irclog2html for #wowroster on 20061007

00:15.20Zanixit feels good to be back
00:22.40Zeryli'm going to be building ttwo new systems soon
00:23.04Zerylguild application, and main/alt info
00:30.35Zanixim working on UniAdmin
00:30.46Zanixi dont have alot left to do
00:31.03Zanixbuild the UniAdmin config page, and the settings.ini parser
00:31.12Zeryli'd really like to integrate it into roster somehow
00:33.10Zanixthats the idea
00:33.42Zerylit's a good base :)
00:36.05Zanixi hope so
00:53.39Zerylbtw, did you see the world of warcraft south park?
00:56.12Zanixfunny stuff
00:56.36Zanixi was surprised how much they didn't screw up
00:56.39Zerylya, was pretty good :)
01:00.05Zanixim trying to decide something
01:00.09Zanixabout the addon scanning
01:00.11Zanixin UniAdmin
01:01.58Zanixshould i set the name in the data base to the name of the zip file
01:02.07Zanixor set it to the name of the .toc file
01:04.37Zerylit's ALWAYS the way it is loaded in game
01:04.45Zerylthe folder/toc HAS to be the same, or it won't load
01:05.35Zanixbecause right now, UniAdmin picks up the name of the zip file, and sets that as the addon name in the db
01:05.46Zeryli would use toc/dfolder name then
01:05.49Zeryland error if they don't match
01:06.05Zanixits just so addons update properly in UniAdmin
01:06.22Zanixwhen you upload a new version, it updates instead of creating a new entry
01:07.01Zerylahh, cool
01:07.42Zanixi do have it erroring if it cant find a toc file
01:08.10Zanixsince it cant be a valid addon i there isn't a toc file
01:15.55Zanixnow i gotta make a temp folder cleaner for when there's an error
01:16.11ZerylI have a decent directory deleter
01:16.14Zerylif you want it
01:16.50Zerylgimme a sec to grab it for you
01:17.02Zanixthere are places that may leave files there if UniAdmin errors
01:17.21Zerylyou turn on gzip on your roster yet?
01:18.00Zanixi have a bead feeling about it
01:18.19Zanixbecause if theres some error like in update.php
01:18.21Zerylwhy a bad feeling?
01:18.25Zanixwe'll never see it
01:18.31Zerylwhy wouldn't we?
01:18.41Zerylall it does is buffers the output, zips it, and sends it
01:18.51Zerylnothing different than what it does now, other than delay sending it
01:19.29Zanixscandir is php5
01:20.33Zerylthere are other functions for it
01:21.05Zeryl$dir = "/tmp";
01:21.05Zeryl$dh  = opendir($dir);
01:21.05Zerylwhile (false !== ($filename = readdir($dh))) {
01:21.55Zanixall that for scandir huh?
01:22.04Zerylwell, some of it
01:22.11Zerylobviously you don't need the print_r's
01:24.14Zanixand for that first function you gave me id need to take out the last rmdir
01:24.29Zerylya, that's to delete a whole directory
01:25.31Zerylbut, it's a good base for you :)
01:25.54Zanixyeah it is
01:28.45Zanixyou cant have multiple functions with the same name but different amount of arguments?
01:28.51Zanixthat's crap
01:28.57Zerylof course not....
01:29.07Zanixin C++ you can
01:29.24Zanixthat soo dumb
01:30.11Zerylit's coming (supposedly) in php6
01:30.42Zanixthat just made me hate php
01:30.56Zanixnow im gonna have to rename alot of crap for siggen 2
01:31.08Zanixgood thing i havent coded it yet
01:31.13Zerylcurious, why's that?
01:31.36Zerylwhy can't you use one function if they do the same thing, and make an argument default?
01:31.43Zanixbecause i was under the assumption that you can have overloaded functions in php
01:31.49Zanixi think thats the right term
01:31.56Zanixi guess i can
01:32.23Zerylwhat are you wanting to do? i mean, I don't see what you need a function named the same for
01:32.54Zanixsaving images, writing text
01:33.01Zanixsaving/displaying images
01:33.13Zanixjust minor stuff that im gonna bitch about
01:33.22Zerylok, heh
01:34.01Zanixthat folder cleaner isnt working
01:34.16Zeryl:(   what's the error?
01:34.57Zanixthere isnt one
01:35.04Zanixits not removing the folders
01:35.29Zanixi want the /addon_temp/ directory to have nothing in it
01:36.56Zanixnope, its windows
01:38.28Zanixfixed it
01:38.34Zanixnow i get an error
01:38.41ZanixWarning: rmdir(C:\server\www\roster\uniadmin\branches\0_7_0\html\addon_temp\Interface) [function.rmdir]: Directory not empty
01:38.43Zerylprint the array, make sure it's grabbing the names
01:39.04Zanixit not grabbing subdirectories
01:39.09Zanixand deleting them
01:39.24Zanixor was it not supposed to?
01:39.28Zerylit does on mine
01:42.03Zerylare you sure to re-call the directory listing script if it realizes the file is a directory
01:42.55Zanixno, im not
01:43.35Zanixim not exactly sure how to keep scanning sub-directories
01:43.39Zanixand delete them properly
01:44.23Zerylohh, crap
01:45.14Zerylthere ya go
01:47.33Zanixthis is why i like the php manual
01:48.21Zanixnow i just gotta edit it so it doesnt delete the dir passed
01:55.30Zanixthis is better
01:55.35Zanixi can specify exceptions
02:01.37*** join/#wowroster Anaxent (
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02:02.21Zanixhiya anax
02:02.35Anaxenthey guys hows it going today
02:06.46Zanixworking on UniAdmin
02:07.18Zanixfixing the addon parser to clear the temp addon folder if there's an error
02:07.26Zanixi have the UniAdmin config page done
02:07.44Zanixthen work on the setting.ini parser
02:07.53Zanixand look oever the code, then release a beta
02:09.28Zanixit deleted all the .svn files
02:16.04Zerylwoot, working on a new addon
02:16.07Zerylfor wow
02:16.44Zanixreally, what's it do?
02:17.21Anaxentsounds like fun Zeryl
02:17.30Anaxentbuilding in ace
02:18.03Zeryljust working on a small addon
02:18.08Zerylit's small enough that i don't need it ace'd
02:20.16Zerylfunction isUnitBuffUp(sUnitname, sBuffname)
02:20.29Zerylif (isUnitBuffUp("player", "Spell_Holy_GreaterBlessingofSalvation"))
02:20.33ZerylSendChatMessage("I have GBOS at spot " .. iIteratorabc, "GUILD");
02:27.44Zanixuh, whats that do?
02:27.57Zerylfind greater blessing of salvation, and returns the buff index
02:29.18Zanixi dont understand
02:30.38Zerylit steps through all the buffs you have, if you have greater blessing of salvation, it will send a message to the guild saying what "slot" it is in
02:30.53Zanixwhy is that useful?
02:31.05Zanixim just trying to understand
02:31.26Zerylas a feral tank, we get salvation because it buffs the class, and trying to tank with 30% less aggro, is hard
02:31.32Zerylto say the least
02:32.15Zanixis that what that buff does? reduce aggro
02:33.54Zanixi see
02:41.02Zanixah crap
02:41.12Zanixi forgot mySQL updatesyntax
02:44.06Zerylupdate <table> set colname=xxx where clause
02:44.22Zeryloh, 3 minutes later, nevermind
02:53.53Zerylman, this isn't working
02:53.57Zerylit's removing 4 buffs at a time :(
02:54.24Zanixall the ones before the one you want maybe?
02:54.38Zerylcan't catch it in time to figure it out :(
02:56.46Zanixthere, UniAdmin is prperly updating uploaded addons
02:57.04Zanixand the function to clear a directory works great
02:58.10Zerylok, so it looks like it should work, now to test it live
02:58.34Zanixmine or yours?
02:59.09Zanixgood luck
03:12.11Zanixthats a good sign
03:12.19Zanixhaving good luck?
03:12.39Zeryldon't know yet, waiting on the buff again
03:17.08Zanixok, so i have everything in UniAdmin using POST
03:19.54Zanixso hopefully this can be ported over to roster easily, with little modification
03:29.09Zanixquestion to people here
03:29.14ZerylI think it GOT IT :)
03:29.22Zanixcongrats (if its working)
03:29.32Zerylgo with your question
03:29.50Zanixshould I allow exporting of UniAdmin settings to a settings.ini file
03:29.56Zeryluse xml :)
03:30.13Zanixfo ruse in UniUploader
03:30.21Zerylohhhh, ya!
03:31.08Zanixso, is that a yes?
03:31.12Zerylyes :)
03:43.03Anaxenti love the idea
03:43.55Anaxentoh nice did you see what warla has done with his bags section
03:46.22Zanixthe bar thing?
03:49.13Anaxentim in theprocess of migrating my server to a new server
03:49.26Anaxentand was looking to se if his site was still working after i migrated it
03:49.32Zanixfun stuff
03:49.40Anaxentand was wondering where his bags were then saw that
03:49.45Zanixits nice
03:49.55Zanixstill waiting for him to fix the keyring, lol
03:50.23Anaxentyeah... i got a bug some how in my system that is suing sendmail cant figure it out so since i ned sendmail i built a new server for me
03:50.38Anaxentand ill try debugging the old one until i get it figured out
03:53.15Anaxentwhen i disable sendmail the spam stops when i disable apache the spam stops other than that it seems that it is using open relay but since its server side it can spoof with out open reley
03:53.27Anaxentreally is odd
03:53.52Anaxentso im making that server my new test envirment till i can get it figured out
04:08.54Zeryli'm goin to bed, night all
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07:55.56Zanixanax, you still there?
08:21.26PleegWat => func_get_arg, func_get_args, func_num_args for variable number of parameters
08:21.53PleegWatYou can't overload in php because you can't specify type for input parameters
08:24.34Zanixoh well
08:24.40Zanixit's ok
08:24.46Anaxentwhois shows my dns name server changes but dont see them from here
08:24.57Zanixi have never really tried it because i didnt have much of a reason
08:25.03Anaxenthows it going tonight
08:25.26Zanixgood, i just watched Talladega Nights
08:27.15PleegWatI just finished my coffee
08:27.28Anaxentcan you ping my domain
08:28.38PleegWatReply from bytes=32 time=275ms TTL=48
08:28.38PleegWatReply from bytes=32 time=182ms TTL=48
08:28.38PleegWatPing statistics for
08:28.39PleegWatPackets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
08:28.41PleegWatApproximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
08:28.43PleegWatMinimum = 182ms, Maximum = 275ms, Average = 205ms
08:30.03Anaxentstill worng ip address
08:30.12Anaxentneeds to be
08:30.34Anaxentsomethimes my dns resets with in 2hrs but sometimes not
08:32.47Zanixi got
08:33.06PleegWatYeah, my ISP's DNS server isn't fast on the update
08:33.09Anaxentah really check the site for me
08:33.31ZanixThe connection to the database server failed, sorry for the inconvenience
08:33.31ZanixWe should be back shortly
08:33.44PleegWatThey also block most of the nslookup commands, only give cache data whatever you ask for (that's dns server too right?)
08:34.19Anaxentah damn ok then im checking that now
08:35.19Anaxentok try it again
08:37.19Zanixsame thing
08:39.39Anaxenthuh it should be connecting now
08:40.17Zanixthere we go
08:40.44Zanixstring(31) "Unable to connect to SQL host: " string(31) "Unable to connect to SQL host: " string(31) "Unable to connect to SQL host: " Failed to update item: ()Failed to update item: ()string(31) "Unable to connect to SQL host: "
08:41.23Anaxenthuh item stats
08:41.24Zanixthat's under your top forum posters
08:41.50Zanixthen this near the bottom
08:41.50Zanixstring(31) "Unable to connect to SQL host: "
08:42.44Anaxentok refresh
08:43.05Zanixok, its gone
08:43.38Anaxentnow my only other problem will be with roster i think as i may have openbase dor enabled
08:45.27Zanixwell, as long as your php upload temp dir is there, then you're ok
08:45.33Zanixor you can disable it
08:47.09Anaxentnow i need to make a test bed for Matt
08:47.58Anaxenti have installed some cool featues to my new vps
08:48.22Anaxentone called help desk that is a tickiting system built right into the clients control panel
08:53.20PleegWatHm, what would be the correct blizz forum for suggesting a realm name change for all euro realms whose name are also used in US?
08:54.40Zanixthe realms forums?
08:54.44Zanixi dunno
08:55.00PleegWatThey probably wouldn't do it anyway
08:55.37Zanixmost likely not
08:57.04PleegWatMight be better if I just post 'add a realm zone variable for the scripting interface' in the UI forums
08:57.20PleegWatAs in, US/EU/China/Korea
08:57.39Zanixthat would be good
08:58.15PleegWatThen we'd also need to get calvin to use it, but that shouldn't be a problem.
08:58.38Zanixhe would welcome it
08:59.00Zanixi see alot of posts on his forums about I selected the wrong server area
08:59.10Zanix"change mine to EU..."
08:59.13Zanixand the such
08:59.29PleegWatAnd we really need multiguild support for GP
09:00.00Zanixtat would be nice
09:00.10Zanixehem... that
09:00.19PleegWatAnd arena team support, come TBC
09:00.35PleegWatBut we don't really know anything about arena teams yet.
09:00.51PleegWatDo you think arena team names will be in the same namespace as guild names?
09:01.12Zanixim not sure
09:07.28PleegWatDoesn't matter too much of course
09:08.01PleegWatIt's probably easiest to save the two in seperate tables anyway
09:09.11Zanixand some other synonym
09:10.31PleegWatHm, that'd get us duplicate ID's between those 2 though. Which could grow into a problem cause more than likely a lot of roster addons can work on both guilds and teams
09:11.42Anaxentwell guys time for me to hit the sack
09:12.40Zanixim not sure pleeg
09:12.56Zanixi dont even know how this team arena stuff is gonna work
09:13.05Zanixi wish someone here had the beta
09:13.50PleegWatThey're not in beta yet, they're currently in alpha
09:13.50PleegWatBut I agree, the contest stuff sucks, we need ppl in beta for development purposes
09:18.21PleegWatAh well, at least the last two for a change I can actually ENTER
09:19.30Zanixi can't
09:19.38ZanixUS doesnt have a contest yet
09:19.44Zanixor anything
09:20.55PleegWatwell, actually I can't personally enter in the guild screenshot one. I'm not the GM of my guild
09:21.18PleegWatAnd we have way too much members that aren't often online so we can't produce a valid screenshot anyway
09:23.32Zanixthats blows
09:23.37Zanixsame here though
09:23.50Zanixi only ever see about 3 people online at a time in my guild
09:24.04PleegWatOh, the costume contest doesn't give TBC beta keys
09:31.25PleegWatNice, my books have been sent.
09:31.38PleegWatStrange time to send a mail bout that, 23:10
09:33.06Zanixprobably automated, or from a way off time zone
09:34.02PleegWatUS seems likely, since it's a US company
09:34.33PleegWatCourse, it leaves the question WHERE FROM they were sent
09:35.08PleegWatI'm ordering from the dutch branch
09:37.26PleegWatAh well.
09:37.38PleegWatI'll just see, it'll probably arrive today. Don't remember from last time.
09:37.51PleegWat5-7 days and I ordered last sunday
10:12.15Zanixok, night time for me
11:25.47*** join/#wowroster PoloDude (
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11:25.55PoloDudehellow hellow
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14:10.01Nomad_WandererHi. I just discovered that the max resist tables are wrong... Hannah made a post in the forums about it, but did not say where the correct table install could be found. Does anyone know where I can find this?
14:12.50Nomad_Wanderernvm. I believe my error is attributed to that I didn't go to the maxres addon page prior to uploading.
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14:37.54Zeryl*fear* 2 PoloDude's!
17:21.08*** mode/#wowroster [+v PoloDude] by ChanServ
17:22.07PoloDudeand i'm back :)
17:22.07PoloDudeany1 else here? :)
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18:07.04PoloDudehaha, very funny :p
18:07.09PoloDudegot a little problem
18:07.15PoloDudewell two problems actually
18:07.57PoloDudecheck it out with ie7 or 6 (with 6 you get the second problem)
18:08.02PoloDudein firefox everything is ok
18:08.28Zerylohhh, looking nice :)
18:08.31Zerylin Firefox of course :)
18:11.06PoloDudeye :p
18:11.35PoloDudeany idea how to fix that problem in ie? don't have a clue why those tables are on top of each other :(
18:11.40Zeryldon't have IE
18:11.58PoloDudeit only does that when i set align='right'
18:12.11PoloDudeif i remove that line it's ok
18:12.19Zeryluse css
18:12.21PoloDudebut then it doesn't align it to the right ofc
18:12.43PoloDudeif i would do it in css then the text would be aligned to the right no?
18:14.56PoloDudehmm, do you have space between the bar and the menu's too Zeryl ?
18:15.08Zeryli don't have IE, so I can't telly ou
18:15.20PoloDudein firefox i mean
18:15.38Zerylvery small
18:16.30PoloDudehmm, strange i don't have that on the normal website :/
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18:22.51PoloDudealso need to find a fix to make those png's transparent in ie6 :(
18:23.07PoloDudecause it looks like shit in ie6
18:23.11Zerylpng's in IE don't like transparency for some reason
18:24.31Zeryli had that problem making my breast cancer sign too
18:24.38Zerylso i changed it to gif
18:27.16PoloDudebugger, i know there's a fix for it just don't know how to use it lol
18:28.24PoloDudego check Zeryl
18:28.31PoloDudeand change the theme to wow2k6
18:28.45PoloDudedo you see a space there between the menu's and the bar?
18:29.20Zerylcan't change it
18:29.36PoloDudehmm, give me a sec, i'll set it as default theme for a sec
18:30.36PoloDudealright have a look
18:30.56Zerylyes i see a small space
18:30.57PoloDudebut it's best you change to another page as the banner on the first page is to big to see :p
18:31.31PoloDudewhat's a small space? 10px, 2px
18:31.42Zerylumm, .25"
18:31.46Zeryl3 cm
18:31.49Zerylnot cm
18:31.59Zerylit's small man, i'd say 10-15px maybe
18:32.01PoloDudestrange i don't see that
18:32.11PoloDudemust be ff 2
18:33.09PoloDudejust need to fix that menu in ie first
18:59.59PoloDudelol just got two from guild in msn to start debugging it for me :p
19:24.53Anaxent|SleepMan i have to goto work just wanted to say Polo nice work on ur theme id love to recreate that my self as well
19:51.27PoloDudeoh and zeryl, the png problem is the transparency
19:51.52PoloDudeso that won't fix it by changing them to gif's
20:42.15*** join/#wowroster Anaxent (
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20:48.12Anaxenthey guys hows it going
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21:45.55Anaxenthey polo what is the url of your new test site
21:46.31PoloDudethink that one is acurate
21:47.36Anaxentah yeah thats the one man its hot
21:47.43PoloDudeit's strange though, on the temp it has spacing between the menu and the left bar
21:47.49PoloDudeand on the www it hasn't
21:48.53PoloDudeworking on the newspage now and then i need to have a look at the forum
21:50.48Anaxentit looked a bit odd in IE though as well
21:51.22Anaxentand i see that spacing this morning while at home I didnt see the spacing
21:51.44Anaxentand i hope you dont mine but id like to make a thime like this for DF as well
21:52.14Anaxentlooks so much cleaner than what I have going
21:57.01PoloDudeonce i get it finished np :)
21:57.11PoloDudeand i know it looks odd in ie :p
21:57.22PoloDudestill need to add that png transparency fix
21:59.05PoloDudejust finished splitting up the images to make the news page :)
21:59.45PoloDudewill also be the layout for recruiting and latest loot i think
21:59.59PoloDudeso actually the first page will differ from all the rest
22:47.54*** join/#wowroster Zanix (
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22:49.50PoloDudehi Zanix
22:50.14Zanixwhat's up?
23:12.24PoloDudenothing much, i'm trying to get my theme finished before the end of the weekend
23:12.54Zanixid like to get UniAdmin 070 done this weekend as well
23:13.12Zanixall i have left is updating the images and the settings.ini export/import
23:15.59PoloDudenice :)
23:16.15Zanixi may even be able to get a beta out today
23:17.46Zanixit had to be said
23:17.59Zanixjust placed this in the FAQ section
23:18.22Zanixbecause im getting tired of posts like this -
23:21.31Anaxentthat is great Zanix and yes it had to be said
23:22.08Anaxentso my dns switch this mornign for my home pc but not for my work pc
23:22.22Anaxenti still havnt been able to go see if I have any reall major errors
23:22.25Zanixthis as well -
23:22.31Zanixsome people
23:22.34Zanixis there a fix?
23:22.43Zanixwhen it's just a few posts above
23:23.20Zanixthat sucks anax
23:28.25PoloDudejust need to get that banner out of it :p
23:31.19Zanixthat really nice polo
23:31.48Zanixis this in a cms or standalone?
23:32.26ZanixIE6 pukes on it :(
23:33.04PoloDudeye i know
23:33.12PoloDudeie7 not though
23:33.27ZanixIE6 sucks anyway
23:33.55PoloDudei posted on the e107 forum if there's a fix for the png transparency
23:33.57Zanixthere is some code to make png images the proper transparency in IE6
23:34.01PoloDudehope there is
23:34.09Zanixits a DX transform thing
23:34.47PoloDudedon't have a clue how to use it though :(
23:38.54Zanixdoes that help?
23:40.13PoloDudeif i knew what to do ye :p
23:40.20Zanixi kinda get it
23:40.31PoloDudei think it's in e107 though, just don't know where
23:40.42Anaxentah yes that is great
23:40.55Zanixis javascript code that checks if the image is png, then changes the source of the image to a blank image and DX renders the png
23:41.21Zanixnifty code
23:41.32Zanixand yeah, i dod remember e107 having support for this
23:41.33PoloDudeyou think i can use it with this?
23:41.34Anaxenti like the blue in the image
23:41.45Zanixit's nice
23:41.52Zanixid like to redesign roster someday
23:42.23PoloDudemine is red atm
23:43.23PoloDudeonce every1 starts using a decent browser we might just do that Zanix :p
23:43.41Zanixwell, there are ways to make it work
23:43.58Zanixi might even add themes support for 1.8
23:44.05PoloDudeoh nice
23:44.11Zanixthat is if I have time
23:44.21Zanixthats alot of code to hunt through
23:44.46PoloDudebah, that banner messes up the site when it's to big :(
23:47.09PoloDudewe should make it a flash thing that scrolls trough the text :p
23:49.00AnaxentZanix what did you think of plesk
23:49.13AnaxentI can add a domain to your accoutn as well or you can
23:49.14Zanixit's nice
23:49.20Zanixi cant actually
23:49.24Zanixaccess denied
23:49.26Anaxentif you like you can use my
23:49.30Anaxentah.. odd
23:49.34Anaxentlet me check that out
23:50.16Anaxentok reset your permissions
23:50.25Anaxentur good now to do anything
23:50.32Zanixi can now
23:51.19Zanixis this your own server anax?
23:52.36Anaxentthis is my vps server yes
23:53.12Anaxentgive it a good look through as you will be able to see many of the posibillitys we can have in the future
23:53.28Zanixhere's another png fix -
23:53.37Anaxentand ur client account is setup as if you were a host
23:54.00Anaxentand can even change the plesk logo to your own
23:55.30Anaxentso i wonder if that png fix will fix my alpha images
23:55.47Anaxenta simple .js include it seems
23:55.52Zanixi wuld use the js fix
23:55.56Anaxenti got to make time to try that out today
23:56.21Anaxentour phone systems went down today we just setup 3 ip based phenes in here
23:56.30Anaxentso its a bit crazy today
23:56.36Anaxentand maybe tomorrow as well
23:59.59Zanixso, creating a new domain...

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