irclog2html for tuxscreen on 2002.03.17

00:17:51scanlineis back (gone 00:19:38)
01:20:21prpplaguehowdy fellow arm-linux-addicts
02:29:16prpplaguejacques: how goes it this evening
02:29:33jacquesi got a new mousepad
02:31:53prpplaguejacques: its the little things that make life great
02:32:09prpplaguejacques: company of a beautiful woman
02:32:18prpplaguejacques: a warm summer day
02:32:29prpplaguejacques: visiting the latrine on company time
02:32:37prpplaguejacques: getting a new mousepad
03:26:36jacquesit's totally throwing off my game
03:26:42jacquesi need to get used to it
03:27:07jacquesi think it will be better in the long run though
03:33:36scanlineis away: sleep
17:05:55prpplaguemorning all
17:11:53RedBeardhi prpplague
17:43:26prpplagueRedBeard: how goes it?
18:15:06RedBeardprpplague: alright, I'm putting off building a blob image for my tuxscreen
18:15:23RedBeardprpplague: it's a lazy sunday
18:31:23prpplagueRedBeard: ya same here, i'm putting off working on a "userland" app for an ipaq
18:36:26RedBeardI should consider working on Qtopia Desktop, that thing has so many little interface bugs/irritants....
18:37:24prpplagueis still an X man
18:37:48prpplaguei know x can be pretty heavy for a handheld, but i still like it
18:46:01RedBeardprpplague: it's an apps issue
18:46:29RedBeardand an integration issue
18:46:42RedBeardduno, I guess I'm making excuses
19:00:18prpplagueRedBeard: wb, thought i might have offended you or something,lol
19:00:53RedBeardprpplague: no, I was trying to access from linux, it is causing X to restart when I hit it with Opera or Netscape
19:01:05RedBeardprpplague: I'm not going to try it with any others
19:02:18prpplagueRedBeard: ya the fun of using webpage writen by inconsiderate m$ users
19:02:33RedBeardprpplague: *nod*
19:10:11prpplaguehmm, we are getting alittle rain today
19:11:45RedBeardit's been snowing on and off all day here
19:28:18prpplagueis back from power outage due to lighting storm
19:59:24scanlineis back (gone 16:25:48)
20:05:48andersee was last seen on #tuxscreen 1 days, 12 hours, 53 minutes and 4 seconds ago, saying: not [Sat Mar 16 07:12:44 2002]
20:05:48jacquesibot: seen andersee
20:58:48RedBaronGreetings all
21:02:03RedBaronI'm having some problems with the latest CVS buildroot-tux. uClibc's ldso fails to compile with an assembly error of: {standard input}:44: Error: .previous wihtout corresponding .section; ignoring ..... Anyone seen this problem?
21:05:18prpplagueRedBaron: i've not reabuilt my buildroot-tux in a while, sorry
21:05:36RedBaronprpplague: *nod* okay.
21:08:45RedBaronWell...I suppose I'll just comment out the compilation of ldso and copy that in from one of the prebuilt images
21:19:14RedBaronhmm...well I can get uClibc .0.9.8 to compile fine...I wonder if everything else can handle 0.9.8.
21:29:39prpplaguemallum: howdy
21:30:50mallumhey prpplague
21:42:36prpplaguemallum: working had
21:44:34prpplaguemallum: working hard?
22:25:51RedBaronprpplague: ah..I think I worked around it. the problem was that as the software keep being updated, the original arm-linux cross compiler toolchain from 2 years ago no longer can hack it.
22:35:09prpplagueRedBaron: ahh so which toolchain are you using?
22:36:14Ailhazmallum: i did recieve your payment, but is your credit card the only way you can make it? to accept it i have to sign up to give them 3%
22:55:45RedBaronprpplague: Its a tool chain that one of the LART guys compiled
23:05:23prpplagueRedBaron: ya thats the one i'm using as well however the new uclibc toolchain is need for the tuxscreen build now if i'm not mistaken
23:07:11mallumAilhaz: yeah I dont mind paying you an extra 3%
23:12:42Ailhazoh it's not that
23:12:58Ailhazit's that once i become a 'premiere' member, they take 3% off the top for everything
23:14:03mallumack, thats a pain ....
23:14:17mallumhmmm, maybe I could order you something of the same value ?
23:14:37mallumIts a real hassle for me to send you international money order / do a bank transfer
23:15:39Ailhazwell, I don't recieve paypal payments all that often.
23:16:07AilhazBZFlag: You'd know the answer to this - with paypal premiere membership, do they take 3% of everything or just credit cards?
23:16:15Ailhazthe website is decidedly vague
23:22:59RedBeardAilhaz: my experience (yes, I'm a paypal premiere member) is that it's 3% of CC payments only
23:23:16BZFlagAilhaz: it's not 3%... but it's every payment type.
23:23:41RedBeardand I was just going to say the last time I dealt with it was a year ago
23:23:44BZFlagseems to me it's $0.35 + 2.5% or something.
23:23:51RedBeardplenty of time for them to have changed things
23:26:42BZFlag hmmm.. try this one?
23:27:11BZFlagahh, better:
23:27:56AilhazBZFlag: but it's for everything, not just credit cards
23:28:10BZFlagall payments, yes.
23:28:46RedBeardthat's changed since I did the cap badges
23:29:21RedBeardpaypal is getting expensive
23:29:22BZFlagand the preferred rates are bogus. you would have to only withdraw money as credit card payments. ie: you get 1.5% cash back for credit card purchases.
23:29:58BZFlagwell, I'm off again...
23:30:09Ailhazmallum: in the US, with paypal, bank transfers are easier than CC payments. i take it the UK is different?
23:30:49RedBeardyeah, when I did the cap badges, personal accounts were limmited to $100/6mo in CC payments
23:30:54mallumAilhaz: yeah, they cost 20 quid ( ~30 $ )
23:31:20mallumAilhaz: I can always repay pal you the extra ?
23:31:22RedBeardand I recieved more than that, so I had to "upgrade" my account
23:31:34Ailhazmallum: I guess here it's not really a bank transfer, technically it's a check, except there's no actual physical check
23:32:18Ailhazcosts $15 to do a 'wire transfer' but for some reason electronic check drafts are free
23:32:35mallumAilhaz: IIRC I only see options for CC on paypal ( international account )
23:32:58AilhazI can believe that
23:33:07Ailhazwell, like i said, I rarely recieve payments with paypal
23:33:27Ailhazso it's not a big deal, but it's still annoying
23:33:36mallumyeah, sorry :(
23:33:41Ailhazeh, not your fault
23:34:08Ailhazpaypal's just trying to break even
23:35:18Ailhazif it becomes a big deal for me to not be able to get check transfers for free, I'll set up a special account just for that
23:35:35Ailhazwhich i'm sure is against their policy
23:35:53Ailhazbut hey, live by the sword, die by the sword.
23:36:37Ailhazthe drive is more or less ready to pack up. I just need to dd /dev/zero over the whole thing and pack it up. I'll mail it tomorrow on the way to work
23:38:45Ailhazit's a Hitachi DK23BA-20, btw, coincidentally the same drive as is in my new thinkpad
23:43:21Ailhazthe thinkpad has an ata33 controller, hdparm says it tests out at 13.8 mB/s
23:43:50Ailhazanyway, I'm gonna go wipe it and box it up.

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