irclog2html for #elinux on 20050817

00:09.08SarahEmmanyone know if the LART JFlash should work with the tux?
00:20.07GPSFanSarahEmm: I believe that there was a port/modification to Jflash for the TUX back "in the day"
00:21.04GPSFanSarahEmm: try this:
00:22.02jbevrengot rid of the jffs2 errors. :)
00:23.36GPSFanjbevren: this: physmap flash device: 600000 at ff800000 appears in: is that now what it should read? no, I haven't re-compiled my kernel yet...
00:23.57jbevrenchange the config
00:24.12jbevrenit doesnt affect much, as linux finds the whole device regardless of the size you speicfy
00:25.02SarahEmmhrm, still no go. doh.
00:25.08SarahEmmi think my cable isn't the cable it wants, pinout-wise
00:25.12GPSFanah, good, need to move to busybox 1.00 too, but that looking real nice..
00:25.33jbevrenit for some reason cant reset the board anymore
00:26.49GPSFanSarahEmm: there is a cable drawing in with those docs, I built one out of a few spare parts,
00:27.01jbevrenbtw, sorphin was talking about an eth stall
00:27.04jbevrendo you get that? I dont
00:27.28GPSFannot in eithr my kernel or the stock kernel in flash.
00:27.42SarahEmmGPSFan: yeah, i've been using my xilinx jtag cable, it works with the openjtag tools, but i don't have a bus driver for the tux
00:27.50SarahEmmso i need to hack the source for jflash or hack the cable heh
00:27.56jbevrenhave to make clean for the change (600000 -> 800000) to take
00:28.40GPSFanSarahEmm: yep the Jflash sw needs a specific cable, it's easy to change, so maybe you can adapt it to the Xilinx.
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00:51.01jbevrenhmm dns not working
00:51.09jbevrenwhat else is needed besides resolv.conf
00:51.18jbevren( /etc/ was nonexistent when I started) ;-)
00:51.39jbevrenstatic busybox :)
00:51.48jbevrenthis isnt their ramdisk
00:51.52sorphinehll if i know then
00:51.53jbevrenin fact, this kernel doesnt even support ramdisks
00:52.02sorphini don't really use busybox unless something comes w/ it already
00:52.14jbevrenits a lazy way out for me atm
00:52.33sorphinwhy not just xfer the files off the old ramdisk? :P
00:52.37jbevrengot me jffs2 root, but new and improved (the magic bitmask errors are gone)
00:53.03jbevrenI dont feel like wading through their initscripts hehe
00:53.04sorphini meant off the file :P
00:53.17sorphinno one said you had to
00:54.00sorphinand i always get the etehrnet puase from when it comes up
00:54.31sorphinso any other changes needed since that physmap.c you sent?
00:55.32jbevrennot to the source
00:55.35jbevrenjust trimming the .config now
00:56.47sorphinoh yay
00:56.55sorphin## Loading RAMDisk Image at 0ff80000 ...                                        
00:56.56sorphinBad Magic Number                              
00:57.17GPSFansorphin: not enouth 0's
00:57.39sorphinBytes transferred = 780655 (be96f hex)                                          
00:57.40sorphinArtis>bootm 400000 ff800000  
00:58.06sorphinlooks like 5 to me
00:59.40sorphinworked the 2nd time
01:03.37*** join/#elinux eggsMTS (
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01:05.29sorphinstupid config
01:05.31sorphinno wonder
01:05.55sorphinwhen i switched to jbevren's config, it cleared partitions
01:21.01sorphinbut yet
01:21.04sorphini see nothing
01:21.11*** join/#elinux markl (
01:28.46jbevrenI only changed that file
01:29.23sorphinwell, it's still triggering the same.. doesn't see anything else
01:29.33sorphinand yes, i make cleaned, hell i make mrproper'd
01:29.41jbevrenfor the flash partitions?
01:30.03sorphincat /proc/mtd                                                    
01:30.03sorphindev:    size   erasesize  name                                                  
01:30.03sorphinmtd0: 00800000 00020000 "Physically mapped flash"                              
01:30.16sorphinphysmap flash device: 800000 at ff800000                                        
01:30.16sorphinmtd: Giving out device 0 to Physically mapped flash                            
01:30.16sorphin$Id: ftl.c,v 1.43 2002/02/13 15:31:37 dwmw2 Exp $                              
01:30.20sorphinftl_cs: FTL header not found.                                  
01:30.23jbevrenlet me diff -u one up
01:34.06jbevrenI just unpacked over the original tree
01:34.11jbevrenI give up
01:34.20jbevrencant find a paycheque, overwriting kernel trees
01:34.34sorphinyou just unpacked over your changed tree? heh
01:35.02sorphinwant me to send the file back?
01:35.26jbevrennaw, just remind me where the countdown change is
01:35.30jbevrenI still have the others in my ~
01:35.49sorphincountdown, you mean the decrementer?
01:37.38sorphindo a cp -a to copy the tree again before you move your stuff in :P
01:38.03jbevrenjust mv'ed and unpacked again
01:38.11sorphinor that
01:39.30jbevrenbuilding again :)
01:39.45jbevrengonna see if I can reproduce your situation
01:40.31sorphinit still mucks up on a file (the file changes tho, between burns)
01:41.40jbevren. o O ( bad media )
01:42.20jbevrenthe hell? (sorry tim)
01:42.32jbevrenyou cant use 'games' or 'summer' in any ad until the 2012 olympics
01:44.03jbevrensome olympics bill
01:44.03sorphinjbevren: well, ubuntu won't netboot worth a damn, and with the whole PXE thing not working, even etherboot won't from that box, heh
01:45.03sorphinbut gold? games? summer?
01:45.11sorphinas long as they don't say gold summer games
01:45.15sorphini don't see an issue :P
01:45.22jbevrenCreating 3 MTD partitions on "Physically mapped flash":                        
01:45.41sorphinbtw, we nailed a few C&C hosts that had Zotob on them
01:45.49sorphinthe others were on Cablevision
01:46.00jbevrenso on diff
01:46.04jbevrenwhich is the new and which is the old
01:46.28sorphindiff -u old new
01:46.38sorphindo a more of the diff to be sure ;)
01:46.53sorphinif it shows - for your changes
01:46.55sorphinit's abckwards ;)
01:47.11jbevrenit just gave me a file list
01:47.31jbevrenI can diff two files
01:47.34jbevrenbut dont know how to do trees
01:47.53jbevrenhelp? :P
01:48.11sorphinin your case
01:48.12jbevrentaking longer now
01:48.14sorphin-retard ;)
01:48.17jbevrendiff -ur old new
01:48.21jbevrenunknown flag -t
01:48.22jbevrenlol j/k
01:49.10sorphinguy at work on his 7940
01:49.12sorphinthe banner says
01:49.31sorphineye yam we tod id or soemthing like that
01:49.31file[laptop]did I hear 7940?
01:49.37sorphinoh crap it's file
01:49.43file[laptop]yes, it's me
01:50.03SarahEmmthat's me
01:50.07jbevrenshould I have removed .depend files?
01:50.22sorphinjbevren: make mrproper next time, monkeyboy
01:50.30jbevrenthat removes .config :P
01:51.15sorphini don't need your .config :P
01:51.28sorphinand you can save it to another name ya know
01:51.41jbevrendiff exits with status 1
01:51.43jbevrenbut has no errors
01:51.48jbevrenso I'm guessing its ok :)
01:51.59sorphinlook at the diff file and see
01:52.15jbevrentodc_time change is in there
01:52.48jbevren2.5k patch
01:53.00sorphindcc, i'll find what i need :P
01:54.10sorphinHenrico County iBook Sale Creates iRiot
01:54.28sorphinfor those prices musta been really really old ibooks
01:57.39*** join/#elinux we0 (
02:00.25jbevrenstrange.  I copied my .config to config-jbevren
02:00.30jbevrencopied it back, and now I dont have mtd enabled
02:00.37jbevrenrecheck your config just to be sure
02:00.49jbevren(grep PHYSMAP .config should be enough)
02:00.51sorphinyours ahd cleared it
02:01.14jbevrenmine didnt even have that much :)
02:01.17sorphinknew that
02:01.38sorphinseems to be ignoring the partition config tho, rebuilding
02:07.35sorphinmy usb driver kicked it out
02:07.45jbevrenthe flash partitions?
02:07.48sorphindrivers/usb/usbdrv.o: In function `isd200_get_inquiry_data':
02:07.48sorphindrivers/usb/usbdrv.o(.text+0x166bc): undefined reference to `ppc_generic_ide_fix_driveid'
02:07.48sorphindrivers/usb/usbdrv.o(.text+0x166bc): relocation truncated to fit: R_PPC_REL24 ppc_generic_ide_fix_driveid
02:07.51sorphinthe compile
02:08.13sorphinusb storage
02:08.18jbevrenyeah, but its looking for an ide flag
02:08.33jbevrentry enabling ide disk support and see if it'll build
02:08.39jbevrenI know it shouldnt need it
02:08.41sorphinyour prolly right
02:08.54sorphini'll just rip the usb out.. not gonna use it atm anyways
02:08.59jbevrenconsidering usb runs over the scsi code
02:09.04sorphini know
02:09.10jbevrennod.. just commenting :)
02:09.29sorphinit's "ISD-200 USB/ATA Bridge support"
02:09.36sorphinthat's proly why
02:10.17jbevrennot a generic blockdev?
02:10.32sorphini love not having to make clean just for ripping something out ;)
02:11.03jbevrenok, got a working .config for jffs2, mtd partitions, etc
02:12.08sorphinmtd: Giving out device 0 to Physically mapped flash                            
02:12.08sorphinUsing physmap definitions from physmap.c                                        
02:12.08sorphinCreating 3 MTD partitions on "Physically mapped flash":                        
02:12.08sorphin0x00000000-0x00600000 : "User Flash"                                            
02:12.08sorphinmtd: Giving out device 1 to User Flash                                          
02:12.10sorphin0x00600000-0x00700000 : "Linux Kernel"                                          
02:12.12sorphinmtd: Giving out device 2 to Linux Kernel                                        
02:12.14sorphin0x00700000-0x00800000 : "PPCBoot Firmware and variables"                        
02:12.19sorphinmtd: Giving out device 3 to PPCBoot Firmware and variables   yay
02:12.21jbevrencelebration ensues
02:12.55jbevrencant find shmfs in file systems
02:13.37sorphinmight be an x86 only thing?
02:13.46jbevrennaw, I have it in my other kernel
02:14.09jbevrenI opted for it in lieu of ramdisk
02:14.19GPSFanjbevren: can you dcc the patch again? was out..
02:14.37jbevrenI pinged you with the dcc so you'd request it later
02:15.09jbevrendont use the config-jbevren or whatever
02:15.10jbevrenits bust3d
02:17.19jbevrenI did have some changes in the mtdblock driver, cause the debug messages wouldnt go away
02:17.28jbevrenhowever, theyre gone (and the debug msg's too, so its ok)
02:18.01jbevrenjust need to decide wtf to do with the thing now :)
02:18.17jbevrencar mp3 player's sounding better by the moment :)
02:18.19jbevrenjust need a 3v soundcard
02:18.35jbevrenand a heatsink for the MPC, since trunks get -hot-
02:18.57jbevrenI need to get a car first
02:19.03sorphinyep :P
02:19.06sorphininto debt you go
02:19.18jbevrenI've saved
02:19.25jbevrenI have no intention on getting a new car anyway
02:19.36jbevrenI can get a good one with cash up front
02:19.56jbevrenand cash talks, you'd be surprised what a dealer will go down to if you tell them they dont have to mess with a bank
02:20.33sorphintill you walk out the door and they have your $ and you have their clunker ;)
02:21.01jbevrenmy brother's selling his, its in good shape, he's just tired of it and wants a pickup
02:21.14jbevrenwith big tires in the back!
02:21.17sorphinlime greeeeeeeeeen
02:21.30sorphinand an 8 track player
02:21.42jbevrenand a casette adapter sticking out of it
02:21.53jbevrenwith a casette/cd player adapter in it
02:21.54jbevrenlol :)
02:22.04sorphinand fuzzy purple dice :P
02:22.23sorphinand the license plate says.....
02:22.25sorphinwait for it....
02:22.53sorphini forget if it had the C or not
02:22.59sorphinjbevren: officespace you dork
02:23.05sorphinlumbergh's porsche
02:23.08jbevrenshoot me, but I havent seen it
02:23.22sorphin~shoot jbevren for never having seen officespace
02:23.31sorphineven my current boss finally saw it
02:23.36sorphini think Timmy still hasn't tho :P
02:23.41file[laptop]I will take my traveller's checks to a competing resort.
02:23.55sorphinfile[laptop]: i could have this place condemned
02:24.54sorphinfile[laptop]: just think of all the VoIP goodies you could buy w/ that $ ;)
02:27.36jbevrennow that I'm not crashing every other boot I guess I can disable -osync
02:28.09sorphinnever had mounted w/ that before
02:28.27jbevrenits good if you plan to crash a lot :)
02:28.38sorphinnah, xfs takes care of that for me ;)
02:28.47jbevrenyeah, jfs's allegedly do
02:28.53sorphinext3 didn't
02:28.59jbevrenthat didnt keep ext3fs from tossing a handful of files in /lost+found
02:28.59file[laptop]so help me god if this MP3 is in a foreign language
02:29.01file[laptop]I will kill.
02:29.13jbevrenfile: I have lots of foreign language mp3's
02:29.15jbevrentheyre good too
02:29.17SarahEmmXFS used to be one of the *worst* filesystems for crashing out
02:29.19SarahEmmit's not anymore?
02:29.27file[laptop]it's the lyrics I want espically
02:29.28sorphinjbevren: reisfer lost data for me, as did ext3
02:29.31sorphinSarahEmm: uhh...
02:29.31file[laptop]SarahEmm: XFS is goooooooooood
02:29.32jbevren/dev/mapper/guu-archive on /export/archive type xfs (rw)
02:29.41sorphini've been using XFS solid for quite a while
02:29.48sorphini can pull the plug right now
02:29.55sorphinnot even lose a byte
02:29.57SarahEmmokie :)
02:30.00jbevrenI've resized that LV (and fs) live quite a few times
02:30.26jbevrenI wait till I'm less than 5G open and drop 50G more into it :)
02:30.47sorphinwell, considering my physical space constraints
02:30.54jbevrenthis is a 3U server
02:31.06jbevrendoesnt use up too much space really
02:31.19sorphindid see listed on ebay
02:31.23sorphinholds 5 drives
02:31.32sorphinfits line.. 2? 5 1/4 bays
02:31.39jbevren <- fileserver
02:31.53sorphinseen that
02:31.55file[laptop]oh beautiful, 320kbps MP3
02:32.03jbevrendidnt know if sarah had
02:32.22sorphinfile[laptop]: i've had 320kbps mp3s that sounded like ass
02:32.36file[laptop]this is perfect.
02:32.39file[laptop]jbevren: that's scary
02:32.46jbevrenhowso? :)
02:33.03jbevrenaside from the mass of PATA ribbons
02:33.06sorphinjbevren: atleast you've been considerate enougha nd kept your self out of the pics ;)
02:34.21sorphinso aside from the 2 things at the bottom that aren't rack mount
02:34.25sorphineverythin else needs to be
02:34.28jbevrenI'm going to probably build a 5' rack for the basement
02:34.30sorphini'm outta space as it is
02:34.48sorphinwish the U30 could lay on it's side
02:35.06jbevrenBell Labs Unix Group Disbanded
02:35.32sorphinthat's the current state
02:35.43sorphinjbevren: heh, don't get me started
02:36.22jbevrensorphin: btw, is that just subfloor in your room?
02:36.30SarahEmmwhat's the 2500 at the top for sorphin?
02:36.32jbevrenoh I see it
02:36.36SarahEmmand what are the 3 towerey things?
02:36.48jbevrenthe crystals are slot-1 SBCs
02:36.52SarahEmmah cool :)
02:36.53sorphinSarahEmm: ok, starting at the top
02:37.02sorphin2924 (catalyst)
02:37.05SarahEmmooh, it's a cat
02:37.09SarahEmmlooked like a 2500 :)
02:37.10sorphin2511 (term server)
02:37.14SarahEmmoh. duh.
02:37.16SarahEmm*shuts up*
02:37.21sorphinthat's my serial console ;)
02:37.25SarahEmm*nods* :)
02:37.27SarahEmmi got that, after.
02:37.29sorphindslmodem and router
02:37.38sorphinshelf where the Ultra 5 goes
02:37.43sorphinthe crystals
02:37.53sorphinthen you have
02:37.59SarahEmmmy serial console server:
02:38.07sorphinthe xp box, giga, wibble and mewp
02:38.12jbevrenI use an annex server (8 ports)
02:38.23sorphinand then the U30 and the I2, and the mac mini
02:38.42jbevrentelnet annex 5008 -> orign 200 power controller
02:38.54jbevrentelnet annex 5007 -> origin 200 console
02:39.15jbevren2511. heh
02:39.19jbevrenI have an unused 2514
02:39.38sorphinconserv     23
02:39.38sorphincore   2001
02:39.38sorphinswitch     2002
02:39.38sorphinplink     2003
02:39.38sorphinultra5    2004
02:40.13sorphinSarahEmm: yah, he thinks he's slick cuz he has an origin he can't even hook up now ;)
02:40.24jbevrenmy bad
02:40.36jbevrensorphin: its the o2k I cant hook up
02:40.37SarahEmmcant hook up? why?
02:40.38jbevrenthe o200 I can, theyre 120v
02:40.41SarahEmmahhh okay
02:40.51SarahEmmnice :)
02:40.56SarahEmmkitriches just have an indigo and an i2
02:41.20jbevrenthe octane is a dual SSE
02:41.28jbevren1x 300mhz r12k
02:41.39jbevrenbilkis (the two o200's, linked) is 4x r12k 270, 1G ram
02:41.51jbevrenthe O2 still runs irix :)
02:42.08jbevrenr10k/175, 256M, camera/video in module
02:42.59jbevren..? :)
02:43.14sorphinall my boxes that aren't peecees that natively ran something else
02:43.18sorphinstill run something else :P
02:43.54jbevren Skuld (big laptop, decomissioned after stability issues) and my subnotebook
02:44.52sorphinya know
02:44.54sorphinyears ago
02:44.58jbevren puts the size of the fujitsu in scale :)
02:45.09jbevrenstar loved the thing (sitting at it in th picture)
02:45.14sorphini saw something
02:45.17sorphini've never seen since
02:45.21jbevrenwhats that
02:45.30sorphinan Alpha Notebook
02:45.40SarahEmmpurina! *meowmeow*
02:45.49jbevrentadpole made one I think
02:45.54sorphinthat was them
02:45.57jbevrenI almost had one but someone decidd it was worth $500 on me
02:46.11jbevrenbut I dont think it was a tadpole
02:46.16jbevrenand it wasnt made to run on batteries
02:46.28jbevrenit was more of a multia with lcd and keyboard
02:46.44sorphinthis was a real notebook
02:47.04sorphintalk about having something no one else in the office has :P
02:47.38sorphinone of those Sparc ones
02:47.49jbevrenI -really- wanted a PARISC one for a while
02:47.54jbevrenjust to have a hp/ux portable
02:48.10jbevrenthere was a (very short) time during which I liked hp/ux
02:48.30jbevrenwe even had the thing taking NIS info from a linubox
02:48.45jbevrenI just liked the LVM
02:48.48jbevrenwhich I have in linux now :)
02:49.37sorphintoo many choices
02:49.50sorphinand NOTHING
02:49.54sorphintold me the differences
02:50.03sorphinthey all did raid fsckin 5
02:50.03jbevren7x is newer, faster
02:50.07jbevrenby far
02:50.13jbevren6x's are about 40M/sec raid5
02:50.23jbevren7x's are around 150M/sec raid5 iirc
02:50.27jbevrenI use 6000s
02:52.08jbevrenthat was a client where I used to work
02:59.18sorphinso ubuntu is out
02:59.34jbevrenubuntu was nice..
02:59.35jbevrenfor a week
02:59.39jbevrenapt-get install xmms
02:59.40jbevrennot found
02:59.42jbevrenapt-get install mplayer
02:59.44jbevrennot found
02:59.55sorphinthat leaves... slackware, centos and i forget..
02:59.56jbevrenxine.. not found.. not found.. got tired of it and dist-upgraded to debian standard :)
03:03.07sorphintoo many damn linux distros
03:03.20fishheadanyone here worked with directFB
03:03.24fishheador some other embedded gui
03:03.42sarah_awayi've worked with TinyX if that counts
03:03.51sarah_awaywell back then it was TinyX
03:03.54sarah_awaynow it's like SmallX
03:04.08fishheadis smallX worth dealing with ?
03:04.11fishheador is it abandoned
03:04.17SarahEmmi'm not sure
03:04.20SarahEmmi dealt with it like 5y ago
03:05.49SarahEmmlooks syill supported
03:06.10SarahEmmi go for a bit *wave*
03:08.52jbevrenuse debian/unstable
03:08.56jbevrenalways up to date
03:09.08sorphinpool/ you mean :P
03:10.52sorphinwell, not like the crystal has power graphics :P
03:10.58sorphini'll have to get a 32M pci vid card
03:11.46sorphinit's got a 4M something
03:12.03jbevren4M's enough for 1280x1024
03:12.11sorphinat 8bit color :P
03:12.23sorphin256 colours :P
03:12.30sorphinoh wait
03:12.34sorphinthat 65536
03:12.42jbevrenI use a 4M matrox with my fixed-freq DECs
03:12.48jbevrenget 65k colors
03:12.55sorphinwell, we'll see
03:13.02sorphinassuming i ever get an OS on this bitch
03:13.41sorphinno KDE
03:14.30*** join/#elinux GPSFan_ (n=Ken@
03:14.37sorphinGPSFan_: re
03:15.25sorphinjbevren: so you taken a kernel then and cat <kernel> > /dev/mtd2 ?
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03:18.10sorphinfile[laptop]: re
03:22.40GPSFan_sorphin: hey..
03:28.09GPSFan_sorphin: did you see that after they raised the shipping price that none of the A3000's sold, I think there were ~3 bids, all way below reserve.
03:28.40sorphinjbevren: heh
03:28.41sorphinroot@A3000:~# cat /dev/mtdblock2 > kernel                                      
03:28.41sorphinOops: kernel access of bad area, sig: 11                                        
03:28.41sorphinNIP: C0050A50 XER: 00000000 LR: C002A0C4 SP: C522DEA0 REGS: c522ddf0 TRAP: 0300d
03:28.41sorphinMSR: 00009032 EE: 1 PR: 0 FP: 0 ME: 1 IR/DR: 11                                
03:28.41sorphinDAR: D6EA111D, DSISR: 20000000                                                  
03:28.42sorphinTASK = c522c000[163] 'cat' Last syscall: 3
03:29.09sorphinh o s e d. time for reboot ;)
03:30.05jbevrenmake sure the width is set to 1
03:30.10sorphinit is
03:30.26sorphinwhat's your minor/major for the block devs?
03:30.26jbevrenppc:~# cat /dev/mtdblock2 > kernel
03:30.35jbevrenshrug :(
03:30.40sorphinls -l /dev
03:30.43jbevrenoh for major I used /proc/devices
03:30.46jbevrenfor minor I used 0 1 2 3
03:30.58jbevrenbrw-r--r--  1 root root 31, 0 Jun 13 06:03 /dev/mtdblock0
03:30.58jbevrenbrw-r--r--  1 root root 31, 1 Jun 13 06:06 /dev/mtdblock1
03:30.58jbevrenbrw-r--r--  1 root root 31, 2 Jun 13 06:06 /dev/mtdblock2
03:30.58jbevrenbrw-r--r--  1 root root 31, 3 Jun 13 06:06 /dev/mtdblock3
03:31.03sorphinwell hell
03:31.07sorphinthat's what i used
03:31.54sorphinguess somethign else is hosed
03:35.10sorphini don't get it
03:37.22sorphinthis time it wasn't a segv
03:37.37sorphinincoming flood just for jbevren:
03:37.38sorphinroot@A3000:~# cat /dev/mtdblock2 > kernel                                      
03:37.38sorphinkernel BUG at page_alloc.c:108!                                                
03:37.38sorphinOops: Exception in kernel mode, sig: 4                                          
03:37.38sorphinNIP: C00317F0 XER: 00000000 LR: C00317F0 SP: C522DD40 REGS: c522dc90 TRAP: 0700d
03:37.38sorphinMSR: 00089032 EE: 1 PR: 0 FP: 0 ME: 1 IR/DR: 11                                
03:37.40sorphinTASK = c522c000[183] 'cat' Last syscall: 3                                      
03:37.42sorphinlast math c522c000 last altivec 00000000                                        
03:37.44sorphinGPR00: C00317F0 C522DD40 C522C000 00000020 00001032 00000001 00000020 C01B0000  
03:37.46sorphinGPR08: 00000000 00000000 0000001F C522DC60 C002A0C4 1001A334 00000000 0FEB0000  
03:37.48sorphinGPR16: 102B0000 C7E4D100 C01A31C0 0FFC1000 C01B0000 00000000 0FFC1000 C7E4D100  
03:37.50sorphinGPR24: 102B0000 00000001 00000000 00111000 00000000 00000000 C5202AC0 C02EA638  
03:37.52sorphinCall backtrace:                                                                
03:37.54sorphinC00317F0 C00324F4 C0032B54 C0024A14 C0024EC8 C00280AC C0013408                  
03:37.56sorphinC0018ABC C001F848 C000A3DC C0005E88 10012410 3000E1A0 0FF3307C                  
03:37.58sorphin10000B3C 10001584 0FEDA188 00000000                                            
03:38.04sorphinIllegal instruction  
03:38.06sorphinguess it just doesn't like me
03:38.13sorphinbefore it was sig11, this round it's that
03:38.19jbevrenI assume you've run the memory tests
03:38.24sorphinbut this time
03:38.28sorphini can still df
03:38.35sorphinlast time (the sig11) i couldn't
03:38.40sorphini have before, yes
03:38.59sorphinshouldn't be relevant to the flash device tho :P
03:40.15sorphindid it a 2nd time (tho reading ppcboot this time), not it segvs
03:42.51jbevrenwant to try my image?
03:46.11jbevrenI -think- that has ramdisk :)
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03:46.38sorphinwell, i just bootm 400000 ff800000'd so...
03:48.14sorphinworks if i cat /dev/mtd2 > kernel
03:48.19sorphinjust the block device doesn't
03:48.25sorphinleast not on my kernel
03:48.27sorphinlemme check yours
03:48.55sorphinwell hell
03:49.00sorphinyour kernel it works
03:49.43sorphincat'ing mtd2 pulled 6M
03:49.50sorphincat'ing mtdblock2 pulled 1M
03:54.39sorphinon my kernel
03:54.42sorphinmtd works
03:54.45sorphinmtdblock doesn't
03:56.16sorphin~lart kernel
04:00.13jbevrenmtd2 is char?
04:05.30sorphinso now what? heh
04:26.50jbevrenSara has my mainboard lol
04:26.56jbevrencept mine has a p3/1400 in it
04:29.04SarahEmmi do?
04:29.09SarahEmmor another sara[h]?
04:32.00jbevrenyou do
04:32.04jbevrenthe slot-1 board :)
04:32.07jbevrenis it a p3b?
04:33.21SarahEmmi have no idea *giggle*
04:33.34SarahEmmit's downstairs, i'm upstairs
04:33.38SarahEmmit's currently in production too
04:33.49SarahEmmit's my Asterisk server
04:33.55jbevrenmy fastest and smoothest-running system
04:33.56SarahEmmyou're looking at my desk piccies?
04:33.59jbevrenp3-t 1400mhz
04:34.01jbevrenyeah :)
04:34.02jbevrenI was
04:34.33SarahEmmahh :)
04:34.40SarahEmmyeah, it's in almost the same form it was in in those pictures ;)
04:34.46SarahEmmit's running in a set of drawers
04:34.56SarahEmmtop drawer is the PC drawer, one drawer down is full of POTS equipment
04:35.01SarahEmmit's high tech ;)
04:39.08jbevrenok time for rest
04:45.52jbevrenbedtime for real
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10:44.53henkHi, i've build a device that currently is controled with ttl serial IO, I want to give it tcp/ip. For this i'm looking for a cheap device that i can use as the IO interface. This interface whould have to do TCP/IP, be a 'safe' filter so i can legaly connect my device to a network, it whould have to be small and cheap. Finaly i whould very much like it to run linux so i can easily write my software to capture and handle the commands. any hints?
10:48.21*** join/#elinux smartbhai (n=smartbha@
10:48.30smartbhaihi people
10:48.57smartbhaii want to use linux on the AT89C5132
10:49.03smartbhaiis it possible
13:15.49*** join/#elinux prpplague (n=billybob@
13:16.55sorphinprpplague: yeeehaw. the plague is in the shanty
13:17.41prpplaguesorphin: not shanty, they are called chattel houses
13:17.45prpplaguesorphin :)
13:18.47sorphinprpplague: ah
13:19.05*** join/#elinux Soopaman (n=soopaman@
13:20.56sorphinprpplague: whats new on the Isle of Plague?
13:21.21prpplaguesorphin: nothing other than i did not sleep well last night
13:21.28sorphinah, fun
13:21.32sorphini do that every night :P
13:22.34sorphinprpplague: charming
13:23.41sorphinprpplague: someday, your house will be that big ;)
13:23.48sorphinjust keep thinking big
13:24.13prpplaguesorphin: since many people build their own houses, the property tax authority has two tax rate, one for underconstruction, and the other for completed homes
13:24.33prpplaguesorphin: the last thing that they considered needed to be complete is for the house to be painted
13:24.54*** join/#elinux jayakumar2 (n=jaya@
13:24.58prpplaguesorphin: so alot of ppl never paint their homes so they are charged the lower tax rate for uncompleted house
13:25.07sorphinprpplague: heh
13:26.43sorphinprpplague: so which of these is chez plague? ;)
13:26.45prpplaguesorphin: i have a hard time getting work done when i don't sleep well
13:29.34*** join/#elinux GPSFan (n=Ken@
13:33.13sorphinGPSFan: moin ken
13:36.13sorphinGPSFan: how's things on the farm?
13:44.57GPSFansorphin: chilly last night, looks to be a nice day today. still haven't had a chance to compile the new kernel, did you & jbevren make any more progress last night?
13:47.40sorphinGPSFan: his stuff all works
13:47.50sorphinmine.. well, i can read from the char mtd devices
13:47.54sorphinbut reading from the mtdblock
13:47.57sorphinpanics for me
13:48.05sorphintried his kernel
13:48.06sorphinworks fine
13:48.10sorphincode is the same
13:48.12sorphinso i dunno wtf
13:48.20sorphinjust rebuilt again for kicks
13:48.29jbevrensorphin: hey, does it panic if you only read 512 bytes?
13:50.35sorphinhaven't tried that yet
13:50.38sorphinwill in  a tick
13:50.51jbevrenmy first tests were fine as long as you didnt let linux hit the end of the device
13:52.10sorphinwell, i was reading the kernel mtdblock
13:52.12Soopamananyone here dev in osx?
13:52.16sorphinso i dunno how it would have
13:52.36sorphinSoopaman: why look at me? you don't even like me :P
13:54.07Soopamansorphin, i like you when you have clues on getting a sane dev box in osx :)
13:55.19sorphinjbevren: well
13:55.20jbevrensorphin: no probs reading the user flash partition?
13:55.22sorphinroot@A3000:~# dd if=/dev/mtdblock2 of=/dev/null bs=512 count=1                                                           1+0 records in                                                                                                           1+0 records out                                                                                                        
13:55.41sorphintho i just recompiled the kernel again
13:55.53sorphini dunno if i dare try cat'ing again
13:55.59sorphinif i panic, i can't reboot
13:56.08jbevrendd if=/dev/mtdblock2 of=/dev/null bs=512k count=2 skip=1
13:56.10jbevrenthats true
13:56.14jbevrenso about the parallel port reset :)
13:56.19jbevrencan you send a break signal?
13:57.49sorphinjbevren: will it even respond to a break? :P
13:58.03sorphinCosmicPenguin: morning mr 64bit
13:58.30sorphinthanks alot
13:58.39sorphinjbevren: panic
13:58.44sorphinspam of last command: malloc: block on free list clobbered                                                                      
13:59.33sorphinwell, break knocked me outta the shell, but i was able to reboot
14:00.15*** join/#elinux grantham (n=grantham@
14:04.28granthamis there an easy way to get fdisk to allow me to create a partition table in a file rather than on a device?
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14:05.40jbevrensorphin: My thought was, this evening you could build a reset generator
14:05.52jbevrenthey have reset generators that watch for a break signal ;-)
14:06.01CosmicPenguingrantham: I don't think that there is - fdisk depends a lot on having the local media around has a couple circuit diagrams methinks
14:06.21jbevrenhah.  Someone from england is trying to exercize the dmca
14:06.43sorphinjbevren: the point is.. i shouldn't need one :P
14:07.23sorphinCosmicPenguin: and loopfs won't work, because i've never seen loopfs allowing you partition (which is a shame)
14:08.01CosmicPenguinsorphin: furthermore, where would you get the geometry of your target disk?
14:08.26CosmicPenguinPartition tables have everything to do with the disk at hand - that whats makes them such a pain in the hey-hey!
14:09.36prpplagueCosmicPenguin: email?
14:09.44prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i never did find that email you sent
14:10.45sorphinjbevren: i guess it just doesn't like me, i dunno.. using the same kernel source, same toolchain..
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14:10.57jbevrensame binary at one point
14:11.10sorphinthe same binary (kernel) worked flawless
14:11.14sorphinwhich is odd then
14:11.17jbevrenohh mine worked?
14:11.22CosmicPenguinprpplague: never mind - the moment was sort of lost.. :)
14:11.23jbevrenI thought you had probs with my bin
14:11.28prpplagueCosmicPenguin: oh ok
14:11.30sorphinjbevren: nope
14:11.33sorphinno probs w/ yours
14:11.36sorphinyours worked
14:11.40prpplagueCosmicPenguin: sorry then i wasn't able to help
14:11.41jbevrenvery odd, then
14:11.51CosmicPenguinOr 17th, rather
14:11.52sorphinCosmicPenguin: lucky
14:12.01sorphintrade ya
14:12.23sorphini'd rather go to germany than florida
14:12.23granthammy goal is to create an image (as a file) that contains the bootloader stage1, partion table, stage1.5, ext2 partition containing kernel, stage2, etc
14:12.41granthamand that is why i am trying to create a partition table in a file
14:13.46sorphingrantham: i don't blame you, heh
14:14.36CosmicPenguinBut its very difficult - there's a reason why most bootloaders require the physical media to install themselves
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14:15.22sorphinbout the only way i know of is create it on the media
14:15.27sorphinthen dd it off
14:15.38granthamCosmicPenguin, what is the reason for saying it is very difficult?
14:16.00CosmicPenguingrantham: because you need to know the geometry of the physical media
14:16.30CosmicPenguinAnd even if you hacked fdisk to take a CHS parameter, grub and lilo still need the physical media present to install themselves
14:16.57CosmicPenguinThe only bootloader that I know of today that doesn't require the physical media is syslinux
14:17.24granthamCosmicPenguin, are you refering to the need for the stage1 to know about the sector number for the stage1.5? is that what you mean by needing to know the geometry?
14:17.34CosmicPenguingrantham: yes and no
14:17.51granthamCosmicPenguin, is CHS cylin head sector?
14:17.56CosmicPenguingrantham: yes
14:18.16CosmicPenguingrantham: first of all, the partition table is defined by pointing at the starting sector for each partition
14:18.23granthamwhat did your prior no refer to, and how does syslinux get past this?
14:18.46CosmicPenguinthe starting sector of a partition has everything to do with the geometry of the disk - so you need to specifically specifiy the geometry of your disk when creating a partition table
14:19.11CosmicPenguinWhich you can do, but then you restrict yourself to only being able to use your image on disks of the exact same geometry
14:19.41granthamCosmicPenguin, that is a reasonable tradeoff. fdisk could offer me the option of telling it about my desired geometry
14:19.53CosmicPenguinFurthermore, bootloaders like lilo and grub do have intimate knowledge of  the disk geometry to determine where to install the stages
14:20.02CosmicPenguinsyslinux is a dos loader, so it doesn't have that restriction
14:20.13granthamdos loader?
14:20.38CosmicPenguinsyslinux works the same as a DOS bootloader
14:20.38granthamruning in real mode?
14:20.56CosmicPenguinexcept that it loads a linux kernel instead of
14:21.27granthamwould it not still have the same need to know geometry or does it use some bios services?
14:22.44sorphinjbevren: i dunno what else to do, heh
14:23.26CosmicPenguingrantham: I don't think it really cares what the disk geometry is, but if it did, it would get it from the BIOS services, yes
14:28.51CosmicPenguinhmmmm.....  /me has issues
14:29.18sorphinwhy does today have to be wednesday?
14:29.22ibotWednesday sucks, because it is only half way through the week.
14:29.23CosmicPenguinIf I got to germany they week of the 12th, my wife will be out of town too
14:29.37sorphinand that's an issue how?
14:29.37CosmicPenguinBut if I go the next week, then I won't see my wife for two whole weeks
14:29.49CosmicPenguinsorphin: because then we need to find somebody to take care of the house and the cats
14:29.54granthamfor some people, that's a good thing
14:30.16sorphinand houses can usually take care of themselves
14:30.29granthamso can cats
14:30.35sorphinstop your mail at the postoffice, neighbor feed the cats
14:30.39sorphinoff ya go
14:30.44CosmicPenguinMy house is very immature - it needs to be watched constantly, or it will do something stupid.. :)
14:30.55sorphinCosmicPenguin: like collapse?
14:31.10granthamor hold a keg party
14:31.13CosmicPenguinlast time we went on vacation, it beat up the house behind us and took their rose bushes
14:31.41sorphinCosmicPenguin: wow
14:31.55CosmicPenguinyeah, that was just horrible
14:31.57sorphinthat defines a whole new meaning to 'roughhousing'
14:32.14CosmicPenguinthat was funny, but even higher on the groan-o-meter
14:32.31prpplaguewhat are we talking about for bootloaders?
14:32.34sorphinthanks, i'll be here all week, try the veal.
14:32.43CosmicPenguinprpplague: not your kind of bootloader
14:32.45CosmicPenguingo back to sleep
14:32.50CosmicPenguinits that useless x86 crap that you hate
14:33.35granthamdon't partition tables exist on other archs as well?
14:33.42sorphinoh gee.. the basic xbox 360 won't have a hdd, ethernet cable or wireless controller.. oh no! :-P
14:33.51prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ahh
14:33.58sorphingrantham: yes, they do exist
14:34.02CosmicPenguinI read they're planning like 6 incremental revisions of the thing
14:34.12CosmicPenguinprobably to introduce new DRM every time as the previous one is broken within a month
14:34.24sorphinCosmicPenguin: god forbid they don't include a cheap piece of cat5
14:34.32Soopamanthe "platinum" one is being released first
14:34.32CosmicPenguinthats crazy talk
14:34.41Soopamanwith all the gadgets for a cheaper price
14:34.49Soopamanin an effort to get market share quick
14:34.52granthamprpplague, my goal was to create an image (as a file) that contains the bootloader stage1, partion table, stage1.5, ext2 partition containing kernel, stage2, etc. the guys convinced me that this was not easily doable
14:35.05sorphinSoopaman: the platinum one won't have jack in it then? :P
14:35.09sorphincuz that's the $299 one
14:35.19prpplaguegrantham: yea, not with x86
14:35.21sorphinthe $399 has a hdd (and i care because?)
14:35.42granthamprpplague, is it any different on say pxa?
14:35.52CosmicPenguinBecause it can't be a windows box without a ginormous hard drive
14:36.03sorphinCosmicPenguin: true
14:36.09sorphinCosmicPenguin: most of it swap space
14:36.28prpplaguegrantham: some ARM and MIPS support booting from several types of media
14:36.30sorphinfor the 3 P4s to coredump
14:36.43granthamprpplague, i'm not sure how that would address the problem though
14:37.07prpplaguegrantham: and what problem is that?
14:37.17CosmicPenguinprpplague: the important thing there is that ARM and MIPS don't need disk stage bootloaders
14:37.23CosmicPenguin~lart intel
14:37.25granthamprpplague, that is, i don't see a utility that i can tell about geometry and then instruct to make partition tables inside a file
14:38.10granthamprpplague, i agree that arm/mips don't need multistage bootloaders. but for argument purposes, let's say you wanted to make a partitioning scheme
14:38.22granthamthat was similar across all the archs your code was targeted for
14:39.01CosmicPenguingrantham: but my point earlier was that is a fairly useless thing anyway - unless you are targeting one drive type and one drive type only
14:39.05prpplaguegrantham: well, thats just it, most images are specific to a hardware device
14:39.12CosmicPenguins/drive type/drive model/
14:39.15granthamtrue, true
14:40.02granthambut it would be nice to do one build where all your target device (including disk geometry) was in your build config files
14:40.15sorphinSoopaman: looking at the feature comparison.. the $399 one doesn't offer squat that's worth that much.. wireless controllers and a hdd, that's it..
14:40.15granthamand then it would generate disk images for all your archs
14:40.55CosmicPenguingrantham: you can easily write a utility like that in a single afternoon
14:41.02CosmicPenguinassuming you use a media-less bootloader like syslinux
14:41.25granthamdoes syslinux work on non x86?
14:42.06CosmicPenguinbut most non x86 architectures don't need a disk stage bootloader anyway
14:42.40prpplaguethe way we determine sdram and other configs is by hardwiring 4 gpios. this gives us 16 different configurations we can support
14:43.47*** join/#elinux SarahEmm (
14:44.00sorphinSarahEmm: morning
14:44.07granthamCosmicPenguin, i agree with your point. i concede. :-)
14:44.18SarahEmmmorning :)
14:44.44ibotMornings MUST be destroyed! (see also
14:44.48ibotaw, gee, kergoth
14:45.07sorphin~cluebat kergoth for even speaking the work mornings
14:45.07ibotACTION pulls out a ClueBat (tm) and thwaps kergoth for even speaking the work mornings.
14:45.26sorphinsleep that actually works
14:45.28pb_"work mornings" does sound even worse
14:45.31sorphinif that's possible
14:45.38pb_probably as bad a two-word combination as one could think of
14:45.42sorphinpb_: wotcher mr phil
14:45.47sorphinpb_: indeed
14:45.49pb_hi sorphin
14:46.44sorphinprpplague: just hook up the I.V. already
14:47.21sorphinprpplague: he's becoming a network monkey ;)
14:47.25CosmicPenguinsounds like he is
14:47.52SarahEmmwoo! netmonkey!
14:47.54SarahEmm<-- NOCstrich
14:48.08sorphin^^^^^^^^^ = loon ;)
14:48.31SarahEmmi like it :)
14:48.55sorphinhope your noc is more useful :P
14:48.56SarahEmmi'm tempted to put a sign saying 'do not tap on the glass. it scares the NOC analysts.'
14:49.01sorphinours likes to punt tickets
14:49.17SarahEmmwhere i work:
14:49.29SarahEmmours is useful :) but i'm biased.
14:50.08sorphindo you punt and run?
14:50.19prpplaguelook there is a guy downloading pr0n in that photo
14:50.27sorphinprpplague: of course
14:50.33sorphinwtf else do you do at 3am?
14:50.50SarahEmmlol prpplague
14:51.10SarahEmmthat's a media photo.. i've never seen it look anywhere near that sterile irl...
14:51.17SarahEmmthere's usually a lot more coke cans and pizza boxes around ;)
14:51.24prpplaguehehe, rhinna is #2 on the pop charts this week, hehe
14:51.58sorphinSarahEmm: not to mention, lit
14:52.00CosmicPenguinThis has been your random topic comment for Wednesday
14:52.02sorphinNOCs are dark :P
14:52.05CosmicPenguinThank you for listening
14:52.51SarahEmmsorphin: heh, we have two groups of thought and two groups of people on that. one side has the lights on, one off.
14:52.57SarahEmmwhenever i'm around, they're off :P
14:53.47sorphinweirdos (the light son people)
14:54.08SarahEmmagreed re: weirdos
14:54.11sorphincourse, i'm an a split office
14:54.14SarahEmmnono fluorescents :P
14:54.22sorphinSarahEmm: this isnt' overhead
14:54.30SarahEmmdoesn't matter :P
14:54.31prpplaguesorphin: she's from barbados, my office is about 4 blocks from her mothers chattel house
14:54.40sorphinwell, have to have somethign on to see
14:54.55sorphinand a disco ball won't fit :P
14:54.55SarahEmmthe light from the screens at the front of the room is enough
14:55.04SarahEmmand we're a fishbowl so the light coming through the windows at the back
14:55.14sorphinSarahEmm: well, there's only my desk, a monitor and a laptop
14:55.17SarahEmmahh ok
14:55.22sorphini'm not in the noc
14:56.10sorphinprpplague: funny, you hear abotu US artists everywhere, but you heard about everywhere artists, everywhere but the US
14:57.51sorphinwell, atleast there's one US artist we won't prolly hear from ever again, thank god
14:57.55prpplaguesorphin: i've just been following it since i had meet her family once
14:58.20prpplaguesorphin: which artist is that?
14:58.35sorphinprpplague: did you tell them you'll be easy one them once you're surpreme ruler of barbados? ;)
14:58.46sorphinprpplague: britney and her fake spears
14:59.08sorphinthere's the random photo here and there now, but i don't think she'll be recording squat again
14:59.14sorphingood riddance
14:59.22CosmicPenguinshe recorded squat before
14:59.26CosmicPenguinoh, wait... that was scat
14:59.27prpplaguesorphin: hehe, no, i spoke to them in the supermarket line
14:59.27sorphingood point
14:59.28CosmicPenguinmy mistake
14:59.38sorphinCosmicPenguin: i thought that was crap?
14:59.48CosmicPenguintomato tomahto
15:00.31CosmicPenguinHe one an emmy last year - is that not recent enough for you?
15:00.47sorphinCosmicPenguin: it was annouced before his last tour he did
15:01.01sorphin"this is the last time that you'll hear any of his old stuff performed"
15:01.07sorphinsomething to that effect
15:01.09CosmicPenguinWell, his new stuff was decent
15:01.11sorphinnot becaus eit's old
15:01.18sorphinbecause of content
15:01.27sorphinit's now "against his religion"
15:01.34sorphinbut then
15:01.45sorphinso is getting a blood transfusion that can save your life
15:02.04CosmicPenguinHey, I don't need Prince's approval to party like its 1999
15:02.09sorphinCosmicPenguin: most of his new stuff is released through NPG
15:02.18GPSFansorphin: can you dcc me your's & jbevren's kernel?
15:02.19sorphinif not all
15:02.26sorphinGPSFan: yes
15:02.33sorphinPlease Hold
15:02.41kergothany opinions on embedded/small dns servers?
15:02.47GPSFanthanks, let me see if I can figure out what's up..
15:03.47sorphinkergoth: sw wise?
15:04.14SarahEmmgah, okay, i give up on this cable and build one from scratch :P
15:04.22kergothsorphin: yeah
15:04.27sorphinSarahEmm: cat5 :P
15:04.34SarahEmmand an IC :)
15:04.37prpplaguepb_: i've been stuck on this juicebox bootloader for over a week
15:04.52sorphinprpplague: maybe your juicebox is empty? ;)
15:05.01sorphinkergoth: definately not BIND then
15:05.13prpplaguepb_: i've never dealt with arm asm this complexe before and can't seem to get anywhere with it
15:05.22pb_prpplague: oh dear
15:05.24sorphini personally don't like it, but some use djbdns, there's tinydns
15:05.24kergothsorphin: well obviously :P
15:05.50prpplaguepb_: any hints on dealing with large asm apps?
15:05.58pb_prpplague: sorry, not really
15:06.38sorphinprpplague: you're tough, you can make it
15:07.14prpplaguesorphin: hehe, i'm probably gonna have to put it aside for a week or two while my brain cooks on the problem
15:07.51CosmicPenguindjbdns scratches an itch though
15:08.12sorphinprpplague: one order of plague brain, well done please
15:08.52sorphinCosmicPenguin: i don't care for his config/hierarchy layout, schilly does the same crap
15:09.12sorphintries to force their own non-standard layout/beliefs w/ their code
15:09.14CosmicPenguinYeah, but as far as I can tell, its either that or bind
15:09.18CosmicPenguinthere is no middle ground
15:09.29sorphinCosmicPenguin: depends on what scale
15:09.41kergoththere was a decent dns app, but i cant remember the nam eof it
15:09.46sorphinthere are other dns servers
15:09.55kergothfor embedded i mean
15:10.00sorphinthose are just the 2 'mainstream'
15:10.47kergoth looks decent if all you need is caching/forwarding
15:10.53kergothbut i need actual local resolution / db
15:10.55sorphinkergoth: 310 projects matching dns on freshmeat
15:11.03kergothyeah, i'm there :P
15:11.14GPSFansorphin: I thought that you built your kernel from the same sources/patch/config & compiler as jbevren. yours is ~30k smaller, I'm wondering what's missing. SCSI?
15:11.22sorphinkergoth: we'll make a network monkey of you yet ;)
15:11.24CosmicPenguinwell, I use djbdns on my firewall, and I don't mind it
15:11.28CosmicPenguinbut I'm not in the biz, so... :)
15:11.29sorphinGPSFan: yes
15:11.33sorphinno scsi
15:11.42sorphinbut + usb
15:11.44CosmicPenguinI guess thats like telling me that dietlibc is a better choice then uclibc
15:11.55GPSFansorphin: ah, so we are comparing apples & grapes... ;>)
15:12.10CosmicPenguinThey both make a mean wine
15:12.14sorphinGPSFan: has no bearing on the MTD code tho :P
15:12.40sorphinif he'll give me his current .config
15:12.48sorphini'll compile and see what happens
15:13.13sorphinCosmicPenguin: dietlibc has more less calories, but also less flavor than uclibc ;)
15:13.28GPSFansorphin: probably not, but I was under the impression that you were first trying to build an identical kernel, then later progressing on to mods.
15:13.28CosmicPenguinplus it causes cancer in laboratory rats
15:14.02kergothwoot, brought my iriver into work today
15:14.03sorphinGPSFan: i'll do that if i get his .config
15:14.06kergothyay for lack of silence :P
15:14.13sorphinkergoth: wussy
15:14.26GPSFansorphin: ah,
15:14.44sorphinGPSFan: i didn't know about the mtdblock problem till after
15:15.04sorphinmaybe my flash isn't aligned the same as it is in IA
15:15.06sorphinwho knows
15:18.41kergothhmm, i really would like my own work area and computer
15:18.42kergothand a damn fan
15:20.38kergothgah, lilo wont compile with these 2.6.0 linux-libc-headers
15:23.18CosmicPenguinStabbing people on your second day? :)
15:23.29kergoth4th, and yes :)
15:34.00sorphinkergoth is violent
15:34.14sorphinyou wouldn't know it by looking at him
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15:43.42kergothsorphin: hehe. most of the time i'm harmless. most of the time.
15:44.06CosmicPenguinYeah, I've seen that
15:44.58kergothdamn lilo
15:47.41jbevren. o O ( linuxbios )
15:47.46jbevrenI just hate PC bioses
15:47.56jbevrendealing with the 896M limit on a server now
15:48.03jbevrenclient insists he doesnt need highmem
15:48.13kergothTimRiker: know any good embedded dns servers offhand?
15:58.47*** join/#elinux kergoth_ (
16:01.33prpplagueTimRiker: hey
16:01.39prpplagueTimRiker: how are things?
16:01.59prpplagueTimRiker: any news lately on aeronix folk?
16:02.30GPSFansorphin: when you patched your sources, dod you use jbevren's patch or did you do it by hand. Also did you have any problems when compilong physmap.c?
16:03.14jbevrenGPSFan: having compile issues?
16:03.20jbevrenfinally a spare milisecond
16:04.50GPSFanjbevren: yes, used your patch and got "physmap.c:70 'CONFIG_MTD_PHYSMAP_LEN' undeclared here (not in function)" among other similar errors.
16:05.05sorphinGPSFan: by hand, and no compile issues, no
16:05.18sorphinjbevren: gimme your .config
16:05.44jbevrenGPSFan: did you enable partitions?
16:05.51jbevrenI'm not 100% certain that I put the ifdefs in the right spots
16:06.11GPSFanjbevren: used your config as well I think.
16:06.14sorphinjev: *poke* i need your .config so i can try to make an exact same kernel see if mine fails then
16:06.20sorphinjbevren: ^^^
16:06.41jbevrenyou'll need to enable ramdisk in this
16:06.53prpplaguepb_: you use the bdi2000 right?
16:06.56jbevrensince I use tmpfs and jffs2
16:07.10sorphinjbevren: heh, that's step 3002
16:15.27TimRikerprpplague: no word here.
16:15.56prpplagueTimRiker: lovely
16:18.03GPSFanjbevren: better, think I forgot to do a make clean or something like that, compiled and now boots. What do I need to do to the ramdisk?
16:19.51jbevrenGPSFan: just enable ramdisk block dev
16:19.56jbevrensince I dont use a ramdisk I have it off in that .config
16:20.34GPSFanjbevren: ok
16:21.56sorphinand set the size ;)
16:22.02sorphin4M won't be big enough
16:22.08jbevren40's the size of the unpacked RD
16:22.23sorphinjust add a 0 at the end of what's there
16:23.17sorphinif this don't work
16:23.18sorphini give up :P
16:23.39sorphinmust be planet alignment or something
16:27.29GPSFanjbevren: compiled, bet it needs something in the kernel command line too..
16:29.48jbevren <- nope. :)
16:29.53jbevrenthe code makes assumptions based on my edit
16:30.17GPSFanjbevren: => VFS: Cannot open root device "" or 03:01
16:30.17GPSFanPlease append a correct "root=" boot option
16:30.17GPSFanKernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 03:01
16:30.18jbevrensetenv bootargs mem=128M root=/dev/mtdblock1 rw  is what I used for testing
16:30.30jbevrendid you specify root=/dev/ram? :)
16:30.48jbevrenmight want to rdev the kernel before making a pImage out of it :)
16:30.54jbevrenlinux assumes floppy ;-)
16:31.08pb_prpplague: nope, no bdi2000 here
16:34.00sorphinjbevren: i've not had that issue yet
16:34.05sorphinwe'll see what happens this round
16:34.22jbevrenI use a env var that sets bootargs
16:34.30jbevrennet=setenv bootargs mem=128M root=/dev/sda1 ro; tftpboot 400000 ppc; bootm 400000
16:34.48jbevrenthen type 'run net' on the cmdline
16:35.12sorphin0>Rebooting in 180 seconds..
16:35.22sorphinprob is
16:35.27sorphinit doesn't reboot usually
16:35.34jbevrenyeah I noticed that
16:35.40sorphinwell great
16:35.46sorphingood thing i'm going home for lunch :P
16:35.58jbevrengonna build your break-signal reset circuit?
16:36.11sorphinwith what? a stick of gum?
16:36.14jbevrendoesnt this thing have a WDT?
16:36.31jbevrenif the kernel panics, the WDT can reset
16:37.15sorphini think that's what throws out that 180 seconds, i dunno
16:37.21sorphincuz i've seen that not in the kernel
16:37.28sorphinbut if it is a WDT
16:37.30sorphinit sure don't work
16:37.46file[laptop]seems like the entire thing doesn't work quite right
16:38.28sorphinit DID reboot
16:38.52file[laptop]patience is a virtue?
16:38.52sorphinjbevren: guess it does have a working wdt
16:39.04sorphinfile[laptop]: indeed mr file, indeed
16:40.27sorphinseems to have its limits tho, if the OS is still alive, it won't
16:40.48sorphini wonder if linux can support it (i.e. in the WDT kernel config)
16:42.35GPSFanjbevren: no luck, it's still not finding the ramdisk, so it is something in the way I'm compiling/config since your binary kernel finds it ok, and is +100k larger than what I compiled.
16:42.38sorphinwell, going to lunch now
16:42.51sorphinGPSFan: least the WDT works :)
16:43.40jbevrenare you including the ramdisk on the artis prompt?
16:44.03jbevrenbootm 400000 ff800000
16:44.20GPSFanjbevren: in your kernel no in mine yes, and no. doesnt work either way, that's the bootm I used.
16:45.15GPSFanjbevren: I think a clue is in the kernel sizes, if I used your .config, they should be roughly the same size.
16:46.26prpplagueTimRiker: when are you moving
16:48.52jbevrenGPSFan: curious, considering I only changed the mtd code
16:50.46GPSFanjbevren: indeed, I'm looking through the .config's now.
16:55.31CosmicPenguin~quote amd
16:55.40CosmicPenguinYay us!
16:59.04sorphinGPSFan: his .config doens't create a ramdisk tho
16:59.59jbevrenthere's one in flash :P
17:00.01jbevrenno need to make one
17:00.06sorphinjbevren: nono
17:00.13sorphinallocate in ram
17:00.27jbevrenisnt that done by the initrd code?
17:00.39jbevrenthe firmware loads the ramdisk into memory
17:00.44jbevrentells the kernel where it is
17:01.36sorphinthat, you bonehead
17:02.27jbevrenmy ocnfig doesnt have ramdisk enable
17:02.32jbevrenI know, and told gpsfan this :)
17:02.35sorphinteh firmwareright
17:02.47jbevrenthus the .noramdisk extension :)
17:02.51sorphinthat's what i was mentioning
17:02.54jbevrenok ok I see :)
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17:04.37sorphinfound one thing i'm missing
17:04.46sorphinbut forgot INITRD
17:05.09GPSFani didn't set INITRD either.
17:05.16sorphinthat's the prob possibly
17:05.23sorphinthe normal config does
17:06.55sorphinisdram  - print SDRAM configuration information                  
17:07.06sorphinyeah, real useful command thre
17:07.15sorphindo nothing but print it's usage info
17:08.11SarahEmmnice :)
17:09.17sorphineeek.. unclean! unclean! (sorry, just saw a file scroll by taht was called ipt_unclean)
17:09.50*** mode/#elinux [+o kergoth] by ChanServ
17:09.56GPSFanah, now it boots, thanks sorphin
17:10.03sorphintrying mine now
17:10.24sorphinstop delaying :P
17:11.06GPSFanmy kernel doesn't have the missing ftl_cs header messages
17:11.24sorphinnor does mine now
17:11.38sorphinprolly reduced debug output
17:11.53GPSFansorphin how big is your zvmlinux
17:12.13sorphinGPSFan: # CONFIG_MTD_DEBUG is not set
17:12.14sorphinthat's why
17:12.29sorphin642151 Aug 17 12:09 zvmlinux
17:12.47GPSFansorphin great, mine is 642169
17:13.14sorphinwhat's a few bytes between friends
17:13.47GPSFanprobably the ppcboot header is different as is the compile time
17:13.53sorphinno panic
17:14.06sorphinroot@A3000:~# dd if=/dev/mtdblock2 of=kernel                                    
17:14.06sorphin2048+0 records in                                                              
17:14.06sorphin2048+0 records out                                                              
17:14.22sorphinnow the question becomes
17:14.35GPSFansorphin did you have to create the /dev/mtd...s
17:14.36sorphinwtf could a simple .config could have borked to cause my panics?
17:14.48sorphinfor i in 0 1 2 3                                                  
17:14.48sorphin> do                                                                            
17:14.48sorphin> mknod /dev/mtdblock$i b 31 $i                                                
17:14.49sorphin> done
17:15.11sorphinthis is just odd
17:15.18jbevrenI used /proc/devices to get majors
17:15.28sorphini know
17:15.32sorphinand 31 is the najor
17:15.39sorphin90 for mtd
17:15.46sorphin31 for mtdblock/rom
17:16.02sorphindevices.txt still calls it rom
17:16.20sorphini think tomorrow i'll go to the bank and cash this stupid rebate check
17:16.28jbevrenppc:~# grep mtd /proc/devices                                                  
17:16.35sorphini know
17:17.00sorphinstep 50
17:18.00sorphinonly 16 in the kernel :P
17:18.22sorphinnot counting the sw watchdog
17:18.42sorphinany way to probe for it?
17:19.04GPSFanye haw.. the dd works..!
17:19.09sorphinGPSFan: hehe
17:19.14sorphinGPSFan: strange strange
17:19.55sorphinshould call it Root or something
17:20.52sorphinGPSFan: any thoughts on tracking down the WDT?
17:21.26GPSFannot yet, one thing at a time, almost time for lunch, top priority ;>)
17:21.48sorphinjust ate my cheesyburger macaroni
17:22.08sorphini gotta stop looking at this picture, it's distracting
17:23.23sorphinjbevren: btw
17:23.26sorphini have ramdisk enabled
17:23.26GPSFansorphin: what other tests should I run that may have failed on your box
17:23.32sorphinand i still see the config option for shmfs :P
17:23.44jbevrenI just opted to not put the ramdisk code in
17:23.45sorphinGPSFan: taht's the only one
17:23.54sorphinyou wer saying you couldn't find the option
17:23.54jbevrenI'm aware that its not either-or
17:24.07jbevrenit'd be a pain to do redhat systems since they boot on a ramdisk :)
17:24.12*** join/#elinux T0mW (
17:24.20sorphinand there's grandpa tommy
17:24.25sorphinT0mW: hola
17:24.37T0mWfinally, got a contract
17:24.47sorphinT0mW: you've been missing all the fun
17:24.53jbevrentom: congrats
17:24.56GPSFanjbevren: how do we go from here to a r/w filesystm like you have?
17:24.58sorphinjbevren, GPSFan and I having fun w/ some PPC boards
17:25.09jbevrenGPSFan: create your ramdisk tree
17:25.12T0mWprpplague: I should have my own BDI-2000 next week
17:25.29jbevrenuse mkfs.jffs2 to create it
17:25.37jbevrenmake sur eyou use the -p flag, and set endianness accordingly
17:25.47jbevrendd the resulting image to /dev/mtdblock1
17:25.52jbevrenmount the mtdblock.
17:26.00jbevrenfirst time takes a while, since it has to format erase blocks
17:26.03jbevrenfirst umount too
17:26.07jbevrenafter that its fun
17:26.11T0mWsorphin: what are you two working on that is so interesting?
17:26.18sorphinT0mW: A3000
17:26.23sorphinArtis Micro ppc board
17:26.41sorphin300mhz/8M flash/3 pci slots (3.3v), dimm slot, PCI-104
17:26.42GPSFanjbevren: I have a good start on a ramdisk from my MCP750. busybox 1.0-pre3
17:27.00sorphinjbevren: i think step one for me will just be taking the normal ramdisk image
17:27.03sorphinand making it jffs2
17:27.03jbevrenI used the debian busybox-static package
17:27.18sorphin1 step at a time
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17:28.14sorphinwell, those all work
17:28.27T0mWsorphin: no, haven't been missing all the fun.  Been having my own: new embedded design
17:28.54sorphinwell, this isn't work
17:28.55T0mWsorphin: LPC2106 and LPC2138 ARM processors on the board
17:29.30GPSFanjbevren: any special mount params, like -o sync or -o noatime ?
17:30.09sorphinGPSFan: ^^^^^
17:30.19jbevrenArtis>setenv bootargs mem=128M root=/dev/mtdblock1 rw
17:30.36jbevrenI use noatime, but not sure if that matters with jffs2
17:30.46jbevrenlessen the write action to the flash
17:31.09GPSFanjbevren: don't know either but noatime is ususally a good idea with any flash system.
17:31.11sorphinnow.. to go find mkjffs2
17:31.18jbevrenapt-get install mtd-tools
17:32.05sorphinmtd-tools: Depends: zlib1g (>= 1:1.2.1) but 1: is to be installed
17:32.22sorphinand about 50 other things apt-get thinks need to be installed
17:33.23sorphininstalling mtd-tools pkg didn't complain
17:33.27sorphingo figure :P
17:33.55CosmicPenguinkergoth: ping
17:34.31sorphinjbevren: any special args to mkfs.jffs2?
17:34.31GPSFansorphin: mkfs.jffs2 is in the old tuxscreen buildroot mtd/utils dir.
17:34.50sorphinGPSFan: this mtd-tools is updated this year tho ;)
17:34.56kergothCosmicPenguin: pong
17:35.19CosmicPenguinkergoth: which is the posix correct way to get the PATH_MAX define?
17:35.21CosmicPenguin#include <limits.h>
17:35.22GPSFansorphin: time to update then..
17:35.27CosmicPenguin#include <sys/params.h>
17:35.45CosmicPenguinThe former works on most distros but doesn't work in OE
17:35.45jbevrensorphin: i used -p to pad (eliminated the errors you see in my mtdfinal.txt)
17:35.53CosmicPenguinthe latter works in all, making me think that OE is the more posix correct
17:35.56jbevrenalso set the erase size to 128k to match the flash (-e 128)
17:36.12jbevrenif youre building it on x86, you migh tneed to set the endianness
17:36.14jbevrenI built mine on the ppc
17:36.42jbevrenppc is BE
17:36.46jbevrenx86 is LE
17:36.47sorphini know
17:36.53jbevrenso it'll make a LE jffs2 image unless you specify :)
17:37.06jbevrenapparently (and sadly) this matters
17:37.43jbevrenimagine you only have about 1Mops/sec, no tone generator, and need to make 4-voice tunes
17:37.52jbevren(and all you can do is click the speaker)
17:38.20sorphinjbevren: can i shoot myself?
17:38.29jbevrennaw, thats what cpu registers are for
17:38.35jbevrenyou wont be able to do anything else, but you can do it
17:38.44jbevrenuse each reg as a countdown timer for the 'voice' in question
17:38.57jbevrenin your loop, you decrement each timer, and click/reload when one reaches zero
17:39.03kergothCosmicPenguin: its my understanding that sys/params.h is the correct way to do it
17:39.23jbevrenforgot the net again? :)
17:39.39sorphinSecueCRT on the windows box
17:39.49jbevrensorphin: the result isnt pretty, but its clear, and impressive to see it done
17:40.31CosmicPenguinkergoth`food: thats my understanding as well
17:40.31sorphinguess i have to ftp
17:40.43CosmicPenguinthanks for your gooey posix knowledge
17:43.05sorphinwait, shouldn't have taht on this
17:53.39sorphini was wrong
17:53.47sorphinand there's the ramdisk
17:53.55sorphinnicely compressed
17:54.04sorphinthey sure love that 64 byte header
17:56.18jbevrenthat'd work actually :)
17:56.24jbevrenmake sure though that /etc/fstab is right ;-)
17:56.41jbevrenhowever, if you init=/bin/sh it, youre ok
17:56.43*** part/#elinux SarahEmm (
17:59.29sorphinso... maybe i'll edit that 1st
17:59.54jbevrentoo vague to be harmful :)
18:01.44sorphinwell, if you set root=/dev/mtdblock1, that becomes /dev/root, no?
18:02.01jbevrenI hope
18:02.04jbevrenI dont use /dev/root
18:05.47sorphinman, like this box needs tty1-25
18:05.58jbevrenI just have ttyS0 and console
18:06.01CosmicPenguinYou guys are using 2.4 huh....
18:06.02CosmicPenguinso sad
18:06.05CosmicPenguinudev is your friend
18:06.06jbevrenand pts/
18:06.11sorphinCosmicPenguin: uhh
18:06.20jbevrenCosmicPenguin: backport 2.6's udev,
18:06.23sorphincole: better than devfs?
18:06.26jbevrenor port 2.6 to this board :)
18:06.31jbevrensorphin: by far :)
18:06.32CosmicPenguinheh - thats why I said - you guys are using 2.4 - so sad
18:06.40jbevrenI use udev on my laptop
18:06.41sorphindevfs blew/blows
18:06.58jbevrenCosmicPenguin: atm, this kernel tree's the only one that boots
18:06.59sorphinwell, that's nice
18:07.11CosmicPenguinsucks to be you guys
18:07.13sorphinwhat if the module's external?
18:07.19sorphinCosmicPenguin: no it doesn't
18:07.24CosmicPenguinBut then again, you already knew that
18:07.44sorphintoo big :P among other things
18:07.45CosmicPenguinBecause you are sick in the head, thats why
18:08.00sorphinCosmicPenguin: oh, this coming from you huh?
18:08.02jbevrenyou can actually make 2.6 quite small
18:08.03CosmicPenguinBut again, we already knew that... :p
18:08.05jbevrenremoving useless junk
18:08.07jbevrenlike swap
18:08.17sorphinswap? who uses swap?
18:08.24file[laptop]swap? what's that?
18:08.24jbevrenyou cant turn swap off in 2.4
18:08.26jbevrenyou can in 2.6
18:08.34CosmicPenguinerrr ... yeah
18:08.39jbevrensorphin: the code is in the kernel
18:08.45jbevrenand if you run low on phys ram it'll try to swap
18:08.46sorphinCosmicPenguin: you have no room to call me sick ;)
18:08.48jbevrenbut fail
18:08.57jbevrenin 2.6, you can completely disable the paging of anonymous memory
18:08.57CosmicPenguinsorphin: no, but that doesn't mean I can't try
18:09.03sorphinjbevren: it'd be a while before i ran outta 1.5G
18:09.14jbevrensorphin: Youre bypassing the point :)
18:09.43jbevrenthe 2.4 VM also hates being without swap
18:09.56jbevrenIve seen improvements on servers where i used to work, just adding 128k of swap
18:10.02jbevrencrazy eh?
18:10.19CosmicPenguinits almost as though 2.6 is designed to be better....
18:10.19sorphinone thing i will admit
18:10.22CosmicPenguinnah, thats crazy talk
18:10.23sorphinthe 2.4 vm sucks too
18:10.23jbevrensorphin: that wouldnt affect you though
18:10.31sorphinbut then, it was rewritten what.. 3 times?
18:10.33jbevrenthe 2.6 vm is much-improved
18:10.45jbevrenin fact, 2.6 has more than one scheduler
18:19.10prpplagueTimRiker: ping
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18:21.43kergoth`foodmm, wendys chicken fingers
18:22.10[g2]hey kergoth !
18:24.06prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hey, you think i could get into trouble if i post specific info like memory addresses for the juicebox proprietary bootloader?
18:24.52CosmicPenguinhow easy would it be for, say me, to come on to that information?
18:25.06CosmicPenguinCould I read a specification on an ARM processor on the web, and make the logical jump?
18:25.23CosmicPenguinOr would I need a logic analyzer?
18:25.36CosmicPenguinWait, what the hell do you care?  You're not in the US
18:25.54CosmicPenguinDo you still have your US citizenship even?
18:26.32CosmicPenguinI say post away - just don't post it on elinux, and get Timmy in trouble
18:31.09CosmicPenguinDisc golf!!!
18:31.12CosmicPenguinSee you in a hour
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19:01.42prpplaguedarnit, wheres that old fart tom when you need him
19:03.02sorphinhe was hear earlier
19:03.11sorphinguess he heard you're looking for him and bailed
19:03.51prpplaguesorphin: hehe, good news on the JB front
19:04.16sorphinunless JB means Jim Beam :P
19:04.26prpplaguesorphin: looks like i've cracked the bootloader
19:04.41prpplaguesorphin: its now possible to make your own jb cart
19:11.24jbevrenthats it
19:11.27jbevrenI'm firing someone
19:11.41jbevrenchmod -R 1777 / tmp
19:11.49jbevrenmust.. kill..
19:14.51sorphinjbevren: heh
19:14.58sorphin4718592 Aug 17 14:13 root.fs
19:15.02sorphinthat's the jffs2 file
19:15.06sorphinawful small
19:15.50sorphin"how am i supposed to shove 40M in there????" *smirk*
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19:18.06sorphinnow it hangs there
19:19.17sorphinafter sending a break
19:19.21sorphin9216+0 records in                                                              
19:19.21sorphin9216+0 records out                                                              
19:19.22sorphindd: closing input file `root.fs': Bad file descriptor                          
19:20.18sorphinwhich btw, it makes the jffs smaller than the flash partition
19:24.46jbevrenwhen jffs mounts the flash dev
19:24.48sorphinwell hell
19:24.50jbevrenit'll stretch the fs out to fit it
19:24.51sorphinthis time it didn't hang
19:25.08sorphinbefore it hung after outputing the records count
19:25.12sorphinthis is one weird machine
19:25.34jbevrensorphin: if you ever screw your perms in a rpm distro
19:25.36jbevrenremember this:
19:25.38jbevrenrpm -q --queryformat "[chmod %{FILEMODES:octal} %{FILENAMES}\n]" dev |grep -v '^chmod 1[24].... ' |cut -c 1-6,8- |bash -
19:25.59jbevrenoneliner to fix a package's permissions :)
19:26.28sorphinnot that a) i use rpm, b) even understand that ;)
19:26.33sorphinjbevren: /dev/mtdblock1            6144      5248       896  86% /mnt
19:26.48jbevrensorphin: jffs2?
19:27.06sorphin4718592 = the jffs2 file size
19:27.27sorphinabove, is the output from df after mounting said jffs2 once it's been dd'd to mtdblock1
19:27.40jbevrengood deal
19:27.52jbevrenbut that's just busybox
19:27.59sorphini'm using their ramdisk
19:28.02sorphinbut it's a start
19:28.02jbevrenI could get it much smaller with uclibC I bet
19:28.12jbevrenyeah.  that's like 99% of the battle though
19:28.21jbevrenremember that you ahve to erase the flash before putting a new jffs on
19:28.25jbevrenI read that in the howto
19:28.46sorphinonce you've dd'd it on, from that point forward you'll have to erase?
19:29.08jbevrenyeah, cause the jffs driver will find old nodes from the previous write (especially if the new fs is smaller than the old)
19:29.18sorphinoh well
19:29.27jbevrenconsidering you have about 100k erase cycles
19:29.30jbevrena few runs wont hurt :)
19:31.08sorphinwell hell
19:31.16sorphinjbevren: uh oh
19:31.18sorphinRebooting... Restarting system.
19:31.24sorphinnever get ppcboot
19:31.36jbevrenI got that a time or two
19:32.01sorphinwell, cant' powercycle atm
19:32.07sorphinah well, it'll have to wait
19:32.23sorphinso much for the WDT :P
19:33.10sorphin1st time this has happened
19:33.15sorphinhope i idnd't trash the flash :P
19:36.38sorphinnext project :P
19:42.57sorphinguess the wdt isn't that smart.. still no reboot, ah well, guess i'll build a real watchdog :P
19:47.30*** join/#elinux Crofton (
19:47.36prpplaguehehe, guess i'm the only one still hacking the juicebox
19:48.36CosmicPenguinThank goodness - this how to get a rootfs on a embedded box chatter is distracting
19:49.41sorphinCosmicPenguin: from what? your pr0n surfing?
19:49.48sorphinprpplague: s/still//
19:50.38sorphinprpplague: if i wanna hack a juicebox
19:50.43sorphini'll go to the grocery store
19:50.48sorphinand buy one and drink it ;)
19:57.19sorphinguess his peer doesn't like him
19:59.21*** join/#elinux CosmicPenguin (
20:01.35CosmicPenguingood detective work
20:05.22prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i was able to build a cart out of a thumbdrive
20:05.39CosmicPenguinWill it load the code?
20:05.56prpplagueyep and runs
20:08.46CosmicPenguinthat sucka is cracked yo
20:09.34prpplaguestill lots to document
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20:37.00CosmicPenguinahh, the joys of copying over configuration files to a new system
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20:49.24CosmicPenguinproblems? :)
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21:00.42jbevrensorphin: it'd be hard to trash the flash
21:00.51jbevrenconsidering the ppcboot firmware partition is forced readonly in-kernel :)
21:01.11*** join/#elinux GPSFan (n=Ken@
21:04.33sorphinthen wtf would cause this to just hang instead of rebooting?
21:05.22sorphinalright, who wants space meat? heh
21:05.26sorphini sure don't
21:06.03MonMothaah, but you know you want "spaaaacceeee meeaaaaaaattt!"
21:06.18sorphinMonMotha: uh.. no, not that either
21:06.24sorphinMonMotha: got the DCT working yet? :P
21:09.18GPSFansorphin: it may have to do with there being no RTC, and CONFIG_PPC_RTC=y
21:11.18CosmicPenguinHmm - if prpplague has made so much progress with the juicebox, mabye I should get one so he doesn't feel left out
21:11.21CosmicPenguinwe could put twin on it
21:11.33jbevrensorphin: mine does that sometimes too
21:11.39jbevrenreset brings up the ppcboot firmware
21:12.09GPSFansorphin: an output of the unpopulated MCU is connected to the RTC input of the CPU, pulled up in our case.
21:12.11jbevrenI seem to make a mental connection between using jffs2 and it not resetting
21:12.20jbevrenI wonder if the jffs2 code keeps the flash in an insane state through reboot
21:14.11MonMothasorphin: no, I've been working on a little midi->playstation adapter
21:14.15MonMothait is unfortunately not cooperating with me
21:14.26MonMothaand since I lack a programmer for the damn chip, debugging is quite slow
21:16.25GPSFansorphin: did you have any info on the watchdog timer?
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21:30.30sorphinMonMotha: you always do this
21:30.40MonMothasorphin: you've noticed? :)
21:30.45MonMothaI hope to have this done in a couple weeks
21:30.56MonMothajust need to get access to a damn programmer for this thing
21:31.14sorphinMonMotha: you said you were going up to Rose :P
21:31.31sorphinGPSFan: no, was hoping there was a way to probe for one
21:32.15MonMothanot for a couple weeks
21:32.22MonMothathey have a programmer, but I'm still at home
21:34.03GPSFansorphin: I think that the MCU was to provide the WDT and RTC features.
21:37.45chouimatCosmicPenguin: day off?
21:38.05CosmicPenguinLets just say I'm going to change my MAKEOPTS from -j2 to -j3  :)
21:44.29sorphinGPSFan: then why does this thing reboot itself when there was the no root kernel panic?
21:44.39sorphinthe kernel generally doesn't just reboot at that state in 180 seconds :)
21:46.08GPSFansorphin: don't know, but I've never see it actaully reboot after 180sec, or longer. and there is no RTC hardware, and the CPU UM doesn't talk about a HW WDT.
21:48.21jbevrenI had it do so
21:48.23jbevrenafter 15mins
21:48.35jbevrener 12, when the decrementer was off
21:48.40jbevrenor whatever that thign is (brainfart)
21:49.44sorphinwell, mine did it after the 180 seconds when i didn't have the initrd configured in
21:49.53sorphinand i've never had the kernel reboot itself from a panic
21:50.06sorphinand it's not the kernel saying that "Rebooting in 180 seconds"
21:50.12sorphinso something else is
21:50.28sorphincuz i've seen that happen before
21:50.35sorphinand i didn't even have a kernel up yet
21:50.58sorphinand before he says anything
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22:03.30CosmicPenguinThey burned up
22:03.32CosmicPenguintoo much wattage
22:10.48sorphinya know, i kept forgetting this thing has a reset switch
22:10.52sorphinthis time i used it
22:13.32sorphindamn that delay loop
22:14.06sorphinVFS: Mounted root (jffs2 filesystem).  
22:14.33kergothwith these patches applied, and i use iptables to add a SNAT rule, it returns Invalid Argument
22:14.40kergothbut only whne using SNAT or DNAT
22:14.50kergothit isnt the iptables command or extensions returning that, afaict
22:14.52sorphinkergoth: SNAT DNAT uh.. you on crack?
22:15.05sorphinjbev; woot
22:15.06kergothso now i get to wade through linux iptables code to determine which function is returning -EINVAL
22:15.14sorphinjbevren: woot even
22:15.27sorphinkergoth: and now you know why i don't use that crap ;)
22:16.18sorphinand just think, i still get to do all this to the other ppc :P
22:16.33kergothits one of these patches that busted it
22:16.34sorphinjbevren: uh.... ping?
22:16.36kergoththe main problem is being stuck on 2.4
22:16.45kergothnone of the patches i need are well supported on anything before 2.6.11
22:16.53sorphinok, i'll make you a deal
22:17.00sorphini won't bitch about not liking 2.6
22:17.11sorphinyou don't bitch about not liking 2.4 :)
22:17.31sorphinwhy don't i like that
22:17.48sorphinthere's 2 of those
22:17.51sorphin1 is that
22:17.53sorphinthe other is
22:18.05sorphinis that normal for jffs2?
22:19.08sorphinwell, now i know why df is so mucked up
22:19.13sorphinroot@A3000:~# cat /etc/mtab                                                    
22:19.13sorphinrootfs / rootfs rw 0 0                                                          
22:19.54sorphinexplains the double entries in df
22:20.33sorphinnow howtf to fix it
22:20.51sorphinkergoth: yo, ex-embedded lackey
22:21.11kergothman, lilo hated me earlier. i miss arm.
22:21.34sorphinthe jffs2 paste
22:21.42sorphinand the mount bit
22:21.45*** join/#elinux andersee (
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22:21.53sorphinandersee: good evening mr andersen
22:22.08kergothhmm, dunno offhand
22:22.17anderseesorphin: boo
22:22.32sorphinandersee: how's your jffs2, etc knowledge? :)
22:23.35anderseesorphin: I've been known to rewrite substantial parts of mkfs.jffs2 before
22:23.42anderseesorphin: been a couple years though
22:23.45sorphinjust the man i need to talk to then
22:24.03sorphinin ps
22:24.05sorphini see:
22:24.21sorphinlast i checked
22:24.25sorphinzombies aren't good
22:24.45jbevrenflash is slow
22:24.47jbevrengive it time :)
22:24.54sorphinjbevren: it's been 15 mins :P
22:25.10sorphinthis isn the 2nd mount :P
22:25.17sorphinso it shoulda already formatted the erase blocks
22:25.26anderseestuff inside of braces '[' and ']' in a ps listing is a kernel thread
22:25.53sorphinjbevren: your df listing hosed too?
22:25.56sorphinor is it just me :P
22:26.04anderseean unreaped defunct kernel thread is a Bad Thing(tm)
22:26.18sorphini thought so
22:26.33sorphinjbevren: check yours?
22:27.03sorphinTimRiker: oh, you're on there?
22:27.11sorphinbunch are on at work
22:27.20sorphinincluding me
22:27.35anderseeTimRiker: so how is doing?
22:32.51sorphinnow you have a connection in the network security world ;) (if you didn't already)
22:35.04CosmicPenguinI guess you could probably shut down my domains if you really wanted to
22:35.07CosmicPenguinso I guess you have power
22:35.47sorphingee... glad i'm useful for something :-P
22:35.47CosmicPenguinYou would probably have trouble shutting down, but I wouldn't put it past you
22:36.01sorphinhey now
22:36.09sorphinno need to get down right insulting
22:36.20CosmicPenguinNo insulting - i think you could probably get it done
22:36.33CosmicPenguinthat would suck
22:36.50sorphinnah, i'd shut down Intel before I'd shutdown AMD ;)
22:36.50TimRikerandersee: checking on it now... it's pretty close, I just need to find the time to do the switches.
22:37.16*** join/#elinux TheCollector (
22:37.45sorphinTimRiker: happen to see the bit above about the jffs2 and the df output?
22:37.53TimRikersorphin: what I need at the moment is someone with a BES server to send generate and send me an open IP policy file.
22:38.19sorphinTimRiker: could you put that in english? :)
22:38.20TimRikerTI left the restictive one on my blackberry and removed me from the BES server.
22:38.49TimRikerBES == blackberry enterprise server
22:38.50sorphincouple people at work use those things
22:38.53anderseeTimRiker: k
22:38.59file[laptop]hack her!
22:39.02file[laptop]crack her!
22:39.06file[laptop]smash her!
22:39.15anderseeTimRiker: just lemme know, so I can use that box for testing again
22:39.34TimRikerandersee: will do.
22:39.36file[laptop]nooooooo ok
22:39.40anderseeTimRiker r00ted andersee's test box
22:39.44file[laptop]can't you accidentally get a copy of BES? ahum
22:40.03TimRikerfile[laptop]: just the ITPolicy.exe would do nicely.
22:40.57anderseeTimRiker: my new telescope arrives friday...  you much into stargazing?
22:40.57file[laptop]it's my cellphone too
22:41.04sorphinandersee: heh, i am
22:41.08TimRikerandersee: not till friday. ;-)
22:41.12sorphinnot that that's relevant
22:42.24sorphincouldn't justify the $650
22:42.53sorphinand now, i'm surrounded by too many damn trees at the house
22:43.14anderseeTimRiker: after you get settled in, we should get you, me, and markw and go into the mountains in my camper/trailer -- play video games and look at stars
22:43.27anderseeand eat a lot of junk food that our wives would complain about
22:43.51sorphinshe doesn't eat too much better
22:44.52anderseeTimRiker: a cgi interface shouldn't be too difficult, though I didn't order a astrocam yet...
22:45.25*** part/#elinux sorphin (
22:45.42CosmicPenguinerr.... bye
22:51.27*** join/#elinux sorphin (
22:59.40CosmicPenguinerrr... hello
23:01.35fishhead,2933,166046,00.html <--- YOU GO TO HELL AND YOU DIE HAHAHA
23:02.22sorphinit's writing syslog to flash
23:02.24sorphinthat's not good
23:02.34jbevrenits a logFS
23:02.45jbevrendesigned for wear leveling :)
23:02.50jbevrenthat said
23:02.52jbevrenturn it off anyway :)
23:02.56jbevrenlog to tmpfs ;-)
23:02.58sorphinthat doesn't mean i wanna help it wear along
23:03.45CosmicPenguinuse busybox to log
23:03.57CosmicPenguinno files at all
23:03.58sorphini'll have to put busybox on here 1st
23:04.15jbevrenecho *.* /dev/console > /etc/syslog.conf
23:04.18jbevrenor just dont start syslogd
23:04.33sorphinmy current worries are the 2 yutes.. erm are teh broken processes and the 2 roots
23:05.12sorphinjbevren: taht don't quite work w/o quotes, but i know what you meant
23:16.00jbevren ( updated )
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23:26.57sorphinand oh good, syslog is -- MARK -- 'ing, that woulda nicely eaten the flash
23:27.17kergothshould use busybox syslog with -C
23:27.38sorphini'll have to put busybox on here 1st <----
23:28.08sorphinall i did was take the original ramdisk and convert it to jffs2 so i had something to start with
23:28.23sorphinjbevren: saveenv is your friend btw
23:29.22sorphinheh, maybe my ps is different cuz i'm starting more than he is, i don't just spawn busybox
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23:37.27jbevrenyour ps is procps' ps
23:37.31jbevrenmy ps is busybox :)
23:37.53sorphinso yours misses a zombie ;p
23:38.09jbevrenno actually
23:38.13jbevrenthere are no Z-state processes in the list
23:38.29sorphinwell, that sure is one
23:38.36sorphinflash ain't that slow :P
23:38.37jbevrennot in my system
23:39.16sorphinthen i guess that's just one more thing hosed here :P
23:42.44sorphinjbevren: heh, just noticed they left an old passwd file
23:54.39*** join/#elinux DeltaF (
23:54.50DeltaFAny ZipIt gurus near by?
23:56.29DeltaFIf anyone can help.. I'm trying to install Adam's firmware from Burn3 but the some mtdblocks are missing. (4 and 5)
23:57.00sorphincreate em?
23:57.22DeltaFHow? The script that's supposed to insmod the modules for me won't run.
23:57.36DeltaFI think the #! line is wrong, considering its running ash not sh.
23:57.50DeltaFBut when I ash <script> it errors out..
23:58.05DeltaFWhen I insmod manually, it gets "unresolved symbol" __get_mtd_device
23:58.05sorphinwtf do modules being insmod'd have to do w/ missing mtdblock /dev devices?
23:58.20DeltaFNot sure. /dev is a mystery to me.
23:58.30DeltaFexcept for the "usual" desktop stuff.
23:58.36jbevrenDeltaF: the modules are being loaded in the wrong order
23:58.44sorphinand are there 0-6 mtdblock devices in /dev ?
23:58.46jbevrenre-read the readme :)
23:59.15DeltaFThere aren't enough mtdblocks..
23:59.21DeltaFI fail at stop #0 in
23:59.34jbevrenmake 'em
23:59.37jbevrenmknod :)
23:59.38sorphinas i said
23:59.47jbevrenif you cant use mknod, I cant help ya ;-)
23:59.55DeltaFI have only 1 2 and 3.

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.