IRC log for #maemo-ssu on 20151025

04:38.16jonwilI just cloned osso-systemui-modechange :)
06:36.16*** join/#maemo-ssu Sicelo009N (~sicelo@unaffiliated/sicelo)
06:50.20freemangordonjonwil: why is that?
06:57.02freemangordonjonwil: those GtkWidget->GtkWindow are simply wrong, please revert those commits and use GTK_WINDOW(obj) cast when needed
06:57.37freemangordons/are simply/changes are simply/
07:00.00freemangordongtk_dialog_new() returns GtkWidget*, if you want to use that object as anything else, you should cast it with gtk macroses like GTK_WINDOW(), GTK_DIALOG() etc
07:00.16jonwilok, will undo the change
07:00.51freemangordonc-style cast is not a good idea, as GTK_XXX does a runtime checks if the object can really be converted to the required type
07:00.56*** join/#maemo-ssu Sicelo009N (~sicelo@unaffiliated/sicelo)
07:01.08freemangordonjonwil: just explaining why :)
07:03.44jonwilok, I fixed it
07:04.49freemangordonjonwil: when you are sure everything works as it should, you may add "-DG_DISABLE_CAST_CHECKS" to CFLAGS, then runtime checks are not performed and GTK_XXX turns into a c-style check. see and bellow on a sane way this to be done :)
07:05.21freemangordonjonwil: btw, why did you do this change?
07:06.17jonwilI found clear evidence that those 4 systemui functions actually do take a GtkWindow and not a GtkWidget. More specifically,  I found code that called those functions passing in GTK_WINDOW(blah)
07:06.24jonwilwhich wouldn't be appropriate if it was a GtkWidget going in
07:07.31freemangordonjonwil: hmm, a simle "git revert" should've been better, as commit description "more fixes" doesn't tell us much :), sorry to be picky, but in a month from now, we will have no idea what and why it was done :)
07:08.16freemangordonjonwil: then function should be declared as f(GtkWindow *) and all the callers should cast to GtkWindow
07:08.37jonwilall 4 functions are declared as f(GtkWindow) now
07:09.02jonwilthe only mistake I made was not doing the right thing in osso-systemui-alarm
07:09.59jonwilI got confused because osso-systemui-alarm seems to be compiled with -DG_DISABLE_CAST_CHECKS
07:10.13jonwiland didn't realize I needed some macros in there
07:10.34freemangordonwhich we should use for all of the packages, but this is another story
07:11.17freemangordonjonwil: oh, and please, change debian/changelog files and put your name here, not mine or Pali's :p
07:11.24jonwiloh sorry
07:11.36jonwilI used dch command to update changelog and didnt even notice the names
07:11.45freemangordonwhat is dch?
07:12.09freemangordonI always edit changelog files by hand
07:13.52freemangordonfinds gtk type macros overly confusing sometimes :)
07:14.12jonwilanyhow, osso-systemui-alarm is using the right things now
07:14.52freemangordonjonwil: on a side note, how it is the correc way (in english, for plural): macroses or macros?
07:14.52jonwilmodechange, tklock and powerkeymenu are fine as they didn't use G_DISABLE_CAST_CHECKS and hence I didn't get confused with either of those
07:15.06freemangordonok, thanks
07:15.52freemangordonoh, yeah, it is macro for single, weird, as in Bulgarian we say "macros" for single. however
07:16.37freemangordonjonwil: this define swithes *runtime* checks off, not compile time, iirc
07:16.58freemangordonor there are warning in compile time as well?
07:17.27jonwilthere are compile time warnings if you pass the wrong pointer (e.g. a GtkWidget when it wants a GtkWindow)
07:17.35freemangordonoh, good
07:18.42freemangordonjonwil: actually what this "modechange" plugin does?
07:19.17jonwilIf you are in airplane mode and you do an action that goes out of airplane mode (e.g. trying to activate a data connection) it displays a box saying "are you sure you want to leave airplane mode"
07:19.32jonwilWhich doesn't happen if you press the "exit airplane mode" button on the powerkeymenu
07:19.41freemangordonI see
07:20.04jonwileasiest way to see is to press powerkey, press "offline mode" then press status bar then press "internet connection" button
07:20.32freemangordongot it
07:22.29freemangordonjonwil: BTW, could you share you hildon-whatever-nsv-something IDA db, to see if I can RE it further
07:24.26jonwildoes anyone know what "act dead" state is?
07:25.18jonwilwhat is it?
07:25.29freemangordonjonwil: when you turn you device off and connect a charger
07:25.42freemangordonit turns on end enters "act dead" state
07:25.58freemangordonor when an alarm is triggered while it is turned off
07:27.39jonwilwhy it needs a systemui plugin (especially one that has UI) I dont understand
07:28.12freemangordonwho needs it? systemui?
07:28.28jonwilyes there is a systemui plugin for actdead
07:29.17freemangordonwell, take alarmui for example - it has a dialog asking you whether you want to "turn on the device"
07:29.59freemangordondunno what actdead systemui does, but I guess we can find that easy
07:31.35freemangordonjonwil: keep in mind that ACT_DEAD mode has almost everything up and running, including X, dbus, etc. only hildon-desktop is not started afaik
07:32.00jonwilIs there a difference between act_dead mode and the "battery is too low to run normal system" mode?
07:32.25jonwilthe one you get when your battery dies and your phone switches off then you plug it into a charger and it goes into a charging mode
07:32.35freemangordonyes, those are different
07:32.55freemangordonyou enter ACT_DEAD when there is enough battery to boot maemo
07:33.25freemangordonbut for some reason (like alarm triggered while off) you don;t want to enter USER mode
07:34.14jonwildoes ACT_DEAD mode turn on radios or does it act like airplane mode?
07:34.36freemangordonwhen your phone dies because of a flat battery and you connect a charger, it is NOLO that does the so-called precharging, until there is enough charge to boot maemo and enter ACT_DEAD
07:34.46freemangordonafaik radis are off
07:35.05freemangordonso yes, it is like airplane mode in that regard
07:35.19jonwilradios being off makes sense otherwise an alarm could cause your phone to switch on at a point where cellular radios are banned for some reason (e.g. on an airplane)
07:36.01freemangordonthat is why you're presented with a dialog asking you if you want to turn the device on
07:36.41freemangordonacually, if you select "no", the device is not turned off again, iirc :)
07:40.30jonwilanyhow, my next potential targets are the remaining osso-systemui pieces (main daemon, actdead, devlock, emergency, splashscreen) and also possibly osso-applet-devicelock, libdevlock and libcodelockui
07:40.46jonwildevice lock UI would be useful since IIRC someone said it has problems in CSSU in portrait mode
07:41.11freemangordonisn't devlock == tklock?
07:41.25freemangordonor this is the one to enter the code?
07:41.40jonwilyeah devlock is the code entry
07:41.43jonwilfor security code
07:41.54jonwilthere is libdevlock which handles storing the code in CAL
07:42.01jonwilthere is libcodelockui that displays the UI for it
07:42.14jonwilplus the systemui stuff for displaying the unlock dialogs
07:42.21jonwiland the control panel for setting the lock code
07:43.28jonwilthe same UI widget is used for pin code lock if your SIM is protected by a PIN I believe (connui-conndlgs-cellular does that bit)
07:49.03jonwilNot so sure the main systemui daemon is really worth reverse engineering actually
07:50.05freemangordonwhy not, it was a small binary iirc
07:50.36freemangordonwhat the?!?
07:50.51freemangordonjonwil: could you look at system_initialize in ...-nsv
07:51.08freemangordonI think there is a memleak
07:51.33freemangordonoh, no
07:51.36freemangordonmy bad
07:52.03jonwilyeah systemui is a small binary but that doesn't mean its easy to RE
07:52.11jonwilI think the device lock stuff is a nice target to do next
07:52.24jonwilsince there is a use for that (portrait mode device lock fixes)
08:35.59*** part/#maemo-ssu mirda (
08:47.30bencohfreemangordon: how do you display g_debug/g_warning? I guess I'm missing some magic envvar or args
08:47.50bencoh(with this version of gtk/glib ...)
08:52.43*** join/#maemo-ssu Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
09:15.41jonwilok, so I figured out that the list of emergency numbers obtained by libcodelockui is only used to determine whether to display the "emergency call" button and that pressing that button doesn't pass what you typed into the unlock code box (911/112/whatever) to the phone subsystem, it passes a special magic string urn:service:sos which dials the real emergency number (oops). So my hack to make... think "12345" was a valid emergency number (so I could test pressing the button and see it dial the invalid number 12345) went wrong.
09:15.51jonwilSo from now on I wont touch that button at all
09:35.15jonwilAlthough I just found out that if you e.g. use dbus-send via SSH to dial a regular non-emergency phone #, it will properly dial even with the phone in locked state
09:35.53jonwilthat said, if someone has ssh access to a locked phone and knows how to send a "dial number" command, they can also find a way to unlock the phone that way
09:41.06bencohjonwil: ooooooh
09:41.13bencohso that's how it works.
09:47.49jonwilnote that rtcom-call-ui has special UI if the phone is locked and you are dialing a non-emergency number to indicate its locked and give you an option to activate the unlock screen
09:52.53jonwilSo glad we have a reverse engineered MCE to play with, so many of the cool things I am fiddling with are tied into MCE
11:38.32*** join/#maemo-ssu futpib (~futpib@
13:12.28*** join/#maemo-ssu sparetire_ (~sparetire@unaffiliated/sparetire)
13:15.03*** join/#maemo-ssu Sicelo009N (~sicelo@unaffiliated/sicelo)
17:13.55*** join/#maemo-ssu xes (~xes@unaffiliated/xes)
17:45.20freemangordonbencoh: nothing special, besides syslog
17:45.36freemangordonkeep in mind you have to reboot the device after installing syslog
17:46.13bencohhmmm ... then I wonder why I dont see g_warning/g_debug messages in a custom gtk program (running from cli)
17:46.19bencohoh ... how comes?
17:46.44freemangordonbencoh: you should use g_print, if you want those messages in the console
17:47.24freemangordonbencoh: device needs a reboot after installing syslog for the first time, bon't as me why :)
17:48.29bencohbut ... they're debug messages ... they shouldn't be displayed unless someone really wants it (?)
17:48.59freemangordonbencoh: usually you won;t see g_debug messages
17:49.09freemangordonthus you'd better use g_warning :)
17:49.19bencohI dont see g_warning either
17:49.25bencohthat's what I dont understand
17:49.31freemangordondid you reboot?
17:49.31bencohI guess I missed something :)
17:49.37bencohlaunching from cli
17:49.49freemangordonno matter, did you reboot?
17:50.03freemangordondid you restart the device?
17:50.10freemangordonafter installing syslog
17:50.10bencoherrr ... do you mean every single g_* message goes to syslog?
17:50.17bencohand there is no way to override that?
17:50.23freemangordonthere is a way
17:50.51freemangordonbut yes, every g_... message goes to syslog, besides g_print()
17:51.06bencohokay ... thx for the info :)
17:51.37bencohI guess I really need syslog then
17:51.52bencoh(not just for this mafw debugging stuff)
17:52.51bencohoh and ... not related to this, but what prevents us from shipping libgcc-4.7 in cssu (not just thumb)?
17:52.56bencohis there some compat issue?
17:55.28freemangordonnothing afaik
17:55.37freemangordonwe just need time and will
17:57.28bencohdo we have a non-thumb libgcc-4.7?
17:57.44freemangordonwe have only non-thumg libgccc
17:58.00freemangordonhmm, typo day
17:58.27bencohso we could just copy the package to -testing ?
18:05.52keriocan we have a thumb libgcc-4.7
18:07.34freemangordonkerio: don't think so
18:07.47freemangordonor rather - don;t know how to do it
18:12.37kerioalso can we have a thumb xorg compiled with 4.7
18:13.30freemangordonwhy not?
18:13.37freemangordonI just need to find some spare time
18:13.49freemangordonand that's not easy :)
18:16.06bencohsetting up 4.7.2-thumb toolchain here :)
18:17.18freemangordonbencoh: you'd better find someone that can build toolchain, having 4.9 would be good IMO
18:17.58bencohwhat do you mean by "can build toolchain"?
18:18.09kerioclang is cool
18:18.14keriofuck gnu
18:18.37bencohkerio: errr ...not today(tm) :p
18:19.30bencohfreemangordon: "building" a toolchain isn't a real issue for me, but "packaging" it to make it work with sb is something else
18:20.16bencoh(oh, and we'd still need to apply err657417 patch to gcc)
18:20.49bencohunless this has been worked around in 4.9?
18:23.19freemangordonвхат ис err657417?
18:23.28freemangordonwhat is err657417?
18:23.46freemangordonbencoh: ^^^
18:27.55freemangordonbencoh: the errata workaround is in ld
18:28.31freemangordonand is there since 2.20 iirc
18:30.00bencohthen why do we need a different toolchain?
18:30.38freemangordonbecause 4.9 has more ARM optimizations than in 4.7. also, auto-vectoriser actually works afaik
18:30.51bencohI mean 4.7 vs 4.2
18:31.14freemangordonbecause 4.2 has a couple of thumb-related bugs
18:31.19bencohoh okay
18:31.29bencohhm and looks like it shipped ld 2.18
18:31.36freemangordonthat one too
18:32.04bencohanyway ... what would we need to build a 4.9 toolchain>
18:32.33freemangordonno idea, it was tricky
18:33.05freemangordonI tried once to build 4.7.2 as debs, but there was some problem when installed in SB
18:33.08merlin1991crosstools-ng and some debian packaging for the easy route ;)
18:33.31freemangordonmerlin1991: SB has that packaging already (or some HOWTO, can't remember)
18:33.48freemangordonbut setting all the build dirs, root, etc is tricky
18:34.13freemangordonalso, -ng don;t do it iirc, you need to do it by hand
18:34.22freemangordondon;t do it correctly I mean
18:34.53freemangordonalso, one should statically link host computer glibc etc, otherwise it won't run in SB
18:35.04freemangordonetc, etc,...
18:35.30merlin1991hm I got crosstols-ng built arm toolchain running in sb2 but then again sb2 works quite differnt to sb
18:36.07merlin1991never tried to load a different toolchain into our trusty scratchbox
18:37.27kerioi thought it was karmic, not trusty
18:37.38bencohkrkr :)
18:40.31Sicelofun times
18:40.33SiceloOct 25 20:38:41 fremantle kernel: [ 2438.567230] memory_sync_page: no page for 4395b000
18:40.37SiceloOct 25 20:38:41 fremantle kernel: [ 2438.567260] proc_memory_sync: InValid address parameters 4395a800 e80
18:43.04kerioi wonder what would be a decent way to modernize maemo
18:43.18merlin1991upgrade alll the libs?
18:43.31keriowhat do you do with the statically-compiled, closed stuff?
18:43.37kerioi guess you keep the old libs around
18:44.06bencohif they're statically-compiled you dont need the libs ;)
18:44.12kerioer yea
18:44.16bencohbut I guess you meant "linked against old libs"
18:44.28kerioi doubt there's much that's statically compiled
18:44.38keriogiven that space was (and is) quite a premium
18:44.39bencohyou check ABI compat and symbol dependencies
18:45.53merlin1991kerio: did I mention, re all the bits?
18:46.52keriolet's just move to freebsd
18:47.00kerioi bet the nokia stuff runs fine in the linux compat layer
18:47.18bencohmeh :D
18:57.51drathirsad that maemo isnt based at at alar, but on the debian...
20:04.19*** join/#maemo-ssu jonwil (
20:21.11*** join/#maemo-ssu Sicelo009N (~sicelo@unaffiliated/sicelo)
21:15.12jonwilTime to clone osso-systemui-devlock next I think, that and libcodelockui
21:15.41jonwilThen someone can add portrait device lock support to CSSU
21:16.07jonwilosso-applet-devicelock is on the todo as well
21:16.31jonwilProbably wont let you do portrait support for the other code lock stuff (i.e. sim pin codes) but who uses those anyway...
22:36.05jonwilfreemangordon: any luck with the debian packaging for connui-internet?
22:52.05freemangordonjonwil: I don't need luck, but time :)
22:52.12jonwilok :)
22:52.16freemangordonas soon as I have some, I'll do it

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