IRC log for #maemo-ssu on 20140427

02:01.53*** join/#maemo-ssu silviof1 (~silviof@unaffiliated/silviof)
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15:31.18*** join/#maemo-ssu mario (~mario@unaffiliated/mario)
15:32.58mariohey everyone, I just got a boot loop on cssu-thumb install on a fresh clean flashed n900
15:33.39marioI also tried closing keyboard and disconnecting the usb cable, and removing battery, but its the same...
15:43.23marioflashed to stock fw, trying with cssu-testing instead of thumb, oh well
15:47.10DocScrutinizer05pretty normal case of "boot between flashing combined and flashing vanilla"
15:47.45infobothmm... maemo-flashing is
15:48.40DocScrutinizer05or you simply flasged standard kernel to a thumbified system
15:49.34marioi flashed stock vanilla/combined, and then just went to .install file at first boot
15:50.44DocScrutinizer05ask freemangordon, I never wrapped my head around how's thumbified system gonna get installed/re-installed
15:51.41DocScrutinizer05a thumbified userland is *known* to 100% go bonkers when booted from a non-thumbified kernel
15:51.53mariohmm, well, I figured install should go fine if one has a stock system, and I got one because i flashed both emmc and system with two images from nokia
15:52.55mariohmm, you might be on to something, I did not install anything prior to starting the cssu-thumb.install file, so there was no power kernel or anything
15:54.08mariolets see if cssu-testing goes any further.. its installing
15:55.01DocScrutinizer05until eventually we get a thumbified COMBINED fiasco image to flash a genuine thumb system, I don't consider css-thumb as ready for primetime for "normal users"
15:56.14DocScrutinizer05installing cssu-testing will NOT roll back thumbification for all I know
15:56.59mariowell i flashed back stock nokia fiasco images, cssu-testing should work fine on that
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15:57.20infobotfrom memory, cssu-thumb is <Doc_Scrutinizer05> [thumb2 microb] indeed seems to render like mad, subjectively, or, or
15:57.22marioand if boot loop on thumb is only due to kernel pre-requisite, this should easily be fixed
15:58.39DocScrutinizer05according to the matching kernel should get installed
16:00.50DocScrutinizer05a `uname -a` after cssu-thumb installation (*before* next boot which possibly loops) should tell clearly if you got a thumb-enabled kernel or not
16:01.08marioif its included in the "maemo 5 community ssu package"...
16:01.24DocScrutinizer05kernel? nope
16:01.57mariothats it then, kernel is never offered when 'update all' shows up
16:02.05DocScrutinizer05CSSU by default doesn't touch the kernel
16:03.07mario"If you have kernel-power v51r1 or above, no custom kernel will be installed, as needed errata workaround is now included in kernel-power."
16:03.14DocScrutinizer05cssu-thumb somehow installs own kernel when no powerkernel got installed already
16:04.21mariowell that sentence implies that cssu-thumb install also grabs kernel, but I am unsure of that, because it goes into boot loop before i could check uname -a
16:04.32DocScrutinizer05alas the test for "installed powerkernel" is not trivial and - in my book - not exactly done the right way
16:05.26marioyeah, i figured as much, well... its not a problem installing a power kernel as a pre-requisite, if only this was mentioned somewhere, i figured one would get pulled automatically :P
16:05.33DocScrutinizer05ask freemangordon, I have no idea what cssu-thumb actually got tested for
16:05.57mariohmm cssu-testing boots fine :)
16:06.13DocScrutinizer05it *should* pull a cssu-thumb specific kernel when no power-kernel got installed already
16:06.40DocScrutinizer05I however am not sure +anybody* testing this feature on a regular basis
16:07.20DocScrutinizer05I bet usually testers of cssu-thumb have powerkernel installed already, when installing or updating cssu-thumb
16:07.44marioyeah, probably
16:08.22DocScrutinizer05I have a hard time to imagine that somebody does a complete cssu-thumb installation on stock N900 system every time a new version of cssu-thumb gets released
16:08.43marioi suppose before installing cssu-thumb, but after running install, i should manualy install kernel jsut to make sure
16:09.01marioyeah, probably not, i just had my n900 sitting on a desk, i figured i would bring it up to speed :)
16:09.25DocScrutinizer05and *usually* users switch to cssu-thumb long after they familiarized and used/installed KP and even cssu-testing
16:10.02bencohwhich is too bad because then they usually have to reinstall (migrating from cssu to cssu-thumb) ;)
16:10.23marioi had it before, but it was long time ago, fresh install looked like a nice way to start, but yeah, since cssu-testing works fine, i will clean flash it once more, and try pulling thumb kernel before cssu-thumb is installed
16:10.40DocScrutinizer05I suggest you go fullflash->KP->cssu-testing->cssu-thumb
16:10.52marioi will skip cssu-testing in that ^
16:11.10marioit somehow seems pointless
16:11.40mariofull flash -> kp -> cssu-thumb shuld work out considering what we came up so far
16:16.55DocScrutinizer05freemangordon: before auto-rebooting system after/during cssu-thumb installation, you OUGHT check if there's *really* a thumb-enabled kernel. Otherwise you better not boot but pop up a big warning notifier "ATTENTION, your one step from DOOM! Installing of kernel failed, thumb support missing!"
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16:23.41DocScrutinizer05actually you need a cascaded script hooking in to first-boot script infra which 1) first checks and - if needed - installs kernel, then reboots to start that kernel. If check at 1) shows that thumb-kernel is running, the script (no matter if invoked by user or by first-boot) replaces itself with part#2 and then proceeds with installing cssu-thumb
16:27.18DocScrutinizer05if kernel installation fails, the script would loop install+reboot->check, so you should offer a interactive component that allows user to abort this loop, revert to a definitely working kernel config that been there before the script started, and take care about kernel installation by her/himself. Then, after done with manual kernel installation, user must be allowed to start cssu-thumb .install again
16:28.00mariohmm, okay, there is kernel-cssu and kernel-power
16:28.32marioafter running cssu-thumb.install which added repositories
16:29.01DocScrutinizer05"there is"?
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16:29.42marioright after .install file adds repositories and installs 'enabler' ... i went to install kernel power, and discovered tehre is also kernel-cssu as well
16:31.38mario"CSSU Thumb requires a kernel which has the workaround. This is provided in Kernel-CSSU or the latest version of Kernel Power"
16:32.12DocScrutinizer05mario: yes, KP or kernel-cssu-thumb will show up in packages to install, in HAM. But this should be the only thing that gets installed at this point in time. When something else causes a reboot _before_ kernel got installed, then this will cause havoc. I'm not even sure if installing of KP which gets done during a reboot afaik, would actually work since that reboot already might fail when other stuff needing thumb enabled kernel is
16:32.13DocScrutinizer05involved in that boot
16:33.09marioit looks like its best to install kernel-cssu then
16:33.31DocScrutinizer05mario: why "hmm"? This is all pretty well known and even documented
16:33.46DocScrutinizer05no, it's the best to install latest KP
16:34.08marioyeah but i was unsure for a second which one of the two is better for -thumb
16:34.42mario"CSSU-thumb repo contains a special kernel (kernel-cssu) based on top of kernel-power 51r1 which workarounds the issue"
16:34.44DocScrutinizer05CBA to read random threads
16:34.52marioit appears that kernel-cssu is built on top of KP
16:35.17marioso why not use kernel-cssu?
16:35.41DocScrutinizer05why DO use kernel-cssu?
16:36.20mariohaha, well, it sounds like its built by and for cssu usage, it somehow looks like one should use that
16:36.35mariowhy no?!
16:37.25marioenlighten me
16:37.57DocScrutinizer05go use whatever you like, go pester freemangordon "WHEN will the new kernel-sccu-thumb get published?"
16:39.07mariook, you could have said kernel-cssu doesnt get updated as often, that would have been fine :)
16:39.17DocScrutinizer05kp51r1 < Kernel-CSSU-thumb < (any KP > 51r1)
16:39.52DocScrutinizer05it will *never* get updated
16:40.10mariofair enough
16:40.15marioinstalling kp52
16:41.25marioi suppose its best to reboot now, check uname -a, and then run the 'enabler'
16:42.54DocScrutinizer05when you installed KP52 the right way, it should already have booted
16:43.35DocScrutinizer05I hope you didn't install it via apt-get install
16:44.08DocScrutinizer05since afaik that's not working
16:44.25DocScrutinizer05at least not tricially
16:44.47DocScrutinizer05HAM should have told you "going to reboot now", afaik
16:45.25marioit was just sitting useless
16:46.41DocScrutinizer05anyway, there's three packages that need installation. IIRC they are powerkernel-flasher, powerkernel-modules, and powerkernel
16:46.52bencohwhat about kp not working from apt-get ?
16:47.09bencohkp-bootimg worked fine here at least
16:47.10DocScrutinizer05then IIRC the system needs a reboot during which it does the actualy kernel flashing
16:48.02DocScrutinizer05I might be wrong, it's years since I last flashed a kernel
16:48.25bencohhmm right I didnt flash it (I only flashed uboot)
16:48.33DocScrutinizer05bootimg is the kernel image needed by uboot, afaik
16:49.57DocScrutinizer05which is just one of the reasons why the check in cssu-thumb.install for matching kernel might fail: it's too complex to check if uboot would boot a thumb-enabled kernel
16:51.09DocScrutinizer05and the kernel merged to uboot is NOT any special kernel, it does NOT support thumb
16:52.00DocScrutinizer05even when you installed kp-bootimg, that doesn't guarantee that uBoot does actually boot it
16:52.43DocScrutinizer05I'd argue that uBoot and cssu-thumb should be mutually exclusive
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16:54.27DocScrutinizer05unless we eventually get a uBoot-thumb package that comes with thumbified kernel instead of stock kernel
16:54.34mariohmm, well, ham was sitting doing nothing so i rebooted it and kp52 now shows up in uname -a
16:54.58mariorunning cssu-thumb enabler ...
16:55.54DocScrutinizer05or you could have done a BM full backup first - the only way to "uninstall" cssu*
16:57.47mariointeresting, now when i run update-all, it shows 52MB size, before it was showing 57MB
16:57.55DocScrutinizer05you run what?
16:58.14mariocssu enabler starts HAM, and shows update-all button
16:58.15DocScrutinizer05in HAM, I hope
16:58.38DocScrutinizer05yep, that's ok
16:59.02marioon top of things there is cssu package, and before when i didnt have kernel-power it would pull 57MB of things, and now after kp52 it pulls 52MB only
16:59.32DocScrutinizer05you however should follow the instructions
17:01.12mariosteps 7/8 are all i need really, and i dont see how i could do those wrong ...
17:01.14DocScrutinizer05update-all is not exactly what these instructions recommend
17:01.49mariohmm, update-all works for cssu-testing
17:01.52DocScrutinizer05well, when you know "what you need"...
17:02.22DocScrutinizer05>>THIS IS THE ONE AND ONLY SUPPORTED AND TESTED WAY TO INSTALL CSSU, please follow instructions faithfully!<<
17:02.56mariorelax, you will give yourself a heart attack :)
17:02.58DocScrutinizer05heads out
17:03.33DocScrutinizer05I won't give me anything, and I won't waste my time on this anymore
17:04.16DocScrutinizer05not that I could get any more relaxed than I am right now
17:04.25mario1. i dont need backups 2. newest already flashed clean 3. didnt modify a thing 4. skipped for cssu-thumb.install instead 5. yeah 6. yeah 7. of course 8. what ever
17:05.01marioits not rocket science, jeez :)
17:05.20DocScrutinizer05open a ticket "instructions are for idiots, here's how to do it right!"
17:05.25marioi suppose i should have clicked to install only cssu and not 'update-all' that one is on me :)
17:05.53mariobut lets see when it reboots
17:07.27marioworked fine, cssu-thumb booted up
17:07.48marioall that was needed was that kp52 that thumb doesnt automatically install
17:13.19DocScrutinizer05...that thumb doesnt automatically install **when not used/installed according to the instructions**
17:13.56marioit looked like kernel was installed according to what was written on the page, sorry
17:14.59DocScrutinizer05complete waste of time to analyze and try to help out. With a nice convenient potential to waste a multiple of time on trying to find the "bug2 in cssu-thumb that's prolly not existing
17:19.32mariono idea what you are on about, and I still don't see what did I do wrong..
18:31.36freemangordonmario: "..what did I do wrong" - you didn't follow the instructions if I read ^^^ right
18:31.51freemangordon^^^ == backscroll
18:32.25freemangordonlast time I tested cssu-thumb install on top of freshly flashed device was 2-3 weeks ago
18:32.43freemangordon(a friend of mine bought an used device)
18:32.49freemangordonand yes, it was ok
19:23.56mariocan you point out what i did wrong then? because it only worked after i manually installed kernel-power, and from what i can tell this should have been done autmatically
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20:02.43DocScrutinizer05no we can't since we don't even have a clear idea of *what* exactly you did
20:03.30DocScrutinizer05so we're not going to test all straying from THE INSTRUCTIONS to see if we can reproduce your problem, and how
20:04.04DocScrutinizer05  >>THIS IS THE ONE AND ONLY SUPPORTED AND TESTED WAY TO INSTALL CSSU, please follow instructions faithfully!<<
20:07.33DocScrutinizer05((<mario> steps 7/8 are all i need really, and i dont see how i could do those wrong ...)) a strong indocation THAT you did STH wrong, since installation doesn't work on step7&8 only
20:07.49DocScrutinizer05indication even
20:19.41*** join/#maemo-ssu merlin1991 (~merlin@Maemo/community/cssu/merlin1991)
20:34.19marioi did exactly whats written on that page, but you do realize there is a step missing? the one that should say to also install kernel-power, doh
20:35.29freemangordonmario: nothing is missing
20:35.54freemangordonif there is not compatible kernel installed, it will be
20:36.27marioyeah but on thumb page it says taht if one is missing it will be installed, and it was not
20:37.25freemangordonmario: how you are sure it was the missing kernel that caused that boot loop?
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20:38.54mariobecause when i installed one there was no boot loop
20:40.18freemangordonI fail to see the logic there, toldya, it was not that long ago I installed cssu-thumb on a freshly flashed device and there was no problem
20:40.41freemangordonmario: did you answer the question "a custom kernel..."?
20:40.51freemangordondid you see that?
20:43.25mariowhat was the question again? sorry
20:44.43freemangordonmario: when you install CSSU-thumb by using HAM, just before kernel-cssu is flashed, you are asked a question(iirc). Did you see that and did you answer it?
20:46.02marioi was never asked a question, only "accept" stuff
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20:48.50freemangordonhmm, right, I removed that
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20:52.07marioso what did i do wrong then? :)
20:52.42freemangordonmario: I still don;t know exactly what you did :)
20:56.23marioI flashed n900 to stock, and on first boot I opened up cssu-thumb.install
20:56.51infobotit has been said that cssu is
20:56.51*** join/#maemo-ssu merlin1991 (~merlin@Maemo/community/cssu/merlin1991)
20:57.39freemangordonmario: did you do step 6 from ^^^?
20:58.05marioyes, of course
20:58.38freemangordonand did you update only "maemo 5" on step 7?
21:01.20marionope, i hit update-all, didnt think it matters
21:01.58freemangordonit matters
21:02.00mariobut i think its worth mentioning that i also hit update-all when i had kernel-power installed, and this time there was no boot loop
21:02.17merlin1991freemangordon: I want to install thumb on one of my devices, ist the repo stable again, or still in intermediate state?
21:02.28freemangordonmerlin1991: it should be ok
21:03.19freemangordonmerlin1991: -mp thingie is not ok, but I don;t think that will be problematic
21:05.06freemangordonmario: NFC then :(
21:07.00marioi can flash to stock again, and not click update-all
21:07.06merlin1991-mp thingie is still the old one or what?
21:07.26freemangordonyep, it does not depend on the latest package versions
21:07.49freemangordonbut it should be >= $VERSION so no problem IMO
21:07.54marioalso, does it matter if i am flashing this one: RX-51_2009SE_21.2011.38-1_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin ?
21:08.24freemangordonmario: should not matter, despite that was neer released
21:08.49freemangordonthe latest released is 36-2
21:09.09marioi know, but with this one i dont have to bother with nokia outdated keys
21:09.18mariosince thats the only update on there anyway
21:09.52freemangordonmerlin1991: only HAM, HD and glibc are newer, so everything should be fine
21:10.27freemangordonmario: CSSU will install what is in 38-1 over 36-2 anyway
21:10.55freemangordonmario: but there should be no problem with 38-1 either
21:11.23marioah ok, well then, ... lets see if update-all was the culprit
21:12.09freemangordonmario: but make sure to follow the steps in wiki *exactly* as written
21:12.19marioi just flashed vanilla image, now its doing combined 38-1 image... when it boots up,  iwill grab .install file for cssu-thumb
21:12.50mariogo to merlin1991 page?
21:12.51freemangordonopen the link from microb
21:12.56marioyeah exactly
21:13.03infobotcssu-thumb is, like, <Doc_Scrutinizer05> [thumb2 microb] indeed seems to render like mad, subjectively, or, or
21:13.13freemangordonmario: oh, wait
21:13.35freemangordonmy sister's device had similar problem to yours, it turned out that /opt is corrupted
21:13.53freemangordonso we had to flash *both* rootfs and EMMC
21:14.02marioi am flashing both emmc and rootfs
21:14.04freemangordonanything suspicious in dmesg log?
21:14.16mariofirst emmc, then rootfs
21:14.24infobotmethinks maemo-flashing is
21:16.09marioeveryone here is trigger happy with url's
21:16.25marioi did read all those of course
21:17.37marioi flash vanilla/emmc first, then fiasco/combined, and when it boots up its a clean install
21:21.24mariobooted up into stock, opening up install file
21:23.04freemangordonmario: click on "details" and check which packages are going to be installed
21:23.33marioits offering me to agree to install community ssu enabler
21:23.53mario0.7-4 version, from community -testing repo
21:24.21mariohm what? :)
21:24.36freemangordonI meant after the enabler is installed
21:24.56freemangordonbefore the real "maemo5 ...." installation
21:25.21mariook sec, HAM is slow
21:25.30freemangordonI know :)
21:25.55freemangordonmerlin1991: which reminds me, when you'll have a time for a new update?
21:26.19freemangordonto fix that HAM slowness once and for all
21:26.19merlin1991actually I should have some time by the end of this week
21:26.27mariobtw, how come cssu-thumb is not hosted on ? :P
21:26.30merlin1991there is a national holiday on 1st of may ...
21:26.46freemangordonmario: it is hosted on merlin1991's server
21:27.02mariofreemangordon, okay, it has finished, now i have update icon flashing
21:27.08freemangordonmerlin1991: same here
21:27.21marioi will close HAM and open up real cssu installer
21:27.40merlin1991what is the holiday reason?
21:29.15merlin1991hm probably the same as here
21:29.21merlin1991remembers what 1st of may is all about
21:29.21freemangordona couple of, iirc labour’s day and saint george's day combined
21:29.51freemangordonsome 5 or 6 days (includein the holiday)
21:29.54merlin1991I'm currently looking at diffception, (aka a diff of diffs)
21:29.55mariofreemangordon, HAM opened up, its showing update-all, and under that button there are CSSU(thumb) and a list of updates
21:30.07marioall updates are libqtm-*
21:30.22freemangordonclick'n' hold on "cssu-thumb" and select details
21:30.50freemangordonyou should be presented with a list of packages to be installed
21:31.07marioyeah under 'updating' tab there are a list of packages
21:31.14freemangordoncheck if there is "kernel-cssu" etc
21:31.17marioi see linux kernel for community ssu
21:31.28freemangordonwhat about modules?
21:31.48marioyeah modules are there too
21:31.49freemangordonwhat about "kernel-cssu-modules"?
21:31.59freemangordoneverything should be fine then
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21:33.05marioi think it wont work... :P
21:33.17mariowant me to try anything else?
21:33.30freemangordonwhat won;t work?
21:33.36marioor should i atetmpt to install it
21:33.52mariook i hit agree/continue
21:33.56freemangordonclick on "Maemo5 community..."
21:34.38mariothats exactly what i am doing
21:35.00freemangordonmario: I hope your battery is charged
21:35.02marioits downloading 57,3 MB
21:35.13marioit is, its even hooked up to charger still
21:37.03marioits updating, shuld i watch screen for those questions?
21:38.24mariook it said "rebooting.."
21:38.51freemangordonhmm, too fast ?!?
21:38.55marioinstalling software update on nokia logo
21:38.59marioboot loop
21:39.20freemangordonmario: what?
21:39.37marioits doing the boot loop
21:39.38freemangordonsofware update on nokia logo?
21:39.51freemangordonnever seen that
21:40.02mariowell, for a short time there is a nokia white logo
21:40.09freemangordonI know
21:40.21marioand on there it says 'installing updates'
21:40.35freemangordonmerlin1991: ever seen that? ^^^
21:40.48mario1st line: "installing software update"
21:40.59mario2nd line "please dont interrupt"
21:41.06marioand then it loops again
21:41.36freemangordonmario: never seen that, where did you get that device from?
21:41.50mariobought it in 2010 here in Croatia
21:42.06freemangordonany signs of HW failing?
21:42.28marioif i install kernel-power before installing cssu-thumb its all fine
21:42.45freemangordonI got thta, but it shouldn't be that way
21:43.15freemangordonmario: could you enable R&D mode and check which kernel does it boot?
21:43.58mariohaha, i got a new message
21:44.04mariowritten in green letters
21:44.13marioit says "MALFUNCTION" device shutting down in 10 seconds
21:44.32mariook r&d enabled
21:44.40mariobattery pull?
21:45.12mariotheres nokia logo now, but its faded, i suppose i need to reboot it now to see what kernel its atempting to boot ?
21:46.53mariothats the kernel it tries to boot
21:48.32freemangordonshouldn't be that way
21:48.46freemangordonfor some reason flasher fails on your device
21:48.52freemangordonor HAM
21:49.03marioyeah apparently
21:49.34freemangordonbut I have no idea why
21:55.23mariohe he
21:55.54mariooh well, it works when i install kernel-power first, i will go that route now
21:56.54DocScrutinizer05freemangordon: seen my reasoning above, addressed at you?
21:57.23DocScrutinizer05you mustn't install kernel-thumb same step as installing other thumbified stuff
21:57.49DocScrutinizer05odds are it runs thumbified binaries to install the kernel, aiui
21:58.27DocScrutinizer05which may or may not work
21:58.29marioi can try to install kernel-cssu instead of kernel power, maybe its doing it in wrong order and messing up kernel install ?
21:59.16freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: so you think it may install thumbified glibc (for example) first and then use it?
21:59.36freemangordonmakes sense
21:59.48DocScrutinizer05please read backscroll
21:59.53freemangordonyep, reading it
22:00.10merlin1991hm interesting, here cssu-thumb conflicts with curl
22:00.37freemangordonmerlin1991: it seems you've installed the one from the repos :)
22:01.08freemangordonmerlin1991: well, you'd better not install it right now
22:01.12mariook i cleaned up n900 again with rootfs/emmc images, booting it up.. want me to try more stuff?
22:01.24freemangordonmario: no, thanks for the help
22:01.49freemangordonmerlin1991: it seems DocScrutinizer05 has a point here
22:01.58freemangordonI have to think of a way how to fix that
22:02.06DocScrutinizer05please read backscroll
22:02.22DocScrutinizer05detailed plan there
22:02.30merlin1991you never touched systemlibs deep down enough to yield this problem, but libc..
22:02.40freemangordonmerlin1991: exactly
22:03.09merlin1991but wtf is up with curl?
22:03.27freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: yep, reading
22:03.31merlin1991ah crap
22:03.32marioalright, and thanks for your hard work! n900 = <3
22:03.38merlin1991extras has maemo7
22:03.53DocScrutinizer05mario: sorry for being a tad harsh
22:04.03freemangordonmerlin1991: check extras-devel version
22:04.19merlin1991hm wait, extras devel is 7.25.0-1maemo7
22:04.38freemangordonit was put there before entering cssu
22:04.48merlin1991I have 7.26.0-1maemo1+0cssu...
22:05.02marioDocScrutinizer05, don't worry about it, you have no idea who's on the other side
22:05.14merlin1991is my deb version foo broken too or shouldn't that be ok?
22:05.26freemangordonmerlin1991: do you have extras repo enabled?
22:05.48merlin1991ah wait, only devel
22:05.58freemangordondisable devel and enable extras
22:06.14freemangordonand i guess it is about time to fix that libidn dependency
22:06.36freemangordoncurl depends on it
22:06.43freemangordonbut it is only in extras :)
22:07.01merlin1991wtf did I install the curl from cssu then?
22:07.16freemangordonmy version here is 7.26.0-1maemo1+0cssu1+thumb1
22:08.42DocScrutinizer05disabling extras but enabling extras-devel is kinda... :-X
22:09.12mariobtw, I noticed some messages in HAM log, mainly about "ignoring version from wrong domain", and it looks like its connected to
22:09.20DocScrutinizer05not exactly smart, no
22:09.38DocScrutinizer05since I think there are packages in extras that are not in extras-devel
22:09.41freemangordonmario: it is rather ignoring nokia repos
22:10.11merlin1991ah yep looks like you have a libidn dependency in the +thumb1 version that is not in the regular cssu verison
22:10.17merlin1991but only on libcurl3
22:10.18mariofreemangordon, it happened even after i disabled nokia repos
22:10.43freemangordonhmm, weird
22:10.51freemangordonNFC then
22:10.55mariohehe :)
22:13.18merlin1991hm a manual apt-get install curl worked though
22:13.41mariolibstdc++, libgcc, apt, libcurl3, libsdl are reporting this
22:13.49marioall from extras
22:15.48merlin1991and now ham is happy aswell
22:15.53merlin1991strange stuff
22:16.19freemangordonmerlin1991: make sure you have the correct kernel installed
22:16.27merlin1991i'm on kernel power
22:16.53merlin1991this is the device I use for usb thetering openvpn tunneling and other fun stuff
22:17.23merlin1991and at one point I used it to crack a wep network for a university course :D
22:19.13DocScrutinizer05there's one device here that I tested for dunnowhat, and it sucked empty my battery to the very end, depite me being sure about it being properly shutdown (or never booted up after bat insert)
22:20.17DocScrutinizer05I guess not every subsystem powered directly from bat gets reliably shut down when SoC/PMU is in shutdown mode
22:21.11DocScrutinizer05not sure about cmt, but for sure at least LP5523 could suck power from bat when not explicitly powered down
22:21.28DocScrutinizer05iirc audio amp as well
22:26.50freemangordonmerlin1991: hmm, maybe (re)move glibc from thumb repo until I figure out how to correctly handle it
22:35.10mariofreemangordon, is it normal that during cssu-thumb install gui looks kind of broken ?
22:37.53marioi took a pic, i suppose its normal:
22:38.52freemangordonmario: yep, hildon-desktop is stopped
22:39.05freemangordonand lots of other stuff
22:39.28marioit looks like it takes quite a bit longer now, i suppose boot loop was due to incomplete install
22:40.29DocScrutinizer05freemangordon: do glibc right?
22:41.01DocScrutinizer05the problem is not glibc, the problem is to make kernel install before you nstall *any* thumbified packages
22:41.05freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: in other words - to make sure the correct kernel is installed
22:41.11freemangordonyep, exactly
22:41.28freemangordonkernel install *AND* reboot
22:43.12DocScrutinizer05check thumb-property of kernel, NO: install kernel, link $self to autostart-on-boot, reboot | YES: go on installing cssu-thumb as usual
22:45.29freemangordonsure, but I have to *implement* that
22:46.30freemangordonI guess this should go to mp- preinstall script
22:47.27freemangordonbut I suspect there is standard "HAM" way of doing this, I need to find it
22:51.03merlin1991something is foobar with my n900
22:51.15merlin1991dl 44.9mb worth of updates is taking its time
22:51.28merlin1991in other words since I wrote ham is happy it's doing that ...
23:22.14keriofreemangordon: i reckon it's not something that should be done manually
23:22.19keriotell people to upgrade the kernel first
23:22.25keriocuz that's an invasive change
23:23.42merlin1991btw freemangordon what's the latest and greatest regarding thumb browsers? (I never used thumb so far)
23:48.41DocScrutinizer05freemangordon: you should split the whole process into tow clearly segregate steps. step1: install kernel, step2: install any thumbified packages
23:50.07DocScrutinizer05since you sould boot after kernel swap, there's definitely no other way than that

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