IRC log for #neo900 on 20140918

00:43.28DocScrutinizer05Oksana: the (sidnote) fineprint is only needed in German, it's basically for the tax office only
00:44.09DocScrutinizer05it's the formal legalese blabla saying same thing we always said
00:45.18DocScrutinizer05and when you don't understand it in German language then chances are rather minimal that you could make any use of it in whatever way, even when we translated it to english, russian, chinese, hindi, dunnowaht, and inuktitut
00:45.39OksanaAlright, so there is a payWave-enabled merchant, an NFC-including phone, with an NFC-enabled SIM. Does the user need any additional banking app on the phone? Or does the signal go directly from NFC chip to SIM and back, with any interaction with main computer? And NFC chip, gaining power from 'merchant', can use it to do a transaction even when battery is at 0 and phone is switched off?
00:46.49DocScrutinizer05aiui nope, the card amd HFC tansceiver work even without APE at all, even without battery insrted to device
00:47.42DocScrutinizer05it's just a glorified Proximity Contact Communication Card(?)
00:48.07DocScrutinizer05you got exactly same stuff in every visa electron I guess
00:49.50DocScrutinizer05what you need to do however, once, per app or per driver: configure the PN544 chip so it has PCC emulation enabled
00:50.36DocScrutinizer05then you can remove the battery from Neo900 and use it as the fattest heaviest NFC smartcard ever
00:59.51DocScrutinizer05PICC, Proximity Interface Coupling Card
01:03.01OksanaOr a wallet of smart-cards? What is needed to emulate a smart-card? To emulate a Visa card, you usually use SIM card with Visa's app on it (so-called NFC-enabled SIM). To emulate a transport-card (MIFARE DESFire EV1), or an ID card, or a passport... What is required?..
01:04.21DocScrutinizer05aiui PN544 can do "on-board" Mifare
01:04.50DocScrutinizer05so all that's really required is the secret key that gets challenged, I guess
01:05.02DocScrutinizer05just like with any SIM
01:05.14DocScrutinizer05(on SIM's primary usage)
01:05.44DocScrutinizer05the problem is: nobody will give you this secret key since it would allow card cloning
01:05.50DocScrutinizer05again like with SIM
01:06.38DocScrutinizer05maybe some day somebody hacks Visa Electron secure element, and finds a way to read out the secret key
01:06.40DocScrutinizer05again like with SIM
01:08.01DocScrutinizer05but take all that with a grain of salt, I never looked into all that Visa wave etc stuff, nor into NFC too closely. It's all just educated guesses
01:08.47DocScrutinizer05but given the usecase scenario and architecture it#s quite obvious what's going on
01:09.19DocScrutinizer05it's simply a wireless smartcard implementation
01:17.25OksanaHmm... Theoretically, you could put many SIM cards into one phone, and switch between them depending on which one you currently wish to use. But it would require further miniaturisation of SIM card. Or alternatively, SecureCard would become dissociated from SIM card, and user would ask bank, transport-authority, any organisation, to add their secret key into the SecureCard, so that user...
01:17.27Oksana...would be able to see list of keys, and choose one of them depending on current NFC-application. Because truly, there is no need to put BankCardAndSuch into cellular modem. It was just the most universal platform, with the least fragmentation. And 'the most secure' one.
01:19.03DocScrutinizer05first one is what I was pondering when I mentioned synergy from dual-SIM design in Neo900
01:20.30DocScrutinizer05for the latter think of it like a batch of Visa Electorn and other NFC cards. The reader identifies the application and only the "correct" card will answer. Same should be possible on a SIM card with detached transceiver like PN544
01:21.24DocScrutinizer05as well as a universal smartcard that can inherit/lern multiple identities
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01:22.07DocScrutinizer05you just need something that's kinda certified so the service providers can trust in it
01:22.41DocScrutinizer05that's why SIM is used and not some EEPROM or flash storage on device, in case of NFC enabled phones
01:23.42DocScrutinizer05all the security in a secure card/element comes from its resistence against RE and readout of the data
01:24.21DocScrutinizer05if you could read out a SIM easily, you could create a zillion clones and sell them
01:24.56DocScrutinizer05all sort of indentity spoofing and theft would be wide open
01:25.36DocScrutinizer05how much worse this would be with a payment card
01:27.00DocScrutinizer05thus the only thing you can read out from the card is the response to a challenge, and this has to fit with the key in POS-reader
01:27.18DocScrutinizer05but you never can read out the key of the secure element
01:28.01DocScrutinizer05there's however no reason why a secure element can't have multiple such keys and pick the one that matches the received challenge
01:29.07DocScrutinizer05I dunno if there are protocols that allow writing a signed encrypted new key to a card and the card decodes the encryption with a secret master key or somesuch
01:30.23DocScrutinizer05when Visa, Diners, Maestro etc all accept thatmaster key and the card hardware as safe, they could program your new application into *your* multi-purpose smartcard even remotely
01:31.27DocScrutinizer05of course your local secret master key would have to be unique then, so the transferred credentials could only get decryped on *your* card and nothing else
01:32.41OksanaSo... If dual-SIM was more common, people could have one not-bank-SIM and one bank-SIM, already. The problem is to persuade some organisation to create not-necessarily-cellular multi-purpose UICC, into which the banks and other organisations would trust.
01:33.37DocScrutinizer05yes. And you need a phone that connects secondary SIM slot to the NFC transceiver, not the primary which is used by modem
01:34.09DocScrutinizer05or you have a mux that selects which of both SIM to connect to MFC
01:34.15DocScrutinizer05which is what I pondered
01:35.49OksanaBut knowing that dual-SIM and not-cellular UICC are not common, the most likely scenario is that cellular operators will then partner with transport-authorities and such, so that all the eggs are in one basket, and you can only hope that some kind of remote cellular-attack does not read-or-modify the 'secure' part of the SIM.
01:36.07DocScrutinizer05again, I heard Apple plans to enetr that playground. I'm curious what the will come up with
01:37.06DocScrutinizer05SIM are relatively thotoughly tested for security against any such attack
01:37.43DocScrutinizer05and yes, I think phone carriers cooperating with public transport is one of the most common usecases for NFC already
01:41.57DocScrutinizer05they even tried pay-per-mile where a infrastructure monitors and accounts where you enter and where you leave tram. But since they cannot guarantee that they will get a readout when you leave the tram, they have to implement fallback solutions and those beg to get abused for fraud. Enter tram, on next station pack your phone into an alu bag -> ride for free from now on
01:43.39wpwrakthere's a very simple solution to this: charge the maximum on entry, return what you didn't use on exit
01:44.00DocScrutinizer05or other extreme: you walk by a tram stopping at station. The NFC reader "looks out the window" and reads your NFC ticket. Now they think you ride that train at least until end of day
01:44.58DocScrutinizer05wpwrak: requiring that users book out at a person-separator when leaving the train is a nogo
01:45.21DocScrutinizer05you're better of with paper tickets then
01:47.48wpwrakwhat would a person-separator do ? and why would you need it ?
01:47.50DocScrutinizer05and then comes duty of evidence. Whose fault is it when the system thhinks you used that train to drive around whole town 3 times in a row, while you are sure you only had a trip to next station?
01:47.55OksanaBook out when leaving the train? That's how it works here. With MIFARE DESFire EV1. At least, it is better than having your paper ticket stuck inside the ticket machine.
01:47.59wpwrakyou just check who exits the area
01:48.32wpwrakgive some feedback at a turnstile. if someone's card doesn't "check out", they can go complain at a counter (or pay the max fare)
01:48.53DocScrutinizer05wpwrak: please! that's exactly the point that you never know when you missed to "cjeck someone leaving the area"
01:49.18wpwrakDocScrutinizer05: make the check-out explicit, with feedback
01:49.34DocScrutinizer05turnstile == person separator
01:49.49OksanaIt takes some time for the card-reader to read the card, and approve the exit. The approval is accompanied by audible sound, blinking LED on the reader and card balance on screen of the reader.
01:49.49wpwrakwell, so be it :) that's what we have here all over the place. it works ;-)
01:50.42DocScrutinizer05can't be done here, I can't imagine how to build those things into tram wagons
01:50.52DocScrutinizer05even into buses
01:51.34DocScrutinizer05we're not talking subway here, where you are in a "cave" with only 2 exits
01:51.35wpwrakah yes, here it's trains and subways. subway without checkout so far, only checkin. but the turnstiles are there both ways.
01:52.47DocScrutinizer05they tried to implement something for trams I said
01:53.00DocScrutinizer05and for buses, I may add
01:53.07OksanaIf you do not check out properly, you get maximum fare. And the readers are built-into buses already.
01:53.49DocScrutinizer05what do I do when the damn thing doesn't let me book out?
01:53.58DocScrutinizer05drive on and enjoy the ride?
01:54.14gurkiwow. a channel that wants to build a phone partly for security reasons that discusses whether we should ve such a thing as a traveller-tracking system
01:54.21wpwrakyou can file a written complaint at the corresponding office, in triplicate ;-)
01:54.31DocScrutinizer05or hit the idiot that kicked me out before I had a chance to push my NFC badge to the reader?
01:55.03DocScrutinizer05gurki: a) that's totally on topic, and b) nobody is discussing that
01:55.08wpwrakgurki: well, that's where these critters are heading :) of course, they *could* discard all the data at exit. but hey, why would they ? ;-)
01:55.56gurkiDocScrutinizer05: i thing the *scnr* is the most important point of what i said :-)
01:56.07DocScrutinizer05we're discussing which usecases exists and how they work or fail. We're not discussing if we(SIC!) should implement such a system
01:57.30wpwrakgurki: and it's not as if you didn't have a choice. if you don't like it, you're free to walk ;-)
01:57.46gurkiwpwrak: THAT is actually sth im afraid of ^^
01:58.01DocScrutinizer05and NFC in Neo900 is 100% under your control to disable it completely
01:58.43wpwraksome principle as with "security" searches at airports: nobody forces you to submit to this, you can always decline and not proceed towards boarding what would have been your flight. they even inform you of these "rights" of yours ;-)
01:59.23DocScrutinizer05note to self: have a crowbar switch between PbF1 and PbF2, control Vbatt
01:59.51Oksana'Pay' maximum fare and find the closest transportation-authority office to complain to them. Mail the misbehaving card to them for replacement?
02:00.42DocScrutinizer05baically I don't care. It's not my system and I for sure won't get such wireless ticket
02:00.57wpwrakconnect to GND, as in figure 14a ? :)
02:01.09DocScrutinizer05particularly since I use public tranport too infrequently
02:01.17DocScrutinizer05wpwrak: exactly
02:01.31DocScrutinizer05but with a pair of FETs
02:01.45DocScrutinizer05depeltion type
02:01.57DocScrutinizer05depletion type
02:02.17DocScrutinizer05IOW active-off, passive-on
02:02.19wpwrakwhy bother ? just disallow standalone operation. what's not supported cannot go wrong
02:03.08DocScrutinizer05depends. When we can find a host-controlled equivalent mode, then sure, why not
02:04.13DocScrutinizer05actually I think I've seen something to the meaning of "doesn't care where power comes from"
02:04.42DocScrutinizer05so not implementing field-powered would be totally the right thing to do
02:05.07DocScrutinizer05I can't see the need to operate this thing without (charged) battery
02:05.23wpwrakwould make sense if it didn't care about the power source. after all, the antenna may just be insufficient for it
02:06.44DocScrutinizer05should we power it in sync with modem,or spend a dedicated power switch for it?
02:06.58DocScrutinizer05I guess the latter
02:08.25wpwrakwould make sense to be able to operate it independently from modem
02:10.58DocScrutinizer05we however need to make sure that SIM power from modem is bypassing PN544 when PN544 is supposed to be diabled and powered down but modem is active
02:11.35DocScrutinizer05otherwise PN544 would draw it's power from SIM power supply originating in modem
02:11.43wpwrakif their data paths are separate anyway, why even be concerned with the modem ?
02:11.49DocScrutinizer05or *could* at least
02:12.14wpwrakallow modem and NFC independently to power SIM
02:12.33DocScrutinizer05well, what else do you wanna do? add the both power pathes at SIM with two diodes?
02:12.35wpwraknot sure if we're allowed to add a power switch on the SIM side, too
02:13.21wpwrakthe enable signals could be prioritized if this is a problem
02:13.50DocScrutinizer05we're not talking about enable signals, we are dealing with power rails here
02:14.27wpwrakyes, but it's the same principle
02:14.37wpwrakadd a FET as "ideal diode"
02:14.42DocScrutinizer05modem has a power supply regulator for SIM, and PN544 has another one
02:15.25wpwrakpFET, gate on the opposing rail. just like one can mix usb power and battery
02:15.34wpwrakworks in ben and anelok ;-)
02:17.11DocScrutinizer05case a) both modem and NFC disabled: SIM power irrelevant. b) Modem enabled, NFC off: power needs to go directly from modem to SIM to not power up NFC. c) NFC enabled, modem off: SIM power provided by NFC. And now: d) modem and SIM both enabled: I think we should use application note circuit in this case
02:19.04wpwrakwhich AN ?
02:19.23wpwrak"application note circuit"
02:19.52DocScrutinizer05the one that said that modem power runs to SIM via NFC chip
02:21.36DocScrutinizer05we should use the most versatile design there, which allows us to disconnect SIM completely. Would benefit our monitoring/sandboxing as well
02:21.51wpwrakyes, where is that ? page 21 of pn532 and page 25 of pn544 have nothing like that.
02:22.21DocScrutinizer05I'm pretty sure I seen this
02:22.28DocScrutinizer05don't ask me where
02:22.31wpwrakare there regulatory restrictions on disconnecting SIM power ? you mentioned that there would be for other kinds of interference
02:24.03DocScrutinizer059.3.1Supply of SIM with SWP interface
02:24.05DocScrutinizer05According to ETSI SWP specification, NFC controller can be the source of SIM supply (VCC pin). PN544 will offer this possibility wherever the SIM power comes from (PMU, battery, field).
02:24.59DocScrutinizer05Nik mentioned something like that, but then a mux for pseudo dual-SIM is absolutely OK
02:25.31DocScrutinizer05anyway SIM interface is part of cert
02:26.25DocScrutinizer05I don't think there are any general restrictions, just the circuit "shall not be evil"
02:26.49wpwrak(etsi swp spec) okay, doesn't seem to say anything about modems. good. would have been a bit odd if they'd depend on each other.
02:27.11wpwrak(shell not be evil) bwahaha (-:C
02:28.06DocScrutinizer05I guess a sharing mux to use one SIM in two modems concurrently is not suitable to pass cert
02:28.26DocScrutinizer05for example
02:29.02wpwrakhmm yes, that would be an interesting case. is the bus even capable of sharing ?
02:29.42DocScrutinizer05but you know, dem Ingenoer is nix zu schwoer
02:30.15DocScrutinizer05modem powers up sim only when it plans to use it right away
02:30.51DocScrutinizer05at least that's what I expect it to do, mere guessing
02:31.28DocScrutinizer05then otoh that's maybe nonsense, regarding PIN auth
02:32.10DocScrutinizer05I know for sure that modem can stop clock for SIM when not active (and is supposed to do that)
02:32.26wpwrak(ingenioer) yeah, perhaps you could fake some sort of "busy" signal while the other modem is serving itself. and i wouldn't be surprised if the protocol modem <-> sim had a lot of recover modes/states, so the modem wouldn't treat a reset in the middle as "hard" error.
02:32.32DocScrutinizer05so you *could* find a way to share a SIM
02:34.10DocScrutinizer05anyway that's not even faintly what we want to do
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02:34.54OksanaNot implementing field-powered NFC? Not helping. Sometimes, when N900 was on very-low battery, I was even thinking about possibility of charging N900 wirelessly from card readers. They do not supply enough power to trickle charge the N900 itself, I suppose, but still, having NFC self-powered from antenna would be helpful. Of course, it can be made a configurable option. Supplementing...
02:34.55wpwrakyeah, just curious where roughly the limits are
02:34.56Oksana...field-power with battery-power may potentially improve NFC range-or-speed?
02:35.17DocScrutinizer05another requirement seems to be: either CardDetect or forced power down on modem, so you cannot remove SIM (and use it in a second modem) while first modem doesn't even notice SIM is gone
02:36.55wpwraki hope they properly authenticate the "card detect" signal ;-))
02:36.56DocScrutinizer05wpwrak: see? that's why I *always* then to implement features that are there, and rather have a way to disable them under user control
02:37.17DocScrutinizer05s/then /tend /
02:37.55wpwrakDocScrutinizer05: i just gently steer people away from such ideas :)
02:38.16DocScrutinizer05no, we won't adopt any such policy for Neo900
02:38.31DocScrutinizer05no "we don't need that" in Neo900
02:38.33wpwrakoh we will. if nno
02:38.41wpwrakgrr. if not explicitly, then implicitly
02:39.36wpwrakat some point we'll have a design where all the important things work but a gazillion of these fringe things either don't, are untested, or tested with inconclusive results
02:39.57DocScrutinizer05thanks Oksana, you saved my mind from straying into land of "we don't need that"
02:40.54wpwrakthen the question will be whether to make the 400+ who'd be happy with that wait a few more months or disappoint the 2-3 people who really want the fringe things
02:41.01DocScrutinizer05I don't care about inconclusive results or even untested. We won't eliminate resp kick out a function just to make our life easier
02:41.18wpwrakso it'll happen. in one way or another.
02:44.23DocScrutinizer05there's a filed power option, it's simple to implement. It's even quite simple to disable under user control. I won't drop it just to make you happy because you don't see the usecase that Oksana obviously sees
02:45.36DocScrutinizer05"stereo-in? we don't need that"
02:46.12DocScrutinizer05"but it only takes two 0402 rsistors and maybe two capacitors"  -  "no, we don't need it"
02:47.13DocScrutinizer05since OM I am allergic against that "we don't need it2 argument
02:48.29wpwrakif you have "user control", then you don't need it. so you must be operating in a context where no "user control" exists. e.g., cpu down or crashed. and suddenly the complexity moves from a couple of fets to persistent state and such. plus, you create a possible vulnerability: trick cpu into enabling field-powered nfc, then crash cpu. now you can do whatever you want with nfc without the cpu interfering.
02:48.37DocScrutinizer05worst case user takes a toothpick and removes the two capacitors for field-powered mode
02:49.35DocScrutinizer05yeah, when you call such scenario a vulnerability then we better stop using CPU at all
02:49.43DocScrutinizer05let's build an analog cellphone
02:50.09wpwrakthe retrophone ;-)
02:50.22DocScrutinizer05and regarding persistent state, we have several such cases already
02:50.24wpwrak"original 1980 size" ;-)
02:51.00DocScrutinizer05you seem to suffer from a lack of true Neo900 spirit today
02:52.54DocScrutinizer05NB the chip already offers such persistent configuration options aiui
02:53.24DocScrutinizer05it's actually debatable if we need additional security measures
02:54.10DocScrutinizer05brute force shorting NFC antenna seems the only thing we might want to do
02:54.46DocScrutinizer05everything else is supposed to be controllable via the chip's host interface
02:55.18DocScrutinizer05secure mode simply is "no NFC, sorry", and that's it
02:56.03DocScrutinizer05and i'm not sure we need a 100% secure mode when battery is out (even a empty battery is sufficient power to keep secure mode active)
02:57.22DocScrutinizer05but in the end it's an implementation choice if no battery means secure mode or secure mode but NFC enabled
02:57.23wpwrakthere's a "power down" command. scarily, it includes disabling all the host interfaces as wakeup sources.
02:58.43DocScrutinizer05I haven't looked into recovery from power down. Prolly via some reset or whatever
02:59.20wpwrakwell, maybe the chip would not accept the command in this case. doesn't say much about valid parameters. and there's no specific error code for that. but "bad parameter" would cover it (and pretty much anything else :)
02:59.55DocScrutinizer05I'm talking about a nRESET pin
03:00.25DocScrutinizer05err NRST
03:01.07DocScrutinizer05was that too obvious? ;-)
03:02.32DocScrutinizer05or did you lose me completely?
03:03.05DocScrutinizer05actually I don't get the part about parameters and error codes
03:03.09wpwrakNRESET on PN544 (which has the data sheet that describes pins). dunno about PN532 (which has the manual that describes commands)
03:04.50DocScrutinizer05is too lazy to check if there's a inconsistency between the diagram and the table of pins/signals
03:06.37wpwrak(error codes) when you send a command to the PN532, it can accept or reject it. and it returns a status code
03:06.52DocScrutinizer05idly wonders if there's no eval board for PN544 at all
03:06.55wpwrakyeah, pin descriptions call it NRESET
03:07.26DocScrutinizer05anyway, n8
03:10.53wpwrak(pn544) a complete manual set would be a good start ;-)
03:11.09wpwrakaccording to this is the board you wan:
03:11.23wpwrakof course EOL, unavailable, etc.
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03:54.38OksanaAnytime :) Just imagine the horror of being stranded on a train, unable to exit it, because the transport-authority UICC-card is inside the completely-discharged phone, and field power "is not enough" for NFC. Fortunately, there are outlets inside the train, but then, you need to have a phone charger in your backpack... DocScrutinizer05thanks Oksana, you saved my mind from straying into... of "we don't need that"
04:09.30OksanaSimply put, if this Single Wire Protocol goes over a single thin long wire, then user may 'cut' the wire and direct it to C6 contact of 'second', 'glued-on', UICC card. But, the user would need to obtain such UICC card first. I have never heard of UICC card being used which would be not-cellular. Though... I could take an 'expired', 0-balance cellular UICC for this. But, who would agree to...
04:09.32Oksana...put 'secure app' (be it bank or transport) onto this 'blank' UICC card?
04:14.09OksanaUsecase! NFC SIM card with embedded Mifare DESFire technology, DragonFly, is being launched for the first time in Asia with AIS, and will enable a mobile phone to be used as an e-purse to pay for public transportation and goods in Bangkok. Service users can also directly top-up credit on their SIM card and check both their balance and transaction history using their mobile phones. The...
04:14.11Oksana...dragonFly also allows rich applications to be embarked on the SIM.
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04:52.43DocScrutinizer05yeah, maybe the time of NFC is yet to come. See how long it took SMS to become the hype it is today. And SMS been *for free* in the beginning
04:54.20DocScrutinizer05my passport has a RFID aka NFC tag embedded since... 2008
04:56.02OksanaHmm... NFC-enabled phone can attempt to speak with RFID tag. But, since the tag has its own processor, tag will only give responses - not cart-blanch to copy it into another smart card.
04:57.31DocScrutinizer05yes, basically my Jolla can read the tag in my passport
04:58.10DocScrutinizer05chips like PN544 can act as reader as well as emulate a tag
05:00.25OksanaIn 2008 Jeroen van Beek demonstrated that optional security mechanisms can be disabled by removing their presence from the passport index file. This allows an attacker to remove – amongst others – anti-cloning mechanisms (Active Authentication)... And when Anti-Cloning is disabled...
05:00.27OksanaIn 2006 Lukas Grunwald demonstrated that it is trivial to copy passport data from a passport chip into a standard ISO/IEC 14443 smartcard using a standard contactless card interface and a simple file transfer tool.
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16:08.20DocScrutinizer05>> At the moment, BlackBerry mobile phones are the only devices known to support software card emulation. How- ever, recent patches [18, 19] to the CyanogenMod aftermar- ket firmware for Android devices will enable this type of card emulation on Android devices with NXP’s PN544 NFC controller.<<
16:10.36DocScrutinizer05many thanks to Walter for his invaluable silent support, providing goodies like this one to us‎
16:17.26DocScrutinizer05short summary: PM544 supports the (classical) Secure Element appraoch where the SIM acts as SE attached to the NFC transceiver via SingleWireProtocol, but PN544 also supports emulation of such SE in software by ApplicationProcessor
16:22.42DocScrutinizer05obviously such emulation depends on knowledge of the (secret) data stored in the real HW SE, for emulating existing solutions. For simple access control system contactless smart cards usually the issuer is either the user himself, or his employer, so access to that data is somewhat granted and PN544 is technicall capable of emulating basically all of those cards. For payment and other high security use-cases deployed by banks or other
16:22.44DocScrutinizer05huge companies, that data frequently is a well guarded secret and deployment to end user is in form of a SIM card or a self conprised contactless smartcard like Visa Electron(?). Emulation is considered impossible for practical reasons, since the provider will not disclose the data
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16:29.41DocScrutinizer05on security from user's POV: yes, of course NFC offers a multitude of attack vectors, but all those are under control of user and the APE OS, and thus are of same class as any other exploit to the APE OS aimed at e.g. spying on your email passwords, your ssh private key or whatever. As long as user doesn't allow vulnerabilities in her/his OS by e.g. installing malware/spyware, NFC doesn't introduce any increased security threats
16:29.54*** join/#neo900 mvaenskae (~mvaenskae@unaffiliated/mvaenskae)
16:31.34DocScrutinizer05(the previous statement doesn't apply to NFC immanent vulnerabilities like eavesdropping on communication between NFC device and a POS NFC reader, which can't get handled by hardware and can only be avoided by not using/enabling NFC on Neo900, which our users are free to do any time)
16:35.09DocScrutinizer05Neo900 will warrant that NFC is disabled when user wants it to be disabled. There will be no backdoor to enable and operate NFC without user's consent. This will get implemented on a hardware level that can get evaluated and certified
16:56.24freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: tell me you're considering NFC chip on Neo900 :)
16:57.12DocScrutinizer05err, that's exactly what we were discussing for the last 2 or 3 days, and what all the above is about
16:57.53mvaenskaeDocScrutinizer05: is there anything you aren't planning on having disabled via hardware? :)
16:57.54DocScrutinizer05I actually even decided that we want PN544
16:58.12freemangordonsorry, I was disconnected from irc (damn empathy) most of the time
16:58.21DocScrutinizer05ooh, sorry
16:59.54freemangordonI think I told you I have lots of knowledge in the area of card payments (be it contact or contactless), so I think I will be able to help a bit with the SW side of things
17:00.23DocScrutinizer05mvaenskae: nope. since Neo900 product requirement specs somewhat shifted towards secure platform and counter-NSA-et-al eavesdropping and spying, there won't be any system in Neo900 that could create a vulnerability/threat and isn't controlled by hardware to make sure we can block any such threat
17:00.52DocScrutinizer05freemangordon: I hoped for this statement since 3 days already :-)
17:00.55freemangordonone of the things I've done if S3 acting like MiFare card :)
17:00.59mvaenskaedoes the same count for any sensor included (meaning gyro and such)?
17:01.54DocScrutinizer05mvaenskae: of course: they don't introduce any possible securtity threat thus they are already implicitly handled by above policy
17:02.39mvaenskaeDocScrutinizer05: gyroscopes can be used as microphones :)
17:02.57DocScrutinizer05so what? only under OS control
17:03.08freemangordonthe problem with EMV etc kernels is that they require expensive certification process with EMVCo.
17:03.20freemangordon(in regard to NFC payment)
17:03.39DocScrutinizer05OS is considered safe by definition, since otherwise the only phone we could build is made of two cans and a string
17:04.51mvaenskaeDocScrutinizer05: ok that is a solid basis one needs :)
17:05.50DocScrutinizer05freemangordon: EMV?
17:07.14freemangordonvery similar to payment process when using contactless cards
17:07.23DocScrutinizer05freemangordon: Neo900 doesn't support a TC-style "secure platform" that could get certified for e.g. security-relevant emulations
17:07.50freemangordonif I read the backscroll correctly, that chip can use SIM as a secure element
17:08.08freemangordonthat should be enough
17:08.09DocScrutinizer05no APE support needed
17:08.50freemangordonSIM exports API(applet) to be used by a payment application
17:09.08DocScrutinizer05that's STK/SAT, right?
17:09.33freemangordonit is a java applet emulating a card
17:09.40DocScrutinizer05or are you talking about the protocol on SWP
17:09.50freemangordonit is loaded either by MNO or online
17:10.00freemangordonSWP defines the HW level
17:10.02DocScrutinizer05online is no problem
17:10.03freemangordonbut yes
17:10.51freemangordonpayment application sends APDUs to the card (read directore, application selet, read data, external authenticatio, etc, etc)
17:11.08DocScrutinizer05but as I understand it, the basic "payment" only involves NFC transceiver and SIM SE, no?
17:11.42freemangordonit is the same in POS devices using ordinary chip cards
17:11.47DocScrutinizer05IOW the phone emulates a contactless credit card
17:12.10freemangordonbut there is no security in so-called "terminal application"
17:12.20freemangordonterminal == phone in our case
17:12.21DocScrutinizer05"emulates" as it actually works on a hw level, without APE
17:12.54DocScrutinizer05actually even without battery
17:13.13freemangordoneverything is in the SIM card
17:13.28freemangordonwhich can be accesses either via NFC or via SWP
17:13.51DocScrutinizer05the SIM card can get accessed via NFC?
17:14.13DocScrutinizer05I guess you want to rephrase that ;-)
17:14.33freemangordonI'll try
17:14.56DocScrutinizer05SWP is the trace between PN544 and SIM
17:15.14DocScrutinizer05PN544 does the NFC RF TX/RX
17:15.52DocScrutinizer05PN544 also is capable to power the SIM from "field"
17:15.59DocScrutinizer05so no battery needed
17:16.12DocScrutinizer05no APE needed, obviously, without battery
17:16.16freemangordonyep, this is one of the NFC requirements iirc
17:16.43freemangordonok, lemme try to rephrase:
17:16.56DocScrutinizer05we will provide a method in hw to reliably block this operation mode
17:17.16DocScrutinizer05(as well as all others same time)
17:17.40freemangordonwhat is accessed via NFC is not the SIM card, but the banks card. there are different domains in the "SIM" card
17:18.12DocScrutinizer05tell me, could a SIM hold multiple comcurrent "bank domains"
17:18.41DocScrutinizer05like, say, a batch of contactless smart cards
17:18.53freemangordonthose are called "applications"
17:19.03DocScrutinizer05thanks! :-)
17:19.23freemangordonit is deffinitely true for contact cards
17:19.46DocScrutinizer05then it MUST be true fro PICC
17:19.59freemangordonnot so sure about contactless, as the whole process of payment takes < .5 sec
17:20.04DocScrutinizer05aiui the NFC is just another PHY, no?
17:20.45freemangordonbut I am not sure one can have "application selection" when using the contactless part
17:20.51freemangordonneed to check that
17:21.14freemangordon(it was moe than 6 months ago I did my last contactless card certification :) )
17:21.18DocScrutinizer05I think when we implement a PN544 with SWP to our beloved Neo900, we're on safe side of fence anyway
17:22.02freemangordonre hw blocking - I hope this will be user controlable, even with flat battery
17:22.41freemangordonthe idea behind this is - you must be able to use your money even if your battery is flat
17:23.20DocScrutinizer05I'm undecided about battery. I tend to assume we guarantee it to work with battery flat to point of hard system shutdown, but maybe we don't warrant a consistent state when battery removed
17:24.05DocScrutinizer05I further tend to allow NFC when battery removed
17:24.46DocScrutinizer05if you want to forbid NFC as well, simply don't close battery lid after removing battery (lid holds antenna)
17:25.20freemangordonhmm, might work, though not much user friendly
17:26.05DocScrutinizer05err? more user friendlyness for nich case of using NFC with battery removed? Aren't you asking for a bit too much ;-)
17:26.22freemangordonno, no
17:26.25freemangordonI meant:
17:26.45freemangordonif the battery is in, but flat, so you can't boot the OS to enable NFC
17:27.05freemangordonthen you must remove the battery in order to use it
17:27.14DocScrutinizer05look, with absolutely flat (or no) battery user has no means whatsoever to toggle the persistent state of enable-NFC-flag anyway
17:27.57DocScrutinizer05we warrant persistent state of such flag even for completely flat battery
17:28.09freemangordonexactly. that is why you should enable NFC when the battery is out
17:28.20freemangordonno matter what the flag is
17:28.23DocScrutinizer05(unless deep discharge protection in batt kicked in)
17:28.46DocScrutinizer05(enable when batt out) which is exactly what I said above
17:28.53freemangordonas a backup when you need your money, but you don;t have access to charger
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17:29.09freemangordon"hmm, might work, though not much user friendly"
17:29.39DocScrutinizer05I don't see how to make that any more user friendly
17:29.42freemangordonI am more than glad there will be NFC in Neo900
17:29.47freemangordonyou can;t
17:30.21freemangordonunless you put a HW switch to enable/disable NFC. Not that I recommend such a solution
17:30.32DocScrutinizer05when user disabled NFC and then runs flat on battery, there's no means other than mechanical hardware to toggle that flag
17:30.45DocScrutinizer05hehe, exactly
17:31.54freemangordonyou should laser-draw "remove me and the battery to enable NFC" on the backcover :P
17:32.20DocScrutinizer05so we will have NFC enabled unconditionally in the special case of "battery removed", and device comes with a warning explaining that and pointing out that you can disable NFC by not closing the battery lid
17:32.36freemangordonsounds sane
17:33.21DocScrutinizer05thanks! :-)
17:35.04DocScrutinizer05do you happen to have access to decent datasheets/TRM for PN544?
17:35.28freemangordonno, I work on a bit higher level
17:35.54freemangordonkernel, payment application, host system
17:36.04freemangordonbut not on L1 stuff
17:36.30freemangordonis that chip even available?
17:36.32DocScrutinizer05of course. Just asking. Thought as much
17:36.47DocScrutinizer05seems so. Lemme check
17:37.47freemangordonoh, it even supports MiFare
17:37.58freemangordonI guess this is the same chip in S3
17:38.26DocScrutinizer05yes, I think so
17:38.34freemangordonnot bad
17:38.49DocScrutinizer05DK had no hits even
17:39.20DocScrutinizer05hmm, so NXP ships them? great!
17:39.31freemangordonlooks like
17:40.54freemangordonpricong varies between 2 and 8 $
17:41.39freemangordonphew, seems like it can be easily found
17:41.41DocScrutinizer05mouser too
17:42.31freemangordonhehe "Crystals 27.12MHz HCR OPTMZD NXP PN544"
17:42.32DocScrutinizer05I guess it shouldn't be a risk part
17:42.37freemangordonlooks like
17:43.01DocScrutinizer05freemangordon: we have problems with the antenna though
17:43.10DocScrutinizer05placing it
17:43.25DocScrutinizer05RF design of N900 isn't made with NFC in mind
17:44.06DocScrutinizer05the obvious solution to place antenna into battery lid may or may not work
17:45.27DocScrutinizer05if we could source a evaluation board for PN544 8or any other NFC eval board) we could test an antenna glued to batt lid in a N900
17:46.46freemangordonNXP offers evaluation board iiuc
17:47.03DocScrutinizer05we might need to get one
17:47.46DocScrutinizer05I'm not only concerned about efficacy (or woring at all) of NFC antenna, I'm also wondering if it might detune the other antennas
17:48.03freemangordonsee "Design-In Kit" on
17:49.42DocScrutinizer05I already wondered if we might integrate the NFC antenna coil along perimeter of the PCB
17:50.09DocScrutinizer05which at least shouldn't detune any other antenna
17:50.13freemangordonever seen contactless card coil?
17:50.34DocScrutinizer05err, some, though not exactly for 14MHz NFC
17:51.05DocScrutinizer05usually some windings of a coil with a rather large open area
17:51.55DocScrutinizer05also come as flex PCB
17:52.39DocScrutinizer05I'm pondering the small diameter long ones
17:53.31DocScrutinizer05anyway the antena needs further R&D
17:53.39DocScrutinizer05and evaluation
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17:59.48mvaenskaeDocScrutinizer05: if one wanted to secure some case parts themselves for the neo900, would you recommend it or how are you going to implement such changes like an nfc antenna?
18:02.20DocScrutinizer05we generally implement all "changes" in a way so we can provide "conversion kits" to customers only getting a NeoN board to use with their N900 case_et_al
18:02.41DocScrutinizer05NFC antenna however is unclear yet.
18:02.50freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: a bit of OT, but any clue? :
18:02.54freemangordon"hald-addon-bme: bme_bytes_read: [fd=10] poll TIMEOUT "
18:02.56freemangordonand so on
18:03.24freemangordonended with " BME: crash detected -> rebooting"
18:03.51DocScrutinizer05bme no access to bq24150? thanks to kernel/module occupying I2C?
18:04.07freemangordonyou're a smart guy :)
18:04.08DocScrutinizer05check fd10
18:04.23freemangordonSep 18 20:46:26 Nokia-N900 kernel: [36235.404663] lirc_dev: IR Remote Control driver registered, major 246
18:05.21freemangordonthis is my GF's device, someone installed QtIrreco on it
18:05.29mvaenskaeDocScrutinizer05: alright, btw, are you thinking about sourcing used n900 devices for parts?
18:05.40freemangordonand somehow it got started (qtirreco)
18:05.47freemangordonnaah, it already rebooted
18:05.51DocScrutinizer05mvaenskae: doesn't fly, nobody offering them in volumes
18:05.56freemangordonI am reading syslog
18:07.00mvaenskaeebay might have every now and them some used n900 devices which are broken in some way or another but has most of the parts needed for just a pcb change
18:08.47DocScrutinizer05yes, that's afeasible path for users, not for manufacturer. I strongly recommend to every user to get such used (broken) N900 and only buy the NeoN board. We're not happy with the sourcing situation for N900 mech parts
18:10.14mvaenskaei will then try getting a device for cheap, i am not sure if my cover really holds up well as i am missing a screw or two i believe and broke my keyboard frame thingy a bit :/
18:10.40jake42got himself a n900 with missing usb connector in acceptable condition for ~25€
18:11.04DocScrutinizer05it's impossible we get a 500some used N900 and check each and everyone of them for scratches and defect pixels and whatnot, disassemble them and use them for Neo900. And we don't have all spare parts secured yet
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18:12.55DocScrutinizer05so getting your very own N900 for revamp/light-swap is definitely a good thing and much appreciated and recommended by Neo900 group
18:13.12mvaenskaejake42: nice steal, was if off of ebay?
18:15.11jake42mvaenskae: yep, though it just said it is sold as defect as not able to test
18:16.06*** join/#neo900 Kabouik (
18:16.15mvaenskaehm, ebay is a bit difficult for me sadly, i will never use paypal :)
18:16.26jake42(paypal) me neither
18:16.58mvaenskaeebay doesn't require paypal anymore?
18:17.13jake42don't recall every having problems paying via money transfere
18:17.56DocScrutinizer05ebay offers a changing set of payment options on every single offer
18:18.05jake42could be the the seller is forced to accept payment from paypal, but as a customer you dont have to use paypal
18:18.12wpwrakhmm... case parts:
18:18.18mvaenskaeoh, cool, gotta ask my mum if she still has her ebay account around and can have it sent to a friend of hers and then to me :) (will be cheaper that way, switzerland is not EU)
18:18.26wpwrakthat's about USD 22-23
18:18.47*** join/#neo900 roottoor (
18:18.53DocScrutinizer05wait WUT??? US Dollar 190.- ???
18:19.10mvaenskaeDocScrutinizer05: amazon has a fully working 280eur n900
18:19.46DocScrutinizer05mvaenskae: great, but a) too expensibve for Neo900 UG and b) most certainly not in volumes
18:19.46mvaenskaepardon, 400 eur
18:19.55mvaenskaethat is prettz insane
18:20.32DocScrutinizer05might turn out to be a stale 5 year old offer
18:20.35mvaenskaejake42: thanks for clarifying the ebay situation :)
18:21.03jake42mvaenskae: it's just IIRC ;-)
18:21.55jake42well the customer part, not, I know that one for sure
18:22.39wpwrakfreemangordon: good to have an NFC expert at hand :-) i have a couple of questions, too
18:22.46mvaenskaewow, a working n900 that looks in very mint condition from the outside and 3 days left; better try getting it for cheap :)
18:22.51DocScrutinizer05wpwrak: the shell case is the smallest problem, though even those often come without magnet in kickstand. But the other parts are more of a problem, cases are available in abundance, in all colors
18:23.12freemangordonwpwrak: not exactly NFC expert, rather card payments expert ;)
18:23.30freemangordonNFC is just a "wire"
18:23.53wpwrak1) the PN544 does't have great documentation and seems to be oldish (e.g., the eval board seems to be well EOL). you wouldn't happen to know a more modern chip ?
18:24.12jake42mvaenskae: if it is advertised as still working, it will cost somewhere between 50-80€
18:24.21freemangordonno, as I said I am more on the higher level stuff, not L1
18:24.45freemangordonwpwrak: BTW there is newer chip, in S3, but afaik it is unobtanium
18:24.55DocScrutinizer05wpwrak: however if you can get one of those (when they are not as expensive as 190 USD) it would help to evaluate what's available, regarding build qualtity etc
18:24.56wpwrak2) how does one put new applications into the SIM ? is there a standard mechanism where one just drops some package into the SIM or does this require special applications ?
18:25.32freemangordonhmm, it is the same according to google
18:26.44wpwrak3) and, higher-level stuff now, from a customer's perspective, how many of the "NFC" applications they see will be of the card emulation type and how many will require some closed application ?
18:27.05DocScrutinizer05I don't consider PN544 "oldish". It's source-able, it has all features we need, and it has linux support
18:27.30freemangordonthe "green" one
18:27.33DocScrutinizer05it still seems state-of-the-art
18:27.46mvaenskaejake42: well, it has all accessory included and the keyboard is spotless compared to mine; putting in 50 eur to get a "brand-new" neo900 is worth it i feel :)
18:27.48wpwrakDocScrutinizer05: what worries me is that there's extremely little information about it on NXP's site
18:28.15freemangordonwpwrak: ttp://
18:28.18wpwrakand the EVB they made for it seems to be generally unavailable
18:28.29freemangordonthey say they provide docs and source code with the eval board
18:28.34mvaenskaealso the fresher it looks the longer the neo900 will likely hold :)
18:29.15jake42and the more expensive it will be :-)
18:29.20DocScrutinizer05((provide docs and source code with the eval board)) I think the code is in main linux already. The docs should be available *somewhere*
18:29.30mvaenskaejake42: it is a one of the kind chance ;)
18:29.42mvaenskaethere is but one neo900 i will own :)
18:30.36freemangordonwpwrak: on 2) - as I said I need to check, but my vague memories tell me you can't select application via teh contactless interface, there is one "default" one
18:30.40wpwrak(docs *somewhere*) yes. what bothers me that the usual search doesn't seem to find much. even your document, while more extensive than anything NXP show publicly, is rather castrated
18:31.02freemangordonapplications are loaded via loading a java applet in to te SIM card
18:31.38freemangordonif it si a java card
18:31.50wpwrakthe the mechanism for loading that java applet is "open" ?
18:32.07freemangordonyep, but you need to authorise with the issuer keys ;)
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18:32.19DocScrutinizer05it's called SIM ToolKit aiui
18:32.20freemangordonbefore you are given the rights to do it
18:32.42wpwrakissuer ... of the SIM card ?
18:32.50freemangordonhmm, no, at least when you load the applet via SWP
18:33.14DocScrutinizer05ooh, that's interesting. didn't know you can load via SWP
18:34.04freemangordonwpwrak: there are a couple of security domains in the SIM, the "master" key is owned by the MNO, but it provides the bank as master key for the bank's SD. this is simplified, but still the truth
18:34.23freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: that is the way to load the applet "online"
18:34.27DocScrutinizer05so the idea is that at your bank POS termminal they install their own cert to the SIM via NFC, by authenticating with the key they got from SIM provider?
18:34.39freemangordonby opening a website, for example
18:34.59freemangordonno, certificates and DES keys are preloaded
18:35.01*** join/#neo900 roottoor (
18:35.24DocScrutinizer05well, s/cert/application/
18:35.54DocScrutinizer05how would a website/browser access SWP?
18:36.15freemangordoniirc you can't load an application via NFC
18:36.16DocScrutinizer05via NP544 host interface?
18:36.35DocScrutinizer05aah, ok
18:36.41freemangordonby sending APDUs to the card
18:36.56wpwrak(preloaded) so they can't authorize new companies without replacing the SIM ?
18:37.03freemangordonSWP appears as USB port on S3 IIRC
18:37.20freemangordonwpwrak: company? we are talking banks here ;)
18:37.38mvaenskaepardon, DES?!
18:37.39freemangordonat least here only banks are allowed to issue cards
18:37.46freemangordonwell, 3DES
18:38.02mvaenskaestill doesn't make it better
18:38.15DocScrutinizer05so path-3 in
18:38.23freemangordonit makes it, as you do CBC MAC with IV
18:39.08mvaenskaei thought triple des was useless these days
18:39.20wpwrakfreemangordon: hmm, i guess shops may have fidelity / discount cards and such
18:39.44freemangordonyour PIN gets 3DES encrypted when send onine, if you are lucky to live in Europe
18:40.02DocScrutinizer05we need to set up a glossary of terms and what they mean.
18:40.04freemangordonnot sure if 3DES is a must in USA
18:40.17freemangordon3DES is tripple-des
18:40.30DocScrutinizer05banks are not issuing any "cards" we may use in Neo900
18:41.10DocScrutinizer05maybe they cooperate with GSM carriers
18:42.04DocScrutinizer05to offer some O2 or verizon or T-Mobile card with added value which is the bank's wallet application
18:42.30freemangordonusually NFC is used as a wallet
18:42.44DocScrutinizer05The question been if you can get that application installed on the SIM you already own
18:43.07DocScrutinizer05at the bank's POS
18:43.25freemangordonno, you can't do thing like that on a POS device afaik
18:43.29DocScrutinizer05por even by the bank sending you an email with the needed data chunk as attachment
18:43.36freemangordonyou can only make authorisations
18:43.50freemangordonMNO can load it via SMS ;)
18:44.03freemangordonand this is not STK
18:44.04DocScrutinizer05what's MNO?
18:44.22freemangordonMobile Network Provider
18:45.12DocScrutinizer05so the banks sends you an SMs that installs the application to your SIM, whatever that SIM might be?
18:47.16freemangordonno, MNO sends a series of SMSes
18:47.18DocScrutinizer05theoretically this might work that way
18:47.51DocScrutinizer05whoever sends it technically. I think the bank sends it via a special API they got to MNO
18:48.29freemangordonyep, when there is such a cooperation, MNO and banks have channel to transfer data
18:48.42DocScrutinizer05which allows them to send SMS with a few flags set that "normal users" cannot have set
18:49.07freemangordonit is a special type of SMS
18:49.16DocScrutinizer05I know
18:49.23freemangordonI am not even sure the user gets notified at all
18:49.34DocScrutinizer05that's depending on modem afaik
18:49.54freemangordondon;t think so, it is like if your SIM keys got replaced
18:50.03freemangordonby the operator
18:50.05DocScrutinizer05some modems even allow configuring if you see notification and are allowed to accept/reject or not
18:50.34freemangordoncould be, won't argue on that one
18:50.50DocScrutinizer05I'm not exactly sure on it either
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18:51.36DocScrutinizer05P*S8 AT command reference manual should have any info available on that that's relevant for us
19:01.36DocScrutinizer05yeah, indeed SD cards also can act as SE
19:02.30freemangordonre AT commands - see
19:03.32freemangordonif it is not supported by the modem, we should implement that in the modem driver. not matter if it is USB iface
19:03.55freemangordonif we want to stai compliant ofc
19:04.48DocScrutinizer05when those commands were not supported by modem, then no way to implement them in driver
19:05.44freemangordonsure there is, by splitting the channels in 2 - one for the baseband and one for pn544 driver
19:05.53freemangordon*the channel
19:06.23freemangordonso modem commands go to the modem and uicc - to pn544
19:06.42DocScrutinizer05I see
19:07.06DocScrutinizer05I don't think such driver will make it upstream ;-)
19:07.12freemangordonor something like that
19:07.52freemangordonI am almost sure USB driver allows filter drivers
19:08.13freemangordonor serial or... dunno
19:08.32freemangordonbut that can be upstreamed (filer drivers)
19:09.03DocScrutinizer05hatever, it seems to be already implemented and working in android.
19:09.47DocScrutinizer05and it doesn't really answer the question if modem<->SIM SMS activity can get intercepted/notified by modem or not
19:10.13freemangordonsure, it is another beer
19:11.17DocScrutinizer05It actually also doesn't say anything about SWP protocil supporting this communication
19:12.32DocScrutinizer05when NFC OTA can't download new applications to the SIM via SWP, so why should APE be able to do so, using same SWP via NP544 host interface
19:13.33DocScrutinizer05NP544 *might* handle the two communication pathes differently, but there's nothing that suggests this
19:13.38freemangordonoperator can download anything in the SIM. amd it is not using SWP
19:13.44freemangordonbut the normal SIM iface
19:15.22DocScrutinizer05I'm afk, need dinner
19:20.08DocScrutinizer05modem supports CSIM but not CCHO et al
19:21.53freemangordonthat might suffice
19:24.33DocScrutinizer05yeah, CSIM is pretty universal, but it has restrictions on what you're allowed to do with/by it
19:26.12*** join/#neo900 Liknus10 (
19:26.27Liknus10Hi all! ;)
19:27.23DocScrutinizer05hi, and bbl/afk
19:27.23freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: as long as MNO can load applet in the card, I am not concerned about whether modem supports USIM commands or not
19:27.29freemangordonNFC will work
19:33.31DocScrutinizer05  >> === Moko9-Beta2 === * Adds "AT+CSIM" (for swisscom)<<
19:36.04DocScrutinizer05RMS will *love* that ;-)
19:36.31DocScrutinizer05is it software? can user update it?
19:36.47DocScrutinizer05is it part of the device?
19:51.49*** join/#neo900 roottoor (
19:57.18wpwrakhmm yes, he may have to burn his SIMs when he realizes what's going on :)
20:38.12DocScrutinizer51on topic:  badUSB
20:38.51DocScrutinizer51Karsten Nohl
21:28.39*** join/#neo900 menesas (
22:04.15drathirDocScrutinizer51: can i pm You?
22:04.26DocScrutinizer05sure, go ahead
22:04.47DocScrutinizer05though I'm only available for another max 5 min
22:05.44DocScrutinizer05ooh, please don't PM *51
22:06.04DocScrutinizer05it's my mobile alrer ego
22:06.33drathirDocScrutinizer05: oh that You clonned sorry ;/
22:06.52mvaenskaeDocScrutinizer05: why not tmux + irssi + ssh for just pne account? :)
22:07.14DocScrutinizer05I prefer xchat
22:07.37mvaenskaealright, not going to make you feel guilty for it :)
22:07.44DocScrutinizer05and I have a separate client not running via ZNC bouncer on purpose
22:07.47mvaenskaeeveryone has their preferences :)
22:07.53drathirstill server seddion needed for tmux+irssi...
22:08.42DocScrutinizer05when ZNC (or complete server) gies down, DocScrutinizer05 may still be alive. And vice versa
22:08.52mvaenskaewhat is a bouncer btw?
22:09.03DocScrutinizer05~wiki ZNC
22:10.28mvaenskaethanks for the link :) i am sometimes too dumb to google stuff :(
22:14.24DocScrutinizer05also ZNC hides the reconnects of xchat during roaming from the channel
22:14.38DocScrutinizer05at least I hope it still does ;-)
22:15.04DocScrutinizer05how often do you see DocScrutinizer51 leaving and rejoning the channel?
22:15.39DocScrutinizer05drathir: also ask in #maemo-ssu
22:15.58DocScrutinizer05somebody there must know the answer, it has been done before
22:45.14OksanaWhat does certification process with EMVCo give? Besides 'beautiful' addition of Neo900 to paper-list of Visa certified devices? Is it possible to use NFC-SWP-device and NFC-app-on-SIM for payments without Visa certifying the device beforehand?
22:45.16OksanaCan NFC antenna be used to recharge the phone battery? Like microUSB port: data mode, or charging mode. "Flexible power supply" is vague. DocScrutinizer05the obvious solution to place antenna into battery lid may or may not work
22:47.46ds2recharge with a proprietary standard, maybe
22:47.55ds2but NFC antennas aren't very good power xfers, AFAIK
22:49.21OksanaHmm... So Qi wireless charging and NFC would have to somehow complement each other... Because there is hardly ever a usecase for Qi and NFC working at the same time... Unless you are recharging from Qi, and peer-to-peer NFC-speaking at the same time... So... If I have a Mifare S70 card in my hands... Would PN544 chip be enough to emulate it?
22:51.51*** join/#neo900 ds2 (
22:52.19ds2they operate on different frequencies
22:57.20OksanaAnd that's the problem. Operating at different frequencies is helpful when you want to use both of them at the same time. Which is rarely seen. Maybe, because most phones do not have both Qi and NFC. Hmm... Let me see, Qi charging and NFC downloading music-or-video to phone at the same time? Or NFC uploading photographs from phone to computer at the same time as phone is charging from Qi?..
22:59.22OksanaI just cannot put it into my head that it is possible to have two active coils in one phone at the same time. And do not forget all the other antennae! And integrating NFC coil into Estel's aluminium back-cover is additional complication...
23:01.16DocScrutinizer05LOL, forget about that
23:01.48DocScrutinizer05alu back cover isn't compatible with *any* of the RF design of N(eo)900
23:01.58*** join/#neo900 jonwil (
23:02.02DocScrutinizer05even Estel admits that
23:02.55ds2there are too many radios on the N900 to screw with the RF stuff in any way
23:20.48wpwrak(charging over NFC) hey, why not :) if you feed it that way for a few year or so, you may be able to deliver as much energy as one would need to actually charge a battery ;-)
23:21.31wpwrakbtw, one argument against field-powered operation:
23:22.09DocScrutinizer05alternatively provide a 5..10W TX RF at 14MHz. I guess you'll run into serious trouble with that concept eventually
23:23.04wpwrakconnect long cable, find a strong AM radio station, go there, wait :)
23:23.08DocScrutinizer05wpwrak: (weizman) summary please!
23:24.01wpwrakyou can measure the chip's power consumption if it's field-powered by looking at how much power it has left to respond
23:24.36DocScrutinizer05well, that's sort of expected, and actually by design, exploited for modulation
23:24.36wpwrakthen run your usual set of power analysis exploits
23:25.33DocScrutinizer05again: running field-powered is a niche case which we won't forbid. We leave it up to suer to forbid that
23:26.27DocScrutinizer05it's strictly limited to "no battery inserted, resp batery completely drained and user enabled NFC" scenario
23:27.34DocScrutinizer05when user is afraid of a possible attack vector coming from field-powered, s/he simply doesn't use the device in that way
23:28.55DocScrutinizer05can we get over it now?
23:29.00wpwrakyeah, just an effect to keep in mind. well, unless NXP added suitable countermeasures
23:29.41ds2nfc is ~13MHz
23:30.22ds2the amount of power available from NXP seems small (would love to see docs that say otherwise). did some research on it for powering a watch
23:52.19DocScrutinizer05you mean VDD to SIM from PN644 when in field-powered mode?
23:52.32DocScrutinizer05it's actually pretty low
23:52.49DocScrutinizer05(power, not Voltage)
23:53.32DocScrutinizer05whatever, I doubt a NFC antenna coil can get exploited for Qi charging
23:55.10DocScrutinizer05but obviously that's up to our hacker-users, since we won't provide Qi and the NFC antenna will most likely sit in battery lid anyway, next to hackerbus where you connect Qi charger. So you're free to hack up the antenna to your liking
23:56.31DocScrutinizer05(NB we haven't dicided yet if we deliver any NFC antenna at all with the device. We might only provide the option by implementing the chip, leave it up to user to add the needed antenna patch. *MIGHT* I said)

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