irclog2html for tuxscreen on 2002.05.10

00:10:00jacqueshas anybody done what?
00:11:12as_Using a tux to share an internet connection.
00:11:19as_As a proxy I guess.
00:15:50jacquesi think some ppl here have done ie
00:16:02jacqueshardest part is getting two NICs in there :-)
00:16:21jacquesyou need two that fit at the same time
00:16:43as_Mmm, would a modem on the serial port work?
00:17:48jacquesnot too well since no hardware flow control
00:17:59jacquespcmcia modem should work tho
00:18:04jacquesas long as it;s nt a winmodem
00:20:19as2Hmm, any reason hardware flow control wont work?
00:27:37as2Missing hardware or just not worked out yet?
00:30:21jacqueshardware does not support it
00:31:22sjmjacques: ? schematics show CTS/RTS are connected
00:32:10prpplagueanyone here used a trizeps module before?
00:32:16prpplaguesjm: morning
00:32:24prpplaguesjm: hows life down under?
00:33:06sjmprpplague: so so, 'twas my birthday yesterday, and my wife sent balloons to the office, so I've been coping a bit of flack :)
00:34:12prpplaguesjm: thats why i don't tell anyone when my birthday is
00:34:54sjmprpplague: It's a bit hard not to, when a bunch of balloons arrives for you.
00:58:17jacquessjm: connected to what? AFAIK the sa11xx does not support it
01:05:38sjmjacques: looks like they go to GPIO pins, so I guess it's not true HW handshaking, you'd need some sw to toggle those bits.
01:10:37jacquesi wonder if that software exists
01:10:42jacquesit would be useful
01:26:09jacquestho it's kinda ineffecient to not have hardware do it based on a hardware fifo
01:53:36as2That would make me wonder how the modem is connected.
01:54:02as2I'll have to have a look at the schematics, if there are any.
02:04:18TomWBZFlag: who did the schematics for the Tux CPU board?  I have a correction for them.
02:17:51BZFlagdon't recall. the schematics wiki page should say.
02:19:53GPSFanTomW: I did them, what did you find?
03:34:19pik_Crap crap crap, I think I just bricked my tuxscreen with the 0.6 images..
03:35:30fontenotwhat happened?
03:35:50pik_When I turn the power on, the backlight turns on and the Message light flashes, but Minicom doesn't get anything. Just sits there.
03:36:29fontenothow did it happen? what did you do?
03:36:33pik_I downloaded and flashed the blob, and rebooted, and that blob (20020501a) came up. So I downloaded and flashed the ramdisk image, rebooted, and.... pow.
03:39:21pik_Guess it's time to learn to use a JTAG. But any ideas on why the blob would come up once, and not again?
03:40:48fontenotnot unless it somehow got overwritten
03:41:00fontenothow many times have you power cycled it?
03:41:05pik_Perhaps flashing the ramdisk didn't go right.
03:41:12pik_Er.. a few, since then.
03:41:41fontenotwell no matter how scrweed up the ramdisk is, it should not kill blob
03:41:46fontenotthat's the point
03:41:51pik_That's what I thought.
03:42:10fontenotyou should be able to flash ramdom bits as a ramdisk and still boot to blob
03:42:25pik_But if it got flashed to the wrong location..?
03:42:35fontenotwell then it could have overwritten part of blob
03:42:49fontenotbut i havent heard of that happening
03:43:12fontenotdid you change anything in your minicom connection since you flashed blob and it worked?
03:43:28pik_Same session.
03:47:42pik_Looking through my transcript, I see that I flashed the new ramdisk, then typed 'boot' instead of rebooting, assuming that the new kernel would be used. But it looks like it tried to boot the old kernel, couldn't find init, and died. That's when I power cycled, and nothing came up.
03:48:22pik_So what I should have done is reboot blob.
03:53:11pik_Or (more than likely) I completely misunderstood the point of the 0.6 images, having the kernel inside the ramdisk image and using a new blob that understood that.
04:03:30TomWpik_: FWIW, I have noticed that when I switched from 2.0.4 to 2.0.5 (before latest jffs2 change), I had to "erase <parm, kernel, ramdisk>.  It seemed that 2.0.4 kept a table of some kind as to where stuff was located, erase-ing made stuff work correctly.
04:04:44TomWpik_: maybe something like that is in the jffs2 blob.  When I tried the latest stuff, I automatically erased param, kernel, and ramdisk, then uploaded the new image.
04:05:37pik_Hmmm. That would make sense.
04:06:12pik_I may never know if that would have done it, though :)
04:07:04TomWpik_: IIRC, when I did a "status" on the newly blob-ed flash, it came up saying that the kernel was at 0x20000 and that the ramdisk was at 0x1000000 (something like that), when I erased, the ramdisk showed up as being the same address as the kernel image.
04:08:16pik_When I did status before I tried to boot, it showed the kernel and the ramdisk at 0x20000.
04:08:24TomWpik_: BTW, I stopped using that kernel, my pcmcia wouldn't work and I have things to get accomplished, so after some fussing with it, I scrapped it.
04:08:39pik_Which kernel?
04:08:52TomWthe latest CVS.
04:09:08TomW... I prefer to build from source.
04:09:43pik_I always did before, but I really wanted to start writing some graphical stuff, and didn't want to mess around with it.
04:09:52pik_..mistake :)
04:10:40TomWJTAG hasn't been a big joy either.  The thing acts really strange, almost like it is haunted.
04:11:12pik_As long as it will work once.
04:11:48pik_My electrical skills are way too out-of-use for this.
04:12:14TomWI spent several hours trying to get my JTAG working so I could put a fresh blob into a board that I screwed.  I even redid the cabling, but the damned thing acted like it was getting a lot of noise from someplace.  Then, suddenly, it started working for no apparent reason!
04:12:40pik_ooh, bummer.
04:12:56TomW... even tried two different Tux units and had the same problem with them all.
04:13:05TomWpik_: it is scary!
04:13:52TomWAfter an hour, I was praying "Lord, if I can get blob back in this thing, I promise..."  ;-)
04:14:13TomWthat was one of my 64Meg boards!
04:16:06pik_I so wanted to write some interesting apps for the thing. I even inherited a pcmcia 802.11b card... but I guess it's no go for now.
04:18:06TomWThat's why I have six Tux's, if I break one, I have more.  I sacrificed (destroyed) one CPU board tracing out the PCB wiring to figure out how to upgrade the DRAM.
04:19:04TomWNow I only have four working units, the fifth one's CPU is being used for some other project.  I can put that one back together later.
04:19:58pik_Geepers. How do you get on with only four?
04:20:45TomWTwo are development units, the other two (a 16Meg & a 64Meg) units are in storage.
04:21:43pik_I thought they were all 8MB, unless you replaced the sodimm.
04:22:28TomWI pulled one of them apart, the CPU is running on the workbench hooked up to a perf board.  That CPU has an interface atteched to J602 in which I am attempting to get an IDE drive working on it.
04:22:56pik_Ah-hah, there you are, J100.
04:23:38TomWNo, you can replace the 8 one meg RAMs with 8 four meg RAMs on the main CPU board, then stick a 32Meg SODIMM into it to make a total of 64Meg of DRAM.
04:24:34pik_I am far too much of a moron to be doing this. Software is what I know. But I want to learn..
04:25:15pik_TomW: I think I remember the discussion on the list.
04:25:26TomWpik_: Hey!  I have a lot of busted boards / designs littering my path to where I am now.
04:26:01TomWeach time I learned a little more..
04:26:17pik_Problem is, I'm poor.
04:26:28TomWTux's are cheap.
04:26:41TomWlimited quantity, but cheap.
04:26:59pik_You solder _those_ little things? You're an animal.
04:29:03TomWheh, takes practice.
04:30:07TomWI cheat, I use an X-acto knife to cut their pins loose from the bodies, then "wipe" the pins off the board.  
04:30:45TomWI then have a $2K hot-air reflow setup that I use to solder them back on (solder paste).
04:30:50pik_I knew I should have gone into electrical engineering. You people have so much more fun..
04:31:14TomWyeah, if it don't do what you want it to, rewire it.
04:31:43pik_Hmm, I always thought it was, "rewrite it".
04:33:14TomWdepends on your point of view.  I like to do software, it is just that when the platform is lacking, change it.  I like doing that, actually both: software & hardware.
04:33:29pik_Makes sense.
04:34:03TomWunfortunately, stuff like the Tux doesn't have SIMM sockets.
04:34:20TomW... or schematics for that matter.
04:34:23pik_..or pci slots :)
04:35:23TomWdo you write software for a living, or just hacking around?
04:35:42pik_I suppose you could call it a living.
04:36:23TomWuh-oh, sounds like a frustrated windoze programmer to me.  You do your best work and the shit still crashes, eh?
04:36:24pik_I'm an undergraduate in CS at Utah State, but most of the real software stuff I do is for the Debian packages I maintain.
04:36:33pik_Oh no, I don't touch Windows.
04:36:51pik_I enjoy what I do, and it's all linux, all the way, but I don't get paid all that much :/
04:37:03TomWsometimes I have to, I cannot avoid it.  I am a consultant and sometimes I need the money.
04:37:29bmidgleyTomW: what route did you go to get a 32m sodimm working?
04:37:31TomWmostly Delphi.
04:37:38pik_I'm still hoping to avoid that. I can do the visual c++ thing, but I really hate it.
04:38:14TomWI don't like C++, there are some redeming qualities about it, I like the operator overloading.
04:38:51pik_Same here. C is far more elegant.
04:39:00TomWbmidgley: it is all documented on:  The key is that you MUST get a 4K refresh 32Meg SODIMM.
04:39:51TomWI have been doing more perl for the down-n-dirty software that I need to crank out bytes to a laserjet or similar.
04:40:42pik_I do that as well. I'm surprised, because I think perl is one of the ugliest hacks the open-source world has seen, but it does get a lot of jobs done fast.
04:40:46TomW... but, you just cannot get the kernel to load a driver written in perl..  :-(
04:41:17TomWwhat do you do with debian?
04:41:59pik_I maintain a few packages
04:42:47pik_And I sponsor some packages for a friend of mine.
04:42:52TomWok, I don't know if I could deal with that.  Logistically it would drive me nuts trying to merge stuff and keep it running correctly.
04:43:48pik_They're not X or anything. They're small enough that one person can maintain them. The easiest ones are the ones you write yourself :)
04:44:00TomWessentially, you are a step above what we used to call a 'librarian'?
04:44:32TomWnot to denigrate what you are doing..
04:44:49pik_Close enough.
04:45:07pik_But librarians don't get to rewrite the books they don't like.
04:45:20TomWyeah, doesn't pay that much.  But, you are undergrad.  In time..
04:46:01TomWIn time you can make really big mistakes and screw stuff up like the rest of us in the "real" world.  :-D
04:46:13pik_And get paid a lot more for it!
04:46:29bmidgleyTomW: looks tough. is there a way to get 40M without any soldering?
04:49:27TomWbmidgley: you cannot get 40Meg, I think that 24Meg is the most you can get due to the way the ARM kernel is structured.  I keeps the RAM banks in "slots", then logically merges those "slots" to form a contiguous RAM image.  The number of slots is limited, IIRC, to 8 slots.
04:51:11bmidgleymaybe i'll get someone to part with a 64M board. i do have a day job :)
04:51:50bmidgley...or use vnc for everything
04:52:03TomWbmidgley: IIRC, with a 4K refresh SODIMM (32Meg) installed in a stock Tux, then changed blob to use 12 ROWS on the DRAM, I got 32 Meg, not 40.  But, my memory is not clear on that, I just replace the RAM on the CPU board and get 32Meg on the CPU board.  Only takes me about two housr to change the RAM, test the unit, and put it back together.
04:53:19bmidgleythat's not bad. did you just have to mask off pin71?
04:53:47bmidgleyfor the former i mean
04:53:49TomWNo, I cut the traces that were grounded.  Don't bother with tape, just cut them.
04:55:43TomWThe SODIMM socket in the Tux is not a *standard* SODIMM socket, they added a whole bunch of other signals to the socket (address lines).  Those "extra" pins are used to signal what type of SODIMM it is, a notebook will use an I/O port to read those pins so it can set the DRAM controller up to take full advantage of the SODIMM you insert.
04:56:34TomWWhen you put a "stock" SODIMM into a Tux, you short these "extra" address lines on the socket to GND.  Then your Tux won't boot.
04:57:27bmidgleyjust pins 11 and 71?
04:57:37TomWThere is only 4..5 pins that could cause problems like that, just buzz them out with an Ohmmeter and cut the offending ones loose from GND.
04:58:03bmidgleyi see now, 11,69,70,71
04:59:29TomWif you work in manufacturing, make friends (or give money to) one of the electronics techs that work with surface mount components, they can change the RAM for you.
05:00:08bmidgleyi do live close to lineo. there are a bunch of tux freaks around
05:00:42TomWpik_: just for giggles, I want to take this one 64Meg Tux, add the 10Gig harddrive to it, then make it into a webserver.
05:01:20bmidgleyif you power it with a potato maybe you could get on slashdot
05:01:21pik_:) Why not just have it work over nfs?
05:01:50TomWpik_: naw, I has to run standalone.
05:02:36pik_Maybe if you made it a *wearable* standalone wireless webserver powered by a potato... a beowulf cluster
05:03:08TomWlemons, I'll power it off lemons..
05:04:11bmidgleywell i better get to bed while the kids are sleeping. thx tom
05:04:19TomWbmidgley: later
05:04:29TomWpik_: you write X apps?
05:05:36TomWI was looking at the matchbox sources, it kind of reminds me of my early windoze 3.1 programming.  So much detail goes into getting things accomplished!
05:06:12pik_When they just use X calls, that is absolutely true.
05:06:14TomWbitblt and all that junk.
05:06:41TomWdo you use any libs?  Athena or something?
05:07:05TomWIf you tell me TrollTech, I won't talk with you anymore!
05:07:29TomWhates QT embedded license.
05:07:32pik_gtk is the one I know best.
05:07:59TomWhmm, wonder how that would translate into ARM code on the Tux?
05:08:25pik_There was some work making gtk run right on a framebuffer, but I'm not sure where that has gone.
05:09:06TomWsame ol' story: if you do embedded stuff, you have to do it all yourself..
05:09:18pik_Good way to learn stuff.
05:09:40pik_I'd personally love to see gtk on a framebuffer; I wouldn't have to run X as much.
05:09:57TomWlousy way to get big projects accomplished.  Just when you get it down, someone comes along with a Delphi / Kylix.
05:09:58RussTomW: there have been gtkfb ports in the past
05:10:46TomWRuss: We'll have to get pik_'s Tux fixed then an turn him loose on it. ;-)
05:11:00Russwhats wrong with it
05:11:20pik_I bricked it trying to install the 0.6 images.
05:11:39TomWsounds like blob is screwed.
05:11:50Russpik_: what excatly happened?
05:12:47pik_Russ: I just found on that gtkfb seems to be a stable part of gtk+-2.0.
05:13:26TomWRuss: impressive.
05:13:28pik_Russ: I downloaded and flashed the blob-20020501a, and it came up when I rebooted to it..
05:14:31pik_So I xdownloaded and flashed the ramdisk image. 'status' looked like everything was ok, so I tried 'boot' and the old kernel started to boot, couldn't find init, and panic'd. When I power cycled nothing came up, nothing went to minicom, and I can't get it to do anything now.
05:14:59Russat what baud?
05:15:43Russdo you have flow control on?
05:17:03pik_No. I was talking to the tux before with minicom, when I was flashing, etc, and it was the same minicom session.
05:17:17Russright, but do you?
05:17:32TomWRuss: heh, you shop there often?
05:17:40Russnot my image
05:18:04pik_No, flow control is definitely off.
05:18:30TomWpik_: what part of the US are you in?
05:20:05pik_Northern Utah
05:20:37TomWmmm, guess you won't be driving into NorthEastern PA to get your Tux reflashed then?
05:21:09TomWyeah, right.
05:21:32pik_I'm within an hour and a half of andersee and tim riker, but I think I might need to learn this myself
05:22:05TomWwell, there you go.  Drive over to Tim's and pick up a dongle.
05:22:39pik_Does he have a lot?
05:23:16TomWHe had dongles, then was out of them, IIRC he said he had more coming in?
05:23:46TomWandersee: do you know if BZFlag has more JTAGs yet?
05:24:57TomWRuss: thanks for those links, gtkfb looks interesting.
05:25:27pik_ seems to be the place to go.
05:26:35TomWyeah, more detailed.
05:27:07TomWadded that one to my "bookmarks I'll never get around to later", life is too short.
05:33:30pik_I've heard some of the people I work around mention JTAGs.. they work with AICs and SICs and such. Might theirs work for me, if I get those 13 pins soldered to J100?
05:36:13TomWprobably better off getting one of your own, you never know when it could happen again and they are $30.
05:36:54pik_But would theirs work, at all? Is it the same thing?
05:37:13TomWYou could wire one up yourself, there is < $8 in parts needed to build one of those things.
05:37:53TomWTheirs could work, let them look at the schematics that are on the Wiki for the JTAG.
05:38:15pik_good deal. I'll try to make my own, I believe.
05:38:32TomW... assuming, of course, that they can read schematics...  You know these software pukes can't read.  :-D
05:38:42TomWheh heh
05:40:34TomWjust keep the wires short, lay them out so they look almost like you used a comb to make them look nice.
05:40:52TomWresist the urge to "bundle" them together.
05:41:13TomWIt shouldn't be critical.
05:42:15TomWI have to buzz out the wiring on the Tux CPU, the schematics on the Wiki are wrong.
05:42:29TomW<sigh> I am procratinating again..
05:44:15pik_Shoot, I wish I hadn't tried to use those images.
05:45:01pik_I think I could get gtkfb working on the thing, that's right up my alley.
05:45:08TomWthat is what developing is about, calculated mistakes.
05:45:34TomWit happens.
05:46:02TomWknowing myself, I ordered a JTAG with the 2nd Tux.
05:46:28DarkDreamLittle hello from Belgium
05:46:41DarkDreamI've just get up ;)
05:46:41TomWyeah, short.
05:46:45DarkDreamTomW: :p
05:47:26DarkDreamI've a little question :)
05:47:41TomWpik_: just don't you love that sickening feeling that you get when you screw something up?  Makes you feel more alive..  :-/
05:48:04TomWDarkDream: go ahead.
05:48:06DarkDreamI've ordered a Tux in Belgium. Is it possible to share an Internet Connection with the Tux ?
05:48:41pik_DarkDream: Sure, no reason why not.
05:48:53TomWTheoretically, you could add two PCMCIA network cards into it, probably get netfilter + iptables running in the kernel..
05:49:54TomWit is Linux, just running under an ARM processor.
05:49:57DarkDreamOk :) and is it possible easily to upgade the memory ? And do you have a tweak to add mass storage ? :)
05:50:01pik_There is a working netfilter in the arm kernel tree.
05:50:14TomWpik_: cool.
05:50:15DarkDreamTomW & pik_: Thx :)
05:51:00TomWI am running 64Meg of DRAM in two of my Tux's.
05:51:29TomWstill working at getting a 10Gig IDE notebook drive to work..
05:51:39DarkDreamWowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww :)
05:52:03pik_How well do pcmcia microdrives work?
05:52:13TomWthe jury is still out on that one.  I have some problems to iron out with the signals / operation of J602 on the CPU board.
05:53:15TomWDunno, there was someone using a Type-II microdrive, took up both PCMCIA slots.  fontenot is running a PCMCIA --> IDE adaptor card to use a 3Gig drive in one of his.
05:54:15TomWthis is DRAM upgrade info:
05:54:36DarkDreamTomW: easy to upgrade for a dimmie in electronic ? :)
05:55:04DarkDreamFile Not Found
05:55:25DarkDreamThe requested URL was not found on this server.
05:55:41DarkDreamI've often this message for a lot of pages...
05:56:03pik_DarkDream: ? TomW's link comes up ok for me.
05:56:16TomWDarkDream: comes up for me (in U.S.).
05:56:42DarkDreamit's very strange
05:56:43TomWMust be that someone didn't pay the EU Custom charges?  :-)
05:56:58DarkDreambecause works
05:57:05DarkDreambut not this page
05:57:26TomWThen goto "wiki changes", type 32Meg in the Search.
05:58:48pik_DarkDream: It comes up ok for me from an account on a machine in NL, as well.
05:59:04DarkDreampik_: very strangeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
05:59:22DarkDreamI can only go on the main page (
06:00:16TomWmaybe it is a prob with Konquerer?  It works with netscape.
06:00:35DarkDreamTomW: even with mozilla and opera
06:01:08TomWAre you behind a firewall / proxy?
06:01:42DarkDreameven in windows when I work (sometimewellwell :)
06:01:49DarkDreamTomW: no direct connection
06:02:00DarkDreamI've this problem and some friends also
06:02:01TomWtry this then:
06:02:33DarkDreamit works
06:02:50DarkDreamStrange no ?
06:03:27TomWyeah, you probably got some kind of firewall there looking for CodeRed or something.  It sounds as if your ISP is "helping" to keep you away from "bad" things.
06:04:05DarkDreamTomW: the error message comes from the webserver...
06:04:09TomWheh, or they are runing Win2k servers and it don't like linux sites?
06:04:46DarkDreamMy provider don't know Linux I think :)
06:06:36DarkDreamTomW: check the error message comes from the webserver.... try a wrong url your site you will have the same message
06:07:07DarkDreamFew days that I wanted to say that to you on icq but I've never seen you online :D
06:07:35DarkDreamSorry for my poor English
06:09:05anderseeTomW: I'm afraid I don't know if he has anymore...
06:09:17TomWk, tnx Erik.
06:09:47DarkDreamIs it dangerous to Flash the Tux ?
06:10:53TomWit is the time when things could go very wrong.  It doesn't happen if you carefully follow the directions ( but it can happen occasionally.
06:11:35TomWyou have to reflash the Tux to get the blob installed.  Blob is what is used to install linux.
06:11:41pik_Yeah, some people never have problems *sniff*
06:12:00TomWpik_: chin up old boy.
06:12:12pik_chins up an old boy
06:12:17TomWpik_: take it like a nerd.
06:12:23DarkDreamTomW: Well I've to go work
06:12:26DarkDreamheurk :)
06:12:37TomWDarkDream: later.
06:12:40DarkDreamWith these japanese people
06:13:06DarkDreamThey work like crazy
06:14:25TomWhmm, looks like GPSFan has some other schematics on the Wiki for the CPU board, maybe these are the ones that are corrected.
06:18:47TomWnope, those are incorrect as well.  well, looks like I will spend a few hours with the Ohmmeter tomorrow tracing out the wiring.
06:19:18pik_TomW: So how do I get a job where I can play around with TuxScreens for hours every day?
06:19:53TomWthen some day you can have a job like mine.
06:20:51TomWpik_: work is slow right now, so I am trying to learn a new skillset so that I can market it later (ARM).
06:25:34pik_I believe I'm going to bed. jtags can wait for another day.
09:00:00bonjour, mallum
12:17:26HarlekinMorn: ping
12:17:27HarlekinMorn: ping
13:26:12privet, Morn
13:26:23MornI'm still not up, really
13:26:27Mornthis is ghost typing
13:27:27HarlekinMorn: how is opie on tuxscreen peforming right now?
13:28:14MornI have to reinstall it, I redid the server that the NFS mount was on and forgot to back up the opie dir (duh!)
13:36:31HarlekinMorn: what about the tuxscreen memory
13:36:34Harlekinand progress there?
13:36:43HarlekinMorn: so opie can be put on there
14:17:29MornHarlekin: I don't think anything has been done with the memory issue yet
14:24:45HarlekinMorn: btw, do you need special start parameter for opie on tuxscreen? like rotation or screen width?
14:25:04MornI just changed the init script to not rotate it
14:25:19Harlekinand width, hight?
14:25:34Harlekinso tuxscreen needs rotation=0
14:25:36Mornthey just work ok
14:25:48Harlekinis there any tuxscreen specific file in /proc?
14:25:59HarlekinMorn: i am right now making the start script better
14:27:12filepeers around the room
14:27:24filepokes prpplague
14:27:32HarlekinMorn: but you need to increase teh screensize to
14:27:43MornI didn't increase the screen size
14:27:46Mornit just worked
14:27:50HarlekinMorn: so its only 320x240
14:28:02fileprpplague : awaken please
14:28:04MornI removed the line to reszie/rotate
14:29:37Harlekinthere is no size line
14:29:45HarlekinMorn: any spezific file in proc?
14:32:37fileslaps prpplague
14:36:06prpplaguefile: whats up?
14:36:12fileprpplague : any news?
14:36:27prpplaguefile: please.....
14:36:32filestop asking?
14:36:40prpplaguefile: i said at least a couple of weeks
14:36:54fileit's been a week!
14:37:02prpplaguehmm, couple=2
14:37:14filewell I thought maybe there'd be a LITTLE news
14:38:03TomWprpplague: good morning.
14:38:15prpplagueTomW: morning, how goes the dev board?
14:39:06filethat's good
14:39:15prpplagueTomW: i'm still waiting on parts
14:39:18TomWthere is a mod that has to be done to the CPU board to allow the J602 connector to write data.  Without the mod, it is a read-only port.  The mod is fairly simple.
14:39:40TomWprpplague: you want the "advance" schematic?
14:40:00i heard prpplague was
14:40:00prpplagueibot: prpplague
14:40:50prpplagueTomW: so you got the drive working?
14:42:36TomWprpplague: not yet, it took me many hours to figure out how to make J602 write to the drive.  I am now writing data into the drive registers and reading the values back out again.  I can assert a hardware RESET to the drive.  
14:44:14TomWGPSFan: correction on the schematics.  U500.4 actually goes to U403.48 and U402.36 goes to U403.25
14:44:53TomWprpplague: I sent the ps file as for some reason Acrobat won't print the pdf.
14:45:47TomWprpplague: the mod is simple: lift one pin, cut one trace and add two jumper wires.
14:45:50fileI think I'm bored
14:45:59TomWfile: your fault then!
14:46:24fileI'm gonna go code
14:48:31TomWprpplague: you cannot use A0 from J602, don't know why it is there?  You can only put #CS3 into 16bit mode.  Maybe the ARM has something like emitting an A0 value if you access a u16 on an uneven boundry?   I don't know ARM that well.
14:49:39prpplagueTomW: fun
14:49:52prpplagueTomW: i hope to do some tinkering this weekend
14:50:18prpplagueTomW: have you made any decisions on processor type for your customer?
14:50:39TomWnope, still tinkering at my end as well.  
14:51:51TomWall the work on the IDE drive will payoff when I start working with the perf board (evaluation), now I know how to do "it".
14:53:21prpplagueTomW: gotcha
14:53:41prpplagueTomW: well when you start getting to the point of making a decision, let me know
14:54:13prpplagueTomW: there are about 5 of us who have seperate projects, maybe when can pull resources and get a single board done and save some money
14:54:28TomWprpplague: I would like to issue an IDENTIFY command to the drive and see what happens next.  That will be a test of my interface to the 16bit data port of the drive.
14:55:10prpplagueTomW: man, sounds like your doing some fun hacking
14:55:20prpplagueis still stuck doing SCO2Linux migration
14:55:48TomWprpplague: or, at least avoid duplication of efforts in designing various (sub)systems of the board(s).
14:56:17TomWworthy project, soon you will be cleansed of SCO.
14:56:48TomW... then you can "play" with linux.
14:59:11TomWthis is fun?  well, hacking the hardware is serious business, this way I get to understand more about the ARM processor, and, even get a more potent toy to play with.  :-D
15:00:26CosmicPenguinprpplague: another nail in the coffin for SCO, eh?
15:00:36CosmicPenguinprpplague: sucks for us - nobody wants SCO emulation anymore,,, :)
15:00:41TomWGPSFan: signals on pins 7 & 8 of J602 should be swapped: pin 7 is UDC+ signal.
15:00:58prpplagueCosmicPenguin: lol
15:01:30TomW... all that investment in time & money, down the toilet..
15:02:10CosmicPenguinYeah, but Caldera lost money last year, but Rasom Love says that was a good thing:
15:02:46TomWhe probably will claim that it was a "strategic re-alignment".
15:03:36TomW"no, honest, we'll make money next quarter...".   :-/ just reported on the scoop about the anti GPL clause in the CIFS licence for Microsoft... good to see that they're on the ball... :(
15:08:00TomWprpplague: do me a favor, can you print that pdf that I sent to you?  Will Acrobat print it?
15:08:59prpplagueTomW: ya give me a sec
15:09:39prpplagueTomW: hmm, haven't got anything yet
15:10:29TomWthat is what I was afraid of, either my EagleCAD makes crappy postscript output files, or ps2pdf is goofy.
15:10:55prpplagueTomW: no, i mean i've not receive an email yet
15:13:08TomWlooks like it left here..
15:14:46prpplagueTomW: we are having a lot of internet issues here in east texas this morning
15:14:53prpplagueTomW: bad storm last night
15:18:36TomWprpplague: _User_Unknown/Giving_up_on_12.148.134.2
15:19:17TomWprpplague: yup, it bounced.
15:28:29prpplagueTomW: hmm
15:29:17prpplagueTomW: try it now,
15:33:18TomWprpplague: looks like it went through this time?
15:33:48TomWprpplague: yup, it is there.
15:34:22prpplagueTomW: yep got it
15:34:26prpplagueTomW: give me a sec
15:36:07prpplagueTomW: looks good, nice clean readable
15:36:27TomWprpplague: the pdf printed ok?
15:36:48prpplagueTomW: ya i printed from xpdf on rhat 7.1 with no problems
15:37:11TomWdrat, that means it is the freakin' cups is messed up.
15:37:36TomWI am beginning to hate cups.
15:39:28prpplagueTomW: ya, i'm more on the end of lpd and even more simple redirection
15:39:45TomWprpplague: AHA!  I am running the 2.4.3 kernel right now, let me reboot under 2.4.18  brb
15:44:41TomWprpplague: nope, cups is buggered.
15:45:05TomWwill never learn
16:16:55CosmicPenguinHow many times do I have to tell you?  Kids never learn
16:17:29dc_CosmicPenguin: don't say that :/
16:18:21CosmicPenguindc_: tis a simpson's quote.  TomW's comment just reminded me of it
16:21:21GPSFanTomW: got your changes, that was an area that was quite involved to trace out. Thanks for the corrections, I'll get them in soon.
16:25:14TomWGPSFan: I have a schematic to submit to the wiki.  It is a mod to allow data to be written to J602.
16:28:03well, 2.4.3 is scary code
16:28:03fontenot2.4.3 ?
16:31:10TomWah! I got the drive ID data from the Identify Drive command.  Looks like it is working!
16:44:11GPSFanTomW: what we usually do with schematics id produce a .ps and .pdf. If you can generate them I'll integrate them into the wiki page, or you can do it youreself. Looks like your IDE mod is well on its way to working.
16:51:42prpplagueTomW: wahoo, you got the ID? cool
17:00:34TomWprpplague: .. and the number of cylinders and number of heads.
17:10:09TomWok, can read both drives, the 10G IBM and the 340M Seagate.
17:21:57Mornis away: grocery shopping...
17:36:27prpplaguereturns after cooling fan upgrade
18:42:20filewaves to prpplague
18:43:04prpplaguefile: howdy howdy
18:44:27pattiejahello prpplague
18:44:51prpplaguepattieja: howdy, long time no chat
18:44:56prpplaguepattieja: how goes it?
18:45:30pattiejainstalling OPIE on the iPAQ
18:45:41pattiejaPDA that is
18:46:05pattiejaI'm really thinking about trying to get either Qtopia or OPIE (most likely OPIE after what I've seen of it) onto my iPAQ IA-1 at home
18:46:55fileis coding
18:47:03fileand going
20:27:41anderseeis away: off to the bank to shuffle money about
21:21:59anderseeis back (gone 00:54:18)
21:27:39as_Evnin all.
21:38:39pik_I have borrowed a JTAG from the lab next door made by Insight Electronics. The leads have all the same names as the ones in the wiki, but the schematics seem different. Anyone know if I'm safe trying to use it?
21:38:49pik_..on my tux, that is
22:01:26Vito`Over 300?  Thought it was down to over 200.
22:04:15jacques_gonestupid chanserv keeps scrweing up the topic
22:05:01jacquescorrect figure is 200
22:12:04jacqueshi andersee
22:12:15jacquesi believe ti mis out of jtag at the moment too
22:13:08anderseehi jacques
22:13:24anderseeI wish the topic wouldn't keep getting messed up
22:13:35jacquesandersee: Ive been too busy to build a new toolchain  :-(
22:13:45jacquesme too
22:25:09pik_Okay, I'm trying my jtag. Will it work without the touchscreen and keypad connected?
22:30:19pik_Well, if anyone was wondering, the Insight JTAG is not working. I get "failed to read device ID" with and without power to the device, and with or without the touchscreen and keypad connected.
22:33:24anderseejacques: no problem.  I'm been awfully busy myself
23:53:43jacqueshow are ppl doing with the latest buildroot?
23:54:01jacquesis there a tag for the old kernel/ramdisk scheme?
23:54:13jacqueswhat about ppl who are too scared to try the new blob?
23:56:09jacqueswhat's the success rate for new blob?
23:56:20jacquesany tips to avoid bricking?
23:58:39pik_jacques: I bricked mine with 20020501a
23:58:48jacquespik_: not good not good not good
23:59:13jacquespik_: what's the size of that blob?
23:59:44jacquesdid you ever find out what the problem is?

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