IRC log for #openmoko on 20081202

00:01.07Wonkamwester: frameworkd is now higher prioritized than anything but udev, but still several chars per minute are lost.
00:01.50quatroxgot kernel panic! Thinks that Andy's branch is not _that_ stable.... will try to figure out why
00:02.24lindi-quatrox: can you see the panic message?
00:02.52quatroxnow I rebooted... will check again
00:03.00abatrourfinally got debian running
00:04.52mwesterWonka:  I'm not convinced that frameworkd actually reads the serial port.
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00:05.16Wonkamwester: it is the only process "lsof /dev/ttySAC1" lists...
00:05.31mwesterThat's unfortunate then.  :(
00:05.46mwesterThat's what (IMO) something like gpsd is supposed to do.
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00:06.18Wonkamwester: one of frameworkd's subsystems is named "ogpsd" and responsible for gps daemon stuff
00:07.59mwesterOpen a bug report on the fso bug tracker, I guess.
00:09.07quatroxlindi-: I cannot reproduce it, but it printed something with init_ something and then exit
00:09.11Wonka*sigh* sometimes, zhone eats about 75% CPU, frameworkd another 20%, rest distributed about some other processes - and i'd sure like to know what they are doing then... can't take that much to draw a little information about GPS o.O
00:09.56abatrourok i got debian installed, now how do i get the gnome interface?
00:09.57roolyquatrox: are you having trouble with python?
00:10.06abatrourall i get is what i think is zphone
00:11.24quatroxsuspending takes minutes... will try with the normal kernel
00:14.05jcon the overal gta02 schematic, the 'multimedia coprocessor' is the glamo ?
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00:15.09jcI guess it can't be anything else, dumb question
00:17.07quatroxrooly: not yet
00:17.14quatroxdidn't learn python yet
00:18.00CVirusyou can learn that in 10 minutes
00:18.22jcpython is simple :)
00:18.35quatrox2^10 minutes maybe
00:19.30quatroxbut I didn't look at it yet... no time
00:19.38jcbut I really hate the fact code indentation is used to create blocks
00:19.58quatroxwhat is wrong with that?
00:20.14quatroxdo you also hate Makefiles?
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00:20.26jcwell, for some reason, I find {} a little more readable
00:20.27ronnynothing except peoples expectations
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00:20.37ronnyjc: its all just getting used to it
00:20.40jcquatrox as a matter of fact, I do
00:21.00ronnyjust like lisp coder can actually deal with the parens
00:21.01jcI had to write a pretty complex makefile for a avr-gcc project with multiple libraries
00:21.11jcI don't like makefiles since then
00:21.26jcI think of theyr format as write-only
00:21.33quatroxavr-gcc? I played with that too
00:21.38vininim2-4 hours with GPS on in my pocket
00:21.38ronnymakefiles are designed to hate them once you go complex
00:21.42jcits very fun :)
00:21.45vininimand batter went from 80% to 15%
00:22.04vininimand fr was hot
00:22.12jcbut I guess makefiles get the work done
00:22.17quatroxjc: but now my STK500 is full of dust because I upgraded it (bought a freerunner)
00:22.17jcso does python
00:22.34ronnyand python is pretty readable :)
00:22.44jcits simple, it should be simple and its easy to learn and has lots of libraries to code complicated things simply
00:22.49ronnyjust view it as executable pseudocode
00:22.52jccertainly a lot more readable than perl
00:22.59quatroxperl is nice
00:23.07jcif you know what all the symbols mean
00:23.56jcpython has simple syntax
00:24.00jcas does for example ruby
00:24.01ronnyi conclude that all programming languages where an ascii art dollar sign is a sudoku solver are mean insane beasts
00:24.03jcor javascript
00:24.31jcI don't have anything against ascii art :D
00:24.36quatroxanyone tried whitespaces?
00:24.37ronnyjc: i woldnt call ruby simple if i was you - it goes into the per direction
00:24.49jcI think python is too conservative in use of symbols
00:25.22jcruby can be learned pretty fast
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00:25.24jcjust as python
00:25.29jcand its neatly object oriented
00:25.41ronnyjc: ruby has a damn free-form syntax
00:26.03ronnyand they seem to view monkeypatching as the way to save the world
00:26.05quatroxthinks of
00:26.08jcit does, but you don't have to learn 50 symbols to get the idea of a simple for-each loop
00:26.21jcmonkeypatching ?
00:27.01quatroxlike in 'code monkey'?
00:27.11jccode monkey is.. weird :)
00:27.15jcif you mean the series
00:27.28ronnyjc: as in replacing methods of existing classes
00:27.46ronnythey extend buildins or other classes
00:27.59jcronny, oh that, yes I don't like changing meanings of standard operators too much either
00:28.00ronnythe problem - collisions that nobody can ever debug
00:28.05quatroxthinks that the only way to patch is binary run time patching
00:28.17jcbut when you for example compute with very precise numbers
00:28.39quatroxjc: why would you do that?
00:28.45jcwould you like to consistently code addition as NumberClass::Add(Number1, Number2) or rather just a simple Number1 + Number2 ?
00:29.11ronnyoperators can just be mapped to methods
00:29.20ronnyand its the job of the language to do that
00:29.20jcwhen cpu supported word length is not enough ?
00:29.36ronnyboth python and ruby do that
00:29.40ronnyand its not what i meant
00:29.48quatroxjc: if you need to compute a lot of heavy stuff, add a google class. Google the answer
00:29.52jcalso php I think, but I never really did that
00:29.57ronnyi meant opening random existing classes and changing their code
00:30.23jcronny like so that they do something else that theyre supposed to all of a sudden ?
00:30.40jcI think they do a lot of unit testing so they catch all incorrect behavior in time, right ?
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00:31.42ronnyjc: that doesnt help if a random lib changes some random other behaviour at runtime
00:32.02jcreminds me of lisp
00:32.27ronnynot really
00:32.29jcronny, anyway they seriously do that ?
00:32.38ronnyjc: yes, its common in ruby
00:32.46jcso like
00:32.47quatroxhmmm... I want to learn Vala, python, ...,
00:32.58jcinstead of writing an abstract class for database access
00:33.12jcthey write one class that accessess for example mysql
00:33.12Fougneroh, programming :D
00:33.19jcand then someone says 'oh no I don't like mysql'
00:33.28quatroxI hate too much abstraction. Better to get the work done
00:33.32ronnyjc: bad example, completely wrong and insane factoring
00:33.35jcand instead of making the database class abstract and making a mysql/sqlite extensions
00:33.57Fougnerwhere is Dave?
00:33.58ronnyjc: they just add new behaviours if they actually need them
00:34.00Fougnerapt get Dave
00:34.01aptACTION fetches Dave
00:34.05jche writes a sqlite class that redirects the mysql classess methods to itself ?
00:34.24ronnyjc: BAD BAD BAD - they arent that fscking insane
00:34.35jcok :)) phew
00:34.43jcyou know I actually saw RoR work, so..
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00:35.17Fougnerey guys, tell me about a good simple C++ IDE in Linux
00:35.30jcronny so like they have a UTF-8 class that modifies every string parsing class to be utf-aware ?
00:35.39Fougnerif you've got some personal experience, please tell me about it too =)
00:35.43quatroxwell, you computer geeks can finish the discussion... I must sleep
00:35.55Fougnerquatrox, noooooo
00:35.58ronnyjc: no, they would just change the string class to enfoce utf-8
00:36.05Fougneryou're one of us now , you must stay =)
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00:36.14ronnyjc: but then someone else would change the string class to be ucs4 - and bang
00:36.15quatroxI am not
00:36.38ronnyjc: but seriously, i lack good examples for this atm
00:36.44jcronny, I don't get it, so the string class is originally non-utf aware
00:36.47quatroxI am a hardware person, not software geek
00:37.09jcand they throw in a class that adds some stuff to the string class to be utf-aware ?
00:37.12Fougnerquatrox, oh, like what? =D
00:37.22jcwell I know ruby only on the basic level
00:37.43ronnyjc: those are all fscking bad examples tho
00:38.00quatroxFougner: not easy to guess
00:38.16jcwell those are some practices I actually came across a few times, you really wouldn't beleive it
00:38.40Fougnerronny, thanks for the tip
00:38.45FougnerI'll check em out
00:38.46jcso I expect the worst now :))
00:39.04ronnyi really should add more c++ support to pida
00:39.13ronnyright now its kinda nonexistent
00:39.58quatroxronny: Keep It Simple (==ansi C)
00:40.03ronnyFougner: im one of the core devs of the pida ide, right now we dont have any nice support/integration for c++
00:40.18ronnyquatrox: ansi c is seriously hellisch for building complex things
00:40.36Fougnerronny, wow that's cool
00:40.41quatroxstruct *?
00:40.49ronnywell, then why the heck does it tend to generate things like gobject?
00:41.05ronnyc seriously lacks support for higher level abstractions
00:41.23jcits not meant to !
00:41.26quatroxthat is why I also like Vala
00:41.27ronnyand mimicing them is kinda fucked up
00:41.33ronnyvala is neat
00:41.35jcC is blazingly fast
00:41.49FougnerI'm not a programmer, but I've heard a lot of programmers argue about C/C++
00:42.00jcits pretty simple
00:42.07jcC is unsuitable for any high level stuff
00:42.10Fougnerseems like C is more "basic" where you can do "everything".. C++ is more highlevel than C.
00:42.20jcC statements translate usually to a few assembly instructions
00:42.24quatroxask our hero mr Linus....
00:42.26jceven on a thing like avr !
00:42.34Fougnermr Linus? =D
00:42.38Fougneryou mean Torvalds?
00:42.44jcyou address the memory directly, work with pointers, ...
00:42.54ronnyjc: doesnt matter
00:43.08jcyou have all variables directly on stack/heap, you basically generate very low level code
00:43.10Fougnerjc, sounds like a quite fast language if you can write it correctly
00:43.15quatroxtorvalds *linus;
00:43.18jcthats the problem
00:43.21ronnyi dont care if i loose 5% of the speed while loosing 60% of the development time
00:43.25jctry doing database access in c
00:43.37jcyou have to worry about allocating strings into memory and stuff
00:43.41jcthats just ugly
00:43.53jcon the other hand if you look at things like perl
00:43.57Fougnerso If I want to do a database engine, I'll go for C
00:44.09Fougnerif I'll develop a game or something, I'll write it in C++
00:44.11ronnyc is like building a tunnel in a massive wall of granit - with your fingernails
00:44.28jcyou have an interpreter that keeps track of what variables it has, how long they are, what you can do with them
00:44.31quatroxwell.... the bottleneck is rather because of O(n^5) than because someone uses C++ instead of C
00:44.33Fougnerronny, sounds like impossible =)
00:44.51jcdoesn't really let you call a string instead of a function due to misalignment :)))
00:44.56ronnyFougner: but people get by ;P
00:45.23ronnyi think managed languages + jit are pretty much the future
00:45.24Fougnerronny, I'm installing pida now =)
00:45.27quatroxlike gchar?
00:45.35ronnyFougner: no c++ support tho
00:45.43jcbut at the same time, if you know how the hardware works and you know how everything is connected to it C is just so beautiful and simplifies your life a lot
00:45.44Fougnerronny, not at all?
00:45.51FougnerI can write a plugin for it :P
00:46.08jcbut thats only if you solve things like flashing leds on avr :D
00:46.10Fougnerronny, I have  the intention to learn a smaaall bit of Python too =)
00:46.12quatroxwell... I played with my avr-kit
00:46.28quatroxand the best language I could use was asm
00:46.39Fougneryou haxxors!
00:46.42ronnyFougner: well, then you might want to take a look at the development version (tonns of changes)
00:46.42quatroxmy point is: each language has its advantage
00:46.44jcvery beautiful example;
00:46.48Fougnerevil naughty haxxors, you are!
00:47.03Fougnerronny, something I'll find useful hmm? ^^
00:47.06jcif you have several serial buffers connected to each other and on a serial transceiver on a mcu
00:47.24jcbitfields in c are sooooo life saving
00:47.27Fougnerah, fsck it all.. PHP is the shit =D
00:47.34Fougnerit pwns eeeeverything!
00:47.35ronnyFougner: i changed much stuff in the plugin stuff, but that starts to get a bit offtopic
00:47.45quatroxapt: Attack Fougner!
00:47.46aptACTION grabs a pen, screams like she's possessed, and begins chasing Fougner!
00:47.48jcespecially if you access the stuff connected on them from many places
00:47.49roolyqte doesn't allow password input on webpages
00:47.58Fougnerruns away
00:48.06ronnyprogramms should be mainly for humans to read, only incidentially for computers to execute
00:48.17jctell that to a 2KB AVR
00:48.33jchey avr !
00:48.40jcwhy dont you printf this fscking string
00:48.42ronnyjc: i only talk to those using the shoes with spikes
00:48.45quatroxapt: reprogram ronny with his own code
00:48.55jcwell dude I have only 128B of RAM
00:49.04ronnythey tend to make funny noise
00:49.09jcand you can't really fit this onto the heap !
00:49.15jcyou have to read it sequentially...
00:49.18ronnyjc: the first satelites ran lisp
00:49.26Fougnerapt get ronny | >> ronny.person
00:49.27aptACTION fetches ronny | >> ronny.person
00:49.27ronnyand they had not even 512k
00:49.34jcand they cost like $2
00:49.53jcand you can make uv lamps, remote controllers, timers, multimeters and stuff with them
00:49.59jcthat actually work and blink and beep
00:50.01quatroxronny: that is why Lisp is called Lost in Space Problems
00:50.01jcand its so cool
00:50.18jcand you don't have to pay for a $10 ARM that does STDIO correctly
00:50.27Fougnerjc, sounds like a neat thing, where can I get one? =D
00:50.29ronnywell, lisp is still one of the most powerfull languages out there
00:50.32jcand introduce a lot of overhead just to use printf() or something
00:50.41jcFougner like a local electronics store? :D
00:50.57Fougnerjc, doesn't exist here ^^
00:50.59jcflame on a rise I see
00:51.10quatrox(lost (in(even(((((more
00:51.14ronnyquatrox: those dont matter
00:51.23jcwell if it exists in this hellhole of a country, I don't see why it couldn't anywhere else
00:51.37Fougnerjc, where do you live? :P
00:51.41jcCzech Republic :D
00:51.42Fougnerquatrox, haha funny
00:51.47ronnythe parens are just one of the stupid arguments of those that are too stupid to get lisp
00:51.55Fougnerwell, you live in a big city maybe?
00:52.09jcnope, about 100 people or so in this 'city'
00:52.12Fougnercode structure anyone? ^^
00:52.19Fougnerhehe, well
00:52.23jcbut yeah, I have to go to a near larger city to electronics store
00:52.24FougnerI don't believe you
00:52.31Fougneryeah exacltey
00:52.34Fougnerexactley even
00:52.42quatroxdid you read this: ?
00:52.51quatroxyou should
00:53.00jcquatrox you mean the 404 ?
00:53.22ronnydid read that
00:53.36Fougnerjc, hah,
00:53.55jcoooh yeah I remember those :D
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00:54.21jcI see they ommited the part where the manager couldn't figure out how to end input to mail command :D :D
00:54.31jcI found that soooo funny :D
00:54.52jcooooh :D
00:54.55jcyeah :D
00:54.57jccool :D
00:55.06jcI actually did a little basic on a C64 too :)
00:55.20jcbut only used poke/peek anyway mostly
00:57.04jcif you like ugly kludges I could give you my latest UV lamp firmware source :D :D
00:57.13jcits a C heaven
00:57.19Fougneruhm, am I a retard just because I can't understand the code completely? =(
00:57.19Wonkaapt reinstall world
00:57.33ronnygod do i hate win32
00:57.34jcthe pointer to a pointer to function returning an integer kind of heaven :D
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00:58.03jc(button event handling routines :D :D)
00:58.35quatroxFougner: which code is it that you don't understand?
00:58.44quatroxis it the lisp thing?
00:58.53jcI dont understand it either
00:59.07Fougnerquatrox, a lot of it =P
00:59.11Fougnermostly the humour
00:59.25ronnythe lisp one is actually badly written, and doesnt work at all
00:59.28jcFougner remember the prime 'Keep It Simple, Stupid' directive
00:59.37quatroxronny: it works
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00:59.58ronnyquatrox: they never call it, they just define the function
01:00.11jcreally wheres the most basic printf("hello, world!\n'); one ?
01:00.33Fougnerjc, KISS =D
01:00.37jcI mean in C, not in pascal, thats a WTF in itself (using pascal)
01:00.37Wonkahow the *BLEEP* can openmoko-panel-plugin eat 91% of the time of a 400MHz CPU?!??
01:00.41jcFougner no thanks :D
01:00.45jcbut yeah...
01:01.09Wonkajc: »don't use printf for chitchat!«
01:01.22jcwhy not? :D
01:01.29Wonkajc: because.
01:01.47FougnerQ: How can you tell when a lawyer is lying?
01:01.57WonkaFougner: A: his lips are moving
01:01.59jcA: he's  talking
01:02.00jc:D :D
01:02.18Wonkajc: printf would scan the whole string for format sequences... needlessly.
01:02.32jcWonka unless it gets optimized
01:02.47jcWonka and subsided with simple sequential output function
01:03.00jcby the compiler
01:03.05ronnynot a reasonable asumption
01:03.24jchere the wtfs begin - you shouldn't really introduce kludges to speed things up before you really need them
01:03.30ronnythats a dataflow based optimation that needs knowdegde of the actual data
01:03.46jcnope, the compiler recognized printf() is passed a string literal
01:04.09jcand no other arguments
01:04.12SargunHow funny was it that bug 666 got the number 666?
01:04.13jctherefore it can be optimized ?
01:04.15Wonkait would need to recognize printf() is passed a string literal without % in it
01:04.25FougnerQ: What do you get when you cross the Godfather with a lawyer?
01:04.28jcoh yeah, I forgot about that
01:04.39jcso how do you propose to do a fastest hello world in c ?
01:04.59ronnymain(){puts("hello world!");}
01:05.13jcI kinda missed puts :D
01:05.15Wonkawrite(1,"hello world\n");
01:05.23ronnyah well, Wonka wins
01:06.04jcanyway, printf on ARM fyi is just about 4 instructions for parsing the string and looking for %
01:06.04Wonka»puts() writes the string s and a trailing newline to stdout.«
01:06.12jcwhen it doesn't find any, its pretty fast
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01:06.42jcso like "s\n" ? :D: D
01:06.47jcnoo you said string s
01:06.51jcso "s\0\n"
01:07.05Wonkac&p from manpage - manpage stupid.
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01:07.31ronnyback to win32 hate for me
01:07.41ronnyporting software has  never been this much fun
01:07.54jcso why do you do it? :D
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01:08.08Wonkabut what i take from it is that puts adds a newline - needing a second syscall or string manipulation, which my write() doesn't.
01:08.27jcthats very true
01:08.28ronnyjc: cause noone else can - sucks to be me
01:08.34quatroxronny: ohh...
01:08.34quatroxC++ is to C as...
01:08.34quatrox"Seasoned professional" is to "First year in College"
01:08.34quatroxref helloworld.html
01:08.43quatroxWonka: who needs printf() when we got write() ?
01:08.48jcbut how long do you think writing that to a buffer takes compared to actually outputing it to a screen or sending via uart ?
01:08.57Wonkaquatrox: that's what i'm saying
01:09.23ronnyi already declared Wonka to the winner
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01:10.09jcwell, I have to agree
01:10.21jcits fastest
01:10.43jcgood night
01:10.44Wonkagoes fast to bed now
01:10.51Wonkanight ronny :)
01:11.12Wonkaused too much strace in the last days...
01:11.44Wonkaopen(), close(), read() and write() on ttyS* and stuff...
01:11.57jcyou should go and write some high level language to regain some sanity and social skills :D
01:12.22jclow level stuff is seriously bad for health
01:12.29jconce you get hooked to it, you can't stop
01:12.51mwesterwonders why nobody came up with the appropriate syscall() to do the job
01:13.30quatroxWonka: optimization is only usefull in loops
01:13.42jcsomething to piss you up and get you to stop hacking hardware
01:14.20jca GPIO pin hooked to an high inductance connected to a metal coat on your table
01:14.43jcand a shock_operator() syscall toggling it...
01:14.59Wonkaapt lart jc
01:14.59aptkeeps mailing jc free America Online CDs until he drowns
01:15.06quatroxjc: you forgot race conditions
01:15.14jchuh ? :D
01:15.42quatroxI won
01:16.09jcwhats up with the cds? :P
01:16.13Wonkamwester: hm, write() is not syscall enough?
01:16.40mwesternope, one level too high -- need the syscall in assembly to win.  :p
01:16.50jcyou can pretty much do it
01:17.05quatrox__asm__ ...
01:17.06jcpush args on stack or into registers and issue a software interrupt
01:17.16jcdepending on the arch, also
01:17.25jcof course then, you have to know the ABI
01:17.35Wonkabad enough that i need to know C in addition to python/perl/ruby...
01:17.46quatroxjc: don't forget the ever growing stack
01:17.52FougnerTAOISM:  Shit happens.
01:17.56jcits not ever growing
01:17.58FougnerCONFUCIANISM:  Confucius say, "Shit happens".
01:18.01jcit actually wraps around :D
01:18.03FougnerZEN:  (What is the sound of shit happening?)
01:18.13quatroxjc: it might grow too big  and overwrite other things
01:18.24WonkaFougner: Judaism: why does shit always happen to us?
01:18.25jclike the heap? :P
01:18.35quatroxlike the sheap
01:18.57FougnerWonka, yeah right lol :D
01:19.01jcespecially on a 1KB AVR RAM, you get to love growing stacks and heaps :P
01:19.09quatroxstack is pretty similar to heap
01:19.20jconly one collides with the other eventually :D
01:19.33quatrox1kB or 1kb?
01:19.52jcreally, some have even 1KB RAM :D
01:20.03jcsome have 128B
01:20.05quatrox1000 Byes?
01:20.16mwester1024, actually.
01:20.22jcoh yeah, 1024
01:20.23quatroxthat is k
01:20.27quatroxnot K
01:20.45mwestersomething like that, I guess.
01:20.45jcfuck the prefixes :)
01:20.50jceverybody means 1024 :D
01:21.09quatroxexcept for Western Digital
01:21.11jcexcept the bastards who rip us off on 512MB SD cards and 700MB CD-ROMs
01:21.20jcyeah and WD
01:21.20mwesterhates marketing people who decided that capacity in KB where K=1000 sells better than capacity in KB where K=1024 as it should.
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01:21.37roolydoes too
01:21.54quatroxmwester: but if you are a good customer, you get 9 bits in a byte
01:22.01jcanyway I'm too tired to learn the correct prefixing right now :D
01:22.07jcI just mean 1024 every time..
01:22.47jcthere are some obscure micros today that dont respect standard widths
01:22.54jclike PICs have 14 bit program words
01:23.02jcthats very ugly for program memory stored data
01:23.02Fougner% ar m God
01:23.02Fougnerar: God does not exist
01:23.25jcor at least PIC16s
01:24.06quatroxbut PICs are cheap
01:24.11jcso are avr
01:24.22jcand at least here, avrs are cheaper
01:24.29jcand also more usable on linux
01:24.34quatroxAVR is easy to use and fast on GPIO
01:24.37jcoh I mean hackable
01:24.51jcwell they have one major advantage over PICs
01:24.54quatroxAVR suck on calculations
01:24.55Fougner%make love
01:24.55FougnerMake:  Don't know how to make love.  Stop.
01:25.09Fougner% sleep with me
01:25.09Fougnerbad character
01:25.12jcyou can toggle multiple pin values by outing to PINx
01:25.17jcpics don't have that...
01:25.20Fougner% got a light?
01:25.20FougnerNo match.
01:25.32jcalso, BSF STATUS,RP0 made me switch
01:25.33Fougner% man: why did you get a divorce?
01:25.34Fougnerman:: Too many arguments.
01:26.17jcquatrox what calculations do you think avrs suck on? :P
01:26.24jcexcept division :D
01:26.29quatroxfloating points?
01:26.40Wonkasink them!
01:26.52jcever tried calculating with them on a pic or 8051 ?
01:27.19jcnot me, I don't use them even on avr
01:27.25jcthey can usually be avoided
01:27.50quatroxwell, avr is fast on GPIO and slow on math
01:28.02jcavr is very slow on c-style addressing math
01:28.03quatroxrabbit is fast on math and slow on GPIO
01:28.06jcthat matters very much
01:28.08jcrabiit ?
01:29.22quatroxrabbit was one example... there are many that is much better
01:29.37jcrabbit is some kind of mcu ?
01:29.51jcfunny name :D
01:30.12jcwell for practicality and availability sake, I only use AVRs here...
01:30.23quatroxme too
01:30.28jcpics are also available but bank switching just sucks big time
01:30.31jccan't get over it
01:30.36quatroxand AMD for computations
01:30.44jcamd ? like x86 ?
01:31.32jcyou use that in embedded? :P
01:31.35*** join/#openmoko daMaestro (n=jon@fedora/damaestro)
01:31.41quatroxno way
01:31.44jcI once tried to get a 486 DX 2 running :D
01:31.47jcits possible
01:31.56quatroxI use it for {k}octave
01:32.01jcI mean on a selfmade board
01:32.12jcoh, I don't do math :D
01:32.16jcits great really
01:32.21jc486 is still pretty simple
01:32.23Wonkafor calculations, i'd like to take an xc3s...
01:32.24jcand its doable
01:32.31jcdatasheet is totally understandable
01:32.40jcand the instruction set isnt too much bloated yet
01:32.57quatroxand the frequency is low enough
01:33.07jcI think it was about 33MHz
01:33.13quatroxit gets very complicated with high freq.
01:33.16jcand it has onboard PLL
01:33.49jcbut in comparison to a 20MHz AVR i/o operations are slower unles you setup dma or something
01:33.58jcx86 instructions take time to execute
01:34.26quatrox4 or 8 cycles per instructions
01:34.27Wonkai know a company that runs Linux on FPGAs
01:34.40quatroxwhile atmel uses 1 or 2
01:34.42*** join/#openmoko gurugentoo (
01:34.52jcwell its a load/store arch
01:35.00jcits power is that it has many registers
01:35.10jcbut whenever you move in memory, you take 2 cycles
01:35.24quatroxon atmel?
01:35.35quatroxdo not forget
01:36.09quatroxafter first cycle, next instruction is sent
01:36.27jcdoesn't matter if data bus hangs the execution
01:36.50jcI think all ld/st instructions are 2 cycles
01:37.18jcyeah and does 4 stage pipelining make an arm any faster ?
01:37.22quatroxin practice it will be like one cycle, IIRC
01:37.39jcreally ?
01:38.14quatroxinstruction a is at the first cycle
01:38.48jcoh, I'm so asleep I was just searching for a datasheet on my freerunner filesystem :D :D
01:38.51quatroxthen when it starts on second sycle, instruction b is on the first cycle
01:39.07quatroxdid you find any?
01:39.07jcalso, I'm so sleepy to correctly write sleepy
01:39.15jcunfortunately not
01:40.02quatroxjc: do you think evince would run nice on the FR=
01:40.09jcall ld/st instrucitions are 2 cycles
01:40.20FougnerI'm not kidding you when I say : I need some sleep
01:40.23jcand lpms are 3
01:40.40*** join/#openmoko ChandleWEi (n=chandle@
01:40.50jcreally I was suprised first time I saw avr-gcc code listing :D
01:40.52*** part/#openmoko ChandleWEi (n=chandle@
01:41.05jclpming stuff from flash to ram a lot
01:41.08jcuntil I got it
01:41.32jcquatrox dunno, I'm not familiar with that much :/
01:41.51jcalthough I love evince and I'd love to read datasheets on fr :D
01:42.19quatroxand gvim
01:42.19jcafaik it uses some pdf rendering library with pango/cairo acceleration that makes it so fast on x86 ?
01:42.32quatroxwe need a stripped down version of gvim
01:42.47jcstripped ?
01:42.50jclike reduced in code ?
01:42.55FougnerNO NAKED!
01:42.57jcor like stripped in stripped binary ?
01:42.58jcooooh :D
01:43.09jcsomeone needs to get laid :D
01:43.33quatroxstripped in Not support for everything that makes it lag on FR
01:43.43quatroxand stripped down graphics
01:43.56jcso why gvim and not vim ?
01:44.19jcactually I find vi from busybox for basic editing usable
01:44.33jcreally it was a very pleasant suprise
01:44.40jcone of the first stuff I ran on my fr
01:45.00quatrox|zZzzzZzzwith a keyboard with esc, it is ok
01:45.15quatrox|zZzzzZzzesc, /, and :
01:45.35quatrox|zZzzzZzzand I need visual mode
01:45.39jcI didn't find any other keyboard than the terminal one useful
01:45.43jcI think that was matchbox
01:45.46quatrox|zZzzzZzzvi does not support visual mode
01:45.53jcvisual mode is useful
01:46.10quatrox|zZzzzZzzI use it all time at work
01:46.12jcstylus invoked visual mode :D
01:46.42quatrox|zZzzzZzzto create folds, to better get the overview in large files
01:46.48jcanyway I think FR isn't usable too much for more complex text editing
01:47.02jcbut at least key controlled visual mode would be cool though
01:47.26quatrox|zZzzzZzzwell, at least it has accels
01:47.31jcwell you could probably .. dunno.. develop pages on fr
01:47.49quatrox|zZzzzZzzso we can kick the FR and calculate how far away it landed
01:48.00quatrox|zZzzzZzzand find the position by GPS
01:48.12jcbut when programming, all the taping/typo/fixing overhead just pisses you off
01:48.32jcI didn't get into hack mode on FR yet unless hacking FR itself
01:48.42quatrox|zZzzzZzzdo not program on fr with on screen keyboard
01:48.57quatrox|zZzzzZzzI use a iGo BT stowaway keyboard
01:49.01jcand I thought about the text input as part of the hacking process then :D
01:49.18jcI'd love to do a avr gadget
01:49.21jcconnectable to usb
01:49.25jcattachable to fr
01:49.29jcwith buttons
01:49.34quatrox|zZzzzZzzthat is easy
01:49.39jcso you can play like NES games or so
01:49.41jcyep I know
01:49.47quatrox|zZzzzZzzatmega8 is nice
01:49.48jcavr-usb and HID
01:49.59quatrox|zZzzzZzzthat's right
01:50.01jcits possible even with tiny2313
01:50.15jcmega8 is too much computing power
01:50.26quatrox|zZzzzZzzand no usb
01:50.34jcsoftware usb stack
01:50.42jconce set up, relatively low overhead
01:50.52jcexcept when handling packet interrupts
01:51.01jcdunno the 13
01:51.23jconly bulk transfers give avrs the creeps
01:51.38jchid with interrupt endpoints is perfectly possible
01:51.56jcso no need to have hardware usb support for more money
01:52.00quatrox|zZzzzZzzusb does not use irq, IIRC
01:52.08quatrox|zZzzzZzznot before usb 3.x
01:52.13jcon avr it does
01:52.33jcwhenever data comes on either lines, interrupt is triggered inside avr
01:52.52jcthe timing is very critical then to be synchronized with usb clock so it has to be interrupt driven
01:53.07jcwell, thats the data link layer
01:53.09quatrox|zZzzzZzzexternal irq?
01:53.17jcyep, from usb data lines
01:53.22quatrox|zZzzzZzzyou get a spike...
01:53.24quatrox|zZzzzZzzand ...
01:53.30quatrox|zZzzzZzzbetter off polling
01:53.46quatrox|zZzzzZzzbit banging
01:53.52jc20MHz avr doesn't have time for that on 12Mbit bus
01:53.57jcoh 1.2Mbit
01:54.24jcyep the spikes are bad
01:54.30jcthats what bulk endpoints are about
01:54.33jcloooots of interrupts
01:54.41quatrox|zZzzzZzzand caps
01:54.52jcbut unless you do mass storage emulation you don't need them
01:54.56quatrox|zZzzzZzzmaybe a BP filter
01:55.08jcfilters are not necessary really
01:55.08quatrox|zZzzzZzzLP filter
01:55.15jcits pretty simple, the hw interface
01:55.19quatrox|zZzzzZzzit is only one cap
01:55.29quatrox|zZzzzZzzthen you got a LP filter
01:55.39jcwell.. if you mean  power filtering
01:55.58jcI hate filters :/
01:56.06quatrox|zZzzzZzzyou got internal resistance and inductance
01:56.10jccan't do the math
01:56.35jcwell maybe I could but I'm lazy to try and understand them
01:56.40quatrox|zZzzzZzzthat is why you need octave (compatible with matlab)
01:57.20jcwell since its a relatively slow bus when you are a low speed device, filtering isn't really necessary
01:57.33quatrox|zZzzzZzzanyway.... just take a little C there, and it works better
01:57.47quatrox|zZzzzZzzlittle C + little R
01:58.14jcbut adding buttons to fr would be cool
01:58.21jcit would just look lame in public
01:58.30jchacked gadget wrapper around a fr
01:58.41quatrox|zZzzzZzzI bought a dog tag BT handsfree
01:58.45quatrox|zZzzzZzzit has buttons
01:58.58quatrox|zZzzzZzzdidn't try it yet
01:59.04jchmm.. so like use the button for jumping in nes mario ? :D
01:59.24jcok, only 5 remaining now
01:59.45jcI mean like a gaming controller or a qwerty keyboard
02:00.52quatrox|zZzzzZzzmake something out of something
02:01.00quatrox|zZzzzZzzbuy some bt device
02:01.00jchey actually that could work :D
02:01.06jcis it hard to push them ?
02:01.18quatrox|zZzzzZzznot very hard
02:01.56Daveanyone here have java6 installed?
02:02.01jcon a fr? :D
02:02.12Davehaha no
02:02.14Daveon linux
02:02.22jcif id had jazelle...
02:02.28jcbut who likes java
02:02.55DaveI'm just confused because the debian package for sun-java6 is installed but java-version is 1.5.0 ...
02:03.17quatrox|zZzzzZzz$ eix -I -c java
02:03.17quatrox|zZzzzZzz[I] dev-java/java-config (1.3.7@12/02/07 2.1.6(2)@05/25/08): Java environment configuration tool
02:03.17quatrox|zZzzzZzz[I] dev-java/java-config-wrapper (0.15@03/24/08): Wrapper for java-config
02:03.29*** join/#openmoko swc|666 (n=swc|666@unaffiliated/swc666/x-4934821)
02:03.31quatrox|zZzzzZzznot sure what I got
02:03.36rastermay java be infected by the fleas of 1000 camels
02:03.53Daveyes yes
02:03.58Davequatrox: java -version :p
02:04.16Daveraster, I agree, though I regrettably need it for this one project.
02:05.15jcand I need to get a life.. whatever
02:05.34Davejc, this is not a good place to start then :D
02:05.49rasterDave:  may that project be infested by the fleas of 2000 camels
02:05.55jchey at least I'm seeing people :D
02:05.57quatrox|zZzzzZzz$ java -version
02:05.57quatrox|zZzzzZzzjava version "1.6.0_10"
02:05.57quatrox|zZzzzZzzJava(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_10-b33)
02:05.57quatrox|zZzzzZzzJava HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 11.0-b15, mixed mode, sharing)
02:06.42quatrox|zZzzzZzztoo new?
02:06.54*** join/#openmoko gurugentoo (
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02:06.59Davesomething like that
02:07.09Davestupid sun
02:07.29Davetoo bad they're going bankrupt though?
02:07.29jcwithout sun you'd long be dead
02:07.34quatrox|zZzzzZzzyou don't need java
02:07.38quatrox|zZzzzZzzuse python
02:07.43jcI think thats the ultimate vendor lock-in :D :D :D
02:07.58Davefucking jc
02:08.04quatrox|zZzzzZzzlisp, whitespaces, ...
02:08.17Davessssh, Apple could be listening!
02:08.24jcbut you gotta admit that was a good one :D
02:08.55jcmaybe the european union can start a huge space uv lamp project to demonopolize the solar industry
02:09.21rasterbuys the sun
02:09.26rasterits all mine
02:09.55quatrox|zZzzzZzzraster: ok, if I own a sphere around it
02:10.25quatrox|zZzzzZzzI don't want any gasses or light from your sun in my sphere
02:10.42Daveraster, may I lease a nice part of the corona?
02:11.28rasterquatrox|zZzzzZzz: try stop them! :)
02:11.42SuNOk STOP it, IRC client lighting up like a christmas tree.
02:11.44rasterDave: sure. nice spot for fishing :)
02:11.47jcmaybe sun will get sued soon, world economy is running dry
02:12.19jcless light, more cars and mcdonalds foods for everyone
02:15.00jcso anyway, who's the taoist in openmoko community ?
02:15.12jcreally, the 'manual' was a very pleasant suprise
02:15.18jcreally got me into the hacking mood
02:15.33rooly4000 messages to download on my phone via imap
02:17.51*** join/#openmoko hari (
02:20.36roolyand wifi
02:20.38*** join/#openmoko everslick (
02:20.45roolywhy is the wifi so slow? is it because the phone itself is slow?
02:21.03jchow do you define 'wifi is slow' ?
02:21.50mwester-laptopwifi is busted in the "stable" kernel.
02:21.53quatrox|zZzzzZzzrooly: they wrote a gpio driver
02:21.53roolyall my internet operations seem slow, altho it could quite easily be because of the gui
02:22.05jcar6k could use some documenting
02:22.23jcand support for forcing 802.11b mode
02:22.36jcneeded for example for my broken wap
02:22.36roolymwester-laptop: i'm using your qte kernel atm
02:22.44mwester-laptopas soon as the 2.6.28-or-so kernel gets a bit more stable, we can switch to it (which will require user-space changes) -- wifi will be much, much better.
02:23.01mwester-laptoprooly: Yep, wifi is borked on that 2.6.24 kernel.
02:23.09jcwell you should benchmark with like ftp transfer or something
02:23.29jc(of large files)
02:23.42mwester-laptopcan't benchmark it, 'cause it doesn't stay associated with his WPA access point long enough :(
02:23.43quatrox|zZzzzZzz...from lan
02:23.58roolyruns only open networks...thanks to the dmca
02:23.59jcthen you maybe got the same problem as me
02:24.13quatrox|zZzzzZzzdisable wpa
02:24.22jcwhenever I do large bandwidth data transmission, my link breaks up
02:24.29jcdoes the same on my laptop with this wap
02:24.31mwester-laptopnot a chance.  my neighbors are NOT welcome to use my network.
02:24.35jcbut only in g mode
02:24.45frojndTalking about security, will open moko ever support wpa ENTERPRISE ?
02:24.47roolylol, mwester-laptop, whitelist mac addresses
02:25.06jcI don't mind people using my wifi
02:25.19quatrox|zZzzzZzzmwester-laptop: openvpn? Mac-filter? hidden essid,
02:25.21mwester-laptopmac addresses are incredibly easy to change.   That'll just be a challenge, and encourage them.
02:25.22roolyor better yet, have 2 separate networks, a wpa one and an open one with your FR whitelisted
02:25.24jcI know the awful feeling when you just got to find a train home and cant find anywhere to connect to internet
02:26.04jcmaybe not really practical here but its evil to have cheap broadband and not  share at least a little slice around, maybe qosed low
02:28.05mwester-laptophas a wpa-protected guest wlan -- just ask for the key if you're a guest here. But it's for guests, not the cheapo neighbors.
02:28.07quatrox|zzZzzzzzarrrggg...   s/av/ev/g
02:28.37mwester-laptopquatrox|zzZzzzzz: you lost the moment. ;)
02:28.57rooly4000 emails
02:29.58jcwell if they piss you off
02:30.16jcmakes sense to blacklist theyr macs then
02:30.46quatrox|zzZzzzzzblacklist is useless
02:30.55quatrox|zzZzzzzzuse whitelisting
02:31.04jcnormal people usually cant change theyr mac addressess
02:31.21roolybut its not hard
02:31.22*** join/#openmoko emacsen (n=serge@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/emacsen)
02:31.27jcand you still want other people to have at least limited access
02:31.27roolyyou can do it even from windows command line
02:31.29quatrox|zzZzzzzzif two devices has same mac, both gets disconnected, right?
02:31.49mwester-laptopI wish you knew these kids.  bad lot.  they would take any "black list" or "white list" as a personal challenge, and work harder to break in -- and then, just because I deliberately tried to keep them out, they would do some damage if they could.  bad bad lot.
02:31.53jcof course not, but they usually just turn the thing on, it tells them it found the signal, they connect and the'yre happy
02:32.14roolyhere's an idea
02:32.19jctheyr mac gets banned, they're kicked out by ap, cant associate, windoze tells them it cannoct connect, they give up
02:32.37cjbmy AP's essid is "PasswordsSuck".  :)
02:32.44mwester-laptopthey download kesmit (or whatever it is), and go at it.
02:32.44roolythrow a Faraday cage in between your antenna and their living space
02:32.52mwester-laptopNow that's an idea.
02:33.00roolythen no trouble at all
02:33.03jcscript kiddies and phreaks usually find a way
02:33.20jcone mofo totally taken down our school wifi network last week
02:33.31mwester-laptopBut just going with WPA like everyone else in the neighborhood is just as good -- my network is invisible in the crowd. :)
02:33.37jche had some script that sequentially took mac addressess of all associated clients
02:33.47jche thinks hes a king
02:33.52jcwifi isn't so hard to take down
02:34.05cjbin countries in Latin America, pretty much every random desktop can change its MAC
02:34.11cjbbecause they're all clone machines, no brand names
02:34.12jchere to
02:34.16jcbut people are dumb
02:34.28jcthey dont find the mac field in netcard settings or bios
02:34.36jcand if they do, they dunno what it means
02:35.07jcreally, on a village 99% people dunno the chunky looking ugly mobile phone in your pocket is actually a great hacking tool and companion :D
02:35.08mwester-laptopOne of the big problems with locking down mac addresses is historical -- Digital Equipment Corporation.
02:35.37jcand what is that ?
02:36.51mwester-laptopDECnet ran directly on top of ethernet, and when you assigned a DEC system its node id number, the last digits of the MAC address had to change to match.  So compatability with DECnet drove the requirement for ifconfig to allow MAC addr changing.
02:37.26jcthats braindead
02:37.40mwester-laptoptotally.  complete violation of all the layering rules.
02:38.15jcnetwork layer address shouldnt have anything to do with link layer address phone is still downloading emails
02:39.09jcbatteries in my stylus are suddenly shot
02:39.10quatrox|zzZzzzzzbut it is nice that one can change it, no?
02:39.21roolythank god i did this over wifi and not gsm dialup
02:39.23jcnice to have freedom, true
02:39.31rasterthere was one time.. when sgi fucked up
02:39.38rasterand delivered a whole batch of machines to a lab
02:39.43rasterall with the same mac address set
02:40.05rasterthey had some nice problems setting up their network until they noticed it was that all the mac addrs were the same
02:40.09rasterthank god they could change them
02:40.10roolyhmm...i wonder if gsm dialup will be faster than wifi
02:40.38jcthats nasty
02:40.55slaxxin1 cool prank
02:41.02jcI thought they burned that to a rom inside the controller during manufacture
02:41.22quatrox|zzZzzzzzthey do
02:41.34quatrox|zzZzzzzzbut you map the memory
02:41.50quatrox|zzZzzzzzand overwrite
02:41.54jcwell either you use it or dont
02:42.26jcanyway 2 things I don't like in todays supposedly most universal portocol - usb
02:42.34jcVID/PID allocation - there is no generic one for hackers
02:42.46jcand extreme complexity
02:43.05jcooh sweet old rs-232
02:43.09jcso many fun memories
02:43.13quatrox|zzZzzzzzusb 3.0 will be slightly better
02:43.22roolyi wonder if there are any real-time chat programs for qte
02:43.26jcnow slowly disappearing in a mist of avr-usb ugly hacking and endpoint definitions
02:44.06quatrox|zzZzzzzzno mor max232?
02:44.21jc4050 is cheaper :D
02:44.42jcyes the voltage was a problem
02:44.44jcbut only a minor one
02:44.59jccompared to all the stress you have with usb
02:45.02mwester-laptopthinks the serial port will be around for a long while, although the RS232 spec isn't very common anymore.
02:45.16jcyou could hook a led onto a CTS /GND line and blink it without any hardware
02:45.18jcthat was cool
02:45.53jcalso - without any programming - use serial buffers to extend number of controllable pins from 3 to n
02:46.10jc(or use parallel port :D but I didnt come across that)
02:46.24jcwell my laptop doesnt have it
02:46.34jcand I really really hate that fact
02:47.01jchard to program avrs
02:47.13jcusb programmers arent cheap or easy to implement
02:47.30quatrox|zzZzzzzzi use my parport to switch on/off lights, etc
02:47.34jcalthough I see a little sparkle of light in I2C busses from VGA and DVI connectors
02:47.55jcthose are easily hookable
02:48.00jcbut not entirely safe I guess
02:49.42jcalso its a shame you cant hook to it externally on FR
02:49.58jcI think openpandora has external uart
02:50.01rastervga or dvi?
02:50.04jcthey're really pro-hacker
02:50.09jcboth have it, afaik
02:50.39mwester-laptopWhat really annoys me is that Andy had a brilliant idea for the GTA03, and Om's unbelievable management nixed it.
02:50.52rasterwhich one?
02:51.34mwester-laptopTake the space used by the debug connector, and put an ftdi serial-usb chip, and a micro connector on-board so that you no longer need a debug board for console access.
02:52.15jcalso it would be possible to use BT uart hooked to uart on the soc
02:52.30rasterthat got nixed
02:53.25jcI just hope my effort with glamo pays of anyhow
02:54.14jcI think that would be a major milestone of saving FR to be usable
02:54.26rastertho imho the whole debug connecter is a bit ugly
02:54.33jcthe cpu isnt bad at all
02:54.38rasterit'd be nice not to need any such thing
02:54.44rasterrecycle an existing connector
02:54.56jcoh yeah
02:55.01rasterjc: it wont change anything
02:55.03jcand the 2.5 mm jack idea is ugly too
02:55.04kd8iktcmon now mwester then how will they get extra $ from people for a dboard :D
02:55.09rasterglamo imho is a lost cause
02:55.17mwester-laptopYep.  If you do it right, you can even drive the jtag with the ftdi chip.
02:55.41jcmwester-laptop thats very inpractical
02:55.51mwester-laptopso is the debug board
02:56.00*** join/#openmoko christooss (n=matic@
02:56.05jcjtag is awful state machine that needs extreme clock to debug/program fast
02:56.19mwester-laptopftdi chip can do very fast clocks
02:56.25jcparalel port jtag adapters take tens of minutes to program few mbit flashes
02:56.46jcusable sloely for rescue purposes... debricking
02:57.00mwester-laptopthis isn't a parallel port approach; the ftdi uses gpios, basically.
02:57.17jcits uart right ?
02:57.27kd8iktmaybe OM has something else in mind
02:57.41jcyou send debug data output one way and receive it the other
02:57.43jcso maybe fifo ?
02:59.00jcanyway I just like the expression 'bricked' :D
02:59.08jcour language doesn't have anything like that
02:59.40jcI wonder if you could make a house out of all the bricked ndses worldwide
03:00.19jcthe temple of lost hope
03:01.09jcyeah I'm really sleepy now and getting stupid ideas
03:01.14jcI think I'll go to sleep :D
03:01.16jcgood night
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03:04.33kd8iktsome guy was tellin me in #openwrt how he has bricked lots of routers and i said "think you woulda learned your lesson the first time ;)
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03:40.26slaxxinlatest om
03:41.10slaxxinupdating my user experience;)
03:41.20frojndHm.. it just occured to me. How hard would it be to make an utility that would convert voice into txt, so no hand typing sms, no hand chatting on msn... the program that would know your vioce and convert it to txt.
03:41.30frojndDoes that kinda of program even exist on linux ?
03:41.52roolyspeech to text is rather common, and so is the other way around
03:42.16frojndrooly: I'd like to test it on the linux box
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03:42.47roolyi would think it wouldn't work all that well on an international phone
03:43.09frojndwhy not ?
03:43.20roolyhundred of different languages to support...
03:43.27roolyunless you decided to modularise it
03:43.54frojndrooly: true, but I'd like to help to work for my mother language..
03:43.58rasterfrojnd: there is a reason that stuff doesnt work mostly
03:44.00raster1. irs hard
03:44.00frojndit would be awesome :) and fast
03:44.03raster2. compute-expensive
03:44.09raster3. people dont WANT IT
03:44.21rasteri dont want to let everyone on the bus HEAR my sms message
03:44.25frojndraster: ebkight me, I like it :)
03:44.27rasterand they dont want to hear it either
03:44.49frojndraster: true, but when alone and chatting to a gf somewere abroad
03:44.49rasterin fact in many cultures even answering a phone on a bus or train for example is considered very rude
03:44.54rasterso hgaving messages spoken out to you
03:45.01roolyit would be useful in some instances, but usually rather annoying, especially if it's picking up background chatter
03:45.04rasterand talking to write them is just not going to be accepted
03:45.15rasterbut the main point is
03:45.19rasterit has niche usefulness
03:45.21slaxxinthen there are the mistakes
03:45.24rasterits not widely desired
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03:45.34frojndlooks like I'm on my own :)
03:45.38rasterthus it just doesnt warrant a lot of the effort/resources/money/time
03:45.44slaxxinthe wolf
03:45.45rasterits also just not accurate enough
03:46.34frojndraster: artificial intelligence  ;)
03:46.45frojndlack of that imho
03:47.30slaxxinmight work for a fie clerk in an office
03:48.08slaxxinfor pulling up files only
03:48.58slaxxinooo nos    boots
03:49.44frojndnah I gotta go to sleep it's 4:50 am
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04:09.21kd8iktcan imagine me sending an sms via voice
04:10.06kd8ikt" *censored* "  ;)
04:13.12kd8iktironman had speech to text ;)
04:13.51kd8iktholograms and an arc reactors
04:13.53roolyironman was a bored billionaire
04:14.10kd8iktbut atleast he was a mosochist diy guy
04:14.18kd8iktgotta respect that
04:14.22roolyhe also had a minority-report-esque holographic interface
04:14.45kd8ikthe didnt just throw money at people to do everything for him he actually did stuff
04:15.12kd8ikthot rods and choppers
04:15.55kd8iktalso it was very fictitious
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04:16.39rasterand hot women
04:16.46rasterits got to be fictitious
04:17.07kd8iktnah startrek was real! with really beautifull women
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04:22.41roolywait...that emphasis makes me see the pronunciation "fic-shi-shi-oos"
04:24.15slaxxinman i hope this om upgrade is actually improving something
04:24.53kd8ikthow do you get shi-shi from tity?
04:25.42kd8ikt( . Y . )
04:26.13kd8iktmust be azn or somethin
04:26.48slaxxinlost in translation
04:26.49roolysame way i get "fish" out of ghiti
04:27.03slaxxinoooooooo cajun
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04:27.24roolyenough, hard is that to see?
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04:29.31slaxxina hugh amount of action going on with the om upgrade that pronounced using the "hw-" method?
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04:30.15slaxxinno it means that thr previous post went all the way over my head
04:30.40roolywe are on different pages i believe
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05:00.47slaxxinwell  settings is the first thing that wont work
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05:37.08roolyno gsm dialup it seems
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05:37.46slaxxinyea  i guess shr
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05:38.09slaxxinno action there today
05:38.10roolyat least, i haven't gotten my one try to work yet
05:38.36slaxxinsettings refuses to come up
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06:01.53CIA-24openmoko: 03erin * r7da955a109cf 10/packages/ (3 files in 3 dirs): add opd_args file to append arguments for starting opd
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07:11.24CIA-24openmoko: 03roh * r4839 10/developers/roh/ * add more RE details
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07:28.52FilipLinux4hi all, i see latest android is available at ; anyone tried already ?
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07:45.55pietercI'm flashing android atm...
07:47.47Sargungood luck
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07:47.58pietercthanks ;)
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07:55.50gromezwhat are the improvements in the latest android image ?
07:56.58pietercdon't know, didn't try the last one
07:57.04pietercbut bluetooth doesn't seem to work
07:57.11pieterc-testing it
07:58.16gromezin the previous one, bluetooth scanning was ok
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07:58.33gromezbut i didn't try to pair with another device
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07:58.56pietercwhen i try to put it on
07:58.59pietercit gives an error
07:59.09pieterccamera works fine though
07:59.13pieterc-ok, just joking-
07:59.32pietercthere should be a keyboard in it
07:59.34pietercbut i don't find it
08:05.25pietercI really don't get how to open the keyboard app
08:09.34*** join/#openmoko richy (n=Richy@
08:09.43gurugentoothe existing phones have actual keys
08:10.57gurugentoopieterc: I stand corrected
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08:12.34pietercyeah... but it doesn't seem to be implemented :(
08:13.03gurugentooor at least the image you flashed didn't actually have it included
08:13.16pietercit's the image released by sean
08:14.57Hopscotchgood morning
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08:34.18vishalhello everyone
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08:41.35pietercand android still won't run without power adapter attached
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08:48.09vininim"unlocked freerunner" :D
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08:52.38CIA-24openmoko: 03roh * r4840 10/developers/roh/ * fix typo
08:55.39CIA-24openmoko: 03jeremy * rba3f443faec4 10/src/server/phone/dialer/touch/dialer.cpp: [dialer] Use show() instead of showMaximized() when launching "select
08:56.12*** join/#openmoko Hire (
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09:09.31Hiresomeone has tested the new android image?
09:09.51pietercyes i did
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09:10.01pietercNot much usable :(
09:10.06Hirethe new kernel doesn't work ..
09:10.13pietercuse the old one
09:10.21pietercbluetooth doesn't seem to work
09:10.25pieterckeyboard not implemented
09:10.34pietercgives 2 errors at startup
09:10.39pietercdoesn't work without the charger
09:10.47pieterc... reflashing atm ;)
09:11.15Hirei see
09:11.21Hirei want only to test it ..
09:12.02*** join/#openmoko theblackbox (n=sam@unaffiliated/theblackbox)
09:12.07pietercme too actually :)
09:12.24pietercbut even then ... I'll let Sean put in more work ;)
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09:15.03vininimargh, I forgot to format sd card for android. *slaps forehead*
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09:16.14pietercI rly thought the keyboard would 've been included
09:16.29pieterc-don't forget to attach it to a wallcharger ;) -
09:16.51pietercI'll go now
09:16.55pietercstudying and stuff
09:16.59pietercgots to be done too i guess
09:17.19vininimgl, bye
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09:33.46Hirei don't see any improvement on this new image of Android
09:33.54Hireno keyboard, no other apps as Maps
09:34.06Hirei can't accept incoming calls
09:34.35CIA-24openmoko: 03tick * r12214176d908 10/conf/distro/include/ Assassin: Bump up assassin to 268
09:36.22ronnyHire: the keyboard is supposed to be made by google in january
09:37.03Hirei know it
09:37.19Hirebut rui implements a onscreen keyboard that seems to work
09:40.09vininimHire: it's not in sean image?
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09:45.23vininimom-daily is really snappy, nice work from the optimization team
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09:53.35vininimheh.. what is the default network config in om-daily, my last script that used work with shr/fdom/2008.9 is not working with it(and it has no terminal o_O)
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09:56.02budfive5fanybody using a freerunner with AT&T in the US?
09:56.41DocScrutinizer2the ones who updated to MOKO10?
09:57.04budfive5fanyone, i guess. I'm still seeing wonky registration behavior after the update
09:58.02DocScrutinizer2elaborate please
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09:58.49budfive5frunning moko10. qtopia registers just fine every time (takes about 2 minutes). fso does about 20% of the time. android didn't the one time i tried
09:59.30DocScrutinizer2so seems this is a disri/userland issue, no?
09:59.40budfive5flooked at the fso log, but it's not obvious to me what's broken. wondering what others with at&t are seeing and which SIMs they're using
10:00.32DocScrutinizer2sorry, can't help beyond MOKO10
10:00.35henkvininim: it should be afair
10:00.44budfive5fit's useland on some level, but i suspect the culprit is the long registration time. fso probably doesn't handle a delay that long properly. if some other SIM produces faster registrations, i'd like to know about it
10:01.06henkvininim: didn't work the first time for me either. try rebooting and replugging it.
10:01.15lindi-budfive5f: it's trivial to add longer timeout to fso?
10:01.20henkvininim: i managed to get it to work after some tries.
10:01.33budfive5flindi-: yep. tried it. didn't help...
10:01.47lindi-budfive5f: then it's not about long reg time
10:01.59lindi-budfive5f: can you make calls manually?
10:02.43budfive5flindi-: no. it doesn't register. the FSO log confirms this. I did play with manual registration and it works just fine after a few minutes
10:03.53budfive5flindi-: AT+CFUN=1 ; AT+COPS=0 ; wait for a few minutes works when registering manually
10:03.59DocScrutinizer2so this might be #1024?
10:04.26lindi-budfive5f: ok, got a bug report about this in
10:04.43budfive5flindi-: yeah. i posted one.
10:05.27budfive5flindi-: i'm sure somebody will look at it. Mostly curious about other people's registration times, and what different types of SIMs control
10:05.43budfive5flindi-: are all SIMs effectively identical after the GSM firmware update?
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10:06.56lindi-i doubt
10:07.06DocScrutinizer2MOKO10 fixed a bug in sim-recognition
10:07.13vininimhenk: yeah, rebooting did it, thanks.
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10:07.42DocScrutinizer2maybe other side effects
10:07.58lindi-we don't know, the changelog is missing ;)
10:08.26DocScrutinizer2but there is no known mechanism delaying registration of particular sims
10:08.54budfive5f:) I'm still a bit surprised a user-upgradeable firmware was released at all. Thought it was illegal due to the FCC laws and such
10:09.04DocScrutinizer2lindi-: *you* are missing it ;-)
10:09.48DocScrutinizer2we just did it
10:10.08DocScrutinizer2no issues with FCC
10:10.27lindi-DocScrutinizer2: oh, was it on mailing list already? ;)
10:10.47DocScrutinizer2our FW is clean. You could hack your own, and that would be worse
10:11.00DocScrutinizer2lindi-: nope
10:11.03Wonkai suppoe is now widely known around here...
10:11.20DocScrutinizer2but *I* may look at it ;-)
10:11.59vishalhello friends, im using neo for the first time
10:12.13vishali have installed agpsui test ap and gone in open place i get reception..
10:12.14budfive5fso is it normal to see a registration take a few minutes? is anybody seeing that?
10:12.43DocScrutinizer2usually not
10:12.52lindi-budfive5f: now we'll just wait for somebody to implement AT%JAM-THE-NETWORK command :P
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10:13.11budfive5fDocScrutinizer2: what's normal? a few seconds?
10:13.27DocScrutinizer230sec maybe
10:13.40budfive5fDocScrutinizer2: thx
10:14.30DocScrutinizer2depends on network situation. but a few minutes sounds too long
10:14.52DocScrutinizer2are you remote area?
10:15.08DocScrutinizer2or urban
10:15.17budfive5fcity i mean
10:15.41budfive5fmy ancient nokia registers almost immediately
10:15.41DocScrutinizer2hmm, should be much faster usually, unless roaming
10:16.08vishalwat is libubx ? how should i use it?
10:16.45DocScrutinizer2probably Mickey and maybe Dieter/me might be interested in some logs anyway
10:17.14budfive5fDocScrutinizer2: i posted a bug on a few days ago. #255 if you care.
10:17.19DocScrutinizer2have a ticket#?
10:17.28DocScrutinizer2ahh ok
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10:44.33DocScrutinizer2budfive5f: btw, wich old nokia?
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10:45.30budfive5fDocScrutinizer2: nokia 6102
10:45.43DocScrutinizer2ah, ok
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10:46.16DocScrutinizer2(dunno this one)
10:46.26budfive5fDocScrutinizer2: running a few more tests with the moko. seems that i get registration 110 seconds from the AT+COPS=0 command. This seems to be consistent. Very weird
10:46.55DocScrutinizer2hmm, not exactly a bug
10:47.26DocScrutinizer2maybe calypso takes a while to scan al 3 bands
10:47.31budfive5fthe default registration timeout in fso was 30 seconds. bumping this up to 180 seconds didn't help (only tried this once). Would an expired timeout cause it to never register?
10:47.57DocScrutinizer2dunno, I'm not FSO
10:48.07budfive5fah, right. sorry.
10:48.10DocScrutinizer2ask me FW or HW
10:48.30budfive5fthe nokia is triband also, but it was sold by the carrier so maybe it scans the "correct" frequencies first
10:48.41DocScrutinizer2mickey|flu|zzZZz: ping
10:49.07DocScrutinizer2hmm, seems to be a real flu
10:49.52DocScrutinizer2mickey|ICxyz: ping
10:50.04CervajzHello there
10:50.17CervajzI have a strange problem with latest testing image
10:51.24CervajzWhen I set -profile illume in /etc/enlightenment/default_profile then Enlightenment ends with SEGV after start of system
10:51.56CervajzI want illume keyboard in testing, but this way itsn't working :( 03mickey 07framework * r20a413624549 10/ (4 files in 2 dirs): ogsmd: connection sharing now works
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11:03.32vininimIs there a mkfs.vfat ipkg?
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11:08.59gromezvininim: dosfstools something like that
11:11.04vininims 2
11:12.13vininimthat's it, thanks.
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11:21.50WonkaDocScrutinizer2: is there a changelog from moko10-beta2 to moko10?
11:22.35DocScrutinizer2changes are near ZERO.
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11:22.51DocScrutinizer2version string changed
11:25.08Wonkadoes anything decide anything based on version string?
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11:26.14Wonkaok, then my next project will be hacking a little at zhone to make it show more information - like GPS time
11:26.22Wonkaand velocity
11:26.44mickey|ICxyzi have a wicked plan for zhone
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11:27.09Wonkai know it is only a demo app, but at least the gps stuff is quite cool actually
11:27.13DocScrutinizer2tell us more ;-)
11:27.18mickey|ICxyzi'll send some ideas forward next week
11:27.20vininimdoes android really take that long to boot? or tracking isn't working?
11:27.33*** join/#openmoko Tig| (n=tigger@
11:28.08mickey|ICxyzbrabbles about zhone becoming a framebuffer-app resting on a seperate VT
11:28.14*** join/#openmoko tomboy64 (
11:28.23Wonkathis satellite display thingy in zhone is the wrong way round, btw - satellites with elevation near 90 are not shown in the center of the circle but on the edge...
11:29.16Wonkanother thing: i'd like buttons to reset gps, and to keep gps running when switching away from the gps stuff to something other in zhone.
11:29.38mickey|ICxyzsounds good
11:29.55Wonkaand now, i need to leave - bbl.
11:30.02mickey|ICxyzthe only thing to consider is whether you want to refactor zhone before patching it
11:30.04mickey|ICxyzsince it has absolutely no (software) design
11:31.25*** join/#openmoko madwoota (i=mad@
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11:35.33vininimokay, it seems uImage-tracking doesn't work with android, but uImage-android(heh) does.
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11:40.30kd8ikti'm suprised shr doesnt have git installed ;)  
11:41.20kd8iktbe nice to grab the source for things
11:41.20CVirusNokia N97 is out
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11:49.37vininimheh back to om-daily, since beside not having a keyboard, android isn't connect GSM.
11:51.05kd8iktconnected for me
11:51.12kd8iktjust couldnt answer
11:52.16*** join/#openmoko holymoo (
11:53.11CIA-24openmoko: 03charlie * r4841 10/developers/charlie/Wiki/ (7 files): Update personal wiki
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12:58.19a-stHello :)
13:00.54*** part/#openmoko budfive5f (
13:04.27m0nt0hi, where can i find the "defconfig-gta02" file? the kernel guide say that it is inside the check out but i can't find it, may be it has been moved somewhere else, anyone know where i can find it?
13:04.44lindi-m0nt0: it was removed
13:05.04lindi-m0nt0: did you do git clone git:// linux-2.6?
13:05.17lindi-m0nt0: after something like git branch lindi origin/stable-tracking
13:05.36m0nt0yes, andy-traking branch
13:06.03lindi-m0nt0: try ./arch/arm/configs/gta02-moredrivers-defconfig
13:06.27m0nt0thank you
13:06.45m0nt0i was looking for something similar, a preconfigured default file
13:07.21lindi-m0nt0: see #2078 if you want to use SD
13:09.15m0nt0lindi-: thanks
13:09.43lindi-maybe we should have some sort of #kernelnewbies-openmoko :)
13:10.18m0nt0no we need only to update the wiki pages
13:10.26lindi-m0nt0: but for discussing things
13:10.34m0nt0ah yes
13:10.54m0nt0i'd like to work on the bad bad 1841 WSOD bug
13:11.04lindi-m0nt0: is how i test kernels on debian
13:11.09lindi-i have never seen WSOD
13:11.15lindi-hmm, actually once
13:11.24lindi-but that was due to bad kexec
13:11.24a-stHello, i'm new to openmoko. I heard of it and now i want to try it on my cellphone (xda comet). Is that possible?
13:11.39lindi-a-st: openmoko is not a single software stack
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13:12.26a-stI would like to have the software/os like on the screenshots ;)
13:12.45m0nt0lindi-: i'm affected by this bug and now that the winter has come i can't use my FR as a phone because of this, so i'd like at least to see if i can understand something
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13:13.07m0nt0i don't pretend to solve it but at least to look at the module code
13:13.55lindi-m0nt0: ok
13:14.03a-stlindi-, is that possible to run it on a xda comet?
13:14.09lindi-a-st: never heard of xda comet
13:14.12lindi-a-st: i run debian
13:14.16Defiant-I have the whitescreen with  OM2008 kernel but doesn't with the debian one
13:15.02lindi-Defiant-: can you reproduce it?
13:15.16a-stlindi-, the xda comet is a smartphone
13:15.22lindi-a-st: that does not tell me much ;)
13:15.35a-stlindi-, so what do you have to know?
13:15.52lindi-a-st: instruction set
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13:16.00lindi-a-st: whether linux has drivers for it
13:16.43Defiant-lindi-: With OM2008.9 I got the problem almost everytime I went outside. With the current kernel in Debian unstable the problem hasn't occured so far. At least not that I can remember.
13:16.44a-stHow can i check that?
13:17.25lindi-a-st: quite open question
13:18.27a-stlindi-, thats the phone:
13:18.29lindi-a-st: wikipedia has very many xda models
13:18.36mickey|ICxyzopenmoko is only working on kernels for their own models. the userland stack is pretty much portable to everything that runs linux, _if_ you can get a kernel running on your device
13:19.26lindi-is there some standalone tool for uploading AGPS data to /dev/ttySAC1? i can see only talks about agps-gui
13:21.07a-stmickey|ICxyz, How do i check if "a" kernel works?
13:21.24Defiant-it boots :)
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13:23.59a-stIs there an howto? Where do i get a kernel? how do i boot it?
13:25.17lindi-a-st: if you want to port linux to a new architecture you need to spend a few months learning things :)
13:25.39Defiant-"a few"
13:27.00a-stlindi-, its an arm architecture
13:27.21lindi-a-st: still :)
13:27.58a-stI thought openmoko also runs on arm
13:28.21Defiant-Its still not the same
13:30.02a-stSo there is no easy way to get rid of windows mobile?
13:30.55Defiant-Have you tried google linux on htc atom yet?
13:31.08Tm_Tgoogle linux?
13:32.00*** join/#openmoko alfatangoxt (
13:32.49Defiant-a-st: Looks like some people are working on it
13:34.22a-stokay ;)
13:36.01*** join/#openmoko mac2k (
13:37.41a-stso i have to wait till then
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13:57.57a-stSo it's not a Smartphone...its a Pocket PC
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14:14.52wizkoderhy everybody
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14:23.27Fougnereey =D
14:23.33FougnerDave, !
14:23.49*** join/#openmoko Torikun (n=rusher@
14:23.55TorikunThe G1 Phone kicks ass!
14:24.05Torikunanyone get it?
14:24.45*** join/#openmoko emonkey (
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14:25.09Tm_TTorikun: you do?
14:25.36TorikunI had to replace my freerunner with a working phone that runs linux
14:25.46wizkoderI do not have an openmoko machine yet. trying to get the qemu running....
14:25.57Torikunwant my phone for $100
14:26.30lindi-Torikun: does it run emacs? ;)
14:26.44Torikunsure it does
14:26.57mjrI think the question is, does it run anything google doesn't want it to...
14:27.15TorikunI will sell my openMoko FreeRunner for $100
14:27.25TorikunAndroid is so awesome
14:27.26Daveso........... ebay?
14:27.58SpeedEvilneeds FR.
14:28.11SpeedEviloh well.
14:28.22TorikunEmacs amazed me actually
14:28.24Torikunso feature rich
14:28.39SpeedEvilTorikun: can it make and recieve calls, and does suspend work?
14:28.44bumblTorikun: hmm I would take it for 50€ :p I need a new paperweight
14:28.49SpeedEvilemacs! Yet another software stack.
14:28.49TorikunYes under Qtopia SpeedEvil
14:29.33SpeedEvilAnyway - I can't do even $100 ATM, so it's irrelevant :)
14:29.38SpeedEvilPlus, no time.
14:29.41DaveSpeedevil :(
14:29.43bumblthe curch of emacs will get you SpeedEvil an proseytize you
14:29.47TorikunI live in the US so its GSM
14:29.59TorikunI would hate to use emacs in the console
14:30.15bumblvim is better
14:30.40Torikunnano ftw
14:31.09Torikunoh Hi nano-
14:31.12nano-ofc knows that emacs is better
14:32.36*** join/#openmoko surf2me (n=surfer@unixboard/users/surf2me)
14:33.04Davenano, you suck
14:33.12DaveYou wouldn't even build correctly on the freerunner! 03sudharsh 07openmoko-gsoc2008 * rd3cf8ca82d26 10/fsod/ (6 files in 4 dirs): 1.) Fix build errors when compiling with vala 0.5.2 (Thanks playya) 2.) Remove vapi/fsod.gidl
14:35.40_Bill_lol.. every once in a while.. emacs vs vi :P
14:36.02_Bill_Eight Megabytes And Still Swapping vs Very Infantile
14:39.29wizkoderanybody here that has the qemu running? I had to change the scripts to get at least something working. now qemu starts (u-boot displays the startup screen) but I cannot get past that point
14:40.06bumbland as always vim wins :p (i use both, but not frequently [vim more frequently because I use vim for editing confs])
14:40.28Davehell yeah!
14:40.49_Bill_apt: yeah
14:40.50aptrumour has it, yeah is YEAH
14:40.59_Bill_recalled it wrong the first time
14:41.20DaveBill, sense not you make
14:41.26Wonkaapt commit suicide
14:41.27aptHehe my survival instinct prevents me from killing myself
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14:41.57bumblapt log off then
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14:42.42_Bill_dave: taken by the dark side you are....
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14:43.33Lazy_lulusays "I'm your mother Dave"
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14:44.00Tm_Thi mother dave, where's our daddy dave ?
14:45.05a-stDoes OpenMoko run on a PocketPC (Windows Mobile 6 Pro)?
14:45.29Tm_Ta-st: err
14:45.36Tm_TOpenmoko is operating system
14:46.00Tm_TPPC is another, well, operating system (I believe in this case)
14:46.00*** join/#openmoko DerHorst (
14:47.54a-stTm_T,  i woul like to run the openmoko on my xda comet but don't know hoe
14:48.08Tm_Ta-st: and prolly you cant
14:48.20*** part/#openmoko Torikun (n=rusher@
14:48.52a-stWhat is the Problem?
14:49.08Tm_Ta-st: you need to get drivers for your hardware
14:49.27bumbla-st: if linux runs on it
14:49.31henkit's like running a distribution specifically made for the xbox on a ps2...
14:49.33bumblopenmoko can run on it too
14:49.35Tm_Tbumbl: see what I said =)
14:49.52Daramaraksorry :)
14:50.01bumblTm_T: :)
14:50.07a-stso its smthing like LFS? :P
14:50.31Zorkmanopenmoko can't run on anything
14:50.31Tm_Ta-st: no, it's more like "blind-coding linux from scratch"
14:50.35Zorkmancrawl, or fall maybe....
14:50.37DaveZorkman, huhu :D
14:50.39Tm_TDave: !!!
14:51.08Zorkmanplays ACDC - Tm_T
14:51.09Tm_TDave: openmokoxbox, but you still cant make a call
14:51.24Tm_TZorkman: that took long time to come (:)
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14:51.38a-stSo I need a selfcompiled kernel, drivers, what else?
14:51.48Tm_Ta-st: you have to CODE drivers
14:51.55Zorkmanand the tears of a virgin
14:52.02Zorkmanat least that makes my FR work
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14:52.18henka-st: you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, right?
14:52.24Tm_TZorkman: my FR works, just need some recharging at times
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14:52.34Tm_Thenk: he does, eventually (:)
14:53.04nio_Zorkman: Do you drop the tears in the little audio jack?
14:53.13Tm_Ta-st: unless someone has done those drivers for that hardware
14:53.28a-stoh okay
14:53.34a-stso i'll have to wait
14:53.35Zorkmannah, you need to inject them into the minu usbport
14:53.45Zorkmana-st: or buy a FR :)
14:53.58henka-st: no. having no clue at all should let you come to the decision to learn, not to wait.
14:54.03Tm_Ta-st: waiting wont help, because prolly oone will do those drivers
14:54.28*** join/#openmoko Isajha (
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14:54.42a-sthenk, i'm a total n00b in programming xD
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14:55.55henka-st: then try to understand that in the next 2 years you will probably have no chance at all on running software for the freerunner on any other device with different hardware.
14:56.24Tm_Thenk: except Linux hardware
14:56.33Tm_Tholycow: not
14:56.53Tm_Tholycow: nothing "new" really, just added keyboard to flopped n96
14:57.27holycowthe keys look incredibly hard to use indeed
14:58.22Tm_Tand the price, Nokia, this great finnish company, what do WE get? 990 € pricetag <3
14:59.33holycowit runs wymbian too i guess
14:59.41Tm_Tindeed it does
14:59.54Tm_Tnothing new on that either, shame
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15:03.31bumblhmm nokia handies suck
15:03.44bumblthe last good and robust one I saw was the 6230
15:03.54Zorkmanbut i heard you can call and send sms's with them :p
15:04.08bumblZorkman: that's a fairytale
15:04.10Tm_TZorkman: lies!
15:04.54Zorkmanme thinks a phone is made so you can fiddle in a terminal on a tiny keyboard and not for all that fancy hight-tech so-called "calling" and "texting"
15:05.00bumbltheir ads only want to make you believe that nokia is connecting people
15:05.15bumblZorkman: i++ full ack
15:05.38Tm_Tjust want to do his daily irssi sessions with a phone
15:06.10d-bagrees with Tm_T
15:06.19Zorkmanwait untill my FR connects with the head of a nokia user... :p
15:06.26holycowdoesn't see the difference between texting human -> human and human -> machine
15:06.36d-bZorkman: nar. ssh ->> iphone
15:07.05holycowfrankly i preffer machines to humans most of the time anyway
15:09.39*** part/#openmoko tmarkus (
15:10.38pjz$17 for 8Gb microSD at
15:10.49pjzthought people with a FR might want to know :)
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15:16.30Fougnerpjz, NO WE DON'T!
15:16.36Fougnerapt kill Dave
15:16.37aptACTION shoots a magneto-ionized pseudopositrino gun at Dave
15:17.55wizkoderthe documentation for qmu + openmoko is old :-(    I tried now for hours. And its simply not working....
15:21.23bumblpjz: doesn't Transcend suck?
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15:27.58lindi-wizkoder: can you put online what you did and how it fails?
15:28.41wizkoderI had to change the "env" file, otherwise it did not find any files
15:29.27wizkoderNow I am downloading eveything from the daily/testing directory
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15:30.10wizkoderWhen I start the it does some things and then tells me "s3c_nand_read: Bad register 0x20"
15:34.57wizkoderhow should the 3 files be named that I build the image out of?
15:35.32wizkoderis gta02v5_and_up-u-boot.bin the bootloader?
15:35.58wizkoderand whats this "gta02v5_and_up-lowlevel.bin" ?
15:36.26wizkoderor do I have to use gta01bv4-u-boot.bin   ?
15:36.29wizkoderconfused :-)
15:39.41*** join/#openmoko kennyz (
15:41.34wizkoderI have to change the scripts otherwise nothing would work at all. So I have to know which fiels I need, because I have to insert them manually :-(
15:42.01wizkoder-> off to the developer section .-)
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16:20.59FougnerDave! =d
16:21.23Fougnerbumbl, transcend is quite crappy, what I've heard.. Sandisk is the label most people want ;)
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16:26.35Zorkmanindeed slaxxin!
16:26.54slaxxingot the latest om
16:27.33slaxxinsettings wouldnt work till opkg upgrade
16:28.57bumblFougner: yep I have a 8gb san disk µsd
16:29.49Zorkmanme too
16:29.49Fougnerbumbl, but i have TWO! HAH!
16:29.58Zorkmana friend of mine also has one
16:30.08Zorkmannever had any problems (except for the Fr problems :))
16:30.37bumblFougner: i don't need to so why the hell should i buy two
16:30.44Fougnerbecause you're worth it!
16:31.02Fougnerbumbl, I'm just fscking around.. don't listen to me
16:31.11Fougnerapt install Dave
16:31.12aptACTION runs yum -y localinstall Dave-4.2-1.noarch.rpm
16:31.26Fougnerso, how you doin' bumbl-b?
16:31.43Fougneryou're the one in my phone!
16:31.51Fougnerbuzzing around, doin that friggin sound
16:31.53bumblhello hello
16:32.03Fougnerjust kidding again!
16:38.44*** join/#openmoko Stroller (n=Stroller@
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16:46.13*** join/#openmoko simon_ ( 03mickey 07framework * r4fecf8d41e90 10/ (ChangeLog framework/subsystems/odeviced/ odeviced: Add two new resources: 'CPU' and 'Display': Requesting the CPU resource will prevent the idle notifier from falling into the 'suspend' state, requesting the Display resource will prevent the idle notifier from falling into the 'idle_dim' (and following) state(s). With these two resource, it now takes only one additional rule to prevent the system from suspending while on a call or a musicplayer is playing.
16:54.17Wonkaor recording a GPS track...
16:54.27*** join/#openmoko Pander (n=chatzill@
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17:06.58FougnerPander, hi =D
17:07.40PanderHi F, just some smalltalk: what do you do with a Freerunner?
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17:12.38FougnerPander, I like small talk =D
17:12.46Fougnerwhat I do? :P
17:12.53FougnerI throw em at Dave
17:13.01Fougnerapt throw mokos at Dave
17:13.01aptACTION winds up and throws mokos at Dave over the moon.
17:13.15Fougnerhe's got too many of them
17:13.33FougnerI've actually got one here at home... just for my geeky purposes
17:13.55Pandersame here
17:14.10*** join/#openmoko vininim_ (n=vininim@pdpc/supporter/student/vininim)
17:14.21FougnerI don't do anything special with it =) try to find a good distro to use on daily basis
17:15.45FougnerI'm using the GPS sometimes
17:16.31PanderI hope a new release comes out real soon + a new FDOM
17:16.43PanderI just build my first opkg this weekend
17:16.43FougnerFDOM is the shit
17:16.49roolydoes the FR support gsm dialup in qt?
17:17.19Fougnerrooly, I've tried calling in qt-extended, 4.4.2 and it worked, from what I remember
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17:17.38roolyi'm trying, but it doesn't seem to be working
17:17.46Fougnerwhat happens?
17:18.09roolyit quickly switches from 'offline' to 'pending' and right back
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17:18.37FougnerI'm curious about how to get my messages on the phone, and not on the SIM though
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17:21.39nemikdbus could do that i guess
17:25.12*** join/#openmoko GNUtoo (
17:25.35GNUtoohello,I  downloaded the openmoko-fso-illume-image-glibc-ipk--20081120-om-gta02.rootfs.jffs2 image...but there is no zhone?
17:25.49*** join/#openmoko samgee ( 03sudharsh 07openmoko-gsoc2008 * rddd95420cdf8 10/fsod/src/subsystems/Device/input/ (input.plugin input.vala): Use get_device(), and remove hardcoding
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17:34.13FougnerGNUtoo, unlucky ;)
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17:43.07Arthur_Dentkills Agrajag-
17:46.01GNUtooFougner, ???
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17:46.15FougnerGNUtoo, ???
17:46.30Tm_TFougner: GNUtoo: !!!
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17:50.16GNUtoook ok I install it with opkg
17:50.28FougnerTm_T, =D=D
17:50.43GNUtoobut I wonder why there is no zhone...mabe I have choosen the wrong image
17:51.00GNUtooor is it deprecated in favor of some other program?
17:53.32ronnyGNUtoo: zhone is the fso testing program - its only in full fso images
17:54.07GNUtooso I've choosen the bad image...thanks
17:55.02slaxxinnon illume has zhone
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17:56.41GNUtoook thanks
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18:11.24DeubeuliouIf I want to use Qi and boot on an SD card, what do I have to do ?
18:11.58lindi-Deubeuliou: how do you boot from NAND with it?
18:12.04DeubeuliouI read Qi has no menu. So how can I force it to use the SD care ?
18:12.34DeubeuliouI didn't managed, actually ... I used to, but now it doesn't work. I guessed I messed the nand menu
18:12.39Deubeuliou*I guess
18:13.23DeubeuliouSo, if I want to boot on the SD card, I have to use the NAND ?
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18:16.16lindi-Deubeuliou: no, to change the settings you have to understand your current settings ;)
18:16.22lindi-(I don't)
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18:17.49Deubeuliouon the wiki, it's not written how to change Qi's settings
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18:18.33Deubeuliouoh, sorry. It boots on the card by default ...
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18:41.48GNUtoohello, i don't understand what's going on...vala-terminal and openmoko-terminal2 seems the same...
18:42.18GNUtoobefore I had a different terminal but it stopped working after an update so i installed both
18:42.24GNUtooand they seems the same
18:43.44Fougnerthat's not possible :O
18:43.51*** part/#openmoko der-lehmann (n=stefan@
18:44.29AinulindaleGNUtoo: openmoko-terminal2 was renamed vala-terminal
18:44.38GNUtooah ok...
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18:51.50*** join/#openmoko Hire ( 03mickey 07framework * r3b8acea05904 10/framework/subsystems/ogsmd/ ogsmd: improve killall function, patch courtesy sdhillon. closes FSO ticket #260 03mickey 07stabilization/milestone4 * r4bc9d5ea4dd8 10framework/framework/subsystems/ogsmd/ ogsmd: improve killall function, patch courtesy sdhillon. closes FSO ticket #260
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19:30.35vininimany reason why exposure is using 100% CPU?
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20:17.51DaveSpeedevil, I summon you!
20:18.13SpeedEvilarrives in a cloud of acid rain, and Dave dissolves.
20:19.53Tm_Tmaybe I have to do a bit casemodding
20:20.56*** join/#openmoko Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/staff/sargun)
20:21.06Tm_Twould love to have 2-3x more battery
20:23.21Tm_TDave: mm?
20:23.30DaveSpeedevil, any clues as to why I have a fix but my gpsdev spams tons of these lines with it? (it's abnormal) $GPTXT,01,01,01,NMEA unknown msg*58
20:24.45siculaunch that FR !
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20:34.02freqmod_quI upgraded FDOM to om 2008.testing and now i am trying to get the raster keyboard back. The only problem is that all the illume preferences icons are gone and i don't know how to get in to illume's preferences (modules etc). Does anybody know how to get in?
20:34.09*** join/#openmoko max_posedon (n=max_pose@ 03mickey 07framework * rb1207efa9725 10/ (4 files in 4 dirs): ousaged: org.freesmartphone.Usage.Suspend() now returns a value instead of timing out (call did not return before the actual suspend was triggered). As an inherent result, the suspend now occurs asynchronous. This fixes FSO ticket #215.
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20:44.07freqmod_qufound stuff on the wiki, but not on the illume keyboard page
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20:50.02FougnerDave :D
20:51.12jonkristianweee, things are happening:)
20:51.26jonkristianFougner: !
20:52.08cjbI wonder when the android build will be worth running
20:52.13Fougnerjonkristian, what? what's happening? =D
20:53.23jonkristianCommunity updates
20:53.23jonkristianI haven't been active for a while
20:54.18jonkristianand softkeyboard in android:)
20:54.53Fougnerwow, really?
20:54.59Fougnercan you phone with and such?
20:55.29jonkristianFor Android: Walter Chang made a soft keyboard. Rui Castro implemented an OnScreen Keyboard. It was immediately included in Sean's image, to be released at the usual page without mp3 support soon.
20:55.36Fougnerjonkristian, where to find images of Android ?
20:55.44jonkristianMight not be out just yet though
20:55.52Fougnernot at all? :|
20:56.05jonkristianbut it's pretty wicked
20:56.21*** join/#openmoko rmoravcik (
20:56.43*** part/#openmoko swc|666 (n=swc|666@unaffiliated/swc666/x-4934821) 03mickey 07framework * rd3299e92e30c 10/ (ChangeLog framework/subsystems/ousaged/ ousaged: Preliminary implementation of org.freesmartphone.Usage.[Shutdown|Reboot]() -> () Send signal org.freesmartphone.Usage.SystemAction() before suspending, after resuming, before shutting down, before rebooting. This fixes FSO ticket #287.
21:01.40GNUtoohello, I think I've found the reason why a lot of things doesn't cross-compile for the openmoko...the distros have libs that are too is there another distro with newer libs...are there images of angstrom for the openmoko?
21:01.53*** join/#openmoko [Rui] (n=Rui@
21:02.31GNUtooI'm shure they have good reason for keeping old libs...
21:05.18GNUtoobut as the openmoko lacks a lot of apps...i use oe for cross-compiling them...(i needs apps such as xboard,emacs,newer libwebkit etc...) but wesnoth needed work to compile and some apps don't cross-compile such as emacs...mabe they will cross-compile with newer distro?
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21:05.47bricodecjb: It's coming.
21:06.45bricodecjb: I'm testing the FR build of Android right now that's on 03mickey 07specs * r9e43362cc005 10/ (Makefile ousage/ ousage: document org.freesmartphone.Usage.[Shutdown|Reboot|SystemAction]() TODO: Regen docs
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21:11.25slaxxinhas a heyboard?
21:12.25bricodeslaxxin: I've included Rui's keyboard.
21:12.35bricodeI'm building the image right now and haven't tested it yet.
21:12.48jonkristianbricode: im all up for testing:)
21:13.03[Rui]bricode: think it's useful? thanks :)
21:13.03bricodejonkristian: How about building?
21:13.22jonkristianwell, im not yet familiar
21:13.27bricode[Rui]: Seems to be a good leading candidate. I saw that Google wasn't too keen on it.
21:13.43jonkristianoh, how come?
21:13.47bricodejonkristian: There are problems with us actually distributing this image as it contains codecs.
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21:14.09bricodeGoogle's working on a whole input framework that can be easily localized.
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21:14.31bricodeThat's in Q1, but we wanted people to play with Android before that on the Freerunner.
21:14.48jonkristianbricode: instructions on building anywhere around?
21:15.28[Rui]bricode: why?
21:15.29bricodeAlso provide a way for people to build/make changes easily. Previously it was fairly difficult to build a usable toolchain, get the source, patch it,  build it, make an image, then flash it on the FR. 03mickey 07framework * r42696e4986a8 10/framework/subsystems/ousaged/ ( ousaged: refactor resource classes into seperate module
21:15.42bricode[Rui]: Why to what?
21:15.50[Rui]bricode: why? wheren't they keen on it?
21:16.39bricode[Rui]: From ...
21:16.47bricodeI don't know anything beyond that.
21:17.14[Rui]bricode: just curious, because if they had suggestions I'd like to know, anything to get a better a keyboard :)
21:17.37[Rui]bricode: oh you meant Rui Castro's :)
21:17.43[Rui]bricode: sorry my confusion :)
21:18.05bricode[Rui]: Sorry, I thought you were one and the same.
21:18.32[Rui]bricode: np :) I did a keyboard for Om that's why I was curious :)
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21:20.20woglindewhich package I need for the keyboard on the freerunner?
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21:40.12woglinderaster which package do I need for the freerunner for the softkeyboard?
21:42.49Panderraster: i'm working on a preinst script that will make a patch of your usage of a .dic file compared to the original .dic file, and apply that patch to the new version of a .dic file when a new opkg is being installed. this way, you will keep you personal usage and your personal additions to a .dic file.
21:42.50rasterwodwhich one?
21:42.56rasterwoglinde: which one?
21:43.05woglinderaster hm latest
21:43.21rasterwoglinde:  which keyboard i mean
21:43.24rasterthere's lots of them
21:43.28woglindezecke told me ilumne-config-ilumne to install
21:43.35woglindebut thats enough
21:44.22rasterand whihc distro/os
21:44.42woglindeups not enough I meant
21:44.56rasterPander:  why do that?
21:45.10Panderthe .dic file is being altered as you use it, correct?
21:45.25rasterthe system on is untouched
21:45.30woglinderaster I only need one softkeyboard so I can type in letters
21:45.41rasteris modified
21:45.45Panderhmm, when I was browsing the code, I came across code writing .dic
21:45.51rasterit is an "overlay" on top of the system one
21:45.53rasterso new words
21:46.09rasterand existing words + new frequency values are written there
21:46.12rasterand saved
21:46.28PanderOK, I thought that was in the original file. makes things easier for me
21:46.45rasterwoglinde:  well illume has its own virtual veyboard built in all the time
21:46.53rasteryou just need to enable it
21:47.00woglinderaster and how can I activate it?
21:47.03raster(and disable some other one if its being used)
21:47.18rasterwell you could change theme so you get a "qwertyu" button
21:47.22rasterto activate it
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21:47.40woglindeis there a way from command line?
21:47.58woglindezecke somehow disabeld it in his specila image
21:48.04rasteroh wait
21:48.10rasterto change theme from cmd-line
21:48.15rasteror call kbd?
21:49.00woglindehm no kbd binary
21:49.03rasterPander: nup. don't worry. i dont do stupid things like write to system files installed by packages from code - you have ~/.e/ for personal config and modifications
21:49.16rasteryou can add more dictionaries in there not in packages
21:49.37rasterso any dic files in ~/.e/e/dicts/ override the system ones of the same name completely
21:49.51rasteralso you can add more of them there withouth needing special packages
21:50.09rasterwoglinde: kbd is built into the illume module
21:50.12rasterit isnt a binary that's run
21:50.45rasteras such 2008.x should come with qtopia's keyboard though
21:50.52raster(and thats inside the qpe binary)
21:50.55lindi-portable keyboards would be nice ;)
21:51.03lindi-(like xvkbd :P)
21:51.03rasterand should be automatically shown if the application sets a "i want a keyboard" hint
21:51.05woglindeall apps has its own variant
21:51.14woglindebut for my app it does not show up
21:51.15lindi-xvkbd is standard since '94 or so ;)
21:51.23Panderraster: I've packaged my .dic with license as an opkg. it has a special license BSD and/or CC so I think it has to be distributed seperately from e. or not? anyways, I'm looking for a distributor. enlightenment svn could be possible
21:51.26rasteryou need to set a window property
21:51.35rasterthat says "hey - i want a kbd"
21:51.48woglinderaster ah
21:51.54woglindewhich one for e?
21:52.19woglindewill look into the doku my self
21:52.22woglindeits a qt app
21:52.49lindi-raster: is there any DM that supports that?
21:53.02rasterPander: if it's bsd - it's compatible with e's license. we are bsd with advert clause (and advert clause has some really  lax exceptions so you dont need to advertise - just email authors or ship source (ala lgpl) to meet the advert requirements)
21:53.19rasterwoglinde: what are you writign your app with?
21:53.34woglinderaster it is already written
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21:53.44woglindeand linked against the qt
21:53.56rasterlindi-: wait too many thnigs at once :) dm as in gdm/kdm/xdm/entrance ?
21:54.09lindi-raster: yes
21:54.22rasterqogok. then if you have an entry qt should ask for a kbd
21:54.33Panderraster: the authors are behind me, they let me choose BSD or CC, as long as it can be made available as a separate opkg that mentions them as source they are fine with it
21:54.36rasteror well the qt that is built from qte on 2008.x
21:54.52rasterlindi-: a dm that has a vkbd?
21:55.01lindi-raster: a dm that works with illume keyboard
21:55.20lindi-raster: for example xvkbd is usable with xdm
21:55.33rasterPander: well it's a file - it can always be made into a separate package\
21:55.45tiferethanyone of you is using eric for python development?
21:56.05rasterthe question is - do you ant ot installed by default form upstream source and packages - or maintained as a separate src tree and package
21:56.13rasteralso note i likely will change dic format in the future
21:56.24rasteri'll of course need to provide a way to import dictionaries
21:56.45rasterlindi-: illume's kbd is part of illume
21:56.57rasterand illume is a module you dlopen() for e
21:57.02lindi-raster: ok i take that as a no :)
21:57.02rasterso you cant run it on its own
21:57.17rasterit isnt a separate process - it's basically inside the enlightenment process
21:57.30rasterso... until e is running - illume's kbd isnt going to do much
21:58.03lindi-if I only had infinite extra time i'd write a similar standalone prog
21:59.43rasterwhy do you want one for a dm anyway?
21:59.47rasterhere is how i see it
21:59.52lindi-to enter password? ;)
21:59.56freqmod_quhate all the disable of softkeyboard things in the asu theme
21:59.59rasterdevices like phones are inheernetly personal devices
22:00.03rasterthey dont have more than 1 user
22:00.08freqmod_quanybody know how to get the settings icon to work?
22:00.11rasterso u dont need a login screen to determine the user
22:00.18PanderOn are packages being offered as .opk and some as .ipk. What is the preferred extension?
22:00.22SpeedEvilraster: do you happen to know if there is any new 03 hardware boards since the decision to upgrade the SoC?
22:00.23lindi-raster: i might want to let people play around as guest
22:00.28lindi-raster: i want to have rescue account
22:00.35lindi-raster: i want to have account for doing online banking
22:00.40lindi-raster: i want to have account that has sudo privs 03mickey 07framework * r845873579b88 10/framework/subsystems/ogsmd/modems/ (3 files in 3 dirs): ogsmd: unset gsm-standard hooks on modems that offer special call progress URCs
22:01.06rasterbut chances are - you won't
22:01.11rasterdo you do that on your desktop?
22:01.17rasterdoi you literally log out and back in
22:01.20rasterjust to use sud?
22:01.21lindi-raster: yeah
22:01.28rasteror log outr and in just to go visit your bank?
22:01.36lindi-raster: i have two X servers
22:01.36SpeedEvilraster: I might want to give my 8 year old a FR, where I'm the owner.
22:01.44lindi-raster: so no need to logout
22:01.59lindi-raster: and besides i use vnc for everything so logout does not kill apps
22:02.01rastersped i have no idea about gta03
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22:02.16rasterits an ever moving target
22:02.31rasterhas been for nigh on a year
22:02.46lindi-raster: i'm just saying that i would lose an essential part of debian if i couldn't use multiple users
22:03.00rasterlindi-: then the user can get back to your other sessioln and mess with it
22:03.03rasteras its stil there
22:03.04_charly_hi, what's up with the fso-testing feeds? they aren't updated since a few weeks now
22:03.15lindi-raster: guest user?
22:03.26lindi-raster: yeah with guest user i of course need to logout/lock my normal user
22:03.34rasteri'm just saying that multiple-users imho for a phone is just not needed
22:03.40rasteror at least you dont NEED a DM
22:03.55lindi-true, it's not absolute must
22:04.04rasteryou simply need a way of launching a new x + new wm with a new login
22:04.12lindi-but it makes a 'security password' much easier to implement
22:04.22rasterbut you dont need a "no user is logged in you just powered up the phone and you run gdm"
22:04.30raster1 user always gets logged in
22:04.45lindi-sorry, i like my xdm login prompt :)
22:05.06rasterbecause you want to turn the thing on and use it
22:05.13rasternot have to neter a username
22:05.14rasterthen password
22:05.24rasterthen wait for half the system to keep "starting"
22:05.36rasteralso a limited 128m ram is going to make life hard to keep 2 logins at once "Sane"
22:05.47Wonkaraster: autologin a default user or the last logged in user then?
22:05.55rasteryou can have it secured by things like "lock on startup"
22:06.05rasterwhere the desktop just gets locked with your pin/pw
22:06.11lindi-raster: two logins at once it bit exceptional yes
22:06.12rasterwm and everything is runing
22:06.17rasterjust nothing is accessible
22:06.38lindi-unless the lock app crashes :P
22:06.41rasterWonka: then you dont need a "dm" and thus dont need tyhe vkbd in the dm
22:06.54rasterlindi-:  and unless the DM crashes...
22:07.08lindi-if DM crashes you can't login :) it fails safely
22:07.12Wonkaraster: and how do you change logged in user then?
22:07.19rasterlindi-:  but then you have a useless device
22:07.30lindi-raster: sure
22:07.38lindi-raster: but same happens if wm crashes too?
22:07.40rasterWonka: i'm wondering why you really want to
22:07.58rasterlindi-: in the case of e- it just restarts itself
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22:08.06Panderraster: do I need to sort the .dic file alphabetically?
22:08.07rasterand will go back to where it was before
22:08.07lindi-raster: xdm has similar logic i think
22:08.11lindi-raster: it still can fail
22:08.17Wonkaraster: personally, i don't - but i can understand others wanting to
22:08.21rasterPander:  yes
22:08.21lindi-at least xdm restarts crashes X
22:08.51Wonkaxdm retards!
22:09.24Panderraster: last question for today, the .dic file is in all lower case or is it case sensitive?
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22:11.19SpeedEviltries to remember the solution to the above problem.
22:11.48SpeedEvilused to use back in the day on a 12M laptop a module that checksummed RAM, and merged pages that were identical.
22:12.45lindi-SpeedEvil: i would use asmutils
22:12.56SpeedEvillindi-: ?
22:12.57SargunMan, I can't wait until GTA 03
22:13.01lindi-SpeedEvil: essential *nix binaries written in assembler
22:13.07SpeedEvillindi-: ah
22:13.08lindi-SpeedEvil: they even have init, getty and a shell
22:13.15lindi-SpeedEvil: saves a lot of memory
22:13.25SpeedEvillindi-: doesn't help so much for 7 xterms
22:13.30lindi-SpeedEvil: true
22:13.33Sargun < FR is 130 grams I thought?
22:13.43lindi-SpeedEvil: but it saves memory still
22:13.52SpeedEvillindi-: as can compressed RAM
22:14.17rasterlindi-: as such though - somethnig as simple as a desklock shouldnt crash... or a dm... :)
22:14.34lindi-raster: but it does :)
22:14.42rasterPander: it allows case and uses it - eg for names like John, but you should sort case-insensitve
22:14.45lindi-if it is from SVN head of the project or something like that ;)
22:14.47rasterand matches are done cace-insensitve
22:15.20Panderraster: Danke
22:15.50lindi-raster: but in reality i'm just irritated that i can't use illume keyboard without changing my wm :)
22:16.08woglindelindi- hm
22:16.39woglindelindi- on the nokia nxx you cant use the softkeyboard for all apps too
22:18.24rasterlindi-:  hahahahaha
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22:19.08rasterlindi-: well for me it's easier as part of e as i directly re-use infra in e but mostly it saves memory and resoruces as you dont have yet-another process to launch that does its own iunit, connects to x, loads its own data and theme/image files from disk itself
22:19.10rasteretc. etc.
22:19.17raster(has its own stack, own heap)...
22:19.32lindi-sure it's all about tradeoffs
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22:26.07SargunIs the GTA 3 going to have USB 2?
22:26.19_charly_hmm, strange, two people, two freerunners, two hardware revisions, one office, and one problem at the same time... both freerunners had such an empty battery that uboot refused to boot (booted both of them with nor boot, now they are charging at 1000mA)
22:26.36rasterspedthats an.. interesting module
22:27.10igor321Sargun: no
22:27.11SargunRAW is neat.
22:27.20Sargunigor321, why not? It's not on the chipset?
22:27.30igor321no it's not on the soc
22:27.40igor321which is the same as in gta02's
22:27.46igor321sorry to ruin your evening, man
22:27.49SargunI thought they are using a different SoC
22:28.10igor321only if there was a drastic change of plans
22:28.12rasterSpeedEvil: interestring module
22:28.14rasterthough old...
22:28.20rastermust not have been that useful
22:28.46*** join/#openmoko bluetoad (n=peter@
22:29.17Sargunigor321, Yeah, different SoC, but no USB 2.0 until GTA04
22:29.18SpeedEvilraster: it worked very well IME
22:29.43SpeedEvilraster: some things get lost because of legitimate concerns of VM people that many users don't care about
22:30.06SpeedEvilraster: for example - mergemem has potential security problems - by timing page faults, you can tell if your page has been duplicated
22:30.20rasterSpeedEvil: like slowdowns due to having something scanning for matching pages in the bg?
22:30.21SpeedEvilraster: On a laptop, where I'm the only user, I don't care about that.
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22:30.32SpeedEvilraster: IME slowdowns were negative.
22:30.36rasterooooh bollocks
22:30.37SpeedEvilraster: due to lower swapping
22:30.51rastersometimes that level of security insansity annoys me
22:31.09rasterso u can "infer" that some other process (user) may have that page duplicated
22:31.17SpeedEvilAnd if somethings out of tree, it doesn't get maintained, so if the originator loses interest, it dies.
22:31.19rasterman thats a leap imho security-wise
22:31.43rasteri wonder how many dups it'd find on your average om session
22:31.51rasterie how much memory does it really save
22:32.50*** join/#openmoko DieMumiee (
22:32.57SpeedEvilsplit -c4096 /proc/kcore;md5sum * |awk '{print $1}' |uniq|wc
22:33.00SpeedEvilor something
22:33.58lindi-uh :)
22:34.17lindi-contents of kcore will change while you read it
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22:35.03rasterbut if al u are after isa "i wonder how many pages are duped"
22:35.05rasteras a ballpark
22:35.08rasterits good enough
22:35.19*** part/#openmoko magbeat (
22:35.54SpeedEvilrealises that caching may do bad things.
22:35.59SpeedEvilCopy kcore first
22:37.32lindi-disable interrupts, do it in kernel module </overkillmode>
22:38.41rasterwhat happened to .proc/kcore
22:38.43rasterits not there
22:39.15vininim"Overall, u-blox' fifth generation chip boasts a 50-channel architecture that enables satellite acquisition in less than 1 second and -160 dBm acquisition and tracking sensitivity" <- awesome, my room is at -150 average it seems
22:41.17lindi-true, it's missing here too
22:41.18SpeedEvilraster: don't you have to enable it at compile
22:41.40rasterSpeedEvil: never seen it disabled
22:42.32SpeedEvils/enable/not disable/
22:43.17rasterhmm damn
22:43.44rasterand /dev/mem and /dev/kmem are bing uncooperative with cat
22:43.44rasterand wc
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22:45.27SpeedEvilquatrox|zzZzzzzz: over 9000!
22:45.32SpeedEvilquatrox|zzZzzzzz: or 3.3V or so.
22:45.36SpeedEvilquatrox|zzZzzzzz: optionally lower
22:46.23SpeedEviloptionally on the cards behalf.
22:46.28quatroxSpeedEvil: is 3.3 V max?
22:46.40SpeedEvilQuadduc: 3.3V with tollerance
22:46.47SpeedEvilquatrox: so prolly 3.3+.33
22:47.14*** join/#openmoko alphabeat (
22:47.24quatroxI ask because I want to do some tests
22:49.00quatroxwonders if his SDHC cards don't like his GTA02
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22:49.55SpeedEvilfinds ext2 performance sucks after creating 30K or so 4K files.
22:50.18quatroxthat is not so strange
22:50.32SargunI should put away my laser before I blind myself.
22:50.34SpeedEvilActually - it's still doing 100/sec - which isn't too bad.
22:50.42SargunI have a giant purple blotch in the middle of my vision
22:50.54SpeedEvilSargun: what colour laser?
22:51.16SpeedEvilSargun: you need to use a blue laser to counter that.
22:51.19SargunI was etching stuff into the back of my FR.
22:51.23quatroxcomplementary colours
22:51.49SargunSpeedEvil, 125mw fusion from Wicked Lasers.
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22:52.33quatroxSargun: 125mW? Sounds very powerful
22:53.05SpeedEvilSargun: ow.
22:53.19SpeedEvilSargun: actually into your eye? Or just reflections?
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22:53.38SpeedEvil125mw is in the range or prompt sight damage.
22:54.19SpeedEvilwants a 125Mw laser pointer.
22:54.43SargunThere is very little reflection
22:54.48Sargunbut it still hurts quite a bit
22:55.05SpeedEvilgreen welding goggles can work very well.
22:55.27SpeedEvilI've got a pair and if I stare direclty into a 10mW red laser beam, all I see is the very faint green emission.
22:55.35Sargunyeah, I'm getting new goggles soon
22:55.35^wd^has 100mW green and 200mW red
22:55.41^wd^cool toys :)
22:55.59Sargun200 mw red? That must eat through whatever it hits.
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22:56.10Sargunwait, is the FR arm, or armeB?
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22:56.34quatroxSargun: It would be better more dangerous if it where blue
22:56.51SargunBlue lasers are very expensive.
22:57.33SargunI'd like one
22:57.46vininimHow does one enable terminal keyboard on om-daily?
22:57.56vininim(Sliding doesn't cycle to it)
22:58.28quatroxLight Amplification by Stimulated Emission Radiation (LASER) is easy to make
22:58.33quatroxbut ...
22:58.40quatroxstill very expensive
22:59.05SpeedEvilkeeps meaning to set up a gimballed laser pointer.
22:59.13vininimoh illume-config (asking on irc really boost one's wiki search capabilities =P)
22:59.16^wd^200mW laser fuse black (dark) plastic
22:59.17SpeedEvilPointed at ISS when it comed over in the dark
22:59.26SpeedEvilso I can see myself as a dot on NASA TV
22:59.53Wonka»A Class 3B laser is hazardous if the eye is exposed directly, but diffuse reflections such as from paper or other matte surfaces are not harmful. Continuous lasers in the wavelength range from 315 nm to far infrared are limited to 0.5 W.«
23:00.52^wd^reflections from 200mW sleep eyes for time
23:00.57quatroxI played with a 5 W LASER
23:01.10^wd^5W ?
23:01.52quatroxIt wasn't mine
23:02.00Wonkai saw a 450W laser once...
23:02.01quatroxtoo expensive
23:02.05Wonkaand what it did to a brick
23:02.37Wonkabut you'd need a forklift to move it
23:03.17quatroxis happy as long as the LASER is strong enough to read his bootable FSF membership card
23:03.38quatrox(or any other CD)
23:04.54^wd^btw, in dvdrw used 250mW red laser
23:05.44quatroxthen I will collect some old burners
23:05.50DaveWhat's going down ya'll?
23:06.18quatrox...and focus the beams
23:06.26quatroxfrom many LASERs
23:06.40viqfocus the beans!
23:07.06Sargunshould it piss me off that the WiFi is faster than the USB?
23:07.40quatroxSargun: be happy that the WiFi is fast
23:07.55^wd^for focus laser from burner u can use native head :)
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23:09.59quatroxwants an 200W UV LASER right outside his door so he don't need keys
23:10.18quatrox(no need to lock the door then)
23:10.46^wd^no one need to lock then :)
23:11.10Sargunanyone who walks in would begin getting burned
23:11.19SargunI think they would notice the giant laser.
23:11.53quatroxThey might hear the fans
23:12.40Sargunor see the giant cooling towers?
23:13.03quatroxyou mean the water cooling system?
23:13.35quatroxnice way to get hot water
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23:31.22roolysir yes sir!
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23:35.33anttnalight oscillation through stimulated emission of radiation LOSER
23:36.01anttnajust thought i'd be correct about how it works
23:36.40roolythen...where's the a come from???
23:37.17quatroxanttna: actually, it is just standing waves
23:37.32quatroxto put it in simple English
23:37.35anttnaloser was deemed to not be a cool name for physcists to be throwing about so it was changed to laser it is kinda right
23:38.02roolysharks with freakin loser beams attached to their freakin heads
23:38.17anttnarool: :D
23:38.27anttnarooly: :D
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23:38.57quatroxapt: Grab a LOSER and distroy!
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23:39.20anttnai think they made the right call renaming it
23:39.57quatroxthey current name is not incorrect
23:41.15roolyLight oscillAtion through Stimulated Emission of Radiation
23:42.22quatroxremembers he had to calculate doping for LASER on a test some years ago
23:42.45anttnasargun: lol
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23:45.37anttnacan you cook Sargun?
23:46.19SpeedEvilponders Sargun fritters.
23:46.39SargunYes, why?
23:46.48quatroxapt: cook Sargun
23:46.49aptACTION throws Sargun in a big pan with veggies inside and cooks Sargun on 350 for an hour
23:46.54SargunMy laser can barely cook.
23:47.05anttnaopenmoko pie
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23:49.14anttnai flashed daily testing om earlier but couldn't network over usb. Has anyone else tried?
23:51.45vininimanttna: rebooting usually works
23:52.06vininimI have daily-20081201 working here fine
23:52.15anttnano tried that but flashed shr and still no joy so it is something else
23:52.28anttnadoesn't see usb0
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23:52.51vininimmight be some configuration issue in host?
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23:53.38anttnathen if I try it again I get this RTNETLINK answers: File exists
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23:59.13quatroxanttna: make sure no other usb devices is connected to your computer:)
23:59.13quatroxI always forget to disconnect my other phone
23:59.14quatroxwhich does not provide ssh....
23:59.18quatroxso I always think the FR USB does not work...

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