IRC log for #neo900 on 20141218

00:01.19DocScrutinizer05it's confirmed but not in BD yet ;-)
00:01.48DocScrutinizer05Block Diagram
00:02.30wpwrakDocScrutinizer05: do we have a final decision on BMX055 vs. BNO055 yet ? so far, i've seen only "this looks nice" and "there's also this".
00:02.33DocScrutinizer05~#neo900 bd is Block Diagram, see
00:02.33infobot...but #neo900 bd is already something else...
00:02.43infobotextra, extra, read all about it, bd is the very fine and detailled Block Diagram, or
00:03.12OksanaOk, so what about BMX055 vs BNO055?
00:03.30DocScrutinizer05BMX055 is the "stupid" version of BNO055
00:03.46DocScrutinizer05BNO has an embedded MC
00:04.02DocScrutinizer05otherwise all the same sensores
00:04.19wpwrakyes, but do we have a decision yet ? :)
00:04.38DocScrutinizer05and Nikolaus likes the BNO more, since he already knows that critter. Used in Pyra ;-)
00:04.50DocScrutinizer05Yes, we have a decission
00:05.07DocScrutinizer05the winner is: BNO055
00:05.21wpwrakkewl, thanks ! adding ...
00:05.28DocScrutinizer05(unless somebody finds some massive flaw in BNO)
00:06.02DocScrutinizer05until somebody does, I assume the BNO does all the nice stuff BMX does, plus some more
00:06.09wpwrak(and killing that small army of single-function sensors)
00:06.26DocScrutinizer05yes, which is *great*
00:06.34DocScrutinizer05and cheaper too
00:06.47DocScrutinizer05and sensors are even better
00:06.49wpwrakwell, one box less. not *that* many, given that BMC180 already was 6-axis
00:07.21DocScrutinizer05umm, maybe that's correct, yes
00:13.52OksanaWell, I'm just confused that "clever" BNO does not detect free-fall, tab, double-tap (BMX does). That's all.
00:14.02Oksanatap*, not tab
00:17.58*** join/#neo900 silviof (~silviof@unaffiliated/silviof)
00:24.12wpwrakhmm, mouser will get the bno055 one week ago. seems that the time travellers have been at it again :)
00:26.29OksanaAnd since BNO and BMX are too different (size, number of pins), there isn't going to be an option to choose one of the two, right?
00:27.16DocScrutinizer05Oksana: yes, that's indeed true
00:28.34DocScrutinizer05but except of (double-)tap and free-fall I found nothing that's missing
00:29.10DocScrutinizer05and for those 3 we still got LIS302 which can do all 3
00:29.46DocScrutinizer05when she joins again, somebody please tell her to read chanlog
00:31.13svetlanaI did just tell.
00:32.46*** join/#neo900 Oksana (~chatzilla@
00:34.16DocScrutinizer05wonders where from the line "I'm freeeeee, free falling" came in his mind
00:36.47DocScrutinizer05tap and double-tap are somewhat mutually exclusive ;-)
00:38.51DocScrutinizer05wonders if we should place BNO055 in lower right corner and LIS302 in upper left. So you could distinguish some acceleration by magnitude from both accels.
00:39.27OksanaOk, so we replace BMC150+BMG160 with BNO055, LIS302DL stays here (to detect free-fall, tap and double-tap). | somewhat mutually exclusive? Well, you cannot detect them at the same time (and user is not going to tap the phone while it's in free-fall, either), but when two taps are very close to each other, they become double-tap?
00:40.15DocScrutinizer05all 100% correct
00:41.55wpwrakseems that the interrupt pin of BNO055 is fixed at active-high, push-pull. so it'll need a dedicated input
00:42.06wpwrak(apart from the two new ones for reset and boot mode)
00:43.40wpwrakwonders if ti have the dm3730 also in a 1000+ ball bga :)
00:44.13wpwrakwe still want to connect both INTs of the LIS320, right ?
00:46.30DocScrutinizer05wpwrak: Oh shite!
00:47.05DocScrutinizer05I guess we might want BMX in the end
00:47.42DocScrutinizer05toldya embedded MCU might be a PITA
00:48.43DocScrutinizer05yes. we would want to keep pur nifty IRQ setup
00:49.20DocScrutinizer05the purpose of which been to have only two GPIO sacrificed for that
00:50.19DocScrutinizer05I don't like "windows ACME HID controller" crap
00:50.21wpwrak(boot) it has a nBOOT_LOAD_PIN to tell the boot loader to accept a firmware update. don't ask me why they think they need an extra pin for that ...
00:50.54DocScrutinizer05ok, BNO is dead
00:51.31OksanaBMX055, then?
00:51.33wpwrak(when we get an mcu for nfc, and do all those things without extra pin, maybe we should patent it, then license it to bosch for a heap of money ;-))
00:51.36DocScrutinizer05I rather thoroughly checked and evaluated BMX, for BNO I was lazy
00:52.16DocScrutinizer05and I still don't see the need for NFC MCU
00:52.40wpwrakBMX is basically BMC150 + BMG160 in the same package, right ?
00:52.52DocScrutinizer05NFC has none of the restrictions/requirements that would ask for a dedicated MCU
00:53.00DocScrutinizer05yep, right
00:54.24DocScrutinizer05it's kind of a pity since the accel in BNO has 2 bits higher resolution aiui. But when it needs firmware updates, boot and whatnot, and has a shitty push-pull IRQ, we better forget about it
00:55.22DocScrutinizer05Nik will frown, but I can't help it
00:56.48DocScrutinizer05naybe the "higher resolution" is a fake though. Might be 2 LSBs = 0 in 8g mode
00:56.56wpwraki'll write a mail for the list ...
00:57.00DocScrutinizer051 in 4g mode, 0 in 2g mode
00:57.23DocScrutinizer05so only 12 significant bits, shifted into place
00:58.01DocScrutinizer05(mail) thanks!
00:58.26DocScrutinizer05I goota chill a few minutes (or hours), sorry
00:58.48DocScrutinizer05parcel is on its way
00:58.58DocScrutinizer05according to tracking even
00:59.09DocScrutinizer05should arrive tomorrow
00:59.25DocScrutinizer05well, later(CET)
01:03.43OksanaGood night
01:12.50DocScrutinizer05hugs his Rigol a last time and heads out direction bedroom
01:13.59DocScrutinizer05OOOOH how discourteous of me. Maybe Rigol also wants to sleep  in own bed err bag
01:14.48wpwraka true gentleneer would let his scope have the bed and sleep on the couch
01:17.23DocScrutinizer05no couch here and I don't fit into the Rigol softbag
01:18.04DocScrutinizer05it's a tight but snugly fir for this Rigol
01:38.56wpwrakso, no block diagram update for now. i hope we'll have a final verdict on BMX vs. BNO tomorrow. one more thing not to like about the BNO: contains closed firmware. (oh, and the FSF would have a fit, too, i guess ;-)
01:44.47DocScrutinizer05"FSF would have to fit?" I agree that FSF won't like it, particularly for their RYF "project". But what counts much more: *I* don't like it, particularly since we have not a single benefit from such firmware
01:45.25DocScrutinizer05I however fail to understand the meaning of "FSF would have to fit"
01:45.47DocScrutinizer05ooh, mail
01:48.13Oksanawould have *a* fit. We are not going to fit entire FSF inside anything, are we?
01:49.11DocScrutinizer05I prolly have no idea about the idiom "have a fit"
01:49.32DocScrutinizer05ooh, but ding has. Yep
01:49.35svetlana"have a fit"
01:50.02DocScrutinizer05~dict have a fit
01:50.06OksanaTo experience an epileptic seizure, or to become suddenly enraged.  :-)
01:50.13svetlanaYes, exactly. (Etymology is unclear yet though.)
01:50.48svetlanaFSF is not known to rage about non-free things; the advocacy doesn't go as far as rage, to my knowledge. :p
01:50.53DocScrutinizer05"combusted"? that's even more bizarre ;-)
01:51.09svetlanahands a box of matches to DocScrutinizer05
01:51.14DocScrutinizer05svetlana: :nod:
01:51.27OksanaFit: (medicine, dated) A seizure or convulsion.  (medicine) A sudden and vigorous appearance of a symptom over a short period of time. A sudden outburst of emotion. A sudden burst (of an activity). Etymology: Unknown, possibly from Old English fitt (“conflict”).
01:51.55DocScrutinizer05oooh, yes that fits ;-D
01:52.26DocScrutinizer05n8 (again)
01:52.36OksanaGood night :-)
01:53.15DocScrutinizer05feels muscle ache like recidivism of flu
01:53.18svetlana(He is sleeping with that box of matches!)
01:53.32wpwraki'm a bit worried that DocScrutinizer05 may be the one who'll start the zombie apocalypse. already while alive, he goes to sleep a dozen times every day, yet is always awake.
01:53.49OksanaOr does he sleep on it?
01:53.56svetlana( context: )
01:54.58DocScrutinizer05a trick of the senses, maybe that's already my AI answering
01:56.02DocScrutinizer05some say I'm only some AI and statements like "I'm going to have a nap" are just to trick you into thinking I'm human
01:56.45wpwrakhah, now it all makes sense ! that's also why you never go to meetings/conferences :)
01:57.50OksanaNay, not falling for the trick. If there was an AI already advanced enough to do this... It would have been used by military and mining industry first. You are neither.
02:01.44DocScrutinizer05you're sure? ;-)
02:03.54DocScrutinizer05Oksana: the mini newsletter is almost perfect
02:04.09Oksana:-) Comments are welcome.
02:05.00DocScrutinizer052 or 3 details need some small adjustment
02:05.49DocScrutinizer05the scope is not "for testing proto_v2", this sounds like we needed that scope and only that scope and couldn't test proto_v2 without it
02:06.18DocScrutinizer05it's just another tool in the lab, that augments what and how we can do in R&D
02:08.27DocScrutinizer05"We do our very best" sounds like we are not sure to succeed. And it lacks a reason why we strive for that. The reason I gave was "reduce number of board spins, by avoiding building a board with bugs we could have avoided if we just had checked more thoroughly beforehand"
02:10.58DocScrutinizer05the RGB LEDs are a tad on the "too expensive" side before we cpllect funds for sourcing risk parts. We need 8 LEDs per board, x 1000
02:15.43DocScrutinizer05(board spins) ... are expensive, and for us take lots of time
03:47.51wpwrakwhat what what ? 8 of the side-facing RGB LEDs ? we have 6 at the moment, like N900. if you want more, we also need more controllers.
03:48.43wpwrakwe also have three top-facing RGB LEDs, one for privacy, two for "aux"
03:52.18DocScrutinizer05aux are side facing
03:53.59wpwrakoh. so only "privacy" is top-facing ?
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06:48.16DocScrutinizer05ohwell, sleep is overrated anyway
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15:10.36DocScrutinizer05massively off topic:
15:11.11wpwraknot for the likes of us. no time for games :)
15:23.39*** join/#neo900 SylvieLorxu (
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15:35.35wpwrakDocScrutinizer05: btw, now that you have a lovely new toy (i hope both of you spent the night well :), why don't you dazzle us with screenshots from a setup like this ?
15:36.16DocScrutinizer05which night?
15:37.43DocScrutinizer05nice, you actually met the colors
15:38.03DocScrutinizer05stay tuned, soon coming
15:38.52wpwraknight = absence of light-carrying particles. since anti-particles can generally be considered largely equivalent to their non-anti counterparts, that would include anti-photons. so when sunlight is visible, it is due to the absence of anti-photons cancelling out the light. ergo this is night.
15:39.31wpwrak(colors) great ! the 4th one is pretty hard to see in rigol's marketing picture :)
15:40.44DocScrutinizer05it's a tad lighter more ultramarine blue in rigol's display
15:41.24DocScrutinizer05and the light blue is a tad more turquoise
15:42.15DocScrutinizer05I already made the poor thing lock up twice ;-P
15:42.41DocScrutinizer05every key just made a ack click but nothing happened
15:43.28DocScrutinizer05maybe it didn't like USB and ethernet same time. Or it was the D-Link WLAN stick I plugged to where it expects a flash stick
15:45.41DocScrutinizer05btw re IR: I wonder how they build those 1.4GHz bandwidth IR fiber things
15:45.59DocScrutinizer05or even higer, 10GHz, 100 1000?
15:48.29DocScrutinizer05there's a blind spot in my virtual library of reference application notes
15:49.14DocScrutinizer05well, I guess they use sth like QAM or whatever
15:59.44DocScrutinizer05idly wonders if USB devices per bus explode at 255 or at 999
16:00.17DocScrutinizer05I might manage to reach at least first limit
16:04.01wpwrakshould be 127. that's the number of device addresses (this things that get assigned during enumeration) you have. (0 is for the reset state.)
16:06.17wpwrakthere must be some sort of routing/filtering at the hub level, though. else, one couldn't enumerate when more than one new device is on the bus
16:18.28DocScrutinizer51anyway USB would look faintly nice if the protocol in those 3 channels was known
16:19.34*** join/#neo900 louisdk (
16:21.18wpwrakusbtmc is known :) see also
17:42.30DocScrutinizer05demo directory??
17:52.15*** join/#neo900 mvaenskae (~mvaenskae@unaffiliated/mvaenskae)
17:52.58DocScrutinizer05also no libusb-dev (only libusb-1_0-devel) and no libc
17:57.30*** join/#neo900 paulk-collins (
18:06.13wpwrakdemo directory is obsolete/out of order. lots of old cruft in there that needs updating. if you really want it, you can find it here, though:
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21:10.08OksanaGood morning. (massively off topic) Skill and knowledge? Good. Wealth and power? Overrated. Games? No time for them, there is War coming to Earth, be it in this century or in the next one.
21:12.40wpwrakindeed. never lose sight of the severity of the situation :)
21:14.22OksanaMoin :-)
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