IRC log for ##essy on 20070506

00:07.17*** join/##essy Slynder (
00:19.31*** join/##essy Slynderdale (i=Slynderd@pdpc/supporter/base/Slynderdale)
00:23.45*** join/##essy Slynder (
00:33.31*** join/##essy donny_baker (
01:01.30tonyyarussoIt's been five and a half hours since someone talked - it needed doing.
01:02.09jbotmooooooooo! I am cow, hear me moo, I weigh twice as much as you. I am cow, eating grass, methane gas comes out my ass, or and
01:02.27tonyyarussoWhy can jbot use language we can't?
01:03.24inchwormyah, SportChick doesn't like it when we invoke factoids that aren't family friendly
01:03.33CBGass ?
01:03.43CBGwhat's wrong with asses?
01:03.52CBGleave the poor animals alone
01:03.58BZ_Winevery family has at least 3 asses, and 6 cheeks
01:04.04inchwormStateside at least, it is generally considered not polite
01:04.31CBGIn the UK, an ass is an animal.
01:04.45tonyyarussoCBG: Can be here too, but not in that context.
01:04.47BZ_WinIn the US, it is a president
01:04.54inchwormis in that states too, but it's the other connotations that isn't polite
01:05.12CBGIf it offends you, it can be changed.
01:05.45tonyyarussonah, was just surprised, since it's jbot and all
01:06.15CBGjbot is nothing to do with SC.
01:06.27CBGIt just happens to be in her channel, at her request.
01:06.34CBGLike it's in 2 of my channels...
01:06.51inchwormit has a lot of random factoids
01:06.53CBGI think a lot of the more "rude" stuff comes from the debian channel(s), iirc.
01:07.19inchwormdunno, i don't idle in that many channels
01:09.24inchwormhowdy mviron
01:09.31inchwormhows your saturday?
01:09.45inchworm~weather KALM
01:10.06tonyyarusso~weather jupiter
01:10.17tonyyarussoPressure (altimeter): Really freakin' high!
01:10.21inchwormsorry dude
01:15.11altoid~lart "~
01:15.11jbotslaps a compatible dib on "~'s head
01:15.24altoidthat's just beautiful: "~'
01:15.44tonyyarusso~lart 's
01:15.44jbotslaps a compatible dib on 's's head
01:16.21altoidsee, "~ actually means something, so "~' isn't really completely random
01:16.33CBGhey soulmate
01:16.42altoidbut it's a rather fascinatingly-looking bit of punctiation
01:16.44altoidhey, babe
01:16.55CBGnot much
01:17.00CBGgonna get to sleep soon
01:17.05CBG2:16 am here
01:17.08altoidbeauty sleep is important
01:17.30BZ_Wingoing to watch some TV
01:17.30CBGpff, I'd settle for ugly sleep
01:17.41CBGany improvement is fine by me
01:17.56inchwormg'night CBG
01:18.06CBGciao all
01:18.13inchwormmay you get a little less ugly everyday ;)
01:18.30altoidnighty night, CBG
01:18.39CBGHere's hoping your a distant relation of Jesus hmself, inchworm.
01:34.13*** join/##essy PeanutHorst (n=peanutlx@unaffiliated/midnightcommando)
01:37.26*** join/##essy chrisbradley (n=chris@unaffiliated/chrisbradley)
01:38.42*** join/##essy chrisbradley (n=chris@unaffiliated/chrisbradley)
01:49.14essybot::altoid:: Good-Bye? @
01:50.33*** join/##essy PeanutHorst (n=peanutlx@unaffiliated/midnightcommando)
02:17.09*** join/##essy Wesley (
02:26.02*** join/##essy lodxcol (
02:36.40*** join/##essy inchworm (n=msimmons@about/essy/GimmeGrubs/inchworm)
02:41.57*** join/##essy Quol (
02:55.00*** join/##essy rob1n (n=rob1n@unaffiliated/rob1n)
03:27.45timjlvery good blog, altoid. :)
03:28.48timjli can definitely relate to some of those feelings, but probably for different reasons
03:36.08altoidthanks, timjl
03:47.26billfuraltoid, you can't leave
03:47.31billfurI'll get in more trouble =p
03:47.56altoid...whyso? o_O
03:48.38billfurwell, you never know
03:48.53billfurbut in this case... I'll have to do something crazy to prevent you from leaving that will no doubt annoy the ops
03:50.16*** join/##essy sphere (
03:51.15altoidhey, sphere
03:51.32altoidbillfur: well, sorry to cause you trouble, but i've gotz to take care of meself :P
03:51.35altoidplus, i won't leave irc
03:51.41altoidi'll just be here less ;)
04:21.49billfuraltoid, you'll be back!
04:24.38mvironbillfur: how's it been?
04:26.48billfurgentoo is almost done rebuilding unstable!
04:30.37*** join/##essy llODxCOll (n=lodxcol@unaffiliated/lodxcol)
04:30.37billfurI just rm -rfed random parts of /usr/share
04:30.37billfuruntil it started building again
04:30.42billfurwell, not 100% random
04:30.47billfurbut definately not coorelated strongly with reality
04:33.14altoidare ircers unaware of the meaning of "to reduce" and its various forms? ;)
04:33.45billfurI'm aware
04:33.48billfurwithin the math context
04:33.51billfuris there another context
04:34.02altoidyes, mr. nerdiest
04:34.37altoid~hug billfur
04:34.42jbotACTION gets a running start and tackle-hugs billfur
04:34.53tonyyarussoThe other math context?
04:35.07billfurtheres factoring type stuff
04:35.21billfurand I'm sure theres a few involving proofs
04:37.14billfurf-s seems to be having an attack of
04:43.20*** join/##essy rob1n (n=rob1n@unaffiliated/rob1n)
04:45.58*** join/##essy Slynderdale (i=Slynderd@pdpc/supporter/base/Slynderdale)
04:49.04billfuris it just me or is SC mia
04:51.16tonyyarussohaven't seen today
04:51.26billfurhm I vagely recall her having a blog article
04:51.42altoidmaybe SHE's leaving irc! :o
04:52.03billfur~grab alindeman
04:52.15billfur~grab altoid
04:52.21billfur~hunt altoid
04:52.23jbotACTION grabs a truncheon and begins stalking altoid
04:52.23billfur~find altoid
04:52.41billfur[22:52] <jbot> +Updating debian files... please wait.
04:53.43tonyyarusso~find cow
04:54.21altoid~install werwgrwg
04:54.44altoidon second thought, perhaps it's wise not to experiment ^_^
04:54.51billfurfind rm -....
04:55.44billfurI bet we could get essybot to kick jbot
04:55.50billfurif we pmed find commands
04:56.38altoidi bet someone wouldn't appreciate that >_>
04:56.48billfurI will frame altoid
04:56.50billfuryour leaving IRC anyway
04:57.10altoidagain, you must be unfamiliar with the concept of more or less of something
04:57.15altoidrather than just all or nothing ;)
04:57.44billfurwell, you will be around less, so she can be angry at you
04:58.10altoidi don't think that's exactly the kind of rep i want going for me...
04:58.37essybot::altoid:: I  @
04:58.47altoidwhat with the whole wanting to make my time here more worthwhile...
04:59.32billfuraltoid, ah but then you can point at your misbehavior and laugh about your poor judgement
04:59.42altoidso can you :P
04:59.58billfurno, I've already done that =p
05:00.08altoidand i haven't? c'mon now...
05:00.58billfurI kicked a staffer repeatedly from freenode =(  what have you done?  
05:01.12billfurI have shown much poorer judgement =(
05:01.37billfurin my defense I did not know he was a staffer at the time.
05:02.17billfurbut altoid point being you can't leave
05:02.20billfurthis will happen more often if you do
05:02.56altoidhrm, well, i don't think i've fubar'd anything on here too badly
05:03.11altoidthough i'm really good at pooping things up IRL :P
05:03.23*** join/##essy RudyValencia (i=arthur@about/cooking/pizzasmith/RudyValencia)
05:03.26tonyyarussobillfur: you did what?
05:03.46billfurtonyyarusso, so christel opped everyone in freenode-social and I got the bright idea to try to kick people who deopped me
05:03.49billfurafter someone reopped me
05:04.00billfurand, I forgot to think that some might be staffers... =p
05:04.18billfurand uh, that was a poor decision =p
05:04.20altoidoops :D
05:04.25billfurhillarious at the time
05:04.26billfurbut poor =p
05:04.49billfurI am quite thankful I didn't get any bans/klines out of it
05:04.55altoidyeah, you should be
05:05.13altoidyou still pray to christel the great every night, right? :P
05:05.24altoidand all the other gods of freenode
05:05.24billfurand RichiH
05:07.39altoidi should channel this delirious happiness towards cleaning >_>
05:12.43billfurhappy cleaning? contradiciton
05:24.31billfurthat was interesting
05:33.09FrancoGGhappy birthday, christel! :D
05:36.41billfurhappy birthday christel
05:39.24tonyyarussoHappy birthday christel !
05:41.45*** join/##essy Bluer (n=Bluer@about/essy/terimahkSC/Bluer)
05:43.03billfurdrat I was early
05:47.20essybot::tonyyarusso:: CNN freeing debates @
06:11.57*** join/##essy Gilly (
06:28.32christelawww, thank you!
06:52.17*** join/##essy AFK|EncephaloMEG (i=__@pdpc/supporter/active/EncephaloMEGaly)
06:53.43RichiHbillfur: yah, i can't say i was happy to see yet another factor in the general havoc ;)
07:04.30billfuri got disconnected
08:03.15*** join/##essy Pimpi_ (
08:23.44*** join/##essy deryni (n=deryni@
08:28.53RudyValenciaI'm trying to figure out how big this building I am coming up with should be
09:07.49RudyValenciaAnyone here know how big a family entertainment venue should be?
09:08.09essybot::altoid:: I  @
09:24.17*** join/##essy stylus (i=timjl@tapthru/operator/stylus)
09:37.28RichiHRudyValencia: are you doing a school project or do you want to do this in real life?
09:37.43RudyValenciaRichiH: Real-life.
09:37.59*** join/##essy stylus (i=timjl@tapthru/operator/stylus)
09:38.28RichiHRudyValencia: are you certain you have what it takes to do this?
09:38.40RichiHlike, investors, a business plan, stuff like that
09:39.53RudyValenciaI can't make my business plan until things are "planned out"
09:56.47*** join/##essy timjl (i=timjl@tapthru/operator/stylus)
10:00.04RichiHwhile that is true, i still think you should get professional help before you commit any larger amount money
10:05.08RudyValenciaI have not committed any money yet.
10:05.28RudyValenciaI also don't think a professional would give his time freely.
10:19.04*** join/##essy PriceChild (i=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pricechild)
10:39.46*** join/##essy forcerain (n=forcerai@tapthru/resident/forcerain)
11:37.46*** join/##essy Saturos (
11:39.16JonathanDGooooooooood morning.
11:44.17*** join/##essy Karlprof (i=Karlprof@tapthru/operator/pdpc.student.Karlprof)
11:51.46*** join/##essy obsethryl (n=opus@unaffiliated/obsethryl)
12:01.24*** join/##essy PriceChild (i=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pricechild)
12:48.31*** join/##essy njan (n=james@about/security/staff/njan)
12:51.40essybot::pleia2:: * pleia2 loves beer @
12:56.12Pumpernickelmmm... beer...
13:05.03*** join/##essy obsethryl (n=opus@unaffiliated/obsethryl)
13:15.37*** join/##essy PriceChi1d (i=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pricechild)
13:46.56*** join/##essy essybot (
13:47.40*** join/##essy essybot (
13:58.29*** join/##essy RudyValencia_ (i=arthur@about/cooking/pizzasmith/RudyValencia)
14:33.29*** join/##essy Bluer (n=Bluer@about/essy/terimahkSC/Bluer)
14:38.44*** join/##essy Winny (
14:58.36*** join/##essy Tannerld (
15:00.56Winnymethinks Sc is gone
15:28.23essybot::menza:: Making the Switch @
15:31.38*** join/##essy RudyValencia_ (i=arthur@about/cooking/pizzasmith/RudyValencia)
15:31.48inchworm~pizza RudyValencia_
15:31.50jbotACTION gives RudyValencia_ a Red Baron frozen pizza
15:32.54*** join/##essy aeolus (i=arthur@about/cooking/pizzasmith/RudyValencia)
15:33.24Winnybrb, breakfast
15:57.39*** join/##essy unic0rn (n=uni@tapthru/resident/unic0rn)
16:19.45*** join/##essy forcerain (n=forcerai@tapthru/resident/forcerain)
16:27.16*** join/##essy lodxcol (
16:35.24*** join/##essy delusional (
16:45.57*** join/##essy FrancoGG_ (n=Franco@wikipedia/FrancoGG)
16:47.22*** join/##essy delusional ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
16:47.22*** join/##essy unic0rn (n=uni@tapthru/resident/unic0rn) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
16:47.22*** join/##essy Winny_Outside ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
16:47.22*** join/##essy essybot (n=rbot@about/essy/infoguru/essybot) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
16:47.22*** join/##essy ndim (i=hun@
16:47.22*** join/##essy SmileyG ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
16:47.22*** join/##essy L4m3r (i=l4m3r@about/essy/warning/L4m3r) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
16:47.23*** join/##essy mviron ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
16:47.23*** join/##essy seanw (n=xyrael@freenode/staff/wikimedia.sean-whitton) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
16:47.23*** join/##essy sit (n=sit@kernel-panic/member/sit) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
16:47.23*** join/##essy tmiw ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
16:47.23*** join/##essy krel ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
16:48.23*** join/##essy Olipro (n=Olipro@unaffiliated/olipro)
16:49.03*** join/##essy hiddensit (n=sit@kernel-panic/member/sit)
16:49.40*** join/##essy L4m3r_ (
16:53.57*** join/##essy seanw (n=xyrael@freenode/staff/wikimedia.sean-whitton)
16:57.20SportChickHAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRISTEL!!!!!!
16:57.59Oliproit's christel's birthday?
16:58.31FrancoGG~birthday christel
16:58.33jbotACTION Happy Birthday to you, Happy birthday to you!, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEEEAARR christel, Happy Birthday toooo yoooou!
17:11.51Pumpernickel~hapbir christel
17:11.52jbotACTION sings a variant of Happy Birthday (to avoid royalty fees) to christel
17:14.30SportChick~gifts christel
17:14.58SportChick~presents christel
17:15.00jbotACTION steals the watches, jewels and valuables from everyone except sportchick and buys a bunch of presents for christel
17:15.09christelthank you!
17:15.51SportChickchristel: mozul sys "happy birthday christel!"
17:16.07inchwormHappy Brirthday christel
17:17.27CBG~hapbir chanserv
17:17.29jbotACTION sings a variant of Happy Birthday (to avoid royalty fees) to chanserv
17:18.19CBGhaha... I didn't even notice,
17:18.25CBG~hapbir christel (sorry(
17:18.27jbotACTION sings a variant of Happy Birthday (to avoid royalty fees) to christel (sorry(
17:18.30CBG~hapbir christel (sorry)*
17:18.32jbotACTION sings a variant of Happy Birthday (to avoid royalty fees) to christel (sorry)*
17:18.55SportChickChanServ, christel...they are practically the same thing
17:20.57*** join/##essy Karlprof (i=Karlprof@tapthru/operator/pdpc.student.Karlprof)
17:21.37*** join/##essy delusional (
17:24.20*** join/##essy delusional_ (
17:31.00*** join/##essy delusional (
17:42.43*** join/##essy Quol (
17:56.14*** join/##essy TD-Linux (n=TD-Linux@about/essy/indecisive/TD-Linux)
18:00.30*** join/##essy bryjen (n=bryjen@2002:4cb1:b973:0:0:0:0:1)
18:05.53*** join/##essy PeanutHorst (n=peanutlx@unaffiliated/midnightcommando)
18:22.28*** join/##essy Wesley (
18:54.04Winnyits meh!
19:00.31Winnydamn, just forgot what i was going to do
19:00.35Winnygrrr, even
19:01.26menotumeyou were about to lart SportChick IIRC
19:01.44Winny~lart menotume
19:01.44jbotbeats menotume into protomatter with the andromeda galaxy
19:01.49menotume~lart Winny
19:01.49jbotcrushes Winny with a full height scsi disk
19:01.57Tannerld~throw Winny
19:02.08Winny~murder tannerld, menotume
19:02.10jbotACTION shoots tannerld, menotume in his sleep
19:02.23Tannerld~throw $1 is <action> winds up and throws $1 over the moon.
19:02.25jbotTannerld: okay
19:02.25menotume~whaleslap Winny
19:02.27jbotACTION beats Winny upside and over the head with a freakishly huge killer whale named Hugh
19:02.32Tannerld~throw Winny
19:02.34jbotACTION winds up and throws Winny over the moon.
19:02.34menotume~minnowslap Winny
19:02.36jbotACTION waves a dead, smelly minnow in front of Winny's nose
19:02.36billfur~lart Winny
19:02.36jbotslaps Winny upside the head with a wet fish
19:02.53*** join/##essy CBG (n=CBG@about/essy/fan/CBG)
19:03.37Tannerld~strangle Winny
19:03.38jbotACTION strangles Winny with a keyboard cord.
19:03.38tmiwI'm 5' from my router and my wireless is oddly sucking :(
19:03.49Tannerlda keyboard cord :o
19:03.50Winnytmiw, macbook?
19:03.57tmiwWinny: thinkpad
19:04.11tmiwjust moved into this place yesterday
19:04.20Tannerldtmiw: relax, open your mind, and pray to the wireless gods.
19:04.30tmiwsame router as in my old place, and it worked 100% fine there.
19:04.45menotumetry diff channel ?
19:05.26tmiwmenotume: tried 11 and 1
19:05.34tmiw6 seemed like it had too many people on it
19:05.42menotumemaybe interfernce with other wireless / phones :(
19:06.04tmiwunless my cellphone uses 2.4ghz...
19:06.16menotumecordless phones too
19:06.17Winnywireless handsets use 2.4ghz
19:06.19tmiwalthough I'm not discounting the possibility of some RFI from another place
19:06.21Winnybah meno
19:06.26tmiwno cordless phones here either
19:06.32*** join/##essy SmileyGF (
19:06.33menotumeneighbors :)
19:07.04SportChick~lart menotume
19:07.04jbottakes out a cattle prod and gives menotume a good jolt
19:07.35SportChick~birthday christel
19:07.37jbotACTION Happy Birthday to you, Happy birthday to you!, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEEEAARR christel, Happy Birthday toooo yoooou!
19:07.37menotumeif i meantion SportChick do i get a pm ?
19:07.57menotumeoh, she doesn't listen :P
19:08.29menotume~hapbir christel
19:08.31jbotACTION sings a variant of Happy Birthday (to avoid royalty fees) to christel
19:08.50Tannerld~superhug SportChick
19:09.14Tannerld~superhug $1 is <action> hugs $1 until their eyes burst out.
19:09.17jbotTannerld: okay
19:19.38tmiwoh yeah
19:19.41tmiwhappy b-day christel
19:20.38christelthank you baby
19:21.15forcerainyay christel's here!
19:21.33forcerainhappy birthday! ^.^
19:22.12christelthank you :)
19:24.42inchworm~superhug Tannerld
19:24.44jbotACTION hugs Tannerld until their eyes burst out.
19:49.32*** join/##essy njan (n=james@about/security/staff/njan)
19:58.10*** join/##essy MenZa (
19:59.51*** join/##essy Karlprof (i=Karlprof@tapthru/operator/pdpc.student.Karlprof)
20:12.09essybot::christel:: Traveling Mac! @!.html
20:13.41*** join/##essy rob1n (n=rob1n@unaffiliated/rob1n)
20:16.33CBGchristel: you sound like a very busy person :)
20:17.11inchwormchristel: you sound like a very tired person ;)
20:17.16CBGWatching Dr. Who right now?
20:17.21CBGinchworm: hehe
20:17.50christeli am a very tired person :P
20:17.54CBG:P Tannerld
20:23.55*** join/##essy forcerain (n=forcerai@tapthru/resident/forcerain)
21:01.06SportChickinchworm: Pre-zip is size "wonderful" and post-zip "totally amazing"
21:01.31SportChick~birthday christel
21:01.32jbotACTION Happy Birthday to you, Happy birthday to you!, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEEEAARR christel, Happy Birthday toooo yoooou!
21:02.01inchwormchristel: congrats on being totally amazing
21:05.08christelinchworm: thanks i guess
21:05.36inchwormi feel like I've just participated in a 2+2=5 debate :)
21:06.18altoidchristel: happy b'day :)
21:07.18christelthanks nik
21:08.20SportChick~presents christel
21:08.22jbotACTION steals the watches, jewels and valuables from everyone except sportchick and buys a bunch of presents for christel
21:08.34inchwormhehe I never tell my birthday so I don't have to be the recipient of this much junk ;)
21:09.00altoid~presents inchworm specifically 'cause he doesn't want it
21:09.02jbotACTION steals the watches, jewels and valuables from everyone except altoid and buys a bunch of presents for inchworm specifically 'cause he doesn't want it
21:10.26inchworm~soothe SportChick
21:10.41SportChick~lart inchworm
21:10.41jbotthrows inchworm's poor little doggy off a cliff
21:10.53inchwormhated that dog anyway :P
21:11.42inchworm~bonk SportChick
21:11.44jbotACTION bonks SportChick over the head
21:11.47inchwormthat'll help her calm down
21:11.59inchworm~bonk SportChick
21:12.01jbotACTION bonks SportChick over the head
21:12.09inchworminsurance to make sure the first took
21:12.32*** mode/##essy [+o SportChick] by ChanServ
21:12.33*** part/##essy inchworm (n=msimmons@about/essy/GimmeGrubs/inchworm)
21:12.33*** mode/##essy [-o SportChick] by SportChick
21:12.42*** join/##essy inchworm (n=msimmons@about/essy/GimmeGrubs/inchworm)
21:12.49inchwormthat was fun :)
21:13.22inchwormhehe, guess it takes 3 bonks for calming down :D
21:15.04inchwormhug me I'm yours! ;)
21:15.25altoiddon't change from inchworm!
21:15.33altoidthen i won't be able to use "~ to refer to you!
21:15.51inchwormDOH! I finally get it
21:16.27CBGaltoid: aaahahahahahahaha
21:16.28altoidyou didn't getit until now?!
21:38.35JonathanDhello fair peoples of essy
21:39.02inchwormhowdy JonathanD
21:39.22JonathanDNik's granmom called me earlier
21:39.30JonathanDto tell me how much I was missed by a certain someone grandmother called you?! o_O
21:54.54inchwormmviron: !
22:01.50altoidno thank you
22:18.15cpk1man awesome day at the beach yesterday
22:18.55cpk1also who here rides a motorcycle?
22:34.05altoidtaking corners at 80mph doesn't coutn :P
22:34.08inchwormcpk1: why?
22:34.42inchwormdepends on the corner altoid :)
22:35.08altoidwell, i don't think that still qualifies you :P
22:36.12Winnyanyone got a spare CRT monitor?
22:36.28inchwormyes and no on the CRT
22:37.20cpk1I plan on buying one this summer
22:37.23Winnymy parents threw out mine... grrr
22:37.44inchwormcpk1: sounds like fun
22:38.05cpk1its mostly going to be to commute
22:38.15inchwormcpk1: doing that now for school
22:38.41cpk1you have a bike inchworm?
22:38.41inchwormif you want fuel efficientcly get something smaller than a 750 though
22:39.09inchwormyah, i have a honda 750 nighthawk
22:39.11cpk1I'm thinking ninja 500 or fz6
22:39.20inchwormand a yamaha xt350
22:39.39inchwormbut the 750 doesn't seem to get much better than 45mpg
22:39.49inchwormat least not on the freeway
22:40.25inchwormcpk1: would this be your first bike?
22:40.26cpk1yeah but 50ish is really good
22:40.50inchwormabout how far is your commute?
22:41.59cpk1the 500?
22:42.12cpk1I dont think the 600 is much bigger anyways
22:42.36inchwormi dunno the weights on them
22:42.46cpk1and hopefully I wont commute too far in the fall depends where I can manage to get a decent job then
22:42.59inchwormjust be aware that you're more likely to drop one and you want it light enough that you can pick it back up
22:43.12inchwormeg, no 800lbs goldwings :)
22:43.40inchwormthe 350 dualsports are very nice in that regard, only about 250lbs
22:43.57inchwormi think my 750 is around 300 to 400 lbs
22:44.09inchwormand I don't want to try and pick it up alone
22:44.25inchwormi can probably do it, but I haven't dropped it (yet)
22:44.50cpk1I think the ninja is around 250-300 dry
22:45.15cpk1and I hope I dont drop my bike ever =X
22:45.50inchwormi've been riding them for 15 years and I dropped them alot when i was young/inexperienced
22:46.01inchwormhaven't dropped on in years, but you never know
22:47.53cpk1my biggest worry is getting a used bike without gettting ripped off
22:48.03cpk1I dont think I want to drop all the money for a brand new one
22:48.04inchwormalways an issue
22:48.16inchwormget one adult ridden then :)
22:48.27inchwormor be willing to fix it up a bit
22:48.38inchwormif you are willing to fix, alot of deals can come up
22:48.57cpk1I dont mind doing some work but I dont want to spend 2k for the bike then another 1k fixing it
22:49.15inchwormheh, yah
22:50.38cpk1I need to find someone to come with me to look at bikes who knows their stuff heh
22:50.41inchwormgo to a dealer and sit on some bikes maybe, there may be some seating issues
22:51.16cpk1yeah I was almost thinking about getting a brand new bike but I cant really spend more than 4-5k
22:51.30cpk1but I can go jerk the dealers chain around =P
22:51.52inchwormif you are traveling under 20 miles, consider starting out on the 250cc nighthawk?
22:51.57inchwormor get a dualsport
22:52.36inchwormcheap, light, and replaceable when you want to upgrade?
22:52.47cpk1yeah I was considering a 250 but I'm young and dumb and might grow out of it quickly =P
22:53.12inchwormthe low power thing will help with the "dumb" part :P
22:53.26cpk1and it might be kinda sluggish when I am trying to show off and take people for a spin =X
22:53.27inchwormand you'll still get excellent accel upto about 40
22:53.55cpk1yeah an average 250 still can make 100mph which is plenty fast when you think about it
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22:54.25inchwormyour standard speed will be closer to 55 on the 250 though
22:54.33inchwormotherwise you'll feel like you are revving the snot out of it
22:54.58inchwormmy 750 seems very confertable at 70 ish
22:55.09inchwormthe 350 is convertable at 60
22:56.29cpk1really? a 250 wouldnt really be comfy going 70ish?
22:56.58cpk1the ninja has a pretty high rev...
22:57.28cpk1says it redlines at 14k
22:57.43inchwormmy 750 revs to somewhere around 8.5k, power starts in around 5.5k
22:58.04cpk1I guess I would really just have to ride it to see
22:58.23cpk1but I definitely want something that I can easily cruise around 70 on the freeway
22:58.26inchwormyah, i've mostly ridden the dual sports, so i'm not real familiar with the sport bikes
22:58.50inchwormmight wanna look at that
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22:59.21inchwormif you really want 70mph, you'll probably want at least the 500, probable 650
23:06.13cpk1poor me is scared of spending his hard earned money on something that ends up being a rip off =\
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23:18.23inchwormcpk1: don't think I can help you with that, Cali is a long way from here
23:19.27cpk1nah my brother is pretty knowledgeable just dont know if he will help me since he doesnt entirely approve
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23:20.04inchwormmotorcycle: what to get your brother for his last birthday
23:20.15inchwormeh, he must care :)
23:21.00cpk1he will probably help me out once its obvious I am getting a bike no matter what
23:36.21DTRemenak~hapbir christel
23:36.23jbotACTION sings a variant of Happy Birthday (to avoid royalty fees) to christel
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23:42.55inchwormanything but the puppies!
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