IRC log for #maemo-ssu on 20121217

00:09.40*** join/#maemo-ssu zogg_ (
03:51.48*** join/#maemo-ssu infobot (
03:51.48*** topic/#maemo-ssu is Maemo Community Seamless Software Update "CSSU" channel, | Known bugs: | Channel logs: | Sources: | Latest version (testing): 21.2011.38-1Tmaemo6; (stable): 21.2011.38-1Smaemo4.1 | Meeting: Thu. 12-13 1900UTC
03:51.49*** mode/#maemo-ssu [+v infobot] by ChanServ
03:58.02*** join/#maemo-ssu amiconn_ (amiconn@rockbox/developer/amiconn)
04:00.48*** join/#maemo-ssu Martix (
04:04.24*** join/#maemo-ssu DocScrutinizer05 (~HaleBopp@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
04:13.06*** join/#maemo-ssu Jade (
04:13.06*** join/#maemo-ssu Jade (~jade@unaffiliated/jade)
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06:03.29*** join/#maemo-ssu M13 (~M13@
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06:43.24*** join/#maemo-ssu Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
08:00.08keriofreemangordon: neat, ty
08:08.02*** join/#maemo-ssu Martix (
08:08.37DocScrutinizer05coughs a bit
08:10.03keriofreemangordon: it works, too
08:10.07kerioDocScrutinizer05: ohai
08:31.23tadziknew tklock works nice for me too. There's one more thing though, which also existed in stock tklock, but is annyoing nonetheless. Steps to reproduce: bring up the unlock screen, then swipe to unlock and quickly press the power button again
08:31.36tadzikthe device will lock again instead of bringing up the power key menu
08:31.49tadzikif that could be fixed while you're at it, that'd be great :)
08:31.51tadzikfreemangordon: ^
08:32.49freemangordontadzik: cannot reproduce
08:33.34freemangordontadzik: are you sure you don't press power key twice?
08:34.08freemangordontadzik: nevertheless, if such bug exists, it is in mce, not in tklock
08:34.17tadzikThere is a significant delay between the first and second press
08:34.35keriofreemangordon: please add a configurable powerkey-twice-to-unlock
08:34.42freemangordonhow much? 2-3 seconds?
08:34.44kerioi'll love you forever if you do :3
08:34.58freemangordonkerio: toldya, not with this relese
08:35.27freemangordonlets get rid of memleaks first
08:36.19tadzikfreemangordon: yeah, something of this sort
08:36.40freemangordontadzik: well, that is double-press ;)
08:36.46tadzikoh, heh
08:37.02tadzikso it counts the bring-up-tklock press as the first press of lock-screen
08:37.20freemangordontadzik: NFC, it is in mce :(
08:37.22tadzikindeed, if I wait long enough it doesn't happen
08:37.30tadzikokay, thanks
08:39.23DocScrutinizer05I'd much more appreciate a powerbutton menu behaviour like on Nokia 6210: skip to next menu entry with each short press, select current entry with a long press
08:42.30freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: it is mce again
08:43.27freemangordonthough I don;t see the point of having such functionality on n900
08:51.30DocScrutinizer05freemangordon: the point is in general rule to allow *everything* to get alternatively done *only* with touchscreen, or completely *without* touchscreen
08:52.01DocScrutinizer05it's about ergonomics
08:53.06DocScrutinizer05btw a concept where older windows versions excelled
08:54.40DocScrutinizer05where you got even 3 alternatives usually: mouse operated menu, alt-key operated menu, and hotkeys (like ctrl-s for "store")
08:56.40DocScrutinizer05maemo 4 menus were still operational with kbd/dpad/homebutton only
08:57.47DocScrutinizer05though the entry pount - e.g. to start an app - been a tad weird, and only worked when you got at least one open window already
09:01.58DocScrutinizer05power button as general operation mode profile switcher makes much sense in my book: profiles like: off, airplane, tablet, silent, outdoor, locked, unlocked, night, beach, sunny, stealth, stationary, mp3player...
09:21.23*** join/#maemo-ssu ekze-nyan (
09:27.15DocScrutinizer05I'd honestly like to augment profiled to handle virtually all aspects of the device UI and general user option settings. Like screen brightness, time til lock, of course ringtone and volume... well generally all you can set via settings
09:28.44DocScrutinizer05I've pondered about how to implement such a concept quite a lot, nevertheless I'd appreciate some "idea sparring"
09:33.20DocScrutinizer05particularly the system level details of implementation are still a wide area for discussion about best design - from d-bus "replay" to completely change the user by redefining $HOME and relogin there is quite a number of possible approaches
09:37.08DocScrutinizer05maybe even a complementary synthesis of several of those concepts, since each has its specific advantages and downsides
09:39.30DocScrutinizer05switch user completely is damn cool since you could even switch to completely new trackerdb based on different tracker-config, to show other gallery content and music selection, new contacts addrbook and all
09:41.22DocScrutinizer05but obviously to switch ringtone volume from outdoor to muffle it's damn heavy a method
09:44.30*** join/#maemo-ssu luf (
09:48.50lufkerio: luf's bluez? :D
09:49.24luftadzik: ping
09:51.14tadzikluf: pong
09:51.57luftadzik: what version of bluez are you using?
09:52.08lufAnd what OS on laptop :)
09:53.00tadzikluf: bluez, the one in cssu-t I guess. On laptop it's debian testing
09:53.17lufOk. So the stock one bluez :)
09:53.20tadzikbut again, when I re-paired the devices everething worked
09:53.24tadzikyeah, I guess so :)
09:54.01tadzikanyway, could it be made so N900 can receive files from devices it's not paired with?
09:54.28tadzikit's annoying to receive cheatsheets before exams when I have to pair with everyone
09:55.07lufI don't know. But I think you need to be paired (I should be wrong about it).
10:00.10tadzikit seems to Just Work on other devices
10:02.32luftadzik: without PIN?
10:02.58DocScrutinizer05sure, why not
10:03.18lufBecause of security?
10:03.27DocScrutinizer05for *inbound* data it should just ask "do you want to accept this data?"
10:03.53tadzikeven when paired N900 asks for every file
10:04.14tadzikit's not like it automagically saves them in /bin
10:04.21*** join/#maemo-ssu Jaded (
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10:04.27luftadzik: because it asks where to store the file.
10:04.45lufAnd if you want to receive it.
10:05.03lufOk I add it to my TODO
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11:16.42*** join/#maemo-ssu M4rtinK (
11:33.02merlin1991is there any particular reason why all eye docs in my area open 13:00 mondays??
11:33.21merlin1991In other words, it sucks to see nothing :D
11:39.56*** join/#maemo-ssu kolp (~quassel@
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13:24.33DocScrutinizer05merlin1991: GET   A    SPARE    GLASSES
13:26.38*** join/#maemo-ssu jonwil (
13:26.59freemangordonI fixed a bug in powerkeymenu, new deb is in cssu-devel repo
13:29.48jonwilCan anyone point me at a .deb file that matches HEAD of please?
13:30.07jonwilIf not, can someone compile one for me (my n900 compile env isn't usable right at this point)
13:32.20DocScrutinizer05Pali: ^^^
13:32.29DocScrutinizer05merlin1991: ^^^
13:47.02jonwilso that matches to HEAD?
13:47.57jonwilyeah it does by the look of it :)
13:50.03Palicheck I do not know
13:50.13Palimaybe version/changelog
13:50.40jonwilactually no, its not HEAD
13:50.44jonwilHEAD is 3.2
13:50.49jonwilnot 3.1.1
13:51.00jonwilif someone could build HEAD that would be most appreciated
13:51.19jonwilI am going away on holidays tomorrow and I want to have the latest version on my N900 when I go
14:02.48jonwilguess no-one is around who can help :(
14:05.18*** join/#maemo-ssu arcean (
14:05.50lufjonwil: wait I'll try it in next hour.
14:06.26merlin1991jonwil: by when do you need it?
14:07.07merlin1991DocScrutinizer05: I'll get a spare pair as soon as i've visited the doc (which is tomorrow)
14:08.04jonwilI need it in 8h or so at the latest
14:08.19jonwilpreferrably sooner if possible
14:08.32jonwilI would do it myself but there are issues with my dev environment that I dont have the time to sort out
14:09.11merlin1991hm what version is in -testing currently?
14:12.30DocScrutinizer05moh is alive, but hiding! ;-P
14:13.41DocScrutinizer05merlin1991: could we get a cookie into next cssu-t release?
14:14.01DocScrutinizer05to count IPs in some httpd-log
14:14.11*** join/#maemo-ssu MohammadAG (
14:14.21DocScrutinizer05I really wanna know what's our userbase
14:15.57DocScrutinizer05even if it's 'only' those N900 users that establish some connectivity on their device
14:16.32merlin1991i feel rather silly atm, holding the lense inlay from my army gas mask up in order to read the screen :D
14:18.10DocScrutinizer05sorry guys, have to run, maybe this time my doc comes up with an idea how to get rid of this persisting flu
14:18.12merlin1991hm i even have a built connui home cellular 3.2 here
14:18.39merlin1991why didn't it go into last testing o_O?
14:19.02merlin1991good luck DocScrutinizer05
14:19.04DocScrutinizer05blame maintainer8s) of testing!
14:20.00jonwilok, if you have the build deb files for 3.2, that would be great :)
14:20.32DocScrutinizer05freemangordon: kind reminder of the new N900 I'd like to put under my non-existent x-mess tree ;-)
14:27.42merlin1991i see our big boss has joined :D
14:29.08jon_ythey inner joined? :)
14:29.37jon_ysorry, couldn't resist
14:30.14*** join/#maemo-ssu RST38h (
14:31.58DocScrutinizer05hi MohammadAG, welcome in this chan
14:31.58jonwilok, thanks merlin1991, thats exactly what I need
14:32.01DocScrutinizer05and bbl
14:32.13merlin1991jon_y: :D
14:32.31jonwilhmmm actually no its not, it seems to be displaying the wrong operator name :(
14:33.15freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: toldya, i'l check if and when i have time ;)
14:34.06freemangordonmerlin1991(and others): in case you've missed it - there is a new version of powerkeymenu in cssu-devel
14:37.50*** join/#maemo-ssu luf1 (
14:38.37luffreemangordon: already on my dev phone ;)
14:43.12jonwilbah this is annoying, its printing the incorrect operator name and I dont really have the time or working dev box to fix it
14:44.33merlin1991jonwil: you can gather logs for Pali at least
14:50.05jonwilaah, stuff this, I think I can get my dev box working enough to compile stuff
14:50.27MohammadAGhey DocScrutinizer05
15:03.35jonwilok, good, my dev box seems to be working again
15:04.13jonwilone of the buttons on my mouse was somehow stuck in the "down" position
15:07.33jonwilok, now its printing the correct operator name again
15:09.01jonwilRemoving the whole "operator widget: handle operator name changes via dbus signal interface=Phone.Net; member=operator_name_change" change seems to have made it print the correct value again
15:11.39jonwilwhich is right because code inside the connectivity UI libs listens to operator_name_change and will call widget_net_status_cb when the operator has changed
15:14.42jonwilBased on my analysis of the inner workings of libconnui-cellular, connui-home-cellular, libcsnet0 and libcsnet-dev I an convinced that using the name passed into Phone.Net.operator_name_change is not correct
15:14.56jonwilin any case I have a binary on my phone that prints the correct operator name
15:14.58jonwiland I am happy
15:15.16jonwilany arguments about the right way to do things can be had once I get back from holidays I guess :)
15:58.00*** join/#maemo-ssu lizardo_ (lizardo@nat/indt/x-ubnrjcldslishvpy)
16:38.19*** join/#maemo-ssu NIN101 (
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18:08.32keriowhy the hell do i have connui-home-cellular 3.2 instead of 3.1.1 that's in cssu-devel?
18:12.14keriomerlin1991: cssu-devel is outdated on a lot of shit
18:13.14keriohm, what's the deal with modest-l10n-mr0?
18:13.33*** join/#maemo-ssu freemangordon (
18:13.40kerioit's a fake package, why do we ship it, and why is the nokia package a greater version?
18:14.06merlin1991because nokia suxx
18:14.29kerioyeah but there's no need to do that, their mr0 package is better than ours
18:14.33keriohigher version and all that
18:14.41merlin1991or rather whoever did the inital cssu package didn't realize that all the different translations had diferent version numbers
18:15.40keriomerlin1991: community-testing has no Archive: label :(
18:16.06keriooh, it's got a Label: label
18:17.03merlin1991kerio: I have no control over the repos on
18:18.24keriomerlin1991: still, why isn't it 6.11+0m5+0cssu3 or something
18:18.37keriomerlin1991: aren't you supposed to be a repo admin for too?
18:19.09merlin1991kerio: theory and praxis
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20:45.22keriowhy do i have libglib2.0-0 at a higher version than the repos?
20:46.26keriooh, marmistrz's repo
20:48.01keriono, wait
20:49.43keriodafuq, why does mp-fremantle-community-pr depend on maemo-optify-runonce?
20:50.22keriomerlin1991: explain pls
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20:51.47kerioprecaution for what?
20:51.52kerioit's even a predepend
20:52.45merlin1991people making weird stuff to frelshly flashed images that didn't even boot properly once
21:56.38DocScrutinizer05merlin1991: ((<merlin1991> kerio: theory and praxis)) I gather that's another topic council should pick up
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22:28.45*** join/#maemo-ssu MohammadAG (~MohammadA@Maemo/community/contributor/MohammadAG)

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