IRC log for #utah on 20081125

00:01.26harleypig Gives new meaning to 'whale tail'.
00:01.30harleypigYou can thank Jayce^
00:03.09Heartsbanethat foodblister is gonna bust through the glass
00:03.29Heartsbanethanks Jayce^
00:15.07*** join/#utah xbmodder_ (n=Sargun@atarack/staff/sargun)
00:22.18harleypig Another one you can thank Jayce^ for
00:23.51harleypigThat's gotta be photoshopped.
00:24.42Jayce^took me a second..
00:57.17*** join/#utah thaddeusq-treo (
00:58.55*** part/#utah thaddeusq-treo (
01:33.49Sargun_Screenmeh, I hope my starter isn't going out.
01:34.27*** join/#utah elg (n=fugalh@
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01:43.15*** join/#utah cgibreak (
02:23.35*** join/#utah tiwula (
03:10.04*** join/#utah elg (n=fugalh@
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03:29.02*** join/#utah findlay (
03:29.02bracincorrect usage, ask for help using 'brac: help chat'
03:30.04findlay~say -chat ~onjoin findlay
03:30.05ibot-chat ~onjoin findlay
03:30.06brac~onjoin findlay -chat ~say -chat ~shoot convolution
03:30.06ibotok, brac
03:30.31findlay-chat ~lart Supaplex
03:30.31brac~lart Supaplex
03:30.31ibottakes a rusty axe and swings it violently, taking Supaplex's head off
03:39.14findlay-chat Supaplex
03:39.14bracSupaplex did
03:39.20findlay-chat findlay
03:39.20bracfindlay was
03:39.23findlay-chat findlay is
03:39.23bracfindlay is
03:52.17Supaplexit's a good thing I have a cron job
04:07.31*** part/#utah high_roller (
04:24.16fozzmooMan, I am banging my head against the wall here. I need to suck messages via IMAP and create mbox files.
04:24.29fozzmooExactly backwards of what I did before.
04:24.43zzzirkouch, sounds painful
04:27.01zzzirksounds backwards period to me ;)
04:27.04goozbachfozzmoo: setup a simple dovecot box which used mbox
04:27.11goozbachthen suck, then push
04:28.18goozbachis pretty close to a kick ass bash prompt, inspired (kinda) by atoponce
04:30.17*** join/#utah wps (n=wps@
04:32.49findlay$, the only prompt you need
04:32.58zzzirkthe original prompt
04:45.30*** join/#utah wps_ (n=wps@
04:46.01*** join/#utah wps (n=wps@
04:48.36leviMan, The Sarah Connor Chronicles is killing me.
04:51.28jackmanWhat's that?
04:52.02leviA TV show set in the Terminator mythos.
04:52.19jackmanHow well does it follow?
04:52.43leviIt's supposed to be sort of a sequel to T2.
04:53.28leviIt's been long enough since I've seen the movies that I couldn't really say how closely it follows, but I like it.
04:56.37*** join/#utah Jayce^ (n=jayce@
04:56.37*** mode/#utah [+o Jayce^] by ChanServ
04:56.37fozzmooI like it too. Why's it killing you?
04:56.37leviWatching it one episode at a time.
04:56.37fozzmooLike the good ole days.
04:56.37leviI need to know what happens next. :)
04:56.37*** part/#utah llo7f (
04:56.48leviWho's really on John's side?
04:57.48fozzmooIf I wasn't banging my head on IMAP to Mbox conversion I'd be right there with you.
04:57.55fozzmooWhy is this so hard?
04:58.14fozzmooSomething tells me this would be cake if I used fetchmail
04:58.27fozzmooBut I don't want to re-learn fetchmail right now.
04:58.32leviI do use fetchmail.  It's easy.
04:58.42fozzmooBut doesn't it rewrite stuff?
04:58.56leviWhat do you mean by rewrite stuff?
04:59.05leviOh, I don't know.
04:59.23fozzmooI need an mbox file that I can stick in /var/spool/mail on a server.
05:00.12leviI believe that's what fetchmail is doing for me.  It's sticking all my remote mail in /var/spool/mail/levi, and then gnus grabs it from there and files it appropriately.
05:00.27leviI set it up ages ago, though, and I've forgotten about the details.
05:00.44fozzmooThat's kind of how fetchmail is... you learn it, write your conf file,and forget about it. :)
05:03.14leviNow I want my wife to get home so we can watch Chuck together.
05:05.03jackmando you have any experience with dovecot?
05:24.02*** join/#utah emcnabb (
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05:54.03*** join/#utah Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/staff/sargun)
05:57.29brac[Mystery piano in woods perplexes police -]
06:33.13*** join/#utah cgibreak (
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07:26.04*** join/#utah cgibreak (
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11:18.58*** join/#utah macnewbold (n=mac@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
14:07.18*** join/#utah pa_246 (n=d474db34@
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14:32.22*** join/#utah redbeard2 (
14:36.33*** join/#utah RyanE_ (
14:38.10*** join/#utah ^Migs^ (
14:51.28*** join/#utah utahcon1 (
15:02.26*** join/#utah thaddeusq (n=thaddeus@
15:08.55*** join/#utah llo7f (
15:41.09*** join/#utah Jayce^ (
15:41.09*** mode/#utah [+o Jayce^] by ChanServ
15:48.14goozbachoh boy
15:48.20goozbachit's turning out to not be my week
15:48.29goozbachstupid freaking laptop
15:48.37goozbachstupid freaking fedora 9
15:48.51goozbachsince when does fedora mount by uuid?
15:49.05goozbachand did you know that LVM now has writable snapshots?
15:49.21goozbachdid you know when you make a snapshot of a filesystem, the UUID stays the same?
15:49.26goozbachI do now
15:49.48goozbachone full day has disapeared from my home directory.
15:56.43*** join/#utah TimRiker (
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16:03.29*** join/#utah tiwula (n=lane@
16:05.42jshipleygoozback: I never did like the uuid solution... it made /etc/fstab to hard to edit by hand
16:06.14jshipleyI know that you can still use the old way, but often the partitions in /etc/fstab weren't even commented, so you had to take time to figure out what each partition was
16:34.08*** join/#utah bbeattie (n=bbeattie@
16:58.27*** join/#utah fugue88 (
18:21.22Sargun_ScreenI hope they ship my laser today
18:21.32Sargun_Screen~seen xbmodder
18:21.35ibotxbmodder <n=xbmodder@atarack/staff/sargun> was last seen on IRC in channel #utah, 110d 23h 19m 22s ago, saying: 'gah'.
18:36.59*** join/#utah elg (
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18:37.14elg-lart kuklomenos
18:37.14bracmakes kuklomenos read slashdot at -1
19:22.13harleypigIs there an iPhone emulator?
19:22.27Jayce^on mac, with the sdk
19:22.46Jayce^ask the guy sitting in the office by you to show you (matt)
19:34.35brac[Man's Best Friend Has His Limits]
19:34.50harleypigBut nothing for linux?
19:35.33harleypigwell, that sucks
19:40.44*** join/#utah vontrapp (
19:40.44ibotsteals vontrapp's parking sticker
19:40.52vontrappany tailor gurus here?
19:41.16vontrappwhen i try to tailor darcs -> svn, tailor gives darcs a bad option and fails
19:41.26vontrapp--repo foo rather than --repodir foo
20:23.33fozzmoovontrapp: Seems like it's been forever since I've seen you on #utah
20:24.42*** join/#utah sjansen (
20:50.38*** join/#utah gshipley (n=gshipley@nat/redhat/x-3dab2130a5bdd39c)
20:57.16*** join/#utah tuple (
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20:57.26tuple-lart elg
20:57.26bracputs sugar between elg's bedsheets
20:59.30sjansen~lart tuple
20:59.30ibotstrangles tuple with a doohicky mouse cord
21:09.02sjansen~fry elg
21:09.02ibotACTION grabs elg and fries him on his BFCooker9000
21:09.21sjansen~bake redbeard2
21:09.21ibotI think you mean ~cook redbeard2, sjansen
21:09.44redbeard2~brulee sjansen
21:09.45ibotACTION whisks sjansen with eggs and cream, and bakes at 350F before sprinkling with sugar and torching
21:11.04redbeard2~brutality Jayce^
21:11.18redbeard2it was worth a shot
21:11.31harleypig~brutalize Jayce^
21:11.38harleypigSo was that. :>
21:11.53sjansen~bake redbeard2
21:11.54ibotACTION introduces redbeard2 to Cheech and Chong
21:12.40Jayce^~paint harleypig
21:12.41ibotACTION rains a tape stream of paintballs on harleypig
21:12.50goozbach~pants harleypig
21:12.51ibotACTION steals harleypig's pants
21:12.52Jayce^~fart redbeard2
21:12.53ibotACTION farts in redbeard2's general direction
21:13.02goozbach~bzfrag redbeard2
21:13.03ibotACTION destroys redbeard2 with a guided missile
21:13.10harleypig~elderberry redbeard2
21:13.22harleypig~cow redbeard2
21:13.22ibotACTION moos at redbeard2
21:13.33harleypigThat should be catapults!
21:13.35Jayce^~shrubbery harleypig
21:13.44harleypig~ni Jayce^
21:13.49Jayce^~herring harleypig
21:13.49ibotACTION whacks harleypig on the side of the head with a large red herring named alfred
21:14.00redbeard2~trout harleypig
21:14.01ibotACTION slaps harleypig around a bit with a large trout!
21:14.01goozbach~whalesplat Jayce^
21:14.15goozbachwha?! no whalesplat?
21:14.22goozbach~whaleslap Jayce^
21:14.23ibotACTION beats Jayce^ upside and over the head with a freakishly huge killer whale named Hugh
21:14.49goozbachso I finished my overly complicated fancy bash prompt
21:14.59elganyone store config files (in ~) in a revision control system? what's your scheme?
21:15.10Jayce^~whalebomb goozbach
21:15.10ibotACTION throws an explosive whale named Gunter at goozbach and hides.
21:15.13elghow do you handle disparate systems? e.g. some things are different in osx than linux
21:16.07goozbachelg: I use bzr
21:16.21elgthe particular RCS seems irrelevant
21:16.22goozbachinside the directory ~/projects/bash-settings/
21:16.25Jayce^no goozbach you *are* bizarre
21:16.35goozbachI know, I'm just telling you the entire story
21:16.40elgok good
21:16.42elgpops popcorn
21:17.02goozbachelg: I then make files in ~/projects/bash-settings/ named dot.somefile
21:17.10goozbacheg ~/projects/bash-settings/dot.bashrc
21:17.23goozbachthat file I then link to my homedir
21:17.29goozbachsymlink if possible
21:17.50goozbachnot sure if OSX's filesystems support symlinks
21:18.08elgsounds similar to what i've got so far - ~/config which contains e.g. .bashrc and friends, and symlinks into ~
21:18.15elgyeah it does
21:18.20goozbachI then have a directory ~/projects/bash-settings/profile.d which I link to ~/.profile.d
21:19.03goozbachin my .bashrc I have a loop which goes through each *.sh in ~/.profile.d and sources it
21:19.15goozbachthen it sources each *.bash
21:19.29goozbach(all the bash specific things in those files)
21:19.49sjansenhands goozbach the Rube Goldberg Award for Excellence in Convolution
21:19.50goozbachyou could extend this with a *.osx extension which would run just in osx
21:20.05elgbut it's not just osx vs linux
21:20.08goozbachsjansen: you should see my prompt
21:20.10elgit's also some systems vs others
21:20.12goozbachelg: I know
21:20.16elgbased on their purpose, etc.
21:20.19elgand it's not just bash
21:20.26goozbachmake a different extension for the different types
21:20.32elgit's everything from vim to irssi that i might want to do it for
21:20.33elgto gnupg
21:20.51goozbachthat gets complex
21:21.10elgi anticipate that the individual mechanism will be dependent on the program
21:21.11goozbachuse a distrubuted revision control system and make different branches for different servers
21:21.15elgfor bash, something like what you have
21:21.29elgi thought of that
21:21.32elgi actually did that once
21:21.36elgand it got so brittle and useless
21:21.48elgbecause a change here i'd want everywhere, but then another change i would only want locally, etc.
21:21.50goozbachmy bash system has two branches, a cxri branch, which contains all my local-to-$dayjob stuff
21:22.07elgand cherry picking is generally not well-facilitated even in distributed RCSs
21:22.14goozbachcherry pick?!
21:22.33elgso I think local changes need to shadow global settings
21:22.48goozbachglobal settings in one file
21:22.52goozbachlocal changed in another
21:23.31elgor when that's not possible, the local copy will just have to manually merge in the global ones
21:23.41elgsay, that gives me an idea
21:23.47elg~/config is the same on all hosts
21:23.48ibot...but /config is already something else...
21:23.52elgthanks bot
21:24.05ibot/config is, like, only a storage place for things like .purple, .mozilla...
21:24.33goozbach~/config-local for local
21:24.35elgand ~/local is a local branch
21:24.41elga clone of ~/config
21:24.51elgbut only the locally-modified files get symlinked to ~/local
21:24.53goozbachmake sure local is called last
21:25.26elgso ~/.vimrc would be a symlink to ~/config/.vimrc but ~/.inputrc might be to ~/local/.inputrc
21:26.04elgand of course where more sophistication is allowed (the equivalent of sourceing or #include) you don't have to shadow the whole file
21:26.47elgthe fact that ~/local is a clone of ~/config, means you can pull from ~/config when you pull ~/config from another host
21:26.52elgand merge in your global changes
21:27.02elginto shadowed versions of local files
21:29.33harleypig<vbox height="155>
21:29.44harleypig<hbox height="150" WIDTH="150" C>
21:29.46elg-lart harleypig
21:29.46bracputs harleypig in a room with several heavily armed manic depressives
21:29.54harleypigwrong window
21:32.04harleypigwonders if glade works for xul ...
21:34.42*** join/#utah markl_ (
21:44.06harleypignot easily
21:47.02harleypigjust need something that shows me what stuff will look like.
21:47.18harleypigand it looks like the extension developer plugin has a xul editor that does this ...
21:53.38mrpullfor the TMNT fans:
22:11.12eightyeightwhat is it? a pillow?
22:11.24mrpulla poodle!
22:11.51eightyeightthat's an actual dog?!
22:12.14brac[Cindy the Poodle Doesn't Look Like a Dog - Urlesque]
22:12.51eightyeightthat lady shouldbe checked in
22:20.12*** join/#utah Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/staff/sargun)
22:21.29harleypigeightyeight: I've been programming for too long ... I thought "she doesn't need to be checked in, she needs to be moved to Attic"
22:22.02*** part/#utah llo7f (
22:36.49*** join/#utah llo7f (
22:44.16SargunI can't wait until my Wicked Laser gets here!!!
23:47.37*** join/#utah redbeard2 (

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