irclog2html for tuxscreen on 2001.11.09

00:00:06NiddixOf course.  Why can't mount tell the difference between iso9660 and udf automatically...
00:00:48BZFlagNiddix: most discs are hybrids. they are _both_ iso9660 and udf
00:01:07NiddixI know.. it just makes life difficult.
00:01:27NiddixOr at least if you try and mount udf it drops back to is9660 if it can't.
00:02:06BZFlaghmm. there must be a way to get that. have you tried building both fs as modules and changing the mod load order?
00:03:19NiddixBoth are modules.
00:03:35NiddixBut my fstab entry lists udf
00:04:09BZFlagmod probe udf and rmmod iso, put auto in the fstab. what happens?
00:04:28NiddixAh well.. hrmmm.. auto.. didn't think of that
00:05:42GoRKruss,andersee,bzflag: ok whatever i did, it works now... i think it was just me being stupid with devfs
00:06:52NiddixBZFlag: Still mounting it iso
00:09:16NiddixI think I'm in love with my Mr Flash CF.
00:11:00GoRKnobody would listen to my warning about mister flash
00:11:25GoRKmister flash will try to seduce you. you must resist
00:11:34NiddixIt was $25..
00:11:49NiddixNearly 1/3 the price of the one I bought for my camera.
00:14:37NiddixI am powerless to its guile.
00:14:58MicroChip32Niddix: where, and what size ?
00:15:54MicroChip32hmmm cant use that in the tux can you ?
00:16:18NiddixCF? Sure.  It behaves like any disk.
00:16:51NiddixMicroChip32: Need a PCMCIA->CF adapter too.
00:17:05MicroChip32ahhhhhhh, that explains it
00:17:15MicroChip32i was thinking the memory card in the bottom of the tux
00:17:31NiddixMicroChip32: No.. not a SODIMM.  CompactFlash.
00:17:42MicroChip32yep doh, dont mind me, long day
00:18:25NiddixMicroChip32: I think I paid $60 for the other CF card.  Of course its a SanDisk.
00:18:46MicroChip32$25 for 64m sounds really good
00:19:13NiddixMicroChip32: It'll probably give me cancer or something.
00:19:37MicroChip32yea but you wont know it for another 20 years
00:19:56NiddixI'll be 50 then and won't care all that much I think.
00:20:24MicroChip32hehehe, we'll both be 50 and have more important things to think about
00:20:36Niddixspills a full cup of water that he was sure was empty all over his desk.
00:21:10MicroChip32better than dumping a glass of lemonade into your pc
00:21:19NiddixAnyone water test on of these tux's yet?
00:21:41NiddixMicroChip32: Thats why I only drink water near my computers.
00:21:54NiddixMicroChip32: I've de-coke'd too many keyboards.
00:22:05MicroChip32Niddix: unfortunately it wasnt my lemonade ... was my neice *mutter*
00:22:24bhimajithat's why you don't let kids into your house.
00:22:52NiddixMicroChip32: Thats not too bad.  My daughter topped my trucks gas tank off with the garden hose last weekend.
00:22:52MicroChip32took me a whole day and a half a box of q-tips to de-gunk the motherboad, and 3 pci cards
00:23:08bhimajimc32: it worked after that?
00:23:16bhimajiwas it turned on?
00:23:30MicroChip32bhimaji: yes it was on at the time, and yes it survived, im using it
00:23:38bhimajiis impressed.
00:23:48NiddixOddly enough the screen is tinted yellow now.
00:24:25MicroChip32Niddix: lol, nope, that only happens when i forget to visit mother nature regularly, then the screen and keyboard assume a yellow glow
00:24:43bhimajiis going to go home now and attempt to make a DIN enclsoure for his tuxscreen.
00:24:49bhimaji(ie: car DIN outlet)
00:26:26MicroChip32thinks he's gonna go to bed early and sleep for 12 hours or so
00:26:41bhimajiI should do that.
00:26:41MicroChip32falls asleep on the channel floor
00:26:50NiddixThis is just a general question to anyone who might know.  Can the IR port on the shannon understand signals from TV remotes?
00:27:14MicroChip32hmmmmmm, interesting idea
00:27:43NiddixI've got a multifunction remote with 4 (functions) that I don't use.
00:27:57TangentNiddix : It should be possible to do that.. yes
00:28:22MicroChip32now if there was an IR-tx on the tux ...
00:28:42NiddixTangent: Its just a matter of a driver that recognizes the signals, yes?
00:29:03MicroChip32hey, the ir uart should have both rx/tx lines right Tangent ?? whats the tx line being used for ?
00:29:05AelhazMicroChip32: you could do that on a gpio pin tho
00:29:17Aelhazhmm, yeah
00:29:23MicroChip32Aelhaz: i was under the impression there wasnt any free gpio lines
00:29:51Aelhazthere's at least one on j602, isn't there?
00:29:55TangentMicroChip32 : AFAIK, the uart tx lins is not used
00:30:11MicroChip32Tangent: then we should be able to hook that up to an ir-tx no ?
00:30:20TangentMicroChip32 : In theory.. yes
00:30:37TangentMicroChip32 : We could replace the IR receiver with an IR transceiver
00:30:38MicroChip32could implement a complete entertainment system control box, with programmable display ;)
00:31:03TangentMicroChip32 : Kinda like a beefy version of the Phillips Pronto :)
00:31:10MicroChip32Tangent: no, would want the transmitter somewhere besides in the front
00:31:23NiddixMC32: So move it.
00:31:33TangentMicroChip32 : You can always rotate the X dispaly
00:31:46MicroChip32Tangent: it wont rotate 360
00:31:48MicroChip32or even 180
00:31:54NiddixMC32: Instead of the serialport / shanip mod that Tangent did.  Make serial 2 another IR
00:32:22TangentMicroChip32 : 'xrandr 2' I believe does 180 degree rotate
00:33:01MicroChip32Niddix: why, if the tx of the ir uart is already there. id just make the tx diode separate from the existing rx sensor, so i could point the tx at my tv/etc
00:33:12MicroChip32Tangent: my display rotates about 40 degrees total
00:33:17MicroChip32left/right anyway
00:33:29TangentMicroChip32 : The X server can rotate the X display too tho
00:33:43NiddixMicroChip32: You can turn it around if you take it apart.
00:34:04TangentMounting the TX in the back sounds easier :)
00:34:53MicroChip32actually Tangent: i think a small port with a "remote" unit which could be attached wherever the user wanted it, like velcro to the top of the display or something
00:34:59Niddixtypes flash ramdisk and crosses his fingers.
00:35:11TangentMicroChip32 : Serial port dongle
00:35:40MicroChip32Tangent: naaa, wanna leave the existing and expansion serials free
00:36:34MicroChip32come to think of it tho, i dunno if a serial ir will work for tv/stereo/etc control ... will it ?
00:37:01NiddixYou can buy some that will
00:37:19TangentMicroChip32 : Here's the magic you'd want.. It'd take a little PCB..
00:37:25NiddixI can change channels with my laptop.
00:38:45Sammyhello all
00:39:40TangentSammy : Morning
00:39:41MicroChip32Tangent: hmmmmmmmm
00:40:23MicroChip32well guys (and gals if any) im off to bed for the duration
00:41:23TangentMicroChip32 : night
00:41:33NiddixNight MicroChip32
00:41:46NiddixI used to be able to read schematics.
00:41:50NiddixBeen too long.
00:42:00MicroChip32takes off his shoes and leaves em in the channel ... g'nite <grin>
00:42:26Tangentmoves the shoes to the windowsill and opens the window...
00:42:27NiddixOh my... linux on my tux.
00:42:44TangentNiddix : Well done.. Congrats :)
00:43:03NiddixAlthough it appears my touchscreen isn't working.
00:45:50NiddixGuess I'll load tuxscreen-image instead of microwin-image.
00:47:02GoRKiirc none of the current binary images online contain the patch that allows 100% of touchscreens to work. the picogui image does but does not include a calibrator.. no images have been released in quite a while
00:48:01NiddixIf I grab the buildroot from CVS should it be ok?
00:48:55TangentNiddix : it works for me
00:49:36NiddixWeird.. minicom is really chewing up the text. when I do a ls -all
00:50:02NiddixDoes the kernel support virtual consols?
00:50:21NiddixAppears not
00:50:26GoRKruss (and other kernel hackx0rs): the ucb1x00 driver is failing because the mcp fails to init properly
00:50:42GoRKin 2.4.13
00:51:20GoRKmcp_get takes a big poopie
00:51:50TangentGoRK : core dumped.. so to speak :)
00:52:08GoRKwell not really more like mcp_if never gets set for some reason
00:53:30GoRKmight have it here
00:55:24GoRKucb1x00 ID found: 1004 ok that is a good sign then
00:55:28NiddixMuhahaha.. I can read my CF card.
00:56:44GoRKok it detects the device and hard freezes when you try to use it now :)
01:01:52GoRKaudio :)
01:02:13GoRKthe sample rates are pretty screwy
01:02:18GoRKbut it doesnt skip
01:02:24GoRKoutput: sample frequency 44100 Hz not available; closest 46800 Hz
01:02:26scanlineGoRK: ucb1200 on a new kernel working?!
01:02:37GoRKscanline: yes.. im now gonna check touchscreen
01:02:48GoRKcan you relay a message to russ for me?
01:02:53scanlineput it in the topic
01:03:10GoRKoh yeah
01:04:10NiddixAny idea why /dev/hda1 /home default 0 0  wouldn't work in my fstab?
01:04:23NiddixI can mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /home   on the command line.
01:04:34GoRKRuss: mcp-sa1100.c needs a machine_is_shannon() in the if clause of mcp_sa_1100_init
01:05:06GoRKtouchscreen still locks it but audio works
01:05:11GoRKok i gotta go
01:09:52Aelhaziirc there's a bug in the vfat driver which makes it difficult if not impossible to give regular users write access to vfat partitions
01:10:22scanlineNiddix: shouldn't it be 'vfat' in fstab instead of 'default' ?
01:12:11Aelhazif you don't have to read the card on a windows box or in a camera, just reformat it to minixfs or something
01:13:12NiddixAelhaz Well I figured it would be a cheap way to to allow me to transfer files onto my tux until I get a nic workingf.
01:13:37NiddixHowever I'll do that when I get the nick working.
01:13:42NiddixTill then I'll just be root.
01:13:47Aelhazanyway, if you want it automounted the proper place is in the pcmcia scripts
01:13:49NiddixAnd I can mount it by hand.
01:13:56Aelhaznot in fstab
01:14:07Aelhazide.opts i think
01:14:09NiddixAelhaz: True.
01:15:04NiddixDoes the kernel have ipx support compiled in?
01:15:25Aelhazeww, ipx  . . . no, I don't think so
01:15:53Aelhazcan't think of a reason why it wouldn't work, tho, if you want to reconfigure and recompile
01:16:48NiddixBTW.. CF in.. with vfat and you boot.. its ugly..
01:17:02NiddixLots of Waiting for chip to read, status = 4 messages.
01:17:16Niddixcan't find jffs2 filesystem..
01:17:54Niddixcan't find ext2 filesystem..
01:18:12Niddixit does boot however..
01:20:24Aelhazoh, that's normal
01:21:53NiddixOk last stupid question for at least 5 minutes.
01:23:46NiddixIt worked this time.
01:26:16NiddixCool.. First spare PCMCIA nic I tried and it works.
01:28:14NiddixWell.. PCMCIA likes it anyway.
01:29:12NiddixIt is an old MegaHertz of unknown model number.
01:33:01NiddixIt does not however like my EM1144-T
01:34:38NiddixIt does like my APA-1460 Slim SCSI Adapter.
01:34:58Aelhaz"cardctl ident" should tell you what model it is
01:37:33NiddixAelhaz: product info "Megahertz", "ETHERNET ADAPTOR", "00206D100F68", ""
01:38:11NiddixMy Mr Flash PCMCIA->CF adapter shows up as "   ", "      ", "     "
01:38:29Niddixbut it works so I won't complain.
01:53:00Niddixouch that was dumb.
01:54:40prpplagueanyone read the really stupid statements from gates/ballmer on newsforge?
01:55:10prpplaguegates - microsoft is responsible for open source development
01:55:27prpplagueya right
01:59:51Tangentprpplague : Maybe if we all ignore them, then they'll go away
02:00:16prpplagueTangent: only if were lucky
02:03:05NiddixAelhaz: Nevermind.. my nic doesn't seem to be working.
02:04:55AelhazNiddix: identifies itself but doesn't work?
02:04:59Aelhazsome nics do that
02:05:07Aelhazthe driver loaded & everything?
02:05:14NiddixI'm not getting any sort of message in dmesg.
02:05:27NiddixI'd say no.. just cardctl is identifying it.
02:05:38Aelhazmaybe you're just missing the driver
02:06:17NiddixMost of the other Megahertz seem to be using smc91c92_cs
02:06:29kramsup guys
02:06:31Aelhazwhat's ifconfig -a say?
02:06:34NiddixSo I tried making an entry in config for the card.  But it doesn't seem to care.
02:06:41TangentNiddix : That's exactly what my 5V NIC does at 3.3V
02:06:43Aelhazwell yeah if the driver isn't there
02:07:08Aelhaz5v hacks are easy these days if you're handy with a soldering iron
02:07:13NiddixAelhaz: Just the loopback.
02:07:46NiddixI tried running /etc/pcmcia/network start eth0
02:07:53Aelhazgot anything else with pcmcia in it?
02:07:58NiddixBut it complained about something missing.
02:08:01prpplaguehas been working for 12 hours 2 minutes
02:08:17NiddixI've got a CompactFlash adapter inserted right now.
02:08:36Aelhazno i mean, another linux box to test it in
02:08:38Tangentgives prpplague a medal
02:08:49NiddixYeah I can try my laptop.
02:09:53prpplagueTangent: can i trade the medal for a nice stout?
02:10:09Tangentprpplague : There's no such thing
02:11:38prpplagueTangent: oh come on, your from the uk, ya gotta like stouts...
02:14:06Tangentprpplague : Yeah.. I'm in the UK, but I can't stand bitter etc...
02:14:25Tangentprpplague : I like a good german or czech lager myself
02:15:06prpplagueTangent: lagers, pilsners?
02:15:14Tangentprpplague : Yep
02:16:34prpplagueTangent: as long as it not american lagers or pilsners
02:16:59Tangentprpplague : I believe the old joke is... American beer is like making love in a canoe
02:17:24prpplaguewhats the punch line?
02:17:45Tangentfsking close to water
02:20:46TangentHmm.. I need to find some good fonts for the TuxScreen... anti-aliased fonts and sub-pixel rendering don't really work too well on a 256 colour display
02:21:27Tangentprpplague : Cool... actually Sam Adams isn't too bad as beer goes
02:21:37Tangentprpplague : The summer ale was a little to sweet tho'
02:22:10GPSFanprpplague: if you like good beer you need to try and find some:
02:22:41prpplagueGPSFan: yep got about 6 cases of all stonebrew coming in next week
02:22:55prpplagueGPSFan: good beer in texas is hard to find
02:23:01prpplagueGPSFan: i have to special order
02:24:03GPSFanprpplague: check out: I took the pic's with blue borders.
02:24:04Tangentprpplague : This is my favorite lager... which you can't get in the US at all...
02:26:02GPSFanTangent: budvar is GOOD beer.
02:26:19TangentGPSFan : Certainly is :)
02:30:21NiddixAelhaz:  It appears that maybe the card is a dead stick.
02:30:31NiddixAelhaz: Its not even working under windows.
02:32:58AelhazNiddix: weird
02:33:20Tangenthits the hay.. Night all
02:33:29AelhazNiddix: is it by any chance a thing with a big dongle on it that's got both rj45 and bnc sticking out the side of it?
02:33:30GPSFanTangent: nite~
02:34:03Aelhazwhich would be a CE-2, which was end-of-lifed a long time ago and there's no linux driver
02:34:47prpplagueTangent: later
02:35:18AelhazNiddix: there's a list of working 3.3v nics on the wiki - you could just get any nic with a linux driver in the kernel and do a 5v mod if it doesn't work at 3.3v tho
02:35:50prpplagueTangent: i've not had budvar, looks good though
02:36:11prpplagueGPSFan: you bum, i have to wait 45 days for a six pack of stone
02:38:26GPSFanprpplague: haven't had a stone in quite a while, we moved to Colorado, and there are no dist's near, although we are working on it. ;>)
02:39:34prpplagueGPSFan: i've convinced a local gas station chain to do a "beer of the month"
02:39:37GPSFanprpplague: we almost drove back for Stone 5, but Sept 11 happened, and well .....
02:40:15GPSFanprpplague: it really was, we were going to bring back about 25 cases.
02:40:46prpplagueGPSFan: one of the good things about my job in get to travel about once a month, and most of the time its in the caribean so i get to try lots of unique brews
02:43:30GPSFanprpplague: I see you like fullers, I've got a couple of bottles in the fridge, waiting for a good time to celebrate.. SD was pretty good for unique beer availability, CO isn't as good, but the brewing weather is better, if only I could find time to get back to it again.
02:44:37GPSFanprpplague: does the gas station give a free brew with fillup? ;>))
02:48:26prpplagueGPSFan: i wish
02:49:26prpplagueGPSFan: ya fullers london porter is really smooth, a real pleasure to drink
02:49:50GPSFanprpplague: I'm looking forward to enjoying it!!
02:50:39prpplagueGPSFan: you had any mac-n-jack?
02:51:07GPSFanprpplague: can't say that I have, where is it brewed?
02:51:24prpplagueonly available on draft
02:51:52GPSFanah, seattle, there are some really good microbreweries there.
02:52:32prpplagueGPSFan: there are not 1, not 2, but 3 microbrewiers in the seatac airport
02:53:11GPSFangrants, ballard, thomas kemper, pyramid, and more since I was last ther.
02:54:02RussGoRK: devfs wasn't your problem, commenting out that line is fstab is what fixed it
02:54:48prpplagueargh, i'm ready to go home, i wish this guy would call and let me know that his router is up
02:58:00__jasonlate hours again, eh prpplague?
02:58:42prpplaguethat you lefler?
02:59:10__jasonyep...thought I'd check in on ya
03:00:03prpplague__jason: ya got a couple of installers out there setting up routers
03:34:08prpplagueGPSFan: later
03:34:10prpplaguenight all
05:06:06jacquesanyone know the resolution of the tux touchscreen?
06:11:22GoRKRuss: yeah i know i discovered that. i forgot to take it out :-/ did you get my message about the mcp ?
06:12:09GoRKah i have finally discovered a good way to organize all my resistors!
06:12:43GoRKi found 3x5 ziplock bags. i can put an index card in them and resistors and stick them in a card file :)
06:17:31jacqueswhoo! I just got a free 25GB laptop drive
06:20:21jacquesRuss: heh, I was referring to the resolution of the touch sensor - is it really pixel resolution?
06:21:42GoRKjacques: it is actually probably better than that if you take multiple readings. the driver in 2.4.7 returns up to 1000x1000
06:21:55GoRKjacques: i dont know yet how the new driver works
06:23:12jacquesGoRK: WOW
06:24:47GoRKjacques compared to rf tablets that's nothing. i have a calcomp 12x12 tablet that gets like 2500 points/in
06:25:36GoRKBZFlag: got audio. no touchscreen yet :-/
06:26:38jacquesGoRK: again I sa yWOW
06:27:23RussGoRK: ya
06:28:40GoRKRuss: anyway ts is hard locking. could it be the backlight stuff? did you apply any big changes to that driver?
06:44:34jacquesGoRK: you testing a new kernel version?
06:45:31GoRKyeah :) russ is doing the hard stuff though. i learned how to code from a klutz book
06:46:10GoRKit came with a free compiler
07:41:30GoRKlalalala sorting resistors is funnnnnnnnnnnnn
07:42:07jacquesno it's not
07:42:47rfbrownI hope they're not like the ones on the Tux PCBs...
07:43:04jacquesyeah - room temperature superconductors
07:43:42GoRKwhat? smt devices?
07:43:56jacques0 Ohm resistors
07:44:09GoRKi have some 1 ohm resistors here too
07:44:11jacques(I know I know - this joke has gone on too long)
07:48:01GoRKif only it was at all funny :)
07:48:30jacquesi thought it was funny the first time
07:48:38jacquesth othis it like the 8th time...
07:48:43GoRKhih im joking
07:48:53jacquesbut ppl say I'm easily amused
07:52:31BZFlagjust think of all the 0 ohm resistors between my computer and yours.
07:55:00GoRKany of thousands could explode at any moment and render this communication impossible
07:56:14jacqueshi BZFlag
07:56:30jacquesgot up too late to get my order in today, but I will get it in this weeknd
07:56:38jacquesjust trying to decide how many to get :-D
07:59:29rfbrown< BZFlag has pleasant daydreams about all the things he can do with his basement when these $@#%@ phones are gone...>
08:01:51BZFlagheh. just finished packing up tonights phones.
08:02:10scanline'night everyone
08:02:10BZFlagGoRK: that must be what happened to
08:02:25GoRKBZFlag: heeheh
08:02:27scanlineis away: ZzZzZzZz
08:02:49jacquesBZFlag: biggest box you ship is 2 phones, right?
08:02:54GoRKahh this is much nicer with all these resistors neatly organized...
08:03:12jacquesGoRK: whatever makes you happy...   :-)
08:04:07BZFlagjacques: I've been linking 2 2packs for people lately. 34'2"
08:04:50jacquesBZFlag: oooooh
08:05:23jacquesso I can use the 34'2" value to calculate shipping cost for those?
08:06:09BZFlagcan't link singles cause they are single boxed, but the doubles have 2 white boxes in one brown box. I can connect them together top to bottom.
08:06:23BZFlagjacques: yep. and include that in the comments.
08:06:31jacquesBZFlag: right-o
08:08:11rfbrownForgive my ignorance of imperial measures, but isn't 34'2" like thirty-four feet and two inches? What kind of letterbox takes that?
08:08:29jacquesrfbrown: I have a really big door
08:08:35jacquesreally big
08:09:52GoRKrfbrown: it's 34 cubic feet i think
08:10:10jacquesmore like 34 pounds, 2 ounces
08:10:18jacquesshipping weight
08:10:22GoRKoh heh yeah
08:11:27rfbrownThanks... I knew I had it wrong somewhere, but the mental image was funny!
08:13:58rfbrownGoRK: I've dismantled my Tux for easy hardware hacking, and mounted the PCBs side by side on an aluminium sheet. Would it be useful for me to remove the RF shield from the DSP? ( As in, is there anything under there that I'll want to fiddle with?)
08:16:56jacquesheading home
08:18:17GoRKrfbrown: i dont think so. the leads for the mongoose board that is under that are accessible on the underside of the board
08:25:04rfbrownI'm thinking that once I've caught up with what's going on, I'll offer to help <whoever it is> with the schematics... but I'll leave the shield on for now.
08:35:22GoRKit's ken mcguire (gpsfan)
08:35:39GoRKafaik he hasnt even booted his tuxscreen yet :)
09:24:10anderseeJust finished up the must do things for the evening...
09:24:23GoRKthis  audio driver doesnt skip at all :)
09:24:29anderseehows it going for you?
09:24:41anderseewhats changed?
09:24:46GoRKthe whole thing
09:24:54anderseeno more shanip2?
09:25:05GoRKyes still need shanip2
09:25:12anderseeoh.  new kernel.  gotcha.
09:25:15GoRKthough the new driver does support the telecom codec
09:25:40GoRKso we can send and recieve audio from the line (i think) without shanip2
09:25:56anderseehmm.  that sounds very promising indeed.
09:26:24anderseeshanip2 is still needed to play audio out the speakerphone speaker though, right?
09:27:33GoRKwell... i suppose a few things are possible: 1) the ucb1200 telecom codec acts like a phone extension and could be used to play and record audio from the telephone handset or speakerphone... but it probably only will work if there is an actual phoneline hooked up.
09:28:05GoRKor 2) either the phoneline can be attached to ucb1200 or to the dsp ... so we could have sort of an answering machine situation
09:28:24GoRKie, i dont think it will eliminate the need for shanip2
09:29:05GoRKbut it might
09:29:06anderseeAny changes to the PCB recently?  The one I saw from you the other day looked pretty sweet
09:29:12GoRKversion 8?
09:29:27GoRKerr 7
09:29:34GoRKthe one with stereo jacks and the transformer?
09:30:15anderseenope, thats a newer one.  :)
09:30:19GoRKi ordered some jacks and thumbwheel pots from mouser. they arrived today. i need some press n peel and i am giong to make one of these for testing the layout etc
09:31:55anderseeLet me know how it goes.  I'm looking forward to having a bit of time to make myself a couple of 'em.
09:33:39GoRKwell if it works and the design is good, i can just put in an order for a ton of them... with solder masks and silkscreen they will be only about $5 i think
09:34:00GoRKthe jacks and pot from mouser cost about $5
09:34:16anderseeI''ll buy a couple of em for sure.
09:35:05anderseebother.  uclibc readdir64 segfaults.
09:35:14anderseeI recently added large file support....
09:35:40GoRKany love for libm yet? :)
09:36:02GoRKdoes diet-libc include a libm?
09:36:16anderseenot much of one.  c89 only.
09:36:59anderseeuClibc can't steal from dietlibc since its GPL.... (cept ideas)....
09:37:18anderseeBut there are several other libs we can steal from.
09:37:22GoRKsince ucblibc is gpl or dietlibc/
09:37:35anderseediet is GPL.
09:37:43anderseeuclibc is LGPL
09:38:12GoRKthat is so braindead to license a libc gpl. blah
09:38:21GoRKi didnt realize that
09:38:25anderseeyup.  Pretty freaking stupid
09:38:52anderseeotherwise I would tried to merge the two
09:40:25anderseeMight want to take the "ShanIP-2" bit and move it to the left hand side.  Right now it is upside down rel to the "mic_input" text...
09:40:49GoRKi know.. mic_input is just for my own reference. it's not on the board itself
09:40:58GoRKshanip-2 gets screened onto the board
09:41:47anderseeoh, ok.
09:42:00GoRKthis board is pretty small... like 1.5" x 2.5"
09:44:42anderseeheh.  I just realized I have like 180 Gig connected to my box.
09:45:19anderseeI wonder how many more test drives I can connect....
09:45:58anderseescsi and ide
09:46:17GoRKi counted up all the storage i owned the other day... it's about a terabyte
09:46:49anderseeI have about 10 more test drives in the basement.  big ones too, like 80 Gig firewire drives and such
09:47:11anderseeOf couse, when I finish this project I have to send em all back.  
09:47:42Squartdamn, thats to bad
09:48:11anderseeBut I'm expecting another "big box" of stuff this week.  More firewire and usb stuff
09:48:46anderseeSo it'll be a while before I have to start returning stuff.
09:49:24anderseeI'll be glad to return the tape drives.  They are _way_ loud.
09:50:44rfbrownandersee: can the drives perhaps suffer unavoidable damage in the course of your project? You could generously offer to "dispose" of the worthless hardware ;-)
09:51:07anderseeheh.  That would be nice.
09:51:28anderseeI hope this laptop suffers similar damage....
09:51:33GoRKand if they want it back, just destroy it and ship it to them!
09:52:02rfbrown'night all.
09:52:05anderseeThey sent me a laptop just like they use when they are in the field....
09:52:23anderseeIt is nice for testing with.  And other things.  :)
09:52:28GoRKi feel bad staying up later than people in NEW ZEALAND
09:52:49anderseeIts only 4am.
09:52:59GoRK5 here
09:53:11anderseeI'll probably be asleep by then....
09:53:27andersee<not that I have been all week>
09:56:33Squartgees, it is 12:00 pm here
09:57:38anderseeSounds early.  I don't get up till 1pm.  ;-)
09:58:33Squartdamn it, I wish I could do that... alarm rings at 7:15am
09:59:15anderseeThe joy of being a consultant.  I don't even need to get out of bed to go to work... :)
10:00:48SquartSigh... I did freelance work before. Although I liked working at home, you still end up with the feeling you aren't a part of the project
10:01:08GoRKgotta sleep. nite
10:02:29anderseeIn this case I am the project.  Both of them.
10:04:49anderseeThough it would be nice to see other geeks on occasion.
10:13:23SquartDo you guys have a way to communicate new achievements on the Tux other than this irc channel? De website is rather summier...
10:15:41anderseethe wiki and the mailing list
10:20:41Squart can't seem to find the mailinglist. Can you tell me where it is?
10:25:45Tangentwakes up
10:26:33Squart'good morning
10:29:44TangentSquart : Mornin'
10:30:27TangentOooh.. is there a mailing list?
10:32:27Squartandersee told me so... it seems it is on the sourceforge server
10:34:17TangentI wonder if there's archives... Oh yes.. there is.. good... means I don't have to subscrbe
10:35:33SquartWould be nice if people would be more aware of it and that all the hacking results end up on a central place... like your second serial port hack
10:39:34TangentSquart : I still find it very difficult searching down Tux info and documents on the site
10:39:51TangentSquart : I'd spotted the mailing list before, but assumed it was CVS commit logs
10:40:10SquartThere is one for that as well
10:42:04TangentNow.. somehow... supposedly, I have write access, and can put piccies etc up on the site..
10:42:37SquartI am new to this whole project and am still quite confused of how everything fits together
10:45:17TangentSquart : Nod.. I've been here since pretty much the start, but I'm still confused too..
10:45:33TangentSquart : Maybe that's just natural stupidity tho' ;)
10:45:53SquartTangent: ;-) so it is not only me then..
10:47:38Tangentthinks sourceforge is misleading... Activity Percentile (last week): 0%
10:48:04SquartTangent: I really like to order a Tux, but my PayPal credit account still isn't verified..
10:48:32TangentSquart : Yeah.. took me a few days for paypal stuff... I nearly didn't order becasue paypal pissed me off so much
10:49:43Squart;-)  hope there will be Tux'es left when it does verify..
10:49:56Squartkee, gone for lunch
11:29:54Tangentadds a couple of wiki pages...
11:30:24SquartTangent: Cool..
11:31:45TangentI still didn't work out how to upload pictures to tho'
11:32:31SquartTangent: Don't ask me either ;)
11:34:10SquartTangent: You know I bould a secondhand LaserJet IIIP yesterday with 2 NEW toners for about 35$ . That's almost stealing!
11:34:26Squartbould==bought ;)
11:34:36TangentSquart : That's a pretty amazing deal.. and those LaserJet IIIs run forever
11:35:13SquartGreat huh? I thought I'd buy it for making PCB's
11:35:40prhsq: for 35$ you lucky sod! :O)
11:35:58TangentSquart : It should be good for that... as long as it can print a decent quality black without missing dots etc
11:36:11TangentMy laser cost me around $1500
11:37:05prhtangent; what have you got?
11:37:08TangentSquart : It does do 20ppm.. and it's colour too
11:37:20Tangentprh : Minolta Magicolour 2200
11:37:21prhI was just going to ask if its colour :O)
11:37:24prhooh nice
11:37:36prhwanna sell it for 35 quid? :O)
11:37:53prhno you were right the first time
11:37:55Tangentprh : Erm.. let me think... erm... nah
11:38:14SquartThe only thing is: is has 2 outputs, front and top. When I use the top one, it wrinkles the bottomhalf of the page
11:38:15prhdid you see
11:38:20Tangentprh : Sadly I was wrong the first time... The writing on the side of the printer says Color (whatever that means)
11:38:33prhgood grief
11:38:42Tangentprh : Maybe it's some special dithering algorithm to make black dots look like Colour
11:38:52prhthat would be very cool
11:39:21Tangentprh : I vaguely remember filter screens for B&W TVs that were supposed to make it look like colour
11:39:59prhbut all they did was turn white into a sort of yello?
11:40:17SquartTangent: I see pictures now..
11:40:35Tangentack.. keyboard death... it's permanently hammering the down arrow for me... fortunately that doesn't affect my IRC client
11:40:46TangentSquart : The pictures are hosted on my box still tho'
11:41:02Squartow.. I see ;0)
11:43:04TangentTime to power cycle this cruddy Windoze box
11:43:25prhand put linux on it
11:43:37prhyou know you want a real operating system on it
11:44:10TanentTuxprh : You don't know how much I want a real OS on it...
11:44:30TanentTuxprh : But then there's network multiplayer games on a thursday evening to think about
11:44:48prhhmm - what games do you plaY?
11:45:06TanentTuxSquart : Having the piccies hosted on my box isn't too bad.. it's co-located with 10Mbps bandwidth
11:45:44TanentTuxprh : Lately it's been Balders Gate 2... but we've done Diablo2, HalfLife, Star Trak Armade & Away Team etc
11:46:13TanentTuxprh : Mainly strategy style stuff... me and my mates aren't really into shooters
11:46:15prhwishes he had time for that kind of stuff ;O)
11:46:20SquartTanentTux: That isn't bad at all. Are you irc'ing from your Tux now?
11:46:47TanentTuxSquart: Yep.. Tux is doing IRC, and running my office automation stuff
11:47:33Squarthow is it connected to the internet?
11:48:06TanentTuxSquart : 10BaseT NIC, plugged into my Hub/Firewall etc
11:48:51Tangentnotes that the alpha state of the Tux is more reliable than the release version of W2K
11:49:10TangentActually it's unfair to blame these problems on W2k.. I think it's just a dodgy keyboard
11:49:26prhyou're not actually surprised are you?
11:49:37prhw2k has a dodgy keyboard driver
11:49:55SquartTanentTux: But the Tux doesn't have 10BaseT Ethernet, does it route via serial?
11:49:56Tangentprh : Yeah.. well maybe.. but only on one of my machines...
11:50:03Tangentprh : The other one hasn't been rebooted for months
11:50:08prhcentrica have been rolling 2k out to their call centres and they are finding that on _all_ the boxes the keyboards lock up about 3 times a week
11:50:15TangentSquart : The Tux has 2xPCMCIA sockets
11:50:27TangentSquart : I have 1GB microdrive in one of them, and NIC in the other
11:50:28Squartah, f course
11:50:42Squartyeah that's great
11:51:08SquartTangent: Without the microdrive you can't do much, or can you?
11:51:39TangentSquart : Well, you can still NFS mount stuff.. but you can't do a huge amount with just the 4MB built in flash
11:53:12SquartTangent: Writing to the flash wouldn't do good for its lifespan as well
11:53:24prhwhen I get mine I'll be hoping to do everything off NFS - ie the the flash to boot nfs
11:53:27Squartthat is: writing a lot ;-)
11:53:47TangentSquart : You'd never notice.. The flash is good for a million erases... so that's 60 full reflashes a day for 5 years
11:54:59SquartYeah, I was thinking in the lines of it being a writable fs and linux writing on the same spot alot
11:55:34TangentSquart : Nod.. but jffs2 is very efficient with it's erases...
11:55:50TangentSquart : Don't forget.. it's not a million writes we get.. it's a million erases...
11:56:11TangentSquart : An eraseblock (128K on the Tux I expect) will only be erased once it's filled up
11:56:17prhyou only get 1000 writes ;O)
11:57:08SquartTangent: Aha.. Does your Tux boot from flash or microdrive?
11:57:30TangentSquart : And the journalling nature of jffs2, and built-in wear levelling means that we don't do erases too often anyhow... i.e. you can edit and save an 8k file 16 times before you need to do another erase
11:57:48TangentSquart : It boots from flash, but the /linxrc does a pivot_root to the microdrive
11:59:14Squartis it possible to create a basic root on the flash, which won't be written to, and do everything else from nfs?
11:59:33TangentSquart : Yes... in fact it's pretty much done by default..
12:00:12TangentSquart : By default, the /linuxrc will a.) look for a hard disk and pivot_root to there if it's found, or b.) Look for an NFS mount, and pivot_root to there or c.) boot from flash
12:00:31TangentSquart : The flash is still writeable in b.) but there's no processes trying to write to it
12:02:22SquartTangent: So in the a) and b) the flash basicly only holds the kernel and /linuxrc
12:03:38TangentSquart : The linuxrc is a shell script.. it's the first thing that gets executed after the kernel starts... so the flash hold a full bootable filesystem, but it'll never get as far as anything that uses it (apart from the /linuxrc) unless we fail to find HDD and NIC
12:05:08SquartTangent: aha.. Is it just as easy to setup a network over serial and connect nfs through it?
12:05:40TangentSquart : Well I haven't tried on the Tux, but I have done it on the iPAQ over PPP
12:05:53TangentSquart : I wouldn't recommend it particularly.. it's somewhat slow
12:06:02uChipdaggone isp
12:06:26fontenotnfs over serial is worst case scenario
12:06:32uChipi swear my isp watches me for the most inopportune time to discon me
12:06:47SquartTangent: True... but it is nice for first, easy, cheep testing
12:06:58TangentuChip : They do..
12:07:20Tangentsets uChip's network traffic as discard elligible
12:07:24uChipTangent: they like to discon me at the end of a long download
12:07:48MicroChip32<grin> well at least my nick autochanger is working again
12:08:17TangentHmm.. maybe we could get ibot doing that
12:08:31Tangentthat's a very handy thing to have
12:08:55MicroChip32yea it is. mine waits for my 'ghost' to leave and auto changes my nick back to my main
12:08:59i haven't a clue, fontenot
12:08:59fontenotibot: who am I?
12:09:41i haven't a clue, microchip32
12:09:41MicroChip32ibot: what is the purpose of life
12:09:50MicroChip32daggone clueless bots ;)
12:10:19MicroChip32dcc's ibot a clue
12:10:36no idea, tangent
12:10:36Tangentibot : the purpose of life is <reply> What??? you think there's a purpose to all this??
12:10:51tangent: wish i knew
12:10:51Tangentibot : the purpose of life is <reply> What... you think there's a purpose to all this\?\?
12:10:53prhpants. I've tried doing the registration for paypal using my barclays debit card... the barclays web thing doesnt show the paypal confirmation code. GRrrrrr
12:11:00OK, Tangent.
12:11:00Tangentibot : the purpose of life is <reply> What... you think there's a purpose to all this
12:11:18prhtangent: of course there is a purpose. to spod!
12:11:35I'm just an idiot. :-(
12:11:35fontenotibot: what is your major malfunction?
12:11:41SteveD_atworkthinks - no point trying to imitate ibot. He's just too cool as it is
12:11:49prhbut seriously - I believe we were made for a purpose and Geneisis describes that
12:12:55TangentI seriously believe almost the exact opposite..
12:13:10MicroChip32Tangent: how can you change ibots answer for something?
12:13:17SteveD_atworkprh: you mght just have to wait for your statement?  the paypal business for non US is a pain
12:13:24TangentMicroChip32 : ibot forget xxx
12:13:35Squartthe paypal verification takes awhile...
12:13:35MicroChip32agrees with prh (mostly)
12:13:40MicroChip32tan, k
12:13:47TangentSteveD : There's always phoning the bank :)
12:14:03prhtangent: you believe in creative accidents?
12:14:04SteveD_atworkTangent: that what you did?
12:14:24prhis tempted to phone the bonking bank - but they are crap
12:14:45fontenotthinks he might be on the wrong channel.
12:14:47MicroChip32Tangent: ask ibot for "the answer"
12:14:58SteveD_atworkprh: not familiar with that sort of bank
12:15:04Tangentprh : Nah.. I believe lots of weird stuff.. kind of a superset of the concepts of good and evil from different religions.. with a bit of interconnectedness of all things... and self aware universe type of thing...
12:15:28SteveD_atworkrenames Tangent to Dirk Gently.
12:15:31Tangentprh : It works for me
12:15:33MicroChip32changes the topic to theology
12:15:38prhriighhhtt... :O)
12:15:57the answer is 42
12:15:57Squartibot: What is the answer?
12:16:11i guess the question is who'll get there first... I should have gone to bed about two hours ago.. but I'm playing on Tangent's stowaway keyboard now
12:16:11SteveD_atworkibot, what is the question
12:16:16prh: bugger all, i dunno
12:16:16prhibot: what was the question?
12:16:43fontenot: San Jose, San Jose International Airport, CA, United States; (KSJC) 37-21-33N 121-55-27W 25M; last updated: Nov 09, 2001 07:53 AM EST; Dew Point: 43.0 F (6.1 C); Pressure (altimeter): 30.06 in. Hg (1017 hPa); Pressure tendency: 0.00 inches (0.0 hPa) lower than three hours ago; Relative Humidity: 73%; Sky conditions: mostly clear; Temperature: 51.1 F (10.6 C); Visibility: 10 mile(s); Weather: 37 F (3 C); Wind: Calm; Windchill: 26 F (-3 C)
12:16:43fontenotibot: weather ksjc
12:17:14Tangentwonders when ibot has been playing with my keyboard???
12:17:33Tangent: what?
12:17:33Tangentibot doesn't even live in my house... ibot lives about 30 miles form here
12:17:34SquartWho loaded it up with all those answers?
12:17:47Since Mon Nov  5 15:33:28 2001, there have been 88 modifications and 216 questions.  I have been awake for 3 days, 20 hours, 44 minutes, 18 seconds this session, and currently reference 3029 factoids. Addressing is in require mode.
12:17:47fontenotibot: status
12:17:48prhwho owns ibot then?
12:17:51Tangent: what?
12:17:51Tangentibot  : I was talking about you.. not to you... be quite
12:18:01fontenotquite what?
12:18:34Slashdot - Updated 2001-11-09 12:52:42 | Pedal Your Way Through Quake | USNA "Budget" Satellite Launched and Functioning | KDE Wins 3 awards | Ballooning into Space
12:18:34fontenotibot: slashdot
12:18:39Tangentprh : I set ibot up on one of my co-located boxes... but BZFlag offered to do all the maintenance/patches etc... which I'm very grateful for
12:19:07Tangent is nothing but an elf-skinned mound of toad-spotted cold sores.
12:19:07fontenotibot: insult Tangent
12:19:16TangentIt's true
12:19:34prhis the source open?
12:19:37fontenot: huh?
12:19:37fontenotibot: nickometer
12:19:44'fontenot' is 0% lame, fontenot
12:19:44fontenotibot: nickometer fontenot
12:19:45TangentYou wouldn't believe how hard it is to get elf skin these days
12:20:13fontenotyep, they are an endangered species
12:20:25fontenotyou have to get grandfathered elf skin
12:21:06Tangentfontenot : Takes ages to iron the wrinkles out :)
12:21:40fontenotTangent: yep, and really easy to scorch
12:22:19Tangentwishes he's never mixed Lord of the Rings, Silence of the Lambs, LSD, PCP and Crack
12:22:45MicroChip32Tangent: the easy way to iron them is take em to an ironworks factory and have em run it thru one of the iron rollers
12:23:04fontenotTangent: that's classic
12:23:29MicroChip32egads, the first two would be bad enough
12:23:41TangentMaybe we should start a page for classic quotes... I was reading the quotes for #debian a week or so ago... some of them are very funny
12:24:23fontenotTangent: where did you find the quotes for #debian?
12:24:38Tangentfontenot : I wish I could remember.. i'm just hunting around now
12:25:08SquartThis is all to funny, I don't get any work done here..
12:25:38Tangentremembered about DMAU... google narrowed it down to one page... DMAU is 'Debian Mantainers against Users'
12:26:12MicroChip32anyone here feel inclined to help me debug some segfaulting c ?
12:27:06MicroChip32heheheh boy that shut everyone up *lol*
12:27:15fontenotthose wacky debian guys
12:27:44SquartI am going to a nice employee and earn my money.. later guys
12:28:12TangentMicroChip32 : Sure.. I'll help... I beleive the 'rm' command normally stops most things from segfaulting... but seriously.. I doubt I'd be much help
12:28:30MicroChip32heheh youre so helpful Tangent :)
12:28:48Tangentread BOFH from an early age
12:29:13MicroChip32bofh? **thinking he should know that**
12:29:39fontenotTangent: i read that at a very impressionable age
12:30:16TangentMicroChip32 : Bastard Operater From Hell.. find the early stuff.. very funny.. later stuff isn't as good
12:30:30fontenot"ok, unplug the monitor, now stick your tongue on the prongs of the eleftrical cord"
12:31:36fontenotagrees with Tangent.
12:31:47TangentMicroChip32 :
12:31:57MicroChip32hmmm never heard of it, doesnt sound like my type
12:32:54MicroChip32reads tom clancy, and clive cussler
12:33:23MicroChip32also coonts, crichton, and cook
12:33:29TangentMicroChip32 : Me too.. .BOFH is just one page every couple of weeks
12:33:41MicroChip32Tangent: hmmm
12:34:05fontenotreads only authors whose last name does not start with the letter C.
12:34:18MicroChip32lol fontenot
12:35:11fontenotthat's a lie - I have read just about everything crichton has published
12:35:28fontenotalso greg bear
12:35:32fontenotvernor vinge
12:35:58fontenotof course, stephenson
12:36:12MicroChip32bbias, gotta have breakfast
12:39:01fontenotmmmm, 1/60th minute eggs
12:39:33prhagrees with tangent - the early bofh was inspired. recent stuff is worth reading but not as good as simons first writing
12:40:48MicroChip32fontenot: nope, pop tarts
12:40:53fontenot"can I have more space on my account?" "what account?"
12:41:23MicroChip32that sounds like a dilbert
12:41:32fontenotMicroChip32: which ones? I am embarassed to say the ones I like.
12:42:06MicroChip32fontenot: lol, frosted brown sugar cinamon. cant find my favorite any more, frosted dutch apple
12:42:10TangentUser: "I need more space" , BOFH: "Move to Texas"
12:42:28MicroChip32no no, move to ISS
12:43:33fontenotMicroChip32: oh ... my ... god
12:43:49MicroChip32wonders what he said
12:44:23fontenotfrosted dutch apple are my all time favorite
12:44:31fontenothavent seen those in years
12:44:46fontenotbrown sugar are my third fave
12:44:53MicroChip32me either, daggone marketers push the new crap
12:45:07fontenotthese days I generally eat the s'mores ones - that's why I'm embarassed
12:45:23fontenotwith the graham cracker crust
12:45:39MicroChip32hehehe, never tried that 'strange' stuff prefer the 'simple' stuff
12:45:52fontenotyeah, i didnt think id like them either
12:46:15fontenotbut the combination of artificial ingredients is in perfect harmony
12:46:30MicroChip32looks around, wondering why everyone is staring at him and fontenot
12:47:48fontenotat work we get free snacks
12:48:49fontenotcokes, bottles of coffee, juice, pop tarts, cookies, chips...
12:49:14fontenotyeah, I think so
12:49:23prhthats nice
12:49:27prhwe get... nothing
12:49:38prhand our bar is being closed end of year
12:49:57MicroChip32stares at his source code trying to figure out why it segfaults at the end, but commenting out either of two lines of code in the middle of the execution cycle fixes it
12:50:12MicroChip32not cool prh
12:51:18fontenotmaybe it's leaving the stack in a bad state
12:51:46MicroChip32i dunno how, you feel like having a look ?
12:52:36fontenotMicroChip32: im afraid i would not be much help - i havent actually written C in over 6 years
12:53:04fontenotMicroChip32: what does the code do?
12:53:09MicroChip32fontenot: then you have 4 years on me, i aint done c since college in 92
12:53:21fontenotis it pretty self-contained?
12:54:06MicroChip32fontenot: yes, and the code in question simply grabs a numeric value from a fixed-size field in a string and returns it as an int
12:54:10fontenotMicroChip32: do you get a core file? have symbols compiled in? debugger tell you anything?
12:54:25MicroChip32core file yes, dunno nuffin about doing debugging stuff
12:54:32fontenotusing gcc?
12:54:52fontenotcompiling with -g ?
12:55:24MicroChip32just did, same result
12:55:31fontenotyou could use gdb to 1) load the core file and ask it where the segfault occurred, 2) step through the code
12:55:32MicroChip32i assume that adds debug info to the core ?
12:55:46fontenotMicroChip32: -g just compiles in symbols - makes for easier debugging
12:56:16fontenotyou get actual function and variable names instead of memory locations
12:59:26MicroChip32gdb map core  (map is prog name) after compile with -g
12:59:37MicroChip32entered 'run' in gdb
12:59:43MicroChip32get normal output except for ...
13:00:01MicroChip32Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
13:00:01MicroChip320x4004012f in ?? () from /lib/
13:00:35MicroChip32how do i start it so i can step thru it totally ?
13:03:49fontenoti think you just type step
13:03:58fontenotyou can examine variables etc
13:04:13fontenotthere are some good graphical front ends for gdb
13:04:28fontenotbecause it's a pain to use from the command line
13:04:29MicroChip32cept no x on my server
13:04:45fontenoti always have to read the help when I use gdb
13:04:57MicroChip32yep, have man up in 2nd terminal ;)
13:05:10fontenotif you load the binary and type step, what happens?
13:05:17fontenotyou can also set breakpoints
13:05:29fontenotthat makes stepping a lot more convenient
13:05:39MicroChip32yea i set a break on main so it stopped at the beginning and am stepping thru no
13:06:09fontenottry to examine the variables as you go when you think it makes sense
13:06:33fontenoti think you're corrupting something - probably a bad pointer or a non-terminated string
13:06:53NiddixWhy would a PCMCIA nic driver loading lock up my tux?
13:07:10MicroChip32yea thats what i figure too, the wierd thing is that this worked PERFECTLY a couple days ago, and i havent changed anything in the function in question
13:07:31fontenotMicroChip32: riiiiight.  :-D
13:07:47fontenotMicroChip32: this is a delayed segfault
13:07:59fontenotMicroChip32: there may not even be a problem in that function
13:08:27fontenotMicroChip32: sometimes memory corruption is not detected until several funtions later
13:08:38MicroChip32fontenot: it seg's at the end of the prog. if i comment out 2 lines of code it doesnt segfault. so the problem is definitly in those two lines, both which call this function
13:08:53fontenotMicroChip32: the fact that it's crashing in the libc only re-enforces that theory
13:09:31fontenotMicroChip32: that's likely true, but not 100% true
13:09:49MicroChip32also intersting is that a 3rd line which is essentially identical to the first does NOT cause a segfault
13:09:59fontenotMicroChip32: the calling and running of that function may cause manipulations of the stack and memory which expose the corruption
13:10:30MicroChip32hehe you sound like a politition talking about corruption like that ;)
13:10:43fontenotMicroChip32: I would check your pointer usage and string termination in the whole program
13:10:57fontenotMicroChip32: tho I dont know how big it is
13:11:16fontenotMicroChip32: are you using any other function libraries other than libc?
13:11:43MicroChip32stdlib.h and math.h compiled with -lm
13:12:14MicroChip32stdio.h i mean
13:12:31MicroChip32string.h too
13:13:40MicroChip32ok, took out math.h and -lm (which i dont need currently) no effect
13:14:25TangentMicroChip32 : Are you sure that you're using atol correctly?
13:14:33fontenotthe fact that you are only using proven libraries and very few points to an actual problem in your code
13:14:46TangentMicroChip32 : If I'm understanding correctly, you're passing it just one char at a time
13:14:57fontenotheh, are you using it on a non-null-terminated string perhaps?
13:15:20TangentMicroChip32 : but atol seems to handle whole strings...
13:15:31fontenotbut hates non-terminated ones
13:15:46fontenotas do most of the libc functions
13:16:00TangentMicroChip32 : I changed atol to just deduct 'A' instead (Convenient Ascii to Hex), and it doesn't segfault anymore in the get_int_field function
13:16:07MicroChip32yes string is terminated, and the function returns the proper numeric value as shown by prints in my code.
13:16:40fontenotTangent: isn't there a version of libc he can link to which has the symbols built in?
13:16:45MicroChip32Tangent: change what where ?
13:17:13TangentMicroChip32 : in functions.h... where you're calling atol
13:17:14fontenotin redhat there is a rpm called glibc-debug
13:17:20MicroChip32Tangent: and no not passing atol a character by character
13:17:46fontenotTangent: where are you seeing the code?
13:17:55fontenotdid i miss a link?
13:18:05Tangentfontenot : MicroChip32 posted me a .zip
13:18:10MicroChip32fontenot: yes you did
13:18:55MicroChip32Tangent: the function puts a temporary null at the end of the fixed field and passes atol a pointer to the start of the fixed field
13:19:26fontenotARg no unzip on this laptop
13:19:31fontenotcrap redhat POS
13:19:42fontenotinstalls 100s of MB of crap i dont need
13:19:46fontenotand does not in stall unzip
13:20:15NiddixTry gunzip
13:20:32MicroChip32id tar.gz it but not familiar with tar/gz except for UN taring stuff
13:20:59MicroChip32Tangent: back to your change, what did you change? from what to what ?
13:22:03fontenotlocalhost% gunzip
13:22:03fontenotgunzip: unknown suffix -- ignored
13:22:09TangentMicroChip32 : I wans't entirely understanding what the code did.. but I changed the atol line... it won't do what it should now.. but it doesn't segfault in get_int_field anymore
13:22:32MicroChip32lol, well that helps ;) i can do that by commenting them out ;)
13:22:51MicroChip32and yea, i dont comment well do i ;)
13:23:15Niddixfontenot rename it to Z
13:24:09TangentMicroChip32 : Comments are OK... but I've had to start from not knowing what the code is supposed to do... and work my way to understanding that you're reading stuff from a file, and splitting it up... (what's wrong with awk? ;)
13:24:23fontenotdoesn't that only work on single files zipped?
13:24:52fontenotlocalhost% gunzip map.Z
13:24:52fontenotgunzip: map.Z has more than one entry -- unchanged
13:25:06fontenoti need unzip
13:25:09MicroChip32Tangent: not familiar with it, and would it work with fixed size and position fields within a string?
13:25:21fontenotthis sucks
13:25:26fontenotno cdrom drive
13:25:35NiddixNot sure why you didn't get it.
13:25:37MicroChip32how would i gz the file guys and i'll to that
13:25:46TangentMicroChip32 : It would work.. but it wasn't a serious suggestion
13:25:55NiddixFind unzip-5.41-3.rpm
13:26:23fontenotit's not a big deal
13:26:26NiddixMicroChip32:   tar zcvf files.tar.gz blah
13:27:23NiddixMicroChip32: tar z(zip)c(create)v(verbose)f(file)
13:29:47fontenotMicroChip32: getting file not found
13:29:50MicroChip32oops, sec
13:30:16MicroChip32try now
13:30:46fontenotgot it
13:32:23MicroChip32looks like two ppl grabbed it
13:32:29fontenoti see one problem right off the bat
13:32:36MicroChip32which is ?
13:32:55fontenotyou're doing an fgets(256 to a 256 element array
13:33:04fontenotwhere's the termination?
13:33:40fontenotmight not be *the* problem, but that's exactly the sort of thing that gets one into this sort of trouble
13:33:42MicroChip32hmmmmm i was gonna say that string is never printed, but it is for debugging
13:34:02fontenotyou're printing it on the next line
13:34:34MicroChip32changed fgets to 255, still segfaults
13:34:50MicroChip32fontenot: yea, for debugging, making sure its reading the file
13:36:49fontenotMicroChip32: i just null terminated is and it still segfaults so that's not the current problem
13:37:12fontenotBTW you should compile with -Wall and see if you understand all the warnings
13:40:37MicroChip32fixed two implicit declarations by including ctype.h and stdlib.h
13:41:52MicroChip32here's where i think the problem is, but not sure exactly how ...
13:42:17MicroChip32in the types.h the 3 fields in question are defined as short, long long, and short; respectively
13:42:40MicroChip32the get_int function returns a long (currently)
13:43:02MicroChip32ive played with all the above types and always get the segfault
13:43:20TangentMicroChip32 : I assume you tried atoll too
13:43:20MicroChip32the values remain printed properly in my debug prints however
13:43:43MacAtacksays Microchip32 is becoming a C god
13:43:54MicroChip32ummm no, didnt know of it, but that would only be relevant to the 2nd field
13:43:59MicroChip32MacAtack: working on it *lol*
13:44:21MicroChip32helps to have 15+ years programming in other languages ;)
13:44:47NiddixMicroChip32: I doubt thats the problem.  C is pretty good at automatically casting.
13:44:56NiddixHave you tried to recast the return value?
13:45:21MicroChip32Niddix: thats what i figured. should i have the function return the biggest type possible and cast the return value as needed ?
13:45:24MicroChip32or vice versa ?
13:45:59MicroChip32aka use atoll, return a long long, and cast to short as needed ?
13:46:19NiddixMicroChip32: That would be preferable I'd think.
13:46:34NiddixMicroChip32: Otherwise you might lose something.
13:46:45MicroChip32didnt work
13:47:18MicroChip32besides which, its never seg'd on the 3rd get_int execution which is essentially identical to the first, which does seg
13:47:38NiddixLet me reboot into Linux.
13:48:17MacAtackthat was fun
13:48:35MicroChip32they should sell tickets for those rides
13:49:15MicroChip32argh, that daggone red worm is STILL probing me
13:52:11MicroChip32ok i have it down to NO -Wall warnings
13:52:12MacAtackwerkin your internet connecton to death to huh?  heheheheh
13:52:26MicroChip32that doesnt take much here *lol*
13:52:49MicroChip32crap my modem balked at sending my zipped code to two people at once *lol*
13:53:02scanlineis away: class
13:53:02pattiejais back (gone 14:06:45)
13:53:23MacAtackMicroChip32: send it to me and I'll post it on an oc-3 ftp site
13:53:47MicroChip32hehe no biggie MacAtack, its not that big
13:54:02fontenotMicroChip32: what dist are you using?
13:54:15MacAtacki know how much you like not eating up all of your b/w
13:54:35MicroChip32rh6.2 kernel 2.2.19
13:54:55MicroChip32MacAtack: what bandwidth
13:55:01fontenotMicroChip32: rpm -q glibc-debug
13:55:06MicroChip32MacAtack: we use dixie cups out here
13:55:53MicroChip32fontenot: not installed
13:56:09fontenotMicroChip32: yeh, me neither :-\
13:57:38MicroChip32MacAtack: or on the good days we use bird calls
13:58:04MicroChip32on the bad days its smoke signals
13:59:13MicroChip32wants his own T1
14:00:26MacAtacksayz sprint has a pretty sweet looking deal going on now.. Free Router with a 1 year commitment for the t-1 :)
14:03:51prpplagueMacAtack: be sure and read the fine print
14:04:15MicroChip32gets out his magnifrying glass
14:04:38MicroChip32hmmmm says here that "we own you, your house, your wife, and your dog when you sign this paper"
14:06:08NiddixNot the dog. Thats going to far!
14:06:27MicroChip32oh, i forgot the kids too
14:06:30MicroChip32and the car
14:10:40MacAtackprpplague: yeah i already have it seems pretty straight forward... but they want people to forget they left thier customers high and dry for 11 days when thier network melted down a few years ago
14:12:06prpplagueMacAtack: well this is one of my favorite site since i have to deal with verizon so often -
14:13:10MacAtackyeah most def...  since were on the subject of companies that suck ever heard of Quicknet ?  they've attempted to repair two of thier devices that i have bought and both times they have they want me to ship it back again for another round of repair my expense (shipping)  gettin annoyed
14:13:38prpplagueMacAtack: what is it? router?
14:13:49MacAtackVoIP telephony devices
14:14:26MacAtackthey have a PCMICA version that should work in the tux (so were not completely off topic here) but I highly doubt I will ever purchase one now
14:16:25MacAtackprpplague: that verizon site is pretty funny... i like the pic of the van
14:17:10prpplagueMacAtack: it my understanding they vadilized that van and no one noticed for a month
14:17:58prpplagueMacAtack: ann voip stuff
14:19:01NiddixMicroChip32: Ever figure out your problem?
14:19:21MicroChip32nope, ive got rid of all -Wall warnings and still seg's
14:20:02NiddixOk.. Your problem is in the line data = get_record_t1( line );
14:20:06MicroChip32Niddix: actually i know my problem ... its c
14:20:11MicroChip32Niddix: how so ?
14:20:12NiddixWell its actually before that.
14:20:30NiddixYour dumping your RT1 struture into thin air.  You need to allocate memory for it.
14:21:23NiddixAdd the line... data = ( RT1 * ) malloc( sizeof(RT1) ); right before that line.
14:21:40MacAtackprpplague: ROTFLAMO that is sooo funny
14:21:44MicroChip32better idea yet ...
14:22:05MicroChip32Niddix: in the funtion get_record_rt1 ...
14:22:42MicroChip32Niddix: change the def of rec to RT1 rec, instead of RT1 *rec, then return &rec instead of return rec;
14:23:54MicroChip32but still, good catch
14:24:20NiddixOr you could just put the RT1 *data; inside main();
14:25:11NiddixMicroChip32: Nevermind.. that still wouldn't work.
14:25:21MicroChip32what good would that do w/o one of the other things
14:25:44MicroChip32but youre right, it probably should go inside main since its not necessary to be global
14:26:11MicroChip32but note that most of main() is testing stuff right now
14:27:02NiddixMicroChip32: I'm not positive, but I think if you do what you were saying you might lose your memory structure due to going out of scope.
14:27:03MicroChip32hmmm -Wall doesnt like it when my function returns the address of its local variable. is that a big deal ?
14:27:24CosmicPenguinMicroChip32: Probably.....
14:28:04CosmicPenguinMicroChip32: Did you alloate the memory, or is it just a regular local variable on the stack?
14:28:17MicroChip32regular variable, not pointer/malloc
14:28:28CosmicPenguinMicroChip32: Definately don't do that.... :)  
14:28:36MicroChip32CosmicPenguin: ok, how about this ...
14:28:36NiddixMicroChip32: Yeah then it will poof when you leave the function.
14:28:58NiddixMicroChip32: You might actually get away with it for a little while..
14:29:02MicroChip32in the func define the var as pointer, malloc, and return the var/pointer ... will that poof ?
14:29:15CosmicPenguinMicroChip32: That won't poof....  
14:29:20NiddixMicroChip32: That'll workl
14:29:25MicroChip32cool, that will suit my purpose then ;)
14:29:32CosmicPenguinNiddix: The fun thing about those bugs, is they they don't poof until some undetermined time later....
14:29:42NiddixCosmicPenguin: No kidding.
14:29:46MicroChip32CosmicPenguin: yea, we noticed
14:29:55NiddixCosmicPenguin: Then are are fun to track down.
14:30:00MicroChip32Niddix and all those who helped ... many many thanks
14:30:18MicroChip32hates c
14:30:38MicroChip32is remembering why
14:30:41NiddixMicroChip32: C gives you enough rope to hang yourself.
14:30:56MicroChip32Niddix: and helps you tie the knot too
14:30:56NiddixMicroChip32: It'll even tie the knot for you.
14:31:01MicroChip32rotfl gmta
14:31:52pattiejaanybody know anything about the Compaq iPAQ Home Internet Appliance?
14:31:55CosmicPenguinNiddix, MicroChip32:  C does all this while at the same time assuring you that everything is going to be fine....
14:32:00NiddixNow if I could just figure out why my tux locks when initializing the nic....
14:32:08pattiejaTigerDirect is selling them for $99.99
14:32:23CosmicPenguinpattieja: Strong arm based?
14:32:31pattiejahow should I know?  :)
14:32:41prhtangent was looking at those yesterday
14:32:45TangentAMD K6 266 based
14:32:46MicroChip32Niddix: malloc( rec, sizeof(rec) ); right ?
14:32:52prhahh there he is ;O)
14:33:03pattiejaIt says it has support for Java VM, Windows Media Player, and ActiveX controls, so I would think it's running some form of Windows
14:33:15Tangentprh : Yeah..just lurking.. doing the jobserve thing
14:33:20CosmicPenguinpattieja: Of course....  Compaq is very Windoze friendly....
14:33:22prhshudders at the thought of running windows
14:33:31pattiejadoes this mean that it could be hacked to run Linux?
14:33:34prhtang: any sign of the right thing?
14:33:48CosmicPenguinpattieja: Of course.... given the right bits of informatoin....
14:34:08Tangentpattieja : Very probably... but there's no touchscreen, and only one CF slot, so it's a bit more limited than the Tux, inspite of the better screen and extra memory
14:34:30MicroChip32Niddix: actually rec = malloc( sizeof(rec) );
14:34:34CosmicPenguinTangent: USB?  Sounds like a pretty good thin client to me.....
14:34:41pattiejaTangent: right, but I just want a thin-client for my sister (or any of her friends that come over and always use my computer :)
14:34:52TangentCosmicPenguin : Yeah..I forgot about USB actually
14:35:16prhno touchscreen
14:35:26pattiejathe keyboard is wireless and has a builtin pointer.  ooooohhhhh!
14:35:29CosmicPenguinTangent: Awesome...  Toss rdesktop on there, and you've got yourself a pretty cool system that your sister can use too......
14:35:46pattiejaI don't have WTSE
14:35:52pattiejaor Citrix
14:36:00prhcan't you serve X as a WTSE session?
14:36:01MicroChip32ha! got it !
14:36:01pattiejanor do I have any desire to mess with them
14:36:07TangentCosmicPenguin :I have no shortage of computers for my sister to use.. just a shortage of seating
14:36:19CosmicPenguinpattieja: Then use rdesktop........
14:36:27CosmicPenguinMost of your newer PCs will serve RDP
14:36:45pattiejaI pretty much only use Linux at home
14:37:02TangentCosmicPenguin : Only if you use Server versions of the stuff
14:37:05pattiejaI thought rdesktop was a terminal server connection protocol client
14:37:08CosmicPenguinTangent: True, true....
14:37:23pattiejawhy not go free and use VNC?
14:37:30CosmicPenguinpattieja: Thats good too.....
14:37:32pattiejaooh.  that rhymed
14:37:40pattieja(however you spell that)
14:38:17pattiejaIf I get one of these, I just don't want it to turn out like the Audrey's I bought
14:38:21Tangentpattieja : You really don't want to get me started with poetry
14:38:32CosmicPenguinpattieja: No luck on hacking the Audrey then?
14:38:34pattiejaTangent: would that get you off on a different tangent?
14:38:47pattiejaCosmicPenguin: not as yet.  Haven't messed with it for quite some time.
14:39:08prhwhats an audrey?
14:39:09CosmicPenguinpattieja: Do you know anyone that works at 3Com that can give you some pointers?
14:39:12audrey is
14:39:18pattiejaMaybe I can get my uncle to look at it.  He could probably isolate the onboard flash to give me access to flashing it (possibly)
14:39:31pattiejaCosmicPenguin: not a one
14:39:39prpplaguepattieja: we've order a couple of the ipaq units to see if we can put out tcs software on it
14:39:45MicroChip32woohoo, it works again
14:39:51pattiejaprpplague: sweet
14:39:52MicroChip32runs circles around his desk
14:39:56CosmicPenguinprpplague: Is it CF based or flash based?
14:40:03pattiejaMicroChip32: curly?
14:40:10Tangentpattieja : I've done quite a few like this now...
14:40:12pattiejaprpplague: have you gotten any in yet?
14:40:22prpplagueCosmicPenguin: don't know haven't got them yet
14:40:23MicroChip32pattieja: eh?
14:41:21Tangentpattieja : Here's another...
14:41:53pattiejaTangent: that's cool
14:42:24pattiejaMicroChip32: 3 stooges.  Curly.  He did the funniest thing like running around on the floor.  It was hilareous.
14:42:38prpplagueTangent: cute
14:42:44MicroChip32pattieja: ahhhhhh
14:42:45Tangentprpplague : Thanks
14:42:52Tangentspse : Afternoon
14:43:08Tangentspse : Before you ask... The usual.. and yes... and yes
14:43:25MicroChip32pattieja: im just happy cuz Niddix and others helped me find a c bug thats been 'bug'ing me for 2 days
14:43:46pattiejaMicroChip32: I know somewhat how you feel.  :)
14:45:31prpplagueMicroChip32: same here
14:48:28NiddixAny PCMCIA guru's on?
14:49:27pattiejadah!  all compaq's links for specifications, upgrades & options, software, warranty are broken on their Home Internet Appliances IA-1 site
14:51:12prpplagueNiddix: i'm a pcmcia wannabie guru does that count?
14:51:45prpplaguepattieja: i searched for about 2 hours yesterday an didn't find anything
14:52:04Niddixprpplague: If you can tell me what how to debug my tux locking up when I stick my nic in, I'll crown you.
14:54:38pattiejaprpplague: when do you think your shipment of iPAQ's will arrive?  and which model did you order?
14:54:46pattiejaand from where?
14:55:07prpplague wed
14:56:47prpplaguehowdy mallum
14:57:35prpplaguemallum: saw a couple of your posts on the linux-arm-kernel, said to myself, "i know that guy!"
14:58:04mallumprpplague: heh
14:58:20mallumprpplague: posts like 'Hi, I really dont know what Im doing :) '
14:59:32prpplaguemallum: you know when i see your posts, in my minds eye i see that planet of the apes drawing on your web page
15:00:08pattiejaprpplague: have you seen jailbait?
15:00:16pattiejait's a distro of Linux that fits in 16MB
15:00:30pattiejaincludes Netscape 4.73 and ishmail for imap mail and vncviewer
15:00:34mallumprpplague: heh. was it the posts about the CATS board ?
15:00:52mallumprpplague: I like the way russ king is so aggressive on the list
15:01:14prpplaguepattieja: ya i tried it but didn't have much luck, the buildroot system that the tux uses is a far easier and configurable system for build an easy rootfs
15:01:52prpplaguemallum: ya i think that was what it was, i remember rmk being a little condesending
15:01:54pattiejawell, I saw it on the Audrey website and thought about it for the IA-1
15:04:00prpplaguepattieja: it just wasn't felixble enough
15:04:14pattiejaprpplague: k
15:04:16mallumprpplague: this was arm-newbie, I dont think rmk is on that list
15:04:20MicroChip32g'mornin kernelwork
15:04:40pattiejaprpplague: I found a host of bbs entries on for the IA-1 iPAQ
15:04:59pattiejaThey're under the MSN Companion Other I-Appliances links.
15:06:43CosmicPenguinpattieja: Whats the news?
15:08:47pattiejaCosmicPenguin: you can overclock the IA-1 to 320MHz
15:08:50pattiejafrom 266MHz
15:10:08pattiejapeople have been booting the thing off the CF card slot
15:13:03pattiejaprpplague: I'm seeing entries that people have gotten Jailbait to work on the IA-1 no problem (and then others were having problems, but...)
15:13:54mallumpattieja: what is jailbait ?
15:14:04pattiejaan embedded distro of linux
15:14:45kernelworkReally?  I though jailbait was something else...
15:14:58kernelworkhas a friend going out with some jailbait
15:15:16mallumkernelwork: hehe , I did wanna say .....
15:15:41kernelworkIs it linux for young people?
15:16:07kernelworkThey could call it JB Linux
15:17:02mallumwonders how they fit netscape navigator into 16megs
15:17:05AlHazjailbait is an old, poorly done embedded linux distro
15:17:17AlHazwhich hasn't been updated in over a year
15:17:34pattiejanetscape by itself will fit in 7MB
15:18:10mallumAlHaz: yeah I noticed they are using full X too
15:18:54AlHazmallum: and 2.4.0-pre10, tho that should be easy enough to replace
15:19:16prherm - whoever was talking about rdesktop - how do I tell my w2k box to serve it's desktop?
15:19:32mallumAlHaz: I guess it X86 only too , if its using netscape and XF86_SVGA
15:21:07CosmicPenguinprh: I guess you need a w2k server..... thought I thought w2k had RDP built in....
15:21:16CosmicPenguin<-- Happy to not be a Windoze hacker...
15:21:22prhbut how do you turn it on? (me too :O)
15:21:48CosmicPenguinAlHaz: <poorly done embedded linux distro> -- Sounds like the happy words of an Embeddix man... :)
15:22:18AlHazCosmicPenguin: well, sure, I work there and all . . .
15:22:41TangentCosmicPenguin : RDP is only on the server versions.. it's true
15:22:47AlHazI installed JB just once. and regretted it.
15:22:49CosmicPenguinAlHaz: I'm excited to see the Sharp, even though they use our competitors software....
15:23:17AlHazCosmicPenguin: I wish i were more excited to see it ship, i think we could have done better if the japan office had cooperated with lindon
15:23:49CosmicPenguinTangent: I can never tell the difference between w2k server and client.  After all, I am still getting nimda hits...  I can't believe that all those machines are servers....
15:23:50AlHazit's still nice hardware tho, and I'm still getting over the shock of seeing my company's name mentioned in someone elses product docs
15:23:55mallumCosmicPenguin: you've got your hands on one of them sharps ?
15:24:24CosmicPenguinmallum: Nope... We're direct competitors of QT, so I doubt we will be getting any free samples... :)
15:24:25TangentCosmicPenguin : I think the differences are.. .a.) The splashscreen. b.) RDP. c.) Price
15:24:26MicroChip32CosmicPenguin: im still seeing nimda hits too, altho far fewer than originally
15:25:15CosmicPenguinTangent:  Changing those splashscreens are expensive..... :)
15:25:43TangentCosmicPenguin : Yep.. floodfill on the background uses a lot of expensive CPU cycles..
15:26:23CosmicPenguinTangent: Yeah, but wouldn't a company as sophisticated as M$ use advanced assembly to write the blit routines?
15:26:36MicroChip32CosmicPenguin: hahaha yea right
15:26:39CosmicPenguinTangent: Oh, wait... they just want to you upgrade your machine.....
15:26:41MicroChip32they prolly use vb to do it
15:26:45TangentCosmicPenguin : s/assembly/visual basic/
15:26:50CosmicPenguinTangent: lol
15:26:56MicroChip32shakes his head... gmta
15:27:18AlHazit's probably in ring 0 anyhow . . .
15:28:50AlHazCosmicPenguin: So, are you prepared for the awsome power of Embedded XP?
15:29:11CosmicPenguinAlHaz: Yep......  All 150MB of it....
15:29:37TangentEmbedded XP? Seriously?
15:29:42AlHazTangent: Seriously
15:29:46Tangentin concrete?
15:29:52AlHazthey want it to replace CE, don't they?
15:30:19CosmicPenguinTangent: I'll probably be holding a copy in my hands on Sunday
15:30:37CosmicPenguinAnd I kid you not....  the smallest they have gotten it down to is 150MB
15:30:44TangentWhen will M$learn to take their immense fortune, and just go away
15:31:06mallumReally, the reason
15:31:07mallumyou see open source there at all is because we came in and said there should
15:31:08mallumbe a platform that's identical with millions and millions of machines," - bill gates
15:31:15Tangent150MB doesn't really cut it... that's the sort of think I'd piece together for an OS ;)
15:32:12Tangentmallum : Hrm... yes... what was that file format on the Amiga... ah yes.. Interchangable File Format.. .worked on all differnt apps, systems... etc... except Windows
15:32:54mallumTangent: heh, there was a big thread of stuff like that on the gllug list ( where that was posted )
15:34:06Tangentstarts a list... every time this windows box pisses me off I'll put it on the list.. and when the list is 20 lines long, I'm gonna format it and drop linux on
15:34:47TangentThe sad thing is that I'll still count as a windows user for their statistics, as I have a opened copy of windows that I can't legally sell (and fortunately didn't have to buy either)
15:34:59spseTangent: so you'll have linux on it by 6pm then ;)
15:35:54Tangentspse : Sadly not.. the application containing the shit list just crashed and lost all it's files
15:36:18mallumTangent: I gave my girlfriend my old viao picturebook and put KDE on it
15:36:51mallumTangent: she thinks its fantastic, cos the cards in ksolitare animate much better than windows solitaire ( and she can change there colors )
15:37:45Tangentmallum : My problems with linuxing this machine are... a.) Will my soundcard work... _properly_ with surround etc... 2.) Will my WinTV Card work... 3.) Will my raid card work.. 4.) Will I loose my 160GB collection of movies and mp3s? 5.) Will I ever get it working right under linux or will I just break it every two days with a new kernel
15:38:35AlHazthe wintv card will work, at least
15:38:35spsei'll all work ok, plus you can watch dvd's on the second head of the matrox ;)
15:38:43Tangentmallum : Sigh.. if only _I_ was that easily pleased :)
15:38:51CosmicPenguinspse: mmm... dual heads.....
15:39:01AlHazthe raid card depends . . . most of the ide raid cards aren't really raid by a longshot
15:39:15TangentAlHaz : Nah.. it's not real raid.. it's a promise card
15:39:25spsethe promise is, cos its software raid
15:39:34TangentAlHaz : But I need a kernel that supports it, on a bootable CD so that I can reformat my drives
15:40:08Tangentspse : Didn't you tell me the other day that every piece of DVD playing software you found failed to work on linux
15:40:19TangentHmm.. and that's the other thing.. how about DVD ripping?
15:40:32spsevideo lan client works fine
15:40:48AlHazMPlayer works pretty well
15:41:02Tangentspse : How could I live without graphedit?
15:41:06spseyes, but for dvd playing the interface is still being worked on
15:41:48mallumTangent: I got a kt7 mother board with raid and ata100 working on my desktop at home
15:41:49spseplus I looked at the mplayer code and it looks like it has been written by 13yr old demo coders, it works well but i dont think they have heard of indenting ;)
15:42:02CosmicPenguinxine rules!
15:42:12CosmicPenguinFor everything except Disney....
15:43:09prpplagueCosmicPenguin: we don't do disney at my house...
15:43:15mallumTangent: havn't you got debian on your laptop ?
15:43:42prpplaguetaught his 4 year old son to say "disney and m$ suck!"
15:43:54Tangentmallum : Yep.. got debian on laptop.. tuxscreen, ipaq, firewall and dev box.. +VMware copies on Windows boxes
15:44:07AlHazI can't stand xine . . .
15:44:22mallumTangent: well do you really need to install Linux on your big box then ?
15:44:24AlHazfor one it seems to confuse chapters with .vob files
15:44:25Tangentprpplague : Well done :)
15:44:26spsei found the dvd nav on xine a bit broken
15:44:31CosmicPenguinprpplague: The GF loves disney....  We always take the laptop on trips, and she tried to load up Tarzan, but Xine wouldn't handle it
15:44:32AlHazwhich isn't always the case
15:44:56prpplagueTangent: he love to play xbill
15:45:07Tangentmallum : It's not that I _need_ to.. It's just that M$ are pissing me off with their press releases, and I really want to have nothing to do with them
15:45:10mallumhas Tron on DVD
15:45:18CosmicPenguinspse: Yeah, I can't play my simpsons DVDs on Xine because of the navigation
15:45:38mallumTangent: I know !, sell the box and buy a big box, stcik OSX on it :)
15:45:50mallums/big box/big mac/
15:46:08CosmicPenguinmallum: I would prefer Yellowdog personally.....
15:46:14Tangentmallum : Certainly not... not enough mouse buttons ;)
15:46:26mallumCosmicPenguin: debian runs on ppc too
15:46:46mallumTangent: I have an ms mouse on my mac under osx working fine with more buttons
15:46:53mallumTangent: though I am selling my mac
15:46:57AlHazwell, at least with desktop macs you can throw away the little mouse they come with and plug in a normal usb mouse
15:47:17mallumTangent: cos I never use it and its not really powerful enough for OSX and the keyboard sucks
15:47:22AlHazpowerbooks would look real nice to me if they had another mouse button. oh, and a trackpoint instead of a greasepad.
15:47:33mallumAlHaz: yeah Id like a power book
15:47:41Tangentmallum : You want to leave that last sentence out of the advert :)
15:47:53CosmicPenguinAelhaz: Embeddix won an award from Linux Journal...  :)
15:48:03CosmicPenguinmallum: I am debian free?
15:48:04AlHazCosmicPenguin: That's nice
15:48:20AlHazCosmicPenguin: this just recently?
15:48:28mallumCosmicPenguin: why the '?' ?
15:48:28AlHazI know they liked the SDK, which was good to hear
15:48:35CosmicPenguinAlHaz: Just read it on LinuxDevices....
15:48:41AlHazI'll go look later
15:48:46CosmicPenguinmallum: s/?/!/
15:49:00CosmicPenguinWhich I read on my Ipaq via bluetooth..... :-)
15:49:01mallumCosmicPenguin: whys that then ?
15:49:21CosmicPenguinmallum: I dunno... mainly to piss off kernelwork (who is a debian fanatic)
15:49:27AlHazCosmicPenguin: Sorta surprising, since LD spends so much time toadying up to MontaVista
15:50:27CosmicPenguinAlHaz: No comment... I know another certain company that seems to get more then their fair share of press from Rick Leherbaum...... :)
15:51:39AelhazCosmicPenguin: heh
15:52:01AelhazWell, montavista does do one thing that lineo doesn't that gets them some recognition.
15:52:12mallumAlHaz: is embeddix like a superchrged buildroot ?
15:52:17Aelhazyou can actually go to an ftp site and download a binary distribution that will actually boot to a prompt and do stuff
15:52:19CosmicPenguinAelhaz: Real Time?
15:52:25CosmicPenguinAelhaz: Ahh....
15:53:06AelhazCosmicPenguin: hey now, we actually ship RTAI with some sdks, which is actually hard real time. MV just has that preemptable kernel.
15:53:21CosmicPenguinAelhaz: I haddn't heard.....  
15:53:39Aelhazdoesn't matter, hardly anyone actually needs hard real time
15:54:18Aelhazbut lots of people think they do, so you have to offer it
15:55:03CosmicPenguinAelhaz: Hey, when that pr0n server responds, I don't want be be screwing around with some other process,right?
15:55:35AelhazWell, with RTAI, we can do in software, in linux, things that are usually done in ASICs
15:55:57Aelhazit's up to the customer to decide if that's a good thing or not . . .
15:56:58prpplagueCosmicPenguin: you guys know rick very well?
15:57:09CosmicPenguinprpplague: Our director of marketing does......
15:59:46prpplagueCosmicPenguin: rick is supposed to get john lombardo to do a review of our tcsx-1 unit
16:01:57mallumWhat exactly does a premptive kernel do ? in what situations is it useful ?
16:02:50Aelhazmallum: anyway, yeah, the embedix sdk is similar to buildroot, but more versatile, with a gui, and a hundred some packages floating around the base installation
16:03:01Aelhazwell, MV has this kernel patch that makes linux more preemptable
16:03:23Aelhazthat means that whena high priority task needs something done right now, it can preempt whatever the kernel is doing and get it done, and then the kernel can pick up where it left off
16:03:25Niddix_awayAnyone want to place any bets that this Netgear FA411 I just bought will work?
16:03:46AelhazNiddix_away: yes, it oughta work
16:03:51Aelhazdidn't someone already try one?
16:04:02mallumAelhaz: ok I get you , so its sort of like an RT kernel ...?
16:04:07Niddix_awayAelhax: Yeah.. however..
16:04:23Aelhazmallum: not really
16:04:38Aelhazmallum: in RT, the right task at the wrong time is the wrong task
16:04:54mallumAelhaz: ok
16:05:05Aelhazmallum: so with hard real time, you're looking to get something done at a particular time, with microsecond accuracy
16:05:16Niddix_awayWow.. it worked.
16:05:19Niddix_awayI'm amazed.
16:05:54CosmicPenguinNiddix: Netgear?  Ack!
16:06:01Aelhazmallum: being able to preempt the kernel resolves a lot of latency issues, but it still doesn't guarantee that something gets done at a particular time
16:06:12NiddixCosmicPenguin: Whats wrong with Netgear?
16:06:25Aelhazpreemptability and HRT are actually complementary
16:07:11Aelhazthe way most (all?) linux real-time solutions work is to use a sort of microkernel between the system and the linux kernel
16:07:21Aelhazso the kernel actually runs as a client task of the real time system
16:07:35Aelhazthus victor yodaiken's hilarious patent
16:07:37mallumAelhaz: yep
16:07:58NiddixOf course, now I'm not getting a login.
16:08:04AelhazSo, in that case, the kernel gets blocked whether it likes it or not, and it's generally OK with that, but it would be nice if it were built to be preempted
16:08:48CosmicPenguinNiddix: That NSC chip isn't the best... or rather, the driver for that NSC chip
16:09:24NiddixCosmicPenguin: Will it work semi-reliably?
16:09:37NiddixCosmicPenguin: Its not like I'm planning to host a website on my tux.
16:10:52mallumAelhaz: thanks for explaining that all to me
16:11:47AelhazOS/2's kernel is fully preemptable, and IBM used to sell an almost-hard-real-time addon for it. I think if there was something like that for linux it could do a lot of things for people, but the marketing buzz around "real time" has everyone convinced they need hard real time
16:12:03mallumAelhaz: what sort of systems/apps would work better with a preemptive kernel ?
16:12:04Aelhazwhen in most cases they just need low latency, or would be better off with an asic or dsp anyhow
16:12:35Aelhazmallum: audio editing & mixing is a common use for it
16:12:55Aelhaz'course, in MacOS, they just clobber the rest of the OS to get everything done
16:13:07Aelhazyou can get away with that on cooperative multitasking systems . . .
16:13:12mallumAelhaz: cool, yeah of course - it would be cool in audio
16:13:37mallumAelhaz: getting tracks synced up and the like
16:14:00NiddixHow up to date is the buildroot in downloads/v0.4?
16:14:13AelhazI found that in os/2, unless something wedged the input queue (which was a major problem, it had a synchronous input queue), one app generally couldn't make the rest of the system unusable, which was nice
16:14:34CosmicPenguinNiddix: It *should* work ok, but if it freaks on you, you'll know why....
16:14:54Niddixnod.. well its freaking right now.
16:15:02Aelhazin hard real time systems you actually end up with a problem they call priority inversion
16:15:09NiddixEither that or its taking forever to timeout.
16:15:22Aelhazwhere a high priority task is waiting on a low priority task to get something done, which means a middle-priority task never happens
16:15:46Aelhazeven though you'd rather have it than the low priority task
16:16:30mallum Aelhaz:I gotta shoot - hometime - thx again for the explination  
16:16:32mallumlaters all
16:17:10scanlineis back (gone 08:14:44)
16:22:26prpplagueNiddix: hey didn't get a chance to answer you about the pcmcia, i haven't got that far yet i'm still working on learning the code for pcmcia controlers
16:22:56Niddixprpplague: Thats alright.  I went out and bought a card thats known to work.
16:23:12Niddixprpplague: The LinkSys came out of my wifes laptop, was just trying it.
16:24:15NiddixOf course my known to work card isn't working.. but I'm sure its just me.
16:24:43NiddixThe drivers init.. but I doesn't seem to be configuring right.
16:55:00CosmicPenguinHas anyone ever tried to compile SSH on uclibc?
17:09:19pattiejaprpplague: gonna go for an IA-1  :)
17:11:05MicroChip32kernelwork: are you around ?
17:15:54kernelworkYeah, but I'm working
17:16:34MicroChip32heheheh well just wanted to comment on my progress ... i convinced perl to write the code for my typedefs and the line parsing functions for me
17:18:38MicroChip32save a crapload of typing ;)
17:18:44kernelworkI'm told I may be waiting until tuesday at the soonest to get DSL again
17:19:13kernelworkThis is going from a 4 day outage to a 2 week outage at the rate Qwest is going.  
17:19:37MicroChip32sounds like my deal this summer
17:19:40kernelworkI consider Qwest as responsible for the very fact that they just can't switch my providers in a timely fassion
17:20:08kernelworkThey are providing line, but they aren't connecting service.
17:27:13prpplaguepattieja: whats that? your going to buy a IA-1?
17:34:11prpplagueanyone know what a java .obdl file is?
17:44:47pattiejaprpplague: yep.  Just ordered over the phone.  Hung up in the credit deparment... Waiting...
17:45:29pattiejacouldn't order online for some reason.  Tiger's pages kept crashing both Mozilla and Netscape (under Linux)
17:55:53prpplaguepattieja: well will see how well ltsp works on it
18:44:14pattiejaprpplague_lunch: yep
18:52:46as_Evnin all.
18:53:37Tangentas_ : Hi... You're up early
18:54:02prpplagueas_: had a cup of joe yet?
18:54:36as_I am up early ;]
18:54:48as_I'll be going to sleep early as well :/
18:55:27as_Had a new sat system installed, guy turned up 4 hours after I went to sleep, screwed my nigh day cycle.
18:56:59as_Damnit why dont they turn up when there supposed too.
18:57:36Tangentas_ : They must make you suffer because they have a cruddy life drilling holes in the outside of peoples houses in the pouring rain
18:58:04as_He didnt drill any holes, he ripped the old system out and used the same holes. :/
19:59:27TimRikerheh, dsl is up.. bbiab
20:48:07Russ|werkwhere are the latest wheaties/buzby drivers?
20:48:29GoRKRuss: the latest wheaties has timing problems. the delays arent long enough
20:49:14GoRKRuss: the version that im using doesnt even have the serial flash support though... so i dont know what the best version is right now... the latest have some other good changes...
20:50:05GoRKRuss: have any idea what is making opening the touchscreen hard lock? it looks like lock_kernel() is called and the ucb1x00 thread never returns
20:50:43Russ|werkdid you check for more machine_is_ stuff
20:52:02GoRKyep its only stuff in ucb1x00-core... you have a backlight machine_is in ucb1x00-ts.c but it's not the problem
20:52:16SteveDTangent: notice you didn't put audio in/out sockets etc on your shanip232 board?
20:53:43GoRKhis board is the straight shanip2 circut. mine (which has sockets) is at
20:54:13GoRKif you are only ever going to be doing voip stuff you're not going to need the full board. the sockets, volume control, etc will also raise the cost about 10$
20:55:50SteveDGoRK: my existing Tux seems to have a broken Mongoose so I will probably just connect ucb1200 speaker/mic straight to speaker/mic.  I've got another coming and I expect I'll just make up the simple passive cct on some plan perfboard
20:55:51Russ|werkGoRK: did you have one of those tuxscreens that used to lock on ts opening?
20:56:12GoRKRuss: no, mine always worked
20:56:28GoRKRuss: should i comment out the lines about resetting the codec and try?
20:57:08Russ|werktry this really quick
20:57:24Russ|werk-         else if (machine_is_shannon()) {
20:57:32Russ|werk+          if (machine_is_shannon()) {
20:57:43GoRKi had already done that
20:58:01GoRKwhoops forgot to tell you that one... it didnt seem to do anything but i did make that change
20:58:06Russ|werkmaybe put a sleep in after the reset of 100ms
20:58:40GoRKafter the codec reset? in the other ifdef?
20:58:56Russ|werk/* reset the codec */
20:59:00Russ|werkafter that bit of code
20:59:15Russ|werk(inside the machine_is_shannon() clause of course)
21:01:44GoRKthat's a udelay(100) ?
21:03:07Russ|werkthink so
21:03:33Russ|werk#include <linux/delay.h>
21:04:12Russ|werkUsing udelay() for intervals greater than a few milliseconds can
21:04:12Russ|werk * risk overflow for high loops_per_jiffy (high bogomips) machines.
21:04:29Russ|werk * mdelay() provides a wrapper to prevent this.  For delays greater
21:04:29Russ|werk * than MAX_UDELAY_MS milliseconds, the wrapper is used.
21:04:42Russ|werkoh, so you don't need  to worry about taht
21:05:29GoRKok im trying this now :)
21:06:24GoRK2.4.13-ac8-rmk1 is out.. nothing in this driver though
21:06:47Russ|werkhow big is the interdiff
21:08:02SpaceCoasterGoRK: hi
21:08:55GoRKum where is that located? the difference in size between this patch and the last one is fairly significant.. ~35k gzipped
21:09:14GoRKSpaceCoaster: greetings. i cant seem to find a suitable 'good' version of wheaties
21:09:35GoRKthe ones old enough to work have no support for serial flash etc
21:09:51SpaceCoasterGoRK: I would suggest not releasing the serial_flash or 32M support, they aren't ready for prime time at all.
21:10:41SpaceCoasterGoRK: the original wheaties driver is the most robust.
21:10:59GoRKSpaceCoaster: heh :) you should talk to russ then... im trying to track down why the new ucb1x00 ts driver causes a hard lock
21:11:29SpaceCoasterRuss|werk: did you catch that?
21:12:01GoRKRuss: the delay didnt help anything. i cant use sysrq.
21:12:39Russ|werkdouble check the irg gpio's+
21:13:02GoRKthey are good it seems. i checked them the other day. audio uses a lot of them and it works fine ...
21:15:11SpaceCoasterRuss|werk: Can you back out the 32M and serial_flash changes from this release and get a wheaties.c and wheaties.h from GoRK that he is happiest with?
21:15:35GoRKwait it sets the backlight stuff on open. im gonna comment that all out and see
21:16:15SpaceCoasterGoRK: is your ucb1200 reset early enough?
21:16:34GoRKSpaceCoaster: donno. should be
21:18:28GoRKRuss: is there some reason you were setting initial brightness/contrast on ts device open?
21:18:41GoRKRuss: since you couldn't do it when the driver was init'd?
21:21:23GoRKhmm nope
21:25:45Russ|werkbecause the default brightness/contrast is bad
21:26:58Russ|werkI'll take whatever driver GoRK gives me
21:27:29Russ|werkthe backlight stuff is being moved into a seperate driver that will register with sa1100fb.c
21:27:35SpaceCoasterRuss|werk: thanks
21:27:42Russ|werkso it can be compiled out, or as a module
21:29:34Russ|werkhey andersee, any bb mount -a insight/
21:29:45anderseeI didn
21:29:48anderseeI didn'
21:29:48GoRKRuss: there is no problem.
21:29:57anderseeargh.  fingers are off.
21:30:00GoRKRuss: i hadnt taken out devfs
21:30:09prpplagueanyway done any work with NET+ARM processor?
21:30:29anderseeI didn't get to it last night, but as soon as I take a shower and get some breakfast (its only 3:30pm) I'll take a look
21:30:40GoRKRuss: err acutally that line was still commented out... hang on
21:31:49GoRKok yeah mount -a is still foo
21:34:12GoRKbut i think i know what the problem might be... my proc/mounts with devfs reads /dev/mtdblock/2 / jffs2 rw 0 0
21:34:16anderseeRuss|werk: just saw -- looks like you are feeding tuxscreen patches to rmk.  cool!
21:34:29GoRKand without devfs it reads /dev/root / jffs2 rw 0 0
21:34:49GoRKandersee could /dev/root be messing with the mind of busybox mount -a ?
21:34:56andersee/dev/root is ok.
21:35:50anderseeI wrote a function to fixup the /dev/root name a long time ago, which is why 'df' and 'mount' behave
21:36:09anderseeSo thats not it.
21:36:15GoRKcould it have broken in these recent kernels? *shrug8
21:36:24anderseeCould be.
21:36:43GoRKwhere does it get the real name of /dev/root from?
21:37:05anderseeMy next step (after eating) is to brew up a custom busybox with every possible failure mode spewing stuff to stderr...
21:37:17BZFlagandersee: xmission dsl is up. ;-) DNS is not settled down yet, so I'll wait a bit to start the move back.
21:38:06anderseeGoRK: busybox/libbb/find_root_device.c
21:38:54anderseeI basically scan /dev/ for matching devices, then use that name instead.
21:39:04anderseeBZFlag: cool!
21:39:31anderseeBZFlag: mananged any sneakiness, or is your cisco doing NAT?
21:40:25BZFlagnat at the moment. I'll play more this weekend. I will stop nat on one of the cisco or my server. ;-)
21:40:38GoRKandersee: hmm.. it looks like it just returns /dev/root if nothing matches. i will try a symlink
21:42:19anderseeSo its best have actually have a /dev node for each block device you will be mounting.
21:42:42anderseeDo we not have a proper mtdblock dev?
21:43:05GoRKyes and it matches the root dev in the kernel commandline
21:43:37GoRKi also made a /dev/root with the same major and minor and it didnt work
21:43:54anderseewas just looking at the device_table file
21:44:04anderseedoesn't work?
21:44:16anderseeStill prints "/dev/root"?
21:44:41GoRKproc shows /dev/root ... i didnt make the function find_real_root print anything
21:45:07anderseeNothing will change the proc entry short of a kernel patch.
21:45:19anderseeIts a chicken and the egg problem in the kernel.
21:46:10anderseeThe kernel doesn't have root mounted yet when it mounts the rootfs, so it doesn't know what /dev might want to call / after / is mounted
21:46:23anderseeSo it just opts out and uses /dev/root
21:46:29prpplagueanyone used this before -
21:46:40anderseebusybox fixed that up for df and 'mount'
21:48:17anderseeGoRK: do 'df' and 'mount' behave (i.e. not show /dev/root)?
21:49:11GoRKandersee: checking..
21:51:36GoRKdf behaves yes
21:51:40GoRK# df
21:51:40GoRKFilesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
21:51:48GoRK/dev/mtdblock2            3072      1664      1408  54% /
21:51:53GoRKramfs                     7060        16      7044   0% /var
21:52:55anderseeThen thats not it either.
21:53:46Russ|werkI really don't think this has anything to do with devfs
21:53:56anderseeMy theory is that mtd is broken subtly in the kernel itself...
21:54:09Russ|werksome behavior in the kernel definately changed
21:54:18anderseeOtherwise busybox mount would be failing on other systems.  And it isn't
21:54:27anderseeRuss|werk: right.
21:55:08GoRKit is so bizzare that mount -a fails and mount -o remount,rw /dev/mtdblock2 / works though
21:55:24Russ|werkwhat about mount -o remount,rw /dev/root /
21:58:05GoRKyes that works
21:58:30anderseeWell, time to get breakfast, take a shower, then I'll spend up to an hour on this.
22:03:31BZFlagandersee: vim syntax for dns?
22:03:46BZFlagandersee: move SOA to first or second line to enable.
22:03:53BZFlagit's cool.
22:04:34SpaceCoasterBZFlag: hi, got a mo to talk memory?
22:04:57BZFlagsure. whatcha findin?
22:06:15SpaceCoasterSomethings wrong with the C0300000, I don't think the memory mapping is as general purpose as it tries to be.
22:06:47SpaceCoasterWe are still hacking it so something will drop out soon.
22:07:33SpaceCoasterEric Mouw (mr blob) has some ideas that might allow progress.
22:08:20SpaceCoasterUsing the 2M segments means that we need a slightly smaller kernel.
22:08:35SpaceCoasterAnd we have problems loading the ramdisk.
22:09:03Russ|werkI've always had problems loading a ramdisk
22:09:17Russ|werksome work, some don't
22:09:40SpaceCoasterEric proposes putting a 1M at the start, sortof to distract the kernel, and then loading things at a later 2M segment.
22:10:07SpaceCoasterBZFlag: anycase any ideas, your input appreciated too Russ|werk
22:11:58Russ|werkSpaceCoaster: maybe make the kernel decompressor understand the segementation
22:12:15Russ|werkand have the first thing the kernel does be setup the MMU, so hte sections are joined
22:13:25SpaceCoasterRuss|werk: the compressor part would be straighforward, those are get/put byte macro hacks. The kernel split in two and sewing itself back together, hmmm.
22:13:59BZFlagSpaceCoaster: hmmm. leaving the 1M at the start might not be bad.
22:14:30BZFlagthat means 1M 2M 2M 2M 1M for the 8M case?
22:14:32Russ|werkyah, just make sure the code to turn on the MMU is within the first 1M
22:14:56Russ|werkjust do 8 1M sections
22:15:02BZFlagthe kernel sould still be in a later 2M segment, no?
22:15:19BZFlagRuss|werk: 1M is not enough, and too many segments.
22:15:26Russ|werkthen have the decompressor take a quick look at the ATAG_MEM nodes
22:15:40Russ|werkBZFlag: does it need to be?
22:15:49BZFlagto be what?
22:15:56Russ|werkBZFlag: make the decompressor decompress across segments
22:16:12SpaceCoasterRuss|werk: that part is easy
22:16:21Russ|werkthen, as soon as the kernel starts, it turns on the MMU, and the segments are tied together
22:16:51SpaceCoasterRuss|werk: do you have a pointer for some MMU code?
22:17:03Russ|werkthe kernel
22:17:15Russ|werkthe kernel turns on the MMU as one of the first things it does
22:17:50BZFlagbefore or after it decompresses?
22:17:59BZFlagafter, right?
22:18:33SpaceCoasterI didn't see MMU stuff in arch/arm/boot/compressed
22:18:33Russ|werkso for maximum compatibility, the decompressor would need to parse ATAG_MEM
22:18:39BZFlagso can the compressed kernel go in the first meg with the decompressed in the next 2M (which alias) ?
22:18:58BZFlager with alias...
22:20:14BZFlagRuss: hmmm. I don't see the point in looking at the ATAG. it won't be able to move anything as the addresses will be fixed. you mean just to determine where to put the plit tail portion that will be joined at mmu init?
22:20:48Russ|werkthe first thing it does is map 4M
22:21:19Russ|werkso if its assuming that there is 4M of contiguous memory at 0xc0000000, you'll have problems
22:21:42BZFlagdoes the 4M need to be contiguous?
22:21:42Russ|werk(looking at arch/arm/kernel/head-armv.S)
22:22:35BZFlagcan we load the compressed image in the last 2M and decompress to c000? then the mmu could link all 8M back together?
22:23:05Russ|werkI would say try to do it with no "tricks"
22:23:26BZFlaghow then?
22:23:33Russ|werkhove the decompressor look at the map passed by the bootloader, and decompresses arcoss the breaks
22:23:52Russ|werkthen, have the MMU setup in head-armv.S be a bit smarter
22:24:11BZFlagbit smarter = relocatable?
22:24:35GoRKheh you can run this new ucb1x00 audio driver at about 62kHz sampling rate :)
22:25:08Russ|werk                /*
22:25:10Russ|werk                 * Create identity mapping for first MB of kernel to
22:25:10Russ|werk                 * cater for the MMU enable.  This identity mapping
22:25:10Russ|werk                 * will be removed by paging_init()
22:25:10Russ|werk                 */
22:25:16Russ|werk                krnladr r2, r4, r5                      @ start of kernel
22:25:19Russ|werk                add     r3, r8, r2                      @ flags + kernel base
22:25:19Russ|werk                str     r3, [r4, r2, lsr #18]           @ identity mapping
22:25:26Russ|werk                /*
22:25:27Russ|werk                 * Now setup the pagetables for our kernel direct
22:25:27Russ|werk                 * mapped region.  We round TEXTADDR down to the
22:25:27Russ|werk                 * nearest megabyte boundary.
22:25:27Russ|werk                 */
22:25:36Russ|werk                add     r0, r4, #(TEXTADDR & 0xff000000) >> 18 @ start of kernel
22:25:37Russ|werk                bic     r2, r3, #0x00f00000
22:25:37Russ|werk                str     r2, [r0]                        @ PAGE_OFFSET + 0MB
22:25:37Russ|werk                add     r0, r0, #(TEXTADDR & 0x00f00000) >> 18
22:25:37Russ|werk                str     r3, [r0], #4                    @ KERNEL + 0MB
22:25:37Russ|werk                add     r3, r3, #1 << 20
22:25:39Russ|werk                str     r3, [r0], #4                    @ KERNEL + 1MB
22:25:39BZFlagRuss... just past the source name and line number...
22:25:41Russ|werk                add     r3, r3, #1 << 20
22:25:43Russ|werk                str     r3, [r0], #4                    @ KERNEL + 2MB
22:25:45Russ|werk                add     r3, r3, #1 << 20
22:25:47Russ|werk                str     r3, [r0], #4                    @ KERNEL + 3MB
22:26:00Russ|werkI'd need to look stuff up, but it looks like its just blindly assuming 4M contiguous memory
22:26:24Russ|werkand I think that is the part that would need to jump across the 1M boundries
22:26:34Russ|werkas well as later in the kernel when it sets up the full page tables
22:26:36BZFlagI believe that's what it's doing.
22:26:52Russ|werkbut, I think it does that with the ATAG_MEM nodes, so that is set up properly
22:27:03Russ|werkis just in the head file, its doing it blindly
22:27:42Russ|werkso the decompressor needs to know about the first 4M, and head-armv.S needs to know about the first 4M
22:28:06BZFlagthen they need to handle 10 memory regions too.
22:28:19Russ|werkno, the later setup does
22:28:20BZFlager 12 actually for the 16M sodimm.
22:28:27Russ|werkwhich I don't think is a problem
22:28:33BZFlagoh, worse! 16 for the 8M
22:28:44Russ|werkin the initial setup, we only need to worry about the first 4M
22:29:11Russ|werkwhich is probably where we are running into problems
22:29:50SpaceCoasterI think it is the 128M alignment issue which is tripping us up.
22:30:04Russ|werkso maybe if make the bootloader put something somewhere that tells the offsets of the first 4 1M blocks
22:30:25Russ|werkso the decompressor would know where to decompress the kernel
22:30:40Russ|werkand head-armv.S knows where to do the initial MMU mapping
22:31:21Russ|werkand we get to keep the ZTEXTADDR etc, stuff all the same, and don't need to move up to 0xd0000000
22:31:23SpaceCoasterSounds good, do you speak MMU? We could hardwire the mappings to test.
22:32:03SpaceCoasterRuss|werk: the latests tests were at 0xC0300000 but this has alignment problems.
22:32:09Russ|werkI don't, but it looks like the above section of code is what is doing it
22:32:29Russ|werkthis way would let us do it at 0xc0000000
22:32:52SpaceCoasterI keep on thinking about ordering that ARM architecture manual but don't actually do it :-(
22:33:29Russ|werkand would assume that there is 1M memory at 0xc0000000, and then three more 1M chunks before 0xd0000000
22:33:37Russ|werk(could all be together)
22:33:53Russ|werkI think the sa1100 manual has enough info
22:34:15Russ|werkI have it printed out, but not here
22:35:28Russ|werkI'm fairly certain you can turn up the number of allowed memory regions to 16, but it defaults at 8 irrc
22:35:31Russ|werker, iirc
22:35:47SpaceCoasterok, thanks that is a good avenue to try.
22:35:58Russ|werkyou could start out with #ifdef's, and then figure out how to pass actual values later
22:36:14Russ|werkthen, one kernel, one blob could boot any tuxscreen
22:36:31BZFlagit would be nice to be able to avoid the tricks and still have a method that works on other hardware.
22:36:38SpaceCoastersounds good
22:37:15Russ|werkthis would help out other arches too
22:37:24SpaceCoasterBZFlag: why, their method doesn't work on ours ;-)
22:37:32BZFlaghow do you propose fixing the decompressor? setup the mmu, decompress, unset the mmu and continue?
22:37:57SpaceCoasterBZFlag: the decompressor is really simple, it can step over the spaces.
22:37:58Russ|werkno, change the mmu to jump across boundries
22:38:10Russ|werkchange the decompressor to jump across the boundries
22:38:18BZFlagok. easier.
22:39:14SpaceCoasterBZFlag: the decompressor uses the technique that I hadn't seen before #define macros and include the source to override internal functionality, a real hack.
22:39:48SpaceCoasterjffs2 and ppp both include zlib.c which is bad news.
22:40:11SpaceCoasterthe boot code includes "inflate.c"
22:40:39Russ|werkinflate.c is from zlib
22:41:48SpaceCoasterhmm, the same code gets included 3 times with different macros, well it works.
22:42:17Russ|werkblob will probably end up using mini_inflate for jffs2
22:43:48SpaceCoasterAny ideas about blob and the ramdisk for our 16x1M config?
22:45:20Russ|werkload it at 0xd0000000
22:45:39Russ|werkmaybe blob should look for a place for the ramdisk on its own istead of it being hardcoded
22:46:54Russ|werkI think the MMU mapping is complete by the time the kernel looks for the ramdisk, its just a question of how the address translates
22:48:04SpaceCoasterHadn't thought about how the kernel would see it. Just blob at the moment.
22:53:09Russ|werkI don't know exactly how the kernel locates the ramdisk
22:55:25Russ|werkunfortunately, I'll be out of town this weekend
23:04:34SpaceCoasterRuss|werk, BZFlag: thanks for all that good stuff
23:06:08SpaceCoasterGPSFan: look at this RAS/CAS calculator
23:06:27SpaceCoasterIt's for the SA-1110 but it might be useful.
23:13:37GPSFanSpaceCoaster: that's cool, I'll check it out. ;>)
23:29:14Tangentwaits for something to happen
23:29:41Tangentdiscovers the perils of the scrollback buffer... again
23:29:43pattiejais away: home
23:34:04GoRKGPSFan: hello
23:34:44GoRKGPSFan: did you see my latest pcb? with stereo jacks and the audio transformer?
23:34:46GPSFanGoRK: hi.
23:35:15GPSFanGoRK: I looked, but the url didn't work.
23:35:32GoRKGPSFan: there is some ground loop problem plugging stuff into line out that i fixed with a transformer, but i didnt know if there was an easier way to do it
23:35:58GoRKGPSFan: i know if someone plans on using this in their car, they'll probably need a transformer to isolate it anyway ... :-/
23:36:46GPSFanGoRK: transformer isolation is always a good thing to do when you have too many ground interactions betweek digital & analog ckts.
23:39:05GPSFanGoRK: betweek (?) yeah, that's what we have been doing to this stuff, we be-tweekin' it.
23:43:11GoRKGPSFan: ok well what transformer should i be using for the best results and highest level? i am looking at parts on this page:
23:44:06GoRKGPSFan: between  the TY series plug in pc audio transformers, which one would owrk best
23:47:55GPSFanGoRK: well, the impedance of the speaker out is rather low, and the Line out port should be 600 ohms, I don't see anything that would fit exactly, but the TY145P should work.
23:47:55GoRKok i didnt know what the impedence was supposed to be at all
23:48:02GPSFanGoRK: a properly matched one would also tend to step up the voltage which may be undesireable.
23:48:46GoRKso the ty145p may not work out?
23:49:22GoRKi can't find a stupid ps/2 female jack from these fools :(
23:52:54GPSFanGoRK: I'm sure it will be fine, it will repeat the input voltage at the output, and it will isolate the ground systems of the external audio amp, but this is computer generated audio, and unless you spend more for your audio system then you make in a year, it won't matter.
23:53:18GoRKGPSFan: ok! :)
23:53:30GoRKGPSFan: if we wanted really nice audio from this we wouldnt be using ucb1200 anyway
23:53:37GPSFanGoRK: what do you need a ps/2 female for?
23:53:48GPSFanright ;>)
23:53:56GoRKGPSFan: i need to put a ps2 port on this motherboard that doesnt have one
23:54:21GoRKit only has little .050 headers and a pinout. they are selling the stupid thing for like $35
23:55:25GPSFanah, you need to go to somewhere like HSC or alltronics. url's comming...
23:56:22GoRKthe LART schematics show a dac on the ssp port of sa1100... there are drivers in the new kernel for good stereo audio from it. do you know if the tuxscreen uses the ssp port for anything? im wondering if it'd be possible to use the same circut for the tux....
23:57:22BZFlagSpaceCoaster: perhaps blob should look at the size of the ramdisk and locate it at the end of memory wherever that is?
23:57:34SpaceCoasterGoRK: the ssp port is used for the DSP and the serial flash
23:58:33GoRKSpaceCoaster: ahh. is it a bus that can be shared or a serial port or something?
23:58:51SpaceCoasterBZFlag: it was the fragmentation for loading it into the flash that I was considering first. I can always put it at 4M.
23:59:36BZFlagit should still work on an 8M tux, so that means fragmenting in the the later blocks.
23:59:43GoRKbtw tangent did get his extra serial port working, didnt he?

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