IRC log for #android on 20080414

00:00.43chomchomWhile we are on the subject:
00:01.26chomchomtee hee
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00:05.40kreativehow can i remove apps from my android emulator?
00:06.38michaelnovakjrrm /data/app/yourapp.apk
00:06.42michaelnovakjrin the adb shell
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00:13.17kreativeis their a directory where i can see all the apks?
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00:17.44mihoshiHow can I remove all saved files from android emulator?
00:18.09jastaemulator -wipe-data
00:19.16mihoshijasta: Thanks a lot
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00:20.31kreative-wipe-data worked better
00:22.50testandoWhere Can I find a tutorial teaching How to use touchScreen events on a MapActivity
00:23.32testandoanybody knows an application which has it implemented?
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00:42.28michaelnovakjrwhy is the emulator time off by so much?
00:43.02f00f-aka UTC
00:43.24f00f-linux uses UTC internally not local time
00:43.30f00f-and no one bothered to set the time zone
00:43.31michaelnovakjrits not even right
00:43.55michaelnovakjrthe time sqlite has and the time the emulator clock shows are different
00:44.06f00f-what does sqlite say
00:44.16michaelnovakjr00:42:07 was the last i pulled
00:44.20f00f-or how are you getting it
00:44.25michaelnovakjrthe phone says 7:44
00:44.39michaelnovakjrand my computer time is 8:44
00:44.49f00f-right now it's 12:44 am UTC
00:45.03michaelnovakjrso where does the phone UI get the time from?
00:45.19michaelnovakjrthat sucks
00:45.20f00f-that is the correct time
00:45.32michaelnovakjrmy application relies heavily on time being in the right time zone
00:45.52f00f-why not just assume UTC
00:45.56f00f-for purposes of ADC
00:46.26michaelnovakjrdoes the emulator show the same time regardless of the computer?
00:46.38michaelnovakjrsomeone in california sees the same time as me?
00:46.38acsiaI beleive so
00:46.56acsiawell actually mine says 12:46 noew
00:47.13f00f-the time in the emulator is taken from the time in the computer
00:47.15SUSaiyanmy clock is off by one minute :(
00:47.25f00f-there can also be qemu emulation delays
00:47.29michaelnovakjrmines off by an hour
00:47.43f00f-check your computer's time
00:47.47f00f-make sure you are in the correct time zone
00:47.56michaelnovakjrmy computer is 8:47 and the phone is 7:47
00:48.14f00f-what timezone are you in
00:48.21michaelnovakjrnew york city
00:48.29michaelnovakjrGMT -5
00:48.47michaelnovakjrso the sqlite time is GMT
00:49.08f00f-i'd assume all times to be in that
00:49.14michaelnovakjrGMT that is?
00:49.20f00f-since no daylight savings in UTC/GMT
00:49.27michaelnovakjrah good point
00:49.36michaelnovakjrforgot about the US idea of starting early :)
00:50.11f00f-heh, starting early?
00:51.38michaelnovakjrdaylight savings start March 11th here
00:51.49michaelnovakjrits an 'experiment'
00:52.05michaelnovakjror somewhere around that date
00:54.36f00f-oh you mean this year
00:54.36f00f-we had a 2 week delta with europe this time around
00:54.46f00f-they wanted to do some thing with productivity or some shit
00:54.57f00f-ended up costing more $ than it was worth probably
00:56.25michaelnovakjrthis is going to be how the phone operates in production is it?
00:57.27michaelnovakjri don't like the NotificationManager
01:09.37*** join/#android yeonhoo (
01:22.54jastame neither, the NotificationManager is stupid
01:23.07michaelnovakjri don't like the pull down
01:23.16jastame neither, i hate they way its been implemented too.
01:23.24jastait's inconsistent with what most applications would want.
01:23.32michaelnovakjrthe icon should pop up and a Toast-like method should be used briefly
01:23.49michaelnovakjrthat is what i was expecting
01:24.07michaelnovakjrdoes it have the ability to vibrate or ring the phone/
01:24.19jastaat least, it's supposed to
01:24.38michaelnovakjrdoes the emulator provide feedback for audio notifications?
01:24.45jerkface03all done jasta?
01:30.47jerkface03what's so funny
01:30.59dueyif jasta is still hacking
01:32.15jerkface03duey, are you from the states?
01:32.38jerkface03where at?
01:32.41dueynew zealand
01:32.42jastajerkface03: no way :)
01:33.02jastamy README is definitely done, at least :)
01:33.13jastaended up at 200 lines of column 80 wrapped text
01:33.18dueyyou should probably stop coding and have a good test
01:33.24jerkface03i'm seriously fuming over this parking ticket right now. some jerkwad parking attendant wrote me a parking ticket 20 minutes AFTER i bought the ticket for the stall
01:33.29michaelnovakjrhaha the phone has a timezone file that is set to EST
01:33.35michaelnovakjryet it doesn't pull it
01:33.42jerkface03it's unbelievable the things these people do to try to squeeze money out of people
01:33.45jastaduey: yes, i should, but i am not going to
01:33.50jerkface03then you call their customer service line and no one's there
01:34.11jastaduey: I will be done adding new features tonight, for sure.  I took tomorrow as a vacation day to bug fix/test :)
01:34.18jastaalso, i've been testing a lot through the development process
01:34.47dueyyou don't want to have an "oh shit" moment after you have already submitted your app!
01:35.01jastaduey: I know, but I don't have a choice.  My app isn't ready to feature freeze.
01:35.05jastaThere's just too much that it wouldn't do.
01:35.23jastaI left too much of the "wow, this is cool" features to the end :\
01:35.32jastaconcentrated way more in the early stages on the core and services
01:35.39dueyah at least you are able to add features...I am working on a report for an assignment :(
01:35.45jastaand if i stopped now, it would be a waste!
01:36.05jastabut trust me, i appreciate that what i'm doing is not the best way to approach this problem :)
01:36.40dueywell if they are going to be picky about bugs they probably won't get anything decent
01:36.59jastai'm sure they'll be reasonable about it
01:37.07jastaif the entire app blows up in a flaming mess, it will turn them off :)
01:37.25jastabut i'm sure even small bugs will lower your score and detract from the project some.
01:37.29duey<3 writing equations in reports
01:37.35dueymakes it look so profressional
01:37.40f00f-gah, i dont want to finish this app :X
01:37.40michaelnovakjrwhere is the queer audio file on the emulator? the one that goes off with the volume button?
01:38.10jastamichaelnovakjr: presumably in the framework-res.  look in /system/app
01:38.29jastaf00f-: i'm actually getting excited finishing mine
01:38.47jastait's really come together in the last week and struck me that "wow, this app really exists, and will run on a phone."
01:38.59jastaawesom e;)
01:39.05f00f-nice :)
01:39.48jastaand it's really, really ambitious :)
01:40.09jastai'm actually glad they won't be judging my server part at all.  i haven't worked on it at all in the last month.  there's no UI at all, and it runs only on Linux :)
01:40.26jastayou just run ./five-server /data/music.  it doesn't even daemonize, or log :)
01:40.30jastait just prints to stderr hehe
01:40.33f00f-well, as long as it plays music it should be fine
01:40.46jastaserver doesn't play music, it just serves it and manages synchronizing it.  which works perfectly.
01:41.04michaelnovakjrmy server works really well, but i haven't automated it yet
01:41.06jastai made the important decision to implement that part of the app absolutely first.
01:41.15jastaso that it would remain stable for the longest prior to submission
01:41.26michaelnovakjrits a good approach
01:41.29f00f-so will they be installing linux and running your ./server ?
01:41.49jastaf00f-: No, i have pointed the Android part to a demo server I am running.
01:41.55jastawhich I will ensure is active during the judging process.
01:42.05f00f-ah ok. do you have a backup plan?
01:42.19michaelnovakjrrun to their office with a demo mix cassette tape!
01:42.30jastaf00f-: No :\
01:42.42f00f-well you could run2 servers
01:42.46f00f-have a failover in the client code
01:42.53jastaf00f-: I will include the server's source code and mention that it can be used if they want.
01:42.58f00f-ah ok
01:43.13jastaBut that's not really a fail-over.
01:43.29jastaI have mostly included it in case they don't believe me that my app really does what it says :)
01:43.56jastaBut the server I will be using to host this is one we run at work, on our relatively unutilized T-1.
01:44.06jastaSo I highly doubt there will be a problem with reliability :)
01:44.07michaelnovakjrwhat would be the URI for accessing the ringtones directory?
01:44.46f00f-oh gosh, my map activity is 977 lines short/long.
01:44.47jastaWhich has certain benefits: if the server goes down, my co-workers will inform me as it's my job to ensure it operates as part of my job duties.
01:45.08jastaand they will do so during normal business hours via my cell phone
01:45.26jastalikewise, if the T-1 goes down, they will notify me :)
01:45.46f00f-i guess i should mention in my rEADME that my app operates in disconnected mode initially unless the user requests a refresh of the local data set
01:45.48jastaf00f-: one nicety of this approach is that i will be able to observe them judging my app
01:46.01f00f-you log * ?
01:46.14f00f-i take it you got a custom protocol, not HTTP web services
01:46.20jastawell, it spits out noteworthy events, such as the transmission of media and the sync process
01:46.40jastaf00f-: Well, yes and no.  I use HTTP for content delivery, and SyncML over HTTP for meta synchronization.
01:46.59*** join/#android jtoy (n=jtoy@
01:47.01jastaBut SyncML is a meta-protocol.  It only specifies a container for your data.  Underneath I use a modified version of the hCard microformat
01:47.43jastaThe server uses libsyncml to implement its part of the SyncML protocol, though the client (on Android) uses a library I wrote called libsyncml-java
01:47.54jastawhich is similar in name only to libsyncml :)
01:48.11f00f-open source?
01:48.19jastaYes, the entire app will be released under the GPLv2.
01:48.56f00f-i guess that's acceptable
01:49.06jastaacceptable?  i own the copyright, whatever i choose to do is acceptable.
01:49.35jtoyif i open a session to a browser from my app, is there i way i can access the cookie that is created?
01:50.10jastaanyway f00f, back to coding.
01:50.23jastai am implementing some extra controls on the playlist screen to automatically jump to similar content
01:50.42f00f-good call, i should too. i need to finish some bubble popups on the map :)
01:50.55jastalike a button to list albums by the currently playing artist, list similar artists, and most popular tracks by the artist,
01:51.08jastai think that will be very cool to have :)
01:51.24f00f-i suppose
01:51.25jasta2 of those use
01:51.31jastaalbums by playing artist is just a query ;)
01:52.10jastai also have my sort of auto-playlist stuff done.  lets you select your music by reports
01:52.19jastalike top albums, recently played tracks, etc.
01:52.48jastai currently don't cache that data, though i think i should moving forward.  it's sort of slow to access even a simple web service on the phone
01:54.23f00f-dude, you're not in a code freeze?
01:54.24f00f-adding major features within seconds of the deadline?
01:57.12jastayup.  i'm awesome like that.
01:57.19michaelnovakjrme too :)
01:57.25michaelnovakjrexcept mine makes me nervous
01:57.35jastalike i said, i just don't have a choice.  i've been working as hard as i can for the past month and i'm not at the point i need to be for the challenge.
01:57.39jastaso i'm still working.
01:58.01jastamy application has been well tested through development, and i am confident that the features i'm adding can be implemented with reasonable stability.
01:58.28jtoyjasta living on the wild side
01:58.29jastai do not presume that bugs won't make it in, but i think it would be worse to exclude significant parts of innovation.
01:58.30f00f-that's cool. can you win already w/o those?
01:58.46jastaf00f-: I really don't know.  I'm trying to have the best possible chance.
01:59.19f00f-i know i got originality of concept, it's never been done before anywhere. i just gotta fix the bugs.
01:59.24jastayou gotta understand that a ton of my time was spent in the framework, i had little time to actually use my own framework to do something meaningful :)
01:59.43jastaso, if i don't use it, what's the point?  the judges will see nothing innovative at all :)
01:59.54jastaand i dont think they much care how nicely designed my core is ;)
02:00.14jastabut anyway, no time to waste on irc.
02:00.18jastai only took a short break here, closing it back down again :)
02:01.10f00f-you think he'll win?
02:01.33michaelnovakjrits going to be a tough competition to win
02:01.50michaelnovakjrespecially for those of us that don't have time to work on it often
02:02.44michaelnovakjranyone use sound in their notifications?
02:03.05f00f-yeahi think he'll win
02:03.11f00f-no one is doing a media player
02:03.20michaelnovakjrthat we know of ;)
02:03.35f00f-yeah, but who would do a media player
02:03.35michaelnovakjri think there's going to be quite a few duplicated
02:03.37f00f-it's so boring
02:03.43michaelnovakjrto some
02:03.56michaelnovakjrpeople really into music would be all over it
02:04.13michaelnovakjri think its a matter of what apps people find they would use the most... stuff that interests them
02:04.29michaelnovakjrwe'll see lots of GPS, maps, chat clients, photo apps....
02:04.58f00f-you think?
02:05.18f00f-i'm not realy impressed with any of the stuff in the helloandroid db
02:05.20michaelnovakjrbecause its a competition i think lots of personal interest apps will be submitted
02:05.20f00f-except 3-4 apps
02:05.34michaelnovakjri am hoping mine works out :)
02:05.39michaelnovakjri see it as really really useful
02:05.53f00f-do you have a site yet
02:06.01michaelnovakjrnot yet, i will very short;y
02:06.47michaelnovakjri am debating on whether to finish my windows mobile very first or announce it first
02:07.00michaelnovakjrvery should be version ... :)
02:09.11jtoyanyone have experience using WebViewClient?  I cant seem to find any example use cases or code online
02:09.55f00f-i was gonna jtoy but i just decided to launch a web browser
02:09.59f00f-it's heavy in ram and cpu
02:11.15jtoyI'm launching a browser now, but I want to change it now because I have one page where a person is sent to a browser to create an online account, but after the account is created and they go back to the app, they need to login again which sucks
02:11.39B0janglesWhy bother using the browser for registering?
02:11.48jtoyit seems like I can  fix that  with WebViewClient
02:12.18chomchomsetDefaultTab on the tabsadapter doesn't seem to do anything
02:12.23jtoyB0jangles: in case I change the account creation page, I just need to update the website instead of every downloaded app
02:12.41jtoyi doubt i will change the page, but it does leave more options for the future
02:12.49B0janglesjtoy: that's true, I suppose
02:13.06f00f-dude integrate it in the app
02:13.18B0janglesI agree with f00f
02:13.36B0janglesHow often are you really going to change the register page
02:13.40jtoyf00f-: I have the login part integrated already, yeah, maybe I will just do that for now
02:14.31jtoyon my webpage i have account/email/password/password confirm,  on android do you think I should also have all 4 fields?
02:15.15michaelnovakjrso no one has used notifications with sound?
02:17.44Kraln- =P
02:19.43jtoyis anyone sharing their readme docs ?
02:20.01f00f-how long is your readme
02:20.19f00f-what sections do you have in it
02:20.25f00f-do you have futyure enhancements?
02:20.26jtoyi havent written it yet, so i was wondering if people where sharing so i could take a look!
02:20.35f00f-i'm thinkni'
02:20.37f00f-1. intro
02:20.45f00f-or overview
02:20.57f00f-and discuss purpoise in that
02:21.19f00f-2. technology used
02:21.23f00f-3. known issues & requirements
02:21.26f00f-4. future enhancements
02:21.30f00f-thats it
02:22.49jtoynice! ill probably follow something simliar, how many pages do you plan?
02:23.12f00f-2-3 MAX
02:23.21jtoyimages ? or jsut text?
02:23.25f00f-probably 2, with one or two screenshots
02:24.00f00f-hopefully in the first 1/2 page the judges get the idea
02:24.05f00f-after that we'll  just pad with BS
02:24.10f00f-like what android things we use, etc.
02:24.10Kraln-I'm on 13 pages.
02:24.18f00f-they;re not going to read 13 pages Kraln-
02:24.21jtoyKraln-:  are you sharing it? hehe
02:24.22Kraln-but mine is full of pretty screenshots
02:24.29f00f-imho screenshots are useless
02:24.30Kraln-and there's a quick start section which is less than one page.
02:24.33f00f-since they'll be running the app
02:24.48Kraln-f00f-: screenshots are great when you're explaining how to use a user interface.
02:24.51michaelnovakjrwhy are screenshots useless?
02:24.55Kraln-I see you've never written documentation, heh
02:25.04f00f-oh i have written
02:25.06Kraln-screenshots are useless for console applications. =p
02:25.14f00f-if you need screenshots to explain your UI, then your UI is not intuitive at all
02:25.22Kraln-f00f-: wrong
02:25.33Kraln-I don't *need* screenshots, some users like to have a manual.
02:25.49Kraln-we have no idea who will be judging this stuff
02:25.52jtoyf00f-: i admit, my ui is very ugly
02:25.56Kraln-the ultimate judge of a UI for me is my mom
02:26.02Kraln-if she can figure it out, then it is awesome
02:26.04f00f-ok. i am making a README, not full-blown doc, so yes it's a difference.
02:34.50michaelnovakjranyone use the mediaplayer class for anything?
02:49.38michaelnovakjrwhat is the proper Uri for access /system/media/audio ?
02:56.41zhobbsor maybe file:///system/media/audio
02:56.54f00f-well format is correct
02:56.56f00f-dunno about path
02:57.06zhobbsthink it's the second on
02:58.57zhobbsor you can do: Uri.fromFile(new File("/system/media/audio/"));
03:00.56michaelnovakjri figured it out
03:01.13michaelnovakjrit was just the file path
03:01.58Kraln-wanted to see a users manual?
03:03.27f00f-it's a good manual
03:03.28romainguyKraln-: "The latest update of the Android SDK totally butchered scrolling with TextView widgets. It used to
03:03.41romainguyNo, I said that ListView will offer an option for that in *a* next SDK release
03:03.52romainguyI didn't talk about TextView or *the* next SDK release ;)
03:03.55f00f-but i dont like your UI, it can be improved lots
03:04.08Kraln-f00f-: our UI is optimized for a mobile phone. *shrug*
03:04.44f00f-well your MOTD should be in a monospace font first of all
03:04.46Kraln-romainguy: that's sort of an amalgam of the responses i've gotten from you in regards to the scrollview moving past the end, the textview scrolling, etc
03:04.58f00f-and you textbox for chat entry should be on the bottom
03:05.02Kraln-f00f-: the client should be in a monospace font. I'm chaging the motd
03:05.15Kraln-f00f-: the textbox is on the top because we are having issues with UI widgets.
03:05.26romainguyKraln-: Don't turn an amalgam of several unrelated bug fixes into a promise for the next SDK :)
03:05.40Kraln-romainguy: will edit and reupload as I fix bugs
03:05.46f00f-obviously you need to support scrolling up and down
03:05.50f00f-save chat logs
03:05.51Kraln-f00f-: we do.
03:05.56f00f-private messages
03:05.57f00f-and whois should be a window
03:05.59Kraln-who cares about saving chat logs on a mobile
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03:06.05Kraln-private messages get their own window
03:06.14Kraln-whois... who cares? this is a mobile not an IRC client
03:06.25Kraln-submit things you care about on our project page =p
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03:06.31f00f-oh i thought it was an irc client
03:06.46Kraln-it's a very carefully thought out subset of IRC
03:06.58f00f-but please support /raw or /quote
03:07.08Kraln-anything with a / is sent down the line unadulterated.
03:07.36f00f-that's not exactly the correct way
03:07.36Kraln-anything except for /me, /msg, and /close
03:07.37f00f-for example:
03:07.49f00f-/kick badguy you suck
03:07.55f00f-will kick him with the kick message "you"
03:07.57Kraln-I am quite aware that that will not work properly.
03:08.10f00f-well i forgot channel
03:08.13f00f-but you get the point
03:08.53Kraln-one of the to-do items is 'channel administration'
03:09.02Kraln-of which kick would be an item
03:09.14Kraln-we want to avoid slash commands as much as possible because we don't know how easy it is to hit /
03:09.30f00f-well you're targeting irc lusers
03:10.29Kraln-no, no I'm not
03:10.38zhobbsKraln-: I think people will be using an onscreen keyboard initially
03:10.49Kraln-zhobbs: which means that / is at best three clicks away
03:10.54Kraln-so, again, I want to avoid it
03:11.04Kraln-f00f-: if you think I'm targeting IRC you're missing the point
03:11.09Kraln-IRC is the means to an end, not the goal
03:11.12michaelnovakjrwe need a new emulator :)
03:11.17f00f-but this is an irc client?
03:11.22f00f-plus location and all
03:11.24Kraln-it's locked to my network
03:11.33f00f-it'd be cool to do /CTCP LOCATION 36.343434,-122.343434
03:11.34f00f-or whatever
03:11.36f00f-to share
03:11.39Kraln-it is decidedly not a general irc client
03:11.41zhobbsKraln-: ahh, you can't select network yet?
03:11.53Kraln-zhobbs: it is locked to my network for reasons outlined in the manual I pasted
03:12.03zhobbsyeah, understandable for now
03:12.17zhobbseventually I'll need freenode :)
03:12.34Kraln-it's open source
03:12.54Kraln-if there is enough demand I'll release a version that nixes the location based stuff and allows you to hit up multiple servers and channels
03:13.02Kraln-it'd be easy enough to do
03:13.09*** join/#android kreative (n=kreative@
03:13.51Kraln-that said, I'd be beyond pissed if someone checked out the code for it now, changed three things, and submitted it and was selected.
03:14.08f00f-easy enough to do
03:14.36michaelnovakjrdone :)
03:14.44zhobbsthat's probably why we'll see a lot of OSS projects released in 24 hours
03:14.47Kraln-but incredibly dishonest and hopefully transparent ehough
03:14.51michaelnovakjri changed two variables and resubmitted :)
03:15.21michaelnovakjri hate that concept
03:15.21Kraln-free software and open source are not quite equivalent
03:15.50michaelnovakjrif you change something small in an open source project, submit it as a patch! not re-release it!
03:17.07Kraln-romainguy: updated the documentation to reflect the changes you wanted me to make
03:17.50Kraln-section now reads :The latest update of the Android SDK totally butchered scrolling with TextView and ScrollView widgets. It used to work much better, and we’ve heard from an android developer on freenode IRC that this may be fixed (or is already fixed) in an upcoming SDK release.
03:17.56romainguyI saw that, thanks :)
03:18.01romainguyApril 13 already
03:18.09romainguyI should start working on my JavaOne slides /o\
03:18.31zhobbsit's nice that you don't mention his name, I mention him by name for all the broken parts in my app
03:18.33Kraln-romainguy: out of curiosity, were you at dalvik or google when google bought what became android?
03:18.39zhobbsj/k :)
03:18.43romainguyzhobbs: haha :)
03:18.52romainguyKraln-: dalvik?
03:18.59Kraln-the company that came up with android
03:19.07romainguyah you mean Android :)
03:19.12Kraln-oh, them =p
03:19.16thedaniel`Is there a way to execute code in a 'post-install hook'?
03:19.20romainguyI was neither at Google or Android
03:19.25Kraln-ah, okay =)
03:19.47thedaniel`right now i have an app that checks in various different activities if a 'first run' pref is set and then starts a service
03:19.57thedaniel`and sets up some mock data, etc
03:20.04thedaniel`i'd love to have that done at install time
03:22.42*** join/#android yanbe (n=yanbe@
03:23.36michaelnovakjrromainguy, the notification manager is really annoying
03:23.46michaelnovakjrthe slider
03:23.54romainguyit works really well on actual hardware
03:24.06michaelnovakjrso its a bit different than the emulator?
03:24.12romainguywell yes
03:24.16romainguyyou use a finger, not a mouse
03:24.35michaelnovakjrbesides that.... would a tap work just as well though?
03:24.42michaelnovakjrto have it go automatic
03:24.50romainguyyou can tap/fling
03:24.58romainguyit takes very little to open it completly
03:25.08michaelnovakjri like the way it closes
03:25.11thedaniel`romainguy: you're making my soul burn for hardware to test on even more
03:25.43Kraln-thedaniel`: so use HaRET and hack a windows mobile handset to run android =)
03:26.12thedaniel`Kraln-: excellent, now i need to find someone to post me a free windows phone :)
03:26.47B0janglesI'll send you one
03:27.06michaelnovakjrme too?
03:27.13michaelnovakjri have one
03:27.19michaelnovakjrbattery kinda sucks
03:27.43Kraln-I got android working on the girlfriend's Q
03:27.54thedaniel`oh hey
03:27.56michaelnovakjrwow, she let you?
03:27.57Kraln-well, working enough to test applications, not very well integrated with the hardware
03:28.01thedaniel`my girlfriend's q died
03:28.10thedaniel`hmm, maybe it's too dead to resuscitate tho
03:28.16thedaniel`plus it is cdma
03:29.43Kraln-I can't wait for a cdma android phone
03:29.58Kraln-I have the /sweetest/ plan from sprint
03:30.09thedaniel`oh yeah?
03:31.12thedaniel`also, Kraln-, when you got it running on the Q, how well did it function
03:31.44Kraln-but other than that, good =)
03:32.02Kraln-I think the HaRET kernel doesn't have any sort of drawing acceleration, so everything is pixel ploted which sucks
03:32.31f00f-haret = ?
03:32.45f00f-android uses pixelflinger 1.0
03:32.52f00f-or so it states :P
03:45.16Kraln-the emulator is based on qemu
03:45.28Kraln-which is, in general, poo for drawing anything remotely interesting
03:45.39sudoercdma sucks
03:46.07romainguyKraln-: the emulator can be faster than actual devices
03:46.12romainguyit depends on your hardware
03:46.23Kraln-romainguy: yes, definitely. but it's faster in the wrong places
03:46.38romainguyhow can it be faster in select places??
03:46.41Kraln-the cpu may be faster but depending on the raster hardware the drawing isn't neccessarily going to be faster
03:46.55romainguybut drawing is also faster :)
03:47.05romainguyagain, depending on your machine
03:47.12Kraln-I sure hope android is more responsive on real hardware than on the emulator :|
03:47.22romainguyagain, it depends on your machine
03:47.28romainguyon my MacPro at work, the emulator is faster
03:47.40romainguybut on most computer (especially on Windows apparently), the emulator is slower
03:47.55Kraln-yeah, on windows the emulator is slower than on my macbook
03:48.02romainguybottomline: don't make any assumption about speed until you have a real device :))
03:48.08Kraln-my desktop is a dual core opteron with 4 gigs of ram. no idea why it's slower =p
03:48.27Kraln-romainguy: all I can do is make the code as efficient as possible, and stick all the intensive stuff in a background process
03:48.30romainguythe RAM and the dual-core don't matter much
03:48.39romainguyKraln-: and that's all you have to do
03:48.46romainguyand avoid memory allocations ^^
03:48.57Kraln-yes. memory allocations eat time like nothing else
03:49.07romainguythe allocations themselves, no
03:49.14Kraln-if you look at my code a ton of shit is static because I don't like to copy stuff around
03:49.16romainguyit's the garbage collection that kills the apps
03:49.28Kraln-I come from the gba/ds homebrew scene, I know how to handle embedded systems =)
03:49.43B0janglesthere's a gba/ds homebrew scene?
03:49.43romainguyIt's quite different though :)
03:49.56romainguy(I worked on a GBA game for Atari btw :)
03:50.09Kraln-romainguy: the basic ideas of optimization are similar =)
03:50.20Kraln-B0jangles: blitzed #dsdev
03:50.29michaelnovakjrwow, this time stuff is really annoying
03:50.41michaelnovakjri just don't understand why it can't localize
03:50.45romainguyKraln-: sure but when it comes to optimizations, details matter a lot
03:50.51B0janglesKraln-: how do you distribute your games?
03:51.03Kraln-B0jangles: for ds/gba? as binaries that get flashed to flashcarts
03:51.12Kraln-or booted off wifi, sometimes
03:51.36Kraln-romainguy: basically my optimization premise for androidchat is avoid the garbage collector at all costs
03:52.00romainguywhich is quite hard with Java's String though ^^
03:52.04Kraln-and keep things snappy.
03:52.12romainguybut you shouldn't have trouble
03:52.16Kraln-romainguy: I was *this* close to rolling my own string class
03:52.18romainguyyour application should not be very intensive
03:53.03Kraln-you know what I've found?
03:53.17Kraln-the stringbuilder class is about a metric shitton more efficient at concatenating strings than the + operator
03:53.24romainguyer yes :)
03:53.30romainguyit's a very very very common optimization in Java
03:53.43romainguyalthough the comparison depends on the compiler and what exactly you concatenate
03:53.57Kraln-its usually variables with string literals, but still
03:56.02*** part/#android romainguy (
03:56.17Kraln-aw, he ran away
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04:22.14kreativeanyone doing a facebook app for android?
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04:24.41agelessHi all, is there a common way to visually group controls? Like a Box or Group in other languages? Something that puts a border around a set of controls and perhaps a title?
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04:42.01zhobbswell I upgraded the application DB on helloandroid...almost usable now:
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04:42.51f00f-haha hobbs
04:42.57f00f-tango project icons
04:43.01zhobbshell yeah
04:44.02zhobbsI bet half the apps submitted use tango icons :)
04:44.38raidfivezhobbs, are you adding these application on your own or do people submit them to you?
04:44.48zhobbsraidfive: about half/half
04:45.07zhobbsif I see one is out and no one has submitted then I'll add it if it's worth it
04:45.12zhobbsinitially it was mostly me
04:48.27zhobbsbut feel free to submit yours :)
04:48.59raidfiveI'll do that after tomorrow for sure
04:50.05zhobbsI'm working with a few different groups trying to get a standard together for Android repositories, so that PackageManagers will use the repo from the site
04:50.16zhobbs(and other sites)
04:52.07agelessHi all, is there a common way to visually group controls? Like a Box or Group in other languages? Something that puts a border around a set of controls and perhaps a title?
04:52.32zhobbsageless: not a common way no
04:52.43zhobbsyou can do it of course, but nothing really built in
04:52.44agelesszhobbs: Okay, thanks. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something in the API.
04:54.11agelessAnd last one for the night: Anyone happen to know how the options menu will be handled on touchscreen only phones?
04:54.17agelessi.e. iPhone style phones.
04:55.06raidfiveseems like they would have to have some sort of physical button
04:56.02agelessraidfive: Yea, I was guessing they would, or possibly they would add a header or footer to each screen or something. I'm just wondering if I should rely on options menu being available or make my app more screen based.
04:56.30thedaniel`B0jangles: the ds homebrew scene is awesome
04:56.48thedaniel`B0jangles: i have a bunch of official games but i use homebrew software way more often
04:57.32raidfiveI'm pretty sure you can rely on the options menu being accessible somehow
04:58.26agelessraidfive: Alrighty, thanks for the info. I've done a lot of iPhone dev so I'm trying to break myself of the habit of putting everything on the screen :)
04:59.06raidfivethat said, you don't HAVE to use a menu :)
04:59.37agelessHehe, yea, of course. Just trying to use what's available. It makes a cleaner interface if you can move some stuff off into a menu.
05:03.44*** join/#android michaelnovakjr (n=nov@
05:03.52michaelnovakjrhowdy folks
05:04.23michaelnovakjranyone know how often the gc runs?
05:06.20mickrobkmichaelnovakjr, you can see it when it does if u watch the debug output, but how often depends on how much object allocation/releasing you're doing
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05:33.33sudoerdoes android come with any html parser?
05:33.59jerkface03anyone submit recently?
05:35.35dueysudoer, webkit..?
05:36.29sudoerduey: what I mean is I get a string back such as "  <div class='error'> blah</div>"  is there a builtin class that I can use to get the strings out of html? xml parser?!
05:37.05dueythe only problem with that of course is that it requires valid xhtml
05:37.07sudoerhtml, the page I am parsing are not strict xhtml
05:39.01michaelnovakjrsudoer, there's an xml parser
05:39.01dueyyou want an sgml parser
05:39.06dueyxml != html
05:39.29michaelnovakjrxml parser won't do anything because xml parsers need valid xml
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05:40.28sudoeris there anything like hpricot/jquery for java?
05:43.01f00f-hmm wtf
05:43.16dueygoogle will tell you
05:43.22f00f-W/dalvikvm( 4163): threadid=3: BOGUS mon 1+0>0; adjusting
05:44.04f00f-romainguy__: what would cause this error above?
05:45.23sudoerduey: google tells me there is nothing :(
05:45.40sudoerjquery/hpricot is so awesome
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05:45.43zhobbsKraln-: what's the URL for your chat app?
05:46.00duey owow
05:46.02dueythat was hard
05:46.37sudoerthat isnt  like jquery or hpricot,
05:46.52michaelnovakjrdoes GC remove objects with references?
05:47.14jerkface03? why would it?
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05:47.19zhobbsthanks...adding it to HelloAndroid, unless you want to (would just mean that you can update it as you please)
05:47.32sudoerthanks duey
05:47.47Kraln-zhobbs: just go ahead and do it I'm running on fumes
05:48.01zhobbsKraln-: np
05:48.28f00f-hahahha zhobbs
05:48.30f00f-nice captcha
05:48.46zhobbsthe ascii art?
05:48.48f00f-i hadn't even thought of using ASCII art/text
05:49.04f00f-saves bw too
05:49.07zhobbsyeah, much easier to read than most captcha's
05:49.33zhobbsI mean, obviously if the bots picked up on it it'd be easy to crack...but it's working for now!
05:49.54*** join/#android borism (n=boris@
05:52.25zhobbsactually saves a lot of CPU to not have to gen the images
05:54.39f00f-i notice you got rid of the search
05:54.46f00f-what is this site done in
05:54.50f00f-ruby on rails, dont say that please
05:54.59zhobbsphp (drupal)
05:55.03zhobbsThe search is gone?
05:55.08f00f-sort by rating
05:55.14zhobbsOh yeah
05:55.19zhobbsit's all coming back
05:55.34zhobbsyeah, need to add ordering options...
05:55.38zhobbstomorrow :)
05:57.51zhobbsI may have to end up coding up a new app db system...I'm basically just using the built in drupal stuff, not sure if it's really going to work in the long run
05:59.47jerkface0324 hours left
05:59.55jerkface03tick tock
06:00.06michaelnovakjr25 :)
06:00.44zhobbsanyone need any help?  I'll help you tomorrow, we'll split the winnings :)
06:01.34michaelnovakjri think i just puked code :)
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06:02.47michaelnovakjranyone doing threaded applications?
06:03.22zhobbshopefully almost everyone
06:03.45michaelnovakjri noticed a very big boost in how responsive my app was
06:04.16zhobbsyeah, UI won't do anything if you're doing work and not using a thread
06:04.55michaelnovakjrjust hangs in a very ugly way :)
06:05.50michaelnovakjri'm hoping people find my application useful :) ... definitely wasn't meant to be the next coolest thing, more like a necessity for most people.
06:06.31jerkface03michaelnovakjr: what'd you make again?
06:06.40michaelnovakjrweather warning system
06:06.51jerkface03that'll certainly be useful
06:06.59michaelnovakjrallows you to control severity of warnings you get and for what locations
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06:07.22dueydoes it tell me if its goign to rain on my way home?
06:07.22michaelnovakjryou add locations by zip code
06:07.49michaelnovakjrhaha, its meant more for something like a tornado that's about to blow your house over ;)
06:08.20dueyah we dont get them here
06:08.25dueyor anything like that
06:08.27dueyjust rain
06:08.52michaelnovakjrflood warnings it also provides :)
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06:09.06f00f-XYZ warnings :)
06:09.17michaelnovakjrcurrently it is supported in the US, i am hoping to get more international locations included by the 1.0 release
06:10.00michaelnovakjri'm running the servers that the phones connect to, so supporting international locations shouldn't be all that difficult
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06:13.22thedaniel`anyone else planning to take tomorrow off work? XP
06:13.51michaelnovakjrpulling an all nighter and going into the office
06:13.55michaelnovakjrits going to hurt
06:13.56jerkface03my classes start tmrw ;x
06:14.53thedaniel`michaelnovakjr: that sucks. i am shooting to be finished with the app by 3am or so but you never know how these things go. i'll probably wait until the morning (clear head) to submit
06:15.28michaelnovakjryea, i am submitting at night, going to write up my docs tomorrow
06:15.28raidfivedebating the all nighter myself
06:16.20michaelnovakjri have an annoying illegal state exception that i think is because of the way my service is managing sqlite connections. Doesn't effect the app, but i don't want them there :)
06:20.27michaelnovakjri am thankful for the runOnUIThread method :)
06:20.33michaelnovakjri love that ;)
06:22.43michaelnovakjranybody keep track of their GC usage?
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06:24.58thedaniel`informal poll: how much java experience and how much mobile experience did you have before beginning your android project
06:26.41michaelnovakjri work with java at work, i've done some windows mobile development
06:26.53zhobbsthedaniel`: little java, no mobile
06:27.10Kraln-I'm having some problems with the progressdialog
06:27.13Kraln-I get invalid arguments
06:27.18Kraln-has anyone successfully used it?
06:27.32thedaniel`i am a python programmer mostly, and before android i'd never done anything nontrivial that didn't use either CLI or web UI
06:28.02thedaniel`so in the last six weeks i've had to learn the android API and GUI framework, java-specific syntax, and how to use Eclipse
06:28.37thedaniel`can't wait to take a 'break' and return to emacs and python and bash for work
06:29.02thedaniel`i feel like i would have benefitted more from having done a 'normal' gui app rather than doing mobile work
06:29.03michaelnovakjreclipse is powerful when you use its features
06:29.06thedaniel`like swing or gtk etc
06:29.38thedaniel`michaelnovakjr: i believe you, i have come to depend on completion, using things like f3 to navigate through code, autorefactoring, etc
06:29.45thedaniel`michaelnovakjr: but in pythonland you don't even NEED taht stuff
06:29.58michaelnovakjrthe debugger has helped me greatly :)
06:29.58thedaniel`michaelnovakjr: you like cocoa eh?
06:30.08thedaniel`michaelnovakjr: oh yeah, the eclipse debugger is great for this stuff
06:30.21michaelnovakjranti-iphone.... but i like mac programming
06:30.23thedaniel`i surely wouldn't have gotten anywhere without that green little beetle
06:30.42thedaniel`i'd like to do a cocoa touch version of my app next
06:31.43michaelnovakjrme too, but they need to support background services
06:31.54thedaniel`yeah, that's pretty annoying
06:31.56michaelnovakjrmy app is useless if it always has to be on the screen
06:32.18thedaniel`my app relies on ProxmityAlert and AlarmManager to be interesting
06:32.25thedaniel`so doing it with cocoa touch will be hard
06:32.36Kraln-so no one has used the progress dialog?
06:32.41thedaniel`Kraln-: i haven't no
06:32.51thedaniel`Kraln-: it's in the APiDemos tho
06:32.56thedaniel`and it seems to 'work' there
06:34.17Kraln-says view must be attached to a window
06:40.07thedaniel`michaelnovakjr: did you ever figure out your illegalstateexceptions? i get those occasionally as well
06:40.39michaelnovakjri think it is related to GC
06:42.04thedaniel`michaelnovakjr: possibly a side effect of not using managedQuery or startManagignCursor ?
06:42.14michaelnovakjri would say
06:42.23michaelnovakjri only have the issue in my service
06:48.59michaelnovakjryea, my exceptions only start coming up after the GC runs
06:54.23zhobbsit happens when you don't close a cursor
06:54.40zhobbsbut I get it sometimes when I do close who knows
06:55.00michaelnovakjryea, it says to use deactivate and requery
06:55.21michaelnovakjratleast that is what activities do
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07:10.56michaelnovakjrknock on wood.... i think those exceptions are dead!!
07:14.52michaelnovakjrgot em!!
07:17.50Ledei just noticed i check the wrong SDK version i used
07:18.10Ledeinstead of rc14 i checked rc15 :D
07:18.30michaelnovakjrare they both m5?
07:19.12Ledeandroid sdk m5-rc14 for linux-x86 to be precise
07:19.13michaelnovakjrhow can you tell which rc you are using?
07:19.28Ledefrom the sdk package name
07:19.50Lederomainguy__: should i resubmit it?
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07:22.08rhetthey last minute androiders
07:22.12rhettanyone awake?
07:22.17michaelnovakjroh yes :)
07:22.40rhetthey, i'm trying to add a last minute sms sender feature.  How do I see if sms text messages were sent?
07:22.47rhettor recieved on my device?
07:22.51rhettis there a mailbox or something?
07:22.55michaelnovakjri renamed the android folder, how exactly do i know my version?
07:23.47michaelnovakjrrhett have you checked out SMSManager?
07:25.40rhettyes, I think i'm sending sms messages with that, but I don't see a log
07:26.40rhettoh it looks like I have to write my own logger.  Nice
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08:00.18Kraln-well, my submission is in
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08:11.13jastaback ;)
08:11.46michaelnovakjrwhat's up
08:19.06Kraln-I never want to see eclipse again
08:19.54Kraln-goes back to intellij
08:20.32thedaniel`Kraln-: I DEFINITELY agree
08:20.41thedaniel`i just took an hour off to play starcraft
08:20.59thedaniel`unrelated. but yeah, i can't wait to go back to emacs
08:21.13thedaniel`and if i do more java dev i will take a long hard look at intellij
08:21.17michaelnovakjri just committed the revision that killed my exception problem :)
08:21.21jastai'm ready to record my video now, though i realized i don't know how
08:21.21Kraln-its so worth the money, man
08:21.29Kraln-jasta: on osx you can use uh
08:21.30jastai'd like to annotate with text and stuff, what should i use?
08:21.34jastai use Ubuntu
08:22.00jastawhat's that?
08:22.00Kraln-ah, jing is mac or windows =/
08:22.19Kraln-what I'd recommend using =p
08:22.22michaelnovakjrthere's gotta be a linux equivalent
08:22.31Kraln-michaelnovakjr: suprisingly, probably not
08:22.54Kraln-Re: New ADC Submission - We've successfully received your submission. Thanks!
08:23.01Kraln-now comes the second guessing
08:23.19Kraln-I crammed the last five days
08:23.47Ledeoh jing looks nice
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08:26.04jastai guess i should buy a microphone tomorrow and use istanbul for GNOME
08:26.22dueyfinished yet jas
08:26.24dueyfinished yet jasta
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08:26.38jastaduey: no, not finished, but certainly stable now
08:26.45jastai've officially stopped adding to it
08:26.46michaelnovakjrsame here
08:26.56michaelnovakjri am stable... just doing some house keeping
08:26.56Kraln-I hit feature freeze about four hours ago
08:27.01Kraln-and then started bug fixing
08:27.12jastai have no outstanding, known bugs i intend to fix.
08:27.13jastaso that's good.
08:27.17dueyah im finding pics of street signs
08:27.51jastathere are a few known deficiencies that are pretty serious, but i don't intend to fix them for the challenge.
08:28.08jastajust because it would require too much tearing up of important pieces
08:28.24jastalots of "TODO" Toasts were added too ;)
08:28.33jastahopefully they can forgive me
08:29.53michaelnovakjrstill there?
08:30.07michaelnovakjri was worried about my Log.d 's lying around ;)
08:30.23jastai am leaving lots of my logging in
08:30.25dueymailing list is dead
08:30.32jastano harm no foul, so it's a little bit slower i don't car e:)
08:30.57jastaduey: probably a lot of folks are busy :)
08:31.09jastai don't feel like i procrastinated on this project, and yet, here i am hacking feverishly on the last weekend
08:31.16jastamy project is huge, though
08:31.21jastait broke 20K loc over the weekend
08:31.39raidfivejasta, what do you use to calculate your LOC?
08:31.43davidwit's not like the SDK isn't without its own deficiencies
08:31.43raidfivecan eclipse do it?
08:31.54davidwhis fingers
08:32.00michaelnovakjrthat's a lot of code :)
08:32.00jastaraidfive: one-liner in bash.  more accurately, i computed the number of non-whitespace characters with:
08:32.25raidfiveyea I know how to do it in linux
08:32.31jastaperl -lwe 'my $c = 0; while (<>) { s/\S//g; $c += length; }; print $c;' $(find libsyncml-java/ five-music/ five-client/ five-server/ -name "*.[ch]" -or -name "*.java" -or -name "*.xml" | grep -v
08:32.31raidfivebut I'm in Windows :)
08:32.44jastathat's after a mvn clean
08:32.52jasta(i use maven to build my project)
08:33.05thedaniel`i wonder what my loc is lookin like
08:33.09jastaso, 92K non-whitespace characters.  that's a lot of typing :)
08:33.12Kraln-add that to eclipse
08:33.27davidwdon't run it!  it'll rewrite your project to play "mary had a little lamb" and then crash
08:33.32jastacounting in eclipse would not give an accurate loc count for me.  i have 2 components outside of eclipse
08:33.35jasta2 big ones ;)
08:33.51dueyall of them?
08:34.24thedaniel``find . -name *.java | xargs wc -l` tells me about 4K
08:34.44jastahehe, my server is 4K :)
08:35.08thedaniel`ha awesome
08:35.18thedaniel`i think i did pretty OK for six weeks and it being my first java project
08:35.19jastawhat's your project thedaniel` ?
08:35.32jasta6 weeks?  i've been working on mine since early Jan :\
08:35.52michaelnovakjri am at 2,095 for my client
08:36.01thedaniel`jasta: distributed workflow / task management, integrated with the address book, with location and time alerts, syncing with a REST api (currently stubbed for the judges' convenience)
08:36.17michaelnovakjri have quite a bit of server code
08:36.21jastathedaniel`: interesting
08:36.29jastamichaelnovakjr: My app is client-heavy.
08:36.44Kraln-1.7k total lines of code for me.
08:36.45michaelnovakjrmine's sort of the other way around
08:36.46jastaServer actually has an easy job :)
08:36.48thedaniel`jasta: yeah unfortunately i was planning to do it with a group and they got too busy, so i have been going alone and needed to cut features
08:37.01michaelnovakjrjasta, i let the server do the heavy work
08:37.03jastathedaniel`: I can't wait to bring on some extra developers :)
08:37.05Kraln-maximum cyclomatic complexit
08:37.10michaelnovakjrand manage alerting and displaying on the client
08:37.15Kraln-average, 4.2, std deviation, 8, max: 50! lol
08:37.31Kraln-I can't believe that is 50.
08:38.06davidwall of Hecl is about 51K, including comments and white space... but I'd actually prefer to lower that
08:38.09Kraln-no wonder that's so hard to debug.
08:38.43jasta51K loc!?  holy hell man
08:38.53dueywhats hecl?
08:39.05jastathat's a much bigger project than i realized davidw
08:39.15jastathe largest project i've ever done was 120K loc.
08:39.36michaelnovakjrjasta, that's about my biggest project
08:39.40michaelnovakjrgive or take
08:39.48davidwjasta, thats' *everything* though, including all the java me stuff
08:39.56davidwthe android portion is pretty small actually
08:40.08Kraln-I was about to say
08:40.16jastai am betting my app will be 40K by the time it's mature and ready to push to phones
08:40.29davidwthere are a further 8K of Hecl code
08:41.26Kraln-well I'm off
08:42.10michaelnovakjri get ready for work in a half hour!
08:42.24Kraln-I have to drive two hours to school in an hour or so
08:42.37michaelnovakjrsounds like fun!
08:43.38jastabbl, more hacking
08:43.44michaelnovakjrgood luck
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08:49.23thedaniel`i too must hack. i don't need to be at work for 9 hours, but many of those hours must be filled with java (or as my irish coworker used to say, javer)
08:49.32thedaniel`l8r dudes
08:49.45raidfivelol what the heck ... I've added \bin to my svn ignore list multiple times and completely delete that directory from my repo but somhow it keeps getting added back into the repo :/
08:50.59rhetthow do you count loc?
08:51.23rhetti suspose I could do wc -l
08:51.29varjagraidfive, svn on windows?
08:51.42varjagrhett, sloccount is nice
08:54.21dueyhow much are you guys writing for the readme?
08:54.48raidfivevarjag, yea ... Windows with TortoiseSVN
08:55.14rhetthaha 4200 java 1000 of xml
08:55.18varjagtry just "bin"?
08:55.23rhettseemed like a lot more to me :)
08:55.47varjagide-generated code doesn't count anyway :p
08:57.05raidfivevarjag, what do you mean?
08:57.24raidfiveI was told to not commit \bin into the svn repo ...
08:57.38davidwduey, a page
09:00.18varjagraidfive, i mean try not typing reverse-slash in front of bin in ignore list, if it's a command-line utility
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09:03.16raidfiveit is a gui interface
09:03.55raidfiveoh well
09:06.30varjagswitches to c and emacs for a while
09:07.35thedaniel`why ouch?
09:08.00hapvarjag: doing some masochism ?
09:08.10davidwmasochism is not using emacs
09:08.29davidwI tried to use eclipse a few days ago and I felt like throwing the computer through a window
09:10.32thedaniel`davidw: the emacs key bindings help somewhat
09:11.03thedaniel`(until you realize that some editors like the xml editor only implement a subset of the emacs bindins which are necessarily a subset of emacs editing func)
09:11.22thedaniel`i've stuck with eclipse for the whole project and i've only thrown about three computers out the window
09:11.26davidwmore than anything, Hecl has a complex project structure, and it seems that eclipse doesn't want to deal with it, or you need to be an expert at eclipse to make it work
09:12.18davidwwe have multiple subprojects that are compiled in different ways, with compile-time directives (ifdefs... yikes:-)
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09:14.57varjaghap, they call it day job ;)
09:15.29davidwvarjag, what do you do?
09:16.04varjagindustrial/emergency ip telephones
09:16.16varjaglike they use in tunnels, power plants, roads etc
09:16.46davidwhuh, cool
09:16.57davidwthose are ip based?
09:17.11varjagright now putting rstp switching support into arm kernel
09:17.11varjagdavidw, newer ones are
09:17.47varjagusually you have ip infrastructure already in modern setups
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09:19.04varjagso you can piggyback on existing communication lines, with all their niceties and redundancy
09:19.46davidwwell, I hope I never have to use one of your products:-)
09:19.53varjagme too :p
09:19.54acsiaso are you gonna write an emergency phone service for android?
09:20.09varjaghehe no :)
09:20.24varjagcan't do anything big and serious, i remembered about the challenge only this friday
09:21.00jtoyeclipse does suck, I am using textmate currently, but would like to move to emacs soon
09:21.18dueytexmate > emacs
09:21.44jtoywell, textmate is nice, but i like free and cross platform
09:21.50varjagstuck to eclipse cause he didn't want to set up emacs for java
09:22.04jtoycross platform doesnt matter, but being able to transfer knowledge does
09:22.22dueytextmate isn't cross platform?
09:22.33dueyi read that wrong
09:22.39dueyi thought you said it was
09:22.57jtoyas I frequently  use macs and *nix, but no windows!
09:23.06dueynow to figure out how to make an apk...
09:23.19dueythis is the problem when you use eclipse
09:23.35jtoythis is how I test my code: ant && adb install bin/mystats.apk
09:24.14dueylol wasnt that hard
09:24.22dueyright click -> android tools -> export
09:28.27raidfiveDoes anyone know when the .apk file is built?
09:29.49jastait's the last stage of the build process, if that's what you mean
09:30.17raidfiveI mean during development ... is it built evertime I save a change or when I run the application on the emulator
09:30.44jastaPresumably only when the application is launched.
09:30.54jastaThough the Java files are compiled on save.
09:30.59jastaassuming you have build automatically checked
09:31.04dueyguess i should submit now..
09:31.27raidfiveok thanks jasta
09:34.29varjagok folks.. i have a managed cursor in activity - how do i prod it to update?
09:37.51raidfiveI can't wait for some eclipse plug-in / sdk updates ...
09:38.31raidfivethe emulator loaded up an old version of my application the last three times I've ran it ... but now it is fine
09:38.48raidfivetalk about panic
09:40.27dueysubmitted :D
09:40.45dueygood luck to all
09:41.05dueyif a regular in this channel doesn't win it will suck
09:41.32raidfiveI wish I would have been a regular in here sooner ...
09:42.05davidwhas been working on both Hecl and a thing for a client who offered me a chunk of the winnings... he's also interested in making a business out of the idea, so... my fingers are crossed that something good will come out of the whole thing
09:42.39raidfivenice, my application is an extension of my current work
09:43.11acsiaandroid has nothing to do with my current job
09:43.24acsiaor mobile development in general for the matter
09:43.40raidfiveHas anyone done mobile development outside of Android?
09:43.49acsiathis is all on the side for me... Takes some efforts
09:44.19davidwraidfive, Hecl runs on Java ME too
09:45.22raidfiveI've messed with Java ME and Blackberry before working on android and let me tell ya, android was a relief :)
09:45.36raidfivedeveloping for those platforms is a pain
09:45.45hapwell as long as i get paid a lot..
09:49.32davidwandroid is way better
09:49.52davidwbut Hecl is almost cooler on j2me, because it's harder to get it working there
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09:53.11jastaacsia: what is your project again?
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09:55.55davidwanyone know of a sound editing tool for Linux?
09:56.53thedaniel`davidw: audacity
09:57.55davidwcool, thanks
10:01.20acsiajasta: framework for geo located content
10:03.21jastai need to buy a microphone tomorrow, hmm
10:07.26jastai want to record my demo video
10:07.29acsiais it just a random thought or do you intend to do recording
10:07.35acsiayes yes
10:07.42jastamaybe i'll just post a video without any description, and write something up
10:07.45acsiaI might do that as well
10:07.46jastai don't really like talking
10:08.03acsiais there any free video editing tool on linux?
10:08.03jastai dont like hearing myself talk, that is
10:08.09jastaacsia: i was wondering about this
10:08.09dueyyeah do that jasta we dont want to hear you :P
10:08.19dueyyou could get out a voice changer
10:08.24dueyand make it really low
10:08.33acsialike a bit like powerpoint video presentation of some sort
10:10.17thedaniel`jasta: i'll record your voiceover for 10% of your prize ;)
10:11.01jastai really hope i win man.  after all this work :\
10:11.09jastait'll be a very sad day to find out i didn't
10:11.25davidwcompetitions are a bad deal in some ways
10:11.35davidwI generally don't get involved ...
10:12.18davidwthis one was worth it because I already had Hecl, and it was worth porting in any case
10:14.07jastai will be really upset if a whole bunch of crap ends up winning.
10:14.15jastabecause i gotta admit, there is a whole bunch of crap being posted :)
10:14.49jastaranging from totally wild and impractical to just plain unnecessary
10:17.56acsiaI don t mind loosing against intresting and proper application thought.
10:18.23jastayeah, me neither.  i would be happy if all 50 of the winners were genuinely cool projects.
10:21.02thedaniel`jasta: if you don't win i promise i will be gracious and not rub it in when i cash my check
10:24.57davidwI wonder if they're thinking of hiring people...
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10:26.10dueythey can hire me
10:26.47thedaniel`i don't know what i'd do if a big company in the valley offered me a job
10:27.42dueyI would love to do ~5 years of work in the valley
10:28.14davidwthedaniel`, work in a cubicle and live in a 'burb
10:28.21davidwand have only computer programmer friends
10:28.33dueylol i only have computer programmer friends atm..
10:28.43davidwwhere do you live?
10:28.47dueynew zealand
10:28.52thedaniel`davidw: i live in LA
10:29.05thedaniel`i work for a small internet startup, and i have been thinking of moving on
10:29.11davidwyeesh... la is worse than the bay area
10:29.15thedaniel`the appeal of a company like google is definitely there
10:29.24thedaniel`but i think i need to be in a smaller, less structured environment
10:29.32davidwNZ actually sounds like a pretty nice place
10:29.35thedaniel`davidw: watch it, i will defend la with claws and teeth
10:29.48dueyyeah its nice
10:29.49davidwyou can have it, I want nothing to do with it:-)
10:29.52dueyits a bit small
10:30.03thedaniel`davidw: hehe, that's fine by me, there are too many people here already
10:30.05dueyi won't to experinance big city etc
10:30.26thedaniel`yeah, LA is basically a big region with a dozen small cities inside
10:30.48thedaniel`unfortunately it takes a long time to find your niche, so lots of people have a bad first impression, i sure did
10:30.59thedaniel`but after i'd lived here for a while i found my groove and enjoy it
10:31.07thedaniel`plus: AWESOME motorcycle weather
10:31.29dueygar been working to long
10:31.37dueytime to watch a movie
10:33.37davidwI could never deal with a megopolis like that... the bay area is already much too big
10:34.15davidw100K - 300K, depending on density and the population is about right
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10:54.27haplives in Paris, France.
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11:02.00jastai was not impressed with that city last time i was there
11:02.50jastaprogressive, but in a way that sucks. :)
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11:10.06thedaniel`it is too early in the morning to write a 3 way left outer join
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11:23.50hapjasta: i like the fact than everything i need is at a 10min walk
11:24.00hapand my office is 100 meters from my home
11:24.10jastathat isn't unique to Paris.
11:24.17jastabut yes, that is nice
11:24.34hapno, but it s one of the pointt
11:24.36jastaused to be like that for me when i lived in the university district
11:24.49jastai moved to a more affordable neighborhood after that, though.
11:25.07hapand in a real city, not a fake one
11:25.21jastaa fake one?
11:25.33haphowever i don t like French people much, mostly for customer service
11:25.34thedaniel`university towns are soothing facsimiles of real cities tho
11:25.41thedaniel`nice for short periods
11:25.46hapthedaniel`: yeah i hate that
11:25.52hapdon t want to live in las vegas
11:26.18jastayeah, i moved shortly after i was brought into the ER, found unconscious on the sidewalk.
11:26.20hapor disneyworld cities
11:26.21thedaniel`i visited paris this past new years (or was it last new years, crap it was)
11:26.46thedaniel`i have been very lazily studying french in my spare time
11:26.55hapwell I m French, it helps a bit about that
11:27.07thedaniel`i would love to be able to work easily in the EU
11:27.16hapI would love to work easily in the US
11:27.28hapour governments don t help, do they.
11:27.35thedaniel`unfortunately i am one generation too far removed from the netherlands
11:27.48thedaniel`my grandpa was born just after getting off the boat, not just before getting on :P
11:27.54hapnetherlands is great, used to have nice provider (xs4all) and good bandwidth
11:28.08hapand nice hacker conference
11:33.14varjagnice pot too
11:33.26hapsadly i don t smoke
11:33.31hapbut friends say so
11:41.33jastayou realize you have a choice in the matter, right?
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11:54.03rhetthey, I have a custom view class I made that extends a view that paints a graph on the screen.  I can't figure out how to overlay buttons on that
11:54.35rhettI tried bringToFront after the graph draws inthe view onDraw override method
11:54.47rhettsetVisible, layouts, etc.
11:55.35jastaok, time for bed.  i was just confused for a minute if there are 100 minutes in an hour or 60.
11:55.41jastadefinitely time to quit :)
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12:28.43Ledejasta: haha
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12:48.40thedaniel`i suppose the US east coasters will start rolling into work soonish to entertain me as i code
12:57.28davidwjasta, here in europe, yeah, it's 100 minutes to the hour - metric time and all that
13:00.56thedaniel`davidw: you might, for example, say "the ADC deadline is only 65 kiloseconds away!"
13:04.24Ledei don't think you can use water as the base for time measurment :o)
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13:06.48thedaniel`hmm, to .txt or .pdf my README
13:07.20thedaniel`what are you guys doing for that?
13:08.19thedaniel`I didn't have time to put together screens of my next revision interface, so i'd be just PDFing plain text, and my every instict is to avoid it
13:08.23thedaniel`but it looks so nice
13:08.32Ledefor the reason that you can't add screenshots and format the text to make it readable and not an eyesore
13:09.04thedaniel`i wrote my readme in reStructuredText, so spits out a nice pdf or html version for me
13:09.14Ledeyikes, that sentence is like half-english half-brain-fart
13:09.16thedaniel`ah well, pdf it is
13:09.19KralnI used pages, but usually I use latex
13:09.32thedaniel`it will look nice and professional
13:09.56Ledeused openoffice and exported to pdf
13:10.59Ledewhat i wonder is what companies are attending this contest
13:12.20davidwugh.... looks like more Berlusconi
13:12.26Kralnif someone else submits something really similar to mine, but better/more polished
13:12.31KralnI'm going to cry
13:13.15Ledewhen will the winners be anounced?
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13:13.35Kralnquickly, apparently
13:29.20davidwanyone put a 'phone home' kind of thing in their app?:-)
13:29.25davidwdidn't, but thought about it
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13:32.59Kralndavidw: mine is open source, so that wouldn't serve much of a purpose. it *is* tied to my server, though, so I guess that kind of counts
13:33.47Ledei thought about it aswell, just to see how many times it is run and at what time
13:34.01Ledebut i rather not get disqualified :o)
13:39.01davidwok, there we go...bombs away
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13:41.58davidwI am going to go for a bike ride tomorrow
13:47.14Kralnwhy ride tomorrow when you can ride today
13:51.29Tylor_reallyMine app - interface for playing tabletop-like games.
13:51.46Tylor_reallyAnyone submitted something similar?
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13:53.30Kralnwho submitted my project somewhere and where was it submitted?
13:57.02Kralnnevermind, I found it
13:57.06KralnTylor_really: could check
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13:59.32Tylor_reallyKraln: Thanks!
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14:34.17c4softwareLinux Kernel Boot corectly into HTC wizard, next step android acctualy harret say : Image Too large (2481856-23118181) - largest size is 2516584
14:41.28mazzenhi! i have a problem with the encoding and hope that someone would be so kind and help me. i have a csv file and when i open it with openoffice and use latin1 as encoding i get nice germany "umlaute" ä,ö,ü,... so i created a database, changed the encoding to latin1 (\encoding ISO_8859_1), created a table and copied the cvs into the table. unfortunately, the umlaute are wrong :-/ does anyone knows a hint for me?
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14:45.00mazzenabsolutely  wrong channel!
14:46.44mazzenno, that's not funny ;-)
14:46.57michaelnovakjrit happens
14:54.07Tylor_reallyHas anyone tried using sqlite as a scripting engine on Android?
14:55.20Tylor_reallyYeap. As sql queries is about only thing that can be compiled and executed in run-time.
14:55.30Tylor_reallyJavaScript is still locked, right?
14:57.04michaelnovakjrwhy would you need to do that though?
14:57.31davidwscripting? Hecl!
14:57.49Tylor_reallyHecl is not pretty
14:58.06michaelnovakjrthose are some fighting words :)
14:58.28Tylor_reallyI am writing a gui engine for playing table-top games on the phone
14:59.04davidwmichaelnovakjr, Hecl doesn't think much of Tylor_really, so I guess they're about even
14:59.45Tylor_reallyI use xml now to describe game rules, screen layouts, etc, but want something more powerful
15:00.32michaelnovakjrpowerful in what sense?
15:00.55davidwif I'm allowed another riposte: the "I use xml" guy is saying that Hecl is not pretty?  Pot, kettle, black:-)
15:02.02Tylor_reallyI'd use Lua for everything, but there is no Lua on Android:)
15:02.38Tylor_reallymichaelnovakjr: Powerful enough to describe how Knight moves:)
15:02.42davidwI wouldn't be surprised if someone ported it... it'd be a good language for cell phones in general
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15:06.31Tylor_reallyTylor_really: And it can be done in sqlite probably, like insert into bad_moves select from last_moves where piece="knight" and dx || ',' || dy not in ("1,2", "2,1", "-1,2" ....
15:07.13michaelnovakjri never said it couldn't, just didn't think it was that efficient
15:07.37Tylor_reallyAny other options?
15:08.05michaelnovakjri haven't really played around much graphically on android
15:08.22michaelnovakjrmy application doesn't really need a lot of ui resources
15:08.48davidwyou could probably find some sort of xml interpreter thing <if ... > <else> ...
15:09.01davidwalthough that sounds like an unholy mess to me
15:10.19Tylor_reallyI was implementing and deploying VoiceXML and CCXML interpreters for two years.
15:10.43Tylor_reallyI don't want back to that horror
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15:10.57Tylor_reallyXml-based languages are even worce than Hecl.
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15:13.39michaelnovakjris it possible to change the period in a scheduled task?
15:13.47Tylor_reallySigh, why there is no really lightweight scripting languages for java? Java reflection provides most of what is needed for scripting language already.
15:14.16davidwHecl runs on midp 1.0... you can't get much more lightweight than that
15:14.27davidwwhy not work on the Lua port if that's your thing?
15:14.49romainguyTylor_really: there must be one that fits your need there :)
15:14.58davidwreflection is available on android, but not java me, so it's not even an option for the core of a really lightweight scripting language
15:17.14Tylor_really is a partial implementation of lua on j2me...
15:17.58Tylor_reallyMay be I'll use this
15:18.46Tylor_reallyromainguy: Thanks, I'll check this
15:19.01Tylor_reallydavidw: I see
15:19.44Tylor_reallyBtw javascript is a part of javase now, afaik. But not the Android, strangely
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15:25.59varjagTylor_really, maybe that's because android is not a javase :)
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15:49.40edcbabtw how much time left exactly before challenge end ?
15:49.52michaelnovakjrless than a day :)
15:50.05edcbayes i knew that lol
15:50.31michaelnovakjr15 hours it looks like
15:50.39michaelnovakjrif my math is right
15:50.53michaelnovakjrmidnight PST is when it is closed
15:50.57romainguy_michaelnovakjr: the deadline is midnight PST?
15:51.13michaelnovakjrromainguy_: yes
15:51.26romainguy_good luck guys :)
15:51.30B0janglesromainguy_: shouldn't you know that? ;-)
15:51.48romainguy_B0jangles: the ADC is not really my job :)
15:51.49michaelnovakjrit doesn't effect him :)
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15:52.34davidwhis job is to inflict completely new and different API's on us;-)
15:52.39B0janglesheh ;-)
15:52.48romainguy_davidw: or more exactly, to rename existing APIs :p
15:53.13michaelnovakjrromainguy_ how can i find out exactly what version of the sdk i am running?
15:53.31B0janglesmichaelnovakjr: look at the name of the .zip file?
15:53.42michaelnovakjri renamed it when i downloaded it
15:54.02michaelnovakjri know its m5, just not sure which rc
15:54.12romainguy_it's either rc14 or rc15
15:54.20romainguy_there's not much difference between the two
15:54.23michaelnovakjrwhen did rc15 get released?
15:54.29romainguy_rc15 simply fixed a couple of security issues
15:55.41michaelnovakjri'm using the latest :)
15:55.48B0janglesromainguy_: do you know if Google is ever going to say how many submissions they get to the ADC?
15:55.56michaelnovakjri would hope so
15:56.00romainguy_B0jangles: I have no idea, you should ask this question to Dan
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16:11.23Openfreehi, is there any hardware requirement for android platform? someone told me it should run on armv5te
16:11.35michaelnovakjrits not available yet
16:11.51michaelnovakjrno hardware specs have been officially announced :)
16:12.28mihoshiI had strange problems yesterday, everything suddenly stopped to compiling, until I installed rc15 android SDK...
16:12.46michaelnovakjrwhat error were you getting?
16:13.36mihoshisomething like "can't find java.lang.Enum", "can't find java.lang.Object"
16:13.55michaelnovakjrthat is strange :)
16:14.24*** join/#android isaac (n=isaac@debian/developer/isaac)
16:14.39mihoshiAnd emulator wallpaper turned to sunset image, like in rc15
16:14.58michaelnovakjrwhat was the wallpaper in rc14?
16:15.26mihoshiForested mountains and blue sky
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16:15.45mihoshiProbably same landscape, but in daytime:)
16:16.09romainguy_totally different landscape :)
16:16.12mihoshiMay be it will turn to night after ADC deadline:)
16:16.14Openfreemichaelnovakjr, another question, is android for ARM only? can it possible run on mips or other platform
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16:16.30michaelnovakjrOpenfree, again nothing has been saved
16:16.34michaelnovakjrsaid *
16:16.36romainguy_the sunset image was taken in China and the forested mountains + blue sky in California :p
16:16.38mihoshiromainguy_: but it is forested mountains too
16:17.00romainguy_unless we are talking about a different image, no
16:17.05varjagthere shouldn't be a big deal porting andoid over cpus
16:17.07romainguy_it's a photo of rice fields
16:17.17michaelnovakjrwhats a photo of rice fields?
16:17.29romainguy_mihoshi: I took these photos btw :p
16:18.16*** join/#android AstainHellbring (n=arto@unaffiliated/astainhellbring)
16:18.52mihoshiromainguy_: It's definitely not photo of rice fields now. It's some tree crowns at the front, and two forested mountain silouhettes behind that. Sky is orange near horizon and blue at the very top
16:19.05mihoshiromainguy_: cool, can you show me rice field one?
16:19.09romainguy_aah so we're not talking about the same photo :)
16:19.18romainguy_M5 always had this forest+blue sky
16:19.27romainguy_you just needed to wipe your data to get back to the default wallpaper
16:19.31michaelnovakjrwith sunset?
16:19.53romainguy_mihoshi: sure, just open the menu in the Home screen, go to wallpaper settings, and you'll see the other picture
16:19.59AstainHellbringso anyone here playing with android on actual phones?
16:20.12davidwAstainHellbring, yeah, google sent me one last week, it's grat
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16:20.19mihoshiromainguy_: "this action is not currently supported"
16:20.29davidwactually, it was exactly two weeks ago, on the first of april
16:20.34AstainHellbringdavid wow an actual device from google thats awesome
16:20.39romainguy_ah I forgot we removed that from the M5 build
16:20.40AstainHellbringtouch screen on it?
16:21.20davidwyeah, I use it to record tv shows, listen to the radio in the shower, and VOIP
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16:21.33B0janglesI hear it will drive your car for you too
16:21.34AstainHellbringwow david record tv shows?
16:21.37davidwAstainHellbring, (I'm just pulling your leg... no one has hardware except for google + partners)
16:21.41romainguy_mihoshi: that's the rice fields photo
16:21.52AstainHellbringlol ok
16:22.01AstainHellbringwell I've played with it on my phone via haret
16:25.44mihoshiromainguy_: Beautiful. Mine is similar, but different. Probably some fragment, or other from the set (if there were a set)
16:26.03AstainHellbringtrying to figure out how to work the freaking emulator....
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16:26.29romainguy_mihoshi: the wallpaper on Android is a crop of this picture
16:27.07romainguy_and the forested mountain is a crop of this picture:
16:27.29michaelnovakjrforested mountain is the default in rc15?
16:27.49romainguy_but if you don't wipe your data, you will see whatever wallpaper you had before
16:27.52romainguy_for instance the M3 wallpaper
16:33.30michaelnovakjrmy application is working :)
16:33.36michaelnovakjri have never been so relieved!
16:33.45romainguy_congratulations :)
16:33.51michaelnovakjrhaha thankss ;)
16:34.02AstainHellbringso how can I use the emulator to boot a premade kernel for a device?
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16:41.29michaelnovakjri can't wait to get my hands on a device.... i want to see how my app does on battery'
16:42.00AstainHellbringget an htc kaiser and you can use that for testing
16:42.07michaelnovakjri have an htc touch
16:42.25AstainHellbringuse it and download the stuff
16:42.46michaelnovakjri want the google release of it, not a hack ;)
16:43.10AstainHellbringwell yah that would be nice but this works for your device testing for now
16:43.41michaelnovakjrafter tonight, i start work on the windows mobile version of the app :)
16:46.40*** join/#android jjt009 (
16:47.00jjt009everyone submitted?
16:47.54jjt009AstainHellbring: your app
16:47.57thedaniel`not yet!
16:48.01thedaniel`doing final testing now
16:48.08jjt009thedaniel: good idea
16:48.22thedaniel`installing on a fresh emulator with adb push
16:48.28thedaniel`putting myself in a judge mindset
16:48.37thedaniel`trying to figure out what else needs to go in th readme
16:48.57thedaniel`er, via adb install
16:48.57jjt009thedaniel: yeah, the readme is definitely important
16:50.16jjt009thedaniel: what's your app about
16:51.28thedaniel`jjt009: workflow / task management with remote sync and location and time alerts
16:51.39jtoywhat do you cal a bar that is like this --|--  ?
16:52.08jjt009thedaniel: awesome
16:52.15thedaniel`jtoy: what do you mean exactly? like a progress bar?
16:52.19thedaniel`jjt009: how about yours
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16:52.27jtoythedaniel`: nice,  are you going to allow people to see your readme? it sounds interesting
16:52.45thedaniel`jtoy: after i submit i'll probably put the readme on my blog
16:52.54thedaniel`i will link it here as well
16:52.55jjt009thedaniel: business rater with and synchronization
16:52.59jtoyis there a widget for this?
16:53.41jtoya slider bar i think is what it is called
16:54.01thedaniel`jtoy: do you just want to display data with it or do you want the user to be able to chnage it
16:54.10jtoythedaniel`: I just want to display data
16:54.27jtoyI was going to use a progress bar for it as a hack, btu its too ugly
16:54.47thedaniel`jtoy: i haven't seen a slider
16:55.16thedaniel`jtoy: if this is somehow not for the competition (i.e. you have a little free time) you could probably build your own slider but it would be labor intesnive
16:55.34jtoyyeah, no time for it
16:57.31jtoydoes it matter if our device works only  on the default screen size?
16:57.42jtoyi mean does the ui matter on the non default settings?
16:58.26davidwthere's no way to hang up calls programmatically is there
16:59.03thedaniel`man i've been doing a lot of debugging:
16:59.05thedaniel`grep -c "emulator" /home/daniel/.bash_history
16:59.09davidwsubmitted Hecl :-)
16:59.17thedaniel`congrats davidw
16:59.36thedaniel`jtoy: i think they said on the list that the judges would use the default skin for evaluation
17:00.13jtoycool, ive never tested it on another resolution, i dont even know how to use a different resolution
17:01.08thedaniel`jtoy: you run:
17:01.14thedaniel`emulator -skin <skin>
17:01.32thedaniel`where <skin> is HVGA-L, HVGA-P, QVGA-L, or QVGA-P
17:01.40thedaniel`i am afraid to run mine no the small ones :p
17:01.57AstainHellbringwhat do I need to setup to just run the emulator?
17:03.07thedaniel`AstainHellbring: just download the sdk and run it
17:03.25thedaniel`it is ./tools/emulator
17:03.54AstainHellbringin linux?
17:04.19AstainHellbringI keep getting a message saying its missing system.im6g+++++663
17:04.26AstainHellbringI have no tools emulator
17:06.42davidwmaybe you got one of those cheap imitation sdk's
17:06.53davidwyou didn't get it from a street vendor did you?
17:07.34AstainHellbringno downloaded from google
17:10.15c4softwarehmm, who to find the initdr-android
17:11.25c4softwareThanks :)
17:13.15michaelnovakjrwhere do you get your software AstainHellbring
17:13.32jtoywhat happens if you set an alarm to run several times at the same time? will it go off several times?
17:13.56AstainHellbringmichael software?
17:14.03michaelnovakjrjtoy i think you reach the end of the universe
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17:25.13michaelnovakjrhow do you wipe the emulator again?
17:25.20benleywith TP
17:26.04acsiaemulator -wipe-data
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17:26.37AstainHellbringanyone know why when I try to run the emulator I get a cannot locate system.img error?
17:29.41jtoyare we supposed to provide test data or what?
17:29.53michaelnovakjrif needed, yes
17:30.00michaelnovakjrdepends on your app
17:30.09jtoyyou cant really use mine without test data :(
17:30.59jtoyand dont really want to spend time making test data, i jsut need call data and contacts to be saved in the system
17:31.22michaelnovakjrluckily all my data is server side
17:34.17michaelnovakjris there a blackberry device with wifi?
17:35.21AstainHellbringyes the new ones
17:39.11jastajtoy: yeah, test data i think is necessary.  i believe you should treat your app a bit more like a demo.
17:39.23michaelnovakjri agree
17:39.40jastamy app, for example, connects to a demo repository for content that i am hosting.
17:40.48michaelnovakjri've got my service automated :)
17:41.01michaelnovakjrand controlled by preferences :)
17:41.30jastai only anticipate that the judges will set up their own real server in the event that mine is unreachable for some reason.  which really is a long shot, since it's hosted on a production server at my work on our T-1.
17:41.37jastareally, it'd take a power outage to knock it out :)
17:41.45jastaand even then, it's on a 4000W UPS.
17:42.05michaelnovakjri have my failover's in place
17:42.23jastai bet they will retry apps that seem to have an unreachable server part.
17:42.25jastawhat do you think>
17:42.37michaelnovakjri would think so
17:42.41jastaif it doesn't work they'll probably go read the README, check out what it does, and if it sounds interesting they will retry later
17:42.55edcbai think that having a server part is a good way to extend deadline :)
17:42.56michaelnovakjrit would be nice if that would give you an email saying hey your server's not working :)
17:43.20jastaedcba: in my case it would not help at all. t he server is not the work horse.
17:43.28jastamichaelnovakjr: they really might.
17:43.47jastagranted there will be lots of apps to judge, and lots of them won't work
17:43.54edcbait depends on how many submissions i guess
17:43.57michaelnovakjryea :)
17:43.59jastabut like i said, a quick peek into the README should tell them whether or not they care to retry.
17:44.16michaelnovakjri hope they read the README first!!
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17:44.19jastafrankly, most of the apps will be dismissable without even running them.  if the concept is just stupid...
17:44.32edcbaonly if you called it readme.1st :)
17:44.33michaelnovakjrhaha, let's hope so :)
17:45.01michaelnovakjri'm the concept of my app will really drive home the concept of why the UI is so simple :)
17:45.39jastaok, time to go produce a demo video and tidy up.
17:45.47jastai'm ready for this bitch to be over :)
17:45.54michaelnovakjrme too :)
17:46.07davidwsomeonoe find a way to distract jasta for the next N hours...
17:46.09michaelnovakjranyone run their application on different platforms?
17:46.12davidwwe'll all have a better shot at it
17:46.26davidwmichaelnovakjr, platforms?
17:46.39michaelnovakjrwindows/mac/linux emluators?
17:46.59jastais there any need to?
17:47.03michaelnovakjri have installed the apk on a windows box and mac box running the same version emulator and they work different?
17:47.26michaelnovakjrwindows is throwing odd errors while the mac works perfect
17:47.35thedaniel`holy crap, I think i'm done
17:47.45thedaniel`i better take a shower and have a cup of coffee before i give it the final final final round of testing
17:47.45jastareally?  do you have serious concurrency issues? :)
17:47.59thedaniel`michaelnovakjr: the emulator runs within qemu
17:48.07thedaniel`so it should see the exact same hardware
17:48.15michaelnovakjrthat is what i thought
17:48.30michaelnovakjrjust can't figure out why the same apk acts different on two different computers
17:48.31jastathe only reason you should get different behaviour is if you have concurrency issues, or if the emulator has bugs.
17:48.46michaelnovakjri even wiped out the emulators
17:48.58jastaif your code is not properly synchronized, a different computer could show that by changing the speed at which races occur.
17:49.11michaelnovakjryou think speed differences on the machines might have concurrency issues?
17:49.33jastamichaelnovakjr: No, but given what a race condition is, it makes sense that it can be exposed by a machine which performs different from another.
17:49.43jastaSlower or faster, even if by a degree you cannot detect.
17:50.02jastaYour code may be narrowly missing catastrophic failure due to incorrectly synchronized code :)
17:50.02michaelnovakjrthey are sql issues...
17:50.21michaelnovakjrbut everything 'looks' like its running properly
17:50.21jastawell i don't have time for this ;P
17:50.30jastai have to go finish up :)
17:50.34michaelnovakjrgood luck
17:50.34jastadon't distract me
17:52.44jastai do have race conditions in my app too, btw ;0
17:53.03jastaspecifically, i don't have a good general strategy for ensuring that a required service has been connected before the user interacts with the app
17:53.15jastai require a small delay between the app opening to when they can use it, though i don't enforce that with any work queue.
17:53.31jastaso it is possibly through a very rapid click to toss up assertion errors in nearly every activity :\
17:54.15jastai discuss this in my CAVEATS section of the README.  basically, it didn't occur to me that a work queue would be necessary when i started, and i need to go back and review a lot of code now
18:00.17mihoshiHmm, 12 hours to deadline, right?
18:01.15jastaminus some change
18:04.54*** join/#android SR71-Blackbird (n=nirvana@unaffiliated/sr71-blackbird)
18:05.01mihoshiIt's midnight here:) 13 hours more, thanks to Pacific Time.
18:08.09jastasways calmly from side to side listening to Sufjan Stevens
18:08.12jastai'm feeling good about this thing
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18:11.50B0janglesjasta: did you get it turned in in time? Deadline was an hour ago
18:12.58mihoshirc15 seems to be significiantly faster...
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18:13.14B0janglesmihoshi: really? I didn't notice a difference in speed
18:13.20mihoshiEspecially in debug.
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18:15.55B0janglesDoes anybody else wonder who some of the people are in this room that never say anything?
18:16.03B0janglesLike, I see  SR71-Blackbird join and leave several times a day
18:16.08B0janglesnever saying anything...
18:16.22mihoshiIt's KGB!
18:17.04AstainHellbringprobally just ppl wanting to see whats going on
18:17.20AstainHellbringI came in here for same reason then had questions still can get emulator to even launch
18:17.45michaelnovakjrdid you download the emulator from google's site?
18:18.14michaelnovakjrwhat platform
18:18.17mihoshiFor most time, I hadn't time to talk, I had to mallet code:) So  I had channel opened, but didn't write or read
18:21.20michaelnovakjrsorry, i am using mac and window :(
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18:33.47michaelnovakjrwhat is the org.apache.harmony... package?
18:34.23AstainHellbringhmm how hard is the sdk to use on mac?
18:34.31michaelnovakjrnot hard at all
18:34.37AstainHellbringall I need to start using stuff is included in the sdk right?
18:34.50michaelnovakjrsure, and if you want eclipse
18:35.01zodsdk works like a charm here (under linux) too
18:35.02michaelnovakjri use eclipse for coding
18:35.11AstainHellbringhmmm I wonder why I don't even have the tools folder?
18:35.20michaelnovakjrdude, download it again
18:35.25AstainHellbringI have multiple times
18:35.26michaelnovakjryou NEED the tools folder
18:35.34michaelnovakjrthat is where the apps are
18:35.45AstainHellbringhmm looks different now wierd...
18:36.14michaelnovakjrwhat do you mean by different?
18:36.22AstainHellbringwell hot damn worked this time wonder what I did differently...
18:37.13AstainHellbringahh ic I was a moron and downloaded the source only version
18:38.24jastathe Android platform does not have source available.
18:38.37jastaonly for the kernel component, webkit, and emulator.
18:39.21michaelnovakjrjasta it looks like my app works fine on my windows computer :) my friend was testing it and it blew up
18:39.24AstainHellbringandroid-emulator-m5-rc14.tar.gz   Android Emulator M5-RC14 (source only) that was what I had downloaded
18:39.42AstainHellbringthat and kernel
18:39.56jastamichaelnovakjr: have you noticed that the activity stack manager is easily confused by cyclical interfaces?
18:40.09jastathat is, if you make two activities that both have buttons to go to the other
18:40.25jastaand you click them each a few times, the activity stack does not detect this and each press of back really just goes back to the other one
18:40.32jastai guess i have to manage that myself somehow
18:40.36michaelnovakjri don't believe i have that, although i did notice that the threads are syncing properly :)
18:40.50jastanot a big deal, but it is weird
18:40.56michaelnovakjrthe back button concept is weird
18:41.15michaelnovakjrif you modify a view in an activity it puts the other view on the history
18:41.24michaelnovakjror i should say original view
18:43.40*** join/#android Dan_U (
18:45.15thedaniel`wipes brow
18:45.24thedaniel`now to take a week off of computing
18:45.30thedaniel`heads to the pub
18:46.04thedaniel`see you all there
18:46.32zhobbsthedaniel`: congrats
18:48.36jastai can't wait to tear out all this hacked code i put in the last week :)
18:48.53zhobbsjasta: have you submitted yt?
18:49.35jastai'm futzing with recording my video
18:50.46varjagmakes some late-time changes into schema
18:56.57michaelnovakjri am cleaning up the UI a bit
18:57.13michaelnovakjrvery very small changes... no more features.... and nothing overly scary! :)
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18:58.15jastame too, like dimming out functionality i didn't get to
18:58.22jastaso at least the judges can tell what works and what doesn't :)
18:58.54michaelnovakjryea, i was moving some text around, making it look neater.
19:03.17michaelnovakjrdid anyone design their own app icon?
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19:05.57muthuD Day!
19:06.57jastamichaelnovakjr: no, i used tango
19:08.13muthuis that the free icons>
19:08.20muthuyeah tangodesktop
19:09.04muthuanyone still not submitted?
19:10.45michaelnovakjrtonight :)
19:11.16muthume too haven't done yet
19:11.45mihoshimichaelnovakjr: I used a knight piece from XBoard as an icon:)
19:12.09michaelnovakjrnice :)
19:12.29michaelnovakjri am still playing around with that stuff :)
19:12.44muthuwhat's your app, michael?
19:13.05michaelnovakjrsevere weather warning system
19:13.19varjagme didn't submit too :)
19:13.23mihoshiMy app is kind of a superset of XBoard - Well, will be a superset of XBoard eventuallty :)
19:13.52michaelnovakjrapplication communicates with servers I maintain to pull warnings based on locations the user supplies
19:21.07michaelnovakjris there an equivalent website to tango for audio sounds :) ?
19:21.25mihoshiWikimedia, may be
19:22.54AstainHellbringhmm odd why won't emulator boot with my special kernel I sent it but it will with defaults
19:23.14muthuinteresting mihoshi
19:26.25mihoshimuthu: Thanks. Problem is that is not still feature-complete. I spend too much time on core, so couldn't finish some secondary, but essential features. Like networking :(
19:26.43muthuthat's ok
19:26.57muthui'm sure every app is work in progress
19:28.50mihoshiI hope so. I have a functional demo app, though, and bundled a source and a lot of docs. So I'll probably call all that a Developer Tool :)
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19:40.14c4softwarehi, i decompress Android_initdr with this command : gunzip initrd-android; cpio -i < initrd-android
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19:57.53michaelnovakjrso, people are going to start talking about their apps tomorrow or wait until the 5th?
19:58.05jastai've talked about mine all along
19:58.17michaelnovakjrwebsite jasta?
19:58.19jastait's no secret; i invite anyone to try to implement _my_ idea better than me.
19:58.33michaelnovakjrare you putting a website together for it
19:58.44jastaoh, perhaps.  i tried several times to register with googlecode but they wouldn't let me
19:58.50michaelnovakjrhow come?
19:58.51jastamaybe i'll register the name android-five instead of just five
19:59.00jastasomething abouta  conflict with
19:59.05michaelnovakjrthat sucks
19:59.14jastai tried to contact google several times wiht no response.
19:59.26michaelnovakjrthey are hard to contact
19:59.46chomchomI am not done either :( . My services are just too buggy.
19:59.57*** join/#android poffy (
20:00.00michaelnovakjri have even noticed that with the Google enterprise products
20:00.10michaelnovakjrchomchom... submitting today?
20:00.10poffy10 hours, people
20:00.12poffygo go go
20:00.31chomchomWell I guess I'll have to no matter what.
20:00.46michaelnovakjris your app crashing?
20:01.35chomchomyes very much so
20:04.29jastaMy services have their problems, though not generally buggy.
20:04.38jastathere are two known race conditions that i just can't fix before the challenge
20:04.49jastathey would be really disruptive.  i'd need to implement a work queue instead of just firing off functions willy nilly
20:05.09jastathere would be no time to test it, and the fix could end up being less stable initially
20:05.48jastaplus, my system has graceful error recovery, so even if the playlist service totally explodes it wouldn't be the end of the world
20:05.48michaelnovakjryea, i am in the same boat, I have my code running exactly when it needs to everytime, but I'd like to clean it up
20:06.12_avatarjasta: what does your app do?
20:06.17jastathe problem is that my initial understanding of the binder was that it was not threaded in the service context.  but it is ;)
20:06.38jasta_avatar: Do you want the abstract or concrete version?
20:06.59_avatarerm. abstract, i suppose :)
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20:07.19muthuanything, not to shutdown the app
20:08.13jasta_avatar: it's a media distribution system that efficiently synchronizes meta content passively, while still offering prepared content for streaming.
20:08.47jastaso, the content does not exist on the phone, but is delivered to it as though it does.  it's an abstraction, then, of the access layer for the media.
20:08.55michaelnovakjranyone add logic to check for a cell signal?
20:09.06jastaconcretely, it's a music player that downloads your music from your home PC over the wireless radio.
20:09.25jastamichaelnovakjr: no, but that's because it is a major part of my app that is to be developed after round 1.  "offline mode".
20:09.40_avatarjasta: awesome :)
20:09.46jasta_avatar: it uses the storage card to cache, of course, but is not bound by it.
20:09.51michaelnovakjryea same here.... i haven't done it yet assuming that the emulator has a signal :)
20:09.56_avatarjasta: we're doing something similar in another (non-android) project
20:10.10jastajust so long as it's not an android project ;)
20:10.40jasta_avatar: the music also doesn't suck.  it integrates with to offer extra nice features and has many subtle features that set it apart from more traditional portable players
20:10.59jastafor example, i tackled playlist management.  contrast this with the miserable iPod "on-the-go" playlist feature.
20:11.06skicsonwe submitted a mobile app for students. jazzed up chat,  gdata-enabled flashcards, task list, reference materials, etc
20:11.13jastaif you long click a song, it opens a context menu that lets you enqueue and do other special things.
20:11.33muthujasta: i like the integration
20:11.35jastaalso, it downlaods artist photos, which the iPhone/iPod doesn't do.
20:11.50_avatarjasta: excellent. i've been really hoping for a non-crappy media player for the android platform
20:11.56_avatardoes it also support local content?
20:12.07jasta_avatar: one nice concrete example of how enhances the experience is say you're in the middle of a playlist and a song comes on you don't listen to much or haven't really explored the artist much.  Say it's new...
20:12.18_avatarby local content i mean media on, say, an SD Card
20:12.24jastaright from the player screen you can open a context menu and select, among other things, "Popular Tracks by this Artist"
20:12.56jastawhich will download a list of popular tracks scrobbled by other users to and, if you have that music in yoru collection, will show you the list.
20:13.34muthunow, everyone vote for jasta ;)
20:13.40jasta_avatar: Not currently, though I intend to add a lot to this as the project matures.  I hate to say it, but the submission to the ADC is more of a proof-of-concept as far as the music player goes.
20:13.52jastaThe media synchronization system works great, and is quite stable and featureful.  The music player itself needs work, though.
20:13.59michaelnovakjrsecret operative is back ;)
20:14.07michaelnovakjror left ;)
20:14.07_avatarjasta: well, that's probably to be expected, especially considering the state of MediaPlayer
20:14.08jastaBut it's not hard to see why: the novelty is in the media distribution, not the music playback :)
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20:14.31jasta_avatar: No shit.  The MediaPlayer sucks.  It doesn't like lots of my Ogg files so I had to re-encode a bunch of shit for testing in my demo repository.
20:14.42michaelnovakjrjasta, i agree.... playback is playback.... but its the ability to explore music and not have to work hard to do it
20:14.50jasta_avatar: My release to the judges is preconfigured to connect to a server I operate, representing a demo, copyright-free repository.
20:15.09michaelnovakjrhow come ogg files Jasta?
20:15.17jastamichaelnovakjr: I have no idea, but none of my Ogg files play.
20:15.24michaelnovakjrnot mp3?
20:15.31jastamichaelnovakjr: What?
20:15.54michaelnovakjrhow come you don't use mp3?
20:15.55davidwogg +1
20:15.58_avatarmp3 playback is broken too
20:16.04davidwmp3 is patented
20:16.05jastamichaelnovakjr: You mean in general or in my app?
20:16.06_avatari think the bugs with MediaPlayer are in the subsystem, not the decoders
20:16.11michaelnovakjrthe app
20:16.17jasta_avatar: Yeah, me too.  MP3 streaming doesn't work so i fake it.
20:16.29michaelnovakjri tested an mp3 in the media player and it worked for me
20:16.35jastaI download straight to the SD card then point the MediaPlayer at that even before it's done.
20:16.47jastamichaelnovakjr: MP3 works in the MediaPlayer, but I'm saying my Ogg files did not.
20:16.50_avataryeah, it works if you only play 1 or 2, but as soon as you open more than one stream, or create a handful of MediaPlayer instances, it crashes. hard.
20:16.56jastaI didn't care to investigate, so I just deleted or re-encoded them for the challenge.
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20:17.10jasta_avatar: Well, even then it doesn't work in that context.
20:17.12michaelnovakjrjasta, makes sense... no need to waste time on that before the challenge
20:17.16jasta_avatar: MediaPlayer doesn't stream MP3s :)
20:17.34jastaIt just refuses, at least in my attempts.
20:17.38_avatarby "Stream" i just meant audio stream
20:17.42jastaBut I couldn't use the MediaPlayer to stream anyway.  It wouldn't cache.
20:18.10jastaRight, I understand.
20:18.20muthujasta: the media player doesn't stream anything
20:18.35*** join/#android Kraln (
20:18.36jastamuthu: Well, whatever, I worked around it.
20:18.47jastaAnyway, let me get back to my demo recording :)
20:18.51jastaI'm trying to put something up
20:18.58jastaFussing with this microphone I stole from my roommate
20:19.01Kralnafter I submitted
20:19.03michaelnovakjrenjoy :)
20:19.07KralnI haven't been able to stop thinking of stuff
20:19.17jastaKraln: My mind is going to be racing tonight :)
20:19.18Kralnso I think I'm going to mess with my submission some more and then submit
20:20.15michaelnovakjryou should take up knitting :)
20:22.15KralnERROR/AndroidRuntime(593): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: View android.policy.PhoneWindow$DecorView@401f3eb8 must be attached to a window
20:22.16muthukrain: that's why do the submit in the last minute
20:22.30_avatarif i create a composite "control" as a layout xml file, is there a way to use that control in another layout xml? i asked this before and someone suggested subclassing View instead, but i'd rather not subclass View unless I have to.
20:22.34romainguy___Kraln: you are calling runOnUiThread?
20:22.35_avatarKraln: using a ProgressDialog?
20:22.43Kraln_avatar: yes
20:22.45Kralnhow do I fix this
20:22.49romainguy____avatar: Yes you can... in a future SDK :)
20:22.50_avatarKraln: you're hiding the dialog before its visible.
20:23.02Kraln_avatar: oh *really*
20:23.06*** join/#android yeonhoo (n=yeonhoo@
20:23.20Kraln_avatar: I could kiss you.
20:23.21_avatarwell, I guess that should have been a question, but are you? :)
20:23.28michaelnovakjrthat comes up sometimes if you aren't on the ui thread
20:23.30KralnI might be
20:23.42Kralnromainguy: runOnUiThread?
20:23.46_avatarKraln: i fought with that same thing for hours one day. i never did find an elegant solution :/
20:23.56_avatarromainguy___: great, thanks :)
20:24.00michaelnovakjryou need to call the control on the UI Thread
20:25.15Kralnthe control? it's a progressdialog
20:25.28michaelnovakjron sorry, i meant progressdialog
20:25.48michaelnovakjri have been up since yesterday morning... ;)
20:25.50Kralnhow do I do that? o.o
20:26.08_avatarif you need to bounce back to the main thread use a Handler, or (i think)
20:26.20KralnI'm pretty sure I'm in the main thread, though
20:26.31Kralnyeah, I am
20:26.34Kralnit's what _avatar said.
20:26.38Kralnthe thing is getting hidden
20:26.40Kralntoo quickly
20:26.45Kralnwow, _avatar, I love you man
20:26.54michaelnovakjraw how cute ;)
20:26.59Kralnseriously can I have your children?
20:27.03KralnI would have NEVER figured this out
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20:28.43_avatarKraln: i need to revisit the problem now that I have a bit more android experience, I just disabled the ProgressDialog and moved on. if you find an elegant solution let me know!
20:29.02Kraln_avatar: I'm going to make sure it doesn't get hidden before it has time to show
20:29.19*** join/#android Jimx (n=Jimx@
20:29.31_avatari kludged it for a while by sleeping a second after showing it -- but I removed the kludge in fear of forgetting about it
20:30.07zhobbsKraln: this might help:
20:30.11Kralnseriously if you were in the washington dc area I'd buy you a beer
20:30.26zhobbswell, sounds like you already got it :)
20:30.27Kralnzhobbs: not really, I had already tried about a half dozen variants of that
20:34.08muthuan interesting thread in the challenge
20:34.11jastaafter round 1, i plan to completely destroy my PlaylistService and do it all over again :)
20:34.21jastathis shit is being hacked out of control
20:34.24muthuasking a question about changing server stuff after the deadline
20:34.36michaelnovakjrmuthu, got a link?
20:34.38Kralnwhat's the answer, or link?
20:34.42muthuno answer
20:34.54muthuinteresting nevertheless for all the server apps
20:36.17muthuargh.. can't find the link
20:36.27_avatarKraln: I wonder if you could create the ProgressDialog and then listen for it's onStarted or onFocusChanged event or something, then start the thread there
20:36.34zhobbshaha, I know a guy who doesn't have time to finish a feature so is just showing that pane as a WebView and going to implement after he submits
20:36.53michaelnovakjrhaha, that is not against the rules?
20:36.59*** join/#android Azalar (n=Azalar@unaffiliated/azalar)
20:37.09muthureally zhobbs?
20:37.16davidwI could have done that with Hecl...have an http request and eval
20:37.20davidwit would have slowed things down though
20:37.24muthuman, i should have done a client/server app ;)
20:37.29michaelnovakjrthat has got to be against some rules or something...
20:37.34davidwI don't think so
20:37.43davidwthey run the app.  If it works, great
20:37.44skicsonhey kraln are you in md or nova?
20:37.49davidwit'll be slower with a network request though
20:37.58muthuyou run the risk of messing up your server side though
20:38.00*** part/#android Azalar (n=Azalar@unaffiliated/azalar)
20:38.16muthuand you never know the googledroids
20:38.30michaelnovakjri have a feeling if people have to hack it to communicate with a server... chances are it won't work out too well for them
20:38.31muthuthey'll be taking over your server anyways!
20:38.34jastaknowing my luck will have some massive service outage some time critical in the next 3 weeks
20:38.49muthuoh, jasta!
20:39.05*** join/#android Adys (
20:40.06f00f-ahhh, no development today
20:40.09f00f-just documentation
20:40.20muthui'm so glad 14 is just about to be over
20:40.31michaelnovakjrme too
20:40.36f00f-yeah man, i'm actually going grocery shopping tonight!
20:40.54michaelnovakjri haven't done that in a while :)
20:41.23muthui'm glued to my seat, so need to call 911 first ;)
20:41.34f00f-and my supply of gordon biersh is dwindling dangerously low
20:42.41jastasigh, just got a lame bug ;)
20:42.57jastasuper lame, the play queue can get reported incorrectly to the UI :\
20:45.26Kralnskicson: md
20:46.12KralnI made a mistake
20:46.16KralnI did tons of positive testing
20:46.18Kralnbut no negative testing
20:47.55jastathat's really bad :)
20:47.57jastaa lot can fail :)
20:48.20Kralnwhich is why I made my deadline 24 hours in advance
20:48.30KralnI've now gone back and fixed a bunch of negative stuff
20:50.31skicsonkraln: i'm in columbia.  we launched a LLC based on our early work in android and i've been looking for other mobile devs in the area
20:50.38jastai really feel the most exhausted i've been in as long as i can remember.
20:50.46jastai've never coded this fast before in my entire career
20:50.49Kralnskicson: need someone for the summer?
20:51.01KralnI love my commute to columbia. it's against rushhour
20:51.21skicsonyah maybe - you in school?
20:51.31Kralnyeah. I should be done after this semester, but life happened
20:52.05Kralnyou know how it is
20:52.43chomchomah dear, I wish  to change the license of my code on google code but I don't think they offer the functionality.
20:52.55chomchomAnyone else using google code?
20:53.02michaelnovakjrthinking about it
20:53.05Kralnchomchom: the administrator?
20:54.02chomchomit only gives me the option to delete the project
20:54.36Kralnhmm. you might have to post on the google code mailing list
20:56.13muthuaround 90 submissions have been counted so far
20:56.31michaelnovakjr90 submissions for what?
20:56.47michaelnovakjrhow do you know?
20:56.58muthufrom the challenge forum
20:57.03muthuofcourse there will be more
20:57.16michaelnovakjrswarms more closer to the deadline :)
20:57.17muthubut 90 folks have reported so far
20:58.20davidwso double that
20:58.28davidwor triple it or smoething
20:59.23michaelnovakjronly triple?
20:59.29michaelnovakjri would think more
20:59.51michaelnovakjri wonder how many are going to be submitted that actually work :)
21:00.54jastayeah, i suspect there will be easily over 500 submissions
21:00.57varjagthe closer to deadline, the lesser chance :)
21:00.59michaelnovakjrme too
21:01.11davidwheh...betting pool
21:01.23donomoso its too late to start a project? :)
21:01.26varjag(the lesser chance that submissions will work that is)
21:01.37michaelnovakjrits never too late :)
21:01.57f00f-ok folks
21:01.59f00f-submission number
21:02.04f00f-that you get back from ADC confirmation mail
21:02.13f00f-any patterns?
21:02.19f00f-i notice it's a 9 digit numero
21:02.20donomoany portland people come to the lucky lab brew pub tonight.
21:02.35f00f-jasta might make it
21:02.46f00f-bat oregon? anyone live there.
21:03.27jastawhy would i make it?
21:03.31jastai live in Seattle, and hate Portland.
21:04.38raidfiveGo Seahawks!!
21:04.52raidfivebut I live 10 minutes from Portland :)
21:05.17f00f-damn dude, so you guys are basically the equivalent of the whole norcal/socal rubbish we have here
21:05.19davidwoh yeah? where/
21:06.04davidwI used to live in Ladd's addition
21:06.07raidfivehmmm, the timing on that event isn't too good ... probably still be finalize some documentation :(
21:06.22raidfiveI live in Vancouver just north of Portland
21:06.37davidwjasonchen, what's not to like about portland?
21:06.41davidwI mean jasta
21:06.57davidwhopefully jasonchen is sifting through a metric shitload of contest entries
21:07.41jastano time to chat about that now ;)
21:07.43jastaask me tomorrow
21:08.22davidwyooou are getting sleeeeepy
21:08.43muthuthe last submission will be noticed
21:08.50muthui wonder who that be
21:09.17muthuand who the first one
21:09.51muthuthe first and the last - dan morill knows.
21:09.54donomois there a list of applications somewhere?
21:10.17muthunot official
21:10.23muthuits in the challenge forum
21:10.31donomoah. good enough for me.
21:11.19muthuanyone using kopete?
21:13.03muthui don't know whether its kopete or the gaim theme - but this smiley looks real freaky ;)
21:13.44jasonchenwas wondering why he would be asked about Portland, but then read further down in the transcript :-)
21:14.50Kralnmuthu: where is this list?
21:15.32muthukrain: which one?
21:16.04muthuif you are asking about the submissions, its pinned to the top in the challenge forum
21:16.11Kralnyeah, what's the challenge forum url
21:16.21f00f-show me some screenshots of your app muthu
21:16.29f00f-google android-challenge
21:16.55muthuf00f-: sure
21:17.37f00f-anyone doing humanitarian apps for the folks living with $2/day ?
21:18.24Kralnif they're on $2/day they can't afford an awesome phone =p
21:19.37f00f-well they wont own it
21:19.41f00f-community based
21:19.52donomof00f-: yes, its called the dialer app.
21:19.59f00f-face-based, right
21:20.14donomof00f-: what special app did you have in mind?
21:20.17f00f-but anything else? something that's actually useful for them?
21:20.24donomoim looking for World of Warcraft on android.
21:20.29f00f-i dont know, helping them survive in daily needs
21:20.43donomof00f-: thats the OLPC project.
21:20.47f00f-trading of grains over GTalk
21:21.01f00f-donomo: what?
21:21.11donomof00f-: google it
21:21.12Bonkersthere are communities that don't even have electricity, yet they have cell phones
21:21.30f00f-i know what OLPC is, i dont see your relation
21:21.32muthutrue, cell phones are everywhere
21:21.38davidwwonder what low price points android phones might hit
21:21.50donomof00f-: ok. probably too off topic to get into a discussion on that here
21:22.12donomodavidw: probably not that different than existing phones
21:22.42donomothe Intel ATOM powered MID/phone thingies will be interesting
21:23.32Kralnhaha wow
21:23.34donomothe threads in the android group dont seem to have much of a list of applicants.
21:23.39KralnI just fixed all the outstanding bugs with my application
21:23.42donomohelloandroid's app db is interesting
21:23.46Kralntime to re-submit
21:23.47donomoKraln: woot
21:23.58KralnI feel MUCH BETTER about this =)
21:24.55Kralnwrites some additions to documentation and then re-submits, happy
21:25.31*** join/#android duey (n=Nick@
21:25.52f00f-you're doing the caht thing right
21:25.59donomois there a well-known app submission that has posted its sourcecode already?
21:26.05*** join/#android pombreda (
21:26.08Kralndonomo: my source is open
21:26.15Kralnand I have submitted.
21:26.18donomosomething i could look at/demo for my android meet tonight.
21:26.20KralnI don't know if I count as well known =)
21:26.23donomoKraln: url?
21:26.34Kralnlet me upload a new apk first though =)
21:26.58davidwneat works, is a 404, BTW
21:27.09Kralnit's not 404
21:27.14Kralnit resolves to the irc network
21:27.20Kralninstead of the web server
21:27.30Kralnso I guess 404 maybe, but it will have a use in the future
21:27.30muthukrain: looks good
21:27.59donomoKraln: i see. perhaps serve a meta-refresh from that to www.
21:28.17donomoKraln: nice screenshots. interestin gconcept.
21:28.21KralnI will as soon as I decide what I want public facing there
21:29.03Kralnwoot for svn revision 90
21:29.17donomocamps in the cold outside Kraln software industries for the long-awated androidchat upgrade.
21:29.52Kralndonomo: the apk is in the subversion repo, give me a sec to put it on the main page
21:30.09donomoKraln: im in no hurry. hake your time.
21:30.14donomotake, even.
21:30.43muthukrain: so you can chat with people in your location?
21:30.51donomor89 is 13 hours old. oh the waiting! :)
21:31.00f00f-kinda like rendez-vous/bonjour
21:31.02f00f-that'd be sick
21:32.03donomoandroidchat is going to be verry ambiguous once 2 or3 more chat apps come out.
21:32.44f00f-how do you mean?
21:32.51donomoi mean the name.
21:33.02donomoa google for that will bring up a whole load of stuff
21:33.06*** part/#android Jimx (n=Jimx@
21:34.48jastaoh my god are you fucking kidding me?
21:34.52jastaa thunder storm just rolled in
21:35.09Kralndonomo: I had it first. =p
21:35.14Kralnthe name, I mean
21:35.20Kralnokay, updating the downloads section
21:35.31donomoKraln: lol. somehow i dont think google will see it that way.
21:36.33donomois not familiar with getting an apk file into the emulator
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21:38.48jastaadb install
21:39.14*** part/#android Jimx (n=Jimx@
21:39.24Kralnokay, updated the downloads section with new manual and apk =)
21:39.37donomotries it out
21:41.46Kralnwaits for donomo to try it out before resubmitting just in case something is terrible broken that he didn't realize
21:42.09donomo"Welcome to AndroidChat!"
21:42.36donomohopes androidchat isnt a virus in disguise.
21:43.02donomo'you are connected to'
21:43.18donomoQ: what now?
21:43.38donomoi assume i can /j #something but i dont know what channels are avail
21:43.49varjagtry /list? :)
21:43.51donomo'*** Sent updated location'
21:43.55donomotried that. nothing
21:44.09donomotried /j #android. nothing
21:44.20Kralndonomo: hit the menu button
21:44.25Kralnon the phone
21:44.59Kraln(this is covered in the quick start guide and in the user manual at large)
21:45.14jastaKraln: the menu button should not be used for any critical path of the UI
21:45.31jastathat's very bad design
21:45.42donomoim in #hi now.
21:45.43muthumost of the applications so far, have used tabs
21:45.51muthuand to think tabs was deprecated
21:45.51donomovery exciting, Kraln!
21:46.09zhobbsjasta: doesn't the built in "contacts" app require you to use menu button to add a contact?
21:46.15f00f-in my Menu button i just have Help usually
21:46.30muthuyou can use menu
21:46.33jastazhobbs: Yeah, which is terrible and should be changed.
21:46.36donomodou. got ArrayIndexOutofBounds
21:46.42f00f-zhobbs: yes, but most of the times you are viewonly so there i'd say it's acceptable
21:46.52zhobbsjasta: yeah, it was confusing to me
21:46.54jastathe contact app should have a <New Contact> entry at the top of the row or something
21:47.00jastaWhich is much better design
21:47.06f00f-esp for touch screen
21:47.17jastathe menu button, and long clicks for that matter, should only be used to manipulate the default path of the UI.  they should not be directly part of it.
21:47.18donomoKraln: gotta get back to the day job, but very cool. i'll be demoing that tonigth for sure.
21:47.28Kralncool =)
21:47.58Kralnjasta: if you enable the channel list on connect, you don't have to hit the menu button to start chatting, but that's an option
21:48.11Kralnhonestly, in a chat ap, screen real estate is king
21:48.14jastathere should also be very few options on mobile application.s
21:48.27Kralnjasta: there are five options, and three menu items
21:48.38jastausers will hate you if all you do is scale down the desktop concept to a small form factor.
21:48.51Kralndonomo: wait, did you get ArrayIndexOutOfBounds on my application?
21:48.58donomoKraln: si senor.
21:49.02Kralndoing what!?
21:49.24donomoKraln: in the channel map, the button to the right of the input box turned to an email logo
21:49.40Kralnthat's the users map
21:49.45donomoKraln: i had no idea what it was for so  i clicked it and Boom
21:49.59Kralnso you just opened the channel map and it did that?
21:50.19donomoKraln: opened channel map, noticed the envelope-looking icon, clicked on that.
21:50.34Kralnsure that wasn't the user map? o.o
21:50.42donomolemme see if i can reproduce
21:51.23donomommm. cylon red-beam logo
21:51.44donomoconnected to irc
21:51.53donomomenu -> channels map
21:52.32donomoin #hi
21:52.37donomomenu -> channels map
21:52.49donomoclicked on the return-arrow button
21:53.00zhobbsis firing up AndroidChat
21:53.08Kralnis that when it's on 'current location' ?
21:53.13Kralnwill kill poffy
21:53.29jastai would like to send my app for folks to test but unfortunately i don't want you vultures stressing out the server i hold for the judges
21:53.36jastamaybe i'll release a special version pointing elsewhere :)
21:53.50donomoKraln: ah yes. it happens right away when current location is selected.
21:54.03Kralnviolently rapes poffy
21:54.23loic-pointgphonewhat time is it in the us please? :p
21:54.24donomoandroidchat r91 here we come :)
21:54.32donomoloic-pointgphone: pick a timezone :)
21:54.33muthuis this #android?
21:54.33Kralnyeah lol
21:54.37jastaloic-pointgphone: 3pm Google time.
21:54.45loic-pointgphonegoogle time yes :)
21:54.58loic-pointgphonewhich means 9H left right?
21:54.59jastathat's easy for me to compute because i just have to look at a clock :)
21:55.05jastaloic-pointgphone: yes.
21:55.19donomoomg. 9h left. /me codes up an MMORPG for submission.
21:55.31f00f-so we are vultures eh?
21:55.49jastaf00f-: you think if i posted my app publicly somewhere there wouldn't be a lot of people firing it up? :)
21:56.05f00f-just point it to a null server
21:56.09donomojasta: you have something impressive cooked up right? is it public yet?
21:56.20jastawell, i think so.  and no, not yet.
21:56.21f00f-screenshots jasta.. NOW!
21:56.28zhobbsKraln: I get an error when I hit options...I'm running a freshly wiped emulator (rc15) and using the apk on the google code page
21:56.30jastasoon, my precious.
21:56.48donomolike 9hours soon?
21:56.57muthuif its public, yes people will try it
21:57.00pawallsf00f-, you have to bribe him with cheap alcohol
21:57.10f00f-jasta doesnt do cheap
21:57.13jastahey pawalls :)
21:57.32jastapawalls: come to watch me squirm? :)
21:57.33davidwwill happily buy a beer for anyone coming through Innsbruck
21:57.36davidwbut no one ever does
21:57.43pawallsjasta, Wouldn't miss it for the world ;-)
21:57.55f00f-innsbruck. you guys have a rail line going thru therE?
21:57.58donomodavidw: i would totally come by if i were on that continent
21:57.58f00f-an historic one?
21:58.04jastapawalls: hang tight, i'm working on packaging it up a bit.
21:58.09Kralnzhobbs: what error?
21:58.34davidwf00f-, pretty much everything in europe has some kind of train connection
21:58.48davidwdon't know how historic it is, but I'm pretty clueless... I speak Italian, not German
21:58.52Kralnzhobbs: can you be more specific?
21:59.08donomonot innsbruck australia? thats what google maps comes up with first
21:59.12zhobbsKraln: yeah, one sec
21:59.22f00f-hmm ok
22:00.00muthuhehe we are in apr 15 already
22:00.18Kralnzhobbs: did you restart the emulator after installing the apk?
22:00.27Kralnthat basically says "can't find the options activity"
22:00.27zhobbsKraln: nope
22:00.36Kralnyou're supposed to according to the docs
22:00.36zhobbsshouldn't have to right?
22:00.46muthukrain: why?
22:00.54muthurestart after installing?
22:00.59zhobbsyour docs or google docs?
22:01.00*** join/#android aksyn (n=aksyn@
22:01.02Kralngoogle docs
22:01.15KralnI read that you should restart it because it does stuff on startup or something
22:01.21zhobbsok, haven't had to with other apps...restarting and trying
22:01.42davidwdonomo, Austria
22:01.48davidwAustralia is the one with kangaroos
22:02.05davidwand Crocodile Dundee
22:02.09donomodavidw: heehee. read too fast and didn't zoom out enough.
22:02.19mihoshiAnd skin cancer?
22:02.30donomodavidw: where the hills are live with the sound of music?
22:02.46davidwAustria is the one with silly looking men in leather shorts and beer bellies ;-)
22:02.58mihoshiIsn't that German?
22:03.11donomoi think the swiss like to do that too
22:03.26davidwmihoshi, bavaria, tirol... probably .ch too, yeah
22:03.34donomowith custom leather pockets to hold their android phones
22:03.36davidwsleep time for me
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22:05.43zhobbsKraln: hmm, redownloaded apk and it works now
22:07.11dueyis the compo over yet
22:07.13KralnI still need to put m15 on this laptop
22:07.20donomoduey: 9 hours left
22:07.29mihoshiMy app worked instantly after I installed it. No emulator restart needed
22:07.33dueyah so nice submitting yesterday
22:07.40zhobbsKraln:  yeah, I'm still getting crashes...are you on rc14?
22:07.52Kralnyeah. hold on hold on
22:08.02mihoshi3:07pm Monday (PDT) - Time in Pacific, Washington
22:08.08Kralnwhere's it crashing now btw?
22:08.33mihoshiI just made my final submit... fixed some bugs and added a lot of docs today
22:08.46zhobbs"start chatting"...but rc14/rc15 aren't binary compatible
22:08.47jerkface03post some screenshots
22:09.31mihoshijerkface03: Who?
22:10.17Kralnzhobbs: one sec
22:10.38zhobbsKraln: no problem, I could just compile it but I'm being lazy
22:10.40jerkface03i'm just curious to see what everyone else worked on. there are some very cool projects showing up
22:10.48*** join/#android Marv|LG (n=Marv|
22:11.44varjagwow, it sorta works
22:15.12Kralnzhobbs: have time to test another binary for me ? =)
22:15.35donomoKraln: do _you_ have another binary for _me_ to test?
22:16.22Kralnyeah one sec
22:16.30donomoKraln: what 'location' is the app sending when it says 'Send updated location'?
22:16.43Kralnwhatever the emulator's gps says it is
22:16.48Kralnprobably somewhere on the 101 in cali
22:17.08donomoKraln: ah okay. some apps like to use the wifi mac address for location
22:17.28zhobbsdonomo: probably not in android
22:17.43Kralnhmm, how do I force a build?
22:18.51zhobbsdunno, mine builds on every save right now
22:21.12varjagwow my app works
22:21.25varjagno time to test it against geodata properly :/
22:21.26muthuvarjag: what's your app?
22:22.07Kralnall of a sudden
22:22.09varjagmuthu, not very original, a recent calls list that can be sorted by location/time-of-day relevance
22:22.10Kralnandroidchat.apk isn't being built
22:22.24muthuvarjag: cool
22:22.50varjagi.e. if you call your wife at 5 from bus stop every workday, it should provide that number in similar situation
22:23.17zhobbsKraln: you just updated SDK?  Did you update the path to SDK, also might have to "fix project properties"
22:24.06muthuvarjag: interesting
22:25.19dueyand also emulator -wipe-data
22:34.03Kralnzhobbs, donomo:
22:34.07Kralnlet me know if that fails less hard
22:36.26zhobbschanged the case on the "A"?
22:36.53Kralnzhobbs: perhaps a bit. does it work? heh
22:39.53Kralnzhobbs: any more funky errors?
22:40.09zhobbslooking good
22:44.38Kralndonomo: around?
22:44.59zhobbsKraln: how do you join a channel?
22:45.08donomoKraln: yes
22:45.20donomoKraln: see? the UI flow needs to change :)
22:45.30Kralnzhobbs: hit menu.
22:45.35donomoKraln: im sure thats helpful with 8 hours left to go :)
22:46.05zhobbsKraln: and then "Open Windows"?
22:46.21KralnChannels Map
22:46.47Kralnwill just edit the server motd heh
22:46.59donomofrowns at how its hard to tell what version of androidchat im downloading
22:48.25donomorestarts emulator with new androidchat.apk
22:49.01donomoKraln: please bump up 1.00b for each release so i know im on the new stuff, not some cached copy.
22:49.29donomoi think im on the new copy, but still get ArrayIndexOutOfBounds
22:49.36Kralnthen you're not, heh
22:52.50dueyromainguy is quiet
22:53.16dueysomething must be happenin
22:53.34Kralndonomo: let me upload a binary tagged as 1.01b
22:57.10donomoapparently i dont know how to install the newer version
22:57.13donomostill on 1.00b
22:57.36donomo$ android-sdk_m5-rc15_linux-x86/tools/adb install androidChat.apk  => 752 KB/s (75242 bytes in 0.097s)
22:57.44Kralntry baleeting the old one
22:58.14Kralnadb shell ?
22:58.36donomo# ? => not found. # help => not found
22:58.43Kralnwithout the ?
22:58.51Kralnadb shell just gives you a shell on the device
22:58.52donomoim in the shell
22:58.53donomonow what
22:58.55Kralnls and find it and rm it
22:59.13donomofind it where?
22:59.16*** part/#android skicson (
22:59.22KralnI'm not quite sure where applications live
22:59.39donomohem. there has got to be a better way.
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23:00.53donomoperhaps some property of the .apk has not been incremented to indicate a newer version
23:02.30zhobbsyou can delete the old apk in /data/app
23:03.35zhobbsKraln:, int, java.lang.CharSequence, long, java.lang.CharSequence, java.lang.CharSequence, android.content.Intent, int, java.lang.CharSequence, android.content.Intent)
23:03.47donomozhobbs: thx
23:05.04KralnI was just looking at that
23:05.16Kralnwhat's the difference between the first intent and the second intent?
23:05.29donomoremoved AndroidChat.apk and reinstalled androidChat.apk
23:05.49zhobbsKraln: when you drag it down there is the left side with the notification
23:05.52donomoKraln: well it doesnt crash now. returns to the main chat screen.
23:05.56zhobbsKraln: and the right with the application
23:06.06mihoshiCan someone please try my app? It's here -
23:06.11zhobbsFirst Intent is left side, second is Right side
23:06.32zhobbs(I use same intent for both)
23:07.21muthumihoshi: submit your app to
23:07.33zhobbsmuthu: it's already on there, added it last night
23:10.03mihoshizhobbs: Oh, thanks:)
23:10.13Kralnzhobbs: trying that now
23:10.22zhobbsmihoshi: if you want the ability to edit its entry let me know
23:11.16mihoshizhobbs: Ok
23:12.19zhobbsmihoshi: tried your app, looks good
23:12.34zhobbsmihoshi: are there any opensource java AI's out there?
23:13.24mihoshizhobbs: Thanks. First submitted app turned to be crashing on a fresh device, and second had pieces upside down, so I'm little shaky about that:)
23:14.37zhobbsduey: artificial intelligence...a chess bot
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23:15.01dueyoh right
23:15.18dueyjust use a decision tree
23:15.26dueywith some pruning
23:17.23mihoshizhobbs: I'll try to find one...
23:17.44zhobbsGNU Chess is out there, not sure about java port
23:18.00zhobbsmihoshi: good start though
23:19.29dueyi have an ai for tictactoe somewhere
23:19.31dueyits unbeatable though
23:19.46zhobbsyou can tie though right?
23:19.55dueybut cant win
23:19.58jastalikes 3D tic-tac-toe
23:20.34jasta4x4 3D tic-tac-toe is challenging enough to be fun even against smart opponents
23:22.00dueywouldn't be hard to make an unbeatable ai
23:22.05dueysearch tree is still fairly small
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23:23.02dueybut yeah normal tictactoe is zzz
23:25.54jastayes, but a human cannot construct such a tree well.
23:26.04jastai didn't say it would be challenging against an AI :)
23:26.26mihoshizhobbs: Well, I'll probably use tic-tac-toe as example for binding ai to Tabletop:)
23:26.36jastamaking games fun to play against humans is all about increasing the tree's depth.  there is a point at which humans simply fail to follow :)
23:29.49jerkface037.5 hours left?
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23:34.43Kralnpoffy: I fixed a shitton and re-submitted. svn up and check out the new hotness
23:35.07poffyThey don't care if you re-submit?
23:35.56KralnI don't think so. there was an option for it
23:36.02poffyoh ok
23:36.07Kralnseriously check out what I did though =)
23:36.14poffyI'll check it out when I get home from dinner
23:36.32poffyHoly duece
23:36.35poffyyou changed a lot
23:36.51poffyThat's what svn says, anyway
23:37.55poffyI'll be back in 30 minutes
23:39.09f00f-jerkface03: only got main screen up:
23:40.53jjt009hey dudes
23:40.55jjt009quick question
23:41.56jerkface03f00f-: looks nice
23:42.41jjt009what widget do i need to get the progress spinner
23:42.55jjt009the one that has the spinning light (circular)
23:43.04jjt009that's the last thing i want to add to my app
23:43.09mihoshiBtw, can someone tell me main difference between gpl2 and gpl3?
23:43.10romainguy_look in ApiDemos
23:43.10jastajjt009: ProgressBar with default style
23:43.43jjt009jasta: thanks
23:45.00jastai have a really weird feeling in my stomach right now :)
23:45.07jastathis might even be new.
23:45.40pawallsjasta, I told you to stay away from that Thai place on 1st st.
23:45.51jastai did have thai food for lunch
23:46.18muthuok.. Apr 15 5:15AM IST - DONE!
23:46.33muthuoff to bed now, bye folks.
23:46.45*** part/#android muthu (n=muthu@
23:58.22jjt009muthu: apps can still be submitted
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23:58.38jjt009muthu: the deadline is midnight april 14, Mountain View time
23:58.54jjt009jasta: one more question
23:59.04jjt009jasta: how do i stop a progressbar
23:59.20jastayou would it off of indeterminate mode

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