irclog2html for zaurus on 2002.07.28

00:00:23angrybsdi think dells are sexy
00:00:31angrybsdbut they dont always have the best prices
00:00:36angrybsdesp. when compared to building your own
00:00:39hungerangrybsd: I'm not too happy with mine.
00:00:54angrybsdhunger: is it a newish one
00:01:03hungerangrybsd: My inspiron's case sucks.
00:01:32angrybsdhunger: heh, they've like "retired" the inspirion or something
00:01:35hungerangrybsd: So do the more expensive Latitude ones (which use basically the same case anyway). has some nice prices.. and they're only 30 minutes away
00:01:58hungerangrybsd: Well, it's 'only' 8 month old.
00:02:44angrybsdhunger: do dells use regular parts?  like is the motherboard a standard atx
00:02:53hungerangrybsd: If you decide on a dell, get the minimal configuration and buy the add-ons elsewhere.
00:03:09hungerangrybsd: Dunno... this is a laptop;-)
00:03:36angrybsdhunger: ahh lol
00:03:45hungerangrybsd: I payed less for 2 256MB sticks then Dell charges for the upgrade to 256MB (from 128MB) when I bought this laptop.
00:04:02angrybsdhunger: i built my own desktop
00:04:11angrybsdhunger: its nice knowing that i can always expand instead of buying a whole new one
00:04:15hungerangrybsd: And I could sell the memory that came with the box too.
00:04:30hungerangrybsd: Same for the harddrive...
00:04:30angrybsdhunger: hehe
00:05:05angrybsdi got 256mb sandisk cf for $60 today :)
00:05:26angrybsdfrom amazon
00:05:31angrybsdbrand spankin new :-D
00:05:31hungerangrybsd: I'm not really happy with dell... too expensive, damn expensive if they break (at least here in germany), not very good craftsmanship.
00:05:41angrybsdexcept i have to do one $20 rebate once it comes
00:05:53hungerangrybsd: I won't get another computer from them.
00:06:33angrybsdhunger: yeah, i dont think their laptops are anything special
00:06:53angrybsdhunger: then again, i've never bought a laptop myself :)
00:07:10hungerangrybsd: The specs are nice... and I absolutly love the 1600x1200 TFT screen!
00:07:37hungerangrybsd: 3x3 terminals in a decent size on one workspace;-)
00:09:23angrybsdsweet :)
00:09:42angrybsdwere you able to get linux working on that without any problems?
00:10:11hungerangrybsd: It's a GeForce graphics card. So it's the usual hassle to get the drivers from nvidia.
00:10:38angrybsdhunger: ohh, your distro didnt have the driver built in?
00:11:00hungerangrybsd: Debian... won't have non-free drivers build into the core system.
00:11:17hungerangrybsd: But it's easy to add: apt-get install nvidia-something iirc.
00:11:18kergothhunger: apt-get install nvidia-kernel-src nvidia-glx-src;
00:11:25jmhodgeslin NVIDIA_kernel NVIDIA_GLX
00:12:03angrybsdyay debian
00:12:17hungerkergoth: I might be hacking on some fscking crosscompiler for a couple of weeks, but I know my debian system at home;-)
00:12:57nadavok, off for now
00:14:15jmhodgesheya W|GG
00:14:17jmhodgesheya W|GGL|T
00:14:31angrybsdhi W|GGL|T
00:19:06kergothhunger: :-)
00:19:19kergothhey W|GG
00:19:27kergothdamn enter
00:20:39hungerkergoth: Ah, the joy!
00:20:46hungerkergoth: Just hosed my Z again.
00:20:54VerxHomeWorkingI am having something really weird happen
00:21:12VerxHomeWorkingthe properties of a button show it has the same X value as other buttons (in Qt Designer)
00:21:14VerxHomeWorkingbut it doesn't
00:21:22VerxHomeWorkingit is VERY clearly at a different X value. . .
00:21:52hungerkergoth: Never mess with libc if you do not know what you are doing;-)
00:21:58VerxHomeWorkingoh well, I nuked it and made a new one
00:22:03kergothhunger: lol.. i learned that lesson once already....
00:22:21hungerkergoth: I can use cd, no other command works.
00:23:09kergothhunger: ouch
00:23:21kergothhunger: maybe you should staticly link busybox and ipkg during testing ;-)
00:23:39angryBSD-whys there more than one of me :(
00:24:04hungerkergoth: Ah, flash time...
00:24:14hungerkergoth: Does no longer boot up.
00:24:35kergothseriously, i'd staticly link busybox, tinylogin, and ipkg for testing purposes
00:24:48prpplaguekergoth: is it normal for the green mail light to flash when in suspend mode?
00:25:10kergothprpplague: seems to do that for me only when i'm not in opie/qpe, but when i'm in console
00:25:13kergothprpplague: dunno why
00:26:33angryBSD-damnit why does it say im connected
00:26:39kergothangryBSD-: ?
00:26:49angryBSD-it says angrybsd and angryBSD- are connected
00:26:58angryBSD-brb again :)
00:27:32hungerkergoth: These are the moments I am so happy that I have all my data on a SD card:-)
00:30:10VerxHomeWorkingis it relatively easy to embed icons into a binary?
00:30:21VerxHomeWorking(I need some icons in an app I am writing)
00:33:41ljpheh try that with windows... :)
00:36:59hungerkergoth: I did not remember that flashing took so long!
00:40:15angryBSD-thank god for servers that kick my alter ego
00:40:27angrybsdahh there we go
00:42:10BZFlagangrybsd: you know you can "ghost" an old connection, right?
00:42:44prpplagueBZFlag: when did you sneak in?
00:42:53BZFlagprpplague: just now. ;-)
00:43:44prpplagueBZFlag: thanks mdz we have a replacement ztsd app
00:44:09BZFlagmdz? ztsd?
00:44:32angrybsdBZFlag: ghost? :)
00:44:45BZFlagangrybsd: /msg nickserv help ghost
00:44:51prpplagueBZFlag: ztsd is the z to ipaq touch screen translator for x
00:45:02prpplagueBZFlag: part of the code we were missing from fastolfe
00:47:00angrybsdahh okay, thanks BZFlag
00:47:03BZFlagperhaps kergoth will make the ts the same as the ipaq?
00:47:19kergothBZFlag: yeah its on my ever growing todo list
00:48:00prpplagueBZFlag: yes we discussed that yesterday
00:48:14prpplagueBZFlag: i've volunteered for some work on that
00:48:16VerxHomeWorkingis it like incredibly evil to now use layouts?
00:49:00kergothVerxHomeWorking: hmmm? people use layouts all the time, its the only way to properly lay out your UI
00:49:18VerxHomeWorkingso it is evil to not use them it sounds like
00:49:22BZFlagnice. I'm holding the 7 month old so typing is slow here.
00:49:50VerxHomeWorkingIs there a way I can take a sec of buttons that I have layed out PERFECTLY how I want them in designer, and add a layout that doesn't screw with how the buttons are set up?
00:50:02kergothBZFlag: flash hates me.
00:50:04kergothWrite error in obliterating obsoleted node at 0x00a96b7c: -30
00:50:04kergothwaiting for chip to be ready timed out in read. WSM status = e0011985
00:50:04kergotherror -5 reading node at 0x000052ac in get_inode_nodes()
00:50:04kergothjffs2_get_inode_nodes() for ino 1 returned -5
00:50:04kergothget root inode failed
00:50:04hungerGuess who did it again... *sigh*
00:50:22kergothhunger: man, i'm telling you.. staticly link the critical stuff so you can play with libc
00:50:36hungerkergoth: That's for cowards:-)
00:50:44kergothhunger: hah
00:52:12whardierhas been drinking
00:53:29mdz_hunger: install sash, then
00:53:40VerxHomeWorkingyeah, the layout will NOT allow me to do what I can do without layouts
00:53:49VerxHomeWorkingabandons layouts
00:54:23kergothmdz_: sash?
00:54:33hungerkergoth: stand alone shell.
00:54:40mdz_kergoth: statically linked shell with recovery tools built-in
00:54:57kergothpfft, just staticly link busybox :-)
00:55:02hungerkergoth: My default root-shell on my bigger boxes.
00:55:15mdz_kergoth: 482k statically linked
00:55:41mdz_kergoth: and includes tar, mount, umount, find, dd, plus a lot of what is in busybox
00:56:50kergothgah, i hate fractured development effort, i really do
00:57:01kergothstupid winex cvs.
00:57:02kergothcmdlgr.rc:57:20: Error: parse error
00:57:45BZFlagis back...
00:58:08BZFlagkergoth: sheesh. any progress? can you write one block now?
00:58:25BZFlagmdz: that't _huge_ compared to busybox.
00:58:31hungerkergoth: Hmmm... this libc6 ipk is 500 byte big.
00:58:58mdz_hunger: that's some compression
00:59:06BZFlagwould be nice to convert OZ to uclibc. ;-)
00:59:18prpplaguewow, dejavu
00:59:18mdz_BZFlag: that's big compared to standard busybox, but not static
00:59:21BZFlaghunger: big? or biggeR?
00:59:36hungermdz_: Yes, ipk-creation time compression: I forgot to put something into the package.
00:59:41BZFlagmdz_: even static.
01:00:11mdz_BZFlag: statically linked i386 busybox with everything is 900k
01:00:32angrybsdhow do you check rom image version?
01:00:34mdz_almost twice as big
01:00:35BZFlagok, with everything, yes. now pick the same tools you have included and compare that.
01:00:37kergothmdz_: so dont build everything. the point is you can customize it
01:01:24prpplagueBZFlag: uClibc is on my plate as well to play with on the oz build
01:01:26kergothBZFlag: no, even an attempt to mount it readwrite results in the mtd layer dumping errorse about -30 (-EROFS) still.. its probably something little i'm overlooking. i need to take a break from it and come back later, or get a fresh set of eyes. heheh
01:01:32BZFlagand if you are making it static, linking to glibc is not the best choice.
01:01:35mdz_sash works when everything is broken, even if you can't execute programs at all
01:01:39mdz_it doesn't even fork
01:02:21mdz_kergoth: is your tree up somewhere for public access?
01:02:23BZFlagmdz_: also one of the busybox options. ;-)
01:03:07BZFlagkergoth: you should put your current patch up someplace so others can check it out.
01:03:10mdz_BZFlag: I'm not arguing against busybox, I use it.  They solve different problems
01:04:01BZFlagmdz_: hmm. I keep a static bb on many of my systems for just the same purpose that you seem to use your's for. I don't see that as a different issuse at all.
01:04:15kergothBZFlag: yeah i should. i've got a BK tree up, though i probably should push a few things up to it.
01:04:34kergothmdz_: yeah, i've got a bk tree for this
01:04:42kergothmdz_: on, that is
01:05:24BZFlagmdz_: but's it's an open world. use what you like. ;-)
01:06:40angrybsdis it possible to IR message exchange with palm pilots?
01:06:43VerxHomeis there anyone here that has ever played Dungeons and Dragons?
01:06:48angrybsdor text files through IR to palm OS
01:07:06angrybsdor pocketPC OS handhelds?
01:07:15mdz_kergoth: what's the name of the bk repository?
01:07:25hungerVerxHome: A long long time ago in a galaxy far far away.
01:07:25BZFlagwonders when andersee will review and commit his bb init patch.
01:07:39kergothBZFlag: what changed in busybox init?
01:07:43BZFlagangrybsd: yes, that't the obex stuff.
01:07:51kergothmdz_: linux-arm-2.5-collie is the tree
01:07:58Check out Open OBEX at
01:07:58angrybsdibot, obex
01:08:02mdz_kergoth: thanks
01:08:02kergothmdz_: I'll check and see if i need to push another changeset up to it
01:08:13VerxHomehrm, brb
01:08:19BZFlagkergoth: I got sick of the "serial console detected, disabling virtual consoles" message
01:08:25mdz_kergoth: what's in the 2.4 tree?
01:08:43kergothmdz_: nothing, yet.  I was going to start on it to take a break from this issue :-)
01:08:50kergothBZFlag: ahh..
01:08:51BZFlagkergoth: so I changed it so that each virtual terminal is dependant on its own device.
01:09:04kergothBZFlag: nice
01:09:06angrybsdBZFlag: has OBEX been ported to the Z?  is there a binary ipk i can get?
01:09:25kergothangrybsd: theres openobex packages in the oZ feed.
01:09:32kergothangrybsd: also the familiar packages would likely work
01:09:34oz3 feed is at
01:09:34kergothibot: oz3 feed?
01:10:08kergothangrybsd: note: if you're on a sharp rom, DONT install anything directly from the feed, you'll regret it. :-)
01:10:17kergothangrybsd: wget & cp
01:10:27angrybsdkergoth: :)
01:13:15angrybsd: huh?
01:13:15angrybsdibot, remote desktop
01:13:26hmmm... keypebble is a Virtual Network Computing (VNC) viewer and can be ound at
01:13:26angrybsdibot, keypebble
01:13:43i guess vnc is virtual network computing (see It runs on the iPAQ with fbvnc at
01:13:43angrybsdibot, vnc
01:14:45ToyKeeperHmm.  I'm trying to figure out why data on a MMC card keeps getting corrupted.
01:15:56angrybsdcan you do VNC over the internet or only over LAN
01:16:28kergothangrybsd: vnc is tcp. you can use it over any tcp/ip connection, regardless of the medium
01:16:43angrybsdkergoth: ok
01:16:46kergoths/is tcp/uses tcp/
01:17:01erikdyeah, but it might be slow over the net (depending on the connection)
01:17:18prpplaguemdz_: hmm, looks like i've fudged something on my 4.1 build
01:17:28darienm|awayangrybsd Get the Z on the network?
01:17:28angrybsdim just interested in trying to remote my desktop from school using the Z, keypebble, 802.11b card :)
01:17:35erikdand i still haven't gotten my QLists working =/
01:17:40angrybsddarienm: nope, no luck
01:17:53erikdhey darien
01:18:02angrybsddarienm: i may be getting an 802.11b card sometime soon, though
01:18:28angrybsddarienm: i think just being able to sync is fine for now
01:18:49darienmangrybsd, sure we can revisit network some other time
01:19:10angrybsddarienm, yep, thanks for all the help in getting the syncing and stuff setup :)
01:20:14ToyKeeperBTW, is there any reason why /usr and /opt could not be moved completely onto an MMC disk?
01:20:20mdz_prpplague: what's wrong?
01:22:28prpplaguemdz_: you build goes through, but the Xfbdev is never built
01:22:43prpplaguemdz_: guess i've missed something
01:22:51BZFlagToyKeeper: on suspend, the Z tries to umount the mmc and if there are binaries in use from there, then the umount fails and filesystem corruption begins.
01:22:57angrybsddoes anyone ever run a dedicated BNETD server?
01:23:19jmhodgesis the code back up on the site?
01:23:38angrybsdjmhodges: nope, all you really need to do is compile from their CVS :)
01:23:43kergothhey Speedy2
01:23:49kergothgod i hate autoconf and automake
01:23:50Speedy2kergoth: My man! What's the word?
01:23:52BZFlagToyKeeper: for example, if you install tkcJabber on there, then the taskbar module is in use all the time even when tckJabber is not running and so corruption will happen all the time too.
01:23:52angrybsdjmhodges: i guess blizzard was too stupid to notice that we could compile from that
01:23:59Speedy2BZFlag: Shouldn't you be gone?
01:24:01kergothSpeedy2: nada, takin it easy. you?
01:24:02ToyKeeperWhat does it do to battery life if you don't let it unmount mmc stuff on suspend?
01:24:08Speedy2kergoth: Need to do some work.
01:24:17Speedy2kergoth: Think I know how to eliminate my switching noise.
01:24:25kergothSpeedy2: nice
01:24:27BZFlagSpeedy2: visa issues. resolved now, but the trip to india is postponed. probably in 2 weeks.
01:24:30jmhodgeshehehe angrybsd
01:24:38Speedy2BZFlag: "I see sirrrr"
01:24:46kergoth./configure: line 1207: `AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(giFT, $VERSION)'
01:24:54kergothsyntax error
01:25:00Speedy2kergoth: What is being auto-confed?
01:25:03BZFlagToyKeeper: it's just not likely to resume correctly and get the state the same.
01:25:04kergothanyone know where AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE is defined?
01:25:06Speedy2kergoth: Did SNAV do the job>?
01:25:09kergothSpeedy2: giFT
01:25:18kergothSpeedy2: yeah, snav is prety sweet. i'll have to get used to using it
01:25:41Speedy2Ok, I googled, and didn't find info, what is giFT ?
01:25:51Speedy2hunger: Source Navigator. (Check Sourceforge)
01:26:11Speedy2Ahh, I see.
01:26:13Speedy2Thanks ToyKeeper
01:26:23BZFlagToyKeeper: that clearly could be improved, but it's a deep internal issue with linux.
01:26:44ToyKeeperI'm trying to rethink what I wanted to use MMC for now.  :)
01:26:59Speedy2For anything?
01:27:11BZFlagI just don't put any binaries on there that I leave running.
01:27:17angrybsdWhat is diff about MMC from SD?
01:27:26Speedy2They both suck?
01:27:31hungerSpeedy2: source navigator gets me tons of hits on SF, snav has just one: USNavy.
01:27:32BZFlagI have tkcJabber on mine, but I removed the taskbar modules.
01:27:47Speedy2hunger: I know, but it's been abbreviated "snav"
01:28:08BZFlaghunger: try "source navigator" on google
01:28:08kergothbuilding a command line app
01:28:17kergoththat uses a autoconf macro from gtk headers
01:28:23Speedy2kergoth: WTF indeed.
01:28:38hungerBZFlag: You said that while I was just doing it:-)
01:28:51kergothSpeedy2: man xref in snav is quite useful
01:29:25jmhodgesum.. snav? website?
01:29:25ToyKeeperI suppose I can at least put /usr/share on there...  and various other stuff.
01:29:40ToyKeeperHelps a bit, but it'd be nice to just dump /opt and /usr completely.
01:29:58ToyKeeper: i'm not following you...
01:29:58ToyKeeperibot: sshd
01:30:21Speedy2SNAV == Source Navigator
01:30:31ToyKeeperHmm.  Wondering about ssh-keygen for /etc/ssh/ sshd keys...
01:30:52ssh-keygen is something you need to run to setup my ipaq's host keys. To do this run the following on my ipaq:'/usr/bin/ssh-keygen -b 1024 -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_key -N ""' and '/usr/bin/ssh-keygen -d -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key -N ""'
01:30:52BZFlagibot ssh-keygen
01:31:18jmhodgesintriguing guys
01:31:38BZFlagToyKeeper: I have sshd and the keys in ram so I can always ssh in, but ssh, ssh-keygen scp etc are all on mtd.
01:31:46OK, Speedy2.
01:31:46Speedy2ibot: snav is
01:31:49BZFlagI also run sshd out of inetd to save memory.
01:31:51kergothjmhodges: it has a useful cross reference function for browsing source trees
01:31:55OK, Speedy2.
01:31:55Speedy2ibot: Source Navigator is
01:32:01kergothsimilar to lxr
01:32:01jmhodgeskergoth: yah just looked it up
01:32:02source navigator is
01:32:02Speedy2ibot: source navigator?
01:32:08hmmm... snav is
01:32:08Speedy2ibot: snav ?
01:32:08jmhodgeskergoth: that looks sweet
01:32:20jmhodgeswonders if theres a bash plugin ;)
01:32:33Speedy2Now ibot knows
01:32:38Speedy2But...he knows too much....
01:32:51BZFlagiot jargon good thing
01:32:55i guess jargon good thing is n.,adj. Often capitalized; always pronounced as if capitalized. 1. Self-evidently wonderful to anyone in a position to notice "The Trailblazer's 19.2Kbaud PEP mode with on-the-fly Lempel-Ziv compression is a Good Thing for sites relaying netnews." 2. Something that can't See: Good Thing2
01:32:55BZFlagibot jargon good thing
01:33:09jmhodgesooo didnt know ibot could do jargon!
01:33:19Speedy2: i'm not following you...
01:33:19Speedy2ibot jargon death
01:33:22jmhodges: excuse me?
01:33:22jmhodgesibot jargon bitrot
01:33:24BZFlag: excuse me?
01:33:24BZFlagibot zip 80058
01:33:28jargon bit rot is n. Also {bit decay}. Hypothetical disease the existence of which has been deduced from the observation that unused programs or features will often stop working after sufficient time has passed, even if `nothing has changed'. The theory explains that bits decay as if they See: bit rot2
01:33:28jmhodgesibot jargon bit rot
01:33:32somebody said zip 84058 was Orem Utah UT
01:33:32BZFlagibot zip 84058
01:33:41i think zip 75080 is Richardson Dallas TX
01:33:41Speedy2ibot zip 75080
01:33:43VerxHomeoh shit
01:33:48VerxHomeI just realized something
01:33:48zip 47401 is Bloomington Monroe IN
01:33:48jmhodgesibot zip 47401
01:33:50Speedy2Hey Verx
01:33:54VerxHomehello speedy2
01:33:57jmhodgesuh.. that ones wrong
01:34:07jmhodgesits Monroe County, BLooming, IN
01:34:17Speedy2Too bad warmi isn't here...he was saying how a stray bullet fired in an airplane couldn't cause decompression
01:34:27BZFlagjmhodges:  that is the county field.
01:34:27VerxHomecould someone explain to me how Qt/E apps do the magic for when people pop up an input method?  How do I make sure my program supports that?
01:34:30Speedy2I mentioned if only Verx were here to set things straight
01:34:35jmhodgesBZFlag: really? k
01:35:22weathercode kpvu is Provo Municipal (Provo Municipal)
01:35:22BZFlagibot weathercode kpvu
01:35:44BZFlag: Something failed in connecting to the NOAA web server. Try again later.
01:35:44BZFlagibot weather kpvu
01:35:44VerxHomespeedy2, what would I set things straight about?
01:35:44VerxHomescrolls back
01:36:09Speedy2VerxHome: Umm, that a bullet could indeed cause decompression.
01:36:18VerxHomeyeah, quite
01:36:25jmhodgesvictory shall be mine!
01:36:34ToyKeeperOh, er, fixme for ... someone.  "stty erase ^?" in bash's startup, or set the right terminal type for the opie-terminal.  :)
01:36:36BZFlagprovided the bullet pierced the shell, sure
01:36:47VerxHomeis there anyone  here that has written a Qt/E app that I can talk to?  Super simple question. . .
01:36:55angrybsdAn application that retrieves the weather from a server
01:37:05BZFlag: (KPVU) 40-13N 111-43W; Conditions at; last updated: Conditions at; Dew Point: 46 F (8 C); Heat index: 93 F (34 C); Pressure (altimeter): 29.85 in. Hg (1010 hPa); Pressure tendency: 0.01 inches (0.5 hPa) lower than three hours ago; Relative Humidity: 26%; Sky conditions: clear; Temperature: 84 F (29 C); Visibility: 10 mile(s); Wind: from the N (010 degrees) at 5 MPH (4 KT)
01:37:05BZFlagibot weather kpvu
01:37:08VerxHomecould someone explain to me how Qt/E apps do the magic for when people pop up an input method?  How do I make sure my program supports that?
01:37:09Speedy2VerxHome: Too bad warmi isn't also here, since he could help with that too :|
01:37:10angrybsdwould they like that for the challenge?
01:37:32Speedy2VerxHome: Have you tried a KDE channel (too) ?
01:37:45VerxHomeI don't think KDE has to deal with it
01:37:47BZFlagVerxHome: I though text input areas trigger that automagically?
01:38:18VerxHomeSpeedy2: What I am talking about is how programs sortof move themselves up on the screen so you can see what you are editting while the input method is visible
01:38:39kergothToyKeeper: what terminal type should it set it to?
01:39:07BZFlagVerxHome: hmm. not sure on that, perhaps you get a resize event? I've not messed with that part.
01:39:42VerxHomeBZFlag: I haven't messed with it either, but my app is going to need it
01:39:46BZFlagToyKeeper: which shell are you useing? bash? ash? bb ash?
01:39:56BZFlagVerxHome: try it and see? ;-)
01:39:57ToyKeeperkergoth: I'm not sure; haven't tested yet.
01:40:29ToyKeeperI just flashed on the latest OZ files, and noticed that its default isn't quite right.
01:40:40BZFlag: i'm not following you...
01:40:40BZFlagibot oldtest timothy
01:40:58Speedy2VerxPaste: I understand. My apologies for not being able to help...QT/E is not my bag.
01:42:25BZFlagibot airport blr
01:42:25BZFlag: That doesn't look right. Try 'airport code for CITY' or 'airport name for CODE' instead.
01:42:41BZFlagibot airport code for blr
01:42:49BZFlagibot airport name for blr
01:42:52BZFlag: I can't seem to access my airport data -- perhaps try again later.
01:43:00BZFlag: I can't seem to access my airport data -- perhaps try again later.
01:43:47area code 716 is, like, Buffalo, Niagara Falls and Rochester, New York
01:43:47BZFlagibot area code 716
01:43:47VerxHomeif I want to derive from QWindow instead of QDialog, I just change QDialog to QWindow?  Or is there more to it than that?
01:44:19BZFlag: excuse me?
01:44:19BZFlagibot knows a lot. he needs an eliza interface though. ;-)
01:44:38BZFlageven useless stuff
01:44:51atrap a047 is Toolbox call: _SetTrapAddress
01:44:51BZFlagibot atrap a047
01:45:06dos xcopy is (External) XCOPY [d:][path]filename [d:][path][filename] [/A][/D:(date)] [/E][/M][/P][/S][/V][/W][Y\ directories, subdirectories, and files.
01:45:06BZFlagibot dos xcopy
01:45:18jmhodgesatrap ?
01:45:23jmhodges: i'm not following you...
01:45:23jmhodgesibot atrap
01:45:23Speedy2BZFlag: Having fun, aren't we?
01:45:25BZFlagmac toolbox
01:45:31jmhodgesooh k
01:45:36ToyKeeperWow.  Who taught ibot about dos?
01:45:49BZFlagwas bored the other day.
01:45:56i heard country .nl was netherlands
01:45:56BZFlagibot country .nl
01:46:06CloudChaserhiya everyone
01:46:13jmhodgesnice BZFlag
01:46:18i guess owner is BZFlag on a host run by Tangent
01:46:18jmhodgesibot owner
01:46:22jmhodgesright good
01:46:26i guess example html <title> is <TITLE> title-text </TITLE>
01:46:26BZFlagibot example html <title>
01:46:27jmhodgesthinks that keeps getting changed
01:46:33jmhodgesBZFlag: damn nice
01:46:34i think example html <form> is <FORM ACTION=action base> form tags </FORM> & <FORM METHOD=method> form tags </FORM> & <FORM ENCTYPE=media type> form tags </FORM>
01:46:34BZFlagibot example html <form>
01:46:43ToyKeeperHmm.  I don't suppose it would help to force a sync before and after suspend, would it?
01:47:02jmhodgesBZFlag: you need to add those to the 'help' call :)
01:47:03BZFlagthe Z kernel has sync forced al the time.
01:47:14BZFlagjmhodges: yeah, you're right.
01:47:31tron-like game with a 3D view. URL:
01:47:31BZFlagibot: gltron
01:47:50BZFlagibot howto sound
01:49:06mac error -18 is ( gdBadDev ) from SetEntry **Color Manager Error** or ( statusErr ) Driver can't respond to Status call **I/O System Error**
01:49:06BZFlagibot mac error -18
01:49:17kergothfyi that gltron link appears dead
01:49:22kergoth: i'm not following you...
01:49:22kergothibot has howto info? nifty
01:49:38kergothBZFlag: does ibot have a function for checking man pages? :-)
01:49:56BZFlaghmm. not at present. what would it return?
01:50:07erikdthe whole manpage! ;)
01:50:17oldtest jeremiah is exaltation of the Lord
01:50:17BZFlagibot oldtest jeremiah
01:50:39BZFlagerikd: you just want him to get spam kicked. ;-)
01:50:50VerxHomekergoth - I need some help
01:50:50erikdme? naaaaah ;)
01:51:03erikdi would never do something like that
01:51:07hmmm... periodic cu is Copper 29
01:51:07BZFlagibot periodic cu
01:51:18VerxHomekergoth: How do I ensure that my app will respond properly to an input method obscuring its window?
01:51:18erikd: i'm not following you...
01:51:18erikdibot periodic 29
01:51:20angrybsd: i'm not following you...
01:51:20angrybsdibot google fark
01:51:25angrybsdsugar google fark
01:51:26port 6667 is, like, ircu - IRCU (IRCD/IRC/Internet Relay Chat)
01:51:26BZFlagibot port 6667
01:51:36i heard port 27008 was flex-lm - FLEX LM (1-10)
01:51:36erikdibot port 27008
01:51:39port 27009 is flex-lm - FLEX LM (1-10)
01:51:39erikdibot port 27009
01:51:46port 80 is www-http - World Wide Web HTTP
01:51:46angrybsdibot port 80
01:51:47Speedy2FlexLM suxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
01:51:48i guess port 88 is kerberos - Kerberos
01:51:48angrybsdibot port 88
01:51:52Speedy2OK, ENOUGH
01:51:53rumour has it port 771 is rtip - rtip
01:51:53kergothibot port 771
01:51:54i heard port 200 was src - IBM System Resource Controller
01:51:54angrybsdibot port 200
01:51:54erikd: i'm not following you...
01:51:54erikdibot port 27015
01:52:04port 69 is tftp - Trivial File Transfer
01:52:04angrybsdibot port 69
01:52:06port 1 is tcpmux - TCP Port Service Multiplexer
01:52:06erikdibot port 1
01:52:10rumour has it port 666 is doom - doom Id Software (or mdqs or FTP TROJAN)
01:52:10Speedy2ibot port 666
01:52:11i heard port 2 was compressnet - Management Utility
01:52:11erikdibot port 2
01:52:12rumour has it port 666 is doom - doom Id Software (or mdqs or FTP TROJAN)
01:52:12Speedy2ibot port 666
01:52:12port 31337 is probably bo - Back Orifice TROJAN (or Netpatch TROJAN)
01:52:12angrybsdibot port 31337
01:52:14port 666 is, like, doom - doom Id Software (or mdqs or FTP TROJAN)
01:52:14Speedy2ibot port 666
01:52:23rfc 1079 is, like, Telnet terminal speed option. C.L. Hedrick. Dec-01-1988. (Format: TXT=4942 bytes) (Status: PROPOSED STANDARD)
01:52:23BZFlagibot rfc 1079
01:52:30VerxHomejesus christ already
01:52:31erikd: excuse me?
01:52:31erikdibot port 1337
01:52:32kergothBZFlag: oh swet, rfcs
01:52:46VerxHomekergoth, question for ya
01:52:47VerxHomekergoth: How do I ensure that my app will respond properly to an input method obscuring its window?
01:52:57rfc 1234 is Tunneling IPX traffic through IP networks. D. Provan. Jun-01-1991. (Format: TXT=12333 bytes) (Status: PROPOSED STANDARD)
01:52:57erikdibot rfc 1234
01:53:00hmmm... rfc 1 is Host Software. Steve Crocker. Apr-07-1969. (Format: TXT=21088 bytes)
01:53:00erikdibot rfc 1
01:53:07i think rfc 666 is Specification of the Unified User-Level Protocol. M.A. Padlipsky. Nov-26-1974. (Not online) (Status: UNKNOWN)
01:53:07erikdibot rfc 666
01:53:10VerxHomeerikd: PLEASE STOP
01:53:14kergothVerxHome: use layouts. it should be handled automatically
01:53:14BZFlagquits with the VerxHome ibot torture.
01:53:26ljp  verx: use layouts
01:53:26VerxHomekergoth: Layouts can't handle my widgets
01:53:35VerxHomeljp: I tried, layouts can't handle them
01:53:43kergothVerxHome: fix the widgets. layouts are best, really.
01:53:57VerxHomekergoth: I cannot fit the widgets I need inside of layouts
01:54:04VerxHomethe layouts force the widgets to be huge
01:54:23ljplayouts are the only way to make sure your apps respond to input methods
01:54:47VerxHomewell, is there any way I can tell a layout to chill on making everything huge?
01:55:00ljpsometimes, you have to be crafty and edit in some geometry
01:55:32prpplaguemdz_: you still around?
01:55:36VerxHomeljp: any way to do that in Qt Designer itself?
01:56:01ljpverx: if you have opie cvs, look at vmemo settings opie/noncore/settings/sound
01:56:14angrybsdwhat's the best IDE for on-the-Z dev?
01:56:19angrybsdjava dev
01:56:19VerxHomeljp: I am fairly confident that I can do it manually
01:56:21ljpverx: not really.. I always ditch those ui files
01:56:32VerxHomebut that means every time I update it in designer I have to manually fix my .ui
01:57:00VerxHomemaybe if I just stuck my entire tab widget in a layout
01:57:04VerxHomethat might be sufficient. . .
01:57:12ljpI use gridlayouts and multilinewidget thingy
01:57:47VerxHomehow do I put a tabwidget into a layout?
01:57:48ljpI had to get creative with vmemo settings
01:57:51VerxHome(in Qt Designer)
01:58:22VerxHomeactually, on my ipaq, vmemo settings doesn't fit on the screen
01:58:24erikdverxhome: there's a button for that
01:58:28VerxHomeso that wouldn't be the best example
01:58:29erikdit's with the frames
01:58:32ljpmyLayout->addWidget(tab) or with the parent of the tab
01:58:48ljpverx: its fixed now
01:59:06ljpthats what I was saying, I had to get creative to fix that
01:59:13VerxHomeerikd: I see how to lay out horizontally and vertically, but all I want is to encapsulate the tabwidget in a layout
02:00:06erikdverx: it's not doing it now?
02:00:22VerxHomeerikd: Yeah, I was able to enclose the tabwidget into a layout
02:00:27VerxHomebut then it took my widgets
02:00:30erikdi just click on the form itself and click on the vert/horiz and it works
02:00:45angrybsdopenprojects is cool because the admins aren't assholes
02:00:52VerxHomeand made it so that LITERALLY only about 10 of 70 widgets was visible
02:00:57kergothangrybsd: no, they just beg for money.. *g*
02:01:01jmhodgeslol angrybsd
02:01:05jmhodgeslol kergoth
02:01:06angrybsdkergoth: :-p
02:01:08VerxHomeI mean, layout lets me have 1/7th as many widgets
02:01:10erikdangrybsd: that's because they're not kiddies :)
02:01:12VerxHomethat is unacceptable
02:01:27ljpscrew designer
02:01:30angrybsdlike if your chan is taken over or you messed something up they'll do what's right :)
02:01:39ljpits like html WYSIWYG
02:01:51erikdit's helpful to learn from, though
02:01:57jmhodgeslol ljp
02:02:03ljpdesigner creates bad code anyway
02:02:14hungerkergoth: This animated boot logo is so unnecesarry.
02:02:21erikdas bad as the html wysiwyg stuff?
02:02:21ljpI ALWAYS have to go in and fix it
02:02:22hungerkergoth: Still, I love it! ;-)
02:03:19kergothhunger: hehe. we need to turn on the frontlight before it starts though :-)
02:03:20W|GGL|Tlol kergoth
02:03:26VerxHomeljp: The thing is - there isn't ANYTHING wrong with my design
02:03:42VerxHomeactually, screw it, I will just put the edit field up top instead of at the bottom
02:03:45VerxHomethen it won't matter
02:04:09VerxHomeof course, it is going to take me like an hour to do that
02:04:38VerxHomewell, I don't see any nice way to move these 80 or so widgets easily
02:04:47VerxHomeat least not move them pixel by pixel like I want
02:05:55ToyKeeperWhy would you want pixel-by-pixel control over widgets?  What's the program?
02:07:06VerxHomeToyKeeper: You would have to see it
02:07:22hungerkergoth: Does the network config up work? I can't get it to setup my ethernet right.
02:07:23VerxHomeI am making better use of screen real estate in my app than any Z app I have seen to date
02:07:25jmhodgeswonders at the overreactions people have
02:07:33VerxHomebut it doesn't work well with layouts
02:08:16ljpI would imagine that anything with 80 wodgets is quite cluttered
02:08:20Speedy2nelson: Maybe make it both 5000D/5500 ?
02:08:28VerxHomeljp: It isn't bad at all
02:08:47VerxHomeljp: lemme make a couple changes and I will send it to you
02:08:51VerxHomeso you can see it
02:08:55VerxHomeactually, ljp, can you DCC?
02:09:06Speedy2nerlson: Thanks
02:09:20nelsonspeidy2: you're welcome.
02:11:41W|GGL|Tls -l /dev/psaux should show what's linked to that device, no?
02:12:14whardier /dev/ts
02:12:24ToyKeeperLinks are one-way, and you can't find them from the destination.
02:12:49angrybsdIM GOING TO SUBMIT AN APP IDEA :)
02:13:02W|GGL|Tim trying to remember how to view what's linked
02:13:07angrybsdoops capslock was on >;-)
02:13:11whardiercccccccccccccccccccthe only way is an educated guess or grepping the filesystem
02:13:11ljpverx: email it.. no dcc
02:13:14Speedy2Yesterday I got an e-mail with only the following text
02:13:15Speedy2I WILL TALK TO YOU SOON.
02:13:15Speedy2THANKS DAVID
02:13:29whardiermy keyboard smells like a cookie
02:13:30ljp is, like, currently an earthling from the planet Mergatroid
02:13:30VerxHomeibot, ljp
02:13:33whardierI don't remember having a cookie
02:13:33angrybsddoes your email resemble something else mispeled?
02:13:37VerxHomeljp: Email?
02:14:24ljpmy keyboard smells like pizza crust particles and coffee
02:15:08ljpgood thing you didnt go to that airshow in the Ukraine
02:15:28CloudChaserhow was it whardier? did you have a good time?
02:15:56kergothdamn stalled downloads with giFT
02:15:59kergothi hate that
02:16:09VerxHomeok ljp, sent
02:16:49kergothi need music
02:16:52VerxHomeljp: The one I sent you is going off the bottom just a little bit
02:16:56kergothi've got like 30 mp3s on my box. thats it.
02:16:57Speedy2kergoth: If you could accept DCC...
02:17:02kergothSpeedy2: i'm at home, i can
02:17:16prpplaguemdz_: if come back around, could i get a copy of your host.def file?
02:17:28kergothAnyone here have anything by mdfmk?
02:17:34jmhodgesdamn no bake cookie just fell in my milk
02:17:47kergothi hat
02:17:49kergothe that
02:17:52kergothfucking enter
02:17:57angrybsdmy idea for an app: a weather info retrieving app?
02:18:01kergothdood, enter keeps getting in the way today
02:18:01codemnkywatch the lingo
02:18:17kergothhey codemnky
02:18:18kergothhow goes it
02:18:20jmhodgeshehe kergoth
02:18:42...but kergoth is the wizard of OZ or at or needing to have two heads and 4 hands so he can get roms out twice as fast...
02:18:42codemnkyibot kergoth is using bad words
02:18:58okay, codemnky.
02:18:58codemnkyibot kergoth is also using bad words
02:19:07kergoth is the wizard of OZ or at or needing to have two heads and 4 hands so he can get roms out twice as fast or using bad words
02:19:07codemnkyibot kergoth
02:19:24codemnkyyou'll have to fix that
02:20:09i think codemnky is a linux/perl/apache/mysql junkie or a bitch
02:20:09kergothibot: codemnky?
02:20:11whardierI can make my face do the wave
02:20:15kergoththats sufficient
02:20:22kergothwhardier: nifty
02:20:31kergothi have NOTHING to drink in my house
02:20:33whardierkergoth its my party favor
02:20:35whardierI DO!
02:20:38kergothwait i'm wrong
02:20:40kergothi have alcohol
02:20:43whardierrubs it in kergoths face
02:20:46kergothbut no coke
02:20:52whardierI ave vanilla coke
02:20:52whardiermtn dew
02:20:54whardierlots of cider
02:20:55kergothor soda or juice or milk
02:20:58whardiergreen pucker
02:20:58kergothwhardier: bastard
02:21:17whardierthis is just payback
02:21:23whardierwhen you say.. "I am a drinkin"
02:21:26kergothI have vodka, gin, triple sec, tequila, rum, and whiskey
02:21:28whardierand I have no such luck here
02:21:42whardiera whole lot of nothing that should be mixed together
02:21:56kergothhey a good long island comes out of that
02:21:57whardieryou could grab the tequila and triple sec
02:21:57ljpverx: theres a binch of space at the top...
02:22:03whardierand make a very very strong daquirio
02:22:04ljpbunch even
02:22:07kergothsugar, how do you make a long island?
02:22:07Sugarkergoth: Ingredients for Long Island Ice Tea: 1/2 oz Vodka, 1/2 oz Gin, 1/2 oz Light Rum, 1/2 oz Tequila, Juice of 1/2 Lemon and 1 dash Cola
02:22:07Sugarkergoth: Combine ingredients and pour over ice in highball glass. Add cola for color and garnish with slice of lemon.
02:22:29whardierlong islands are the devil
02:22:34kergothYOU"RE THE DEVIL
02:22:39whardierwe have a bar here that has dollar long islands one day of the week
02:22:39jmhodgesseconds that
02:22:45VerxHomeljp: Icons are going to be at the top
02:22:53whardierbasically.. whenever I go there.. I never wanna go back.. until I go back
02:22:56kergothwhardier: ooo dollar long islands. nifty
02:22:58VerxHomeljp: The icons aren't in yet
02:23:09W|GGL|Tdamn...must be watered down
02:23:16kergothwould have to be
02:23:22kergothbut still, its a buck
02:23:24whardierthe air show was nifty today
02:23:31whardierwe had some killer seats
02:23:34ljpwhardier: there used to be a topless donut shop there also
02:23:37whardierand I got to play with an XL1 today
02:23:42Speedy2whardier: Where was this show?
02:23:51whardierFort Collins. CO
02:23:57whardiernot the Osh Kosh one
02:24:06VerxHomeljp: I don't know if you ever played Dungeons and Dragons or not, but everything on that screen needs to be there.
02:24:13whardierljp: we had the first topless donut shop
02:24:20whardierwe were also the first to get rid of one
02:24:45kergothwhardier: i need techno
02:24:54kergothwhardier: i have a grand total of 30 mp3s on my drive, including your BT cds. hehe
02:24:59whardieranybody here seen Roujin Z?
02:25:01codemnkyaussi piss
02:25:06whardierkergoth let me get on gift real quick
02:25:10whardierthen Iw ill give you my ip
02:25:17whardieris yours working?
02:25:22kergothgiFT rocks
02:25:25whardiergrab the latest CVS .. it breaks less
02:25:29kergothyeh i did
02:25:32whardierit might take a while for me to get on
02:25:34CloudChaserwhat's gift?
02:25:34kergothand grabbed kiFT too
02:25:38whardierI have 38 gigs for it to rehash
02:25:41kergothCloudChaser: peer to peer file sharing
02:25:55whardierit rehashed
02:25:55kergothwhardier: bastard. i had 36gb when the iBM ide drive it was on went kaput :-(
02:26:17CloudChaserah thanks kergoth
02:26:17whardierwith the IBM drive you probably didn't flash it like they sent out a message for
02:26:19jmhodgesneeds to make a module for gift
02:26:35kergothwhardier: howd ya guess? ;-)
02:26:36whardierhmm.. people can apparently download from me.. so I wonder what my IP is
02:26:37CloudChaseri think i have to start all over again with my z ;(
02:26:45kergothCloudChaser: whys that
02:26:46whardieroh well
02:26:55whardiertry putting in your user search
02:26:58CloudChaserwelli tried a few times to install tkcrekall
02:27:01kergothokay i need to get some soda so i can mix something. i dont feel like shots atm
02:27:03CloudChaserdon't get any icon
02:27:05whardierresolve it to ip if that does not work
02:27:06VerxHomeljp: So do you understand now why layouts don't seem to be working for me?
02:27:07W|GG-Libranetgrrrr...slackware install is unstable
02:27:08CloudChaserand i keep running out of space
02:27:16Speedy2IBM IDE drives are shit
02:27:29CloudChaserso i have to kind of re-think things and install some more things on sd card
02:27:48well, weather is pretty
02:27:48angrybsdibot weather
02:27:52whardierkergoth I also live about a stones throw from a gas station.. so its not a hard thing to get soda :)
02:28:03kergothwhardier: yeh same here, i'm just lazy
02:28:08CloudChaseri'd really really like to use OZ
02:28:17whardierget up off your ass dude
02:28:17kergothSpeedy2: yeah. i like the ibm scsi drives..
02:28:56codemnkybring me some beer
02:28:56Speedy2kergoth`store: You and me.
02:28:58angrybsdwhere does ibot get the weather info from
02:29:04Speedy2angrybsd: From the devil.
02:29:06whardierbah.. fuck giFT..
02:29:21i heard weather was pretty
02:29:21codemnkyibot weather
02:29:27angrybsd: i'm not following you...
02:29:27angrybsdibot temperature
02:29:43codemnkyi'm going to make an ibot
02:29:53codemnkyright now
02:29:59whardiercodemnky you gonna call it.. Betty?
02:30:09codemnkyi was thinking dumbass
02:30:20whardierdumbass. what is codemnky
02:30:29angrybsd: (KPAE) 47-55-23N 122-16-57W 180M; Conditions at; last updated: Conditions at; Dew Point: 52.0 F (11.1 C); Heat index: 93 F (34 C); Pressure (altimeter): 30.15 in. Hg (1020 hPa); Pressure tendency: 0.01 inches (0.5 hPa) lower than three hours ago; Relative Humidity: 58%; Sky conditions: clear; Temperature: 66.9 F (19.4 C); Visibility: 10 mile(s); Wind: from the WSW (240 degrees) at 6 MPH (5 KT)
02:30:29angrybsdibot weather for KPAE
02:30:30whardier<dumbass> It has been said that codemnky is the maker of dumbass
02:30:50codemnkygive me that link to the ibot site
02:31:00whardier: Something failed in connecting to the NOAA web server. Try again later.
02:31:00whardieribot weather for hell
02:31:00i am "the" bot around
02:31:00codemnkyibot ibot
02:31:00i guess i am "the" bot around
02:31:00angrybsdibot, ibot
02:31:17whardier: Something failed in connecting to the NOAA web server. Try again later.
02:31:17whardieribot weather for FUCK
02:31:22whardierI would have to say 72 degrees myself
02:31:35angrybsddoes it parse the NOAA page?
02:31:38angrybsdits a big page
02:31:45i heard freshmeat was at
02:31:45codemnkyibot freshmeat
02:31:57darienmVerxHome: i'd be interested in seeing a QT app with 80 widgets, got a screenshot?
02:31:58codemnky: huh?
02:31:58codemnkyibot freshmeat headlines
02:31:58whardierbah bah bah bah bah bah bah bah bah
02:32:01whardierBLACK SHEEP!
02:32:14ToyKeeperWeird.  MMC stuff works if I unmount then remount it.
02:32:15whardierI broke my fake skin
02:32:19whardierand I don't have a replacement
02:32:31CloudChasergetheya darienm:
02:32:39whardierhops up.. gets a coke.. tries to email one to kergoth
02:32:42CloudChaseri tried your script... still not working for me
02:32:43darienmer, getheya Cloud!
02:32:46jmhodgeswonders what strange mindaltering drug whardier has taken
02:32:50codemnkyyou guys know that link to the make an ibot site
02:32:50angrybsdsugar, make kergoth a coke
02:32:50Sugargrabs a bottle of coke, pours it into a glass, which she hands kergoth.
02:32:55darienmCloudChaser: for rekall?
02:33:02CloudChaseri think i need to clean off the z
02:33:04whardierso.. anybody wanna hit up princess cruiselines for doing some wifi on their ships?
02:33:05darienmCloudChaser: sure there's enough space?
02:33:10CloudChaserit seemed to install fine
02:33:14codemnkypaste it
02:33:14CloudChaserbut till no icon ;(
02:33:15darienmCloudChaser: cuz that's the only thing would cause it to fail
02:33:29darienmCloudChaser: Cant help with icons.
02:33:38CloudChaseri tried it once.. didn't have enough space...reverted a back up
02:33:58CloudChaserbut it left some directories behind apparently..but it did seem to install anyway
02:34:12CloudChaseranyway i'll try it from an empty z and see what happens
02:34:19whardierno email for me :(
02:34:27whardierwell none of te fun kind
02:34:41ljpwhardier: you can have all my spam I got today
02:34:57whardierno thianks.. it woudl just hit my spam bucket
02:35:24angrybsdsugar, sugar
02:35:31angrybsdsugar, who are you
02:35:36codemnkywhardier you know the orc bot making web site url?
02:35:39angrybsdsugar, make me a coke bitch
02:35:39Sugargrabs a bottle of coke bitch, pours it into a glass, which she hands angrybsd.
02:36:07prpplaguesugar, shoot me
02:36:34OK, angrybsd.
02:36:34angrybsdibot, shoot prpplague is <action> shoots prpplague
02:36:35codemnkythe bare witch project is on cenimax
02:36:39angrybsd: what?
02:36:39angrybsdibot, shoot pprplague
02:36:46ACTION shoots prpplague
02:36:46angrybsdibot, shoot prpplague
02:37:14prpplague: huh?
02:37:14prpplagueibot: shot me
02:37:16whardieryou know
02:37:20whardierI don't help this channel be productive
02:37:23prpplague: huh?
02:37:23prpplagueibot, shot prpplague
02:37:38prpplagueargh thats how bad it is tonight
02:37:44ACTION shoots prpplague
02:37:44prpplagueibot, shoot prpplague
02:37:55codemnkythe bare witch project is on cenimax
02:38:04daralcwhere can i get the software to sync my zaurus in linux?
02:38:08angrybsd15 minutes left to get 256MB compact flash for $60
02:38:14whardier is nothing but an industrial thimbleful of fen-sucked pods.
02:38:14codemnkyibot insult whardier
02:38:28whardierchickens don't have lips
02:38:45eveybody is nothing but a mammering puddle of squishy Stimpy-drool.
02:38:45codemnkyibot insult eveybody
02:39:07codemnky  is nothing but a pickled heap of lumpish fat-woman's stomach-bile.
02:39:07whardieribot insult codemnky
02:39:27angrybsd: i'm not following you...
02:39:27angrybsdibot needs to learn some freakin jokes
02:39:27daralcwhardier: rsync is what i use?
02:39:31codemnky: huh?
02:39:31codemnkyibot lick my butt
02:39:34angrybsd: what?
02:39:34angrybsdibot joke
02:39:52whardierdaralc.. no.. you can use a lot of things
02:39:56angrybsd is nothing but an hasty-witted pile of clapper-clawed fish heads.
02:39:56jmhodgesibot: insult angrybsd
02:39:57whardiera lot of.. linux.. things
02:40:02OK, angrybsd.
02:40:02angrybsdibot joke is <action>
02:40:06angrybsd: I forgot joke
02:40:06angrybsdibot forget joke
02:40:09daralcwhat is the most versatile sync tool?
02:40:17OK, angrybsd.
02:40:17angrybsdibot joke is <action> is naked... UNDER HIS CLOTHES!!!!!!!
02:40:18ACTION is naked... UNDER HIS CLOTHES!!!!!!!
02:40:18angrybsdibot joke
02:40:26angrybsdIBOT IS SO FUNNY YO
02:40:28whardierdaralc there is no versatile..
02:40:37daralcoh :(
02:40:40whardierthats like saying.. bend the versatile
02:40:55whardierdaralc there a re a billion ways to sync anything
02:41:02whardierI would just assume using rsync
02:41:06whardierbut the opie gods frown
02:41:12whardieryou might have to address them
02:41:23daralcwell what do you use?
02:41:27daralci don't even know what i would sync it for
02:41:47whardierwell then.. go climb a mountain to see if there is an ocean up there
02:41:50daralci'm getting a zaurus from my friend, he isn't sure if the cradle works
02:41:53whardierI use rsync
02:42:05daralcbut he's selling it for $340 with a 3 year best buy warranty still on it
02:42:19angrybsddaralac: sl5500?
02:42:38whardierdaralc I would suggest getting a wifi card and wap if you don't already.. then sorta skin yourself from the modern world as you know it and prepare your body for UV radiation from your monitor
02:42:56daralci got a 802.11 WAP
02:43:09whardiergot a little crisped today
02:43:11daralcis sharp mobile going to be cool?
02:43:24whardierI would assume cool would be what they want to associate themselves with
02:43:45whardierI personally think it would be cool of the money I payed for that system ended up in my own pocket
02:43:50daralcis it going to make girls wnat to fuck me if i have it?
02:44:06whardieractually.. it would allow you to have the feeling of getting fucked while on the road
02:44:15whardierthe same as every night in my miserable girlfriendless life
02:44:52whardierI should sell Zaurus's for a living
02:45:17angrybsdi should sell $60  256mb CF cards for a living ;)
02:45:20codemnkyi have to barrow some insults from ibot
02:45:23codemnkyexcuse me
02:45:33codemnkysomeone said somehting bad about me in fucked company
02:45:47whardiersend me some sparks
02:45:48codemnkyjust search for mycity
02:45:57MyCityReaper is nothing but a vain tongueful of toad-spotted cold sores.
02:45:57codemnkyibot insult MyCityReaper
02:46:04MyCityReaper is nothing but an onion-eyed ass-full of fermented anal warts.
02:46:04codemnkyibot insult MyCityReaper
02:46:13MyCityReaper is nothing but a ruttish enema-bucketful of salty bat toenails.
02:46:13codemnkyibot insult MyCityReaper
02:46:14whardiercodemnky ? I am to drinked up for searching :)
02:46:16whardierwhat happened?
02:46:46whardierooh I like the third insult
02:46:50codemnkyhow's this
02:46:53codemnkyMyCityReaper is nothing but a ruttish enema-bucketful of salty bat toenails andan onion-eyed ass-full of fermented anal warts.
02:46:53prpplaguewhardier: what are ya drinking tonight?
02:47:07whardierprpplague I went to a BBQ earlier
02:47:11BigBosscompared to what?
02:47:11whardierthe buzz is somewhat worn off now
02:47:17whardierI had lots of cider
02:47:20whardierwhich is my usual drink
02:47:28whardierI praise it
02:47:42daralci could make cell phone calls on zaurus?
02:47:44kergothhas soda
02:47:49daralcwith sharp mobile
02:48:00whardierit is CDMA
02:48:02whardierI believe you could
02:48:08whardierif you were very clever
02:48:09daralccause see i have a verizon phone now
02:48:11whardierand wanted to pay an assload
02:48:20daralcwhy pay?
02:48:22kergothwhardier: what giFT client do you use? giFT-shell?
02:48:37whardiersnaglepuss the CVS
02:48:39kergothah, curses client eh
02:48:40daralcwhat can you get off giFT?
02:48:51whardierdaralc wouldn't you think there is only one way to find out?
02:48:52kergothdaralc: whatever you can get off of any other p2p network
02:48:56prpplagueargh, this x version 4.1 is driving me nuts
02:49:03angrybsdwhat are ".pqa"s in PalmOS?
02:49:12daralci have a verzion phoen now
02:49:16daralcits already $40 a month
02:50:32kergothooo giFTcurs is damn cool
02:52:49Speedy2kergoth: Accept my DCCs or risk certain death.
02:52:59kergothSpeedy2: yeah yeah yeah
02:53:17Speedy2Hey, if you don't want, I'll stop, kay?
02:54:32kergothwhardier: wtf is 'realm'?
02:54:42ljpjust finished putting together a linux box with a blazing Pentium 166 and VGA !!!
02:54:42whardierkergoth don't go there
02:54:47whardiernobody can go there
02:54:48kergothwhardier: ah n/m
02:54:51whardierthe sleeper must awaken!
02:54:53kergothljp: wooo
02:55:15Speedy2ljp: For 20$ I'll give you this 17" for it
02:55:22ljpit has a humungous 500 mb drive
02:56:02ljpuhh no thanks.. this has a cdrom even
02:56:28whardieroh ToyKeeper is glad he left my house
02:56:30whardierribs make me fart
02:56:50whardierate pretty damn close to an entire rack of ribs today
02:56:56angrybsdwhat's the zaurus' default OS called
02:57:11angrybsdmore specific? :)
02:57:21angrybsdok thanks
02:58:44VerxHomedarienm: Can you DCC?
02:59:23ljpactually.. its Embedix PDA Plus
02:59:44VerxHomeljp: So now that you have seen the app
02:59:50VerxHomewhat are your thoughts?
02:59:54jmhodgeswhaps whardier over the head for "Received 'DCC_SUCKS_XORS' from whardier"
03:00:32ljpverx: doesnt do mych ;)
03:00:37ljpmuch even
03:00:40VerxHomeI told you that
03:00:55VerxHomebut as far as the widgets go, you see why layouts cannot work?
03:00:55jmhodgeswhat does it do?
03:01:23VerxHomejmhodges: It is a D&D Character manager for people that play D&D the old fashioned way - pen, paper, and dice
03:02:00ljpverx: no.. layouts would work fine
03:02:17VerxHomeljp: Well, like I said, I tried them - they forced everything to be huge
03:02:30VerxHomeI want the buttons to be 20 pixels high
03:02:40VerxHomelayouts refuse that
03:02:58jmhodgessweet VerxHome
03:02:58ljpno, you just have to edit it and setFixedHeigth(20)
03:03:10jmhodgesi might get a use of that .. dunno when though.. :/
03:04:43VerxHomeljp: I don't see setFixedHeight anywhere in the property editor of Qt Designer
03:05:05darienmVerxHome: yes,sorry.
03:05:14ljpyou'll have to edit it
03:05:29whardierI got frustrated because my window was not coming into the foreground
03:05:33whardierturns out
03:05:35whardierI was being dumb
03:05:36ljpuse the ui as a starting point
03:05:44whardierits hard to put the window into the forground of a cat
03:05:52darienmVerxHome: what kind of file is this?
03:06:07VerxHomedarienm: It is an arm binary
03:06:15VerxHomesorry for the nondescript name
03:06:24VerxHomeit isn't exactly ready for production as you might guess
03:06:29darienmVerxHome: so I put it on the z and it runs? I just wanted a screenshot :)
03:06:43VerxHomedarienm: Yeah, I don't have any way to take a screenshot
03:06:48whardierangrybsd: seen Monsters Inc :)
03:06:52darienmVerxHome: We could teach you
03:06:53VerxHomeso you need to put it on the z and run it
03:06:58VerxHomedarienm: It wouldn't work
03:07:09angrybsdwhardier: i actually did =)
03:07:16darienmVerxHome: no worries
03:07:24angrybsdi remember that part :-P
03:07:42VerxHomedarienm: I need to scroll everything up 10 pixels
03:07:45whardierthat reminded me of that
03:07:49whardierturns on some tunes
03:08:00whardierI didn't want "Wake up little susie" stuck in my head much longer
03:08:07whardierand I think my cats were getting tired of me singing it
03:08:07VerxHomedarienm: And there is supposed to be an area at the top without anything in it - that will have some icons later on
03:08:49darienmVerxHome: What's Im saying is.. if it runs on the Z, you can  take a picture of it... no?
03:09:02VerxHomedarienm: I am on an iPAQ, not a Z
03:09:14VerxHomemy screen is upside down, and my firewall blocks scap
03:09:38darienmVerxHome: I have it up --- you WANT some screen shots ??
03:09:56VerxHomeyeah, if you could scap one, I think it would help people see what I am talking about
03:10:07darienmHell, I'll take one of each tab.
03:10:13darienmI do it on the desktop via VNC
03:10:19darienmer no?
03:10:19VerxHomeyou will find out rapidly there isn't any point
03:10:26VerxHomethe stats tab is the only one populated
03:10:34VerxHomeI only started this app this evening
03:12:43darienmVerxHome: DCC coming at you
03:13:40VerxHomedarienm: It said you didn't have the file
03:14:04VerxHometry again
03:14:08VerxHomeI think I know what was wrong
03:14:17VerxHomethere we go
03:14:24darienmsure thing, anytime.
03:14:31VerxHomeso you see the widgets now
03:14:37codemnkyi see them
03:14:40VerxHomeI counted them, there are 60 right now
03:14:49angrybsdwhat are widgets
03:14:51VerxHomeand will be another 3 or so  on that first tab before I am done
03:14:53codemnkyare they pink?
03:15:55codemnkythat was a joke
03:16:53whardierapparently one of my fillings is picking up an oldies station
03:17:40kergoth`codingdid you hit it, to try to get it to pick up a decent station?
03:19:55kergoth`codingre Cloudchaser
03:20:05Cloudchaserheya :)
03:20:50kergoth`codingcranks the music
03:21:02Cloudchaserwhatcha coding?
03:21:40kergoth`codingI quit trying to get the flash mounted readwrite for now, and i'm working on the rest of the kernel stuff.. getting the Z keyboard ported to the nwe kernel and stuff
03:21:47jmhodgesheya Cloudchaser
03:22:13Cloudchaserhiya jm
03:22:18jay__any new versions of the qtopia program for sl 5500
03:22:19Cloudchaserwhat new kernel?
03:23:41kergoth`codingCloudchaser: 2.5.26-rmk1
03:24:11Cloudchaseris that for new oz version?
03:24:55kergoth`codingCloudchaser: nah even OZ isnt THAT beta
03:24:57kergoth`codingCloudchaser: :-)
03:25:14kergoth`codingCloudchaser: this is to get it accepted in the mainline kernel tree, then i'm backporting it to 2.4.19 for the next release
03:25:51Cloudchaserok...not exactly sure what that means but..i'll take your word for it
03:27:01kergoth`coding2.5 is beta. 2.4 is stable
03:27:14kergoth`codingbackport is just to take the changes i'm putting in 2.5.26  into 2.4.19
03:27:36jmhodgesis astonished at kergoth`coding's hacking skills
03:27:45Cloudchaserhehe me too jmhodges
03:28:03jmhodgesthanks i thought it was just me :D
03:28:17Cloudchaseri feel soooo...dumb in here most of the time ;)
03:28:27jmhodgesSame HERE!
03:28:29kergoth`codingnono, i dont have any real skills, i'm just superb at managing to fumble my way through things
03:28:40prpplaguehe has to have good coding skills to clean up the mess's at digi........
03:28:50jmhodgesglares at the humble kergoth
03:28:52kergoth`codingtoo bad nobody listens :-)
03:28:56jmhodgeshehehe prpplague
03:28:57Cloudchaseri don't quite believe that kergoth
03:29:57Cloudchaserok.. i'm going to blow away my z and start all over but  want to save my data..
03:30:02jay__./qtopiadesktop: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
03:30:06Cloudchaserif i save just home/root that will do it?
03:30:45jmhodgesjay__: symlinks are your friend
03:31:02jmhodgesjay__: symlink all the libs in there to what is called by ./qtopiadesktop
03:31:18Cloudchaserkergoth: will there be oz without security any time?
03:31:29jay__i tried to symlink from qtopia directory to /usr/lib
03:31:31Cloudchaseror do we have to wait for the new qtopia desktop to come out?
03:31:34jay__dont work
03:31:42jmhodgesjay__: no no no .. i meant sigh..
03:31:47kergoth`codingCloudchaser: i'll do a new OZ to back it out for now
03:31:50kergoth`codingCloudchaser: just havent had the time
03:31:56jmhodgesjay__: you symlink the libs inside the qtopiadesktop dir
03:32:08jmhodgesjay__: to what is called for by the binary
03:32:37jmhodgesln -s      
03:32:50jmhodgesand do that thing for all three of the libs
03:32:54prpplagueman this xfree86 4.1 build is buggy and weird compared to 4.2 are the other too
03:33:22Cloudchaserthat tells all ;)
03:33:38Cloudchaserthanks kergoth.. i know you're very busy..
03:33:58Cloudchaseri do apppreciate what all of you do
03:33:59darienmDoes anybody else sometimes get errors that their SD card has become read-only, which is corrected by a reboot?
03:34:20Cloudchaserdarienm: my sd card hasn't ever had that happen
03:34:35darienmMine just started a week ago, had no issues for the prior 3 weeks
03:34:50darienmits intermittent, usually after running ipkg for an install or uninstall
03:34:53jay__nah dont work
03:35:13kergoth`codingjay__: so experiment, you'll get it
03:35:24kergoth`codinggrumbles about qtopia desktop, then goes back to coding
03:36:13Cloudchaserhehe kergoth.. it stinks but its what he have :(
03:36:49kergoth`codinguntil kitchensync of course, for the linux folks
03:36:50jmhodgesill take scp thanks
03:36:54kergoth`codingi look forward to kde 3.1
03:37:00jmhodgesmmm.. kitchensync
03:37:15Cloudchaserthat will be good
03:37:23jmhodgesthat and kppp will be the only reason i will have kde on my hd
03:37:31Cloudchaserwon't help with windows... but its one part of the problem
03:37:50jmhodgesyou cooooould port it ;)
03:37:56kergoth`codingCloudchaser: they need a means of adding plugins to intellisync.. thatd rock.. add a plugin for outlook express.. etc..
03:38:03kergoth`codingjmhodges: kde 3.1 + cygwin anyone? lol
03:38:08Cloudchaseri agree but even whats there doesn't work
03:38:15jmhodgesYES! cygwin! lol
03:38:21Cloudchaseri really want to figure out unison
03:38:24jmhodgesonly thing that got me through when i had a winmodem
03:38:25kergoth`codingcygwin rocks
03:38:31Cloudchaserwhats cygwin?
03:38:38jmhodgesoh its soooo sweet
03:38:42angrybsdlinux emu for windows
03:38:42jmhodges*nix commands on windows
03:38:49jmhodgesits aaawesome!
03:38:51jmhodgesand fast!
03:38:55jmhodgesand complete!
03:39:02Cloudchaseri just want file synching
03:39:11whardierCloudchaser :)
03:39:13whardierhugs Cloudchaser
03:39:14jmhodgesits almostas good as having truly native nix commands
03:39:23Cloudchaserthanks whardier :)
03:39:24whardierssh and rsync are your bitches
03:39:49Cloudchaseron windows?
03:39:57Cloudchasercopying files isn't the issue
03:40:01Cloudchaseri can do that
03:40:09Cloudchasergot samba, ftp blah blah
03:40:10whardierthe whole synching thing
03:40:15whardierwell.. there is no good solution
03:40:25whardierbecause the transport.. even if available.. would never know what to do withpermissions
03:40:27Cloudchaserits...keeping revisions straight and automating the process
03:40:37whardierfrom ext2/jffs2 to vfat
03:40:41whardierits just dumb stupid poo
03:41:55Cloudchaseroh bleh.. i can't cope with setting everything up all over again :(
03:42:31kergoth`codingdaft punk is nifty
03:42:42Cloudchaserhey if i hard reboot
03:42:46Cloudchaserthen  install an app
03:42:51Cloudchaserthen restore the backup
03:43:00Cloudchaserwill the app i install be gone?
03:43:16Wemblyanyone know a good win32 flag text file log rotation program?
03:44:02W|GG-Libranetyeah, the app will be gone, i think
03:44:22kergoth`codingMDFMK. good music.
03:44:40W|GG-Libranethrmm...i want music...need to get the sound working on this box
03:45:14angrybsdW|GG-Libranet: sound works on your zaurus but not your desktop? :)
03:45:28W|GG-Libraneti just installed this distro last night
03:45:37kergoth`codingW|GG-Libranet: i only just got my sound up today, finally bothered to install alsa
03:45:42W|GG-Libranetminus sound (ISA card)
03:45:48Cloudchaserthanks W|GG-Libranet
03:45:55W|GG-Libraneti can never get also to work
03:46:08W|GG-Libranetat least, not with this card
03:46:26W|GG-LibranetCloudchaser: np
03:46:34kergoth`codingive still got an onboard sound deal
03:46:47kergoth`codingi really really need a new sound card.. my sblive went bad
03:47:27darienmWho has the 'bastard' songs on their site?
03:47:31darienmanybody here?
03:47:58W|GG-Libraneton the other box, it was using an onboard one and it wouldn't detect or install, so i disabled it and went to BB and bought a cheapass one (SB PCI)
03:48:00kergoth`codingbastard songs?
03:48:24codemnkythere's that lingo again
03:48:42kergoth`codinghmm what was hte url of the debian package feed for e17 from cvs again
03:48:42codemnkyi can only open 1 eye
03:48:50W|GG-Libranethey, bastard's not a bad word...its in the dictionary...hehe
03:49:11codemnkywhat you are saying is
03:49:16darienmit is whardier
03:49:22codemnkyif it's in the dictionary it's not bad?
03:49:33W|GG-Libranetbad is relative anyways
03:49:37kergoth`codingdarienm: whardier's a bastard?
03:49:44darienmnah, music
03:50:01W|GG-Libranetwhat's bad to one isn't necessarily bad to another
03:50:14W|GG-Libranetand it depends on the context
03:50:26darienmkergoth`coding: his bandwidth is a bastard, though
03:54:48W|GG-Libranetre jmhodges_
03:55:26prpplagueevening there jmhodges_
03:58:11VerxHomecan someone with Qt experience tell me - if you have a tabwidget filling an ENTIRE window, do you put the tabwidget inside a layout?
04:03:19Cloudchaserok here goes nothing
04:06:00jmhodgeswhat you doin Cloudchaser?
04:07:14Cloudchaserhard resetting my z
04:07:18Cloudchaserstarting all over
04:07:29Cloudchaserhoping i backed up everything i need
04:08:27jmhodgesah right
04:13:34W|GG-Libranetahhh....sound working
04:13:40W|GG-Libranetpapa roach
04:14:21Cloudchaserdarienm: you still here?
04:18:28kergoth`codingdamn splits
04:18:45kergoth`codingremembers saying that every 5 minutes on efnet
04:19:06kergoth`codinghey cdm
04:19:07prpplaguei've not seen that many ppl leave since the last time i was at the nudie bar and someone yelled "this is a raid!"
04:19:08kergoth`codinghowgoes it
04:19:09cdmhey kergoth`coding
04:19:14cdmpurrty good
04:19:49whardierenter the tired
04:20:46jmhodgeslol prpplague
04:20:56prpplaguefor anyone that cares, i've just built, flash, and tested x as part of the oz buildroot! w00t
04:20:58jmhodgeshwhwe whardier
04:23:32prpplaguewell guys, i'm done for the evening, i feel the urge for a late night playing of "blade runner" and a beer
04:23:46kergoth`codingprpplague: nice... drop me an email with the .mks and i'll add em to cvs
04:23:51kergoth`codingprpplague: ttyl
04:24:19jmhodgesgnight prpplague
04:24:31prpplaguekergoth`coding: will do, got a few more tweeks to do, unlike work, i'm not letting this one out the door till i can say i'm proud of it
04:24:49prpplaguenight all
04:25:25cdmkergoth`coding: got the flash read/write finally?
04:26:06kergoth`codingcdm: nah, it doesnt like me, so i took a break and started finishing up the rest of things.. the keymaps, sound drivers, etc.
04:27:10jmhodgeswhat is .mks?
04:27:14VerxHomedarienm: Are you still around?
04:27:19cdmkergoth`coding: cool stuff.
04:27:33VerxHomeI will have another one for you to look at in prolly 15 minutes or so
04:27:36VerxHomewill you be around?
04:27:49shoeanyone know where I can nuke stuff out of the file system... I keep running out of space... even when trying to just install apps to sd card
04:27:55Cloudchaserdarienm: i have question for you
04:28:10darienmVerxHome yes
04:28:12Cloudchaserthe tmpramdisk...i installed it. do i have to do anything with it to set it up?
04:28:13darienmCloudchaser: go ahead
04:28:24VerxHomeok, cool
04:28:25darienmCloudchaser: whose tmpramdisk?
04:28:29darienmCloudchaser: the one from nethack?
04:28:40Cloudchaserhmm i thought it was you who told me about it
04:28:46darienmcodemnky: cute, very cute, will you marry me?
04:28:47Cloudchaseryes i think so
04:28:55darienmCloudchaser: I have one of my own at
04:29:11darienmCloudchaser: but I think someone else was teling you to go to the nethack site for one
04:29:25Cloudchaseryours is different?
04:29:27kergoth`codingCloudchaser: I think neo was telling you about it the other day
04:29:42Cloudchasernods probly kergoth ;)
04:31:51whardierthis womens channel
04:32:02whardieris incredibly femininene
04:32:20whardiernight folks :)
04:32:27jmhodgesgnight whardier
04:32:34whardiergnight jmhodges
04:32:36whardiersleep tight
04:32:48jmhodgesdont let the bed bugs bite
04:32:48whardierdon't let.. the.. uhm.. human flesh eaters bite?
04:32:51whardiermaybe they should
04:32:52codemnkylater time to crawl from the chair to the toliet
04:32:57whardierI wouldn't mind a nibble
04:33:00jmhodgeslol codemnky
04:33:03W|GG-Libranetnite dude
04:33:05jmhodgesoh god.. i love this room
04:33:10whardierbah.. stupid TV
04:33:12whardierruns away
04:33:20kergoth`codingwhardier: flesh eaters? wtf are you watching?
04:34:16jmhodgesbashes cups and lprng for good measure
04:34:26jmhodgesi give up
04:34:27Cloudchaserdarienm: where on your site?
04:34:29kergoth`codingponders porting the Z keyboard driver to the input layer
04:34:55jmhodgeshey kergoth`coding.. i hope to god you werent expecting some kind of answer from the majority of us
04:35:08jmhodgesif so.. um.. uh.. do it?
04:35:13Cloudchaseri'm there
04:35:18kergoth`codingjmhodges: nono, i'm just talking to myself
04:35:30darienmCloudchaser: look under 'swap space'
04:35:40Cloudchaseroh.. i had that also
04:35:50Cloudchaseri did swap space
04:35:55jmhodgesheheheh kergoth`coding
04:36:08kergoth`codinghm i need to get better at navigating in X with th ekeyboard
04:36:13Cloudchaserwhat the tmpramdisk does is use the program ram as tmp to install i think
04:36:13TrekCyclingkergoth`coding: what does that mean? The part about the input layer.
04:36:20Cloudchaserrather than the user ram
04:36:46Cloudchaseruseful if you run short of space
04:36:52kergoth`codingTrekCycling: There's now a standard api for devices which are used for input.. mice.. keyboards.. joysticks, touchscreens, etc.. but not every driver is converted to it yet
04:37:16darienmCloudchaser: I dunno about that
04:37:24TrekCyclingstandard API for Linux for the Z?
04:37:36jmhodgeskergoth`coding: if you feel like it wouldnt hurt your other projects do it :)
04:37:39kergoth`codingTrekCycling: standard *input* api, for linux in general
04:38:42kergoth`codingGET OUT OF MY HEAD!!
04:38:45kergoth`codingi love this song
04:39:02whardiersearch for ls on gift
04:39:08whardierthats kinda interesting
04:39:09kergoth`codingmdfmk - get out of my head
04:39:37TrekCyclingoff to bed. later
04:39:46whardierI should be sleeping
04:39:55kergoth`codingnono, you should be coding
04:40:04kergoth`codingi want that as like a sticker or something. "I'd rather be coding."
04:40:08whardierthe world is much better with me sleeping
04:40:34kergoth`codinghow would you know? you'd be sleeping at the time
04:40:44whardierI have my eyes
04:40:53kergoth`codingyou sleep with your eyes open?
04:41:05kergoth`codingthat reminds me of the 'mom' in Throw Momma From the Train. you remember that movie?
04:41:11W|GG-Libranethe monitors the world with TiVo
04:41:19kergoth`codingthat old hag slept with her eyes open. freaked him out when he went to smother her with the pillow
04:41:34Cloudchaserok darienm: installing tkc rekall yet again with your script onto empty z
04:41:34whardierpops in a farscape divx
04:41:41kergoth`codingfarscape rocks.
04:41:45kergoth`codingnight whardier
04:41:46sjohnsonTivo! Don't watch TV without it...
04:41:50W|GG-Libraneti keep missing farscape
04:41:57kergoth`codingsniffle. i dont have cable.
04:41:59kergoth`codingor a tivo
04:41:59Cloudchaser'nighters whardier
04:42:00W|GG-Libranetnever seen it ... seen the previews tho
04:42:03kergoth`codingis deprived
04:42:09darienmCloudchaser: good luck
04:42:16kergoth`codingW|GG-Libranet: ack, watch it!
04:42:17W|GG-Libranetimma ask my wife for either a digital cam or a tivo for xmas
04:42:21Cloudchaserdarienm: hehe thanks :)
04:42:22sjohnsonW|GG-Libranet: You don't know what your missing. Farscape Rock!
04:43:12W|GG-Libraneti'll set the vcr...or my xp machine, to record it
04:43:33W|GG-Libranetthe previews look like its pretty good
04:43:40kergoth`codingdownloads some Oakenfold
04:44:07kergoth`codingi need to resurrect my mp3 collection
04:44:08angrybsdcowboy beebop!
04:44:41W|GG-Libranetdamn...i shoulda bought that 256mb CF card that was like $60
04:44:49jmhodgescool, python for the Z
04:44:53jmhodgeshow the hell did i miss this before?
04:44:56W|GG-Libraneti coulda used it on my flight, with the Z
04:45:54jmhodgesgive XavierXeon my "holy shit this is sweet" for that konqstart app
04:46:06jmhodgeswish i had a wireless net to use it on
04:46:08Cloudchaserdarienm: i did get couple errors that file esists
04:46:33kergoth`codingjmhodges: konqstart?
04:46:57W|GG-Libranetcd dos1
04:47:09jmhodgeskergoth`coding: yah heres the link
04:47:27jmhodges <-- its the inside of XavierXeons framed site
04:47:35jmhodgeser.. one of the inside files i mean
04:48:28kergoth`codingjmhodges: thats handy
04:48:58jmhodgesindeed it is
04:49:06jmhodgesi would love to use it :/
04:49:20Cloudchaserok this is too freaky
04:49:32jmhodgesuh oh
04:49:36jmhodgeswhat Cloudchaser
04:49:38Cloudchaseri installed the tkckompany file
04:49:42Cloudchaserdidn't get a tab
04:49:52Cloudchaserinstalled the rekall demo with darien's script
04:50:04Cloudchasergot a rekall icon on my apps tab
04:51:20jmhodgesand what happened then
04:51:36Cloudchaserhehe nothing.. it seems to work
04:51:46Cloudchaserjust very odd
04:51:59Cloudchaseri'll try again tomorrow.. wipe and install
04:52:01Cloudchasersee what happens
04:52:33jmhodgeshow long has this Random Project link been on freshmeat
04:52:51daralcjim hodges?
04:52:54daralcthe governor?
04:53:18daralci don't like the media player for zaurus, with the "bubble" look
04:53:20daralccan i replace it?
04:53:23jmhodgesj is my first initial m is my second
04:53:55jmhodgesdaralc: someone.. i forget whoo.. oh! ljp is working on skinable mediaplayer2
04:54:04jmhodgesdaralc: sharp or OZ?
04:54:06W|GG-Libranetit would be cool if you could have skins for the sharp media player
04:54:17i think oz is see openzaurus or
04:54:17jmhodgesibot oz?
04:54:19daralci use sharp zaurus
04:54:30jmhodgesdaralc: no idea
04:54:36W|GG-Libranetcan't use it with sharp's rom?
04:54:56kergoth`codingopieplayer2 will probably work on the sharp rom once its functional
04:55:12kergoth`codingsj-zaurus: did your enter get in the way too?
04:55:29kergoth`codingi did that repeatedly today.. just hit enter in the middle of a sentence
04:55:29sj-zaurusyep. and fat fingers
04:55:30kergoth`codingreally annoying
04:55:46jmhodgeswe are all very excited about the opie*2's
04:56:01daralcis there a link for popie3?
04:56:03sj-zauruswishes for mental transcribing
04:56:04W|GG-Libranetthat was prolly meant fo rme
04:56:11W|GG-Libraneti saw W|
04:56:27kergoth`codingdaralc: its opie. opie has a media player.. its being rewritten. but the new one isnt available yet.
04:56:30rumour has it opie is the Open Palmtop Integrated Environment. More info can be found at or in the #opie channel. or at or at or most important at or please read the installation instructions at
04:56:30kergoth`codingibot: opie?
04:56:32sjohnsonW|GG-Libranet: i meant to say what kergoth`coding said.
04:57:14VerxHomeok darienm, I am compiling it now
04:57:17daralcwhats better about it over my original zaurus OS?
04:57:29darienmVerxHome Im still here
04:58:04sjohnsondaralc: OZ is more hackable. OZ uses a r/w flash file system.
04:58:25jmhodgesdaralc: and no proprietary software in the ROM
04:58:26daralcah cool
04:58:32daralcis it hard to setup?
04:58:33jmhodgesdaralc: ie no Opera or hancom
04:58:37jmhodgesdaralc: nope
04:58:42daralcwhat browser?
04:58:47jmhodgesdaralc: but it is still beta
04:58:53jmhodgesembedded konqueror
04:59:08sjohnsonlike konq-e better than opera
04:59:11angrybsdjmhodges: can it run all the applications the normal env. can?
04:59:13daralcis it possible to go back to my old in case something happens?
04:59:14kergoth`codinggood saturday night.. drinking my long island, listening to some oakenfold, and coding..
04:59:35kergoth`codingcourse a better saturday night would involve being out partying and women, definately women.
04:59:38kergoth`codingbut this'll do
04:59:42jmhodgesangrybsd: its trying very hard but as of yet no
04:59:51kergoth`codingdaralc: yeah, you can flash the sharp rom again to go back
04:59:52W|GG-Libranetmay buy some liquor tomorrow and ingredients for margaritas
04:59:52sjohnsondaralc: You can run apps on on the sharp rom and oz.
05:00:07W|GG-Libraneti can drink once the kids are deeply asleep
05:00:12daralccan i run the software required to do sharp mobile?
05:00:14daralcwith OZ?
05:00:16VerxHomekergoth`coding: I set everything up in layouts and it still doesn't respond to my opening the input method. . .
05:00:29kergoth`codingVerxHome: errr... odd
05:00:48sjohnsondaralc: You be able to. OZ uses Opies which is a fork of the QTopia code.
05:00:56kergoth`codingVerxHome: I'm afraid my qt coding skills have gotten rusty while I sit in kernel space, I dunno what to have you try next :-)
05:01:02VerxHomekergoth`coding: Question - I have a tabwidget filling the entire dialog.  The tab widget isn't in a layout, but EVERYTHING inside the widget is.  Is that the problem?
05:01:36kergoth`codingVerxHome: hmm. could very well be, yes.  see I've used layouts, but not with tabwidgets... so i dont know the specifics of this
05:01:48VerxHomeheh, ok
05:02:00angrybsddarienm: why do you on your site only use an m100 rom image?  how about you go color for a 505 :)
05:02:01sumeet_pI have a 802.11b problem with CF Linksys WCF12 - any takers? (oh please oh please!)
05:02:17angrybsdsumeet_p: ahh i was thinking of getting one of those, i found a good deal on one
05:02:20codemnkyi can't sleep
05:02:22darienmangrybsd: way too slow, requires too much ram
05:02:23daralcif i have my zaurus turned off, will the OPIE alarm clock still work right?
05:02:31W|GG-Libranethas a visor dx rom if anyone wants to play with it
05:02:39angrybsddarienm: ohh, that sucks
05:03:07sjohnsondaralc: Yes. Opie used the RTC just like Qtopia does
05:03:11angrybsdsumeet_p: thats what i was thinking of getting
05:03:11sumeet_pangrybsd, have you got an 802.11b working on the zaurus?
05:03:19VerxHomedarienm: Did it run for you?
05:03:24angrybsdsumeet_p: nope, but WAS thinking of getting that card
05:03:26W|GG-Libranetuses a D-Link
05:03:41sjohnsondaralc: Real Time Clock. you can use the RTC to wake up the Z
05:03:52sumeet_pVerxHome, it's kinda weird.
05:04:23sumeet_pI edited the wg-lan.conf to add the string and manfid, the driver loads fine and I see eth0 with the MAC
05:05:05sumeet_pI had to edit the wg-lan.opts for SSID settings - "linux-wlan" to "Wireless", that's what my access point uses
05:05:06i guess darienm is Darien Kruss, author of Zaurus Geek website at
05:05:06angrybsdibot darienm
05:06:05darienmVerxHome: yes, runs fine.
05:06:14sumeet_pnow the card when plugged, GETS an IP address from the DHCP server, I could even run Opera for 10 minutes (max so far) and then it just loses the connection
05:06:19VerxHomewhat do you think of the changes?
05:06:19daralcwill Sharp Mobile make modem dialing noises?
05:06:22darienmVerxHome: easier to follow, I think. What's your intention with all the text fields?
05:06:54daralcwill i have to dialup for sharp mobiel?
05:06:57daralcsharp mobile
05:07:00VerxHomedarienm: Well, the Name may end up being a label, but most everything else will be editable fields for the user to edit
05:07:02codemnkyhey guys, excuse me
05:07:14codemnkyi have to barrow some insults for a post
05:07:18darienmVerxHome: So you'll do x/+ in the fields?
05:07:22VerxHomedarienm: You will be able to toggle having the program calculate your modifiers for you
05:07:24darienmVerxHome: or how will you separate them?
05:07:33MyCityReaper is nothing but a boil-brained half-mouthful of wretched guano.
05:07:33codemnkyibot insult MyCityReaper
05:07:36MyCityReaper is nothing but a pointy-nosed assload of sausage-snorfling Stimpy-drool.
05:07:36codemnkyibot insult MyCityReaper
05:07:37VerxHomedarienm: Or you can put in what you want
05:07:40darienmis puzzled
05:07:41MyCityReaper is nothing but a pointy-nosed pile of lumpish gunk.
05:07:41codemnkyibot insult MyCityReaper
05:07:42daralcwill i have to dialup for sharp mobile?
05:07:45codemnkythat's enough
05:07:48darienmbut not severely
05:07:51VerxHomedarienm: x/+, what do you mean?
05:07:57darienmVerxHome: value/mod
05:08:07VerxHomewell, let me give you an example
05:08:12sjohnsondaralc: No. Sharp Mobiles uses CDPD. It's a full data service.
05:08:13VerxHomeyou are adding a new character
05:08:17darienmVerxHome: earlier you had two integers for each attribute, now there is only a single field.
05:08:24VerxHomeyou put in a strength of 9
05:08:26daralci have a verizon phone..
05:08:29daralcit has wireless web
05:08:30daralclike that?
05:08:46sumeet_pdaralc, verizon uses GPRS (iStream) IMHO
05:09:08sumeet_preboots zaurus
05:09:14daralcwell, sharp mobile uses verizon?
05:09:17daralcit says so on their site
05:09:27sumeet_plemme check
05:09:29daralccan i use my existing verizon service?
05:09:37daralcand just get the modem
05:09:53sjohnsondaralc: Not exacly. CDPD is a data carrier service that runs in AMPS service areas.
05:10:09sumeet_poops! daralc, I'm mistaken, VoiceStream uses GPRS.
05:10:29daralcwell the site (sharp mobiel) says i have excellent coverage for CDPD in my area
05:10:29sumeet_pgot confused between VoiceStream and Verizon
05:10:38daralci just don't want to have to buy out of my Verizon 2 year contract
05:10:47sjohnsondaralc: AMPS is not the same are CDPD
05:10:48daralcwondered if i could utilize that somehow
05:11:17sumeet_pso far I checked out VoiceStream plans and they charge by the MB.
05:12:41daralcis there an AIM client for OPIE?
05:13:08sjohnsondaralc: yes. kinkata-lite (sp?)
05:13:30sjohnsonhas bee installing a lot of software in OZ lately.
05:13:38daralc    *  Unlimited data airtime from Verizon+
05:13:44daralcthats what it says about sharp mobile...
05:13:53daralcsince i use Verizon right now, can i use that contract? just change it?
05:14:06daralci have a $170 or $270 buyout of that contract, and i can't have both
05:14:20sumeet_pthat sucks.
05:14:24angrybsd: what?
05:14:24angrybsdibot, aim
05:14:27angrybsd: what?
05:14:27angrybsdibot kinkatta
05:14:31angrybsd: excuse me?
05:14:31angrybsdibot, kinkatta lite
05:14:45sjohnsondaralc: Probably not. Sharp is just contracting the the CDPD carrier for their service.
05:15:23sjohnsonor it's sub-contracted out to another nation-wide CPDP service.
05:15:24daralc$39.95 monthly fee
05:15:24daralc    * Unlimited data airtime from Verizon+
05:15:25daralc    * Service runs on reliable CDPD data network
05:15:31daralcthat just sounds like my plan
05:15:37angrybsddarienm: is your screen protector still working out well for you?
05:15:52daralcfor celluar, i might just call sharp mobile services and ask if they think it would be do-able
05:15:53kergoth`codingnotices that he codes pretty well when he's been drinking
05:16:00darienmangrybsd: yes, very well
05:16:25Speedy2kergoth`coding: Or maybe you just think that? :)
05:16:28sumeet_pnotices 802.11b isn't wirelessing very well
05:16:30darienmangrybsd: I'm thrilled with the G2's
05:16:31kergoth`codingSpeedy2: I was about to say that...
05:16:34angrybsddarienm: can you wipe the screen protector off if it gets dirty?
05:16:40kergoth`codingSpeedy2: I guess I'll find out tomorrow :-)
05:17:11angrybsddarienm: i think i might get a 2 pack of those
05:17:12kergoth`codingSpeedy2: well, at least i'm getting code written, rather than slackin off
05:17:17angrybsddarienm: even though they seem pretty pricey :)
05:17:19darienmangrybsd: I can wipe the exposed part
05:17:31darienmangrybsd: you won't catch me removing it from the Z anytime soon.
05:17:48sjohnsonkergoth`coding: And you'll best asking yourself in the morining "What was I think?" ;)
05:17:52darienmangrybsd: (1) it was hard to get in, (2) its got a nice tight fit now, (3) its doing its job
05:18:01sumeet_pdoes anyone know of Java/Qt binding project?
05:18:09kergoth`codingsjohnson: hey, speaking of which.. i should comment my code tonight...
05:18:13kergoth`codingsjohnson: :-)
05:18:19angrybsdsumeet_p: i don't but the name sounds interesting
05:18:23daralc|sleepis away: sleep
05:18:32kergoth`codingsjohnson: boy thatd be out of the ordinary.. i dont comment enough, big surprise. heheh
05:18:46sumeet_pangrybsd, there is a project on sourceforge, works for Qt 2.3
05:19:06sjohnsonkergoth`coding: I think we all fail to comment enough. I know I do.
05:19:11kergoth`codingsjohnson: true taht
05:21:20kergoth`codingre catalin
05:22:18angrybsdsumeet_p: when will they port that mother to the Z?
05:23:40sumeet_pI don't know, nothing has happened since 2001
05:23:51well, angrybsd is a whore
05:23:51angrybsdibot, angrybsd
05:24:11sumeet_pAnymore C++ and I'll have to do something about it >-)
05:24:22angrybsdsumeet_p: lol
05:25:00sumeet_pI like Qt though, by far one if the best toolkits
05:25:37angrybsdfor Z development and syncing, wouldnt it be easy to just download that special demolinux zaurus dev. edition CD?
05:26:21W|GG-Libranetis listening to Stairway to Heaven
05:26:27sumeet_pI have seen that mentioned before, haven't tried it yet
05:26:37sumeet_pLed Zeppelin?
05:26:51sumeet_pLZ is da true rock
05:26:58darienmis listening to Sweet Home Alabama
05:27:23sumeet_pI swear I remembered that one hit wonder band
05:27:46darienmjust before that madonna was playing
05:27:47angrybsdcoding for KDE you need to use Qt?
05:27:54darienmAnd now... its..
05:28:01darienmLou Bega
05:28:03kergoth`codinglistening to daft punk atm
05:28:14kergoth`codinglou bega.. his songs have a good beat, imho
05:28:36sumeet_pis listening to prism2_cs crapping out
05:28:47erikdcmp3[Pennywise - Alien [4:07] - 5.66MB] on [atlantis]
05:28:47kergoth`codingsumeet_p: hows it sound? ;-)
05:28:55erikdpennywise is great
05:29:02kergoth`codingerikd: what genre?
05:29:15angrybsdis pimpin the ben folds
05:29:22kergoth`codingsearches giFT some more
05:30:10erikdcmp3[Five for Fighting - Superman [3:45] - 3.43MB] on [atlantis]
05:30:13darienmben folds, there's an angry man
05:30:14erikdthis one's good, too
05:30:21darienmunhappy with his relationships.
05:30:37sumeet_pkergoth :-
05:30:46angrybsdcan i program my challenge program solely in Zdevmlinux?
05:30:51angrybsderr ZdemoLinux
05:31:00erikdack... it's already 1:30!
05:31:05erikdi think it's time for bed :)
05:31:07erikdg'night guys
05:31:15sumeet_pI don't think so angrybsd
05:31:18darienmhasta erik
05:31:43sumeet_pyou can use the Qt framebuffer
05:33:57sumeet_phas anybody gotten the QtDesigner to work with the Qtopia 1.5, I can't find how to start blank forms
05:34:04sumeet_pboy, do I have questions
05:35:48W|GG-Libranetwhat, no colors???
05:40:21angrybsdi think i just preformed a DTMF burp
05:42:39sumeet_plemme see now, bluetooth anyone - I got it "sorta" working
05:44:37[DrEvil]I have bluetooth
05:44:59kergoth`codingsumeet_p: the german opie developers have added bluetooth apps to opie, fyi
05:45:21[DrEvil]kergoth`coding: do they work yet?
05:45:28angrybsdkergoth`coding: well doesnt opie have EVERYTHING ;)
05:45:49[DrEvil]it doesn't have a backup app
05:46:01angrybsdkergoth`coding: can opie sync with winXP?
05:46:02[DrEvil]or a package manager that works
05:46:09angrybsdQTopia Desktop on XP?
05:47:04sumeet_pDrEvil, what does your bluetooth PAN consist of?
05:47:29[DrEvil]my cell phone and my Z
05:47:36sumeet_pI use a Socket CF card and a 3Com pcmcia on the laptop
05:47:37[DrEvil]I also have a BT headset
05:47:51[DrEvil]which would be dun if it worked with the Z
05:47:53angrybsdthey should make BT wireless mice :)
05:47:55sumeet_pi use the bluez stack
05:48:12[DrEvil]I have a socket CF card
05:48:39sumeet_pmy problem is that I can l2ping fine between the laptop and Z
05:48:59sumeet_pbut I can't do the hcid or ppp over hcid etc.
05:49:24sumeet_pno wait, I can do 'hcitool inq' fine and no l2ping,
05:49:32sumeet_pit's late
05:49:47angrybsdi sure hope bluetooth doesnt catch on, that way we can all sniff 802.11b networks more plentiful!
05:49:53nadavI see nelson came on
05:49:56sumeet_pwonders if it's all the 2.4GHz "rays"
05:50:57sumeet_phmm, angrybsd I don't know how that will work, at the moment I can't 802.11b and bluetooth to work with their own kind!
05:51:21angrybsdsumeet_p: hehe, i know a few people who have gotten that to work :)
05:51:44sumeet_pI'd also like to know such people at the moment ;-)
05:53:15sumeet_phmm, maybe the 802.11b draws power that Z can't supply and hoses it's driver - how would one debug that?
05:54:07Speedy2sumeet_p: By monitoring the power drawn by the card and knowing the Z's output capabilities.
05:54:19sj-zaurusCan't be. CF suppliees only 3.3 volts
05:55:21Speedy23.3V is the voltage, what about the current draw?
05:55:38sumeet_pyeah that's what I meant - amperes
05:55:43sj-zaurusAll CF cards are 3.3  volts
05:55:46Speedy2SO WHAT?
05:57:49sumeet_plet's see, I rig a  cable with a CF connector and socket and monitor the voltage lines?
05:58:10sumeet_pwishes for an oscilloscope
05:58:36Speedy2sumeet_p:'d have to stick a shunt *IN SERIES* with the power lines...
05:59:20sumeet_pyes, I that is correct, I'm wondering how can I NOT introduce errors just because of this rig up
05:59:58sumeet_pwhere is the kernel log file?
06:00:19sj-zaurususe dmesg
06:00:27sumeet_p"/var/log/dmesg" doesn't seem to help
06:00:31sumeet_phmm ok
06:00:34sumeet_phere goes
06:00:36Speedy2sumeet_p: If you are serious about this, you'd need a CF extender and you'd need to put a meter in series or a resistor and a scope across it (requiring a 2-channel scope to make a differential measurement)
06:01:16sumeet_pyes Speedy2, you are absolutely correct, I'll have to monitor waveforms for any serious work
06:01:38Speedy2I'd help, but I'm busy now.
06:01:52sumeet_pand making sure that I use something akin to sampling aka the shunt,
06:01:56sj-zaurussumeet_p: use the dmesg command to print thr log
06:01:57sumeet_psure, thanks Speedy2
06:03:07sj-zaurusSpeedy2: It late for me and my brain only has a couple of neurons fiiring
06:03:10sumeet_pi think Z needs a reboot
06:04:01sumeet_p"p80211knetdev_hard_start_xmit: Tx attempt prior to association"
06:05:23angrybsdschleepy shleep
06:07:16sumeet_phmm got on the network now
06:08:01sumeet_p"dhcpcd uses obsolete (PF_INET,SOCK_PACKET)"
06:08:18sumeet_pcan ping!!!!
06:10:30sumeet_pOpera is working over 802.11b, now comes the interesting part
06:10:42sumeet_pit drops connection anytime now
06:11:15sj-zaurusWhat driver are you using?
06:11:29sumeet_pthe conn. is still up
06:12:21sj-zaurustry ftp or scp. i have same trouble using dlink and oinoco frivers
06:13:06sj-zaurusconnection craps after a few hunderd K
06:13:47sumeet_pok it crapped out
06:14:13sj-zaurususe dmesh to see driver msgs
06:14:17sumeet_pdmesg doesn't say anything
06:15:35sumeet_pthat's odd, when it usually loses connection, it starts blinking, this time blinking stopped but no connection aka no ping
06:16:17sumeet_pis there anything in "/proc" ?
06:17:04sumeet_pit can ping itseld
06:17:22sj-zaurusthat doesn't hit the card
06:17:57sjohnsonsumeet_p: Do you have wirless tools installed?
06:18:08sumeet_pnope, where do I get 'em?
06:18:20sjohnsonoz or zz feed
06:18:25i guess feeds is listed at
06:18:25sjohnsonibot: feeds
06:18:28it has been said that feed is a package repository or or or for OpenZaurus or for cvs Opie
06:18:29sjohnsonibot: feed
06:19:50sumeet_pGot it!!! Thanks a lot!!
06:20:49gabbarugh unplugged the wrong card
06:25:18sjohnsonsumeet_p: You can use iwconfig to see status of WLan card
06:26:26sumeet_psjohnson: thanks, I was hunting around for whatever the package installed
06:27:09sjohnsonipkg files <packagename>     will list installed files.
06:27:31sumeet_pstrange, I can ping it i.e. it got an address, iwconfig doesn't show anything
06:28:40sjohnsonHmm. that must meaning the prism_cs driver use wireless extensions.
06:29:02sumeet_pit says "eth0 no wireless extensions"
06:29:10sumeet_pand same for "lo"
06:29:20sumeet_pand that can't be "good" :-(
06:29:26sumeet_pbut I can ping it
06:30:18sjohnsonsumeet_p: It just meas that the prism_cs drivers doesn't use the wireless extentiosn that wireless-tools understands.
06:30:31sjohnsonThe wlan-ng utilities may work.
06:30:44sumeet_pok, thanks!!!
06:31:05sjohnsonsumeet_p: Are you using OZ or the Sharp ROM?
06:31:29sumeet_pSharp ROM, upgraded to 2.37
06:31:58sumeet_phow is OZ compared to Sharp?
06:32:13sjohnsonDifferent. :)
06:32:21sjohnson5000 or 5500?
06:34:11sumeet_phmm, ftp works so far
06:34:13sjohnsonsumeet_p: Well on the 5000 Sharp ROM wlan-ng is already installed.
06:35:10sumeet_poh ok, I saw those files in /etc/pcmcia, wasn't sure if there was a separate download
06:36:01sjohnsonCommand are wlanctl-ng and wlancfg
06:36:43sjohnsonwlancfg show <interface> will show configuation. (It's a bunch)
06:37:16sumeet_pI put the wlan monitor there, the signal is below 50% and quality as well
06:38:21sumeet_pholy shit! that IS a lot!
06:39:07sumeet_pdmesg says it's dropping frames
06:39:11sumeet_pso far so good
06:39:17sumeet_pi.e. I have connection
06:39:26sumeet_plemme upload an MP3 file or something
06:42:53sumeet_pgreat, Windows Explorer crashed
06:46:40sumeet_pthe connection is toast now, well sjohnson, thanks a lot for your help, I really appreciate it
06:46:53sumeet_pI think I'll get in touch with Sharp/Linksys
06:47:32sj-zaurusI've hard success with orinoco drivers
06:50:22sumeet_psj-zaurus: where do I get those drivers - the feed sites?
06:51:38sj-zauruswell they are in the kenel-modules ipkg but they can be compiled seperately
06:51:57sumeet_pok, thanks a lot!
06:52:31sumeet_puh oh, do you have cross compiler setup for StrongARM?
06:53:17sj-zaurusnot for the zaurus environment.  Try asking kergoth or someone else
06:53:21Speedy2You can download many pre-built ones has an RPM
06:53:45Speedy2A 2.95.2 toolchain (Linux, i386, cross for ARM)
06:54:00Speedy2There is also the GNUPro XScale chain that will produce ARM v4 code
06:54:42sumeet_pmay I please be directed to setting up toolchain instructions! that'll be very helpful! has an RPM
06:54:57Speedy2You just install it...ya dig? :)
06:54:59cdm2.96.2 has issues.
06:55:08Speedy2cdm: What issues?
06:55:11Speedy23.xx had even more IIRC
06:55:12cdmas does binutils pre 2.10
06:55:23cdmSpeedy2: generating incorrect code.
06:55:40sj-zaurusthe hh.orf toolchain works for me
06:55:44Speedy2Strange...2.95.2 was used to compile Sharp kernel, etc.
06:55:54cdmSpeedy2: our ARM toolchain was the first to move to 2.95.3 and binutils 2.10 - long before anything else.
06:55:59cdmSpeedy2: maybe that is why it is so slow?
06:56:15Speedy2cdm: I know the Thumb support is pretty broken
06:56:21Speedy2cdm: What are you dudes using? 2.95.3?
06:56:33Speedy2Works well?
06:56:35sumeet_pis curious too
06:56:54Speedy2cdm: Does it employ Peep Hole Optimization?
06:57:31cdmSpeedy2: works pretty good.  I doubt it does much in terms of really good optimzations vs. ARM's own compiler.
06:57:44Speedy2cdm: Yes, but if it doesn't have "Peep Hole Optimization" I'm leaving
06:58:18Speedy2cdm: Curious, do you dudes use standard libraries? Does that mean all code has to be given out?
06:59:20sj-zaurusSpeedy2:  No. the libraries are lgpl not gpl
06:59:27sumeet_pdoes anybody know of a wireless monitor tool for Windows?
07:00:04cdmSpeedy2: we have our own C and C++ libs - the GNU stuff is huge and slow and generally non-conforming (C++).
07:00:07Speedy2sj-zaurus: Is newlib also like that?
07:00:17Speedy2cdm: I see.
07:00:43cdmSpeedy2: we actually licence DinkumWare's stuff for C++ and C99.
07:01:00sj-zaurusSpeedy2: I don't know.
07:01:01cdmalthough we do have the GNU C++ libs for x86.
07:01:18W|GGL|Tis away: I'm busy
07:02:05W|GG-Libranetis away: I'm busy or asleep
07:12:56Hellaenergygood evening
07:13:27Hellaenergyya whatever :)
07:21:00darienmwow, that's brash
07:21:29Hellaenergylove it or leave it
07:22:04darienmwell, just to come in and say all of 4 words then throw that link at us.
07:22:17darienmhas seen it before, btw.
07:22:47HellaenergyI didn't mean to be powerful
07:22:57darienmno need to apologize, you have your opinions and so do I. I thought it was brash. :)
07:23:39darienmits neither a positive nor negative connotation. kinda like 'assertive'.
07:23:48darienmits all in how you use it.
07:23:58darienmSo, do you have a Zaurus, or just spreading the word?
07:24:08Hellaenergywhat kind of opinions do you have? thats weird
07:24:19Hellaenergyyes I have a Z
07:24:25darienmwhich model?
07:24:34darienmlike it?
07:24:43Hellaenergylove it
07:24:53darienmuser or programmer?
07:25:27Hellaenergyof what
07:25:36Speedy2You tell me
07:26:10Hellaenergylove  for opensource and linux
07:26:22darienmcars, cards, drugs, happiness, goodwill.....
07:26:38Hellaenergyright on
07:27:00darienmis that (opensource) and (linux) or is it (opensource and linux) ?
07:27:53darienmhe ponders....
07:27:53Hellaenergythe latter
07:28:00darienmhe answers.....
07:30:41darienmibot 86400 * 365
07:31:33thanks darienm :)
07:31:33darienmibot, you are so cool
07:31:59darienm: excuse me?
07:31:59darienmibot, give me a hug
07:32:06darienmwhere's the love
07:32:28Hellaenergylove this channel
07:33:03darienmeh, this channel is okay. but too  many people just come here to screw with ibot.
07:33:08darienmor to order a drink from sugar
07:33:23darienmor to spam non-relevant web addresses.
07:33:31darienmoops, did I say that out loud?
07:33:37Hellaenergyif its last call yet?
07:33:45darienmwhat do you want?
07:33:51darienmname your poison
07:34:11darienmnothing too hard to make
07:34:17Hellaenergya smooth sendmail installation please.
07:34:17darienmwe never close
07:34:35darienmsugar, give Hellaenergy a smooth sendmail installation
07:34:54darienmsugar make Hellaenergy a smooth sendmail installation
07:34:56Hellaenergyreaches out
07:35:07darienmsugar,give Hellaenergy a smooth sendmail installation
07:35:13darienmsugar give Hellaenergy a smooth sendmail installation
07:35:18nadavi think that's beyond its powers
07:35:21darienmsugar, make me a long island
07:35:21Sugarcombines vodka, gin, light rum, tequila, juice of half a lemon and cola, pours over ice in a highball glass then adds cola for color and garnish with slice of lemon and serves it to darienm.
07:35:29darienmHrmmm. I feel refreshed.
07:35:32darienmSorry Hellaenergy
07:35:41Hellaenergythats ok
07:35:51Hellaenergyshoots the moon
07:35:59darienmsugar make a smooth sendmail installation for Hellaenergy
07:36:10Cam__grrr I just FTPed a load of images to my CF card in the Z, now it has become unusable - it just says it's running out of memory all the time and I can't open any apps... ideas?
07:36:36darienmCam__: um.. define a 'load'
07:36:50Hellaenergyreformat it with a sandisk r/w
07:36:58darienmCam__: is that a few files that are very large, or a large number of files that are small
07:37:02Hellaenergyfat of course
07:37:13Cam__The CF card is 64Mb and it has maybe 80 jpegs on it, which nearly fill it
07:37:38Hellaenergyslobbers on himself
07:37:40darienmCam__: When you say "it" has become unusable - the card or your Zaurus?
07:38:22Cam__the Zaurus  - it keeps raising low memory errors
07:38:35Cam__it's a SL-5000D so it's not exactly memory rich
07:40:28sj-zaurusCam: how big are jpegs?
07:40:32Cam__darienm - the files are typically 800k and there is no more than 80 of them
07:41:04darienmCam__: um, 80 * 800 = 64,000. You've filled your card.
07:41:15Cam__yeah that's the idea
07:41:28darienmCam__: You should avoid doing that.
07:41:34Cam__but now I should still ve able to use the Z, right??
07:41:44darienmCam__: sure.. if you remove the card :)
07:42:01Cam__ohh do you think the cf driver failed and corrupted the card?
07:42:17darienmCam__: I dunno... I just think you should leave a little breathing room.
07:42:18HellaenergyDoS attacks Cam_'s Zaurus
07:42:29darienmCam__: Can you delete a file or two and see if it helps?
07:42:44Hellaenergywonders how that feels
07:42:59sj-zaurusCam: no, the doumcent tab is scanning all ofthe pictures
07:43:14sj-zaurusthats eating up ram
07:43:20darienmHellaenergy, we offer you a refreshing beverage, engage you in delightful conversation, and you want to attack Cam__'s zaurus?
07:43:41HellaenergyI sorry :
07:43:52Cam__I have 2 go now.... I'll maybe try to remove some files from the boot prompt...
07:43:55darienmsj-zaurus: But its not reading the image data, right? 80 FILES is nothing for the document tab.
07:43:57Cam__thanks all
07:43:59Hellaenergyhangs his tounge out and droops
07:44:23Hellaenergypeace out Cam_
07:44:31Hellaenergypeace out Cam__
07:45:12darienm: i'm not following you...
07:45:12darienmibot, unixtime
07:45:15darienm: sorry...
07:45:15darienmibot, unix time
07:45:27HellaenergyI quess there is a reason this server is called
07:45:41sj-zaurusCam:  did you try to view a picture?
07:45:44Hellaenergyno one is awake
07:45:45darienmthat's just the server YOU connected to.
07:46:05darienmThere are a dozen (or two) servers that let people connect to OPN all around the world.
07:46:12darienmThis CHANNEL is global.
07:46:13Hellaenergyya ya
07:46:20Hellaenergybut who is using em?
07:46:46Hellaenergylooks like the North American Peoples
07:46:46darienmThis particular channel? You, me, sj-zaurus, Cam__ and a few others I'm sure are still lurking.
07:47:01Hellaenergythe main ones
07:47:11Hellaenergylinux apache perl
07:47:23darienmWe're not more important than anyone else.
07:47:24Hellaenergywonders if its just him
07:47:29darienmNot based on geography, at least.
07:47:35Hellaenergyno one said that foo
07:47:46Hellaenergyjust an observation
07:47:59darienmI guess I concatenated two of your statements.
07:48:15darienmThat's what happens when you don't capitalize sentences and use a period.
07:48:31Hellaenergyfeel illiterate
07:50:07darienmfeels too sexy for his HTML editor.
07:50:26Hellaenergywhat one?
07:50:33darienmBegone, bloatware!!!!
07:50:45darienmGive me raw text!
07:50:54Hellaenergyyour a madperson
07:50:55darienmMacromedia Dreamweaver.
07:51:17darienmI'll take that as a compliment.
07:51:28darienmMost people just use the word 'psycho'.
07:52:34Hellaenergyare you in the US?
07:53:02Hellaenergygood morning ;)
07:53:52HellaenergyGood night
07:54:12sumeet_pg'night y'all. Thanks for all your help!
10:26:57George-the topic's changed
10:30:43frankpshi all
10:50:22George-|AFKcan you run Opie on the Z's standard ROM?
12:02:06George-sorry, didn't notice you! :)
12:02:13hungerkergoth`coding: Damit. I get a nice and working libc6 ipk, then it is overwritten by an empty one:-(
12:02:40George-hunger: ?
12:03:00hungerGeorge-: OZ build system is not doing what I want it to.
12:03:08hungerprods it with a big stick.
12:03:24Nadavhey george
12:03:25George-lobs a cray II at the OZ build system
12:03:36Nadavdefinetely will go crazy at some point
12:03:42Nadavnow i'm leaning towards a mac again
12:04:07George-Nadav: heh
12:04:11George-Nadav: go get a Cray II
12:04:37George-a Cray II supercomputer
12:04:48Nadavof course
12:05:07Nadavebays around
12:05:41Nadavhas $2000
12:06:17George-to spend on a Cray II? :)
12:06:37Nadavon a computer
12:06:56George-YAY :)))
12:43:03[George]kergoth`coding: ping
12:46:52VerxHomeanyone happen to know how to add a menu from within Qt Designer?
12:47:18treke|ho1eVerxHome: you cant
12:47:27VerxHomeok. . . .
12:47:32VerxHometell me this then
12:47:39VerxHomehow many pixels should I allocate for the menu?
12:47:53VerxHomeie, where should my widgets start in terms of X position?
12:48:02treke|ho1eyou dont
12:48:10treke|ho1ethe menu goes before your widget
12:48:11VerxHomeplease explain
12:49:11VerxHomeThe way I would assume it works is that the menu bar or whatever it is called in Qt would go just below the title bar
12:49:22VerxHomeand it looks like it takes up perhaps 30 vertical pixels
12:49:36VerxHomeso how does this work?
12:49:49VerxHomeI make my dialog 290 - 30 pixels
12:49:57VerxHomeand then below the title bar is a menu bar
12:50:02VerxHomeand below THAT is my dialog?
12:50:07VerxHomeis trying to understand
12:50:14VerxHomewas guessing
12:50:25VerxHomeso is there a container that holds the menubar and the dialog?
12:50:25treke|ho1eand dont set a fixed size for your dialog
12:51:07VerxHomebegins to realize he hadn't really been writing an application up to now - only a dialog.  :(
12:53:05Cloudchaserhow are you all doing today?
12:53:17VerxHometreke: So my dialog should have minimum size 0,0 - max size 32767,32767?
12:53:41VerxHomeCloudchaser: I thought I was doing well until treke here told me what I thought was going so well was ACTUALLY all messed up
12:53:50Cloudchaseri saw ;(
12:54:11treke|ho1eVerxHome: Delete it from the .ui later on. just dont worry about the size much
12:54:20Cloudchaseri gave up myself..hope you get it all figured out
12:54:27VerxHometreke? eh??????????????
12:54:41VerxHomeis super confused now
12:55:05VerxHomeup until now, I could just take my dialogs out of Qt Designer and use them in my app
12:55:12VerxHomenow it sounds like I have to manually edit them everytime?
12:55:53treke|ho1eVerxHome: the .ui file has a couple of lines that specifiy the dimensions in it. You dont have to do it every time, but one you think you are done make sure you set the minimum size back to 0 ( or something sufficiently small)
12:56:52VerxHometreke: Oh, mine is set to minimum 0,0, max 32767,32767.  That ok?  I have a dialog.  Inside the dialog, I have a tabwidget.  For the time being, every other widget for my app is in the tabwidget.
12:57:59treke|ho1eThat should be fine
12:58:41VerxHometreke: And my tabwidget itself, I have set to max/min 240,290
12:58:56VerxHomeshould the tabwidget also have no restriction?
12:59:29VerxHomecan you explain how I will add my menu?
12:59:48VerxHomeI asked before if there was a container that will hold both the menu and my dialog, but you didn't answer that one.  :)
13:00:38treke|ho1eI believe you want a QMainWindow for that
13:00:42Cloudchaserhmm.. last night i reset my z.. could ftp in.. this morning i can't ftp in
13:00:59VerxHomeok, so QMainWindow should contain the menu and the dialog - you think.  :)
13:01:29VerxHomesaves his entire project off to the side in case treke is secretly trying to sabotage things. :)
13:01:39treke|ho1eyup. QMainWindow contains all of that, and you call setCentralWidget() on the dialog widget
13:01:49Cloudchaserhehe nah.. i'm sure he's not
13:01:59VerxHomeme too cloudchaser.  was a joke.  :)
13:01:59treke|ho1eCloudchaser: I may be completly full of shit though
13:02:03VerxHomestill, I wanted a backup
13:02:10VerxHomebefore I make changes this big
13:02:13treke|ho1ewaits for warmi to show up and confirm that he is
13:02:15Cloudchaserhehe dbout that too treke
13:02:57VerxHomeok, let me struggle to piece this together
13:03:06VerxHomeis hoping this doesn't nuke everything
13:03:12Cloudchaseras for me..i'm just plain discouraged with my z...
13:03:17VerxHomewhy so?
13:03:32Cloudchaseri think the hardware is fine
13:03:47Cloudchaseri just can't make it do what i want
13:03:48VerxHometreke: Can I set a minimum size for my tab widget?  Or should I be setting its minimum size to 0 also?
13:03:58VerxHomeCloudchaser: What are you wanting it to do?
13:04:04Cloudchaserlike it's got a mind of its own
13:04:59Cloudchaserwell like i just had to reboot it to ftp in.. or i had to hard reset to get tkc rekall demo to install, and then it had to use darienm script
13:05:09Cloudchaserand then i'm too dumb to figure that out
13:05:22VerxHomedarienm script?
13:05:26VerxHometries to understand
13:05:33VerxHomeas for the tkc rekall demo
13:05:35Cloudchaserit wouldn't install to sd card
13:05:41Cloudchaserso he made a script for it
13:05:42VerxHomedid you install the demo with a gui, or from the commandline?
13:05:54Cloudchaserwith the gui
13:06:01Cloudchaserwell before with the gui
13:06:06Cloudchaserthat didn't work
13:06:11VerxHomewhat did it say?
13:06:13Cloudchaserthis time i did it with the script
13:06:27Cloudchaserjust the stupid message something went wrong
13:06:38VerxHomewell, what did it say was wrong?
13:06:47VerxHomeI find ipkg is pretty good about explaining what is wrong
13:06:49VerxHomeif I listen to it
13:07:02Cloudchaserno it didn't... the gui does?
13:07:19VerxHomeno, I don't use the gui at ALL for installing software
13:07:24VerxHomenor do I expect I ever will
13:07:40VerxHomeif I have to install something right on the unit, I will just open a shell prompt and use ipkg
13:07:51VerxHomebut usually I do it over an ssh session
13:08:08Cloudchaseroh well...that's all well and good but...i'm just a regular kind of user
13:08:31VerxHomewell, I don't think the Z is quite ready for regular kinds of users
13:08:37Cloudchaseri see that
13:08:38VerxHomejust my personal opinion makes me sad
13:08:54Cloudchaseri had high hopes
13:09:00VerxHomeI did too
13:09:12Cloudchaseranyway..its all been said before
13:09:16VerxHomeI was trying to get Boeing to seriously consider the Z or else iPAQs running opie
13:09:37VerxHomethey are still listening since I can make a standard build of software and distribute the iPAQs that way
13:09:39Cloudchaserso i guess i just get it back the way i had it and wait for the next cool thing
13:11:02Cloudchaseror.. get my old jornada 660 fixed
13:11:33Cloudchaserdoesn't do what i need for work either
13:11:54VerxHomewhat is it you are needing your Z to do
13:12:02VerxHomeI mean, assuming you could get your software installed
13:14:07Cloudchaserwell first and foremost ...i needed a serial cable that lets me use the keyboard
13:15:15VerxHomeI haven't read anything about such an option on the Z
13:15:32VerxHomealthough, if there is a serial port on the Z (and not just USB), it should be possible I would think
13:15:32Cloudchaserthere's a serial cable
13:15:43Cloudchaserbut it blocks the keyboard from opening
13:16:32Cloudchaseri need file synhcing
13:16:37VerxHomelooks at cloudchaser
13:16:50VerxHomeoooh, I get what you are saying now
13:16:57VerxHomeI thought you meant an external serial cable
13:17:03VerxHomeer, external serial keyboard rather
13:17:20VerxHomewhy do you need the serial port while the keyboard is extended?
13:18:48Cloudchaserconsoling into routers and switches :)
13:19:01VerxHomelooks at cloudchaser
13:19:08VerxHomeyou want to console into routers and switches
13:19:14Cloudchaseri really could have used that the last few weeks
13:19:14VerxHomebut you want to be a regular user
13:19:58Cloudchaseri'm not really a regular user
13:20:18VerxHomeI didn't think you were
13:20:43VerxHomeI think this is a case of wanting to have your cake and eat it too
13:21:07Cloudchaserthe things i want to do i could do with old ce machine
13:21:25VerxHomeso you could use a serial cable
13:21:29VerxHomeAND an external keyboard
13:21:32treke|ho1eThe serial cable sounds like bad hardware design
13:21:33VerxHomewith your old ce machine?
13:22:09Cloudchasertrue the z has more bells and whistles
13:22:13Cloudchaserway more of those
13:22:47VerxHomeCloudchaser: Your Jornada let you use an external keyboard and a serial cable?
13:23:08treke|ho1eCloudchaser: I think that model jornada was the flip top one
13:23:18Cloudchaserbut like my jornada 660lx had nice keyboard, i could toss it into my purse and go from closest to closet
13:23:21Cloudchaserit was
13:23:29[George]VerxHome: the Z should allow that also....
13:23:31Cloudchaseri bought a nice term em for it that logged
13:23:31treke|ho1eer that was for VerxHome  home
13:24:30VerxHome[George]: Do you do any Qt programming?
13:24:40[George]VerxHome: a bit.
13:24:47treke|ho1eif its the model I'm thinking of, it probably had a regular old serial port on it
13:24:53Cloudchasersure did
13:24:57VerxHome[George]: you use Qt Designer at all?
13:25:00Cloudchaserhad 2 cables. 20.00 each
13:25:01[George]VerxHome: if you're asking me for help with an app that you're submitting to the contest, I'm not helping :)
13:25:05Cloudchaserone for connectingto pc
13:25:08treke|ho1eThen again it was also significantly  larger than a zaurus :)
13:25:09[George]VerxHome: Yes, I used to use Qt Designer
13:25:34VerxHome[George]: Oh, all I was going to ask was if you knew how to make an app resize for the input method
13:25:46VerxHome[George]: But in truth, yes, I am writing an app for the contest
13:25:49[George]VerxHome: I haven't a clue
13:25:51VerxHomeand then I intend to write more apps
13:25:54[George]VerxHome: lol :)
13:26:09[George]VerxHome: heh, I want to win, dammit :)
13:26:19VerxHomethere isn't winning in the challenge George
13:26:25VerxHomethere is simply entry
13:26:25[George]yeh there is
13:26:29Cloudchaserright if you submit and app you get a z
13:26:32VerxHomehow do you figure
13:26:33[George]They probably have a limited supply of Zs
13:26:46VerxHome[George]: Yes, and they don't allow more people to enter than they have Z's
13:26:46[George]You don't think they can give a Z to everyone who enters, do you? :)
13:26:50VerxHomedid you even read the rules?
13:26:57treke|ho1eVerxHome: well actually...
13:27:00[George]VerxHome: what rules? :)
13:27:03VerxHome[George]: THAT IS EXACTLY what they are doing
13:27:12[George]VerxHome: it said "Send an app by so and so date"
13:27:18[George]VerxHome: and that was about it =P
13:27:27VerxHomeyou have to give them something for the Z
13:27:27treke|ho1eVerxHome: [George] The idea was everyone who submits an app gets a Z
13:27:33VerxHomehaving a mere entry doesn't get it
13:27:36VerxHomebut it isn't a contest
13:27:42treke|ho1eit sounds like sniper signed too many people up for it :)
13:27:54VerxHomeI mean, if you don't wanna help people, that is fine
13:27:57[George]treke|ho1e: hm?
13:28:03[George]VerxHome: nah, I'll help, that was a joke, heh
13:28:14VerxHomeI am just saying, the way the contest was described, it shouldn't be an issue
13:28:29well, challenge is
13:28:29VerxHomeibot, challenge
13:28:31treke|ho1e[George]: There may be too many  people compared to devices, but he's trying to get more devices
13:28:42[George]treke|ho1e: LOL
13:28:46[George]slaps Sniper
13:29:04[George]how many 5000Ds were ever made?
13:29:05VerxHomethis is right from the webpage
13:29:25treke|ho1eprobably not that many
13:29:27VerxHome-Choose and Develop one application for the Zaurus (from our list of apps)
13:29:27VerxHome-Register by August 3rd, 2002
13:29:27VerxHome-Submit a beta by August 23rd, 2002
13:29:27VerxHome-Receive your very own Zaurus 5000D
13:29:27VerxHome-Submit final application, by September 13th, 2002
13:29:33VerxHomethat makes it pretty clear
13:29:42[George]hmm ,ok ok
13:29:50[George]What if you submit a beta
13:29:52VerxHomeI mean, look at the webpage yourself
13:29:56[George]then don't submit a final? :)
13:30:05treke|ho1e[George]: nothing
13:30:06VerxHome[George]: I think that will make you a bad person
13:30:09treke|ho1e[George]: You
13:30:14VerxHomeI think Sharp is giving you the Z on faith
13:30:17treke|ho1eyou'd be an ass, but nothing would happen
13:30:24[George]treke|ho1e: ahh, hehe
13:30:37[George]cranks up VNC, makes a screenshot of Starcraft "running" on the Zaurus
13:30:41[George]lol :)
13:31:13[George]I wonder how many people will do that? :)
13:31:20VerxHometreke: Have you created any Qt apps with menus?  :)
13:31:27treke|ho1e[George]: How stupid do you think they are? :)
13:31:30treke|ho1eVerxHome: yeah
13:31:31VerxHome[George]: You submit a BETA - not a screenshot
13:31:32[George]VerxHome: if you want help with menus, I'll help :)
13:31:45[George]treke|ho1e: I dunno, but judging by Sniper signing too many people up :))))
13:31:59[George]-For the beta entry, a .tgz/rpm for x86 file format or .ipkg packages and screenshots of the virtual frame buffer will be accepted. Once we send you the Zaurus, you must commit to completing the final product. For the final release, only .ipkg packages will be accepted.
13:32:09[George]"And screenshots of the virtual frame buffer"
13:32:25VerxHomeyou think they won't install the ipk?
13:32:37[George]you don't NEED to have the ipk
13:32:57[George]I heard tell of people vnc'ing Quake 3 Arena? :)
13:33:00VerxHomeyou can have a .tgz/rpm for x86 -*OR*- ipk packages -*AND*- screenshots
13:33:06prpplaguemorning all
13:33:15VerxHomewonders if george understands boolean logic
13:33:19treke|ho1e(tgz/rpm) || (ipkg && screenshot)
13:33:26VerxHometreke: Exactly
13:33:27[George]VerxHome: well send them an ipk, then corrupt it ;)
13:33:31VerxHomeI almost wrote that thing
13:33:34[George]VerxHome: and send 'em screenies
13:33:37[George]VerxHome: lol
13:33:40VerxHome[George]: And then they can't install it for crisakes
13:33:44VerxHomejesus man
13:33:51Nadavshoots george
13:33:52[George]VerxHome: precisely, then they have to use the screenies =P
13:34:00treke|ho1e[George]: And then expect them to say send an uncorrupt ipk
13:34:12[George]damn :)
13:34:14Cloudchaseror just disqualify the entry
13:34:15VerxHome[George]: Right, and they say "Sorry, we cannot award you a damned thing because you need to submit screenies AND a working ipk"
13:34:18Cloudchaserand you don't get z
13:34:25[George]VerxHome: lol
13:34:59VerxHomeI mean they are being generous enough as it is - I couldn't believe they are giving the Z's before the final release is done
13:35:19[George]Are you allowed to send the IPK only?
13:35:23[George]ie - without the screenies? :)
13:35:28VerxHomeREAD IT MAN
13:35:34treke|ho1eipkg AND screenshots
13:35:41treke|ho1eenglish isnt that hard to read
13:35:48Nadav[George]: and you called ME a fool?
13:35:50VerxHomewonders what kind of boolean logic george will have in his program
13:35:52[George]is tired
13:35:57[George]Nadav: I know ;)
13:36:05[George]VerxHome: very strange type :)
13:36:32VerxHomeif user_clicks_quit_without_save | user_clicks_quit_with_save { exit without saving }
13:36:55VerxHomeshudders even harder now
13:37:10VerxHometreke: You beta test Georges app.  :)
13:37:13VerxHomeor Nadav
13:37:17[George]connect(this, SIGNAL(quitwithsaveclicked()), qApp, SLOT(quit()));
13:37:51VerxHome[George]: Did you read what that bit of code would do?
13:38:14[George]VerxHome: yep!
13:38:20[George]VerxHome: that's why I wrote it, lol
13:38:47Cloudchaserhiya mark
13:38:58markhi Cloudchaser
13:39:04VerxHomedecides George just needs an nvidia card to help him with boolean logic
13:39:08[George]hey mark
13:39:17VerxHomethanks treke, reading now
13:39:20[George]flames VerxHome
13:39:23markhi [George]
13:39:26VerxHomegeorge; eheh
13:39:34markVerxHome: [George] having problems with boolean logic?
13:39:45VerxHomemark, you would have been laughing so hard man
13:39:49VerxHomeI think he must just be tired
13:39:59markVerxHome: hmm, where are th e logs again? :)
13:40:03Nadavmark: boolean login AND thinking clearly
13:40:24Nadavuh, logic
13:40:34[George]mark: yeh... connect(this, SIGNAL(quitwithsaveclicked()), qApp, SLOT(quit())); <-- read that code :)))
13:40:42VerxHomep<[George]> They probably have a limited supply of Zs
13:40:53VerxHome<VerxHome> [George]: Yes, and they don't allow more people to enter than they
13:40:53VerxHome           have Z's
13:40:53VerxHome<[George]> You don't think they can give a Z to everyone who enters, do you?
13:40:53VerxHome           :)
13:40:53VerxHome<VerxHome> did you even read the rules?
13:41:09VerxHome<VerxHome> [George]: THAT IS EXACTLY what they are doing
13:41:09VerxHome<[George]> VerxHome: it said "Send an app by so and so date"
13:41:09VerxHome<[George]> VerxHome: and that was about it =P
13:41:09VerxHome<VerxHome> granted
13:41:09VerxHome<VerxHome> you have to give them something for the Z
13:41:13VerxHome<VerxHome> having a mere entry doesn't get it
13:41:15Cloudchaserhard resets z yet again
13:41:26VerxHome<[George]> hmm
13:41:26VerxHome<[George]> ok
13:41:26VerxHome<VerxHome> but it isn't a contest
13:41:37[George]learns Java
13:41:42[George]enters insignia contest
13:41:45VerxHomeand the best bit:
13:41:46Cloudchasergeorge you ever get help in here?
13:41:52VerxHome<VerxHome> this is right from the webpage
13:41:53mark[George]: whats wrong with that code?
13:41:58VerxHome<VerxHome> -Choose and Develop one application for the Zaurus (from our list
13:41:58VerxHome           of apps)
13:41:59VerxHome<VerxHome> -Register by August 3rd, 2002
13:41:59VerxHome<VerxHome> -Submit a beta by August 23rd, 2002
13:41:59VerxHome<VerxHome> -Receive your very own Zaurus 5000D
13:41:59VerxHome<VerxHome> -Submit final application, by September 13th, 2002
13:42:01VerxHome<VerxHome> that makes it pretty clear
13:42:03VerxHome<[George]> What if you submit a beta
13:42:06VerxHome<[George]> then don't submit a final? :)
13:42:07[George]mark: read it a bit harder, lol
13:42:21VerxHome<VerxHome> [George]: I think that will make you a bad person
13:42:29VerxHome* [George]/#Zaurus cranks up VNC, makes a screenshot of Starcraft "running" on
13:42:29VerxHome          the Zaurus
13:42:29[George]Cloudchaser: hmm?
13:42:37VerxHome<[George]> I wonder how many people will do that? :)
13:42:47VerxHome<[George]> -For the beta entry, a .tgz/rpm for x86 file format or .ipkg
13:42:47VerxHome           packages and screenshots of the virtual frame buffer will be
13:42:47VerxHome           accepted. Once we send you the Zaurus, you must commit to
13:42:47VerxHome           completing the final product. For the final release, only .ipkg
13:42:47VerxHome           packages will be accepted.
13:42:47Cloudchaserdo people in here help you when you have questions?
13:42:55VerxHome<[George]> "And screenshots of the virtual frame buffer"
13:42:55VerxHome<VerxHome> yes
13:42:55VerxHome<VerxHome> AND
13:42:55VerxHome<VerxHome> you think they won't install the ipk?
13:43:00[George]Cloudchaser: I dunno :)
13:43:05[George]Cloudchaser: yeh, prolly
13:43:10VerxHome<VerxHome> you can have a .tgz/rpm for x86 -*OR*- ipk packages -*AND*-
13:43:10VerxHome           screenshots
13:43:13VerxHome<treke|ho1e> (tgz/rpm) || (ipkg && screenshot)
13:43:17markCloudchaser: we try
13:43:22VerxHome<[George]> VerxHome: well send them an ipk, then corrupt it ;)
13:43:28VerxHome<[George]> VerxHome: and send 'em screenies
13:43:47Cloudchaserright, George, i'm sure you get help in here, so when someone else "might" need help
13:43:51VerxHome<[George]> Are you allowed to send the IPK only?
13:43:51VerxHome<[George]> ie - without the screenies? :)
13:43:56Cloudchaserperhaps you might reconsider your answer
13:43:57VerxHome<VerxHome> george
13:43:57VerxHome<VerxHome> READ IT MAN
13:43:59VerxHome<treke|ho1e> ipkg AND screenshots
13:44:23[George]Cloudchaser: lol, I'm crap at coding ;)
13:44:41VerxHomemark: Get it now?
13:44:41[George]Cloudchaser: People should ask for my help if they want an app that doesn't work =P
13:45:11Cloudchaserperhaps that's the better answer then :)
13:45:19Cloudchaserrather than if....then no
13:45:21VerxHomeCloudchaser: :)
13:45:24markVerxHome: heheh, yep :)
13:45:32[George]Cloudchaser: lol, I explained it was a joke, ages ago
13:45:58Cloudchaserah i apologize then
13:46:13VerxHomehe did Cloudchaser
13:46:27VerxHomedo a lastlog on joke
13:46:27[George]Cloudchaser: <[George]> VerxHome: nah, I'll help, that was a joke, heh
13:46:29VerxHomeyou will see it
13:46:31Cloudchaserhehe ok.. i did miss that part
13:46:39Cloudchasersorry george.
13:46:47VerxHomeit was in the middle of the boolean logic discussion
13:47:02Cloudchaseri get my back up if i think people are being...not so nice to he helpful people here ;)
13:47:07VerxHome[George]: Seriously, if you could help me with menus I would appreciate it
13:47:14[George]VerxHome: cool
13:47:22VerxHomelet me explain where I am
13:47:26treke|ho1eok. now someone go find the fix to my vnc bug
13:47:26[George]VerxHome: #1, inherit from QMainWindow =P
13:47:28VerxHomeand where treke told me to go (heheheh)
13:47:43VerxHomeI have a QDialog with a tabwidget in it.  All my widgets are in the tabwidget
13:47:50treke|ho1eVerxHome: well you cant repeat that in the presence of a lday :)
13:47:59VerxHomeup till now, I haven't used anything but QDialog, and I haven't had menus
13:48:02[George]VerxHome: hey, this is the same design as my app! =P
13:48:07VerxHomeso I am trying to learn how to get there from here
13:48:16[George]Inherit from QMainWindow
13:48:20VerxHomegot it
13:48:33[George]so Class whatever : Public QMainWindow
13:48:38[George]to get the menubars
13:48:39[George]just do:
13:48:58[George]filePopup = new QPopupMenu(this); <--- The "File" menu
13:49:43VerxHomeso there isn't a menuBAR?
13:49:55VerxHomejust individual popupmenus?
13:50:01VerxHomemoin Jason
13:50:09[George]filePopup->insertItem("whatever", id number);
13:50:15[George]then to add the File menu to the menubar
13:50:32[George]menuBar()->insertItem("File", filePopup);
13:50:44treke|ho1eerikd: There is one, but its part of QMainWindow
13:50:54VerxHomeok George, question
13:50:55treke|ho1eVerxHome: There is one, but its part of QMainWindow
13:50:58[George]then to link the the item in the menu to a SLOT, do:
13:51:14VerxHome[George]: So QMainWindow provides the menubar, and you "insertItem's" into it?
13:51:21[George]filePopup->connectItem(id number, this, SLOT(whatever()));
13:51:27[George]VerxHome: yes
13:52:04Cloudchaserwhats the good word JasonNJ-home:
13:52:06VerxHomeand to get my dialog into QMainWindow, I do what?
13:52:08[George]Any good books on Java?
13:52:24[George]VerxHome: your QTabWidget etc?
13:52:43[George]VerxHome: the same as you did with QDialog
13:52:44VerxHomeI have (in Qt Designer) a dialog with my QTabWidget
13:52:55[George]VerxHome: You may want to consider QMainWindow::setCentralWidget, though
13:52:56treke|ho1eVerxHome: setCentralWidget(MyWidget)
13:53:14[George]treke|ho1e: haha, beat you :)
13:53:23treke|ho1eyeah but mine was clearer :)
13:53:27[George]damn :)
13:53:46VerxHome[George]: So can I do any of this in Qt Designer?
13:53:49treke|ho1eVerxHome: Change your dialog to a QWidget instead of a QDialog ( have to edit your .ui in a text editor)
13:54:04[George]VerxHome: yes
13:54:13[George]VerxHome: then you just #include the designer header file
13:54:18[George]VerxHome: then you create the widget
13:54:29[George]VerxHome: then you setCentralWidget(designer_widget)
13:54:31VerxHome[George]: I couldn't figure out how to make a QMainWindow, or a MenuBar in designer
13:54:32Nadavok, i'll be back
13:54:38[George]VerxHome: you can't =P
13:54:39Cloudchaserhmm tkc kompany ipk doens't make a kompany tb
13:55:01VerxHomeCloudchaser: It isn't an app - it is a library
13:55:14VerxHome[George]: Ok. . .
13:55:21Cloudchaserit doesn't make the kompany tab?
13:55:28[George]VerxHome: don't expect it to work though =P
13:55:31VerxHometreke: If I make that change to the .ui file, can I then load it into designer and keep working with it?
13:55:40VerxHomeCloudchaser: No, the tkc apps make that
13:55:57treke|ho1eVerxHome: yeah, I just havent found a way to make the change in designer
13:56:03VerxHomeCloudchaser: Install any tkc app, and you will get the tab.  tkc_thekompany isn't an app.
13:56:04[George]why oh WHY do people refer to SD cards as SD RAM?!?!!?
13:56:12[George]that really gets on my nerves
13:56:14VerxHome[George]: Idiocy?
13:56:18Cloudchaserhmm tkc rekall went onto applications tab, not kompany
13:56:26Cloudchasercould be the script i guess
13:56:27treke|ho1eCloudchaser: Be happy
13:56:45VerxHomeCloudchaser: tkcRekall isn't a "normal" tkc app to be honest
13:56:46Cloudchaserwell i just reset the z thinking something was wrong
13:57:18treke|ho1eoops :)
13:57:22Cloudchaserhas anyone used rekall?
13:57:26VerxHometreke: Ok, if I can make the change to the .ui file and still edit it in designer, I am fine with that
13:57:26[George]Cloudchaser: download tab manager =P
13:57:39Cloudchaseri had it.. had a problem with it
13:57:40treke|ho1eVerxHome: which you can
13:57:45treke|ho1etried it
13:57:50treke|ho1ebut I couldnt figure it out ;)
13:57:50Cloudchaseremailed benmeyer
13:57:55VerxHomewhat I didn't want was to have to re-edit it every time I made a change in designer
13:58:01[George]Cloudchaser: it's up on handango
13:58:04Cloudchaserhe told me basically to look at the source
13:58:11Cloudchaseri know where it is
13:58:12VerxHomecloudchaser/treke: Grab the desktop docs for it, they are quite good
13:58:23Cloudchaseri asked him about docs
13:58:26treke|ho1eVerxHome: Nah, it's equivalent to starting with a QWidget instead of a QDialog
13:58:27VerxHomeI beta tested tkcRekall
13:58:28Cloudchaserhe said look at the source
13:58:36[George]all this has made me remember
13:58:40VerxHomeCloudchaser: Who?
13:58:42[George]that I need to implement my HTML editor
13:58:59VerxHomeCloudchaser: What exactly did you ask him?
13:59:23CloudchaserI was trying to set up an icon on the desktop to run a shell script using
13:59:24Cloudchaser> Tab Manager. It didn't work. I put the path to the shell script in Exec box
13:59:24Cloudchaser> but when I tried to run it, I got an error: "No application is found for
13:59:24Cloudchaser> this document". Kergoth and ljp in #zaurus tried to help me out with this
13:59:24Cloudchaser> but to no avail. Any ideas for me to try?
13:59:26Cloudchaser> I tried to find some documentation for Tab Manager to see if perhaps I was
13:59:28Cloudchaser> doing something wrong, but I couldn't locate any. If there is some, could
13:59:30Cloudchaser> you point me to it?
13:59:47Cloudchaserhe answered this:
13:59:56CloudchaserHmm there really isn't any documentation, there is the source if you want it
14:00:08Cloudchaserso i just uninstalled it
14:00:17VerxHomeso far as I know
14:00:26VerxHomewhat you were trying to do has NOTHING to do with tab manager
14:00:39VerxHometab manager's job (as far as I know) is to organize which app is on which tab
14:00:58VerxHomeI create icons for things like shellscripts with vi
14:01:04VerxHomeyou just create a .desktop file
14:01:39Cloudchaserfeels really stupid now
14:01:53VerxHomedon't feel stupid
14:02:00VerxHomehardly any of these apps have documentation
14:02:05VerxHomeso it ain't easy out there
14:02:25[George]VerxHome: hmm, but some of these apps are so piss easy to use...
14:02:36Cloudchaserbut some aren't george
14:02:48VerxHome[George]: You said you don't know how to make an app resize itself to make room for an input method to pop up?
14:03:00Cloudchaserand not all of us can read source to figure them out
14:03:20treke|ho1eVerxHome: you might want to take a look ad the addressbook source
14:03:34ljpshould document a howto make skins for opieplayer
14:03:43Cloudchaserheya ljp
14:04:04[George]VerxHome: No I don't
14:04:13VerxHomedoes your app resize itself?
14:04:31VerxHomeor, like mine, does it sit there idle while the input method covers things?
14:04:33VerxHomeoh, ok
14:04:40VerxHomeheh, well, if I find a solution I will let you know
14:04:40ljpmy howto would be-> look at pics/mediaplayer/skins/default
14:04:51treke|ho1eVerxHome: I'm gonna venture a guess and say put the whole thing into a QScrollView
14:05:01[George]VerxHome: Have you looked at the Qtopia API docs?
14:05:19VerxHome[George]: I have, they are decidedly not Qt/E specific
14:05:19markthey're shi*e
14:05:38treke|ho1euhm, yes they are :)
14:05:39[George]VerxHome: no no no
14:05:45[George]VerxHome: the QTOPIA api docs
14:05:52ljpwhy do you need an API when you have the source?
14:06:09VerxHomeI misread
14:06:14[George]VerxHome: It looks like a function in QPEApplication
14:06:16VerxHomeI was thinking Qt, not Qtopia
14:06:20treke|ho1eljp: because we arent l33t h4x0rs like you
14:06:44ljpheh.. just look at the headers.. there's functions there not in the 'API'
14:07:16VerxHomeyeah ljp, those are typically functions they reserve the right to change without notice
14:07:28VerxHomethe API is supposed to be your entry point for functions
14:07:34VerxHomeso far as I know anyway
14:07:51[George]VerxHome: have you looked at other apps?
14:08:14ljpverx: about 3/4 of functions available are not in qtopia's docs
14:08:37VerxHome[George]: Well, I have, but I haven't found one simple enough to really help me
14:08:47markwhat is VerxHome trying to do?
14:09:00VerxHome[George]: I am new enough to C++ and Qt that if there is much "noise" beyond what I am trying to figure out, it is very hard for me
14:09:03[George]mark: resize the window to accomodate for the input method
14:09:10VerxHomemark: I want my app to resize itself when an input method obscures it
14:09:11[George]VerxHome: hang on, i'll take a look for you
14:09:22VerxHomemark: And I have no idea what causes, or enables it
14:09:31marki've never figured out why some windows do it and some dont
14:09:39markQMainWindow v QDialog?
14:09:50VerxHomewell, I am using QDialog
14:09:55VerxHomeand George is using QMainWindow
14:09:59VerxHomeit doesn't work for either of us
14:10:05VerxHomeso it is something more than just that
14:10:07[George]mark: hang on
14:10:15[George]mark: I'll just check if my QMainWindow thingy works :)
14:10:33VerxHometreke: I like your idea, but I guess I just would like to know a bit more about it before I go trying weird stuff like a QVScrollWindow
14:10:38VerxHomeor whatever that is called
14:14:19mark[George]: Well?
14:14:33JasonNJ-homedammit I hate internal server errors
14:14:49[George]mark: I can't check...
14:15:01[George]mark: I'll have to create a damn ipk for arm and transfer it to my Zaurus
14:15:08[George]mark: And I can't be bothered at the moment :)
14:15:51VerxHomegeorge is your app complex enough you can't just send the bin over?
14:15:52[George]hmm, now *where* did I put that convert ipk?
14:16:05[George]VerxHome: hmm, good point
14:17:19JasonNJ-homeI friggin hate cgi scripts in perl
14:17:35JasonNJ-homeanyone know of a good guestbook script in php?
14:17:50[George]VerxHome: just building, hang on :)
14:18:52Mickey0anyone in the mood to test my wirelessapplet?
14:20:25ljpI'll test it.. but I dont have wireless ;)
14:20:44VerxHomeljp: Perhaps you know
14:20:45mark[George]: why can't you do it on x86?
14:21:22Mickey0ljp :)) it should work for you, too :) it just won't display that much... only a static image if everything works...
14:21:23[George]it doesn't resize itself
14:21:32[George]mark: because I don't have a very good SDK :)
14:21:39[George]mark: I don't have input methods installed
14:21:42Mickey0please check it out @          (first version... subject to contain lots of bugs... :))
14:21:59VerxHomeljp: How do you make an application for opie allow your app to move out of the way when an input method obscures it?
14:23:29[George]VerxHome: tell the user that input methods suck and provide them with a free keyboard? :P
14:23:48ljpuse a layout, but if there's not enough room for the widgets to move, then it doesn't really work
14:23:59VerxHomeljp: Ahhh
14:24:06VerxHomeljp: That explains a great many things
14:24:08[George]ljp: A layout?!?
14:24:09[George]ljp: I'm using setCentralWidget()
14:24:19VerxHomeljp: so densely packed widgets are problematic
14:24:48treke|ho1eVerxHome: so if you switched to say the list view, you might be fine :)
14:24:52VerxHomeljp: I guess I will end up having to put my entire tabwidget into a vertically scrollable region
14:24:57ljpI usually use a gridlayout and addMultiCellWidget
14:25:02VerxHometreke: But the list view wouldn't work
14:25:15treke|ho1eVerxHome: It wouldnt work?
14:25:30ljpjust make a scrollview as the parent of the tabwidget
14:25:32VerxHometreke: My app needs editable fields
14:25:50VerxHomeljp: Will I have to make a scrollbar visible to do that?
14:26:05treke|ho1eVerxHome: ah.  I thought you were still opening lots of dialogs
14:26:19VerxHometreke: can you dcc?
14:26:23VerxHomeI can send you a snapshot
14:26:50treke|ho1eVerxHome: you can try :)
14:27:26ljpverx: isnt that what you wanted.. a scrollview?
14:27:27VerxHometreke: It doesn't have the worlds most awesome name at this point
14:27:44VerxHomeljp: What I wanted was for my app to move out of the way when the input method is popped up
14:28:02VerxHomeljp: but I would prefer to not take up horizontal screen space by putting in a vertical scrollbar
14:28:50ljpwell, there has to be extra space for the widgets to move too ..
14:29:14ljpI think
14:29:41VerxHomeljp: What I was getting at was whether or not a scrollview would allow my tabwidget to scroll UP to allow room for the input method WITHOUT needing a scroll-*BAR*-  :)
14:29:53treke|ho1eVerxHome: it appears I cant receive through dcc
14:30:06VerxHometreke: Email?
14:30:57[George]signs that address up for "Spam Daily"
14:31:00ljpverx; certain widgets like combo boxes cant really change height..
14:31:32VerxHometreke: Sent
14:31:53VerxHomeljp: right, and I have almost NOTHING but those "certain widgets"
14:31:57VerxHomethat is my problem
14:32:31[George]is there a workaround to the problem where if I install an app onto SD/CF, all that apps data stuff appears in the documents tab?!?!?
14:32:44treke|ho1eVerxHome: what type of file is it?
14:33:03VerxHometreke: ARM executable
14:33:13treke|ho1egoes to dig up a wireless card
14:33:46VerxHomewell shit, XP decided I wasn't allowed to have usbnet anymore
14:33:49[George]is the hancomsheet ipk corrupted?
14:34:38VerxIdletreke: I think I may have gotten my firewall to allow scap
14:34:50VerxIdlewhere do scapshots end up?
14:34:55VerxIdleurl wise
14:34:57rumour has it scap is or a CGI application now
14:34:57VerxIdleibot, scap
14:35:06VerxIdleok, thanks
14:35:15VerxIdleonce my XP box comes back up, I should be able to try that
14:35:34VerxIdleoh, here is a simple question
14:35:35[George]kicks Qinstall
14:35:45[George]shoots it
14:36:04VerxIdlehow do I disable the "OK" button in the titlebar of my app?  Once I get it to be a QMainWindow instead of a QDialog, will it just go away?
14:36:49markVerxIdle: yes
14:36:58VerxIdleok, that is certainly good news
14:37:14markgpe is looking cool
14:37:29[George]mark: Gnome Palmtop Environment, isn't it?
14:37:34[George]mark: Embedded gnome iirc?
14:37:47treke|ho1emore like qpe done in gtk
14:38:00[George]ahh ok
14:38:06mark[George]: GNU palmtop environemnt
14:38:11treke|ho1eits as much gnome as qpe is kde
14:38:35[George]mark: i can't stand GTK
14:38:56[George]mark: OMG! They stole the KDE titlebar keramiK!
14:38:57[George]ARGH! :)
14:39:26[George]mark: Does that run on X?
14:39:30VerxIdletreke: URL?
14:39:30treke|ho1ethey stole the gtk title bar?
14:39:39treke|ho1egtk doesnt have a titlebar
14:40:00mark[George]: yeh
14:40:03[George]treke|ho1e: hmm, n/m
14:40:51markwants to run X so he can play scummvm properly
14:41:16treke|ho1ehehe same here in some ways :)
14:41:21treke|ho1eVerxHome: what url?
14:41:22[George]I want Sarien
14:41:26[George]so I can play Police Quest
14:41:31[George]If I can find that damn CD....
14:41:48VerxIdletreke: For qpe done in gtk
14:41:51treke|ho1eplice quest on cd? ha
14:41:59VerxHometreke:did you get to try the app?
14:42:02treke|ho1eVerxHome: nope
14:42:10VerxHomeok, sec and I will scap it for ya
14:42:31[George]treke|ho1e: I got the collectors edition, 1 CD of nos. 1-4 (including remakes) and 4 CDs of SWAT
14:42:48prpplaguemark: x support on OZ is on the way
14:42:53treke|ho1eeew. that steaming pile of shit
14:42:58markprpplague: cool
14:43:01prpplaguemark: we made a ton of progress last night
14:43:18[George]prpplague: Don't forget Qtopia-X
14:43:26[George]prpplague: Or is that what you are talking about?
14:43:42prpplague[George]: no, just plain old xfree86/tinyx
14:44:21markprpplague: excellent.  touchscreen working yet?
14:44:45[George]prpplague: And that'll run on XFree86 using Qt/X11?
14:44:50prpplaguemark: yep, my son was just playing around with xeyes a few minutes ago
14:45:10[George]prpplague: screenshots?
14:45:15prpplague[George]: i'm sorry i don't understand the question?
14:45:35markwtf do you want a screen shot of xeyes
14:45:48[George]prpplague: Do you have any screenshots of Opie on X11? :)
14:45:58[George]prpplague: Or is it exactly the same as Opie on Qt/e?
14:45:59markprpplague: will it be possible to store X on a cf or something?
14:46:04[George]mark: blah
14:46:14VerxIdleok treke
14:46:24VerxIdlelook on
14:46:41prpplague[George]: this install of OZ will contain only xfree86 no qt
14:46:46ljpopie doesnt run on x11
14:46:49VerxHomelooks like I accidentally took two screenshots
14:46:53VerxHomethey are both upside down
14:46:57VerxHomethe app is called DragonSheet
14:47:10prpplaguemark: yes it will be possible to run x from a sd or cf card
14:47:24treke|ho1ejust click the flip link
14:47:52VerxHomebbiaf, breakfast
14:47:56Cloudchaservery neat VerxHome:
14:47:59treke|ho1eVerxHome: your gonna need a qscrollview :)
14:48:26[George]ok, I'm getting confused
14:48:36treke|ho1e[George]: how surprising
14:48:42[George]treke|ho1e: lol
14:49:11[George]are there ANY alternatives to evil evil evil evil evil evil evil
14:49:36Cloudchaserthat looks very nice treke
14:49:53treke|ho1enow I guess its time to bug zecke about autologin :)
14:49:56Cloudchaseris that for oz?
14:50:10[George]Cloudchaser: no, for familiar 0.6
14:50:10treke|ho1eI'm sure it will get into oz eventually
14:50:34treke|ho1eljp: Having opie log in as a user without having to enter a username and password
14:51:46ljpthats not very secure
14:52:02treke|ho1eljp: so? Its a pda
14:52:05[George]ljp: The function is in KDE's KDM as well
14:52:25[George]treke|ho1e: yes, but PDAs normally store sensitive info
14:52:44[George]treke|ho1e: especially when people use them as portable data carriers
14:52:55treke|ho1e[George]: Uhm, what else to people use them for?
14:53:11treke|ho1e[George]: Most PDAs I've seen allow you to use it passwordless
14:53:19[George]treke|ho1e: I know
14:53:28[George]treke|ho1e: I'm not against the fact that autologin would be nice
14:53:37ljpall the more reason why things should be more sucure.. suppose you leave it somewhere.. then someone would have access to all sorts of personal data
14:53:41[George]treke|ho1e: I'm against the fact that you said "So? it's a pda"
14:55:48[George]what's "Dragon Sheet" that's appeared on scap?
14:56:07treke|ho1e[George]: that was meant in the sense that it should be ready and waiting to pass out information unless the user wants a password. If I reboot, it should be ready to go the next time I pull it out of my pocket, not waiting for me to log in
14:56:38[George]treke|ho1e: hmm, I've always kept my PDAs password protected
14:57:49[George]is it possible to "bulk" symlink
14:57:56[George]ie - symlink more than one file at a time
14:58:01[George]using the same name in a different location?
15:00:43prpplaguetreke|ho1e: nice little page for screen capture
15:02:56[George]anyone got a SL5500 here?
15:03:16[George]have you used benmeyers script to make an ipk for Hancom Office?
15:03:22treke|ho1eprpplague: thank russ nelson for that
15:03:56[George]rw2: do you think you could possibly do it and send me the resulting hancomsheet file?
15:04:15[George]rw2: The one that downloads off is retarded and qinstall doesn't like it
15:05:09whardiersleep /quit
15:05:10rw2If you walk me through it I can, never done it before.
15:05:31[George]rw2: Neither have I ;)
15:05:51[George]hang on
15:06:13angrybsdgood morning
15:09:24markprpplague: thats cool (running of CF)
15:09:41mark[George]: how is the intimate port going?
15:10:12[George]mark: My CF card isn't big enough, put it that way
15:10:17[George]mark: I might get up off my ass though and get the bootloader working
15:11:56mark[George]: i see
15:12:12angrybsd[George]: you should have gotten the $60 256mb one yesterday!
15:12:54[George]angrybsd: I've run out of money
15:12:59[George]angrybsd: Yes, even $60
15:13:09[George]angrybsd: Plus, I'd prefer to save up and get a uDrive 1GB
15:13:50VerxHometreke: So you don't see an option other than scrollview either then
15:13:53VerxHomeI tried to tell ya
15:16:48daralc|sleep    * Your service charge ($39.95) and a one-time activation fee ($25.00) will be billed direct from Verizon on a monthly invoice
15:16:57daralc|sleepi so can use my existing verizon contract
15:17:23VerxHomegeorge/treke: Either of you around?
15:18:02VerxHomeI am having a compiler issue from having changed QDialog to QWidget in my .ui:
15:18:04VerxIdlec:\vs\myprojects\dragonsheet\dragonsheetmainimpl.cpp(12) : error C2661: 'DragonSheetMainBase::DragonSheetMainBase' : no overloaded function takes 4 parameters
15:18:31VerxHomewhat I am trying to figure out is WHERE to change this
15:18:46daralc|sleepyou specified the wrong number of paramters
15:18:47VerxHomeI mean, I can change it in the .cpp file, but that won't work the next time I rebuild everything. . .
15:19:00VerxHomedaralc|sleep: I know that, but it is a bit more complex than that
15:19:03daralc|sleepcheck the member function, you are going to need a member function with 4 paramaters
15:19:09VerxHome-*I*- am not specifying them, moc is
15:19:18daralc|sleepyea i'm a complete moron i just felt like talking;)
15:19:26VerxHomeyou aren't a moron
15:20:15daralc|sleepthanks :)
15:21:53daralc|sleepwhen you buy a rackmount server you so get ripped off
15:22:04daralc|sleepyou have to bulid it
15:22:57daralc|sleepi'm looking into getting a 2u server
15:23:14whardierand you are freaked cause you have to "build" it ?
15:23:28daralc|sleepi built my workstation
15:23:39daralc|sleepjust i'm trying to find a suitable rackmount chassis, they are rather expensive
15:24:11daralc|sleepthey make chassis?
15:25:10daralc|sleepsweet thanks
15:25:14daralc|sleepyou recommend that too?
15:25:27VerxIdleDragonSheetMain::DragonSheetMain( QWidget* parent,  const char* name, WFlags fl )
15:25:27VerxIdle    : DragonSheetMainBase( parent, name, fl )
15:25:31daralc|sleepfrom whta i hear, i need redundant power supply
15:25:36daralc|sleepis that a good idea/
15:25:47VerxIdleyou guys see anything wrong with those functions?
15:25:56VerxIdlethese are inherited from QWidget
15:26:05VerxIdleI am getting this error:
15:26:15VerxIdlec:\vs\myprojects\dragonsheet\dragonsheetmainimpl.cpp(11) : error C2511: 'DragonSheetMain::DragonSheetMain' : overloaded member function 'void (class QWidget *,const char *,unsigned int)' not found in 'DragonSheetMain'
15:26:15VerxIdle        c:\vs\myprojects\dragonsheet\dragonsheetmainimpl.h(5) : see declaration of 'DragonSheetMain'
15:26:16VerxIdlec:\vs\myprojects\dragonsheet\dragonsheetmainimpl.cpp(23) : fatal error C1004: unexpected end of file found
15:26:20whardier I want one of those
15:26:40whardieryou broke it
15:28:09VerxHomeahh, figured it out
15:28:19daralc|sleepfrom whta i hear, i need redundant power supply
15:28:21daralc|sleepis that a good idea/
15:28:25whardierI want one of those
15:28:37whardier or these
15:28:41whardierscrew redundant power
15:28:45whardierthis has redundant computers
15:29:16daralc|sleephow much?
15:29:25ljpneeds redundant cars
15:29:25whardiergood lord.. up there
15:29:33whardierneeds redundant cats
15:29:38whardierso he can throw one off the balcony
15:29:59markwhardier: that thing is cool
15:30:00daralc|sleephow much that one cost
15:30:07daralc|sleep2U Compact Rackmount Industrial Computer Chassis with ATX6022/6VP4 and ATX 250W hot-swap redundant power supply
15:30:14Morfiodoes anyone knows when zaurus 2 will be released?
15:30:24daralc|sleepzaurus 2?
15:30:42Morfioi think so, why not?
15:30:50daralc|sleepi dunno
15:31:00VerxHomeJason said they are working on it
15:31:06VerxHomeI haven't heard any specific date
15:31:08daralc|sleepthe zaurus sl5500 got discontinued at bestbuy
15:31:28VerxHomewill be a 39xx with something to make it much better than a 39xx
15:31:34Morfiohmmm, i'd seen a photo of it
15:31:54daralc|sleephe flew out of here
15:32:01VerxHomeyeah he did
15:32:05daralc|sleepwhardier: how much would that case cost me?
15:32:51whardierI need a few good gigE cards
15:33:03whardieranybody know a good linux ready gigE card?
15:34:15VerxHomeI would think netgear would do ya
15:35:05whardierany dual gigE cards :)
15:35:12ljpjust found some qt stickers he got in December
15:35:45markwhardier: those rock
15:35:50ljpdiscovers that they are actually temporary tattoos
15:36:11whardierI am just hoping you can do peer to peer with them
15:36:43whardiererr.. peer 2 peer
15:38:14[George]how do I FTP into the Zaurus using the original rom?
15:38:16[George]what username?
15:38:31whardierusername root
15:38:33whardierpassword ""
15:39:30[George]root@titanium george # ftp
15:39:30[George]ftp: connect: Connection refused
15:39:37markport 401 isn't it?
15:39:52markljp: thats the one
15:39:55daralc|sleepi recieve a sytanx error when compiling giFT
15:40:20[George]ahh great
15:40:46mark[George]: not using oz/
15:41:05daralc|sleephaha, i just now read the fucking manual
15:41:07daralc|sleepit told me what to do
15:41:41[George]mark: nope
15:41:44kergothljp: I'll be starting on the audio drivers soon.
15:42:16Mickey0kergoth: buzzer audio???
15:42:19kergothljp: right now I'm fixing it so it actually charges the battery, and i'm making the leds function again.
15:42:39kergothMickey0: all audio.. i havent merged any of it into 2.5.x yet
15:42:53kergothMickey0: e.g. mic in, buzzer out, headphones out
15:43:04Mickey0kergoth: grrrrrrreeat!
15:44:00kergothTheres a cool function in 2.5.x to make one led show cpu usage, and the other be a watchdog, so you can confirm the unit is still functional
15:44:10kergothi'm gonna make our power and email leds do that, for shits
15:44:18Mickey0btw, the battery led ioctls only work if the ac is plugged in. is this a software or hardware issue ?
15:44:58kergothuh, i'd say software
15:45:02kergothi'll look into it
15:45:22Mickey0fine. would be cool to have them work all the time.
15:45:34markkergoth: has it been determined impossible to have normal sound out of the speaker?
15:45:36kergothMickey0: everything is software, you cant even charge the battery without setting something in software.
15:45:48kergothmark: no. it hasnt been dug into thoroughly yet.
15:46:08markkergoth: I see - so the hardware necessary is there?
15:46:16Mickey0mark: it can't be impossible, since the current sounds are also "normal" samples - just hardwired in the driver-
15:46:27markMickey0: what an ugly hack
15:46:30kergothmark: The dac is capable.. and as mickey says, the 3 sample sounds are just inlined.
15:46:46kergothmark: you have no idea how many ugly hacks are in the kenrel, much less lineo's code
15:47:07Mickey0:)) can you clean up the mess a bit for 2.5.x?
15:47:25marknotes his desk works well as a guitar am
15:47:31markamp even
15:47:59Mickey0sure, a wooden desk has a nice resonance body.
15:48:07kergothMickey0: thats why its taking so long. i want this accepted by rmk into his tree... so i'm trying to make things less hack'ish and more generally useful
15:48:20angrybsdkergoth: are you talking about OZ?
15:48:27kergothangrybsd: yeah
15:48:53kergothhey Dr_Who, how goes it
15:48:53markMickey0: i prefer it to my standard amp, its so growly at the bottom end (its a bass)
15:49:03Mickey0mark: :))
15:49:10Dr_Whohey ya kergoth
15:49:12Dr_Whoit goes
15:49:16Dr_Whohow's life up in the twin cities?
15:49:46kergothnot too bad, it is summer after all
15:50:24Dr_Whoheh ... that's true!  thought I'd hack a bit on some things before I gotta get my butt to the theatre
15:50:41[George]I want a drop in replacement for Qinstall right NOW!
15:50:49[George]anyone know of any? :)
15:51:04[George]for the Zaurus rom?
15:51:13mark[George]: just go flash oz
15:51:14kergothDr_Who: ah nice, what movie?
15:51:24[George]mark: no never! I will not be a Jedi!
15:51:59Dr_Whokergoth: melodrama called "Lament of the Lupine Lover or What's the big hairy deal?" ... I'm in it
15:52:27kergothDr_Who: oh nice. have a good time
15:52:44Dr_Whoo yeah, it's definatley a blash
15:52:47Dr_Whoerr blast
15:53:29Dr_Whoit's a blash AFTER we hit the bar
15:54:59JasonNJ-homeI saw austin powers yesterday... what a mistake
15:55:30JasonNJ-homeI wanted to see k19... wasnt able to convince the others with me
15:55:55rw2it wasn't groovy baby, yeah?
15:56:19markJasonNJ-home: not good?
15:56:24kergothJasonNJ-home: austin powers was that bad eh? a sequel that didnt need to be made?
15:56:34JasonNJ-hometoo much bodily functuon humor
15:56:40markthe 1st was good, 2nd was mediocre
15:56:52angrybsd2 sucked real bad
15:56:53Dr_Whoawww man ... sorry to hear that...
15:57:01BigBossI've heard people that loved it and say it's the funniest, and others hate it
15:57:02angrybsdi couldnt imagine 3 being worse than 2
15:57:47JasonNJ-homethe entire movie was dick and piss humor
15:58:12Cloudchaservery appealing to the under 9 crowd
15:58:39JasonNJ-homethat and the beating up on dwarves humor
15:59:11JasonNJ-homeand lots of making fun of japanese humor
15:59:20Cloudchasersounds ghastly
15:59:20JasonNJ-homewhich I am afraid to say, I laughed at
15:59:33rw2Ah, so you were looking for it to be politically correct!  :-)
15:59:43rw2Ooops, no you say you laughed.
16:00:22JasonNJ-homethe best joke was the japanese twins
16:00:30JasonNJ-homeFook Me and Fook Yu
16:00:38markignores JasonNJ-home as he's seing it on tuesday
16:02:28treke|ho1ehow can you not expect the third in a series of one joke movies not to suck :)
16:03:08Dr_Whowell ... one can hope ..
16:07:29cranch: what?
16:07:29cranchibot: zai
16:07:35zsi is
16:07:35cranchibot: zsi
16:07:47cranchthanks ibot
16:09:02no problem angrybsd
16:09:02angrybsdibot thanks
16:09:10rw2Do I type the name 'ibot:' or is there a fancy irc way to direct a comment to a person (or bot)?
16:09:35cranchyou usually just have to type ibot and then what you want
16:09:39cranchI put a colon after it
16:09:45hmmm... kergoth is the wizard of OZ or at or needing to have two heads and 4 hands so he can get roms out twice as fast or using bad words
16:09:45cranchibot: kergoth
16:09:52rw2cranch: so this is a note to you?
16:09:59zaurus is at or the closest thing to sex I can get in the palm of my hand. or the Sharp PDA brand name. The SL-5000, SL-5500 and A300 run Linux. There are also other Japanese models running a proprietary operating system. or there are 12 screws holding it together - pop off th ekeyboard and the hidden one is beneath the email key
16:09:59rw2ibot: zaurus
16:10:10angrybsddoes OZ use OPIE?
16:10:24kergoth is the wizard of OZ or at or needing to have two heads and 4 hands so he can get roms out twice as fast or using bad words
16:10:24cranchibot: where is kergoth
16:10:35no idea, cranch
16:10:35cranchibot: commands?
16:10:37rw2cranch: Ok, muds have better support for such stuff.  Wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something here.
16:10:49cranchis kinda new to IRC
16:10:54cranchbut ibot is his friend
16:11:02br33zynow thats sad
16:11:03cranch: huh?
16:11:03cranchibot: hug
16:11:11cranchwhats that br33zy
16:11:21br33zya bot as your friend?
16:11:28cranchI was kidding :P
16:11:30br33zycant you find a better bot than ibot
16:11:41ibot is nothing but an industrial petrification of tempestuous dog balls.
16:11:41br33zyibot insult ibot
16:11:46ibot is nothing but a mammering bag of evil pods.
16:11:46br33zyibot insult ibot
16:11:50ibot is nothing but a knotty-pated pile of tottering red dye number-9.
16:11:50br33zyibot insult ibot
16:11:54br33zyi rest my case
16:12:06cranchyou use OpenZ br33zy?
16:12:12br33zydont even have a Z
16:12:19cranchdamn :)
16:12:25br33zyhey guys
16:12:33br33zywhenever i launch qvfb, it says, cnat open mouse pipe?
16:12:43cranchin what ?
16:12:51Mickey0br33zy: check for stale /tmp/.qvfb* files
16:13:18kergothEterm rocks
16:13:21kergothcranch: whats up?
16:13:25[George]any sarien experts here?
16:13:29br33zyMickey0: thanks
16:14:01andrius2how do all?
16:14:10cranchoh...I'm confused on the memory usage of my Z...I'm reading some docs now but if I can't figure it out I'll come harass you :)
16:14:13Guesthi all
16:14:19kergothcranch: hah, k
16:14:42Guestmy zaurus is always complaining of low nenory
16:14:50andrius2just bought himself a zaurus off the Best Buy shelf (nice of them to discontinue and make 'em cheap)...Anyone got any suggestions or advice?
16:14:54Guestmemory even
16:15:10cranchandrius...what are you asking :)
16:15:26cranchhas no nenory in his Z
16:15:43cranchkergoth..I'm currently reading the man page on OpenZaurus :)
16:15:59andrius2cranch: well for one thing, do you know where I can get a stylus?
16:16:08andrius2and a plastic cover?
16:16:13VerxHomecould someone explain to me
16:16:19VerxHomewhat the CHECK_PTR function does?
16:16:34Guestanyone know how to download files from within opera?
16:16:53andrius2clicking on them doesn't work?
16:17:02cranchnot .ipkg files
16:17:10cranchit opens them up
16:17:11cranchor tries
16:17:17Guestit opens them in the browser
16:17:44Guestjust get jibberish for binaries and ipkg's
16:17:57kergothGuest: improper mime types on the web server
16:18:10kergothGuest: you're right though, opera needs an ability to force a save as..
16:18:23Guestyea I agree
16:18:27angrybsdanyone know who runs
16:19:00Guestwas thinking of writting a small util to download a file from a url
16:19:09angrybsdGuest - AKA wget?
16:19:26Guestaaa yes:d
16:20:36Guestanyone know of a news reader for the Z?
16:20:43br33zyoooo me
16:20:59br33zylotsa control
16:21:13Guestto much;)
16:22:06cranchkergoth:  after rebooting my Z (running openZ as you know)  system info immediately shows:  /jffs2  96kb available, /mnt/ram 8184kb available...
16:22:08cranchis that normal
16:22:09angrybsdby news reader
16:22:15treke|ho1eGuest: someone was working on one, but nothing available
16:22:18angrybsddo you mean newspaper online story reader
16:22:23treke|ho1eGuest: tin should work just fine though
16:22:23angrybsdor do you mean newsgroup
16:22:38Guestno i mean a newsreader
16:22:47cranchlike PAN
16:23:03Guestlike pan
16:23:23Guestpan wont run on the z though right?
16:23:28kergothcranch: sysinfo is broken.
16:23:36kergothcranch: it shows an incorrect value for /mnt/ram.
16:23:40kergothcranch: everything else is accurate.
16:23:55treke|ho1eGuest: right seems as if I was having problems instaling stuff...
16:24:29cranchI think it was trying to install to /mnt/cf
16:24:33cranchwhich could easily be a problem :)
16:24:44cranchcause I have a wireless CF card in there
16:24:46prpplaguekergoth: any progress today on your 2.5 fun?
16:24:58Guestanyone know if conduits can be written for intellisync?
16:25:17ljp-needs some more java
16:25:22kergothprpplague: yeah, i just set it up so the power led is now a cpu idle led, and the email led is now a timer.. if it ever stops, you know the Z crashed..hehe. just for debugging of course
16:25:51prpplaguekergoth: cool
16:25:58kergothprpplague: after that, i'm jumping into the keyboard and audio stuff
16:26:19cranchI wish I had a clue how to do stuff like that Kergoth :)
16:26:34prpplaguekergoth: cool audio debugging "i'm sorry kergoth, i'm afraid i can't do that....."
16:26:43Guestbye all. thanks for your help
16:26:56cranchsorry i wasn't of any help Guest :)
16:26:57kergothprpplague: I'm tempted to do the morse code oops output on our leds.... lol
16:27:03cranchright a newsreader called panz
16:27:05cranchget the joke
16:27:20cranchI'll be right back
16:27:29cranchI've got to boot into Gentoo
16:27:38prpplaguekergoth: we have some debug scripts for sco that produce an ascii "the bird" when i fails
16:27:39cranchkergoth..which port is the one that Qtopia uses?
16:27:57cranchor something
16:28:01ljp-kergoth: kernel error codes in morse via the leds
16:28:18scan[LANparty]is away: playing more Unreal Tournament
16:28:24kergothprpplague: hah
16:28:38kergothljp-: yeah, they did a morse code oops output for the desktop already ;-)
16:29:12prpplaguekergoth: how about "taps" when on the audio for a problem
16:29:31kergothprpplague: hehe. fun stuff
16:29:40kergothprpplague: course i'd want to fix up the buzzer driver so thats even possible..
16:30:15prpplaguekergoth: of course you use a pic processor via rs-232 to a tazer for more responsive debugging
16:30:41kergoth*bzzzzt!* bad user! bad!
16:33:31W|GGL|Tis back (gone 09:32:12)
16:33:52cranchI'm back :)
16:33:54cranchresume the fun
16:34:53W|GGL|Tis away: I'm busy or asleep
16:34:54W|GGL|Tis back (gone 00:00:00)
16:35:25W|GG-Libranetis back (gone 09:33:18)
16:35:59W|GG-Libranetcrap...looks like i'll have to attempt to get QD running again, which means another kernel build
16:36:21prpplaguewhats up with oftc
16:36:41kergothgood question
16:36:49kergothi couldnt resolve it earlier
16:36:56prpplagueme either
16:38:03VerxHomeany comfortable Qt programmers here?
16:38:51kergothI could use a new computer chair.. with lumbar support.. but other than that i'm comfortable </smartass>
16:39:04prpplagueha, good one
16:39:26VerxHomeI am just trying to understand file wise how best to introduce classes
16:39:37VerxHomethe Qt examples seem to have one class per include/implementation pair
16:39:45VerxHomeI don't know if that is because they are just simple examples
16:39:49VerxHomeor if that is convention
16:39:53VerxHome<--- new to C++
16:40:18Mickey0VerxHome: neither. IMO it is just good practice.
16:40:33VerxHomethat makes for a potentially helluvalot of files
16:40:56Mickey0VerxHome: yes, but also a quick recompile, if you change something
16:41:09kergothyeah. adds clarity also
16:41:12VerxHomeif my make process wasn't "make clean; make" heheheh
16:41:24Mickey0Especially when you use cvs.
16:41:31VerxHomenext question then
16:41:39VerxHomeif I am going to make a menu for my application
16:41:52VerxHomethere is only going to be one menu in the entire app
16:42:01VerxHomeam I to create a class just for this one menu?
16:42:49kergothuse qpemenubar
16:43:13VerxHomeright, that is what I figured on doing, but the Qt menu example creates their own class
16:43:16kergothYou dont need to reimplement everything. use the existing classes.
16:43:16VerxHomewhich seemed silly to me
16:43:25kergothyes, its silly unless there's a need to
16:43:39kergothdont reinvent the wheel, and dont cause yourself extra work unless you have to :-)
16:43:49VerxHomesounds like a lazy person
16:43:55VerxHomeand lazy people are just efficient people
16:44:00kergothis lazy
16:44:00VerxHomedecides he likes kergoth
16:44:15VerxHomelaziness begets efficiency
16:44:56VerxHomeahhh, PERFECT
16:45:03VerxHomelooks at the addressbook example
16:45:13VerxHomefinally understands enough code that this is a really good example
16:49:04W|GGL|Thrmm....just noticed that this install of slackware 8.1 has QT Designer
16:49:17cranchgentoo does too..I just saw
16:49:24VerxHomefeels certain pieces of C++/Qt programming coming together in his head
16:49:55VerxHomewigglit, you do you do Qt/E apps?
16:50:02W|GGL|Tlol...i woudn't know what to do with it
16:50:14VerxHomekergoth, do you have a moment?
16:50:14W|GGL|Tno...ive minimal programming experience
16:50:33mrwoodyhi... where can i find open sources softwares working with qtopia?
16:50:34W|GGL|Tall classroom, which essentially = nil  :o)
16:50:36VerxHomeI think I just need one quick bit of info and I should be good to go
16:50:48kergothmrwoody: zsi
16:50:49it has been said that zsi is
16:50:49VerxHomeibot, zsi
16:50:54kergothVerxHome: what do ya need?
16:51:09mrwoodywhat is zsi?
16:51:12VerxHomekergoth: If you need to know why I am asking, I can tell ya, but here is my question
16:51:18VerxHomemrwoody, see ibot's response above
16:51:34VerxHomekergoth: I have a class that is inheriting another class
16:51:38mrwoodyare those in german?
16:51:42VerxHomeer, perhaps better put, is derived from another class
16:51:51kergothVerxHome: k, go on
16:52:07W|GGL|Tdamn...doesn't come with manuals
16:52:12mrwoodykergoth: what about simple examples?
16:52:12VerxHomekergoth: I would LIKE to make my class be inherited from QMainWindow
16:52:22VerxHomeso class foo is derived from class bar
16:52:26VerxHomeand class bar is QWidget
16:52:36VerxHomeI want class foo to be derived from QMainWindow
16:52:42VerxHomebut it also needs to derive from bar
16:52:47VerxHomeis such a thing even possible?
16:53:03kergothVerxHome: yes, absolutely
16:53:16VerxHomewell my foo class statement is roughly like this:
16:53:26VerxHomefoo::foo () : bar(...)
16:53:41VerxHomeand bar is obviously derived from QWidget from what I explained earlier
16:53:47VerxHomeand if I do:
16:53:56VerxHomefoo:foo () : QMainWidget;
16:53:59treke|ho1eclass foo : public bar, public sna {
16:54:11VerxHomethat certainly makes foo derived from QMainWidget, but it ISN'T derived from bar
16:54:51mrwoodyis there a big difference from a language point of view within Qt and Qtopia?
16:54:53treke|ho1eignore the class names :)
16:54:57VerxHometreke: ok
16:55:14VerxHometreke: None of the examples I had read yet showed a class inheriting from multiple classes
16:55:16kergothmrwoody: not really. use tr() on your strings that you need translated when another language is selected
16:55:18VerxHomehow does it sort thsat out?
16:55:26VerxHometreke: does the order matter somehow?
16:55:47treke|ho1eVerxHome: I dont beleive so, but I havent done much with multiple inheritance
16:55:57kergothi try to avoid it myself
16:56:02kergothbut there are times when its necessary
16:56:04treke|ho1eVerxHome: look at the code for QWidget for examples
16:56:24VerxHometreke/kergoth: If I am wanting to do this, would it work to do: foo:foo() : bar, QMainWindow { } ???
16:56:36mrwoodykergoth: what is tr()?
16:56:44kergothVerxHome: ugh.. you're looking at the constructor.. do it in the class Declaration..
16:57:01VerxHomemrwoody: VERY few differences in Qt and Qtopia
16:57:04kergothmrwoody: .. read the i18n page.
16:57:07VerxHomekergoth: blarg, you are right
16:57:49kergothcranks up some classic megadeth and goes back to coding
16:58:10ljp-that'll rot yer brain
16:58:24VerxHomethanks for the help kergoth/treke
16:58:35kergoth...the symphony... of destruction ...
16:58:42VerxHomedamnit kergoth
16:58:44kergothgood stuff
16:58:47VerxHomeconnects to his mp3 server
16:58:48kergothVerxHome: still probs?
16:58:54VerxHomeplays symphony
16:58:56treke|ho1eVerxHome is getting into some deep stuff for his third day of c++ :)
16:59:07VerxHometreke: Well, isn't that how it works
16:59:12VerxHomeyou dive in deep, you learn quick
16:59:23VerxHomebut yeah, for 3 days, I am in fairly deep
16:59:27kergothVerxHome: assuming you dont drown ;-)
16:59:39VerxHomelet me explain something kergoth
16:59:42VerxHomeit is really weird
16:59:52VerxHomeI read the Qt examples
16:59:56VerxHomethey were meaningless
17:00:00VerxHomeI bought some C++ books
17:00:06VerxHomeand the tutorial made some sense then
17:00:10VerxHomebut the examples still didn't
17:00:13VerxHomeI coded some
17:00:21VerxHomethen the tutorial made a ton more sense
17:00:26VerxHomethen I coded some more
17:00:37VerxHomenow FINALLY, some of the Qt examples are really meaningful
17:00:45ljp-ownes a bot for writing code
17:00:50VerxHomeI had to learn quite a bit before this stuff makes sense to me
17:00:55VerxHomeI guess it is just how my brain works
17:01:31hungerkergoth: Hi there!
17:01:35kergothVerxHome: I'm similar. I cant just know the basics, i need a solid conceptual understanding of things before i'm satisfied.. there's a difference between being able to code something and truly understanding it
17:01:38kergothhunger: hey..
17:01:45hungerkergoth: Do you know of something like ldd for the Z?
17:01:51KajUKHi there!
17:01:58kergothhunger: steal ldd from the skiffs :)
17:01:59VerxHomekergoth: Yeah, and I almost can't code without fully understanding it
17:02:03VerxHomeat least not after the first bit
17:02:07hungerkergoth: I'm still trying to figure out why my libc breaks stuff.
17:02:10mrwoodyI have just compiled a software that I have downloaded from the website that you told me... how to run it on a x86?
17:02:13hungerkergoth: skiffs?
17:02:25kergothhunger: ..
17:02:27VerxHomebut then, I also am learning Qt Designer and visual studio, neither of which have I used before
17:02:28bugger all, i dunno, kergoth
17:02:28kergothibot: skiffs?
17:02:31VerxHomeso it has been a very full 3 days
17:02:33hmmm... skiffcluster is at
17:02:33kergothibot: skiffcluster?
17:02:36kergoththere we go
17:02:38KajUKI've just bought CF-to-PCMCIA adapter and have some problems with my pcmcia cards
17:02:59kergothVerxHome: sounds like it. here's hoping it makes it from your short term memory into your long term ;-)
17:03:12VerxHomeyeah, I am keeping notes
17:03:38kergothwhen i do what you're doing.. learn intense amounts in a small period of time i find its harder to ensure it all goes into long term memory..
17:03:45kergothnotes are good.
17:03:56VerxHomeI used to not keep notes and then I found what you describe
17:04:00VerxHomelater on I couldn't re-do it
17:04:03kergothsame here.
17:04:04ljp-kergoth: that'd be like turning ram into hard drive
17:04:10VerxHomenow I keep snapshots of things I do so I can see what I did
17:04:13VerxHomeand notes as well
17:04:19kergothljp-: hehe. yeah. it gets cached.. but when i reboot.. its gone... lol
17:04:30mrwoodyis it possible to run an ARM executable on a x86 using qpe?
17:04:36ljp-hahaha.. yepp happens to me evey night
17:04:36kergothmrwoody: no
17:05:07kergothmrwoody: but if you have the code, you just compile it for x86 instead of arm
17:05:15mrwoodykergoth: how to do that?
17:05:17KajUKPCMCIA cards are recognized but corrsponding drivers(prism2_cs or serial_cs) say about Vcc mismatch. I' sure those cards are 3.3v compliant (they work in Toshiba e570). Whats' wrong?
17:05:26kergothmrwoody: make?
17:05:36mrwoodywell make creates an arm file...
17:05:58mrwoodyfile zuc -> zuc: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, version 1 (ARM), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), not stripped
17:05:59kergothmrwoody: in THAT project, yes. so figure out why.  i cant tell you, because every buildsystem is different
17:06:18mrwoodykergoth: but is there a way to pass through?
17:06:23kergothmrwoody: ?
17:06:33kergoth'pass through'<-?
17:06:41hungerhates the OZ CVS-password guessing game.
17:06:49kergothhunger: I'm committing .cvspass's for taht :-)
17:06:55VerxHomedo you need to show() a QMainWindow?  Or does it get shown automatically?
17:07:08kergothhunger: bzflag enlightened me, its how he dealt with it in the tuxscreen buildsystem when he added cvs checkout support
17:07:18hungerkergoth: YES! that's great!
17:07:26mrwoodykergoth: i mean is there a way to make it work everytime?
17:07:37kergothjust remember, pass is anoncvs, busybox cvs pass is nothing :-)
17:07:47kergothmrwoody: I still dont understand the question.
17:08:14mrwoodymrwoody: well what i am trying to ask is, given the .cpp file, without using the Makefile, what should i do?
17:08:41kergothmrwoody: i dont remember the entire proper gcc line off the top of my head. buildsystems exist for a reason. to use them.
17:08:48hungerkergoth`coding: Tried building a busybox from today's CVS? They got a couple of new options.
17:08:54kergoth`codinghunger: i saw that
17:09:01kergoth`codinghunger: hwclock!
17:09:02hungerkergoth`coding: Do we need busybox's login?
17:09:12kergoth`codinghunger: we could ditch modutils and tinylogin in favor of busybox versions
17:09:27hungerkergoth`coding: Ah, cool. Will you look into this?
17:09:33VerxHomekergoth`coding: There are some minor issues with modutils from busybox
17:09:34VerxHomejust fyi
17:09:35kergoth`codinghunger: yeah, i'll play with it today
17:09:44VerxHomeI know sandman has worked on them, but things are definitely more shakey
17:09:47kergoth`codingVerxHome: yeah i know.. but i can always bitch at sandman to fix them
17:09:50hungerkergoth`coding: Cool! passwd and su...
17:09:59kergoth`codinghunger: exactly.. sulogin.. we dont need tinylogin
17:10:07VerxHomekergoth`coding: yeah, he is good at fixing things if the problem can be determined
17:10:15kergoth`codingk really bbiaf. need to get some coding done. heh
17:14:19angrybsd kergoth`coding + hunger: now nobody can h4x0r your Z with root privs ;)
17:15:30hungerangrybsd: Make that 'could h4x0r' in my case. I keep hosing my Z with my own libc:-)
17:15:36ljp-CloudChaser: use progen to make a pro file, them use tmake to make a Makefile
17:17:03angrybsdlol, wouldnt it be possible to SSH into someone else's Z to help them set something up?
17:17:14whardierall of my fluids are coming out of my head
17:17:46hungerangrybsd: Of course.
17:17:53hungerangrybsd: If oyu have the root passwd.
17:18:11angrybsdhunger: so if someone needed help you could just do that, right?
17:18:30angrybsdhunger: that is, if you could do whatever it is you needed to do all in the shell env.
17:18:35hungerangrybsd: If you can connect to the Z and have the password you can.
17:18:55angrybsdhunger: sweeet
17:18:57hungerangrybsd: You can do everything needed in the shell. If you know how:-)
17:19:04ljp-whardier: use JB Weld to patch them things up, so they don't leak
17:19:11angrybsdhunger: now the only problem is that i can even get my own ethernet over usb working ;)
17:19:15hungerangrybsd: The Z is a full linux box. It can even run apache if you want.
17:19:34hungerangrybsd: Buy a ethernet card for the Z:-)
17:19:58hungerangrybsd: Don't bother with that USB junk and the craddle that blocks the keyboard.
17:19:59angrybsdhunger: soon i'm actually going to get a wireless connection, just as good ;)
17:20:19hungerangrybsd: a) slower b) more expensive.
17:20:35hungerangrybsd: I have all the HW for ethernet anyway, I'd need to get stuff for wireless.
17:22:44angrybsdhunger: well, my high school has 802.11b installed all around the school
17:23:22angrybsdhunger: which nobody is using  yet :)
17:23:35angrybsdhunger: but it's activated, no authentication, no encryption ;)
17:24:29whardierI wish nose would keep back all the boogers that want to escape right now
17:24:45whardierquick hide
17:24:48whardierits the Administrator!
17:25:10George-It's Mark Westcott, the BOFH!
17:25:20George-argh! =P
17:25:25whardier957M Jul 28 12:28 Tron-HiQ-DivX.avi
17:25:28whardierthats big
17:25:34markwhardier: hehe
17:25:43George-whardier: Can I have it? :)
17:26:04whardierdo you want the super high quality version?
17:26:32angrybsdanyone seen "hackers 2: operation takedown"? :)
17:26:32George-lol, I'm on 56k =P
17:26:36George-Can you bzip it? =P
17:26:38whardierthen.. no
17:26:46whardierits divx encoded
17:26:50whardierbzipping it would make it larger
17:26:55George-Would it?
17:26:56whardierhackers 2
17:27:02whardierwas beyond all expectations of suck that I imagined
17:27:23George-hackers 3: Operation Kill Westcott ;)
17:27:35angrybsdwhardier: have you seen hackers 1?
17:27:59angrybsdwhardier: it was at least 500x better than the original hackers :)
17:28:04whardierI dunno which one was worse
17:28:14angrybsdoriginal hackers was funny because of how bad it was though
17:28:25angrybsd#2 was trying to be serious :(
17:28:33whardierhackers 2 was less.. stupid
17:29:37treke|ho1ewhardier: which wasnt necesarrily a good thing :)
17:29:42whardieris encoding tron like 10 different ways
17:29:47whardierto find the supreme settings
17:30:01whardierI wanna be a hacker
17:30:11br33zyhwo can i move a qpixmap
17:30:12whardierwith Angilina by my side
17:30:13treke|ho1eand encoding tron 10 ways is a good start
17:30:18br33zyis theere some qpixmapp.move?
17:30:45whardierI am afraid what would happen if I posted a rip of Buckaroo Banzai
17:30:50whardierI might not have an internet connection for a while
17:31:28whardierI am gonna encode just one chapter 10 times
17:31:45angrybsdwhat of
17:31:54George-whardier: How do you encode/decode DivX on linux?
17:32:16whardierdownload mplayer
17:32:22ljp-cat somefile.avi >> somefile.divx
17:32:27treke|ho1ehmmm, is there a way to tell QT to ouptut to sderr any slots that get called by signals?
17:32:30George-ljp-: hehe
17:32:58George-whardier: Does that work in LinuxPPC?
17:33:34whardierI don't have a PPC box
17:33:36whardierso I dunno
17:33:54George-whardier: well
17:34:01George-whardier: Is everything binary only? :)
17:34:04mdz was last seen on #zaurus 2 days, 1 hours, 19 minutes and 16 seconds ago, saying: angrybsd: what George- said.  you can get an adapter to go one way or the other, but I don't remember which [Fri Jul 26 17:14:48 2002]
17:34:04prpplagueibot: seen mdz
17:34:08mdz_ was last seen on #zaurus 16 hours, 13 minutes and 48 seconds ago, saying: prpplague: what's wrong? [Sun Jul 28 02:20:20 2002]
17:34:08prpplagueibot: seen mdz_
17:34:41VerxHometreke, you have a sec
17:34:46treke|ho1eVerxHome: yeah
17:34:53VerxHomeI am almost wondering if one of the Qt examples is messed up
17:35:03VerxHometreke: Could you pull up the addressbook example?
17:35:26VerxHomeLook for ABMainWindow::setupMenuBar
17:35:36VerxHomein the second line of the body of it
17:35:38VerxHomeit says:
17:35:43VerxHomemenuBar()->insertItem( "&File", file );
17:35:54VerxHomewhere the heck is menuBar being declared?
17:36:03treke|ho1eits part of QMainWindow
17:36:26VerxHomewell, in my code I am including qmainwindow.h
17:36:26whardierorders a pizza
17:36:43VerxHomebut I suppose the issue is, if I am dealing with a QWidget, I don't have a menuBar
17:36:48VerxHomeonly if I have QMainWindow?
17:37:06VerxHomeso I need to figure out how to put these pieces together
17:37:10VerxHomethanks treke, that helps a lot
17:38:08whardieri want an mpeg2 video encoder
17:38:27treke|ho1ebleh. ddd is a pain in the ass :)
17:38:31ljp-I have one
17:39:26whardiererr I mean a software one
17:39:30whardierfor linux
17:39:39whardierI wanna take raw video to DVD quality
17:40:00ljp-bah! software encoders suck
17:40:03treke|ho1eyou could write one :)
17:40:23whardierljp- well how else are you gonnna take raw digital video and go directly to mpeg2?
17:40:23George-ljp-: Do you? asshole! =P
17:40:32whardierrun it ouside into a hardware encoder and hope it comes back in?
17:40:40whardierI have an mpeg2 board
17:40:42George-hmm, are h/w encoders better quality than s/w encoders?
17:40:58whardierGeorge- it all comes down to somebody programmed both.. right..
17:41:11whardierit cannot manipulate bits any differently then the 1 and 0's of the software encoder
17:41:45ljp-oohhh.. I thought you were using a digital signal..
17:42:29ljp-well, if you have the right hardware that has the right software that makes the hardware encoder available for the software.. ;)
17:42:30whardierbut then again if I had a digital signal from the feed.. it would most likely already be in mpeg2
17:42:49whardiera hardware encoder would make it lots faster
17:42:54whardierhowever probably less flexable
17:43:07ljp-depends on the codecs it has
17:43:15whardiertrue that
17:43:24George-Wahoo wahey
17:43:25whardierI have a Zoran based card (Miro DC30)
17:43:30whardierI don't like it much
17:43:32whardierand its way old
17:43:36whardierolder than the advent of DVD's
17:43:46George-the syntax highlighting actually _WORKS_
17:44:23KajUKIs it possible to replace just kernel on Zaurus with 2.37 ROM with kernel from OZ?
17:44:33ljp-heh dude, my first digital encoder was a micro dc 10!
17:44:34whardierI wouldn't suggest it
17:44:42George-KajUK: yes, but I wouldn't recommend it
17:44:42whardierljp-: mine was a step above hehehe
17:44:42ljp-err miro
17:44:49angrybsdwhy not
17:44:51hungerKajUK: Sure. But then it won't boot anymore.
17:44:53whardierbut a step below the DC30+
17:45:05ljp-dc 10.. heh mjpeg
17:45:11kergoth`codinghmm anyone have any good online general assembly language pages? i need a refresher course
17:45:13George-I have a DC10+
17:45:16whardierthe DC30 is mpeg2
17:45:20whardierbut its proprietary
17:45:23whardierthere are linux tools for it
17:45:28whardierhowever I have never gotten them to work
17:45:28KajUKDoes OZ support SD cards?
17:45:30hungerKajUK: OZ uses a diffrent format for the initrd... it can't read the Sharp' ROM's format.
17:45:31George-For illegally *cough cough* turning VHS tapes -> VCD
17:45:32ljp-with the dc 10 the codec were ONLY on the board
17:45:34whardierI am gonna order two LML33's soon
17:45:46George-KajUK: yes
17:45:48whardierljp- what use is that?
17:46:00hungerKajUK: Yes, OZ supports SD cards.
17:46:01ljp-hehe not much if you take out the dc 10
17:46:11angrybsdthe Z was a big jump for me, going from the palm M100
17:46:48whardiermotion jpeg.. is amazing stuff
17:46:49ToyKeeperThe Z was an interesting step sideways for me, from an ipaq running familiar.  :)
17:46:52KajUKAnd what is the version of kernel in OZ?
17:47:11ljp-same as sharp
17:47:13hungerKajUK: 2.4.6, just like the Sharps iirc.
17:47:20ToyKeeperEh, any hints on getting an MMC card to remount properly after resume?  I can't seem to get it to.
17:47:30hungerKajUK: Kergoth is working on a port of the drivers to something more current.
17:47:48ToyKeeperEven when there are no files open on the card, it still gets very confused on suspend/resume.
17:47:49Mickey0according to kergoth next OZ release will be 2.4.19
17:48:33KajUKBad, definitly swithching to OZ won't resolve my problems with PCPMCIA cards..
17:48:37whardiershakes his garlic sauce
17:48:57ToyKeeperOoh, 2.4.19 would be a nice step up from 2.4.6..  :)
17:49:09Mickey0KajUK: hmm... PCMCIA cards in the Zaurus?
17:49:20KajUKI now kinda know how to make Sitecom and Nokia cards work. If I plug Buffalo CF WiFi card before using PCMCIA cards than they start to work (excep Orinoco card) though kernel still reports that cards are 5V Vcc. Strange. Anyway it's bad that I need plug and unplug CF card before using PCMCIA card.
17:49:33hungerKajUK: It fixed my problems with my ethernet card.
17:49:39whardiercan't stop leaking
17:49:39kergoth`codingToyKeeper: indeed. it's a little ways off though. getting there.
17:49:42ToyKeeper@ zaurus# ls -al /mnt/card
17:49:47KajUKthis part of what I was sending on web forum
17:49:50ToyKeeperls: /mnt/card/usr: Input/output error
17:50:19ljp-whardier: I told you to use JB Weld!
17:50:24ToyKeeper@ zaurus# umount /mnt/card ; mount /mnt/card ; ls -al /mnt/card      ...  this works...
17:50:26George-is there an equiv of locate() in Qt?
17:50:29whardiernot my boat
17:50:30whardiermy nose
17:50:43hungerkergoth`coding: How can I build an initrd for myself?
17:50:57KajUKMicker0: yes, why not? I've bought CF-to-PCMCIA adapter
17:51:09George-KajUK: Did it work?
17:51:22ljp-whardier: stick a tampon up your nose
17:51:36kergoth`codinghunger: make openzaurus? :-P
17:51:49VerxIdleAnyone know what the heck this means?
17:51:50VerxIdlec:\vs\myprojects\dragonsheet\dragonsheetwindow.cpp(9) : error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before 'PCH creation point'
17:51:52kergoth`codinghunger: just use mkfs.jffs2
17:51:53hungerkergoth`coding: That will get me an initrd that I can flash to the Z?
17:51:56VerxIdleI don't know what a PCH creation point is
17:51:58KajUKGeorge-: It kinda worked
17:52:03VerxIdleso I am having a hard time fixing this problem
17:52:04George-KajUK: and...?
17:52:12kergoth`codinghunger: yes. make openzaurus produces build/zImage-somethingorother and build/openzaurus/initrd.bin
17:52:15whardierljp needs his nose plugged
17:52:22hungerkergoth`coding: How do I build the OPIE stuff? It would be cool if you could integrate that into OZ.
17:52:23Mickey0VerxHome: umpfh....  error C2143 pretty looks like visual c++....
17:52:24George-KajUK: I'm looking into getting a CF->PCMCIA adaptor
17:52:25kergoth`codinghunger: it produces the initrd from the contents of root/ after using ipkg to install the ipks into it
17:52:30kergoth`codinghunger: yeah its on my todo list ;-)
17:52:41George-KajUK: I suppose you were trying to use 5volt cards in, and CF only gives 3.3V
17:52:42kergoth`codinghunger: wiki.. the SourceCode page
17:52:51VerxIdleMickey0: I am prototyping/designing on windows, then I cross compile on Linux
17:52:53hungerkergoth`coding: Your todo list is way to long. Do something about that:-)
17:52:56KajUKI beg you pardon for reposting here what I sent into web forum on zauruszone
17:52:58kergoth`codinghunger: yeah yeah yeah :-)
17:53:01whardierhad the weirdest goddamn dream in the world
17:53:09KajUKI've just bought CF-to-PCMCIA adapter and have problems with PCMCIA cards I have. Cards in question are Orinoco silver WiFI, Sitecom WiFi(both prism2) and Nokia Card 2.0(GSM).
17:53:09KajUKThe problem is that those cards are recognized by Zaurus but kernel says something about Vcc mismatch. I'm pretty sure that those cards are 3.3v capable cards as they are working fine in Toshiba e570.
17:53:09KajUKActually yesterday Sitecom card once worked (kernel reported that card is 5V) and I was able to connect to my PC, but today any of those cards refuse to work
17:53:20KajUKI now kinda know how to make Sitecom and Nokia cards work. If I plug Buffalo CF WiFi card before using PCMCIA cards than they start to work (excep Orinoco card) though kernel still reports that cards are 5V Vcc. Strange. Anyway it's bad that I need plug and unplug CF card before using PCMCIA card.
17:53:27kergoth`codingwhardier: were you an old piece of cheese?
17:53:30Mickey0VerxIdle:aha... hmm... which version of VS are u using?
17:53:52whardierkergoth`coding I guess I should not go into it.. but there was no cheese
17:54:00kergoth`codingwhardier: ah. gotcha.
17:54:10kergoth`codingwhardier: cause you have to admit, being an old piece of cheese would be werid.
17:54:22VerxHomeMickey0: vs6 with sp5
17:54:27whardierI use to have a reoccuring dream that I was stuck in a bottle of ketchup
17:54:27kergoth`codingEterm rocks.
17:54:34kergoth`codingwhardier: dont ya hate that?
17:54:42whardierdrowned in tomato
17:54:50whardierthe death was unconfirmed
17:54:59Mickey0VerxHome: ok... i remember (some years) ago, when you click on the error message, vs gives you a brief explanation!?
17:55:14whardieranybody ever have a dream where they were actually killed (violently) I did not wake up?
17:55:26whardierI mean.. did not wake from the dream before they were killed
17:55:35kergoth`codingwhardier: nope. but I never get killed. i've never had a nightmare.
17:55:39George-can you make a QRegExp case-insensitive?
17:55:41treke|ho1ealways wakes up
17:55:51whardierkergoth`coding we should meet...
17:55:55whardieryou might have nightmares
17:56:21whardierQUIT LEAKING!
17:56:28kergoth`codingI'M NOT!
17:56:50kergoth`codingnope, definately not
17:57:02whardierI hope nobody was around when you checked
17:57:13VerxHomeMickey0: That helped, thanks
17:57:13kergoth`codingokay back to coding
17:57:22whardierokay back to encoding
17:57:25angrybsdKajUK: where'd you get a pcmcia <-> CF thingy
17:57:44ljp-whardier: breathe in through your nose.. slowly
17:57:57whardierI can
17:57:59whardierthru one nostril
17:58:04whardierdamnit.. why is it so hot in my house?
17:58:14whardierpunches the thermostat
17:58:20Mickey0thinks it might be the summer outside
17:58:46whardierfull motion estimation
17:58:50whardierjust makes everything soo much smoother
17:58:52whardierand larger
17:59:22VerxIdle'QPopupMenu' : class has no constructors
17:59:29VerxHomewhat would cause it to say that?
17:59:40VerxHomeI could have sworn QPopupMenu had constructors. . .
18:00:23KajUKThere is power extender at their site as well
18:01:31VerxHomegot it
18:01:33whardier10502Kbps vs 1200Kbps is almost unoticable.. except for the fact that it looks a billion times better when you do primary colors
18:01:34VerxHomefrigging includes
18:02:22treke|ho1ewhetever happend to just #include <qt.h> :)
18:02:35VerxHomenone of the examples do that
18:02:54ljp-treke: uhhh.. thats windows.h
18:03:10ToyKeeperWhere'd the X11 for zaurus stuff go?  I'm not having luck finding it...
18:03:11kergoth`codingprpplague, hunger: fyi I finally got all the changes to OZ for 2.9.4 committed into cvs, including the missing spectrum.conf for pcmcia-cs
18:03:27treke|ho1ewell there also is a qt.h :)
18:03:34kergoth`codingToyKeeper: zaurus sf project, and .. prpplague and mdz_ are working on that stuff
18:04:20ToyKeeperOh, duh.  :)
18:04:28ToyKeeperI only tried opie and openzaurus.
18:04:52whardiersilly mortal
18:04:59kergoth`codingToyKeeper: X isnt in openzaurus's buildsystem yet. prpplague is working on that
18:07:45whardierthe MCP's ship looks like suck in the DVD
18:08:13][N-Fluxis away: screaming...
18:09:42ToyKeeperEh, has anyone had any success using a mostly familiar-unstable-based setup on the Z?  Using those versions of X11, ipkg, and such...  ?
18:09:56ToyKeeperOr am I just asking for punishment if I try that?
18:10:37kergoth`codingToyKeeper: umm OZ uses ipkg from cvs
18:10:54kergoth`codingToyKeeper: there's no need. OZ is debian based just as familiar is. the differences are slim to none.
18:11:18ToyKeeperOkay.  So, the X11 packages from fam-unstable might work on the Z?
18:11:18kergoth`codingToyKeeper: excepting hardware differences of course, which you'd run into trying to use their X.. touchscreen interface is different.
18:11:27ToyKeeperAh, okay.
18:12:01kergoth`codingToyKeeper: fastolfe at lineo did a daemon that translated the Z touchscreen events into ipaq touchscreen events.. i bleieve prpplague and mdz had to reimplement it since the code was lost.. but thats how its going to work.
18:12:04ToyKeeperIt's just difficult to mix different package sources which have different dependency trees.
18:12:11kergoth`codingnot really
18:12:14kergoth`codingthe package naming is the same.
18:12:37kergoth`codingi.e. familiar package depends on libc6.. it'll go in clean, because OZ's libc is also called libc6
18:12:47ToyKeeperThen I'll have lots of fun trying stuff today.  :)
18:13:08kergoth`codingthe only thing that breaks is familiar postinst scripts, which tend to use the debian /usr/lib/menu stuff, which OZ doesnt have atm.. but compatibility is important
18:13:37kergoth`codingToyKeeper: and I'm working to improve project coordination between familiar and OZ.. i will be assisting nick on their autobuild system once he makes the code available.
18:14:17ljp-kergoth`coding: fastolfe's code is not really lost.. its sitting  on a harddrive in a packing box in France till Fastolfe gets in gear ...
18:14:27VerxIdledragonsheetwindow.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "protected: virtual void __thiscall DragonSheetWindow::initMetaObject(void)" (?initMetaObject@DragonSheetWindow@@MAEXXZ)
18:14:41VerxHomethat is all but meaningless to me
18:14:54ljp-did you run moc?
18:14:58VerxHomeanyone here speak whatever language that is?
18:15:02VerxHomeljp-: oh, new .h
18:15:04whardierhalf the credits for tron are in kanji
18:15:04VerxHomeslaps head
18:15:25VerxHomethanks ljp
18:15:31VerxHomehas to remember that
18:15:34VerxHomenew .h, now moc
18:15:52VerxHomehas a menu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
18:15:56VerxHomeoh the JOY!
18:16:01whardiergreetings programs!
18:16:05VerxHomea file menu with a single option to quit
18:16:34whardierwheres my dusting rag at
18:16:47George-whardier: hmm?
18:16:52George-whardier: Turned into a dog?
18:16:57George-chucks a bone at whardier
18:17:16George-VerxHome: cool! :)
18:17:26kergoth`codingsmacks george. damn musical ingorance
18:17:38ToyKeeperUh, does the Z use /etc/hosts at all?  Do I need to create a nsswitch.conf to make it use /etc/hosts?
18:17:38George-kergoth`coding: Stop SMACKING me! :)
18:17:58kergoth`codingToyKeeper: err it should
18:17:58George-smacks kergoth`coding. damn slappers these days...
18:18:27ACTION shoots george in the head.
18:18:27kergoth`codingibot shoot george
18:18:36George-: i'm not following you...
18:18:36George-ibot kiss kergoth`coding's ass
18:18:41George-damn you ibot
18:18:46George-: sorry...
18:18:46George-ibot shoot yourself
18:18:59ACTION shoots kergoth in the head.
18:18:59George-ibot shoot kergoth
18:19:16George-I hate ibot =P
18:19:22George-I prefer bloooooooooooootbot
18:19:25George-: what?
18:19:25George-ibot lart kergoth`coding
18:19:32George-HUH? No LART??!
18:19:39kergoth`coding is nothing but a churlish ass-full of motley-mind snake snot.
18:19:39George-ibot insult kergoth`coding
18:19:50kergoth`codinga whole ass-full huh?
18:20:06George-</playing with bot>
18:20:49ToyKeeperPissing like a light saber?
18:21:04ljp-whardier: I'm not kidding about the tampon
18:21:11whardierljp- I am sure you weren't
18:21:31whardierI just don't feel like plugging my nose with something that should be plugging elsewhere
18:21:44whardierHow does God benifit from me shoving a tampon up my nose?
18:21:52George-whardier: go stick yer head down a toilet then =P
18:22:28George-hi nadav
18:22:39whardierToyKeeper: the blue glowsticks are green..
18:22:41nadavhey george
18:23:35whardierI have one very cat hair infested house
18:23:48whardierand absolutely no will to clean it
18:23:48ljp-whardier: you could cauterize it
18:23:53br33zydoes anybody know where i could get the 'zaurus' font?
18:23:53whardiermy nose!
18:23:56whardierI need my nose!
18:24:02whardierand all of its functionality
18:24:18br33zy: excuse me?
18:24:18br33zyibot take step on whardier's nose
18:24:24br33zy: i'm not following you...
18:24:24br33zyibot step on whardier's nose
18:24:28br33zy: huh?
18:24:28br33zyibot say step on whardier's nose
18:24:38whardier's_nose is nothing but a fly-bitten gob of flap-mouthed cat hair.
18:24:38br33zyibot insult whardier's_nose
18:24:47whardier'snose is nothing but a culturally-unsound mass of lewd-minded cold sores.
18:24:47br33zyibot insult whardier'snose
18:24:47ljp-cauterizing it will stop it from bleeding very fast
18:24:52whardier's nose is nothing but a despicable bag of common-kissing waffle-house grits.
18:24:52br33zyibot insult whardier's nose
18:24:56whardier's nose is nothing but a crook-pated petrification of vain poopy.
18:24:56br33zyibot insult whardier's nose
18:24:59whardier's nose is nothing but a flap-mouthed coagulation of halfbaked cat bladders.
18:24:59br33zyibot insult whardier's nose
18:25:02whardier's nose is nothing but a crook-pated assload of rump-fed guano.
18:25:02br33zyibot insult whardier's nose
18:25:03whardier's nose is nothing but an evil bag of tofu-nibbling chicken piss.
18:25:03br33zyibot insult whardier's nose
18:25:06whardierwell now
18:25:10ToyKeeperOoooh no..  don't make me pull out my insult generator...  :)
18:25:21whardierwe won't get a damn thing done
18:25:40whardierno ok
18:25:42VerxHomethings are going (seemingly) very well
18:25:57ToyKeeperSpent a decade on the leading edge of drug experimentation, didn't you?
18:26:03VerxHomeI have added a QWidget to my QMainWindow, and it isn't visible
18:26:09ToyKeeperYou're a knob shiner!
18:26:13VerxHomeare there specific steps I need to take to cause that to happen?
18:26:31ToyKeeperEh, maybe I'll stop that.
18:26:35George-How the hell do I get QRegExp to process <*>
18:26:43George-ie - anything encapsulated between < and >
18:27:27ToyKeeper/\<([^>]*)\>/    ?
18:27:49ToyKeeperkinda looks like a fish.
18:28:43ToyKeeper is nothing but a droning ass-full of saucyspleened chicken piss.
18:28:43angrybsdibot, insult ToyKeeper
18:29:47whardiermy nose hurts
18:30:17whardierI wish my favorite video store was.. downstairs
18:30:25angrybsdsugar make whardier a coke
18:30:25Sugargrabs a bottle of coke, pours it into a glass, which she hands whardier.
18:30:37angrybsdmy favorite video store is "Direct Connect"
18:30:46whardierwe have one called "Villiage Vidiot"
18:30:49whardierits a great place
18:31:06whardierI usually have like 90% of all questions I annoyingly ask there, answered
18:31:10prpplaguekergoth`coding: you know the only good think about dealing with this digi stuff today? its that i'm at home and i can drink beer to cope with it,lol
18:31:27whardierdo you work for digi?
18:31:44ToyKeeperOh, that feels better..
18:31:52ToyKeeperlost about 10 psi in the bathroom.
18:31:54whardierso like.. I can secretly con you into pouring shit down kergoths back whenever he is being a doof?
18:32:07whardier10 psi eh
18:32:33whardierwhat was the flow volume?
18:33:40prpplaguewhardier: no, but we use a lot of digi under SCO, we just started migrating our boxes to linux
18:34:06prpplaguewhardier: i'm currently working on a installation in honduras
18:34:27whardiersearch for * under realm "everything"
18:34:36whardierunder giFT
18:34:37ToyKeeperFun.  "ipkg install zlib1g" returns "ERROR: The following packages conflict with zlib1g:  zlib1g"
18:34:40whardierit never stops
18:35:17kergoth`codingToyKeeper: lol
18:35:30kergoth`codingToyKeeper: I heard that bug report on, i think its a bug in ipkg.
18:35:41whardierfor only that package
18:35:41whardierthat makes sense
18:35:49whardiermust bebecause its starts with a Z
18:35:51ToyKeeperYes, it is.  It doesn't like multiple packages available with the same name.
18:36:04whardierso no versioning?
18:36:35ToyKeeperIt does, but not when the same package has different versions from different feeds.
18:36:49ToyKeeperIt expects the versioning to be handled by whatever builds the Packages file.
18:37:00whardierso it needs to build a list like dpkg does
18:37:02whardierso it knows what to get jiggy with
18:38:33ToyKeeperGrr..  that's annoying.  zlib is installed, but sshd can't use it.
18:38:40whardierI am gonna be happy when the programs are the programmers
18:38:48treke|ho1ewtf. the entire object is being deleted and recreated and its still broken
18:40:00whardierthis madonna video makes no sense
18:40:01angrybsdwhy do wireless networks not have the capability of using stronger encryption
18:40:11angrybsdwhy don't they change the standard while there's still almost time ;)
18:40:28whardierany network can increse its security
18:40:41whardierthe encryptiong is in the cards and not part of the standard
18:40:45whardierit was just a hack
18:40:47whardiera bad one
18:41:04angrybsdoh, why dont they set standard encryption strengths and stuff then?
18:41:09ToyKeeperkergoth`coding: For some odd reason, the current OZ can't respond to scp requests until after ldconfig has been run.
18:41:26whardierangrybsd who?  the corperate entities that want to use encryption
18:41:36whardierI wonder how much shit they have to go thru to justify that to the NSA
18:41:53angrybsdwhardier: good point
18:42:18kergoth`codingToyKeeper: hmm.. ssh depends on zlib.
18:42:23angrybsdwhardier: is the encryption usually done by the hardware or software
18:42:24whardierI should rent perfect Blue again
18:42:27kergoth`codingToyKeeper: but iirc, zlib should run ldconfig in its postinst.
18:42:38whardierangrybsd by default done by the hardware
18:42:40kergoth`codingToyKeeper: could you check that for me? /usr/lib/ipkg/info/zlib*postinst
18:42:52ToyKeeperThis was straight from the initrd on sourceforge.
18:42:53whardierthere are ways to make it a hell of a lot stronger.. and ever faster
18:42:55whardierusing things like ipsec
18:43:02angrybsdwhardier: well, we can always just use SSH all the time ;)
18:43:05whardieror for faster using vtun with encryption + compression
18:43:16whardieryeah.. ssh is slow
18:43:16whardierway slow
18:43:23kergoth`codingToyKeeper: and?
18:43:26kergoth`codingToyKeeper: err
18:43:28ToyKeeperYes, zlib's postinst does run ldconfig.
18:43:36angrybsdwhardier: well because its doing all the encryption and schtuff
18:43:38kergoth`codingToyKeeper: did you use zImage-32 or zImage-64?
18:43:54kergoth`codingToyKeeper: bingo. known bug
18:44:09kergoth`codingToyKeeper: /etc/init.d/freset is supposed to run all the postinsts the first time you boot
18:44:09ToyKeeperI checked the symlinks before and after, and ldconfig didn't appear to change anything.  Weird.
18:44:13kergoth`codingit wont
18:44:19ToyKeeperAh, okay.
18:44:25kergoth`codingbut it updates the ld cache in /etc
18:45:09kergoth`codingToyKeeper: roge99 already sent me a fix for the freset bug, i'll put a new ipk up on the feed today.. just install it, then full reset the unit. i'll let you know when its available.
18:45:36kergoth`codingToyKeeper: otherwise.. for i in /usr/lib/ipkg/info/*postinst; do sh $i configure; done; :-)
18:45:41ToyKeeperNah, I don't really need it..  just trying to mention anything unusual I find.
18:45:46kergoth`codingrun that though
18:45:50angryhua hua hua its open
18:45:57kergoth`codingotherwise startup scripts dont get linked into the runlevel dirs
18:46:29whardierjust transcoded an mpeg1 to divx
18:46:33whardierits a hell of a lot smaller
18:46:58kergoth`codingToyKeeper: trust me, you want to run the postinsts.. :-)
18:47:00angrythis name is much more elite
18:47:07kergoth`codingangry: register it with nickserv?
18:47:12angrykergoth`coding: just did
18:47:21whardierangry tired of having a BSD name in a room full of linux PDA users?
18:47:47angrywhardier: tired of having BSD in my name when i havent used it for about 2 months ;)
18:48:04angrysee now i can change my nick to
18:48:11angryZthis is angry zaurus now
18:48:19ToyKeeperHeh, lots of misc errors.   Several of these:  update-alternatives: unknown argument `--display'
18:48:34angrybut for now, plain old angry
18:48:44prpplaguewell, if anyone cares, i now have fltk running on my zaurus with tinyx
18:49:03whardierruns away from TvLAND
18:49:07ToyKeeperprpplague: I'll be trying to get X11 working later today, I think.  :)
18:49:14whardiertime to watch the chick channel
18:49:20kergoth`codingToyKeeper: do me a favor.  ( for i in /usr/lib/ipkg/info/*postinst; do sh $i configure; done; ) 2>&1 | tee postinst.log; .. email it to me
18:49:34whardierthey keep showing hitchcock films
18:49:37prpplagueToyKeeper: unless you really really want educate yourself, you might want to hold off a day or two
18:49:49ToyKeeperkergoth`coding: address?
18:50:09kergoth`codingToyKeeper: scripts that depend on things busybox functions dont have...
18:50:15kergoth`codingToyKeeper: thought i caught most of those
18:51:12whardierneeds a better encoding of blade runner
18:51:15whardieror to go buy it
18:51:16ToyKeeperprpplague: what's changing in the next day or two?
18:51:33ToyKeeperwhardier: I could probably encode that for you.
18:51:46prpplagueToyKeeper: i should have my documents and reference files posted
18:51:48whardiershop at home TV.. woot.. I hate shopping networks
18:51:49daralci SO can use my existing verizon contract
18:52:20daralcon the site
18:52:24kergoth`codingprpplague: when you've got it stable, give me the .mk files and I'll create a initrd.bin with X preinstalled.
18:52:27daralcit says that the service is even billed through verizon
18:52:28kergoth`codingprpplague: :-)
18:53:37prpplaguekergoth`coding: ya, i'm still working cleaning everything up
18:54:01kergoth`codingprpplague: cool
18:54:24prpplaguekergoth`coding: do you want to just include x or would you want to include matchbox wm as well?
18:54:44angryis there an NES emu for the Z?
18:54:46kergoth`codingprpplague: a WM would be good, i'll leave it to you what wm.
18:54:57daralcwill ZSNES work on it?
18:55:12VerxHomeburies his head in shame
18:55:17whardierI look like shit
18:55:33kergoth`codingVerxHome: ?
18:55:36prpplaguedaralc: IIRC, the sharp site had one a port, but the dirs would need to be changed
18:55:53daralci might get a sandisk for storage
18:56:00whardierI have a dual 933mhz machine
18:56:01daralcbecause i want to use CF for the wireless modem
18:56:06whardierit cannot play DVD's fast enough
18:56:11whardierI think my DVD drive is the issue
18:56:36angryi got CF storage but i will be getting SD soon too, then i will get wireless
18:56:45prpplaguewhardier: did you check your hdparms ?
18:56:45kergoth`codinghm, whats a good dvd player app for linux?
18:57:23angrydamnit why doesnt anybody make an NES emu for the Z
18:58:33ToyKeeperIs there a good linux-based nes emu?
18:58:42ToyKeeperI haven't seen one...  haven't looked for a while, though.
18:59:02ToyKeeperLast time I looked, none of them provided both sound and working video.
18:59:11darienm|awayangry: NES and not SNES ?
19:00:59daralcdo i need a SanDisk CF or San Disk Smart media?
19:01:18ToyKeeperThe Z doesn't use "smart media".
19:01:21angrydarienm: correct
19:01:27ToyKeeperIt uses CF and MMC though.
19:01:38angryor secure digital?/
19:01:43daralci mean the slot on the side
19:01:54nadavSD and MMC are compatibly
19:02:01ToyKeeperIt's a SD/MMC slot.  MMC support in linux is better than SD support.
19:02:08nadavuh, compatible
19:02:14angrybut sd = faster?
19:02:32nadavit's supposed to be
19:02:44ToyKeeperI'm still trying to figure out how to make an MMC card remount properly on resume.
19:02:48daralcso you woulds ay go with MMC?
19:02:53daralcor go with SD?
19:03:12George-daralc: MMC is cheaper (a LOT cheaper) not *that* much slower, and avail in capacities up to 64MB
19:03:23George-daralc: SD is damn expensive, and avail up to 512MB
19:03:32angrySD isnt too expensive
19:03:47angryyou could have ( missed the deal by now ) gotten 128MB for like $47
19:04:18rw2 was last seen on #zaurus 2 hours, 53 minutes and 41 seconds ago, saying: cranch: Ok, muds have better support for such stuff.  Wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something here. [Sun Jul 28 17:10:37 2002]
19:04:18darienmibot seen rw2
19:04:27CloudChaser was last seen on #zaurus 3 hours, 5 minutes and 7 seconds ago, saying: sounds ghastly [Sun Jul 28 16:59:20 2002]
19:04:27darienmibot seen CloudChaser
19:04:35whardiermy cat pussyfoots around
19:05:02darienmwhardier: are your songs up for sharing?
19:05:42daralcpricewatch does't have SD
19:05:43darienmah hah, treke is here to share good news about VNC !
19:05:51darienmdaralc: search for 'secure digital'
19:06:04darienmdaralc: or sometimes 'flash memory'
19:06:20angrypricewatch doesnt always have the grab-now"
19:06:23angrytype deals has great prices on stuff occasionally
19:06:46daralci want like a 512mb sd
19:06:49treke|homedarienm: not much good news. You can right click now :)
19:07:04darienmtreke: excellent, how are you passing it?
19:07:12darienmtreke: from a user point of view, of course.
19:07:22treke|homeclick and hold. Doesnt seem to be causing much interference?
19:07:46treke|homeer that wasnt a question
19:08:02darienmso it will basically be right-click-in-place versus ability to right-click-and-drag
19:08:04daralcwhat aobut IBM Microdrive?
19:08:39nadav128mb CF for $60
19:08:40treke|homeyeah not sure if right click and drag is going to work, but I havent seen a need to right click and drag yet
19:08:51ToyKeeperGrr...   ipkg is being a bunghole.
19:08:54nadavok, be back in a bit
19:09:17whardierbah.. just make sure you are using a downloader that is familiar with continuing downloads
19:09:20angrydoes anyone have any gameboy roms i can test the GB emu out with
19:09:29ToyKeeperI guess I'll find out what happens when I switch libc6... :)
19:09:54angryesp. paperboy for gameboy :)
19:09:59whardiermy cat is being a bung hole
19:10:04kergoth`codingah fuck
19:10:16kergoth`codingmount just hung trying to mount my cf reader
19:10:19kergoth`codingfucking usb-storage driver
19:10:29kergoth`codingreboot time
19:10:36whardierI hate that
19:10:44whardierits leaky
19:11:05whardiermy fake skin bandaid overflowed
19:11:13whardiertht sucks
19:11:27ToyKeeperHeh.  You're oozing.
19:11:37whardierall over the damn place
19:12:13whardierthe bandaid was not able to keep up with the puss production of my finger..
19:12:33whardierthis happened over night
19:12:40whardierit broke while I was sleaping
19:12:45whardierand my finger was all crusty when I woke up
19:12:52VerxHomedigs in to find out why
19:13:11angryneeds gameboy roms :(
19:13:27whardiermy cat max is a good cat.. once he gets settled
19:13:40ToyKeeperHe gets settled?
19:13:46whardierup until he gets settled.. you have to be bitten a few times..s tepped on.. pulled on..
19:13:50tbocangry: aren't that hard to find iirc
19:14:04whardierhe is quite happy ATM
19:14:09whardierI just.. can't move for a few hours
19:14:13whardiertime to rip Bloodlust
19:14:31VerxHomescratches head
19:15:00prpplaguewhardier: puss production digit? what did you do?
19:15:01whardierbtw ToyKeeper .. when ripping.. do an import of VLC playing the video.. then crop and scale and use those numbers
19:15:13whardierVLC has always gotten the aspect ratio correct
19:15:26whardierthen just do a crop detect and use those numbers and you are done
19:15:54ToyKeeperEh, okay.  It's always worked for me to just use mplayer for that.
19:15:58darienmangry: I have a source for gameboy roms
19:16:00ToyKeeperBut then, your setup is funky.
19:16:26darienmangry: but you'll find gnuboy on the zaurus less than satisfying, methinks
19:16:41whardiermy setup is not funky
19:16:42whardieryours is
19:16:45whardiersee how that works
19:16:52angrydarienm: can it play gameboy color roms?
19:16:58tbocdarienm: i guess the 'trick' was to search for 'rom_z_' so all the w4r3z-sites show up ;)
19:17:16darienmangry: yes
19:17:34darienmangry: say NO to the GATOR download !!
19:17:42darienmangry: its nasty ad-ware
19:17:45tbocbtw. how fast is the gb-emu? something like the one on the palm?
19:17:58whardierToyKeeper for most things mplayer does not get the aspect ratio right..
19:18:02whardierfor most anime it does
19:18:06whardierthats all 2/1
19:18:09darienmtboc: I'd say its half the speed of a regular gameboy, maybe 30%
19:18:17tbocdarienm: oh :(
19:18:31darienmtboc: better at gameboy emu than gameboy color, of course.
19:18:35tbocdarienm: and i thougt with a 200mhz cpu you could easily emulate a gb
19:18:49darienmtboc: games like Tony Hawk pro skater 2 just crawl....
19:19:03darienmtboc: games like Mario Land are okay
19:19:32ToyKeeperOkay, ipkg is really being a bunghole.
19:19:36tbocsounds like someone has to code some routines in asm and optimize a bit
19:19:47angrydarienm: my QTopia Desktop just messed up syncing methinks
19:19:51ipkg is the Itsy Package Management System used by Familiar: or find the source in the CVS
19:19:51treke|homeibot: ipkg?
19:19:57rw2darienm: hey, I'm here, you were looking for me earlier?
19:20:01darienmrw2: Hey rich !
19:20:16darienmrw2: learning the ropes of IRC I see..
19:20:25darienmrw2: Paintball next Saturday a go?
19:21:24tbocbtw. any volunteers to write a port of kwebget? ;)
19:21:29rw2darienm: Nope.  I forgot that we're going to D.C.
19:21:35darienmtboc: what's that do?
19:21:54tbocdarienm: it's a wget frontend
19:22:19tbocdarienm: could be a replacement for wwwoffle
19:22:19darienmtboc: to be used mostly as a download helper or an offline browser?
19:22:26darienmeek? replace wwwoffle ?!?!?
19:22:36darienmhave you heard of zope ?
19:22:41tbocerm, nope
19:22:45treke|homewget and wwoffle are completly different apps :)
19:22:57darienmSorry, Zepo
19:23:28darienmSomeone build an offline browser for the Z, but apparently hasn't released it? (no download link)
19:23:34tboctreke|home: but i think the goal is the same
19:24:12treke|hometboc: not at all
19:24:22tbochmm, as far as i can see zepo lacks a few features
19:24:32tboctreke|home: so whats the use of wwwoffle on a Z?
19:24:48treke|homekwebget is a gui for wget, that just handles transfering files off of ftp and http servers
19:24:52darienmwwwoffle on the Z is an offline browser,
19:25:02darienmbut its really a caching proxy server
19:25:07treke|homewwwwoffle is a proxy that you can use for browsing offline
19:25:16darienmYou point your web browser THRU it, and it keeps track of files you view
19:25:25darienmand in offline mode can go GET those sites, to X levels deep
19:25:41[George-]I'm confused
19:25:45treke|homenow kwget would be pretty nifty, but for different reasons
19:25:45tbocyou could do the same with kwebget
19:25:47SirPsycho-homeheck.. i pointed my windows browser through it and surfed the pages on mydesktop i wanted to save on my Z =)
19:26:05[George-]How do I make a document-oriented app?
19:26:05treke|hometboc: does kwebget act like a http proxy server?
19:26:15tboci just like the idea of chosing exactly which files i want to download
19:26:31tboctreke|home: nope, but i don't think it has to
19:26:33treke|home they are useful for different purposes
19:26:51tboctreke|home: ack =)
19:26:53treke|hometboc: so kwebget and performs wwwoffle's purpose :)
19:26:53darienmWhat game is this?
19:27:15tbocso anyone wants to port kwebget? =)
19:27:33treke|homedarienm: Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
19:27:36tbocdarienm: cool, IJ and the fate of atlantis
19:27:45darienmIs it a fun game?
19:27:51treke|homelots of fun
19:27:53darienmAre roms available somewhere?
19:28:02darienmwhat platform was it for initially?
19:28:05treke|homeroms? Its a pc game :)
19:28:19darienmdoesn't know of any games except Counter-Strike
19:28:20treke|, you can buy it there
19:28:41darienmtreke, thanks.
19:28:44daralcurban terror is a great game
19:28:47darienmI think my son would enjoy it.
19:29:28treke|homeShould work fine in scummvm on mac.pc, and Linux
19:29:41VerxHome was last seen on #zaurus 15 minutes and 10 seconds ago, saying: scratches head [Sun Jul 28 20:14:31 2002]
19:29:41darienmibot seen VerxHome
19:29:43treke|homeor you can get it running in win98 or dos :)
19:29:58darienmVerxHome, your scaps are on like 8 times :)
19:30:30VerxHomehello dairenm
19:30:34darienmVerxHome, or maybe 3 times, but looks like 8
19:31:39VerxHomeI had some problems getting scap to work
19:32:09darienmVerxHome: I told you I'd make captures for you :)
19:32:20darienmVerxHome: but it seems you got it anyhow.
19:32:34darienm: what?
19:32:34darienmibot seen  erikd
19:32:37VerxHomewell it took me nearly a whole day
19:32:40erikd was last seen on #zaurus 14 hours, 1 minutes and 33 seconds ago, saying: g'night guys [Sun Jul 28 06:31:07 2002]
19:32:40darienmibot seen erikd
19:32:42VerxHomebut I have a menu now
19:32:44[George-] <--- Looks nice
19:33:11darienmYou can fit a lot of image data in 320x240 if you do it right.
19:33:21daralcwhat game is that?
19:33:28darienmheh, scroll up
19:33:40darienmIndiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
19:33:49daralci want counterstrike on it
19:33:58treke|homegay? Thats a classic
19:34:08[George-]daralc: get strategic assault =P
19:34:13treke|homesmacks darienm
19:34:23darienmoh no, here's where I turn my attention to my alcohol.
19:34:24treke|homesmacks daralc instead
19:34:41darienmgets up off the floor and wonders why he got smacked.
19:34:48ToyKeeperEh, a couple questions...  in the x11zaurus package, why does it store things in /usr/local ?  What's the Xredir stuff for?  Why are the libraries linked from /opt/QtPalmtop ?
19:34:56darienmdamn autocomplete :)
19:35:03treke|homeyou got smacked because my irc clients tab completion sucks
19:35:06darienmalways smacking me
19:35:15[George-]smacks treke|home
19:35:32darienmToyKeeper: That's a lot of questions
19:35:56darienmMost of the answers are probably along the lines of "because that's how someone set it up"
19:35:57ToyKeeperIt just looks like the package is... confused.
19:35:57VerxHomeis scummvm better in x that qpe?
19:36:03darienmBut others can feel free to step in and correct me.
19:36:19VerxHomeer, than
19:36:36treke|homedarienm: other than input it should be about equal
19:36:45ToyKeeperI'm curious because it deviates a lot from the filesystem hierarchy standard...
19:36:46darienmI didn't ask a question
19:37:02darienmtreke: maybe instead of a VNC client you should build a better IRC client.
19:37:06treke|homeVerxHome: other than input, they arebout the same :)
19:37:15treke|homedarienm: haha
19:37:23darienmtreke: but finish the VNC first
19:37:28darienmrw2: still here?
19:37:38VerxHometreke: Cool
19:37:42VerxHomedoes it have sound?
19:37:51ToyKeeperBut I suppose I should ask the maintainer.
19:37:57treke|homeVerxHome: should. I dont remember though
19:38:10VerxHomehow big are the games?
19:38:21VerxHomeI mean, I know they are old, some of them came on floppy
19:38:27VerxHomebut some are probably large
19:38:42treke|homevaries quite a bit. some were small floppy games and some filled a cd
19:39:02VerxHomewell, an entire CD surely won't fit on my MMC card
19:39:03angrylol zraycast is hillarious
19:39:12darienmpre-CD games, methinks
19:39:16treke|homeVerxHome: You could reencode the audio to mp3 which helps
19:39:17darienmjudging by the graphics :)
19:39:33darienmangry: you think? really? I got bored.
19:40:19angrydarienm: i got very bored :)
19:40:20Titan818anyone: is there a Z buzzer demo somewhere
19:40:22treke|homedarienm: not all of them :) the scumm language was used for a lot of their stuff
19:40:37darienmTitan818: yes, as part of a kismet add-on
19:40:46VerxHomeTitan818: So far as I know, the Z buzzer is a one noise wonder
19:42:16rw2darienm: I'm here
19:42:22hungerkergoth: Found a couple of probelms with my crosscompiler toolchain today. Looks to work now (except for the kernel and ncurses (the C++ stuff in there)).
19:42:53kergothhunger: ah, k.. cool. want to email em over?
19:43:03hungerkergoth: Sure.
19:43:38hungerkergoth: I'm trying to build a initrd for me using libc 2.2.5. I think I blotched the compatibility stuff for 2.2.4 which is on my Z.
19:43:40mdz was last seen on #zaurus 2 days, 3 hours, 28 minutes and 52 seconds ago, saying: angrybsd: what George- said.  you can get an adapter to go one way or the other, but I don't remember which [Fri Jul 26 17:14:48 2002]
19:43:40prpplagueibot: seen mdz or mdz_
19:43:48mdz_ was last seen on #zaurus 18 hours, 23 minutes and 28 seconds ago, saying: prpplague: what's wrong? [Sun Jul 28 02:20:20 2002]
19:43:48prpplagueibot: seen mdz_
19:43:49kergothhunger: ahh..
19:44:21hungerkergoth: And I have a problem with the libc6 build script:O
19:44:44Titan818where can I find kismet stuff?
19:45:07hungerkergoth: It builds both libc6 and gconv ipks, then overwrites the libc6 ipk again with an empty one.
19:45:43hungerkergoth: I added a test for the existance of a file to templates/method right before the actual ipkg building.
19:47:02kergothhunger: hmm, thats odd.
19:47:47hungerkergoth: Does oz-base contain empty directories?
19:48:03VerxHomeanyone here familiar with Qt layouts that could look at the scap screenshots for a sec
19:48:16hungerkergoth: ...because I made method remove empty dirs before packaging things up.
19:48:24VerxHometreke, if you look at my app
19:48:31VerxHomeDragon Sheet
19:48:40VerxHomesee the second column of widgets?
19:48:46VerxHomestarts with HP:, Class:, etc.
19:49:22kergothhunger: I think it does, just to provide structure. i dont recall
19:49:27VerxHomeI want (for instance)
19:49:37VerxHomeall the comboboxes and text entry areas to be the same width
19:49:45hungerkergoth: That's what I feared:-)
19:49:59VerxHomeand I want them to be exactly parallel with the title to their left
19:50:03ToyKeeperArgh..  I wonder where mkfifo is.
19:50:04treke|homelooks like they are
19:50:19VerxHomewell, yes, but they aren't using layouts 100%
19:50:53VerxHomewould you recommend (if I use layouts) putting for instance "Class:" and its combobox in a horizontal layout
19:50:59VerxHomeand so on, with each one
19:51:03treke|homeput them in a grid layout
19:51:06VerxHomeand then enclosing them all in a single container layout?
19:51:12VerxHomegrid layout
19:51:22VerxHomelemme try that, I haven't messed with it yet
19:51:58kergothToyKeeper: busybox has mkfifo.. prpplague already complaiined (iirc) about it not being built in for OZ
19:53:14kergothhunger: how about we create the rootfs structure in the oz-base postinst script?
19:53:22kergothhunger: I think that'd be best. then itd work fine
19:53:31kergothhunger: i'd think ..
19:53:31hungerkergoth: Good idea.
19:53:50hungerkergoth: It's only a couple of mkdir -p's anyway.
19:54:50ToyKeeperHmm.  Not having much luck with x11zaurus.
19:55:32VerxHomehaving layouts doesn't help the app resize in any way
19:55:39VerxHomedeletes all his layouts
19:55:53treke|homeVerxHome: well you app doesnt have room to resize
19:56:11treke|homelayouts are a good thing, it helps it to expand if there is more screenspace
19:56:28VerxHomebut there isn't
19:56:46VerxHomeI don't think most of my apps will be this constrained for space
19:56:51treke|homesure there is. just put your ipaq into lanscape and you now have a 320x200 window
19:56:51VerxHomeI will use layouts on those
19:57:14VerxHometreke: Yes, and even with layouts, it is incapable of dealing with that, given the widgets I have
19:57:14frankpshi all
19:57:19treke|homeput them in a qscrollview
19:57:57VerxHomethat would kill my space
19:58:03VerxHomeI would have even LESS screen space then
19:58:08treke|homewell its your only choice
19:58:17treke|homeif you want it to scroll, thats what you have to do
19:58:40VerxHomeeven with a qscrollview
19:58:44VerxHomewhen you rotate the screen
19:58:46VerxHomeit wouldn't help
19:58:56treke|homewhat do you mean it wouldnt help?
19:59:03VerxHomeopie should have like per application rotation capability
19:59:12treke|homeit does
19:59:30whardierI just made a divx so high quality
19:59:32VerxHometreke: I mean the layout doesn't help it to fit entirely on the screen if you rotate it
19:59:34whardierthat only a ghz machine can play it
19:59:53treke|homeVerxHome: because your layout needs more screen space
19:59:59VerxHomeit would leave a ton falling off the bottom
20:00:07VerxHomeand you would constantly have to scroll
20:00:07kergothVerxHome: so? thats what scrollbars are for.
20:00:11treke|homeVerxHome: the layout allows it to expand to use more space, it can deal without having enough space
20:00:21kergothwhardier: fun
20:00:31treke|homeVerxHome: Either deal with having to scroll, or come up with a better layout
20:00:48whardierkergoth I am just.. being odd.. bah :)
20:00:49VerxHomeI can't think of a layout that would work for this
20:00:53whardierI should take all the movies
20:00:58VerxHomein terms of allowing it to look right in both rotations
20:01:00whardiertranscode them to 320x240
20:01:08whardierlow bitrate
20:01:09whardierterrible audio
20:01:34treke|homeVerxHome: Well your going to have to find one. Or else add scrollbars
20:01:46kergothshit shit shit
20:01:49kergoththe leds didnt work
20:01:59kergothjust booted his Z with 2.5.26 and got a login.. though its with cramfs not jffs2
20:02:00VerxHometreke: Do the scrollbars work such that they only appear if needed?
20:02:06VerxHomeor do they show up no matter what?
20:02:08treke|homeVerxHome: yes
20:02:13treke|homethey appear when needed
20:02:15VerxHomethen they might work
20:02:19VerxHomegives it a shot
20:02:23treke|homebut there has to be room for them to appear
20:02:24kergothwhardier: flash is stuck read only for a bit, so I'll finish other thigns then go back to that.. heh
20:02:25hungerkergoth: That sounds definitly like a breakthrough:-)
20:02:29treke|homeand it doesnt look like you have room
20:02:42VerxHometreke: Right, everything fits on the screen
20:02:42kergothhunger: progress, anyway..
20:02:49VerxHomeso there isn't any need for scrollbars
20:03:02VerxHomescrollbars should only appear if something would have been drawn off screen without them
20:03:05mdz_kergoth: are there any other cramfs->jffs2 gotchas besides the padding thing?
20:03:20treke|homeVerxHome: but there isnt room for them to appear. at least from the looks of things
20:03:30kergothmdz_: not really, no.
20:03:53kergothmdz_: obviously you have to be able to write with the mtd driver you're using.. sharp uses mtdrom, which cant
20:03:57VerxHometreke: I don't think you are following me.  It doesn't MATTER that there isn't room for them to appear - there is no NEED for them to appear because everything fits on screen
20:04:10kergothVerxHome: everything fits even when rotated?
20:04:20VerxHomekergoth: I was talking portrait
20:04:23kergothVerxHome: people WILL rotate, you arent going to prevent that.
20:04:29kergothVerxHome: so use qscrollview in case they do.
20:04:32VerxHomeI would expect it to need scrollbars when it rotates
20:04:43VerxHomeand that is fine
20:04:52VerxHomemy point is that it shouldn't need scrollbars in portrait
20:05:08kergothyou know what i hate about X
20:05:11treke|homeVerxHome: when you open the input method, the scrollbars will appear
20:05:11kergoththe clipboard situation
20:05:15treke|homein portrait
20:05:31VerxHometreke: And that is perfectly fine too
20:05:45kergothleds.c:29: `collie_leds_event' undeclared (first use in this function)
20:05:47VerxHomemy fear was that the scrollbars would appear even without the input method being popped up
20:05:47treke|homeVerxHome: But where is the space for them?
20:05:51VerxHomeie, they would be there all the time
20:06:21VerxHometreke: um, the way scrollbars work is they SHOULD appear on the rightmost and bottommost edges of the widget containing them
20:06:36VerxHomeand the contents would then be within the area left after the scrollbars are drawn
20:06:45VerxHomeis that not how they do it?
20:06:46kergothVerxHome: i think he's saying that you dont have enough room for them to appear on portait when the input method is up
20:06:59treke|homeVerxHome: right, will your content be able to shrink to accomodate them?
20:07:14VerxHometreke: It should, I am using input methods after all
20:07:21VerxHomes/input methods/layouts
20:07:40mdz_kergoth: how do you set up which mtd driver is used for which physical device?
20:07:44VerxHomeam I allowed to tell layout to have a specific width?
20:07:59VerxHomelike can I give a layout an x,y, width, height?
20:08:05VerxHomeor does that prevent it from dealing with resize?
20:09:15treke|homeVerxHome: you can specify in the widget whether it can expand if it has a minimum size. Its on the properties dialog
20:09:27darienmVerxHome: Seems you will have to just have less items on that screen -- move non stats off to another tab?
20:10:42darienmwaves at the mnky
20:10:50darienmoffers the mnky a banana
20:10:51VerxHometreke: What I mean is, if I leave the widgets inside a layout to have min size 0,0, max size 32767, 32767, can I set the layout itself to have specific geometry and still expect it to resize?
20:10:52codemnkywhat's going on
20:10:55kergothmdz_: Dont enable more than one driver that'll work for the same chips
20:10:59darienm... daqueri
20:11:02kergothmdz_: or ask david woodhouse, he'd know.
20:11:10kergothmdz_: i just disable mtdrom and enable the proper drivers
20:11:18mdz_kergoth: I see, thanks
20:11:27codemnkyi made a picture for whardier last night kergoth
20:11:37VerxHomelooks like the most critical thing right now
20:11:45VerxHomeis to put my tabwidget into a layout
20:11:56kergothcodemnky: ?
20:11:58kergothmdz_: np
20:12:01treke|homeVerxHome: I dont think you can put a size on a layout
20:12:03[George-]Malaysia allowing pirated s/w for educational purpose
20:12:14VerxHometreke: It lets me.
20:12:24[George-]hops over to malaysia, picks up winxp, office v x, etc, then hops back to england :)
20:12:47kergoth[George-]: define educational purpose
20:12:56kergoth[George-]: can i get warcraft 3 to learn military strategy?
20:12:58[George-]kergoth: check slashdot
20:13:17[George-]warcraft III rocks
20:13:25kergothgood game
20:13:27kergothi still suck at it though
20:13:27VerxHomeoh, great
20:13:35VerxHomeif I select my tabwidget
20:13:39[George-]But for educational purposes and to encourage computer usage, we may consider allowing schools and social organisations to use pirated software."
20:13:41VerxHomeit won't let me put it into a layout
20:13:42[George-]That's quoted
20:13:44[George-]from slashdot
20:13:53[George-]which quotes some Malaysian MP or something
20:14:36darienm  <-- the codemnky
20:15:59VerxHomeanyone here have a clue how to put a tabwidget into a layout?
20:16:12[George-]VerxHome: Just like any other widget?
20:16:20VerxHomeno workie
20:16:27VerxHomethat was what I thought too
20:16:27umopapisdnVerxHome: What's the problem you're having with tabwidget?
20:16:39VerxHomeumopapisdn: I cannot put it into a layout
20:16:56umopapisdnVerxHome: odd... what happens?
20:17:21VerxHomewhen I select the tabwidget, the buttons for all types of layouts gray out
20:17:28umopapisdnVerxHome: I've done it, so i know it should work.
20:18:44whardierny node is nroken
20:18:48VerxHomeperhaps I will have to do it from code
20:18:54VerxHomeand not from Qt Designer
20:19:31[George-]VerxHome: You don't do it like that :)
20:19:38umopapisdnVerxHome: I've never managed to use designer in any useful way... :(
20:19:41[George-]VerxHome: You click the area *around* the tabwidget
20:19:47[George-]VerxHome: then you press it :)
20:20:25RombusHi there
20:20:38[George-]hi lop-sided-square
20:20:48[George-]hi Rombus
20:22:14Rombusi got a question, 2 sorta, 1. Is there anything i can plug into a standard network to act as an access point for a wireless card, 2. are there any bluetooth cards that work with the zaurus
20:22:51kergothRombus: 1) buy an access point 2) no idea
20:23:14nadavAPs aren't too expensive if you don't need a built-in router
20:23:15nadavaround $80
20:23:51Rombuswell, i need it to be as small as possible, (i would rather not take around cat5 to connect my zaurus to the wall) and all in one, but i dunno if something like that exists
20:24:24kergothRombus: huh? so buy an AP. buy network cable. plug network cable from AP into your LAN. i dont see the dillemma.
20:25:15Rombuslol, I need it to be mobel too, so i can use it anywhere on my campus
20:25:19Rombus(going to college)
20:25:29nadavAPs are small..
20:25:32kergothokay let me adjust. buy a SMALL AP
20:25:49mdz_what is the trick to getting the Z to suspend when you hold the Off button?
20:26:04mdz_it doesn't seem to send a normal APM event
20:26:34kergothmdz_: i believe qtopia catches it and runs apm --suspend
20:26:37kergothmdz_: iirc
20:26:58mdz_kergoth: do you know how it catches it, or which program handles it so I can look?
20:27:21kergothmdz_: opie cvs.. opie/core/launcher/
20:27:23mdz_I see /proc/sys/pm/suspend, which is a nice way to make your Zaurus completely unusable until you power cycle it
20:27:31kergothdont do that
20:27:33kergothdo apm --suspend
20:27:37kergothif you want to force a suspend
20:27:41mdz_apm: Invalid argument
20:27:48kergothworks flawless here
20:27:49kergothapm --help
20:27:59mdz_I know how the apm utility works
20:28:05mdz_this is using the stock Sharp kernel at the moment
20:28:16kergothyou did enable APM right?
20:28:35mdz_(none):/proc/sys/pm# cat /proc/apm
20:28:35mdz_1.14 1.2 0x02 0x01 0x03 0x08 95% -1 ?
20:28:37kergothfyi, arch/arm/def-configs/sl5500, and sl5000d are predone kernel configs
20:28:41kergothk, just checking :-)
20:29:01angrythere we go
20:29:01mdz_I didn't notice it until today, it has been in the cradle for weeks while I've been tearing it apart
20:29:03angrydamn ghost
20:29:57VerxHome[George-]: Ok, I got it
20:30:04VerxHomethe tabwidget stretches now
20:30:06mdz_yeah, looks like opie just runs apm --suspend. weird.
20:30:23kergothyeah thats what i figured
20:30:25mdz_kergoth: what version of the apm userspace stuff are you using?
20:30:39mdz_I have 3.0.2 here
20:31:30kergothI'm using 3.0.2 + debian's patch, seems to work fine
20:32:58mdz_kergoth: exactly what I'm using, 3.0.2-1.19
20:33:50mdz_ioctl(3, AGPIOC_RELEASE, 0)             = -1 EINVAL (Invalid argument)
20:34:07mdz_that doesn't look right at all
20:34:14kergoththats odd
20:34:21mdz_strace may just be confused about the ioctl number
20:34:35mdz_though if it is right, that would certainly explain it
20:34:46kergothi dont trust strace's knowledge of the ioctls.
20:34:54mdz_it has been known to be wrong on occasion
20:35:09whardierFarscape - Revenging Angel.. is the weridest fucking episode ever
20:35:13mdz_maybe I'll try your OZ kernel.  what's likely to break, if anything?
20:38:01cranchywhats the default root password on OpenZ
20:38:07cranchyI'm trying to ftp to it...
20:38:38Mickey0cranchy: empty
20:39:18cranchyif I try to FTP through USB it says connection refused
20:39:21[George-]VerxHome: cool
20:39:25cranchyspecify port number :)
20:39:40ljp- if you have an updated oz th epassword is now Qtopia
20:40:00cranchyk..thanks ljp
20:40:19ljp-same port.. and then you have to accept the connection on the Z
20:43:14cranchyits not I have to specify how to use it over USB?
20:44:09cranchysaying host not found
20:44:17ljp-port 4242
20:44:20cranchybut yet I can ping it
20:44:38cranchyits probably trying to use my other NIC>?
20:44:38[George-]cranchy: ftp 4242, right?
20:44:50ljp-if you've tryied it alot, you'll have to wait about 10 minutes to try again
20:45:00ljp-tried it without password, that is
20:45:05cranchyI did that once..
20:45:08cranchyreboot the Z?
20:45:26Mickey0ljp-: abuse timer??
20:46:54ljp-carch: naa if it was only once you dont need too
20:48:29cranchyits not saying host not found no....just not doing anything
20:48:29cranchyI pulled it out of the craddle
20:48:38Speedy2The cradle will rock.
20:50:14cranchyit said service not available, remote server has closed connection
20:51:15prpplaguemdz_: your using matchbox right?
20:51:17ljp-cranchy: did you choose an ip range in the security setting app?
20:51:28mdz_prpplague: kinda.  it's what I have in my initrd to let me run more than one rxvt at a time :-)
20:51:31cranchyhehe uhhh
20:51:36mdz_prpplague: I'm looking at GPE, though
20:51:46mdz_for the future
20:52:22prpplaguemdz_: i thought GPE, using matchbox as the WM
20:52:23cranchyits on
20:52:46prpplaguemdz_: anyway, i'm have an occasional segfault on matchbox
20:53:33ljp-well 192.168.1.x is not in the 192.168.129.x range..
20:53:48ljp-selected Any for now..
20:53:52prpplaguemdz_: hey would you mind sending me a copy of your host.def and cross.def for comparision?
20:54:00kergoth was last seen on #zaurus 0 seconds ago, saying: re [Sun Jul 28 21:54:00 2002]
20:54:00Speedy2ibot: seen kergoth
20:54:10Speedy2kergoth: How are things?
20:54:25cranchydamn..that works :)
20:54:28cranchyI'm a dummy
20:54:30kergothSpeedy2: not bad. gave up on jffs2 for now, reverted to cramfs and workin on the sound drivers
20:54:37Speedy2kergoth: I see.
20:54:39kergothSpeedy2: you?
20:54:52Speedy2kergoth: Fell asleep before I could code. Must start now.
20:55:23ljp-dont you hate when you run netstat -r and it crashes the box...
20:55:26kergoth~ # uname -a
20:55:26kergothLinux zaurus 2.5.26-rmk1-cl1 #5 Sun Jul 28 16:10:45 CDT 2002 armv4l unknown
20:55:26kergoth~ #
20:55:35Speedy2It's up and going, eh?
20:55:47Speedy2I bet that "cl1" gives you some pride.
20:55:58Speedy2Until you realize that the evil ones are after you...
20:56:10kergothi'm going to partition the mtd device in half.. first have is cramfs, second half is jffs2.. that way i can try playing with the mtd device from user space.
20:56:16mdz_prpplague: sure, I have your address
20:56:19Speedy2kergoth: Good idea.
20:56:28ljp-hehehe thats funny
20:56:38prpplaguemdz_: thanks
20:56:39Speedy2Chris Lawson 1
20:56:53Speedy2(his CB call-sign)
20:57:04kergoththe leds didnt turn on
20:57:10mdz_prpplague: I'll just send you the whole diff
20:57:11Speedy2"Breaker breaker, this is CL1"
20:57:21prpplaguemdz_: i got 4.1 compiling last night, and documented a ton stuff, but i'm still missing something on the wm side of things
20:57:27prpplaguemdz_: thanks
20:57:33mdz_well, if the LEDs don't work, it isn't good for anything
20:57:39Speedy2Damn right.
20:57:48Mickey0kergoth: how would you rate the status of 2.5.x ? damn unstable, pretty unstable or slightly unstable? .)
20:58:33Speedy2Mickey0: Like a dog on Angel Dust -- rough around the edges.
20:59:12mdz_prpplague: matchbox has been rock solid for me
20:59:14kergothMickey0: depends on what you're doing with it
20:59:32kergothMickey0: ide is unstable.. usb-storage crashes hardcore..
20:59:34kergothMickey0: for example
20:59:41kergothMickey0: heh
20:59:44Speedy2Minor things
20:59:55Mickey0kergoth: ahh... that's a bit too unstable for my taste .)
21:00:09kergothMickey0: yep. feature freeze isnt until october.. then its all bug fixes from there
21:00:19kergothMickey0: so its still highly in flux
21:00:43prpplaguemdz_: i think i've mixed up some of the theme files with other builds
21:00:53Mickey0kergoth: i see... how much of your workings will you backport to 2.4.19?
21:00:55prpplaguemdz_: i'll rebuild here in a few
21:01:49kergothMickey0: well, all the zaurus specific stuff goes to 2.5.latest and then gets backported to 2.4.19.
21:02:22kergothmounts /proc
21:03:26mdz_kergoth: brave
21:07:55kergothDAMNIT LEDS
21:08:16[-George-]kergoth: lol
21:08:25[-George-]kergoth: Strange. on my Psion 5 the LEDs blinked for CPU usage on 2.4.18
21:09:17ljp-kergoth: blink blink blink.... bblliinnnkkkk  bblliinnnkkkk bblliinnnkkkk.. blink blink blink
21:10:00[-George-]kergoth: Perhaps you could make the Buzzer beep at the same time? And the screen contrast flash? And........
21:11:30rw2So is it true that one cannot do a wireless sync to a linux box?  Intellisync seems to be a requirement, yes?
21:11:54kergothljp-: you're not an LED!
21:12:22darienmrw2: depends what you call 'sync'
21:12:24[-George-]kergoth: Yeh he is, Loser (at) Everything (and a) Dumbass :)
21:12:26kergothDAMNIT LJP! BLINK!
21:12:30kergothno, see, that doesnt sound right
21:12:33darienmrw2: you can home-brew your own scripts that go in via scp
21:12:52darienmrw2: and while that's a 'copy' and not a 'sync' its possible
21:14:42Speedy2kergoth: The LEDs are hooked via GPIOs ?
21:14:51Speedy2kergoth: They're active low signals is my guess.
21:18:19Speedy2LEDPWM1 is active high
21:18:27Speedy2Since it drives a MOSFET gate
21:19:03ljp-is that guy acting up again? ;)
21:21:12prpplaguemdz_: thanks for the email, looks like duped pretty much the same thing
21:21:22sigjust got back from camping
21:22:53jmhodgeshey sig
21:25:32hungerkergoth: make jffs2image failes because of missing root/etc/ipkg.conf
21:26:05cranchyI think I'm going back to Sharp's ROM for now...
21:26:15cranchywhats this I hear about Flinders ROM or something?
21:26:38darienmcranchy: if I recall, it uses almost ALL RAM for memory
21:26:51darienmcranchy: so storage would need to be external.
21:26:58kergothhunger: it only errors on the first package.
21:27:11kergothhunger: oz-base... because oz-base installs it. then subsequent packages dont error.
21:27:24kergothhunger: the error shouldnt be critical .. that is, it should keep going and install fine
21:27:46hungerkergoth: Nope.
21:28:05kergothhunger: then remove the -f root/etc/ipkg.conf from the ipkg install line in jffs2image.
21:28:28hungerkergoth: It stops afterwards with main: the ``install'' command requires at least one argument
21:29:08kergothhunger: huh?
21:29:17kergothhunger: it puts the ipks on the command line
21:29:23kergothhunger: do you have any ipks in sources/ipks?
21:29:58hungerls sources/ipks/*.ipk | wc -l
21:30:03hungergives 48
21:30:16kergothyou cant make jffs2image.
21:30:26kergothtake a look at configs/
21:30:35kergothit sets a variable that contains the list of ipks.
21:31:28hungerkergoth: Annoying... I can't build openzaurus because the kernel fails to build.
21:31:33cranchyhow can I flash between the Sharp and OpenZ roms
21:31:44cranchydo I just run the Sharp update program from the last ROM
21:33:07kergothhunger: got a better way to pass the list of ipks to install?
21:33:11kergothcranchy: uh
21:33:26kergothcranchy: read the flash update from CF procedures.
21:33:33hungerkergoth: Fix the kernel and we won't need it:-)
21:33:51kergothhunger: heh. yeah we will, cause this way sucks :-)
21:35:51jmhodgeshey codemnky
21:35:55codemnkywhat uo
21:37:27codemnkyhow long can a money survire free floating in space with only 5 beers?
21:39:27ToyKeeperHmm.  How can I tell the clock applet not to compensate for my timezone?
21:39:52ToyKeeperIt's trying to be smart by adding 6 hours, instead of just using the system time...
21:40:06codemnky$hey->clock_applet('no_compesate', 'my_zone');
21:40:09kergoththats pretty stupid.
21:40:20codemnkyi'm sorry i'm silly today
21:40:21kergothcodemnky: have another beer
21:40:23kergothcodemnky: :-)
21:40:27codemnkynone yet
21:40:39whardierIS A DRINKIN
21:40:41rw2darienm: What I call sync is getting the records from qtopia on my linux box into the Z and changes on the Z on my desktop.  I don't see how scp can do that. Am I missing something?
21:40:46whardierWITH THE CAPS ON
21:41:01codemnkywhat up whardier
21:41:08codemnkyget those creatives done
21:41:24whardierfuck no
21:41:25whardierI have been a little to lit this weekend
21:41:30hungerkergoth: I made it install my stuff, now it insists on configuring things and fails misserably doing so.
21:41:32codemnkyi know the feeling
21:41:41whardierall I have wanted to do is download movies
21:41:41whardierand sit.. and avoid my horny kitty
21:41:42codemnkyi drooled on my keyboard last night
21:41:42hungerkergoth: Can I stop it from running the postinst scripts?
21:41:55whardiercodemnky: haha.. am I that sexy?
21:41:58codemnkyi had key impressions in my forehead
21:42:03codemnkyno from sleep
21:42:26whardierwell I have not heard that one in a while
21:42:32whardierstarts downloading Donnie Dark
21:42:36codemnkysee you mostly just made me nervous and i locked the doors
21:42:48whardierI am starting to believe you don't have a wife
21:42:54whardierif you keep falling asleep at the computer
21:43:02kergothhunger: /etc/init.d/freset
21:43:17hungerkergoth: ?
21:43:22kergothhunger: fyi, running the postinsts is normally aboslutely necessary, because you cant properly run the postinsts via ipkg (x86) on the desktop
21:43:29whardierwhardier ?
21:43:32codemnkyit's true i do
21:43:37kergothhunger: /etc/init.d/freset is the full reset handler, it runs all the postinsts when you full reeset
21:43:47hungerkergoth: That's fine!
21:43:53codemnkyfunny thing is, she's just like me
21:44:03codemnkymostly stupid
21:44:07whardierman I want to buy the FarScape DVD sets
21:44:15hungerkergoth: Its running the postinst scripts on my desktop during the install into the directory that will be used as the root of the initrd image.
21:44:20kergothhunger: ohhhh gotcha
21:44:21whardierjust so I don't have to download 3 seasons worth
21:44:26kergothhunger: i dont think theres a way to stop it. its annoying as hell
21:45:12kergothhunger: imho it shouldnt even bother with the postinst when using -o (offline_root) because it isnt going to succeed.
21:45:45hungerkergoth: You need to be root to build a initrd! That sucks.
21:45:54hungerkergoth: That's a huge bug in ipkg...
21:45:57Mickey0hmmm... fakeroot environment?
21:46:03Wintrehunger: So you can mount the loopback device?
21:46:25whardiersits down and watches another movie
21:46:47hungerMickey0: Won't help: It wants to run ldcofnig and can't since I have no rights to overwrite /etc/ or something.
21:47:02hungerWintre: I can't even get it to build something to mount loopback.
21:47:06ljp-how can you make the packages root if you arent?
21:47:12kergothhunger: huh?
21:47:18kergothhunger: you dont need to be root to build an initrd.
21:47:33Mickey0hunger: you're right.
21:47:35hungerkergoth: I need to be root to run ldconfig here..
21:47:52kergothhunger: the fact that the postinst script fails will not abort the package installs.
21:47:55whardierljp- fakeroot?
21:47:59kergothhunger: it will continue and succeed.
21:48:05ljp-you need to be root to make opie ipkg's
21:48:23hungerslaps his head
21:48:29kergothljp-: all we need is a single command line argument to tell tar to stomp on the permissions
21:48:32Mickey0ljp-: hmm... i build opie daily... with fakeroot
21:48:43kergothor that
21:48:59ljp-I wasnt saying that fakeroot wont work
21:49:41hungerkergoth: You are right of course! It fails because I have no kernel which is needed to build mtd.
21:51:53codemnkyexport UID=0
21:51:56codemnkythat should do it
21:55:09hungerkergoth: What is this supposed to meen: kfs.jffs2: var/empty: has no parent directory!
21:56:02jmhodgeswonders why his pc suddenly wont recognize his usb0!!
21:56:28jmhodgesson of a ..
21:56:54prpplaguemdz_: is your power button not working under x?
21:58:42whardierhas Depeche Mode stuck in his head
21:59:00prpplaguewhardier: been there done that
22:00:53VerxHomecannot figure out how to setup a horizontal layout that lets buttons stretch out. . .
22:00:54mdz_prpplague: my power button does not work at all
22:01:12mdz_prpplague: well, if I hold it down long enough, it does a hard power down.  It does not suspend, and I do not yet know why.
22:01:26prpplaguemdt_:hmm, i don't have that problem
22:01:38prpplaguemtz_:hmm, i don't have that problem
22:01:43sig90fps in 1600x1200
22:01:48mdz_prpplague: what kernel are you using?
22:02:08prpplaguemdz_: the 2.4.6 from OZ IIRC
22:02:30mdz_prpplague: I'm using Sharp's kernel; I'm planning to give the OZ kernel a try shortly
22:02:58prpplaguemdz_: the Sharp kernel did not work well with the apmd
22:03:14prpplaguemdz_: i had the same issue under the sharp rom image
22:03:36VerxHomeGOT IT!
22:03:43VerxHomenow this makes a ton more sense to me
22:04:07mdz_prpplague: how did it work with the stock ROM, I wonder?
22:04:14prpplaguemdz_: looks like i'm having some font issues on matchbox, but this darn digi stuff has gotten me so worn out, i don;t think i'll get around fixing it tonight
22:04:32prpplaguemdz_: fastolfe had a replacement apmd
22:04:41mdz_prpplague: ah
22:04:44prpplaguemdz_: multi-serial cards for servers
22:04:56mdz_what does bootflag.txt do for openzaurus?  does it pass kernel command-line parameters, or something else?
22:05:00prpplaguemdz_: i'm sort working from the house today
22:05:30prpplaguemdz_: IIRC its a boot flags for the sharp rom, but for OZ, anything is valid
22:05:49prpplaguemdz_: echo "r00t" > bootflag.txt
22:06:04mdz_but there is no bootflag.txt in the stock ROM
22:06:20prpplaguemdz_: from zaurus or oz?
22:06:26mdz_prpplague: from sharp
22:06:53prpplaguemdz_: i can't answer to that one since i never flash mine with a stock sharp
22:06:55mdz_prpplague: the 2.37 ROM anyway.  is it a 5000d thing or something?
22:06:59ljp-because the sharp rom has everything included
22:07:54prpplagueljp-: could you explain that further?
22:08:00mdz_so do I understand correctly that bootflag.txt is not actually required for OZ?
22:08:19ljp-sharp rom is bootloader, initrd.bin and zImage all rolled into one..
22:08:36ljp-bootflag.txt IS required fo roz
22:09:26prpplagueljp-: ahh.
22:14:14prpplaguemdz_: i just ran a few tests on the apm with oz, i was able to suspend and resume from several different methods
22:16:30mdz_let me clarify.  I'm not using the OZ initrd, only the kernel.  is bootflag.txt required for the kernel?
22:17:47prpplaguemdz_: i'm sorry i can't answer that one
22:18:20prpplaguemdz_: i was just giving so info on what i knew worked
22:24:55VerxHomefinally figured out how to properly do layouts in Qt
22:25:11prpplagueVerxHome: congrads
22:25:18VerxHomeonly took 3 days
22:25:42prpplagueVerxHome: its the little programming success that make life exciten
22:26:38VerxHomeI feel good knowing that my app won't look like a COMPLETE amateurish attempt
22:26:44Mickey0is leaving for a while...
22:28:42VerxHomeok. . .
22:28:47VerxHomeanyone know what this means?:
22:28:54VerxHomedragonsheetmain.cpp:35: implicit declaration of function `int setProperty(...)'
22:28:54VerxHomedragonsheetmain.cpp:35: warning: cannot pass objects of type `QVariant' through `...'
22:29:27VerxHomeI am guessing it is something that Qt lets me do that Qt/E doesn't
22:30:06VerxHomethat line is:
22:30:15ljp-qt/e doesnt have Properties
22:30:23VerxHomesetProperty( "sizeGripEnabled", QVariant( FALSE, 0 ) );
22:30:31darienmI'm not a hard-core programmer, but 'implicit' seems to suggest.... yeah - what he said
22:32:45VerxHomewell shit
22:33:03VerxHomeI setup everything to use layouts
22:33:19VerxHomeand now it refuses to fit on the ipaq screen
22:33:19jmhodgesusbdnet is not recognizing my z!
22:33:23VerxHomechecks some things
22:33:33ljp-just comment out the setProperties line
22:33:58VerxHomeI did
22:34:00VerxHomethat solved that
22:34:05VerxHomebut I have some other issues
22:34:08VerxHomemuddles through them
22:35:39jmhodgescan someone help me out here?\
22:35:46VerxHometry rebooting
22:35:51VerxHomeor restarting usbnet
22:35:55VerxHomeif you don't wanna reboot
22:36:10jmhodgesive already rebooted twice
22:37:11VerxHomeI don't know what else to tell you
22:37:14VerxHomeI don't have a Z. . .
22:37:43ljp-ifconfig -a?
22:38:16jmhodgesnada ljp-
22:38:18prpplaguewahoo, server is install, time for a break
22:38:21jmhodgesalready thought of that one too
22:38:51jmhodgesimchecking my kernel config.. making sure its the right numbers in those usbdnet text entry areas
22:39:07ljp-depmod -a; modprobe usbdnet ?
22:39:08jmhodgesx x<M>   USBD Network (Encapsulated) Host-to-Host Link (EXPERIMENTAL)   x x  
22:39:08jmhodges  x x(04dd)  USBD Network idVendor                                        x x  
22:39:08jmhodges  x x(8004)  USBD Network idProduct
22:39:21ljp-push the sync button a few times
22:39:36prpplaguegoes for beer to celebrate
22:39:40jmhodgesfeels like hes back with the broken .17 usbdnet
22:39:40ljp-then run your ifconfig line
22:40:02jmhodgesok ran modprobe usbdnet and all gain
22:40:27jmhodgesgkrellm is a beautiful thing
22:41:00jmhodgescries out in rage
22:41:02ljp-pushe dthe sync button a few times?
22:41:17jmhodgeschecked the cords too
22:41:59jmhodgesusbdnet                13160   0  (unused)
22:41:59ljp-is usbcore and that in?
22:42:04jmhodgesjust like before
22:42:17jmhodgeswheres my usbcore!
22:42:36jmhodgesgrows angry with his .config
22:42:52jmhodgesthanks a ton ljp-
22:42:58VerxHomeVERY nice
22:43:10VerxHomenow I just have to add the scroll region
22:43:18VerxHomeljp-: I finally got layouts to work like I wanted
22:43:30VerxHomeit looks great in both portrait and landscape modes
22:44:11VerxHomeI need to figure out how to make the scroll region tho
22:44:14ljp-so it'll also work on the vercel
22:44:15VerxHomeshouldn't be too horrible
22:44:16jmhodgesnow to find my cd case
22:44:35VerxHomeonce I have the scroll region done, I will tweak the spacing just a tad bit
22:44:40VerxHomebut it is looking good
22:44:57VerxHomeI love that I can do 100% of my gui layout in designer
22:44:57ljp-but.. does it DO anything?
22:45:06VerxHomeit would take me ages to have done this with code
22:45:09VerxHomeljp-: rofl
22:45:10VerxHomenot yet
22:45:11VerxHomeit quits
22:45:13VerxHomethat's all
22:45:24ljp-shows widgets and quits..
22:45:31VerxHomehey now!
22:45:38VerxHome3 days of coding and I can layout however I want
22:45:41VerxHomeand get it to work on the ipaq
22:45:44ljp-I guess you have to start somewhere
22:46:03VerxHomeI am not too terribly upset considering I didn't know Qt, C++, Qt Designer, or Visual Studio 3 days ago
22:47:45ljp-well.. the real challenge is in front of you.. making it do stuff
22:48:13prpplagueVerxHome: you should try fltk
22:50:27jmhodgesljp-: where does the usbcore module come from? should i M USB support?
22:51:05treke|homenah, making it do stuff isnt the hard part. Its figuring out why it isnt doing stuff quite right
22:51:17ljp-jmhodges: yes
22:51:41jmhodgesah ha! thanks a toooon ljp-
23:06:42whardiermy cat is torturing my eardrums
23:07:48Cam__does anyone here know anything about debugging at assembly level without a symbol table?
23:08:17ljp-assembly is for geeks ;)
23:08:30whardierCam__ yeah.. its called plug the red wire in one ear
23:08:33whardierand the greenw ire in the other
23:09:11Cam__oh well.. it could be worse, it could be ARM assembler...
23:09:30ljp-whardier: that mini-me device from Apogee sounds nice!
23:09:59whardierthat looks damn sweet
23:10:22whardierI need to steal Reason from a friend again
23:10:28whardierI erased it thinking I would never use it
23:11:09ljp-I have that somewhere's in all the gigabites of scsi drives
23:11:37whardiera friend can just bring me the discs again
23:11:42whardierits faster
23:11:46whardierwith me downloading massive amounts of crap allt he time
23:12:17ljp-ahh... I have the special download version for audio professionals
23:12:56whardierits special eh?
23:13:43ljp-5 byte discount
23:14:06ljp-I have it for testing purposes only
23:15:18ljp-thinks someone needs to invent a cdrom with the buttons on the TOP
23:15:50whardier5 byte discound
23:16:19whardierljp- ? just turn it upside down
23:17:03ljp-ha.. then the cd falls out
23:17:19ljp-and so does my drink! ;)
23:17:40Cam__you'd never train people to put the discs in upside down :)
23:24:02whardierI can't wait until I am old
23:24:17whardierso I can lecture people.. and get away with it.. just for shits and giggles
23:24:26ljp-why.. so you can fart dust?
23:24:56whardierthere is a reason you don't have a girl around the house.. righT?
23:28:14ljp-uhhhh.. I dunnnoo
23:31:15ljp-'look at me!!.. I'm a drunken cliche!'
23:35:08prpplagueon the oz package how is the backlight controled? is there a /proc for the backlight?
23:39:20ljp-its /dev/fl I believe
23:40:20ljp-and its handled by qpe and libqpe
23:40:38prpplagueljp-: i'm using x
23:40:49angryBSD-good lawd
23:41:07angryBSD-damnit did my connection go out again
23:42:01VerxHomeljp-: If I want to take an object and place it into a QScrollView, how would I go about doing that?
23:42:18VerxHomeljp-: Do I make the object derive from QScrollView?  Or can the object remain a QWidget?
23:43:27ljp-oh.. in that case..    bl = ioctl( fd, FL_IOCTL_STEP_CONTRAST, bl );
23:43:54VerxHomeljp-: eh?
23:43:56ljp-VerxHome: I think you can make the scrollview the parent of the tabwidget
23:44:11VerxHomeljp-: Ok, hrm
23:44:20VerxHometries to find something that shows how to do that. . .
23:45:43VerxHomeA Scrollview Qt example
23:47:28ljp-prpplague: there's also /usr/bin/bl
23:47:45VerxHomeljp-: Do you use the function CHECK_PTR in your code?
23:47:50VerxHomeit seems like in the Qt examples
23:47:53VerxHomethey use it constantly
23:48:32ljp-prpplague: make that /usr/bin/bl is not on the Z
23:48:39ljp-VerxHome: nope
23:48:45VerxHomek, was just curious
23:49:11VerxHomeoh, interesting
23:49:24VerxHomelooks like I can make my QScrollView instantiation
23:49:31VerxHomeand then simply add my other widget as a child of it
23:50:03VerxHometries it
23:50:07VerxHomelooks incredibly simple
23:51:38Wembly*wishs there was a way to determine which usb device relates to which network interface :/
23:52:05darienmgrab some tape and write down what you plug into each port, then slap the label on your computer.
23:54:18prpplagueljp-: thanks, i'll look throught kernel code to see what i can find
23:55:39VerxHometo all of you that I was pissing and moaning about how hard it was going to be to learn Qt
23:55:43VerxHomeI humbly apologize
23:55:47VerxHomegoddamn this is easy
23:56:01VerxHomeand to be honest
23:56:06VerxHomeI think it is easier than tcl/tk
23:56:11VerxHomeI need to give it a bit more time
23:59:28VerxHomethis is odd to me
23:59:53ljp-qt is very nice, indeed

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