IRC log for #asterisk on 20110427

00:02.51*** join/#asterisk philippel_mac (
00:15.25dlublinkI think I have something
00:19.53dlublinkit says "Echo Canceller(s): MG2" when initiallizing the PRI. Can I disable this mg2 echo cancelling ?
00:37.23*** join/#asterisk jaytee (~jforde051@unaffiliated/jaytee)
00:39.54*** join/#asterisk mr_ian (
01:08.50*** join/#asterisk mr_ian (
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01:40.58*** join/#asterisk rogersja (
01:51.41*** join/#asterisk \DSAFEW\ (
01:51.49*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (debian-tor@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
01:53.36*** join/#asterisk mathslinux (~root@
02:16.21*** part/#asterisk ruben23 (~RLACUMBA@
02:23.04*** join/#asterisk sondrove (~mclaro@
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02:34.12*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~kumbang@
02:52.55*** join/#asterisk creativx (
02:57.55*** join/#asterisk egeste (
02:58.36egesteI'm having trouble with asterisk and flite on my centos 5.5 box, running asterisj 1.4.4 - the Flite application does not show when I "show application [tab]"
02:59.57egesteI have installed flite, flite-devel, app_flite (rpm), asterisk-flite (rpm) and recompiled flite from source
03:00.00egestestill no go
03:00.09egesteer, recompiled asterisk
03:02.45*** join/#asterisk \DSAFEW\ (
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03:26.21*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
03:35.03*** join/#asterisk jstapleton (~jstapleto@
03:52.15*** join/#asterisk mclaro (
03:57.19*** join/#asterisk titter (
03:58.57titterCan someone help me figure out why the music class isn't setting correctly? Is it because I am sending it to a local chan first for JB purposes? -
04:01.22*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
04:03.54*** join/#asterisk mintos (~mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-qigprokwmqsmzalj)
04:04.58titterI also tried Dial(Local/conf@internal/nj,,m(none)) as a fyi
04:07.02jqlI'm not quite sure what you expect out of that
04:07.18jqlyou're trying to disable hold music upon joining a conference room?
04:09.12titterIt works if I just do exten => 1000,1,Set(CHANNEL(musicclass)=none) exten => 1000,n,MeetMe(${EXTEN},dicq)
04:09.29titterSo I am assuming it has something to with dialing to the local channel first
04:10.07jqlyeah, you're changing the direction in which it takes effect. I think
04:10.11jqlconfusing a bit, yeah
04:13.17jqllet me think this out
04:14.36jqlexten 1000's CHANNEL(musicclass) specifies what the caller would here. exten 1000 Dial(x,,M(setholdmusic)) would set what the conf context would here
04:14.44jqlI think I have that right
04:16.06titterActually you know what, I think it may be working ... I just remembered I am home, and not at my office and I have my Polycom configured differently. It is going iax to my main pbx which has the conf ... need to add the class before it dials the iax I bet.
04:16.51jqlso, theoretically, you want exten => 1000,1,Dial(Local/conf@internal/nj,,M(cancelmusic)) [macro-cancelmusic] exten => s,1,Set(CHANNEL(musicclass)=none)
04:16.52*** part/#asterisk benngard (
04:17.06jqlwell, good luck. :)
04:17.25titterThat was it
04:29.54*** join/#asterisk zkn (
04:50.26*** join/#asterisk benngard (~mabe@
04:51.46*** join/#asterisk SiNGLer (
05:11.44*** join/#asterisk cellkill (~kvirc@2001:470:c469:beef:d9c1:876f:5c2c:4635)
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05:44.44*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~kumbang@
05:57.54*** join/#asterisk atan (~atan@unaffiliated/atan)
06:07.09*** join/#asterisk cerberus_za (
06:11.45*** join/#asterisk BelTechs (
06:16.57*** join/#asterisk jizzzum6 (~jizzzum6@2001:1938:232:0:99e6:e825:8b92:3cbf)
06:18.04BelTechshello Im trying to debug my trunk incoming calls Im using asterisk 1.8 and varphonex trunk. Any is appreciated.
06:19.33BelTechsOutgoing works fine. Port are forwarded
06:22.12kaldemarBelTechs: your asterisk is not set up to function behind a NAT. forwarding ports is not enough. ask in #freepbx how to do it with freepbx.
06:24.58*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
06:25.19*** join/#asterisk zkn (
06:25.36BelTechsok i see where in fpbx and I now set nat to yes in sip settings. Same problem
06:26.02kaldemarasterisk needs to no an external ip to use in the messages.
06:26.32BelTechsI have my external ip setup
06:27.47*** join/#asterisk jizzzum6 (~jizzzum6@2001:1938:232:0:99e6:e825:8b92:3cbf)
06:28.29kaldemarthe problem is not the same in your second paste. your asterisk seems to require authentication for the incoming call. the registration still fails though.
06:28.57BelTechsIn the 2nd post I set nat to yes.
06:31.36kaldemarsetting nat to yes is not enough.
06:32.56BelTechsKaldemar: I have set up this exact same pbx using *1.6 same settings all worked.
06:33.05kaldemarlike i said, asterisk needs to know the external ip address that is used. it is configured with externalip or externaladdr in asterisk. no idea on how to do it in freepbx.
06:34.02p3nguinexternip/externaddr or extenhost
06:34.24p3nguinexternip/externaddr or externhost
06:34.36*** join/#asterisk Exten (
06:35.28ExtenHello, can anybody help me with a new asterisk installation ? asterisk is behind an ADSL router, when i call an extension it does the playback - but i hear nothing ...
06:35.53ExtenRetransmitting #6 (NAT) to
06:35.56ExtenSIP/2.0 200 OK
06:37.26kaldemarExten: describe your setup networkwise. are there NAT's involved? is asterisk behind a NAT? what do you use for calling? what does the extension do?
06:38.06sxpert(NAT shows, once again, its evil head)
06:38.39Extenasterisk is on an adsl router, it has an 10.0 ip so its nat - i use X-Lite the extension does playback(demo-congrats)
06:39.06p3nguinConfigure Asterisk correctly to work behind NAT.
06:39.14sxpertand you're attempting from outside ?
06:39.25p3nguinIf necessary, configure the peer (phone) for NAT as well.
06:39.36infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring Asterisk + SIP behind NAT: otherwise check the WIKI at .  Typically, you MUST configure these settings with appropriate values in the [general] section of sip.conf: nat, canreinvite, externhost or externip, and localnet.
06:39.41sxpertor switch to ipv6 ;)
06:40.15p3nguinIf you are using 1.8, canreinvite is now directmedia, and externip is now externaddr.
06:40.59p3nguinThe deprecated terms should still work, but you should expect to see a complaint in the CLI about using the old terms.
06:41.32BelTechsok adding externaddr killed trunk registration
06:41.33ExtenOk lets try the iptables thingie ..
06:41.39*** join/#asterisk jg1234 (
06:41.43p3nguinexten: Did you forward the ports?
06:41.56Extenon the adsl ? yes
06:42.13p3nguinexten: UDP 5060 and the UDP range that is found in rtp.conf need to be forwarded to Asterisk's IP address.
06:42.22p3nguinThe range is usually 10000-20000.
06:42.48Extenyes also did the rtp
06:44.13p3nguinHaving no audio is most commonly a result of misconfiguration or complete lack of NAT settings.
06:44.32*** join/#asterisk eject_ck (~eject_ck@
06:44.48sxpertp3nguin: you don't get the messages when running asterisk as a daemon such as the system install in debian
06:45.03*** join/#asterisk kwk (
06:45.16p3nguin*shrug* I don't see why not.
06:47.09Extenok, did all the iptables and general sip.conf . damnit.
06:50.12ExtenRetransmitting #6 (NAT) to
06:50.12ExtenSIP/2.0 200 OK
06:50.26infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few: , , , , , , ; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
06:51.31*** join/#asterisk Infin1ty|work (~erez@pdpc/supporter/active/infin1ty)
06:52.12*** join/#asterisk eject_ck (~eject_ck@
06:54.52*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
06:57.20*** join/#asterisk eject_ck (~eject_ck@
06:59.11Exten :)
07:01.51*** join/#asterisk cerberus_za (~coert@
07:02.35kaldemarExten: what does your sip.conf look like?
07:03.20*** join/#asterisk zkn (~zkn@
07:05.35*** join/#asterisk hehol (~hehol@2001:1438:1009:200:818b:42da:8ff8:e20c)
07:06.48*** join/#asterisk Faustov (~fst@gentoo/user/faustov)
07:13.16kaldemarExten: externip= <--- is the internal address of your asterisk box, not the external one.
07:13.33kaldemarexternal ip is the public ip of your router.
07:13.58kaldemarlocalnet is also defined to be which is clearly not your network.
07:15.25*** join/#asterisk eject_ck (~eject_ck@
07:15.26Extenit works
07:16.05Extenby the way, it works what the current localnet, and when i disable it, it dosent
07:18.04ExtenThanks !@ :)
07:18.41kaldemarExten: don't disable it, configure it to be what your network is. if your network is, set it to
07:19.04*** join/#asterisk eject_ck (~eject_ck@
07:21.31*** part/#asterisk eject_ck (~eject_ck@
07:21.44kwkhas anybody ever setup a speech quality monitoring solution (e.g. based on PESQ) with asterisk?
07:23.22jg1234i am still having problems with asterisk not hanging up isdn call correctly
07:23.23Extenmy understading of network is a bit lacking ... :) when you say - what do you mean by that range ?
07:23.37p3nguin10.0.0.0/, like he said.
07:24.15p3nguinA subnet mask of is a 24-bit mask, a.k.a. /24.
07:24.57jg1234with this patch its hanging up things correctly, if the call was answered or if the isdn channel was called
07:26.45jqljg1234: interesting patch. does it cause any problems for you?
07:27.23jg1234s/was called/is calling/
07:27.28ExtenOk , did it - you guys are very helpful - thank you
07:27.50jg1234jql: i have more problems without it
07:28.39*** join/#asterisk \DSAFEW\ (
07:29.10jg1234without it asterisk is messing up the whole s0-line because its constantly sending 1010...
07:31.17kaldemarzkn: then asterisk is more likely to handle requests wrong. but this was only about the localnet setting.
07:31.30p3nguinI would guess that an IP address without a mask would assume a 32-bit mask.
07:31.48kaldemarzkn: you don't need to define a mask for every address in the configs.
07:31.55jqlI'd guess that as well
07:32.32p3nguins/an/a 32-bit/
07:32.59p3nguinBut unless you try it, the world may never know.
07:33.34zknso subnet mask has to defined for the localnet IP
07:33.45*** join/#asterisk tamiel (~tamiel@
07:34.06p3nguinA network requires a subnet mask.
07:34.31p3nguinWithout a subnet mask or with a 32-bit subnet mask, it's just an IP address and not a network.
07:35.09p3nguinAnd since it's not called localip, let's go ahead and define the subnet mask.
07:40.09*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
07:41.45*** join/#asterisk shark (d5cf2336@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
07:42.14Guest33474morning or evening to all
07:43.03Guest33474i want to forward unknown nr to another nr from asterisk! Does some one nkow's how to do that ???
07:43.45*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
07:44.44jqlpethkaqeni: what did you try?
07:45.25kaldemarpethkaqeni: be more accurate. explain "forward unknown nr to another nr".
07:45.36pethkaqenii have googled that
07:45.39pethkaqenibut nothing
07:45.51pethkaqeniim trying to eplain
07:45.52pethkaqeninothing since now
07:46.58pethkaqenii want that when an unknown number call my numbers this call to be automaticly forwardet at another nr
07:47.22pethkaqenisorry for my grammar
07:47.56jqleither you want exten => i,1,Dial(SIP/another-nr) or exten => _X.,1,Dial(SIP/another-nr) ?
07:48.22jqlmight want to try those and let us know what you want instead. :)
07:48.46pethkaqenithnx im trying right now and let u know ;)
07:49.27ChannelZI think he probably means he wants to send calls with particular CallerID numbers to a specific extension?
07:49.41ChannelZ(or no CallerID)
07:49.43jqlyet a third option
07:49.49pethkaqeniyes in fact
07:50.14pethkaqenimy prob is with no id numbers
07:50.19kaldemarpethkaqeni: you need to be precise so that people don't have to guess what you're trying to do.
07:50.56jqlthat's more of a GotoIf thing
07:51.13pethkaqeniok from top
07:51.18pethkaqenii have no ID callers that are borring me
07:51.34pethkaqenii want to forward automaticly to the main office nr
07:51.59jg1234maybe someone could point out to me the difference between hanging up a channel that is in AST_STATE_RING and one that is in AST_STATE_UP
07:52.20kaldemarpethkaqeni: GotoIf($["${CALLERID(num)}" = ""]?context,exten,priority)
07:52.51*** join/#asterisk freckle (~jon@
07:53.38jqljg1234: what do you mean by difference?
07:54.04jqljg1234: they're different protocol states. different billing states, too, to your carrier
07:54.43*** join/#asterisk WiretapMac (~wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
07:55.38jg1234i am probably to focused on that state because its the only difference i could find
07:56.33jg1234AST_STATE_UP -> correct hangup (with my patch) AST_STATE_RING -> no hangup
07:57.15jg1234its very likely that this is not the reason
07:57.19jqljg1234: in q.931, either one is going to cause a -> RELEASE <- DISCONNECT -> DISCONNECT ACK
07:58.33jqlor is it the other way around? probably doesn't matter
07:58.51*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
08:01.06kaldemarjg1234: where is the call coming from?
08:02.25jg1234jql well i think thats all done by libpri
08:02.54jg1234kaldemar  i am a little confused right now
08:03.18jg1234i will check my setup again
08:06.57jg1234oh and let my point out that in asterisk- everything it working just fine
08:07.07*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (~moi@
08:08.09jg1234kaldemar its an incomming call from another isdn "phone"
08:09.36kaldemarjg1234: what do you see in the protocol debug?
08:20.26jg1234kaldemar or did you mean something else ?
08:20.28*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
08:22.06*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
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08:26.37*** join/#asterisk verywiseman (~verywisem@unaffiliated/verywiseman)
08:27.13verywisemanhow can i know current call sessions , and how can i end any one of them?
08:29.09jacc0@verywiseman: core show channels
08:29.39*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
08:30.45BelTechsHi I am still attempting to debug a trunk. The trunk outbound is ok and the inbound is not working. please see for latest sip debug
08:30.53BelTechsthanks in advance
08:36.47*** part/#asterisk kwk (
08:37.38*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
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08:40.09kaldemarjg1234: the other end should answer a RELEASE with a RELEASE COMPLETE. now it sends a RELEASE, maybe that confuses asterisk.
08:40.26kaldemarjg1234: does that happen regardless of where you make the call from?
08:44.21Chainsawjacc0: The crasher is in 1.8.4-rc3 as well. I just tried that one in production (briefly obviously).
08:45.23*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
08:46.44Chainsawjacc0: Should be reproducable by having a peer with transport=TCP,UDP and having a firewall block TCP access. It takes a few minutes to time out, and that timeout seems to be what brings it down with a null pointer dereference.
08:46.57Chainsawjacc0: I really could do with a core dump to prove it that I could take to teknoviking though :/
08:58.23jacc0@BelTechs: there is this text in your log: 87.SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized
08:58.35jacc0@BelTech: check username and password
09:00.03jacc0@Chainsaw: some of the crashes I'm was experiancing seem like they are fixed in 1.8.4-rc3
09:00.36Chainsawjacc0: Particularly transfer-related ones I take it? That "unable to break RTP bridge" message looks very familiar.
09:01.23jacc0[Apr 12 19:06:48] WARNING[4007]: channel.c:6493 ast_do_masquerade: Channel type 'NULL' does not have a fixup routine (for Bridge/SIP/<ZOMBIE>)!  Bad things may happen.
09:01.27Chainsawjacc0: 1.8.4 should be good for me, upstream has also applied one of the 10 patches from the patchset. Down to 9 at long last.
09:01.41Chainsawjacc0: Oh, ouch. That's worse than what I'm used to.
09:03.25jacc0and I had someting strange last sunday/monday; asterisk wasn't able to start
09:03.49jacc0I removed astdb and is started again
09:04.02jacc0*it started
09:05.40Chainsawjacc0: That would be a disaster for me. My astdb has a *lot* of essential data like country/area codes.
09:06.03Chainsawjacc0: (You get location information for any inbound call, if the data isn't in the CRM)
09:06.49*** join/#asterisk Denial (
09:07.15jacc0in astdb?
09:07.32jacc0it is regenerated when you start asterisk
09:08.32jg1234kaldemar sry that i have to ask this, but to be sure ">" is receiving and "<" is sending right ?
09:08.42jacc0I've been putting astdb to the test :)
09:08.54jacc026.000.000 entries without problems
09:09.45jacc0only when you have a value of 4096 bytes long asterisk takes up 85% ram on a 4gb ram system
09:10.20Chainsawjacc0: I have... 1793 entries.
09:10.27Chainsawjacc0: 26 million seems a lot :)
09:10.41jacc0just make sure the values don't get to long
09:11.28jacc0you better use the key name to store values; asterisk has no problem with keynames of 4096 bytes
09:12.30jacc0value length is limited to 4096; I guess it is because a dialplan row can be max 4096 bytes
09:13.06jacc0maybe you could make it longer bij using push en shift
09:13.06Chainsawjacc0: Your middle name appears to be "torture test". I like that.
09:13.27jacc0i've also tested the total ascii table : noprblems there
09:14.00kaldemarjg1234: the opposite
09:14.08jacc0I dont seem to be able to reproduce what caused asterisk not to start
09:14.36Chainsaw[2011-04-27 10:12:27] NOTICE[21840]: res_musiconhold.c:661 monmp3thread: Request to schedule in the past?!?! <- This is also a firm favourite. I don't even use MP3 for MOH.
09:17.31jg1234kaldemar ok , this is with asterisk 1.6.. and it hanging up correctly, or at least its not messing up my s0-bus after that
09:19.30*** join/#asterisk carloimperia (
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09:29.09*** join/#asterisk devil_evoxxx (~d3v1l@
09:29.13devil_evoxxxhi all guys! :)
09:30.16jacc0hi devil
09:38.22*** join/#asterisk SiNGLer (
09:52.30devil_evoxxxjacc0, have you got any idea about  old isdn pbx that for dialing out firs keep the line and next compose the number
09:53.15devil_evoxxxbecause, i need to transform an old isnd pbx in voip tecnology..
09:55.00devil_evoxxxand when the old pbx  dial out, an incoming call come to asterisk but not with the corrext exten
09:55.06devil_evoxxxit comes in s extesnsion :(
10:05.22zknwhat is that :  chan_iax2.c:5117 iax2_read: I should never be called!
10:08.49jg1234kaldemar without my patch asterisk never hangs up
10:09.22jg1234and in the case of "release collision" it should be able to hang up
10:09.31jg1234like the 1.6.. version does
10:17.32jacc0@devil: nope
10:23.09*** join/#asterisk nibel (
10:23.46nibeli have a urgent problem and I hope someone could help me with that
10:24.23nibelcan you tell me something about this error message?  app_dial.c:1076 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'Zap' (cause 34 - Circuit/channel congestion)
10:24.48nibeli get it everytime I try to dial
10:25.08nibelbut the setup was working some time ago...
10:26.01*** join/#asterisk cyborg-one (
10:26.14*** join/#asterisk WiretapMac (~wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
10:29.43nibelok found out that my spans are down -.-
10:29.59nibeldont know how to bring them up
10:34.32*** join/#asterisk ruyo (~psantos@
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10:48.37*** join/#asterisk Exten (~Exten@
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11:33.33*** join/#asterisk z4nD4R (
11:33.56z4nD4Rhi all :)
11:34.17z4nD4Rsomebody to help with call redirection and call ide forwarding?
11:35.48jacc0@z4nD4R>: don't ask if anyone can help, just ask your question
11:35.59z4nD4Rok :)
11:36.35z4nD4Ri have this in my dialplan
11:37.07z4nD4Rexten => 123,n,Dial(SIP/Office,10)
11:37.07z4nD4Rexten => 123,n,Dial(SIP/trunk-03/some_number)
11:37.54z4nD4Rredirection works verry well, but .. on phone i see number: "some_number" and not.. the real caller number
11:40.59z4nD4RQuestion is.. if i can direct this caller id to trunk. i am not sure, if this is possible...
11:43.32jg1234kaldemar are you still there ?
11:46.04*** join/#asterisk psilvao (~psilvao@
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11:46.32psilvaosomebody use tdm400P + freetdm?
11:49.36\DSAFEW\nibel, what version asterisk are you using? Zap is depreciated
12:06.27leifmadsenfreetdm is some alternative to zaptel or dahdi
12:06.34leifmadsenI've never heard of anyone using it
12:06.44leifmadsenask in #freeswitch
12:11.01jg1234that patch is working best for me
12:12.22jg1234i think someone should really check dahdi_hangup(.. because the "goto hangup_out" really skips a lot of stuff that was done in older versions
12:12.51leifmadsenjg1234: have you provided your patch to the issue tracker and described the issue?
12:13.07jg1234;) no
12:13.20leifmadsenthen no one who can commit the issue can look at your patch :)
12:13.49jg1234really why not
12:15.08*** join/#asterisk slidesinger (
12:17.02leifmadsenjg1234: because of the license policy that requires patches be put through the systems we have in place
12:17.17jg1234is my email address going to be posted on any mailing lists or something like that
12:17.20leifmadsenall patches must be submitted by someone who has a license on file
12:17.26leifmadsenjg1234: no
12:17.43leifmadsenjg1234: you just fill out the online license agreement which simply goes to the Digium legal department
12:17.49leifmadsenit's a link at the top of
12:18.09jg1234yeah i am currently doing that
12:18.23*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (~chatzilla@pdpc/supporter/active/abatista)
12:19.26jg1234i was just wondering because of the kernel-mailing list i have lost some email addresses due to spam (i know that you are not responsable for the kernel mailing list)
12:19.36leifmadsencertainly not :)
12:19.43leifmadsenyou're only subscribed to mailing lists you sign up for
12:19.55leifmadsenat that point it is your problem to protect your identity
12:25.52*** join/#asterisk wesphillips (
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12:31.49jg1234well i guess the report is enough
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12:55.07*** part/#asterisk tasca (~tasca@
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13:12.43ChainsawYes, hello.
13:12.44k3asd`hi jacc0
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13:22.30Faustovwill _X. catch 1-digit extensions?
13:23.52kaldemarFaustov: no. "." is one or more.
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13:27.33nibeli have a urgent problem and I hope someone could help me with that
13:27.58nibelcan you tell me something about this error message?  app_dial.c:1076 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'Zap' (cause 34 - Circuit/channel congestion)
13:28.11nibeli get it everytime I try to dial
13:28.51kaldemarnibel: what brought you to the conclusion that the span is down?
13:29.25nibelpri show span 1 says : Status: Provisioned, Down, Active
13:29.45nibelkaldemar: i dont know how to bring them up...
13:29.46kaldemarnibel: and you haven't changed any settings since it worked?
13:30.09nibelkaldemar: y but i also phoned my carrier who says everything is alright...
13:30.38nibelkaldemar: i also have backup of my config and use it right now...
13:31.46*** join/#asterisk golam (4531720a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:33.26nibelkaldemar: its  really urgent. I know how to configure a dialplan or sip but have no idea about wanpipe oder zap
13:35.34*** join/#asterisk ruben23 (~RLACUMBA@
13:37.15\DSAFEW\nibel, do you have any modules which need loading?
13:37.54*** join/#asterisk _Corey_ (~chatzilla@
13:43.09nibel\DSAFEW\: what do you exactly mean?
13:43.36\DSAFEW\nibel, has the machine rebooted since it last worked? perhaps modules need to be loaded
13:43.58nibel\DSAFEW\: rebooted several times :/
13:44.01\DSAFEW\nibel, like, zaptel module and hardware
13:44.21nibel\DSAFEW\: zaptel is loaded
13:44.28\DSAFEW\nibel, look over the modules.conf and see if you can modprobe them manually
13:44.55*** join/#asterisk Juggie (~Juggie@unaffiliated/juggie)
13:44.55\DSAFEW\nibel, you said something about a missing device?
13:46.04nibel\DSAFEW\: no but pri show span says status: down
13:47.16*** join/#asterisk golam (4531720a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:47.30\DSAFEW\what does zttool say?
13:48.20\DSAFEW\same thing I gather from the docs
13:48.39nibel\DSAFEW\: Ok  wanpipe1 card0
13:48.49*** join/#asterisk jaytee (~jforde051@unaffiliated/jaytee)
13:48.58nibel\DSAFEW\: Red  wanpipe2 card1
13:49.23nibel\DSAFEW\: Ok  wanpipe3 card2
13:49.39nibel\DSAFEW\: Red  wanpipe4 card3
13:49.48\DSAFEW\perhaps there's a connection problem, is card1/4 plugged in?
13:49.50nibel\DSAFEW\: that's what zttol says
13:50.22*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (
13:50.33nibel\DSAFEW\: yes it is, but when i remember right all wanpipe go to status red when i plug it out
13:50.51*** join/#asterisk Arsenick (~y@fedora/Arsenick)
13:50.57\DSAFEW\plug it out?
13:51.00\DSAFEW\is out?
13:51.22nibel\DSAFEW\: no it's plugged in at the moment
13:51.46\DSAFEW\nibel, what did you think the problem is again?
13:52.45nibel\DSAFEW\: probably  the zaptel.conf is wrong
13:53.09\DSAFEW\do you have wgetpaste?
13:53.19\DSAFEW\nibel, that'd be very handy right now
13:54.12nibel\DSAFEW\: no sorry but i could load the conf up to pastebin, btw im very very glad u are helping me
13:54.35nibel\DSAFEW\: im a little bit despaired at the moment
13:55.07*** part/#asterisk benngard (~mabe@
13:55.31\DSAFEW\so how did it stop working? one day randomly it lost all connectivity to the trunk?
13:56.04\DSAFEW\if you're using the backups, how come you think it's a zaptel.conf problem?
13:58.12nibel\DSAFEW\: actually i have no idea. We have a pmx here on the one slot a hipath system is connected on the other one this asterisk server which is only used occassinally but now we need it
13:59.16*** join/#asterisk putnopvut (~putnopvut@asterisk/master-of-queues/mmichelson)
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13:59.59nibel\DSAFEW\: but sometime ago we had a network failure, the system got restarted but with the wrong default kernel, i assumed there was a problem with zaptel.conf and edited it but then discovered the wrong kernel was loaed so i started the right one and used the config backup but i have still the same problem
14:02.27*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
14:05.06\DSAFEW\nibel, were you still pastebinning?
14:05.53nibelgathering the infos giht now mom
14:06.01*** join/#asterisk JonRob (~jon@
14:06.55nibel\DSAFEW\: this is zapata.conf
14:07.55nibel\DSAFEW\: this is zaptel.conf
14:08.13*** join/#asterisk cyford (
14:09.36kaldemarnibel: is the signalling pri_net on purpose on spans 1 and 2?
14:09.50\DSAFEW\oh one thing I learned recently, the ael files are also included in the configuration if they are present, are those recent or from backups?
14:10.32nibelkaldemar: i dont know i did not set up the machine myself unfortunately
14:10.54kaldemarnibel: what are the spans connected to?
14:11.18nibel\DSAFEW\: they were also present in the original configuration and are also in the backups
14:11.28kaldemarand show what causes the "Unable to create channel of type 'Zap'" message.
14:11.38nibelkaldemar: e1 pmx
14:13.18kaldemarthe telco equipment is usually the network side and customer is cpe. your zaptel.conf is even configured to take clock from the line.
14:14.08nibelkaldemar: is that a good or a bad thin?
14:14.23nibelkaldemar: sry for my dumbness...
14:14.40nibelkaldemar: never worked on a isdn line before...
14:15.16kaldemarit's normal for the cpe side since telco's provide timing.
14:15.26kaldemarwhat causes the cause 34 message?
14:15.44*** join/#asterisk skten (
14:16.27nibelkaldemar: mom ihave here the error message from my php/ami script first
14:16.52nibelthe script just does a originate from ami interface
14:16.52sktenEvening all, has anyone here played with two B410Ps back to back and constantly see 'Changing state from awaiting establishment to tei assiged) Yet no reports of down D chan?
14:17.22*** join/#asterisk nicoAMG (~nicoamg@
14:17.39kaldemarnibel: so group 1 is used for outgoing calls. from zapata.conf we see that channel =>63-77,79-93, and
14:18.01kaldemarchannel =>94-108,110-124 belong to group 1.
14:18.02\DSAFEW\brb food
14:18.33nibelkaldemar: at the moment i only need outgoing calls so we can concentrante on that
14:18.39kaldemarthose spans should be connected to the telco device. from zaptel.conf we see that those are spans 3 and 4.
14:18.43nibelkaldemar: everything else is not needed
14:19.31kaldemarpri show span 3 and pri show span 4 will tell you about those spans.
14:19.50*** part/#asterisk TobSnyder (
14:20.44nibelkaldemar: this is pri show span 3
14:21.39nibelkaldemar: this is pri show span 4
14:22.27kaldemarinteresting. your zapata.conf doesn't have a switchtype defined. are you in NL?
14:22.56*** join/#asterisk Ean (~Ean@unaffiliated/ean)
14:23.01nibelkaldemar: no im in de, i was wondering about that too
14:23.27\DSAFEW\huh... what's a switchtype?
14:23.30*** join/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
14:23.50kaldemarnibel: put switchtype=euroisdn in zapata.conf somewhere *above* all channel => lines.
14:24.41nibelkaldemar: do i have to issue a asterisk or just a zaptel restart then?
14:25.08kaldemarnibel: asterisk restart
14:27.02nibelkaldemar: in which context do i have to put it? above channel but under "[channels]"
14:27.37kaldemarunder [channels]
14:28.15nibelkaldemar: done
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14:30.31nibelkaldemar: did not help and i get with "dial xxx@from-internal" the 34 error again
14:31.44*** join/#asterisk KavanS (~KavanS@LINBIT/KavanS)
14:31.57kaldemarnibel: what kind of settings has the telco advised you to use?
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14:35.48nibelkaldemar: it's a edss1 with 30 channels plus d-channel
14:36.21nibelkaldemar: i dont know much more i just have the backups of the config that worked in the past
14:37.29*** join/#asterisk adyn (~adyn@pdpc/supporter/active/adyn)
14:41.02nibelkaldemar: this is the log from issueing a  dial on the cmdline
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14:51.49jayteeI haven't changed anything on my asterisk server or in my configs but this morning I started having problems with my inbound calls. I keep getting this message.
14:52.01jaytee[Apr 27 10:44:07] WARNING[3303]: chan_sip.c:3825 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on transmission 1611573244_55241559@ for seqno 23423 (Critical Response) -- See doc/sip-retransmit.txt.
14:52.21jayteemy provider is Flowroute. Outbound call work fine.
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14:52.44jayteeI restarted my server but still have the same issue.
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14:56.46WiretapSevenjaytee, looks like NAT config
14:56.53WiretapSevenas much as I can tell from that one line
14:58.42ChannelZis a firewall between your server and the net?  (or did one get placed there unknowingly?)
14:59.27infobotFor more information about the Asterisk book, see ~thebook
14:59.34infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at, or ~buybook
14:59.45infobotYou can buy "Asterisk: The Definitive Guide" at so go buy it SERIOUSLY
15:00.01sled-dogI've got an older version of it, don't worry
15:00.14Freeaqingme_why cant ~book just show the same message  as ~thebook ?
15:00.24leifmadsenbecause then I have to update to separate things
15:00.35Freeaqingme_fair enough
15:00.36leifmadsenit's stupid having the same information in multiple locations
15:00.52leifmadsen(that are not the same resource)
15:01.13Freeaqingme_leifmadsen, do you know what is suggested these days, the use of ajam or ami?
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15:04.35msetimI'm trying to use voicemail + postgresql 8.3 + lo to store recording messages but I'm getting this error: res_odbc.c: SQL Execute returned an error -1: HY000: Could not commit (in-line) a transaction (40)
15:04.45msetimIt was working fine with postgresql 8.1
15:05.53*** join/#asterisk dimm (~appleworm@unaffiliated/dimm)
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15:08.30\DSAFEW\nibel, can you show us the dialplan please?
15:09.17nibel\DSAFEW\: i will but i need  5 minutes becuase the machine is restarting right now
15:09.34\DSAFEW\nibel, sure
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15:20.29nibel\DSAFEW\: that's the extensions.conf
15:20.38jayteeWiretapSeven, bingo! you were right. My cable modem which has it's own firewall and uses DHCP had rebooted during the night. I've since set the NIC for the WAN port on my * box to static and changed the config on the cable modem.
15:20.45nibel\DSAFEW\: it's a mess
15:21.25nibel\DSAFEW\: i plan to clean it up after i got it running
15:22.20*** join/#asterisk knorkeknie (~uli@
15:22.28jayteeand Russell's recipe for Goat Cheese and Bison meat Lasagna is to die for!
15:24.17knorkekniehi there, my first time to join here, so ... hi there ;)
15:25.39nibel\DSAFEW\: at the moment i just need from-internal and from-internal2 from that dialplan on this machine
15:26.11knorkekniestarted with asterisk some days ago and need some help
15:26.40\DSAFEW\nibel, yeah, what dials with from-internal?
15:26.47\DSAFEW\nibel, can you use that to dial?
15:28.55\DSAFEW\nibel, exten => i,1,Congestion
15:29.23\DSAFEW\I'm sorry I'm very tired, so this dialplan doesn't make sense to me now
15:29.31\DSAFEW\my brain is on light duty only
15:29.41nibel\DSAFEW\: moment pls
15:29.57nibel\DSAFEW\: just look at this ok
15:30.43*** join/#asterisk Jaburto (
15:31.06JaburtoCan I register my purchased fax for asterisk licenses on a backup machine?
15:31.56Freeaqingme_Jaburto, I think you would have to ask digium (or wherever you ordered it)
15:31.58leifmadsenJaburto: I think they can only be registered to a single machine
15:32.06leifmadsenand yes - that's a commercial support question
15:32.54Jaburtobecause I was able to register the free fax for asterisk on both
15:33.08Freeaqingme_Jaburto, if you cannot register it twice, you could perhaps also install the free license on your backup system
15:33.20nibel\DSAFEW\: can u look on my last pastebin to give me a last idea
15:33.44JaburtoI'll have to buy some more then
15:34.01*** join/#asterisk bn-7bc (
15:35.53JaburtoIf you have 2 asterisk boxes with the exact same configuration and you clients were setup to connect based on SRV records how could you proxy the invites between machines to see which one the client is connected to?
15:37.08JaburtoI made up a working dialplan but what was happening is the remote asterisk box was trying to authenticate the client instead of the source asterisk machine where the sip message was piggy backed
15:38.51JaburtoI think it would work great if the authentication logic was hacked up a little bit
15:39.30JaburtoOr should I go pop another xanax?
15:39.53\DSAFEW\nibel, so does the asterisk log say anything?
15:40.17\DSAFEW\nibel, about the CPE?
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15:51.37nibel\DSAFEW\: where shall i look for cpe?
15:52.19\DSAFEW\nibel, I was asking for a log file about asterisk something like /var/log/asterisk/messages
15:53.01\DSAFEW\nibel, if you want to rotate that and restart asterisk, it would be smaller to paste
15:53.35*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
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15:57.28nibel\DSAFEW\: i paste the last startup until now
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16:04.41nibel\DSAFEW\: /var/log/asterisk/messages
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16:10.15nibeldamn it
16:10.25nibeli'm so tired
16:10.35*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
16:12.32beekhands nibel some No-Doze
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16:16.18zambayou guys heard about lync?
16:18.03QwellAnother Microsoft voice thingie?  I can't wait!  The last several they've done did so well.
16:20.41zambaQwell: well.. this has some potential, i believe
16:20.55zambabut i hate microsoft just as much as the next guy in here :)
16:21.06zambajust wondered if anyone had any experience with it
16:22.25beekI'd rather just use two tin cans and some string than use anything from MS.
16:22.42\DSAFEW\nibel, try commenting out this in the zapata
16:23.14\DSAFEW\or set them to no
16:24.30\DSAFEW\restart the asterisk service and see if that helps
16:24.31nibel\DSAFEW\: i'll try that, btw you such awesome person helping me here for such a long time
16:24.44nibel+ are
16:24.49*** join/#asterisk fhmiv (
16:26.48nibel\DSAFEW\: no it did not help and "pri show span 3" still says: Status: Provisioned, Down, Active
16:26.59\DSAFEW\nibel, you'll be doing this next week probably, lol
16:27.33nibel\DSAFEW\: when i sortedd this problem out until then XD
16:28.01*** join/#asterisk devil_evoxxx (
16:28.23devil_evoxxxhi guys..there someone of digium support center?
16:29.03Qwelldevil_evoxxx: There are, but this is not an official support channel.
16:29.53devil_evoxxxQwell, i know :) thankyou for your reply. I open a support case for a b410pf card
16:30.15devil_evoxxx4 or 5 day ago
16:30.55devil_evoxxxi have resend an email because we had some problem with our mailserver
16:32.12devil_evoxxxand i want to say if the support is already open and upgraded with my last email ( sent today)
16:35.45leifmadsenrussellb: I think works too
16:35.59leifmadsenrussellb: or ISN: 7659*460
16:36.53\DSAFEW\nibel, does a dahdi restart do anything?
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16:39.03citywokAny digium guy's around?  What's the latest firmware on the AA50 supposed to be?  I've got a beta firmware still from an RMA unit.
16:39.25russellbbecause i have no idea
16:42.22\DSAFEW\nibel, look into maybe resetinterval= , Im' fallin asleep now
16:42.55nibel\DSAFEW\: where do i have to look for resetinterval?
16:43.00\DSAFEW\nibel, might be upstream, call the provider again and make them suffer your insane old astrrisks
16:43.15\DSAFEW\nibel, I would google it, forget what it's for
16:44.59nibel\DSAFEW\: i have no dahdi in the asterisk ctl
16:45.52nibel\DSAFEW\: but dundi...
16:46.20\DSAFEW\zaptel is old name for dahdi
16:46.35nibel\DSAFEW\: it is a sangoma card
16:46.45leifmadsenwanpipe can still use dahdi
16:46.52nibelah right
16:46.56leifmadsenzaptel is like 2 years old now
16:47.09leifmadsenI'd not be doing any new deployments on it
16:47.14nibelleifmadsen: this one is even older
16:47.23leifmadsendefine:  "this one"
16:47.34nibelleifmadsen: it's a doomed 1.2 machine
16:48.19nibelleifmadsen: and with doomed i mean doomed
16:49.02leifmadsenand with that, I wipe my hands of it ;)
16:49.21nibelthx for the summary
16:49.31\DSAFEW\oh yes one of the bugreports I found said this problem was patched
16:49.39\DSAFEW\but this worked before
16:49.50\DSAFEW\and you aren't reinstalling asterisk I guess
16:49.51*** join/#asterisk digilink (
16:50.00nibel\DSAFEW\: im considering it
16:50.09nibel\DSAFEW\: can u give me alinkt to the bug report
16:50.17\DSAFEW\nibel, well, that dialplan baffles my sleepy head
16:50.20\DSAFEW\good luck
16:50.39*** join/#asterisk bchia (~chatzilla@nat/digium/x-ivuxdogmdconpcgk)
16:50.43\DSAFEW\nibel, no I just read it was patched, nothing new here
16:51.00\DSAFEW\searched for various parts of your 34 error
16:51.22\DSAFEW\you are not up, your link isn't up
16:51.25\DSAFEW\that's the problem
16:51.26nibel\DSAFEW\ hm
16:51.43*** join/#asterisk paulc (~paulc@unaffiliated/paulc)
16:51.57nibel\DSAFEW\: i know but i find no reason or error log for that...
16:52.05\DSAFEW\see if that timeout thing works for your zapata or w/e
16:52.23\DSAFEW\nibel, perhaps it's in the zaptel log
16:52.52nibel\DSAFEW\: there is no /var/log/zaptel
16:53.08nibel\DSAFEW\: do u mean setinterval or timeout?
16:55.27*** join/#asterisk el3slave (
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17:02.10Kobazanyone have an example of a chan_dahdi with a simple pri for 1.8
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17:06.25*** join/#asterisk nickfennell (
17:06.29nickfennellQuick question
17:06.57nickfennellWould we all assume that the most risky part of using VoIP is between the EP and the provider in terms of security
17:07.27nickfennellie, when it involves the intraweb
17:07.44carrarnot if the SIP signaling is in a VPN's
17:07.44Kobazwhere does the provider send the call... is the providers' provider link secure
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17:08.06nickfennellcarrar, without VPN or any other security in place
17:08.29nickfennelland Kobaz, I assume that the provider has E1/T1 within their network and all media gateways exist within provider network
17:08.53nickfennellso once EP traffic reaches provider, it should be secure
17:08.58Freeaqingme_nickfennell, I think most 'hacks' occur because people have too easy passwords,/and/ their pbx allows spoofed callerids to dial outbound
17:09.00nickfennellbut, between the provider and the EP
17:09.05nickfennellFreeaqingme, indeed.
17:09.34carrarSecure voip involves encrypting the voice
17:09.39carrarend to end
17:09.46Kobaznickfennell: you shouldn't assume anything
17:09.48carrarencryptig the audio
17:10.09carrarwhich doesn't work over T1
17:10.11devil_evoxxxi'm try to configure b410pf card, for trasforming a old pbx into voip tech. I'm using dahdi and  i want to say if the options immediate=yes (present on zapte), is present still in dahdi and where i can configure that.
17:10.13carrarfrom sip
17:10.26nickfennellI'm trying to build a generic case example where the most common scenario is 'x' and the security should be implemented at 'y'
17:10.41Freeaqingme_if you want your T1 to be safe you'd have to start using (and designing) ss8
17:10.41nickfennellwell E1/T1 would be PSTN break out
17:10.57carrarPSTN is not secure
17:10.58nickfennellISDN30 equiv.
17:11.04Freeaqingme_it is, but T1/ss7 by definition is insecure
17:11.05carrarwhy would you thik it is?
17:11.11nickfennellYeah but that's a totally different issue
17:11.15nickfennellWhich goes well past VoIP
17:11.23nickfennellI can't do anything about securing PSTN
17:11.30Freeaqingme_you can
17:11.31Freeaqingme_by not using it
17:11.39Freeaqingme_it's all about priorities
17:11.41nickfennellbut I can do something about securing up to the provider. If the providers core network isn't secure then that's their issue not mine
17:12.02*** join/#asterisk deadpigeon (
17:12.11nickfennellDo you see where I'm coming from
17:13.17nickfennellwhere $humour >=0; die();
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17:13.40jayteehow can you tell if he's from London? bad teeth?
17:14.02carrarhe's on the side of the street with a laptop waiting for the marriage people
17:14.11nickfennellOOo I like this
17:14.28jaytee60 mil for a wedding. what a joke!
17:14.40Kobaznickfennell: vpn
17:14.40nickfennellWhat can we say, we have style
17:14.46Kobazwhat specific question do you have?
17:14.49nickfennellKobaz, I have better than VPN :)
17:14.56Kobazcarrier pidgeon?
17:14.57paulcI can't believe you went there with the bad teeth reference
17:15.04nickfennellKobaz, it wasn't any specific, I just wanted some opinions
17:15.24Kobazmessenger on horseback with the official crown seal?
17:15.27nickfennellbut typically, as with most conversations, it becomes convoluted and pointless
17:15.28carrarWhat do you want to protect? the conversation or the server?
17:16.13nickfennellnvm people, this is clearly beyond your heuristic capabilities
17:17.00nickfennellI'll leave you to your pigeon holing and stereotypical ideologies
17:17.07carrarback to register... you want fries with that
17:17.08Kobazwe're here to help
17:17.13nickfennelland that you have.
17:17.22nickfennellcheers Kobaz
17:18.17Kobazthe teeth thing was a little off
17:18.28Kobazamericans probably have much worse teeth on average than the rest of the world
17:18.37Kobazall this sugar in everything
17:18.39nickfennellAmericans have bigger problems than teeth
17:18.53nickfennellIt's OK though. Wet get it ;)
17:19.03msetimI'm trying to use voicemail + postgresql 8.3 + lo to store recording messages but I'm getting this error: res_odbc.c: SQL Execute returned an error -1: HY000: Could not commit (in-line) a transaction (40)
17:19.06nickfennellJust try harder next time :P
17:19.57drmessanoI missed another ideology class?
17:19.58drmessanoShit, I am gonna fail the final
17:21.30Kobazno make up sessions either
17:23.41Kobazdamn, i dont have my knoppix usb stick
17:24.49*** join/#asterisk fhmiv (
17:24.57QwellKnoppix still exists?  And people still use it?
17:26.21Kobazand drive copying
17:28.47tzafrirSome off-topic questions: I need some information about Avaya systems
17:29.35tzafrirThey use some proprietary voip protocol of their own, right?
17:29.38Freeaqingme_now that is indeed offtopic :P
17:29.56tzafrirDoes wireshark understand it?
17:30.08tzafrirDoes it use RTP for the audio?
17:30.26*** join/#asterisk Tozz_ (
17:30.52Kobazthe avaya ip office stuff is sip
17:31.47tzafrirI'll be looking at an installation with some Avaya hard phones tommorow (so I figure the rest of the system is Avaya)
17:31.57tzafrirIs it SIP?
17:34.15Kobazis it an ip office system?
17:34.38Kobazthe definity phones are non-ip but digital
17:34.45Kobazthey run on single pair cat3
17:34.52tzafrirNot really sure. It's VoIP
17:34.55Kobazthe ip office phones are sip
17:35.37Kobazwithout more information i can't tell you anything else
17:36.04RypPnIf its a 4600
17:36.47Kobazback to asterisk
17:36.52Kobazdid something change with dahdi in 1.8.3
17:36.53Kobaz[2011-04-27 13:32:56] ERROR[3549]: chan_dahdi.c:16838 process_dahdi: Unknown signalling method 'pri_cpe' at line 36.
17:37.12*** join/#asterisk not_schmaltz (
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17:38.22QwellKobaz: Do you have libpri installed?
17:38.31QwellYou may need to update it.
17:38.41not_schmaltzHi, I'm working on creating an IVR application (web app in php), that will need different logic for different clients. What should I use to create the dialplans --  I need them to be dynamic..
17:38.41Kobazthat's what i was thinking
17:38.48Kobazi'm trying to go from 1.6.0 to 1.8.3
17:38.54Kobazi have a really old libpri probably
17:39.49Kobazoh  [ ]ChangeLog-1.4.1018-Apr-2009 18:15 16K
17:39.53Kobazyeah that is old
17:40.31*** join/#asterisk Shazaum (~1@unaffiliated/shazaum)
17:41.03tzafrirQwell, asteriks will completely fail to use an older libpri, or just not use newer features?
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17:43.05Qwelltzafrir: don't know, but something that old, I wouldn't be surprised if it just bombed completely.
17:43.44Kobazteh bombs
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17:44.17tzafrirKobaz, what happens if you explicitly configure --with-libpri ?
17:44.18Kobazoh crap, what can i substitute for a torx driver
17:44.28tzafrirThough upgrading libpri wouldn't hurt
17:44.39Kobazyeah i;m upgrading
17:44.50Kobazthis is a box in a failover setup, not using it right now
17:45.17Kobazfigured might as well upgrade asterisk too see if that resolves the problems we've been having on this system
17:45.29Kobazsince i'm already replacing the hard drives with bigger ones and etc
17:47.25Kobazstupid torx
17:47.28asilvaHas anyone made upgrades from 1.6.x to 1.8.x without problems ?
17:47.40*** join/#asterisk mclaro (~mclaro@
17:50.14Kobazi haven't
17:50.28Kobazi used 1.8.1 and crashed it within a few minutes
17:51.15Kobaztrying now
17:51.41Kobazi'm hitting the end of a bunch of my development projects, so any crashes I do hit, i can start working on reporting and fixing
17:52.35asilvaKobaz, crashes without any reason ?
17:52.42Kobazthere's always a reason
17:52.42asilvajust start & crash ?
17:52.47Kobazno it would start
17:52.52asilvaahahah sure... but's not what i meant
17:52.59Kobazi was trying out attended transfers after having Bridge()'d a call
17:53.21Kobazi think that was fixed in 1.8.2
17:53.31Kobazi remember seeing a fix for an attended transfer crash
17:54.51Kobazokay dahdi  libpri
17:55.02*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
17:55.03Kobazchan_dahdi.c:16838 process_dahdi: Unknown signalling method 'pri_cpe' at line 36.
17:56.03Qwelldid you re-run configure?
17:57.21Kobazdoing that now, i just upgraded dahdi and libpri in place
17:57.25Kobazupgrading dahdi on my build server
18:00.25*** join/#asterisk mickecarlsson (
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18:01.34mickecarlssonhas a question about realtime voicemal, any takers?
18:03.50Sertysrealtime voicemail
18:03.59Sertysi like the way it sounds
18:04.09Sertysrealtime voicemail is called conversation
18:05.07mickecarlssonActually, it section [general] read from realtime database or from voicemail.conf when using realtime voicemail
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18:05.25cjso... diameter...
18:06.11Kobazi dont need a torx, this hard drive just pops right out
18:08.59cj<3 ChipX86
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18:09.35tzafrirKobaz, one more off-topic Avaya question:
18:10.11tzafrirIf I sniff traffic there, can I expect to figure out a range of IP addresses from broadcasts?
18:10.35tzafrir(apart from ARPs, which I may or may not see)
18:10.57Kobazi don't know really what sort of data they send
18:11.12Kobazarps may be your only bet
18:11.22Kobazbut i don't know if they use broadcast traffic
18:12.35KobazQwell: okay, rebuilt dahdi, recompiled asterisk. still doesn't like pri_cpe
18:13.17Kobaztime to visit chan_dahdi line 16838
18:13.45Kobaz#ifdef HAVE_PRI
18:14.04Qwellrecompiled, or re-ran configure and recompiled?
18:14.29Kobazi already had it configured
18:14.36Kobazor does it need reconfiguring after a new dahdi?
18:14.45Kobazi dont have HAVE_PRI defined
18:16.09Kobazokay reconfigured, HAVE_PRI is defined now
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18:22.23Kobazyay, okay that worked
18:29.04knorkekniehey ther, im trying to find out how to use DEVICE_STATE.... just wanna ensure that if one phone is busy another sip-phone is called... but even if im phoning the device-state is not_inuse...
18:31.19knorkekniejust doing a simple NoOp(${DEVICESTATE(SIP/223)}) in an extension... whenn im calling another phone with my device 223 and i call with my mobile the state is still NOT_INUSE
18:32.00knorkekniedid i misunderstand DEVICE_STATE or where is the problem ?
18:34.49cjtzafrir: use lldpd
18:35.07cjtzafrir: I've got a bunch of 1120e phones
18:37.24tzafrircj, This is what Cisco uses. Avaya also uses it?
18:37.44tzafrirThough switches there are cisco, so it won't hurt
18:39.49Kobazlldp is a standard
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18:41.34cjtzafrir: cisco might have switched to it.  it used to use CDP.  LLDP is the vendor-neutral version
18:43.02*** join/#asterisk p3nguin (
18:44.29cjlook like the info you're seeking?
18:48.30tzafrircj, yes, indeed :-)
18:48.56cjgood deal
18:49.01tzafrirnow, if I can only convince them to connect my laptop to that network for such a demonstration...
18:49.04cjsudo apt-get install lldpd :)
18:51.21cjokay... so... why are these phones responding 305?
18:54.56QwellBecause Nortel doesn't know SIP.
19:06.40Kobazwhy can't people stop calling in when you're doing maintenance
19:07.19leifmadsenwhy don't you remember to turn off your phones when doing maintenance? :)
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19:09.23cjleifmadsen: feel like helping me troubleshoot this 305 issue with the nortel 1120e?
19:09.54cjMcNamara says he got it working:
19:10.01cjso I expect I'm doing something wrong.
19:10.54Kobazlooks like dialplan quoting works differently in 1.8
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19:13.32Kobazis there a dialplan variable for asterisk version
19:16.15haroldpI have a voip phone on a private NAT-ed IP logged into an asterisk server running on my router box.  The asterisk server sends calls out through a trunk to a voip service.  I can place calls, but I can't receive them.  Any ideas?
19:17.42leifmadsencj: not really
19:17.43Kobazi guess quotes are literal now
19:17.48Kobazin 1.8?
19:18.04Kobazactually sets foo to the string ""  not the empty string
19:22.03*** join/#asterisk sled-dog (
19:22.25sled-dogyealink = garbage?  # my first thought, anyway...
19:24.49cjleifmadsen: yeah, me neither.  *sigh*
19:24.58Kobaza bunch of people at astricon liked yealink
19:25.13Kobazwhatever quality they are, they have to be better than grandstream... right?
19:25.15QwellKobaz: How many of them were shunned?
19:25.21sled-dogKobaz: you got that right
19:25.29Kobazeither people liked yealink, or they never used them
19:27.24KobazQwell: so for 1.8, is that correct?  " for Set() is now literal?
19:31.42*** join/#asterisk mac-mini (~mac-mini@unaffiliated/macmini/x-648924)
19:32.03Kobazi like the new dahdi channel format DAHDI/i1/8147351234-5
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19:42.43haroldpI'm seeing this in the asterisk messages log when a call comes in: [Apr 27 12:41:36] WARNING[89899] chan_sip.c: username mismatch, have <teliax>, digest has <haroldp>
19:44.10haroldp"teliax" is my voip providor.  don't think I have that set as a username anywhere in my config
19:44.33Kobazthe digest is what's inside the sip message
19:44.42Kobazthe have <teliax> is what you have defined in your asterisk
19:44.53Kobazit's telling you the provider is sending a username that doesn't match your local config
19:45.12cjleifmadsen: is there any way to run asterisk without disabling selinux?  I've got some clients that would disapprove.
19:45.30leifmadsencj: sure, configure SElinux
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19:45.56sxpertcj: good luck jim ;)
19:46.04haroldpin sip.conf I have a [teliax] block defined, but is have username=haroldp
19:46.08cjsxpert: inorite?
19:46.15*** part/#asterisk wedhorn (
19:46.16haroldp"it has" rather
19:46.38leifmadsencj: I didn't document it because I have zero SElinux experience
19:46.48leifmadsenand it seemed like more work than I was comfortable doing
19:46.49sxpertcj: aka "good luck in configuring se-linux to work with asterisk"
19:47.00Kobazharoldp: your provider is sending you haroldp
19:47.06Kobazharoldp: you need to have [haroldp]
19:47.09cjok.  maybe I'll blog all about it and let you publish it in the next version for a spot in the thanks blurb :)
19:47.14leifmadsenso the answer is of course, "sure you can", I just can't be the one to help you
19:47.24Kobazyou need to match the username the provider is sending you
19:47.25leifmadsencj: that's certainly doable :)
19:47.31Kobazanyway.  busting out
19:47.37cjleifmadsen: I've got regulatory obligations that make it worth my time :)
19:47.41Kobazeither change it on your end, or have the provider change it on theirs
19:47.47Kobazgoes away
19:48.17cjthe index isn't helping me find the "how to configure your tdm400 card" bit.  could you point me in the right direction?
19:48.41leifmadsencj: integration chapter
19:48.54cjI looked under dahdi but only found a build ref.  cool, I'll look there.
19:49.10leifmadsencj: sorry, it's called Outside Connectivity now
19:49.27leifmadsenI think User Device Configuration may also have something
19:49.38leifmadsen(I didn't write those chapters really, or if I did, it was many moons ago)
19:50.37cjok.  I'll come back when I've read those chapters.  I'm at the point that I get these messages in the console:
19:50.40cj[Apr 27 12:33:45] WARNING[20315]: chan_dahdi.c:7608 handle_alarms: Detected alarm on channel 4: Red Alarm
19:50.43cj[Apr 27 12:33:56] NOTICE[20315]: sig_analog.c:3680 analog_handle_init_event: Alarm cleared on channel 4
19:51.32leifmadsenthat looks normal
19:51.38leifmadsenif it's clearing the alarm
19:51.49leifmadsenmeans "I don't have sync", "Now I have sync"
19:52.05cjI would expect the phone to be picked up and handed on to some screaming monkeys at this time
19:52.07leifmadsenor on analog, "I don't have signal", "Now I have signal"
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19:54.08haroldpKobaz: Progress (aka, found other breakage)!  Thanks for your help.
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19:54.32cjok.  now for the reading.
19:55.48haroldpAnd fixed!  w00h00!  Now I can constantly ruin my concentration with lots of incoming calls!
20:08.20*** join/#asterisk Aut0ExeC (~Jack@
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20:09.26Aut0ExeChi guys... how can I check to see if my asterisk box has been haxed?
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20:10.22infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at, or ~buybook
20:10.29Freeaqingme_I should add that to my favorites...
20:11.06Aut0ExeCi just wanna know if my box is haxed or not
20:11.19Aut0ExeCive been getting random calls
20:14.26Freeaqingme_leifmadsen, in ~thebook you write "All AMI messages, including manager events, manager actions, and manager action responses, are encoded in the same way. The messages are text-based, with lines terminated by a carriage return and a line-feed character", but it seems it's just \n ?
20:16.25leifmadsenlooks at russellb
20:16.28leifmadsenI didn't write that chapter ;)
20:18.44Freeaqingme_oh, sorry
20:18.48Freeaqingme_I guessed
20:18.50Freeaqingme_russellb, ^^
20:21.15leifmadsenI forgot but russell is out this afternoon
20:21.35leifmadsenFreeaqingme: isn't \n a linefeed character?
20:21.36Freeaqingme_will bug him later :twisted:
20:23.29Freeaqingme_leifmadsen, I believe so
20:24.58sled-dogI'm having a problem getting one calls from one * box to another:  # I've been through the various google hits, but can't make it work
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20:26.10Aut0ExeCto make sure my box isnt hacked shoudl I just cehck my cdr logs?
20:26.30LedZeplinI would like to have an object like a queue but maybe not actually a queue.  I would like it to ring a set of phones for x seconds. then I'd like it to escelate to more phones, and then escelate to even more phones before timing out and going to voicemail.  any tips on how to attack this?
20:27.15*** join/#asterisk WiretapSeven (~Wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
20:30.28rogersja:leifmadsen just curious why your sip.conf examples in the book show qualify=no ?
20:32.10leifmadsenrogersja: I just turn it off typically to reduce traffic and such
20:32.22leifmadsensession-timers should really be used for what qualify used to be used for
20:33.26rogersjai see
20:34.19rogersjaleifmadsen: do you go into session timers anywhere?
20:34.50leifmadsenI don't think we discussed that really
20:34.53leifmadsenmaybe briefly...
20:34.57leifmadsensomething to add to the next edition
20:36.27gruvfunkgreetz, anyone in here experience problem with Call Monitor files in ARI not showing the icon to press and play, not showing check box to flag for deletion, select all greyed out, etc?  (I've come a long way in 2 days to get the Call Monitor files to even show up, now I'd just like to play them)
20:36.44gruvfunkand yes, i'm over on #freepbx too
20:37.23Kobazso far so good on
20:37.38rogersjaleifmadsen: next edition!! published by Oct/11 :P
20:37.51Kobazleifmadsen: no crashes yet :)
20:38.31*** join/#asterisk ibercom (d9d85207@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:40.32leifmadsenKobaz: :)
20:40.38leifmadsenrogersja: heh, I doubt it ;)
20:41.16gruvfunkMy personal PBX is also flawlessly running (only glitch is mp3 playback) :  Asterisk
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20:41.42Freeaqingme_russellb, nvm on theline ending issue, seems php is hating me
20:41.49gruvfunk(PBX I'm having issues with is a customer's custom-built CentOS, *, FPBX
20:42.53rogersjaleifmadsen: new title: The even more definitive guide then the previous one.
20:42.58golamTrying to find some information about fax for asterisk usingT.38. Any pointers??
20:43.04rogersjaps. i want title credits for that one
20:44.02jayteeI know it's possible to have a SIP phone setup at another location behind a NAT'd firewall register to my * server at this location but is it possible to have more than one at a given location? Could I have 3 phones in a satellite office register to my * server?
20:44.07rogersjagolam: take a look at ~the book
20:44.31golamwhich book
20:44.40infobotFor more information about the Asterisk book, see ~thebook
20:44.47infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at, or ~buybook
20:45.03WiretapSevengruvfunk, in my personal experience that only happens when theyre too short to play
20:45.14WiretapSeveni.e. don't exist because they fall under the threshold
20:45.51gruvfunkWiretapSeven: 35 and 49 seconds?  I'll try it longer...
20:46.05WiretapSeventhe threshold is normally set to '3'
20:46.11WiretapSevenbut it may have been messed with
20:46.23gruvfunkpointer to where the setting is ?
20:46.31*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
20:47.39Kobazleifmadsen: who came up with the DAHDI/i1/<callerid>-<id> format?
20:47.40jayteequittin time be back later
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20:48.29Kobazleifmadsen: i would like to give them a high five, and maybe some home made cookies
20:48.31WiretapSevengruvfunk, I can't remember
20:55.17leifmadsenKobaz: sorry, not sure :)
20:55.23leifmadsenlooks at rmudgett maybe
20:55.35leifmadsenI think someone was complaining about that format the other day though
21:02.27paulcGotoIf, testing for equality... = or == ? (I seem to have both in a dialplan fragment, but it seems to work?)
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21:18.01leifmadsenpaulc: always just =
21:18.04leifmadsen== is not valid
21:18.21leifmadsen=, !=, >=, <=, >, < are the valid checks
21:19.01paulcThanks.. figured as much having RTFM.. (and am now getting rid of my "=="'s, which may explain why some of my stats are wonky :)
21:23.45*** join/#asterisk mr_ian (
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21:25.50d_preston215Is there anyway to combine a recorded voicemail message, with something that says the extension they are connected to?
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21:28.35WiretapSevend_preston215, you mean "the person at extensions one, two, three, is not available"
21:29.13p3nguincore show application VoiceMail
21:29.18p3nguinSee option u.
21:29.48d_preston215Or like "You have reached extension XXX". After that, the recorded voicemail message plays.
21:30.06p3nguinIt's your extension, so you can make it do anything you want it to do.
21:30.55p3nguinIf you don't know already, it's done in extensions.conf.
21:31.10d_preston215Via dialplans.
21:31.35p3nguinThat's what extensions.conf contains.
21:33.02d_preston215Is there a specific dialplan I should be looking at?
21:33.41WiretapSevend_preston215, have you considered something like freepbx so you don't have to worry about config files?
21:33.43p3nguinWhy do I get the feeling that you didn't write your own dial plan?
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21:38.09jpsharpQuestion:  I have a couple of queues set up, but I have agents who are leaving their phones off hook to skip getting calls.  How can I catch them?
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21:40.52WiretapSevenjpsharp, most callcentres fix this problem I believe by taking away the handset completely and configuring the phone to autoanswer and use headset
21:41.31leifmadsenor make them login to chan_agent so when they are logged in, they are always online
21:41.37leifmadsenthen the system just connects caller to the agent
21:41.47leifmadsenif the agent "hangs up" then they won't appear as available
21:41.57p3nguinWhen the login that way, the agent listens to moh while waiting for calls to come in.
21:42.23leifmadsenp3nguin: unless you assign them to a MoH that simply plays back silence
21:42.35leifmadsenthat's not really a problem that can't be worked around if your agents don't want that
21:42.35p3nguinwell, it's still moh...
21:42.39p3nguinbut yes, that's correct.
21:42.45*** join/#asterisk seraphie (~erin@
21:42.45leifmadsenI don't see the problem
21:42.57p3nguinWho said there's a problem?
21:43.06leifmadsenyou seemed to imply it
21:43.11p3nguinIf they are not listening to the headset or speakerphone, they'll miss the calls.  You'll surely be able to figure out who's missing calls.
21:43.31jpsharpMy client is using ATA186's + POTS phones for the Agents and he's using fixed SIP ids in queue.conf, rather than Agent login-based.
21:43.38_Corey_I usually turn that off when I use AgentLogin
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21:44.30_Corey_Auto-answer is best in high-volume call centers, but in low-volume situations it's probably better to actually ring the agent
21:45.04_Corey_if they're getting two calls an hour, you're much more likely to get them talking to their neighbor than greeting the caller
21:45.24jpsharpThere's 9 agents, so it is by far not a high volume operation.
21:45.45_Corey_It's all about call volume
21:45.54_Corey_9 agents can be fully utilized
21:46.00p3nguinNine agents could still handle high volume.
21:46.37jpsharpTrue.  Let me rephrase, then.  At any given time, there's 2-3 active calls in the queue with 9 active agents.
21:47.06jpsharpAnd at night, there's 10-15 minute gaps between calls.
21:47.07p3nguinSo you've got like 12 calls at any given moment?
21:47.29jpsharpNo, 2-3.
21:47.40_Corey_jpsharp: To answer your original question...  I'd probably nail them with logs
21:48.10p3nguinWith that low of volume, it wouldn't be hard to check CDR to see what is going on.
21:48.13jpsharpI'll have to load one of the Queue log parsers and see what it spits out.
21:48.39_Corey_Yeah, the queue log stuff may be overkill but Queuemetrics is pretty nice
21:48.41cjhave any of you used the RADIUS CDR bits yet?
21:48.49p3nguinWhy would people be trying to skip out on calls when they don't get that many calls in the first place?
21:48.56cjer, Diameter, not RADIUS
21:49.07cjp3nguin: because they're hung over?
21:49.15p3nguinDon't ask me.
21:49.22p3nguinI'm the one asking why.
21:49.33jpsharpthey're slackers.
21:49.44_Corey_Trying to figure out what motivates call center agents to be lazy is like trying to figure out why we have four seasons
21:49.52p3nguinAre you going to reprimand them when you catch them?
21:50.15sxpertjpsharp: underpaid slackers ?
21:50.17jpsharpI can't directly, I'm just the Asterisk contractor guy.
21:50.31p3nguinWhat I would do in that situation is send more calls to them.
21:50.43Kobazthe moh corruption bug is in also
21:50.48p3nguinGive the slackers something to do.
21:51.15drmessanoSet lower penalties for them
21:51.24drmessanoMARK THEM ZERO
21:51.42p3nguinThat'll just send the calls elsewhere when they've left their phone off-hook.
21:51.55drmessanoElectro-shock ?
21:52.11p3nguinThat could be effective, when administered properly.
21:52.14_Corey_generally a nasty supervisor is the best approach
21:52.36drmessanoMetrics system that administers known biotoxins in their immediate area in the event of poor performance?
21:52.46_Corey_although every customer i've proposed an integrated cattle-prod has been receptive to the idea
21:53.14_Corey_i'd say there's a market opportunity if we take some initiative on the agent electro-motivation
21:53.15drmessanoYeah, maybe biotoxins are taking it too far.  I should put those back in the shed
21:54.18jpsharpbluetooth-enabled shock collars.
21:54.34drmessanoI love it
21:54.45_Corey_i was thinking chair restraints
21:55.07drmessanoAsterisk already has bluetooth support.. Just need to integrate the shock collars
21:55.11p3nguinCould one really take punitive measures TOO FAR?  I'm not so sure.
21:55.21_Corey_p3nguin: NEVER
21:55.28_Corey_there is no 'too far'
21:55.37drmessanop3nguin, in this economy, you can get away with a lot.. People want their jobs and I love to hear screaming.
21:55.44_Corey_always more agents waitingf
21:55.54p3nguinIf the result is death, it's his or her own fault!
21:55.54_Corey_haha, seriously
21:56.22p3nguinJust make sure they sign the waiver during the intro.
21:56.28drmessano"Bamboo under the fingernails?  Really?"  "You want to keep your job, right?"  "Yeah yeah, fine"
21:56.39_Corey_i can imaging a soothing allison recording warning the agent that the shock is coming
21:56.52drmessanoHell yes
21:57.01_Corey_very HAL9000
21:57.20drmessano"Put down your drink, here comes Mr. Prickly"
21:58.46drmessanoOf course, there's something to be said for just screwing with them
21:59.04_Corey_that gets old fast, they're usually not very bright
21:59.12drmessano"Why is there a fire extinguisher next to my desk.. and all the desks?"  "In case your pants catch on fire when we shock your chair"
21:59.34_Corey_well, that may work :)
21:59.45*** join/#asterisk mr_ian (
22:00.14drmessano"Why is there a wallet on my desk?"  "Seizure risk when you get above 10,000 volts.  Stay busy and it wont be a problem"
22:02.27drmessanoNo different than putting a folded up cardboard box in all their offices... "Saves time in case we fire you"
22:03.13drmessanoThis is why my boss won't let me interact with the staff directly anymore...
22:05.29_Corey_All conversations about agent productivity usually go this direction eventually
22:05.39*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
22:05.52drmessanoWhen we got our automation system at the radio stations, we had joked for weeks about each PC replacing one of the jocks.. so the boxes come in and one night someone wrote one of the jocks names on each of the boxes.. I got called into the GM's office.  I told him "That's funny as hell, and I wish I had done it, but it wasnt me"
22:09.07*** join/#asterisk carloimperia (~carloimpe@
22:10.32*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
22:21.05*** join/#asterisk psilvao (~psilvao@
22:21.45*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (
22:23.18*** join/#asterisk asilva (~andre@2801:88:1000:2::18) - DOWN ??? also down
22:25.06*** join/#asterisk dhartman (~dhartman@wilug/newlug/ricko73)
22:35.33*** part/#asterisk jplank (
22:36.56*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
22:40.29*** join/#asterisk jakent (~john@2001:470:8:1fc:226:8ff:fedd:93f6)
22:45.23*** join/#asterisk jakent (~john@2001:470:8:1fc:225:bcff:fedd:80bc)
22:53.59p3nguinWhat's for supper?
22:57.40*** join/#asterisk lost_soul (
22:58.29rogersjaasilva: should be back up
22:58.33rogersjai can access it
22:59.36p3nguinIt's too bad that asilva will never know about this.
23:00.10rogersjaoh well, his fault, he gave up to quick
23:04.30*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (~chatzilla@pdpc/supporter/active/abatista)
23:08.45*** join/#asterisk jakent (
23:31.41*** join/#asterisk Cesare (
23:38.03cjanyone familiar with this?
23:38.11cjavaya/nortel phones sending 305 to asterisk
23:38.22*** join/#asterisk logicwrath (~no@
23:38.44logicwrathdoes #asterisk really need +r its kind of annoying when net splits and my script doesnt identify
23:48.22p3nguinWhat if you identify using a different method?
23:51.07p3nguinAre you reconnecting to the server or something which is removing your identification?
23:52.03p3nguinI haven't seen anyone split from here recently, so I don't know where your problem actually lies.
23:52.06logicwrathyes, either my connection fails briefly or freenode splits briefly
23:52.27logicwrathevery day i come back to freenode unidentified
23:52.38p3nguinIf you are reconnecting to the server, send your password as the server password.
23:53.08p3nguinIf you send your password as the server password, you should be identified immediately.
23:53.31p3nguinAnd since your client obviously knows how to reconnect, this won't be a scripting issue.
23:54.03logicwrathim not sure what you mean "server password"
23:54.15logicwrathhow does that differ from /ns identify
23:55.13p3nguinWhen you input the network and/or server information into your IRC client, there's a field to supply a password.  Put your nick password there.  When the client connects to the server, you'll automatically be identified.
23:55.25logicwrathhmm ill check for that
23:56.07logicwrathi usually connect by hand /server, then my client remembers my last server and will reconnect automatically
23:56.36p3nguinMaybe /help server or /server help would reveal the syntax required to send a password.
23:58.04p3nguinIn irssi, I would use something like /connect -ssl -network freenode 7000 mysecretpassword
23:58.16logicwrathi found a spot to send a command after joining a network, and i input the identify command there. i am running a mirc script that auto identify's for me when i connect, the problem is when im already connected something happens (ping timeout) or something, and when i get reconnected the mirc script doesnt identify for some reason... i just checked the log, and my nick is already in use, so
23:58.16logicwrathi must be timing out
23:59.02logicwrathi like reviewing the chat log for the day and i always lose that when i dont get rejoined
23:59.27pabelangerlogicwrath: run an IRC proxy; bip
23:59.53pabelangerthen you connect and disconnect directly to your proxy

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