irclog2html for #elive on 20060414

00:02.42*** join/#elive IcedEarth (n=Elive_us@
00:20.01_H_thanatermesis estas?  voy a provar ahora el elive
00:26.49*** join/#elive Elive_user37 (
00:27.10Elive_user37vale thanatermesis, esto si funciona
00:29.04Thanatermesissi _H_
00:29.16Thanatermesisbueno, pues prueba de usar esta conf de xorg.conf para tu maquina
00:29.18_H_esto funciona
00:29.23_H_tengo aceleracion aqui
00:29.33_H_así? directamente?
00:29.40_H_todo todo?  es que me suena a mucho
00:29.55_H_sabes estoy tentado de instalar esta elive tio
00:29.57_H_esta preciosa
00:30.00*** join/#elive roxville (
00:31.18_H_oye el password de root?
00:31.40_H_ah, ahora no tiene
00:31.46_H_con el mc la cosa no se veia bien
00:32.36Thanatermesispass de root ? Elive
00:32.38eManu_H_ instalada va mejor !!
00:33.03Thanatermesis_H_ si, toda la conf, pruebala, no pierdes nada mientras no borres la otra ;)
00:33.05_H_no te niego que tengo ganas
00:33.14_H_pero no veas el desmierde que tengo aqui
00:33.21_H_y me da cosa arriesgarme
00:33.29Thanatermesisbueno, si la instalas habras limpiado un poco el sistema xD
00:33.37_H_un poco
00:33.49Thanatermesismientras tengas copias de seguridad de tus cosas importantes... no pierdes nada
00:34.12Thanatermesispor cierto, si la instalas... piensa que el /home de la instalacion, LA BORRA (por lo visto no avisa que va a ser borrado, el instalador)
00:34.20_H_esto esta precioso el e16
00:34.25_H_el e17 esta mejor?
00:34.41_H_como me oigan los de kde me matan  XD
00:35.12eManu_H_ cuestion de gustos, para mi si
00:35.14_H_ahora vuelvo
00:35.25_H_hola emanu
00:35.27_H_o hasta ahora
00:36.33Thanatermesisel e17 esta mucho mejor que antes y mas usable si
00:36.42Thanatermesisraramente da un problema (segfault/crash)
00:36.56Thanatermesisy si lo da... cuando te salga el mensaje, le das a F2 y te lo reinicia sin perder nada :)
00:36.59_H_y tiene esa barrita a lo mac?
00:37.30red_la instalacion es muy intuitiva xP
00:38.23eManuel unico defecto que le veo es que cuando le haces un apt-get al e17 la configuración de este se va a la m.
00:39.07Thanatermesisya... pero debe de hacerse asi para que funcione bien
00:39.09red_hasa ahora no lo he hecho, pero cuando lo haga hare antes un backup
00:39.13red_grax por avisar xD
00:39.20Thanatermesisen todo caso, Elive normalmente suele guardar esas configuraciones
00:39.30Thanatermesisasi que desde elpanel, normalmente recuperas la conf de e17 ;)
00:39.50Thanatermesisbueno, la conf que tiene Elive de e17
00:40.17red_me olvide de esa opcion, ya que perdi la conf de el panel de e16; y tuve que pedirla prestado a uno de aqui :D
00:42.01egrubStallman sonríe a Thanatermesis por el poder elpanel
00:42.46red_a ElPanel no le falta nada =)
00:49.57*** join/#elive dererk (n=dash@unaffiliated/dererk)
00:50.25*** join/#elive Thanatermesis (n=Elive@unaffiliated/thanatermesis)
00:50.36*** join/#elive _H_ (
00:51.31_H_no ha funcionado
00:51.33_H_estoy en tu xorg.conf pero con mala resolucion
00:51.35_H_que raro ::(
00:51.48Thanatermesisala pues, ya sabes :)
00:51.50Thanatermesisa instalar Elive ;)
00:52.41_H_que es lo que no ha ido bien?
00:52.51_H_el kernel es tuyo el paquete tambien y el xorg tambien
00:53.14_H_agh que feo:  fglrx: module license 'Proprietary. (C) 2002 - ATI Technologies, Starnberg, GERMANY' taints kernel.
00:54.01Thanatermesispues no lo se...
00:54.16_H_raro de cohone
00:54.18dererkYo! Everyone!
00:54.23_H_hola dererk
00:54.31Thanatermesissi, bastante feo, justamente escribi un articulo acerca de esto del "taints kernel" en mi pagina web, mas exactamente un trozo de conversacion en este canal ;) echale un vistazo que está interesante
00:54.50Thanatermesiste daran ganas de cagarte en los fabricantes que no liberan drivers libres :)
00:55.34_H_es la presion de microsoft
00:55.42_H_con seguramente presion bajomano
00:55.46_H_o bajomesa
00:55.59_H_o mas directamente dicho, porculeando
00:56.07Thanatermesislos fabricantes pasan mucho de MS, mas bien MS obliga...
00:56.18_H_por eso
00:56.27_H_o le caes bien al monopolio o te la juegas
00:56.36_H_y si liberas drivers no les caes bien
00:56.37Thanatermesisno te has fijado nunca en eso de que en el XP, cuando instalas un driver, te dice windows que "no a superado la prueba de calidad de microsoft" ?
00:56.40dererk_H_, tu usas equispé, no?
00:56.42Thanatermesisque te crees que es eso ?
00:56.46Thanatermesispuro chantaje mafioso
00:56.56Thanatermesis"si no me pagas una fortuna, te incluyo en la lista esa"
00:57.21Thanatermesisacaso no funciona igual de bien el driver ? acaso no son los fabricantes del hardware que te dan ese driver ? :)
00:57.33_H_a ver un par de preguntas
00:57.39_H_tengo una particioncilla
00:57.45_H_podria instalar el elive alla
00:57.52_H_y no tocar nada de nada de lo otro?
00:57.54Thanatermesisque te dicen las palabras "este driver no a superado la prueba de calidad de microsoft" ? a mi me dice pura estafa... que prueba de calidad ? de parte de ellos ? venga hombre, pura manipulacion del end-user
00:58.00dererkThanatermesis, que bueno este gparted!
00:58.27dererkThanatermesis, permite redimencionar una particion
00:58.42_H_yo mas bien prefiero no particionar y no tocar nada, solo una particion que tengo alla no se que de hace mas de medio año
00:58.43Thanatermesissi, puedes, y si instalas el grub de Elive en el MBR, Elive te suele guardar en un 80 % el resto de arranques (te hace un menu con todos tus SO disponibles)
00:58.52Thanatermesisnecesitaras como minimo 2.5 o 3 gigas para isntalarla
00:59.07Thanatermesisdererk claro :)
00:59.09_H_eso sobra
00:59.11egrubThanatermesis, acordate que microsoft solo trabaja cracker
00:59.16dererky mas rapido de lo que trabajaba Partition Magic
00:59.22dererkThanatermesis, para que usarlo ahora? :D
00:59.39_H_es que me asusta tocar algo y cargarmelo
00:59.46Thanatermesisdererk parition magic = caca
00:59.46_H_hay muchas horas de cosas hechas
00:59.49Thanatermesisapt partition magic
00:59.50apt[partition magic] probably the safest and best way to work with partitions. It even speaks ext2, and can create, resize, and destroy Linux FS and swap partitions. See for details., or for a URL to warez site see apt partition-magic...BACK UP YOUR DATA FIRST, YOU CAN LOSE EVERYTHING.  YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.
01:00.01Thanatermesissafest and best ? o_O'
01:00.03dererk<apt> [partition magic] probably the safest and best way to work with partitions.  <---------  :0000000
01:00.10dererkThanatermesis, eso mismo :000
01:00.24Thanatermesisdererk lee el final xD
01:02.52_H_dererk, que te hizo pensar que yo usaba el kakaspe ese?
01:03.40dererk_H_, es coña :P
01:04.00dererk_H_, y ademas Thanatermesis me dijo
01:04.01_H_dererk te la juegas  XDD
01:04.18Thanatermesissiempre esta asi (para variar) xD
01:04.21dererkmar 26 11:59:04 Thanatermesis dererk, si, _H_ usa windoze equispé  :(
01:04.35*** mode/#elive [+o Thanatermesis] by ChanServ
01:04.50dererk_H_, pequeño manejillo xD
01:04.53*** mode/#elive [-o Thanatermesis] by Thanatermesis
01:05.05dererk_H_, Thanatermesis solo dijo que eras gay, nada mas :)
01:05.13_H_ah bueno
01:05.22Thanatermesismar 26 11:59:04 <_H_> si dererk, uso ekispé
01:05.50Thanatermesispeores que niños...
01:05.58_H_me he partio el culo a reir :)
01:06.31dererk_H_, uffffff, menos mal que has agregado "a reir" :-SSSSSS
01:06.39dererkThanatermesis, :'(
01:06.46dererkThanatermesis, abusivo :(
01:06.57dererkte aporvechas por que soy una persona mayor :(
01:07.09Thanatermesisdererk aun no sabemos tu edad xD
01:07.19Thanatermesisegrub viste a dererk en las fiestas esas ?
01:07.34dererkNadie a visto a dererk
01:07.39dererkNi dererk ha visto a dererk
01:07.39*** join/#elive roxville (
01:07.44egrubThanatermesis, si.  Siempre es subnormal. :p
01:07.53_H_coño tengo 11 gigas no usados
01:07.57*** part/#elive dererk (n=dash@unaffiliated/dererk)
01:08.03*** join/#elive dererk (n=dash@unaffiliated/dererk)
01:08.05dererkya xD
01:08.15Thanatermesisjoer que rapido se te pasó xD
01:08.25_H_como podria meterlos en una particion esos 11 gigas?
01:08.55Thanatermesis_H_ pues no es facil... ese espacio si esta "suelto en una particion usada" lo correcto seria redimensionarla...
01:09.10_H_no esta suelto
01:09.14_H_es una particion no hecha
01:09.14Thanatermesisasi la haces pequeña y a su lado creas una particion
01:09.19dererkThanatermesis, era para que no me extrañes ;)
01:09.19Thanatermesisah, pues creala :)
01:09.23_H_que me sobran alla sin ser usados por ninguna particion
01:09.24Thanatermesisusa gparted
01:09.30_H_pero quiero añadirlos a una que tengo
01:09.31dererkgparted rulz!
01:09.32_H_como lohago?
01:09.38Thanatermesisusa gparted
01:09.46_H_estoy en el gparted por eso lo se
01:09.57_H_hacia mucho tiempo que no miraba mi particion :))
01:10.02Thanatermesispues le picas a ese espacio y elgies "crear particion" xD
01:10.22_H_pero no quiero una nueva particion, quiero añadirlo a una que existe ya
01:10.31_H_pero que esta unas cuantas particiones antes
01:10.34dererk_H_, qparted :)
01:10.38_H_tengo 4
01:10.40dererkpuedes redimensionar :)
01:10.45Thanatermesisah.. pues eso ya es mas dificil
01:10.47_H_pero no es mejor g?
01:10.54Thanatermesistendras que redimensionar (a grande) la particion usada
01:10.56egrubdererk, fdisk ;)
01:10.57dererkufff, perdon xD
01:11.02dererkgparted xD
01:11.04Thanatermesispero es que el redimensionamiento nunca fue aconsejado
01:11.22dererkestas letras son fisicamente un espejo xD     q p    p q
01:11.56_H_puede funcionar el elive en la particion hda5?
01:12.08_H_alla por donde cristo perdio la boina
01:12.09Thanatermesis_H_ claro :)
01:12.18ThanatermesisElive funciona en todas partes xD
01:12.52dererk<_H_> alla por donde cristo perdio la boina <-- juaaa que expresion!
01:12.56_H_nene ganas elive ::)
01:13.14red_Thanatermesis, viene algun cliente bittorrent en elive?
01:13.21Thanatermesisala pues, sin miedo, lo metes en la particion vacia y listos ;)
01:13.40_H_lo hace solo el elive o la creo ahora con el gparted?
01:13.46Thanatermesisred_ no por defecto, pero tienes mas de 15000 paquetes directamente a tu disposicion xD
01:14.08_H_es que 11 gigas me suena a poco para un debian
01:14.09Thanatermesis_H_ pues Elive lo primero que lanza en la instalacion es el gparted
01:14.18red_solo conozco uno, es decir he probado solo uno que merece la pena
01:14.24red_cual es el mas recomendable xD
01:14.26_H_tengo uno con 16 gigas ocupados
01:14.29Thanatermesisred_ pues instala el azureus :P
01:14.44red_ese no merece la pena
01:14.49red_alguno mas simplon?
01:14.55dererkred_, le tienes miedo a la consola?
01:15.03dererksi no, usa el bittornado
01:15.11Thanatermesis_H_ yo recomiendo que para instalar una Elive, como minimo tengas unos 5 gigas, aunque lo minimo para instalarla son 2.4 gb
01:15.23Thanatermesislol red_
01:15.33Thanatermesisno muerde eh ? xD
01:15.40red_usaba en mi antiguo SO este -->
01:16.01red_pero ahora le dan mas soporte a su version para windous
01:16.12red_la verdad que no me quejaba de el
01:16.40Thanatermesisred_ que hay mas facil que abrir una consola y lanzar "btdownloadcurses fichero.torrent"  ? ;)
01:17.48red_creo que tendre que conformarme a la consola xP
01:17.54_H_tengo 7 gigas en mi home
01:18.59red_Thanatermesis, ese que mencionas es el bittornado?
01:19.12egrub_H_, comprate un 500Gb disco duro
01:19.41Thanatermesisred_ si
01:19.49_H_no cabe en mi portatil, le dejaria el culete rojo
01:20.11Thanatermesis_H_ bah, pasate todos los videos gordos y los miles de mp3 a la torre ;)
01:20.23red_a ver y lo instalo ^^
01:20.29Thanatermesisaveces llenamos el disco duro de cosas que -realmente- no necesitamos "llevar a todas partes"
01:20.35_H_solo el email son 863 megas
01:21.06Thanatermesispues muevelo todo al ordenador grande y lo dejas limpio :)
01:21.16red_me gustan "HD externos"
01:21.17Thanatermesisque cliente usas _H_ ?
01:21.44_H_y eso funciona?
01:21.47_H_sin problemas?
01:21.49Thanatermesisy es ese el que pondré en Elive
01:21.54Thanatermesissi, a mi me funciona perfectamente :)
01:22.03Thanatermesisademas e puesto la version 1.5 en los repos de Elive ;)
01:22.08Thanatermesisse usara esta version
01:22.31Thanatermesisesta muy bueno, lo e comparado con un par mas y e elegido este :)
01:22.32_H_y si quiero mi kmail? puedo con el elive usar algunas cosas del kde?
01:22.41Thanatermesissi, puedes perfectamente
01:22.43dererkThanatermesis, novato!
01:22.46red_Thanatermesis, tenia una duda hace tiempo
01:22.59_H_tiene ventajas frente al kontact?
01:23.00Thanatermesispero como digo siempre, no lo recomiendo... que cada uno haga lo que quiera con su "sistema"
01:23.06red_si los repos de debian se cruzaban con el de elive
01:23.16*** join/#elive dats (
01:23.26Thanatermesis_H_ no conozco al kontact... y la verdad no muchas aplicaciones de kde
01:23.39Thanatermesispero sinceramente creo que las aplicaciones de kde suelen tener "mucho bulto"
01:24.14Thanatermesisosea... tienen muchas opciones en los menus... pero opciones de kde... que si centro de control que si ayuda que si esto que si lo otro... pero FEATURES realmente, yo no veo "tantos"
01:24.22Thanatermesisclaro que bueno, cada aplicacion es diferente
01:24.23_H_como solucionaste lo de los numeros de versiones con los paquetes debian y elive thana?
01:24.42Thanatermesisbasicamente dandoles un numero prioritario a los del repo
01:24.46_H_me gustaria tener el cinelerra tuyo
01:24.58Thanatermesistengo unos scripts que se encargan de estar "al loro" de las actualizaciones de debian ;)
01:25.25*** join/#elive quidam- (n=quidam@
01:25.29Thanatermesissi hay algo nuevo, un popup me sale en mi desktop y me dice "se va a proceder a upgradear", todo registrado y delante mio para controlar bien que hay nuevo, que se upgradea, que resultado tiene... etc
01:25.39_H_si en un momento pongo solo los sources de debian, algo se desestabilizaria?
01:25.48Thanatermesispues el cinelerra esta en Elive por default ;)
01:25.55red_bueno creo que estamos "protegidos" xD
01:26.15Thanatermesisy ayer meti un programita para hacer DVD's con menus y tal muy facil de usar :)
01:26.27quidam-UN INFILTRADO¡¡¡¡¡¡
01:26.28red_quidam- :**
01:26.36quidam-red_ <- xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
01:27.00red_solo son menos de 2 meses xD
01:27.02Thanatermesis_H_, los sources de debian estan por defecto en Elive... tienes perfectamente el repo de debian en Elive, siempre y cuando no te salgas de la rama de ETCH/Testing o no uses paquetes no oficiales, todo ira perfecto :)
01:29.26_H_yo suelo usar sid y merillat
01:29.38_H_para cosas de video y lo que sea
01:29.40ThanatermesisElive usa etch y marillat
01:29.50dererkdamosu, xDDDDDDDDD
01:29.51_H_marillat en etch?
01:29.51Thanatermesismarillat tiene par etch tambien perfectamente
01:29.55dererk<damosu> pues es hora de aprender a usar la consola
01:30.00dererk<rtk8> damosu, no puedo, los monitores estan en modo grafico
01:30.10ThanatermesisO_O dererk
01:30.54_H_y si quiero instalar el kde y ir a uno o a otro cuando me plazca?  todo sin problemas?
01:31.03dererkdamosu, a mi me causa mucha gracia xD
01:31.11_H_nene tentado
01:31.52Thanatermesis_H_ no hay problema de usar kde o enlightenment... solo tendras que meter la entrada de kde en la configuracion de entrance, pero no es muy dificil
01:32.03Thanatermesisde todas formas, recomiendo usar solo enlightenment en Elive xD
01:32.29red_por algo el nombrecito xD
01:32.38egrubkde está bastante avanzado pero a veces se aburre...
01:32.52red_yo lo usaba en gentoo
01:33.03egrubSi red_
01:33.09red_y la verdad es un paquete muy pesado
01:33.11egrubred_, yo también uso gentoo. :)
01:33.13_H_pos compilar kde es un coñazo :)
01:33.28egrub_H_, si hace perder tiempo...
01:33.34red_yo deje de usar gentoo por kde xD
01:33.52egrubAhora estoy en gnome para divertirme un rato
01:33.53red_pero si que tenia aplicaciones buenas
01:34.02red_pero algunas como que sobran
01:34.08egrubPero siento que kde es mas divertido que gnome.
01:34.26red_eso si, con kde mla pase mas ameno
01:34.46egrubSi depende de tiempo cuando estas harto de kde
01:34.48egrubA veces pasa
01:35.02Thanatermesis_H_ porque no haces una cosa ? ;)
01:35.04red_es algo muy dificil de expresar, pero prefiero gnome antes que kde
01:35.10Thanatermesisasi de paso te utilizo de conejillo de indias :D xD
01:35.32_H_tienes gaseosa?
01:35.38red_<red_> yo deje de usar gentoo por kde xD --> esto no es cierto, esta claro? xP
01:35.45Thanatermesis_H_ intenta instalarte Elive y usar UNICAMENTE enlightenment... de la misma forma que nos hemos independizado al 100x100 de windows
01:36.02Thanatermesisintenta vivir asi un par de semanas y a ver que ocurre :)
01:36.05Thanatermesisque te parece la idea ?
01:36.05dererkdamosu, que pasa, no entiendo?
01:36.40damosudererk, ?
01:36.42red_con enlightenment tuve una antigua experiencia, cuando lo instale en ubuntu ;P
01:36.47_H_a mi kde me gusta mucho
01:36.50dererkdamosu, que dices eso de los cristales... no lo entiendo
01:36.59red_con los repos de shadoi
01:37.06damosu<Zue> parece q le subi mucho la resolucion de la pnatalla
01:37.07_H_me esta gustando tambien el enlightenment
01:37.12damosu<Zue> q cundo reinicio..
01:37.15_H_pero no quiero dejar ninguno de los dos
01:37.20damosuera un chiste coño!
01:37.57red_ligereza + belleza = enlgihtenment :P
01:38.07red_enlightenment* xD
01:38.11eManupues a mi kde me parece una fotocopia de windows y gnome me parece muy simplon, con enligthment flipo :P
01:38.23dererkdamosu, perdon, no le he entendido
01:38.26dererkolvidate xD
01:38.34Thanatermesis_H_ en realidad no te digo que lo dejes... lo que te estoy proponiendo es usar un desktop IGUAL de completo en el que puedas hacer LO MISMO que harias en kde (aunque te resulte mas dificil al principio ya que es todo diferente)
01:38.41red_pero kde ya hace tiempo que supero a windous
01:38.58red_claro, como gnome comenzo siendo una copia fiel de este xDD
01:39.13Thanatermesiss/todo/un\ poco/
01:39.14egrubred_, olvidate de kde.
01:39.20egrubred_, piensalo de elive.
01:39.57egrubPensar es vivir.
01:40.06egrubElive es pensar y acomodar.
01:40.17dererkdamosu, este Zue tira besitos xD
01:40.20red_eso me ha tranquilizado :P
01:40.26damosusi bueno
01:40.32damosuvoy a ayudar un poco mas
01:40.37damosua ver si tira felaciones
01:40.57damosudigo yo que sera tia
01:40.59dererkdamosu, ves, para que has vuelto? te hacen trabajar como chino xD
01:41.03dererkdamosu, ah si?
01:41.08dererkno me habia dado cuenta
01:41.16dererkseguro que es un tio camuflado xD
01:41.28damosule voy joder el pc
01:41.34damosupa que no metire besitos
01:41.40damosubueno el linux
01:41.55damosusigo sin saber que significa eso...
01:42.12dererkThanatermesis, xD
01:42.29dererk<damosu> bueno el linux <-- ?
01:42.41damosusi claro
01:42.50damosule digo que ponga comandos chungos
01:42.57damosuy a reinstalar
01:43.18dererk<DeepB> damosu: a las 5, ok?
01:43.23dererk<damosu> DeepB, yes
01:43.24eManubye a todos, pa'catre
01:43.31dererk<damosu> mañana
01:43.33damosuque quede con el
01:43.48_H_mierda no puedo crear mas particiones primarias
01:43.51red_Hola quidam-!!
01:44.00red_como me tira lo de la info de elive :p
01:44.03dererkdamosu, di algo!
01:44.06quidam-ya parece un bot el muy cerdo
01:44.07dererkdamosu, me asustas
01:44.14Thanatermesisdererk nunca has visto dos amigos quedar para ir a tomar algo ? :P
01:44.24Thanatermesisdererk con la de veces que e quedado yo con TuxMeister...
01:44.51damosudererk, que pas?
01:45.02egrubdamosu, dererk está celoso
01:45.09damosudebe ser xD
01:48.02*** join/#elive |RoC|Ratius (
01:51.12roxvillesinplomo, Thanatermesis
01:51.43*** join/#elive Thanatermesis (n=Elive@unaffiliated/thanatermesis)
01:52.50Thanatermesisme e pegado la hostia de mi vida
01:52.53quidam-Hola red_!!
01:53.07red_bueno, no tengo nada mas que hacer ahora xD
01:53.37roxville<roxville> sinplomo, Thanatermesis
01:54.07roxvillepretty cool look
01:56.09Thanatermesisyes :)
01:57.30*** join/#elive revdjenk (
01:58.04revdjenksvelte swede...did the taxidermist like that joke?
02:02.17*** join/#elive damosu (
02:02.50_H_bueno, me arriesgo :)
02:03.23roxvillerevdjenk, ...
02:03.39Thanatermesisyo siempre digo "si no pruebas no lo sabras" :)
02:03.39roxvillei was gonna tell my wife... and i had forgotten it...
02:03.46_H_pero antes meto esos 11 gigas sobrantes en otra particion que no quiero que sean inutiles
02:03.50egrubThanatermesis, raster nunca visita en #elive ?
02:04.11revdjenkhee hee
02:04.17*** join/#elive Elive_user32 (n=Elive_us@212-200-192-23.adsl.sezampro.yu)
02:04.20Thanatermesis_H_ si vas a hacer un redimensionamiento... haz un backup de lo importante primero aunque sea por red NFS
02:04.44Thanatermesisque una precaucion puede ser pequeña minetras que un lamento...
02:04.45withoutclassegrub, mescaline!
02:04.52egrubwithoutclass, :)
02:04.56Thanatermesisegrub no, creo que esta bastante ocupado, jeje
02:05.03Thanatermesispure mescaline!
02:05.04withoutclassstrong stuff
02:05.06egrubThanatermesis, que lastima...
02:05.12egrubThanatermesis, sería lindo que lo visiten
02:05.19withoutclassapt mescaline
02:05.20aptmescaline is, like, the main chemical in \"peyote\", a substance derived from certain species of cactus plants, that native americans used to smoke in rituals to help them \"feel the cosmic energy\". It is also the name of the mailing list server at the Free Software Foundation.
02:05.22Thanatermesisalomejor algun dia..
02:05.32egrubThanatermesis, parece que sí. Jeje
02:08.12*** part/#elive gnaunited (
02:12.25_H_estoy redimensionando el de los gigas
02:12.30_H_ahora tendra mas gigas :)
02:13.08_H_thana cuando instale el elive me pedira por el e16 o e17?
02:15.38_H_me esta haciendo un e2fsck -fy /dev/hda4
02:15.59Thanatermesis_H_ cuando arranques Elive, si, siempre tinees para elegir si quieres usar e16 o e17
02:16.18_H_pero cuando esta instalado?
02:17.42_H_cuando instalas el elive en el HD sigue pidiendo al arrancar cual quieres?  curioso
02:18.00_H_ya van tres veces lo del e2fsck
02:18.07_H_lo va a hacer mucho?
02:18.33_H_ah no ahora hace resize
02:18.39Thanatermesisclaro que si, tanto e16 como e17 son los (unicos) WM de Elive ;)
02:18.47Thanatermesisa eleccion en cualquier momento
02:18.56Thanatermesiseso si... en el sistema instalado, el login es mucho mas bonito ;)
02:19.27Thanatermesissobretodo, muy importante, si estas tocando/redimensionando particiones... NO lo pares pase lo que pase
02:20.01_H_pero esto va para largo
02:21.41_H_e2fsck -fy /dev/hda4  de nuevo
02:23.59_H_Al menos una operación se realizó sobre un dispositivo ocupado.
02:24.05_H_pero no estaba montado
02:24.21_H_Ya que hacer cambios sobre un dispositivo ocupado puede confundir al núcleo, se  recomienda que reinicie el equipo.
02:24.28_H_y ahora que?
02:24.48_H_aparentemente todo parece en su sitio bien
02:25.18Thanatermesispues si a terminado
02:25.19_H_yo estaba por formatear un par de particiones inutiles que tengo por ahy
02:25.29Thanatermesisreinicia, si ,es mas recomendable
02:25.32_H_para meter el elive y una particion /home
02:25.46Thanatermesisuna partcion /home NO TUYA , no =?
02:25.51_H_puedo reiniciar y hacerlo luego
02:25.53Thanatermesisosea, sin nada
02:26.04_H_la /home es por no meterla dentro de la d
02:26.24_H_y total las otras dos no las uso
02:26.28Thanatermesiscomo veas, bien entonces
02:27.40_H_borrar es borrar particiones creo y yo quiero formatearlas
02:27.54_H_pero bueno, eso lo hara el elive al instalarlo no?  seguro que pregunta
02:28.05egrub_H_, manejalo bien con cfdisk
02:28.12egrubEso no es dificil
02:28.36_H_bueno, me meto a ello
02:28.44_H_ya formateare con el elive
02:28.52_H_see u espero que no dentro de mucho
02:29.06egrubEspero que lo diviertas en elive
02:29.41*** join/#elive Thanashiba (
02:36.13*** join/#elive Elive_user21 (
02:37.01_H_ahora estoy en el e17
02:37.14_H_tiene bateia pequeñita
02:37.47_H_thana tienes algun skin para hora proceso de cpu consumo de red y esas cosas?
02:38.10Thanatermesishombre, yo uso gkrellm para todo eso
02:38.16Thanatermesisno es lo mas lindo pero.. :)
02:38.20Thanatermesises lo mejor que conozco
02:38.37_H_yo tambien en kde
02:40.26egrubThanashiba, igual que yo.  Siempre uso gkrellm
02:40.58egrubPero algun día habrá otro si vienen mas programadores talentos
02:44.46_H_como le digo que pare de instalar?
02:44.58_H_que me ha echo una advertencia al principio
02:45.13_H_y como he puesto el alsaconf no quiero que eso me de problemas
02:45.18egrub_H_, instalar instalar instalar!!!
02:45.36_H_si cierro gparted parara de una vez? y me dara por culo?
02:46.16egrub_H_, si cierralo
02:46.19egrubNo sé.
02:46.27egrubNo uso mucho gparted ni qtparted...
02:50.02_H_ahora me dice que seleccione particion para instalar
02:50.14egrubUsá el hda5 este...
02:50.17_H_le da igual que pulsase dos veces el cancelar
02:50.23egrubNo sé que tiene ahi en tu disci duro
02:50.47_H_yo apago a lo bruto y reinicio
02:51.04_H_me niego a dejarle jugar con mi disco duro sin mi permiso explicito
02:51.26egrubEstabas en root?
02:51.41_H_por cierto que deberia entender que cancelar significa que "ni hablar, norL!!"
02:52.02_H_he pulsado en el disco duro de abajo
02:52.08_H_me tengo que tomar algo tio
02:52.18egrubPero fijaste bien con cuidado
02:52.20_H_esto es demasiao ariesgado
02:52.40egrubYa veo
03:03.09*** join/#elive Elive_user81 (
03:03.20_H_prueba 2
03:03.39_H_sin tocar nada de nada le doy a la instalacion
03:04.26dererk<ya> no uses e17
03:04.27dererk<ya> es para perdedores
03:05.45_H_con un lspci sabes si es sata o no?
03:05.58_H_como se mira lo de sata?
03:06.09withoutclasssomeone save me from the thows of bash programming
03:06.40_H_bueno, le doy al cancel
03:06.52roxvillewithoutclass, revdjenk is here... hemay be able to help :)
03:07.19withoutclassrevdjenk, write my bash script homework for me and i will guarantee you 100 virgins in heaven
03:07.29*** join/#elive Elive_user32 (n=Elive_us@212-200-192-23.adsl.sezampro.yu)
03:07.51roxvillei never liked virgins...
03:08.06roxvillethey're so inexperienced...
03:08.24dererkdamosu, no me dejaste los ultimos 2 strikes :-S  
03:08.34withoutclassits ok, after they get experienced they just lay there XDDDD
03:08.47revdjenkwhat...I can do brash programming...
03:09.06roxville<withoutclass> someone save me from the thows of bash programming
03:09.22roxvilleno, i didn't mean that he would DO it for you!
03:09.26withoutclassrevdjenk, take a look at a little program?
03:09.47revdjenkno, really I know roxville was kidding!
03:09.50withoutclassi am struggling
03:10.09revdjenkdon't know programming, can't even do the eap editor correctly!
03:10.24withoutclass./forehead slap
03:10.26revdjenkhee hee
03:10.54withoutclassi cant wait to not program these damn scripts
03:11.05withoutclasshow unix handles true and false is horrible
03:11.21withoutclassi like c++
03:11.25withoutclassmakes much more sense
03:11.38_H_es cierto que esto parece lento :)
03:11.46revdjenkI get it now...roxville was reacting to the word "saved" maybe...:)
03:12.23withoutclassroxville, not really asking for someone to do it for me
03:12.33revdjenknow my bro could probly help you, taught himself C++ one summer on his hour train commute
03:12.35*** join/#elive No-uso-elive (
03:12.40No-uso-elivehola xD
03:12.46No-uso-elivese han picado en debian Xd
03:12.46roxville<revdjenk> I get it now...roxville was reacting to the word "saved" maybe...:) <-- hallelujah! he got it!
03:12.56withoutclassc++ > bash logic wise
03:13.22SanSunitodamosu una broma pequeña
03:13.26revdjenkso why do you have to program in it, what systems use it?
03:13.28SanSunitoademas es de hace mas de 7 horas
03:13.33SanSunitomanda huevos !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
03:13.51revdjenkof course BASH scripts
03:13.54revdjenkhee hee
03:13.55withoutclassim basically writing a command line calculator for a hmwk assignment
03:14.29withoutclassbut the way bash evaluates true/false is killing me
03:14.43revdjenkcan you write it in C and then convert it?
03:15.09withoutclassi wish
03:15.14withoutclassi woulda been done 5 hrs ago
03:16.21withoutclassthis thing is strange, because i make 6 different scripts, there is a driver script that calls the appropriate arithmetic script depending on the arguments sent to the driver(i.e division script, addition script)
03:16.39withoutclassapt kiss dererk
03:16.41aptACTION smooches dererk on the forehead
03:17.13dererkapt, tell withoutclass gay
03:17.26withoutclasshey, i didnt kiss you, apt did
03:17.27dererkapt, tell withoutclass about gay
03:17.49dererkwithoutclass, :P
03:18.03revdjenkdid you hear about the taxidermist who loved classical music?
03:18.19revdjenkhe called his business, Baroque-Bach Mounting
03:18.51revdjenkyou STILL laughing roxville ?
03:19.23_H_thanatermesis, esto suele durar como media hora? como una hora? como dos horas?  dura y salvaje?
03:20.10_H_dura y de calibre pesado?
03:22.10roxvillea yankee (northener) walks into a bar in the south, and orders a beer... the bartender gives him one... and as the rednecks are gathering up around him to give him a good beating, the bartender askas: "so what do you do for a living?"
03:22.31roxvillethe yankee says:"i'm a taxidermist"
03:22.46_H_juer se cree que son las 7:28 am
03:22.56roxvillethe bartender says: "Whaaa? what is that?"
03:23.11roxvillethe yank says " well i mount animals"
03:23.44roxvillethe redneck closest to him turns to the others and syas "it's cool guys, he just like us!"
03:24.00revdjenktoo much
03:24.21roxvilletoo much... ok
03:24.44revdjenkhey withoutclass ... I checked out I see what you mean...true unless null, etc..
03:24.59revdjenktoo much means over the top, not a bad thing
03:25.03withoutclassrevdjenk, it changes all the time
03:25.16withoutclassone expression will evaluate true as 1
03:25.23withoutclassbut if statements use 0 as true
03:25.34revdjenkthat's what I could see!!!  YIKES
03:26.27revdjenkbut there is a logic to that...just not what we want, right
03:27.29withoutclassit is not uniform
03:27.40withoutclassif 0 is going to be true
03:27.49withoutclasseverything true shoudl evaluate to true
03:27.54withoutclassbackasswards logic
03:27.55*** join/#elive Thanashi1a (
03:29.03revdjenkexcept when 1 is also true, in which case both are true, but then you have to find where the one case you want can be more 'true' than the other?
03:29.25revdjenkis that what is happening, you are trying to do?
03:30.36withoutclassits like this, this statement: $((3>2)) has a value of 1.  so if i try to do if [ $((3>2)) ], it evaluates to false
03:31.54revdjenkit is a different statement, right
03:32.09withoutclassif a 1 is inside the if, it evaluates false
03:32.26withoutclassif anything other than 0 is in there, its false
03:32.37withoutclass1-255 denotes false
03:32.49revdjenkthen only put 0 in there then!
03:32.53revdjenkhee hee
03:32.59withoutclassthis is the problem
03:33.33revdjenkI can see... I'm glad you are on that case, and I am on simple equations like Jesus human and God
03:33.43*** join/#elive LinuxNIT (
03:33.48roxville withoutclass this may be something for you (or not...)
03:34.41revdjenkunless there is a 1 in it, then it is false
03:34.43revdjenkhee hee
03:35.13withoutclassroxville, for my tag problem earlier?
03:35.30withoutclass<revdjenk> I can see... I'm glad you are on that case, and I am on simple equations like Jesus human and God<--wtf? lol
03:36.39_H_10 m y se ha movido un 12%
03:36.52_H_o sea que faltan como hora y media o mas
03:39.29_H_joer eso es lo que tardo en bajarme el debian desde intesnée
03:39.42roxvillehi there LinuxNIT ... family finally let you come out and play? :)
03:39.54revdjenkhey LinuxNIT !
03:40.31*** join/#elive Thanatermesis (n=Elive@unaffiliated/thanatermesis)
03:41.21_H_ostras tio me duermo
03:41.27_H_nos vemos luego
03:41.35*** join/#elive LinuxNIT-gone (
03:41.46_H_esto no necesita internet para instalarse no?
03:42.06_H_que me dices thanatermesis?
03:42.08revdjenkdialup in St Loues? LinuxNIT
03:42.10*** join/#elive cachorro (n=cachorro@
03:42.14*** part/#elive cachorro (n=cachorro@
03:42.29LinuxNIT-gonehehe roxville yeah they did
03:43.42LinuxNITsorry i had to reconnect so my pc would share the internet connection. :)
03:43.46LinuxNITits kinda stingy
03:44.34revdjenkmine won't let itself on, sometimes
03:45.26LinuxNITsounds like its confilicted
03:46.07revdjenkyes, it takes forever to get connected...that way no matter what OS is is the nature of the beast
03:50.20LinuxNIThey guys check out my ip
03:50.33revdjenkI saw that
03:50.48LinuxNITi faked it mwhahahahaa
03:50.49revdjenkreally St Louis? dial up
03:51.00LinuxNITnope im in oklahoma still
03:51.07LinuxNITlocal number too
03:51.57revdjenkhee hee
03:52.22LinuxNITi wish i could do taht on command though that would be cool
03:52.41revdjenkpoor roxville would never know what to expect
03:52.56revdjenkand nobody expects the Inquisition!
03:53.20LinuxNITand id use a dif nick and make up abbriviations just to confuse him hehehe ;)
03:53.56revdjenkyes, like I'm really a 14 year old boy in Barstow CA!
03:55.32LinuxNITthat explains a lot ;)
03:55.44*** join/#elive roxville_ (
03:56.25LinuxNITah man looks like roxville timed out he missed all we just said
03:56.49LinuxNITso much for giving him a hard time
03:56.57revdjenkBTW LinuxNIT I have cured esword somewhat by renaming the kjv+.bbl to just kjv+
03:57.23LinuxNITand it still finds it?
03:57.26LinuxNITthats wierd
03:57.33LinuxNITwb roxville_
03:57.36roxville_<roxville> Thanashiba, when you get a minute...
03:57.36roxville_<roxville> hmmm maybe more for nomed, if he's interested...
03:57.40revdjenkthe little empty windows popping up were strong's number info
03:57.40roxville_thx :)
03:58.25LinuxNITrevdjenk, did you get that fixed?
03:58.36LinuxNITdo you have strongs numbers
03:59.03revdjenkw/o the kjv, and other bbl texts loaded, it works fine....
03:59.49revdjenkoh yes, can't get the hebrew or greek working...and elive is using unicode, and I know that esword uses unicode for its foreign text
04:00.29revdjenkyes it was the Strong's pop up freezing it...wrote a letter to Rick Meyers about it.
04:00.31LinuxNITmight be a problem with no fonts installed in wine to handle the greek/hebrew
04:00.55revdjenkhow to find the correct ones?
04:00.59LinuxNITi dont think rick meyers can do anything for that since it is in wine
04:01.12LinuxNITrevdjenk, im not sure you need to ask in #winehq
04:01.19LinuxNITi have used wine very little
04:01.25revdjenkhe hasn't shown much interest in the linux prob anyway
04:01.33LinuxNITi know
04:01.48LinuxNITsad but at least he still works on esword
04:02.03revdjenkI wrote that he could reach more of the world using linux
04:02.17revdjenkor enabling it through wine at least
04:04.09revdjenkbut I am still thankful for that early morning work you did with me to get esword working
04:04.32LinuxNITmy pleasure
04:05.15revdjenkspeaking of esword, did you know roxville's sister is a minister in Sweden?
04:07.12revdjenkmaybe roxville is on dial up in StLouis
04:09.23LinuxNITno i didnt know that
04:09.46withoutclassroxville_, i use easytag
04:11.13revdjenkwithoutclass, roxville timed out
04:11.54LinuxNITyes he did but what about roxville_
04:12.09LinuxNITroxville_, is not labeled as timed out yet hehe
04:12.15revdjenk14 yr old kid in Barstow CA
04:13.25*** join/#elive roxroxrox (
04:13.43revdjenktriple threat!!!
04:13.46LinuxNITkinda figured ya were ;)
04:14.53revdjenkwhy all the gymnastics
04:15.43LinuxNITroxville, you need a script with to tell ya when you lose connections
04:15.52LinuxNITlet ya know sooner ;)
04:16.14LinuxNITit shouldnt be that hard to whip one up lol
04:16.20revdjenkwelcome back, we've been talking about you
04:16.26withoutclassLinuxNIT, good at bash scripts?
04:16.36revdjenkhey, withoutclass will do one in bash
04:16.39LinuxNITyeah we tend to do that while hes gone
04:16.51LinuxNITwithoutclass, not really. but it seems like it would be a simple one
04:17.04withoutclassi do not think there are many simple ones
04:17.05LinuxNITwithoutclass, i have done a coupld short ones nothing major
04:17.12LinuxNITmine was
04:17.40withoutclassi think im just going to give up till i can bring this in to my TA tomorrow
04:18.09LinuxNITchecked if i was in range of my home network (wifi) and if so connected if not it checked for any open network and connected the reported result on screen
04:18.20LinuxNITthat was my simple one
04:18.37withoutclassu use swap?
04:18.38LinuxNITcya roxville
04:18.40withoutclasscuz of gimp?
04:18.47roxvilleyeah, mostly
04:18.53withoutclassmakes sense
04:18.59LinuxNITis there not a way to clear the swap?
04:19.06withoutclassi have never once used my swap on elive =X
04:19.06revdjenkI thot everyone used swap in Linux
04:19.13roxvilleLinuxNIT, not that i know of...
04:19.25LinuxNITeveryone has it but not everyone USES it :)
04:19.38LinuxNITit is there for when you get low on RAM
04:20.03LinuxNITroxville, does a lot of graphical stuff so he runs out of ram faster than most
04:20.10withoutclassthe closest i got was when theme switcher was going crazy and ate up 140+ mb of memory, and then i still had 200mb left
04:20.21revdjenkI'm using 10megs right now
04:20.51LinuxNITseems like mine was higher but i cant remember
04:20.57revdjenkthat's what gkrellin is reporting...assuming 512 total, I think
04:20.59LinuxNITwhat do yall use to report it?
04:21.11LinuxNITi figured :>
04:21.18withoutclassi actaully turned off the swap monitor cuz its a waste of space on my machine
04:21.25revdjenkclose, menu off the screen
04:22.49*** join/#elive roxville (
04:23.39LinuxNITYAY hes back
04:24.21LinuxNITroxville, returns in a triumphal march after his great victory over the swapians of memoria.
04:25.54roxvillei'm so tired of this time-out thing that i... can't beging to tell you
04:26.06LinuxNITi bet
04:26.13LinuxNITwhat kinda connection?
04:26.38roxvillecomcast cable
04:26.50roxvillei used to NEVER time out
04:26.56LinuxNIThave you talked to comcast?
04:27.16LinuxNITmight be worth a ashot
04:27.37roxvillemaybe... my surfing is really slow too
04:27.49LinuxNITever turn of the modem
04:27.51roxvillebut my wifes' computer surfs fine
04:28.04LinuxNITdoes she time out?
04:28.11roxvilleso i'm more thinking it's another prob... but i can't figure it out
04:28.30roxville<LinuxNIT> does she time out? <-- not to my knowledge
04:28.50LinuxNITi assume your on a router right?
04:29.21LinuxNITwired or wifi?
04:29.48LinuxNIThave ou tried a dif port?
04:29.59LinuxNITor maybe a dif cable?
04:30.13roxvillewe also have vonage, so it's a linksys router with two phone ports and three net ports
04:30.16LinuxNITou =you
04:30.39LinuxNITare all three net ports used?
04:30.40roxvilleyeah, i tried a brand new cable
04:31.01roxvilleyep, all used... one for wife, one for my server and one for me
04:31.24LinuxNITid try using a dif port for like an hour and see what happems
04:31.35LinuxNITfrom wht ive seen an hour should tell ya
04:31.45LinuxNITor less :-/
04:32.06LinuxNITdo you dual boot?
04:32.25roxvilleyeah.. triple even
04:32.40LinuxNITdoes it happen in the other OS's as well?
04:32.51roxvilledunno, i never use them
04:33.05LinuxNITid try that if i the port ting dont fix it
04:33.18LinuxNITbut those are my ideas
04:33.28roxvillei need a new windows, my xp is all messed up
04:33.36LinuxNITthats normal
04:33.46roxvilleno desktop ini, so i have no icons, no start bar
04:33.59LinuxNITthat is messed up
04:34.43LinuxNITdid you run the ping the other day like thana suggested?
04:35.10roxvilleyep... no packet losses at all
04:35.23LinuxNITit just all the sudden died?
04:35.52roxvilleyep, it's so weird
04:36.06LinuxNITtry running the ping on the wifes pc
04:36.13LinuxNITsee if it ever dies there too
04:36.32LinuxNITor use xchat if shes got it to see if it times out
04:36.39roxvillei'm too tired now
04:37.19revdjenkLinuxNIT, has coffee in his veins and a cathater in his pants
04:38.04LinuxNITnutella is ambrosia
04:38.14revdjenkanyway..I'm going off to bed
04:38.24revdjenkthanx for the entertainment
04:38.27roxvillesleep tight revdjenk
04:38.35LinuxNITnight revdjenk
04:38.38roxvilleno prob, it's on us :)
04:38.47revdjenkhee ehe
04:39.00LinuxNITroxville, its nowonder you time out
04:39.05roxvilleafter eating this stuff... JIF tastes like crap
04:39.15LinuxNITall that peanut butter is cloggin the network calbes
04:40.22roxvillehere we go again...
04:40.52LinuxNITbtw roxville
04:41.00LinuxNITyour wife is on windows right?
04:42.17LinuxNITroxville, to get ping to not stop after three hits in windows use -t
04:42.22roxvillemostly.. she uses "U" every now and then
04:45.40LinuxNITi get 12% loss on packets on dialup
04:45.49LinuxNITthats bad
04:48.32LinuxNITbut i dont time out ;) hehe
04:48.48roxvillethat's a plus... trust me
04:49.45LinuxNITroxville, this just in from ##windows :
04:49.50LinuxNITDemia so I shouldnt complain
04:49.50LinuxNITDemia I actually miss comcast cable from chicago
04:49.50LinuxNITDemia it wasnt the most reliable but it was very fast and not expensive
04:50.42roxvillebut man, the new azureus runs NICE!
04:51.08roxvilleyeah, comcast is great!
04:51.09LinuxNITjust htough it was funny that this guy also said "it wasnt the most reliable...."
04:51.50roxvillewell it has been very reliable... until now...
04:52.07LinuxNITyeah but it sounds internal to me
04:52.15LinuxNITbut im a ammature too so....
04:52.52LinuxNITammature is a self procalaimed status.... i appear like a noob in some company
04:53.12roxvilleas do i... or most of the time
04:53.28LinuxNITitll change
04:53.41roxvilleexcept if you saw me play music live... you'd know i know my stuff
04:54.36roxvilleor... i know how to take my audience...
04:54.52roxvillea lot of times, that makes up for not knowing songs, etc
04:56.46LinuxNIToh yeah roxville and let me know if any of my ideas had any effect. ( i kinda like to know if my ideas are worthwhile or just .....)   :)
04:57.30roxvillelol, ok... i will :)
04:58.24roxvillewe have had probs with low bandwidth out from our house... last fall
04:58.37LinuxNITif i give out a idea to someone and they are like ill try it later " my brains like did it work did ti work did it work... "   lol
04:58.47roxvillethey couldn't see it from the call center, all they do is ping
04:58.58LinuxNITthat sucks
04:59.20LinuxNITyeah my brain works kinda odd sometimes
05:00.31roxvilleno, it's understandable
05:00.42roxvillei wanna know too
05:00.47LinuxNITok good :>
05:04.16dererkI hate you all!!!  >(
05:04.35dererkI'll rip your heads off! >(
05:04.44dererkNaaa, just kidding :D
05:04.51LinuxNITgood luck reaching it
05:04.59LinuxNITyoud never find me
05:05.09dererkLinuxNIT, I love you man :*
05:05.15LinuxNITespecially if you started with my ip hehehe
05:05.24dererkI love you too roxville ^^
05:05.46LinuxNITsee my ip dererk
05:06.00LinuxNITnow where would you guess i am located
05:06.13dererk* [LinuxNIT] ( LinuxNIT---
05:06.14dererk* [LinuxNIT] #elive-dev #elive #oklinux #libranet ##windows
05:06.23dererk##windows   @_@
05:06.52LinuxNITso i like to watch fools stubmle around.... big deal
05:07.01roxvilledererk, finding LinuxNIT is easy... go to oklahoma, pass Tuttle, and look for the only dude who does NOT have his head up a cows ass
05:07.28dererkLMAO ^2
05:07.45LinuxNIToklahoma is the quarter horse captial of the world
05:07.59LinuxNITwisconsin has all the dairy cows
05:08.41roxvilleog course...
05:08.55LinuxNITi had to defend my worthless state
05:09.02roxvilledererk, finding LinuxNIT is easy... go to oklahoma, pass Tuttle, and look for the only dude who does NOT have his head up a qurter horse's ass ass
05:09.28LinuxNITno no no they are quarter horses
05:09.44LinuxNITnot qurter
05:10.36roxvillenot qurter?
05:10.45dererkroxville, like this?:
05:10.46LinuxNITnope sorrt
05:10.47dererk< LinuxNIT, what're you doing? >
05:11.00roxvillei know even why they are called quarter horses
05:11.04LinuxNITyou are borred
05:11.27roxvilledererk, i said NOT
05:11.43LinuxNITyeah thats my neighbor
05:12.02dererkI ruin off the joke :-s
05:16.32roxvillewow, i have NOT timed out...
05:16.50LinuxNITchange anything?
05:17.24LinuxNITi threatened your router ;)
05:18.45LinuxNITtold it i would shove my head up its ass if it didnt stop timing you out..... then it saw the pic dererk sent over the net and knew i was serious
05:19.32dererkLinuxNIT, ·_#
05:19.51LinuxNITwhat kinda face is that/
05:21.14*** join/#elive roxville_ (
05:21.40roxville_<roxville> yeah, the ping from my wife's computer shows time-outs too!
05:21.42roxville_<roxville> so it MAY be comcast... or the cable after all...
05:21.44roxville_<roxville> cool, coz that means i do not TOTALLY have my head up my ass
05:21.47dererkI don't know how it's called
05:21.51dererkIt's a "monoculo"
05:22.09dererkin spanish, but I don't know the translation
05:22.15LinuxNITroxville_, you shouldnt have opended your mouth
05:22.35roxville_i didn't, i was typing it...
05:23.00LinuxNITroxville wow, i have NOT timed out.. <<<<<<<<<<
05:23.47roxville_ok, i'm timing myself out and over to the bed...
05:24.05dererkroxville_, night! :)
05:24.11LinuxNITgood luck when talking to comcast
05:25.37LinuxNITpun intended
05:25.41dererkgood one
05:25.51dererkapt, x en es pun
05:26.11*** join/#elive maxtoo (
05:26.18LinuxNITapt x es en retruécano
05:31.40*** join/#elive Begasus (n=Begasus@
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05:45.33*** join/#elive roxroxrox (
05:48.18LinuxNITwell good night folks
05:48.31LinuxNITcyall later
06:54.48*** join/#elive Thanatermesis (n=Elive@unaffiliated/thanatermesis)
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08:36.55blizzardthana: here?
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08:58.04*** join/#elive Elive_user91 (
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08:59.03Elive_user91running the Elive CD, I have now changed the resolution, is 640x480, to 1600x1200
08:59.16Elive_user91now it says i need to restart the graphics
08:59.22*** join/#elive rookmoot (
09:00.16Elive_user91but when i select -restart enlightenment- from the meny that pops up when i push left mouse button
09:00.25Elive_user91is does nothing ;/
09:01.27*** join/#elive Elive_user99 (
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09:08.15pycshello :)
09:08.32*** part/#elive Elive_user99 (
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09:10.52Elive_user91hi, is it possible to change resolution in elive, doesn't seem to work
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11:32.33*** join/#elive ya (
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11:39.20pycshello :)
11:39.49*** join/#elive Elive_user54 (
11:40.16pycswhat's up Elive_user :)
11:41.05_H_bueno, ya esta
11:41.09_H_ya he instalado el elive
11:41.14Elive_userWell not much really. Happy user... Problems with wine though. I guess Xchat logs into this channel by deffault...
11:41.20_H_ahora a ver que tal se ha cargado todo :)
11:41.24_H_see u later
11:41.42pycsyes.. it does by default :)
11:43.27*** part/#elive Elive_user (
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11:47.02_H_bueno, ya toy dentro
11:48.02_H_la resolucion no es de 1600
11:49.53_H_lo parece y el xorg.conf lo dice pero creo que no lo es
11:50.20_H_join #debian-es
11:51.39pycsis it possible to simulate webcam in linux?
11:52.16_H_its possible to use webcam
11:53.00pycsyeah, i konw it is possible to use webcam :)
11:53.49pycsbut is it possible to have the source of the video file?
11:55.41_H_sorry, i dont know.  I feel It must be possible, but i dont know
11:56.29_H_thanatermesis, estas?
11:56.50pycs_H_, have you used webcam in elive?
11:57.10_H_i just instaled the elive today for the very first time
11:57.25pycsoh i c.. :)
11:57.56*** join/#elive bodha (n=bodha@
11:58.17pycs_H_, how is your expirience?
11:58.35_H_i have one problem with resolution
11:58.44_H_i feel its not my 1600x1200
11:58.56pycsah ok..
11:59.02_H_do you know how to know it?
11:59.08bodhacoucou, bonjour ;D
11:59.25pycsi don't know much about Xorg :(
11:59.38_H_no problem
11:59.54_H_is any info place in the elive?  
12:00.13_H_i know the xorg.conf file
12:00.26_H_but i dont think its runing well
12:01.02pycswhat is your resolution now?
12:01.13_H_i have it at 1600  :))
12:25.19*** join/#elive Elive_user (
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12:47.39*** part/#elive Elive_user (
13:06.11*** part/#elive jabl (n=jabl@
13:12.48_H_alguien sabe como meter el wireless en el elive?
13:13.44*** join/#elive jabl (n=jabl@
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13:24.32_H_anyone can use zd1211?
13:25.08_H_i did modprobe zd1211 and the answer was, "insmod: can't read 'zd1211': No such file or directory
13:25.14*** join/#elive pycs (n=Elive_us@
13:25.24*** join/#elive gnaunited (
13:26.49dererk_H_, solo veo ese modulo en el kernel 2.6.11 de elive
13:28.02_H_entonces... que puedo hacer?
13:28.18_H_yo tengo el 12 ahora
13:28.57dererk_H_, esta en los repositorios de debian!
13:29.17dererk_H_, usa module_assistant
13:29.21dererkes muy facil
13:30.36dererk_H_, os digo como es: apt-get install module-assistant
13:30.48*** part/#elive gnaunited (
13:31.19dererkm-a prepare autoinstall zd1211
13:31.27dererkm-a autoinstall zd1211
13:31.30dererky listo :D
13:32.38_H_E: No se pudo encontrar el paquete linux-headers-2.6.12
13:33.00_H_ha intentado hacer esto: apt-get install linux-headers-2.6.12
13:33.01dererk_H_, tienes que tener la linea descomentada de mosix
13:33.27dererk_H_, deb ./
13:33.52*** join/#elive Elive_user59 (
13:33.52_H_voy a descomentarla
13:34.27dererk_H_, recuerda apt-get update despues
13:34.38dererks/recuerda/recuerda correr/
13:34.55_H_en marcha
13:36.44_H_he hecho el update
13:36.57_H_y luego lo que tu me decias sigue dando el problema del headers
13:37.30_H_E: No se pudo encontrar el paquete linux-headers-2.6.12
13:38.52_H_tu lo ves el headers en el apt-cache search linux-headers ?
13:39.01dererkespera que me fijo
13:39.11dererklo veo
13:39.21dererkp   kernel-source-2.6.12            - Linux kernel source for version 2.6.12
13:39.28_H_pero en version 12 o en version 16 como yo?
13:39.31_H_que raro
13:39.58dererk_H_, has: cat /etc/apt/sources.list |grep morphix
13:40.35dererk_H_, chequea de tener solo esa linea descomentada
13:40.40dererk_H_, comenta el resto
13:41.18_H_ok, comento todo el resto
13:41.27_H_eso no lo hice antes
13:42.59*** join/#elive Elive_user3 (
13:43.10_H_malas noticias
13:43.19_H_sigue dandome el 16 y el 15 no el 12
13:43.49_H_aunque solo me da dos
13:43.59dererkcuales dos?
13:44.17_H_linux-headers-2.6.16-morphix - Header files related to Linux kernel, specifically,
13:44.17_H_linux-headers-2.6.15 - Header files related to Linux kernel, specifically,
13:44.27_H_no entiendo porque tu ves otros :)
13:44.36*** join/#elive Kennyjb402 (
13:45.20dererkno soy yo _H_
13:45.31dererkfijate, ahi estan toditos :)
13:46.01dererk[   ] kernel-image-2.6.11_..> 10-Apr-2005 17:08  13.0M  
13:46.01dererk[   ] kernel-image-2.6.12_..> 07-Aug-2005 17:46  12.8M  
13:46.01dererk[   ] kernel-image-2.6.13_..> 01-Sep-2005 08:15  13.4M  
13:46.25_H_yo no tengo esa linea
13:46.30_H_yo tengo esto:   deb ./
13:46.41_H_no dice nada de binaries
13:47.03dererknono, ese es el site visualizado
13:47.20*** join/#elive Elive_user3 (
13:47.20dererk_H_, bueno, bajalo a mano y luego has dpkg -i kernel-image-blabla
13:47.26_H_ya se que pasa
13:47.32_H_yo no estoy en livecd mode
13:47.37_H_yo he instalado el elive hoy
13:47.43*** join/#elive roxville (
13:47.55Kennyjb402Hi roxville
13:48.24dererk_H_, si, es igual
13:48.30_H_en el sources.list dice que esa linea es para los que estan solo en liveCD mode
13:48.45Elive_user3Hey there. I just bought the linux format magazine featuring vmplayer... I wanted to install on elive but alas it doesn't seem to work. Did anyone succeed in this?
13:49.21_H_morphix repository ONLY for the liveCD mode, if you need for example the headers of the 2.6.11 kernel
13:50.48*** join/#elive Tanner (
13:52.36_H_dererk he intentado volver a poner los que estaban antes pero ahora no veo ningun headers
13:52.43_H_tienen que estar descomentados todos?
13:53.35roxvillehi Kennyjb402
13:54.11roxvillesorry for being afk... i had breakfast with my daughter... not always an easy task... :)
13:54.33Tannerheh heh heh... still whining eh roxville?
13:54.38Kennyjb402I know the feeling
13:55.18roxvilleTanner, wow! first innovati, then you... how's it going, bro? :)
13:55.29Tannernot too bad at all
13:55.58roxvilleand... i'm sorry, but i have to spank you for being away so long...
13:56.07Tannerinnovati told me that you were asking about me
13:56.17_H_nada, no aparecen dererk, ahora solo tengo los 15 no el 16 ni el 11 ni el 12
13:56.23Tanneroh my
13:56.28Elive_user3What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running
13:56.28Elive_user3kernel? [/usr/src/linux/include]
13:56.45Elive_user3Where do I look?
13:56.54Elive_user2why would you use vmplayer?
13:57.03roxvilleElive_user... hmmm
13:57.58roxvilleyou would have to ask either Thanatermesis or GplGeek... they know that kind of stuff
13:58.01Elive_user3Elive_user2: Because I need to install windows on it
13:58.10roxvilleespecially Thanatermesis  since he's mr. elive :)
13:58.11Elive_user2aaah ok...
13:58.50roxvilleTaka0, do you know this?
13:59.31Elive_user2hold on i'm checking
14:00.32Elive_user2hmm just thinking... you don't need header files to run linux, only header files to compile
14:01.17*** join/#elive _H_ (
14:01.24Elive_user3Elive_user2: right
14:01.33_H_he arrancado con el 11 a ver
14:01.35roxvilleElive_user2 and Elive_user3, could you please change your nicks to something a little more personal?
14:01.56roxvillejust type: /nick andyournewnick
14:02.35roxvillethank you Antimon :)
14:02.37Tannernow known? that's just a little corny
14:02.49roxvilleand of course... the always incognito... lordbambi :)
14:02.55_H_sigue dando ese problema ::(
14:03.07lordbambithe current kernel can be found in /boot
14:03.26lordbambitoo many computers, to many reinstalls :-)
14:03.47lordbambii should make my nick elive_user..., then i don't have to change it all the time
14:04.31lordbambiand btw header file are part of the compiler, not of the kernel.. i think
14:05.23roxvillei think you think right
14:06.02*** join/#elive _H_ (
14:06.02lordbambiif i remember my C++ classes correct, a header file is a premade class.
14:06.16Tannerthat's right
14:06.34Tannerthier basically c libraries
14:06.54lordbambi:-)... i hate c++ btw... java is a lot nicer to program in
14:06.59_H_dererk puedes repetirme lo de como usar el module-assistant?
14:07.11TannerJava boy right here
14:07.23lordbambioops wrong hightlight :-)
14:07.39roxvillewell Tanner it's good to see you again... how's you elive running?
14:07.54Tanner... I deleted the partion...
14:08.41Tannerpartly cause I didn't have the time to start learning a new OS from scrath
14:08.47*** join/#elive Elive_user (
14:08.55lordbambiif you know debian you know all debians...
14:09.02Tannerand mostly cause I only have a 40gb harddrive
14:09.15Tannerand i don't...
14:09.18lordbambii've been using debian for 5 years now, and elive is just like all the rest
14:09.32lordbambiit is pretty easy to learn. are yo used to linux?
14:09.52Tannerno. not all. elive was my first distro
14:10.02lordbambiooh bad choice Tanner
14:10.20Tanneryeah.... I blame innovati
14:10.26lordbambii would sujest *cugh ubuntu *cugh
14:10.32TannerIt was really pretty while it lasted though
14:10.38Tannerthat's what I said!
14:10.56lordbambiubuntu is elive just more user freandly and stable
14:10.57Tannerand he was like "This is your brain and this is your brain on ubuntu."
14:11.12Tannerexcept with gestures
14:11.35TannerI thought I'd let him burn me the new version of elive though
14:11.36lordbambia friend of mine is a linux NOOB and he is using ubuntu for 1 month and doesn't even want to go back to windows...
14:11.40Tannerjust to check it out
14:12.15lordbambiif you have a friend in real life that is good in linux, you can run and understand it within 1 month
14:12.32Tannerubuntu runs what instead of enlightenment
14:12.37lordbambilinux is really really easy, but someone has to explain it to you in a good way, and you have to be willing to learn
14:12.40lordbambiit uses gnome
14:12.41roxville<Tanner> no. not all. elive was my first distro
14:12.41roxville<lordbambi> ooh bad choice Tanner
14:13.07Tannerreally into the spanking this morning eh roxville?
14:13.10lordbambielive is a bit to .... unstable and buggy at the moment for my taste
14:13.45roxvillei'm an ubuntu convert... i have no objections, really :)
14:13.47lordbambiand for someone who doesn't know linux, a bit to confusing with all the bugs
14:14.04Antimonlordbambi: I tried many dists and to me they are all unstable and buggy. So I go for the nicest looking...
14:14.05lordbambiuse ubuntu, learn ubuntu and after 2-3 months switch to elive
14:14.34lordbambidebian sarge is stable... i use it on my servers
14:14.35Tanneryeah... the one thing I couldn't get my brain around was that there was no windows-style control panel
14:14.44roxvillelordbambi, you should write a howto on becoming an elive user :)
14:15.00roxville"the elive_users guide to the galaxy"
14:15.08lordbambii'm actually still a debian user, not an elive user
14:15.16lordbambimy love is debian
14:15.27roxville"so long, and thanks for all the bash"
14:15.49lordbambithe last non debian i used a non debian is a redhat 6.x
14:15.53lordbambilol roxville
14:16.10Antimonlordbambi then you can help me finding those damned c headers so that I can install vmplayer..
14:16.11Tannermay 25 is towel day
14:16.39lordbambiin belgium we have a national day of masturbation ;-)
14:16.58lordbambiantimon what are you trying to do and when do you get the error
14:17.31Antimonlordbambi The installation program for vmplayer says: What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running
14:17.31Antimonkernel? [/usr/src/linux/include]
14:17.39*** join/#elive sinplomo (
14:18.00Antimon[/usr/src/linux/include] is the deafault option, but alas: no headers
14:18.22lordbambiwhat kernel are you running?
14:18.42Antimon2.6.12 i think
14:18.53lordbambidid you download another kernel?
14:18.53AntimonYour kernel was built with "gcc" version "4.0.2", while you are trying to use
14:18.53Antimon"/usr/bin/gcc-4.0" version "4.0.3". This configuration is not recommended and
14:18.53AntimonVMware Player may crash if you'll continue. Please try to use exactly same
14:18.53Antimoncompiler as one used for building your kernel. Do you want to go with compiler
14:18.53Antimon"/usr/bin/gcc-4.0" version "4.0.3" anyway? [no] yes
14:19.17lordbambiok hold on
14:19.17AntimonThe previous was what got me there...
14:21.44lordbambicrap elive doesn't use the default debian kernel
14:22.31lordbambihave you ever compiled a kernel?
14:23.18AntimonTried it several times never succesful.
14:23.37lordbambiok but then you know the basics.... first we are going to download a 2.6.15 kernel with sources
14:23.46roxville<lordbambi> i'm actually still a debian user, not an elive user <-- i think elive 0.5 will be one of the cleanest, purest debian systems you have ever seen...
14:23.48lordbambido you use nvidia or ati drivers?
14:24.01roxvilleunless thana comes up with a million patches, of course :)
14:24.38Antimonlordbambi: I don't know I think nvidia. How do I tjeck?
14:24.52lordbambido you have an nvidia card?
14:24.53*** join/#elive Elive_user (n=Elive_us@
14:25.19Antimonlordbambi: That's what I don't remember... I just changed my system
14:25.27lordbambiif i answer a bit slow it is becouse i'm playing planeshift (on elive)
14:25.49lordbambitype lspci
14:26.07lordbambiit lists your pci devices
14:26.43lordbambils= list SO lspci :-)
14:26.49lordbambiis it a new ati card?
14:27.07lordbambinew enough. i think you can use the ati compiled kernel
14:28.26lordbambiapt-cache search fglrx
14:28.49lordbambii've only done the nvidia kernel but i think it will be the same thing
14:28.58lordbambiapt-get install fglrx-kernel-2.6.12
14:29.18lordbambiapt-get install fglrx-kernel-src
14:30.29lordbambihold on...
14:31.14lordbambido you play games antimon?
14:31.26Antimonlordbambi: not really
14:31.39lordbambiok then we are going for the normal 2.6.15 kernel sorry about that
14:31.44AntimonBut i guess i'm about to?
14:31.52lordbambino... :-)
14:32.13AntimonWhat's wrong with the ati kernel?
14:32.17lordbambiapt-get install linux-image-2.6.15-1-686
14:32.22*** join/#elive roxville_ (
14:32.34lordbambiapt-get install linux-headers-2.6.15-1-686
14:32.55lordbambiapt-get install linux-source-2.6.15
14:33.12lordbambiapt-get install linux-tree-2.6.15
14:33.27lordbambithere was no source in the apt-repositories for the ati kernel...
14:33.33lordbambiso apt-get those 4 things
14:33.52Antimonok. It'll take a while though...
14:34.08lordbambii'm gonna have a smoke outside be back in 5 mins
14:34.10roxville_but lordbambi elive has it's own 2.6.15 kernel
14:34.30lordbambiyea he is downloading that one
14:34.54lordbambibut there is no ati 12.6.15 kernel :-(
14:36.08roxville_but the ati stuff is there too... isn't it?
14:36.40roxville_i'm sorry, i timed out, so i haven't seen a lot of this convo
14:36.57roxville_<lordbambi> i'm gonna have a smoke outside be back in 5 mins <-- go smoke :)
14:38.20*** join/#elive dererk (n=dash@unaffiliated/dererk)
14:38.22lordbambiyea but no source
14:38.48lordbambiantimon tell me when the download is complete
14:39.17Antimonyeah. I'm with the oak
14:39.23AntimonAnd done
14:39.48AntimonWhat's next
14:40.21lordbambinext we are going to link grub to your new kernel
14:40.24lordbambiopen a command line
14:40.32lordbambibecome root with su
14:41.58Tannerdid we really need 2 roxvilles anyways?
14:42.42lordbambiok back
14:42.47lordbambigo to /boot
14:43.03lordbambiwhen you ls you see your kernels
14:43.14lordbambisomething like this
14:43.28roxville_Tanner, lol... no... i have problems with comcast right now... i'm timing out like crazy
14:43.48lordbambiremember that line.... go to /boot/grub
14:44.15lordbambiopen menu.lst with your favorite editor
14:44.26lordbambinano, pico, vi, emacs YECH EMACS
14:45.08lordbambithere you will see something like this: title Elive kernel LiveCD
14:45.08lordbambiroot (hd0,1)
14:45.08lordbambikernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.11 root=/dev/hda2 vga=0x317
14:45.43lordbambisorry this title: title Elive GNU/Linux kernel 2.6.1
14:45.58lordbambiyou see it?
14:46.41lordbambicopy the 5 lines from title to initrd /boot/initrd.... and paste it in the document
14:47.50lordbambitell me when you finish copying...
14:49.16AntimonMy kernel is 2.6.12 though. I guess it doesn't make any difference
14:49.22lordbambinope it doesn't
14:49.28AntimonI'm done then
14:49.33lordbambidid you finish copying the 5 lines
14:49.52lordbambichange the 12 to 15 :-)
14:50.08AntimonIn both documents?
14:50.19lordbambii think you made a mistake.....
14:51.00lordbambiok in short: we are going to change the grub configuration to point to the new kernel
14:51.14lordbambiso open menu.lst and add the lines for the new kernel
14:51.15AntimonI copied the 5 lines in the menu.lst to initrd.img-2.6.1
14:51.49lordbambithe esiest thing is to copy the 5 lines in menu.lst, paste them in menu.lst and change the pasted lines
14:52.00lordbambithat way you can still boot your old kernel and try the new kernel
14:52.06Antimonok... Now I get it...
14:52.14lordbambithe result is this:
14:52.26lordbambititle Elive GNU/Linux kernel 2.6.12
14:52.26lordbambi# kernel path-to-kernel root=rootdevice kernelarguments
14:52.26lordbambiroot (hd0,1)
14:52.26lordbambikernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.12 root=/dev/hda2 vga=0x317 acpi=off
14:52.26lordbambiinitrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.12
14:52.27lordbambititle Elive GNU/Linux kernel 2.6.15
14:52.28lordbambi# kernel path-to-kernel root=rootdevice kernelarguments
14:52.30lordbambiroot (hd0,1)
14:52.33lordbambikernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15 root=/dev/hda2 vga=0x317 acpi=off
14:52.35lordbambiinitrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.15
14:53.06Antimonok done
14:53.13lordbambiin short you are making a new entry in the boot screen of grub
14:53.26lordbambiok now you reboot and try to boot the new line you added
14:54.07Antimonok... Thank you so far
14:54.14lordbambisee you in a few minutes
14:54.28lordbambii love kernels in debian it is soo easy
14:54.38lordbambiapt-get and grub... finished
14:58.19lordbambiapt kernel
14:58.22*** join/#elive Elive_user (
14:58.40lordbambiantimon, did it work?
14:58.56lordbambiwhat error message did you get?
14:58.58AntimonI made a mistake somewhere
14:59.16lordbambiyou did see the 2.6.15 image in /boot?
14:59.17AntimonI reffered to a nonexisting kernel...
14:59.32lordbambicheck for typo's in menu.lst
14:59.50lordbambii will write down my lines...
15:00.12lordbambititle Elive GNU/Linux kernel 2.6.15
15:00.18lordbambiroot (hd0,1)
15:00.53lordbambiok i found the mistake... you have kernel 2.6.15-1-686 :-)
15:01.23lordbambiso change kernel and initrd to 2.6.15-1-686
15:02.47Antimonok done. I'll try again... See you in a bit
15:04.12*** join/#elive egrub (n=lilo78@
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15:06.49lordbambiand antimon did it work :-)
15:07.17antimonlordbambi: it froze on me... It said waiting for root file system
15:07.36antimonMaybe I was unpatient
15:07.49lordbambipost your menu.lst on the chat plz
15:08.36*** join/#elive gnaunited (
15:08.51*** part/#elive gnaunited (
15:08.53antimonroot@elive[/boot/grub]# ls
15:08.53antimon# See for details
15:08.53antimon# By default, boot the first entry
15:08.53antimondefault 0
15:08.53antimon# Boot automatically after 5 seconds
15:08.53antimontimeout 5
15:08.55antimontitle Elive GNU/Linux kernel 2.6.15
15:08.57antimon# kernel path-to-kernel root=rootdevice kernelarguments
15:09.01antimonroot (hd0,0)
15:09.03antimonkernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-1-686 root=/dev/hda1 vga=0x317
15:09.04*** join/#elive gnaunited (
15:09.05antimoninitrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.15-1-686
15:09.07antimontitle Elive GNU/Linux kernel 2.6.12
15:09.09antimon# kernel path-to-kernel root=rootdevice kernelarguments
15:09.11antimonroot (hd0,0)
15:09.13antimonkernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.12 root=/dev/hda1 vga=0x317
15:09.15antimoninitrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.12
15:09.36gnaunitedWhere do I get the dev version of elive??
15:10.21lordbambii think you just add test to your sources
15:10.45gnaunitedThere is a special ISO, but I don't remember where it is at
15:10.52lordbambilook on the wiki
15:10.59gnaunitedWhich one?
15:11.23lordbambiantimon... could you wait a little longer on boot till you get an error message.... the grub config looks ok
15:17.53*** join/#elive Elive_user (
15:18.02lordbambiand.. what was the error
15:18.16Antimon/dev/hda1 does not exist.
15:18.43AntimonBut it does
15:19.42lordbambiare you using reiserfs or something like that?
15:19.56Antimonjust reiserfs not .4
15:20.13Antimonis that bad?
15:20.13withoutclass.4 is elive version
15:20.20withoutclassnot hd format type
15:21.13lordbambii'm trying to get him to use kernel 2.6.15
15:21.23lordbambihis menu.lst looks ok to me
15:21.42withoutclassAntimon, why 686
15:21.45lordbambi<antimon> title Elive GNU/Linux kernel 2.6.15
15:21.45lordbambi<antimon> # kernel path-to-kernel root=rootdevice kernelarguments
15:21.45lordbambi<antimon> root (hd0,0)
15:21.46lordbambi<antimon> kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-1-686 root=/dev/hda1 vga=0x317
15:21.46lordbambi<antimon> initrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.15-1-686
15:21.52withoutclasswhy are you not using elive kernel
15:22.46lordbambi2.6.15 is the kernel i picked
15:22.58withoutclassim using 2.6.15 too
15:23.00withoutclassthe elive version
15:23.07Antimonwithoutclass: I'm trying to install vmplayer
15:23.25Antimonso where did I go wrong?
15:23.38lordbambihe needed sources, so i told him to go to kernel 2.6.15 and apt-get the sources ass well. that way the kernel is compiled with the same compiler as etch ships
15:23.43withoutclassur HD you did something wrong
15:24.03lordbambino he gets that error trying to boot kernel 2.6.15... 2.6.12 works ok
15:24.20withoutclassyour vga setting is correct?
15:24.26withoutclasssame as 2.6.12?
15:24.41lordbambithis is his menu.lst:
15:24.43AntimonI didn't change anything your menu.lst
15:24.57lordbambi<antimon> title Elive GNU/Linux kernel 2.6.15
15:24.57lordbambi<antimon> # kernel path-to-kernel root=rootdevice kernelarguments
15:24.57lordbambi<antimon> root (hd0,0)
15:24.57lordbambi<antimon> kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-1-686 root=/dev/hda1 vga=0x317
15:24.57lordbambi* gnaunited ( has joined #elive
15:24.58lordbambi<antimon> initrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.15-1-686
15:25.00lordbambi<antimon> title Elive GNU/Linux kernel 2.6.12
15:25.02lordbambi<antimon> # kernel path-to-kernel root=rootdevice kernelarguments
15:25.04lordbambi<antimon> root (hd0,0)
15:25.06lordbambi<antimon> kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.12 root=/dev/hda1 vga=0x317
15:25.08lordbambi<antimon> initrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.12
15:26.01withoutclassdamn channel spam
15:26.09lordbambino one is here... so
15:26.17withoutclasslook, now dererk is up
15:26.27dererkThe noise woke me up >(
15:26.30withoutclassyou have woke the beast!
15:27.11withoutclassso hot today
15:27.13withoutclasshigh of 82
15:27.27*** join/#elive Tanner (
15:27.42AntimonDo you still want my menu.lst?
15:28.19AntimonNever used pastebin...
15:28.26AntimonHow does it work?
15:28.55dererk<withoutclass> high of 82 <--- Celcius? O_O
15:29.17withoutclassyou paste it in, click send with ur name
15:29.20withoutclassand then paste the url here
15:29.25lordbambi82-32/7/9 and you have celsius :-)
15:29.38lordbambi82 is about 20 celsius
15:30.29withoutclassTanner, lol
15:30.38TannerI like to take credit for other's work
15:31.01AntimonI need to put something on the stove. be back in 2 min.
15:31.18withoutclassAntimon, vmlinuz-2.6.15-1-686 <--- this is exactly what is in /boot correct?
15:31.39withoutclassTanner, this could get you in trouble some day with karma gods
15:32.06Tannerwithoutclass, if I was gonna be in trouble with the karma gods it would have been years ago
15:33.18withoutclasslordbambi, what is the exact error? image not found? something like that?
15:34.56withoutclasswell, ima go smoke a fag, ill be back
15:35.07lordbambi<Antimon> /dev/hda1 does not exist
15:35.14lordbambismoke a FAQ :-)
15:37.09*** join/#elive Elive_user (
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15:38.09lordbambiwb roxville
15:38.52Tanner##java :You need to be identified to join that channel
15:39.10Tannerwhile they obviously don';t know what they're talking about, what does this mean?
15:39.57lordbambii think you need to register with freenode
15:40.51lordbambii think....
15:42.39Antimonlordbambi and withoutclass what did you brilliant minds cook up?
15:42.45lordbambinothing yet
15:43.22lordbambiit should work...
15:45.09lordbambicheck your /boot again: you should have a config, nitrd.img, and vmlinuz all with the 2.6.15-1-686 number
15:45.23*** join/#elive Tanner (
15:46.02withoutclassthe only time i ever got that my /dev/hda1 didnt exist was when i didnt have a valid vga= code
15:46.43Antimonconfig-2.6.11        initrd.img-2.6.15-1-686  vmlinuz
15:46.44Antimonconfig-2.6.12        memtest                  vmlinuz-2.6.11
15:46.44Antimonconfig-2.6.15-1-686        vmlinuz-2.6.12
15:46.44Antimongrub               vmlinuz-2.6.15-1-686
15:46.50AntimonI have it all
15:47.14*** join/#elive IcedEarth (n=Elive_us@
15:47.33lordbambihis 2.6.15 lines are the same as his 2.6.12 lines, except for the number
15:47.47withoutclassthe number is different?
15:47.56lordbambiwell kernel version number
15:47.57withoutclassvga= must be the same
15:48.10lordbambivga is the same
15:48.46lordbambionly thing i can think of is that 2.6.15 is compiled without reiserfs support
15:49.07withoutclassthis is possible
15:49.20withoutclassthis is also why you should install the 2.6.15 from apt-get
15:49.25*** join/#elive innovati (n=tommy@
15:49.26lordbambihe did too
15:49.36lordbambiantimon what kind of cpu do you have?
15:49.56Tannerinnovati, :-DDD
15:50.02innovatiTanner: spank
15:50.31Tanneroh my
15:50.37withoutclassPREPARE YOURSELF
15:50.56Tannerfor a flagpole? that might take a while
15:51.08withoutclasswell, get on it then xD
15:51.30withoutclassso long time in responses
15:52.22Tannerfrig. sorry. I'm trying to remember all the IRC commands I've forgotten
15:52.29withoutclassnot u
15:52.41withoutclassi am growing weary of his lack of enthusiasm
15:52.47Tannerthat's right. stick your foot in your mouth
15:53.04withoutclassnot too bad, i just showered
15:53.31withoutclassTanner, new in here?
15:53.38Tannernew enough
15:53.41innovatiwithoutclass - not really
15:53.46innovatihe's an old newb
15:53.54Tannerthat's right
15:53.57withoutclassi am a ...medium newb?
15:53.57innovatibeen gone for some months
15:54.04innovatime too
15:54.07withoutclassi have been here for only some months
15:54.19Tanneri downloaded the shareware version of xchat
15:54.30Tannerand then I was like "i don't wanna pay 30$"
15:54.40innovatiTanner guess where Amanda is going Saturday (when I work for the 3rd Saturday in a row)
15:54.41withoutclassi downloaded the "it installed with my system" version
15:54.46Tannerso i got the unofficial free version that someone else compiled for me
15:55.24innovatithe bar with her friends (little T's, to dance, because she's driving she can't drink)
15:55.41Tannershe's not 19 is she?
15:55.51innovatinope....2 years shy
15:55.58Tanners'what I thought
15:56.07innovatiyeah, she skipped a grade too...
15:56.23Tannerhuh. how's she getting in?
15:56.25innovatibeen 17 for 3 months now?
15:56.31innovatiI would assume she's walking?
15:56.42Tannerdoes little T's not serve alcohol?
15:56.43innovatihaxxoring her way in
15:56.54innovati0.o are you kidding?!?!?!
15:56.56Tanneror do they card everyone who wants to buy?
15:57.03innovati0.o are you kidding
15:57.05TannerI'd hate that
15:57.17Tannerobviouslyu not
15:57.19innovatithey're apparently bad for underaging
15:57.22lordbambino carding in belgium.... just drink underage :-)
15:57.31withoutclasshey innovati Tanner if you guys could move your chat over to #elivefun, the offtopic channel plz
15:57.54innovatithey have that
15:58.06innovatisorry, was not awae
15:58.13withoutclassits relatively new
15:58.34innovatilike, within that last 2 minutes would you say
15:59.34Antimonwhithoutclass: I'm sorry. I had to do something in the kitchen to prevent fire...
15:59.48withoutclassfire is fun
16:00.06AntimonI have a pentium cpu 3ghz
16:00.19innovatiI have an AMD athlon 1.333 gZh
16:00.23withoutclassAntimon, smp?
16:00.40withoutclassAntimon, you isntalled wrong kernel
16:00.41innovatimine's better than yours!
16:01.02Antimonwithoutclass: yes
16:01.03withoutclassyou need linux-image-2.6.15-1-686-smp - Linux kernel 2.6.15 image on PPro/Celeron/PII/PIII/P4 SMP machines
16:01.21withoutclassthis could be your issue
16:01.28AntimonCan I apt-get it?
16:01.55withoutclassAntimon, if you do apt-cache search 2.6.15, scroll to l's, the different linux-images and such are displayed there
16:02.26lordbambisure you have an SMP????
16:02.30lordbambi2 CPU's???
16:03.00AntimonI have hyper threading doesn't that count as smp?
16:03.21AntimonI was told once that it did...
16:03.47lordbambihmmm don't think so...only dualcore and dual cpu are smp.... i think, withoutclass correct me if i'm wrong
16:04.12withoutclassi am googling
16:05.11withoutclassShort for Symmetric Multiprocessing, a computer architecture that provides fast performance by making multiple CPUs available to complete individual processes simultaneously (multiprocessing).
16:05.24withoutclassit is possible HT  is smp
16:05.33withoutclassHT is based on multi-threading/processing
16:06.30withoutclassbut i am unsure
16:06.45lordbambihyperthreading is SMP
16:07.06withoutclassthere you have it
16:07.11lordbambiall hail IBM for their wisdom
16:07.11withoutclassthis may solve your issue
16:07.29Antimonok... I apt-get the smp image then
16:07.32lordbambiwhen 2 great minds come together :-)
16:07.48lordbambiyep antimon, apt-get the smp image, source, header and tree
16:08.03lordbambihe needs source withoutclass
16:08.06withoutclassi wonder if centrino is smp
16:08.12withoutclassi dunno, you can guide him
16:08.18withoutclassit is in the apt repos
16:08.22lordbambiis a centrino hyperthreading?
16:08.30withoutclassi dont think so
16:08.35lordbambiis it dualcore?
16:08.47withoutclassbut, it performs some high lvl stuff
16:08.53lordbambithen it is just acpi for throtteling the cpu
16:08.59innovatibye all
16:09.03innovatiroxville_: buhbyes!
16:09.09*** join/#elive Tanner (
16:09.13innovatioh, nm
16:09.57lordbambiand performance of a cpu is not only MHZ....
16:10.31innovaticeleron is really bad, and I don't really know why, but it's not as efficient per mhz I think
16:10.47withoutclassbye innovati
16:10.55withoutclassceleron is bad
16:10.57innovatiI'm not going
16:10.59*** part/#elive Tanner (
16:10.59withoutclasscheap pentium
16:11.09innovatiI had a 500 mzh celeron emachine !!
16:11.10lordbambiceleron isn't that bad, it just has less cache
16:11.13withoutclasscentrino however, super efficient p3
16:11.23lordbambii'm running a celeron 400 mhz at the moment
16:11.41*** join/#elive Tanner (
16:11.58withoutclassim running PM 1.6ghz that runs at 350mhz
16:12.08innovatiI want a cell proc!
16:12.31innovatiI need a mac for next year, preferrably a laptop - for graphic design (things like photoshop)
16:12.41withoutclassinnovati, macbook!
16:12.50innovatiyou think I should go macbook?
16:12.58withoutclassthey are very expensive
16:13.02withoutclassbase model is 2500
16:13.14withoutclassbut, they are beautiful
16:13.21withoutclassbased on new centrino duo
16:13.27innovatiI know the best price/performance is ATM ibook, the bigger one, but I know it's behind in the PPC lineup, wil the PC thin take off?
16:13.49innovatiwell, money is kind of important here too
16:14.03withoutclassinnovati, i believe that, with the innovation of bootcamp, macs based on intel will take off very much
16:14.12innovatibootcamp being?
16:14.13withoutclassi believe you can get pentium based power book also
16:14.38lordbambimy money goes for an IBM laptop on ebay..... 150 euro
16:15.10withoutclassinnovati, nevermind, i think macbook is the only one with intel
16:15.13innovatiit's gonna be 2,500 here, versus 1,600 for ther ibook
16:15.20innovatiyes, at the moment
16:15.35withoutclassbootcamp is at the moment, free software that makes running windoze possible on mac hardware
16:15.47innovatiwill the next OS in the fall be for the ibook as well do ya think?
16:15.55withoutclassi am unsure
16:15.57innovatikinda like WINE?
16:16.00withoutclassinnovati, no
16:16.10withoutclassdual boot
16:16.25innovatithat's unimportant to me
16:16.37withoutclassthen there is no reason to get intel based
16:16.54innovatino, unless say they stop supporting PPC and I buy one....
16:16.56withoutclassin my opinion, macs are great at what they do, graphics
16:17.07innovatithey are great at desktop stuff too.....
16:17.27withoutclassas long as the lappy you get is powerfull enough for what you do that is
16:17.29innovatihome office, networking, desktop, amazing hardware.....good design, great at pretty much everything
16:17.40innovatimm, I just odn't know
16:18.02withoutclassit is my opinion that they are at the forefront of end user innovation and design
16:18.09lordbambii'm going for IBM....i LOVE ibm stuff
16:18.13withoutclasshowever, i do not really enjoy mac OS
16:18.27innovatiI like IBM too, but they don't make macs.....
16:18.30withoutclasslordbambi, i sometimes wish i wouldve gotten an ibm
16:18.47lordbambiit is really quality stuff
16:18.48innovatiI like macs running linux with elive on a nice 19 inch display or two
16:18.58Antimonso guys it seems that there's only the image and the header.... Did I miss something...
16:20.44withoutclassdont think so
16:21.05withoutclassinnovati, sometimes i forget that linux can run on macs
16:21.33lordbambilinux even runs on a game boy :-)i have it running on my sega dreamcast
16:21.57roxville_i'm gonna get offline for a while... see you guys later... innovati and Tanner ... don't be strangers :)
16:22.06withoutclassroxville_, bye bye1
16:22.19roxville_lordbambi, thanks very much for the tech help :)
16:23.04roxville_you can open lordbambis' elive support center :)
16:23.11roxville_ok, ciao!
16:24.13lordbambilet me check...
16:24.52lordbambiyep only linux image and linux header.... source and sourcetree atre the same
16:25.47lordbambiso apt-get image and headers.... change grub and reboot
16:28.38Antimonhere goes
16:31.10*** join/#elive Elive_user99 (
16:32.14withoutclasslet me know how it goes later i guess
16:32.17withoutclassi gotta pack up my comp
16:32.28withoutclassand head to unix programming class
16:32.38withoutclasslata lordbambi
16:32.43*** join/#elive Elive_user (
16:32.51lordbambilater withoutclass
16:32.57withoutclassAntimon, work?
16:33.05AntimonSame old
16:33.08withoutclasssorry i gotta go
16:33.11withoutclassgl guys
16:33.15lordbambithen i'm out of idea's
16:33.20Antimonwithoutclass thanx
16:33.53lordbambiantimon try fdisk /dev/hda
16:33.57lordbambitype p
16:34.21lordbambiand see what partition type hda1 is
16:34.44Antimonit says linux
16:34.51Antimonid 83
16:36.12Antimonit's reiser
16:36.34lordbambii'm checking if you can add a special line in your grub
16:46.12lordbambino idea...
16:46.52Antimondo you think this is the answer?
16:48.06*** join/#elive The (
16:48.51lordbambiis that your error?
16:50.23Antimonyes I think so.. I only noticed the part about /dev/hda1 not existing...
16:51.10AntimonALERT! /dev/hda1 does not exist. Dropping to shell! this part is the same in my case
16:51.22lordbambiif it is the exact same error, you could try the yaird thing
16:51.39lordbambiyaird is to build a new initrd...
16:52.26AntimonCouldn't I ruin the one I have now by doing that though... So I'll not be able to boot at all...
16:52.55lordbambias long as you don't delete the /boot/2.6.12 and don't delete that part in your grub you should be fine
16:57.41lordbambiand even when you mess it up, you can repair it with the livecd :-)
17:03.28*** join/#elive red_ (n=Marv@
17:05.32Antimonok thanx for all... Have to eat now. See you later...
17:11.43*** join/#elive red_ (n=Marv@
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17:22.26Elive_user59nice live-cd gg
17:22.52*** join/#elive Elive_user76 (n=Elive_us@
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18:02.52*** join/#elive Tanner (
18:02.57*** join/#elive wasynyt (
18:04.06*** join/#elive Tanner (
18:05.55wasynythappy easter everyone
18:07.13lordbambieaster is on sunday....
18:07.22lordbambijesus died today
18:07.40wasynytwell i dont care happy today everyone
18:07.56*** join/#elive Elive_user9 (
18:08.00lordbambihapy death to everyone today :-)
18:08.11Nenillohappy party tonight
18:11.50lordbambiand tomorow is sabath so he lies dead in his cave... on sunday the woman are alowed in his cave and he is gone...
18:12.29lordbambiand thus he proves that he is the true king of men... son of god
18:14.05*** join/#elive Elive_user9 (
18:14.12lordbambithat is a lot of thinking :-)
18:14.52TannerEver wonder why Jesus didn't just get up on the sabath?
18:15.07lordbambihe is not allowed to work on sunday
18:15.21lordbambisaterday i mean
18:15.27TannerHe always did it when he was alive though.
18:15.36TannerThe pharisees were always mad at him for it
18:15.46lordbambigetting resurected is a lot of work
18:15.59TannerTook a couple days to set up.
18:16.27lordbambiso what do you think about the new judas book?
18:16.52wasynytnothing earth shaking..
18:17.00TannerWell, it's writen by a Gnostic right?
18:17.12TannerThey, historically, aren't real reliable anyways
18:17.23TannerNo offense if you're a Gnostic
18:18.06lordbambino judas his ... what is it called...
18:18.51lordbambievery apostle had it....
18:19.00Tanner... sandle?
18:19.04wasynytshould we go to elivefun for this converstaion
18:19.17lordbambinope this is elive stuff :-)
18:20.06*** join/#elive withoutclass (
18:20.13lordbambias long as no one is chatting computer stuff, why move?
18:20.17Tannerwb withoutclass
18:20.18lordbambithen there is some life here
18:20.34Tanneryeah... if someone wants help we'll stop
18:20.57withoutclassi just try to advertise the elivefun channel because it does exist
18:21.01Tannerwithoutclass, you have no idea what we're talking about
18:21.11withoutclasslordbambi> as long as no one is chatting computer stuff, why move?
18:21.18withoutclassthis clearly explains what you are talking about
18:21.39Tanneryou're very clearly insane
18:21.39withoutclasszomg attitude
18:22.15Tannercd /dev/
18:22.29Tannerdel /withoutclass/
18:22.43*** part/#elive withoutclass (
18:22.47Tanneroh my
18:22.54lordbambiyou deleted him......
18:23.03lordbambibtw it is rm not del :-)
18:23.03TannerI hope I don't get banned
18:23.12Tannerright.... :&
18:24.20lordbambii can understand that when someone need help, we have to stop flooding, but when no one needs our help.... atleast we are here TO help
18:24.31Tannergood point
18:24.52lordbambiif we all move to the elivefun channel this will be empty... atleast this is my idea about things
18:25.31*** join/#elive sativas (
18:25.51TannerIt still feels as though we should talk about something vaguely tech-related though
18:26.07lordbambidoes someone know coast to coast?
18:26.21Tannerband, movie, book, tv show?
18:26.41lordbambiradio show
18:27.16Tannercool. what station?
18:27.17lordbambicoast to coast is a geek radio show about: tech, aliens, maya doomsday devices kalenders, goverment consirecies, and so on
18:27.35Tannerno.... I really only listen to the CBC
18:27.57TannerI don't do internet radio very often
18:28.00lordbambithe whole idea of stargate with the aliens visiting egypt was discussed yesterday night on coast to coast
18:28.40Tannerhow the aliens built the pyramids?
18:28.42lordbambii listen on it on kfi.... LA radio station. it is transmitted all over the US through different radio channels
18:28.49lordbambihellp tmttmp
18:28.51tmpttmpis it possible to play .wmv vids on elive ?
18:29.16lordbambiyes tmpttmp... use gmplayer
18:29.19Tannerthat'd be more software then OS
18:29.26Tannergmplayer does mwv?
18:29.51lordbambigmplayer is a front end to mplayer
18:30.05lordbambiand mplayer is used for playing microsoft and avi formats
18:30.07Tannerright, I was thinking cause mwv is from microsoft
18:30.16Tanneroh. cool
18:30.22tmpttmpit's WMV .
18:30.27lordbambisame thing
18:30.35Tannerright. thaqt was me
18:30.39lordbambiLORDBAMBI and lordbambi is the same :-)
18:30.50Tannernot if it's a password
18:30.52*** join/#elive withoutclass (
18:31.00tmpttmpi have mplayer already lordbambi , are you saying that gmplayer will fix the .wmv problem?
18:31.04lordbambiand not as file... but it is still the same extention
18:31.17lordbambiis it a local file tmpttmp??
18:31.26tmpttmpno it's on a site
18:31.46lordbambiaah then you need the mplayer plugin for firefox
18:31.54withoutclasssi mon
18:32.00lordbambidid you apt-get update today?
18:32.17Tannerdoesn't the elive firfox default that?
18:32.19tmpttmpno, not today
18:32.26tmpttmpmplayer is working perfectly in firefox, except with .wmv files
18:32.49lordbambiwhat does it do, not do?
18:32.55lordbambidoes it start?
18:33.37lordbambiyesterday my mplayer didn't work, i apt-getted update and dist-upgrade and it was fixed
18:34.53tmpttmplordbambi, it says Error opening/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) device.
18:35.13tmpttmpnormally, when the video isn't a ".wmv" , the video just starts inside the webpage
18:35.28tmpttmpbut here, it asks me the question  "do you want to open the file or save it on your disk"
18:35.34lordbambiwmv should be like that too....
18:35.50tmpttmpthe default application for opening wmv is mplays
18:36.04tmpttmpno wait
18:36.08tmpttmpit's gmplayer
18:36.25lordbambiwmv should open in firefox... if not check edit, preferences, downloads, view and edit actions
18:36.50tmpttmpso i choose "Open, with gmplayer" and i get this error
18:37.04tmpttmpError opening/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) device.
18:37.20lordbambifirst fix mplayer in firefox...
18:37.40lordbambiedit, preferences, downloads, view and edit actions
18:38.13tmpttmpWMVs are set to :    Open with Windows Media Player Plugin
18:38.56lordbambithat should be ok
18:39.32lordbambiso when you open a wmv it should open mplayer plugin (like for an mpeg)
18:41.10withoutclasstmpttmp, what site?
18:41.16tmpttmpany site withoutclass
18:41.25withoutclassany movie online?
18:41.36withoutclassor just wmv
18:41.38lordbambiif it porn give a link :-)
18:41.40tmpttmpjust wmv
18:41.47tmpttmplordbambi haha
18:41.50withoutclassthere ya go lordbambi
18:42.20lordbambilol nice link...
18:42.24tmpttmplordbambi> so when you open a wmv it should open mplayer plugin (like for an mpeg)   -   i havent changed the setting, it was already set to that
18:42.44lordbambihave you upgraded your linux today?
18:43.16withoutclasslordbambi, very free =D
18:44.29tmpttmpno i havent
18:44.34tmpttmpshould i?»
18:44.48withoutclasstmpttmp, upgrade every day at least once
18:45.01tmpttmpdist-upgrade everyday ?
18:45.08tmpttmphm ..
18:45.12withoutclassapt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade
18:45.17tmpttmpwiki says it's not recommended
18:45.21withoutclasswe are on etc
18:45.39withoutclassit is basically unstable branch of debian
18:45.55withoutclasshow do you know there are fixes or upgrades out if you dont get them!
18:46.14tmpttmpi have done a dist-upgrade at my friend's
18:46.23tmpttmpit was extremely long
18:46.31tmpttmpis there an alternative solution for him?
18:46.32Tannerthat's what she sadi
18:46.37tmpttmpi doubt he can afford upgrading everyday
18:46.40withoutclassthe first one is usually long
18:46.46withoutclasseveryone after the first is not
18:46.53tmpttmpi hope so
18:47.16tmpttmpdo i need to reboot after a dist-upgrade?
18:47.33withoutclassnot usually
18:47.38lordbambiwhen you have a problem, always dist-upgrade.... NEVER reboot linux... :-)
18:47.44lordbambitry this movie:
18:47.55tmpttmpyeah, rebooting is for windows.
18:48.40lordbambithe movie opened perfect in firefox for me
18:48.54lordbambibut i don't know if it is any good...
18:49.00tmpttmplordbambi, this is the first wmv that i find that gets loaded
18:49.10tmpttmpbut the video doesnt show, i only hear the sound
18:49.24*** join/#elive tuxit (
18:49.31tmpttmpwith every other wmv that i tried, i got the error i told you
18:49.45tmpttmpthis one wmv, strangely, works more than all the others i tried.
18:49.51tmpttmpbut still i dont get the image
18:49.54lordbambiok then... start gmplayer....
18:50.24lordbambiright click on the movie screen
18:50.33tuxithey lordbambi
18:50.39lordbambi1 at a time...
18:50.49tmpttmpkeep giving me directions
18:50.56tmpttmpi wont say "yes" everytime :)
18:51.17lordbambichose gl for video output
18:51.50lordbambitry playing a local video now
18:51.53tmpttmpyou mean choose "gl" in the list of available drivers ?
18:54.09lordbambitalk to me baby...
18:54.34lordbambi right click, save link as:
18:55.00tmpttmpthanks :)
18:55.09lordbambiyou get images in gmplayer now?
18:55.20tmpttmphold on
18:57.30tmpttmpcannot find codec matching selected -vo and video format
18:57.40tmpttmpis what i get when running  "gmplayer specialchat.wmv"
18:58.02withoutclasstmpttmp, you have upgraded?
18:58.07withoutclassor did you skip that
18:58.07*** part/#elive gnaunited (
18:58.21tmpttmpi havent upgraded yet, no :)
18:58.28withoutclassyou should
18:58.30tmpttmpi didnt feel like rebooting yet :)
18:58.34withoutclassmaybe there is a fix already
18:58.35tmpttmpyeah i will now..
18:58.39withoutclassyou dont need to
18:58.42withoutclass./forehead smack
18:58.55lordbambiwithoutclass is that a shell script?
18:58.58tmpttmplast time i upgraded, i had to reboot
18:59.09withoutclassi wish
18:59.25withoutclassi wish there was a ./homework
18:59.54withoutclassthis also would be nice
18:59.58tmpttmpwe all need one of those
18:59.58withoutclassafter your dist-upgrade
19:00.03lordbambi./ should be put in elive
19:00.04withoutclassdo a apt-get -f install
19:00.29withoutclassthere may be strange dependency things here, might fix it
19:01.47lordbambitmpttmp depending on what you upgrade you have to either restart a service, log out and back in.... sometimes the simplest is just to reboot. the only reason to reboot is when you do a kernel upgrade
19:02.27lordbambiwithoutclass it could be that another mplayer is blocking the mplayer access to the screen....
19:02.38tmpttmpyes, i KNEW i somehow had to reboot after a dist-upgrade ..  :P
19:02.55withoutclassi usually do
19:02.56tmpttmpand i didnt feel like doing it! :) not now at least
19:02.58tmpttmpoh well .
19:03.00withoutclassbut most of the time it is not necessary
19:03.00lordbambinot always... depends on what is upgraded... i never do it becouse i know how to check what is upgraded
19:03.15tmpttmpyeha i figured that out lordbambi ..
19:03.21withoutclassa simple "ctrl+alt+backspace"
19:03.21tmpttmpbut its been a long while since i havent updated so
19:03.34lordbambii do it every day...
19:03.37tmpttmpi figured that there would be enough upgraded things for making me HAVE to reboot
19:03.39withoutclassnothing new today :(
19:03.50withoutclassso far
19:04.03withoutclassi find many updates are there around 5/6pm
19:04.10tmpttmpctrl+alt+backspace does the trick withoutclass  ?
19:04.25withoutclassthis forces restart of e completely
19:04.36withoutclassentrance and such
19:04.45withoutclassyou will go to entanced screen afterwards
19:04.54lordbambiwell it makes xorg crash.... same result :-)
19:05.04withoutclassforce quit basically
19:05.22withoutclassless clicking
19:05.24*** join/#elive tizoc (
19:05.27*** join/#elive bouba_diop (
19:05.32withoutclassi like using keys, this is why i use no main bar for icons
19:05.36withoutclassonly hotkeys
19:06.00lordbambigonna go get a smoke outside...
19:06.12*** join/#elive Elive_user (
19:06.22lordbambia faq in computer terms :-)
19:06.54tmpttmpa faq ?
19:06.59tmpttmpi dont get it ...
19:07.04lordbambinot a fag but a faq
19:07.06Elive_userwhat is wine allabout?
19:07.12lordbambiwine is for drinking
19:07.16withoutclassapt wine
19:07.18aptEmulator of the Windows 3.x and Win32 APIs.. URL:, or a good way of curing the aches and pains of a systems integrator, or not half as good as beer, or best served in a clean wine glass after supper, or comes in may colours and flavors
19:07.20tmpttmpElive_user, making windows apps running in linux
19:07.21lordbambi"wine is not an emulator"
19:07.22Elive_useryes the apt
19:07.38*** join/#elive _H_ (
19:07.38tmpttmpexplain to me this joke
19:07.52tmpttmp"to get a smoke outside" in computer terms is "to get a faq" ???
19:08.01withoutclassyou had to be here earlier tmpttmp
19:08.06tmpttmpoh well ;p
19:08.08tmpttmpnevermind then
19:08.12withoutclassi said in chat
19:08.13Elive_usercan i use my old win software... not all, trying to get away from most just a few usefull apps
19:08.22Elive_useror is it limited to certin apts
19:08.23withoutclass"ima go smoke a fag" because fag is a euro term for cigarette
19:08.31tmpttmpElive_user, go to the Wine website !
19:08.35tmpttmpyou'll know
19:08.39withoutclassand this somehow turned into faq
19:08.48tmpttmpreally withoutclass
19:08.51lordbambiwine is a collection of win32 api's, they can be used to run win32 programs in linux
19:08.53tmpttmpa fag.. heh
19:09.05tmpttmpdidnt know that
19:09.06withoutclassi thought i would be edgy and use it
19:09.13Elive_userok thanks i guess i should have went there before asking ..... should not take the lazy way out i guess
19:09.19tmpttmpyou're from the USA right ?
19:09.40tmpttmpElive_user, at the Wine website you can find which applications will most probably work
19:09.50Elive_userah so it is limited
19:09.53tmpttmpfun stuff like Red Alert 2 :)
19:10.01lordbambitmpttmp did you reboot?
19:10.08tmpttmpno lordbambi , dist-upgrade is looooonog
19:10.12lordbambiaaah ok
19:10.28lordbambiotherwise i would start yelling at ya to reboot :-)
19:10.30tmpttmpmy friend's PC is even slower than mine... poor him...
19:10.44tmpttmpthis won't make him too comfortable with his fresh linux-convertion
19:11.03tmpttmphis first steps with linux have been made a couple days ago only
19:11.08tmpttmpi've installed elive on his pc
19:11.09*** join/#elive sebby[n] (n=sebby[n]
19:11.16tmpttmpi hope he won't give up too soon
19:11.32withoutclasstmpttmp, longest part is generally downloading the files
19:11.44tmpttmpyes.. very long
19:11.48*** join/#elive Elive_user2 (
19:11.50withoutclasswhat connection?
19:11.54tmpttmphigh speed
19:12.09sebby[n]hi everybody!
19:12.18tmpttmpbut he has a slower connection than mine
19:12.22tmpttmpso it sucks for him
19:12.23Elive_userhey sebby
19:12.26Elive_userhows it going
19:12.40withoutclassElive_user, got a nickname?
19:12.44sebby[n]everything's ok.
19:12.59lordbambii got a verry fast connection :-)
19:13.06withoutclasscollege woo
19:13.08Elive_userbinaryfog but need to regester first
19:13.08lordbambi6 mbit
19:13.09tmpttmpeverything's ok and you come to this channel??? somethings not right... :)
19:13.17withoutclassmy connection is good at 1am
19:13.24ahriman-How can I create new entries in menu, like valknut in Internet menu. I'am using DR17 right now
19:13.34tmpttmpDR17 ? whats that
19:13.36sebby[n]I meant that's week end time ;-)
19:13.38withoutclassapt elpanel
19:13.40apthmm... elpanel is the powered center of control of Elive, where all the answers of your questions are, your heart is prepaired for discover all features ? ;)
19:14.05withoutclassahriman-, this is your answer
19:14.18tmpttmphmm... elpanel is an annoying tool with unuseful graphical effects :)
19:14.29withoutclassit is usefull
19:14.39ahriman-withoutclass, thanks, I'll check it right ahead :)
19:14.44withoutclassahriman-, what you are looking for is entangle
19:14.52tmpttmpits the graphical effects that arent useful
19:14.55withoutclassit is left most option, then e17, then entangle
19:14.57Elive_usermy elive controle pannel seems to back up on its own is this normal? not right away just if i leave it idel for like 5 sec
19:15.04withoutclasstmpttmp, but it is beautiful :P
19:15.20withoutclassahriman-, you are welcome
19:15.21tmpttmpmatter of taste i suppose ;)
19:15.22lordbambiit would be usefull to switch of the grahpical effects... they are kinda slow on an old comp..
19:15.46withoutclasslordbambi, you can launch anything in elpanel via command promp also
19:15.50withoutclasslong as you know what you are looking for
19:15.55withoutclassand the command
19:16.28lordbambiyea but the effects in elpanel are slow
19:16.34tmpttmpi would so much prefer a small, minimal, text-only elpanel, with NO effects for transition between menus, no graphical animations
19:17.18lordbambisame here
19:17.20tmpttmpno little icons, no scrolling text... just plain text
19:17.37lordbambia switch to kill the eyecandy
19:17.42withoutclassthe elpanel system is going to be changed in .5 as far as i know
19:17.43tmpttmpits annoying to point your mouse over an icon, and wait for the text to scroll ...
19:17.51Elive_userif i go into the backgound selection menu that neat little rotating box in the elive control pannel goes back to the first main selection screen on its own more so in e17 than e16 but i think i have seen this glitch in other windows and was wondering if this just happens or if its somthing i should be worried about
19:17.57withoutclasstmpttmp, you dont have to wait if you know where you are going :P
19:18.06withoutclassElive_user, this is normal
19:18.24tmpttmpof course withoutclass ... but have some empathy for newbies ...
19:18.30withoutclassElive_user, plz do /nick binaryfrog
19:18.45withoutclasspros ftw
19:19.25tmpttmpgo for functionality before graphical unusefulness! ;)
19:19.33withoutclassit has both!
19:19.37tmpttmpno! :)
19:19.38withoutclassjust a little slow
19:20.08ahriman-ntpdate doesn't set the system time correct, is there anything I'm missing?
19:20.21withoutclassahriman-, are you dual booting?
19:20.24tmpttmpahriman-,    apt-get dist-upgrade
19:20.34lordbambilol tmpttmp
19:20.37tmpttmpif you havent done it already :)
19:20.42withoutclasstmpttmp, not so fast
19:20.45Elive_userwhat would be some good things to use elive for other than serf the net and multimedia do they have any handy apts for building your own apts ... im not too advanced yet so im looking for a little wysiwyg to start the learning process
19:20.45tmpttmplordbambi, system time wasnt working for me at first
19:20.48withoutclassntpdate is not originally selected
19:20.53ahriman-withoutclass windows and elive on my system only
19:21.00withoutclassahriman-, this is the problem
19:21.19withoutclasswhat did i make the apt command
19:21.27withoutclassapt time-fix
19:21.36withoutclassapt timefix
19:21.48lordbambiapt time
19:21.49aptYou are educated stupid and therefore too dumb to understand nature's perfect time cube! (2006.04.14 19:21:49 GMT)
19:21.50Elive_userbut would like to learn to migrate to good coding apts
19:22.10lordbambiapt fixtime
19:22.25withoutclassi forget what i made it, but im pretty sure i used a hyphem
19:22.37lordbambiapt fix-time
19:23.03withoutclassthere is a variable to change in some file so that elive doesnt use a ceratin time related thing
19:23.14lordbambiapt poop
19:23.15aptACTION fertilizes the channel
19:24.01withoutclassi think this was around 2 days ago
19:24.04withoutclassso now i get to go through the log
19:24.30withoutclassapt time-bug
19:26.13Elive_usercan i have multiple backgrounds for my multiple desktops? i have used mandrake before and i figured out how to do it there but im still new to elive and im haveing troubles finding this feature
19:26.59Elive_userwhen i change my background it affects both desktops (maby im missing a radio button or somthing)
19:27.23withoutclassElive_user, i am unsure of this possibility, but at the time i do not think this is possible
19:27.34Elive_userok thanks
19:27.40lordbambii know it is possible in e 16... but i don't know how
19:27.52withoutclassapt windowstimefix
19:28.00apti heard windowstimefix is edit /etc/defualt/rcS and change UTC=yes to UTC=no
19:28.21withoutclassahriman-, this is your answer
19:28.54withoutclassapt shoot withoutclass
19:28.56aptACTION shoots withoutclass in the head with a glue gun!
19:29.11lordbambiapt planeshift
19:29.23lordbambiapt apt
19:29.24aptapt is probably the Advanced Package Tool, an advanced frontend for dpkg and rpm (depending on your system). For Debian it's a frontend for dpkg. an infobot, the same instance of a blootbot as ibot, jbot, and purl
19:30.04Elive_userdoes anyone have any sugestions for a good apt for viewing online media channels i liked winamps online channels but i would like to find a way to do this in linux
19:30.22withoutclasssorry, i am unfamiliar with this
19:30.57lordbambionline radio channels??
19:31.31Elive_userradio or video ... mainly video but radio would be fine
19:32.08Elive_userok thanks ill check it out now ... must have missed that
19:33.04lordbambiwithoutclass, you remember the fix for the buggy cursor?
19:36.02tmpttmpwhich X server driver should i choose ?
19:36.15lordbambiwhat graphics card have you got :-)
19:36.45tmpttmpdo i find that out with lspci ?
19:36.56Elive_useri see i can play url files but i still cant find any channel listings (list of diffrent streaming channels with varrying content without having to vist a spacific url)
19:37.13tmpttmpVGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon Mobility M6 LY
19:37.20lordbambiaaah you want something like that... no idea then....
19:37.31lordbambitmpttmp take the ati driver
19:37.39Elive_userok thanks ill look around if i find anything ill post it
19:38.02lordbambiif you want to play games install the ati kernel driver
19:38.36ahriman-withoutclass, The answer was, for me cuz I live in sweden, make a backup of /etc/localtime and then create a symlink with the name localtime to /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Stockholm. Then when I used ntpdate again was the time correct
19:39.00lordbambiand when you boot in windows windows will fuck it up
19:39.26lordbambiif you systemtime between windows and linux is different windows will reset your time
19:40.39*** join/#elive smartbhai (n=smartbha@
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19:42.50tmpttmpshould i use kernel framebuffer device interface ?
19:42.53Elive_useri have seen screenshots of what looks like windows being run in a window on linux is this a VM program and if so does anyone know what VM program this might be. looking for a way to run some windows apts other than using wine
19:43.23lordbambiyou can use vmware
19:43.33Elive_uservmware .... is this stable?
19:43.33lordbambii think bochs wich is opensource can do the same thing
19:43.50Elive_userwhat is  "bochs"
19:43.54lordbambivmware is comercial software
19:44.08Elive_userso $$$ is involved?
19:44.30lordbambibochs - IA-32 PC emulator
19:44.38Elive_useris vmware java based or somthing ?
19:44.47lordbambivmware is commercial...
19:44.53lordbambino idea what that is
19:46.19Elive_usercool thanks ill check it out
19:47.32tmpttmpi dont understand why i must go through every installation everytime i dist-upgrade
19:47.43tmpttmpi mean, my mouse works fine, why re-detect it? :)
19:48.02lordbambi vmware
19:48.44lordbambitmttmp when you dist-upgrade it launches the installers of the different programs.... now that you say it it is actually pretty stupid
19:48.59withoutclassahriman-, glad your problem was solved
19:50.21Elive_userwhen downloading bochs would it be better to use the .rpm file or the .tar.gz file for elive? still kinda new to installation of software i just remember one of them being some what automated
19:50.32lordbambiyou have to apt-get it
19:50.43lordbambiopen a command line
19:50.56lordbambitype: apt-cache update
19:51.06lordbambithis will update your local software list
19:51.13withoutclassno it wont?
19:51.15withoutclassapt-get update
19:51.16lordbambisrry apt-get update
19:51.23withoutclassit is in there
19:51.24lordbambiwhere was my mind
19:51.26withoutclassi just searched it
19:51.29tmpttmp<lordbambi> tmttmp when you dist-upgrade it launches the installers of the different programs.... now that you say it it is actually pretty stupid
19:51.35tmpttmpok that was very funny
19:51.43tmpttmphaha :D
19:51.55tmpttmpgreat quote.
19:52.07Elive_useri got a invalde operation update
19:52.19Elive_userok let me try
19:52.23Elive_userjust read below
19:52.25withoutclassElive_user, apt-get update && apt-get install bochs
19:52.26lordbambii made a type: apt-get update not apt-cache
19:52.37lordbambidude i was going to explain the search option
19:52.49withoutclassgo for it
19:52.59lordbambielive_user can i have you attention
19:53.44Elive_usertrying commands
19:53.53lordbambiok i'm gonna teach you some stuff
19:53.57lordbambithe POWER of debian
19:54.02Elive_usershould i download the file first or is that what apt-get does
19:54.08Elive_usercool :)
19:54.19lordbambiapt-get is a front end of dpkg, dpkg is the package manager
19:54.41lordbambiapt-get keeps a list of all applications that are avaiable on the internet
19:54.48Elive_userlive list?
19:54.51lordbambiwhen you apt-get update, you update this list
19:55.20lordbambiwhen you want to install an application you use the command apt-get install "application name"
19:55.42lordbambithis will look what dependencies the application has and install every necesary part of the software
19:55.45tmpttmpwow this dist-upgrade is taking forever ....
19:56.04lordbambinow, knowing all the applications can be hard so they also use apt-cache
19:56.16lordbambiapt-cache is used to look throught your local list
19:56.21Elive_userdo i have to be loged in as root
19:56.34Elive_useri have tried apt-get and im getting permission denied
19:56.38lordbambiwhen you type apt-cache search firefox, it will look for every package with firefox in it
19:56.47lordbambistay away from your console and listen :-)
19:57.08lordbambiso you apt-get update to update your local list
19:57.08Elive_usersorry :{
19:57.21lordbambiapt-cache search "package name" to find the package name
19:57.31lordbambiapt-get install "package name" installs it
19:57.40lordbambiand then the most powerfull one........
19:57.44lordbambiapt-get dist-upgrade
19:58.11lordbambithis checks what is installed local and compares it to your list of packages. if something newer is in your list, it downloads it and installs it
19:58.37lordbambinow you can touch your console :-)
19:58.51lordbambisu to become root
19:59.00lordbambiapt-get update
19:59.07withoutclassElive_user> do i have to be loged in as root <--you must only be root for install or updating, apt-cache search doesnot require root privelages
19:59.09lordbambiso your local list is updated with all the new packages on the net
19:59.19Elive_userits working :)
19:59.35Elive_userok done
19:59.40lordbambiyou see it going through the package servers :-)
19:59.53lordbambinow we will look for bochs package name
19:59.58lordbambiapt-cache search bochs
20:00.30lordbambiaaah this one is the one: bochs - IA-32 PC emulator
20:00.36lordbambiso apt-get install bochs
20:00.45Elive_usersee it how could you tell
20:01.06lordbambinow you see the different dependencies.. it asks if you want to download the other packages. answer yes
20:01.07Elive_userthe only one that is fallowed by plug in lol or doc
20:01.36Elive_userok installing .................
20:01.47lordbambithat is all there is to installing on debian
20:01.52Elive_userthats it
20:01.57lordbambito remove: apt-get remove package name
20:02.06Elive_usercool thanks
20:02.15Elive_usernow how do i know where it installed it to
20:02.19lordbambiremember dist-upgrade that is the feature that rocks
20:02.21Elive_userdefault directory or somthing
20:02.27lordbambiit is always installed to /usr
20:02.41Elive_userso that just downloads only the upgrades for that apt that i need right?
20:02.57lordbambi'/etc = configuration
20:02.57Elive_userthat is so cool
20:03.04lordbambi'/home is homedirectory
20:03.13lordbambi'/usr is programs
20:03.28Elive_userso probably in usr ?
20:03.31lordbambi'/bin is binary programs for root
20:03.41lordbambi'/dev are your devices
20:04.02lordbambi'/proc is your actual computer running
20:04.09lordbambi'/lib are libraries
20:04.23lordbambi'/root is the roots home directory
20:04.48lordbambithere is quate a lot about this in the wikipedia
20:05.06Elive_userok thanks that was suficent
20:05.51lordbambitomorow i will give a test....
20:06.03lordbambiclass dismissed...
20:06.17Elive_userthanks allot ... do you have time for one more question relating to live cds and putting apps on it that i want to use on the live cd
20:06.35lordbambihmmm check the knoppix project for that
20:06.43lordbambiknoppix remaster they call it
20:06.46Elive_userjust really needing to know a save directory to put these files in without hurting the live cd
20:06.53Elive_userok thanks
20:07.04Elive_userlearned somthing new:)
20:07.21Elive_usermade this installation stuff a whole lot easier
20:07.23lordbambiknoppix has a distro that works with an USB stick....the programs and homedirectory are put on the USB stick
20:07.32lordbambiapt-get rules...
20:07.40withoutclassgplgeek is working to get an elive distro like this
20:07.43Elive_usersure does!!!! :)
20:09.06Elive_userthanks for your time i think im going to play with these new commands for a while so they will be burnt into my nural passages lol
20:09.14lordbambiapt-get is the reason i use debian
20:09.20Elive_useri like it
20:09.22lordbambielive_user do you know man?
20:10.01Elive_userknow man?
20:10.07withoutclassman pages eh?
20:10.20Elive_userman pages ... no im afriad not
20:10.27lordbambitry this: man man
20:10.37Elive_userin console ?
20:11.16Elive_usermanual .... i like those
20:11.18lordbambisee what man does. it brings up a manual of the man command
20:11.25lordbambiq to exit
20:11.29lordbambitry man apt-get
20:12.02Elive_usereverything is now getting clearer
20:12.09lordbambievery command has it's own man page... even files: try this: man smb.conf
20:12.26Elive_usercan i get a list of commands
20:12.35lordbambithere are a LOT....
20:12.54lordbambii have a book 300 pages filled with commands
20:13.00Elive_userlooks like im going to be busy today
20:13.10Elive_userthats a large book
20:13.20tmpttmpElive_user,  go to  /usr/bin    /usr/sbin    and there are your commands
20:13.25withoutclassnot all are used often..or at all
20:13.26tmpttmp(not all of them though)
20:13.48withoutclassapt monkies
20:13.56Elive_useri take it people make their own commands so documentation on all of them is difficult eh?
20:13.59withoutclassapt monkeys
20:14.01aptThis problem, like many others in the computer industry, can be solved by the application of monkeys.
20:14.25lordbambielive_user here is your list:
20:14.29Elive_userapt monkeys ...... people?
20:14.57lordbambi this is the book i have, really good
20:15.15*** join/#elive IcedEarth (n=Elive_us@
20:15.17Elive_userlinux in a nut shell? i think i have heard of this
20:15.21IcedEarthhow do I upgrade
20:15.26IcedEarththe page is goine off the website
20:15.32lordbambielive_user answer the man
20:15.38Elive_userso i better get it now then eh?
20:15.51lordbambino you are to young to use it... (in the linux world)
20:16.01lordbambiit is not a manual it is a reference work
20:16.13lordbambiicedearth: apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade
20:17.16lordbambiit is not a book to learn linux, it is a book to look a small thing up
20:17.19Elive_usertheres that apt-get again lol i love it
20:17.28withoutclassElive_user, for a beginner, most of the things you will need to use will be picked up from experience/time not really reading about them, you do not really need strange things
20:17.42IcedEarthyes, books are no good
20:17.43Elive_userso not a read through ... more of a refrence guide
20:17.46IcedEarthnot really
20:17.47IcedEarthjust day in day out
20:17.48IcedEarthusing it
20:17.56lordbambii would recomend an old 80's unix book that explains the basic unix stuff
20:18.03IcedEarthI have a laminate card with basic commands on
20:18.05withoutclassElive_user, you can also use synaptic...if you would rather use a gui that does the same thing you are typing in the terminal
20:18.06lordbambipick one up at a flea market
20:18.08Elive_userthen work my way up?
20:18.10IcedEarthwhat does update break anything?
20:18.19withoutclassIcedEarth, usually not
20:18.30IcedEarthis the jpeg thing fixed?
20:18.40*** join/#elive Elive_user2 (
20:18.45withoutclassIcedEarth, what jpeg thing
20:18.52lordbambiwell i'm out to have a drink in the real world...
20:19.02lordbambineed to keep my alcohol levels up :-)
20:19.05withoutclasslordbambi, good luck, dont get run over by any cars
20:19.05Elive_userhow do you send me a message with the sound ....does that keep others from seeing it to save from chat confusion?
20:19.06IcedEarthjpeg is unhandled mime type
20:19.10IcedEarthand therefore
20:19.12withoutclassElive_user, you say their name
20:19.18IcedEarthimage viewer doesnt work
20:19.24withoutclassIcedEarth, what image viewer
20:19.33Elive_userwithoutclass: like this?
20:19.38Elive_useror maby
20:19.46Elive_userwithoutclass like this?
20:19.46IcedEarthi installed another one evince
20:19.52lordbambiimageviewer: gqviewer
20:20.25lordbambigimp is for editing.. gqviewer is for slideshow and viewing only
20:20.27IcedEarthgimp works but pain in the arse
20:20.30withoutclassIcedEarth, evidence is a module of e17 and therefore
20:20.31IcedEarthto open again and again
20:20.33withoutclassapt e17
20:20.35aptrumour has it, e17 is IN DEVELOPEMENT, and this is the same to NOT FINISHED, some parts works, and some parts not works, e17 not is prepaired for the end-user, if you continue like to use it is your problem, if you search a stable thing, use e16
20:21.06IcedEarthI know I shouldnt complain using e17
20:21.36withoutclasswell, you can, maybe there are known fixes, but when it comes to modules or programs created specificly for e17, they are often not complete or broken
20:21.57IcedEarthdont worrk
20:22.04IcedEarthill find a viewer to work
20:22.15lordbambiicedearth use gqview... i like it verry much
20:22.33IcedEarthok, ill give it a go
20:22.49Elive_userbrb need to go to the store for the wife
20:22.52lordbambilaterz all
20:51.49sebby[n]withoutclass how are you?
20:52.35sebby[n]your tutorial about hotkeys is now available in French ;)
20:56.26*** join/#elive Muta (n=pocketir@
20:56.32withoutclassThanatermesis, ping
20:56.43Mutapong xD
21:00.50withoutclassapt ping
21:00.57withoutclassapt pong
21:00.58apt|    .
21:01.49TannerDo you ever wonder at what point you ask a proffesional for help?
21:02.06TannerLike with your brain... not with the computer
21:02.30withoutclasscrazy =  normal
21:02.34withoutclassnormal = needs help
21:02.59withoutclassstrange circular argument
21:03.26withoutclassi like to see it as , if you consider yourself normal, you are crazy
21:03.58Tannertoo true
21:04.34sebby[n]needs help = crazy ?
21:05.24Mutatengo suenio!
21:07.30Thanatermesiswithoutclass pong
21:07.42withoutclassThanatermesis, you know of ifplugd package?
21:07.50*** join/#elive bodha (n=bodha@
21:10.16sebby[n]salut bhoda
21:10.52*** join/#elive maxtoo (
21:13.33tmpttmpsalut les frangins
21:13.39*** join/#elive Elive_user (
21:13.42tmpttmpapt word
21:13.51tmpttmpapt gpl
21:13.52apti heard gpl is an awful and terrible license. you know stallman wants to do away with the LGPL entirely also
21:14.31tmpttmpapt withoutclass
21:14.47tmpttmpapt elive
21:14.49aptmethinks elive is a livecd (installable) project and a perfectly distro based in debian and have only the enlightenment WM for managing all the system, utilities, libs, instalation, programation in EFL... the best distro in the world for this moments :)
21:15.16tmpttmpapt bragging
21:15.30Thanatermesiswithoutclass ifplugd package ? what is that ? this exist on debian ?
21:15.55withoutclassThanatermesis, yes, it is a network monitor that checks if the ethernet is plugged in at boot, otherwise skips dhcp i think
21:17.44_H_dererk? estas?
21:18.41withoutclassThanatermesis, maybe you can make a look this package for future elive
21:19.21Thanatermesiswithoutclass its perfectly makeable with the autolaunchers of Elive... in reality exist a part (not finished) where when you plug a wifi device, it launch a dhcp command :)
21:19.39withoutclassjust thought i would bring this up to you
21:19.44withoutclassi must go home now
21:19.47Thanatermesisbut not is finished because i want to make it better (check first if not exist a configuration for it, if exist, then configure it in static, no auto dhcp)
21:19.56withoutclassThanatermesis, yes
21:20.12Thanatermesisanyways... we need to continue looking for the ipod withoutclass, when you have a time
21:20.17withoutclassThanatermesis, like this
21:20.23Thanatermesisi think to not is hard.. but we need to test :)
21:20.24withoutclassThanatermesis, yes, i will have time very soon
21:20.39withoutclassi am going to my dads, there i will have ssh possibility
21:20.53withoutclassmaybe in an hour
21:20.54tmpttmpdo you all use Xchat ?
21:21.18tmpttmpwhat makes it so that withoutclass's nickname is always in pink letters, Thanatermesis's nick is always green, etc.  ?
21:21.18sebby[n]tmpttmp I do
21:21.31tmpttmpthis is a pretty cool feature, how does it work?
21:21.49withoutclasspart of xchat based on the characters in the name i think
21:21.49tmpttmpIcedEarth, your nickname is always green to me.
21:21.56IcedEarthits grey here
21:22.04withoutclassIcedEarth, it is grey for the user of xchat
21:22.09IcedEarthyours is blue
21:22.13sebby[n]for me nicks are all blue
21:22.15tmpttmpyes IcedEarth, my own text (tmpttmp) is grey
21:22.18Thanatermesistmpttmp this is just "how to works the xchat" actually
21:22.26withoutclassapt xchat
21:22.27aptrumour has it, xchat is an IRC client for unix and windows at or
21:22.33IcedEarthi just had to reconfigure my xorg stuff
21:22.35IcedEarthi hope it works
21:22.40withoutclassi must go
21:22.41IcedEarthafter update
21:22.48withoutclassThanatermesis, i will be back later to test
21:22.51tmpttmp<Thanatermesis> tmpttmp this is just "how to works the xchat" actually
21:22.57tmpttmpyeah well ....
21:22.58Thanatermesisthx withoutclass, tell me :)
21:23.03withoutclassyes =D
21:23.09Thanatermesistmpttmp programation... :)
21:23.11tmpttmphow does xchat choose which colors  ?
21:23.17Thanatermesisi don't know
21:23.17tmpttmp... i know that Thanatermesis
21:23.21Thanatermesislook the source code
21:23.23Thanatermesisyou have it :)
21:23.31tmpttmpyeah i might do that sometime
21:23.41Thanatermesisif you know C.. not is a problem
21:23.47Thanatermesis(or the language programed)
21:23.55Thanatermesisanyways.. i don't think to its hard
21:24.01tmpttmpi dont know C but i might figure it out
21:24.03Thanatermesismaybe looking the ip, or similar, set a color
21:24.12tmpttmpi wonder
21:24.47tmpttmpxchat is neat
21:24.57tmpttmpi like BitchX too
21:30.57*** join/#elive Mutacion (i=Mutacion@
21:42.03*** join/#elive Elive_user (
21:57.23*** join/#elive Gwildor (
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22:49.22*** join/#elive Elive_user (
22:50.33*** join/#elive tmpttmp (
22:50.48Mutacionhello xD
22:50.49tmpttmpi've just run a "apt-get dist-upgrade" and rebooted
22:50.54tmpttmpnow a bunch of modules are missing
22:51.08Mutaciongulp.. are u using the last elive distro? elive 0.4 ?
22:51.16tmpttmpand when i try to run Eterm, it's rxvt that opens!! :(
22:51.46tmpttmpactually i'm not sure what elive version im using
22:52.06tmpttmp"achiz" ?
22:52.07Mutacionmm.. im not now under elive.. mmm..
22:52.17Mutacionwell open a terminal an put $Eterm&
22:52.30Mutacionand well see if Eterm(elive terminal) appears again
22:53.03tmpttmpnormally, all i had to do was:  "Eterm"
22:53.08tmpttmpand Eterm opened.
22:53.24tmpttmpnow, when i run "Eterm", a terminal opens, but its not the right one, its rxvt !
22:53.32Mutacionmmm :s
22:53.52tmpttmpalso, modules are missing (i.e.; tclock...)
22:54.21Mutaciondid u do an #apt-et update before #apt-get dist-upgrade?
22:54.59Mutacionthats really is a bad new
22:55.33tmpttmpeverything worked well before today
22:55.35Mutacionlet me talk it with the other developers.. maybe they know a good answer..or maybe the  sources are broken.. i dunno
22:55.42tmpttmpok, thanks
22:55.49IcedEarthhave you tried re-loading the modules
22:55.54Mutacioni have 1hr here.. jiji..  arraived from vacations jiji
22:56.00IcedEarthare you using e16 or e17
22:56.01tmpttmpthey arent in the modules list anymore!
22:56.12IcedEarthyou have to get them with apt-get
22:56.21IcedEarththey are seperate package now
22:57.34tmpttmpi had those modules earlier today, before i did a 'dist-upgrade' ...
22:57.49tmpttmpwhy did the dist-upgrade remove the modules ?
22:57.55tmpttmpit doesnt make much sense to me
22:58.08IcedEarthwell its an upgrade
22:58.08IcedEarththe modules are not supplied as standard anymore
22:58.19tmpttmpapt-get install tclock ?
22:58.44tmpttmpapt-cache search tclock    = no result
22:59.06IcedEarthno hold on
22:59.31IcedEarthall the modules are in one package#
22:59.49tmpttmpi still have _some_ modules in the modules list
22:59.52*** join/#elive damosu (
22:59.54tmpttmpbut only like 7 or 8
23:00.12IcedEarthyes, there are a few by default, but rain, fire, slideshow etc
23:00.14IcedEarthare not there anymore
23:00.18IcedEarththe package is e-modules
23:00.34tmpttmpwhat about Eterm ?
23:00.38tmpttmpdo you have an idea?
23:00.40IcedEarthwhat about it
23:00.47tmpttmpbefore my dist-upgrade, Eterm was fine
23:00.55tmpttmpnow when i run Eterm, rxvt pops up
23:01.04IcedEarththe difference being?
23:01.08tmpttmpthe reason why i was using Eterm is because i dont like rxvt
23:01.15IcedEarthNot sure about that one
23:01.21tmpttmprxvt = no font edition, no customization
23:01.33IcedEarthEterm, just has shadowed font
23:01.35tmpttmpto be honest i hate this terminal
23:01.36IcedEarthdoes yours have this now?
23:01.46tmpttmpEterm allowed me to edit the font size ....
23:01.51tmpttmpnot it doesnt
23:01.57tmpttmpyes, Eterm now has shadowed font
23:01.58IcedEarthnot sure about this
23:02.11tmpttmpjust this morning i was using Eterm and i could edit font size
23:02.12IcedEarthI use rxvt, thats okay for me
23:02.21tmpttmpi know its ok for most people but it really annoys me
23:02.24IcedEarthor I use proper terminal with Ctrl Alt F1 or whatever
23:02.36IcedEarthwell perhaps install gnome terminal or something
23:02.38tmpttmpi need to be able to change font size
23:02.46IcedEarthwell is there not a . file with Eterm
23:02.56Mutacionand if we..#apt-get remove rxvt and do an #apt-get install Eterm? xD
23:02.57IcedEarthin your home diretory where you can configure
23:03.02tmpttmpgnome terminal? wont that require a whole bunch of libraries, that wont be of any use, except for gnome terminal?
23:03.15IcedEarthnot sure, like I say, not a problem for me
23:03.28Mutaciongnome-terminal sucks! it depends on gnome dependencies.. or maybe u copuld install xterm :P
23:03.51IcedEarthyes, but I know little about these things
23:04.04IcedEarthI always adapt to whatever terminal is there by default
23:04.24Mutacioni used any terminal :P
23:04.47tmpttmpwhat is very sad is that everything was fine this morning before my dist-upgrade
23:04.48IcedEarthmee too
23:04.54IcedEarthdont worry we have all been here
23:05.01tmpttmpppl here were recommending me to dist-upgrade everyday
23:05.03IcedEarththings break, especially if you are using e17
23:05.05tmpttmpnow i know I was right :P
23:05.11tmpttmpyeah ...
23:05.14IcedEarthyou must be aware thats its in development
23:05.18IcedEarthso you have to take the knocks
23:05.28tmpttmpits cool with me but you have to admit this is weird
23:05.35Mutacione17 is under u can see..ppl are trying to make it stable but it still inst
23:05.46IcedEarthno, it was just decided that the modules were not to be included as standard
23:05.51tmpttmpupdates are made to make thins work better, not to make things 'not work anymore' , if you see what im saying
23:05.57IcedEarthits okay, I use e17 every day
23:06.00IcedEarthand upgrade once a week
23:06.05IcedEarthand everythings cool
23:06.13IcedEarthyou will adapt to the climate
23:06.27IcedEarthas must all who walk with the Pioneers
23:06.45IcedEarthI had a go with xgl this week
23:06.47IcedEarthboys its cool
23:06.58tmpttmpwhat can i use for replacement for eterm then
23:06.58Mutacionyeah its cool but only for gnome :(
23:07.02IcedEarthat the moment
23:07.06Mutaciontmpttmp, xterm
23:07.09IcedEarthits very heavy on memory
23:07.17IcedEarth218mb just for desktop used!!!!
23:07.29IcedEarthbut the desktop switching and paneling of all open apps is nice
23:07.37IcedEarthbut the window wobble is a bit superflous
23:08.53tmpttmpxterm is the same as rxvt ...
23:08.58tmpttmpno font size editing..
23:08.59IcedEarthmine isnt
23:09.06tmpttmpthis is a bit frustrating
23:09.08IcedEarthhold on
23:09.10IcedEarthstick with it
23:09.17IcedEarththis is Linux
23:09.29tmpttmpwell well well
23:10.03tmpttmpwe all have a different vision of linux, dont we
23:10.09*** join/#elive _H_ (
23:10.21tmpttmpi'm stuck with a shitty resolution
23:10.30tmpttmpand the only solution i found for this, was to edit fonts
23:10.36tmpttmpand now i cant
23:10.47IcedEarthwhat resolution do you have
23:10.56tmpttmpdoesnt matter, it's shitty for me
23:11.11sebby[n]good night!
23:11.57tmpttmpshould I add more URLS in my apt.sourceslist file ?
23:12.12tmpttmpso i can somehow get some terminal programs that actually offer font size edition
23:12.42tmpttmpapt-get says i have the latest Eterm version... that doesnt make any sense to me
23:12.47tmpttmpsince last version was 10times better
23:12.50IcedEarthhold on im just checking out the xfe terminal
23:12.59IcedEarththis only requires a few libraries
23:13.06IcedEarthif font editing is what you really need
23:13.34tmpttmpi have an application called "xfe", it seems its a file manager
23:13.55*** join/#elive Elive_user (
23:14.09IcedEarthsorry i meant xfce
23:14.12IcedEarththe desktop
23:14.22IcedEarthnot xfe the file manager
23:14.48tmpttmpxfce is a window manager ?
23:14.59IcedEarthokay this is the terminal you want
23:15.04IcedEarthit has file edit etc etc
23:15.10IcedEarthso you should be able to set the fonts
23:15.26tmpttmpthis terminal youre talking about, it works inside elive/enlightenment ?
23:15.33*** join/#elive Elive_user2 (
23:15.35_H_thanatermesis, como pongo el wireless aqui?
23:15.40IcedEarthive just used it
23:15.42_H_necesito el zd1211
23:15.49Thanatermesiszd1211 ?
23:15.49IcedEarthjust install it from synaptic
23:15.51Thanatermesisdejame ver...
23:16.00_H_pero no parece tener el modulo
23:16.04Mutacionnos vemos
23:16.09Thanatermesis_H_ donde estas ? en Elive ?
23:16.14Mutacionqiubole thana.. hola thana.. ayo0 thana :P
23:16.17Thanatermesisinstalada ?
23:16.27tmpttmpsynaptic ?
23:16.31tmpttmpcan i install it with apt-get
23:16.41IcedEarthall roads lead to mandalay
23:16.43tmpttmpok, its called xfce ?
23:16.46Thanatermesis_H_ yo aqui veo drivers para los dos kernels de Elive en los repos de Elive, estas de suerte :)
23:16.51IcedEarthits called xfce4-terminal
23:16.57tmpttmpthanks IcedEarth
23:16.58IcedEarthsynaptic is better then you dont have to know
23:17.00IcedEarththe names
23:17.06tmpttmpoh, right.
23:17.07IcedEarthsynaptic just front end for apt-get anyway
23:17.15tmpttmpi'm more used to apt-get
23:17.20_H_en los dos kernels?
23:17.23IcedEarthwell synaptic is good for searching
23:17.31IcedEarththis is why i found the terminal program
23:17.33_H_yo tengo el 12 instalado con el elive
23:17.36IcedEarthyou should use it
23:17.38tmpttmpoh i see
23:17.41IcedEarthyou can search on like
23:17.43*** join/#elive Elive_user2 (
23:17.44_H_que le digo? porque modprobe no funciona
23:17.52IcedEarthuse the tools, your computing experience will be less frustrating
23:18.14Thanatermesis_H_ es un paquete, no esta isntalado por default, apt-cache search zd1211
23:18.33Elive_user2new to elive and wondering if there is a default directory apt-get install puts the apts in
23:18.40*** join/#elive egrub (n=lilo78@
23:18.54IcedEarthElive_user2, what do you mean?
23:18.59tmpttmphurray IcedEarth , you made my day, this is what i was looking for
23:19.06ThanatermesisElive_user2 same to in debian, on /var/cache/apt/archives, if you want to delete its, "apt-cache clean"
23:19.07IcedEarthgood, glad to hear it
23:19.12Thanatermesisapt-get clean, sorry
23:19.14IcedEarthnow can you fix my laptop screen for me
23:19.22Thanatermesisapt changenicks
23:19.23IcedEarthits dying
23:19.24Elive_user2i used apt-get for the first time to install a programm im sure it was successfull just not sure where i can find the results
23:19.25Thanatermesisapt changenick
23:19.27aptsomebody said changenick was Elive_user Elive_user2 Elive_user3, please change their nickname, if not, no more users can be posible to enter in the channel
23:19.40IcedEarthElive_user2, use find
23:19.48IcedEarthto see where it is installed to
23:19.50IcedEarthwhat is the program
23:19.52ThanatermesisElive_user2 dpkg -L packagename  for show "where is hte files installed"
23:20.04IcedEarthand again like i said to tmptmp, use synaptic
23:20.06Thanatermesisor dpkg -L packagename | grep bin
23:20.09IcedEarthto see what is installed and what isnt
23:20.11Elive_user2ok thank ill exit and come back with a name
23:20.15IcedEarthelive panel is there for a reason!!!
23:20.26IcedEarthThana programmed it for us to have easy time with elive!!!
23:20.31_H_E: No se pudo encontrar el paquete zd1211
23:20.53Thanatermesis$ apt-cache search zd1211
23:20.53Thanatermesiszd1211-module-2.6.12 - ZD1211 wireless USB dongle driver module.
23:20.53Thanatermesiszd1211-module-2.6.15 - ZD1211 wireless USB dongle driver module.
23:21.41_H_zd1211-firmware - Firmware images for the zd1211 wireless driver
23:21.59_H_nada de modules en mi sources
23:22.06_H_a ver si he comentado algo
23:22.22Thanatermesisque has cambiado el repo de Elive ?
23:22.25Thanatermesisel sources.list ?
23:22.51_H_dererk me dijo que quitase el comentario del morphix
23:22.57_H_y comente todo lo otro
23:23.09_H_ahora comento el morphix y descomento todo lo otro
23:23.18Thanatermesisno no.. espera xD
23:23.22_H_dererk me intentaba ayudar
23:23.33egrub_H_, dererk es choto
23:23.37*** join/#elive Elive_user2 (
23:23.44_H_dict choto
23:23.53Thanatermesismira el ultimo del faq _H_ :)
23:23.54_H_bash: dict: command not found
23:24.20Thanatermesissi.. supongo que te intentaba ayudar.. pero no entiendo para que comentar los repositorios oficiales que tienee Elive por default xD
23:26.00Elive_user2how do i change my nick?
23:26.13Thanatermesisor Control + S
23:26.36b1naryf0gmuch better
23:26.48b1naryf0glol yes im a newb
23:26.54IcedEarthdont worry
23:26.55b1naryf0gloving it though
23:26.58IcedEarthweve all been there
23:26.59b1naryf0gtired of windows
23:27.08IcedEarthglad to see your with elive
23:27.12egrubapt x en es tired of windows
23:27.14Thanatermesisand who no ? :)
23:27.19b1naryf0gim glad to be with elive
23:27.38b1naryf0give tried a few others but i think this is the one for me ..... for now anyway
23:27.46*** join/#elive Elive_user2 (n=Elive_us@
23:27.54IcedEarthyes, once you tried elive you never want to leave
23:27.57IcedEarthit happened to me!!!
23:27.57Thanatermesisonly the ppl to continue chewing the blue pil
23:28.25IcedEarthwhich is the blue pill for the reality?
23:28.46Thanatermesisblue pill = false and unreal world, the monopol of microsoft
23:29.02Thanatermesis<b1naryf0g> tired of windows
23:29.04Thanatermesis<Thanatermesis> and who no ? :)
23:29.08Thanatermesis<Thanatermesis> only the ppl to continue chewing the blue pil
23:29.24Thanatermesiswithout know any another better reality :)
23:30.32b1naryf0gyeah seems like this worlds rabbit hole keeps getting deeper
23:30.37IcedEarthits fun
23:30.41IcedEarthyou will enjoy elive
23:30.46IcedEarthare you using e16 or e17?
23:30.50b1naryf0gcant wait till we are able to venture to others
23:31.00IcedEarthhave you tried e17 yet
23:31.03IcedEarthI would recommend it
23:31.16IcedEarthas I recommend it to everyone who is not a developer :P
23:31.29IcedEarthits a simple matter to try it
23:31.49IcedEarthat the login screen click the e16 in the bottom left corner and select e17 when the box shows you it
23:31.57b1naryf0gi like e17 just noticed some of the menus or windows cand unstable
23:31.59IcedEarthits breathtaking
23:32.00_H_ya tengo el zd1211
23:32.08IcedEarthi use it day in day out
23:32.14IcedEarthfor my University work
23:32.28_H_thanatermesis, me aconsejas alguna cosa para usar la wireless?  no tengo costumbre y ni idea de que hacer
23:32.30b1naryf0gdont no where that "cand" came from lol
23:32.46IcedEarthdont worry
23:32.55IcedEarthi type too quickly and mispell all the time
23:32.57b1naryf0gonly been using elive for 4hrs now maby im just jumping to conclusions
23:33.13IcedEarthwhat conclusions is that then?
23:33.17IcedEarththats its greeaatt!
23:33.22b1naryf0gseen in the installation that e16 was more stable and e17 still under development
23:33.31IcedEarthah, dont worry about that
23:33.39IcedEarthWhat do you use your PC for?
23:33.41Thanatermesisa ver _H_
23:33.45IcedEarthI use OpenOffice 2 every day
23:33.45Thanatermesistienes ya los repos buenos ?
23:33.53IcedEarthalthough my documents do corrupt, but are rescued every time
23:33.57IcedEarthI merrily ignore this
23:33.57Thanatermesisah, ya lo tienes instalado el driver ?
23:33.59IcedEarthI use firefox
23:34.08Thanatermesis_H_ pues carga el modulo y utiliza elpanel ;)
23:34.12Thanatermesisapt elpanel _H_
23:34.13aptelpanel elpanel elpanel, this is the answer to your question and the solution of all your problems, try it _H_ ;)
23:34.13IcedEarthand its all fine
23:34.48Thanatermesis<b1naryf0g> yeah seems like this worlds rabbit hole keeps getting deeper
23:34.52b1naryf0gwell .... my windows os i used it for just about everything music movies tried development (c++ etc... ) 3d graphics audio production .... i like to try just about everything
23:35.26_H_que guapa esta mi wlan0  :)
23:35.37IcedEarththats a lot
23:35.51Thanatermesisb1naryf0g you have a little sort of good multimedia applications on Elive by default
23:35.51*** join/#elive Elive_user15 (
23:36.03Thanatermesis_H_ me alegro que te funcione tan... directamente... welcome to Elive ! :)
23:36.08b1naryf0gi want to learn more programming ... some of the fields i want to get into are robotics and nanotechnology and i figured unix/linux systems might be the way to go
23:36.11ThanatermesisIcedEarth cinelerra xD
23:36.19IcedEarthhe he
23:36.22b1naryf0gseen allot of stuff on embeded linux os's
23:36.33Thanatermesisb1naryf0g launch "eem"
23:36.54b1naryf0gbut i fell into a rut .... swallowed the blue pill not trying to get it back up
23:37.08IcedEarthone day it will exits on my handheld!!!
23:37.36_H_no tengo wireless en casa
23:37.40b1naryf0gnot = now
23:37.44_H_como puedo probar a ver si veo la de otra gente?
23:37.56IcedEarthwell im sure you will have fun with elive
23:38.09b1naryf0gi hope so
23:38.19b1naryf0gwell... i no so i like it allready
23:38.26b1naryf0gany good starter resources
23:38.35IcedEarthyes, have a muck around with the apps
23:38.49Thanatermesis_H_ pues... instala el wifi-radar ;)
23:39.31ThanatermesisElive has just to be born :)
23:39.32b1naryf0gchecked out blender and zynaddsubfx so that covers some of the stuff i used to do in windows
23:39.47Thanatermesisb1naryf0g zynaddsubfx is awesome, yes :)
23:39.53IcedEarthyes blender 3D innit>
23:39.54Thanatermesisand blender, of course! lol
23:40.26b1naryf0gi noticed in blender there was a menu that containd a function "play game" is blender considerd a game engine?
23:40.41IcedEarthi darent run blender on my machine
23:41.56b1naryf0gyeah it just says game---- play game ... not sure what this ment .. tried it but got an error so im assuming that the code wasnt there to be executed so thats why i got an error
23:42.14IcedEarthdunno, not sure
23:42.18_H_no logro que haga nada el wifi-radar, alguien tiene experiencia?
23:42.22pycsme too , got an error on that
23:42.23Thanatermesisb1naryf0g im not expert of blender but yes... is for game's related things, blender supports for games
23:42.29Thanatermesisyou have examples i think
23:42.43Thanatermesis_H_ mira si la consola te dice algun mensaje malo
23:43.12Thanatermesisde todas formas _H_ ene l panel de control, al configuracion de red, te dice el ESSID, tienes una lista de los que te upedes conectar (si hay), si nohay.. es que no tienes conexiones cerca xD
23:43.13_H_eth1      no wireless extensions.
23:43.20Thanatermesis_H_ olvida el wifi-radar entonces
23:43.30b1naryf0gcool so game development is a possibilty in elive ... that sounds like a team effort thing though probably not a one man adventure
23:43.45IcedEarthyes, games programming
23:43.46b1naryf0gever used bochs?
23:43.57IcedEarthI spent two weeks programming hangman in javaScript
23:44.04IcedEarthso I steer well clear
23:44.09IcedEarthwhats bochs
23:44.36IcedEarthI hate programming
23:44.46b1naryf0gsome one recomended it to me this morning for running my old windows apps
23:44.54b1naryf0gkinda like a VM
23:45.15IcedEarthyes, if you still need Windows
23:45.18IcedEarthdo you have dual boot
23:45.21b1naryf0gwas taught the apt-get isntall command .... used it and not sure how to pull up the programm
23:45.21IcedEarthi do :(
23:45.29IcedEarthwell to be honest
23:45.31_H_ostras si veo dos redes
23:45.31IcedEarthuse synaptic
23:45.37b1naryf0gwin2kpro on one partition and elive on the other
23:45.39IcedEarththis is friendly front end for apt-get
23:45.46_H_uno se llama motorola y otro antonio :)))
23:45.47b1naryf0gtired of rebooting
23:45.48IcedEarthuse it you can search for
23:45.54IcedEarthall things in repository available for you
23:45.57IcedEarthhave a look around
23:46.03IcedEarthi just used to browse it to find interesting stuff
23:46.06Thanatermesis<b1naryf0g> ever used bochs?
23:46.09IcedEarthor you can search on keyword
23:46.15Thanatermesisqemu is the version better of bochs
23:46.16IcedEarthjust have a walk around
23:46.18Thanatermesisor more complete, i think
23:46.30Thanatermesisyou have a graphical interface for it on the menus :)
23:46.39sinplomo_H_, y las dos abiertas ? XD
23:46.45Thanatermesisor in the "demos" menu
23:46.47_H_no lo se
23:46.49b1naryf0greally.... qemu stable?
23:46.59_H_he puesto dhcp a ver
23:47.03sinplomo_H_, tengo la unica red abierta de mi ciudad ! XD
23:47.16b1naryf0gi heard of wine (comes with elive i think) but heard you can only run some programs
23:47.19Thanatermesis_H_ jajaja, pues ya sabes, mira si estan encriptadas y sino, conectate
23:47.24IcedEarthyes, Wine is hit and mis
23:47.30Thanatermesis_H_ y si estan ecriptadas... las crackeas xD
23:47.31sinplomo_H_, a ver si adivinas cuantas personas se conectan ... XD
23:47.34IcedEarthyou can run winamp with it
23:47.42Thanatermesis<b1naryf0g> tired of rebooting <--- lol
23:47.43IcedEarthand I nearly had soldier of fortune running once
23:47.52b1naryf0gbut whats wrong with xmms
23:47.59sinplomoapt, reboot
23:48.00aptNot on your life cowboy :(, or are you using Window$?
23:48.03IcedEarthnothing it was an experiment
23:48.03_H_thanatermesis, no logro activar el interfaz wlan0
23:48.19IcedEarthno, must not keep computer on too much
23:48.20Thanatermesis_H_ pues será que la tiene ecriptada
23:48.23IcedEarthbad for the environment
23:48.29Thanatermesisxmms make hte same things to winamp
23:48.33_H_segun el gkrellm tengo link 32   de level 252 y de noise 95
23:48.46IcedEarthyes, like I say experiment
23:48.53Thanatermesis_H_ pse bueno... pero si no te da conexion... nose
23:48.57Thanatermesis_H_ prueba el "kismet" a ver
23:49.38b1naryf0gso does anyone know how to start bochs once installed
23:49.47IcedEarthno, is it installed?
23:49.47b1naryf0gis that a command prompt thing
23:49.53IcedEarthtype whereis bochs
23:49.54b1naryf0gim sure it is
23:50.09IcedEarthhold on ill do it with yo
23:50.23b1naryf0gi used dpkg -L bochs and seen its footprints scatterd across several folders
23:50.29b1naryf0gim assuming its installed
23:50.35Thanatermesisdpkg -L bochs | grep bin
23:50.50_H_oye thanatermesis, la conexion por modem funciona bien con todos?
23:50.57b1naryf0gwhats the | grep bin do?
23:51.01_H_nunca he hecho funcionar mimodem en este portatil
23:51.03IcedEarththere will be one like /bin/bochs
23:51.07Thanatermesis_H_ ni idea, yo no tengo esos hardware xD
23:51.08IcedEarththat will be the executable
23:51.15Thanatermesis_H_ bueno, es un buen momento para probar entonces ;)
23:51.20b1naryf0gok ill try that
23:51.28IcedEarthim installing it
23:51.29_H_estoy haciendo tres cosas a la vez
23:51.31_H_mejor en otro momento
23:51.33IcedEarthso ill let you know
23:52.24_H_es -246 level y -96 noise
23:52.27_H_es bueno o malo?
23:52.39_H_y 100 link
23:52.47b1naryf0gok not sure if i got the syntax on that right .... this is what i tried dpkg -l brochs | grep bin
23:53.01b1naryf0gjust acted like a return space
23:53.41IcedEarthjust type bochs
23:53.43IcedEarthand it works
23:53.49IcedEarthbut it looks an utter pig to configure
23:54.12b1naryf0gok i think it worked this time must have missed the space after |
23:54.23IcedEarthjust type bochs
23:54.27IcedEarthand see what happends
23:54.32b1naryf0gpackage brochs not installed
23:54.42b1naryf0gok let me try
23:54.56b1naryf0gcommand not found for "brochs
23:54.58IcedEarthno its bochs
23:55.00IcedEarthnot brochs
23:55.38b1naryf0gok that made a world of a diffrence lol
23:56.21IcedEarthyep sounds right
23:56.27IcedEarth/usr/bin will be in your path
23:56.30b1naryf0gis that last one it ?
23:56.32IcedEarthso just bochs will do
23:56.35Thanatermesis_H_ pues nose.. nunca entendi muy bien esas calidades de señal
23:56.38b1naryf0gok lol
23:56.44*** join/#elive damosu (
23:56.44IcedEarthi have no idea i have not heard of this package before 10 minutes ago
23:56.57b1naryf0gbochs configuration menu :)
23:57.00IcedEarthsynaptic will tell you the version
23:57.07IcedEarthand then check on the web to see if latest
23:57.16b1naryf0gbegin simulation sound like its the one i need
23:57.28IcedEarthit will crash
23:57.31IcedEarthim sure of it
23:57.44b1naryf0git will crash eh ... lol
23:57.53b1naryf0gqemu sound like a better choice ?
23:58.00IcedEarthnot sure, never used either
23:58.06b1naryf0gok thanks
23:58.09IcedEarthbut there are people round these parts
23:58.12IcedEarthwho love qemu
23:58.15IcedEarthand know lots about it
23:58.19IcedEarthbut not me :(
23:58.41b1naryf0gno? try to stay away from those old problems eh?
23:59.02IcedEarthI dont have the hardware capacity to run emulation
23:59.07b1naryf0gah ok
23:59.09IcedEarthi run elive on old PIII laptop
23:59.22IcedEarthits my workhorse
23:59.25IcedEarthand I dont over do it
23:59.36b1naryf0gthose PIII can dish out some stuff though
23:59.40IcedEarthoh yes
23:59.45IcedEarthbut its my work machine
23:59.49IcedEarthso I dont push it too much
23:59.50b1naryf0ganykind of graphics acceleration?
23:59.54IcedEarthnah onboard

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