irclog2html for utah on 2002.09.20

00:36:04han_solowhat is an .asf video feed?
00:45:57bbeattieI'm not sure what the "format" is, but it's one of MS's
00:47:41brailsmt.asf = A Stupid Feed
00:51:16han_solowonders why uug is streaming their meeting in asf right now
00:55:22Jayce^hey han_solo, requested the book today :)  just for you..
00:56:04han_solothe vim book? woohoo
01:16:23brailsmtmsvc++ is stupid...
01:22:00Jayce^did you expect anything else?
01:22:08brailsmtcurses... (not the lib)
01:23:26brailsmtoooh...  :)
01:23:37brailsmtvim in window +ruby is compiling  :)
01:23:50brailsmtonly took two days...
02:14:46BradipoAnyone here use OpenBSD?
02:15:27Jayce^nope.. would like to play with it (again, did *some* once).. but no extra boxen
02:15:31BradipoI guess this isn't *BSD specific though...
02:15:52BradipoThe man page for usermod says that -f will set the time when their password should be changed.
02:16:49BradipoBut, instead of prompting the user to change the password, it simply locks them out when the time is reached.
03:22:17han_solothis is it, I'm going to update my server to sarge
03:22:27BradipoI know none of us have a problem with this, but just in case...
03:22:52HarleyPiggood luck
03:23:09BradipoGood luck indeed, what's sarge?
03:24:04han_solodebian testing
03:24:21HarleyPigOuch ... that's gonna hurt.
03:25:01han_solotesting is still fairly good though, unstable would be insane for a server
03:25:12HarleyPigCan anyone here help me with a perl problem I'm having?  I don't want to go into #perl if I can get away with it.
03:25:30BradipoIf my limited knowledge of perl can help...
03:25:30han_soloI wouldn't move but it's an hp box, and support for hp is newish
03:25:45han_soloonly 200 upgraded packages
03:26:51HarleyPigI've got a package where I'm creating some functions as constants ( sub COUNT { 'cnt' } ) and I want to create defaults
03:27:04HarleyPig%default = ( ${\COUNT} => 25 );
03:27:24HarleyPigand create a sub DEFAULT ( $default{shift} ) that returns the default.
03:27:26BradipoWell, that just went over my perl head.
03:27:27HarleyPigMake sense so far?
03:27:38HarleyPigThanks anyway. :>
03:27:53BradipoSo, you want a constant function?
03:28:13HarleyPigYeah, but I know how to do that already ... sub COUNT { 'cnt' } is a constant function.
03:28:33BradipoHmm, I guess when I think constant, I think C/C++ constant.
03:28:47HarleyPigYeah ... but perl doesn't have a constant datatype.
03:28:54HarleyPigThe above is a work around.
03:29:31BradipoWhat you are trying to do makes sense, but I don't know how it would be done in perl.
03:29:48HarleyPigIt took me a while to get used to it, but I did some testing and it turns out not to increase compilation time at all.
03:30:26HarleyPigWell, that *should* work, but %default keeps turning up empty and I can't figure out why.
03:30:50BradipoWhy the \COUNT?
03:31:18BradipoIn your assignment.
03:31:48HarleyPig%default = ( COUNT => 25 ) would end up being 'COUNT' instead of 'cnt'
03:32:00HarleyPigthe ${\COUNT} forces the execution of the subroutine.
03:32:27BradipoI just love perl's syntax.
03:35:47HarleyPigWanna see some evil syntax?
03:35:54BradipoI've seen pleny, but sure.
03:36:07HarleyPig    my $i = 0;
03:36:07HarleyPig    $ref->{$column[$i++]} = $_
03:36:07HarleyPig      for @{($db->selectall_arrayref($get_user_data))->[0]};
03:36:31HarleyPigtries to avoid the splatter from heads exploding.
03:36:52BradipoI always, always forget what $_ is.
03:37:04HarleyPigThe default variable.
03:37:10BradipoWhich is?
03:37:20HarleyPigIn this case each element of the for.
03:37:34HarleyPig$get_user_data is a sql query.
03:37:39BradipoI figured that.
03:37:45HarleyPigThe $db is a handle to the db.
03:37:53HarleyPigselectall_arrayref returns an array.
03:37:56BradipoGot that much too.
03:38:01HarleyPiga reference to an array
03:38:13BradipoHence the @{...}
03:38:20HarleyPiguh no
03:38:27BradipoBut the $_ happens before the for loop.
03:38:31HarleyPigthe ($db..))->[0]
03:38:40HarleyPigdereferences the array.
03:38:45HarleyPigUh ... sorry.
03:38:47BradipoKind of like returning a poiter to itself.
03:39:02HarleyPigselectall_arraryref returns a reference to an array of references to arrays.
03:39:08BradipoDereference, makes more sense.
03:39:50HarleyPigI only want the first result (there should only be on row returned anyway from the query).
03:40:45HarleyPigBelieve it or not, this is actually about 20% faster than doing it with the easier to understand syntax ... but this piece of code is going to be  hit many times a second.
03:41:30Jayce^HarleyPig: just catching up.. perl has the use constant pragma.. does the same..
03:42:03HarleyPigI know ... I like mine better ... they both turn into noops anyway.
03:42:17HarleyPigI'm just being piggish.
03:42:40HarleyPigLess typing doing it directly
03:43:34Jayce^so you are saying you want COUNT to be a code_ref?
03:43:40Jayce^or a value?
03:43:44HarleyPigNope, just a constant value
03:44:04BradipoA function that always returns the same value?
03:44:19HarleyPig(which is waht use constant does
03:44:40Jayce^so basically, you are creating code that is more difficult to read and work with, just for hubris sake?
03:44:57BradipoPerformance's sake I believe...
03:45:07HarleyPigHuh?  No ... for creating tags in forms.
03:45:13Jayce^probably isn't faster than use constant
03:45:28HarleyPigIt isn't. benchmark shows them to be exaclty the same.
03:45:33BradipoHarleyPig: Sorry, didn't mean to speak for you. :-)
03:45:54HarleyPigBradipo: s'ok ... performance, but indirectly. :>
03:46:42HarleyPigThis way I can do my $parms = Vars ; $parms->{COUNT} and make it easy to read
03:46:52HarleyPigbut the form will have 'cnt' for the field name
03:47:00HarleyPigor even 'c' if I want.
03:47:20HarleyPigThe less bytes that are transferred makes the page load that much faster each time.
03:47:53HarleyPigAnd when the code is compiled the compiler sees that COUNT is a constant function and replaces that occurrence with the value.
03:48:34HarleyPigDoes that make sense?
03:48:43BradipoI think so.
03:48:51HarleyPigJayce^: Do you still think I'm being obfuscated? :]
03:49:33HarleyPigWhat I want to do is something like $count = $parms->{COUNT}||DEFAULT(${\COUNT})
03:50:18HarleyPigThat way I can put all the variable data in one file and let the design folk change that to their hearts content and not touch my code.
03:59:23Jayce^sorry, taking care of sick kid..
04:00:27Jayce^well, as for page size, you should load in mod_gzip..  take care of that..
04:00:53Jayce^along with apache::clean you'll be getting around a 75% page size decrease.. on average..
04:00:53HarleyPigheh.  I've got two with the flu ... poor wife has been dealing with cloth underwear adn diapers because I haven't gotten paid in 4 weeks.
04:01:15Jayce^yeah,  same flu..  real bad diarreah
04:01:19HarleyPigTrue ... but still, every byte counts.
04:01:33Jayce^yeah, but that's gzip..  byte patters compress..
04:01:48HarleyPigI've only had to change them a few times that way.  She's been a little frazzled lately.
04:01:55Jayce^I bet..
04:02:23HarleyPigalso, mod_gzip doesn't really help with pages less than a kilobyte in size, and the smaller the page the more it's bad.
04:02:50Jayce^you work with that many pages <1k ?  seriously?
04:04:02Jayce^DEFAULT()  is what?  sub or list?
04:06:28HarleyPigYeah ... most form pages are less than 1k (not including images, which are downloaded in a separate pipe).
04:06:51HarleyPigDEFAULT is a sub that just returns the requested element from the hash %default.
04:07:04HarleyPigsupposedly, but %default isn't being populated correctly for some reqason.
04:09:29Jayce^well, they can be the same pipe :D
04:09:52HarleyPigOk ... true ... but mod_gzip would still not compress the small page.
04:09:57Jayce^hrmm..  can't say much right now.. gimmie a bit to think..  gotta go help out some again.....
04:10:09HarleyPigI've seen people suggest setting mod_gzip to 2048 bytes as well.
04:10:21HarleyPigAnd I have even more pages that fit in that boundary.
04:10:29HarleyPigDoing some testing to see what's the optimal size.
04:10:46Jayce^I just don't see most pages being that small, I know most ours are much larger..  still under 20k for most pages.. but that get's great results
04:12:10HarleyPigYeah ... but most of our forms are just under 1k ... they're very simple forms.
04:12:21HarleyPigBesides, even with gzip I still prefer less.
04:12:49HarleyPigAlso, doing it this way you can play with field names very easily and find the optimal field name length or pattern.
04:16:08HarleyPigDid you see the url that I pasted that code bit to?
04:18:14HarleyPigDamn.  I killed convo in both channels.
04:19:27Jayce^what other channel?
04:21:22HarleyPigDid you see the answer?
04:21:29Jayce^yeah, this #perl is different than the other.. :D
04:21:59HarleyPigI was just about to post my question there too ... getting ready to put on the asbestos suit.
04:22:33HarleyPigYeah.  I completely forgot about that.
04:22:48HarleyPigI don't understand why %default was showing empty though.
04:22:52Jayce^shift as a function?
04:22:55HarleyPigUh, just a sec.
04:22:59Jayce^yes?  :D
04:23:21HarleyPigAsking in #perl
04:24:27HarleyPigDid you get that?
04:25:20Jayce^yeah, hadn't even thought of that..  want to reread the section..
04:25:22HarleyPigBradipo: Still here?  Want to know the resolution to my problem?
04:25:45HarleyPigJayce^: Let me know which section when you find it, would you please?
04:25:51Jayce^if I find it :D
04:26:02Jayce^heh.. somebody in there going by the nick 'belgarion'
04:30:39Jayce^can't find it..
05:10:34BZFlaghmm is avalable. ;-)
05:11:10BradipoHarleyPig: What was the resolution to your problem?
05:12:16HarleyPigBradipo: Sorry ... the sub DEFAULT { $default(shift) } needed to be sub DEFAULT { $default{+shift} }
05:13:29HarleyPig:/ I should have remembered that.
05:13:40BradipoBZFlag: Are you going to setup shop? :-)
05:13:43HarleyPigPerl DWIM didn't in that case.
05:37:51BZFlagBradipo_: nope, I'm happy with ;-)
06:52:34BZFlag hmm. cheaper new even counting shipping.
07:18:14BZFlagoh, /me notices that Dave's is the optical mouse version. ahh. that's worth more.
13:20:02CosmicPenguinis away: Uh, oh.. the weasel got out again...
13:20:04CosmicPenguinis back (gone 00:00:02)
13:20:19han_soloyou're fast to catch that weasel
15:25:53fozzNow you seem em. Now you don't. Now you seem em...
15:55:08BradipoHow can I change the title of my terminal from the command line?
23:35:28Bonez39greetings, anyone chatting here this evening?
23:36:50Bonez39hello? anyone?
23:42:19Bonez39no one?

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