IRC log for #maemo-ssu on 20151028

00:06.53jonwilshould any of the following packages be added to cssu-devel?
00:07.06jonwillibconnui-dev definatly should be
00:07.15jonwilosos-systemui-modechange probably
00:07.20jonwilno idea on the others though
00:07.35jonwilwait hald-addon-bme-dev no, its in the bme repo already
00:09.39jonwiland these are the packages that are out-of-date in -devel relative to git
00:10.04jonwilI shall now let the maintainers of cssu-devel figure out which of those need to go into -devel and which dont :)
01:04.10merlin1991-devel has no "maintainer" it's just some devs with push access
01:04.41merlin1991I can add you too
01:49.19jonwilwell I dont know for sure which packages should be in -devel and which shouldn't be
01:49.27jonwilso i dont want to put things in there that dont belong
01:54.40*** join/#maemo-ssu xes_ (~xes@unaffiliated/xes)
02:10.25jonwilmy god openssl takes forever to compile...
02:29.11jonwilbah, its STILL compiling :(
02:29.29jonwilmost likely its all those testcases and things that take so long
02:38.04*** join/#maemo-ssu ruskie (ruskie@sourcemage/mage/ruskie)
06:24.55freemangordonmerlin1991: the files still hang in cssu-devel incomming directory
06:38.46*** join/#maemo-ssu _rd (
06:38.47*** join/#maemo-ssu freemangordon (~ivo@
06:47.36*** join/#maemo-ssu amiconn (~amiconn@rockbox/developer/amiconn)
07:22.28freemangordonjonwil: why is eapd so big? any idea?
07:22.54jonwilprobably inefficient (all that C++) and also its doing a lot of different WiFi security things
07:24.35freemangordoncan't we replace it with wpa_supplicant?
07:25.15jonwilIts not that simple, it talks to a bunch of stuff and a bunch of stuff talks to it
07:25.25jonwilI never got far enough in reverse engineering it to find out everything it does
07:25.27freemangordonvid dbus?
07:25.53jonwilvia dbus yes but also other things like gconf keys
07:26.15freemangordonthat should be relatively easy to recover and implement
07:29.59freemangordonjonwil: hmm, there is no need to reinvent the wheel
07:32.07freemangordonI'd bet we should be able to wrap wpa_supplicant (if there is no exported API) and to reimplement eapd
07:34.01jonwilyeah the dbus stuff I figured out most of, its the gconf keys that are the problem
07:34.16jonwileapd touches gconf keys and then other stuff needs to get the stuff that eapd put there
07:34.37jonwiloh and I created eap-dbus.h so I know all about it
07:34.50jonwilwell I didn't create it but I edited it and put it up there
07:34.59freemangordonhmm? "@author Janne Ylalehto <>"
07:35.05freemangordonoh :)
07:35.26jonwilI forgot where it came from until I opened it and saw :)
07:45.08freemangordonok, wpa_supplicant build in SB
07:45.17freemangordonthe latest one, from git
07:49.08freemangordonph, Pali is one of the maintainers of extras-devel wpa_supplicant :)
07:50.10freemangordonjonwil: ^^^
07:50.22freemangordonI guess we're lucky then
08:05.54Siceloeapd .. i support idea :)
08:08.03Siceloi can be a beta tester for anything eapd/wpa_supplicant related.
08:10.19freemangordonwe'll have to RE icd2 aiui
08:10.33freemangordonor not?
08:10.41freemangordonanyway, gotta run
08:12.13Siceloi just know when using wpa_supplicant, maemo programs don't "see" the connection. you need to use "dummy network" interface. only pidgin has issues with that. all others are happy with dummy interface
08:13.27bencohhow comes pidgin isn't happy with "dummy network" ?
08:14.09Sicelowish i knew
08:14.27Siceloyou have to disable accounts first. only then it works
08:19.31Sicelosome features of wlancond will be needed if we go wpa_supplicant, especially PSM. i'm currently doing it on interface initialization using iwconfig. wlancond changes the power saving dynamically
08:37.46jonwilin addition to osso-wlan-security (aka eapd) we will also possibly need to worry about libicd-network-eap, and libicd-network-wps
08:38.35jonwilwe may also need to care about connui-conndlgs-wlan and conui-iapsettings-wlan
08:38.47jonwilok, that's got that finished (at last)
08:40.09jonwilI have cleaned up my N900 and removed some crap I didn't need and then reinstalled self-built packages of all the stuff in community-ssu I want to run on my phone including a self-built copy of microb-engine (the building of which wasn't as painful as I thought it would be)
08:40.22jonwilplus the latest openssl 0.9.8zf
08:40.42jonwiland the latest maemosec stuff for the latest root certificate sets
08:45.02*** join/#maemo-ssu freemangordon_ (~ivo@
08:48.17bencohjonwil: hmmm, last time I tried I didnt manage to build microb-engine in my sb vm :/
08:48.40bencohstrange errors everywhere
08:49.42jonwilIt build just fine
08:50.00jonwiland I can log into my bank so everything is working (including all the security stuff)
08:50.28jonwilI could be wrong but I think GPS locking is now faster too (so something I installed must have affected that)
08:50.52bencohmaybe just a missing certificate? which supl server do you use?
08:52.21freemangordon_bencoh: microb-engine builds just fine in SB
08:53.07bencohyeah, I guess it's just me
08:54.14bencohfreemangordon_: would you pastebin the output of dpkg -l in sb (fremantle_armel, not linaro/4.7) when you have some time?
08:55.22jonwilbencoh: I can do that for my copy of SB if that helps
08:55.40jonwilwhich is based on the Maemo dev VM from Nokia
08:56.29bencohjonwil: that'd be great :)
08:57.03bencoh(I'm concerned about "which autoconf/automake variant is installed" and stuff like that)
08:57.36freemangordon_expires in an hour
08:58.20bencohgonna curl that :)
08:59.00jonwilI will compare that pastebin to mine and see whats different (for interests sake)
09:03.21jonwilok, looks like its not much interesting, just some packages where fg has cssu version installed and I have stock
09:03.27jonwiland some -dbg packages I have that fg doesn't have
09:04.38*** join/#maemo-ssu sparetire_ (~sparetire@unaffiliated/sparetire)
09:06.56bencohmine differs a bit (autotools things)
09:09.21jonwilin any case I cant see any packages freemangordon has that I dont have and want
09:12.16jonwilI have a lot of packages installed that freemangordon doesn't have
09:21.46bencohdpkg-checkbuilddeps: Unmet build dependencies: autoconf2.13 automake1.7
09:21.52bencohI wonder how you can build microb-engine
09:32.59freemangordon_bencoh: just install those, what is the problem?
09:34.00bencohno problem with installing it, it's just that it doesnt show on your dpkg -l :)
09:50.29jonwilwow, installing the cssu status-area-applet-battery was a good idea, it gives you much more useful info than the stock widget does
10:06.08jonwilI commend Pali for his work on status-area-applet-battery
10:29.57*** join/#maemo-ssu M4rtinK (
10:31.56*** join/#maemo-ssu Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
10:32.38freemangordon_Pali: hi! what do you think about replacing eapd with wpa_supplicant?
10:32.58Palifreemangordon_: do you know how to do it?
10:33.29freemangordon_we can reimplement eapd dbus and gconf interfaces
10:33.37freemangordon_to call wpa_supplicant
10:33.50Paliit is not easy as you think...
10:34.00Paliwpa supplicant does not support hooks
10:34.05freemangordon_I don;t think it is easy :)
10:34.12freemangordon_hooks? what kind of?
10:34.29Paliso first you need to modify wpa supplicant
10:34.48Paliget back events, when wpa supplicant change state etc
10:34.58freemangordon_could you provide an example of such a hook, so /me to understand
10:35.11Paliwpa supplicant connected to AP
10:35.24PaliEAP auth finished
10:35.31freemangordon_how does NetworkManager do it?
10:35.45PaliEAP auth failed because of wrong password
10:35.55PaliEAP auth failed because of unsupported configuration
10:36.03Paliand more EAP reasons
10:36.05freemangordon_ok, how nm does it?
10:36.18Palinetwormanager map every error message to wrong password
10:36.24Paliand ask you enter it again
10:36.40Palieven if error is different as wrong password
10:37.01freemangordon_ok, wpa_supplicant has dbus api, I guess it will be easy to signal over the dbus with the correct error code
10:37.17freemangordon_if it is not already there
10:39.10Palidbus api does not provide all information
10:39.34freemangordon_there is also dbus_new.h :)
10:40.06freemangordon_you think it will be very hard to extend it to provide whatever needed?
10:40.26Palitwo years ago I planned to write my own software as replacement for network manager
10:40.52Paliand I stopped it because wpa supplicant was not good to write WPA and EAP stuff correctly
10:42.13freemangordon_well, I guess it developed for the last 2 years
10:42.18bencohoh, by te way
10:42.27bencohmight help you :)
10:42.54freemangordon_Pali: do you have any other idea for eapd replacement?
10:43.09Palino, reason why I did not finished my SW
10:43.29Paliwpa supplicant is probably the best solution from all existing
10:43.31freemangordon_also, we don't want to replace icd2, but eapd :)
10:43.42Palidoes not matter
10:43.55Paliicd2 is another piece of broken SW
10:44.34jonwilreplacing eapd with wpa_supplicant isn't that hard if we can deal with the dbus and gconf stuff eapd does
10:44.39freemangordon_BTW, I don;t see what is the problem with wpa_supplicant not providing enough information. Who uses that missing info and what kind it is?
10:45.52freemangordon_also, I don;t believe wpa_supplicant does not provide enough information to distinguish the error reasonss
10:46.00freemangordon_dbus api that is
10:46.24Paliwpa supplicant is also used for choosing and connecting to wifi networks
10:46.37Palibut this functionality is probably implemented in icd2
10:46.54Palialso scanning for wifi networks is in wpa supplicant
10:47.11Paliso first you need to remove that code from icd2
10:47.14freemangordon_Pali: but I think we can just strip that functionality
10:47.19Paliand let wpa supplicant do that job
10:47.21kerioyea fuck icd2
10:47.32freemangordon_we miss the UI replacement
10:47.42freemangordon_but yes, we can do that as well
10:47.55Paliin that case I would suggest to use eapd
10:48.00freemangordon_and we'll kill 2 closed blobs at once
10:48.39Palibasically we should use full wpa supplicant
10:48.51Paliotherwise I do not see any reason to try hack it into maemo
10:49.39freemangordon_what problems do you expect if we choose that?
10:50.04Paliroaming support
10:50.15freemangordon_(whatever it is)
10:50.29Paliand similar stuff under WPA together with EAP
10:50.40Paliwpa supplicant should be in scanning state
10:50.52Paliwhen it manage wifi network fully
10:51.07jonwilThe packages that should be potential targets for replacement here are:
10:51.22jonwillibicd-network-ipv4 (maybe, not sure what that does)
10:51.29jonwillibicd-network-wlan (maybe)
10:51.46jonwilosso-wlan (maybe, its open source though)
10:51.50Palilibicd-network-ipv6 too
10:51.58jonwilthat isn't shipped on a stock install
10:52.17Paliyes, it is in diablo or fremantle extras
10:52.47jonwilAs for UI we have connui-conndlgs-wlan and connui-iapsettings-wlan to deal with
10:52.55jonwilreplace, clone or otherwise deal with
10:53.31jonwilicd2-network-wlan-config comes into this too (although that's a non-binary package)
10:53.33Palinow if you are opening question about killing icd2 (+all plugins)... do you want to look at my SW for managing networks?
10:53.54jonwilI am not suggesting we replace icd2, just all the wlan stuff
10:54.53jonwilMight hit some of this wlan stuff in IDA to see what its interface is
11:50.21freemangordon_doesn't Jolla use wpa_supplicant?
12:36.50Paliprobably yes, together with connman
12:38.38freemangordon_I guess we should be able to reuse it on maemo
13:08.20jonwilFYI, replacing all of icd2 instead of just the WiFi bits will be a lot more work
13:29.15*** join/#maemo-ssu Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
13:35.52*** join/#maemo-ssu Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
13:53.18*** join/#maemo-ssu Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
13:56.29*** join/#maemo-ssu freemangordon_ (~ivo@
14:12.40*** join/#maemo-ssu Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
14:41.51*** join/#maemo-ssu freemangordon_ (~ivo@
14:58.57*** join/#maemo-ssu DrCode (~DrCode@
17:37.47*** join/#maemo-ssu futpib (~futpib@
19:42.48freemangordonmerlin1991: please import .debs in cssu-devel/incomming
20:14.30*** join/#maemo-ssu _rd (
21:05.55*** join/#maemo-ssu jonwil (
21:28.02*** join/#maemo-ssu starbuster (~g@
21:31.05*** part/#maemo-ssu starbuster (~g@
23:08.30merlin1991freemangordon: done, sry about the missing autoimport, will fix it on the weekend
23:25.44jonwilAnyone here know anything about wpa_supplicant (in general, not as it applies to maemo)
23:30.10*** join/#maemo-ssu M4rtinK (

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