irclog2html for #picogui on 20021201

07:09.47*** join/#picogui ibot (
07:09.47*** topic/#picogui is || 0.43 released || If nobody here answers your question, try the pgui-devel mailing list || If it isn't file's fault, its a filthy LIE!!!
07:38.54scanlineeek, long nap...
08:49.12*** join/#picogui flexo (
10:01.47takk|deadPicoBot: slashdot
10:01.48PicoBotSlashdot - Updated 2002-12-01 07:39:20 | Ogg/Vorbis on Palm OS | DreamHack Winter 2002 | Star Control 2 Released Under the GPL | 5 Predictions for 2012
10:09.33hikkeputty paste again
10:57.08*** join/#picogui scanline (
12:15.53Vivhehe hi
13:47.10*** join/#picogui carpman (
13:47.18carpmanMorning all
13:47.21carpmanAoFBot: version
13:47.21AoFBotAoF 2.9-RC1 (Euclid)
13:48.33scanlinehi carpman
13:51.02carpmanhey scanline, whats up?
13:52.03carpmandoes that do what I think?
13:52.09scanlineno idea
13:52.25carpmandoes that embed pgserver inside of an app?
13:52.36scanlinebut that's nothing new....
13:52.43scanlinejust doing some funny things with templates now
13:53.02carpmanahh... I haven't seen any of the embedding stuff, so its new to me :)
13:53.07scanlinethe source to jetstream is in a subversion repository if you want to see it
13:53.33carpmancan't right now. Got to go to church, and then to a (very small) con.
13:53.41scanlineah, neat
13:54.10takk|deadmm, magic
13:55.11carpmanscanline: Oh, I put some stickers on sasami. I found a realy cook Irkin logo transfer sticker.
13:55.29carpmanInvader Zim
13:55.33scanlineoh yea
13:56.55scanlineg++ is so much slower than gcc... ugh
13:57.17carpman"Oh, but its so much easier to code in"
13:58.24scanlinePicoBot: jetstream?
13:58.25PicoBotwell, jetstream is a game captain_proton and scanline are working on, with Python scripting and PicoGUI HUD and menu system
13:58.42scanlinePicoBot: jetstream is also at
13:58.43PicoBotokay, scanline.
13:58.46fraggletsuper duper funkiness
13:59.21scanlinethere are some more screenshots and a very short movie at
13:59.39fraggleti love picogui
13:59.47carpmanhaha, all your base :)
14:00.14scanlinecaptain_proton likes C++, and there aren't really any memory limitations for jetstream since it's meant to run on high-end hardware
14:01.10takk|dead"C++ sucks"
14:01.21carpmanC++ does suck
14:01.35fraggletis this using the opengl picogui backend
14:01.46carpmanAoFBot: C++ is <reply> C++ sucks.
14:01.46AoFBotOk, carpman.
14:01.54scanlinefragglet: yep
14:02.14scanlinefragglet: it also uses pgserver compiled as a shared library and linked in with the C++ code, with cli_python running the GUI
14:02.27carpmanI've been forcefed C++ on many occasions, and I think as an object oriented language, it sucks.
14:02.32scanlineit's looking like picogui will give us a lot of neat advantages
14:02.49fraggletand now we have the five minute long jam
14:02.51scanlinethe UI is really easy to work on using XWTs and themes, and having a more complete widget set will make things like in-game editors much easier
14:03.13carpmantakk|dead: python... try it.
14:03.19scanlinecarpman: I really don't like how it handles virtual function calls... I've been trying to use templates to do some workarounds for that'
14:03.45takk|deadcarpman: I keep meaning to.  I've looked at it briefly, but it didn't make much on an impact on my brain
14:04.11scanlineSTL is interesting.. not nearly as clean as python, but it eliminates a lot of the low-level chores you have in C
14:04.18carpmantakk|dead: its not realy impresive until you try to code in it. Once you do, your hooked.
14:04.28takk|deadruby & lisp are another two languages I want to look at closely
14:04.35takk|deadcurrently, the coolest language I've found is Lua
14:06.45scanlinecarpman: for jetstream I've been working on this class called ScriptableObject, that lets you create objects that exist in both c++ and python concurrently
14:07.03scanlineand now I'm using python threads
14:07.15carpmanscanline: hehe, python threads.
14:07.16takk|deadthat's very neat
14:07.41fraggletits a shame python doesnt suck more
14:07.54fraggletthen we could make jokes like
14:07.58fraggletpython..... bites
14:08.17carpmanscanline: I'm waiting impatiently for interuptible threads.
14:08.55scanlinecarpman: I think under most cases I wouldn't want them, since it would be easy to leave a mutex locked or leave some data in an inconsistent state
14:09.30carpmanscanline: well, Guido's idea is to raise an exception in a target thread, so you could have an exception handler do all the cleanup.
14:09.35scanlineIt would be nice if there was a way to interrupt the nonblocking I/O another theread is doing.. not sure if that exists yet or not
14:09.41scanlineah, that'd be neat
14:10.30scanlinewell, it's working fine with 2.1.3 freetype
14:10.38carpmanlevel 1 of jetstream: Getting jetstream running
14:10.41scanline2.1.2 freetype compiles with the ftgl driver, but results in strange bugs
14:10.58scanlinewe'll have binaries for multiple platforms I'm sure
14:11.17carpmanwell, off to do some stuff. See you all later.
14:11.23fraggletbye bye
14:11.26scanlineit hasn't actually been ported to anything but linux yet, but we're planning on at least a win32 port, and I'd think a MacOS X port wouldn't be too hard either
14:11.31scanlinebye carpman
14:18.17takk|deadhm.  looks great
14:35.12*** join/#picogui gonkulator (
14:35.17gonkulatorPicoBot: seen scanline
14:35.18PicoBotscanline was last seen on #picogui 23 minutes and 46 seconds ago, saying: bye carpman [Sun Dec  1 07:16:05 2002]
14:35.27scanlinemorning gonkulator
14:35.29gonkulatorhi scanline
14:35.40gonkulatorscanline: how long did you sleep after the LAN party?
14:35.56scanlinedunno... 10 hours?
14:37.24scanlineif we can install it and it works, then she'll buy it
14:38.59gonkulatorI have to be in C-Springs by 11:30
14:39.26scanlineguess this will have to wait a few weeks then
14:39.50gonkulatorwell, it doesn't take me but 20 minutes to get an iBook apart
14:39.57gonkulatorand maybe 30 to get it back togeather
14:40.15gonkulatornon-apple laptops are usually easier to take apart and put back togeather
14:41.36gonkulatorperhaps your right about waiting though
14:42.16gonkulatorwhen I feel rushed, I make small (usually insignificant) mistakes
14:42.21gonkulatorand mistakes here are bad
14:42.56scanlinegonkulator: I was just asking my mom, it's ok for you to come over this morning to do the disk installs
14:43.42gonkulatoroh, cool
14:43.59filewhat time is it now?
14:44.31gonkulatorscanline: alright
14:44.36*** join/#picogui merlin262 (
14:44.49filehi merlin
14:44.50gonkulatorscanline: I'll come over around 9:15
14:45.04scanlinegonkulator: she wants an exact backup and restore of the disk contents though, so we'll probably have to boot off a gentoo CD and do that over the network
14:45.11gonkulatorerm... between 9:15 and 9:45
14:45.23gonkulatorscanline: will you do the software stuff :)
14:45.40fileand don't screw it up!!!
14:45.41merlin262morning scanline
14:45.45gonkulatorhi merlin262
14:45.51takk|deadmoo merlin
14:46.05gonkulatortakk|dead: this is strictly a "no moo'ing" channel
14:46.11takk|deadit is?
14:46.18takk|deadwould "yak" be okay instead, then?
14:47.01gonkulatorPicoBot moo is <reply> this is strictly a "no moo'ing" channel
14:47.01PicoBoti already had it that way, gonkulator.
14:47.17filewow - even on my NAT internet sharing I managed to setup WinMX to work right
15:04.36scanlinewow, backed up almost 3GB already
15:04.43fileof how much?
15:04.55fileahhh neat
15:05.08fileupgrading it to what?
15:05.23filewooh, nice increase
15:05.29scanlineI booted the laptop off a Gentoo CD and did a 'cat /dev/hda | ssh micah@ "cat > ~/nomad.hda"'
15:05.47fileand that's going to be effective?
15:05.54scanlineof course
15:06.13scanlineI would have used netcat, but that wasn't installed
15:06.29scanlinethese are both fast machines, so ssh isn't limiting the speed
15:06.43filebut... cat /dev/hda?!?!?
15:06.55fileoh well
15:06.57scanlineyes file, you can do that under linux
15:07.00gonkulatorfile: yes, in unix, everything is a file
15:07.03fileI know you can do it...
15:07.06scanlineyou get an exact copy of the hard disk, including partition table
15:07.14filebut I didn't know it would actually work
15:07.30scanlineso when we put in the new disk, I'll restore the image, then use normal methods to resize the partition
15:07.42filehow do you restore it?
15:07.47scanlinegentoo CD
15:07.53gonkulatorw00t for gentoo!
15:08.16scanlinessh micah@ "cat ~/nomad.hda" > /dev/hda
15:08.34takk|deadas r00t, obviously
15:10.07scanlineI have a 5GB file in my home directory =)
15:10.45scanlinehmm.. I didn't think about hard disk DMA when I was playing with that video recorder for jetstream
15:10.50scanlinewonder if this will make any difference
15:10.55filebuahahahaha, it'll soon be 10GB!
15:11.24scanlineright now it's writing at about 3MB/second without breaking a sweat, but the video recorder would need 10x that
15:11.40filetry, try
15:11.55scanlineyeah, I need to write a video recorder class for my new module interface first
15:17.27scanlinethis will also be a good test of ScriptableMethod and EngineModule
15:22.51hikkescanline: How about dropping frames & comå
15:23.02hikkecomå = compressing
15:23.56scanlineIt already throttles the output down to some specified frame rate. 30MB/sec is about what you get for 640x480 at 30 frames per second. Compression would be another thing to try... would need something that doesn't take much CPU though
15:25.31scanlinePicoBot: 640*480*3*30/1024/1024
15:25.37scanline26.3 megabytes/second
15:25.43scanlinequite a bit...
15:28.17gonkulatorsee you in a bit scanline
15:48.30flexoPicoBot: 476234^347623553444423/bin/sh
15:48.30PicoBotflexo: i'm not following you...
15:49.03scanlineeven if picobot did have a buffer overflow, it's running in its own user
15:50.26flexoscanline: you know how to use the PIT? ;)
15:50.49flexoprogrammable interval timer
15:51.00scanlineprobably not
15:51.15scanlineis this the one that's in x86 hardware?
15:51.16fileflexo: flex those brain muscles!
15:51.32scanlineoh. i've used that before, but that was a while ago
15:51.46flexoi understood most of its behaviour
15:52.07flexo^ i dunno what "triggers", "forcing", "gate", "input" and "high" means in that context ;)
15:53.06scanline"triggers" probably means the timer starts counting, and forcing the gate input high is proably done by turning a bit on in the timer's register
15:53.31flexothe timer has a register? ;)
15:54.04scanlineyeah.. a couple of them
15:54.08flexoi interact with 4 ports
15:54.13scanlinethose are registers
15:54.42scanlineI guess I meant ports.. I forget x86 terminology
15:54.58flexothe first 3 ports are used to write a byte to count_start or to read the latched value of the counter
15:55.20flexoand the 4. port is:
15:55.26flexo(sorry for flood)
15:55.38flexoi can't see any "gate" ;)
15:55.57scanlineI'm probably not going to be much help with this, I never did much with the x86 timers and it's been a while since i've done any real x86 bare-metal programming
15:56.12flexohm :|
15:58.53flexoThe 8254 has been hardwired so that the output from Timer 2 is connected to the gate (trigger) input of Timers 0 and 1; this enables Timers 0 and 1 to generate independent PWM waveforms, which are connected to the motor H-Bridge amplifiers
16:05.58filebe afraid, be very afraid
16:06.05filescanline: estimated time till gonkulator's arrival?
16:06.54filecan't you use the GPS tracking device I planted on him?
16:07.18fileI knew I should have made it water proof!
16:28.30flexouhm... GATE and OUT are single pin for each timer of the controller somehow connected (hardwired ;) to eachother on the ibmpc mobo
16:30.10flexohm... bochs is evil bloated crap
17:15.00*** join/#picogui gonkulator (
17:15.06gonkulatorPicoBot: seen scanline
17:15.07PicoBotscanline was last seen on #picogui 1 hours, 8 minutes and 3 seconds ago, saying: no.... [Sun Dec  1 09:11:37 2002]
17:15.16gonkulatorPicoBot: seen captain_proton
17:15.16PicoBotcaptain_proton was last seen on #picogui 12 hours, 43 minutes and 41 seconds ago, saying: hmm, another 6 hours or so for him [Sat Nov 30 21:36:09 2002]
17:15.29filehey gonkulator
17:16.05gonkulatorhi file
17:18.09filestart the installation procedure!
17:31.58fileowww I hurt...
18:36.25filescanline: you there?
18:37.10filehow goeth the installation?
18:37.42filesquishy? clarify
18:37.54scanlinelike the wet kiss on the end of a hot fist
18:39.56fileI feel so awful
18:43.39*** join/#picogui Xentac (
18:44.53filehi Xentac
18:44.58Xentachi file
18:45.36fileXentac: what's up?
18:46.04Xentacnot too much
19:32.41Xentachey kergoth
19:33.21Xentacyou'll have just as much fun as me... only for longer!
19:53.36*** join/#picogui prpplague (
20:04.42*** join/#picogui Kidder (
20:11.19XentacKidder: if you want to learn about chess... I have a good site for you (if you don't mind the reading... it's really good)
20:11.28Xentacand I'm still just in the beginning stuff ;o)
20:15.08fileI need an advil
20:15.12filemy head is pounding
20:19.28fileI hate these ones...
20:22.12Xentacfile: you read it too
20:22.14Xentaclearn chess
20:22.15Xentacchess good
20:23.57Xentacchess is teaching my how to be better at sparring
20:23.57filemy EBay auction is at $20.50 USD so far
20:24.00filewith 1 day and 22 hours to go
20:24.13fileCost CAD: $5
20:26.36Xentacfile: are you reading that page?
20:27.08Xentacread the page!
20:27.11Xentacit even has pictures!
20:27.58Xentaccome on... pictures!
20:28.07flexoPORN pictures!
20:28.21Xentacyeah right.. pictures of naked chess pieces!
20:28.43flexounconcious == ?
20:28.55fileI'll bbl... I seriously can't keep my eyes open...
20:29.24Xentacflexo: you know... when you've been knocked out... you're still alive, but it's almost like you're sleeping...
20:29.40flexoic :)
20:29.43Xentaccoma, knocked out, passed out
20:30.24takk|deadexcept you want to know that the correct spelling is unconscious
20:30.41Xentachehehe, yeah... that would probably help ;o)
20:30.47fileoh go stick a joystick up your @$$!
20:30.55flexotakk|dead: that would have helped too ^^
20:31.02XentacPicoBot: file?
20:31.03PicoBotAoFBot: file or a little girl in a frilly dress. or not scanline's mother or going to die at the hands of DevGirlJr several times or the whipping boy of the room or Joshua Colp
20:31.03AoFBotI don't know about thatPicoBot.
20:31.27XentacPicoBot: file is also a poor spelling Canadian
20:31.27PicoBotokay, Xentac.
21:16.45otherprotonPicoBot: seen scanline?
21:16.45PicoBotscanline was last seen on #picogui 2 hours, 37 minutes and 12 seconds ago, saying: stuffs a small nulear explosion into a large snowman and hands it to file's hand [Sun Dec  1 11:44:08 2002]
21:19.53filebe afraid, be very afraid
21:21.46takk|deadfile's back
21:22.03filefeeling better
21:35.49scanlinehi otherproton
21:36.10otherprotonsup scanline
21:36.57otherprotonso i'll get back to bhaskara tonight and prompty boot into windows :P
21:38.53otherprotonhmm, emerge borks in -p -u world
21:39.10takk|deadwhoever invented the "yes" command should be shot
21:39.45otherprotontakk|dead: yes is very useful in some cases
21:40.47otherprotonif you have something like a kernel config but want all the default values
21:40.54otherprotonyes | make config
21:42.18scanlineotherproton: how about NuppelVideo for jetstream?
21:42.50scanlineit's a GPL'ed video codec designed for low CPU consumption when encoding
21:44.27scanlinethere's a player, recorder, editor, and some utilities like a converter for nuppelvideo->divx
21:44.32scanlineand mplayer can handle it
21:44.52otherprotonwell we'd want to reencode to divx anyway
21:45.05otherprotonbut if it can solve our disk bandwidth problems, it looks nice
21:45.21scanlinewe could also use libavifile, though I doubt there's enough CPU to record directly to divx
21:46.32scanlineif you don't mind a dependency on libavifile, it would be easy to record to any specified codec
21:46.58otherprotonour dependency list is getting large :)
21:47.54scanlinenuppelvideo is simple enough we'd just include a copy of the encoder
21:49.24*** join/#picogui Cambo (
21:54.17otherprotonhowabouts we do nuppel for now
21:59.35otherprotongrumblegrumble - macgyver isn't out on dvd :(
22:02.41otherprotonk my ISP hates me.
22:02.44otherprotona way i can make a spare machin
22:02.46otherprotonr somethign?
22:02.49otherprotono slow.
22:03.01otherprotonous ISP hated me so much they b
22:03.04otherprotonning up for their service
22:05.06merlin262I think my ISP is blocking ports
22:09.22otherprotonk my ISP hates me.
22:09.25otherprotona way i can make a spare machin
22:09.28otherprotonr somethign?
22:09.30otherprotono slow.
22:09.33filestop 'dat
22:09.43otherprotonous ISP hated me so much they b
22:09.45otherprotonning up for their service
22:09.53otherprotonk my ISP hates me.
22:10.03otherprotona way i can make a spare machin
22:10.06otherprotonr somethign?
22:10.08otherprotono slow.
22:10.09filehe's looping...
22:10.10merlin262someone kick otherproton!
22:10.21otherprotonous ISP hated me so much they b
22:10.24otherprotonning up for their service
22:10.36filer u sure?
22:10.43otherprotoni killed it
22:10.48otherprotonwith a big stick
22:10.57merlin262can someone do me a favor, and see if they can't get a response(ssh) from
22:11.26otherprotonSSH-2.0-OpenSSH_3.4p1 Debian 1:3.4p1-1
22:11.50merlin262can you get a response from
22:12.17fileyet again, no
22:12.45otherprotonpern.textux is dead on the table
22:14.16merlin262it's a typo
22:33.01takk|sleepnight all
22:43.44*** join/#picogui darth_balls (
22:44.18darth_ballsyay, I'm back!
22:44.31scanlinehey darth_balls
22:44.52darth_ballshey scanline
22:45.12darth_ballsok scanline, what do I have to do to get my GUI in redhat to look like yours??
22:45.34scanlineI'm using fluxbox... so install fluxbox? :)
22:45.42darth_ballsthat's what I needed to know
22:53.07darth_ballsMe thinks file does too
22:53.46darth_ballsdamn, dad hasn't set up his voice mail on his new fone yet
22:57.32darth_ballsis there a command in the terminal to switch desktops?
23:00.28Xentacfile: did you read that chess site?
23:00.36filestop asking
23:00.51*** join/#picogui inside0ut (
23:04.51*** join/#picogui darth_balls (
23:10.20*** join/#picogui darth_balls (
23:14.06darth_ballsok, stupid question
23:14.11darth_ballshow do I reconfigure X?
23:14.24Xentacchange your /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 file?
23:16.22darth_ballsno, that's not what I wanted
23:16.28darth_ballsI can't get it to switch to fluxbox
23:16.42Xentacwhat dist and how do you start X?
23:16.54Xentacthat's not an X config thing... that's what happens /after/ X starts
23:17.41darth_ballswell, but X is configured to automatically load KDE and I want it to stop doing that
23:19.48XentacX is /not/ configured to autmatically load KDE
23:19.59Xentacthe program that starts X is configured to automatically load KDE
23:20.08Xentacwhat distro and what do you use to start X?
23:20.25Xentacand when does X start up?
23:20.34darth_ballswhen I type startX (?)
23:21.36XentacI'm not sure about redhat's start-up scripts...
23:21.46Xentacmy suggestion is to do a 'which statx'
23:21.48Xentacer, startx
23:21.52Xentacand read the script
23:22.20Xentacbut it's probably a .xsession or .xinit file you need to add
23:22.40darth_ballsall it gave me was a path
23:22.46darth_ballsor do I need to be no in X when I type it
23:23.08Xentacno no...
23:23.10Xentacthe path is good
23:23.16Xentacdo a less `which startx`
23:23.18Xentacread the script
23:23.19darth_ballsi understand
23:23.22Xentacuse the source
23:24.07merlin262got DNS working properly now
23:26.06Xentacmerlin262: good for you
23:30.56Xentacfile: do you know how to play chess yet?
23:31.13fileXentac: maybe if you answer 1 question
23:31.21flexobios just got to the point where it enables the dma controller :)
23:31.28Xentacwhat's the question?
23:31.50fileXentac: do you still have a PCMCIA CD-Rom drive? I found someone who might rehash my ISA Warplink driver to PCMCIA, so I need a drive to install Mandrake on aramius
23:32.25Xentacfile: ah... I do... but my dad's using it right now... I sold it to him with the laptop
23:32.33fileXentac: curse you!
23:33.58*** join/#picogui takk|sle1p (
23:38.08*** join/#picogui anonyman (
23:47.34*** join/#picogui darth_balls (
23:49.17*** join/#picogui darth_iBook (
23:53.53*** join/#picogui HMS (
23:56.12fileXentac: poke

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