IRC log for #elive on 20081112

00:02.56*** join/#elive Elive_user59_en (n=Elive_us@
00:06.43*** join/#elive PrinceAMD (n=Elive_us@unaffiliated/princeamd)
00:12.55*** join/#elive roxville (
00:14.54Robbie-RottenThanatermesis, como quito el entorno grafico para instalar los controladores de nvidia?
00:17.04bentejuyRobbie-Rotten, ctrl+alt+f1, como root, /etc/init.d/entrance stop && /etc/init.d/x11-common stop
00:17.47bentejuyde nada
00:20.41roxvilleis away: putting daughter to bed
00:31.29*** join/#elive LinuxNIT-II (
00:35.22*** join/#elive DaRtH_VaDeR (n=anakin@unaffiliated/dartho)
00:42.26*** join/#elive damosu (n=damosu@unaffiliated/damosu)
00:45.33*** join/#elive Elive_user38 (
00:45.57*** join/#elive Elive_user79_en (n=Elive_us@
00:46.30*** join/#elive Thug__ (
00:47.14*** join/#elive Spami|Thug_ (
01:00.08*** join/#elive Elive_user93_en (
02:06.18*** join/#elive Elive_user21_es (n=Elive_us@
02:06.57*** join/#elive Elive_user42_en (
02:08.10*** join/#elive Elive_user26 (n=Elive_us@
02:08.31Elive_user26hola... alguien que hable espanol??? Necesito ayuda
02:08.45keyraElive_user26: que tal ?
02:08.58Elive_user26hola muchas gracias...
02:09.10LinuxNIT-IIkeyra, = bot
02:09.24keyraLinuxNIT-II: bot
02:09.54Elive_user26podrias ayudarme?
02:10.15LinuxNIT-IIi dont know spanish :(
02:10.58Elive_user26I am sorry I was talking to Keyra..... My english is not very good...
02:11.19LinuxNIT-IIkeyra, is not a person
02:11.37LinuxNIT-IIis a bot (program)
02:11.38Elive_user26what it is then?
02:11.48*** join/#elive Elive_user59_en (n=Elive_us@
02:12.03Elive_user26oh my hahahah
02:12.11Elive_user26ok thank you for the warning
02:12.19LinuxNIT-IIyoure welcome
02:12.30LinuxNIT-IIanything i can help you with (or try to)
02:12.32LinuxNIT-IIhello Robbie-Rotten
02:12.48Elive_user26yes please, I just used the apt-get install
02:13.00Elive_user26to install a theme, but I dont know how to use it
02:13.06Elive_user26or if it is intalled well
02:13.14keyraElive_user26: put the .edj file at $HOME/.e/e/themes and press Ctrl+Alt+End (End!, no backspace)
02:13.59*** join/#elive Elive_user5 (n=Elive_us@
02:14.19LinuxNIT-IIclick on the desktop > elnightenment >restart
02:14.32LinuxNIT-IIclick on the desktop > configurations >themes
02:15.06Elive_user26yeah I tried that but nothing :(
02:17.25Elive_user26I just checked and the folder is into the directory where the other themes are...
02:17.34Elive_user26so I dont know what the problem is ....
02:18.45LinuxNIT-IIthe theme is in the directory where all the other themes are?
02:18.59LinuxNIT-IIdoes it have the same permeissions?
02:19.24Elive_user26hahahah good question
02:19.27Elive_user26I dont know
02:23.06LinuxNIT-II[root /home/david/Downloads/firefox]# ls /usr/share/enlightenment/data/themes/ -l
02:23.20LinuxNIT-IIls /usr/share/enlightenment/data/themes/ -l
02:23.30LinuxNIT-IIrun that it will tell you the permissions
02:23.39LinuxNIT-IIthe theme needs to be readable by the user
02:24.38Elive_user26yeah the ones that I install says Adry,  and the default ones have root
02:26.23LinuxNIT-IIpaste the line that shows the theme thats not working
02:26.43Elive_user26-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1890942 2006-03-02 21:49 elive.edj
02:26.49LinuxNIT-II-rw-r--r--   << these are permissions
02:26.58Elive_user26oh ok
02:27.05LinuxNIT-IIthe elive theme is not working?
02:27.25Elive_user26yeah that-s working but it has the same as the ones that are not... look
02:27.32Elive_user26-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  721180 2005-08-13 01:30 vd_winter-e17.edj
02:28.15Robbie-RottenEstas instalando un theme para escritorios e17 en tu escritorio e16 >S
02:28.26Elive_user26tambien baje uno de e16
02:28.31Elive_user26pero no se a donde se fue
02:28.45Elive_user26cuando baje para el e17 me aparecio ya en ese escritorio
02:28.50Elive_user26directorio perdon
02:29.33Robbie-RottenLo importaste?
02:29.40Elive_user26me aparecio ahi solito
02:29.57Robbie-RottenConfiguration->Themes->Import Y escojes el *.edj y aparecera en la lista
02:30.15Robbie-RottenSi es que sabes el paradero del archivo *.edj
02:30.26Elive_user26no tengo ese de import
02:30.56Robbie-RottenBueno, en forma manual
02:31.06Robbie-Rottencopia el edj en la siguiente direccion
02:31.10Robbie-Rotteny deberia aparecer
02:33.45Elive_user26hhehe paso algo raro
02:34.08Elive_user26no me aparece el nuevo tema... sino que me aparecen 2 veces los de default :S
02:35.52Robbie-Rottenel tema es para e16 no?
02:37.00Elive_user26ehehehe dejame volver a bajar uno para e16
02:37.05Elive_user26pero es que no se a donde se va
02:37.11Elive_user26no se el directorio al que se fue
02:37.15Robbie-Rottenen la parte de descargas
02:37.23Robbie-Rottenclick derecho
02:37.27Robbie-Rottenabrir carpeta contenedora
02:37.32Robbie-Rottenalgo asi.
02:37.42Robbie-RottenSi es que usas iceweasel
02:37.58Elive_user26ya se bajo el otro
02:38.02Elive_user26dejame ver
02:40.02Elive_user26ya vi se fua a /usr/share/e16/theme
02:40.16Elive_user26pero aun sigue sin aparecerme en theme selector
02:40.28Robbie-RottenPersonal, no?
02:40.44Elive_user26sigue inactivo :s
02:40.54Robbie-RottenEso es lo que no entiendo.
02:41.08Robbie-RottenTienes actualizada tu distro? por si acaso.
02:41.20Robbie-Rottenaptitude update
02:41.24Robbie-Rottenaptitude upgrade
02:41.49Elive_user26dejame tratar
02:41.57*** join/#elive Elive_user48_en (n=Elive_us@
02:42.09Robbie-RottenThanatermesis. Estas?
02:42.18Robbie-RottenHola, mathesis.
02:42.27mathesisThanatermesis, llevo dias queriendo conectar un montor externo
02:42.31mathesishola Robbie-Rotten
02:42.39Robbie-RottenSabes porque en la version estable, no deja seleccional el check de personal? en el selector de themes?
02:42.42mathesismonitor externo
02:42.45keyramathesis: que tal ?
02:42.53mathesishi keyra
02:43.02mathesiscomo te va keyra
02:43.09Robbie-Rottenmathesis, Sabes porque en la version estable, no deja seleccional el check de personal? en el selector de themes?
02:43.10mathesiskeyra eres un bot?
02:43.14Robbie-RottenSi es un bot.
02:43.24keyramathesis: you think so ?
02:43.25mathesisno se Robbie-Rotten
02:43.47mathesissi pienso eso
02:44.05Robbie-Rottenkeyra bot
02:44.19keyraRobbie-Rotten: bot
02:44.28Robbie-Rottenkeyra bot?
02:44.31Robbie-RottenOmfg its magic
02:44.34mathesiskeyra de donde eres
02:45.08Robbie-Rottenmathesis, actualizaste hoy?
02:45.37mathesisyo uso elive desde usb en eee pc
02:46.15Elive_user26oie Robbie, para que son los comandos que me diste? que hacen??
02:46.45mathesismi hdd en el eee pc es 2gb
02:46.52Elive_user26ya estan corriendo
02:46.53mathesisno alcanza instalar elive
02:47.05Robbie-Rottenoh cierto.
02:47.53Elive_user26como me puedo cambiar el nombre aki en el chat?
02:48.53Robbie-Rottensustituyendo name por el nombre que quieres.
02:49.02*** join/#elive wasynyt (
02:49.17Adrycreo que ya
02:49.24Adrypero me dijo que ya esta ocupado
02:49.30Adrybuscare otro hehehe muchas gracias
02:49.42Adrydespues de que actualice, crees que funcione?
02:49.54Adryuy apenas va el 15%
02:49.57Robbie-RottenPues eso sabremos a la hora de probar
02:49.58Adryesta medio lento
02:50.07Robbie-Rottendios, hace cuanto que no actualizabas?
02:50.22Adryheehehe creo que.... no se
02:50.38Adryuna vez use el apt-get update
02:50.41Adryes lo mismo?
02:50.47Robbie-RottenCada vez que puedas deberias actualizar tu sistema
02:51.17Robbie-Rottenapt-get update
02:51.23Robbie-Rottenes para actualizar nuestros repositorios
02:51.45Adryhohohohoh heheheh el otro dia ya no me funcionaba el repositorio
02:51.47Robbie-Rottenosea, la lista de paquetes
02:51.53Adrypero ya lo arregle
02:52.02Adryes malo eso de ser nuevo
02:52.08Adrydescompones todoooo....
02:52.17Robbie-Rottenahh esta bien
02:52.26Robbie-RottenQue te motivo a usar elive?
02:52.54Adrypues iba a instalar ubunto, ya lo habia bajado y todo, pero me dijo un companero del trabajo que probara elive que estaba mucho mejor
02:53.00Adryy que era mas facil de aprender que ubuntu
02:53.18Adrymas..... no se..... se me hace dificil... mucho que leer y mucho tiempo que invertir
02:53.49Adrylo baje de la pagina de elivecd
02:53.54Adrysolo done algo y yap
02:54.25Robbie-Rottencuanto %?
02:54.28Adrypor eso le estoy invirtiendo el tiempo hehehe sino ya no lo estuviera usando =P
02:54.33Adryel 29%
02:54.52Adryque se supone que me esta actualizando?? toda la distribucion??
02:54.56Adryalgo asi???....
02:55.02Robbie-RottenAlgo asi
02:55.41Adryheheheh....tambien instale el Wndows UE sp3
02:55.46Adryese me gusto....
02:55.58Adrypero bueno al fin y al cabo es windows
02:56.22Adryups ojala no este prohibida esa palabra por aki hehehhe
02:56.27Robbie-Rottenno Lol
02:56.44Adrytengoo un companero del trabajo que vive alla en venezuela
02:56.48Robbie-RottenLA palabra linux si debe andar prohibida en la estancia de ellos
02:56.51Adrydesde alla trabaja
02:57.10Robbie-Rottenoh que bien, que parte de venezuela?
02:57.26Adryhehehe creo que la capital.... lol
02:57.35Robbie-RottenY trabaja por internet o0
02:57.49Adryse conecta remotamente a la red de la empresa
02:57.53Adryy wuala
02:58.08Robbie-Rottenwow que nice
02:58.28Adryheheheh son muy buenos ingenieron....
02:58.33Robbie-RottenTrabajar desde su casa, interesante
02:58.36Robbie-Rottenen que te especializas?
02:59.14Robbie-Rottenque bien.
03:00.03Adrylo malo que no nos dieron clase de Linux..... lol =P
03:00.45Robbie-Rotteny te obligan a usar linux? xD
03:01.34Adryhehhehe lo estoy tomando como algo cultural
03:02.31Robbie-Rottenque bien
03:02.56Robbie-RottenY que te parece? todavia te quedas con windows?
03:03.02*** join/#elive Elive_user41_es (
03:04.05Adrypues hasta que aprenda un 50 o 60 % de linux podre tomar esa decision
03:04.08Adrycreo ...
03:04.13Robbie-Rottenjajaja bien.
03:04.39Adryheheheh mas no se cuanto tiempo me tomara aprenderlo heheheh
03:04.56Adrysolo tengo chance de picarle despues del trabajo asi que solo me quedan como 1 o 2 horas maximas diario
03:05.11Adrypero bueno.... ya veremos al pasar de los anos...
03:05.13Robbie-RottenEsta bien
03:05.37Adryya va el 60%
03:05.56Robbie-RottenQue coneccion tienes?
03:06.08Adry1 mega nada mas
03:06.20Adryah de ser eso
03:06.30Robbie-Rottenumm quizas
03:28.34*** join/#elive Elive_user59_en (n=Elive_us@
03:31.55Adryya teremino Robbie
03:32.01Adrypero no funciono de todas maneras :s
03:32.23Adrymmm me dare por vencida por hoy hehehhe
03:33.39*** join/#elive Elive_user14_es (
03:33.44Elive_user14_esHi all
03:34.22offray_Hi all again :)
03:34.42offray_I'm using elive testing and is working like a charm
03:35.32offray_I just wanto to pass by and say thanks :)
03:50.30*** join/#elive Elive_user29_en (
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04:05.06*** join/#elive Elive_user41 (n=Elive_us@
04:26.02*** join/#elive nadar (
04:38.49*** join/#elive Elive_user88_en (
04:39.29ogrosticlopsjust installed the lasted devel, still looking GREAT!
04:40.13ogrosticlopspidgin won't run, but i figure i can remove and rebuild it
04:40.35LinuxNIT-IIthats not good
04:40.49LinuxNIT-IIdoes it give an error?
04:41.12ogrosticlopsjust the generic "enlightenment is unable to run this application"
04:41.26LinuxNIT-IIrun it from a terminal and see if it gives a messag
04:41.28ogrosticlopsi'll run it from command line in a moment and see what it spits
04:42.06ogrosticlopswouldn't run on the livecd either, i checked the md5 before burning, and it verifies the disc before installation
04:42.20keyraogrosticlops: to know the md5 of Elive Gem say: apt, gem-md5
04:42.50ogrosticlopswell, when I do a whereis pidgin, it can't find it, just pidgin:
04:43.18LinuxNIT-IIapt-cache policy pidgin
04:44.56ogrosticlopsinstalled (none) Candidate: 2.4.3-2
04:45.04ogrosticlopsjust just apt-get it, i'm assuming?
04:45.05LinuxNIT-IIwell apparently not installed
04:45.26ogrosticlopsshouldn't it have been installed on the livecd and therefore on the initial install?
04:45.46LinuxNIT-IIim not sure if its supposed to be there or not
04:45.55LinuxNIT-IIdosent use it much
04:46.01ogrosticlopshah, it's in the app list and all
04:46.12ogrosticlopswell, that's the fun of running a devel release
04:47.03ogrosticlopsin and working
04:47.39ogrosticlopsI often forget when coming back to this that it's deb based, always want to build from source
04:47.52ogrosticlopsmade some changes to the bootloader as well, hopefully i'll brb
04:47.57ogrosticlopsalso, thank you.
04:48.02LinuxNIT-IIwell ill let the developer know
04:48.06LinuxNIT-IIyoure welcome
04:50.12*** join/#elive Elive_user88_en (
04:50.25ogrosticlopsWell, everything looks good thus far
04:50.59ogrosticlopsas far as in development goes, I was looking forward to coming back to this after giving Windows 7 a short run
04:51.51LinuxNIT-IIwindows 7 thats the "vista that works" right?
04:52.06ogrosticlopsWorks better in some ways, far worse in even more
04:52.20ogrosticlopsbut i can't really criticize an alpha build
04:52.40LinuxNIT-IIi heard it was supposed to be released in like 6 months
04:52.49*** join/#elive nadar__ (
04:53.08ogrosticlopsa lot of the firefox functionality is broken in it, nothing ever seems to download, or even show up in the toolbar, you can only choose to open immediatly in FF and not even a status bar around for it
04:53.15ogrosticlopsWindows 7 is slated for 2010
04:53.28ogrosticlopsBeta 1 should be out in the first quarter of next year
04:53.48LinuxNIT-IIi guess that person was wrong
04:54.02LinuxNIT-IIwhere do you get beta copies to play with?
04:54.07LinuxNIT-IIor alpha i guess
04:54.45ogrosticlopsit was fun toying with, and to see some of the directions they are going in, but ultimately it's too early to heckle it for what it lacks, but i'm sure with each beta release i'll get mean if the same problems arise
04:55.02ogrosticlopsMilestone 3 was released at the PDC in October
04:55.48ogrosticlopsI obtained it illegally, and ran it with no key, on the 30 day trial that you can use a slmgr -rearm a few times to take it up to 240 days unrestricted
04:56.07LinuxNIT-IIi see
04:56.32ogrosticlopspeople are activating it and actually calling MS and getting activated versions using beta 2 and RC1 windows keys, though
04:56.48ogrosticlopser, Vista B2 & RC1 keys
04:57.06LinuxNIT-IIpeople must get excited about it
04:57.15ogrosticlopsWhy, I'm not sure
04:57.43ogrosticlopsthey have a new start bar that isn't even enabled in then newest build, but a patch is out there to unlock all of the new "Aero Shake" visual features
04:57.57ogrosticlopsit looks and acts like a transparent KDE 4 bar
04:58.07ogrosticlopshell, even KDE 3, just polished a bit
04:58.30LinuxNIT-IIso they are playing catchup with linux still
04:58.39ogrosticlopsvisually, yeah
04:58.59LinuxNIT-IIright visually
04:59.40ogrosticlopsto try to compare it from a software/hardware aspect it stupid.. linux has so many alternatives for most common programs for windows users
05:00.00LinuxNIT-IIyeah i know
05:00.30ogrosticlopsthe only faults will be some things that are underdeveloped for linux. We have to keep an XP machine here to use one of our Mackie sound mixers
05:01.25ogrosticlopsMackie is falling so far behind on some things, they haven't even released an XP 64 bit driver for the mixing board my friend is using
05:01.39keyraogrosticlops: is not very useful, you can't have "optimization" using 64 bits, the optimization is too minor to be considered, by other side you then can't have flash, java, or codecs, apart that the applications then requires the double of size in you RAM
05:02.53ogrosticlops... and to be able to use sonar 8 in 64bit would be nice, as it has proven to be stable and being able to use all 6gb of ram would apparently be a blessing to him
05:03.07ogrosticlopsPersonally, I don't care
05:03.36ogrosticlopsWindows 7 will look nice, will come out faster than it likely should and will probably end in the same driver war that Vista did.
05:03.56LinuxNIT-IIno doubt
05:05.04ogrosticlopsI don't suppose there's a short way to install a few other WMs and display managers with this short of using apt-get and manually changing xorg,etc..
05:05.51ogrosticlopsI'd like to keep a gnome desktop available, and my slackware distro is on a drive i'm likely going to wipe and throw out
05:05.53LinuxNIT-IIwell i guess you could compile them if you dont want to use apt-get
05:06.12LinuxNIT-IIas for editing xorg im not sure why you would need to
05:06.37LinuxNIT-IIentrance should recognize other wms and allow you to login to them or you can use gdm
05:06.44ogrosticlopsapt-get being the shortest, and i've been trying to sway my wife to not reboot into vista
05:07.03LinuxNIT-IIi would try to do the same, if my wife had vista
05:07.14ogrosticlopsokay, I wasn't sure if Entrance allowed session management
05:07.21LinuxNIT-IIis trying to keep vista out of his house as long as possible
05:08.02ogrosticlopsShe hated openoffice at first, now loves it, and she's getting to know her way around gnome pretty well, and loves compiz effects
05:08.47LinuxNIT-IImy wife isnt on the pc enough for me to bother with pushing linux on her
05:09.46ogrosticlopsShe has an XP box for graphic design, and other than that uses my laptop which has ubuntu
05:10.05*** join/#elive Elive_user21_en (n=Elive_us@
05:10.28LinuxNIT-IIjust get her to use gimp and you wont need xp ;)
05:10.50ogrosticlopsshe really dislikes it
05:11.48ogrosticlopsI could just do PS in Wine, but the laptop is underpowered for it, and for her box I don't really want to get into how to set up her wacom under linux
05:12.13ogrosticlopsthat's a task for a day off
05:12.22LinuxNIT-IIyou use ubuntu, dosent it already have it configured?
05:12.46ogrosticlopsthe wacom?
05:13.21ogrosticlopsit's on her older desktop machine, not the laptop
05:14.06ogrosticlopsShe has no problem with me keeping empty arcade cabinets in the house, i'll let her have her tablet and XP box
05:14.50ogrosticlopsyou said you're married.. it's all about compromise
05:15.33ogrosticlopsactually, I may take that slack drive and put it in her machine, install ubuntu while she's at work and see how it goes with Wine and PS + wacom
05:16.32ogrosticlopsyou know, offer her the dual boot option
05:17.06LinuxNIT-IIi admit i have dual boot once again
05:17.26LinuxNIT-IIi managed to do with out for a year or two but now i have a program that i dont trust wine with
05:18.26ogrosticlopsshe wasn't too keen about linux to start, then her machine went down and she ended up using one of these IBM Netfinity 5000 machines I keep downstairs, she IM'd my phone a few times for general questions, googled the rest and didn't mind it.. I came home and she was burning DVDs and had mounted drives in my machine to get to music
05:19.50ogrosticlopsI keep windows around to flash Xbox360s when a new hacked firmware comes out, that's about it.. and I can't trust a virtual machine to do it
05:20.23LinuxNIT-IIi would not trust one for that eithe
05:21.58ogrosticlopssome of the newer programs write directly using the ATA controller with a sata adapter, just sounded like risky business to me.
05:24.01ogrosticlopsokay, back to business, time to install ndiswrapper and get my netgear going
05:24.13LinuxNIT-IIand i need to go to bed
05:24.17LinuxNIT-IIyou have a good night
05:24.20ogrosticlopssomeone here is going to trip over the cables
05:24.25ogrosticlopsyou too, nice talk.
05:24.36LinuxNIT-IInice talking to you too
05:29.27*** join/#elive Thug (
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10:57.12twinkie_addictone word , wow !
10:57.24twinkie_addictvery nice looking desktop
10:59.33twinkie_addicthmmm seems piding doesnt want to start
11:01.27*** join/#elive wasynyt (
11:08.38twinkie_addictnice reinstalling pidgin fixed insue :)
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12:52.55Elive_user28_endo you know how wrok the gadget network?
12:53.13DammitJimon 1.9.15?
12:54.13Elive_user28_enhis name he is gestionnaire de connexion
12:55.15DammitJimI'm not sure... it hasn't really worked for me 'cause it didn't detect my wireless card
12:55.18DammitJimare you doing wireless?
12:55.25Elive_user28_enno he detect nothing
12:55.38DammitJimwhat laptop do you have?
12:55.54Elive_user28_endell latitude d630
12:56.39DammitJimthat's what I have, Issa
12:56.41DammitJimand it's a nogo
12:56.46DammitJimbecause of our broadcom drivers
12:57.00DammitJimare you doing wired or wireless?
12:57.35Issawireless i musing crypted wpa2 netwokr with wpa suppliant, dificult to install it, but now works
12:57.48Issaand i need to make it easy
12:58.09DammitJimso, it is working?
12:58.38Issai m using now
12:59.06Issabut i need start it and closit with command line, and not good, i want a real netwokr manager
12:59.20DammitJimyou can't use the one that comes with the machine?
12:59.23DammitJimtry wicd
12:59.30DammitJimapt-get update && apt-get install wicd
12:59.44LinuxNIT-IIIssa, is this for the network with wpa2 enterprise?
13:00.05LinuxNIT-IIcan you send me your wpa.conf?
13:01.19Issafor this connectioni need to step, first i need certificatits
13:01.43Issaand second configure this files : /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf
13:01.45LinuxNIT-IIand these are stored on your laptop right?
13:01.53Issaproto=WPA2 WPA
13:02.01Issa# Phase1 / outer authentication
13:02.11Issa# Phase 2 / inner authentication
13:02.21Issaand to active the connection i need to do this :
13:02.23Issawpa_supplicant -D wext -i eth1 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf
13:02.25Issadhclient eth1
13:02.27Issaand ofcourse change eth1 by wlan0
13:03.09LinuxNIT-IIyou only need one certificate is that right?
13:04.26DammitJimwow.. thanks, LinuxNIT-II and sorry for guiding Issa in the wrong direction
13:06.07LinuxNIT-IIno i dont think you were guiding him in the wrong direction
13:06.31LinuxNIT-IIi believe wicd can do that type of configuratoin, im working on adding that type to net-connector
13:09.37DammitJimoh yeah? you are the man! high 5
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13:12.11IssaLinuxNIT, the certificat he is on : /etc/ssl/certs/
13:13.27LinuxNIT-IIIssa, can i also get the output from the command: iwlist scan
13:13.38LinuxNIT-IIrun as root
13:42.24*** join/#elive wasynyt_eee (
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14:39.25Mtrakeri want to find a file in elive. what program it's better? in gnome i used beagle
14:44.27*** join/#elive Thanatermesis (n=unkown@unaffiliated/thanatermesis)
14:46.16p1asmaThanatermesis: why are you still unaffiliated? didnt request a group?
14:53.35*** join/#elive roxville (
14:54.15Thanatermesisp1asma, i simply don't worry much about that :)
14:56.02p1asmawas just curious if you did one and maybe still wait
14:56.13p1asmabecause freenodes handly really really sucks there
14:56.23p1asmapeoples waiting for years for an approve
14:56.57p1asmaother peoples speaking directly to christel getting this set up within seconds without going the mandatory procedure
14:57.00p1asmareally sick
14:59.31*** join/#elive phoenix__| (
14:59.46MtrakerThanatermesis, un buscador tipo beagle para elive?
14:59.52Mtrakerbuenas a todo esto
15:00.06keyraMtraker: nas nas
15:02.17Thanatermesishola Mtraker :) pues ni idea, nunca he usado esas cosas
15:02.31keyraThanatermesis: que tal ?
15:02.43Mtrakeres que tengo mas de 10000 fotos y llevo toda la tarde buscando
15:03.11Thanatermesisp1asma, like i say, don't worry much... i just don't have time for that
15:03.21ThanatermesisMtraker, en que consiste beagle ?
15:04.16Mtrakeresta hecho con mono, y te hace una base de datos con todo lo que tienes. indexa todo . De hecho haces una busqueda de un texto y lo busca dentro de los pdf y todo
15:05.46Thanatermesisah suena muy bien
15:05.50Thanatermesisexcepto la parte del mono xD
15:06.06Thanatermesises como un locate pero mas humano...
15:06.14Thanatermesisdebe de tardar siglos en indexar, no ?
15:06.54Mtrakersi, pero una vez lo hace las busquedas son instantaneas
15:07.39Mtrakerestoy probando la ultima release
15:07.50Mtrakerde elive
15:07.58Mtrakeresta andando de momento muy bien
15:08.14Mtrakersigo con un fallo de resolucion pero lo resolveré
15:08.56Mtrakersigo hechando en falta que esto tenga exposé
15:09.34Mtrakerhabeis quitado el e16?
15:13.56Thanatermesissi, se ha quitado
15:14.03Thanatermesislo del expose... ya se verá con el tiempo ;)
15:14.32Thanatermesisestoy haciendo un programita para conectar por 3g los moviles a internet (con elive)
15:14.42Mtrakerme interesa :-p
15:17.15Thanatermesispues pretende poder conectar todos los moviles del mundo (compañías) :)
15:17.18Thanatermesissigues con yoigo ?
15:17.24Thanatermesisme iba a ir unos dias a valencia
15:17.34Thanatermesislas valencianas parecen mucho mas simpaticas que las barcelonesas xD
15:17.57Mtrakerlo de yoigo dig
15:18.19Mtrakersimpaticas no se, pero chillan más
15:18.54Mtrakerque opinas de google-desktop?
15:22.23Thanatermesischillan mas... en la cama te refieres ? xDDD
15:22.56DammitJimno sean malcriados!
15:25.40Thanatermesispues nose Mtraker, no lo he probado, la verdad es que todas las cosas de google tienen muy buena pinta pero no las uso mucho
15:27.30*** join/#elive PaperBear (
15:27.35PaperBearhello everyone
15:28.55PaperBearI have a question - not intended to offend, but I am in 2 minds....  what makes elive better than debian with enlightenment as a desktop?
15:29.53PaperBearfor what?
15:30.17Mtrakerfor video, images...
15:31.42PaperBearso is there a decent range of codecs available out of the box?
15:32.53Thanatermesiseverything is out of the box in Elive :)
15:33.13PaperBearis the intention that I will never have to touch things like xorg.conf ?
15:33.18Thanatermesisjust try it, download the development version that is pretty new than the actual stable version
15:33.39Thanatermesisthe idea is to have a working out-of-the-box system, intuitive, ready to use for everybody
15:34.58PaperBearI would be highly surprised and impressed if that were the case for me - but only because I have some meta-modes for my dual-screen setup where one of them switches off when a game uses fullscreen
15:35.19PaperBearso, nvidia driver works out of the box?
15:37.09Thanatermesisi think that this switch-off is normal in dual-monitors
15:37.30DammitJimit does, PaperBear
15:37.32Thanatermesismaybe you can use a special-config by nvidia but that's what normally does the xinerama
15:37.33DammitJimbut beware
15:37.42DammitJimif you are going to do dual monitors and you use nvidia-settings
15:37.47DammitJimyou might mess up the default config
15:38.55DammitJimThanatermesis, what do you use to search for torrents?
15:38.56PaperBearThanatermesis, no, it isnt automatic - without a metamode like  "1680x1050, NULL" - fullscreen will try to stretch itself across both, or other weirdness
15:39.09keyraDammitJim: do not use torrents, somebody make fake torrents of Elive with porn, ad-ons, and maybe dangerous commands too, you can only know the authenticity of the ISO if you download it from the Elive website
15:39.14DammitJimshut up, keyra
15:39.26PaperBearDammit lol
15:39.28keyraDammitJim: My database is available on , you are welcome to update me and send the changes to Thanatermesis
15:39.36DammitJimshut up and kiss me, keyra
15:39.50keyraDammitJim: :-#
15:41.08PaperBearokay - so... next question.....  is it worth paying for the stable release?
15:41.54DammitJimno, PaperBear ... it's not
15:41.59DammitJimbut you should pay regardless
15:42.01DammitJimand get the dev
15:42.25PaperBearDammitJim, I will pay if I adopt it ?
15:42.35ThanatermesisPaperBear, i recommend you to use the next stable (not available yet), the actual development version is a lot more featured
15:42.39DammitJimok... 'cause I want to download Elive stable w/o paying
15:42.42Thanatermesisbut if you want a STABLE system for somebody.. then use stable
15:42.49DammitJimruns stable at home
15:42.52keyraDammitJim: Elive Gem roolz! I hope you are using the one from the website of Elive... apparently a modified ISO exists on the net with porn, adds, and crappy things, maybe that hacked ISO removes all your hard disk  lol
15:43.13DammitJimThanatermesis, ETA for stable?
15:43.16Thanatermesisits different, development is more featured but can broke :)
15:43.23Thanatermesiswell, is pretty stable too
15:43.27ThanatermesisDammitJim, first, release of debian stable
15:43.33DammitJimwhen is that?
15:43.50ThanatermesisDammitJim, maybe 1 or 2 years more (lol joke)
15:44.56PaperBearits a bit of a difficult choice, without knowing how featured stable is - what is missing etc
15:45.24DammitJimok... I definitely can't go to, Thanatermesis ... that site has too many boobies and butts!
15:45.32DammitJimPaperBear, just try it
15:45.37DammitJimunstable is free
15:45.42PaperBearif I download the dev version and its buggy, I'll probably lose faith - after all, I can pick up debian stable for nowt
15:45.48DammitJimstable is very stable, though... I've been runnning it for months @ home
15:46.05DammitJimdebian stable is behind in features, though
15:46.20DammitJimmach@mach[~]$ uptime
15:46.27DammitJimand that's only because I moved homes
15:46.29PaperBearDammitJim,  not my point - I can download unstable for free too ;)
15:46.49DammitJimyeah, but Elive is more beautiful
15:47.16ThanatermesisDammitJim, try the search button in the top of, it search in differents torrents websites
15:47.16PaperBearDammitJim,  what is (potentially) unstable about the development tree ?
15:47.30keyraThanatermesis: do not use torrents, somebody make fake torrents of Elive with porn, ad-ons, and maybe dangerous commands too, you can only know the authenticity of the ISO if you download it from the Elive website
15:47.50DammitJimPaperBear, not much, really...
15:48.02DammitJimonce in a while I've gotten a lockup of my browser
15:48.08DammitJimor e17 lockup
15:48.10ThanatermesisDammitJim, 136 days ? you want to make a new record ? :)
15:48.14DammitJimbut never a true failure
15:48.27DammitJimshut up, Thanatermesis... I would have beat the record, but I moved homes in July, remember?
15:48.35ThanatermesisDammitJim, who has run it per more of 450 days has lost the uptime because his children has press the power button
15:48.41DammitJimlol... and the backup UPS only lasted me 30 mins
15:48.43DammitJimso, I shut it down
15:48.51DammitJimNO NO NO NO
15:48.53DammitJimare you serious?
15:49.02PaperBearDammitJim, okay... so 1.9.14 or 1.9.15 ?
15:49.08DammitJimNO NO NO NO... tell that person to take the power button off!!!
15:49.10Thanatermesislet me show you my conversation
15:49.16ThanatermesisPaperBear, the last, of course :), .15
15:49.28ThanatermesisDammitJim, he has lost the uptime
15:49.28DammitJimThanatermesis, did you fix the Broadcom issue on .15?
15:49.33DammitJimNO NO NO NO
15:49.38DammitJimwell, we can wait another year and a half
15:49.40PaperBearThanatermesis,  well, I ask since this is the only chance I'm going to give it ;)
15:49.45DammitJimand he'll be back where he was
15:49.59ThanatermesisDammitJim, see the conversation:
15:50.02DammitJimdoesn't think Elive is for everyone
15:50.32ThanatermesisPaperBear, .15 has a lot better network configurator (bugs fixed) than in .14, also better macbook support
15:51.42DammitJimI can't believe it
15:54.08*** join/#elive wasynyt_ (
15:54.30ThanatermesisPaperBear, Elive has a kind of giant infinite list of features/configurations/modifications/adaptations than debian that is almost not possible to describe all
15:54.47Thanatermesisyou can found everytime a new nice thing on it
15:55.25PaperBearif I'm honest, this channel has helped it's cause
15:55.42DammitJimagrees with PaperBear... especially keyra
15:56.38PaperBearof course, as soon as I install it and run into a problem, the channel will be full of pre-pubescent american kids, but for now, it's very pleasant :)
15:57.20DammitJimis an american kid
15:58.36PaperBearwell, you appear to be a native english speaker....
16:02.52PaperBearanyway, you have to be post-pubescent with a handle like DammitJim
16:06.54Thanatermesis<PaperBear> of course, as soon as I install it and run into a problem, the channel will be full of pre-pubescent american kids, but for now, it's very pleasant :)
16:07.02Thanatermesisthen report me the problem
16:07.16PaperBearThanatermesis, I was only joshing
16:07.33PaperBearis anyone running VMware?
16:07.49DammitJimis pre-pubescent 'cause his voice gets lost sometimes
16:07.52DammitJimI was
16:07.57DammitJimnow I'm running vbox
16:07.59DammitJimwhy, PaperBear ?
16:08.13*** join/#elive utilisateur (
16:08.19PaperBearI want to run windows (spits)
16:08.26PaperBearthat phrase hurt
16:08.30DammitJimis running xp and vista
16:08.32PaperBearI *need* to run windows
16:08.49PaperBearDammitJim, with vbox ?
16:08.54DammitJimneeds to run windows, too... for work
16:08.55Thanatermesiswhy you need to run windows PaperBear ?
16:09.03DammitJimopenoffice is not 100% compatible with OFfice 2007
16:09.06DammitJimyes, wiith vbox
16:10.14PaperBearThanatermesis, apps - I run sage for accounts,  3d studio max, etc. there are others
16:10.14MtrakerDammitJim, MSoffice is not compatible with openoffice
16:10.34ThanatermesisPaperBear, some apps works in Elive too... not all of course, maye 3d studio no (big app)
16:10.45DammitJimis running elive unstable 1.8.2 with vbox of 1.9.14
16:11.07PaperBearThanatermesis, I *know* there are OSS alternatives to everything, but that means learning a lot for something I dont necessarily use a lot
16:11.07utilisateurthey are so desperately incompetent
16:11.27utilisateurwill someone help me ?
16:11.30PaperBearDammitJim, whats the performance like?
16:11.36DammitJimwithin vbox?
16:11.40PaperBearDammitJim, yeah
16:11.41utilisateurthey are destryoing me
16:11.43DammitJimthey run fairly well for just office stuff, ya know?
16:11.55DammitJimmy problem is that my laptop only has 2GB of RAM
16:12.06DammitJimand I'm running out of it w/windows, ya know?
16:12.09PaperBearDammitJim,  is it particularly ram hungry then?
16:12.23DammitJimwindows is, of course
16:12.25DammitJimespecially vista
16:12.31DammitJimbut elive isn't RAM hungry
16:12.33DammitJimya know what I mean?
16:12.37PaperBearDammitJim, I only need XP. vista can do one
16:12.50DammitJimhas to run vista to try things out for users
16:12.52PaperBearI have 4gb to play with here
16:12.58DammitJimthen you should be fine
16:13.13PaperBearand I run xp on a laptop with < 1 GB, and its performance is alright
16:13.19DammitJimthe only problem I have encountered (For which I'm sure there is a solution) is that Vbox doesn't do well with Video stuff
16:13.32DammitJimoh yeah... I got vista on a 1GB laptop at home :)
16:13.33keyraDammitJim: don't ask to ask, ask your problem
16:13.43DammitJimshut up, keyra... or I'm going to give it to you!
16:13.57keyraDammitJim: My database is available on , you are welcome to update me and send the changes to Thanatermesis
16:14.24DammitJimcan say that Elive has been awesome for the last year that I've been using it @ the office
16:14.30DammitJimas his main OS
16:14.37PaperBearso - just as a vague idea - what sort of % performance am I likely to get (just htinking about a bit of potential gaming, for instance)
16:14.49DammitJimheck... for anything else, I've been using Remote Desktop to a server where I have other apps I can't run on LInux
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16:15.02DammitJimthat I can't speak on...
16:15.06DammitJimdoesn't game
16:15.58PaperBearneither do I - apart from a bit of urbanterror from time to time... but the thought of having filthy old windows on a decent machine does open up the possibility....
16:16.18DammitJimsorry, but I can't help you on that one
16:16.34DammitJimI haven't ran Adobe CS3 on there, yet
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16:16.59PaperBearoh yeah - flash development is another one... speak of the devil..
16:17.13DammitJimyuck! but true
16:17.29PaperBearI did have a go at using eclipse once, but it wasnt pretty.
16:18.34DammitJimeclipse isn't bad
16:18.40IssaThanatermesis, ping
16:19.02IssaThanatermesis, j'ia du mal avec l'accé FTP, comment faire, svp, car gftp totalement instable
16:20.13DammitJimis running 1.9.15 in vbox now
16:20.19DammitJimwants to check out the surprises
16:21.03PaperBearDammitJim, no, it wasnt eclipse that was the problem, it was the add-on I needed, and my inability to use it successfully.
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16:22.56PaperBearDammitJim, how simple is installation of vbox then?
16:23.25DammitJimapt-get install vbox
16:23.28DammitJimI think
16:23.35assasukasse_eeeissa what is the problem
16:23.44DammitJimThanatermesis, does it come witih 1.9.15? I thought it came with 1.8.2
16:24.11DammitJimI think it's
16:24.45DammitJimapt-get update && apt-get install virtualbox-ose-modules-
16:24.59keyraDammitJim: if you want to upgrade your elive system to a newest one without reinstall, this is not totally possible... because a lot of features are added in the 'process' (boot, configurations, detections, updates, install features, etc) and not just the packages, read the changelog of the releases so you can see the new features added and decide what you do
16:25.42PaperBearapparently, keyras got it in for you ;)
16:26.00DammitJimI know, she loves me
16:26.06PaperBearooh, this looks nice
16:26.51DammitJimwhat does?
16:27.00PaperBearthis elive malarky :)
16:28.13PaperBearokay, I'm installing
16:29.09DammitJimyou are installing or starting the LiveCD?
16:29.24DammitJimPaperBear, I'd say.. if anything, you can try whatever you want just in the LiveCD w/o installing anything
16:29.36PaperBearDammitJim, do i need a partition available for vbox to use?
16:30.20DammitJimno partition necessary
16:30.46DammitJimbut vbox needs to create a virtual file system...
16:34.18DammitJim<DammitJim> ok, laptop question
16:34.18DammitJim<DammitJim> I'm looking at a laptop with this processor
16:34.18DammitJim<DammitJim> Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T8300 (2.4GHz/800Mhz FSB/3MB cache)
16:34.18DammitJim<DammitJim> but the RAM is only
16:34.18DammitJim<DammitJim> 2GB Shared Dual Channel DDR2 at 667MHz
16:34.18DammitJim<DammitJim> am I not taking advantage of the 800MHz of the processor with 667MHz RAM/
16:34.22DammitJim<DammitJim> ?
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16:39.37PaperBearDammitJim, I think it's largely irrelevant
16:41.11DammitJimwhat do you mean?
16:41.16DammitJimis hoping he can learn something
16:43.44PaperBearwell - my fsb and ram bus dont match - I dont *know*, but I imagine that is only ever going to be a performance issue if you're doing very memory hungry operations
16:44.20Issa-BetaElivewell i need to know how to use thunar with more function, like acces ftp, windows network, please,
16:45.57*** join/#elive PrinceAMD (n=PrinceAM@unaffiliated/princeamd)
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16:49.20PaperBearDammitJim: As an example, let me talk about PC2-4200, aka DDR2-533. This RAM has a clock rate of 266 MHz and transfers twice a clock cycle. Each transfer is 64 bits wide. So a single DDR2-533 channel can provide 4,266 MB/s. (This is also why it's called PC2-4200. Similarly, DDR2-667 can provide 5,333 MB/s and is often sold as PC2-5300, DDR2-800 can provide 6,400 MB/s and is sold as PC2-6400, and DDR2-1066 can provide 8,533 MB/s and is sold
16:49.20PaperBearas PC2-8500.)
16:49.20PaperBearIf you have paired RAM, your memory controller will be able to talk to the RAM transferring up to 8,533 MB/s. Note that this matches a 1066 MT/s FSB, so in this case the system is balanced -- neither the FSB nor the RAM speed is a bottleneck in the data flow between the processor and the RAM. If you put in faster RAM, say DDR2-667 or DDR2-800, you won't see a benefit in the memory bandwidth you can utilize since the FSB becomes a bottleneck.
16:49.34keyraPaperBear: is not very useful, you can't have "optimization" using 64 bits, the optimization is too minor to be considered, by other side you then can't have flash, java, or codecs, apart that the applications then requires the double of size in you RAM
16:49.45PaperBearthanks keyra
16:50.00keyraPaperBear: welcome :)
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16:50.36DammitJimyeah... I understand that, thanks
16:50.36DammitJimgo on
16:50.57PaperBearDammitJim, i am just parroting what I just read
16:51.19DammitJimoh ok
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16:53.38PaperBearbut by the looks of it - the fsb will be (800MT/s x 8)  or 6400MB/s
16:54.01PaperBearand the ram, that will be 5,333MB/s per channel
16:54.52DammitJimok, so there is no real performance problem
16:55.13PaperBearso, if I understood that right, your ram throughput is 10,666 MB/s against your fsb throughput of 6,400 MB/s
16:55.29PaperBearwhich means that in actual fact, the thing you would want higher is the fsb
16:59.38PaperBearof course, that is assuming there is much advantage in a balanced system - I doubt there is in reality any more
17:00.02DammitJimso, is normally RAM ahead of the game?
17:00.21PaperBear"Your elive system seems to be damaged or your elive system is not trusted"
17:00.44DammitJimThana, we got a tester!
17:01.06DammitJimbrb... lunch time
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17:52.34PaperBearso... anyone got any ideas about why my (md5 checked ) 1.9.15 is "not trusted" ?
17:52.49keyraPaperBear: to know the md5 of Elive Gem say: apt, gem-md5
17:53.14PaperBearerr.... yah, thanks keyra
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17:53.28keyraPaperBear: welcome :)
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18:04.44Elive_user1ahola from stgo dom rep
18:04.58keyraElive_user1: que tal ?
18:05.38Elive_user1de donde eres
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18:15.04DammitJimPaperBear, did you burn the CD?
18:15.55PaperBearDammitJim, yes
18:16.02PaperBearretrying it as we speak actually
18:16.16PaperBearbut i have to go now, footy this evening
18:16.50PaperBearI dont suspect a bad cd though, tbh
18:17.33PaperBeari'll drop in and let you know if it worked tomorrow...
18:20.45*** join/#elive Issa (
18:22.40DammitJimif you can
18:22.47DammitJimtry burning the cd at the lowest speed possible
18:22.58DammitJimI don't know why, but I've had issues with iso images burnt too fast
18:23.15DammitJimI couldn't believe it myself when I heard that that could be the problem
18:24.10Issai think buy a usb keys and use it to install elive
18:24.19Issai think now he is more better than cd
18:24.53DammitJimthat's what I use
18:34.05Issaand the one problem
18:34.09Issais the language
18:34.14Issahow i can change it?
18:34.24Issawhen i create the keys?
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18:34.45Issabecause all my install is english, and i want it in french, the one problme
18:34.59MtrakerI've a problem with abiword. The letters are too close together
18:35.09Issainstgall OOO3
18:35.13Issahe is the best
18:35.47Mtrakerbut i don't need all office
18:36.02Mtrakeri want to write a simple leter
18:36.17MtrakerI don't need pps and excel
18:39.59*** join/#elive Thanatermesis (n=unkown@unaffiliated/thanatermesis)
18:41.08Issaevryone need excel
18:43.13MtrakerThanatermesis, tu no sabras porque se juntan tanto las letras en abiword?
18:50.58Issahello little question about net-connector, only elive user can use it or some people from other distrib can use it?
18:59.53IssaThanatermesis, ping
19:08.11*** join/#elive AlexAnteEeePC (
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20:51.36Elive_user68_nlstille boel ;)
20:52.05*** join/#elive Issa (n=Issa@
20:52.55Elive_user68_nlit's a very silent crowd tonight
20:53.22Elive_user68_nlor all zombies..bots or whatever
20:54.10Issau using elive
20:54.14Issawhat version?
20:54.18Elive_user68_nltesting the live cd
20:54.20Issaunstable or stable?
20:54.20Elive_user68_nlthe latest one
20:54.26Elive_user68_nlnormally i'm on ubuntu
20:54.33Issayes me to
20:54.40Issabut elive he is more powerfull
20:54.47Elive_user68_nlI must say that ubuntu looks to have much more than elive
20:54.52Issau can see my how to on frecnh comunyti
20:55.03Issalike how to install the last e theme
20:55.05Elive_user68_nlmy french is terribel
20:55.10Issaso beautifull
20:55.23Elive_user68_nlelive is a beauty, true
20:55.50Elive_user68_nlbut in this live cd loads of things don't seem to work
20:56.13Elive_user68_nland: can't I install, for instance, Thunderbird via synaptic?
20:56.26Issasome futres don"t have install by the master thana
20:56.29Elive_user68_nlit now finds I need to install the cd to get more?
20:56.37Issau have icedove
20:56.42Issaby default
20:56.46Issaand he works great
20:57.12Elive_user68_nlin what map?
20:57.18Elive_user68_nlI don't see it in internet
20:57.31Elive_user68_nlor any of the others I must say :)
20:57.52Elive_user68_nlagain: does this all come when I install the cd?
20:59.09Issai d'ont understand the question, sorruy
20:59.32Elive_user68_nlI don't have icedove say that it is installed as default. Will I get it when i install the elive cd?
20:59.39Elive_user68_nlI am now on the live cd
21:05.48Issahe works u have icedove
21:05.53Issau use the last dev version?
21:06.07Issaicedove he is on the mac side on the down
21:06.14Issathe forth icone
21:06.39Elive_user68_nlthat's not the case at the live cd
21:07.02Elive_user68_nlI now see that a reload of synaptec brought some more Icedove
21:08.35Elive_user68_nland does elive has compiz?
21:09.22Elive_user68_nlfound it already :)
21:10.28Issano compiz on E
21:10.34Elive_user68_nlit is in synaptec
21:10.41Issainstall it
21:10.46Issabut don't wsork with E
21:10.56Elive_user68_nli just installed icedove..and still can't find it anywhere
21:11.05Elive_user68_nlok, thanks
21:11.12Elive_user68_nlI keep my pc at ubuntu :)
21:11.19Elive_user68_nlthanks for the answers
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21:54.39jimyjazzHi there, I'm trying to install elive on the acer one, has anybody had any experience with it?
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22:10.50romanhello, i ask for help in the other elive channels, but no one help me, i really like this distribution, i search on internet but can get with the problem
22:11.19jimyjazzwhat iis it?
22:11.55jimyjazzwhat is the problem roman
22:12.07romanwhen i put the username and password on the entrance window when is gonna start its reset againt
22:12.40jimyjazzthats because somehow you are typing the wrong user name
22:12.52romanno thats not the problem
22:13.37jimyjazzok press Ctrl+Alt+f2
22:13.47romanim not a novice linux user.. actually im using the irsii for get the help.. in im logon with my user sow..
22:14.22jimyjazzyou can try to see if you can login through the shell
22:15.11jimyjazzjust to double check that is not related to the gui
22:15.40romanjimyjazz: what do you think ?
22:16.15jimyjazzonce you are there you can create a new user
22:16.26romangivme a minute
22:16.40jimyjazzto make check if it happends with the new user aswell
22:17.09romanall rigth
22:17.22jimyjazzhave you try to login
22:17.36romanyes its login with the new username
22:17.59jimyjazzon the shell or in the gui?
22:18.05romanjimyjazz: in the gui
22:18.26jimyjazzso what is the problem then?
22:19.15jimyjazzi though you could not login...?
22:19.48romanin this case its solve with another user, but i really like to know why the original user crashed, i meant i turned off the cumputer and when i started again stop working
22:19.51romanwhy ?
22:20.13*** join/#elive Elive_user28 (
22:20.29romanit doesnt have sence for me
22:20.47*** part/#elive angelblade (n=luisg@
22:20.52jimyjazzanother thing you could try is to give a new password to that user name and try again
22:21.02romanlet me see
22:21.27Elive_user28hey can you install elive? im running live cd on virtual box in ubuntu
22:22.00romanno.. i change the password but it doesnt work
22:23.08*** join/#elive Elive_user57 (
22:23.13romanjimyjazz: finally what you recomend me to do ?
22:23.58jimyjazzI dont know why that happends but if you can login with a new user is ok
22:24.07*** join/#elive Elive_user57 (
22:24.18jimyjazzwhere you meshing around with any files?
22:25.01romanjimyjazz:not really.. well rigth now im justing about copy the configuration files from the new user to the old user and see what happen
22:25.13roman*just thinking
22:26.11jimyjazzit may not work due to permission issues
22:27.04romanill change the owner of the files
22:27.24jimyjazzwell you can always try
22:28.06Elive_user28can anyone see my messages?
22:28.06*** join/#elive Elive_user2_en (
22:28.24Elive_user28can you install elive? im running live cd on virtual box in ubuntu
22:28.26jimyjazzsorry for as second im trying to install elive on my netbook ....
22:28.50jimyjazzyes you can with the last developement release
22:29.43Elive_user28ok thank you very much. im thinking about putting it on a second hard drive but i dont know how much better it is than Kubuntu
22:30.23meborcElive_user28, you must realise, that enlightenment is totally different from kde
22:31.06romanjimyjazz: man thanks, i already do what i tell you before and it work, well it change the configuration of somethings for files copy, but i have the access with my user...
22:31.19Elive_user28oh i totally get that lol
22:34.44jimyjazzare you installing it elive_user28?
22:35.38jimyjazzgood roman
22:36.11jimyjazzI also like kde but enlightenment is really light and looks great
22:37.13jimyjazzand elive is really fast and really good at managing resources
22:37.35Elive_user28yes it is.... although as many features?
22:38.04jimyjazzis the only distro I seen using only 175000kb at start up
22:38.31jimyjazzwhat are you after?
22:38.48jimyjazzwith the devian repos you have tons fo stuff
22:39.42meborctons of old stuff that is...
22:39.51meborc:) i had to be the party pooper
22:39.59meborcstable - YES
22:40.09Elive_user28i switched from vista a few days ago to ubuntu for security and i do quite a bit of coding
22:40.09meborcbut not "on the edge"
22:41.09jimyjazzwell meborc if you enable the testing repos of debian you can be all on the edge that you want
22:41.23keyrajimyjazz: Debian repos are included BY DEFAULT on Elive :), but don't modify the repositories of Elive, that's a ugly thing that broke systems
22:41.57jimyjazzwell some people enjoy breaking theiir system to be on the edge
22:42.35Elive_user28does elive support things like wireshark? john? and such
22:42.41jimyjazzif this your first experience with linux user_28
22:43.20Elive_user28fully yes
22:43.49jimyjazzthere are many download programs similar to whireshark
22:44.09meborcjimyjazz, actually, aren't we using the testing repos already? debian lenny?
22:44.19meborclenny is not stable yet!
22:44.49Elive_user28ok... i think i will probably install it.. whats the new realease?
22:44.50meborcwireshark is package sniffing program...
22:44.59Elive_user28yes.. yes it is
22:45.11Elive_user28so is ethereal
22:46.18meborci would try nubuntu or backtrack3 if i was interested in network security ... /wink
22:46.28jimyjazzsnort is meant to be quite good
22:46.46Elive_user28i hae snort already
22:46.58jimyjazzfor your first linux experience i'd probably recommend mandriva
22:47.45jimyjazzor mint kde, maybe opensuse
22:47.50Elive_user28mandriva..? hmm
22:48.10jimyjazzcheck it on
22:48.37Elive_user28i haave three  sli 9800gtx 1gb. and 8gb of ram so i have no hardware issues for a distro
22:48.53Elive_user28so any you recommend
22:49.09jimyjazzmandriva would be could to give a go
22:49.30meborcElive_user28, with that hardware, you could even run vista :O
22:49.30jimyjazzkde base and many graphical tools to configure stuff
22:50.20jimyjazzI havent use vista...well yes i did for 5 minutes before formating it from my new laptop
22:51.12jimyjazzthe important thing with linux is to be willing to learn new tricks and ways of doing stuff
22:51.34jimyjazzI couldnt go back to windows now
22:51.54jimyjazzlinux is not perfect by any means but at least you own your computer
22:56.46Elive_user28yes i had vista and it ran like butter but i hate windows... security sucks
22:58.19*** join/#elive Elive_user99_ru (n=Elive_us@
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23:40.48AlexAnteMachinahi all
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23:47.16Elive_user26hola, alguien que hable espanol?
23:47.30keyraElive_user26: que tal ?
23:49.45AlexAnteMachinahi meborc
23:49.54meborchi :)
23:50.04*** join/#elive Elive_user26 (n=Elive_us@
23:50.46Adrycan somebody help me to install a theme? pleaseeee
23:50.53meborcAdry, sure
23:51.03meborcyou have the theme file downloaded?
23:51.18meborcleft-click on screen
23:51.32meborcthen choose configuration - theme
23:51.37AdryI already download it, it-s a .edj file
23:51.47meborcthen import, and choose the file location
23:51.54Adryis that the correct file?
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23:52.14LinuxNIT-IIAdry, are you on elive testing or elive GEM?
23:52.24AdryI don0t know :S
23:52.33LinuxNIT-IIstable or unstable?
23:52.38LinuxNIT-IIcat /etc/elive-version
23:53.06Adryit says stable-release: yes
23:53.15Adryelive-version: 1.0
23:53.32Adrydebian-version: etch
23:53.48meborcthat is GEM... my instructions were for unstable...
23:54.07LinuxNIT-IIwhere did you get the theme?
23:54.15Adryoh yeas cause I dont have that import option
23:54.53LinuxNIT-IIwell the version of e17 that is on elive-stable (yours) is too old for those themes
23:54.57LinuxNIT-IIthey are not compatible
23:54.58AdryI have the theme select option but I-m not able to use the PErsonal
23:55.13LinuxNIT-IIi know, it sucks
23:55.16Adryoh I see
23:55.28Adryso, what can I do?
23:55.32LinuxNIT-IIthe compatible themes are available in apt
23:55.40LinuxNIT-IIyou can use those themes or use unstable elive
23:56.00Adryoh I also used apt-cache search e17 to download a theme
23:56.04Adrybut I cant use it
23:56.08AdryI dont know how
23:56.20Crash_Gnomeis confused
23:56.26Adryapt-ge install theme
23:56.37LinuxNIT-IIits not in the theme list?
23:56.55FossZombieapt-cache search theme
23:57.06Adrynop the only themes that Iam able to use are default, lucax and elive
23:57.11Adrythat's it
23:57.17LinuxNIT-IIyou may need to copy the themes to ~/.e/e/themes
23:57.20Adryyes Foss I used that one
23:57.45AdryI already moved the themes there
23:59.18LinuxNIT-IIthe ones installed by apt?
23:59.39Adrymmm I'm installig one right now for e17
23:59.44Adryis that correct?

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