IRC log for #kicad on 20160828

00:06.31GyrosGeiermsys has massive overhead during builds, it seems
00:08.02*** join/#kicad bugzc (~1@unaffiliated/bugzc)
00:13.35sibiriamingw cleaner environment
00:14.11GyrosGeierthese are the mingw toolchains
00:29.33*** join/#kicad DL7AD (
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01:45.20*** join/#kicad eszett (
01:45.58eszettthe word "footprint" doesnt appear in a 900 pages datasheet of an IC :-(
01:46.27eszettreality and datasheets are two different worlds, I suppose..
01:46.35c4757plook for "package dimensions"
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01:47.19c4757pas for the actual /footprint/ (typically called a "land pattern"), that's usually left out of large datasheets and provided separately on the manuf website
01:47.31c4757pjust google the name of the manuf and their silly custom name for the package
01:47.35c4757pit usually comes up :p
01:47.37eszettye c47, i found the package dimensions,
01:47.47eszettbut it has no footprint dimensions :-(
01:47.53eszettfor the land patterns..
01:48.11c4757p(alternatively they may not provide it at all. that is to some extent considered the responsibility of the PCB designer.)
01:48.16GyrosGeiermechanical question: I have two plastic parts with holes, one of them is the crank of a servo, the other an extension rod
01:48.24GyrosGeierwhat is the best way to connect them?
01:48.38eszettc47: oh no, they dont provide it at all?
01:49.26c4757pthey may or may not
01:49.29c4757psome do.
01:49.39c4757p> as for the actual /footprint/ (typically called a "land pattern"), that's usually left out of large datasheets and provided separately on the manuf website
01:49.44c4757p> just google the name of the manuf and their silly custom name for the package
01:51.37*** part/#kicad hasuTMK (
01:52.58eszettye, got it :-)
01:53.52eszettc47: I guess i can somehow guess the land patterns by the details given for "base metal", here, but can you tell me what's the difference between the yellow and the red values?
01:54.29DocScrutinizer05 is particularly nasty
01:55.06eszettnasty in which respect? hard to read?
01:55.56c4757pI'm not entirely sure. min/max at a guess?
01:56.27DocScrutinizer05nasty in that it lacks any decent data for land pattern, not even for the solder area of the pins
01:56.58eszettyes, i've seen better made technical drawings..
01:57.19c4757pso many are terrible though
01:57.25c4757pwhen I see a good one I get excited
01:57.34eszettc47: min/max, ye i guess that probably is it
02:05.46DocScrutinizer05you possibly are better off searching for a standard footprint for that package, that seems to be what they expect you to do anyway
02:06.25Plugheszett: Did you get the PCB for your keyboard finished?
02:06.50DocScrutinizer05the footer prolly has best info of whole sheet
02:08.02DocScrutinizer05LQFP 48 pin, JEDEC MS-026-BBC, SOT313-3. One of those might help
02:08.58c4757pall that and they couldn't be arsed to include a fucking IPC footprint name. I /really/ wish more people used those
02:09.06c4757pwho the hell uses SOT* for QFPs??
02:09.45DocScrutinizer05  Footprint for wave soldering
02:10.01c4757pat least IPC names are regular enough to figure out yourslef
02:16.31eszettsorry i was it the basement looking for my cat
02:17.12c4757pdid you find it?
02:18.09DocScrutinizer05^^^ is a good document.
02:18.19DocScrutinizer05infineon FTW
02:18.44eszettc47: she made some noise probably was catching a mouse, dont know exactly
02:19.00*** join/#kicad Eli2| (~Eli2@pdpc/supporter/professional/eli2)
02:21.42eszettdocscrutinizer: browsing your given datasheets..
02:22.07eszettwell, i think i got the footprint ready now
02:22.36c4757pputs on his GyrosGeier hat
02:22.42c4757pI want a better way to do decoupling capacitors
02:22.52eszettmy fabhouse said i can send the gerbers with 0.00 solder mask clearance to them. they adjust the value to their needs then.
02:23.04c4757pI don't want to have to litter the schematic with a thousand individual capacitors
02:23.20GyrosGeierc4757p, I'm thinking of inventing a new schematic item
02:23.29GyrosGeierrendered as a table
02:23.32c4757pI want to just be able to say "C1000-C1200 are decoupling capacitors with these properties", and then plonk as many as I want onto the PCB
02:23.35GyrosGeierand creates netlist items
02:23.38c4757pGyrosGeier: ooh
02:23.51GyrosGeierthat could also replace hidden pins
02:26.05GyrosGeierbut I need to finish the other stuff first
02:27.15GyrosGeieris building a GLaDOS lamp
02:27.37GyrosGeierthat's why I need the LT8500
02:27.53GyrosGeier9 RGBW LEDs and four servos
02:28.42c4757pthat is quite the project
02:29.07GyrosGeierthe 3d printing is done
02:29.26GyrosGeiernow it's servo mechanics
02:32.54GyrosGeieris a tiny bit unhappy that the LT8500 needs an external clock
02:33.25GyrosGeierbut I think I can derive that from the Arduino's core clock
02:36.21GyrosGeierwhen I control the servos with the same PWM generator as the LEDs, I'm limited to 200 Hz for the LEDs
02:38.08DocScrutinizer05c4757p: (("C1000-C1200 are decoupling capacitors with these properties")) isn't that what a component in lib does for you?
02:38.35c4757pI mean a single thing that reserves that entire range
02:38.37DocScrutinizer05component "decoupling capacitor"
02:38.57c4757pso I don't need to make a sea of 200 capacitors in the schematic to do that
02:39.00DocScrutinizer05call it DC instead C?
02:39.01c4757pwhich serves no purpose
02:39.16c4757pgives up
02:39.16DocScrutinizer05aaah, you don't want to place them?
02:39.21c4757pnot in the schematic, no
02:39.36c4757pI want to place /one object/ that reserves the /entire C1000-C1200 range/
02:39.44c4757pand then just place parts out of that range dynamically onto the PCB
02:39.56DocScrutinizer05hmmm, a tiny component maybe? with GND connection already integrated
02:40.20wpwrakthat could be cute :)
02:40.26c4757pI don't care about the size, I'll make a dedicated sheet to hold them if I bloody have to
02:40.32c4757pI want two things
02:40.36c4757p1) not to have to place them at /all/
02:40.52wpwrakreminds me of the suggestion to manufacture diodes with built-in resistors, for the "maker" movement ;)
02:40.54c4757p2) to reduce the number of silly things in my schematic. I'm /picky/ about them, I want them drawn a certain way
02:41.01DocScrutinizer05somehow you have to define where they connect to, though
02:41.12c4757p"on this rail" is part of "these properties"
02:41.22c4757pobv the entire range is on the same rail
02:41.26GyrosGeierand ideally, the ratsnest lines would connect each power pin to its dedicated capacitor
02:41.32GyrosGeierso you don't lose track
02:41.33c4757pwpwrak: LEDs, you mean?
02:41.51DocScrutinizer05aaah I see, for a power rail they are all basically same
02:41.55wpwrakc4757p: err, yes :)
02:42.01c4757pwpwrak: that's been done, a while ago
02:42.22c4757pI remember seeing those in ratshack
02:42.49c4757pGyrosGeier: nah, I wouldn't want that
02:42.59c4757ptoo much maintenance making sure each power pin is associated with one
02:43.11c4757pdecoupling is a layout thing anyway, I'll see there's a power pin lacking a cap at layout
02:43.31c4757p(and if two power pins are directly adjacent.../really/, there's no reason to place /two/ there, despite "one cap per pin" rules of thumb)
02:44.24DocScrutinizer05so crreating a 200 identical capacitors on one sheet shouldn't be too hard, eh?
02:44.38c4757pnot /too/ hard, I mean...I've obv done it
02:44.43c4757pit just seems silly to me
02:45.18c4757pif we made circuits with code instead of diagrams, nobody would copypaste a "decouple(power, gnd)" 200 times
02:45.37c4757pthey'd just use whatever that language had for "for (i = 0; i < 200; ++i) decouple(power, gnd)"
02:45.46DocScrutinizer05what do you eant? place *one* object is not exactly meaningful, unless that one object is a component considting of 100 capacitors
02:45.53c4757pit /is/
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02:46.56c4757pbasically, I want this "object" to be something akin to a text object that says "C1000..C1200: 100nF 0201" like used to be seen on well-drawn, /hand/-drawn schematics before CAD entered into this and ruined all the old readability tricks
02:46.57DocScrutinizer05and yes, I instantly thought of a script asking you "how many? which capacity, voltage, footprint?" and then does the job for you
02:48.11DocScrutinizer05alas... you know. eeschema and scripting :-/
02:48.15c4757pI don't think it needs to be a script
02:48.26c4757pand we don't do scripting well, I /really/ don't want it to be one in /kicad/
02:48.48c4757pall it /has/ to be is a component whose reference is a /range/ rather than a single point
02:48.59wpwrakc4757p: trance mode may be more efficient in the end :) the sort of mental state where you switch off all brain functions that get in in the way, and 'just do it' :)
02:49.32c4757pI don't have the bloody attention span for that
02:49.43DocScrutinizer052^N gets you to a 200 capacitors pretty quickly
02:49.46c4757pif I have to manually place 200 capacitor symbols I'm going to start daydreaming of suicide methods by the hundredth
02:49.51GyrosGeierc4757p, I have an FPGA that needs 50 small caps
02:49.56GyrosGeierit's easy to miss one
02:50.18c4757pI have three of those :)
02:50.36DocScrutinizer05I'll try how long it takes me... ;-P
02:50.48c4757poh, sure, 2^N is efficient, and obviously I do that
02:50.57c4757pstill, it's /silly/. it's redundant, and looks stupid on the schematic
02:51.05c4757pworst of all for me, it's /not how I envision my schematic/
02:51.20c4757pIMO, if I can't make my schematic /exactly how I want it to look/, the tool is missing something
02:51.21c4757pit's a drawing
02:51.27c4757pI know better than the tool how to make those
02:52.08wpwrakc4757p: here's my secret: dinner consisting of crackers, tuna, some nice sauce, and a bottle of sweet white wine. when go to bed. when you wake up, you're clear in the head, relaxed, and excellently motivated. go easy on the caffeine, though. also a great condition for cracking some tough problems, since it boosts creativity (in a productive way).
02:52.34wpwrak1st s/when/then/
02:58.11DocScrutinizer05as I understand it you could add components at will to pcbnew layout, no? - unless you get the error msg I just got while trying:
02:58.33c4757pyou can, yes
02:58.43c4757pbut managing parts on the PCB that don't match anything in the schematic is a PITA
02:59.12c4757p(and I don't want them /missing/ in the schematic, I just want to say for (i=0; i<200; ++i) decouple_shit() instead :)
02:59.19DocScrutinizer05then that's the root problem, since you don't want those components to show up in schematics
02:59.26c4757pI /do/ want them to show up
02:59.29c4757pjust not individually.
02:59.30cyborg_arc4757p, :)
02:59.58c4757pI draw schematics for /humans/, not for computers. the computer reading it as a sort of graphical netlist is secondary to me
03:00.03DocScrutinizer05you need a new class "joker component"
03:00.09c4757pyou don't include piles of redundant info like that in diagrams for humans
03:00.22cyborg_arc4757p, one thing i miss is being able to explode connectors in arbitrary pieces
03:00.44c4757pgo look at a Tektronix service manual from the 1970s or 1980s
03:00.51c4757panything in there that you can't do in eeschema
03:00.57c4757pI want to be able to do in eeschema
03:01.36cyborg_ar this is from the embedded system i was talking about earlier today
03:02.11c4757pthat's the first time I've actually seen that alternative Darlington symbol in application
03:02.41c4757pis easily distracted by schematic details
03:02.50DocScrutinizer05oh wow, that's some awesome work
03:03.19cyborg_ar this is the CPU board
03:03.31cyborg_arit would be a lot more complicated with un-exploded connectors
03:03.39c4757pyeah, and it's already pretty busy
03:03.50cyborg_arit should have been split in a couple pages lol
03:03.54c4757pI'd want more whitespace in there myself - but it's hand-drawn, so...
03:04.04wpwrakcyborg_ar: what would already be nice is to have a way to say that a component is to be guaranteed to be equivalent to another. i.e., that it would show up in ERC if they diverge. that way, you'd still have manual work, but at least you don't need to review N times.
03:04.31cyborg_arit was originally A3 size
03:04.56cyborg_arbut yeah this could easily be 3 pages
03:05.15c4757pthe exploded connectors are a readability tradeoff, though
03:05.19cyborg_arbut you can still follow it pretty well when debugging the board
03:05.20DocScrutinizer05((CPU board)) LOL
03:05.23c4757pit's much harder to work backwards and find out what pin 42 connects to
03:05.43cyborg_arbut that was solved on the electrical plans of that same company
03:05.50cyborg_ari dont have any on me unfortunately
03:06.03cyborg_arthey had dozens of connectors exploded all over the place
03:06.20cyborg_arbut at the end they had a table where they listed all the pages and coordinates where the ends were
03:06.28c4757pyeah, I was just going to say
03:06.46c4757pI've never seen this done for /connectors/, but that's an approach I like in general to resolve that sort of tradeoff
03:06.47cyborg_arso if you wanted to know what was connected to J5 pin 22, you went to the tables at the end, find the page and coordinate, and then go to the right page
03:07.02c4757poptimize the schematic for reading in the direction it'll be most commonly read in, and then have a table for working it "backwards"
03:07.30cyborg_arwell, the most common way for us to read it was "backwards" so we always went to the tables first
03:07.49cyborg_arthey also had pictorial pages showing the physical pinout of the connector
03:08.27cyborg_arso what we would do is first go the the pictorial page, check which wire is which pin number, the pictorial page also had coordinates and machine registers
03:08.48cyborg_arso we could punch in the debug code in the console to test that IO pin
03:16.32cyborg_arthey spoiled me :(
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03:31.11DocScrutinizer05hmm, a lot of ping timeouts at 3:25 UTC
03:31.54DocScrutinizer05c4757p: netsplit?
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03:32.31c4757pno, I dropped out completely. not sure what happened there
03:32.48c4757pfigured it was on my end, didn't know it was a bunch
03:32.51DocScrutinizer05(I only see parts of users who said something recently, so can't tell)
03:33.27DocScrutinizer05[2016-08-28 Sun 05:25:59] <-- [Tux] (~H_Merijn@2001:981:9fe5:1:1826:a33b:8d85:a9a7) has left this server (Ping timeout: 258 seconds).  (in #suse)
03:33.52DocScrutinizer05[2016-08-28 Sun 05:25:59] <-- c4757p (c4757p@2604:a880:0:1010::631:8001) has left this server (Ping timeout: 258 seconds).
03:34.28DocScrutinizer05common denominator: IPv6 ?
03:35.07DocScrutinizer05is too curious
03:35.35c4757pI'm curious too, I just don't know what actually happened :p
03:35.44c4757pone of freenode's servers farted?
03:36.26DocScrutinizer05did you ever hear of #fnalerts
03:37.45DocScrutinizer05pro tip: query the bot directly
03:38.45c4757punfortunately I'm not actually curious enough to do something to find out
03:38.53c4757pthough admittedly that may be more a problem of laziness than curiosity
03:39.05DocScrutinizer05it just tells you which servers are down, if any
03:39.43DocScrutinizer05no downed servers, so no clue what happened at 3:25
03:40.58*** join/#kicad Shuggsy (
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03:42.08DocScrutinizer05((lazy)) I got a bookmark on #fnalerts ;-)
03:42.49DocScrutinizer05only since bookmarks to queries don't work in my irc client. But just it occurs to me I could create a macro
03:44.18DocScrutinizer05/msg fnalerts status
03:48.26DocScrutinizer05anyway funny, found another one: [2016-08-28 Sun 05:25:59] <-- azonenberg ( has left this server (Ping timeout: 258 seconds).
03:49.21DocScrutinizer05FN server fart sounds a reasonable explanation :-D
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04:06.56GyrosGeier20562 read(12, "digit\0__weisswurschtbrotzeit13\0A"..., 4096) = 4096
04:07.23GyrosGeierdebugging commercial code is fun
04:07.53*** join/#kicad daey_ (~Flutterba@unaffiliated/day)
04:08.56GyrosGeier20553 --- SIGSEGV {si_signo=SIGSEGV, si_code=SEGV_MAPERR, si_addr=0x2b59cffd} ---
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04:34.29GyrosGeierModelSim fails
04:34.40GyrosGeierbut only when invoked from Quartus
04:43.30*** join/#kicad Tachyon` (
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05:06.50c4757pfixed the corner artifacts issue in the raytracer
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05:18.10c4757plol, found the /actual/ problem
05:18.28c4757pfixed it by progressively untangling spaghetti code until it stopped being a problem, didn't know what was actually wrong >_>
05:19.06c4757pprotip: std::vector<bool> is special-cased... >_>
05:32.21GyrosGeierlearned something about servos
05:32.32GyrosGeierthey are strong enough to destroy themselves
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06:16.58c4757pI like that the bugs are automatically marked as Fix Committed now
06:17.09c4757pthanks orsonmmz|away :)
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07:39.32cyborg_arGyrosGeier, my client learned that the other day, it will not only kill itself but take power supplies with it
07:42.36GyrosGeierwell, it's a microservo
07:42.58GyrosGeierI'm a bit unhappy with the resolution though
07:43.30archivistchange the encoder
07:43.33GyrosGeierI'd love to have smooth movements for the lamp
07:43.46GyrosGeierthe encoder is an FPGA
07:44.13GyrosGeierI have 18 bit resolution in the encoder now
07:44.19archivistwhat is it reading for position
07:44.44GyrosGeierI just increment a counter by 25 each frame
07:45.02GyrosGeierframes are 125 Hz, roughly
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07:46.14GyrosGeierbut the movement is still jerky
07:46.55cyborg_ardid you grapth the error vs time?
07:47.06GyrosGeiernot yet
07:47.10cyborg_aralso 125hz might be too slow for smooth motion
07:47.21GyrosGeiernot sure I can go faster
07:47.23cyborg_army servo system used a 2000Hz torque loop
07:47.39cyborg_arwatch the integral though
07:48.05GyrosGeierno, I'm trying linear motion
07:48.11GyrosGeierno PID yet
07:48.17cyborg_arjust P?
07:48.26cyborg_aryou need to at least have PD
07:49.15cyborg_argive it enough D that it will feel like it's resisting when you try to move it, then rise the P until it gets there fast enough
07:49.22cyborg_arshitty tunning but works well enough
07:50.01GyrosGeierit's one of the PWM controlled microservos
07:50.23GyrosGeier"move to position" is fast enough
07:51.30cyborg_arso this is bang bang, will give you a 1 until it reaches position?
07:51.50GyrosGeierno, this is "1.5ms pulse encodes middle position"
07:52.45GyrosGeier0.5 to 2.5 seem to be the value range for this one
07:52.52cyborg_arsorry, i dont really understand HDLs very well yet
07:52.57archivistRC servo?
07:53.17cyborg_aryou can't tune those very well
07:53.24archivistservo to me is a real thing on a cnc :)
07:53.25GyrosGeierbut then again I need to move 16g of PLA and a LED
07:53.30cyborg_ari thought you had motors and encoders
07:53.46decimadany reason not to use a process?
07:53.57archivistget a real one, can be simple
07:54.04GyrosGeierdecimad, it's throwaway code
07:54.18decimadjust wondered
07:54.19cyborg_aryeah you might get a lot better performance if you replace the controller board in the servo
07:54.30GyrosGeiernormally I wouldn't divide the clock by hand if I could avoid it
07:54.33cyborg_arthose RC servos are usually simple PD thingies
07:54.47archivistwith a pot for feedback
07:54.55cyborg_arand deadband
07:55.00cyborg_arto prevent oscillation
07:55.14cyborg_arvery shitty tunning and positional accuracy
07:55.18GyrosGeierthe deadband is the problem then
07:55.30cyborg_arbut good enough for someone who's controlling ailerons with an RC stick
07:55.46archivistnot for real work though
07:56.00GyrosGeierI can still change the design for the controller
07:56.11GyrosGeierso I can still change servo type
07:56.35cyborg_arGyrosGeier, do you have your own encoders, or just rely on the pot?
07:56.41archivistI did have to make replacement gears for some, a certain motorcycle company was using them in a racing bike on the throttle
07:56.45GyrosGeiercyborg_ar, just the pot
07:57.06decimaddoes gcc fill up deleted memory with a pattern in debug builds?
07:57.10GyrosGeierdecimad, no
07:57.29GyrosGeierdecimad, use valgrind if you want to track memory errors
07:57.34cyborg_arGyrosGeier, how big are the servos?
07:57.36archivistdc motor, h bridge driver, optical feedback to counters in the fpga
07:57.52archivistpwm driving the h bridge
07:58.22GyrosGeiercyborg_ar, is the bigger one
07:58.44GyrosGeierthe FPGA is just for testing
07:58.56GyrosGeierideally I'd connect it to a free PWM channel from the LEDs
07:59.29cyborg_ari wonder if you could stick one of those tiny teeny magnetic encoders AMS makes
07:59.40cyborg_arthey're magic
07:59.51GyrosGeierthe problem seems to be the deadband
08:00.16cyborg_arGyrosGeier, the problem is the shitty servo loop, a quick and easy solution is to get a good digital servo
08:00.59cyborg_arthey put the deadband there because the pot has so much hysteresis that it would grind it's gears clean if left to oscillate
08:02.06GyrosGeierno idea how to find one that is better though
08:02.18GyrosGeierbuilding my own is going to delay the project even further
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08:02.50cyborg_aris looking on hobbyking
08:04.15GyrosGeierdo they have a parametric search beyond "size"?
08:05.13archivistthere is so much backlash in the gear chain as well
08:05.37GyrosGeierthat should be fixable with metal gears, probably
08:05.45archivistnot really
08:06.21cyborg_armetal gears will make it better
08:06.32cyborg_arand with a known load it can probably be mostly tuned away
08:06.46GyrosGeierthe load is minimal
08:06.57archivistclearance in gear design is pretty constant
08:11.11cyborg_ari'm watching a video on servos, analog vs digital, maybe just getting a digital will improve things a lot
08:11.32cyborg_ardidnt know the analog ones were so slow
08:14.59archivistmethinks factual errors in that vid
08:15.43archivistpwm rate is separate form the feedback and internal response
08:16.02cyborg_aryeah they may be conflating things
08:16.17cyborg_arbut it is real that the cheaper servo has a suprisingly slow loop
08:16.36cyborg_ar50 Hz is slooooww
08:17.16cyborg_arand i believe it is 50 because they made them hum and the slow one made a very familiar 50hz hum
08:22.13cyborg_ar that could be a good step up
08:23.30archivistcheap for what is in there
08:23.37GyrosGeieradds some to the shopping list
08:25.02*** join/#kicad alphaferret (~user@
08:26.43alphaferrethmm you got me paranoid now about not being able to fit the cards in easily, i might change the input jacks to a smaller one that sits flush or slightly recessed fromc cutout. the only problem is those don't make contact with the chassie so...
08:26.56alphaferretmaybe a pogo right there would help
08:26.58GyrosGeierthat one is larger than the 900
08:27.30cyborg_aryeah it has more depth
08:27.34cyborg_arand slightly more width
08:27.55GyrosGeierI think it should still fit
08:30.40alphaferrettrashed the switchers over input jacks, right side is dc module, jack, ldo for rails, left side boost and ldo
08:31.54alphaferretphantom boost switcher on left sits next to either output jack or near to summing amp, i supposed that's better than charge pump right on top
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09:13.41invultri_do references start from 0 or 1 ?
09:21.03trygvisusually 1
09:21.04cyborg_arnormally 1
09:21.26trygvisI've nevery seen 0, but some start with 1000 and increment 1000 per sheet
09:23.26invultri_then I did it correctly :)
09:25.14invultri_and is it allowed to give them some extra identification other than a single number ?
09:26.27alphaferreti think it has to end in a number
09:26.34alphaferretanything can go before it though
09:26.45mgottschlagit is rather unusual though
09:27.36invultri_its just for some specific things. I have X-PINK, X-RING, X-MDDL and X-INDX for instance
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09:35.47invultri_should be something like XFU<number><groupingletter> FU being finger unit, number to identify it and a grouping letter to indicate that things belong to eachother
09:36.10invultri_or maybe A is better since that is an assembly
09:37.45invultri_but the grouping letter seems to annoy the checker
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09:43.49cyborg_arwhat about swapping them?
09:43.56cyborg_arput letter then number
09:51.14invultri_that would have worked. I just made the unofficial agreement that odd number is top and odd number+1 is bottom
09:51.36invultri_apparantly output connected to output is a bad thing
09:52.51antipsychiatryWhat u do for the secret service not using MIND READING against us ?????????????????????????????? How can we protect against their mind reading technology??????  Read:
09:56.21mgottschlaghm, related: Who in this channel is an op? :D
09:57.29invultri_look for the @ signs
09:57.43invultri_which is only chanserv at the moment :)
09:58.04invultri_and ... good thing that error popped up. I was putting an output signal unbuffered on the bus
09:58.07invultri_that is bad
09:59.20mgottschlaginvultri_: yeah, but in many channels, there are people who have access to +o but don't use it all the time
09:59.51archivistfreenode recommends not keeping ones hat on
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10:07.21invultri_I can agree with that
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10:21.10invultri_so yesterday I was in a discussion that all cmos inputs should have a pullup or pulldown.
10:22.51invultri_is that also true for input - output interchip lines ?
10:23.48mgottschlagI've only heard of that as a method to reduce the power consumption of floating wires and the following CMOS stages
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10:24.09mgottschlagso I don't think it's necessary when the wire is always pulled to a defined level by the output of the other chip
10:24.20mgottschlag(but I missed that discussion)
10:26.15invultri_but I suppose it would not hurt to have them either
10:26.41invultri_just 1M or so to define the level
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10:51.07cyborg_arthere's been a few nutjos straying into here for some reason
10:51.17cyborg_arand i'm not talking about xzcvczx
10:51.44archivistkicks cyborg_ar
10:52.29cyborg_arcmos inputs benefit from being pulled to a defined level
10:52.56cyborg_arthey have such high impedance that any stray fields can make them flap around and waste power or worse
10:54.21cyborg_arfor microcontrollers the best for open pins is to either make them analog imputs or digital outputs
11:05.39alphaferretcan someone point me to a right angle low profile board to chassis spring contact?
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11:14.10invultri_cyborg_ar: I just made sure to add pull downs on all the lines.
11:14.43cyborg_aralphaferret, for what, grounding?
11:15.14cyborg_arthe tradition is to use pull ups, but pull downs work too
11:15.22alphaferretyea i was thinking changing the 3.5mm mini connector to a bushingless one, but the problem then is no chassis contact
11:15.56alphaferretso looking for an elegant board to chassis contact for the balanced cable shield pin
11:16.01invultri_I can always change the 3gnd to 3.3v
11:16.17invultri_is there  a screw terminal in the default libs
11:16.49cyborg_arone of those?
11:17.16alphaferrethow do those mount to pcb?
11:17.31alphaferreti need right angle i think
11:17.40cyborg_arread the datasheet
11:17.45cyborg_arit's a drawing
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11:18.07alphaferretno that won't work
11:21.19cyborg_arwhat about something like that
11:21.55alphaferretboom, a little big but sort of perfect idea
11:22.35alphaferreti'm looking at these pistons because they are cool as shit but right angled are pretty expensive
11:24.14cyborg_ar you could probably get away with soldering one of these on it's side
11:26.02alphaferretspring travel needs to be right angled to mounting plane
11:26.27cyborg_arhence why i suggest mounting it on its side
11:27.08alphaferretok i see, but it's sort of an important contact don't want to take chances
11:27.47alphaferretbattery one will work, i'll find rom
11:33.22alphaferretcyborg_ar,  i took your advice and reworked whole p/s layout
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11:45.46alphaferretooooh clever solution: use the same bushing connector but let it sit flush against chassis hole, but instead of bushing on outside, bushing is on inside of chassis and unscrew it to make chassis contact
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13:48.04GyrosGeierI have 96 connections on a small PCB
13:48.48GyrosGeieroption 1) pin header forest
13:48.54GyrosGeieroption 2: solder pads
13:49.10GyrosGeieroption III, something inconsistent
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15:26.58alphaferrethow do you make a footprint for a  part that has pads internally connected without routing wires on the board
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15:50.15GyrosGeieralphaferret, usually you are supposed to connect all the pads in parallel
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15:56.54c4757pI don't know why people insist on using internal connections as...connections
15:56.59c4757pthe part has multiple pins on the same net for a /reason/
15:57.40archivistsometimes to use as a jumper!
15:58.01GyrosGeierthe only place where it makes sense is using the shield of an RJ45 connector as a jumper on a single-sided PCB
15:59.00c4757pan RJ45 on a single-sided PCB?
15:59.17archivist0ohms on single sided boards, lots of heatsink/ high current pins etc
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16:04.55alphaferretsorry i'm being dyslexic on this one, so do you just give the pins or pads the same net name? I shouldn't have to route extra traces
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16:59.07LaksenWhat version of wxWidgets does the current Kicad master require to build?
17:01.18DocScrutinizer05invultri_: pulldown R only on (possibly) open pins
17:04.22c4757pLaksen: 3.0.2, allegedly
17:05.01DocScrutinizer05((<alphaferret> ooooh clever solution: use the same bushing connector but let it sit flush against chassis hole, but instead of bushing on outside, bushing is on inside of chassis and unscrew it to make chassis contact)) will you use special custom made plugs to fir in there?
17:05.42alphaferretuhh, not settled on that idea, but no idea for custom plugs
17:05.54alphaferretno need*
17:06.19alphaferretyou mean socket or plug?
17:06.44alphaferretit's just a standard 3.5mm stereo jack connecter
17:06.46DocScrutinizer05err, sure. Usually the plug needs to go in all the way until it sits flush on what you call bushing
17:07.51alphaferretthe bushing in this case is the threaded part of the jack that would have protruded from the case
17:08.04DocScrutinizer05you can't add 'distance' there by case wall thickness and/or screws you turn outward to make some contact
17:08.26LaksenAh okay. Latest release. Sounds reasonable.. :)
17:08.26alphaferretscrews would be a good idea but this is a flimsy mint tin
17:09.14cyborg_arlol using internally connected pins as jumpers
17:09.40DocScrutinizer05absolute NOGO according to all datasheets
17:10.00cyborg_aryeah they are rarely rated for such use
17:10.12DocScrutinizer05except for clearly defined feedthrough like e.g. in the ESD prot part invultri_ found
17:10.32cyborg_arand you dont want to be the guy debugging bizzarre board behavior because of a cold joint in a shield of an unrelated connector
17:11.09cyborg_aror pushbuttons
17:11.29cyborg_ari've been tempted to use pushbuttons as jumpers before but always managed to come to my senses
17:11.43DocScrutinizer05connecting GND zones via chip GND pins is a rather classical notorious error that causes lots of bizarre problems
17:12.44DocScrutinizer05at least TI (iirc) is very explicit on that
17:15.00DocScrutinizer05alphaferret: for audio you probably want jacks with plastic bushing and internal GND contact for the plug, to avoid poor GND connections to case, or - worse - GND loops
17:15.08cyborg_ari would like a thing for SMD connectors that have mechanical pads so i can have them connected to GND (or the dominant pour) without having to put an extra pin in the symbol, or mandate that i absolutely must connect it
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17:16.10cyborg_arhaving them connected to the pour would improve adhesion and avoid breaking it unnecessarily
17:16.52alphaferreti think mill-max makes things like that
17:17.44DocScrutinizer05alphaferret: generally try to strictly stick to a star topology for your GND, with star "hub" next to most sensitive input of your device
17:18.16alphaferreti'm using a plane
17:18.34DocScrutinizer05well that's a pretty fat star but still... :-)
17:18.51DocScrutinizer05avoid GND loops by all means
17:19.20DocScrutinizer05e.g. via multiple jacks mounted to case steel with their bushing
17:19.52alphaferretthe input jack is signal shield, not 0v
17:20.09alphaferretphantom reference goes to chassis
17:20.24DocScrutinizer05:nod: so even more important not to make bushing contact the case
17:20.26alphaferret0v plane and they will connect in one spot
17:20.42alphaferretno, i wanted it to contact
17:21.29DocScrutinizer05just telling you age old audio design gossip
17:21.48alphaferretbalanced signal shield to chassis
17:22.00alphaferret0v ground plane
17:22.11DocScrutinizer05might work
17:22.38DocScrutinizer05but then you need to make damn sure there's no other possibly obscure contact of chassis to 0V
17:23.28alphaferretexcept for the single junction
17:23.35DocScrutinizer05I hope you have no switches, potentiometers etc that need fixing to case
17:23.49alphaferretpots are plastic
17:24.12alphaferretdc power jack i need to be careful
17:24.19DocScrutinizer05what about output?
17:24.25alphaferretit's plastic
17:24.36alphaferretoutput is unbalanced stereo mini
17:24.41alphaferreti can use the same plastic bushing
17:25.05alphaferrethmm actually not, good catch
17:25.09DocScrutinizer05make sure the plug can't make contact to case
17:25.13alphaferreti need secure bushing on the out
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17:25.54alphaferretok got to rethink that one
17:26.02DocScrutinizer05use plastic screws or isolation washers
17:26.17alphaferretno i need a better solution
17:26.29DocScrutinizer05make sure the plug bottom plane has a distance of at least 1mm to case
17:26.38alphaferreti haven't really gotten to the final ground scheme thought process yet
17:26.56alphaferretyes bottom plane will be taped or coated
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17:29.11DocScrutinizer05there are those  but also those plugs
17:29.14alphaferretlast thing i read was that chassis acts as extension of balanced cable shield
17:30.09alphaferretright i need to be careful of metal plugs
17:30.11DocScrutinizer05even those:
17:30.16alphaferretwill cogitate on that
17:31.16DocScrutinizer05GND design is usually surprisingly non-trivial
17:31.32alphaferreti know
17:31.39alphaferretthat's why i'm putting it off
17:31.51alphaferrethave other fish to fry first
17:31.59alphaferretpower and ground have taken the most time so far
17:34.47DocScrutinizer05don't know, from my guts feeling I'd say it's a good thing to have power and GND sorted before you even start frying other fish :-) YMMV
17:36.03DocScrutinizer05changing either power or GND concept later on usually means to re-evaluate a lot of things
17:36.37DocScrutinizer05particularly when either one is non-trivial
17:37.03DocScrutinizer05as frequently with audio
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17:38.15DocScrutinizer05the standard approach is: star topology for GND, hub next to input, connect case to hub there via a dedicated contact. Use isolated jacks everywhere
17:38.18alphaferreti'm just working on the phantom supply layout, rail power is dc module (isolated)
17:38.46alphaferretand what is standard for phantom reference vs 0v
17:39.14DocScrutinizer05keep them strctly separate
17:39.36alphaferretso i could just make another bus trace instead of using chassis
17:39.40alphaferretno big deal
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17:41.35DocScrutinizer05you often see PE or cable shields etc connected to GND via 1M R || small capacitor for RF
18:11.06cyborg_arlol frying
18:11.12cyborg_ari see what you did there
18:13.46reportingsjrmmm, rust is C++ the way it should have been done
18:14.23cyborg_aris it even done yet though?
18:15.56DocScrutinizer05my old server is named rust :-D
18:16.23cyborg_ari had an old server made out of an old desktop computer
18:16.29cyborg_ari called it jalopy
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19:00.55reportingsjrcyborg_ar: define done
19:01.08reportingsjrThe stable version is stable
19:01.22reportingsjrbut like basically every language currently used it is still being updated
19:05.58DocScrutinizer05idly wonders when all possibly imaginable programming languages finally have been invented and developers agree on which half dozen of them are best and get used
19:09.27trygvisare there any tools to mass edit component attributes? like setting a custom field (e.g. tollerance) on a bunch of resistors
19:11.36decimadtext editor
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19:13.39trygvisyeah.. from the .sch file, what are the different fields here: F 5 "123" H 1600 3250 60  0001 C CNN "wat"
19:13.50trygvisit is a custom field I just added from the gui
19:16.33DocScrutinizer05text editor since the generic attribute inspector requester isn't implemented yet :-)
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19:33.30trygviswhat is that?
19:33.39trygvishehe, yeah
19:34.04c4757pthere are /so/ many things wrong with that. like dozens. but I don't /care/, I just think it's /adorable/
19:34.22c4757pthat is the best bad board I've seen in a while
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19:37.51trygviswhat does it do?
19:38.12c4757papparently it's a datalogger of some sort
19:38.19c4757pdunno, not my board, it was shared in #otherchannel
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19:41.07reportingsjrthat looks cool as hell
19:41.27reportingsjrever heard of.. topor?
19:41.32reportingsjrI think that is what it is called
19:41.47reportingsjryeah, that's it:
19:42.23c4757pI like topoR, though most people seem to think I'm a horrible person for it :D
19:43.44reportingsjrI kinda like it too
19:44.51reportingsjrwonders when EDA will start having net parameters as part of footprints
19:45.26reportingsjrstuff like "the output pin of this device switches high currents and will cause traces near it to be noisy"
19:45.36reportingsjrand "this pin needs a low noise path"
19:45.50Synctopor is pretty cool
19:51.37GyrosGeierc4757p, oh noes, 82ed0fde32d5e85b238e821af1e542574d8e9fe7 breaks MSVC builds
19:52.22GyrosGeier(OpenMP loop variables need to be signed according to the OpenMP spec, but gcc has a nonstandard extension there)
19:52.37c4757pI tested that in every compiler we support
19:52.58GyrosGeierwhich are gcc and gcc
19:53.17GyrosGeieradds it to the MSVC patch stack
19:53.36c4757pno, clang too
19:53.40c4757pas that's used to build on osx
19:53.47GyrosGeierthey follow gcc
19:54.21c4757p* GyrosGeier adds it to the MSVC patch stack --- if it broke due to incompatibility with an actual standard, feel free to give me a patch and I'll merge it, not going to pull "we don't support msvc" there
19:54.42c4757pgcc and clang should have emitted a warning for that if it's something they want to allow that's against the standard. shame on them.
19:55.20GyrosGeierwe already have one of these signed/unsigned in ratsnest_data.cpp
19:55.48GyrosGeierI was just hoping to eventually get rid of differences
19:56.08GyrosGeierproblem is if you make these variables signed, you get additional warnings from other code
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20:01.33DocScrutinizer05KOTKEYS_H hotkey_id_commnand ID_COMPONENT_BUTT m_Curseur  honestly... :-S
20:04.11DocScrutinizer05the first one maybe only looks strange for Germans
20:04.31DocScrutinizer05last one maybe doesn't look strange to French
20:10.26DocScrutinizer05too much french in sourcecode for me
20:10.50c4757pthat's how you identify the age of the code
20:10.53c4757ppercent of French
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20:15.30DocScrutinizer05onleftclick must be ancient
20:16.29DocScrutinizer05/* Traite les commandes declench�e par le bouton gauche de la souris,
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20:18.40mrnukeanyone aware of a library for VQFN chips?
20:25.59DocScrutinizer05wow, NXP datasheet with proper footprint info
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21:03.54mrnukehmm, anyone knows what scripts are used to generate Housings_DFN_QFN.pretty?
21:15.00GyrosGeierall these driver ICs only go to 3.8V for '1' if Vcc is +5V
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21:50.07ciriloc4757p, you're absolutely right from a technical viewpoint - however, beware the long arm of the Dick. People have had their commit access revoked for asking milder questions. :O
21:50.19c4757pthat's okay
21:50.35c4757pI have a very simple rule for contributing to community projects
21:50.58c4757pyou either want me to contribute, and accept that my opinions are valid and worth hearing, or you can feel free to show me the door and we'll both have a better time apart
21:51.19c4757pDick reaching his long arm in and revoking commit access would simply make me not want it anyway
21:51.40ciriloLorenzo did just that .. but then he already had a few years' experience maintaining his own fork of KiCad with features. :)
21:52.24cirilobut Wayne's excuse for generated files in the source tree is just lame dumbfuckery
21:52.35c4757pI'm unusually grumpy this weekend for some reason, but I'm starting to get pissed at this project.
21:53.00cirilooh, kicad is always frustrating. :)
21:53.05c4757pI'm fond at the description "bikeshedding by people who want to paint the shed orange with green polka dots to make it easier to find"
21:53.34c4757pyes, but I don't fucking have /time/ to wrangle a frustrating project anymore
21:53.52c4757pso I'm at the "deal with it /my/ way and they can either fix their shit or send me packing" stage.
21:54.15c4757pI'm going to continue voicing my frustration with all the moronic shit they do until they either stop doing it or demand /I/ stop, at which point I'll be done, and happier.
21:55.04ciriloyeah; all the nit picking on introducing the 3D plugin system has put me off investing in the PCB API
21:55.18c4757pit really is bikeshedding, though
21:55.23c4757pI don't have much trouble introducing largish changes
21:55.34c4757pit's "hey, let's fix the version strings" that gets picked to death by morons
21:55.37ciriloall that thought goes into proper design and you get told "we want to do things in a way even a retard wouldn't do"
21:56.38ciriloyeah - reading through those I thought "wtf - can't they see it's easy enough to find the commit in git and that the bzr revno is worse than useless?"
21:57.24c4757p(anyway, re: long arm of Dick - I've been /way/ nastier about Dick before and he didn't do anything.)
21:57.29c4757p/directly/ about Dick.
21:57.32ciriloin a way it was reminiscent of Linus' early git emails trying to get people to understand that the cvs/svn/bzr revisions really weren't a Good Idea
21:57.56c4757pLinus was in the enviable position of being able to say "fuck you, we're doing it this way" ;)
21:58.30ciriloI think he put an email out to that effect eventually
21:58.46c4757pit's Linus, he probably said that verbatim :D
21:58.58ciriloalong with the "if you really want to continue using bitlocker that's *your* problem"
21:59.50cirilobut man, was he sore with Tridge for years after that
21:59.59c4757product-git indeed
22:00.30cirilohahaha; well, Launchpad is "special"
22:08.00decimadyay, the single trace router kind of works again!
22:08.20ciriloI wonder what it would take to make kicad stop printing inner layer pads when those pads have no connection anyway
22:08.43cirilowith proper DRC support so DRC doesn't prevent people from routing tracks where those pads would be
22:09.37decimadinner layer pads?
22:10.09*** join/#kicad CarlPoirier (
22:10.13c4757pthe DRC would be a bit awful
22:10.21ciriloyeah, kicad's idea of a thru-hole pad or via is to put large annular rings on all inner layers
22:11.35decimadand kicad should not prevent routing inner tracks through the holes?
22:11.57cirilocopper pours make the rules a bit trickier as well
22:12.49cirilodecimad, no - when you put vias or thru-pads under a component to break out leads, you don't want annular rings with no electrical connection on that layer to interfere with the routing
22:13.37ciriloso effective size of an annular ring with no connection should be drill size + 2*plated thickness
22:19.22decimadyeah, and then the DRC would only use the keepaway rules and everything is good, I guess
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22:19.50decimadBut drills may easily be off by a few mu
22:22.45cirilothat's why design rules take fabrication reproduction errors into account
22:23.45c4757ptries /not/ to reply to this one
22:24.30cirilois there another one? :)
22:24.33*** join/#kicad talsit (
22:24.36c4757phe replied to me
22:24.55ciriloheh .. "I am too right!
22:25.01ciriloyeah - better ignore it
22:25.04c4757pI can't think of anything to say back that isn't snippy and biting, so I think I'll hold my tongue.
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22:25.13c4757puntil the grumpiness eats at me to the point where I can't anymore, that is.
22:25.24cirilolet him keep that bit of dumbfuckery
22:25.37c4757pI mean, I suppose I may have won this one
22:25.41decimadc4757p: Hrmmm, so I reworked the revision handling of the router. But I'm not really happy with the naming. The change set of one revision to another I called "DiffState", and the spatial revision (ie. where your're colliding stuff in etc. during pns) is called RevisionNode, it always has the state up to and including the diffstate of its revision.
22:25.42c4757pit doesn't look like he's reverting it.
22:25.44cirilothere are more intersting thing to do/discuss
22:25.47*** join/#kicad mozzarel1 (~sam@unaffiliated/sam113101)
22:26.19cirilobe quiet and he might forget to revert it :)
22:26.22c4757pthe stupid decisions just wear me down
22:26.26c4757pthis project has so many
22:26.38c4757pand honestly, it really turns people off. the public perception of kicad is that it is /very/ unpolished
22:26.51ciriloyeah .. but still - what are its free competitors like?
22:26.53c4757pthere is a /reason/ for that.
22:26.57decimadSo now the spatial state walks the diff tree, no more multiple and interlinked spatial states (ie. the one you have is always consistent)
22:27.03c4757p<cirilo> yeah .. but still - what are its free competitors like? --- so?
22:27.12c4757pwe might be less bad than the alternative
22:27.15cirilobest of a bad bunch
22:27.17c4757pbut I want to be /good/, not less bad
22:27.49ciriloI know .. and it's a long road full of idiotic decisions made by people holding the reins
22:28.30*** join/#kicad antonioclj (~Thunderbi@
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22:29.11cirilocurrent python scripting needs to die and be replaced by one based on a sane C API
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22:30.13ciriloneed to get MCAD export in there - will be shoehorned as an "intermediate" solution but ideally should be a proper plugin (which may never happen)
22:30.43cirilothe lack of true arcs representing track segments drives me batty ...
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22:32.17cirilobut I remember discussions years ago when I'd say "we need to do X to get kicad in shape for future stuff which everyone, including hobbyists. will need"
22:32.37ciriloand 90% of the responses are excuses for doing things in a thoroughly idiotic way
22:33.32*** join/#kicad antonioclj (~Thunderbi@
22:33.37cirilojust look at the mess we have of outlines. Rather than cutouts + outlines, which would make it trivial to support multiple bodies and flex-rigid - we have this 1970s era single outline + cutouts on a single layer
22:34.12cirilowell, admittedly I can't imagine hobbyists using flex-rigid at this point in time :)
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22:39.24Synccirilo: well, flex rigid has got suprisingly cheap
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22:51.13ciriloSync, yeah, but unless the hobbyist happens to be an EE, what are the odds they'd use flex-rigid?
22:53.05c4757pI've seen non-EE but quite serious hobbyists do some heavy stuff :)
22:56.46ciriloyeah, but they're pretty rare :)
22:57.22ciriloanyway .. wonder if I should kick up a stink on the dev list about steps towards flex-rigid support .. *again*
22:58.42c4757pI'm all for kicking up stinks on the list
23:00.13ciriloI can already imagine the responses to "let's ditch the current idiotic edge definitions"
23:01.06Bird|otherboxcirilo: sounds like something the zoidberg would do :p
23:01.54cirilo'k - gotta run
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23:06.44decimadc4757p, was there something I didn't catch? my brain was somewhere else
23:07.02c4757pso was mine
23:07.38decimadI reread and there were a few "he"s I could potentially attribute to me
23:08.30decimadoh, that was regarding wayne's complaint, right?
23:13.04*** join/#kicad dingbat (uid70835@gateway/web/
23:15.41c4757pyes, I was just bitching and moaning.
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23:26.03decimad hahaha
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