IRC log for #maemo-ssu on 20120803

02:06.18*** join/#maemo-ssu LaoLang_cool (~LaoLang_c@
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05:10.47freemangordonmerlin1991: DocScrutinizer05: childspin just hanged here
05:11.43freemangordonon device, running HAM update in foreground
05:17.02freemangordonmerlin1991: the very reliable way to make it lock is: run childspin -> opeh HAM -> click on menu -> application catalogs -> rotate the device
05:17.58freemangordonusually it hangs on the first rotation, but may take 2 or 3
05:32.47freemangordonkernel-cssu3, not stock kernel, so BTB clear may affect it.
05:32.59freemangordonthough I doubt
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06:23.04*** join/#maemo-ssu Pali (~pali@unaffiliated/pali)
06:28.39Palijonwil, netlink is standard way how to communicate between userspace and kernel... it is socket orientated communication, so you need to create "protocol" how are data sent. and nokia created a lot of non standard protocols (e.g how to send NVS wifi data to kernel driver...)
06:29.00jonwilyeah thats what I thought
06:29.17jonwilIs there a better way to do nvs->kernel?
06:29.47Paliwl1271 (*71*) has NVS data in firmware file
06:30.05Paliso it is loaded as firmware data
06:30.23jonwilis that the way the N900 should go?
06:30.37jonwilor should we stick with WL1251_NL_CMD_NVS_PUSH?
06:30.39PaliI think that wl1251 driver can use this same way too
06:31.02Paliwl12XX share more code in kernel
06:32.01Palilook here:
06:32.13Palithis is tool which create NVS data as firmware file
06:32.27Palithis also add mac address into NVS data
06:32.53Paliand then kernel can use it when module wl1251 is loaded
06:34.14Palithe right way should be: when updating kernel driver, postinst script will call that tool (maybe patched to read data from CAL) and it will create proper NVS firmware file
06:34.35Paliand then wl1251-cal can be deleted, because kernel have all data in firmware file
06:35.26Paliand for regional wifi settings (e.g. enabled channels): for linux kernel is cfg80211 driver which regulate it
06:35.47Palifrom userspace you can change country with program "iw"
06:36.08jonwilok, well what wl1251-cal does is this:
06:37.10jonwilfirstly is asks cell network for country code
06:37.24jonwilthen it compares it against stored list to determine if its "FCC country"
06:37.40jonwilthen it reads NVS from CAL
06:38.10jonwilmakes 4 changes to NVS data depending on whether its FCC country or not
06:38.43jonwiland pushes that to driver via WL1251_NL_CMD_NVS_PUSH
06:39.02jonwilthen it reads MAC address from CAL
06:40.34jonwilMAC address is sent to driver via SIOCSIFHWADDR
06:40.48jonwilit also uses NL80211_ATTR_REG_ALPHA2 to set country code
06:41.58jonwilright now my plan is to clone wl1251-cal except that it wont use systeminfo and it will pull country value from CAL (same place as sysinfo-tool gets /certs/ccc/pp/wlan-channel from)
06:42.25jonwiljust like I did with bluetooth-cal
06:43.35jonwilI think best answer is to:1.Replace non-standard bluetooth hwaddr interface with something standard
06:43.51jonwilwait ignore that :P
06:44.24jonwil2.Write tool to read NVS from CAL and apply country change based on value of wlan-channel
06:44.38jonwil3.Make wl1251 driver use stored firmware nvs
06:44.59jonwili.e. tool at #2 would produce identical NVS to wl1251-cal
06:45.16jonwilthen 4.Write new tool to read bluetooth and wifi MAC plus country code and send all 3 to driver
06:45.55jonwilbut yeah I will write the wl1251-cal clone
06:45.58jonwiland others can go from there
06:46.06jonwilwill also write the libcal clone
06:46.10jonwilat some point
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06:50.47jonwilthe goal is to replace wl1251-cal and bluetooth-sysinfo (and possibly libcal) on Fremantle and also to replace sysinfod-rx51, libcxal-rx-51-bin, libppu-bin, libwl1251-bin and wl1251-cal-bin on MeeGo & friends
06:54.17Palijownil, for setting country code, you can use standard iw tool: "iw reg set US" (change US)
06:54.37Palijonwil, look at linux macchanger program
06:54.54Palihow it set mac address and check if same interface is also for bluetooth
06:55.13jonwilok, well I will clone the bits and someone else can find a way to make them do things the Right Way(tm)
06:55.24Palimaybe asking on linux bluez mailinglist how to change mac address of bluetooth is good idea
07:02.43Palimaybe, hcitool can change mac address, I do not know
07:02.49Palior hciconfig...
07:03.21Palifreemangordon, for vkb see: and
07:03.24freemangordonhmm, not sure whether it was hcitool or hciconfig :D
07:03.38Palithis tool can create binary vkb layout
07:04.02Palithere are both: hcitool and hciconfig
07:04.18freemangordonPali: I know ukeyboard as I am using it, the tools there is for maem4, iirc jonwil fixed it for fremantle
07:04.40Paliukeyboard working on fremantle too
07:04.57PaliI'm using it for Slovak qwerty layout
07:05.02jonwilYou want
07:05.11jonwilThats the best way to do the vkb on N900
07:05.24freemangordonI know, I am using it for bulgarian :)
07:05.43freemangordonPali: I was talking about RE of .vkb files
07:05.54Palijonwil, it that your code included in ukeyboard?
07:06.03jonwilI have nothing to do with ukeyboard
07:06.06freemangordonthere is a python/perrl/whatever script flying over the inet
07:06.13freemangordonjonwil: ^^^
07:06.30jonwilmy stuff in that tmo thread contains all the info one needs on the vkb format
07:06.43freemangordonjonwil: I remember I sent that to you, and you fixed it for fremantle .vkb format
07:06.43jonwilincluding a fremantle-compatible version of the aformentioned perl script
07:06.49freemangordonjonwil: :nod:
07:07.35PaliI will ask roman if he used your code or not
07:07.37jonwilso yeah that stuff contains decode script, vkb format doc plus code to generate vkb file using libimlayout
07:07.48Paliwe do not need more implementations of vkb format...
07:08.27freemangordonPali: is the one responsible of reading that format and actually displaying the UI
07:08.45jonwillibimlayout is what parses the vkb file format
07:08.58jonwilvkbrenderer is what displays the results recieved from libimlayout
07:09.22freemangordonthough not sure if it receiveswhat to display from upper/lower layers
07:09.27freemangordonjonwil: :nod:
07:09.53zeqmerlin1991: I should have mentioned having HAM running is a very good way of putting enough load on the system to open up the race window.
07:10.00zeqmorning guys :)
07:10.10freemangordonzeq: morning
07:10.16Paliukeyboard has vkb-format-v3
07:10.36freemangordonzeq: but not enough, it is the rotation that triggers the bug in 90% of the cases
07:10.58jonwilbah, is being annoying
07:11.03freemangordonPali: so?
07:11.41freemangordonjonwil: don't you like the pink nailpolish?
07:11.59freemangordonit is lumia after all, what color do you expect :D
07:12.28zeqfreemangordon: ok, but the point is running the test on an idle system minimizes the race window.
07:12.45jonwilukeyboard is not using my code as far as I can see
07:13.04freemangordonzeq: agree
07:13.24zeqit probably depends on time spent in kernel(maybe rotation triggers some long latency kernel code?)
07:13.45freemangordonzeq: maybe
07:14.01zeqnot that it really matters :)
07:14.07freemangordonbut it really does nto matter
07:14.41PaliI can write Roman (now maintainer of ukeyboard) to update code
07:14.57freemangordonPali: to add new keyboards or what?
07:14.58Paliukeyboard has rewritten control panel aplet
07:15.09Palito update documentation
07:15.25Palijonwil has some more info about format
07:15.37freemangordonBTW ukeyboard has an annoying bug (from user POV)
07:16.10freemangordononce installed there are no more messages "input layout has been switched to ..."
07:16.18jonwilmy gen_vkb script is as close as its possible to get to the way Nokia does it
07:16.28jonwilnot script, binary
07:16.42jonwilI found gen_vkb binary for older Maemo, reverse engineered it and then exended it for Fremantle
07:16.57jonwilNokia obviously has gen_vkb for Fremantle internally
07:17.01jonwilreal one that is
07:17.18freemangordonmaybe I missed the point, but what is the relation between vkbrenderer and ukeyboard/gen_vkb?
07:19.02freemangordonanyway, I gtg, see ya
07:21.00jonwilbasically gen_vkb generates a .vkb file of the keyboard layout
07:21.17jonwilthen libimlayout0 parses that and hands the data off to vkbrenderer
07:21.19jonwilwhich then renders it
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08:59.54kerioidea: rotation lock in the powerkey menu, and out of the status menu
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15:17.13*** topic/#maemo-ssu is Maemo Community Seamless Software Update "CSSU" channel, | Known bugs: | Channel logs: | Sources: | Latest version (testing): 21.2011.38-1Tmaemo4.1; (stable): 21.2011.38-1Smaemo3
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17:09.35keriook, i have the operator name problem again
17:10.04keriojonwil: *poke?*
17:10.21kerioi can test the bugfix i guess
17:15.13kerioDocScrutinizer05: you too
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17:18.03kerioDocScrutinizer05: i'm ready for more cbsms tests
17:18.13keriowith the fixed version
17:18.27keriothat i don't know how to install and/or compile
17:18.50DocScrutinizer05alas i'm not familiar with the actual implementation, just contributed some architecture
17:19.25kerioshould i ask jonwil then? (was it him?)
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17:19.41DocScrutinizer05probably for specifics about the current binary/pkg you better ask pali or jonwil
17:20.37keriowhy pali? :o
17:20.42keriohe's everywhere
17:21.11DocScrutinizer05he did some fixes to the last version before the assumed jonwil bleeding edge one
17:21.53DocScrutinizer05since jonwil isn't really available that frequently
17:22.18DocScrutinizer05though he's logged in right now, so odds are he'll answer in a minute
17:22.52DocScrutinizer05kerio: for now you could provide apt-cache policy
17:22.56DocScrutinizer05for that thing
17:23.20DocScrutinizer05so we know what you're using and what we're talking bout
17:24.25jonwilI am here but busy trying to debug with gdb on my phone keyboard (cant use ssh because wl1251-cal work requires wifi to be offline when running the binary)
17:24.40jonwilthe good news is that the mac address seems to be being set correctly
17:25.18jonwilioctl() isn't returning an error
17:25.50keriowhat's wl1251-cal?
17:26.02kerioDocScrutinizer05: k, one sec
17:27.10kerioInstalled: 0.2
17:27.24jonwilwl1251-cal handles settings for the wl1251 wifi chip
17:27.25keriofor operator-name-cbs-widget
17:27.28jonwili.e. setting mac address
17:27.38keriooh, in the proper way?
17:27.41jonwiland dealing with regulatory domain
17:27.52kerioinstead of using the l33t drivers
17:27.58kerioi see
17:28.10kerioi'd like to be in japan, yes
17:28.14jonwilwl1251-cal is closed source from nokia, I am currently doing something that does the same thing as wl1251-cal from nokia except open
17:28.20jonwilopen source
17:28.34jonwilthen someone else can make it use better interfaces and not the nokia-specific stuff
17:31.33DocScrutinizer05jonwil: nice stuff, anyway could you spare a few minutes to direct kerio towards properly exploiting the bug just showing up again in his operator-name-cbs-widget? We eventually like to get that fixed, and he's willing to help and just can reproduce the issue
17:32.50kerio"sure sure, but fix this bug first"
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19:19.28jonwilok, wl1251-cal is DONE :)
19:20.28kerioshould cssu allow manual configuration of regulatory domains'
19:20.43jonwilthats up to CSSU
19:23.40kerioi wasn't necessarily asking you c:
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19:29.09keriono, :ↄ
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19:46.33zeqjonwil: you mean via iw?
19:46.53zeqsorry, *kerio*
19:48.51keriozeq: yeah
19:49.27keriobut it would be better if it was automatically set to JP
19:49.36kerioor, rather, configurable in a plaintext file
19:49.48keriois CAL signed?
19:55.18keriough, why can't everything be like fmtxd :(
19:55.39kerioi mean, i suppose it kinda is, you can just use the backported drivers, but they have a crappy powersaving
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20:32.17*** topic/#maemo-ssu is Maemo Community Seamless Software Update "CSSU" channel, | Known bugs: | Channel logs: | Sources: | Latest version (testing): 21.2011.38-1Tmaemo4.1; (stable): 21.2011.38-1Smaemo3
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20:44.17DocScrutinizer05ABI: Application Binary Interface - the interface on binary level used between binaries to talk to each other. ABI compatibility means binary A doesn't notice *any* change in the interface of binary B it connects to
20:46.21DocScrutinizer05compare API compatibility which defines a compliance of abstract definition of a interface as used by compilers at build time, so a *new* binary A though built from same sources would still connect without problems to the possibly changed ABI of binary B since both use the same API still
20:48.37DocScrutinizer05to connect to the funny discussion 24h ago here, which managed so elegantly to declare my 2h in garden at BBQ as a 1 week non-availability, by sending out invitations in obscure channels and 5 minutes in advance, and also spreading FUD about my availability
20:50.11DocScrutinizer05I'm frankly assuming and stating that several attendees of yesterday's discussion did this on pretty purpose, to bully me out
20:51.22keriograbs some popcorn
20:52.34DocScrutinizer05while the experise and less sneaky half knew about my position already and also knew it's in line with theirs
20:54.27DocScrutinizer05ooh, btw, estel_ is on holiday for the next 24 months, don't bother to invite or ask him about anything, we already know what he will say anyway (and we know we don't give a *sh*t*)
20:55.51DocScrutinizer05assumptions assumptions assumptions. And FUD. Is all of that always just in best intent? I doubt it
20:56.59DocScrutinizer05>>problem with 3rd party modules was *always* purely theoretical one. I.e. "there may exist, in some ancient vault, a module compiled in 3000 before christ..."
20:57.25DocScrutinizer05>>(from my limited knowledge common folk POV, feel free to correct)
20:57.47DocScrutinizer05>>i.e. such situation is purely theoretical, just for sake of doing so, no practical problems risk, ever. 0% chance.
20:57.50DocScrutinizer05>>(from my limited knowledge common folk POV, feel free to correct)
20:58.32DocScrutinizer05thanks a lot really for this elaborated expertise
20:58.40DocScrutinizer05now we're all a lot wiser
20:59.48*** join/#maemo-ssu BCMM (~user@unaffiliated/bcmm)
21:00.01DocScrutinizer05dear estel, your statements are exactly "purely theoretical, just for sake of doing so"
21:03.02DocScrutinizer05the possibility of existing custom kernel modules out there that will break with new kernel due to loss of ABI compliance is "purely theoretical, just for sake of doing so" while assuming a problem out of a very rare race that's not even been demontrated by testcode on stock kernel is a welcome argument to push your own ideas. Now THAT'S scientific and honest for sure
21:03.55DocScrutinizer05and this guy denigrates my merits
21:05.08DocScrutinizer05homestly when you got estel on your side arguing for you, prepare for failure even when your positions and arguments been good
21:05.12keriokinda unrelated: was ABI-compatibility kept between nokia upgrades to the kernel?
21:05.26keriowere those the same kernel version?
21:06.18DocScrutinizer05that's a direct result of the facts I quoted why it's impossible to keep ABI compatibilty between kernel versions (usually)
21:07.11DocScrutinizer05btw I'm not absolutely sure if we've seen a kernel update with any PR upgrade
21:07.30DocScrutinizer05so maybe Nokia didn't dare to push a new kernel
21:07.51DocScrutinizer05they might however have fixed some modules
21:08.02DocScrutinizer05without pushing a new kernel
21:08.52DocScrutinizer05if you want to know for sure, you need to run a md4sum across kernel fiasco segment of PR1.0 image
21:09.56DocScrutinizer05and even then you might get wrong idea, since already a later compile time will change the md5sum while it usually should keep ABI stable when *nothing* changed in kernel sources
21:12.46kerio-20094101-0m5 for 1.0, -20103103-0m5 for >=1.2, says
21:13.02keriobut it's probably not a version change
21:13.08DocScrutinizer05but NB I'm maybe enough of a kernel hacker to look into musb_hdrc and spot some things to patch to make USB hostmode work, but I'm not the kernel guru to tell you every detail about symbol binding and early / late addr linking in kernel->module ABI
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21:14.43DocScrutinizer05if it works similar to usual .so then there's a table of verbatim symbols with some tagging of their types, and as long as that srays unchanged, basic ABI compatibility should stay intact
21:15.54DocScrutinizer05then you just have to cope with, or override, vermagic and hope for it to not make your system go *boom*
21:16.27DocScrutinizer05but I could as well be completely off the lane here
21:17.43DocScrutinizer05and honestly I didn't get it why fmg got so upset when I suggested to run his new allegedly compatible kernel against stock modules. After all it *should* work, minus for the vermagic, for all I know
21:18.49DocScrutinizer05in the end it's just a question of parameters on stack and in registers, and those shouldn't have changed, no?
21:19.31keriodoesn't know that much about the kernel
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21:33.45DocScrutinizer05do you think estel knows more than you?
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22:14.11DocScrutinizer05>>Estel_so, gentlemans, do we have any concerns about this point? someone wantg to present opposite arguments? Or are we trying to convince already convinced people? :)
22:14.56DocScrutinizer05incredible how this guy always tries to push his own tiny horizon and topic and POV
22:15.19DocScrutinizer05instead of shutting up and listening when experts talk
22:20.14*** join/#maemo-ssu zeq (~s_j_newbu@
22:56.19zeqIRC doesn't do well with intermittent connectivity! DocScrutinizer05: If I owe you an apology for my part in yesterday's discussion, you have it.  I particularly wanted to discuss the future plans for updating (e)glibc (outside of CSSU) and maintaining compatibility with CSSU/stock, and I actually really wanted you there, especially to come up with the difficult arguments and objections.  At least from me there was no intention of spreading FUD or makin
22:56.19zeqg unwarranted assumptions, you're just a good experienced engineer and know the pitfalls.  You are needed to keep everybody honest.
23:03.14Raimustrongly agrees
23:03.27RaimuWith the last phrasing, at least
23:17.11DocScrutinizer05zeq: your position and rationale was without any concern from my side
23:19.16DocScrutinizer05and I'm happy I made it til now and still seems common sense of the wiser attendees prevailed
23:19.59DocScrutinizer05I'm just musing about an incompatibility between userland/*.so and kernel
23:21.48DocScrutinizer05and I'm fully supporting merlin1991 with his take on kernel for CSSU shouldn't be another KP51 with bells and whistles nobody ever really tested if they play nice with N900, even if they're upstream. We've seen enough BS upsream, just look at lis302dl.ko vs lis3lv02.ko
23:23.07DocScrutinizer05zeq: there's a reason maemo kernel is _not_ upstream kernel
23:23.48DocScrutinizer05and any patch being upstream doesn't guarantee it's all sugar and cake for our device
23:25.23DocScrutinizer05so my take on CSSU kernel is like merlin1991's: port every CVE separately, after *proper* evaluation on the ML, review of at least 2 other experts about possible impact, and finally proper testing before deploying the patch with a new kernel
23:25.55DocScrutinizer05s/of at/by at/
23:27.39DocScrutinizer05zeq: when estel dare to throw around numbers like "99.99% of users", I can do as well. Keep in mind you're potentially wrecking the devices of 50000 or 100000 users that don't show up here to utter their concerns
23:28.35DocScrutinizer05and anybody now jumping up and questioning those numbers has to debate with me about his attitude what CSSU is meant to be
23:29.13DocScrutinizer05aim is to move CSSU on every single N900 ever sold
23:30.13DocScrutinizer05if we're not there yet, we can't use this as an excuse for anything, particularly not for sloppyness and careless messing with system, but rather we should ponder why we're not there yet
23:32.13DocScrutinizer05zeq: think "risk management", think "IF we mess it up completely, can we deliver a proper recovery path, and can we do that fast and safely?"
23:32.29zeqI can't disagree with any of that
23:32.48DocScrutinizer05I know
23:33.42DocScrutinizer05that's why I definitely didn't mean you, merlin1991, pali or even fmg with my rant about the non-expert half opening their mouth way to wide when they better shut up and listen
23:34.15DocScrutinizer05but according to estel you're all under my satanic influence
23:35.35DocScrutinizer05and I hope some guys have learnt now that my satanic influence is STRONG even when I'm just not around
23:37.16zeqincidently, is it known how many N900s there are out there?
23:37.59DocScrutinizer05numbers differ, I seem to recall preworders been 250k
23:38.19DocScrutinizer05or sales during first 3 months incl preorders?
23:39.08DocScrutinizer05maybe I'm totally wrong and my memory clouded
23:39.32DocScrutinizer05guys like gan should know better
23:39.43RaimuI wish all this in-scene fighting shit would just recede.
23:39.53RaimuSeen it too often in different circles.
23:40.05zeqI'd better get to sleep now, on holiday you know! ;)
23:40.08DocScrutinizer05Raimu: seems a normal thing in FOSS
23:40.32RaimuNo problem with differing opinions, though. Just when it goes ballistic.
23:41.17DocScrutinizer05well, all you can earn in FOSS is fame. Some need it more than others, some are ruthless in their means to achive that goal
23:42.02DocScrutinizer05and some simply haven't groked the concept of meritocracy
23:43.20RaimuBah, not what I'm talking about.
23:43.26DocScrutinizer05meritocracy is a top-down concept, where gurus appoint others for peers
23:43.34RaimuHmm, yes.
23:43.43DocScrutinizer05it's not the unwashed masses cheering up those with merit
23:43.50RaimuI mean some views are complementary rather than "naturally contradictory".
23:45.24Raimuhugs everyone like a drunkard
23:45.29RaimuI guess that's what I mean. :P
23:46.01DocScrutinizer05afk for a late beer
23:46.04RaimuOne can swing ace concepts every which way, but they're still just that.
23:46.19Raimualready started with a quart of rum'n'ginger
23:46.59DocScrutinizer05zeq: n8 pal

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