are humble
01:30:04danwhat language it it written in?
01:30:09danor ?
01:30:24ljpqt embedded is the api
01:31:28danI maay join.....
01:31:36TheMasterMind1what does install -d do?
01:31:42danI will probably not contribute much....
01:32:58danTo join Opie or OpenZaurus
01:33:43TheMasterMind1smacks busybox
01:33:48TheMasterMind1"work bitch!"
01:34:25danThis will be my first real open source experieance
01:34:34TheMasterMind1what will
01:34:55danI need to join an easy project
01:35:00danwhat should I join
01:35:14ljpdo yo uknow c++?
01:36:43danmostly C
01:36:55danw/ some C++
01:37:05danI could learn though
01:37:16TheMasterMind1i'm making progress!
01:38:10TheMasterMind1kergoth interdependencies while "make openzaurus"-ing are crazy. half the stuff doesn't install because its dependencies are installed after it
01:39:37danmake a new package manager
01:40:39danIf you all complain about ipkg so much make a new one
01:41:08danmake it easier to make the packages so people will make new ones
01:41:23oGMommm, epkg
01:41:31danalso make it so that it works on qpe
01:41:40danw/ a patch
01:41:40TheMasterMind1kergoth how do i make something that exists in staging move to root/ .. there's some dhcp files that are in /usr/share/udhcpc
01:43:11danthat way we can fix what compaq has doe
01:43:15TheMasterMind1nm, got it
01:43:39TheMasterMind1i'm actually starting to understand this stuff!
01:43:41TheMasterMind1its amazing
01:44:33danI am going to bed
01:44:38dan night night
01:44:50danmake a new package manager
01:44:53danMake it easier
01:45:04danthat is the key
01:45:29danmaking ipkgs aint the easiest thing to do
01:45:50danso make it all automatic, and I will see you in 3 years
01:46:04TheMasterMind1dan oipkg already exists
01:46:08TheMasterMind1its fairly good
01:46:28danBut it doesnt fix the format
01:46:50danthe format is what is messed up
01:46:59dangood night
01:47:23danI am going to bed
01:49:01ljpheh...  newbies...
02:10:18whardierhowdy howdy howdy
02:10:24whardiereverybody hates 3d pingi
02:10:30whardierso he will be discontinued
02:11:53Cloudchaserhmm i don't think the lated clipboard app is on oz feed or something else eating up the app cpu
02:12:13Cloudchaserthat's "latest"
02:18:23DaWormi just bought a large 256mb cf
02:18:30DaWormthinking if i flash oz finally
02:18:34DaWormand try out for myself
02:21:03Cloudchaserah good luck
02:24:18TheMasterMind1i taught that udhcpc
02:25:10Wemblyi need to port this game to the zaurus
02:25:13Wemblyits soo cool
02:25:15TheMasterMind1what game
02:25:20Wemblyliquid wars
02:25:25Wemblyits on freshmeat's frontpage
02:25:51whardierliquid wars is interesting
02:25:58whardierwhile you are at it
02:26:00whardierbting NiL over
02:26:09whardierI wan't Ni:!
02:27:32TheMasterMind1i want _____
02:28:12TheMasterMind1anyone want an initrd?
02:28:21TheMasterMind1freshly out of the compiler
02:28:25whardiergreen eggs and ham!
02:28:28TheMasterMind1fresh even
02:28:33TheMasterMind1nice and hot
02:28:56whardierlikes being naked
02:29:48TheMasterMind1uh oh
02:30:46TheMasterMind1adds to his TODO
02:30:52scanlineprobably shouldn't get naked, he has a roommate :p
02:30:54whardierclothe me!
02:31:07whardieryou know what I hate about students?
02:31:14whardieryou lose all privacy around them
02:31:22whardierfor instance
02:31:27whardierwake up.. walk to bathroom..
02:31:39whardierfeel okey dokey that you are naked right now on the way there
02:31:51whardierdrop to knees behind desk as you realize a friend broke in to use your computer
02:32:26whardierI really hate it.. they just assume some single guy that works for a living is not gonna get his daily naked in!
02:32:42whardierthats what I think about students
02:32:49whardierand alittle what I think about nudism
02:32:57whardierlet the wisdom soak
02:37:37ljpits not nudism if you are at home
02:37:59asterickAnyone in here ever paid for strategic assault?
02:38:04whardierI have cats
02:38:04asterickI ordered it, but it doesn't register.
02:39:46ljpneotron would be the one to talk to
02:41:52ljpcats are always nude.. even outside
02:42:04whardierdamn nudists
02:43:46ljpya and they even lick themselves in public
02:44:02fat-awaywho doesnt
02:44:09Fatbumho everyone!
02:44:12Fatbumhi that is
02:45:58DaWormi paid for it
02:49:13whardierpaid for ho?
02:49:18asterickDa: I ordered it from the myzaurus.
02:49:29asterickand I didn't get any registration info for it. :/
02:49:45whardierthinks NeoTron sent you two in here to drive up sales :)
02:50:57DaWorman email should arrive soon
02:52:43asterickDa: I ordered it days ago.
02:52:55asterickI just sent them an eMail.
02:53:39DaWormyou can try asking Neotron when he's here
02:53:49DaWormhe's probably out
02:53:58DaWormhe's the guy at eongames
02:54:02NeoTron is or or or
02:54:02DaWormibot NeoTron
02:57:56bbeattie: what?
02:57:56bbeattieibot: url gps
03:04:35warmi was last seen on #zaurus 2 days, 3 hours, 12 minutes and 41 seconds ago, saying: porting something ? [Sat Aug 31 00:51:54 2002]
03:04:35br33zyibot seen warmi
03:04:45ibot was last seen on #bzflag 6 days, 3 hours, 37 minutes and 30 seconds ago, saying: ibot insult ibot [Tue Aug 27 00:27:15 2002]
03:04:45br33zyibot seen ibot
03:04:47fatbum was last seen on #zaurus 0 seconds ago, saying: ibot seen fatbum [Mon Sep  2 04:04:47 2002]
03:04:47Fatbumibot seen fatbum
03:04:53fat-away was last seen on #zaurus 20 minutes and 51 seconds ago, saying: who doesnt [Mon Sep  2 03:44:02 2002]
03:04:53Fatbumibot seen fat-away
03:05:03br33zy was last seen on #zaurus 0 seconds ago, saying: ibot seen br33zy [Mon Sep  2 04:05:03 2002]
03:05:03br33zyibot seen br33zy
03:05:10oGMocauses harm to the bot abusers
03:05:20Fatbum: i'm not following you...
03:05:20Fatbumibot kill yourself
03:06:46bbeattiethis ibot is really, really, stupid.
03:06:59bbeattiehe's an old version, not to much ai in him.
03:07:34bbeattieany one here a GPS user w/ the zaurus?
03:07:46Fatbumshit yea
03:07:51Fatbumi cant get anywhere with out it
03:07:59Cloudchaserdidn't think there was a good one for the z yet
03:08:08Fatbumnah i dont
03:08:11Fatbumhehe i have no clue
03:08:25Fatbumlike i do with getting my network to work in oz
03:08:42bbeattiedo you use a cf gps or garmin?
03:09:10Cloudchaserdo you?
03:09:45Fatbum[23:14] <Fatbum> nah i dont
03:09:46Fatbum[23:14] <Fatbum> hehe i have no clue
03:10:08bbeattienot yet, but I need to.  I am helping w/ a demo at a show in the next month and will be borrowing a garmin III+ gps, and I need to get something working with the Z, but first of all I'm not sure what connector/how it hooks up the the Z
03:10:35Fatbumcf surely
03:12:34bbeattieIt's not a CF device, The person currently hooks it up to a palm via a serial cable of some sort, but I'm not sure what to call the Z's "USB" connector.
03:12:58angrykergoth = back?  is the legend true?
03:13:02Cloudchasermaybe it would work with sharps serial cable?
03:13:10Fatbumits not a usb controller
03:13:16Fatbumyou cant plug in usb devices
03:14:00bbeattiewhat is the Z's connector? I don't think I've never seen a connector like it, unless it's the same as what ipaq's have.
03:15:39DaWormwhat legend?
03:15:50Fatbumbbeattie id like that info too
03:15:55Fatbumi wanna make a connector
03:17:51burtonatorthis is strange... I converted my CF to ext2 but Linux is still attempting to mount it as vfat
03:17:56Fatbumbbeattie its proprietary to sharp
03:18:08bbeattiedo you know if the connector on the bottom of the ipaq is the same as the connector on the Z (used for synching? I don't have my ipaq anymore to check)
03:18:19Fatbumi havent got an ipaq
03:19:04bbeattieSo how are the people doing gps on the zaurus? how do they connect their garmins?
03:19:23FatbumSerial I/F Specifications :
03:19:23FatbumElectrical and mechanical specifications of proprietary 16-PIN serial interface on Sharp SL-5xxx series Sharp Linux/Java PDA
03:19:32Fatbumwant the link?
03:21:37FatbumConnector Used:
03:21:37FatbumP/N: TCX3104-010100 (Hoshiden Corporation)
03:34:20bbeattiebrother, they want $39.99 for a serial cable? I called compaq and asked them for one and they sent it to me free. anyone else sell stuff besides sharp? that's more obsurd than $40.00 for a optical cable for DTS.
03:34:45Fatbumim gonna make keyboards
03:34:48Fatbumive decided
03:34:57Cloudchaserhp's cable was 20.00, but one came with it also
03:34:59jmhodgescool Fatbum.. why?
03:35:12Fatbumcuz i really dont like the small keys
03:35:20Fatbumplus makin money is cool
03:35:39jmhodgesi would so buy one from you
03:35:47bbeattieCloudchaser: do you have an ipaq?
03:35:57jmhodgesjust make it quiet :) class notes and all :D
03:36:08Cloudchaserno ipaq
03:36:11DrBoBI called Hoshidden Corp about a connector: they said (with glee in their voices) "All your connector are belong to us!"
03:36:21Cloudchaserbut after looking around on handango, i'm begining to wish i did
03:36:25FatbumDrBoB really?
03:36:25burtonatorinstalls quake ;)
03:36:34bbeattiedoes anyone here have an ipaq?
03:36:42Fatbumyou didnt call them?
03:36:53jmhodgeslol DrBoB
03:37:06DrBoBno, I didn't call was just a joke
03:37:17Fatbummy heart sank for a sec
03:37:21Fatbumthought they wouldnt sell em
03:37:39Fatbumwhy? cuz im dumb
03:37:47Fatbumthats what america'll do to ya
03:37:57jmhodgesFatbum: start crackin on those keyboards :)
03:38:07Fatbumi am
03:38:09Fatbumas we speak
03:38:15DrBoBit's an old story: single source a connector and then you can charge watever you wannt for a "cable"
03:38:54DrBoBHP did it, palm does it, why not Sharp too?
03:39:15jmhodgesFatbum: you are awesome
03:39:25Fatbumwe will see
03:39:29Fatbumshouldnt be hard
03:39:33jmhodgesFatbum: what allowed you to attain such skill?
03:39:34Fatbumive got financial backing too
03:39:42jmhodgesfunding is good
03:39:53Fatbumi have to look at some low power gibberish
03:41:36bbeattiesomeone here has to have a Zaurus and an Ipaq...
03:41:51Fatbumyou want to know if its same connector bbeattie?
03:41:57DrBoBwell, if you get some connectors, let me know...I want a couple...and I'll pay for them too
03:42:09bbeattieFatbum: yes, I had an ipaq once, and the connectors look very similar
03:42:16Fatbumill prolly have to order like 50
03:42:28Fatbumbbeattie: you want to know if they are exactly the same?
03:42:30Fatbumi doubt they are
03:42:45bbeattieDrBoB: you can get a serial cable connector from sharp for 40 bucks, but I'd make one before I paid that.
03:42:56bbeattieFatbum: exact, or close.
03:43:21DrBoB$40.00???? that's highway robbery
03:43:31cdmproblem is that the output from the Z is not RS232.
03:43:35cdmvoltage level wise.
03:43:38bbeattiethe bottom line is I need to get a garmin gps III+ that can connect to a palm currently, connected to a Zaurus for a show.
03:44:09cdmso if you connect an RS232 to the serial inputs of a Z without the right buffering and voltage conversion you will blow it up.
03:44:30Fatbumcdm explain
03:44:37Fatbumecplain what you think of
03:44:42bbeattiecdm: what about the serial cable you can get from sharp? it doesn't look like it had anything special on it
03:44:58cdmbbeattie: sure, it has that big black icky bit at the end of to do the line conversion and buffering.
03:45:04cdmhas one.
03:45:15DrBoBI have a Garmin GPS 35 that will supply TTL or RS232 outputs of NEMA data
03:45:26cdmand if you have the schems for the Z you will see that they bring the raw CMOS lines out.
03:45:44bbeattieso that (it's grey on the website) connector has electronics in it? not just the connector?
03:45:56Fatbumbbeattie yes resistors, etc
03:46:10cdmbbeattie: correct.
03:46:23cdmbbeattie: since RS232 is +-12V and CMOS is O-3.3V
03:46:27Fatbum6 different 'deallies' on different pins
03:46:36cdmbbeattie: and also to buffer, to protect the Z.
03:46:59bbeattiebuilds his grudge against those who use proprietary hardware.
03:47:29Fatbumwell i think building it to use rs232 would increase power consumption correct?
03:47:37DrBoBBut a tiny MAX232 should be able to do all the level translation
03:47:48cdmFatbum: Sure - but the iPaq gets around that by having a bit in the GPIO's to turn it on and off.
03:47:55DrBoByeah...RS232 needs 12 volts
03:48:03cdmDrBoB: as long as you can get a passive one or suck the power off the Z, yes.
03:48:04bbeattiecdm: so say I buy one of the outrageously priced connectors, I believe the person with the garmin I'm working with has a garmin to serial cable, with those in place, anything else you see that would prevent it from working?
03:48:17cdmbbeattie: nope.  
03:48:31Fatbumbbeattie why not get a cf one?
03:49:15cdmbbeattie: although I do have an RS232 on my PC that doesn't like the Sharp cable.
03:49:21bbeattieFatbum: I'm doing this as a LUG memeber at a linux booth at a show, and for a presentation I'm helping out with.  We have no $$ to go buy one, and a fellow member is offering to let us use his garmin gps III+
03:49:29DrBoBI used to play with the Motorolla HC11 microprocessors.... be advised that Maxim is liberal with sampling
03:50:02cdmDrBoB: yep, but it is harder and harder to get something you can work on without a scope and using amature soldering tools.
03:50:36DrBoBMaxim has some really cool power chips...
03:50:57cdmMaxim is a great source of many cool things.  As is Dallas Semi.
03:51:07cdmMaxim makes some really nice parallel interface A/D.
03:51:41adamAnyone want to talk email clients?
03:52:06DrBoBGet the Garmin GPS35 comes in like 5 different want the GPS-35LP (low power) because you could run the GPS right offf the Z and the output is CMOS level
03:53:02adamI'm looking for a way to run an email client on the Zaurus that does IMAP/SSL and authenticated secure SMTP
03:53:18DrBoBcheck their website for a thorough tech-spec document
03:54:23adamThe included client doesn't do either, there doesn't seem to be a package for mutt
03:55:27jmhodgesxfsamba + campus wide network = mp3 grabbin, hard drive poking good ol' times
03:55:32adamI'm sorry, what my question too practical
03:55:42adamwhat = was
03:57:07Fatbumon your z?
03:57:07adamAnyone? IMAP/SSL capable email client?
03:57:21cdmPocket Outlook Express
03:57:28DrBoBadam... Did you check out the zauruszone feed?
03:57:47jmhodgesFatbum: lol no no
03:57:54jmhodgesFatbum: sorry meant that for another chat
03:58:02DrBoBlacking that, how about the Debian ARM stuff?
03:58:04Fatbumid like it on my z
03:58:09jmhodgesFatbum: same here
03:58:21Fatbumwhy not port it?
03:58:22adamyes. I checked out the various feeds.
03:58:25jmhodgeslol .. man that would bump wardriving with the Z up anotehr notch :)
03:59:15jmhodgesFatbum: dont have a cross-compiler here .. im too lazy to figure how to do it.. and i dont want to install an rpm (that would require me having rpm anyway :/)
04:00:01adamThe only thing I see is opie-mail which requires me to use a different ROM.
04:00:15DrBoBdoes it?
04:00:25adamdoesn't it?
04:00:41DrBoBsome of the opie packages work OK on the stock ROMs
04:01:11adamOK. I'll give it a try.
04:02:30DrBoBpersonally, I consider anything that goes through Email to be a public conversation .:-)
04:02:30bbeattieoh, speaking of roms, is it possible, when flashing, to have the flash stop half-way and then the zaurus be unusable until the rom is replaced back at sharp? (I had this happen to my ipaq)
04:02:52Wemblywell i might be back
04:02:52Fatbumbbeattie only if you unplug it
04:03:35DrBoBno, but you can get intoa situation where you have to have a CF card and reader to reflash the ROM
04:04:14DrBoBIE: the ROM would have to be loaded via a CF card
04:04:36adameven so, the default email client is hardly usable
04:04:48bbeattieDrBoB: so if saw I was doing a usb flash, windows died half way through, the zaurus would be dead, and unable to synch via usb again, but if you use the "special cf flash of holding down some keys when turning it on" it will reflash from a half-flashed system?
04:04:58Fatbumyou cant usb flash
04:05:21bbeattieFatbum: I believe you can, sharp did it at linux world for me ;)
04:05:24cdmbbeattie: there are images you can download that don't touch the boot-block.
04:05:42Fatbumbbeattie hmm
04:06:04DrBoBthe USB ROM first copies the ROMimage over tothe Z's RAM then executes the would be hard to mess it up
04:06:39adamgreat. opie-mail made my z crap out completely. ggod advice
04:08:01DrBoBso, you would have to do something really stupid to the Z in the middle of the reflashing to mess the process up (like running out of power or hard-reseting your Z during reflashing)
04:08:19adamis there an easy way to reboot this thing
04:08:20bbeattieDrBoB: lets say some alpha particles mess the ram up and somehow it stops mid-way through the flash, is the unit dead, or can the special on boot key holds to flash from CF still work?
04:08:52bbeattieadam: yup, flick the "replace battery" slide on the bottom back and forth once.
04:09:01cdmbbeattie: It depends on if it is the OSPACK or just zImage/initrd.
04:09:07bbeattiedoing that will remove all your contact lists, programs, etc.
04:10:25bbeattiecdm: so there isn't a chip in the zaurus with enough smarts to flash everything on the zaurus from a CF card? (that's what I'm getting at)
04:10:27adamfar too easy to break this thing for a consumer device.
04:10:41DrBoBso get a 32 MB CF card... stick a ROM image o one half and a backupfile on the other half
04:10:46cdmadam: no question.  It isn't a very good consumer device at all.
04:11:27cdmbbeattie: no.  The bootblock in the flash contains the smarts to flash from CF.  So if you erase the bootblock and reset the unit before you program that block you have a dead machine.  JTAG is the only hope at that point.
04:11:30bbeattieDrBoB: does it have to be CF, or will SD work too?
04:11:30adamI wonder how many units they have sold
04:11:36cdmadam: hardly any.
04:11:44DrBoBthen you still would be screwed if, say, mutant giant godzilla creatures ate your CF card :-) or say beamed protons through your Z
04:11:49cdmadam: Less then 100,000 in 6+ months.
04:12:15bbeattiecdm: JTAG = just toss at garbage?
04:12:16cdmadam: I have heard only like 40,000 - but I am not sure if that is accurate.
04:12:32Fatbumbbeattie ipaq:25-pins, z:16
04:12:42DrBoBthe manual reflash has to be from CF ...not SD
04:12:47bbeattieFatbum: okey, that's proof enough, thanks.
04:12:49cdmbbeattie: JTAG == Joint Test Action Group.  It is a spec for stuffing bits into hardware.  There are 4 pins on the Z's connector for it that lets you re-flash the unit.
04:13:13KallDrexxHow can I run an ipkg server on my machine?
04:13:20cdmadam: Putting Linux on it really hurts them...since no one else is doing it.  
04:13:41jmhodgeswhoa.. seinfeld eps..
04:13:58bbeattiecdm: ahh, okey, so if I know someone with some equip for flashing to roms (used to..) the unit is still salvagable, correct?
04:14:25cdmbbeattie: not that simple.  You need someone with the Service Manual, the jtag connector for the Z and the Z's customized jflash software for Windows.
04:14:52cdmbbeattie: if that person is will to unsolder the flash chip, program it, and put it back you will be okay.  Or if the flash is in a snap-in package.
04:15:17bbeattiecdm: and if I don't, is it warranteed by sharp? (I'm not going to try, but I have had very bad experience, as others, with ipaq's dieing durring flash's, average of 10% failed on flashing on a couple hundred attempts.
04:15:48Fatbumdude you wont fuck up the flash
04:15:52Fatbumdont be a wuss
04:16:40bbeattieFatbum: I'm still new the zaurus, but talk to the people on the pocketlinux project and ask them about their joys of sending countless units back to compaq that died on reflashing...
04:17:00Fatbumthats because windows wont let go of anything
04:17:06Fatbumeven your brain
04:17:12DrBoBI tell ya, the ONLY solution to such uncertainty is to become a hardcore fundametalist christian, or to wear a tin foil beanie cap at all times :-)
04:17:38bbeattie1/2's not too bad is it? :)
04:18:03cdmbbeattie: the pocket linux people where being stupid and used a version of the CRL bootloader with a known bug in it.
04:18:24cdmbbeattie: the CRL loader won't let that happen it boots WinCE so you don't even have to remove it on re-install.
04:18:50bbeattiecdm: no, the ipaq's streamed it's data over the USB for flashing, this was the main reason for many errors while flashing I believe.
04:19:17bbeattieno= not just that but,
04:19:21cdmbbeattie: no, it does it over serial.  And the issue was that pocketlinux was using a VERY outdated bootldr that didn't do the cksum at the end.
04:19:30cdmbbeattie: just FYI, I work on that bootloader.
04:19:45cdmbbeattie: the guys at Compaq where VERY pissed off.
04:19:50bbeattiecdm: I had 2 flashes via usb die when flashing windows ce on it,
04:20:26cdmbbeattie: Well, not via CRL's bootldr. ;)
04:21:19George-*yawn* 6am.. ;)
04:21:40KallDrexx1am here
04:21:48Fatbumi must needa  restart
04:21:55Fatbumfuckin windows
04:21:55bbeattiecdm: nope, but it was still 1 week of a working ipaq and 7 weeks of downtime between when I had to wait for my ipaq to be fixed, twice.  (granted my windows/usb I don't trust)
04:22:31George-Fatbum: bye! ;)
04:23:01cdmbbeattie: ha!  I have never had more then a 3-4 day turn around from jamey at CRL.  Mind you, he kinda knows me. ;)
04:23:21Fatbumoh sh!t thought i was gettin k/b again
04:23:34bbeattiecdm: One return took a week and a half, the other took 5 weeks,
04:23:49George-I'm hacking the 5000D ROM to have the A300 qtopia updates ;)
04:24:00angrydo it do it do it! :)
04:24:05George-angry: lol
04:24:17George-angry: NeoTron very kindly gave me a tarball /usr/QtPalmtop.rom ;)
04:24:23angryif you do hook me up ;)
04:24:35bbeattieOh, and ben from sharp dislikes and hears of many 5000D model users trying to load the 5500 rom onto it, that also kills the unit. :-)
04:24:37KallDrexxGeorge-: what's hte difference?
04:24:48angryKallDrexx: documents are much better
04:24:49George-KallDrexx: documents tab? :)
04:24:52angrydocuments tab
04:25:07whardiergets bored and starts modelling things on his desk
04:25:10George-bbeattie: I'm not _that_ stupid
04:25:47KallDrexxhows the document tab better?
04:25:52bbeattieGeorge-: I'm sure, I'm just coming up with a bunch of ways to kill units via flashing or otherwise. :)
04:26:00George-whardier: is that pingizauru's toilet? :)
04:27:21George-hrmm, the A300 doesn't include Opera?
04:27:45NeoTronno browser actually
04:27:46George-NeoTron: ok
04:27:49NeoTronkind of surprised me
04:27:59NeoTronI guess the CD might come with one
04:27:59George-Does it include Jeode?
04:28:09cdmbbeattie: If you just flash zImage and initrd you can't ruin the unit though (unless the cf guy has a bug).  I use it all the time - get rid of Linux on my Z.
04:28:53NeoTrondamn it
04:28:58NeoTronHandango is so pissing me off
04:29:37NeoTronwonder how upset they would get if I made it so that all purchases went through my site but keeping using them for posting the stuff., :P
04:29:54NeoTronlike "Strategic Assault DEMO" for free etc..
04:30:11NeoTronand more importantly wonder if I would see a major drop in registrations...
04:30:28DaWormi got strategic assualt from handango
04:30:54George-NeoTron: hah
04:30:57NeoTronright so did a whole lot of other people
04:30:57George-NeoTron: that's evil :)
04:31:04George-NeoTron: run everything on PayPal :)
04:31:07NeoTronbut would you have registered if you had to go to my site to do it?
04:31:22NeoTronGeorge-: I so wish.. 2.9% + $.30 per sale is so much better
04:31:26bbeattiecdm: one idea popped into my head.  Would it be possible to connect the usb connector from the cradle up to a usb->serial piece without blowing out the Z?
04:31:31NeoTronDaWorm: may I ask why? (out of curiosity)
04:31:34DaWormi'd rather want everything on one roof
04:31:37George-NeoTron: is that paypal's cut?
04:31:43NeoTronGeorge-: yes
04:32:00DaWormbut then, that's an end users opinion
04:32:22DaWormlike i also have tkc apps bought from handango and some from tkc itself
04:32:39NeoTronthat's two roofs. :P
04:32:43cdmbbeattie: Nope, 'cause USB sucks ass.
04:32:44George-Handango's greedy :(
04:32:53DaWormand it sucks
04:33:08NeoTrongreedy and recently they lose confirmation mails which means I have to manually send people reg info
04:33:11NeoTronand that sucks bigtime
04:33:19NeoTronand it's my main frustration at this point
04:33:20DaWormthat sucks indeed
04:33:44George-whardier: what's the latest 3d pingi pic? :)
04:34:14George-oh, 3d pingi 20 ;)
04:34:17cdmbbeattie: USB is not a peer-to-peer network - it is master/slave.  And PCs are the master so PDAs are slaves and can only talk to masters.
04:34:46bbeattiecdm: anyone way to switch a zaurus to be a master?
04:35:24NeoTronHandango charges 30% (or more) and can't even get the fricking order mails to me
04:35:24cdmbbeattie: nope.  
04:35:28DaWormbdicty is now avaialble for zaurus
04:35:30NeoTronthing is I don't know how many they have lost
04:35:32cdmbbeattie: that is the nature of USB.  It just sucks.
04:35:32DaWormbut zbedic is free
04:35:57NeoTronbut I can't afford not using it since it would drop sales a lot. I think
04:36:15bbeattiecdm: on a sidenote, is firewire the same way?
04:36:30Wemblybbeattie: the same way as what?
04:36:58Wemblyfirewire is more of a device to device chain. kinda like scsi.
04:37:14cdmno, firewire is peer-to-peer.
04:37:24bbeattieWembly: I don't know much about firewire, and I was wondering if it was also a master/slave design
04:37:26cdm1394 is a far more superior bus it isn't even funny.
04:37:34George-Fatbum: I've just spent +18 hours compiling kde, and the whole fucking lot doesn't work
04:37:47Wemblyfirewire is like... what usb shoulda been
04:37:51Fatbumim sorry
04:37:54Wemblyor what people want usb to be
04:38:15NeoTronGeorge-: and that, George-, is why you don't compile KDE or Gnome. :)
04:38:17Wemblyinsted they have to make a usb device and a usb host controller into their device/pda/cellfone/whatever so that it can access other usb devices without a pc
04:38:41Fatbumthe zaurus isnt a host controller if i remember
04:38:44Wemblyintel pritty much said hey! lets make usb center around the pc so then everyone will need a pc to use it thus raiseing our sales i swear.
04:38:47cramfs is a read-only fs wiwth each page in each file individually compressed or workable over block devices.
04:38:47George-ibot cramfs?
04:38:54George-NeoTron: haha
04:38:59Wemblyzaurus has a device controller in the cpu
04:39:02cdmbbeattie: There are "masters" in a 1394 bus but they are distributed and there is no device classes that prevent any node on a 1394 network from becoming any of the various masters.
04:39:17Wemblyintel sells a coprocessor device iirc that adds usb host along with meny other things.
04:39:28Wemblybut by then its no longer a pda but a set top box or somesuch
04:39:35cdmyeah, the SA1111
04:40:21bbeattieI wish people would stop selling, or atleast marketing inferior hardware/software.
04:40:21George-Does it add a faster SD bus?
04:40:35cdmalso gives 2 pcmcia interfaces, 2 PS/2 controlers, and a bunch of other PC "SuperIO" like functions.
04:40:50George-the sa1110 gives 2 pcmcia interfaces..
04:40:55cdmbbeattie: no, it is part of the USB design goals.  It keeps the device side of USB cheap cheap.
04:41:19cdmGeorge-: Yeah, not really.  It gives two CF interfaces that need extra hardware to do PCMCIA.
04:41:52cdmGeorge-: the SA1111 actually has all the pcmcia power and control logic built in.
04:42:14George-: excuse me?
04:42:14George-ibot mkcramfs
04:42:18OK, George-.
04:42:18George-ibot you are stupid
04:42:25hmmm... i am stupid
04:42:25George-ibot ibot?
04:42:33Wemblygeorge: herm id consolt the kernel documentation
04:43:39George-found an rpm
04:44:02George-google looks stupid with these silly faces everywhere
04:45:02W|GGL|Tain't it past your bedtime?
04:45:56George-it's 6am
04:46:01bbeattieanyone know why sharp didn't implement the complete SD spec for faster transfer rates? price? timeline?
04:46:35George-oh crap
04:46:36Fatbum that kb would like nice with my z
04:47:16George-ok, opera's coming out
04:47:38W|GGL|Tfull spec = sd encryption, no?
04:48:04George-W|GGL|T: "for faster transfer"
04:48:10W|GGL|Ti think SD on the Z is fine as it is
04:48:28George-W|GGL|T: it's too slow ;)
04:48:33bbeattieI've been told you can't run video clips from the SD
04:48:48George-bbeattie: yeh, you prolly can't
04:48:50W|GGL|Tuse CF
04:48:56George-bbeattie: transfer rates are _very_ slow
04:48:56bbeattie(not sure if it's just mpeg or if divx would work)
04:49:00Fatbumwheres cheap sd?
04:49:13W|GGL|TGeorge-: im not worried about speed with my Z...that's what my desktop and laptop are fore
04:49:32George-W|GGL|T: hah
04:49:32DrBoB"for great justice, take off all ZIG"
04:49:44bbeattieW|GGL|T: I wouldn't care, but it's nice to have a video clip of "Revolution OS" on the zaurus to show off.
04:49:59George- 14647296
04:50:06cdmfigures out how to qnx.mpg into his Z image. ;)
04:50:12George-14811136 <-- The limit ;)
04:50:48bbeattieGeorge-: is that the number of bits/second the zaurus can transfer off of SD?
04:51:03bbeattiethat would ba a high number,
04:51:08George-bbeattie: no
04:51:16George-bbeattie: that's the limit of the flashrom :)
04:51:22George-(size for flashing onto)
04:51:53i don't know, george-
04:51:53George-ibot bootstrap.txt?
04:51:55bbeattieany idea what the max transfer rate of the SD hardware is?
04:51:55George-shut up
04:52:02W|GGL|Tcdm: what's qnx.mpg?
04:53:42bugger all, i dunno, george-
04:53:42George-ibot bootflag.txt?
04:53:44cdmW|GGL|T: ah, just a little something from work. ;)
04:54:27George-yay,it's flashing :))))
04:54:40bbeattiecdm: nothing to do with the company QNX that's in the embedded industry?
04:54:59cdmbbeattie: you mean the company that pays me every 2 weeks?
04:55:20DaWormgive us qnx for zaurus!
04:55:25cdmDaWorm: soon.
04:55:26George-oh no
04:55:28bbeattiecdm: that would be the one. :)
04:55:35George-school tomorrow
04:55:40cdmDaWorm: will have it when it is ready.
04:55:53George-cdm: ur employed by QNX?
04:56:00DaWormthe screenshots are nice
04:56:15George-I want e17
04:56:21cdmGeorge-: yep.
04:56:23George-someone port e17.
04:56:29cdmGeorge-: I did the stuff on that site I posted.
04:56:41George-u have an iPaq too?
04:57:17cdmyeah, 5 iPaqs, 1 Z.
04:57:52cdmI have a 3100, 2 3600's, 1 3870, 1 3970 and a 5500.
04:57:55DaWormi might try this one on my old 3650
04:58:16George-you have a 3970?!?!?!?
04:58:26cdmGeorge-: yeah, bought it on Thursday.
04:59:47whardierI am experiencing a learning curve
04:59:56whardierwile listening to "Dj Rap - The Learning Curve"
05:00:29George-how the heck does the sharp rom work
05:00:29cdmGeorge-: gotta love corp. expense accounts and having customers demanding support. ;)
05:00:35George-it seems to waste a _lot_ of space
05:00:37George-with Qtopia
05:00:52George-the whole of qtopia is in the ROM at least _twice_
05:01:36bbeattiewell, it's late, night all
05:01:45angrywants a joystick for the Z
05:01:56angrylike a REAL joystick
05:02:09angrybasically just wants to play galaga anytime, anywhere, with a good joystick
05:02:45angryyep, but where's my joystick ;)
05:02:50George-oh no
05:02:56George-it's just thousands of ruddy symlinks
05:03:21DaWormhmmm....i'll probably try out mame for the zaurus
05:03:42angrywould buy an SD or CF joystick
05:04:27DaWormwhat did you install? qmame or zmame?
05:05:02angryi havent installed either yet
05:05:56cdmangry: bluetooth joystick.
05:06:57angrycdm: does one exist? ;)
05:08:28DaWormi doubt, but its possible
05:09:40cdmangry: Dunno.  Doesn't look like it yet.
05:09:43whardierangry: I can export one to it over the network
05:09:48whardiera joystick
05:09:55whardierI was yesterday
05:10:02whardieroh well.. I AM SLEEPYANDSHIT NOW
05:11:58KallDrexxhas anyone here made an ipkg?
05:12:22angrytheres joystick adapters for the GBA :)
05:13:01whardierangry: heh!  why?
05:13:10angryerr just clip on things
05:13:15angrythat extend the pad
05:13:22angryso it feels more like a joystick i guess
05:13:31whardierthere is probably a good reason.. but the further away you get from the screen.. the less likely you will be able to see it
05:14:05whardierits sorta like trying to whack off to a business card sized hooker brochure..
05:14:08whardierif you catch my drift
05:14:20angryi want to sell my damn GBA
05:14:31whardieranyhoot.. that was innapropriate and I need sleep because of it
05:14:37angrythey definitley should have put a backlight in it
05:14:46whardierthey don't need to
05:14:47angryand now i can buy another one to get that
05:14:49whardierits called the sun!
05:14:50cdmangry: have you seen the Portable Monopoly stuff?
05:15:04angrycdm: nope, but heard a lil of you guys talking about it earlier
05:15:25DaWormi used to have that monopoly game on a plam
05:16:55DaWormwonder how a pair of AA cells would last on that
05:17:14cdmDaWorm: they say it isn't much of an impact.
05:18:03cdmDaWorm: 9 hours of playback or something.
05:18:17DaWormnot bad
05:18:32cdmat full brightness.
05:18:37cdmhas a dimmer too to increase things.
05:18:37angryoh portable monopoly is a company
05:18:39DaWormi have a gba myself but you need a special kind of screw driver to open it up
05:18:51cdmDaWorm: everything comes in the kit AFAIK.
05:19:43DaWormoh well it looks nice...but i might just get a modified gba from a hong kong store
05:19:44George-NeoTron: ping
05:20:46NeoTronGeorge-: ?
05:20:58George-NeoTron: do you think I could possibly have /root/.home_default.tar?
05:22:56George-hey kolla
05:41:57KallDrexxwould anyone be able to help me get my Z to recognzie my feed?
05:43:38George-NeoTron: ping ;)
05:43:48George-NeoTron: does the A300 startup, with Japanese chars?
05:44:53DaWormterminal startup?
05:45:10George-Qtopia startup
05:45:25George-goes mental
05:45:33DaWormi believe it does
05:45:45George-where the heck are the font definitions?!?!/
05:47:57George-uh... the A300 has no Jeode either
05:50:00DaWormyou want an a300 eh?
05:50:25Wemblydaworm: wtf is the point of terminal startup? it has no keyboard
05:51:02George-DaWorm: no
05:51:05George-DaWorm: I want the ROM :)
05:51:41DaWormi smell something evil lurking
05:51:41George-DaWorm: and I've _got_ the ROM, haha
05:51:55George-DaWorm: yeh, I'm hacking ROM 1.38 on the 5000D :)
05:52:03DaWormoh wow
05:53:35George-DaWorm: I want that documents tab ;)
05:55:02DaWormyeah..hehehe..that documents tab on the a300 is really has previews right?
05:55:32George-I dunno
05:55:40George-I've got a load of japanese on my screen
05:55:46George-and it refuses to calibrate
05:57:13George-The freakin' touch screen won't calibrate
06:00:02DaWormwish i could help on that one
06:00:52George-I give up
06:01:32George-it's impossible
06:01:36DaWormNo! think about that documents tab!
06:01:45George-the input layer for the A300 must be different to the one on the SL5x00[d]
06:01:51scanlinewhat's so special about the documents tab?
06:02:05George-scanline: it can distinguish between SD, CF and internal :)
06:02:09Wemblywhat id give for ida pro :/
06:02:15George-scanline: it's not dumb as shit ;)
06:02:25Wemblyhunts for another $298 dollars.
06:02:29scanlineGeorge-: so copy the launcher app over from the A300 rom
06:02:33Wemblyits a disassmebler :)
06:02:37Wemblyits very very sweet :)
06:02:48cdmGeorge-: I am sure the guts of the A300 are very different.  Does it even have LoCoMo or Scoop inside?
06:03:00Wemblyi got myself a illegal copy cus i dont have the money to buy it (its $300)
06:03:08George-scanline: launcher being...?
06:03:17scanlineGeorge-: the app that has the documents tab :P
06:03:20George-Wembly: lol
06:03:37Wemblybut its like something where your like feeling bad even tho its so damned much that you wanta buy it.
06:03:38George-scanline: yeh, what's the binary name?
06:03:48scanlineGeorge-: I dunno, I know little about Qtopia
06:04:02George-scanline: rm -rf picogui
06:04:04scanlineGeorge-: I'd bet it has "launcher" in the name though
06:04:10cdmGeorge-: also it will be major league fubar since the A300 has an Xscale and a totally different set of device drivers.
06:04:22George-cdm: lol
06:04:40scanlineGeorge-: heh, it's not like I make you use picogui :p
06:06:21cdmGeorge-: so basically it will never work.
06:06:32Wemblyscanline: btw i got a friend useing picogui for a embedded remote control device he is writing :)
06:06:58scanlineWembly: really... I hardly ever hear about it when people use picogui for stuff :)
06:07:08Wemblywell atm he's playing with it
06:07:08DaWormtry to fork it out i guess?
06:07:14Wemblyits a personal project
06:07:30George-scanline: lol
06:07:33George-scanline: I want to use PicoGUI
06:07:34Wemblybut it sounded like what he wanted was picogui :)
06:07:39George-cdm: hrmmph =P
06:07:51cdmGeorge-: you might be able to pull off the applications from the ROM.
06:08:07Wemblyhe has what looks to be a cash register touch screen.
06:08:20scanlineGeorge-: on the zaurus?
06:08:56scanlineGeorge-: right now PicoGUI's practical for special purpose embedded devices, but it still has a ways to go before it's useful for a normal person on a PDA
06:09:15George-scanline: on my psion
06:09:21scanlineIt shouldn't be too long before it's useful enough that I'd use it mostly fulltime on my zaurus though :)
06:09:26scanlineGeorge-: ahh.. what kind of psion?
06:09:30Wemblynods to scanline
06:09:33George-5, 5mx
06:10:04KallDrexxHas anyone here built an IPKG?
06:10:08Wemblyforgot what he was gonna do
06:10:37scanlineGeorge-: I was just curious.. I don't know hardly anything about the psion :)
06:11:38George-scanline: double negative =P
06:11:55Wemblyi wonder how much i can hack at usbdnet before it hates me
06:12:05scanlineGeorge-: I blame english
06:12:10George-scanline: phah
06:12:15George-smacks scanline
06:13:56scanlinebecomes smacked
06:15:05George-the other stuff works when u tap the screen
06:15:09George-only calibration doesn't
06:16:49scanlineis Xscale backwards compatible with the SA-1110?
06:19:13George-I dunno
06:19:19George-If it isn't, then intel are on crack
06:20:40scanlineIf it wasn't for commercial software there'd be no point
06:28:37cdmthe XScale will run SA binaries.
06:38:41Wemblywtf does keventd do?
06:56:29tweekis there anything that could go wrong if i change the fstab entry for the root filesystem to rw instead of ro?
06:56:50KallDrexxuh any idea why my app would try to start but wouldn't, and it just keeps the icon with it as clicked?
06:59:35KallDrexxis there gdb for hte Z?
07:04:32NeoTronCategories:   Linux Software: Entertainment
07:04:32NeoTronLinux Software: ?â?y
07:04:36NeoTronnice category there
07:27:16Speedy2bon soir
07:27:33particuleBonsoir Speedy2. :o)
07:28:44Speedy2How are you?
07:33:12hagbard3is it possible to plug a cardbus card into a 16bit pcmcia socket?
07:35:00hagbard3ok thx
07:35:02Speedy2Cardbus == 32-bit, PCMCIA like interface.
07:35:07Speedy2PCI like interface
07:35:12Speedy216-bit PCMCIA == ISA interface
07:35:34hagbard3yeah cardbus = pci and PCMCIA = isa
07:35:43hagbard3and the same nonbackward compability
07:35:46Speedy2If you knew, why'd you ask :)
07:36:08hagbard3i repeat to pump it into my mind :)
07:36:14Speedy2hehe :)
07:36:49hagbard3i was hoping that the nonbackward compability wouldnt apply
07:36:57Speedy2Yeah...unfortunetly it does
07:37:23hagbard3I have a wlan card
07:37:34hagbard3dont know if its cardbus or not
07:37:47hagbard3can i count the holes?
07:37:53Speedy2If it's Cardbus
07:38:00Speedy2It'll have this gold type bumpy thing on the edge
07:38:03tweekwhat about the other way - could i plug a PCMCIA card into my Z?
07:38:23Speedy2tweek: If you had a PCMCIA to CompactFlash adaptor (they exist)
07:38:29hagbard3it doesnt it has 80 holes though
07:38:35tweekhmm, i might look into getting that
07:39:03Speedy2tweek: Most of the solutions are not meant for day to day use, they're usually engineering devices.
07:39:11tweekoh, bummer
07:39:12hagbard3both pcmcia and cardbus uses 80 pin interface?
07:39:12Speedy2Like they'll stick out 1 foot out of the slot
07:39:23Speedy2hagbard3: 40 pin
07:39:55Speedy2hagbard3: They use the same physical interface, but Cardbus will have this bumpy thing on top that should prevent it from going into older PCMCIA slots
07:40:24hagbard3pcmcia cards goes into cardbus slots?
07:40:31NeoTronRocketElite is out (on Handango).
07:40:37Speedy2Hi Neotron
07:40:40NeoTronUpdating my site will have to wait till tomorrow
07:40:42Speedy2hagbard3: PCMCIA can go into Cardbus
07:40:55hagbard3its more than 40 holes though
07:41:01NeoTrontoo tired to do all the releases: Strategic Assault. Bustem, Bustem JP, RocketElite, PurpleBlaster - all released today
07:41:01tweekwhat is rocketelite?
07:41:06hagbard3not 80 i was wrong...
07:41:22hagbard3will pcmcia work in cardbus?
07:41:35Speedy2hagbard3: PCMCIA will work in Cardbus, correct
07:41:59KallDrexxum how come after I execute dev-x86-qpe it's trying to compile my ap with arm-linux-g++
07:42:10Wemblywhy shouldnt it?
07:42:17Wemblyerr wait
07:42:17hagbard3ISA will not work in PCI som the analogy would not apply 100 % then ..thats great news :)
07:42:19Wemblyhehe nm
07:42:22KallDrexxcause my computers not an Arm processor =P
07:42:26Wemblywhat is the contents of dev-x86-qpe?
07:42:40NeoTronit's not live at Handango yet tho
07:42:41Wemblymainly what is the variable CC
07:43:01Speedy2hagbard3: Well, the Cardbus PCMCIA chipsets are backwards compatible. They will accept Cardbus or PCMCIA whereas PCMCIA cannot accept Cardbus.
07:43:08Wemblyerr hold on
07:43:20KallDrexxoh wait a second
07:43:38Wemblydid you source the file or just ./ the file?
07:43:53KallDrexxnever mind
07:43:53Wemblyand to top it all off
07:43:59KallDrexxI forgot to retmake it :)
07:44:12Wemblyi was gonna say the compiler isnt even speified in the file
07:44:41hagbard3speedy2: i think we have sorted this out 100 % now :)
07:44:58Speedy2hagbard3: I hope you're clear now. :)
07:45:27hagbard3yes if not i download the spec on :)
07:45:55KallDrexxwait... can I use string.h on the Z? that is
07:46:07Speedy2hagbard3: I don't think the Cardbus spec is free. PCMCIA certainly isn't. But you can cheat. CompactFlash == PCMCIA, so if you get the CompactFlash spec, you can figure out PCMCIA.
07:46:16Speedy2(CF spec is free)
07:47:12hagbard3i love CF
07:47:23hagbard3maybe i already have that
07:47:37hagbard3its 68 pin not 40 pin though
07:47:44Speedy2CF is 50 pin
07:47:51Speedy2And you're right, PCMCIA is 68 pin, sorry
07:49:47hagbard3does all PCMCIA drivers for linux work out of the box on an IPAQ PCMCIA jacket?
07:49:58Speedy2Nothing Linux works out of the box
07:50:14Wemblypcmcia jacket?
07:50:18Wemblywtf is a pcmcia jacket?
07:50:27kollakergoth: you there?
07:50:35KallDrexxarg stupid program
07:50:37hagbard3PCMCIA sleeve
07:50:50Wemblythe extra ipaq backpacktype thing?
07:50:57Wemblythat makes it even thicker then it is to begin with?
07:51:34Wemblydislikes the ipaq... its too darn thick.
07:52:35hagbard3you have to have deep pockets
07:53:46KallDrexxthis has to be the wierdest thing i've EVER seen
07:53:49hagbard3if only the other devices would be more friendly to opensource then maybe something else than ipaq will do
07:57:54NeoTronthere my website is updated but no news posted
07:57:56NeoTronTHAT I will do tomorrow
07:58:04Speedy2Gonna check out Neo?
07:59:02NeoTronif you mean go to bed, then yes
07:59:13NeoTronI was going to go to bed "early" today but now it's 2am again
07:59:30Speedy2Go beat up on your Furby
07:59:30Speedy2(to release some anger)
07:59:35NeoTronhas no anger. :)
07:59:47NeoTronand I should get a source release (and website release) of zFurby soon
07:59:58KallDrexxkicks his computer
08:00:30DaWormsay like 2 days from now?
08:00:53KallDrexxgroans =P
08:01:01DaWormyeah killer app
08:03:43hagbard3where can i download an ARM assembly manual? compatible with the SA 206 mhz one?
08:04:02Speedy2The SA-1110 processor impelements ARM v4 ISA
08:04:12Speedy2So does the ARM7 (and variants) from ARM
08:04:17Wemblywould like a good book on it truthfully.
08:04:22Speedy2You can get info on the ARM7, most of which will apply at
08:04:34hagbard3great news
08:04:57Wemblywhat does the xscale use?
08:05:55Speedy2The StrongARM doesn't "use" an ARM7
08:06:04Speedy2It implements the ARM v4 Instruction Set Architecture
08:06:14Speedy2The XScale does ARM v5 and also ARM v4.
08:06:23hagbard3something called ADS assembly guide to dl at
08:06:42Speedy2ADS is their compiler suite
08:08:41hagbard3VFP vector floating point instructions?
08:09:33KallDrexxARG why can't i ftp to my z now
08:09:35hagbard3hmm it doesnt conatin the opcode maps should start supporting ARM i think
08:14:09KallDrexxhmm well at least this error happened AFTER i got my zuarus :-/
08:16:28KallDrexxanyone knwo where I can find some good free Z games?
08:26:36burtonatoris there any way to prevent OPIE from updating the 'document' tab when I doc a CF or SD?
08:51:08Speedy2karma gcc
08:51:17Wemblykarma gcc?
09:06:05KallDrexxwhere do I get the Z SDL libraries?
09:52:34wazlafhas anyone opened his zaurus here?
09:52:44wazlafthe SD mechanism seems to be stuck on mine
09:53:02wazlafand i am having some trouble getting to that mechanism
09:53:35wazlafi removed all visible screws on the outside and inside the battery compartment
09:53:46wazlafbut it is somehow still not opening
09:54:06wazlafI don't want to use force ..
09:56:31Wemblyat times i even impress myself... on how blaently obvious things are to find yet arnt..
09:57:18wazlafdoes anyone know? please? ;-)
09:57:23wazlafhave i missed some battery?
09:57:31Wemblywazlaf: herm?
09:58:00Wemblywazlaf: im sorry i missed your problem
09:58:19Wemblynow isnt exactly the best time to go asking for help as you can tell.. everyones dead or not fully functioning.
09:58:32wazlafWembly: i am having some trouble opening my zaurus
09:58:55wazlafWembly: have you done that before?
09:59:04Wemblycant say i have
09:59:10Wemblytho im looking forward to it hehe
10:01:22Wemblywhere does it seem to be sticking?
10:01:35wazlafat the very top and the very bottom
10:01:51Wemblyand you got the screws on the edges right?
10:01:55Wemblyincludeing the top and bottom?
10:02:00Wemblydid you remove the keyboard cover yet?
10:02:05wazlafdon't know how
10:02:17Wemblythe screws?
10:02:18wazlafi removed the screws at the sides
10:02:22wazlafwhich seem to hold it there
10:02:35wazlafbut i still can't remove it
10:02:36Wemblywhat about under neth?
10:02:46Wemblyflip it upside down there are 3 black screws
10:02:52Wemblyon the underside of the keyboard cover
10:02:55wazlafyes I removed all of those
10:03:01wazlafand there are more inside the battery compartment
10:03:04wazlafremoved those too
10:03:13wazlafthis is real weird
10:03:22Wemblythe 4 screws on the side should seperate the keyboard cover from the rails.
10:04:18KallDrexxwhy is it that 90% of the time I cna't use the zaurus' keypad (home button, those buttons on the front panel) when I have hte keybaord out?
10:04:47wazlafyou have to have the moving part at the very bottom
10:04:56wazlafso that it is connected to the Z.
10:04:57kollawants to have his CF slot working again
10:05:10wazlafKallDrexx: it is connected at the very top and the very bottom
10:05:17rumour has it faq is at or at or at or
10:05:17Wemblyibot faq
10:05:30KallDrexxwazlaf: so I don't have it extended enough if it's not working?
10:05:37wazlafKallDrexx: exactly
10:05:44KallDrexxahh htaht clears a lot up thanks
10:05:46wazlafalright, i will try again removing that thing again
10:05:52KallDrexxnow prboom is easier to play :)
10:09:36Wemblythe disassmebled sl-5000d photos url isnt working :/
10:15:10KallDrexxhey rjp
10:15:39Wemblythe disassembled zaurus images seem to of vanished off the net :/
10:16:24burtonatorqtopia desktop isn't freaking OSS?
10:17:06KallDrexxhey Cloudchaser
10:18:00Wemblyopen source software
10:18:52burtonatorit is BS that it isn't open!
10:18:55burtonatorTime to protest baby!
10:23:06burtonatormaybe I can find a GPL violation and force open the source!
10:24:45KallDrexxhey g
10:24:47KallDrexxhey George-
10:24:49George-hey K
10:25:31burtonatorwell... their 'innovative synchronization algorithm'
10:25:39burtonatorlooks to just be rsync...
10:25:52burtonatorso maybe I will just reverse engineer it and port it to evolution.
10:25:57burtonatorDMCA violation baby!
10:28:49sethHi. question: how can I start opie when I'm in text mode?
10:29:29scanlineburtonator: time to switch to gpe so you don't have to deal with partially-free software :)
10:29:52KallDrexxwhat exactly is opie/qpe?
10:31:46Wemblyok i give up
10:31:49Wemblykelldrexx: herm?
10:31:56Wemblyqpe/opie is the gui
10:32:07Wemblyits like the window manager type thing.
10:33:25Wemblywazlaf: dunno what to tell ya i cant find it anymore :/
10:34:28KallDrexxis qpe/opie the gui that comes with Z?
10:34:29George-Wembly: no it's not ;)
10:34:53Wemblygeorge: no its not?
10:34:59Wemblykelldrexx: yes
10:35:00George-Wembly: that's just like saying that KDE/Gnome is a window manager
10:35:13KallDrexxGeorge-: isnt' it?
10:35:16Wemblyim grasping for some shared meaning :P
10:35:22George-KallDrexx: no
10:35:39KallDrexxthought kde WAS a window manager, since it says during start up, "starting window manager"
10:35:44Wemblyno kde/gnome is a set of apps api and other such things..
10:35:57Wemblykde consists of a webbroswer file manager etc.
10:36:14George-KallDrexx: no, KDE uses KWin as it's window manager
10:36:34Wemblyqtopia/qpe/opie are basicly what kde is to X :)
10:36:59George-Wembly: If I was being really annoying today, I'd say you were wrong ;)
10:37:12Wemblygeorge: bah
10:37:34Wemblyqtopia/qpe/opie == graphical gui you use
10:37:43Wemblyminus the other apps you install.
10:38:07George-shuts up
10:38:07Wemblygeorge: what?
10:38:12Wemblyyou got a better explation?
10:38:22Wemblyor are you just going to complain about me actually trying to explain it?
10:38:36George-Wembly: I'm only kidding ;)
10:38:51George-That's it, I'm converting to debian
10:38:54George-On my laptop
10:38:57George-Gentoo fscking sucks
10:39:21Wemblygood luck
10:40:45George-Wembly: thx :)
10:41:12George-I'm having an argument with a Gentoo developer as to why I'm converting
10:42:25Wemblyand what argument is that?
10:42:29George-Wembly: "portage rulz"
10:42:32George-"apt-get 0wnz"
10:42:47George-Wembly: that's an extract from the argument ;)
10:42:53George-imm: BLAH
10:43:05Wemblywell debian sucks for new junk like kde3.x and such
10:43:08George-OK, I'm off, forever tomorrow
10:43:14George-Wembly: that doesn't matter for me
10:43:18George-Wembly: I use CVS HEAD :)
10:43:23George-Wembly: well, for 3 weeks anyway :)
10:43:34Wemblyis confused
10:43:45George-Going to school.
10:43:48Wemblywhat pisses me off about debian. is that they take forever on adding packages
10:43:54George-Debian sid?
10:44:03Wemblykde3.x still isnt in debian sid.
10:44:14immGeorge-: blah ?
10:44:18George-imm: yeh
10:44:33Wemblyand its purely political as to why it isnt.
10:44:34immGeorge-: any news on the zaurus shipping front ?
10:44:47George-imm: haven't a clue
10:45:15sniper was last seen on #zaurus 3 days, 21 hours, 26 minutes and 26 seconds ago, saying: fusion: the integration will be the major issue [Thu Aug 29 14:18:49 2002]
10:45:15immibot seen sniper
10:47:18immhopes that the shipping wont be the major issue
10:47:39George-hates 99% of Gentoo devs
10:48:02burtonatorwhat is gpe?
10:48:18kollaburtonator: qpe?
10:48:33immGeorge-: they should put kde under /opt
10:48:45burtonatorthis huh...
10:49:11George-GNU Palmtop Environment
10:49:14kollaoh-.. gtk palmtop environment?
10:49:16George-it's like.. and embedded GNOME :)
10:49:30burtonatorgod... X + GTK would suck1
10:49:39burtonatorer suck!  what is wrong with framebuffer!
10:49:40kolla /opt is something new and icky
10:49:45kollaI like how gentoo does it
10:50:27George-I'd put kde under /usr/local
10:50:52scanlineburtonator: Qt isn't exactly small and fast either
10:51:04kollaGeorge-: but what if it isnt local? :)
10:51:11George-kolla: uhm
10:51:18George-kolla: show me a situation when it isn't local
10:51:19burtonatorscanline: ok... but X is the big beast!
10:51:31George-kolla: and in that case, I'd shove it in /usr
10:51:35kollaGeorge-: if you run it from a sentral fileserver
10:51:48George-burtonator: X runs faster on my Psion 5mx than Qte/Opie does on my 5mx
10:51:48scanlineburtonator: TinyX is pretty small.. I dunno the exact sizes of TinyX+gtk and Qt, but it's pretty similar
10:51:49burtonatorwould like to convert his laptop to 100% framebuffer ;)
10:51:56kollaGeorge-: and that's where gentoo has it
10:52:19George-kolla: yeh, but they have a stupid arrangement with /usr/kde/3 :)
10:52:39kollawhy is that stupid?
10:53:11kollaor rather, why is that more stupid than the rest of this unix filetree crap? :)
10:53:51scanlineburtonator: client-server isn't bad, just that X's implementation is slow
10:54:17scanlineburtonator: there's so much FUD and just plain wrong information surrounding X these days
10:55:18scanlineX has evolved to a pretty spiffy implementation of the classic overlapping windows and expose events paradigm
10:56:01scanlinethen there's new ideas, like the compositing window buffers that Aqua uses, or server-side scene graphs like Fresco and PicoGUI
10:56:27George-scanline: rm -rf PicoGUI && rm -rf Fresco
10:56:28George-scanline: haha
10:56:41scanlinethough it's too bad the Xlib API wasn't written more like OpenGL.. xlib is amazingly overengineered
10:56:49kollaspiffy my ass :)
10:56:49scanlineGeorge-: rm -rf q*
10:57:00George-scanline: don't worry, I'm about to do rm -rf /
10:57:06scanlineGeorge-: hehe
10:57:48scanlineIt would be nice if X was faster, could do compositing, had better fonts....
10:58:24George-Personally, I hate X
10:58:55TheMasterMind1George- winxp fan?
10:58:59George-slow, bloated, old tech...
10:59:05George-TheMasterMind1: actually, I'm a macos x fan
10:59:10scanlineGeorge-: raster displays are old.. your point?
10:59:19scanlineGeorge-: OS X is *way* more slow and bloated than X
10:59:24George-Yes, but it's too slow ;)
10:59:29George-That's my only complaint
10:59:37scanlineX needs a big rendering backend overhaul
10:59:57George-I thought it had a complete rewrite at version 4?
11:00:16scanlineheh, maybe it needs another :)
11:00:26kollaOSX, Xserve, X+server, X windows, windows? :)
11:00:48George-kolla: Windows CEMENT
11:00:56scanlinekolla: X wins the award for "Most abused letter in the alphabet" every year these days
11:01:39George-yo wazzy
11:01:41wazlafyay i managed to take my zaurus apart, put it back to normal and I have no screws left :))
11:01:52George-I lost a screw
11:02:03George-but *psst* don't tell Sharp
11:02:14wazlafwarranty? ;)
11:02:22George-well, it has no warranty...
11:02:32scanlineany particular reason to open the Z, or just for fun?
11:02:45wazlafthe SD pop-out mechanism was broke
11:02:45George-scanline: to install the screen protector
11:02:52George-wazlaf: wh00t?!!?!!??!
11:03:08wazlafdunno, i bought a SD today and it didn't work
11:03:13wazlafso i just took the mechanism out :)
11:03:40wazlafso it doesn't do that fancy push-in pop-out thing
11:03:45wazlafi now need to push/pull it
11:03:49wazlafbut that works for me
11:04:07TheMasterMind1wazlaf does it still lock in?
11:04:22wazlafnope that was the problem with the mechanism
11:04:33wazlafit didn't lock in from the beginning
11:04:46wazlafit just popped out and didn't stay inside
11:05:17wazlafGeorge-: do you need to take it apart again to install the protector??
11:05:40George-wazlaf: I do
11:05:43George-wazlaf: cos I'm stupid :)
11:06:21wazlafGeorge-: lol why would you take it apart? you don't need to open it in order to get access to the screen
11:06:43George-wazlaf: The screenprotector is bigger than the screen
11:06:45TheMasterMind1i need a screen protector
11:06:48George-wazlaf: it tucks under the sides
11:07:01wazlafi see
11:07:05George-wazlaf: and I tried once without taking it apart, and busted the 1st protector
11:07:14wazlafsounds like good protectors
11:07:15George-wazlaf: And I only had 4, so I took it apart
11:07:59George-Hrmm, I must be bored
11:08:04George-I'm searching the internet for anti-linux sites
11:09:16George-: huh?
11:09:16George-ibot kill me
11:09:28George-: i'm not following you...
11:09:28George-ibot kill George-
11:09:54ACTION kills all the morons
11:09:54KallDrexxibot kill
11:09:56OK, scanline.
11:09:56scanlineibot: kill George- is <action> Suffocates George- to death with a stack of picogui t-shirts
11:10:09George-: I forgot kill george-
11:10:09George-ibot forget kill George-
11:10:19OK, George-.
11:10:19George-ibot kill George- is <action> rm -rf's PicoGUI
11:10:25ACTION rm -rf's PicoGUI
11:10:25George-ibot kill me
11:10:44OK, scanline.
11:10:44scanlineibot: kill picogui is <action> suffocates George- to death with a stack of picogui t-shirts
11:11:03kollaI need to bring my CF slot back "online", any tip?
11:11:17George-kolla: rm -rf $QPEDIR
11:11:21kollaguess not, got to be more specific
11:11:29kollaGeorge-: right :)
11:11:37kollabut this isnt related to opie
11:11:37ACTION suffocates George- to death with a stack of picogui t-shirts
11:11:37KallDrexxibot kill picogui
11:11:39scanlineif that doesn't work, rm -rf /etc
11:11:45George-scanline: lol
11:12:22scanlinepicogui doesn't have a main dir :p
11:12:33scanlineyou could try:
11:12:39scanlineln -s /dev/null /dev/pgserver.conf
11:12:40George-find -iname pg_server | rm -rf
11:12:47kollaGeorge-: what's wrong with picogui then?
11:12:51scanlineno underscore in pgserver :p
11:13:10George-rm -rf `find -iname pgserver`
11:13:13George-I think
11:13:15George-I dunno
11:13:19George-I'm no command prompt expert
11:13:21scanlineyeah, that should work
11:13:21George-I only know rm -rf
11:13:34George-rm -rf scanline
11:13:42scanlinerematerializes inside /tmp
11:14:21George-rm -rf /tmp
11:14:28scanlinehaha, too late!
11:14:30George-chmod a-wrx /tmp
11:14:31scanlineI'm in /lib now!
11:14:35George-chmod a-wrx /*
11:14:47scanlinemakes that noise that Pac Man makes when you die
11:14:58George-eats scanline
11:15:07scanlinethere's nothing left!
11:15:14scanlineNo juice leftover scanline bits for you!
11:15:26George-your mouth opened to 360 degrees then?
11:15:29George-and you ate yerself? :)
11:15:45scanlineI suppose.. whatever that is that pac man does when he disintegrates
11:15:53George-Yeh, that's what he does
11:16:00George-TheMasterMind1: kergoth is the NeoPacMac
11:16:43scanlinekergoth was here before me though... so maybe he's already disintegrated
11:16:55TheMasterMind1kergoth i have this weird problem where after a suspend the network card doesn't come back up (lights not blinking anymore) and when i eject and reinsert (light starts flashing again) doing stuff like ifconfig iwconfig etc just hangs
11:17:06scanlinemust have been all the tech support ghosts following him while he rummages for long island ice tea dots
11:17:45scanlineSugar: make me a venti caramel frappuchino with 4 shots of espresso
11:17:45Sugarpours some venti caramel frappuchino with 4 shots of espresso from a machine into a cup, adds a cookie and hands it to scanline.
11:19:12scanlinereads some about microsoft's DRM plans
11:19:37scanlineif they're going to encrypt all the decompressed audio data, that will make it rather hard to write your own visualization or audio processing plugins...
11:19:50scanlinethat would suck having to get a microsoft signature to run a visualization plugin!
11:20:03wazlafDRM is such bullshit
11:20:07scanlineYay for reasons I'm glad I don't use windows
11:20:16KallDrexxmost of what microsoft does is bullshit
11:20:20KallDrexxlike pallidium or whatever it's called
11:20:40wazlafbut it might really get horrible if trusted computer start getting sold
11:20:45scanlineI just hope microsoft doesn't infiltrate standard hardware with forced DRM... and if they do, that there will be alternatives
11:20:50wazlafor if any of this stuff gets integrated into processors
11:21:09scanlinewazlaf: that would give some big motivation to open hardware projects
11:21:17wazlafoh yes :)
11:21:20Wemblyscanline: ahh read up on WM9
11:21:40Wemblyscanline: imho i believe microsoft has no interest in putting drm anywhere.
11:21:44scanlinehas no idea how he went from looking for X server protocol docs to reading about DRM :)
11:21:47Wemblybut they are doing it to keep sony and others happy
11:22:15Wemblybasicly they dont wanta have fingers pointed at them for not doing drm
11:22:25scanlineman I'm hungry for a frappuchino or some curry... maybe I'll make some regular coffee
11:22:27Wemblyand then the mpaa/riaa/whatever holding back tech.
11:22:31Wemblyand truthfuly
11:22:43Wemblymp3 should play without drm signed visalizations
11:22:48wazlafbtw: riaa finally found out that they were hacked ;)
11:22:57Wemblyonly drm content will need drm signed components.
11:22:59George-well, surely only Intel would include DRM crap in CPUs?
11:23:04Wemblywazlaf: hahaha
11:23:04George-AMD wouldn't would they?
11:23:14Wemblywell 1st:
11:23:15wazlafyou never know
11:23:27Wemblyfor wmp9 to send drm content to a device.
11:23:35Wemblythe device must have a unique serial #
11:23:50Wemblybasicly the whole thing will resolve aorund unique serial #'s
11:24:18wazlafto me trusted computing is when I'll go into the basement and get my good old 286 with a hercules mono card :)
11:24:46wazlafdarn, linux only works on >386
11:24:50George-: what?
11:24:50George-ibot eat me
11:25:00Wemblyi a: think that no matter what they will do if its serious enough then there will be a cat/mouse game with it kinda like copy protection in games is now
11:25:04Wemblywith the mouse always winning.
11:25:19Wemblyaka the people defeating the copy protection.
11:25:29Wembly*refuses to ever call copy protection copyright protection*
11:25:45Wemblybecause it does not do anything for copyrights.
11:25:52Wemblyit just prevents copying :)
11:26:18Wemblyrecently i heard steve jobs talk about copy protection and it being more a behavioral problem then a technical one.
11:26:23Wemblyand id have to agree
11:26:39Wemblythe change should be from behavior not technical.
11:26:53Wemblyif you dont like drm and stuff
11:26:54Wemblygo with mac
11:27:04Wemblyatleast they have the right mindset
11:27:48Wemblyapple.. mac?
11:27:55Wemblyyou know that company that makes those ifruitys?
11:28:26scanlinemmm.. this should lower the blood level in my caffeine stream nicely
11:28:28George-I know.. I have one...
11:28:29Wemblyis half tempted to write a device service provider for the zaurus
11:28:50Wemblytho id need to figure out exactly wtf is going on in on the proper ports
11:28:54scanlineI like running linux on mac hardware
11:29:42George-scanline: don't run Gentoo
11:29:47George-scanline: it's evil
11:29:47George-scanline: it's crap
11:29:50scanlineGeorge-: :P
11:29:50George-(on PowerPC)
11:30:01scanlineI am running gentoo on PPC, and it's great
11:30:18George-scanline: madman
11:30:24George-scanline: it sucks
11:30:28scanlineand I'm using XFS too :P
11:30:48scanlineyou use Debian?
11:31:03George-I'm running Gentoo atm
11:31:05George-and it sucks
11:31:07George-cos it don't work
11:31:13scanlinecan't get X to work?
11:31:28George-X is working
11:31:32George-KDE isn't
11:31:35George-and X is screwing the fb
11:31:36George-and everything is b0rked
11:31:45scanlineI haven't had any trouble with X
11:31:49scanlinehaven't tried KDE though
11:31:52George-I HATE IT!
11:32:20George-what machine?
11:32:22wazlafis running genotoo
11:32:26scanline500mHz iBook
11:32:28wazlafand he likes it :)
11:32:47George-All you gentoo beatniks :)
11:32:57scanlinehey, I use both debian and gentoo
11:33:04scanlinedebian on my x86 desktop and server, gentoo on my ibook
11:33:21George-I run SuSE on my x86 boxen
11:33:26wazlafi use gentoo on my desktop and debian potato on my server
11:33:33George-*cough* Gentoo *cough* on my TiBook
11:33:35scanlineThe motherboard on my desktop is b0rken.. so I ordered a new one, multiprocessor this time :)
11:34:05George-whatchu doing with ur old CPU? :)
11:34:15scanlineusing it in my multiprocessor system
11:34:40scanlineyou can modify the jumpers on an athlon XP to make it work in a dual processor system
11:35:18George-ugh ;)
11:35:22George-I want it!
11:35:23scanlineso I get an $80 Athlon XP 2000+ and use my existing one with it, instead of getting two new Athlon MP 2000+ for like $300
11:35:43George-OS X is more useful than *cough* Gentoo *cough*
11:35:51scanlinedualie motherboards are too expensive though.. like $200 :(
11:36:09scanlineGeorge-: not to me.. I do mostly development and command line stuff, and OS X sucks for that
11:36:09George-I saw a kit once
11:36:24George-999 USD for 2xXP 2100+, 1GB DDR ram incl mobo and fans
11:36:56scanlinecost me about $350 for motherboard, one CPU and two new fans (my current one is so loud I can't stand it)
11:37:05scanlineI'd like to get a full GB of ram, but didn't want to spend that much yet
11:37:21scanlinesince if I upgrade my RAM, I'll probably get some that can handle a 266mHz FSB
11:37:23George-I'm stuck on 512MB :)
11:37:24ljpsolid state hard drive
11:37:31scanlineyep :)
11:37:39ljpa few gigs for $10,000
11:37:48wazlaflast year i bought 2 western digital hard drives for my server
11:38:03wazlafand both of them died in 4 months or so
11:38:20George-I got a 80GB Maxtor
11:38:22wazlafi hate western digital
11:38:25George-it's still going strong ;)
11:38:32wazlafnever going to buy that again ...
11:38:39scanlineI could get 1GB of DDR433 memory for $300...
11:38:43wazlafwell, at least i did backups :)
11:38:44markc ya
11:38:47scanlinegeez, this memory has a heat sink!
11:39:02George-I could get 1GB of PC133 SDRAM for my TiBook for $600
11:39:37scanlinedoesn't the tibook use normal SO-DIMMs?
11:40:24scanlineI thought those were cheaper...
11:41:40scanline$150 for 512MB, but I can't even find 1GB SO-DIMMs
11:41:54George-you need 2x 512mb
11:42:03scanlineso $300, not $600
11:42:09wazlafis having a swapfile on CF a bad idea? (because of the limited write cycles)
11:42:25scanlinefunny that relatively slow laptop memory is similarly priced to the highest speed desktop memory
11:42:30scanlinewazlaf: yes, it's very bad
11:42:46wazlafscanline: so i am stuck with the built-in memory?
11:43:01scanlinewazlaf: 64MB is enough for anyone :)
11:43:14wazlafscanline: SL5000D :(
11:43:21scanlinewazlaf: 32MB is enough for anyone :)
11:43:35wazlafscanline: nope ;)
11:43:40scanlineOn my 5000D, I only had memory problems while running Qt :)
11:43:58scanlinekill qt, and there's plenty of memory left for ssh, X, apt-get...
11:44:10George-wazlaf: yes, swap on CF is a stupid idea :)
11:45:04George-wazlaf: and what's more.. the 5000D uses old memory modules that don't come in higher densities than they are in the 5000D ;)
11:45:11George-wazlaf: so you can't upgrade the mem
11:45:40George-But I mean, I never have trouble on my PowerBook with 512MB, so what's your prob? :P
11:45:44Wemblymy mom is watching a paid tv ad.
11:45:46Wemblyfor some stupid drug
11:45:50Wemblyand just bought some.
11:45:51Wemblyomg save me
11:46:02scanlineWembly: quick, generate a power surge to the phone line!
11:46:10Wemblyyea no kidding
11:46:14George-Wembly: you live with ur parents? :)
11:46:24George-so do I =D
11:46:38George-: sorry...
11:46:38George-ibot eat me
11:46:43matt02_rcI just got out
11:46:49scanline: excuse me?
11:46:49scanlineibot: eat ibot
11:47:14OK, scanline.
11:47:14scanlineibot: eat ibot is <action> emulates Pac-Man after a close encounter of the 3rd kind
11:47:17OK, George-.
11:47:17George-ibot eat George- is <action> chomps George-'s head off, then gurgles around, and runs to the toilet
11:47:20ACTION chomps George-'s head off, then gurgles around, and runs to the toilet
11:47:20George-ibot eat me
11:47:26ACTION emulates Pac-Man after a close encounter of the 3rd kind
11:47:26scanlineibot eat ibot
11:47:32ACTION chomps George-'s head off, then gurgles around, and runs to the toilet
11:47:32George-ibot eat me
11:47:32ACTION chomps George-'s head off, then gurgles around, and runs to the toilet
11:47:32George-ibot eat me
11:47:33ACTION chomps George-'s head off, then gurgles around, and runs to the toilet
11:47:33George-ibot eat me
11:47:43George-: excuse me?
11:47:43George-ibot needs to fatten up a bit
11:47:46matt02_rcHas anyone played devimg on the zaurus and building QPE apps?
11:47:51scanline: i'm not following you...
11:47:51scanlineibot: eat mor chickin
11:47:56OK, George-.
11:47:56George-ibot needs to fatten up a bit is <reply> Yes, I do!!!!
11:47:59Yes, I do!!!!
11:47:59George-ibot needs to fatten up a bit
11:48:18...but needs to fatten up a bit is <reply> Yes, I do!!!!...
11:48:18George-ibot needs to fatten up a bit is <reply> Yes, I do!!!! *chomps $nick*
11:48:24...but needs to fatten up a bit is <reply> Yes, I do!!!!...
11:48:24George-ibot needs to fatten up a bit is <reply> Yes, I do!!!! * chomps $nick *
11:48:28George-forget needs to fatten up a bit
11:48:31...but needs to fatten up a bit is <reply> Yes, I do!!!!...
11:48:31George-ibot needs to fatten up a bit is <reply> Yes, I do!!!! * chomps $nick *
11:48:34George-: I forgot needs to fatten up a bit
11:48:34George-ibot forget needs to fatten up a bit
11:48:36OK, George-.
11:48:36George-ibot needs to fatten up a bit is <reply> Yes, I do!!!! * chomps $nick *
11:48:45Yes, I do!!!! * chomps $nick *
11:48:45George-ibot needs to fatten up a bit
11:48:51George-stupid bot
11:49:18matt02_rcHas anyone played devimg on the zaurus and building QPE apps?
11:49:36George-bye wazlaf
11:49:38scanlinestrangely hears an echo from matt02_rc's corner of the room :p
11:49:53ACTION rm -rf's PicoGUI
11:49:53George-ibot kill me
11:50:11George-you can tell i'm bored =P
11:50:39George-when the hell is my Z arriving ;(
11:50:58dougheckais there an emaltor for the zaurus?
11:51:12scanlineso many 5000D's out there after this contest, maybe somebody will fix it so Qt runs in less memory =)
11:51:25George-scanline: it's a kernel problem
11:51:27scanlinedoughecka: no real emulator, though you can simulate the GUI
11:51:34George-scanline: 2.4.6 had memory allocation probs
11:51:41scanlineGeorge-: how is Qt using 11MB a kernel problem? :)
11:51:50dougheckaooh, ok
11:51:53George-scanline: not that :)
11:52:02George-scanline: but on my 5mx, Opie took 7MB
11:52:16George-(with kernel 2.4.18)
11:52:23scanlinehow much does the 5mx have total?
11:52:49George-ya see, the 5mx -000wwwnnnzzz j00
11:53:48scanlineGeorge-: I've heard of several people using picogui on the psions, but I've never actually seen one :)
11:54:17George-scanline: seen a psion?
11:54:36scanlineI've seen pictures, but not in person
11:55:19George-ahh.. fraggle ;)
11:55:23George-sdh ;)
11:55:29scanlineyou know fraggle and/or Tader?
11:55:31George-Simon Howard =)
11:55:36George-yeh, I know both
11:55:47scanlinefraggle hangs out in #picogui a lot
11:55:51George-I know
11:55:55scanlineTader used to, and still pops in occasionally
11:55:58George-He used to hang out in #PsiLinux
11:56:06George-but #PsiLinux.. er.. died ;)
11:56:07scanlineused to? hehe
11:56:13scanlinedoh, that sucks
11:56:14George-yeh, it's my chan ;)
11:56:19George-As is #Zaurus-user
11:56:34scanlinesounds kinda like #linuxdc...
11:56:42scanlinepops in to see how full it is
11:56:56scanlineholy shit in heaven!
11:56:59scanline8 people in #linuxdc!
11:57:02scanlineusually there's only like 3
11:57:11George-I have ibot in #psiLinux ;)
11:57:13George-cos I r0x0r
11:57:46scanlinemethinks George- left the wrong channel..
11:57:53scanlineGeorge-: mistake?
11:58:11George-notes that GNOME have an entire IRC network to themselves
11:58:25scanline <-- spiffy
11:58:35George-scanline: I know ;)
11:58:49George- <-- Dead
11:59:04scanlineI tried sending a zaurus screenshot to it a while back:
11:59:23George-oh yeh
11:59:27George-And it messed up :)
12:00:04George-I remember that
12:00:06George-it was funny
12:00:20George-check out etux :)
12:00:25George-channel #etux (dead)
12:00:41scanlinecompletely dead!
12:01:00scanlinethat's one of those things that suck about the current state of embedded linux...
12:01:03George-All my channels are dead
12:01:11scanlinelots of little distros targeted at one piece of hardware
12:01:23scanlineemdebian has potential to fix that...
12:01:27George-scanline: I know, it's fun :)
12:01:33George-scanline: etux was a POS
12:01:46scanlineI haven't tried emdebian yet
12:01:49scanlineprolly should...
12:01:56George-emdebian isn't a distro
12:01:58George-is it?
12:02:07scanlineI know, it's a tool for building distros
12:02:24scanlinebut still, it's a pretty big leap from what's there now
12:02:25George-I know morethan u +P
12:02:44scanlineprobably, since I've never used emdebian :p
12:02:51George-hey Harlekin
12:02:55scanlineBuild systems and I don't get along usually...
12:04:24George|NOTHEREI'M NOT HERE
12:04:28George|NOTHEREok, cya
12:04:42scanlineGeorge|NOTHERE: what'd you say, I could hear you, you aren't there...
12:04:47scanlineerr, couldn't hear you
12:07:25George|NOTHEREYou thought that I had gone
12:07:34George|NOTHEREtortures scanline
12:07:54Harlekinkergoth: awake yet?
12:08:07scanlinenotes that he's being about as serious as George|NOTHERE is :)
12:08:16George|NOTHEREscanline: lol
12:08:46George|NOTHEREabuses the letter X
12:09:24George|NOTHERE: excuse me?
12:09:24George|NOTHEREibot kill me
12:09:35George|NOTHEREscanline: what have you done? =P
12:10:17scanlinesenses a great disturbance in the schwartz
12:10:36George|NOTHERE: sorry...
12:10:36George|NOTHEREibot kill me
12:10:43George|NOTHERE: i'm not following you...
12:10:43George|NOTHEREibot kill me
12:10:56George|NOTHERE: i'm not following you...
12:10:56George|NOTHEREibot kill me
12:11:02George|NOTHERE: sorry...
12:11:02George|NOTHEREibot kill me
12:11:06George|NOTHEREYOU ASS!!
12:11:09George|NOTHEREoh wait
12:11:10George|NOTHEREI know..
12:11:16ACTION rm -rf's PicoGUI
12:11:16George-ibot kill me
12:12:11George-I need a full development kit for my Zaurus
12:12:18George-I need to be able to write Qt apps on it ;)
12:12:57Harlekinkergoth: once you wake up, problem with konq found, patch coming, and a need to rebuild konq/e, or take the one from ipaq feed
12:13:00ljpheh why?
12:13:17George-ljp: cos.. er.
12:13:21ljpwonders about people wanting to use gcc on the Z
12:13:22George-ljp: I'm a script kiddie
12:13:59ljpohhh. for bragging rights.. not to actually get anything really accomplished
12:14:28George-I can write a hello world app...
12:14:29scanlineGeorge-: install python instead, so you won't have to wait for things to compile
12:14:42George-scanline: bah
12:14:47George-scanline: I wanna write my HTML Editor
12:17:13scanlinearen't the Qt headers bigger than the Zaurus' memory? :)
12:18:29George-scanline: I have a 160MB CF card =P
12:18:34George-And a 128MB SD
12:18:44scanlinestill not big enough!
12:18:49George-shut up :)
12:18:53kollaI have a 512MB
12:20:38ljpnot too mention all the extra headers you will/might need
12:20:51scanlineit will be really slow
12:20:57George-Stop bitching :)
12:21:03scanlineg++ is slow enough on an Athlon...
12:22:16George-DIE! :)
12:24:27TheMasterMind1Harlekin what's the problem with konq/e?
12:25:07particulescanline: g++ is especially slow on an athlon?
12:25:07scanlinebah.. font problem, brb
12:26:27scanlinemuch better
12:27:51ACTION rm -rf's PicoGUI
12:27:51George-ibot kill me
12:27:55particulescanline: g++ is especially slow on an athlon?
12:28:13scanlineparticule: g++ is slow on any CPU, compared to gcc
12:28:51Nermal_Work<sandman> Nermal_Work: Groucho has uploaded a new qt-embedded and a new konq/e a few minutes ago
12:29:21particuleC++ is "a bit" more complicated... And powerful... :o)
12:29:28particuleAnyway, no troll intended. :o)
12:35:13Wemblyc++ is also a bit slower
12:35:26scanlinec++ is a little slower than C, but generally uses a lot more memory
12:35:51George-g++ is a damn slow compiler ;)
12:35:55Wemblyscanline: preachin to the converted :)
12:36:30Wemblyponders attempting to write an asm demo for the zaurus..
12:36:48scanlineit'd be awesome to do a 3D engine in ARM assembly
12:36:58particuleWembly: slower when you do not take care...
12:37:00Wemblyyes it would.
12:37:25Wemblyparticule: c++ can easily be slower.
12:37:31scanlinewe already know that the Z is plenty fast enough for ray casting (doom works fine) and with some optimization it should be able to do 6DOF graphics, maybe even an OpenGL interface
12:37:45Wemblyparticule: not to say you cant write the exact same thing running equally as slow in c :)
12:37:54scanline'course I'd prolly start by optimizing snes9x for ARM =)
12:38:15Wemblysnes9x would have to be ported away from x tho no?
12:38:16George-scanline: zsnes!
12:38:25George-scanline: port zsnes's asm to ARM asm :)
12:38:38Wemblyim right now trying to understand qt's stuffs
12:38:52scanlineWembly: right.. it'd need a better build system (currently cross-compiling sucks), support for some more graphics APIs like SDL, Qt, PicoGUI..., and ARM optimization
12:39:23Wemblyscanline snes9x?
12:39:33scanlineWembly: yes
12:39:36Wemblyscanline: herm.
12:39:47Wemblyyou run into a problem with snes....
12:39:51Wemblymainly the lack of buttons.
12:39:57scanlinethe stock snes9x from Debian already runs almost fast enough
12:40:25scanlineWembly: depends on the game.. you could make the button mapping easy, so that you could put the most frequently used buttons in convenient places and have a full controller onscreen
12:40:41scanlineWembly: stuff that's not time-critical, like RPGs, would be great
12:41:00scanlinewants to play FF3 on his Zaurus at full speed
12:41:09Wemblysound would kill it tho
12:41:16HarlekinTheMasterMind1: bug in qt
12:41:52scanlineWembly: I'd probably use it with sound off usually, since I wouldn't feel like hooking up headphones just to get game sound. Though games with awesome soundtracks like FF3 might be different
12:42:26George-scanline: you're sick! :)
12:42:32particuleWembly: yes it can easily be. But I did some finite element computation in C++ and believe me, when you use adequate features, you do not trade on performances
12:42:32George-scanline: FF3 on a Z indeed...
12:42:38George-scanline: why not e17? :)
12:42:43ljpanyone tried xmms-qtopia?
12:42:45scanlineGeorge-: I have screenshots of me playing Super Mario World on a Z :P
12:42:47George-ljp: yes
12:42:50George-ljp: it didn't work
12:42:55scanlineGeorge-: if you set up Intimate, there's a .deb for snes9x
12:43:08George-ur still sick :)
12:43:14Wemblysomeone should ipkg snes9x :)
12:43:20George-Wembly: there is an ipk...
12:43:26Wemblyoops :)
12:43:27scanlineit's just not quite full speed right now, requires X, and has sick button mapping
12:43:36George-kicks scanline
12:43:39George-: i'm not following you...
12:43:39George-ibot kill me
12:43:41ljpthat had to be alot of work to port a gtk/X11 app to qt/e
12:43:41Wemblythat sucks.
12:43:46particulescanline: do you use gnuboy?
12:43:49Wemblythsi is just insane.
12:43:58scanlineljp: snes9x is designed to be portable across GUIs
12:44:02scanlineparticule: nyet
12:44:05Wemblyneeds to get a clue on howto even begin to touch qtopia dev. stuffs
12:44:17scanlineWembly: with a very long pole
12:44:18particulewhich one do you use then?
12:44:24ljpxmms-qtopia uses sne9x?
12:44:36Wemblywhat processor does gameboy advance use?
12:44:39scanlineparticule: I haven't played much gameboy lately, so none of the above
12:44:45scanlineljp: xmms?
12:44:55scanlineWembly: ARM7TDMI, I think
12:46:36Wemblyscanline: wtf is tdmi?
12:46:50Wemblyand itd seem rather easy to emulate the gameboy advanced then...
12:47:05scanlineWembly: smaller ARM processor with no MMU
12:47:23George-the GBA's CPU is 18MHz, right?
12:47:26scanlineWembly: it's likely you could do a VM for it
12:47:29George-my psion 5mx could handle that :)
12:47:38George-5mx == 36MHz ARM710T
12:47:59Wemblyscanline: just do the whole vmware thing on it ;)
12:48:11scanlineGeorge-: the GBA has some graphics/sound acceleration chips your psion probably does not :)
12:48:19George-scanline: bah
12:48:22George-scanline: dammit! :)
12:48:27Wemblydoh forgot about those hehe
12:48:41George-CAn you get a CF Card acceleration chip? :
12:58:40mickeylNeoTron: ping
13:04:08tux_mikewhee! i've never seen such high load averages
13:04:48tux_mikeyes, it is morning :)
13:05:03Cloudchasersuch high load averages in what?
13:05:07tux_mikei built all the components of KDE that i could concurently
13:05:16scanlineholy cow
13:05:57tux_mike22 peak load average
13:06:10tux_mike16 average load average :)
13:10:19tux_mikei ran out of space though
13:10:25tux_mikeso i had to restart most of them
13:17:11George-If anyone says "oh no" I'll kill him/her ;)
13:20:57ljpoh no
13:21:15George-kills ljp
13:23:13ljpmissed me
13:23:41George-ugh, this isn't Pokemon!!!!
13:24:22TheMasterMind1how do you doubleclick and leftclick in keypebble?
13:25:03George-TheMasterMind1: with difficulty
13:25:09scanlinerolls a d20 for initiative
13:25:33George-sets scanline's refresh rate to 0.01Hz
13:25:47scanlinemmm disco
13:26:11scanlineI'm on a LCD :P
13:26:14TheMasterMind1bah! i need to right click
13:26:18George-eats scanline
13:26:26George-TheMasterMind1: RTFM!
13:27:58TheMasterMind1where is the fm
13:28:33George-on the radio
13:28:36HarlekinCloudchaser: konq works again
13:29:00TheMasterMind1is it updated in the feed Harlekin ?
13:30:22TheMasterMind1silly treke
13:30:25TheMasterMind1treke you there?
13:30:33HarlekinTheMasterMind1: in ipaq
13:31:31Harlekinso for z when kergoth appears
13:31:46scanlineThis channel is so productive without kergoth :)
13:32:04TheMasterMind1Harlekin does it work on the Z? or does it need to be recompiled?
13:36:48fat-awayhey mark
13:36:55markhi Fatbum
13:37:01markthanks for that, doesnt work on my Z though still :)
13:37:07Fatbumyou get that excel file?
13:37:14HarlekinTheMasterMind1: you can get the konq form ipaq feed
13:37:15Fatbumoh yea?
13:37:19HarlekinTheMasterMind1: but also qt need a patch
13:37:24Harlekinboth is needed
13:37:29markFatbum: yeh, runs fine on Excel on my PC but not on hancom on my z
13:37:48Fatbumyou know i figured out i had all kinds of listings in there, that i forgot to erase down in like row 2000
13:37:55Fatbumso it wasnt a blank template
13:37:57TheMasterMind1Harlekin can i add the konq from the ipaq feed to the Z feed or does it need to be recompiled
13:38:14HarlekinTheMasterMind1: both konqs should be okl
13:38:20Fatbumi still needa get usb networking to work on oz
13:38:21Harlekinbut you need a recompiled qt2.3.3
13:38:37TheMasterMind1well i think kergoth updated to 2.3.3 yesterday
13:38:37markFatbum: ah i see
13:38:53Fatbum0,1My Windows XP Professional (5.1 - 2600) Uptime: 18hrs 10mins 51secs
13:39:04Fatbumand its already screwed up
13:39:06scanlinescreams in pain!!
13:39:17Fatbumscreams in pain
13:39:20scanlineHATES those IRC uptime flashy colorful doodads
13:39:29HarlekinTheMasterMind1: you need the qte233-for-opie091-statusbar.patch
13:39:34HarlekinTheMasterMind1: patch applied to qt
13:39:35Fatbumwell i wrote that one so lick it
13:39:39HarlekinTheMasterMind1: just commited it
13:39:42George-Processor: Celeron (Coppermine) 697MHz Bogomips: 1389.36 Memory: 316MB (49MB Free) Swap: 264MB (200MB Free) Kernel: 2.4.10-4GB Uptime:  1 d 17 h 49 m 38 s Load Average: 0.70 0.30 0.17 XFree86 Version: 4.1.0 X resolution: 800x600
13:39:43TheMasterMind1Harlekin ok
13:39:50Wintrescanline: Even better are the things that tell you what MP3 somebody's listening to
13:39:51scanlineFatbum: why bother?
13:39:59scanlineWintre: heh..
13:40:01HarlekinTheMasterMind1: youre working on OZ too?
13:40:04Fatbumi was learning C
13:40:24Fatbumneeds ro restart the suck machine
13:40:27scanlineFatbum: there are more fun ways to learn C
13:40:39TheMasterMind1Harlekin yep
13:40:50Wemblywtf is on port 4992 on the zaurus?
13:40:54TheMasterMind1Harlekin have been for a few days now
13:41:18HarlekinTheMasterMind1: so you can rebuild qt too
13:41:30Harlekinmake sure that _all_ qte233 patches are applied
13:41:40Harlekinthere is also a new one for toolbar popup handling
13:42:45Wembly'transferserver.cpp' or somesuch
13:43:10ljpsomeone at Lineo 'don't' have the best English skills
13:43:32TheMasterMind1Harlekin well, i don't have qt or opie dev environment setup yet. i was waiting for kergoth to change method so i can make an mk for them
13:43:34George-ljp: lol
13:43:50TheMasterMind1treke your php is lacking
13:43:59TheMasterMind1s/php/php skills
13:44:04TheMasterMind1are lacking
13:44:14ljp"Your system don't have the needed tools to complete the installation"
13:44:20George-ljp: LOL
13:44:38Fatbummy gawd!
13:44:42Fatbumwhats up with this bs
13:45:38TheMasterMind1because bitchx is a bitch
13:46:01TheMasterMind1can furbies really be controlled via IR?
13:46:09Fatbumyes TheMasterMind1
13:46:20TheMasterMind1do you need lirc and stuff to do it?
13:46:22TheMasterMind1on the Z
13:46:33George-scanline: good enough answer?
13:46:39scanlineI guess...
13:46:41Wemblyharl left :/
13:46:53Wemblythemastermind: what have you been upto in oz?
13:46:58Fatbumdont know never done it, but i know it uses ir
13:47:14TheMasterMind1. development?
13:47:21TheMasterMind1or in the channel
13:47:51TheMasterMind1anyone want to look at treke's passwd file?
13:47:53Cloudchaseri already got konq working..
13:47:55Wemblydevelopment wise
13:48:03Cloudchaseri just didn't do all the updates
13:48:12Cloudchasergot vnc working too
13:48:48TheMasterMind1Wembly fixing orinoco modules to do rfmon, libpcap and kismet work with with orinoco cards, updated tinylogin, added udhcpc support to busybox..
13:48:53TheMasterMind1i think that's all i've done so far
13:48:59TheMasterMind1maybe a couple of small updates/fixes
13:49:17Wemblyi need to toss my ifupdown patch for hotplug into cvs.
13:49:29TheMasterMind1what does it fix?
13:49:32Wemblyand then add in udhcp into ifupdown
13:49:36TheMasterMind1do it
13:49:38Wemblydosnt fix..
13:49:41TheMasterMind1dhcpcd is such a pos
13:49:48Wemblyit moves the usbd0 net events into ifupdown
13:50:02TheMasterMind1commit it if it works
13:50:14TheMasterMind1i want udhcpc support in ifupdown
13:50:17Wemblydunno if it works
13:50:26Wemblyatm its a in configs
13:50:30TheMasterMind1hmm, send it to me i'll test it
13:50:46Wemblyi wanta add nameserver tags
13:50:49Fatbumwhats the most secure/compliant with z distro
13:51:15Wemblyso then you can speifiy nameserver entrys
13:51:15TheMasterMind1i can never remmeber how to commit stuff
13:51:22Wemblyi dunno ether.
13:52:04TheMasterMind1cvs ci -m "added udhcpc support" configs/
13:53:08Fatbumgotta restart again
13:55:06Wemblyi might need to add a patch to my package to make it nice with /etc/hotplug/usbdnet.conf
13:55:11W|GGL|Tis away: I'm busy or asleep
13:55:14Wemblybut its kinda hard since its not marked as a config file :/
13:55:14W|GGL|Tis back (gone 00:00:03)
13:56:23Wemblybusybox generates with ipv6 support
13:56:25Wemblynetstat complains
13:56:38Wemblyether fix the kernel with ipv6 or fix busybox
13:57:45TheMasterMind1okey doke
13:57:48TheMasterMind1commited all my changes
13:57:56BigBossanyone miss me?
13:58:09TheMasterMind1BigBoss someone was asking where you were
13:58:12TheMasterMind1forget who..
13:58:16Cloudchaserhow was your vacation?
13:58:44Wemblyim really beginning to annoy myself.
13:59:40TheMasterMind1Wembly disable ipv6 in busybox or enable it in the kernel?
14:00:09TheMasterMind1its enabled in kernel
14:00:21immBigBoss: when do you release your new games ?
14:00:23BigBossvacation was nice
14:00:30Wemblythen why is it my luck netstat is throwing fits :/
14:00:31BigBossbut it's been about 105 degrees here lately
14:00:39Cloudchaserits sbeen cold and rainy here
14:00:40Fatbumany1 know what might be wrong with my *gulp* windows xp besides it is made by microsofotad?
14:00:43BigBossimm: I'm trying to release one today if I can get it packaged
14:00:47BigBossanother one later this week
14:00:53Cloudchaserooh which one?
14:01:02Cloudchaser'mornin ljp!
14:01:19George-wb ljp
14:01:25Cloudchaserhehe i watched all my movie last night but it was only half of it
14:01:36Cloudchaserwas watchable but not great, a little jerky
14:01:45TheMasterMind1Wembly how does suspend and stuff work. when it goes into suspend does it call network suspend eth0 ?
14:01:47Cloudchaserand sound was off just a tad
14:02:03Wemblythemastermind1: thats a propertiy of the driver :/
14:02:04Cloudchasermight just be z processor limitations
14:02:19Wemblybut net.agent is called when its done with suspend.
14:02:26George-Cloudchaser: on which player?
14:02:36kollagrabs his zaurus... time to get this bastard working again
14:02:44Wemblyproblem is the driver never bothers to tell anyone that its been disconnected from the usb bus :/
14:02:50Cloudchaseri've seen it on opie2 and tkc
14:02:59Wemblyso that is why usbd0 exists when you unplug it from the bus. :/
14:02:59George-kolla: bastard?
14:03:05George-kolla: haha
14:03:08Cloudchasercould be me and my ignorance too
14:03:22Fatbumwhy wont winsuck recognize im putting it in the cradle?
14:03:57Cloudchaserthats the most likely reason
14:04:01George-Cloudchaser: which is better? tkc or op²?
14:04:06kollaGeorge-: well, it is though, isnt it? :)
14:04:19Fatbumany1 ever had that prollem?
14:04:43George-kolla: lol
14:05:04Fatbumany1 ever had that prollem?
14:06:37W|GGL|Tis it fully seated in the cradle?
14:06:53Fatbumit charged a second ago
14:07:20kollawhat the heck is this... the CF slot now suddenly decided to work?!
14:07:33kolla"only on mondays"?
14:07:40W|GGL|TFatbum: sometimes mine will still charge and not be connected to XP
14:07:47Fatbumi know
14:07:53Fatbumwhys it do that?
14:07:57W|GGL|Ti dunno
14:08:02W|GGL|Tbut its only in XP
14:08:05W|GGL|Tnot linux
14:08:11Fatbumxp wont even recognize that im unplkuggin and plugging and spitting
14:08:34W|GGL|Tyou try a reset?  sometimes that works
14:08:39W|GGL|Treset of the Z
14:08:52Fatbumill try
14:08:57Wemblyfatbum: check out lsmod
14:08:58Fatbumi thought it may be z side
14:09:09Fatbumbut i always assume its windows first
14:09:10W|GGL|Tspft reset
14:09:14Wemblyfatbum: if sa1100_bi is listed as (deleted)
14:09:19Wemblythen its your Z
14:09:35Fatbumyay it was my z
14:09:45Fatbumthanks i was buggin
14:09:50Fatbumi was all pissed odd
14:10:05Wemblytheres some minor issue with the usbd driver :/
14:10:12Wemblyand how its loaded/unloaded.
14:10:28W|GGL| doesn't feel like a holiday
14:10:35W|GGL|Tfeels like another sunday
14:10:42Fatbumyea i think it was cuz i wasplaying with my wlan card here yesterday
14:11:09Wemblyfatbum: nah i dunno what it has to deal with.
14:13:41TheMasterMind1. just add them
14:19:26Cloudchaser'mornin XavierXeon
14:19:56XavierXeonhas just returned from work
14:20:15Cloudchaserthat's worse than the rain we're having on our holiday
14:20:44ljpwwwwaaaaahhhhh.. it's rrraaaiiiinnnninnnggg.... wwwaaaahhhh
14:21:04ljp:) we need a couple years worth of rain here
14:21:20XavierXeonhey, its stopped raining here after aout 2 months of constant rain
14:21:30Cloudchaseryou must be mildewed!
14:21:37Cloudchaserwe do need the rain here though
14:22:02XavierXeonprepares a parcel and sends some rain to the us
14:22:26ljpaccepts it.. even pays the duty fees
14:22:44roge99_laptopjust a box of rain ....
14:22:45XavierXeonat least i didnt get flooded
14:24:41tux_mikei want a new law
14:24:52XavierXeonwhat law ?
14:24:58tux_mikei want a law that says sys admins can beat the living crap out of script kiddies
14:25:12BigBosswe got root kitted about 7 months ago
14:25:15BigBossit was messed up
14:25:20saurusrain, I wish
14:25:57saurustux_mike: i thought that was a law.  oops
14:29:38Cloudchaseri think i'm going to have to break down and use ext2 on sd card
14:31:14George-Cloudchaser: there's nothing wrong with ext2.
14:31:27killefiz was last seen on #zaurus 18 hours, 26 minutes and 34 seconds ago, saying: Fatbum: there [Sun Sep  1 21:04:53 2002]
14:31:27XavierXeonibot seen killefiz
14:31:33Cloudchaseri'm running low on space on mtdram
14:31:42TheMasterMind1Cloudchaser rm -rf /mnt/ram :D
14:32:01sauruswishes his wireless card hadn't crapped out
14:32:03Cloudchaseryeah ok
14:32:08Cloudchaseri'll do that
14:32:11Fatbumhey cool people
14:33:01Fatbumto kill is sighup right?
14:33:13TheMasterMind1Fatbum sigkill
14:33:21TheMasterMind1well, nm
14:33:21Fatbumwhats hup?
14:33:57Fatbumany1 elses ssh keygen crap out and lock up the z?
14:36:10roge99_laptopHUP Is HangUp
14:37:58Cloudchaserhey has anyone used the zaurus sky explorer?
14:38:14Fatbumi seen it
14:38:16Fatbumlooks cool
14:38:36ljpits huge
14:38:40Cloudchaseryeah i see that
14:38:55XavierXeonits java (i think)
14:39:06Cloudchasercrosses that off list
14:40:05Fatbumhaha oh shit
14:40:11Cloudchaserno java on oz, so that's out
14:40:15Fatbumi install vnc server in oz
14:40:18Fatbumand it screws up
14:40:22Fatbumbut i try to run it anyway
14:40:28Fatbumand i got dropped to a shell
14:40:34TheMasterMind1Fatbum fun
14:40:38Fatbumzaurus login:[]
14:40:40TheMasterMind1Fatbum /etc/init.d/opie start
14:40:48TheMasterMind1after logging in ofcourse
14:40:51Fatbumunkown processor type muahahaha
14:41:14matt02_rcI'm switching to the OpenZaurus rom, How do I install a Java VM?
14:41:16Fatbumopie no such file or directory
14:41:27Fatbummatt02_rc get the jeodcreator.ipk
14:41:33Fatbumand then you can install it
14:41:38Cloudchaserdunno but if you find out let me know too?
14:41:48Cloudchaserlast i saw it looked hard
14:41:51angryBigBoss: any new games soon?
14:42:02Cloudchaserhave to get all kinds of files
14:42:10FatbumCloudchaser there is an ipk creator now
14:42:10angryNeoTron: ping!
14:42:13Cloudchaserangry: he said maybe one today and other later this week
14:42:24XavierXeonis the jeodecreator.ipk released somwehwere ?
14:42:28angryCloudchaser: does he have any shots of it i can see?
14:42:42Cloudchaserdon't know
14:42:50Cloudchaserdoubt it til its out though
14:42:56Fatbumyeah it was on zzone feed i think
14:42:59Cloudchaserdamn someone sent me nother viruse
14:43:05angrybefore he let us see tkcRacer :)
14:43:07Cloudchaservirus scanner caught it
14:43:12Cloudchaserah well maybe then
14:43:16Cloudchaseri can't answer for him
14:44:06XavierXeonFatbum: thx
14:44:27Fatbumfind it?
14:44:29Fatbumim lookin to
14:44:39matt02_rcjeodecreator works like hancom creator?
14:45:04Fatbumi found it on install packages from networks in sharprom
14:45:10Fatbumwhich points to??
14:45:15Fatbumdefault is there evena feeed?
14:46:37Fatbumnow as far as it working when you get to oz is a different story
14:47:02Fatbumdo a lil force-depends
14:47:04angrywhat is jeodecreator?
14:47:31ljpI'd rather do a force-five
14:47:41Fatbummakes an ipk to install jeod in oz
14:47:43Cloudchaserwhats a force-five?
14:47:47George-Fatbum: does it work?
14:47:55Fatbumum im trying again right now
14:48:00angryFatbum: while you're in the regular rom?
14:48:04angryerr sharp rom
14:48:18Fatbumwhat do you mean? regular rom has jeod
14:48:28angryput its an ipk
14:48:43angryohh, it has the jeode stuff inside the ipk, and it installs it on OZ?
14:48:52Fatbumso it claims
14:48:57angrythats cool
14:49:00Fatbumtrying to run jvm doesnt work
14:49:07Fatbumof course i tend to do things very wrong
14:49:18Fatbumeverybody else gets stuff to work, so dont take my word for it
14:49:19ljpforce-five is putting your lips up to a window and blowing
14:49:19kollasomeone should build a power-craddle for zaurus.. CF-based... with keyboar&mouse, disk and VGA-interface :)
14:49:45Fatbumbut as soon as you install jeodcreator it makes jeod.ipk
14:49:50Fatbumand then you transfer that to oz
14:49:55Wemblykolla: and how do you prepose that this powercraddle would work?
14:49:56Fatbumand run it force-depends or something
14:50:07Fatbumand it says configuring done
14:50:11Fatbumlike successful?
14:50:15kollaWembly: through the CF-slot
14:50:41Wemblyvga disk keyboard&mouse...
14:50:50kollawell.. USB+VGA
14:50:53Wemblythe vga and disk might actually kill the bandwidth of the cf slot
14:51:05Wemblywhatd be the point of usb?
14:51:12Wemblyyou cant commicate with it unless your a host
14:51:15kollamouse&keyboard and disk
14:51:29Wemblyand the Z uses ip to communicate
14:51:35kollawell, arent there CF-cards with USB on?
14:51:45kollalike there are pcmcia cards with USB on?
14:52:05kollawell, in anycase, there are CF/PCMCIA adapters
14:52:14Nermal_Workusb = 32 bit
14:52:18Nermal_Workall pcmcia = 16 bit
14:52:24Wemblynope to cf/pcmcia adapters?
14:52:26Nermal_Workcardbus = 32bit
14:52:37Nermal_Workbut won't work in zaurus / ipaq
14:53:00kollalame techies that push ancient hardware.. again :)
14:53:19Fatbumthat thing is cool
14:53:58Nermal_WorkSOFTWARE     ?   Preloaded Microsoft? Windows? CE 3.0
14:54:01Nermal_Workbleh :|
14:54:20Fatbumthats whats on the ipaq that never stopped any1
14:54:33Nermal_WorkI only bought an ipaq so I could put linux on it
14:54:35George-yo chouuuuuiiiimmmmaaatttt
14:54:38George-chouimat: get a life
14:54:44chouimathi George-
14:54:46Nermal_Workif you couldn't put linux on it, I wouldn't have bought one
14:54:48Fatbumkicks George-
14:54:54Fatbumin zee neck!
14:55:32Fatbumdude panasonic sells some badass shit
14:55:36chouimatGeorge-: just waking up, have seen the Dream Theater show yesterday night
14:55:43Fatbumlike titanium lined laptops with wireless and touchscreens and shit
14:56:03Fatbummagnesium alloy case with handle
14:56:22Fatbumand that link that shows the pda
14:56:29Fatbumdust and mouisture proof
14:56:47George-Fatbum: what about Titanium laptops with wireless?
14:56:53George-Fatbum: it's called the Apple PowerBook =P
14:57:19Fatbumwhat sync software works with oz?
14:57:49Fatbumdude this panasonic pda is the exact same as the z
14:57:55Fatbumonly it has winsuck
14:58:23George-Does it have a keyboard?
14:58:24kollaand no CF slot its like the ipaq i mean
15:02:11kollaog feh.. another busybox update
15:02:37Wemblyneeds to toss in a ifupdown update
15:03:09kollaI should uninstall buybox just to make sure it isnt updated
15:03:43cranchyanyone had problems with Konqueror not opening when you click the icon under the latest openZ?
15:04:13Fatbumcranchy it doesnt work in the lates oz
15:04:18Fatbumat all
15:04:48kollaI habe problems like that with all the opie apps except the reboot one every now and then, typically after inserting my CF disk
15:05:07kollakonqeror stopped working as well? cool
15:05:30kollano opera, no konqueror.. but links is still running
15:06:25marklinks rocks
15:06:30Fatbumopera doesnt work either?
15:06:38kollaWARNING: failed to remove obsolete file /png: No such file or directory
15:06:42Fatbumkfsamba works now thanks to me :)
15:06:49kollaI get such all the time when updating.. silly
15:07:04kollaFatbum: never got it working on OZ, just segfaults here
15:07:13Fatbumwhat opera?
15:07:41kollathe thing that comes along when you buy the darned thing? :)
15:07:48mickeylis leaving for a while...
15:08:05cranchyFatbum: benmeyer wrote a script to extract the package
15:09:35cranchydidn't  know if you knew that...
15:09:44Fatbumno...where its at?
15:10:31cranchynot positive
15:10:34cranchyi just know he made one :)
15:12:33cranchyso does anything work with the new Opie stuff..or am I going to have to go back to the sharp rom this week while school is in :)
15:13:06Fatbumcranchy im going sharp
15:13:08kollaConfiguring opie-netmonapplet...QSocket::writeBlock: Socket is not open
15:13:25Fatbumi really liked the fs in oz but everything else is guffin up my style
15:13:37kollacranchy: *new* opie stuff? what do you mean?
15:13:39ljp heh you have a style?
15:14:01cranchywell..I mean like konqueror, opera, etc
15:14:12cranchyI need some web-browsing :)
15:14:19kollathere's links
15:14:36Cloudchaserharlekin said konq was fixed today
15:14:44Cloudchaserbut i got it working yesterday
15:15:00Cloudchaserby reflashing and not doing updates except for ipkg/busybox/oipkg
15:15:31Cloudchaserwhat's so funny?
15:15:51cranchythat we can't update the rest of the feed :)
15:16:10Cloudchaser2 times updating all the packages i have installed has messed me up
15:16:14Cloudchaseri won't do it again
15:16:20Cloudchaserbut now my oipkg is wonky
15:16:43Cloudchaserdoesn't show whta i have on sd card although i edited the doclinks entry
15:16:49Cloudchaserit shows an icon with no words
15:16:59Cloudchaseri need the update before the last one for oipkg
15:17:31Cloudchaserand even when i use file manager to install from sd card, it opens package manager and shows just the icon without the words
15:17:36Fatbumflashes sharps crappy rom
15:17:49cranchywhen I install a package to mtrdram, it shows in my Documents Tab
15:18:09Cloudchaseryeah there's that too
15:19:14macaroni7can't seem to be able to format my SD card as ext2, can anyone help?
15:19:17Fatbumthe battery charging lite is blue :)
15:19:50cranchywe'll I suppose I'll reflash...any update before I do
15:20:19macaroni7i setup the partition with fdisk, but when i do the format, i get not enough space error
15:20:33TheMasterMind1macaroni7 partition? why/
15:20:43macaroni7using teh crow rom image
15:20:56TheMasterMind1Cloudchaser do you want an initrd with all the updated opie packages? that way you don't have to update them and it won't mess up
15:21:08cranchyMaterMind: I'll try it
15:21:35Cloudchaserno thanks
15:21:39Cloudchaseri can make my own
15:21:40cranchymaster: is it still causing all the problems
15:21:51cranchylike konqueror not working and etc
15:21:56Cloudchaserand vnc isnt' fixed yet with the newest updates
15:22:01Cloudchaserthat i know of
15:22:04TheMasterMind1oh that's true
15:22:06cranchyI've never set up VNC
15:22:08TheMasterMind1the konq versio is old
15:22:20TheMasterMind1you can get the latest konq from the ipaq feed that will work
15:22:21cranchyMaterMind: so what are you using for web browsing?.
15:22:26TheMasterMind1nothing atm
15:22:39Fatbumyay sharp rom
15:23:18Cloudchasercya all in a while.. going to install linux on my other laptop
15:23:25Cloudchasertired of getting virused every day
15:23:34George-Cloudchaser: heh
15:23:37cranchyMaterMind: how do you make your own initrd
15:23:45George-cranchy: rm -rf /
15:23:50Cloudchaseroh stop
15:23:59George-Cloudchaser: ?
15:24:01cranchyGeorge: Macs suck :P
15:24:05George-cranchy: lol
15:24:10Cloudchasersone day some poor guy is going to do that
15:24:16George-Cloudchaser: lol
15:24:26George-Cloudchaser: I only tell it to ppl that aren't on my morons list ;)
15:24:47George-cranchy is on my super-morons list =D
15:25:01cranchyGeorge  is on my hack him later on today list
15:25:11George-cranchy: I'd like to see you try
15:25:17George-cranchy: my box is locked down pretty hard
15:25:28George-It's not like Novak's box, ie - unhackable ;)
15:25:41Cloudchasercranchy hold and i'll tell you how if i can find the command
15:25:54George-mkfs.jffs2 ;)
15:25:57cranchyhow do you make your own Initrd
15:26:06George-or mkcramfs
15:26:07XavierXeoncranchy: oz or sharp ?
15:26:16George-OZ == mkfs.jffs2
15:26:18Cloudchaserdd if=/dev/mtdblock4 of=/mnt/cf/some_image_name.jffs2
15:26:33George-but you need to pad it to 14118<blah> bytes
15:26:46cranchyor I can just use someone elses
15:26:49Cloudchaserhave to pad it?
15:27:05George-ie - mkfs.jffs2 -pad 14118<blah> source-dir dest-image
15:27:06Cloudchaserhmm he didn't tell me that with that command
15:27:11George-Cloudchaser: yes, you need to pad it
15:27:18George-Cloudchaser: jffs2 needs a sane filesystem end :)
15:27:23Cloudchaseror what happens?
15:27:29George-I dunno
15:27:30Cloudchaseri didn't use your command
15:27:34Cloudchaseri used the dd thing
15:27:34George-That's what kergoth told me
15:27:42Cloudchaserdd if=/dev/mtdblock4 of=/mnt/cf/some_image_name.jffs2
15:27:52George-that'd only work on the Z
15:28:02Cloudchaserwell thats what i have
15:28:12Cloudchasercranchy has something else?
15:28:17George-the OZ build system uses mkfs.jffs2 =P
15:28:28Cloudchaserso that dd one is wrong?
15:28:35George-It'd work on the Z
15:28:53Cloudchaserwell since that's what i have that's a good thing
15:28:54George-but not on a desktop
15:28:59George-Cloudchaser: lol
15:29:02cranchywell..I'll just use the default initrd
15:29:09XavierXeonCloudchaser: dd is for making abackup of your oz rom i think
15:29:12cranchyand reflash and not update anything  LOL
15:29:36Cloudchaseryou might have to update couple things
15:29:43Cloudchaserif you want vnc that is
15:29:57Cloudchaserand i'm not sure what else i even need
15:30:02Cloudchaserbut i did get vnc working
15:30:03cranchywhats breakign everything..the new QT?
15:30:13George-$(BUILD_DIR)/mtd/util/mkfs.jffs2 --eraseblock=0x20000 --pad=14811135 --root=$(BASE_DIR)/root --little-endian --squash  --devtable=$(SOURCE_DIR)/oz-dev_table.txt --output=$(openzaurus_dirname)/initrd.bin
15:30:13Cloudchaseralso ipkg/oipkg
15:30:16George-That's the OZ thing ;)
15:30:57Cloudchaserok back in a bit..
15:32:11cranchywish I knew what was safe to update
15:32:11George-mkfs.jffs2 --eraseblock=0x20000 --pad=14811135 --root=<base-dir> --little-endian --squash  --output=initrd.bin
15:32:14George-That's the command u want
15:35:43George-whardier: perv
15:36:13cranchythats great!
15:36:26cranchyso I should just reflash with the current OZ stuff and leave it?
15:36:50cranchyor do I need to update some stuff
15:37:53George-whardier: that is SICK
15:40:32whardierit should not surprise me that there is a comic strip with them in it
15:40:43whardierthat was nicks comic book tho
15:42:14George-LoTR-TT has been released on the internet ;)
15:43:05TheMasterMind1want it?
15:43:19whardierjoo have et?
15:43:50George-TheMasterMind1: what's it like?
15:43:55George-TheMasterMind1: as in quality?
15:46:19VerxHomewhardier: Your work?
15:48:05whardierVerxHome if you don't recognize.. seek all Invader ZSim episodes
15:48:10W|GGL|Tpvt joker is from Full Metal Jacket
15:48:20whardierI am finding stuff to model out of boredom
15:48:53fat-awaywhat is the wireless antenna thing in the taskbar of opie?
15:49:24kollabusybox is so frigging funny
15:49:26kollaroot@cutie:/bin# mkdir -p /var/spool/at
15:49:26kollamkdir: Cannot create directory : No such file or directory
15:49:36kollait doesnt even understand -p
15:49:40kollauseless crap
15:50:02kollaso now half of the init scripts wont work, or what? wont work at least
15:51:19kollamkdir --mode=755 /dev/pts is rather optimistic
15:56:50W|GGL|Tthere's a reason why busybox doesn't contain all command switches
15:57:05ACTION rampages, killing everyone in sight!
15:57:05George-ibot go postal
15:57:11cranchyis there a syslog for the Z?
15:57:15TheMasterMind1avery good reason
15:57:35W|GGL|Tthe Z doesn't log by default
15:58:34TheMasterMind1i was kidding
15:58:41TheMasterMind1i dont have lotr
15:59:07W|GGL|Ti do...i was a bit disappointed
15:59:41W|GGL|Tthe best part was the part where they were fighting the 'boss' toward the end
16:06:15cranchyW|GGL|T: the quality shitty?
16:08:45Microdim_PDAhas anybody heard of the distro of lycoris?
16:08:57Microdim_PDAa linux disto
16:09:43ljpI have heard of it, havent tried it
16:10:21Microdim_PDAI am loading it right now, the install is super easy
16:10:44Microdim_PDAit resized my ntfs partition
16:12:19Microdim_PDAgoes to get some food
16:12:28fat-awayits not free?!
16:12:38BigBosslycoris is a nice distro
16:12:45fat-awayis it free?
16:12:49kollahm.. a new PIM tab, but why is DrawPad there?
16:12:52BigBossit's what Caldera would have been if they hadn't stuck their heads so far up their asses
16:13:06Microdim_PDAif you download it it is free
16:13:18fat-awaywhere its at?
16:13:39fat-awayok found nm
16:13:42treke|homekolla: because it makes a good notepad
16:13:53Microdim_PDAgoto then click on the lycoris icon
16:14:54angryyeah lycoris is tons of fun
16:15:09fat-awaywill it lemme talk to my z?
16:15:23George-lycoris is butt-ugly
16:15:27angrynot sure bout that
16:15:28George-it looks like winxp ;)
16:15:40George-(default theme for KDE)
16:15:43fat-awayi noticed that
16:15:57fat-awaylot cheaper than xp
16:15:58angryGeorge-: /me wants a mac os X/like GUI :-P
16:16:04fat-awayitd be funny to install it on some1s box and theyd be all like winxp looks different
16:16:09fat-awayah im lost and stupid
16:16:10Microdim_PDAhey I think that winxp looks cool, it just doesn't work
16:16:47George-angry: os x is evilly slow ;)
16:17:15angryGeorge-: then how about an os x desktop or WM for linux :)
16:17:42kollaanyone know qcop enough to know how to use it to refresh the tabs?
16:20:55ljpthats in the docs
16:21:33kollawhat docs?
16:25:56Cloud-ZOMG...installing rh3 and i have 2 lousy files left and need disk 3!!!!
16:26:12Cloud-Zwhich is still downloading
16:26:17fat-awayjust wait
16:26:49Cloud-Z2 hours left!
16:27:03fat-away"just wait"
16:27:36fat-awaykicks Cloud-Z in the mouth
16:28:01fat-awayim dling dlx
16:28:11Cloud-Zno need for that
16:28:20fat-awayis ok
16:28:24fat-awaytake it like a man
16:28:27fat-awaykick me back
16:28:37fat-away:-D Im ready
16:28:43Cloud-Zdidnt your mama teach you not to kick women?
16:29:21fat-awaymy mom actually died in a car wreck before i was born!
16:29:28fat-awaybut thanks for bringin it up
16:29:33Cloud-Zaw im sorry
16:29:49fusion94Cloud-Z: obviously she didn't and no appears to have taught him the difference between men & women
16:30:57kollaxmms with unstripped binaries.. no wonder it's frigging huge :)
16:31:29Cloud-Zxmms is media player?
16:31:39fat-awaylike winamp for linux
16:33:25Cloud-Zi need my house wired for cat5
16:33:41darienmCloud-Z: go wireless
16:33:46Cloud-Zi am
16:33:58Cloud-Zbut need nother card
16:34:25Cloud-Zwired is faster
16:34:36davvbuy another wireless card.. cheaper than pulling cat5.
16:34:49Cloud-Zhehe yeah it is
16:34:54George-but slower
16:34:58Cloud-Zi have 2 now
16:35:04George-I have 1
16:35:22Cloud-Zone is cf for z which im on now
16:35:34Cloud-Zother is pcmcia
16:35:34George-which CF?
16:35:47fat-awayi have ambicom
16:35:51Cloud-Zdlink 650
16:36:19George-What's the reception like?
16:36:45Cloud-Zbout the same as my cisco card
16:36:45George-I've got a AirPort, so I don't have probs with reception :)
16:37:19Cloud-Zwhy not
16:37:27davvCloud-Z:  Does the dlink cover the stylus / speaker-mic on the Z?
16:38:11Cloud-Zyes but i pulled z stylus cause it scratched my screen
16:38:27chouimatGeorge-: hi
16:38:32George-hey chouimat
16:38:40Cloud-Zand i got 90 degree adapter for spaeker
16:38:47George-Cloud-Z: cos the thing has a built in antenna, and it has superb reception ;)
16:39:01Cloud-Zso i can still use spaekers
16:39:27George-chouimat: how's znessus?
16:39:43davvCloud-Z:  I'm looking into getting a CF wireless.. just have to do more research.  I want one that does not cover the surrounding ports/stylus.. and has low power consumption.
16:39:58chouimatGeorge-: was away this weekend so nothing new  beside some bugs fixed and some brand new one
16:40:01Cloud-Zlose range
16:40:14George-chouimat: lol
16:40:20Cloud-Zfrom what i hear with low power
16:40:38DrBoBtry the Linksys WCF12
16:40:53chouimatGeorge-: and today I'm sick so  no coding today
16:40:56davvCloud-Z:  good point.. so you are happy with the range of your dlink?  That one is plug-n-play (did I use that term??) with the Sharp OS image?
16:41:05George-chouimat: you're always sick
16:41:11George-chouimat: you p3rv3r7
16:41:14George-chouimat: :)
16:41:18Cloud-Zyes it worked right off
16:41:51chouimatGeorge-: I have was at the Dream Theater show yesterday :) too much beer and too much weed :)
16:41:57DrBoBwhat's the best AP + Router?
16:42:11davvDrBoB:  How much money U want to spend??  hehe
16:42:18Cloud-Zrange works for me and is comparble to my cisco card but i don't know if its good or bad
16:42:34davvCloud-Z:  U have a cisco 350  or 340?
16:42:37George-chouimat: you sick sick man
16:42:48markgah, rm -R /etc/ really wasnt a good idea
16:42:53Cloud-Zwish i had e50
16:43:08kollaxmms doesnt show up its gui, but it plays just fine from the console
16:43:13chouimatGeorge-: was a great show, with Joe Satriani as the opening act
16:43:15davvCloud-Z:  We use Cisco at work.. I was happy with the range there.  I use lucent Orinico at home... for my stuff.
16:43:25kollaa nice shell frontend for mp3, ogg, modules etc
16:43:28markGeorge-: 95% of apt-get upgrade done
16:43:30DrBoBI just want a box I can hook an external antenna to, and with router built in...and as cheap as possible because I'm a tightwad :-)
16:43:32Cloud-Zis that as good
16:43:45George-mark: whoot?!?!?
16:43:47George-mark: on 56k?
16:44:00markGeorge-: yah
16:44:11markGeorge-: its only a server, not many packages installed, no X or kde or anything silly
16:44:58George-slaps mark for calling KDE silly
16:45:06George-What's wrong with installing KDE on a monitorless computer?
16:45:10George-over 56k?
16:45:13davvDrBoB:  I only have the AP.. no router  (linksys WAP11)  I found the hack to up the transmit power too 100Mw  so my range is better (in theory).  Don't have experiencewith AP + router through.  The LinkSYS WAP11 has replaceable antennae though.
16:46:11DrBoBwhat's the street price on the WAP11 ?
16:46:21davvCloud-Z:  U get around an hour of online surfing with the Z and the dlink CF wirless card?  Or you get more?
16:46:40Microdimwell lycoris so far is pretty cool
16:46:55Cloud-Zdavv yes
16:46:59Cloud-Znot more
16:47:11Cloud-Ziuse battery pack
16:47:50digipower is, like, a small portable battery pack known to work with the Z that provides 3 full charges, output of 8100 is 4.8V/2700mAH  DP-4 cable required
16:47:50Cloud-Zibot digipower
16:48:32Cloud-Zthat needs to be corrected...cable comes with it that fits z
16:48:43davvDrBoB:  goto  Found a site that has $105 includes shipping for Linksys WAP11.       (   )
16:49:11Cloud-Zthe 8000 doesn't have the cable
16:49:33Cloud-Zi want zic to work with oz...
16:49:48Cloud-Zmaybe sometime it will
16:50:02davvDrBoB:  I use the WAP11 with Lucent Orinico cards.. the PCMCIA have support for external antenna to plugin.  (which I don't use yet).
16:51:14DrBoBok , checking out the links
16:51:23davvDrBoB:  I picked up my wireless cards on Ebay.. was cheaper that way at the time.
16:52:26DrBoBI've already got a CF wireless card
16:53:12davvDrBoB:  What should work fine then... since I believe it is WiFi compliant.  
16:53:52DrBoBalthough, I've heard that the WCF12 has half the range of the 11 and uses about the same amount of power
16:53:56George-Cloud-Z: how big is the digipower?
16:53:58davvDrBoB:  The only BAD thing about the linksys WAP11 is that with 128bit WEP, the xfer speed slows down...  64big WEP is fine.  But you get what U pay for.
16:54:22chouimatGeorge-: about the size of a smal car
16:54:41George-chouimat: shut up ;)
16:55:17chouimatGeorge-: got a little contract to do, hook a odb II cable to a pc/palm/ipaq/zaurus :)
16:55:27DrBoBthe wap11 has two antennas (rabitt ears) ,,,, how would an external antenna atach? can te whip antennas be removed?
16:55:28davvDrBoB:  But for Inet access (cablemodem /DSL) it is fine.  My cablemodem speeds go up to 230K streaming.
16:55:30Cloud-Zits small like 4 AA batteries in a littl leather case
16:56:04Cloud-Ztheres a pic on that link i think
16:56:10davvDrBoB:  The two dipole antennas on the WAP11 can be removed and replaced with a higher gain antennae.
16:56:38George-Cloud-Z: is it bigger than the Z? :)
16:56:54DrBoB4 AA Nickle Hydride bateries in a leather case for $50 ?? _such_a_DEAL_ !
16:57:08George-DrBoB: lol
16:57:14George-DrBoB: is it only 4 NiMH?
16:57:27Cloud-Zdrbob with charger and cables
16:57:45Cloud-Zbut yes you can make it cheaper
16:58:02George-how can 4 NiMH AA batts give 3x batt life?
16:58:09davvAny of you use "tkc" apps by TheKompany?  Wondering if any are as good as they seem to be.. since no demo is available. you don't have tocobble up your own hookups/
16:58:35George-davv: BigBoss will tell you _all_ about that
16:59:04chouimat|B5bb 1 hour
16:59:12George-8-12 Hour AC Charger
16:59:22George-I have NiMH chargers that charge in 1 hour
16:59:49Cloud-Zhey goerge...dont buy it
16:59:56George-Cloud-Z: hehe
17:00:03George-Cloud-Z: I might *make* one :)
17:00:15Cloud-Zits what i use and im happy with it is all
17:00:19davvI use the Rayovac 1 hourse charger... it seems to work well. has good reviews.. batteries to get full charge.. each battery is on it's own charging cell (no shared)
17:00:45Microdimis there software fo linux that syncs with oz?
17:00:59Cloud-Zdavv i use tkc apps
17:01:08Cloud-Zi like them
17:01:22davvMicrodim: Qtopia Desktop for Linux  v1.6  
17:01:49Microdimdavv:is there something else or is that pretty much it?
17:01:53davvMicrodim: Beta though.. but it does work.  What distro of linux you run?
17:02:18davvMicrodim: that's what I use.. that's all that I know of.  sorry
17:02:58MicrodimLycoris, is what I am using
17:03:27davvCloud-Z:  You have the replacement calendar / addressbook.. and the non-backward-compatible task tkc proggie?
17:04:07Cloud-Zyou can import your existing tasks
17:04:34Cloud-Zthey have new sync prog for outlok
17:04:36Microdimdavv: where do I go to get the Qt Desktop?
17:05:00Cloud-Zbut i dont use outlook so i havent tried it
17:05:04BigBossdavv: what do you want to know about tkc apps other than how awesome they are?
17:05:24davvCloud-Z:  I don't use outlook though.. that's my problem.  :(    I use Groupwise at work.  I suppose I can play and sync gropuwise with outlook and THEN sync with the Z..and vice versa..
17:05:32Cloud-Zi'm using jabber right now
17:05:47George-davv: yeh, bigboss is trying to say "Do you want to know why they're worth burning a hole in your wallet for"
17:06:09BigBossif you don't buy them, then we both loose money
17:06:15davvBigBoss:  I guess if they were worth the money... good performance.. and not just some pieced together apps that look nice and function poorly.
17:06:41Cloud-Zthey work very well for me
17:06:45George-BigBoss: what do you mean "both"? :)
17:06:52davvMicrodim:  Sec.. lemme find the URL for Qtopia Desktop for linux.
17:07:36qtopia is probably the new name for QPE and it is at or a more well developed and binary compatable fork of qtopia is opie
17:07:36Cloud-Zibot qtopia
17:07:53BigBossdavv: we would hardly survive as a software company that is the leading supplier of software for the zaurus if our stuff was cobbled together shit
17:07:57Cloud-Z: excuse me?
17:07:57Cloud-Zibot qtopoa desktop
17:08:01Microdimhow do issue a command in console and still be able to issue other commands?
17:08:13Microdimur start programs
17:08:23markMicrodim: put an & after trhem
17:08:36markie 'myprog &'
17:08:44Microdimthanks mark
17:09:20Cloud-Zkonsole tabs is nice too
17:09:21davvBigBoss:  I understand.. I just wanted unbiased (well.. within reason!)  reviews on the apps.  :)
17:11:07davvMicrodim:  get Qtopia Desktop for linux sync at:    it's at bottom of page.
17:11:51BigBossdavv: there was a good one on a few months back
17:12:04BigBosslinuxdevices had some mini reviews a while ago as well
17:12:11BigBossofb is supposed to have some this week
17:12:32markBigBoss: ofb?
17:13:23markpda buyers guide said they were gonna do reviews of Z games, never have
17:13:28davvBigBoss:  I read some past reviews ( I did my homework!)  I was impressed.. but first I wanted to see what free proggies are available.  My whole concern was how I would sync with Groupwise...  for basic calendar / addressbook.  That' smy problem though... I can do a workaround.
17:16:17davvCloud-Z:  With your Dlink CF, did you have to cut away the plastic encasing around the antennae to get the 90 degrees headphone adapter to fit?
17:17:41Cloud-Zi trimmed the adapter
17:17:53Cloud-Zit was only 2.99
17:18:11davvCloud-Z:  Ok.. hehe.. not a bad price!  Thanx
17:18:26Cloud-Zhave to put adapter in first is all
17:18:46Cloud-Zthe 90 degree one
17:19:13davvCloud-Z:  Yep.  That would make sense..  
17:20:32Cloud-Zi dont use it much cause i need cf for music/vid files anyway
17:21:11Microdimhow do you start qtopia desktop from the console?
17:22:11davvMicrodim:  What distro of Linux U run.  U have usbdnet support in the kernel?  IP over USB?
17:23:00Microdimwell qt uses network right?
17:23:25davvMicrodim:  ifconfig should show you a usb0 interface... you may need to search Inet for support and configuration.
17:24:33Microdimok...but I need to start qtdesktop I am not going to sync from usb
17:24:43Microdimbut I do not have an icon in my menu
17:24:44George-darienm: here?
17:24:48davvMicrodim:  Qtopia Desktop for Linux sync proggie syncs over the IP protocol.  You need to be able to ping your Z before the sync will work.
17:25:13Microdimok hold on
17:25:33Microdimok I am able to ping it
17:25:37davvMicrodim:  I never used Lycorus (aka formerly Redmond Linux) so I don't know what the kernel supports from the distro stock kernel.
17:25:58davvso you can ping your (the Z)  .. that makes it easier.
17:26:15MicrodimO I C.....yes but my ip was
17:26:33darienmGeorge-: whassup?
17:26:36davv192.168.1.100 on the Z?
17:26:47Microdimfor the network davv
17:26:48George-darienm: what's the Sharp Mobile like?
17:26:53darienmdoesnt work yet
17:26:54darienmI dunno
17:27:09George-it doesn't work?
17:28:01markMicrodim: ur PCs ip was
17:28:22davvMicrodim:  Ok..  ifconfig shows usb0 as  Just trying to clarify.
17:28:23Microdimmark: my z's IP was
17:28:27Cloud-Zi really want wireless internet acess
17:28:40markMicrodim: ah ok
17:29:08davvMicrodim:  if U can ping the Z that is good.  U need to put the Z IP address in the Qtopia Desktop for Linux sync software.. under file preferences.. for the USB connection
17:29:17Microdimdavv: I am not using usb... I have a wireless access point in my house and I have a DSL router and a hub I also have a cf Wireless 2.4 Ghz network card
17:29:25MicrodimI am going to be syncing through my network
17:29:42davvMicrodim:  Oh!!!  hehe... ok...
17:30:10Microdimdavv: so now I just need to know how to start the program from the console
17:30:34davvMicrodim:  U run the rpm installer for it?  Does Lycoris use rpm packages?
17:30:48Microdimyes but it didnt put it in my menu
17:31:28davvMicrodim:  /opt/Qtopia/bin/qtopiadesktop   run that link.
17:32:06davvCreate a shortcut on your desktop to that link.. that will work.
17:32:17Microdimthanks davv
17:33:04davvOnce program starts up... goto File -> Settings -> Connection tab -> Local area network (LAN) and specify the Z IP addy.
17:33:31VerxHomecloudchaser: You mean 802.11 for work and home, or wireless, wherever you are?
17:33:55davvMicrodim:  I never synced by LAN.. looking to get a wireless CF card soon.
17:33:59VerxHomedarienm: You there?
17:34:02Cloud-Zwhereever i am
17:34:13VerxHomedarienm: Did you get your sharp mobile equipment?
17:34:19Microdimdavv: the link worked, and syncing by lan is great
17:34:30VerxHomedarienm: So they shipped, but it doesn't work yet?
17:34:49darienmit doesnt' work for me... not sure why. dials, authenticates, but can't resolve sites.
17:34:56davvMicrodim:  Good!!!  the sync can be a little flaky at times.. but that's beta.. Overall works well.
17:35:42davvMicrodim:  as long as you have an IP connection to the Z.. (can ping it).. it should sync!
17:37:02George-What's the difference between Windows 95 and a virus? A virus does something.
17:37:48davvdarn holiday.. stores are closed!
17:38:43KallDrexxarg need doom
17:38:49George-KallDrexx: lol
17:40:12angryNeoTron: you there?
17:41:02KallDrexxGeorge-: heh playing prboom on my zaurus, beat the shareware... need the other wads lol
17:41:40George-KallDrexx: isn't it abandonware or something?
17:41:56KallDrexxno it isn't
17:42:08KallDrexxID software is still selling a doom package with all of the dooms on it
17:42:16KallDrexxso I can't get it at any abandonware site =(
17:42:23KallDrexxi've looked alreayd hehe
17:42:57KallDrexxshakes his fist at id
17:43:03George-is abandonware legal?
17:43:16KallDrexxit's debatable
17:43:32George-how ? :)
17:43:33KallDrexxtechnically no, but a lot of developers support it as it keeps old games alive
17:44:03KallDrexxis still waiting for permission to make an omf 2097 Z port
17:44:22Cloud-Zwhats that?
17:44:37KallDrexxOne Must Fall: 2097
17:44:40KallDrexxrobot fighting game
17:46:38KallDrexxgreat game
17:46:45KallDrexxthe new one is cool too
17:53:30Cloud-Z1 hour and 5 minutes so far with wifi onbattery
17:53:46KallDrexxwith wifi active?
17:53:55Cloud-Zit's low but  no warning
17:54:23Cloud-Zyes have had irc on for 65 minutes
17:54:33KallDrexxwonders if a divx movie will take up more battery than mp3's
17:54:54Cloud-Zi'll try that another time
17:55:28Cloud-Zonce i get warning i'll go on digipower
17:55:31KallDrexxyeah, once I get my CF i'll try it out
17:55:37KallDrexxhas no money for digipower =(
17:55:46Cloud-Zsee how that does
17:56:29TheMasterMind1anyone happen to know how to do accents in abiword
17:57:08Cloud-Zactually....70 minutes now
17:58:44whardier heh
17:59:58angrywhat app is that using?
18:00:04angryi like the outlines
18:00:08George-whardier: what the FUCK is that?
18:00:13whardierGeorge- !
18:00:16whardierkills George-
18:00:26whardierits a GiR!
18:00:30whardierlook it up on google
18:00:35George-OK, wt FUCK is a gir?
18:01:19whardierforms a radiosity solution
18:01:21angryooh blender's open source ;)
18:01:22Cloud-Zsomeone you watch your language in front of?
18:01:32whardierangry: its goal is to be
18:01:46whardiersoon it will be.. for right now its just free binaries
18:01:48oGMooh WOW
18:02:00angryfree binaries is good too :)
18:02:05oGMothe a300 documents tab is a lot nicer
18:02:19angryoGMo: i know, its the best reason to want an a300 :)
18:02:22roge99_laptopwhardier: how long have you been using blender ?
18:02:23angryit can actually use *folers*
18:05:54George-angry: *wow* :)
18:05:55George-has all the A300 binaries on his HDD
18:05:55whardierroge99_laptop: seriously using blender for about a week or two
18:05:55angryGeorge-: any luck trying to get those on your 5000d?
18:05:55George-angry: nope
18:05:55whardierused many other things for a long time
18:05:55George-angry: I gave up
18:05:55angryholy scat:
18:05:55George-whardier: are you gonna be the next rasterman?
18:05:55oGMoangry: i dunno, if this pic is what it looks like, blech
18:05:56George-whardier: with encrapenment? :)
18:06:02oGMoi'd rather just hack qtopia... although granted, having an xscale under the hood would be nice
18:06:02George-oGMo: the Xscale is a POS
18:06:05angryjesus i couldnt even get near that quality with 3d studio max
18:06:15KallDrexxwell this sucks
18:06:17whardierGeorge-: rasterman is his own thing man
18:06:19oGMoGeorge-: not according to the people here who have actually used it
18:06:22KallDrexxdoom.wad is too big
18:06:30oGMoat least, BigBoss and someone else said it was nicer
18:06:42oGMoKallDrexx: er, it's only like 10MB, get a card ;)
18:07:13George-oGMo: BigBoss hates the XScale
18:07:16George-whardier: lol, ok ok ;)
18:07:24KallDrexxoGMo: hehe 12megs, card should be here in a few days ;)
18:07:31George-mv whardier /dev/null
18:07:43whardierGeorge-: you have issues mang
18:08:09BigBossxscale has a lot of problems
18:08:23KallDrexxCloud-Z: why'd you disco?
18:08:24George-whardier: I know
18:08:40whardiermy cat clawed acrossed my nipple last night
18:08:47whardierI don't think I have ever had a nipple wound
18:08:54Cloud-Zok apparntly oz doesnt have low battery warning
18:09:31Cloud-Z1 hour 20 minutes with dlink
18:09:40George-whardier: do I want to know?
18:11:37Cloud-Zhey harlekin i dont think newest clipboard app is on feed
18:11:59Cloud-Zi had to use the one you sent me
18:11:59HarlekinCloud-Z: sorry, i have no idea about the OZ feeds
18:12:20HarlekinCloud-Z: kergoth and the other take care of that
18:12:23oGMoGeorge-: well, looking through my logs it just seems like a bunch of lemming parrots repeating "xscale sucks! xscale sucks! bwaak!" and no real substance, except for cdm who presents some solid info, and i quote "20:42  cdm> bah, XScale doesn't suck in general."
18:12:34oGMoslower per MHz isn't necessarily bad if you have more MHz ;P
18:12:53WintreIn a battery-powered device...
18:12:57oGMoand that's about the only complaint i see about it, other than having to recompile with xscale opts
18:13:10WintreI guess you could generalize about efficiency. Kinda wanky to do so however
18:13:15George-oGMo: lol
18:13:19cdmoGMo: ;) thanks.
18:13:19George-oGMo: yeh it is
18:13:20oGMowould kinda like to see an 800MHz crusoe, but whatever ;)
18:13:24BigBossthere are over 100 items on the errata on the xscale
18:13:24George-oGMo: it shows bad CPU design
18:13:31BigBossa typical chip release has about 10
18:13:32WintreBetter to measure
18:13:34angryanimated .gif's as backgrounds rule
18:13:40cdmthe PXA250 simply has some memory interface bugs.
18:13:40WintreGeorge: Not necessarily
18:13:51cdmso it is getting rate limited by writes to DRAM.
18:14:26WintreGeorge: It could also indicate that the designers don't feel high clock speeds are a bad thing
18:14:29oGMoi don't see any reason not to bring some of the new interface features back to the 5500 though
18:14:44oGMoother than marketting, of course
18:14:57BigBosswhat does marketing have to do with it?
18:15:38angryBigBoss: got any screenshots of your new games i can check out?
18:15:40oGMoBigBoss: if they want people to buy the a300, they may not have much of a reason if the 5500 has all the same features
18:15:54oGMospeaking from some future date when they actually sell a300's here, of course
18:16:03BigBossyour argument is senseless, the 5500 is not sold in japan and the a300 is only sold in japan
18:16:07BigBossthey won't
18:16:14BigBossI had a meeting with sharp about it on friday
18:16:26oGMoand of course, corporations never change their minds ;)
18:16:30George-BigBoss: do you have an A300?
18:16:31oGMoor release new products
18:16:38WintreCorporations don't have minds ;)
18:16:50oGMoyou know what i mean
18:17:06BigBossgeorge-: yes I do
18:17:10WintreSure, just felt like teasing ;
18:17:17angryall i personally want is that good documents tab for my 5000d
18:17:28BigBossoGMo: well you can live in fantasy land or you can work with what is real
18:17:36angryif opie somehow implements, i'm going to change my rom once again :)
18:17:57oGMoBigBoss, chill
18:18:08oGMoi was merely using marketting as a qualification for not backporting the new qtopia
18:18:09BigBossbut marketing is just a nonsense remark
18:18:23BigBossit doesn't make sense in any scenario
18:18:23oGMoit's hardly nonsense, i've seen it happen numerous times
18:18:46BigBossboth devices have an entirely different audience and having a different documents tab is hardly going to be a deciding factor
18:18:57BigBossthe only reason I ever look at the documents tab is if I tap it by mistake
18:19:28oGMounless you're the only Z user, that's hardly relevant i think ;p
18:19:34angrylooks at it constantly
18:19:36Cloud-Zright its about useless
18:19:40angryevery time i need to open media from my CF card
18:20:10oGMouses it quite a bit as well, since he actually keeps a few useful spreadsheets and other docs on the Z
18:20:15Cloud-Zi would use it if it was set up right
18:20:54Cloud-Zi do too but every darn file and pc shhows up there
18:20:56BigBossok oGMo, you were just saying that everyone was spouting off about xscale, and now your throw out an argument that makes no sense as though it is gosple
18:21:09Cloud-Zfaster to do file/open
18:21:19oGMoer, hardly gospel, i'm just stating a possibility
18:21:43oGMoalthough even that was tenuous, given sharp's pretty damn good customer support and stuff
18:22:46oGMoin fact it was meant to show that there's little reason NOT to release a newer updated UI, since performance is likely not an issue, and the only thing i can think of would, in fact, be the marketting angle, and as we both agree that's unlikely
18:23:21oGMo(that, i suppose, and technical support, but nyeh.)
18:25:17Cloud-Zwell we know it can be done but will it? 5500 getting some of those featues
18:25:40Cloud-Zand if not...why not?
18:25:49oGMowho knows ... i'd count on OZ getting them before anything else, but that's imho
18:25:58BigBossit's part of a newer Qtopia
18:26:09BigBossand TT is still working on the 2.0 Qtopia release for later this year
18:26:12BigBossI think this used 1.6
18:26:22whardierradiosity global illumination GiR
18:27:00Cloud-Zthe A300 uses qt 2?
18:27:10Onyx4wohoo frys is open today
18:27:19HarlekinOnyx4: ?
18:27:20oGMowhardier: nifty, what'd you make that with?
18:27:28BigBossno, it uses qte 1.6 I believe
18:27:33Onyx4frys=electronic store, it's labor day in US most stores are closed
18:27:41Harlekinhe means qtopia 1.6
18:27:46angrywhardier: i love the cartoon 3d outline thingies!  so cool
18:27:46Harlekinand no
18:27:52Harlekina even different version
18:27:54angrybut i cant understand the program for hte life of me ;)
18:27:54oGMoangry: yeah
18:28:00Cloud-Zthat what 5500is using isnt it?
18:28:08angryi can use 3d studio max though
18:28:24Onyx4Harlekin: any beta versions of op2 out yet? :)
18:28:25angrybut this thing seems cooler than it (and you don't have to find an illegal copy of it, either ;))
18:28:42HarlekinOnyx4: you mean another?
18:28:46HarlekinOnyx4: next weekend
18:28:52HarlekinOnyx4: currently only gui updates
18:28:53oGMoi'd love to know how to do cel shading with OpenGL... i haven't really looked into it, but i'm not sure how to get the outlines
18:28:56angryop = opie player?
18:29:01HarlekinOnyx4: still working on mem
18:29:04Harlekinangry: op²
18:29:11Harlekinangry: thats a op^2
18:29:17angrywhat's that
18:29:20Onyx4Harlekin: ok let me know once it's ready
18:29:23whardierangry its part of the unified renderer in blender
18:29:40HarlekinOnyx4: you can have a new gui snapshot if you want
18:29:50angrywhardier: thats so cool
18:29:57whardieroGMo done in blender using a global illumination room and radiosity
18:29:57Onyx4Harlekin: playback got smoother with the newer opie release but still kind of jumpy from time to time, not really watchable yet
18:30:05oGMowhardier: that looks really cool
18:30:18angrywhardier: thatd be awesome for making comics, high quality ones with outlines
18:30:21whardieroGMo heh.. it doesn't look as neat as I wanted
18:30:23Onyx4Harlekin: ok is your site up with the latest snapshot?
18:30:35Harlekinonly mail currently
18:30:36whardierangry: like I need another exuse not tohave a life
18:30:39Harlekinsince i am road warrioring
18:30:44angrywhardier: ;)
18:30:48Onyx4ok you can mail it to me?
18:30:51Harlekinwhardier: whats latest opiezilla render image?
18:31:00Harlekinwhardier: do we get a opiezilla movie?
18:31:04George-Harlekin: 20
18:31:06angryi'm going to set up a k12ltsp server at my school soon, i might install blender so kids can play around with it
18:31:07HarlekinOnyx4: addy again?
18:31:09angryis it hard to build?
18:31:11HarlekinGeorge-: url
18:31:22ljppingizauru does the macarana
18:31:54angryis there any app that can do distributed rendering over the internet?
18:31:56whardierHarlekin I don't think 3d pingi is gonna be here long.. atleast not that model
18:32:05whardierangry: yeah..
18:32:07Harlekinwhardier: why
18:32:10oGMoangry: plenty unless you mean realtime
18:32:20oGMoRadiance, PoVRay, etc.
18:32:31whardierall of them that can do PVM can do it over the internet
18:32:36whardieryou just gotta set up a network
18:32:39angryoGMo: is there like a distributed network?
18:32:44whardierblender has a nice render daemon
18:32:45fusion94whardier: are you doing those images ?
18:32:50oGMoi know this guy who did _amazing_ things with radiance on a cluster with nothing but a text editor
18:32:54angrywhardier: would it be possible to set up a SETI type dealie with rendering?
18:32:56oGMoangry: yeah
18:33:10whardieryou can distribute it over the internet w/o needing a vpn of sorts
18:33:20whardierangry: yeah.. blender has something like that already set up
18:33:31oGMooh yeah blender does that doesn't it
18:33:38oGMohasn't touched blender in eons :(
18:33:50whardierI have spent the last few weeks learning
18:34:00whardierI am used to truespace.. used that ever sense 1.0 heh..
18:34:15whardiertired of having to keep windows around just to use it.. so I am learning blender
18:34:32whardierand now nodoze anywhere
18:34:35angryany blender rpm's? ;)
18:34:43whardierjust snag the tars
18:34:49whardierits 1 file big..
18:34:52whardierthe main part
18:35:00whardierthe rest installs into /usr/lib/blender/
18:35:00oGMoi want to make a 3D game, cept i don't even have time to do the stuff i'm supposed to be doing
18:35:05angryo cool
18:35:15angrydoes it require a lot of resources?
18:35:19whardier1 little file actually
18:35:23whardierno it doesn't require much
18:35:32angryim going to try to run this on a dell GXa that will be hosting 2 thin clients
18:35:36whardiereverything is in GL.. so you might wanna have a fast cpu if you don't have gl accell
18:35:44fusion94whardier: you have much experience with maya, lightwave or 3ds Max ?
18:35:54oGMowhardier: does it support hw accel now? last time i had a g400 and it croaked mightily
18:36:59whardierit has always supported hw accell
18:37:04whardierbecause it has always depended on mesa
18:37:09whardierfor linux
18:37:17whardierfor doze it depended on opengl32.dll
18:38:27whardierjust grab the dynamic packages if you have gl accell
18:38:32whardierotherwise the statics might prove just as fast
18:38:37whardieras using dynamic w/o
18:38:48whardiertime to go check the mail!
18:38:56fusion94um dude
18:38:59fusion94it's a holiday
18:39:05fusion94if you have mail i'll shit
18:39:10fusion94labor day
18:39:11whardierits a holiday?
18:39:20fusion94isn't today labor day
18:39:26whardierfuck if I know
18:39:30oGMoin the US anyway it's labor day, which ironically is a day off
18:39:42fusion94same in cananda
18:39:43whardierthat explains the meat smell
18:39:47fusion94so no USPS todya mate
18:39:49oGMoand you do appear to be in north america
18:39:50angrysure is! :)
18:40:08oGMook, bbiab
18:40:30whardierI really want my netflix today!
18:41:06angrywhardier: i did that for a couple of months, all the dvd's were scratched :-P
18:41:18angryhad to rip them before i played them so they woudlnt skip and pause
18:41:32whardierI have been ripping the farscape seaason 1
18:41:38whardierI don't mind netflix
18:41:41whardierI don't have a car..
18:41:45whardiermine broke
18:41:47whardierso its a godsend
18:42:16whardierI want a new farscape to rip
18:42:24angrylol did you guys hear about lord of the rings: the two towers being leaked already?
18:42:51whardierSIGN ME IF YOU LOVE ME
18:43:01whardierwell it
18:43:03davvAnyone have experience with the Z with the Dlink DCF-660W?  Seems to have a slimmer antennae than the Dlink DCF-650W with lower PM in sleep mode.  Would this work under the Sharp ROM?  How about kismit? Can't find specs on Dlink site if it has a prism2/2.5/3 chipset.
18:43:26angrygood god i hate that show
18:43:51whardierhate it!
18:44:05angrys/hate/"dont understand"/
18:44:05whardier81435 Signatures Total
18:44:12angrythems a lot of signatures
18:44:19whardier1 more
18:44:20whardierthen 1 more
18:44:22whardierthen 1 more
18:44:23whardierthen 1 more
18:44:36HarlekinOnyx4: got the mail?
18:44:39whardierits one of the most advanced cartoons I have ever seen..
18:44:48angryi've never seen it
18:44:57whardiermost of it was rendered
18:44:58whardierin the cartoon style
18:45:00angryyet i still say i hate it
18:45:06whardierhate/dont understand
18:45:19angryso/dont understand/'ve never seen it/
18:45:30whardiera friend of mine had zim onhis connectino
18:45:35whardiercollected a lot of the episodes
18:45:39whardiersaturated his cable connection
18:45:44whardierso we moved it to where I work
18:45:50whardierit saturated 6MBps
18:45:51angrys/"so/dont understand/'ve never seen it/"/"s/dont understand/'ve never seen it/
18:45:58whardierso we moved it to another place
18:46:06whardierwhere it pushed 4-5 TB a month
18:46:08angryahh crap i forgot the last quote
18:46:12George-i will kill you if i am deprived of gir any longer!
18:46:21whardierthen they closed that down.. some other dude put it up.. and had some fun things to say about the bandwidth
18:46:32angrys/"s/"so/dont understand/'ve never seen it/"/"s/dont understand/'ve never seen it/"/s/"so/dont understand/'ve never seen it/"/"s/dont understand/'ve never seen it/"
18:46:39angrythere we go i think
18:46:42angryi think i forgot one quote
18:46:44angrybut im not doing it again
18:47:12angrywhardier: lol, so where can we get these episodes now
18:47:12whardier30.MeganPlease bring back Invader Zim. It is one of the main reasons why I live. Without Zim is like a big whole in my heart. I feel empty of feelings. Please air it again.
18:47:31George-that person needs a life ;)
18:47:37whardierangry: I can shovel some at you
18:47:40whardierbut you have to be polite
18:47:46angryi'll sign it because megan seems to like it so much
18:47:54angrypretty pretty pleeeease ;)
18:48:05whardierbest thing to do is get on giFT and snag it from there
18:48:14whardierare you familiar with the giFT network?
18:48:49angryhave never been able to connect to a server, though
18:48:51angryit never works
18:48:57angry(signed petition)
18:48:58whardierits not server based
18:49:04whardiermind if I walk you thru it?
18:49:32angrylet me download a client real quick
18:49:42whardiersnag it from CVS
18:49:50whardiergran giFT and giFTcurs from sourceforge cvs
18:49:57angryi'm running windows :-/
18:50:20whardierI dunno if that will ever work
18:50:37whardierlet me give you an url
18:51:02DrBoBI didn't know they made xchat for windoze.... nice
18:51:42whardierfeels somebody mocking angry
18:51:51oGMoyeah i used it because all the other clients suck
18:52:00oGMoit's easier than even mirc to install ;)
18:52:00George-DrBoB: how is that nice?
18:52:03nodaxchat is the best Windows AND Linux irc client :)
18:52:09whardierit is for doze! gives the windoze people some good software to run?
18:52:47George-noda: I prefer mIRC running on WINE for Linu
18:53:03nodadoesn't like mirc.
18:53:42whardiergiFT is claiming 4.0PB total shares ATM
18:53:47whardierthats just big
18:53:52DrBoBDoing a version on me will reveal that I'm running Xchat too ..but on a linux box
18:53:58angryPB = petabytes?
18:54:07whardierbiggy bytes
18:54:17whardierit just dropped to 5.5TB
18:54:24George-is that 4000 terrabytes?
18:54:24whardierI think it was broke
18:55:56DrBoBGod, it's hot as hell outside ...I returned yesterday from a 3-day VW Bus campout and almost died from the heat.
18:56:04druiidkergoth: you around?
18:56:17angrydoes anyone have like an FTP or http site of a crapload of free .ogg's i can snag?
18:56:24DrBoB1982 VW Camer Bus = no A/C
18:56:25angryor do i have to go to the individual artists' websites
18:56:31particuleAny french or german guys there?
18:57:04particuleI am looking for a tip on where to buy a wi fi compact flash card for my Z.
18:57:23DrBoBnope ....a USA event,I'm afraid. has netgear MA701 for 90$
18:58:16DrBoBin france?  uhhhhh .... that's a tough one
18:58:26Onyx4they ship international I think
18:59:23particuleOnyx4: what I see looks expensive...
18:59:35particuleI bought a 128 Mo compact flash for 45 euros ships fast within the USA...I got my Linksys WCF12 in like 2 days
19:00:03Onyx4yeah the netgear isn't the cheapest, it's just a nice card cause it doesnt block any ports
19:00:24Onyx4yeah I got my netgear free shipped within like 1 day since I live in california
19:00:29Onyx4it was like free overnight shipping
19:00:29DrBoBand their price was very low...because they  were shipping for free
19:01:59DrBoBthe Linksys WCF12 is only like $62 and doesn't block any ports
19:02:25chouimathmmm a 1GB CF for 1499 CDN$
19:02:29Onyx4k didn't know about that wfc12
19:03:59DrBoBI'm still just playing around with it (WCF12) ..I'mtold the range isn't all that good and the power comsumtion is only average
19:04:12DrBoBconsumtion rather
19:04:37Onyx4yeah I see a big different with my netgear MA701 versus my real linksys pcmcia wifi card
19:05:19rumour has it digipower is a small portable battery pack known to work with the Z that provides 3 full charges, output of 8100 is 4.8V/2700mAH  DP-4 cable required
19:05:19Onyx4ibot: digipower
19:05:26Onyx4anybody tried it?
19:06:21DrBoBI'm told the Socket Comm. CF WiFi card is the best.... if you want to lay around $140 on the table for one
19:06:48Onyx4what kind of chipset is it?
19:07:08DrBoBI don't know
19:07:21Onyx4i wonder if it works with kismet
19:08:40DrBoBask THeMastermind ...I think that's the card he has
19:08:59DrBoBor she... You can never tell these days
19:09:02particuleWhat do you think of the socket wifi card?
19:09:12VerxHomeI have been painting this weekend
19:09:22VerxHomeI am sweating like a frigging pig
19:09:25whardier salute
19:09:33VerxHomepainting the vaulted ceilings
19:09:35VerxHomeI can confirm
19:09:39VerxHomebeyond a shadow of a doubt
19:09:39DrBoBit's rumored to be the best
19:09:43VerxHomehot air rises
19:10:11whardierVerxHome: suck ass dude :(
19:10:13DrBoBso do paint fumes
19:10:20Onyx4oh it seems to be based on prism2.5 chipset nice
19:10:24wireless is a pain in the @$$ to get working. or
19:10:24Onyx4ibot: wireless
19:10:49benmeyer was last seen on #zaurus 1 days, 21 hours, 16 minutes and 28 seconds ago, saying: ibot author [Sat Aug 31 22:54:21 2002]
19:10:49diclophisibot seen benmeyer
19:10:52cdmOnyx4: the Socket stuff is nice, but it doesn't have any ROM so you have to program it every time.
19:11:02VerxHomecdm: What do you mean?
19:11:07VerxHomeplease explain
19:11:59TheMasterMind1Onyx4 the socket is based on orinoco/hermes chipset
19:12:01TheMasterMind1i have it
19:12:08TheMasterMind1and it works with kismet
19:12:10TheMasterMind1because i made it
19:12:11TheMasterMind1 :D
19:12:25TheMasterMind1i fixed up kismet/modules in the oz source to work with the card
19:12:34TheMasterMind1should be included in the next release
19:12:37TheMasterMind1or you can get them from me
19:13:03cdmTheMasterMind1: the socket guys are actually shipping the CF one with the ROM onboard now?
19:16:21Onyx4mmm I dunno if I really need the extra battery life or extended range for the price :)
19:16:21VerxHomecan someone explain this bit to me?: "the Socket stuff is nice, but it doesn't have any ROM so you have  to program it every time."
19:16:21cdmTheMasterMind1: last time I talked to them they where doing the same thing as the guys at Symbol.
19:16:21cdmVerxHome: There isn't a lot of room on the CF device so one thing some makers of CF 802.11b deivces are doing is removing the ROM with the microcode so you have to have a driver that is smart enough to program it.
19:16:21VerxHomecdm: And you are saying the socket CF card requires that?
19:16:22TheMasterMind1cdm err, no idea..
19:16:22VerxHomethe Socket WL6000
19:16:22VerxHomeand/or symbol spectrum24
19:16:22TheMasterMind1that's what i have
19:16:22TheMasterMind1the socket
19:16:22TheMasterMind1and it works just fine
19:16:22cdmVerxHome: last time I talked to the guys at Socket that is what they claimed they where doing with thier devices.
19:16:22TheMasterMind1what's this about the rom
19:16:22particuleDamn. Theses people want to rob me. :o)
19:16:22VerxHomeIn looking at things
19:16:22VerxHomeit appears the ambicom card uses even less power than the socket card
19:16:23cdmbut I wouldn't be surprised if the current prism-esq drivers on Linux had the programming logic.
19:16:23cdmthe spectrum24 driver on Linux does.
19:16:23TheMasterMind1it works fine with the orinoco kernel modules
19:16:23TheMasterMind1my socket that is
19:16:23DrBoBVerxHome: Advice; get your card from a EU source as you will save money
19:16:36VerxHomeDrBoB: I am in the US tho
19:16:57TheMasterMind1VerxHome it does? who says?
19:17:03DrBoBoh, sorry,that was Particularte I was thing if
19:17:05TheMasterMind1i thought socket was the least power consuming
19:17:15VerxHomethat page does
19:17:19VerxHomesocket uses 20 mz standby
19:17:28Onyx4hey, if anybody is looking for a very interesting project to port to the Z, look at gpsdrive project, it's a realtime mapping system with GPS
19:17:29VerxHomethe ambicom one uses 17 mz standby
19:17:40particuleDrBoB: that is what I gonna do
19:17:51Onyx4it works with X already on the Z, but it would need a QT interface to be awesome
19:17:55TheMasterMind1what about nonstandby
19:18:02VerxHomeit doesn't say
19:18:24particuleSocket "low power" ethernet card...
19:18:32TheMasterMind1i don't want holes in my card
19:18:34TheMasterMind1i like the socket
19:18:36TheMasterMind1no port blocking
19:18:51particuleIs it this low? :o)
19:18:56VerxHomethe socket just plain costs too frigging much money
19:19:05VerxHomeit is double what it should cost
19:19:14Onyx4netgear ma701 was the only lowcost one I found that had good power consumption and doesnt block any ports
19:19:21VerxHomehere we go
19:19:23TheMasterMind1cdm actually, there's a patch for the orinoco drivers that allows it to work with the socket/symbol
19:19:31VerxHomethis ambicom uses 17mA standby
19:19:40VerxHome<370mA to transmit
19:19:44VerxHomeand <250 mA to receiv3
19:19:46VerxHomeer, receive
19:20:10cdmTheMasterMind1: then I was right - the kernel drivers are smart enough to program the devices.
19:20:16okay, Onyx4.
19:20:16Onyx4ibot wireless is also or
19:20:17TheMasterMind1cdm yea
19:20:19cdmat the cost of forcing everything to be 60-100K bigger.
19:20:30TheMasterMind1cdm but as long as it works, does it matter?
19:20:32TheMasterMind1i see
19:20:36TheMasterMind1that's not too bad though
19:20:37Onyx4netgear:  80ma standby
19:20:39cdmI think it matters.
19:21:02cdmWe went the route of having an external app to program the card.  Mind you, when you are a ukernel such things are much easier.
19:21:12TheMasterMind1VerxHome what is that compared to the socket? transmit andrecieve
19:21:40VerxHomehere we go
19:21:51VerxHome17mA wireless compact flash for $90
19:21:54VerxHomethat is what I am getting
19:22:07VerxHomeTONS TONS TONS better than that stupid socket card
19:22:11DrBoBhere is the scoop with the DIgipower: It has 4 1800 mAH AA NiH batteries in it. THat means it has about twice the charge of the Z's battery....all combined (Z battery + Digipower) you get three times the life.
19:22:48Onyx4is that the 8100 or 8200?
19:23:10TheMasterMind1VerxHome someone else got an abicom on ebay for 50 or something.. but keep in mind it blocks the stylus and headphone jack!
19:23:10Onyx4I found that 8100=4.8V  and 8200=6V
19:23:22VerxHomeTheMasterMind1: I could care less
19:23:26VerxHomeI will just trim it down
19:23:31George-Dr_Who: hrmm
19:23:34okay, TheMasterMind1.
19:23:34TheMasterMind1ibot digipower is also  8100=4.8V  and 8200=6V
19:23:38George-DrBoB: 1800mAH eh?
19:23:44George-I wonder what mine are...
19:24:14TheMasterMind1ibot digipower is also has 1800 mAH AA NiH -  about twice the charge of the Z' -- all combined (Z battery + Digipower) you get three times the life
19:24:31DrBoByes..that's the same battery the company is selling but packaged into a multicell battery pack
19:24:34digipower is a small portable battery pack known to work with the Z that provides 3 full charges, output of 8100 is 4.8V/2700mAH  DP-4 cable required or  8100=4.8V  and 8200=6V
19:24:34TheMasterMind1ibot digipower
19:24:51TheMasterMind1didn't work
19:24:54TheMasterMind1too long i guess
19:25:09George-I've got 1500's
19:25:10okay, TheMasterMind1.
19:25:10TheMasterMind1ibot digipower is also has 1800 mAH AA NiH
19:25:20DrBoBI bet the capacity is overrated
19:25:25particule275 euros for a compact flash... I am a client, not a sponsor! !o)
19:25:27George-not bad
19:25:42Onyx4DrBoB: you got one?
19:26:31DrBoBno, I just have played around with  battery packs before.... it has to be some combination of standard cells
19:27:04DrBoBperhaps they are using A size instead of AA size cells
19:27:18DrBoBA size is like a fat AA
19:27:27George-DrBoB: What would 4x1500mAH be like, then? :)
19:27:49Cloud-Zok ijust installed rh 7.3 and it did not detect my wireless card like it did in 7.2
19:27:51George-should I make a battery pack for my Z?
19:28:16Cloud-Zand its not in the list
19:28:36George-Cloud-Z: what IRC client u using?
19:28:51Cloud-Zanyone have any ideas>
19:29:03particuleYou needed an adapter for your ma401, no?
19:29:10Cloud-Zright now tkcjabber
19:29:11DrBoBGet a power coaxial plug and some wire and solder yourself up a nice 4-cell
19:29:25Onyx4zic 0.2 is better than jabber for IRC
19:29:32Onyx4since jabber doesnt support private msg
19:29:40DrBoBTHen cover it in heatshrink tubing
19:29:47Cloud-Zzic dont work on oz
19:29:55Onyx4it works on mine
19:29:58jmh|homeworkthe Furby suffered heavy damage?
19:30:15Cloud-Znot on mine
19:30:19Onyx4: i'm not following you...
19:30:19Onyx4ibot: zfurby
19:30:36HarlekinOnyx4: got the ipk?
19:30:40jmh|homework: what?
19:30:40jmh|homeworkibot furby
19:30:48Onyx4I have the ipk that worked on my Z yes
19:31:26angryhey you hear about xbox linux
19:31:38angrythey got SuSe running with KDE and stuff
19:31:42Cloud-Zany ideas for laptop? 'i know its off topic
19:32:46Onyx4that zic worked for me, I think all I had to do was install it on my SD card, and THEN create the symlinks manually
19:32:51angryooh plus a /. article on the a300
19:32:52Onyx4one 3 of them to create
19:33:05George-angry: is the xbox standard x86?
19:34:03angryGeorge-: not sure
19:34:11LordDavonHeya everyone.
19:34:27particuleCan I use any pcmcia/compact flash adapter with ma401?
19:34:35particule(must sound stupid, but...)
19:34:37nodaGeorge-: The xbox is a Celeron with a GeForce 3
19:34:49Onyx4particule: no
19:39:28particuleHuuuuuuuum... There is also a ma701...
19:41:01George-noda: that's stupid
19:41:12George-noda: It's a 733MHz Celeron, iirc, right?
19:41:13Onyx4ma701 is the one I'm using
19:41:17nodaGeorge-: Something like that.
19:41:37George-noda: and what OS does it normally run?
19:41:45nodaGeorge-: Dunno.
19:41:58nodaMaybe it's some stripped-down version of Windows CE or something.
19:42:07George-noda: I didn't know wince ran on x86?
19:42:21nodaGeorge-: *shrug* I dunno either.
19:42:37George-perhaps it's run OS X-x86!
19:42:40Cloud-Zran out of memory
19:43:04KhensUit's a stripped down 2000
19:44:01particulePfff... They do not mention the chipset of the ma701 in their "datasheet"
19:49:07TheMasterMind1 /me cries louder
19:50:02Cloudchaserit worked!
19:50:26VerxHomeCloudchaser: What did?
19:50:44Cloudchaserhehe i had to pick a different aironet card than what i have
19:50:51Cloudchasertrying out rh 7.3
19:50:59Cloudchaser7.2 auto dected my card
19:51:03VerxHomehates rh
19:51:48particuleAnyone knows what the chipset of the netgear ma701 is? Uncle google does not know, nor netgear datashit
19:54:44Cloudchasers'ok verx if you hate it
19:54:55Cloudchaseri like it and so i use it.. you don't and so you don't use it
19:55:37TheMasterMind1atleast its not xp :D
19:55:50TheMasterMind1rh and mandrake have their place
19:56:40TheMasterMind1treke|home !
19:56:54TheMasterMind1treke|home your php is very insecure :o\
19:57:05treke|homeTheMasterMind1: what php?
19:57:18TheMasterMind1or .net
19:57:28treke|homethats fine by me :)
19:57:35TheMasterMind1so i can kill your webserver and you won't mind?
19:57:56nodaOoh, where do we read the PHP? :)
19:58:04TheMasterMind1everyone go to
19:58:42particuleGrrrrrrrr... What are those datasheets not even mentioning the chipset of a card...
19:59:16TheMasterMind1particule what card?
19:59:27treke|homealthough I could have sworn I fixed some of that long ago :)
19:59:29nodaWhat I really love is when PHP newbies do a "view source" program, i.e., "" :)
19:59:42particuleTheMasterMind1: netgear ma701
20:00:06TheMasterMind1treke|home some but not all. you disabled foriegn urls but its still vunerable
20:00:16TheMasterMind1particule its a prism chipset.. why?
20:00:26treke|homeTheMasterMind1: Well I was pretty sure I had disabled anything that was under the web root
20:00:26particuleTheMasterMind1: where do you read that it is a prism chipset?
20:00:44particuleI want to get sure before eventually ordering it for my Z
20:00:50TheMasterMind1treke|home right, but index.php isn't under
20:01:04nodalol, in security you're supposed to ENABLE certain things, not DISABLE everything else :)
20:01:12TheMasterMind1treke|home it goes into a never ending loop, including inself again and again
20:01:35nodaHeh, good test for a browser, too :)
20:01:36George-woot? A300 slashdotted
20:01:38TheMasterMind1treke|home shouldn't use that format of page anyway. always have a header and footer file and include those in the page not include the page in a template
20:01:42TheMasterMind1and use include_once()
20:01:43treke|homeTheMasterMind1: TheMasterMind1 yup.
20:01:55nodaOr require_once() :)
20:02:12treke|homeTheMasterMind1: I'm typically better with my php. dont really put much effor into that one :)
20:02:21George-what version of Qtopia does the A300 run?
20:02:24George-a hacked 1.5.0?
20:02:29TheMasterMind1too bad you disabled urls though.. i have fun including http:// .php files and executing arbritary .php code on machines
20:02:46nodaHeh :)
20:02:54nodaSome people's PHP is so easy :)
20:03:34George-man, that documents tab looks *too* sweet
20:03:41particuleTheMasterMind1: excuse me, how do you know that the ma701 is prism based?
20:05:28chouimatGeorge-: again?
20:05:43TheMasterMind1particule all netgears are prism based
20:05:54George-chouimat: ?
20:06:04chouimatGeorge-: you cry angain
20:06:16George-chouimat: yes
20:06:25George-chouimat: I weep whenever I see that documents tab
20:06:33chouimatGeorge-: A300?
20:06:52chouimatGeorge-: do you know if the 1GB CF work with the zaurus?
20:07:07TheMasterMind1chouimat yes, but it gets up to 70Celsuius!
20:07:14TheMasterMind1not recommended
20:07:20chouimatGeorge-: ok :) I just need to find 1500$ :(
20:07:21TheMasterMind1you'll burn something out
20:08:34chouimatGeorge-: yes the 1GB Compact Flash is 1500$
20:09:01George-is that Canadian dollars?
20:09:19chouimatGeorge-: not the microdrive, yes canadian dollar
20:09:50George-oh, not the microdrive?
20:09:52George-why not? =P
20:10:05George-I assume that the 1GB CF does, cos the 1GB uDrive does
20:10:12chouimatGeorge-: flash disk
20:10:38DrBoBWhen is Canada going to join the EU ?
20:11:19burtonatorug... my qtopia GUI won't but... just dumps me to the console with a 'bus error'
20:11:25chouimatDrBoB: don't know
20:11:43George-why the heck would Canada join the EU?
20:12:08TheMasterMind1you guys seen the new sd wifi card?
20:12:18George-chouimat: yes, I've seen it
20:12:19DrBoBoooohhhhh I want one
20:12:22George-chouimat: it's expensive
20:12:31burtonatorhow do I start qtopia manually?
20:12:41chouimatGeorge-: very expansive. 1500 CDN$ :(
20:13:09chouimatDrBoB: the compact flash?
20:13:49burtonatorit says 'unknown processor type'
20:15:06DrBoBno chouimat I want the SD WiFi card
20:15:31chouimatDrBoB: url?
20:15:31treke|homeDrBoB: too bad they wont work in a z :(
20:15:52chouimattreke|home: work with palm?
20:16:08treke|homedo palms have sd slots?
20:16:31chouimattreke|home: mine have one
20:16:47treke|homechouimat: beats the hell out of me
20:17:44DrBoByes, the newer palms do have a sd slot
20:17:53Cloudchaserwell if it breaks...i'll start all over again
20:17:59Cloudchasernever updated a kernel before
20:22:26Cloudchaserhey it looked like rh 7.3 had usb support in it
20:22:26TheMasterMind1burtonator opie always says "unknown processor"
20:22:26Cloudchaserdoes that mean i don't have to compile the kernel and all that?
20:22:28Cloudchaserooh nifty
20:22:28Cloudchaseri didn't use usb on my other laptop, just wireless
20:23:06DrBoBmmmmmmm... Ramen Noodles! One of the basic four food groups
20:25:15nobsesomebody here using rom 2.38? my Z is flashing the rom now since over 10 minutes :-/
20:29:53DrBoBGive it 20 takes lots of time
20:30:09DrBoBare lights stoll on?
20:30:14DrBoBstill on?
20:31:07nobseyes... its still flashing, both lights are on
20:31:28nobsethe last times I flashed my Z it takes not longer than 5 minutes
20:32:31DrBoBI would  hate to think something went wrong
20:34:47DrBoBhow are you flaashing? via the USB port?
20:35:25nobseDrBoB: no, via cf card
20:37:17nobseoh, lights are off :)
20:37:39George-that mesh networking idea looks cool
20:37:49DrBoBwell, that's easy to fix...start it all over again and see if the reflashing goes well this time....if will need to re-write your image onto the CF card
20:39:04George-bye all
20:39:30George-nobse: and next time, ROMBURST the ROMIMAGE file ;)
20:39:57George-OK, bye all
20:45:10Saihungmy network and SD-card icons have gone "invisible".  If I click on the spot where they're supposed to be I still get the expected result, but the icons themselves are gone.  Anyone have this happen before?
20:47:19TheMasterMind1Saihung yea, its weird..
20:47:23TheMasterMind1you can umount them from console
20:47:26TheMasterMind1and then reinsert
20:47:35TheMasterMind1cardctl eject for network
20:47:38TheMasterMind1umount /mnt/card for sd
20:47:41Saihungi mean on the taskbar
20:47:46treke|homeTheMasterMind1: having fun?
20:47:56Saihungthe little graphical icons are not there, although there are blank spaces there for them
20:48:10TheMasterMind1treke|home yep, too bad php has memory restrictions. it stops after 200 pages
20:48:15Saihungand pressing the blank space gives you the menu that you expect
20:48:31treke|homeTheMasterMind1: enjoy
20:48:38Saihungso I can still unmount cards by clicking on the little space where the card icon used to be
20:48:47Saihungbut I want to know how to get the graphic back
20:48:52Saihungthis is very strange
20:51:21Saihungany ideas?  maybe a .png file somewhere got deleted or renamed?
20:51:26SaihungI don't know where to look for them
20:51:39NetAmpThe 5500 doesn't know PDF files by default, does it?
20:52:12w6biNetAmp: I don't think any *nix does; you'd need something similar to xpdf to display PDF files (IMO)
20:52:15Saihungopera does
20:52:25TheMasterMind1get qpdf
20:52:33TheMasterMind1for OZ anyway
20:52:34w6biThere ya go  :-)
20:52:35TheMasterMind1Saihung no idea..
20:52:41NetAmphm.. 'kay thanks ;)
20:52:58TheMasterMind1Saihung try suspending and resuming
20:53:02TheMasterMind1that might refresh the graphic
20:53:03Saihunghow annoying.  i uninstalled qtgnuboy and they just vanished
20:53:13TheMasterMind1all of them?
20:53:15Saihungtryed restarting qtopia AND the whole system
20:53:25Saihungno, volume and battery are still there
20:53:30TheMasterMind1this is in OZ or sharp?
20:53:32Saihungbut sd card and network are invisible
20:54:02darienmSaihung: that happens to me sometimes when in/uninstalling software.
20:54:09darienmSaihung: A reboot fixes it
20:54:41Saihungdidn't in my case.  they're still invisible
20:55:29darienmA reboot, not just restart qtopia ?
20:55:55George-/usr/include/linux/version.h:2: #error "======================================================="
20:55:55George-/usr/include/linux/version.h:3: #error "You should not include /usr/include/{linux,asm}/ header"
20:55:55George-/usr/include/linux/version.h:4: #error "files directly for the compilation of kernel modules."
20:55:55George-/usr/include/linux/version.h:5: #error ""
20:56:01George-and so on...
20:56:01George-there's about 40 lines
20:56:07Saihungright, full reboot
20:56:09Saihungno effect
20:56:16Saihunganyone know where those graphic files live?
20:57:01darienm /home/QtPalmtop/pics/
20:57:18Saihunglots of files there
20:57:27darienmyeah, ALL the pics
20:57:32Saihungnice move
20:57:51Saihungnow, which ones would be for the taskbar icons...
20:57:55George-hey darienm
20:58:09George-darienm: why isn't the sharp mobile services working?
20:58:35darienmGeorge-: I suspect a software issue, I'm about to completely re-flash my Z with 2.38 (using 2.20 now) and hope it helps.
20:58:50George-darienm: cool
20:58:56darienmno, not cool
20:59:01darienmI didn't want to reflash
20:59:07darienmthings are working fine now.
20:59:12darienmexcept for SM
20:59:19TheMasterMind1still running 2.20?!
20:59:32Saihung2.38 is out?
20:59:54Saihungi'm using 2.37.  maybe a flash will cure what ails me
21:00:01George-darienm: you can just backup /home
21:00:11George-Saihung: what's your prob?
21:00:29Saihunginvisible taskbar icons for SD card and network
21:00:34darienmGeorge-: I'm a total linux geek - I've geeked out my z since day one, its not just /home I'm worried about
21:00:38Saihungthe spaces are there, and they'r'e clickable
21:00:41Saihungbut the icons are not
21:00:45George-darienm: oh
21:00:55George-darienm: but only /home is rw
21:01:02TheMasterMind1darienm why not run oz?
21:01:17darienmTheMasterMind1: I love OZ, but I fear SM won't run on it.
21:01:24George-darienm: you can try :)
21:01:25TheMasterMind1try it
21:01:28darienmTheMasterMind1: I've installed OZ on 2 of my other Z's
21:01:28George-darienm: if you're gonna reflash
21:01:29TheMasterMind1if it doesn't, kergoth will fix it
21:01:35George-darienm: what?
21:01:49darienmwell, friend's Z's
21:01:51George-darienm: why not try the Sharp Services on one of the other 2
21:01:55darienmbut I'm responsible for them.
21:01:58darienmThey are not here
21:04:14Saihungis there a url for 2.38?
21:04:20Saihungit doesn't seem to be on myzaurus
21:04:28Saihung<-- idiot neophyte
21:04:34fat-awaySaihung its there
21:04:51fat-awayright there
21:04:59ibot was last seen on #bzflag 6 days, 21 hours, 37 minutes and 44 seconds ago, saying: ibot insult ibot [Tue Aug 27 00:27:15 2002]
21:04:59Fatbumibot seen ibot
21:05:12ibot is nothing but a lewd-minded bucket of ill-borne seagull puke.
21:05:12Fatbumibot insult ibot
21:05:28Fatbumhates ibot
21:05:41Fatbumrequests that if you hate ibot, go ahead and exist
21:05:47Fatbumgood job every1
21:06:00die is DADO, DADO, DADO!!!!
21:06:00George-ibot die
21:06:03George-: what?
21:06:03George-ibot kill me
21:06:15ACTION suffocates George- to death with a stack of picogui t-shirts
21:06:15KallDrexxibot kill picogui
21:06:17Saihungany major changes in this one?
21:06:20darienmSaihung: he means
21:06:28darienmGeorge-: I would flash OZ but I don't have a CF card
21:06:57Fatbumoops howd that get there
21:07:09darienmFatbum: that won't get him to all the files he needs.
21:07:15Fatbumthats all you need
21:07:20Fatbumunless you are worthelss
21:07:20darienmFatbum: not true
21:07:20Saihungthat's what I mean
21:07:27NetAmpl8r guys
21:07:37Saihungi go to myzaurus and I only see 2.37
21:07:37Saihungand I might be worthless
21:07:37Saihungremains to be seen
21:07:42darienmSaihung: he means
21:07:50FatbumROM Version: 2.38, July 22, 2002
21:07:56Fatbumthats all you need
21:07:58Fatbumunless you are worthelss
21:08:08darienmFatbum: you are not being helpful to Saihung or to anyone.
21:08:16Fatbumhow is that?
21:08:21Fatbumhe wanted the fuckin rom thats it
21:08:22FatbumROM Version: 2.38, July 22, 2002
21:08:29darienmFatbum: unless you will babysit him and show him how to load the OSpack from a CF card he probably doesn't have.
21:08:31Fatbumright there
21:08:43Saihungi've flashed my zaurus before
21:08:48Saihungand I have a cf card
21:08:49Fatbumwhos stupid now?
21:08:54FatbumSaihung up high!
21:09:05Fatbumhigh-fives saihung
21:09:18darienmthe other URL provides the instructions and more than one download option.
21:09:27darienmits the friendlier address to send someone to
21:09:28Saihungbut anyway
21:09:28FatbumSaihung do you care?
21:09:38Saihungi do, actually
21:09:49George-Fatbum: heh, who are you? :)
21:09:54Fatbumsorry for telling you what you wanted
21:09:58Saihungbut anyway
21:10:03Saihungoff to philosophy class
21:10:06Saihungthanks for the help
21:10:14Saihungi'm sure i'll be back to harrass you later
21:11:28Fatbumgoes and installs linux
21:16:14George-I just opened the batt compartment, and a screw fell out
21:16:25darienmlucky you
21:16:26George-I prolly didn't put it back together properly
21:16:30darienmyou just got 'screwed'
21:16:34George-darienm: haha
21:20:01George-darienm: that was a pretty shocking joke
21:25:37chouimatyurk! Religious Spam!
21:25:56George-chouimat: LOL
21:26:44George-chouimat: of what type?
21:27:29George-"Scientifically proven methods to boost your moral! Come to church today!"
21:28:08chouimatGeorge-: seven step to heaven. etc ...
21:28:44chouimatfirst step: became a mormon ...
21:28:49erikdgod i'm tired =/
21:31:29TheMasterMind1it was updated yesterday
21:32:23George-oh no
21:32:43George- is nothing but an uninspiring puddle of malt-wormy dog balls.
21:32:43immibot insult George-
21:32:47George-chouimat: more like "first step: become a moron"
21:33:01George-chouimat: "second step: become an idiot"
21:36:15immchouimat: news ?
21:36:15George-chouimat: "seventh step: Become one of us"
21:36:16George-I wish the cradle had a) a way of opening the keyboard, and b) an activity LED
21:36:16TheMasterMind1is chouimat talking? becuase i'm not getting any of his messages.
21:36:16George-TheMasterMind1: he's not :)
21:36:16George-imm: chouimat got spam from a religious society ;)
21:36:16immGeorge-: oops :)
21:36:16immTheMasterMind1: George- likes to talk to himself ;)
21:36:16TheMasterMind1i noticed
21:36:17immTheMasterMind1: his aggrieved by MArkNovak for live
21:37:21immchouimat: i would like to express my condolences
21:38:36mutexeranyone have an idea what would cause my app to use so much memory when Im reading from a file?
21:41:28George-imm: arse!
21:41:46George-imm: I hate novak, I don't want anything to do with that *£%"$
21:43:42markGeorge-: im off now, and back to school tomorrow.  have fun
21:48:36W|GGL|Thow do i get my WAP to throw bandwidth further out...more range?
21:48:43W|GGL|Texternal antennae?
21:49:07George-put the aerial all around the house? :)
21:49:19George-ipkg upgrade is hanging on opie-filebrowser
21:49:25KhensUpringles can ;)
21:49:51W|GGL|Tthat's uni-directional, no?
21:50:40W|GGL|Tthe linksys WAPs have removable antennas...looks like you can remove them and attach third party ones
21:50:43George-TheMasterMind1: ping
21:53:02George-TheMasterMind1: opie-filebrowser package I *think* is corrupt
21:54:02mutexerhow can I find out how much some variables are taking up in memory
21:54:56treke|homemutexer: sizeof (type)
21:55:36George-# gunzip opie-filebrowser_0.9.1-20020901_arm.tar.gz
21:55:36George-gunzip: Invalid gzip magic
21:55:39George-It's corrupt
21:56:04mutexerQString returning 4 sound right?
21:56:27treke|homemutexer: ah thats another story :)
21:56:55mutexerIM running out of memory when I load my maps....I cant figure out why
21:57:52mutexerif IM doing  QString s;   s = t.readLine(); ...I do that over and over reusing the it freeing the previous or waiting till the QString is deconstructed?
21:58:08treke|homemutexer: mutexer a QString uses a lot of dynamic memory, I think the sizeof a class is simply the size of a pointer
21:58:12mutexer(doing this line  s = t.readLine(); over and over
21:58:59mutexermy map file has 833 lines...its crashing the zaurus by taking up all the memory
21:59:02treke|homemutexer: check the source :)
21:59:32George-TheMasterMind1: hrmm, strange
21:59:38George-TheMasterMind1: It was an "ar" archive
21:59:42George-TheMasterMind1: Looked OK
21:59:56George-TheMasterMind1: I changed it to a tar.gz, and it still won't work
22:00:20TheMasterMind1the ipkg format changed
22:00:25TheMasterMind1its ar -> .tar.gz now
22:00:31TheMasterMind1targz inside an ar
22:00:36TheMasterMind1get a newer ipkg or something
22:00:51George-I got the latest
22:03:30W|GGL|Tdoesn't know why everyone's getting so wet over the A300
22:03:44TheMasterMind1me either
22:03:53TheMasterMind1i like the sl5500 better
22:04:01TheMasterMind1its not that big either
22:04:09TheMasterMind1look at the ipaq, that thing is fucking huge
22:04:13TheMasterMind1especially with all its jackets
22:04:31George-dual PCMCIA :)
22:04:40George-plus external keyboard
22:04:41W|GGL|Tits a good size if you've little hands like most japanese do
22:04:44George-== brick ;)
22:04:51George-W|GGL|T: lol
22:05:14W|GGL|Ti cant imagine the sl5500 being that size with MY hands
22:05:52W|GGL|Tit doesn't even look all that hot, IMO
22:06:22George-IMHO, the 5x00[D] looks more stylish
22:06:45W|GGL|Tmore 'geeky'
22:06:53George-the A300's cradle looks...
22:07:16TheMasterMind1the a300 is pretty fugly too
22:07:32TheMasterMind1the sl5500 is secksie
22:07:36TheMasterMind1quite fuckable
22:07:41George-the A300 doesn't have a screen protection cover :)
22:07:51TheMasterMind1fucks his Z
22:07:55George-TheMasterMind1: I'll update from the feed... tomorrow ;)
22:07:57George-I'm off to bed
22:08:05George-TheMasterMind1: Sick man! is OLD!
22:08:12TheMasterMind1their feed is like 20 days old now
22:08:15George-TheMasterMind1: 2 days
22:08:21TheMasterMind1its really old
22:08:21W|GGL|Tdoesnt use his screen protector
22:08:26W|GGL|Tnot with the piel frama case
22:08:29TheMasterMind1W|GGL|T you should
22:08:32George-20020831 == old???
22:08:39George-2 DAYS???
22:08:40TheMasterMind10901 = new
22:08:46George-oh shut up :)
22:08:47TheMasterMind1relatively anyway
22:08:47W|GGL|Tyou cant use a case AND the screen protector
22:08:53W|GGL|Tat least not with this case
22:08:56TheMasterMind1i need me a screen protector
22:08:56George-1 day makes a lot of difference ;)
22:09:00TheMasterMind1it does
22:09:07TheMasterMind1its qt2.3.2 vs qt2.3.3
22:09:11George-TheMasterMind1: don't talk bull shit ;)
22:09:21W|GGL| mean the plastic sheets
22:09:28TheMasterMind1i want one of those
22:09:38George-Get a G2 ;)
22:09:41W|GGL|Tgo to bed
22:09:42darienmTheMasterMind1: G2 is the best
22:09:47George-bed time
22:09:50George-Bye all
22:09:53George-W|GGL|T: shut it ;)
22:10:04W|GGL|Tshots George-'s piehole
22:11:03W|GGL|Tneed to search google for external WAP antennas
22:14:23sauruscheck poynting
22:14:30saurusfor antennas
22:14:46TheMasterMind1who was that basketball guy
22:14:49TheMasterMind1retired and then came back
22:15:17W|GGL|The's done it like twice
22:15:35W|GGL|Trich boy can't make up his mind
22:15:38TheMasterMind1yea, well, now you know the extent of my basketball knowledge
22:15:52W|GGL|Tno...i wasn't calling YOU a fool
22:16:20W|GGL|Ti dont watch it anymore
22:16:47W|GGL|Ti havent been into sports in like 7 yrs
22:17:16TheMasterMind1i haven't in like.. 15
22:17:18W|GGL|Tpro ball is watch them go from one end to the other, dunking
22:17:24TheMasterMind1and 3/4ths
22:18:07W|GGL|Ti like watching rally car racing on Speedvision tho
22:18:21W|GGL|Tand grand prix and AMA motorcycle racing
22:18:25TheMasterMind1what color hair does jordan have?
22:19:19TheMasterMind1no hair
22:24:44TheMasterMind1stupid spanish!
22:35:41mickeylis leaving for a while...
22:40:43chouimathi imm
22:40:57immchouimat: salut
22:41:12chouimatimm: did you get the z?
22:41:34immchouimat: i think its still in us :(
22:41:49chouimatimm: me too
22:42:13immchouimat: tomorrow will be the day to bug Sniper :)
22:42:44chouimathehe the SniperBugFest :)
22:43:12angrywhat about :)
22:43:12immchouimat: yep, bigSniperBugFest !
22:43:24immangry: our Zs
22:43:31angryahh, from the challenge
22:43:42KallDrexxhey chouimat
22:43:50chouimathe KallDrexx
22:44:35immKallDrexx: didnt you do the challenge too ?
22:45:01chouimatimm: and wenesday will be SniperBoredDay
22:45:30KallDrexximm: yeah, had my z since last thurs
22:45:43KallDrexxthey fedex 2dayed it to me :D
22:45:47immKallDrexx: you ass :)
22:45:50chouimatKallDrexx: and you live where?
22:45:58KallDrexximm: hehe
22:46:00KallDrexxchouimat: florida
22:46:22chouimatKallDrexx: ok. maybe I will get it in two days too :)
22:46:26immKallDrexx: oh, the US guys take care of each other ;)
22:47:11immhopes they send it by us army
22:47:25KallDrexxI was bored today so I was playing doom 1 shareware on it :)
22:47:45immKallDrexx: did it work on the 5000d ?
22:47:52chouimathopes that the guys at the frontier will do as usual. Nothing :)
22:48:12KallDrexximm: doom? yeah there's a prboom port, I have that, nethack, nad one other game on
22:48:28KallDrexxonce I get my CF i can play full doom1 (.wad is too big 12 megs lol)
22:48:50angryplays rocketelite, bust'em and soon mame galaga! :)
22:48:54immKallDrexx: so its playable ?
22:49:29KallDrexxit will serve me wlel during school :)
22:49:55immcool, my boss will drool
22:50:55imm: i'm not following you...
22:50:55immibot msg for Snipper: send the Z !
22:51:00chouimatKallDrexx: got get the Sandisk 1GB CompactFlash. it's only 1500 CDN$
22:51:15KallDrexxI got a 256 on the way
22:51:33KallDrexxwhy is prdoom deciding not to work all of a sudden
22:51:36chouimatI have a 1GB CompactFlash for free
22:51:39KallDrexxfull resets :D
22:51:43KallDrexxchouimat: how?
22:51:44chouimatbbl food
22:51:54rasterit'sd be nice to fidn a 512Mb sd card that's available online AND in-stock
22:52:06chouimatKallDrexx: my english is bad. I mean Want :)
22:52:15KallDrexxoh hehe :)
22:52:21fusion94raster: well you could make a run to fry's....
22:52:27fusion94raster: oh wait...
22:52:33rasteri doubt they even have it
22:52:34imm:) doesnt have 'em
22:52:40rasterat all
22:52:43fusion94raster: they do  :)
22:52:44rastereven on their product list
22:52:45chouimatKallDrexx: still on the aftereffect of the Dream Theater show of yesterday
22:53:16immchouimat: i was at Dillinger escape plan :)
22:53:32KallDrexxneeds to get a screen protector.. will normal laminating sheets work?
22:53:34immchouimat: prety weird
22:53:45chouimatimm: King's X, Joe Satriani (very very good) and Dream Theater
22:54:25chouimat|Farscapbb in 1hr
22:54:35immchouimat|Farscap: night
22:54:39KallDrexxgod ftping to my z is so nice and eas
22:55:29chouimat|Farscapimm:  and I think I will take my diner
22:56:09immchouimat|Farscap: :)
22:56:22rasterfrys doesnt stock 512M sd cards
22:56:39rasterbiggest they do is 256
22:56:43rasterand tis expensive as shite
22:56:49rastercompared to everyone else
22:57:25immraster: sd sucks anyway
22:57:46KallDrexxwill the paths on a CF be used the same way as if you install an ipk to RAM? i.e. if I install a game to a CF, is the binary put in /opt/QtPalmtop/bin/ and if so will it be set in the path or no?
22:58:18ljp yes, and it should be symlinked
22:58:28KallDrexxah that's good
22:58:45KallDrexxwonders why that guy on the boards was complaining to devs to make apps installable to cfs
22:58:47rasterimm: any less than cf? :) its the same thing :)
22:59:03KallDrexxis there a difference between CF and SD?
22:59:21Onyx4SD is slow
22:59:27Onyx4so good only for applications mostly
22:59:30KallDrexxyeah that's hwat I thought
22:59:33Onyx4CF is fast, = good for media video/audio
22:59:37KallDrexxmy friend was saying it goes as fast as CF
22:59:50rastercf is pretty slow
23:00:10rasteri guess compared to lets say.. oh... an hd
23:00:29scanlineSD is much slower than CF
23:00:39rasteri just want to keep my cf slot free for 802.11 & other cards that you arent goign to find as sd
23:00:40immraster: sd is a lot slower than cf on the Z
23:00:48scanlineCF is parallel (16-bit I think), SD is 4-wire serial, on the Z it's only 1-wire serial
23:00:53KallDrexxruns before his computer explodes...
23:01:33ljpsd is faster than I can move bits with my fingers
23:01:54rasteri just want somewhere to store app data files
23:01:56scanlineljp: slowpoke :)
23:02:00rastermp3's etc
23:02:10rasterand leave the cf slot for the micrordive
23:02:14ljpalthough my thumbs are fast
23:02:15rasteror 802.11
23:02:48TheMasterMind1raster mp3s movies won't play good from the sd, but sd is fine for everything else
23:03:13scanlinemp3s and oggs play fine from the SD
23:03:19rasterTheMasterMind1: really? i thought that was the idea.
23:03:56TheMasterMind1nm then
23:05:36KallDrexxgot doom working again :)
23:07:27rasterjust got thsi sd card slot that's all empty and shit
23:07:33rastergotta fill it with something!
23:07:59TheMasterMind1how big?
23:08:19TheMasterMind1where do i get op-mp2 ?
23:08:59comfreyhey gang, i have a linksys cf wireless card and tomorrow is the last day on the return policy.  does any one have anything to say about it?
23:09:21comfreyit works well but blocks the stylus.
23:09:47comfreyis there a better card out there that one might recomend over the linksys?
23:13:23rasterhow big what?
23:18:51deathmintanyone else find the top right corner of their display to be dark?
23:22:14darienmdeathmint: I've heard people say that before, but I've worked on 5 Z's and not seen that condition
23:22:45darienmdeathmint: or perhaps it would be more accurate to say I've not 'noticed' that condition.
23:24:01TheMasterMind1comfrey yes, get the wcf12
23:24:08TheMasterMind1comfrey you probably have the wcf11 ?
23:24:19TheMasterMind1the wcf12 is 66shipped from and is very small
23:24:23TheMasterMind1or get the socket
23:24:25TheMasterMind1very lowpower
23:24:26TheMasterMind1and small
23:24:33TheMasterMind1134 on
23:31:41darienmGeez how retarded. I had to flash my rom in order to flash my rom.
23:32:07darienmI had 21 MB of space in RAM storage, but the flash program complained and said I had to have at least 17 MB free before it could proceed.
23:32:23darienmSo I had to flash what was already in flash just so I could flash a newer one
23:33:25neurosysso hows the BT in the zaurus sl-5500 now? i have a BT socket CF , is it worth a try?
23:33:27darienmfirst thing I'm loading (in about 4 mins) is Sharp Mobile Services
23:33:37darienmwe'll see if the damn thing works.
23:34:17TheMasterMind1neurosys if you get OZ it should work
23:34:22TheMasterMind1oz has a lot of bt support
23:34:25TheMasterMind1sharp rom does not
23:34:34TheMasterMind1darienm if it doesn't, send it to me
23:34:39TheMasterMind1and pay for monthly service
23:35:08deathmintjust wondering if I should return this one or not
23:35:38TheMasterMind1how much did you pay for it?
23:35:47TheMasterMind1if its a wcf11, you're probably better off getting a wcf12
23:35:51neurosysheh wonder what netbsd would be like on a zaurus :P
23:36:17neurosysit supports arm
23:37:24TheMasterMind1i prefer debian
23:37:29TheMasterMind1oz is debian based
23:37:40TheMasterMind1you can even run X!
23:38:14neurosysnetbsd can run X also :)
23:39:34mutexermount crashed Yay!  brb rebooting

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