IRC log for #android on 20080130

00:24.48jastanicocin: Yeah, but they've done that since day 1.  Publish a newer version of the docs than the SDK itself.
00:25.52nicocinok....never really looked till you talked about the docs in the bundled
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00:59.40jastai think i'll rewrite this crap syncml client library i have created in light of the deadline extension :)
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01:48.33jerkface03how exactly does the layout/viewgroup know how to switch between views, and when to pass down the keyevent to the view that it's intended for, rather than consuming the key event itself for switching purposes?
01:48.58romainguy_jerkface03: what do you mean by "switch between views"?
01:49.59jerkface03well a layout needs to be able to switch the current focus between all of it's children
01:50.12jerkface03that's how it works, right? layouts contain a bunch of different views
01:50.22romainguy_Ah ok, you were talking about the focus
01:50.41jastaPresumably that's the point of the return value from the onKey events.
01:50.45jerkface03so lets say you have a spinner view that consumes left/right events
01:50.54jerkface03but your layout also uses left/right events to switch focus
01:51.02jerkface03then your spinner would never get those left/right events?
01:51.17romainguy_it's actually the contrary
01:51.18jerkface03there's a return value?
01:52.08jerkface03wait so your spinner would consume the events and it wouldn't go to the layout?
01:52.19romainguy_that's right
01:52.23romainguy_and that's what it does
01:52.40jerkface03onKeyDown/onKeyUp -- when its true it means it was consumer
01:52.47jerkface03if not, then false?
01:53.09jerkface03k that makes sense
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02:15.10jastaContentProvider's are a real bitch to write :)
02:32.07zhobbsjasta, I agree
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02:50.58michaelnovakjrhello android world!
02:57.47jastaAre you the guy?
02:59.01michaelnovakjrdoing well, happy about the challenge deadline extension
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03:01.13jastamichaelnovakjr: I admit, I'm happy about it too, but I don't think it was necessary.
03:01.23jastabbl, i'm hacking :)
03:02.40dueybetter not be playing on the same css servers as me
03:02.40dueyor ill ban you!
03:02.42dueydirty hacker
03:03.01zhobbsjasta, yeah I'm the guy :)
03:03.23zhobbsthanks :)
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03:05.34jastazhobbs: I wrote the RSS reader you posted on there.  And the VNC server.
03:05.57zhobbsNice...especially on the VNC server
03:06.12jastaworking on my ADC project now
03:06.18jastathats why ive been so quiet lately :)
03:06.39zhobbsyeah, me too
03:06.56jastawhat's your project, if you don't mind sharing?
03:07.11zhobbscan't really share due to nda
03:07.42zhobbswhat's yours?
03:07.42jastawho have you entered into an NDA with?
03:08.38zhobbsa company how makes some other mobile software is paying me to implement their stuff for android, and splitting the possible winnings
03:08.53michaelnovakjris that against the rules or no?
03:09.05zhobbsmichaelnovakjr, I don't think so
03:09.25zhobbscorporations are alowed to enter into the contest
03:09.39michaelnovakjrthat kinda sucks
03:09.54jastazhobbs: I'm working on a media system which allows you to synchronize meta data and retrieve streaming content OTA, optionally storing to a memory card for caching.
03:10.10jastaParticularly applying this design to music.
03:10.37zhobbscool, utilizing any of the big meta data DB's out there (, etc)?
03:10.59jastaYes, both client (mobile) and server (PC) side
03:11.08michaelnovakjrcorporations have way more resources to dedicate to the project it just doesn't seem fair that they can enter as well
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03:11.36zhobbsmichaelnovakjr, it's a one man project in my case :)
03:11.45jastamichaelnovakjr: They have more resources, but they still typically to fail to have good ideas or execute them successfully.
03:11.52jastas/to //
03:12.06jastasomeone shut that stupid bot off.  ugh.
03:12.15zhobbstoo many cooks in the commercial motivation can kill good ideas
03:12.37jastait's a lot easier to be successful when you don't have to worry about being profitable :)
03:12.37michaelnovakjrtrue, but most solo developers can only work during off normal work hours
03:13.18zhobbsyeah...the bottom line is google wants the best software possible
03:13.44michaelnovakjrso much for the open source initiative
03:14.19jastamichaelnovakjr: Not really.
03:14.30zhobbsI have a feeling that many of the winning projects will be hobbyists
03:14.51michaelnovakjrthat would be nice to see
03:14.53jastamichaelnovakjr: Try not to be threatened by competition.  The luxury of open source development is that you can happily ignore it.
03:15.28zhobbsmichaelnovakjr, what are you working on?  (don't have to answer of course)
03:16.37michaelnovakjri am working on a mail/rss client, with collaboration tools.... simple stuff though
03:17.04michaelnovakjrbasically make it easy to get your contacts/rss/mail the way you do on your desktop/laptop machine
03:17.19jastai can't wait to see the landscape of mobile software once Android has had time to nest.
03:17.20zhobbssounds good
03:17.50zhobbsyeah, I need to get's application db working a little I can drive a Package Management app off it
03:18.02jastafinding things as simple as a good FreeCell game is nearly impossible even today.
03:18.20zhobbsfor sure...
03:18.26jastazhobbs: I eventually want to look at package management as well, in the spirit of Debian's APT.
03:19.14jastabut that project needs to wait for a more stable SDK and more distributable applications.
03:19.40zhobbsI eventually want to make an app that takes the descriptions,ratings,comments, screenshots etc from the website and gets them so you can easily find everything
03:20.03zhobbsand of course handle dependencies and everything
03:20.12jastazhobbs: Good, you can write a front-end for my system then :P
03:20.36zhobbshehe, if you want to get together with me on that after March 14 let me know :)
03:21.11zhobbssorry, april 14
03:21.12jastathe deadline is Apr 14 now, isn't it?
03:21.33jastaI am certainly interested.  Perhaps I will look you up for this later.
03:21.48jastaOf course, my ADC project will probably take up my time even after the challenge as well.
03:22.05zhobbsEspecially if you're prepping it for round 2 of judging :)
03:22.05jastaI would like to develop it to maturity before I retire it.  I doubt that timeline will coincide with Google's.
03:23.23jastaI'm secretly hoping that once this developer challenge thing blows over, I can engage my application in the community a bit more for improvements and new ideas.
03:24.01michaelnovakjrany news on a potential release date?
03:24.14zhobbsyou going to release before deadline?
03:24.17jastamichaelnovakjr: I will be opening source code as soon as the round 1 challenge deadline is over.
03:24.35michaelnovakjrme too, for my project
03:24.49zhobbsyeah, there will be lots of cool stuff coming out april 15
03:25.02jastaAnd even if I don'
03:25.10jastaAnd even if I don't win, I plan to continue development.
03:25.41jastaI'm mostly just keeping in step with the challenge, it is not my motivation.
03:26.06jastaI actually had this idea years ago, and started implementing it for Windows Mobile (my current mobile platform of choice)
03:26.31jastabut ultimately scrapped the project because, frankly, Windows Mobile is a terrible development platform.
03:27.08jastaI had to develop using VMWare running pirated copies of Visual Studio and Windows, the .NET CF is useless and undeveloped, ...
03:27.21jastaIt was just frustratingly backward.
03:27.29zhobbsandroid is the only mobile platform I've messed with
03:27.53jastaI have written for Palm, WinMo, and of course Android.  I am familiar with Symbian, but have not realized any applications there.
03:28.19jastaNone of my released work to date has been in the open source community, however.  That will be changing with Android.
03:28.23zhobbsI've never had great luck using VMWare and getting things to work all that well on the client machine
03:28.52jastazhobbs: Me neither, which is why I quit futzing with it.  I'd rather stop developing for WinMo than reboot to Windows :)
03:29.15jastaI'm such a snob. :)
03:29.56michaelnovakjri hate windows
03:30.00zhobbshehe, my laptop is locked into windows for some contract work I do
03:30.10zhobbsit sucks
03:30.41michaelnovakjri run linux on everything, have one mac
03:31.12jastaI run Linux on most everything as well.  I don't like Macs, though :)
03:31.23jastaAnd I'm even a snob about Linux too.  I won't use anything but Ubuntu and Debian :)
03:31.32michaelnovakjri use Kubuntu
03:31.45jmccaffreyI use vista *ducks*
03:31.49jastaMostly the only reason Ubuntu is OK is because it's basically Debian with some different package maintainers ;0
03:32.14michaelnovakjri am a big fan of KDE, i have found it really easy to use
03:32.22jastaAlso, if I haven't started a holy war yet, I'm a die-hard Vim user. :)
03:32.33michaelnovakjrLONG LIVE VIM!
03:32.34jmccaffreyI used to have emacs on vista
03:32.43jastamichaelnovakjr: I use KDE at home, but lately I'm growing detached again.  KDE4 needs to hurry up or I'm gonna lose interest ;)
03:32.45zhobbsI usually use SMGL (it's like gentoo), but I couldn't get eclipse working because of some crazy eclipse bugs so had to switch to kubuntu for the time being
03:33.17zhobbsusing a binary distro seems sooo slow
03:33.26michaelnovakjrI am reluctant about KDE4 jasta, I haven't played with it very much yet but from the screenshots I hope themes are easily found
03:33.45jastazhobbs: It isn't.  Point yourself to the nearest intelligent discussion on compiler optimization.
03:33.50zhobbsI used KDE4 for a while and downgraded...wasn't configuarable enough
03:34.28zhobbsjasta, well for whatever reason I'm swapping now and wasn't before
03:34.32jmccaffreyI tried the kubuntu live cd with kde4, disappointed very much so
03:35.17jmccaffreyX is just terrible, and its encumbering the success of what could be solid desktop software in my, and apple's opinion
03:35.25jastaWell now I'm all pissed off.  I hadn't even used KDE4, I just assumed that they hadn't all gone insane.
03:36.02jastajmccaffrey: In what way?  Not that I disagree, but I'm curious what you think is wrong with X.
03:36.46michaelnovakjri don't really see anything wrong with KDE 3.5
03:37.00jastamichaelnovakjr: It doesn't integrate well with Compiz, which frustrates me.
03:37.53jmccaffreyFor one, I believe that the emphasis on a network layer forces is not in line with the way it is used anymore.  The way it is configured and the way it employs services is arcane compared to much less monolithic solutions that could be devised
03:37.55michaelnovakjrif they made KDE4 customizable then I would definitely move up to it, but I definitely know I will be waiting at least a little while
03:38.16jastajmccaffrey: Architectually, X is very impressive actually.  XFree86 has certainly stagnated and has numerous problems, but Xorg is rescueing it nicely.
03:38.33jastajmccaffrey: Yes, but in what way does the service architecture make it terrible?  Just that it is superfluous?  What does it _prevent_?
03:38.52zhobbsmichaelnovakjr, my feeling was that they were focused on eye candy and that the settings menus haven't been implemented yet
03:39.24michaelnovakjrtrue, and the eye candy (at least so of it) is kinda ugly
03:39.31michaelnovakjrthe panel and menu are really ugly
03:39.46zhobbsyeah, I don't use the panel in KDE3 and there is no way to remove it in 4
03:40.03jmccaffreyI just don't believe that incorporating all of the services is in line with the unix tradition.  Should they not be easily replaceable?  Consider why there is still no real good graphical configuration that I know of for X
03:41.25jmccaffreyIf it was less monolithic, maybe, hopefully configuration would be far less of an issue than it is now
03:41.44jastajmccaffrey: There are many.  GNOME has one.  KDE has one.  NVidia even wrote one.
03:42.08jastaMost users these days do not have any need to interact with Xorg's conf file.
03:42.47jastaOf course, if you do, your distro might just be sucky ;P
03:43.01zhobbsubuntu does seem to automatically handle xinerama
03:43.05jmccaffreyI found getting my setup to work under it to be a difficult process, maybe I didn't see the tool available.
03:43.07michaelnovakjrjasta i agree
03:43.23michaelnovakjri have a dual display setup on Kubuntu and it was really simple
03:43.44michaelnovakjri just had to switch it from mirror to continuous
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03:44.24jastajmccaffrey: What is your set up?
03:45.11jastaI admit, I am biased toward NVidia and so have been spoiled by their good drivers and tools, but I have not found any typical set-ups that Ubuntu or Debian was unable to cope with automatically.
03:45.15jmccaffreya 24" dell lcd w/ a 17" samsung lcd
03:45.23jastaOf course, Ubuntu and Debian are mostly just relying on X -configure
03:45.28jmccaffreyI had it working, but after messing with the config file alot
03:45.58jastajmccaffrey: What video card?  ATI has a tool as well I think.  But NVidia's is probably much better.
03:45.59jmccaffreynvidia 8800
03:46.14jastajmccaffrey: And you did not use nvidia-settings or nvidia-xconfig?
03:46.59jmccaffreyNo, I just looked around for a gui to handle it, not seeing one I opened the config and figured it out manually
03:47.01jastaThey come with the drivers, even.
03:47.13jastaAnd are default installed with Ubuntu.
03:47.37jastaSo, let's recap.  You think X is terrible because you don't know anything about it? :)
03:48.36jastaI suspect that is also why Apple thought it was terrible.  All their fancy effects have all been outdone with X.  God bless NVidia ;)
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03:49.17jmccaffreyIf you want to try and "win" an argument, I'll concede.  I think X is terrible because I think it's monolithic design leads to the creation of hacks.  Compiz, nvidia custom configuration tools and xinerama are all hacks in my opinion.
03:50.04jastaCompiz is a windows manager, just like Vista and Apple does not deviate far from that concept either.
03:50.11jastaVista's Aero, of course.
03:50.42jastaAnd NVidia's custom configuration tool exists for Windows as well.  In fact, it's even more insane for Windows, exposing features like multiple desktops and adding buttons to title bars.  Much weirder than a wrapper to a file.
03:51.33jastaFor the record, X is terrible, but not for any of the reasons the average Linux user knows about.
03:51.40michaelnovakjrits a known fact that nvidia is better for linux than ATI
03:51.57jmccaffreyIf you're basing the assumption that it isn't a hack on the fact that it also exists for windows, you may be standing on pretty soft ground.
03:52.02michaelnovakjrI would hope with the AMD/ATI dynamic duo they can really provide great technology for Linux
03:52.24jastajmccaffrey: NVidia's configuration tool is not a hack.  It exposes features that only NVidia products support.
03:52.40jmccaffreylike dual monitors?
03:52.43jastaAnd it accesses interfaces that, if standardized, would bar certain drivers from functioning.
03:53.02jastajmccaffrey: Dual monitors is not why NVidia created their tool.  Experiment with it for a moment, and you will see why they created it.
03:53.23jastaFor dual monitor tinkering and foolishness, just look at KDE's desktop configuration tool, or GNOME's even.
03:53.31jastaKDE's is better, of course ;)
03:53.52jmccaffreySo you believe that the "dualview" and other driver specific options are the best way to handle the configuration?
03:54.11jastaWell, in the case of NVidia's proprietary TwinView technology, yes.
03:54.25jastaTwinView is not dual head.  It is a special feature that their chips and only their chips support.
03:54.45jastaXinerama is the general solution for X, and is supported by other more general tools.
03:55.02zhobbsI prefer xinerama
03:55.24jastaThat you perceive it as a "standard" feature is merely an illusion, and it is an illusion maintained on all operating systems that NVidia supports.
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03:56.50jastazhobbs: Unfortunately, TwinView offers the ability to drive both displays as a single composited canvas.  That's the only way that Compiz, for example, could work effectively with dual monitors.
03:57.27zhobbsthats why it never works for me.... :)
03:57.33jastaXinerama is hiding all those nasty memory copies happening when information is exchanged from one head to the next.
03:57.59jastaCompiz could never accept that leaky abstraction.  It needs a single canvas to work with, and it needs to assume that canvas is universally driven.
03:58.13jastaTwinView and whatever ATI's technology is called is the only way to do with that
03:59.15jastaTo visualize this, set up Xinerama using two video cards with extremely slow memory controllers.  Move a window from one head to the next and watch your machine nearly explode ;)
04:00.53jastaTruthfully, multiple monitor support is a huge hack.  NVidia replaced that hack with an efficient and intentional solution.  Much better ;)
04:01.35jastaAnyway, I digress.  I need to code :)
04:15.45jastaHmm, how can we debug ContentProviders?
04:16.21jastaOh nevermind, seems to run in the same process.  Weird, thrown exceptions don't seem to make it anywhere.
04:19.05michaelnovakjrunit testing?
04:19.41jastaI thought it was running in some special privileged process but that seems to not be the case.
04:19.47jastaor at least, that process is being attached by Eclipse
04:20.10zhobbsanyone know how to encode/save a Bitmap to the filesystem?
04:20.12michaelnovakjrbe back
04:20.27jastazhobbs: BitmapFactory to decode, not sure if there is a method for encoding one.
04:21.19jastaI don't know if they implemented the reverse yet.
04:21.19zhobbsfound it...Bitmap.compress()
04:21.19jastayeah hehe, i actually just found that too ;)
04:21.34jastai stumbled upon Bitmap.CompressFormat and was about to mention Bitmap.compress.
04:24.24jastaare you doing your own drawing? :)
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04:52.27jastaromainguy_: I just got SIGSEGV in system_server...
04:54.01jastagah, and now i'm getting the mismatched uid problem.
05:07.55romainguyjasta: "I just got SIGSEGV in system_server..." << I can't help you here :(
05:08.13jastaI know, I'm just scared. :)
05:08.27jastaI'll post it to the issue tracker
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07:18.31jerkface03is there a layout provided in android that's similar to a flow layout in java?
07:18.34jerkface03j2se rather
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07:22.19romainguy__jerkface03: nope
07:22.34romainguy__jerkface03: LinearLayout is the closest thing to FlowLayout except it does not overflow :)
07:23.14romainguy__that said a FlowLayout is usually bad for UI design
07:24.17jerkface03romainguy__: sleep much? or are you working on android ui stuff all day and night?
07:24.52romainguy__jerkface03: Today is special, I just upgraded my work laptop to Leopard
07:25.00romainguy__so I am recreating my dev environment
07:27.16jastahehe, i just upgraded my workstation at work and i'm so lazy that i have my old install mounted and sometimes just chroot it to do stuff :)
07:28.05romainguy__reinstalling a complete environment is not painful with Mac OS X
07:28.07romainguy__it took me an hour
07:28.16romainguy__having most of my data and settings on .Mac helps a lot :)
07:28.50jastamy workstation at work is an exception, i have a couple of pieces of really goofed up corporate software on there.
07:29.03romainguy__ah yeah that
07:29.13romainguy__I'm glad we don't suffer from that at Google
07:29.16jastaincluding an IBM db2 client that is over 2 major versions old.
07:29.25romainguy__except the VPN and Wifi configuration, there's nothing particular
07:29.29jastaGetting that crap to run on a modern Linux installation (and a non-RedHat one at that) is a real pain.
07:30.09jastathe installer requires rpm, and so you actually have to set up an RPM environment on a Debian machine to get it to install.  So fuckin stupid.
07:30.38jastacan't even use alien or anything because the installer (binary) runs through the rpm commands first, then contains all this voodoo to set up a new user with all the settings.
07:30.46jastaso you have to arrange for the rpm commands to succeed.
07:31.25jastaFortunately, I am a magician.
07:50.56jastaOh yeah, I remember writing C now.  This sucks ;0
08:01.10davidwI like C
08:03.55jastaat least GLib makes it tolerable :)
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15:07.04davidwanyone know offhand if android systems have some kind of unique ID?
15:09.13Stephmwother than IMEI?
15:12.49cutmastayeah IMEI
15:12.56cutmastawould be very unique
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17:04.39mike1ook fixed
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17:23.56frb-workhowdy ho
17:24.23frb-workhave the capabilities of the classes been enumerated anywhere?
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18:26.29zhobbsthanks Lede
18:28.13Ledezhobbs: you can donate using pay-pal :P
18:28.32Lede/paypal Lede donate $10
18:28.48Ledejust kidding
18:29.12zhobbs/paypal Lede donate $0.01
18:30.06zhobbsdidn't work :(
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19:24.43alexmahi. I get "The application is not responding." each time I start the emulator(from eclipse or from command line). I've tried the -wipe-data switch and the result is the same. How can I fix this?
19:25.18zhobbsalexma, I've had similar idea :(
19:25.35zhobbsI also get not responding also
19:30.26alexmaI submitted a report
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20:57.02jastai want to see what the new UI looks liek :)
20:57.12jastai hope it's not just like new pixmaps and stuff :)
21:01.13michaelnovakjrnew ui?
21:03.12michaelnovakjr* michaelnovakjr is curious
21:03.34michaelnovakjrthat was dumb
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21:10.29jastathat was dumb. :)
21:10.58jastaIt's been said quite a few times that the UI is temporary, and now there are rumors that the next SDK (released in a few weeks) will have the new UI.
21:11.07jastaor at least, a new UI.  perhaps not the final one.
21:11.46zhobbsyeah, definitely will have new UI
21:14.13michaelnovakjrooooo lala
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21:17.03jastai'm excited.  i wish we could see a screenshot ;P
21:17.27jastai'm hoping that it's much different.  the current UI is functional, but not much else.
21:17.52jastahehe, it still looks better than windows mobile, but they should be able to go further :)
21:19.08jastaromainguy__: be honest, should we be excited about it? :)
21:19.24romainguy__I won't say anything
21:20.48jastaFine :)
21:21.00michaelnovakjrthats a tease haha!
21:21.08jastai have been looking at some of your portfolio of work, however, and i think i should be excited ;)
21:21.38romainguy__Thanks but as a disclaimer I do not design Android's UI, I just implement it :)
21:21.53jastareally, you don't even have any input there?
21:22.18romainguy__No more than any other engineer
21:22.44jastaHmm, do we know any of the designers...? :)
21:23.29jastaBoo ;)
21:24.14romainguy__But because of the new UI I had to implement a cool new feature in the UI toolkit :)
21:24.18romainguy__(at least I think it's cool)
21:24.46zhobbsnice, how long we gotta wait?
21:25.10romainguy__I don't know, you should ask Dan
21:26.02michaelnovakjrfor those of us developing applications romainguy_ will the UI change greatly effect our flow?
21:27.03jastai hope it does, actually.
21:27.36jastaromainguy__: Will that new feature be obvious, or is it kind of an undertone?
21:27.52zhobbsromainguy__ is hiding from the PR questions
21:28.14romainguy__zhobbs: No, I'm just checking in a bug fix :)
21:31.18romainguy__jasta: The new feature may or may not be used in the UI but there are samples and it's documented
21:31.30romainguy__and if used, it will be obvious
21:32.43jastaWell, I can't wait.  I am excited, I can't help it ;)
21:33.03romainguy__That's a good thing :)
21:33.11jastaromainguy__: I do think, however, that Google should step up and come up with some extra documentation that discusses layout, usability, and style guidelines.
21:33.29romainguy__jasta: And we definitely agree on that
21:34.10romainguy__But all the staff is very busy and with the platform still evolving really fast it would not help
21:34.37jastaYeah, I understand.
21:34.49jastaHire an intern :)
21:35.22zhobbsplus I'm assuming handset manufacturers might take some liberties on the ui also?
21:35.52romainguy__We're just doing *a* UI
21:35.55romainguy__not *the* Android UI
21:36.43romainguy__Especially because a cell phone UI must be adapted to the screen size and the hardware capabilities
21:37.13romainguy__You don't want to have the same UI on a 170x90 12-keys phone and on an iPhone
21:37.37zhobbsyep...all these crazy apps are going to be very clunky on the free type of phones
21:37.52romainguy__Not necessarily
21:37.56zhobbsI would think even webkit would be too heavy for the free phones
21:38.19zhobbsI have a razr and I can't imagine anything useful running on it
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21:44.32jastazhobbs: Opera Mini will run on it just fine.
21:45.32davidwmy shopping list app will run on it
21:45.54jastaThose types of phones have been made to look insufficient for more advanced functionality only due to a lack of software and initiative.  They are still quite powerful.
21:46.38jastaFor example, the MOTO RAZR2 has an ARM11 processor @ 500MHz.
21:47.47jastaThat's more powerful than all my previous smartphones.
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21:48.42romainguy___davidw: :))
21:48.44jastaHe probably uses ChatZilla or something ;)
21:48.51romainguy___I use Colloquy
21:48.58romainguy___but I'm logged on IRC on 3 different computers
21:50.30jastaReal men use screen
21:50.43romainguy___jasta: yeah but I love GUIs :)
21:50.46jastaI actually thought once that would be cool to write an X-based implementation of screen.
21:51.34romainguy___I would gladly use such a thing
21:53.02jastaIt would not be very difficult.  It would simply be an X proxy, implementing a server that can attach or detach to a real server at will.
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21:53.30jastaOf course, in order to work effectively, you need to have a relatively high performing link between the two machines.
21:54.01romainguy___Actually what I'd like right now is a VPN that stays connected
21:54.22jastathe X server protocol is not efficient over high latency links.
21:54.51jastaromainguy__: What VPN do you use now?  We use IPsec
21:55.11jastaworks great ;)
21:55.33romainguy___I have no idea :)
21:55.40romainguy___Whatever Google put on my laptop :)
21:56.00zhobbsdoes google let you run whatever os you want?
21:56.17dueyna they make you use windows 3.1
21:56.20romainguy___They let you choose what OS you want to use: Windows, Linux or OS X
21:56.29romainguy___Unless your project needs a specific OS
21:57.06zhobbsthat's nice...most of the jobs I've had you're stuck in windows
21:57.21dueywe let people choose here
21:57.34dueyits kind of stupid if you stick someone on an os they dont like
21:57.38dueynot productive
21:58.07romainguy___zhobbs: at Sun I *had* to use Linux and Solaris and Windows :)
21:58.12romainguy___to make sure Swing worked everywhere
21:58.38dueythat makes sense
21:58.44dueyi guess
21:59.31romainguy___yay, one cgone
21:59.43romainguy___s/cgone/clone gone
22:00.56davidwduey, depends on support stuff too, I guess
22:01.18davidwyou get some guy who's not productive because he insists on using Minix and it crashes all the time...
22:01.29dueythats true
22:01.38davidwbut basically I think reasonable people come to reasonable solutions
22:02.13dueylinux we usually give them debian or ubuntu
22:10.49michaelnovakjrkubuntu at work!
22:13.15jastaI use whatever I want, because I'm in charge of restricting what people use. :)
22:15.46dueyme to
22:17.54jastabtw, as a side conversation, the GnomeVFS pisses me off so much.
22:18.37jastai wish they'd implement a FUSE component which could actually mount the GnomeVFS filesystems.  So I wouldn't have to use Nautilus everytime I wanted to connect to a server share.
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22:23.19romainguy__@#@! VPN
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22:29.18jastayou're soon to have more underscores than letters in your name.
22:29.40romainguy____yeah, good thing I'm not using my usual nickname (gfx)
22:30.27jastaholy hell, stevens got 15" of new snow last night
22:30.43jastai should go snowboarding tomorrow ;)
22:31.46zhobbsromainguy____, you work remote?
22:32.04romainguy____today yes
22:32.49davidwme sleep now, later
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23:21.00zhobbsHow can I evenly space n number of imageviews horizontally to fill parent?  Can't figure it out with tablelayout or linearlayout...
23:22.03romainguy_____zhobbs: there are various ways to do that
23:22.06romainguy_____you could use a gridview
23:22.17zhobbshmm, haven't messed with grid views
23:22.17romainguy_____or with a table layout mark all columns to be stretchable
23:22.28romainguy_____and ask your imageviews to use a center horizontal policy
23:22.43zhobbsyeah, I tried that and used center gravity on the image views
23:23.12zhobbsI'll try it with android:layout_centerHorizontal
23:23.46romainguy_____note : a TableLayout is a vertical linearlayout and each row is a horizontal linearlayout
23:24.14zhobbsso if there's only one row use a linear layout
23:24.33romainguy_____except tablelayout lets you stretch/shrink columns
23:24.38romainguy_____so it's a bit more sophisticated
23:24.49zhobbsoh yeah, I need to be able to stretch columns
23:25.19zhobbshmm..I can stretch columns but the ImageView's won't center
23:25.59romainguy_____even when you set the scale type to center?
23:27.48zhobbson the ImageViews?
23:29.00zhobbsyeah, they won't center...
23:29.56zhobbs<ImageView id="@+id/tab1" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:src="@drawable/icon_nav_weather" android:layout_centerHorizontal="true" android:scaleType="center" />
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23:30.44romainguy_____what about centerCrop ?
23:32.30zhobbsfor scaleType?
23:33.27zhobbsI'm going to mess with gridview...haven't tried that yet
23:34.18romainguy_____GridView has an attribute to automatically expand the space between the columns
23:34.54zhobbsCan it be static though?
23:35.22zhobbsok, cool
23:40.30zhobbshehe, GridView shows up empty
23:40.40romainguy_____did you set the adapter?
23:41.04zhobbswell, by static I thought I could just add kids in the xml
23:41.14romainguy_____nope :)
23:44.28jastaI really like on the iPhone how you can select a row and have it open up a few extra buttons or options.
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23:44.46jastaJust throwin' that out there :)
23:46.06zhobbsromainguy_____, here's the layout...can't figure out why the imageviews won't center:
23:46.30romainguy_____columns are 0-indexed
23:46.37romainguy_____so stretchColumns should read 0,1,2
23:47.10zhobbsthat might make it look like they aren't centered
23:47.46zhobbsnice, thanks romainguy____
23:47.51zhobbsthat was it
23:48.45dueyyou know "romainguy" is available
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