IRC log for #neo900 on 20141108

00:00.27OksanaHeh... PDF is the only one I recognise.
00:01.57OksanaHeh... Will try to use this one:
00:44.39*** join/#neo900 varu|zZz (~whee@
01:12.59jonwilsounds like we are making progress on the domesheet :)
01:14.03DocScrutinizer05domesheet is basically a nobrainer
01:14.39DocScrutinizer05lightspreader been a sort of headache, until I spoke to my friend at citydruck this afternoon
01:18.55*** join/#neo900 Kabouik_ (
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02:00.16DocScrutinizer05mega credits to xes! awesome work! Thanks a lot!
02:00.32DocScrutinizer05n8 xes, night folks!
02:00.44xesgood night!
02:11.12DocScrutinizer05wpwrak: ^^^
02:22.31wpwrakhehe :)
02:23.05wpwrakbut i'd just give them the PDF. shorter processing path. so if they don't mind using it, it's much safer
02:24.21wpwrakthe original i did - of course - with fped.;a=blob;f=dome/dome.fpd
02:24.58wpwrakfped then generated 1:1 postscript. from that, i made PDF (with ps2pdf aka ghostscript)
02:26.14DocScrutinizer05wpwrak: this is not for production, this is for a *quote*
02:27.07wpwrakyup. i'm just saying: if they're happy with PDF, then SVG is just one extra step that doesn't help us
02:27.18DocScrutinizer05and I don't see a pdf which has all the needed bits in it
02:27.40wpwrakoh, now i see what you mean: more bits. nice :)
02:29.41DocScrutinizer05particularly outline of the real thing, yes
02:29.49DocScrutinizer05plus cutouts
02:29.52wpwrak(cityduck) that's great. usually the most critical step is whether a company can do anything of the kind at all. after that, it's just implementation details. so, very good.
02:31.33wpwrakyup, great. someone has much better tools than i do :) (i measure things with gimp, which gives me one distance - with errors - at a time. and i wasn't looking forward to do all the linear regressions - or cheat around them - for the more complex bits)
02:33.38DocScrutinizer05the whole thing is a cheat, done with simple automatic outline done from, then zoomed to fit and merged with your fped pdf
02:34.16DocScrutinizer05inkscape ftw
02:35.51DocScrutinizer05the tiny O shaped holes are not what they should be for production grade
02:36.01DocScrutinizer05but for a quote it's good enough
02:36.57DocScrutinizer05anyway, n8. Feeling extremely tired
02:37.05wpwrak(big cheat) oh, i see :)
02:38.07wpwrakwell, in any case we now have more than enough stuff for snaptron. let's see what they think of our puzzle :)
02:38.51DocScrutinizer05they will think "hmm, quite standard, but WTF is that lightspreader thing?"
02:44.56DocScrutinizer05(actually I guess they'll think "pretty few cutouts, but a more weird than usual shape in turn")
02:45.01jonwilLets hope we can find manufacturer who can make N[eo]900 domesheets so there is continued supply going forward for all N[eo]900 users
02:45.29DocScrutinizer05we have: see
02:45.52DocScrutinizer05no doubt they can make the dome array
02:46.30DocScrutinizer05good (UGT) night!
02:47.52DocScrutinizer05if snaptron goes insane with what they're calling for custom dome array, there are also a few Asian companies
02:48.42jonwilare there any patents on the N900 keyboard that we would need to be careful with? (i.e. we dont want some manufacturer being sued for making patent-violating pieces and getting sued)
02:49.25DocScrutinizer05no, we avoid any patents
02:49.44jonwilok :)
02:50.59DocScrutinizer05maybe Mr Nobel has the patent on dynamite. We however onyl produce nitric acid and glycerin and some filler material
02:51.39DocScrutinizer05also easier to ship ;-)
03:44.33*** join/#neo900 sixwheeledbeast (~paul@2a01:348:6:860a:99e1:d470:ddd7:a025)
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13:34.24freemangordonjusa_: any idea what is this ? this is used in xprot init function.
13:35.24freemangordonPali: any idea ^^^
13:36.24*** join/#neo900 arcean (
13:36.49Palireally no idea
13:40.47DocScrutinizer05freemangordon: where from are names "blz" and "rv"?
13:41.01freemangordonmy invention :)
13:41.33freemangordon"argument b leading zeroes" and "return value"
13:42.08DocScrutinizer05what's "__builtin_clz"?
13:42.17freemangordon"count leading zeroes"
13:43.42freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: that function is used here
13:43.49freemangordonif that helps
13:46.20DocScrutinizer05I wonder if I need more coffee to gtok "(a ^ (a << 1)"
13:46.51freemangordonthat checks if it will overflow or somesuch
13:47.04DocScrutinizer05marks the "transition" bit in 0b0000011111111111
13:47.44DocScrutinizer05or 0b111110000
13:48.26DocScrutinizer05~0b11111000 ^ 0b11110000
13:48.47DocScrutinizer05= 0b00001000
13:49.31DocScrutinizer05works for postive numbers as well
13:49.59DocScrutinizer05~0b000001111 ^ 0b00001111
13:50.18DocScrutinizer05~0b00000111 ^ 0b00001111
13:50.23freemangordonwhere is she?
13:50.53freemangordonhmm, wait, where that 1 in LSB came from?
13:50.55DocScrutinizer05she doesn't know 0b
13:51.05DocScrutinizer05yeah, I cheated
13:51.35DocScrutinizer05~0b00000111 ^ 0b00001110
13:51.36freemangordon0111 ^ 1110 = 1001
13:52.11DocScrutinizer05but for clz it is good enough
13:53.16DocScrutinizer05to me it looks like a limiting function for both positive and negative values, where your parameter b is the limit
13:53.36freemangordonno,  see the limits
13:53.54freemangordonalso, it shifts
13:54.46freemangordonhmm, maybe you are right, need to experiment a bit
13:55.23freemangordonbut still, see
13:57.44freemangordon"shift left by the number of leading zeroes in expression (b ^ (2 * b))"
13:58.00freemangordondoesn't sound familiar to me
14:01.46DocScrutinizer05that's actually quite strange
14:03.19Palihaha bit hacks... sometimes hard to understand
14:03.25DocScrutinizer05some weird fixed decimal arithmetics?
14:03.41freemangordonIMO b ^ (2 * b) checks if the multiplication is safe
14:03.55freemangordon(no overflow will occur)
14:04.24DocScrutinizer05err, for that you need two input parameters, not one
14:04.41freemangordonyou have them 2 and b
14:04.56DocScrutinizer05sorry, that's meaningless
14:05.07freemangordonI know, but see the code
14:05.23DocScrutinizer05see what it does, it counts leading zeroes
14:06.13freemangordonif(__builtin_clz(a ^ (a << 1)) < blz)
14:06.28DocScrutinizer05aiui it left-adjusts the 'a' parameter to fit into a range given by 'b'
14:07.32freemangordonbut why then it limits to INT_MIN and INT_MAX?
14:07.41DocScrutinizer05when leading-zeroes = 3 then it left-shifts the a-param by 3
14:09.43DocScrutinizer05when "a>b", in line 51
14:09.52DocScrutinizer05b is limit
14:10.47DocScrutinizer05maxint/minint are "NAN"
14:11.03DocScrutinizer05aka error/out-of-range flags
14:12.05freemangordonhmm, might be
14:12.08DocScrutinizer05left-adjusting a value is needed for some tricky algos iirc
14:12.51DocScrutinizer05it's fixed point arithmetic
14:13.22freemangordonyeah, makes sense
14:14.36DocScrutinizer05left adjust 0.035 to 3.5 (ok decimal base here). Keep adjustment of -2 in mind
14:14.55DocScrutinizer05do same with your other operand
14:15.53DocScrutinizer050.035 is internally represented as 3.5e-2
14:17.27freemangordonoh, so it shifts a until it falls in the range marked by the first non-zero bit in b?
14:18.19DocScrutinizer053.5e-2 * 2.0e-2 = 3.5*2.0 e ( [-2] + [-2] )
14:19.10DocScrutinizer053.5e-2 / 2.0e-2 = 3.5/2.0 e ( [-2] - [-2] )
14:20.28freemangordonisn't that called normalization?
14:20.44DocScrutinizer05prolly yes
14:20.55DocScrutinizer05or fixed point arithmetic, at large
14:21.18freemangordonno, I meant what the function in question does
14:21.34freemangordonit normalizes a
14:21.35DocScrutinizer05yes, I might call it normalization
14:22.08freemangordonand the "template" is given by b
14:22.15DocScrutinizer05what puzzles me is that it doesn't return blz
14:22.41freemangordonI guess there is no need, as you know blz in advance
14:23.04freemangordonbecause you know the template
14:23.09DocScrutinizer05possible, I can't say I really analyzed the function
14:23.15DocScrutinizer05just wild guessing
14:23.52freemangordonsee how it is called
14:24.27DocScrutinizer05seen that, yes
14:24.46freemangordonanyway, I am afk
14:24.52DocScrutinizer05it's somewhat simlar to normalization, but called with weird params
14:25.54DocScrutinizer05I don't grok it
14:27.00DocScrutinizer05probably the right thing to do before you do a fixed-arithmetic divide
14:30.29DocScrutinizer05your valid range is 4 bit aka 0x000F, you want to device a/b, so you do a <<clz(0x000F) to both a and be, -->  a=0x0001 f()-> a=0x1000, b=0x0007 f()-> b=0x7000;  a/b = 0x1000/0x7000
14:30.30DocScrutinizer05sth along that line
14:31.12DocScrutinizer05prolly my applying "normalization" to b was nonsense
14:31.27DocScrutinizer05only apply ro a, so:
14:31.56DocScrutinizer05your valid range is 4 bit aka 0x000F, you want to device a/b, so you do a <<clz(0x000F) to a , -->  a=0x0001 f()-> a=0x1000;  a/b = 0x1000/0x0007
14:36.27DocScrutinizer05a/b = 0x0001E0 / 0x0007E0 = 0x1000E-3/0x0007E0 = [0x1000/0x0007]E-3
14:37.59DocScrutinizer05the factor 3 is constant and defined by range=0..0xF
14:38.26DocScrutinizer05and your working storage size of 4 byte size
15:20.23*** join/#neo900 MonkeyofDoom (~~~Monkeyo@2601:d:3080:f8a:6ef0:49ff:fee1:a332)
15:25.01rZrhi DocScrutinizer05
15:25.38DocScrutinizer05sorry, unrelated to Neo900
15:25.59infobotextra, extra, read all about it, fptf is the Fremantle Porting Task Force, see
15:27.03rZrDocScrutinizer05, so you dont want to be linked to main page ?
15:27.09rZrreally weird
15:27.24DocScrutinizer05to be utterly clear about that: Neo900 is not doing software, and thus is NOT related to maemo
15:27.51DocScrutinizer05and I feel nausea touching tmo
15:27.55rZrDocScrutinizer05, and if we add a link to this thread . will this drive you mad ? :)
15:33.20DocScrutinizer05you can do whatever you like, however linking to a commercial hw project and stating it was a "maemo community project" is pretty odd and incorrect
15:34.20rZrit's a project of community members
15:34.34rZrdont play with words
15:34.41DocScrutinizer05I'm definitely no community mamber anymore
15:35.01DocScrutinizer05werner also never been
15:35.04rZrwell I have to go...
15:35.15rZrwe want to support neo900
15:35.45DocScrutinizer05I'm not interested in support from council, see first post of Neo900 main thread
15:36.21DocScrutinizer05if you want to support something, support fremantle porting task force, talk to freemangordon
15:36.28rZrI did already
15:37.24DocScrutinizer05fine, then Neo900 UG and me are bailing out
15:38.19rZrjust one question before leaving
15:38.30DocScrutinizer05I'm not going to participate in that troll's fight club anymore
15:38.50rZrwere all those n900 from mozilla running maemo ?
15:39.15DocScrutinizer05do you think I tested all 55 devices?
15:39.50rZrI can test one :)
15:40.08DocScrutinizer05tbh I don't even care what they are running, when I need one incl OS on original mainboard, I'll reflash it
15:41.27DocScrutinizer05sorry, my amount of maemo chatter for today exceeds allowable maximum, thanks to other /query and this convo here
15:41.37rZrno problem
15:41.41rZri have to go too
16:05.29*** join/#neo900 louisdk (
16:40.40*** join/#neo900 Nokiabot (~Nokiabot@
16:41.08NokiabotDoc doc doc
16:41.17NokiabotAre you mad
16:41.32NokiabotIf not
16:41.37NokiabotI help
16:41.46NokiabotGetting you mad
16:50.53NokiabotHas to run he comes later to make doc mad or probably nokiabot got pea sized brain :(
17:00.26keriothe FUCK
17:01.29Nokiabotsays keiro ah
17:02.15NokiabotDamm with the spellings and damm crazy names. fukk
17:05.34*** join/#neo900 Kabouik (
17:06.41NokiabotKabouik ???
17:07.39NokiabotKabouik: you need to say good night ;)
17:07.46NokiabotGot it ??
17:07.58KabouikGood night Nokiabot, but it's way too early here
17:08.34NokiabotThanx and it way too late here ;)
17:11.51NokiabotAh forgot to say good morning kabouik :)
17:12.02KabouikOh no, it's not that early :(
17:12.59NokiabotAh then ??
17:13.12KabouikYou'll say that tomorrow morning Nokiabot
17:13.51NokiabotHumm !
17:15.00Nokiabotgoes under blanket and a good evening to kabouik
17:31.29DocScrutinizer05eh? seems some channel members got something wrong. Neo900 is strictly about hardware and I will not participate in a 10 months old thread ehat has posts like in it, particularly when that thread is not in Neo900 subforum
17:33.06DocScrutinizer05>>Anyway If there are ACTIVE projects who want to attract community good will , please tell us about it ...<< SEE FPTF!
17:34.48DocScrutinizer05I would be mad if I accepted maemo council promoting Neo900 as a project they had any saying in. And council would be mad too when they did
17:50.25*** join/#neo900 che1 (~che@2a02:810d:9fbf:fe20:213:e8ff:fe9b:fb3f)
17:58.26DocScrutinizer05with "community members" like win7mac bashing me for allegedly "having commercial interests in maemo" and thus comcluding I never should have been allowed to get elected into council (probably based on complete ignorance on his side about the meaning of >>6. Nominees with a professional interest in Maemo, such as working for Nokia - or any other company involved in Maemo-related software development - must declare their interest when
17:58.27DocScrutinizer05advertising their nomination. Failure to do so may result in the Nokia Community Manager, or the outgoing Council, declaring their nomination invalid and so bar them from standing in the current election.<< and the fact that I / Neo900 UG neither is involved into SOFTWARE development, nor the fact that I did NOT fail to declare that I'm involved into Neo900, just for political correctness), council would be really mad to advertise Neo900
17:58.29DocScrutinizer05as "supported by council"
18:01.54DocScrutinizer05not that I'm concerned about council's fate anymore, but I really don't feel like dealing with trolling and bitching of maemo "community members" like estel_ or win7mac anymore, and that would be an inevitable result from council "supporting Neo900"
18:09.30wpwraki suppose there's no harm if lists neo900 as one project/platform that uses maemo (as one of many possible choices)
18:10.28DocScrutinizer05we're NOT "using maemo"
18:10.44DocScrutinizer05we support FPTF
18:12.45wpwrakyes, but FPTF is still based on maemo, no ? or does FPTF aim to replace everything ?
18:13.56DocScrutinizer05doesn't matter, Neo900 isn't *using* FPTF either. A) FPTF is a project aka group of people, and b) Neo900 UG will _not_ ship devices with FOSS-fremantle preinstalled
18:14.53DocScrutinizer05Neo900 UG provides support to the FPTF group of devels, where applicable and wanted
18:16.17DocScrutinizer05the device will ship with a plain debian plus some tools written by us, to evaluate the hw. That's commonly called a BSP.
18:16.26wpwrakif this is to avoid possible IP issues with installed software (i.e., by not installing anything, such issues are less likely to occur), then perhaps this should be clearly communicated to (and also FPFT)
18:17.10DocScrutinizer05everybody is pretty informed about the fact since a year or more
18:17.34wpwrakhmm, seems that the people don't know this aspect
18:17.49DocScrutinizer05Neo900 doesn't do software and won't ship any preinstalled complete OS
18:17.53wpwraki think it's important to emphasize this, since it's not something many people would intuitively think of
18:18.07DocScrutinizer05I can't help
18:18.38DocScrutinizer05talk to dos1 about it, I emphasized that we need to make utterly clear about that fact
18:18.50DocScrutinizer05>12 months ago already
18:18.52wpwrakand the issue goes beyond just not wanting to be involved in some way, because even if they made some unilateral statement, this could expose neo900 to such risks
18:19.24DocScrutinizer05that's why I said all the stuff above
18:20.16wpwrakrZr: so, there you have a rationale to take home :) it's not just about tensions between DocScrutinizer05 and the council but about a very real legal threat
18:21.30wpwrakrZr: e.g., if some patent holder sees something attackable in maemo, they would normally not try to go after maemo itself but after someone selling devices with maemo
18:23.03wpwrakrZr: something like this happened for example to Openmoko, which shipped with software using mp3 (and the corresponding patents are owned by sisvel)
18:24.55wpwrakrZr: and basically anything that suggests an official liaison to such conflicted software could be used as an argument that neo900 is part of such an alleged violation
18:25.24wpwrakneedless to say, a battle with patent vultures and similar parasites is about the last thing we need
18:25.50DocScrutinizer05just on par with a battle with Estel or win7mac
18:28.22wpwrakyeah, that's another set of unpleasant issues :)
18:28.38DocScrutinizer05I mean, nobody will sue raspberry Pi for violation of FCC regulations by using a software on it that sends FM broadcast from a 20cm wire attached to it as antena. Unless Raspberry Pi _ships_ with the software
18:29.34wpwrakand unless they promote such use
18:30.02DocScrutinizer05and I don't really care if maemo council "supports" Jolla, Neo900 or R-Pi, but they all three are clearly no *community* projects
18:30.34wpwrakif you don't ship but promote, then you may still be in hot water. an attack would be less likely since patent vultures like easy prey, but still possible
18:30.54DocScrutinizer05we don't advertise
18:33.07DocScrutinizer05I've always clearly stated that users need their own copy of fremantle FIASCO images, obtained legally from their former N900, to install fremantle on Neo900 hw platform. Since *we do NOT provide* any such bits
18:34.51DocScrutinizer05FPTF will provide patches needed, done by a set of scripts. And Neo900 UG at best will point to the FPTF howto page, just like pointing to the SHR installing page and to the gentoo and debian relevant wiki pages
18:35.41DocScrutinizer05Neo900 != maemo
19:10.19*** join/#neo900 Nokiabot (~Nokiabot@
19:11.32NokiabotNow i get why doc goes mad !
19:12.03NokiabotBtw its still a chicken and egg problem
19:12.36NokiabotOr maybe i got a pea sized brain
19:15.12DocScrutinizer05great :-)
19:17.51NokiabotBtw you sound awful even in text when you are mad !
19:17.52Nokiabotand to be clear i dont mean you sound nice when you are not mad
19:17.52Nokiabotmaybe all these years of xxx got you with your tone :p
19:18.34DocScrutinizer05that's why I usually don't post news on Neo900
19:19.18NokiabotWell says its thrives to be a freemantle comptiable isint that objectiobnable ?
19:19.38NokiabotWhy ?
19:19.49DocScrutinizer05because every PC is windows compatible
19:20.41DocScrutinizer05being compatible doesn't create any liability
19:23.11NokiabotBut they need a lisence to ship windows on it and a ubuntu laptop can be widowed by xp if the user wants so but still the user needs a lisence and freemantle is not lisenseble or something then its all on user and fptf for getting sued ?
19:23.41DocScrutinizer05sorry, cannot parse
19:25.22DocScrutinizer05no PC manufacturer will get sued for users running pirated/cracked windows on it
19:26.36NokiabotI men neo is fremantle comptiable but freemantle is property of x so user cannot get to lisense it so its on the user and ftpf to get sued for distributing and installing blobs ?
19:27.04DocScrutinizer05it's fremantle with one "e"
19:27.52NokiabotOk then what about those propetiary blobs ? Suppose x sues x
19:28.05DocScrutinizer05and I must not care where user gets her license from
19:29.02NokiabotBut you care to create a freemantle comptiable platform
19:29.09DocScrutinizer05users are free to do with their hardware they own whatever they like. Not up to Neo900 UG to take any counter measures
19:29.23DocScrutinizer05it's fremantle, with one "e"
19:32.06DocScrutinizer05and Neo900 UG states that Neo900 device will have all (or msot of) the bits needed by a stock fremantle to work as supposed. And FPTF takes care about those parts that need to get tweaked to fir on hardware in Neo900 that's not 100% compatible to N900
19:32.35Nokiabotbut mentions freemantle comptiable
19:32.35Nokiabotso you say that getting a advertized feature to use is a user headache ?
19:32.49DocScrutinizer05sorry what?
19:33.12DocScrutinizer05advertized feature?
19:33.34DocScrutinizer05you're also not always sounding nice, dude
19:33.37NokiabotFreemantle comptiable ~~~
19:33.48DocScrutinizer05it's fremantle, with one "e"
19:34.13DocScrutinizer05and honestly, I don't get what you're asking
19:34.36NokiabotMaybe i am misinterpeting like others like xes
19:34.54DocScrutinizer05user cannot change anything about hardware config, sicne... it's hardware. The hardware is as compatible as it gets, and that's it
19:35.29NokiabotAh its not about sounding nice i am just asking questions
19:35.30DocScrutinizer05dunno what "advertized feature" you're talking about
19:36.27NokiabotWell then i misintepeted freemantle comptiable as a feature then
19:36.33DocScrutinizer05it's fremantle, with one "e"
19:37.11DocScrutinizer05and it seems you don't read or don't get what I wrote
19:37.15DocScrutinizer05user cannot change anything about hardware config, sicne... it's hardware. The hardware is as compatible as it gets, and that's it
19:38.32DocScrutinizer05when "fremantle compatible" is a feature of the hardware then ... user may appreciate and use that or ignore it or dislike it, but there's definitely nothing user can do about such feature and why user might get headache from it
19:39.24DocScrutinizer05either the hardware has that feature or it doesn't
19:39.42DocScrutinizer05and *that* is what I'm saying
19:41.22*** join/#neo900 Nokiabot (~Nokiabot@
19:42.42NokiabotAnd the freemantle with that extra e isint exactly free so you say its a fptf and user problen
19:43.23DocScrutinizer05no! please don't claim I say stuff you can't quote
19:43.53NokiabotI know freemantle will be actualy free some day
19:43.54Nokiabotso is that the ultimate answer ?
19:44.13DocScrutinizer05no, 42 is the ultimate answer. sorry
19:44.13rZrwpwrak, sorry i was afk ... I am reading what you said
19:45.05NokiabotRzr chime in and save me from docs fire :p
19:45.21*** part/#neo900 DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
19:45.44NokiabotRzr are my concerns not noteworthy ?
19:46.35NokiabotDoc dosent go offline he is tricking us !
19:46.46NokiabotShebang !
19:46.56rZrYea I can understand those legal concern
19:47.47NokiabotAh a bit of relief now or i thought doc might eat me alive !
19:48.04NokiabotThanx rzr
19:48.11rZryou're welcome
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19:49.37DocScrutinizer05please stop this topic in this channel, this is about Neo900, NOT about maemo
19:49.50NokiabotNa you are welcome !
19:49.51Nokiabotlets get doc red hot
19:49.54DocScrutinizer05Neo900 IS NOT maemo!
19:50.15NokiabotOk fine !
19:50.17DocScrutinizer05and I'd appreciate when Nokiabot would reduce noise posts a bit
19:52.21rZrok, how far n900 pwr GPU is supposed to be supported ?
19:52.26NokiabotRzr ^^^^^^^
19:52.34rZri meant
19:52.40*** mode/#neo900 [+o DocScrutinizer05] by ChanServ
19:54.02DocScrutinizer05rZr: that depends on the OS and the support for PVR that it brings. Not a Neo900 hardware topic
19:54.08NokiabotNight guys
19:55.02DocScrutinizer05Neo900 UG will ship the devices without PVR driver since we don't have any
19:55.18DocScrutinizer05pretty please see
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19:55.38bencohto me it looks like the only issue here is that ftpf has no chan ;)
19:55.50DocScrutinizer05it has
19:56.04NokiabotChan =channel nod
19:56.07bencohoh ... well then .... I guess those questions should be asked there :)
19:56.20bencohDocScrutinizer05: which one, btw ?
19:56.45rZrfbdev is supported like on gta
19:57.38DocScrutinizer05bencoh: an orphaned one since neither freemangordon nor jonwill nor Pali were using it
19:58.50bencohDocScrutinizer05: huhu, okay
20:00.51rZris reading
20:05.35DocScrutinizer05>>Most importantly, the Neo900 is an open platform, carrying on in the tradition of the Openmoko project. Neo900 will support all operating systems available for GTA04 (QtMoko, SHR, Debian, Replicant, ...) and should serve as a great platform for porting systems like Maemo, Ubuntu or Firefox OS - or even for writing your own one! We bring the hardware, you choose your OS.<<
20:07.45rZrhardware with debian bsp
20:08.44rZrhow do you plan to release this bsp ?
20:08.54DocScrutinizer05probably preinstalled
20:09.45rZrbut I guess some parts were built out side debian project ?
20:09.51rZrwere / will be
20:10.34rZrbut will remain floss ?
20:10.47rZrexclusivly floss
20:10.51DocScrutinizer05of course, otherwise it wouldn't be a bsp, right?
20:11.00rZrthis is legit yea
20:11.37DocScrutinizer05the idea of a bsp is to provide sourcecode demonstrating how to tlak to the hardware
20:12.14DocScrutinizer05if it wasn't OSS and free to use, the purpose of bsp was quite void
20:12.29rZryea but this platform would interest me if it could support EGL / GLES
20:12.41rZrand I dont see many option in the ARM world
20:12.56DocScrutinizer05we don't have any access to closed source PVR drivers
20:12.57rZrthis is not a new topic
20:13.39DocScrutinizer05we don't have access to anything you couldn't obtain as well from somewhere else
20:13.41bencohdefinitely not new
20:15.07DocScrutinizer05if we run into opportunity to get info under an NDA, be sure we will talk about it
20:15.17DocScrutinizer05so far we didn't
20:15.49DocScrutinizer05dfnitely we won't get an NDA to access PVR driver code
20:17.05rZrI have recently got an allwinner A80 dev board
20:17.22DocScrutinizer05there are a few systems out there using OMAP3 PVR and you probably can rip out and use their PVR closed blob drivers
20:17.40rZrand It ships a 64 core pvr I will probably not be able to use the way i want
20:20.13DocScrutinizer05>>Thanks to industry-leading features including its advanced PowerVR Series6 64-core GPU, the UltraOcta A80 gives OEMs the highest performance, most power-efficient and cost-effective solution for a range of devices.”<<
20:20.18DocScrutinizer05well, you're no OEM
20:20.41DocScrutinizer05if you were, you could sign an NDA to get access to the driver
20:21.10DocScrutinizer05Neo900 actually is an OEM but still no chance to get an NDA
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20:21.40bencohDocScrutinizer05: do they at least ship closed-source drivers when you buy chips ?
20:21.57bencohthat's crazy
20:22.56DocScrutinizer05WLAN manufs ship the firmware with the module
20:23.12DocScrutinizer05for OMAP / PVR it's a tad different
20:23.19rZrcan the drivers be downloaded and installed later on device after user agreement ?
20:23.46DocScrutinizer05err, probably. Dunno
20:23.50DocScrutinizer05why not?
20:23.58bencohDocScrutinizer05: for we're talking about drivers, not firmware, right ?
20:24.22rZrlegally I meant
20:24.31bencohfor powervr*
20:25.02DocScrutinizer05rZr: I have no idea about contracts you might eventually sign. Neo900 UG won't forbid installing whatever you like on the hardware
20:25.46DocScrutinizer05afk, tired
20:26.57rZrok later
20:28.08rZrthat's the latest device I got
20:29.25bencohdoes lima (mali400 oss driver) have working egl/egls support now ?
20:29.36bencohyou might be interested in cubieboard
20:29.43rZrnot yet
20:29.56bencohoh, too bad
20:30.15rZrbut I am unsure about the status
20:30.40rZrfreedreno and etnaviv worth also to be tracked
20:32.39bencohno commit in lima since 2013 ?! wtf ?!
20:54.00freemangordon(re fremantle != Neo900) Even I make that mistake from time to time :)
20:54.31freemangordonjusa_: ping
20:55.44freemangordonrZr: Neo900 will have exactly the same GPU N9/50 has
20:55.57freemangordonso the drivers should work OOTB
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