IRC log for #maemo-ssu on 20130907

02:12.23*** join/#maemo-ssu amiconn_ (quassel@rockbox/developer/amiconn)
02:16.24*** join/#maemo-ssu jon_y (~enforcer@2002:af8e:4df8::af8e:4df8)
04:43.26*** join/#maemo-ssu infobot (
04:43.26*** topic/#maemo-ssu is Maemo Community Seamless Software Update "CSSU" channel, | Known bugs: | Channel logs: | Sources: | Latest version: Testing(2013-06-14): 21.2011.38-1Tmaemo8.2; Stable(2013-01-10): 21.2011.38-1Smaemo6
04:43.26*** mode/#maemo-ssu [+v infobot] by ChanServ
04:54.28*** join/#maemo-ssu FlameReaper (~assassin@
05:00.00*** join/#maemo-ssu discopig (~discopig@unaffiliated/discopig)
06:08.36*** join/#maemo-ssu LauRoman (
06:36.54*** join/#maemo-ssu sunny_s (~sunny_s@
06:47.15*** join/#maemo-ssu Vlad_on_the_road (
06:47.30FatPhilwhat kind of fucknut uses grep -x "^...[elided]...$"?
06:47.41FatPhilwhat bit about ^ and $ wasn't clear?
06:48.17FatPhilright, let's flash this fscker, nothing of worth on it, clearly...
06:48.48freemangordonFatPhil: yep, just flash PR1.3 and eMMC
06:49.07FatPhilmaybe I should do it when I'm sober
06:49.49freemangordonhmm, isn't it too early in the morning to be drunk?
06:50.09FatPhilI've got the apt sources lists, and the dpkg -l, so I should be able to find any package that was on here in the past that still exists
06:51.02FatPhil"unfortunately", last night's tasting session consisted entirely of about 9% beers, so I still have a low density of blood in my alcohol stream
06:51.17freemangordonoh, I see :)
06:53.02FatPhilso, a 13-2 EMMC image, and either a 36-2 or 38-1 root image
06:53.53freemangordonboth roots will do it, 38-1 has some sertificates blacklisted, but this is in cssu too
06:54.20freemangordonFatPhil: BTW if you're going to jump on cssu-testing, you'd better jump on cssu-thumb
06:54.36freemangordonsame packages, but way faster
06:55.43FatPhilthis device is for being on the bleeding edge
06:56.01freemangordonFatPhil: then cssu-thumb is what you need
06:56.36infobotsomebody said cssu-thumb was <DocScrutinizer05> [thumb2 microb] indeed seems to render like mad, subjectively, or
06:56.44FatPhilnope, a whole pint of pineapple and grapefruit juice is what I need
06:58.08FatPhilhaha, man, I feel so dumb, I've not used this flasher in about 2 years
06:58.09freemangordontry some yougurt, mixed with water and a bit of salt, this is what I use usually
06:58.57freemangordonunfortunately google translates the above mixture as "kefir" which for sure is not true :D
06:59.05FatPhilhmmm, salty lassi
06:59.32jon_yis there a way to lock only the hildon-desktop orientation?
06:59.44jon_yI was doing it with gconftool in earlier versions
06:59.53freemangordonthe same in newer
06:59.53jon_ybut now the option seems to be ignored
07:00.15infobotmethinks cssu is
07:01.04freemangordonjon_y: gconftool-2 -s /apps/osso/hildon-desktop/desktop_orientation_lock -t bool true
07:02.47jon_yinfobot: desktop-lock is gconftool-2 -s /apps/osso/hildon-desktop/desktop_orientation_lock -t bool true
07:02.47infobotokay, jon_y
07:03.06jon_yfreemangordon: strange, I set it through the gui gconf editor
07:03.10jon_yit didn't work there
07:03.28jon_yah wait, I spoke too soon
07:03.34freemangordonjon_y: then check your gonf editor :)
07:03.49jon_yno, still going into potrait
07:03.50freemangordonjon_y: this locks only desktop, not tasknav or app menu
07:04.05jon_yyeah, I want to lock desktop only
07:04.48jon_yis it maybe because of turbo speed hack?
07:05.02freemangordonno, the same happens here
07:05.25jon_yok, yours is not locking either?
07:05.35freemangordonplease file a bug
07:05.46jon_yhow do I file bug?
07:06.50FatPhilis the website rather flakey?
07:07.45freemangordonFatPhil: BMO works just fine
07:08.35freemangordonjon_y: you need to register to enter a bug ofc
07:08.41FatPhilwiki wasn't
07:08.54freemangordonwiki is ok too
07:08.59freemangordonFatPhil: ^^^
07:09.18FatPhilit's my wifi then
07:17.32povbot_Bug 12707: /apps/osso/hildon-desktop/desktop_orientation_lock setting ignored
07:18.11jon_ybtw, is there no way to get around the red boxes in turbo mode?
07:18.49jon_yI remember it did not have red boxes when setting it for the first time
07:18.57jon_yonly appeared after the reboot
07:19.11jon_ydisabling the turbo hack removes the red boxes
07:19.24jon_yit is back reenabling it
07:19.36freemangordonshit, ke-recv-extra doesn't have dbg package :(
07:19.45jon_yI'm fine living with the red boxes though, no biggie
07:19.53jon_yfast menu makes n900 feels fast
07:24.02FatPhilstock nokia software is shit
07:24.57FatPhilI've just waited a minute for the browser to load the wiki page, so I could install the thumb repo
07:25.23FatPhilnot even briefly did the piece of shit browser think that it ought to ask me where the freaking internet is
07:25.28freemangordonhmm, it is possible your network connection to be crappy
07:25.40FatPhilwe interviewed someone from the browser team a few weeks ago
07:25.49FatPhilI forgot to punch him in the face
07:26.25FatPhilnormally it's amazing
07:28.18FatPhilI live on a university campus, we have more bandwidth than I know what to do with
07:28.40FatPhilexcept today, apparently
07:29.45FatPhilbut that doesn't stop the builtin browser from being a steaming pile
07:30.07freemangordontry thumb2 version, you'll be surprised
07:30.32FatPhilIf I can get the current browser pointing in the direction of that repo, I'll do that
07:31.06FatPhilit really does stink
07:31.34FatPhilI just disconnects from the wlan, thought I'd try again, and then I did a web search - again, it didn't ask me where the internet was.
07:31.57FatPhilbring back the nokia bugzilla, I want to get some serious swearing out of my system
07:32.35FatPhilMaybe they broke it in week 38
07:33.02FatPhilwhilst they were rejecting real bug fixes, they were  incorporating regressions instead
07:33.33FatPhilI think this is the first time I've used week 38's image, it's tragically fucked
07:36.06FatPhilmy daily device is working fine (the week 36 image)
07:37.07*** join/#maemo-ssu LaoLang_cool (~LaoLang_c@
07:37.55FatPhilwoh, I can downgrade?!??!
07:38.30FatPhilI didn't check, maybe this has an R&D certificate on it
07:38.57freemangordonFatPhil: wait, what are you doing?
07:39.07freemangordondid you run cssu-installer?
07:42.09FatPhilhaven't run anything on the PoS yet
07:42.43FatPhilI've just put 36-2 on it, as 38-1 simply didn't  work
07:43.11FatPhilOnly nokia could have a shutdown process that starts daemons...
07:43.15FatPhil(that's a lie...)
07:43.43jon_yfreemangordon: btw, is the n900 qemu a workable solution to test kernel modifications?
07:44.01freemangordonjon_y: ask Pali, I've never used it
07:44.19jon_ywill ping him when I see him
07:45.45FatPhilwhen you test kernel mods - do you have the ability to upload the kernel only to RAM, and run from there? or do you have to flash it?
07:46.03freemangordonflasher can be used to boot the kernel
07:46.14freemangordonbut modules should be on rootfs
07:47.49FatPhilno --initfs switch?
07:47.51jon_yalternatively I could just put it in /opt/boot and use uboot
07:47.58jon_ydon't think it can
07:48.39jon_yalso, what kind of dev environment do you guys use?
07:48.48jon_yat least gcc-4.7.x pls :)
07:49.07jon_ythe linaro gcc?
07:49.43FatPhilI build kernels with 4.4.1 apparently
07:50.07jon_yuboot and linux 3.1x apparently requires 4.7 at least
07:50.28FatPhilanything that requires a particular compiler version is broken, IMHO
07:50.42jon_yno, it needs some new features
07:51.25FatPhilthen it would be broken, see my statement 2 lines up ^^^
07:51.32*** join/#maemo-ssu FlameReaper (~assassin@
07:51.52freemangordonFatPhil: do you remember having problems with gio channels and newer kernels?
07:52.13jon_yFatPhil: you backported gcc-4.7 features?
07:52.41freemangordonthere is gio set on /proc/mounts
07:52.41FatPhiljon_y: what about what I've said lead you to that conclusion?
07:52.58jon_yit does require some new features from later versions
07:53.10jon_yiirc some new asm instruction
07:53.27freemangordonthe callback is called every now and then, with GIOCondition == G_IO_IN
07:53.43freemangordonthis looks similar o the poll() case
07:53.57jon_ysomething to do with DSP instructions according to pali
07:54.20jon_ywell, here are the binaries I found if anyone is interested
07:54.21*** join/#maemo-ssu Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
07:54.25freemangordonjon_y: 4.2.1 just can't parse some of the headers
07:54.29FatPhilGIO gives me nothing but glib hits
07:54.31jon_yhi Pali
07:54.34jon_yfreemangordon: ok
07:54.37freemangordonFatPhil: yeah
07:54.49FatPhilwtf's that to do with the kernel?
07:55.01freemangordonPali: hi, hulda hits a problem similar to the poll() one
07:55.06FatPhilif glib can't do something, that's a glib problem
07:56.00jon_yPali: what dev environment do you recommend to work with if I were to do some kernel hacking
07:56.22*** join/#maemo-ssu LaoLang_cool (~LaoLang_c@
07:56.30FatPhilchrish, 36-2's horrifically broken too, for the same reason
07:56.42freemangordonPali: it does g_io_add_watch on /proc/mounts and the callback is non-stop called with GIOCondition == G_IO_IN
07:56.57Palijon_y: is some env needed? I'm using crosscompiler and that is all
07:57.09Palifreemangordon: ok, thanks
07:57.19jon_yPali: I see
07:57.28Palifreemangordon: glib does not support some flag?
07:57.29jon_yPali: these will do fine?
07:57.36freemangordonPali: the same happens for a NETLINK socket
07:57.37freemangordonseems like
07:57.54Palijon_y: which distribution do you have?
07:58.25Palifreemangordon: I'm sure you *can* wait for data on netlink
07:58.58jon_yPali: plain debian testing
07:59.11Palifreemangordon: also in my kernel branch there is already reverted sysfs patch...
07:59.53freemangordonPali: the problem is that the callback is called with cond == G_IO_IN|G_IO_ERR, which hulda doesn't process. I will fix that and see what happens
08:00.30freemangordonbecause someone never think that cond is a bitfiels
08:00.56Paliok, try to fix it
08:01.43freemangordonPali: any clue what hulda is supposed to do?
08:01.46Palijon_y: looks like debian does not have arm cross comilers in repository
08:01.51Palitry to install some
08:01.55freemangordonI will try
08:02.05Palifreemangordon: no
08:02.05*** join/#maemo-ssu discopig (~discopig@unaffiliated/discopig)
08:02.16jon_yPali: also, what do you recommend I use if I am to rebuild your power kernel?
08:02.23jon_yjust cross compilers?
08:02.44Palijon_y: for kernel-power, you can use scratchbox or madde too
08:03.00FatPhilubuntu has xcompilers
08:03.03infobot[scratchbox] a cross-compiling system that uses binfmt_misc, rpc calls, and an nfs mount to make a cross-build appear to be 100% native, and is found at, or hosted by now, maintainer thedead1440
08:03.05Palibut cross compiler is enough (if you do not want flasher package)
08:03.26jon_yI want the boot image for uboot
08:03.41Palifor zImage you do not needed nothing else
08:04.12jon_yok, just scratchbox
08:05.14jon_ysomething like this I guess
08:09.36FatPhilnah, wifi just doesn't seem to work in this device :-(
08:09.52FatPhilgonna make installing CSSU rather hard
08:11.06kerioi have that problem too :c
08:11.21keriousb networking is still an option
08:11.36*** join/#maemo-ssu iDont (
08:13.47FatPhilthe bizarre thing is that I'm sure it worked before I flashed it
08:15.35FatPhilonly nokia could write software that shuts down in order to power up
08:16.55freemangordonPali: netlink socket problem solved
08:17.03Paliok :-)
08:18.49freemangordonPali: do you have rights to create repos on gitorious (CSSU that is)?
08:18.52infobotmethinks kp is
08:19.14FatPhilwoh - I just had the blue-on-white nokia logo with the 5-dots animaation playing in front of it
08:19.40Palifreemangordon: no :-(
08:20.25Pali~kp is
08:20.25infobotPali: i already had it that way
08:20.47infoboti guess kp is
08:21.06Paliinfobot: no kp is
08:21.06infoboti already had it that way, Pali
08:21.29infobotrumour has it, kp is
08:22.07jon_ymy debian vm hasn't been powered up for nearly a year, time to update everything
08:24.09jon_yyeah, looks like linaro 4.7.2 is still there
08:31.14Palimerlin1991: ping
08:33.30FatPhilok, how to diagnose wifi issues?
08:34.07FatPhil[  497.545776] wlan0: authenticated
08:34.07FatPhil[  497.545806] wlan0: associate with AP 94:44:52:bb:52:7d
08:34.07FatPhil[  497.551605] wlan0: RX AssocResp from 94:44:52:bb:52:7d (capab=0x411 status=0 aid=3)
08:34.10FatPhil[  497.551635] wlan0: associated
08:34.20FatPhilwlan0     Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:26:CC:77:EE:BF   inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
08:34.32freemangordondid you try to reboot the router?
08:34.59FatPhilthat's in another guy's room :-(
08:36.26PaliFatPhil: try to look in syslog, wlancond or icd2 sometimes write something...
08:44.37freemangordonPali: /proc/mounts problem fixed too, need a git repo to commit
08:45.00Palifreemangordon, create personal clone on
08:45.32*** join/#maemo-ssu arcean (
08:45.42FatPhilwoh, this thing doesn't have syslog!
08:47.16FatPhilI can ping my daily device over wifi
08:48.02FatPhilanother flatmate's skyping, so wifi works for him
08:48.33FatPhilit seems to be just this browser that's failing
08:48.46freemangordonFatPhil: add repos by hand
08:49.15freemangordondeb fremantle free non-free
08:49.20jon_yPali: this patch still needed?
08:49.26freemangordondeb fremantle free non-free
08:49.43freemangordonFatPhil: both of them needed
08:49.50jon_yseems to be some trouble with newer binutils
08:49.58freemangordonFatPhil: also make sure you have all the nokia repos enabled
08:50.25Palijon_y: try to compile with or without that patch
08:50.46jon_yPali: I made this patch some time ago
08:51.01jon_yI'm srestarting my kp builds
08:51.10Palithis patch is needed in upstream 3.x kernel
08:51.19Palibut no idea if for 2.6 too
08:51.40freemangordonPali: another problem - if you lock the device, the leds got switched off, but digitizer is still active, any clue?
08:52.08jon_yPali: it was for kp52
08:52.22freemangordontouch screen works
08:52.24jon_yso yes, if you use newer linaro, I think
08:52.41jon_yit would be nice if you can accept it :)
08:52.42Palifreemangordon, mce problem?
08:52.59freemangordonseems like, just mentioning it here
08:53.10Palijon_y: but old gcc on autobuilder does not know anything about that sec
08:53.28Palifreemangordon: we need to patch MCE...
08:53.32jon_yI see, ok
08:53.46PaliI already have tree with trying to backport harmattan version for fremantle
08:53.54freemangordonPali: hmm, don;t sound good
08:53.58PaliI think now it compiling, but it was nvere tested
08:54.05freemangordondoesn't even
08:54.08*** join/#maemo-ssu NIN101 (
08:55.06freemangordonPali: you found the initial fremantle tree state?
08:55.17Palino, it does not exists
08:55.36Paliwhat we have is diablo MCE
08:55.43Paliand harmattan MCE
08:55.54Paliand fremantle dbus files
08:55.56freemangordonFatPhil: do you have fremantle mce git tree on your laptop by chance :)?
08:56.18Paliso with above data I tried to reconstruct fremantle MCE
08:56.44freemangordonok, no more hulda eating 100% CPU
08:56.47freemangordonPali: I see
08:59.09freemangordonPali: ke-recv will have to be fixed too :(
08:59.49freemangordonit does not automount uSD on backcover closed. and filemanager segfaults
09:00.05freemangordonhopefully we have all that
09:00.14freemangordonsource code I mean
09:04.41jon_ywhere can I get the in progress 3.x kernel?
09:04.49jon_yhow do I start playing with it? :)
09:11.11FatPhiloperation failed (no updates available)
09:15.01*** join/#maemo-ssu FlameReaper (~assassin@
10:45.18*** join/#maemo-ssu infobot (
10:45.18*** topic/#maemo-ssu is Maemo Community Seamless Software Update "CSSU" channel, | Known bugs: | Channel logs: | Sources: | Latest version: Testing(2013-06-14): 21.2011.38-1Tmaemo8.2; Stable(2013-01-10): 21.2011.38-1Smaemo6
10:45.18*** mode/#maemo-ssu [+v infobot] by ChanServ
10:45.54DocScrutinizer05~spell hangover
10:46.01DocScrutinizer05~spell hungover
10:46.12DocScrutinizer05~dict hungover
10:46.28DocScrutinizer05~dict hangover
10:47.45DocScrutinizer05~dict 2 hangover
10:48.03FatPhilyay - internet!
10:50.56FatPhilso, off to CSSU/Thumb...
10:54.24FatPhilis it basically going to replace everything on the device?
10:56.06FatPhilwhere are "Nokia" and "Extras" catalogues?
10:56.38jon_ywill 0xFFFF be ever ported to windows?
10:58.15FatPhilah, "Extras" = ""
10:58.17jon_ywhat exactly does 0xffff require anyway?
10:58.31jon_yah libusb
10:58.36jon_ywindows has libusb
10:59.08jon_yuh oh, ioctl
10:59.18jon_yprobably relegated to cygwin now
10:59.50jon_yoh #include <linux/fs.h>
10:59.55jon_yforget cygwin either
11:00.12DocScrutinizer05FatPhil: it's just a supplementary repo on top of cssu
11:00.41DocScrutinizer05which in turn is a supplementary repo on top of the base nokia repo
11:01.14*** join/#maemo-ssu dos1 (~dos@unaffiliated/dos1)
11:01.21DocScrutinizer05cssu-thumb need a thumb-enabled kernel though, or device will segfault like mad
11:02.11FatPhilbusy clicking "OK"...
11:02.40infobotmethinks cssu is
11:02.54jon_ydoes it make sense to enable selinux on n900?
11:03.13jon_yyou know, because *secure*
11:03.22FatPhildoes it make sense to enable selinux anywhere?!??!
11:03.48jon_yI don't know, I know the text editor isn't supposed to run external programs
11:05.27infobotextra, extra, read all about it, combined is the rootfs fiasco image of maemo. For N900 latest (PR1.3.1) see  or
11:05.48*** join/#maemo-ssu DrCode (~DrCode@gateway/tor-sasl/drcode)
11:06.38DocScrutinizer05isn't this guy running a really helpful dude?
11:06.50FatPhilhmmm, app manager is saying liqtm-bearer conflicts with some of the stuff
11:07.35DocScrutinizer05QtM hmmmmm
11:08.05DocScrutinizer05would probably kill qtm with fire on his device
11:08.54FatPhilsaying "No"...
11:10.27DocScrutinizer05what are you doing? CSSU?
11:10.40FatPhilam mow
11:10.54FatPhils/ m/ n/
11:10.59DocScrutinizer05~wtf mow
11:11.46DocScrutinizer05does a mtr from neocortex to dsl modem
11:12.40DocScrutinizer05oh, there's a few -ENOCAFFEINE in syslog
11:13.56DocScrutinizer05you're following the procedure in ?
11:14.08FatPhilI think so
11:14.19FatPhildownloading 50.0 MB ...
11:14.26DocScrutinizer05only update the CSSU system update
11:14.40DocScrutinizer05don't do an update-all
11:15.00DocScrutinizer05most of the stuff will get updated by cssu-update anyway
11:15.26DocScrutinizer05update-all time for after cssu got installed
11:17.29FatPhilUpdating 'Maemo 5 Community SSU Package(thumb)'
11:17.45FatPhilI need some freaking breakfast
11:18.02DocScrutinizer05I'm completely lost on the correct procedure to directly upgrade to cssu-thumb
11:18.23DocScrutinizer05h,, too early for breakfast here
11:18.29DocScrutinizer05hmm even
11:22.36*** join/#maemo-ssu BCMM (~BCMM@unaffiliated/bcmm)
11:22.59FatPhiloperating system successfully updated
11:23.28*** join/#maemo-ssu LauRoman (
11:24.37FatPhilwhere's the list of closed source packages?
11:57.03*** join/#maemo-ssu infobot (
11:57.03*** topic/#maemo-ssu is Maemo Community Seamless Software Update "CSSU" channel, | Known bugs: | Channel logs: | Sources: | Latest version: Testing(2013-06-14): 21.2011.38-1Tmaemo8.2; Stable(2013-01-10): 21.2011.38-1Smaemo6
11:57.03*** mode/#maemo-ssu [+v infobot] by ChanServ
18:53.09*** join/#maemo-ssu infobot (
18:53.09*** topic/#maemo-ssu is Maemo Community Seamless Software Update "CSSU" channel, | Known bugs: | Channel logs: | Sources: | Latest version: Testing(2013-06-14): 21.2011.38-1Tmaemo8.2; Stable(2013-01-10): 21.2011.38-1Smaemo6
18:53.09*** mode/#maemo-ssu [+v infobot] by ChanServ
19:03.30*** join/#maemo-ssu arcean (
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19:14.39*** join/#maemo-ssu rd_ (
20:10.30*** join/#maemo-ssu arcean (
20:13.37*** join/#maemo-ssu Fat_Phil (
20:18.29Fat_Philany idea why my custom xkb configuratio for shell-obsessives works in the shell, but not in this irc client?
20:23.06*** join/#maemo-ssu DrCode (~DrCode@gateway/tor-sasl/drcode)
20:24.02Fat_Philworks in every app apart from this client apparently.
20:25.51*** join/#maemo-ssu LauRoman (
20:26.13*** join/#maemo-ssu FlatPhil (
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20:37.29DocScrutinizer05FatPhil: [2013-09-07 22:33:31] <-- Fat_Phil has left this server (Remote host closed the connection).
20:37.48DocScrutinizer05alas my client doesn't show re-joins
20:39.01DocScrutinizer05for your client I either need a DCC VERION request, or you disclose delibaerately what you're using ;-)
20:39.54DocScrutinizer05why does *my* client still expand the nick, even when the user is gone?
20:40.18DocScrutinizer05ugh, no "_"
20:40.42DocScrutinizer05[2013-09-07 22:40:32] [CTCP] Received CTCP-VERSION reply from FatPhil: irssi v0.8.12.
20:40.46DocScrutinizer05so, NFC
20:40.53DocScrutinizer05should be plain shell
20:51.25FlatPhilthe client that didn't let me do {}%|`<>[] from the hw keybd was calles "communi"
20:51.52FlatPhiloh, not forgetting ~
20:53.26*** part/#maemo-ssu _ade_ (
20:54.00FlatPhilmy g/f's put many of them on the toolbar for the x terminal, but I prefer them to be universal. hate the popup onscreen keyboard.
20:55.47DocScrutinizer05 FWIW
20:56.53DocScrutinizer05try to find out about VI_s awesome keymapping. It's burried deeeeeep inside the bot's factoids
20:57.23DocScrutinizer05~listvalues vi_
20:58.50DocScrutinizer05~dice 100d20
21:03.43FlatPhilI spend most of my time in a shell, my keymapping is about as awesome as I could hope for.
21:09.09DocScrutinizer05then I dunno how to help. I don't see how irssi would use a keymap different to the shell's one
21:09.41DocScrutinizer05maybe due to me never having used irssi
21:11.41DocScrutinizer05please everybody involved in FPTF post or query me your full name, I'll eventually edit #2 of to list who's contributing
21:15.35FatPhilnope, irssi was fine, it was "communi" that was ignoring the keymap
21:16.03sixwheeledbeastre keymappings >>
21:16.51dos1DocScrutinizer05: Sebastian Krzyszkowiak, commited to FSO integration
21:40.06*** join/#maemo-ssu amiconn (amiconn@rockbox/developer/amiconn)
21:53.25infobotvi-kbd is, like,
21:53.44kerioand yeah, qt will still happily ignore your actual keymap
21:53.48keriowhich is a giant pile of WTF really
21:54.14kerioit's what happens when a UI toolkit wants to reinvent everything
22:13.35*** join/#maemo-ssu M4rtinK (
22:50.09*** join/#maemo-ssu lansiir (~oldtopman@unaffiliated/oldtopman)
23:07.29*** join/#maemo-ssu discopig (~discopig@unaffiliated/discopig)

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