irclog2html for #utah on 20060208

00:00.20goozbachtensai: thanks
00:00.30goozbachthat can get a bit annoying
00:00.41goozbachesp when it's sjansen singing...
00:01.58goozbachwell time to be off
00:05.18harleypigmaquis: are you the owner of
00:28.51xbmodder_lappygoozbach, can you get me a blackdog with a discount? Like a student discount?
00:30.00xbmodder_lappyharleypig, probably
00:33.56xbmodder_lappyStill hungry
00:52.55*** join/#utah elg (
00:54.22xbmodder_lappytapeworms are bad
00:55.31xbmodder_lappyI should upgrade my speakers on this thing
01:05.47emcnabbour puppy had tapeworms
01:05.53emcnabbit was pretty nasty
01:06.04emcnabbshe got a shot, and grew a ton that week
01:06.12emcnabb(it was visable)
01:06.34*** join/#utah Newsome (
01:06.56emcnabbthat is, I noticed how much she had grown when I got back from a week long trip
01:13.28maquisemcnabb: glad she's better!
01:16.46maquisharleypig: yup... why?
01:18.29goozbachso tired
01:18.35goozbachand tonight I'll sleep
01:18.39maquisyou too?
01:18.52maquisoh... lucky
01:19.00goozbachno I mean I WILL sleep tonight
01:19.18goozbachI found linden flower tea
01:21.28goozbachsome day I'll play mud football in a tuxedo
01:23.43xbmodder_lappywhat are you on?
01:24.19maquisxbmodder_lappy: my guess is sleep deprivation
01:24.23maquisi've got plenty if you want some
01:24.44xbmodder_lappysure, Share some with #utah
01:25.19maquisxbmodder_lappy: cool...  you can do my 478 project...
01:26.52*** join/#utah tiwula (n=lane@
01:34.54*** join/#utah elg (
01:45.05elgwhere might I find a 1-quart tall cylindrical jar (or plastic)
01:45.16elgnot a regular canning jar - about half the diameter
01:45.43maquiselg: what for?
01:47.37elggraduated cylinder, that's the magic words
01:48.06goozbachthis is GOOD tea
01:49.03xbmodder_lappyanyone listen to Jak ?
01:49.47elglike that. the 1000 ml one. I could live with 500ml though. wonder if there's a chemistry supply store nearby
01:52.43elgI thought animated gifs were made illegal
01:53.00xbmodder_lappyvalentines day?
01:53.07xbmodder_lappywhen is valent
01:53.10xbmodder_lappyines day?
01:53.17emcnabbelg: that's bad
01:53.51maquisxbmodder_lappy: soon
01:55.01xbmodder_lappyFeburary 15...
01:55.06maquisxbmodder_lappy: nope
01:55.40xbmodder_lappydoesn't valentine's day say so
01:56.00xbmodder_lappys/valentine's day/wikipedia/
01:56.06xbmodder_lappyDate February 14
01:58.52*** join/#utah synic (n=synic@pdpc/supporter/student/synic)
01:59.44goozbachgood tea
02:03.38goozbachdspam is a bear
02:05.07brac[randomized PBF comic strip]
02:07.02goozbachI wanna be a bear
02:07.49teneyou would
02:07.50*** join/#utah Hhhhhhh (n=Hhhhhhhh@
02:08.20maquisHhhhhhh: you grew?
02:10.05maquiswrong window
02:21.19ScytheBlade1KDE 3.5.1
02:34.14teneGnome 2.12.3
02:34.40ScytheBlade1pfft, gnome
02:34.46ScytheBlade1USE SOMETHING THAT.... erm, that
02:34.51ScytheBlade1You can, you know, actually use ;)
02:35.05teneactually, I use e17
02:35.21ScytheBlade1I never got what was so amazing about e in all honesty
02:35.41tene16 is decent
02:35.47tene17 is quite nice, to me at least
02:35.53ScytheBlade1Why though?
02:35.55goozbachgood tea
02:36.00ScytheBlade1Why should I switch from the classic KDE?
02:36.03tenelight, fast, pretty, stays out of my way, does what I want it to do
02:36.12goozbachme buzzes happily off to dreamsville
02:36.16ScytheBlade1All of those apply to KDE, haha
02:36.21maquiskinda like how Uncle_Jesse turned into a bot last night
02:36.40tenesome would argue that light and fast don't apply
02:36.47ScytheBlade1For KDE? Some would, yes
02:36.50maquisScytheBlade1: kde is not *light* or *fast*
02:36.55maquisevilwm is light and fast
02:37.02ScytheBlade1But it honestly just gets faster with every release
02:37.07ScytheBlade1Then in turn, neither is e.
02:37.08teneI know that when I run KDE I have to wait for ages staring at a loading screen
02:37.16ScytheBlade1What version?
02:37.18tenebefore I can use it
02:37.28maquisthe version in the cs labs takes for ever
02:37.38maquisi can get into evil in < 1 second
02:37.44tenee17 pops right up immediately after I enter my password
02:37.46ScytheBlade1Here's the thing that I love about it
02:37.50teneyeah, < 1 second
02:38.01ScytheBlade1I can work on a file basically anywhere in the world as if it was a local file
02:38.05ScytheBlade1kioslaves are AMAZING
02:38.23ScytheBlade1Over any protocol
02:38.42ScytheBlade1Give me a desktop enviroment that can do that, and I'll consider using it ;)
02:39.17teneconsole + FUSE
02:39.20ScytheBlade1It's not there to be a 'window manager', it's there to be a complete desktop enviroment
02:39.22ScytheBlade1And it is
02:39.34ScytheBlade1FUSE eh
02:40.01ScytheBlade1That fun new filesystem in the kernel?
02:40.25tenesomething like that, yeah
02:40.32ScytheBlade1How would one work it?
02:44.04tenesshfs hostname: mountpoint
02:44.06tenefor example
02:45.14teneyou can mount kioslaves
02:45.56ScytheBlade1That is *disturbingly* useful
02:46.51tenefuse_kio /your/mountpoint fish://user@host/
02:47.16brac[FUSEWiki - FileSystems]
02:47.29tenethere isn't a kioslave for gmailfs
02:47.31teneis there?
02:47.34teneor wikipedia?
02:48.00ScytheBlade1There is one for gmail
02:48.02teneor bittorrent files?
02:48.26ScytheBlade1And wikipedia, what the
02:48.32ScytheBlade1How does that even work
02:48.48ScytheBlade1WHEE, WEBDAV
02:48.50ScytheBlade1I'm sold.
02:49.00tenethere isn't a webdav kioslave?
02:49.05ScytheBlade1There is one
02:49.05teneI was *sure* there was...
02:49.09teneoh, okay
02:49.10ScytheBlade1Hence why I'm sold.
02:49.24ScytheBlade1hey, and safe R/W NTFS
02:49.25ScytheBlade1"    Captive provides full secure and transparent write support for Microsoft's proprietary NTFS file system by utilizing the original ntfs.sys driver of Windows XP. While earlier releases used LUFS, version, released Dec. 29. 2005 has been ported to FUSE."
02:49.26ScytheBlade1I like
02:49.36teneunionfs is done with fuse, I believe
02:49.59teneyou can do a local versioning filesystem with fuse
02:50.20tenemount a wordpress blog
02:50.32tenemount a mythtv server
02:50.49ScytheBlade1Wordpress blog, meh
02:51.00ScytheBlade1It's the NTFS, WebDAV, and SSH that get me
02:51.07ScytheBlade1and then add in kioslaves and it's like...
02:52.00teneand, just for the sake of completeness, I'm going to mention that there's an e project in development right now building a VFS layer.
02:52.16teneI don't know if or how it's going to be integrated into the desktop environment.
02:52.56ScytheBlade1It's the kioslaves that got to me
02:53.13ScytheBlade1Then, add in the sheer number of developers working on it, and the ream of apps, and KDE is still a win
02:53.28ScytheBlade1But.. hey, I'll be able to *use* most anything with a networked VFS similar to KDE's
02:53.43tenethere isn't too much in KDE really for me.
02:53.53teneI like it, but I feel more comfortable in e17
02:54.00ScytheBlade1I put about 30 minutes into setting up KDE
02:54.05ScytheBlade1I don't touch the mouse for hours on end
02:54.34teneI spent about three hours playing with the config stuff in KDE a little while back, just to see what was there
02:55.06ScytheBlade1It's made to be "user friendly," which imo just prevents people from actually configuring more so than otherwise
02:55.32tenesome of the stuff in Gnome is kind of interesting to me.
02:55.37teneBeagle, for example.
02:55.49teneand Dashboard, which isn't really being maintained.
02:55.53ScytheBlade1But I resize/move/order/etc windows with the keyboard, switch desktops, everything that the mouse does, I do with the keyboard
02:56.04ScytheBlade1Beagle is the one gnome app (less GAIM and the gimp) that I'd like to run
02:56.12ScytheBlade1The whole 'built in mono' thing doesn't really help it, though
02:56.20tenecan set all that up in e just fine, for what it's worth
02:56.31teneI don't think that you can in Gnome, though...
02:56.42ScytheBlade1Set what up exactly?
02:57.02tenewindow manipulation with the keyboard like you described.
02:57.26ScytheBlade1It's all in the keyboard for me
02:58.02teneI just asked raster about vfs and e
02:58.22teneit won't be part of e17
02:58.24tenemaybe e18
02:58.27ScytheBlade1Another thing that I love about KDE, is the ability to make global hotkeys for any program period, regardless if the program supports them or not
02:58.31tenedefinitely some future release.
02:58.39teneI don't understand that.
02:58.43ScytheBlade1I shall have to give it a spin in the future then :)
02:58.49teneI don't know what you mean.
02:58.54ScytheBlade1With the hotkeys?
02:59.01ScytheBlade1Use xmms?
02:59.06teneI have before.
02:59.20ScytheBlade1the play/pause/stop/etc keys are z, x, c, v, and b
02:59.29ScytheBlade1XMMS doesn't natively support 'global hotkeys'
02:59.42ScytheBlade1With KDE, I can set it up so I can press ctrl+alt+x, and it'll send 'x' to the XMMS window
02:59.50ScytheBlade1Even if it doesn't have focus, or is in the tray, etc
03:00.09ScytheBlade1Any app, any key
03:00.19ScytheBlade1You can also map actions, or the ... spacing on the name
03:00.25ScytheBlade1DCOP! KDE's IPC for KDE apps
03:00.32ScytheBlade1Mouse guestures, etc
03:00.34ScytheBlade1All in there
03:00.42tenedcop is pretty cool
03:00.47teneI've looked at it a few times
03:01.08ScytheBlade1It has a really good concept, I just wish that more non "shipped with KDE" apps would support it more
03:03.59synicon that note, amarok is awesome.  It kinda makes me wanna try KDE out again
03:03.59ScytheBlade1KDE also, with 3.5, got all of the HAL and DBUS stuff working
03:04.04ScytheBlade1amarok is amazing too
03:04.18ScytheBlade1But the HAL/DBUS stuff allows one to plugin a USB disk, stick in a CD, etc etc etc
03:04.36ScytheBlade1Mount it as the user, even without being in the fstab, use it, eject it, etc
03:04.51ScytheBlade1and amarok's playlist abilites are amazing
03:05.04teneI personally usually use mpd
03:05.19ScytheBlade1Already there, heh
03:06.34teneyes, but xmms2 doesn't have much of anything in common with xmms besides the name and the fact that it plays music and uses playlists
03:06.42tenecompletely separate project
03:06.55ScytheBlade1One last thing in common: same developers.
03:07.01teneoh, forgot about that
03:07.07teneyeah, xmms2 is interesting also
03:07.09ScytheBlade1maquis, server/client.
03:07.20maquiswhich does it play on?
03:07.26teneplays on server
03:07.26ScytheBlade1Once released
03:07.31ScytheBlade1*nix, win32, and OSX
03:07.33ScytheBlade1Oh, heh, or that
03:07.37maquistene: ooh... that's nice
03:07.40tenempd already does it, and is already released
03:07.51teneweb frontend, cli frontend, graphic frontend...
03:07.53maquisScytheBlade1: it's released on freebsd, i think
03:07.57ScytheBlade1That too
03:07.57maquisat least it appears to be in ports
03:08.11ScytheBlade1MPD suddenly looks tempting, don't get me wrong..
03:08.17tenejust leave it running in the background or on your server or whatever
03:08.21maquisstuporglue was looking for something like that on uug
03:08.52tenewe've got mpd running on our office fileserver.
03:08.57tenequite nice.
03:08.58ScytheBlade1Haha, nice
03:10.01maquisi keep finding myself running xmms remotely because my server is where my nice speakers are
03:10.17ScytheBlade1Well, xmms2 will solve that
03:10.20synictene: any good gui clients with queue support?
03:10.22ScytheBlade1Or mpd, apparently
03:10.22tene/dev/mapper/multimedia_group-multimedia_lv 221G  172G   49G  78% /export/multimedia
03:10.32ScytheBlade1Wow, not bad at all
03:10.33maquislooks like it's not in debian's repositories
03:10.46ScytheBlade1It's their beta release if anything
03:10.53tenesynic: not certain.  the names "gmpc" and "glurp" come to mind.
03:11.19tene#mpd would know
03:12.26teneI haven't looked at mpd development or clients in a long time.
03:12.38maquisah... it's there
03:14.37ScytheBlade1MPD looks... tempting, I must admit
03:14.49maquishopefully we'll know something about xmms2 shortly
03:16.51teneyou can also use mpd as a streaming audio server
03:17.48synicI'm gonna use mpd
03:18.01ScytheBlade1synic, include the playlist generation based on your tastes. :)
03:18.29teneI think there might be an mpd plugin for amarok...
03:19.25ScytheBlade1I need to restart X
03:19.28ScytheBlade1New fonts :)
03:30.17synicsweet.... they have a python librar for mpd
03:30.38teneand perl and c, at least
03:30.53tenethink there are a few more, but I'm not sure
03:31.20syniclooks like that plus PHP
03:34.49*** join/#utah ScytheBlade1 (n=Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
03:35.35ScytheBlade1Huh. I may have motive to try MPD out now.
03:35.37ScytheBlade1XMMS still hates me
03:37.37*** join/#utah zekeonfire (
03:40.57*** join/#utah levi (
03:45.36*** part/#utah zekeonfire (
03:46.14mheathStarting tomorrow, I've decided I'm not going to sit on IRC, and I'm going to put all my non-computer-programming-class programming projects on hold
03:46.28tenethat's not going to last
03:46.30mheathI've got some online classes I have to complete in the next few months to graduate, and I've been slacking off way too much
03:46.58mheathtene: Yes, it is. It's down to the point where me focusing on this is a requirement for graduation.
03:46.59*** join/#utah zekeonfir3 (
03:47.14tenewell, good luck
03:47.21mheathIf I don't start doing these assignments soon, I don't graduate.
03:47.40maquismheath: good luck
03:47.40mheathI moderately apply myself for the next 6 weeks, and I'll be done with them for good. Done with something I've been putting off for ages.
03:48.00mheathAble to relax (all my current classes in 'real' school are fairly easy) and look forward to graduation
03:48.27mheathI'm such a procrastinator.....These classes have been my primary concern / stressor for years.
03:48.54mheathTwo assignments a day, at least.
03:55.18*** join/#utah zekeonfir3 (
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03:56.27*** join/#utah spig (
04:02.42*** join/#utah wps (n=wps@
04:22.14*** join/#utah elg (
04:23.38*** join/#utah Hhhhh (n=Hhhhhhhh@
04:24.16Hhhhhhere, now I'm shorter
04:24.30maquisHhhhh: :)
04:33.00*** join/#utah Hhhhh (n=Hhhhhhhh@
04:53.08ScytheBlade1tene: what's a good client for MPD?
05:08.13teneScytheBlade1: cli, web, or gui?
05:08.30ScytheBlade1gui, web, cli in order of liking
05:09.28tenekmp is a qt-based client
05:09.34teneI like gmpc
05:10.28teneI've used phpMp and phpMp2
05:10.30tenefor web
05:10.47teneand on console, ncmpc is a nice curses-based client
05:10.57tenethe only one, actually
05:11.06teneand mpc is the included command-based client
05:11.11ScytheBlade1Ah, k
05:11.12teneor you could use telnet/netcat
05:11.14ScytheBlade1Thank you
05:11.21teneno problem
05:15.18ScytheBlade1Does it watch the dir for changes by chance?
05:15.36ScytheBlade1k then
05:15.42ScytheBlade1I shall wait for this massive copy to complete
05:16.01ScytheBlade1Hey, cool
05:16.04ScytheBlade114.1GB of music
05:16.07ScytheBlade1I thought I only had like 7GB
06:04.31*** part/#utah zekeonfir3 (
06:10.11ScytheBlade1lol @ tene
06:10.12ScytheBlade1That's good
06:19.37mheathHey, guys! Heres a question for you: "Which one of the following is not a key requirement of an Operating System: 1) Provide a GUI, 2) Process Data, 3) Control Hardware"
06:20.03maquismheath: what's this for?
06:21.05mheathmaquis: Its the question I got wrong on a quiz in my Computer Tech class =P
06:21.24maquisdid they say that a GUI is a key requirement of an OS?
06:21.57mheathI had a momentary lapse of judgement, forgot that  I was in a computer lab with windows 2000 on the computers, and that our state board of education is morons and answered 1.
06:21.59maquisand if so, did you bring up any GUI-less OSs?
06:22.22maquisi'd say you should argue the question
06:22.42maquisbring in an X-less version of linux and point out that it does have an OS on it
06:22.55mheathI also made the mistake of saying "False" on "A 'platform' is the processor on a computer, like 'pentium'"
06:23.14mheathAs I'd been doing cross compilation all day, and looking at strings like "pc-linux-gnu-i386"
06:24.03mheathmaquis: That would confuse this teacher.
06:24.20mheathLet me show you her webpage. And keep in mind that she taught advanced web development last year.
06:24.38brac[Mrs. Carlson's Web Page]
06:24.44maquismheath: sounds like this teacher deserves confusion
06:25.43maquisThis presentation contains content that your browser may not be able to show properly. This presentation was optimized for more recent versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer.
06:26.18mheathI like how it uses "more recent versions of Microsoft...." when you're not using any version of Microsoft Internet Explorer.
06:26.47mheathI tried to offer a suggestion
06:27.13maquiswhat was that?
06:27.19mheath"Your powerpoints definition of a "supercomputer" roughly defines the computational power of a nice desktop machine. You might want to change that."
06:27.48mheath"Oh, its so hard to keep things up to date...."
06:28.07mheathA lot of the content in those powerpoints gives the impression of being about 20 years out of date
06:28.33tenebut... if they were made twenty years ago... why wouldn't she know anything about gui-less operating systems?
06:28.49mheathThe listing of COBOL as an example of a high level language and such.
06:29.18mheathThe fact that "supercomputers can process billions of calculations per second"
06:30.34maquismheath: sounds like fun
06:31.04mheathI like one thing she does....
06:31.09maquiswhich is?
06:31.40mheathShe routinely tells students to print off things that are multiple pages when she only needs the first page
06:31.45mheathSo she has a recycle box in class
06:31.55mheathShe's teaching people basic computer skills
06:32.16maquislike... stick important information in the recycling box?
06:32.16mheathHow hard would it be for her to teach them to type "1-1" and click "Pages in Range:" in the print dialog box?
06:32.59mheathShe got really upset when she saw a timing I took in a typing program.
06:33.07maquisa timing?
06:33.20mheathIt times you on a preset 3-4 paragraphs of text
06:33.37mheathI got about 100 wpm with 6 errors
06:33.50mheathBut she was upset because I hit the backspace key 60 times.
06:34.00mheath"Why did you hit the backspace key so many times?!"
06:34.22maquiserm... because when you type, it's good to correct errors?
06:34.26mheath"Sorry. I use the Dvorak keyboard layout on my computers, its what I'm used to. Qwerty is kind of wierd to me for fast typing. I make a lot of mistakes."
06:34.35mheath*blank look* "You need to work on your accuracy."
06:35.32mheathEveryone else is plinking out ~30wpm, yet I'm the one she gets upset at when I'm typing 100wpm with better accuracy than them
07:01.01xbmodder_lappyLooks like mheath's computer teacher has some issues
07:03.34xbmodder_lappywhat does "OC" stand for?
07:06.18maquisxbmodder_lappy: really depends on the context
07:06.26xbmodder_lappy"The OC"
07:06.39maquisi think that's orange county... but i'm not certain
07:06.42maquismy roommates would know
07:06.51maquisbut i don't feel like asking the
07:06.56xbmodder_lappyI don't understand that show
07:07.04xbmodder_lappyAt all..
07:07.06maquisi've never seen it, and i have no desire to
07:07.15xbmodder_lappySister watches it
07:13.56mheathGoogle used to be "backrub".
07:14.55Hhhhh <= BYU professor might have found real cure for AIDS, herpes, bird flu, influenza, smallpox and others!!!
07:15.21mheathI hate the way thats being reported
07:15.29xbmodder_lappyHhhhh, thats good for teenagers
07:15.33xbmodder_lappyat least first two
07:15.50Hhhhhwhat are you talking about?
07:15.51mheathEveryones giving it crap because it managed to hit the mainstream press before any type of intensive study or peer review took place
07:16.17xbmodder_lappyherpes and AIDS
07:16.22mheathI get the impression they didn't intend it to hit the press like that at all; some friend of a researched talked to a reporter or something..
07:16.22Hhhhhit's in the process of being peer-reviewed
07:16.30xbmodder_lappymajor causes of pain to us.
07:16.49xbmodder_lappyalso, I won't have to listen to my teacher lecture about how there is no cure
07:16.51Hhhhhmheath, it doesn't matter, I mean, it's still has to go through peer revision and lots of testing
07:16.52mheathIf you read the quotes (at least in some forms of the article) it talks about how they didn't want this to be blown out of preportion, as it was still in very early stages of testing.
07:16.55xbmodder_lappymaybe they can fix my flu.
07:17.01xbmodder_lappyThat'd be nice
07:17.06Hhhhhit'd be awesome
07:17.13HhhhhI'm mainly thinking of people doing of AIDS
07:17.14mheathThey're not making irrational claims, and they're not bigheaded.
07:17.31mheathHhhhh: One side efect, though: Think about population issues.
07:17.40xbmodder_lappyI think of bird flu and influenza
07:17.48xbmodder_lappyinfluenza cure would be cool.
07:17.58mheathSuddenly the deathrate in areas like Africa will drop by millions
07:18.30levimheath: Then they'll die of starvation instead of AIDS.
07:18.30mheathI'm not saying the invention of a cure is bad; just that there will be some major ramifications if/when the worlds deadliest disease is completely removed.
07:18.42leviI'm not sure which would be more unpleasant.
07:19.48xbmodder_lappylevi, I guess AIDs would be socially worse
07:23.22HhhhhI think the overpopulation stuff is way overrated
07:23.33Hhhhhbased on some study made in the 1800
07:23.53Hhhhhwe're in 2006, and we have not run out of room
07:26.41mheathHhhhh: What about China?
07:27.02mheathBillions of people, barely supported on their limited farming capacity.
07:27.07Hhhhhwhat about China? people will need to move out of cities, that's all
07:27.12Hhhhhor make them bigger
07:27.26Hhhhhanyways, I think the problem there is the system
07:27.27xbmodder_lappyOr find more efficent ways of farming
07:27.27mheathIts not "we're out of space"
07:27.31teneor make the people smaller
07:27.42mheathits "we're hitting the capacity of our land"
07:27.52mheathChina is an example from it
07:27.53HhhhhI don't believe that stuff
07:28.01Hhhhhwell, China is a communist country
07:28.17Hhhhhdon't expect optimal utilization of resources there
07:28.32xbmodder_lappyBecome better at using the land
07:41.51leviOnce we figure out sustainable and economicaly feasible fusion reactors, we'll be golden!
09:32.53*** join/#utah usynic (n=synic@pdpc/supporter/student/synic)
13:04.29*** join/#utah hatchmt (
13:54.21*** join/#utah elg (
14:32.06lars-utgood BOFH from Friday:
14:32.09brac[BOFH: Headhunted | The Register]
14:45.30*** join/#utah elg (
15:04.09elg-lart vontrapp
15:04.17lars-ut"The goal of the Portable Apps project is to make applications portable... taking high-quality, existing applications and packaging them up to run from a portable device (USB thumbdrive, iPod, etc)."
15:05.10elgdo they have bash, sed and friends, make, and a decent terminal like rxvt?
15:05.27elgiow, a sort of portable cygwin
15:15.51*** join/#utah wps (n=wps@
15:21.21lars-utelg: no, no, no, and no
15:21.40*** join/#utah sjansen (
15:21.46elgat least they're consistent
15:22.55lars-utApplication List:
15:33.23*** join/#utah WoodsDog (
15:39.21*** join/#utah brando2 (
15:39.54brando2Is there a maillist for utaug?
15:43.26*** join/#utah hatchmt (
16:04.10*** join/#utah synic (n=synic@pdpc/supporter/student/synic)
16:07.28*** join/#utah tiwula (n=lane@
16:10.54*** join/#utah phinux (
16:11.22*** join/#utah levi (
16:11.24*** join/#utah tapH20guru (n=tapH20gu@
16:12.01tapH20guru(ahem) Sad Day - is down. I'm moving :(
16:12.17tapH20guruYou can pull it off the almighty topic
16:13.14goozbachtapH20guru: wanna send me the list of feeds?
16:13.36tapH20gurusure ... lemme get em together
16:15.37goozbachtapH20guru: abt how much bandwith did it end up taking?
16:15.57tapH20gurunot much that I'd notice
16:16.58*** join/#utah xbmodder_ (
16:21.38*** join/#utah RyanE_ (
16:21.52tapH20gurugoozbach: sent the config to ya
16:22.45tapH20gurumay the feeds live on in your hearts :)
16:25.03xbmodder_Erg.. I hate it when girls where short skirts and then spend all of class pulling them down.
16:35.45*** join/#utah Hhhhhhhh (n=Hhhhhhhh@
16:42.12leviPoor xbmodder.
16:43.11xbmodder_Why can't they just wear long skirts? Then we wouldn't be on national TV for "freaking"
16:43.17*** join/#utah goozbach_ (n=goozbach@
16:44.13levixbmodder_: Because that wouldn't be rebellious at all.  Duh.
16:44.50goozbach_anyone here ping
16:44.56Hhhhhthat's pretty dumb IMO
16:45.11goozbach_~ibot dumb
16:45.13ibotI know you are, but what am I?
16:45.18phinuxI'm with xbmodder on this one. What are girls like that thikning. "I bet people respect me more when I wear skanky clothing." Right.
16:45.30dataw0lfgoozbach: host unreachable.
16:45.49goozbach_dataw0lf: thanks
16:45.57goozbach_~pimpslap erikrj
16:45.59ibotgoozbach_ pimpslaps erikrj.  ouch!
16:46.18leviI wish girls wouldn't wear skanky clothes, but that's well outside of my range of influence.
16:46.50leviNo daughter of mine will wear skanky clothes to school, though.
16:48.14phinuxI don't know, maybe if more guys told girls they look awful in skanky clothing. After all, they do it for attention.
16:48.37phinuxIn a nice way.
16:48.41goozbach_o/~ I want a girl with a short skirt.... and loooooong... jacket o/~
16:48.44dataw0lfwell, skanky has it's place.
16:48.51Hhhhhgoozbach, I hate that song
16:48.52xbmodder_levi: I don't know about that, I think when your daughter is 15 you won't have control over that.
16:49.36Hhhhhxbmodder, sure he will, if she wants a driver's license
16:49.43HhhhhI mean she
16:49.54xbmodder_phinux: girls think 'pimps' are cool... pimps like skanky clothes
16:51.11*** join/#utah Hhhhhhhhh (n=Hhhhhhhh@
16:51.17xbmodder_levi: and, if your wife doesn't mind?
16:51.27phinuxYou don't loose control until they're 18 and you can no longer legally go to school handcuffed to them.
16:51.28phinuxGirls are weird. I don't understand girls.
16:51.43xbmodder_phinux: me neither
16:51.46levixbmodder_: Hah.  She'd be less likely to allow it than me!
16:52.06maquisxbmodder_: girls don't all think pimps are cool...  
16:52.09xbmodder_levi: your married?
16:52.24xbmodder_maquis: some do.. I've actually _asked_ the question.. err.. bad idea
16:52.34levixbmodder_: Yes, and I have a daughter due to be born in May.
16:52.37dataw0lfI'm confused about the definition of 'pimp' in this context.
16:52.40maquisxbmodder_: yes... *some* do
16:52.48*** join/#utah goozbach (n=goozbach@
16:53.00levidataw0lf: He's the guy with the 'hos'
16:53.23goozbachcursed reboots
16:53.30xbmodder_later guys.. migh t be on IRC
16:53.39xbmodder_on treo
16:53.39goozbachgoozbach_ you can leave now
16:53.40levidataw0lf: The kids are probably not entirely clear on the definition either.
16:53.42dataw0lfThere's two widely spread definitions of the word 'pimp'.  The traditional meaning, and the slang meaning.  I just don't know how xbmodder is using it.
16:53.53dataw0lflevi: True.
16:53.59*** part/#utah goozbach_ (n=goozbach@
16:55.40leviI'm not totally convinced by all the home-school rhetoric, but I think they have a point when they point out the ill effects of grouping kids so they only really interact with others of their same age.
16:58.30lars-utlevi: I agree with you on the age point - grouping people by age seems very artificial - after secondary school when will children be exposed to a similar age group dynamic?
16:59.12lars-ut"In this class/job we only accept 23 year-olds."
17:00.40lars-utlevi: I have noticed that the age dynamic can be mitigated by breaking children up into skills groups with other children in different classes of similar ability in a given area, say reading.
17:01.01lars-utMy son's school does that.
17:02.12mrpull-what is on tap for perl mongers tonight?
17:04.03levilars-ut: That's a good idea.  Kids really should get used to interacting with others that aren't the same age.
17:05.04lars-utlevi: That son is currently the only one of my children not attending a public school btw.
17:05.15levilars-ut: That figures. :)
17:05.21leviPublic school is broken.
17:05.42lars-utno argument here.
17:06.46lars-utthen again, you wouldn't get an argument from me if you had said, "The 2 party system is broken", or "Girl Scouts is broken"
17:07.20leviYeah, lots of things are broken.
17:10.37leviI'm not sure I would do the same.  My experience with him is limited to reading the back of the dust jacket on Savage Nation, or whatever his book is called.
17:10.55findlaythe BSA was concieved in brokenness
17:11.32findlayupdate your software licences or die, matey.  Aarrggg
17:11.35*** join/#utah xbmodder-treo (
17:13.08iboti guess hey is almost for horses
17:13.56lars-utlevi: Of late, his rants have focused on the Pres. Bush & the Republican party's implementations of big government/spending & their lack of will to use the decisive force/weapons necessary to end the war in Iraq
17:13.58xbmodder-treofindlay: yes, hay is for horses.
17:15.18xbmodder-treosfo trying to impeach bush
17:16.31leviI don't think decisive force or weapons would help things a lot right now.  It's not like there's an organized regular army fighting our forces that we could send tanks to blow up.
17:17.18xbmodder-treoregular army fighting our forces that we could send tanks to blow up.
17:20.17lars-utI would say that the unwillingness to kill civilians is hurting us quite a bit.  But then again I would also advocate mobster-type tactics against terrorists.  I believe terrorists should fear us more than we fear them.
17:21.33Bradipolars-ut: I have read that more people have died in hospitals due to incorrect procedures than have died due to terrorists.
17:22.05leviBeing more 'willing' to kill civilians would not help our cause.
17:22.24BradipoNo, indeed it would not, and would put us on par with Hitler.
17:22.26lars-utAnd yet the fallout from terrorism is enormous (economic, psychological, political)
17:22.40lars-utBradipo: Ever heard of Dresden?
17:22.53levilars-ut: The 'fallout from terrorism' is scare-mongering by our very own government.
17:22.53BradipoI may have, not sure.
17:23.08leviFear of terror keeps Bush in power.
17:23.36lars-utand funding the war
17:23.38Bradipolevi: I isn't just Bush though... It's the entire Establishment.
17:23.49leviBradipo: Yeah.
17:24.15lars-utinteresting how we disagree on logistices but agree on that
17:24.28Bradipolars-ut: Killing civilians in war is like boycotting firms that hire cheap labor in other countries.
17:25.05levilars-ut: You want to escalate things, which I think would just fuel the dangerous cycle.
17:25.39lars-utlevi & Bradipo: I belive that decisive force can crush an enemy's will to fight
17:25.42Bradipolars-ut: I may have heard of this, but never delved into it.
17:26.05Bradipolars-ut: Yeah, taking out Saddam really scared the terrorists.
17:26.22lars-utBradipo: wasn't decisive.
17:26.31levilars-ut: Perhaps their will to fight now, but they're going to be really pissed off and feeling oppressed and ready to... perform more acts of terror!
17:26.32BradipoOr are you referring to mass murder like the atomic bombs we dropped on Japan?
17:26.58lars-utBradipo: yes, that would be one example.
17:27.32lars-utlevi: what other solution would you propose other than hitting the enemy hard enough that they are scared to hit back?
17:27.33levilars-ut: When you have an organized military force that's conducting a regular war, decisive victory will indeed often cause their general to surrender, which effectively ends things.  That's not /at all/ what we're dealing with now.
17:28.12lars-utlevi: in post-war Germany we dealt with many of the same problems
17:28.33lars-utnot a lot new here - just a different ideology
17:28.43lars-utsame tactics apply
17:28.49leviNo, not at all.
17:28.56leviVery different.
17:29.04lars-utdealing with "insurgents" & snipers, for eaxample
17:30.04Bradipolars-ut: Do we really believe that Bin Laden was responsible for 9-11?
17:30.23BradipoIf so, why have we not charged him with crimes and wiped him and his armies off of the face of the earth yet?
17:30.24leviBradipo: Who are you suggesting was responsible?
17:30.49lars-utlevi: What are you suggesting is an alternate solution to decisive military force in Iraq?
17:30.53Bradipolevi: I'm suggesting that if the government really thought he was responsible he would have been dealt with already.
17:31.11BradipoOtherwise we are dealing out false accusations.
17:31.30BradipoHas he been charged with a crime?  Or have we simply declared war.
17:32.38levilars-ut: I don't think decisive victory in Iraq is possible.  The only question is what state we're going to leave Iraq in when we leave.
17:33.10lars-utWhen we get to the turning point where Iraqis are happy to turn over any militant/terrorist, that will be a sign of victory.
17:33.12BradipoThe problem I have with the whole thing is I really have no idea what an Iraqi feels or believes regarding our occupation there.
17:33.24*** join/#utah herlo (n=csavage@
17:33.45leviBradipo: Well, there have been polls that I find believable.
17:33.51BradipoI don't speak their language, I'm not familiar with their society, I'm not qualified to know how they feel.  Am I simply supposed to take the word of our government on faith?
17:34.18leviBradipo: I'm not sure that they're reliable, but they sound plausible.  And they mostly say that everyone but the Sunnis are glad Saddam is gone, but they ALL want us out.
17:34.36leviThey don't all want us out immediately, but they resent our presence.
17:34.54Bradipolevi: That seems like a reasonable expression of what they might feel.
17:35.22lars-utthe war seems to be a black hole economically
17:35.29BradipoIf I were oppressed, I would want the oppressor removed, but I would also want to take care of the problems locally.
17:35.46Bradipolars-ut: Almost all wars are black holes economically.
17:35.53BradipoWars destroy property.
17:36.26lars-utBradipo: what about setting conditions against the losing government?
17:36.34BradipoSuch as?
17:36.47BradipoLike embargos?
17:36.53lars-utyep - building bases, trade conditions
17:37.11lars-utgaining new property...
17:38.25lars-utforcing a new system of government would be another one historically
17:39.08Uncle_Jesseanyone see the latest stuff on songbird?
17:40.03leviSomeday when I'm rich, I want one of these:
17:40.07brac[Formula 1 for the street - the Freestream T1 - Autoblog]
17:41.28lars-utlevi: what postwar WWII tactics/conditions do you think differ now from Iraq?
17:43.38lars-ut"We won too fast and too clean. The Iraqis for the most part have not suffered from the war to any notable degree (certainly for many it was no more traumatic than living under the Baathists), and so they will have to have the birth pangs of their new society some other way, likely through a civil war."
17:43.57lars-utfrom comments on
17:43.58brac[Hit and Run]
17:45.28levilars-ut: The Germas were ultimately Westerners, and the Nazi party was influential but not terribly engrained in their nature.  They were also fairly culturally cohesive.  Iraq is not culturally cohesive, it's historically been incredibly hard to conquer and hold, and is considered a Muslim nation, which adds an entirely different aspect to it.
17:46.54lars-utI see the unwillingness to kill civilians & civilian targets - Pres. Clinton knew how to do that, though in his case it was to move public focus away from his intern & legal woes
17:47.26leviWhy should we kill them?
17:47.34leviIf we leave, is Iraq going to fight us?
17:47.57lars-utwe're too focused - our military is like a laser
17:47.59leviDoes Iraq, as a nation, pose any threat at all to us?
17:48.20lars-utI'd say yes
17:48.27lars-utbut indirectly
17:48.29leviHow so?
17:48.29Uncle_Jesse~seen jsmith
17:48.36ibotjsmith <> was last seen on IRC in channel #utah, 20h 27m 25s ago, saying: 'lars-ut: Yeah... waiting for an OS to finish installing.'.
17:49.20lars-utIraq poses no more threat to us than Islamic fascism does.
17:49.46leviIslamic fascism poses a threat, but Iraq does not.
17:50.00leviSaddam's Iraqi administration was largely secular.
17:50.23leviWitness the insane reaction of Islamic fascism to the Danish cartoons.
17:51.25Uncle_JesseIraq was purely a tactical move IMO
17:51.46leviIndeed, a tactical move born from a poor strategy.
17:51.47lars-utthere should be more cartoons
17:51.53Bradipolars-ut: Sorry about the late reply here...
17:51.57lars-utmore propaganda
17:52.13lars-utbelittle your enemy by mocking him
17:52.19levilars-ut: Dude.  Escalation is not going to help things.
17:52.37lars-utsince when was free speech escalation?
17:52.59Bradipolars-ut: Why should the Iraqis suffer?  Shouldn't it be Saddam and his regime that suffers, not the Iraqi people?
17:53.12leviSince when was incitement to riot covered under free speech?
17:53.23lars-utshould we walk on eggshells out of fear of an ideology?
17:54.06lars-utlevi: I don't see other ideologies reacting to the _many_ ill portrayals of their beliefs
17:54.19lars-utin similar ways.
17:54.25levilars-ut: Would you walk around your office shouting obscenities just to piss someone off who threatened you for saying one?
17:54.36lars-utno, but I could.
17:54.42levilars-ut: That's not the point.
17:55.01lars-utI believe it is one of the points of free speech.
17:55.07leviWe /could/ go around publishing cartoons depicting Mohammed, but it would be stupid to do so.
17:55.12lars-utThe office doesn't give me free speech btw
17:55.18levilars-ut: Incitement to riot is NOT covered by free speech.
17:55.26leviFree speech is limited, and rightfully so.
17:55.34sjansenDog pile on levi!
17:55.57lars-utI could print out a placard with one of those cartoons and walk around on the street if I so desired.
17:56.07lars-utis that incitement to riot?
17:56.13Hhhhhit can
17:56.21levilars-ut: Depends.
17:56.33Hhhhhdepends on the conditions
17:56.46lars-utbtw, here's some of the references I made earlier re: post WWII parallels:
17:56.49brac[The Command Post - Op-Ed - The Werewolf Principle]
17:57.19lars-utis sjansen's suggestion an incitement to riot?
17:57.19Hhhhhnah, theconcept of freedom of speech has been n00bified too much by the general public
17:57.26levilars-ut: Things are not always black and white.  Reacting to insults with retaliation is a stupid policy.  I don't think it's one you really practice in your personal life, so why should we practice it as a nation?  Why should our nation behave like a 3-year-old?
17:57.31*** part/#utah phinux (
17:57.40BradipoHhhhh: Haha, that's one way to look at it.
17:57.40Hhhhhyes, sjansen please deliver yourself to the nearest FBI local office
17:57.58Hhhhhyou'll be sent to Gitmo to pay for your sins
17:57.58lars-utlevi: is that to be interpreted as ad hominem?
17:58.15levilars-ut: No, I'm suggesting that you actually behave well, personally.
17:58.22HhhhhI think he meant "you" in its impersonal form
17:58.36BradipoHhhhh: Why the FBI?  Why not the local police?  Are we that incapable of handling things that we have to resort to Big Brother?
17:58.48HhhhhBradipo, exactly
17:59.11Hhhhhalso, there is a bigger chance that you'll be abducted by the aliens of the X-files that way
17:59.43levilars-ut: I'm suggesting that going around trying to piss off Muslims is a childish way to respond to the cartoon issue.  It's literally what a child, who has not gained control of emotional responses, would do.
17:59.48lars-utlevi: As I understand this definition of free speech re: incitement to riot the protesters at General Conference would not be allowed to spout off - even if they were across the street
18:00.09lars-utlevi: I'm suggesting that the Muslim reaction _is_ childish.
18:00.18Hhhhhlars-ut, that is a good point, but Mormons are less prone to start killing people than extremist Muslims
18:00.33Hhhhhand our clerics aren't telling us to go out and kill random people in retaliation
18:00.44Hhhhhso the chance for riot is different
18:00.50Hhhhheverything has a context
18:00.54levilars-ut: So, does that make being childish in response any less childish?
18:01.02Hhhhhbut those weirdos can stay across the streets
18:01.06lars-utHhhhh: and a principle.
18:01.19lars-utlevi: nope.
18:01.42levilars-ut: That's my point.  I agree that the Muslim reaction is childish.
18:02.06lars-utlevi: by that same logic you could argue all wars are childish
18:02.07HhhhhI wish freedom of speech zealots would use the principle of STFU more often
18:02.17Uncle_Jesseanyone here know Michael Karlsven?
18:02.24lars-utHhhhh: Am I a zealot then?
18:02.32HhhhhDid I say you?
18:02.43levilars-ut: Not necessarily.  Wars of defense are often justifiable.
18:02.44Hhhhhlemme ask, do you consider yourseklf a zealot?
18:02.52lars-utHhhhh: I'm advocating freedom of speech re: the muslim cartoons?
18:03.01lars-utso yes.
18:03.08Hhhhhdo you consider yourself a zealot?
18:03.15lars-utin many things, hell yeah.
18:03.21Bradipolars-ut: I think he is referring to the lack of knowledge regarding self-government in general.
18:03.23Hhhhhok, then help yourself
18:03.35lars-utthat was easy.
18:03.41Hhhhhmine was not intended to you particularly, but I value your honesty
18:03.44leviBefore the cartoons were printed, no one had any idea what kind of a violent response they would provoke.
18:04.20Hhhhhlevi, where were they printed?
18:04.22BradipoHhhhh: Ever read ``The Indispensible Opposition?''
18:04.23lars-utlevi: should we then draft special hate legislation protecting Muslims sensibilities?
18:04.25leviA reasonable person, knowing the consequence, should not have printed them.  Not because they didn't have a right to, but because it was not a good idea.
18:04.26Hhhhhwhich country?
18:04.51Hhhhhwell, do you know the amount of muslim people living in nordic countries like Denmark and Sweden?
18:04.53BradipoErr, Indispensable.
18:04.55Hhhhhthe HUGE amount?
18:05.04leviThere are plenty of things that are legal, but a bad idea.
18:05.10lars-utHhhhh: what about in Michigan?
18:05.14HhhhhI don't think Dannish people aren't familiar to Muslems
18:05.23lars-utlots of Muslims there.
18:05.28Uncle_Jesseword to the wise - never ask a question when there's a political discussion in #utah
18:05.31Hhhhhlars-ut, yea, what about it?
18:05.41leviHhhhh: I'm not seeing your point.
18:05.54lars-utHhhhh: huge Muslim population in Michigan
18:06.00Hhhhhlevi, I don't think the people who made the cartoons were totally ignorant of Muslim sentiment
18:06.04lars-utyet no rioting?
18:06.08BradipoUncle_Jesse: Just assume that the answer is no. :-)
18:06.12Hhhhhlars-ut, again, what about it? What's the point?
18:06.22BradipoI read your question but not knowing who MK is, I opted to not answer.
18:06.44lars-utHhhhh: Muslims in michigan have seen the same cartoons.
18:06.45leviHhhhh: Oh, yeah.  Well, sure, they would have known Muslims wouldn't like it, but do you think they knew it would provoke riots, burning of embassies, and killings?
18:06.59Hhhhhlars-ut, and also there are differences among Mulsim sects
18:07.13Bradipolars-ut: That's possibly because---at least in theory---those muslims in Michigan are not politically oppressed.
18:07.20Hhhhhlevi, probably not to that point. But I don't absolve them from ill intention
18:08.03leviHhhhh: I don't either, but I don't think they would have done it if they knew the full extent.  At least, I hope they wouldn't have.
18:08.10lars-utthe Muslims in Michigan are "enlightened" and therefore aren't easily provoked into a childish reaction?  I hope that's not the case.
18:08.14Bradipolars-ut: And just because they don't do anything about it doesn't mean they don't secretly support those in Denmark.
18:08.19leviI don't generally look kindly on people intentionally pissing off other people.
18:08.27leviRegardless of their right to do it.
18:08.30lars-utBradipo: goo point.
18:08.48lars-utlevi: I'd agree.
18:09.19leviMy response to bullies is to ignore them, though, not to provoke them.
18:09.35*** join/#utah fungus (n=fungus@2001:470:1f00:645:20a:95ff:fec5:636a)
18:09.50lars-ut"Attempts to blow up factories, power plants or waterworks occasionally provoked melees between Werewolves and desperate German workers trying to save the physical basis of their employment"
18:10.01lars-utfrom previous link
18:12.18lars-utlevi: should we intervene when the Iraqi civil war starts?
18:12.36lars-utassuming we decrease our presence there in the meantime
18:13.12leviNot if they don't ask us to.
18:13.41lars-utLevi, I must admit I like this discussion.
18:13.52*** join/#utah fungus (n=fungus@2001:470:1f00:645:20a:95ff:fec5:636a)
18:14.48Bradipolars-ut: No, America has no business in the civil wars of other countries, however, having started this whole mess it now becomes politically difficult.
18:16.43BradipoGot no arguments for the UN here.
18:17.11lars-utnot just a troll - that's how I feel.
18:18.06lars-utMaybe my anti-UN stance wouldn't go over so well if I put it in a cartoon in the Netherlands, though.
18:18.49lars-utMaybe a Kofi caricature?
18:20.30lars-ut~emulate Ms Bitters
18:20.32ibotEverything was so nice and peaceful, 'til one day it all went horribly wrong!
18:24.34*** join/#utah everydave (n=EveryDav@
18:24.47*** part/#utah everydave (n=EveryDav@
18:25.24leviI, for one, am finished discussing politics.
18:25.37Uncle_Jesse#zion is available right now on freenode ;-)
18:32.01mrpull-anybody try Songbird yet?
18:33.08Uncle_JesseI'm going to try it on my Windows machine tonight
18:33.27Uncle_JesseI'm curious how flexible as to web accessibility it is
18:33.44Uncle_JesseI'd love to start embedding songbird players on my websites instead of flash
18:33.50mrpull-it is supposed to be compatible with ipods right?
18:33.56mrpull-the website is toast right now.
18:34.14Uncle_Jessethere are several mirrors for the download
18:34.24Uncle_Jessenot sure about ipods, but I would hope so
18:35.00Uncle_Jessewhat does everyone think about google's stock price right now?
18:35.08Uncle_Jessethink it will go down more?
18:35.27Uncle_JesseI'm toying with buying a couple of shares
18:35.43Uncle_JesseI'm worried they're undervalued
18:36.04Uncle_Jessesweet - ibot, you rule
18:36.27leviInteresting (if not particularly meaningful) programming language comparison:
18:36.28brac[Cubicle Muses: Nine in Nine]
18:36.44Uncle_Jesseibot, tell me about google stock
18:37.26Bradipolevi: Finished for good or just for the present time frame? :-)
18:38.05leviBradipo: Just for the present, and probably for a while.  I don't really enjoy it, but sometimes I feel compelled.
18:38.39Bradipolevi: Who does enjoy it except politicians?
18:39.12leviA lot of people seem to, given the number of political blogs and those who comment on them.
18:39.15BradipoAs people, we really shouldn't have to worry about it, but alas, if we don't make a stand we will be walked all over by those who desire power.
18:45.04*** join/#utah flyboy^ (
18:47.21*** join/#utah fozzmoo (n=fozz@
18:47.52fozzmooAnyone done any packet capture in C with pcap or in Perl with Net::Pcap?
18:48.02fozzmooAnyone, here, that is.
18:55.34flyboy^I've played around with Net::Pcap, but I am no expert.
19:02.31flyboy^I need to get the latest version of irssi running.
19:05.55flyboy^Does anyone have a favorite irssi theme they like?
19:20.48sjansen~burn Uncle_Jesse
19:20.50ibotibot pours gasoline all over Uncle_Jesse, ignites the fire, and then enjoys some toasty marshmallows with the glorious blaze
19:32.25*** part/#utah fozzmoo (n=fozz@
19:43.52mrpull-sjansen:  i'm not sure I'd take my own laptop to a security convention.  i'm too paranoid.
19:46.15sjansenI can just see it:
19:46.44sjansenSecurity researcher: "Security blah blah blah security blah blah blah."
19:47.05*** join/#utah TimRiker (n=timr@
19:47.06*** mode/#utah [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
19:47.22sjansenFrom the back of the conference hall: "I ju5+ 0wnz3rD j00 d00dz!"
19:48.22mrpull-do l33t people speak that way out loud?
19:56.32sjansenLike, no dude. They _totally_ sound like 80's surfers instead!
20:23.00Uncle_Jesse~blowup sjansen
20:23.16Uncle_Jesseneed to program that one
20:23.22Uncle_Jesse~explode sjansen
20:23.24ibotACTION blows up sjansen with bombs
20:32.27leviWow, these are way cool:
20:37.15scottjthat is pretty sweet
20:38.38*** join/#utah dilvie (
20:42.41brac[Dilbert Comic Strip Archive - - The Official Dilbert Website by Scott Adams - Dilbert, Dogbert and Coworkers!]
20:45.58*** join/#utah albino (
20:46.10albinoIs there a PLUG meeting tonight?
20:48.03*** join/#utah findlay (n=justin@
20:48.25maquisgoozbach: that one cracked me up forever
20:50.53scottjI thought there was some ruby meeting tonight
20:52.19maquismy calendar says plug and byurug, i think
20:59.12goozbachARGHH! SPAM!
21:01.13*** part/#utah herlo (n=csavage@
21:01.31Hhhhhhey levi, that link was cool
21:02.37goozbachgood tea
21:05.24dataw0lfDid anyone else know that javascript had anonymous functions?
21:05.27dataw0lfI'm shocked.
21:19.20*** join/#utah bzob (
21:22.41teneOh, of course.  Everyone uses them.
21:23.41albinoSince function serves as object declaration, anonymous functions get used a lot
21:42.29*** join/#utah elg (
21:48.11*** join/#utah SpecialZ (n=Scott@
21:52.06sjansendataw0lf: yup
21:52.47SpecialZ~lart maquis
21:52.48*** join/#utah bonez39 (
21:52.54sjansenI used to hate javascript. When I started reading good JS instead of stupid image flipping scripts, I discovered it is actually a beautiful language.
21:53.30Uncle_Jesseif you ever use Flash you'll learn to like js real quick
21:53.49Uncle_Jesseif you're an oss bigot like me
21:55.42*** part/#utah albino (
21:56.17dataw0lfI don't plan on ever using Flash.
21:56.40dataw0lfor JavaScript really, for that matter.  I just find it interesting that it has all these functional programming devices that I never knew existed.
21:57.11mheathsjansen: indeed it is.
21:59.18mrpull-whoa... dell shipped me an extra 2405FPW
22:02.49levidataw0lf: Someone re-wrote a lot of The Little Schemer (a book about Scheme) in Javascript.
22:03.04brac[The Little JavaScripter]
22:05.22dataw0lfI really like The Little Schemer.
22:05.29dataw0lfThat's interesting.  Thanks levi.
22:08.04leviI know of some projects that generate Javascript from Lisp as part of web programming frameworks so that you can do client-side scripting that way.
22:10.31lars-utGoogle Reader also gets a thumbs down for not being able to support the UUG & UVLUG RSS feeds that Thunderbird handles just fine.
22:10.44leviAnother interesting quirk of Javascript is that it uses a prototype-based object model rather than a class-based one.  It shares this quirk with Self and Slate.  Self was also developed by some guys at Sun.
22:11.04levilars-ut: Is that the fault of the feed, or the reader?
22:11.22lars-utgood question
22:11.44lars-utnot sure - there were some other things about Sage I found disappointing...
22:12.13lars-utIn Thunderbird I can manage multiple feeds in one folder as if it were one feed - Sage separates them
22:13.15lars-utBy separating the folders, Sage forces you to manage feeds on an individual, not group basis - with the exception of being able to mark all feeds in a folder as read.
22:17.48lars-utIf neither Google Reader nor Sage can support feeds that other readers support w/o modifying the feed, I'd say that counts against them.  I've used other web-based RSS readers that didn't have this problem, as well as Newsgator a while back.
22:20.43lars-utNot all FLOSS or free(as in Google) web software is worth using.  Maybe the authors of Sage and Google Reader will fix the problem in the future.
22:21.52goozbachok so I have a bunch of frequent flyer miles saved up...
22:21.59goozbachwhere should I go for vacation?
22:22.21tenethe moon!
22:23.04lars-utgoozbach: a "reading vacation" w/very little technology
22:23.19lars-utno cellphone, for example
22:23.24goozbachI'm contemplating a bus tour of mexico
22:23.39goozbachor hitchhike through mexico
22:25.10lars-utMaybe geocache en Mexico?
22:26.05lars-utgo scuba diving in those famous underground caves there - there's a word for them...
22:26.43tenethey're called the "famous underground scuba caves"
22:27.17lars-ut~google mexico famous underground scuba caves
22:27.25tene~google famous underground scuba cave
22:29.43lars-utyou could swim with dolphins on the same trip
22:30.02findlayhow do I get find to return only text files?
22:30.32tene|xargs file|grep text
22:31.16lars-utgoozbach: re-enact human sacrifice at Chichen Itza, then stop at Club Med afterwards
22:31.41dataw0lffind . -type f -exec file '{}' \; grep text
22:31.52dataw0lferr with a pipe
22:31.55findlayfile leaves trailing garbage
22:33.45goozbachfile | cut | grep text
22:34.45teneyou mean file|grep text|cut, right?
22:36.45goozbachtene: either way
22:37.02goozbachjust make use of cut and pipe
22:38.46*** join/#utah mheath (
22:39.32*** join/#utah tiwula (n=lane@
22:41.13tenegoo: if you cut out the "text" part and leave just the filename, you don't have anything to grep on
22:41.52goozbachtene: if you're carefull
22:44.05findlaywhy can't file just supress it's output?
22:44.53tenebecause then what would it print?
22:46.11goozbachfindlay: file -F '^'
22:46.22goozbachthen cut from the beginning of the line to ^
22:47.47findlaytene: nothing (:
22:48.41*** join/#utah edeefelt (
22:48.47edeefeltHi all
22:48.51edeefeltquick question
22:49.01edeefeltI am trying to concatenate several files
22:49.10*** join/#utah herlo (n=csavage@
22:49.15edeefeltusually easy with: cat * > ../allfilestogether.txt
22:49.22tenecat file1 file2 file3 > allfilestogether
22:49.35edeefeltbut I want extra lines
22:49.38edeefeltbetween the files
22:49.47edeefeltcat doesn't appear to support this kind of feature
22:49.51teneecho > newline
22:50.02tenecat file1 newline file2 newline > allfiles
22:50.06tenewill work
22:50.19tenenot very elegant, though
22:50.31edeefeltyeah, but I was trying to think of a way to do it with cat * > so I don't have to specify
22:50.46tenefor i in `ls --color=no` ; do cat $i newline >> allfiles ; done
22:50.56edeefeltoh yes
22:51.06edeefeltI need to get a shell scripting book :(
22:51.14tenefor i in `ls --color=no` ; do cat $i >> allfiles ; echo >> allfiles ; done
22:51.21edeefeltI tend to do most stuff in Python
22:51.30edeefeltthanks :)
22:51.35teneno problem
22:51.58tenethe 'newline' thing is a terrible hack.  dont' use it.
22:56.04edeefeltdidn't use the newline one, know enough shell scripting to see the seconds works better
22:56.08edeefeltand it did, thanks again
22:56.15BradipoHow about: for i in file*; do cat file; echo; done > bigfile
22:56.36edeefeltare there any good free books on shell scripting (I mean deep stuff not just a "free" simple tutorial)?
22:56.36Bradipofor i in file*; do cat $i; echo; done > bigfile
22:56.53BradipoWere file* is the pattern which matches your filenames.
22:57.21edeefeltthat would be good if I didn't want to concatenate all files in the directory but only specific ones
22:57.50edeefeltvery good though
22:58.02goozbachman bash :)
22:58.03Bradipoedeefelt: Then do for i in *
22:58.36Bradipofor i in *; do cat $i; echo; done > bigfile
22:59.03edeefeltactually, lots of good info under "man bash" on shell scripting
22:59.09edeefeltthat could keep me busy a while
22:59.09BradipoYeah, there is.
22:59.18edeefelthas all the control structures and everything
23:02.35edeefeltBradipo: I think you have it down about as simple as it can go
23:03.05BradipoYeah, assuming there aren't any spaces in the filenames. ;-)
23:04.30goozbachI think I've bitten off more tahn I can chew trying to build and rpm for dspam
23:15.08*** join/#utah xbmodder_lappy (
23:17.52xbmodder_lappyMy friend's best friend is andrew morton's son
23:22.50mrpull-any mention of the perl mongers topic tonight?
23:32.40findlayMozart is teh r0x0rz man
23:33.13xbmodder_lappyPanatomic scale right?
23:33.15levifindlay: I've been listening to Classical 89 a lot lately.
23:33.28mheathxbmodder_lappy: so what? My friend is Kevin Carmony's son.
23:33.34xbmodder_lappyif you use that scale it sounds good no matter how crappy your song is?
23:33.45xbmodder_lappymheath, Kevin Carmony?
23:34.00leviI lived next door to Orson Scott Card's son for a while, and hung out with him a couple of times.
23:34.05mheathxbmodder_lappy: founder of linspire.
23:34.16xbmodder_lappyOh cool
23:34.31emcnabboh yeah?!?! well...
23:34.33xbmodder_lappyI live like 6 blocks from Dilbert
23:34.34leviHe was into film, and was in charge of collecting props for a Novell movie.
23:34.51leviSo, my Jeep was in 'The Tech Hunter'
23:34.59emcnabbfrom Dilbert?
23:35.05xbmodder_lappyScott adams..
23:35.23teneI know a guy who once used chewing gum!
23:35.27xbmodder_lappybut mainly I wanna meet him
23:35.31findlayoh yeah, I know, um, ... well, me!
23:35.31xbmodder_lappyAndrew, you know
23:35.37xbmodder_lappyHe has a 14 year old daughte
23:36.06xbmodder_lappybut other than that, anybody remember that hampster MIDI music project a while back?
23:38.10mrpull-xbmodder_lappy:  yes.
23:38.22mheathAnyone ever see the John Wayne (I think) movie "True Grit"?
23:39.10xbmodder_lappymrpull-, what scale did he use? He did something to make the noise sound good.
23:39.29edeefeltI bet I have True Grit on DVD some where
23:39.38edeefeltbeen collecting his stuff for a while
23:39.47mheathedeefelt: you've seen it?
23:40.06edeefeltI'm pretty sure my Grandfather saw to it that I have seen all his stuff
23:40.11mrpull-xbmodder_lappy:  dunno.  google is your friend.
23:40.46mheathedeefelt: ooh, seen The Longest Day?
23:41.16brac[True Grit (1969)]
23:41.20edeefeltpretty sure I've seen True Grit
23:41.28edeefeltbeen a while though
23:44.34edeefeltanyhoo l8r all
23:47.57Uncle_Jesseooh - are we dropping names?
23:48.41Uncle_Jessemy Grandfather was in several LDS movies
23:50.08Uncle_Jessenow I'm not quite sure that's what you guys were talking about
23:50.18Uncle_Jesse~humble Uncle_Jesse
23:50.23maquisUncle_Jesse: you turned into a bot the other night
23:50.34Uncle_Jessemaquis: I do that some times
23:50.39maquislike that?
23:50.44maquisit's santa bot
23:50.50Uncle_Jesseyou should try pm'ing me when I'm /away
23:51.02maquisi didn't know you could be a person and a bot at the same time....
23:51.08Uncle_Jesseor try sending a question to 8-ball
23:51.08*** join/#utah elg (
23:51.15Uncle_Jessemaquis: A question please.
23:51.42Uncle_Jesse8-ball: am I a bot?
23:51.42Uncle_Jesse8-ball says: Go for it
23:51.43maquis8-ball did i pass my networking test yesterday?
23:51.43Uncle_Jessemaquis: A question please.
23:52.06maquis8-ball: does he like me?
23:52.07Uncle_Jessemaquis: 8-ball says: Looking good
23:53.19Uncle_Jesse8-ball can only be likeable 50% of the time
23:53.19Uncle_JesseA question please.
23:53.33Uncle_Jesse8-ball is nothing therefore
23:53.33Uncle_JesseA question please.
23:53.56*** join/#utah hagna (n=me@
23:54.27hagnadoes anyone have a reaction when I say, "go Paris Bennett" ?
23:54.37hagnaforgot the !!
23:55.16maquishagna: i get a reaction of "who's paris bennett?"
23:56.03hagnait american idol stuff
23:56.25Uncle_Jessehagna: isn't it a little early in the game?
23:56.27hagna#utah is not into idol stuff :)
23:56.32Uncle_Jesseor is Paris a friend?
23:56.54hagnaUncle_Jesse: no not a friend
23:57.04hagnabut she has a great voice
23:57.19hagnabetter than anyone else I've heard, but I haven't heard everyone
23:57.28xbmodderparis bennet?!?
23:57.37xbmodderwho the hell is paris bennet?

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.