irclog2html for #elinux on 20041213

00:01.32prpplagueandersee: 512k ram and 4mb flash is plenty to get uclinux booted right?
00:02.28T0mWprpplague: there has got to be something wrong with either the CPLD on this board or the freakin' documentation of it!!!
00:03.16prpplagueT0mW: you still having problems?
00:03.25prpplagueT0mW: what seems to be the issue/symptom?
00:03.30T0mWyeah, oddball crap
00:03.57T0mWsame code that wiggles a GPIO pin won't reliably wiggle an LED
00:04.13T0mWalmost like there is a ghost in here somewhere
00:04.23T0mW"evil spirits"
00:05.22prpplagueT0mW: which led are you using on the board?