irclog2html for ipaq on 2001.12.26

05:00:41micahi have a question about linux on an ipaq 3150
05:00:48micahif anyone wants to take a shot at it =)
05:02:44micahthat a no?
05:14:36beeblebroxmicah yea, sure
05:17:26micahthe bootloader(bootblaster) works perfect as far as i can tell
05:18:19micahand i put the other bootloader on, as the instructions said on
05:19:03micahset the bootldr params as they were stated
05:19:07micahand loaded the kernel
05:19:15micahthen loaded the familiar root system for the 3100
05:19:22micahbut when i boot, i get a kernel panic
05:19:38micahcan't find /mtdblock/3
05:19:57micahdid you have this problem?
05:21:39beeblebroxwhat version of familiar are you using?
05:22:17micahthe one at this location
05:22:48micahare the params the same for the 3100 as they are for the 3600?
05:23:07micahwhich flash rom partition setting do i use?
05:23:19CSstudenthow can i check channnels in irc ... /help ?
05:25:05micah.../list should list em for ya
05:25:28beeblebroxmicah: what instructions did you use?
05:25:41beeblebroxyou dont need separate kernel partition on 0.5
05:25:47beeblebroxit is just 1 partition.
05:25:49micahset linuxargs "noinitrd root=/dev/mtdblock/3 init=/linuxrc console=ttySA0"
05:25:59micahset copy_ramdisk 0x0
05:26:07micahset baudrate 115200
05:26:10beeblebroxalso, usr 0.5.1 it is easier to get it to work on the 3100
05:26:16micahpartition reset
05:26:25micahpartition define kernel 0x80000 0x80000 0
05:26:26beeblebroxyou dont need those params. what instructions did you follow?
05:26:49micahi couldn't find one specific to the 3100, so i used the 3600 instr.
05:26:55beeblebroxmicah: thats for 0.4!
05:26:56CSstudentbeeblebrox: i am going to compile a kernel and ver 0.5 consists of one partition 'root' .... what can i do ?
05:27:24micahwhere can i find instructions for my version
05:27:34beeblebroxuse this guide.
05:27:41beeblebroxand use the 0.5.1 image
05:27:46beeblebroxwhat bootloader di you have?
05:28:04beeblebroxCSstudent: you need to put in the compiled kernel in /boot, and make a symlink called '
05:28:18beeblebroxCSstudent: 'zImage' to it
05:28:36micahi had the bootloader listed at the top of the help page
05:29:06CSstudentbeeblebrox: i am trying to find bluetooth expert ... i don't know how to work with bluetooth cf card ..
05:29:11micahi will go through these steps
05:29:14micahi'll let you know
05:29:17micahthanks a bunch  =)
05:29:30CSstudentbut there is a difference between h3100 and h3600 ....
05:29:39beeblebroxmicah: what bootloader version do you have
05:30:05micahnot completely sure
05:30:07beeblebroxCSstudent: what difference?
05:30:13beeblebroxmicah: this is important...
05:30:13micahshould i change to the one on that page?
05:30:30beeblebroxmicah: you need a newer bootloader than the one at that page.
05:30:34micahfirst i had bootblaster
05:30:42beeblebroxyou should use 2.17.11
05:30:44micahthen i followed the directions, so i put the one on that page
05:30:49CSstudentbeeblebrox: one is monochrome, the other is color ... and other differences ...ram , rom size and ....???
05:31:21micahbeeblebrox: where can i find the 2.17.11 bootloader?
05:31:32beeblebroxCSstudent: the RAM size is different (16mb in case of mono); also, the flash uses different chips. this makes the image for mono different from that for a color
05:31:39beeblebroxmicah: just a sec
05:33:47beeblebroxmicah: get 2.17.11 i've heard that ones after that dont work fine on the mono!
05:33:56micahi'll give it a shot
05:34:30micahand you recommend 0.5.1 image?
05:37:30beeblebroxmicah: yea. make sure you use the 3100 image
05:38:17micahyou have a link for that?
05:38:27beeblebroxmicah: ouch.. wait. there is no 3100 image!
05:38:53beeblebroxmicah: ok, now here is what i did... i made my own image.
05:39:09micahthere's one at
05:39:14beeblebroxnow, you can either make your own image for 0.5.1, or i can send you mine...
05:39:26micahhow complicated is it?
05:39:27beeblebroxmicah: i couldnt get the 0.5 image to work!
05:40:08beeblebroxmicah: not easy.. took me 2-3 hrs to get it right. you need the source code from the cvs, and need to do some compilation, you upto it? i can guide u...
05:40:18micahi prefer not
05:40:34micahif you don't mind sending it to me, i'd be grateful
05:40:35beeblebroxwait a sec
05:42:03beeblebroxmicah: i can send it over.. it is ove 6mb though
05:42:15micahi have a t1 connection
05:42:25micahspeed isn't a problem on my side
05:42:30beeblebroxi dont ;)
05:42:49beeblebroxshould i mail it?
05:42:57micahhow long will 6 megs take from your connection?
05:43:18beeblebroxnot much actually... i generally get 100kb/sec download
05:43:43micahcan you dcc it?
05:44:02beeblebroxok, wait
05:45:23beeblebroxmicah: sent.
05:46:11micahit didn't ask me to accept it
05:46:38beeblebroxstrange.. i'll try again
05:47:19micahyou can try e-mailing it to me
05:47:30micahit's my junk mailbox
05:47:38micahso i'm not worried about the address gettin spread around
05:48:30beeblebroxsending.. will take some time
05:49:08beeblebroxcool, sent.. will take some time to get out of my local mail sever though
05:49:31micahi appreciate it
05:50:44beeblebroxnp.. actually, i am planning on making the whole process easier for mono users.. it took me more than 3 days to get it to work right!
05:51:30beeblebroxi will try to get a feed set up on, and a link from the fam page so that it is easier to get the image and instructions.
06:12:01micahbeeblebrox:  it's loading your image now
06:12:29beeblebroxmicah: you should have checked the md5sum first.
06:12:51micahdid you send me one?
06:13:19beeblebroxtell me what you get on md5sum
06:13:42beeblebrox716dc98ba5b590e312a171aad0a7b558 -- this is what i have
06:14:16beeblebroxalso, did you change the bootloader?
06:15:23micahthat's the sum i get
06:15:28micahyes, i changed the bootldr
06:15:34micahnow i get the splash screen
06:15:38micahwhich i never got before
06:16:23micahi've been lookin for the cf wireless lan adapter
06:16:28micahcan only find it online
06:16:32micahanybody seen one in a store?
06:41:28micahbeeblebrox:it booted, but the ipaq screen is garbage
06:41:33micahis this a problem?
06:42:56beeblebroxmicah: yea, even i get that.
06:43:11beeblebroxmicah: this is a known problem, with the kernel i think
06:43:24beeblebroxit gets ok after you do a suspend, and resume.
06:43:36beeblebroxand stays on until the next reboot.
06:44:00micahas in with the power button on the top right?
06:47:32beeblebroxmicah: yea
06:47:43beeblebroxmicah: you will also notice that the backlight is on.
06:47:59beeblebroxmicah: keep the power button pressed for about 3-4 seconds, and it will go out
06:48:01micahyes it is
06:48:12micahnice =)
06:48:30micahnow, if i don't have a pc card ethernet adapter, how can i load additional packages?
06:49:17beeblebroxok, you need to use usbnet
06:49:34beeblebroxfirst do the ipkg install post_install
06:49:35micahdoes my computer need to be in linux?
06:49:41beeblebroxmicah: yea :)
06:50:38micahdoes this image already have an x server?
06:51:06beeblebroxyou need an ipkg install task-x
06:51:12beeblebroxok, first go to /etc
06:51:21beeblebroxvi ipkg.conf
06:51:26micahon my box, or ipaq?
06:51:46beeblebroxyou need to change the path to 0.5.1, instead of 0.5
06:52:18hmmm... usbnet is at
06:52:18beeblebroxibot1: usbnet
06:52:36beeblebroxsee that link for how to get usb networking.
06:57:53micahis vi the only included text editor?
06:59:49beeblebroxmicah: only one that i know...
07:02:50micahi'm gonna boot into linux on this machine
07:02:53micahbe back in a few....
07:10:12micahbeeblebrox:  you still there?
07:13:08greeno_is back (gone 03:28:46)
07:13:17greeno_is away: - eating
07:30:06micahcan i use the 3600 xserver on my 3100?
07:31:13beeblebroxmicah: use zmodem
07:31:17beeblebroxmicah: yea.
07:31:51beeblebroxmicah: at what stage are u? did you get usb networking to work? it iw strongly recommended that you get it to work before you str installing X or anything else
07:32:50micahwell i can't get x working on my linux box right now
07:33:00micahi don't know what happened to it, but it's been messed up for about a week
07:36:24beeblebroxmicah: you dont need x on your linux box :)
07:36:54beeblebroxmicah: you can use lynx or links or some text browser...
07:37:28beeblebroxmicah: usbnet is REQUIRED before you can do anything else! it would be extremely difficult to install X without it.
07:37:37micahwell i needed to get to the website directions
07:37:58beeblebroxuse linkx/lynx/w3m ~
07:43:34beeblebroxis away: I'll be back!
07:43:43beeblebroxmicah: bbiab
08:01:52beeblebroxis back (gone 00:18:17)
08:11:15micahbeeblebros:  i'm attempting to set up usbnet now
08:14:57beeblebroxmicah: cool
08:16:14micahwhich terminal program do you recommend?
08:24:03micahwell i'm tryin to follow the ipaq side instructions for usbnet
08:24:11micahand there are all sorts of things it looks like i need to d/l
08:24:45beeblebroxnot with 0.5.1!
08:24:48beeblebroxits all in there!
08:25:09micahso i just need to but the usbnet file in /etc/init.d?
08:25:19beeblebroxyea, with 1 change.
08:25:26beeblebroxecho 10 >/proc/scale
08:25:35beeblebroxremove this line. it is not needed any more
08:25:45beeblebroxput it in /etc/init.rd
08:26:02beeblebroxand make a symlink to it in rc2.d/
08:26:17beeblebroxgo to /etc/rc2.d, and issue
08:26:27beeblebroxln -s ../init.d/usbnet S30usbnet
08:26:30beeblebroxthat is enough
08:35:33micahis away. Automatically set away [SZon]
08:39:26micahstupid automatic away
08:47:24micahso how do i tell minicom to not use a modem?
08:47:29micahand just use raw serial
08:47:46beeblebroxas root, say minicom -s
08:48:04beeblebroxin the settings, set flowcontrol (both hardware, and software) to NO
08:48:35micahalready got those
08:48:42beeblebroxnot working?
08:48:53beeblebroxwhat device are you using?
08:49:31beeblebroxmicah: try /dev/ttyS0
08:49:55micahno go
08:50:27micahshould i get rid of the initialization stuff and such?
08:50:56beeblebroxnot needed
08:51:16beeblebroxit will try to initialize, and fail.. but should give you the treminal access
08:51:40beeblebroxchanged the port?>
08:51:58micahyes sire
08:53:58micahi've never done much with my serial port under linux
08:54:09beeblebroxwhat distribution?
08:55:28greenois back (gone 01:10:02)
08:55:59beeblebroxare you using the stock kernel?
08:56:05micahi'm an idiot
08:56:13micahi was still ssh'ed into my redhat box
08:57:18MonMothaI did that once...though I accidentally issued an rm -rf command...
08:58:09beeblebroxMonMotha: lol!
08:58:17MonMothayeah, was painful
08:58:23MonMothaI noticed what I did instantly
08:58:34MonMotharemounted readonly, brought up debugfs
08:58:39MonMothaI managed to get most of what I needed back
09:00:35micahso yeah
09:00:40micahi get a no space left on device error
09:00:47micahbut i'm pretty sure i didn't fill up my 20g hd
09:01:01beeblebroxwhen did you get that?
09:01:04micahi'm tryin to get minicom on this box
09:01:09micahcause i thought it was on this one
09:01:11micahbut it was the other one
09:02:36micahthere we go
09:09:40micahgot minicom workin
09:10:55micahwhich lines do i not need in usbnet again?
09:11:23beeblebroxall of them, other than the echo 10 >/proc/scale line
09:15:17beeblebroxnow you need the symlink
09:15:33micahwhat all do i have to set up on the pc side?
09:15:43beeblebroxsee the page.
09:18:14micahif modprobe uhci gives an error, does that mean usb isn't set up right
09:18:29beeblebroxon the desktop?
09:18:50beeblebroxyou might need to recompile the kernel.
09:18:53beeblebroxwhat error?
09:19:09micahno such device
09:19:32micahi hate usb on linux
09:19:34beeblebroxcan you paste the exact thing?
09:19:37micahit's ridiculous
09:20:17beeblebroxalso, which kerenl do you have?
09:21:08beeblebroxwhich version of mandrake?
09:21:59micah8.1 or so
09:22:06micahmy brother took the cd's back
09:22:10micahso i can't remember
09:22:22micahi've been meaning to swith to redhat, cause i don't like mdk
09:22:43beeblebroxmicah: join
09:23:09beeblebroxmicah: you will have to compile the kernel!
09:24:29micahi'm not up for that tonight
09:24:36beeblebroxmicah: good :))
09:25:14beeblebroxyou will need to recompile. select usbnet, and also ipchains in the options
09:25:24beeblebroxalso, get 2.4.17 code.
09:25:50micahsince i gotta be at work in 5 hrs
09:25:53micahi'm goin to bed
09:26:09micahthanks for all the help
09:26:19micahi'll be back tomorrow night =)
09:26:31beeblebroxmicah: np.. meet you tomorrow!
09:27:22micahi'll be here
09:27:27micahgoodnight everyone!
09:32:44beeblebroxis away: I'll be back!
10:11:34beeblebroxis back (gone 00:38:50)
11:35:03DragonEagleis away: work
15:45:06beeblebroxis away: I'll be back!
16:27:15Kai-HI apologize if this is not the right forum - I have troubles connecting my ipaq (still wince) via serial cable to my Linux-Box. Would anyone be willing to assist me?
18:01:51sgodsell_cslis back (gone 21:46:12)
21:27:03asdlinuxHi room !
21:28:22asdlinuxI just got me a Ipaq but I think it is broken ... it has very low battery life ... it is new right out of the box ... what should the battery life be on it normally ???
21:34:14sjohnsonasdlinux: How much run time are your getting?
21:35:23asdlinuxummmm .... max an hour ... with lights on automatic
21:37:48sjohnsonIt looks like your battery is fubar. It will need to be replaced. You should get upwards of 9 hours depending on usage.
21:38:23asdlinuxoh ... that much :)
21:38:52asdlinuxWell... it is brand new so I think I should get a new one right away then ...
21:39:38asdlinuxit never stops charging either...
21:39:52sjohnsonThat's another bad sign.
21:40:12sjohnsonIt should task around 4 hours MAX to charge from 0 to full
21:41:53asdlinuxHmmmm ... it is bad then .... I will defently demand a new then ... I hope they have one not played around with ... this one seemed to be opened
21:42:18asdlinuxI mean the box, of course
21:44:12sjohnsonIt probable was a return and the prev ownder didn't cutoff the battery.
21:44:36sjohnsonThat's very bad for a Lipoly battern
21:44:58sjohnsonye gad, my typing is bad today.
21:45:55asdlinuxit was cut off ... I had to switch it to charge it
21:46:45asdlinuxbut it is a 3630 so it could have been in storage for a long time
21:47:34sjohnsonYou can store a Li/poly battern for a long time is disconnected.
21:50:09asdlinuxok ... then someone have mistreated it then ... the store promised me a new one...
21:52:22asdlinuxOk ... thanks for the info :)
21:52:29asdlinuxbye !
21:53:01sjohnsongood luch
21:53:04sjohnsoner luck

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