irclog2html for #utah on 20050719

00:21.39*** join/#utah mindjuju (~mindjuju@
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00:54.16*** join/#utah wps (~wade@
01:03.38vontrappwhat debian package provides lsdvd?
01:07.18vontrappbah, it's lsdvd, but ubuntu doesn't have it
01:07.39vontrappi knew there was a reason i had them
02:00.05hansthe question is, is there a reason you have ubuntu?
02:08.17*** join/#utah Lone_Wanderer (
02:08.28Lone_WandererI understand the Y combinator!
02:09.00*** join/#utah JoshH (
02:09.19leviLone_Wanderer: cool!
02:12.53Lone_WandererNow I want a t-shirt that says "(lambda symbol), call thyself"
02:32.01*** join/#utah mindjuju (~mindjuju@
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02:53.59*** join/#utah bigdog_ut (
03:31.21*** join/#utah jakea (~jakea@
03:45.47mheathGood evening, everyone.
03:51.03hansbet he was getting cramped in there
03:51.53mheathMaquis, ARGH!
03:52.00mheathI got it for a friend
03:52.07mheathFor his birthday
03:52.08Maquismheath: and you only got one?
03:52.16Maquishans: yes... he was
03:52.20vontrapphow do you break a page in tex?
03:52.21mheathAnd had a chance to only read two chapters before I gave it to him
03:52.38mheathMaquis, I don't have enough money for my own copy until my next paycheck,.
03:52.45Maquismheath: i'm sorry
03:53.08mheathChapter 2 completely changed my opinion of a certain character
03:53.23mheathwell...I dunno. Not sure if he's any different than I thought, but I have serious doubts now
03:53.27hansif I see even one almost-spoiler I'm putting this channel in moderated mode
03:53.28mheathyou'll see what I mean =P
03:53.40Maquishans: thanks...
03:53.51Maquiswait... but hans...
03:53.56hansjust remember when you've read a few chapters. ;)
03:54.04Maquisif you put it into moderated mode, don't you still get all the comments
03:54.15mheathhans, heh, I didn't think a vague comment about some suspicions I had about something that happens 20 pages into the book was a spoiler :D
03:54.29hanswell, not moderated mode then. need-voice mode whatever that is
03:54.38hansmheath: and we're not in moderated mode :)
03:56.00vontrappok, cool ajax sites, anyone?
03:56.15Maquisgive'em a week, though...
03:57.02vontrappand wants some cool examples to show
03:57.59vontrapphere's one
03:58.16vontrappand hasn't even read the first book
03:58.23vontrapp~lart spoilers
03:58.40mheathback when I was like...12 and really into the books...
03:58.42vontrappno, payback to society for being so cruel to me, here's the spoiler...
03:58.46mheathI would have been able to go through this thing in a couple of days
03:59.04mheathI would have gotten it at midnight the day it came out, and have been done with it by now
03:59.09vontrappok, that's enough
03:59.12mheathNow its going to take me like 2 weeks
03:59.51Maquisvontrapp: i guessed that from looking at the chapter titles
04:00.21Maquisthe titles for chapters 29 and 30 kinda point in that direction
04:03.50leviMy wife just finished the book, so I get to read it now.
04:06.52*** mode/#utah [+o hans] by ChanServ
04:06.59*** mode/#utah [+m] by hans
04:08.14*** join/#utah mindjuju (~mindjuju@
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04:10.32*** join/#utah Hhhhh (
04:14.57*** mode/#utah [-m] by hans
04:19.22*** join/#utah Newsome (
04:19.42*** mode/#utah [+m] by
04:19.42*** join/#utah bonez41 ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
04:31.17*** part/#utah Supaplex (
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04:57.58*** join/#utah dataw0lf- (
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08:09.13*** join/#utah Uncle_Jesse (
12:10.03*** join/#utah vex` (
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14:46.52hanslevi: => internal server error
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15:36.31*** mode/#utah [-m] by Jayce^
15:36.39Jayce^wonder who turned that on
15:36.52tensaiJayce^: thanks!
15:39.24tensaiok, so back to my question
15:39.27tensaidoes a wireless access point such as the linksys wap54g just bridge wireless onto your wired network? or does it route a separate network?
15:39.35tensaior can it do either?
15:39.52Jayce^with some of the linux distro's for the 54g, it can do either
15:40.54tensaiI have a spot that doesn't get very good coverage, so I'd like to drag another AP over to that end of the building. I still want them all to be on the same subnet though.
15:41.07tensaican I do that?
15:41.37vontrappi know the wap54g is more expensive than the wrt54g, despite not being a 4-port switch as well
15:42.11vontrappso maybe that's because of cool bridging features, who knows
15:42.20tensaiI've got a wrt54g and I know that it won't do quite what I want
15:49.42*** join/#utah levi ( + googlemaps == cool
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16:01.36leviTime to reboot to upgrade to 10.4.2
16:07.43*** join/#utah levi (
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16:11.48tensailevi: so how is it?
16:12.00levitensai: What, 10.4.2?
16:12.32leviLike 10.4.1, pretty much.
16:15.16vontrapp10.4.2 of what?
16:15.21hanstensai: there are WAP bridges and there are WAP routers
16:15.25hansand some can do both
16:15.45hansJayce^: I did +m for a few minutes last night but then I did -m
16:15.54Jayce^looks like the -m didn't take
16:15.57hansmaybe ibot reverted it, or freenode lied to me
16:16.04levivontrapp: OS X, of course.
16:16.51vontrapplooks like the -m got lost in a netsplit
16:17.27vontrapp22:15 -!- mode/#utah [-m] by hans
16:17.27vontrapp22:18 -!- Netsplit <-> quits: bonez41
16:17.27vontrapp22:19 -!- Newsome [] has
16:17.27vontrapp22:19 -!- ServerMode/#utah [+m] by
16:17.54Jayce^so, had a flamewar or something going?
16:18.03vontrappharry potter spoilers
16:18.07Newsomewhy's it been +m
16:18.09Newsomeoh, okay
16:18.26NewsomeYeah, Harry dies on page 50, and the next 600 pages are about his funeral.
16:18.36leviI made the mistake of picking up the book last night.
16:19.12leviAt a quarter to four, I decided I wasn't going to finish it and still be conscious in the morning.
16:48.39hansNews Flash: the half blood prince is the artist formerly known as prince
16:50.40NewsomeI believe he's known as Prince again.
16:50.49NewsomeThat would make him the 2/3 blood prince
16:54.09tensaihe changed his name back to Prince in 2000 when his contract expired
16:55.04hansso that whole thing was about skirting a contract with the RIAA? heh.
16:55.12hansI thought he was just weird and wanted to change his name to a symbol.
16:55.40tensaioh, he's weird alright
17:17.56*** join/#utah shadoi (
17:20.43*** join/#utah Hhhhh (
17:37.50bonez41y'all ought to go on Jay Leno and do stand up comedy....
17:44.58*** join/#utah JoshH (
17:49.47vontrapp~mock acroread
17:49.47ibotACTION pulls acroread's pants down and shows the world acroread's pink spotted underwear
17:50.04vontrapphow could it be so lame at printing?
17:54.29goozbachall your printing are belong to adobe
18:02.07hanssomeone set us up the dot-matrix
18:16.32*** join/#utah tensai (~tensai@
18:27.37bonez41vontrapp, I have had terrible luck printing .pdf files lately, ...not from adobe, from from it the basic adobe file format at issue? some problem from Adobe?
18:36.05*** join/#utah mrpull_ (~mrpull|@
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19:14.40vontrappbonez41: no, i save the file from adobe then open it with xpdf (so i don't have to bother reconfiguring firefox to open it with xpdf) and it prints fine
19:15.53graphyxhans:  I believe the mis-quote should go as someone set up us the dot-matrix..
19:27.34hanshow does one fork from shell?
19:28.03vontrappto what?
19:43.22*** join/#utah harleypig (~Clint@
19:43.37hansto a new process
19:46.31hansgrouping two commands into a subprocess with & and some magical grouping operator would be ok too.
19:47.11hans(I want to 'echo $$; sleep 10' in the background)
19:50.08harleypig( echo $$ ; sleep 10 ) & ?
19:50.29harleypigI realize I just came in ... is that what you're looking for?
19:50.40hansprobably. alas the need has passed
19:50.53vontrapp~lart hans
19:50.54hanswas trying to write a quick but controlled fork bomb to see if we were hitting a limit of processes
19:51.19hansit was the icobol licenses that were running out, though. (program was giving an EAGAIN-like error message)
20:00.11vontrapp~emulate gir
20:00.11ibotdooom doooom doom
20:04.23graphyxwho is gir?
20:04.33*** join/#utah gthornock (
20:04.50vontrapp~emulate gir
20:04.50ibotmy walnuts!
20:04.56vontrappa wacky robot
20:05.22bonez41I have a Compaq Deskpro do I find out, other than slipping the cover off...what memory it takes...? I'd like to upgrade, but am wondering if linux can reveal what memory it is running now
20:06.10graphyxanother source could be to check Compaq's website.
20:06.33mrpullbonez41: has a reliable memory selector
20:13.27mrpulldoesn't slugg have a jobs-only list in addition to their regular list?
20:13.35mrpullsllug :)
20:15.30mrpullperfect.  thanks JoshH.
20:15.59mrpullbut plug does not... right?
20:16.31Jayce^main list for plug
20:17.19mrpulland cross posting?  kosher or not?
20:17.44Jayce^for a job, totally kosher
20:18.02Jayce^encouraged :)
20:18.40harleypigAH CRAP!!! Anyone familiar with IPC::Open2|3 and can help me debug?
20:19.23JoshHjust dont say something like "i need a php programmer and i cant afford to pay a profossional wage", or sjansen will derail it and it will turn into a 30 post flamewar. :P
20:19.42harleypigI need a perl debugger and I can't pay anything.
20:19.51mrpullheh.... i need a highend sysadmin for a newbies wage.... that is ok right?
20:20.06JoshHyou might get by unscathed
20:20.30Jayce^JoshH, don't encourage it....  we know you're taunting him in just to start another
20:20.43JoshHJayce^: im hurt that you would think that. :P
20:20.47Jayce^harleypig, you ever look at Devel::ebug ?  very cool
20:23.01harleypigI've been trying to get it installed by running into problems.
20:23.21harleypigerr ... but running into problems.
20:23.41harleypigHow well does it handle an internal debugging call?
20:23.46harleypigUmmm ... did that sound right?
20:24.06Jayce^dunno, no idea what you were trying to ask :)
20:24.28harleypigCalling IPC::Open3::open3( $IN, $OUT, $ERR, 'perl', '-d', '' )
20:24.33graphyxhow can I get a listing of everyone who is a part of PLUG?
20:24.57goozbachI don't know that's the right way to ask
20:24.58Jayce^graphyx, be the list admin, or president :)
20:25.06Jayce^harleypig, never tried it
20:25.15tensaigraphyx: try emailing and asking for everyone's home phone number. that's worked very well in the past.
20:25.26graphyxJayce^: just wondering If I was missing a resource that everyone else had..
20:25.44Jayce^if we had our full site up..... :-p
20:26.05graphyxcome on.. we should be running phpnuke like everyone else..
20:26.28harleypigibot, lart graphyx
20:28.51Jayce^~beat graphyx
20:28.51ibotACTION beats graphyx with a large stick.
20:29.49graphyx~pickle harleypig
20:30.00graphyxlooks like we need a new function added to ibot.
20:31.09Jayce^easy to add, just ask her for help
20:34.57harleypigDidn't somebody already pickle me the other day ... or was that another channel.
20:38.46harleypigWhy do I have to have Catalyst installed to install Devel::ebug?
20:39.00Jayce^if you are using the ajax web interface :)
20:39.07Jayce^interactive web app debugging :)
20:39.57harleypigOh ... is there a way I can bypass that?
20:40.03Jayce^not sure
20:41.06harleypig#perl says to force install ... *sigh*
20:41.24harleypigOh crap!  TT2 gets installed too.
20:41.38Jayce^yeah :)
20:49.04goozbachtyce: you have a parent page?
20:51.52harleypigtyce: Nope.
20:52.00harleypigGoes to the same page, which 404's.
20:52.08goozbachstill a 403
20:52.14goozbachit's not a 404
20:52.32goozbachtyce: if you got it in your cache, let's mirror it
20:53.21goozbachI wonder if it's referer protected
20:53.30goozbachor just flat forbidden
20:54.28harleypigYeah ... 3 ... 4 ... same thing.
21:11.24Maquis~lart goozbach
21:11.44harleypig~lart everybody
21:38.05levicgi scripts in bash?  Ew.
21:38.51mrpullheh... make sure those run as root too
21:40.00hansfor simple cgi scripts, and a sysadmin who already knows bash, what could be simpler?
21:40.23mrpullph....nah, i wont do it :)
21:45.09goozbachI wrote a cgi script in bash for my class today
21:45.33goozbachit was cool
21:46.35goozbachwhat's the option to tell firefox which sound daemon to use?
21:52.47vontrappgoozbach: don't know that there is an option
21:53.15vontrappbut `aoss firefox` will run it in a fake oss env that's really alsa
21:55.19goozbachany idea what package aoss belongs to?
21:56.14hansalsa-oss on debian
21:57.07*** part/#utah Newsome (
21:58.03hansok, all you naysayers:
21:59.19mrpulldang hans.... what if someone gets creative with $p?
22:00.07JoshHfirefox uses sound?
22:00.20hansmrpull: you don't see me sticking it out on the web
22:00.32hansthat's not a unique problem to shell, come on.
22:00.47mrpullok.  i'm not a CGI or bash guy, that just looked scary :)
22:04.03*** part/#utah harleypig (~Clint@
22:09.57*** join/#utah bucky (
22:12.39hansanyone know off the top of the head how to add a second IP to a NIC on suse, the suse way? (e.g. something in /etc/sysconfig/...)
22:15.25buckyadd a /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0:0 file
22:17.20shadoiwhat he said
22:17.24buckyhans, then /etc/init.d/network restart
22:17.26shadoisame as redhat
22:17.41buckyor however suse restarts something
22:19.06buckyservice networking restart ?
22:19.24bucky/etc/rc.d/init.d/networking restart
22:23.11*** join/#utah Bradipo (
22:42.00goozbachhans: what version of SUSE
22:42.40hansthanks anyway
22:48.33buckyifconfig and the old style named aliases (e.g. eth0:1) are deprecated now.
22:49.42hanslong live iproute2
22:50.08buckywhen did suse go to that?
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22:54.13bucky~seen data||w0lf
22:54.13iboti haven't seen 'data||w0lf', bucky
22:54.26vontrapp~seen dataw0lf
22:54.27ibotdataw0lf is currently on #uphpu (1d 6h 2m 25s) #phlyte (1d 6h 2m 25s).  Has said a total of 104 messages.  Is idling for 1h 4m 53s
22:54.27buckywhere's my old buddy data||w0lf
22:54.39buckylol.. tnx vontrapp
22:58.05buckygotta go.. it's "A Little Bit of Pyongyang in the Blanding Stake" tonight
23:15.50hansso he sings the anti tune but goes to the Pyongyang activies, whatever they are.

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.